is salvation by faith alone

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  • 7/31/2019 Is Salvation by Faith Alone


    Wielding the Sword of the Spirit

    "And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of

    the Spirit, which is the word of God ..." Ephesians 6:17.

    Is salvation by faith alone, or by faith plus works?

    This is perhaps the most important question in all of Christian theology.

    This question is the cause of the Reformation, the split between the

    Protestant churches and Catholic Church. This question is a key difference

    between biblical Christianity and most of the Christian cults. Is salvation

    by faith alone, or by faith plus works? Am I saved just by believing in

    Jesus, or do I have to believe in Jesus and do certain things?

    The question of faith alone or faith plus works is made difficult by some

    hard-to-reconcile Bible passages. Compare Romans 3:28 5:1and

    Galatians 3:24 with James 2:24. Some see a difference between Paul

    (salvation is by faith alone) and James (salvation is by faith plus works).

    Paul dogmatically says that justification is by faith alone (Ephesians 2:8-

    9), while James appears to be saying that justification is by faith plus

    works. This apparent problem is answered by examining what exactly

    James is talking about. James is refuting the belief that a person can havefaith without producing any good works (James 2:17-18). James is

    emphasizing the point that genuine faith in Christ will produce a changed

    life and good works (James 2:20-26). James is not saying that

    justification is by faith plus works, but rather that a person who is truly

    justified by faith will have good works in his/her life. If a person claims to

    be a believer, but has no good works in his/her life, then he/she likely does

    not have genuine faith in Christ (James 2:14; 17, 20, 26).

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    Paul says the same thing in his writings. The good fruit believers should

    have in their lives is listed in Galatians 5:22-23. Immediately after telling

    us that we are saved by faith, not works (Ephesians 2:8-9), Paul informs

    us that we were created to do good works (Ephesians 2:10). Paul

    expects just as much of a changed life as James does: Therefore, if

    anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has

    come (2 Corinthians 5:17). James and Paul do not disagree in their

    teaching regarding salvation. They approach the same subject from

    different perspectives. Paul simply emphasized that justification is by faith

    alone while James put emphasis on the fact that genuine faith in Christ

    produces good works.

    The doctrine of salvation by faith only or faith aloneteaches that a sinner receives forgiveness simply by belief

    in Jesus without obedience or works of any kind. In

    particular, water baptism is not a necessary condition toconversion or forgiveness of sin. What does the gospel of

    Jesus Christ teach? Are we saved just by believing ormust we obey commands?

    The Bible clearly affirms that the only power that can forgive man's sins isthe blood of Jesus. His death paid the penalty for our sins (Ephesians

    1:7; Romans 5:6-9; Hebrews 9:14; 1 Peter 1:18,19; Rev. 1:5).

    I.Faith Is Essential To Salvation.

    A.Many Passages Teach We Are Saved by Faith.

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    John 3:16 -Whoever believes on Jesus should have eternal life.

    Romans 1:16 - The gospel is God's power to save all who believe.

    Romans 5:1,2 -By faith we are justified and have access to grace.

    Ephesians 2:8 - By graceare you saved through faith.

    (See alsoActs 16:31; 10:43; 15:9; 13:39; John 8:24; 3:36; 5:24;6:40; 20:30,31; Romans 3:22-28; 4:3,16; etc.)

    We conclude that faith is essential to salvation, and without faith no man

    can be saved.

    B.But No Passage Says We Are Saved by Faith Alone.We are told that verses like those above prove that faith is necessary butnot baptism, since faith is mentioned but baptism is not. But whichpassage says we are saved by "faith only," or that faith is the solecondition for salvation, or that we are saved without baptism orwithout obedience? None of them so state. They teach we are saved by

    faith, but they do not teach we are saved by faith alone withoutobedience.

    By the same reasoning, many verses mention faith but do not mentionrepentance or confession. Shall we conclude these too areunnecessary? Someone says, "It's just understood that, to have savingfaith, you must repent and confess." Yes, but howdo you understand this?We know repentance and confession are essential, because otherpassages say so. But if there are also other verses that say baptism isessential, should we not likewise recognize the necessity of baptism?

    We will soon see that many things are essential to salvation.People misuse Scripture when they conclude some things areessential because some verses mention them, but they ignoreother verses that say other things are essential.

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    C.Other Verses Show That, by Itself, Inward Faith Will Not Save.John 12:42,43 - People "believed" in Jesus but would not confess Him,because they loved thepraises of men more than the praises of God. Werethey saved? (Cf. Rom. 10:9,10; Matt. 10:32,33.)

    James 2:19,20 -Even devils believe. Are they saved?

    James 2:14,24 - Can faith save withoutobedience? No, that is a deadfaith (v17,20,26). Man is not justified by "faith only." This is the onlypassage that mentions "faith only," and it says we are not justified by it!Men say justification by faith only is a wholesome, comforting doctrine; butthe Bible flatly says we are notjustified by faith only!

    Some say these people were unsaved because they have the wrong kindof faith: They have intellectual conviction, but they do not trust Jesus tosave them. We are making progress! We now agree that faith is essentialto salvation, but there are different kinds of faith! Faith is necessary,but there are kinds of faith that do not save, even when people believe inGod and Jesus.

    The issue then is: What kind of faith saves, and what does thatsaving faith include? Does it include repentance, confession, obedienceto Divine commands, and even baptism?

    II. Many Things Are Essential to Salvation.

    A.Some Things that are Essential to SalvationGod's grace(Ephesians 2:4-10; 1:7; Titus 2:11,12; Acts 15:11)

    Jesus' death and resurrection(Ephesians 1:7; Romans 5:6-10;

    1 Peter 1:18,19; Revelation 1:5;1 Corinthians 15:17; 1 Peter 3:21)

    The gospel(Romans 1:16; 1 Peter 1:23-25; Acts 11:14; James

    1:18,21; 1 Corinthians 15:1,2; John 8:31,32)

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    Learning God's will(Acts 11:14; John 6:44,45; Romans 10:17;

    1:16; 1 Corinthians 1:21)

    Faith(see the verses listed above)

    Love(1 Corinthians 16:22; 13:1-3; Galatians 5:6; 1 John 4:7,8)Hope(Romans 8:24)Repentance(2 Corinthians 7:10; Acts 2:38; 3:19; 17:30; Luke

    13:3,5; 2 Peter 3:9)

    Obedience(Hebrews 5:9; Romans 6:17,18; 1 Peter 1:22; Acts

    10:34,35; 2 Thessalonians 1:8,9; Galatians 5:6; James 2:14-26)

    Confession of Christ(Romans 10:9,10; Matthew 10:32)

    Baptism(Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; 22:16; 1 Peter 3:21; Romans

    6:3-7; Galatians 3:26,27; Colossians 2:12,13)

    Faithfulness(Matthew 10:22; Revelation 2:10; 1 Corinthians15:58; Matthew 28:20; Titus 2:11,12; 1 John 2:1-6)

    Some of these are things God has done; others we must do. All areessential to our salvation!

    B.We Must Accept All that the Bible Requires.Accepting some requirements, while ignoring others, leads toerror and contradiction.

    If a verse requires faith, that does not eliminate the other things that arerequired elsewhere. Likewise, many passages mention grace, blood,repentance, etc., but do not mention faith. Should we conclude this provesfaith is unneeded? No, but that would be as reasonable as concluding wecan be saved without obedience or without baptism, just because these arenot mentioned in some passages about faith.

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    Salvation by "faith only" (excluding baptism and obedience) is asunreasonable and unscriptural as salvation by repentance only, hearing

    only, or baptism only. We are not saved by any onething alone, tothe exclusion of other things required elsewhere.

    Instead, we should accept everything the Bible requires.

    Acts 3:22,23 - We must hear all Jesus says, or we will be destroyed.

    Revelation 22:18,19 - If we take away part of God's word, He takesaway our reward.

    Matthew 4:4,7 - Live by every word God speaks, not just part of it.

    We must never isolate a passage from the overall teaching of the Bible(see alsoActs 20:20,27; James 2:10; Matthew 28:20.)

    If we follow only one part of a set of instructions, we will not achieve thedesired result. Suppose, for example, a driver's manual says, "To drive acar, you must have the key." If we get akey, but ignore the rest of theinstructions, will we automatically be driving the car? No.

    So faith is a "key" to salvation - it gives us power to become children ofGod (John 1:12). But we are not automatically and immediately God'schildren just because we have the key or the power to become such. Wemust consider all the requirements that God's word teaches.

    III. Obedience Is Essential To Salvation.

    The "faith only" doctrine says that faith is the only prerequisite toforgiveness. Acts of obedience all come after forgiveness, and

    none are essential to receive forgiveness. But consider:

    A.Many Passages Say Obedience Is Necessary.1 Peter 1:22,23 - We purify our souls in obeying the truth.

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    Romans 6:17,18 -Servants of sin must obey from the heart in order tobe made free from sin.

    Hebrews 5:9 - Jesus is the author ofeternal salvation to all who obeyHim.

    James 2:24 -Man is justified by works, not by "faith only."

    Acts 11:14; 10:34,35 - Petertold Cornelius words whereby he would besaved. But the first words He said were that, to be accepted by God,people must work righteousness. This is true for all people, for Godshows no partiality!

    Matthew 7:21-27; Luke 6:46 - Toaccept Jesus as Lord (ruler, master)and enter the kingdom of heaven, we must do what He says. We maybelieve and confess Him yet be rejected, because we did not obey.

    2 Thessalonians 1:8,9; Romans 2:6-10 -Receiving eternal life requiresus to do good. Those who do not obey will be destroyed.

    1 John 5:3; John 14:15,21-24 - Loving God requires us to keep His

    commands. If we do not obey, we do not love Him. Can one be saved if hedoes not love God (cf. 1 Corinthians 16:22; Matthew 22:37-39)?

    The doctrine of "faith only" denies the necessity for all obedience tocommands. All the passages we have just studied show that such a view isfalse doctrine. (See also Rev. 20:12-15; John 5:28,29; 1 John 2:17.)

    B.If Obedience Is Not Essential, Consider the Consequences.Matthew 22:37-39 - Love is the greatest of all commands. If obeyingcommands is not necessary to salvation, then love is not necessary! Yetnote 1 Corinthians 16:22.

    Acts 17:30 - Repentance is a command. Ifkeeping commands is notnecessary, then repentance is not necessary to salvation!Yet noteActs 2:38; 3:19; Luke 13:3; 2 Peter 3:9.

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    Romans 10:9,10 - Confession with the mouth is a command. If obeyingcommands is notessential to salvation, then confession is not essential!

    Yet the Bible says it is essential. And it is not just an inner act; it is anoutward act done with the mouth, in contrast to faith in the heart. Likebaptism, here is an outward, physical action that is essential to salvation.(See also Matthew 10:32,33.)

    1 John 3:23; John 6:28,29 - Faith itselfis a command; it is a workGod tells people to do. If works and obedience are not necessary, thenfaith itself is not necessary! But if faith is essential, then we must abandonthe view that obedience and works are not essential!

    Some claim that John 6:29 says faith is a work God does for us, notsomething we do. However: (1) 1 John 3:23 still says believing is acommand to us (cf. Mark 16:15,16). (2) John 6:29 answers thequestion asked in v28: "What shall we do, that we might work the worksof God?" So "works of God" here means works men do in obedience toGod's commands. (3) 1 Corinthians 15:58is parallel - the "work of theLord" is workwe abound in - our labor in the Lord (cf. "love of God" in 1John 5:3). (4) If faith is entirely a work God does for us, then God isresponsible for unbelievers. He causes some people to believe, but notothers. This makes God a respecter of persons in contradiction toActs10:34,35 andRomans 2:11. Hence, John 6:29 says faith is somethingwe do, which is essential to salvation.

    Clearly, obedience is essential to forgiveness. So we must askwhatcommands we must obey, and is baptism one of them? But first, considersome objections.

    C.The Bible Describes Different Kinds of Works.But what about the passages where the Bible says we are not saved byworks? Many passages say obedience is necessary, yet other verses say weare not saved by "works." Since God's word does not contradict itself, wemust conclude that there are different kind of works, just as there aredifferent kinds of faith. Faith saves, but there are kinds of faith that do not

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    save. So obedience is essential, but there are kinds of works that do notsave. Consider different kinds of works in the Bible:

    1. Works of the flesh or of darkness

    These are sins, which do not save but condemn. (See Galatians 5:19-21;Romans 13:12-14.)

    2. Works of Old Testament law or of human righteousness bywhich one earns salvation

    The Old Testament is notbinding today (Gal. 3:23-25; Heb. 10:9,10;

    Eph. 2:14-16; Col. 2:14-17; Rom. 7:1-7). However, it never couldsave, because it provided no lasting forgiveness (Hebrews 10:3,4).

    The only way to be justified by that law, or any similar law, would be tolive ones whole life without ever sinning (Galatians 3:10; James 2:10;Romans 3:20,23). Then one could boast that he had saved himselfwithout needing forgiveness. He would earn his righteousness as a matterof debt, not grace.

    But such works will save no one, because we all sin (Romans 3:23; 1John 1:8,10; 3:4). Therefore, we all need a system of grace, whereby wecan be forgiven, though we do not deserve it. This is the point ofRomans4:4; 3:27; 11:6; Ephesians 2:8,9; Titus 3:5; 2 Timothy 1:9; etc.

    (See also Galatians 2:16; 3:11 - cf. 4:21-25; 5:3; Acts 13:39.)

    3. Works of obedience to meet conditions of forgiveness.

    These works of obedience are essential to salvation, as we have studied.

    But they are not works of human righteousness, whereby we earn eternallife by a sinless life. Instead, we admit we are sinners and come to Godfor forgiveness by His mercy and grace. Yet we must believe in Himenough to meet whatever conditions He lays down.

    These conditions include faith, repentance, and confession. But baptism isnot a work of human righteousness whereby we earn eternal life, any morethan are these other acts. All are simply necessary conditions in order forGod's grace to forgive unworthy sinners by Jesus' blood.

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    So when verses say we are not saved by "works," they are notreferring to faith, repentance, confession, or baptism. These

    works are all included in the obedience that is essential to receiveforgiveness.

    Interestingly, even "faith only" advocates usually give people something todo, so they can identify a "point of contact" when they contact God'sforgiving power. They say, "Pray the sinner's prayer," or "Put your hand onthe radio," or "Tell Jesus that you are trusting Him to save you." In allthese examples the sinner does something to receive forgiveness.

    So even "faith only" advocates admit that one may do something to receivesalvation yet not earn it. The problem is that they have eliminated theactivity that God commands and have substituted other activitiesof their own human invention. This is clearly forbidden in Matthew15:9; Galatians 1:8,9; 2 John 9; Revelation 22:18,19.

    V. Saving Faith Requires Obedience.

    We now know that saving faith includes repentance and confession, andwe know that obedience is essential. We will now proceed to show that thereason saving faith includes repentance and confession is that savingfaith includes obedience. We are saved by faith when that faith leads usto obey God's required instructions - not before.

    A.Hebrews 10:39 and Chapter 11Hebrews 11 gives many examples of people who "by faith" pleased Godand received His reward (11:6). But the purpose is to show us how to beamong "them that believe to the saving of the soul" (10:39). Now, doesthe faith that God rewards include obedience? That is, was obediencenecessary in order for God to reward the people, or did He reward thembefore they obeyed or even when they did not obey?

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    Noah (11:7) - By faith Noah prepared an ark to save his house andbecome heir of righteousness according to faith. Was he saved by faith

    before he obeyed,ordid God save him from the flood only after heobeyed? Would he have been saved if he had not obeyed?

    Abraham (11:8) - By faithhe obeyed God and went tothe place Godeventually showed him. Did God reward him before he obeyed, or onlyafter he obeyed?

    Israel at Jericho (11:30) - By faiththe walls of Jericho fell. Did they fallbefore the people did what God said, or afterwards? Would the walls

    have fallen had the people not obeyed? The verse says the walls fell"after they were compassed about." (See also 11:4,17,24, etc.)

    In every case, God rewarded people for obedient faith. They received theblessing "by faith," not before they obeyed or without obedience, butonly after oras a result of their obedience. Yet when faith led toobedience, they received the reward "by faith."

    Saving faith is faith that obeys. If your faith says that obedience is notnecessary or that God will "save your soul" before you obey, then you have

    a faith that will not save. Consider this chart:

    Blessings Received "by Faith"

    Noahbuilt the arkthenhis house was savedAbrahamobeyed to gothenreceived inheritance

    Israelmarchedthenthe walls fellWeobey conditionsthenreceive forgivenessObedience comes first,

    thencomes the blessing!

    B.James 2:14-26Remembering that some kinds of faith do not save, we are here asked:Can we be saved by the kind of faith that does not have works (v14)?James does not discuss merely what we demonstrate before people, butwhether or not we can be saved (v14) orjustified (v24).

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    The answer is that faith that does not work is dead, like a body without aspirit (v17,20,26). We arejustified by works, not by "faith only"

    (v24). Faith without works will not save, nor will works without faith. Bothfaith and works must operate together (v21-23). Only then do we havefaith that saves!

    Some say that Abraham pleased God before the event mentioned here(offering Isaac), but he also obeyed God long before this particular event.Hebrews 11:8-10,17-19 and James 2:21-23 make the same point:Abraham illustrates the kind of faith that God rewards. It is faith thatobeys, and God rewards us only when we have obeyed. So both faith

    and works are needed in order to be saved (v14) orjustified (v24).

    The passage flatly denies that we can be saved or justified by a faith thatdoes not obey. Such a faith is dead. Can a dead faith save us?

    C.Galatians 5:6In Jesus' view, the faith that avails is faith that works by love. So again, a

    working faith is required. (See also 2 Cor. 5:7; 1Thessalonians 1:3;Galatians 2:20; 2 Thessalonians 1:11; Romans 1:5; 16:26.)


    Faith can have different meanings.

    "Faith" sometimes has a specific meaning, referring to inward convictionand trust, as distinguished from the acts of obedience that follow (cf.Romans 10:9,10). This "faith" is essential, but it will not save by itself,without the obedience. "Faith" can also have a more general or inclusivesense, so it includes all a person does to be forgiven of sins - includingrepentance, confession, and (we will soon see) baptism.

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    The same is true of the term "love." "Love" sometimes refers specificallyto an attitude of good will toward others, as distinguished from acts people

    do (1 Corinthians 13:1-3; Galatians 5:6).In other cases "love" is saidto be or to include the obedience that it produces (1 John 5:3).

    We do similar things in everyday speech. We tell sick people, "You couldget better if you would go to the doctor." Now "go to the doctor" couldrefer to the specific act of transporting yourself to where the doctor is. Butin our illustration, it is understood that we mean all that is involved inbeing cured by the doctor, including what we do in response to hisinstructions (get a prescription filled, take medicine, etc.) Likewise "faith"

    can be used specifically or inclusively.

    We have seen that some people admit saving faith includes repentanceand confession, but they deny it includes baptism. But if faith includesrepentance and confession, then that it must be true that faith includesobedience, since repentance and confession are acts of obedience.Confession is even an outward, physical act. So if "faith" can include thesecommands, then it could also include other commands such as baptism. Sowe need to determine whether or not there are other verses that saybaptism is essential.

    Some folks reply: "You're trusting your own works to save you,instead of trusting Jesus."

    The truth is just the opposite. Noah was saved "by faith" when he obeyedGod. Do you accuse him of trusting his own works instead of trusting God?When Abraham and Israel pleased God by faithful obedience, did they trusttheir own works or God (Hebrews 11)? When people repent and confessto be forgiven, are they trusting in works or in Jesus?

    Consider the bronze serpent Moses made to spare Israel from death. Thepeople had to do something to be saved - they had to look at the serpent(Num. 21:9). Yet John 3:14-16 uses this to illustrate salvation by faiththrough Jesus. So even John 3:16 shows that saving faith includesobedience, it does not exclude it.

    The truth is that saving faith leads people to obey Jesus becausethey trust Him, and they are not saved until their faith has

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    produced the required obedience. When people think they can besaved without obeying what Jesus says, those are the ones who

    have afaith that will not save.

    V. Salvation "by Faith" Includes Baptism.

    "Faith only" advocates say we are saved by faith before baptism, so aperson is baptized after he has already been saved. But we have learnedthat salvation by faith includes the conditions that are necessary to receive

    forgiveness. Is baptism one of the conditions one must meet to receiveforgiveness, or does baptism come after forgiveness?

    A.Acts 22:16This is the conversion of Paul, that apostle who preached so much about"salvation by faith." Surely he knew whether salvation by faith includes orexcludes baptism. What about his own conversion? Was baptism essential

    to his forgiveness?

    On the road to Damascus, he saw Jesus and believed in him (22:5-10).During the following three days he was praying (9:11). If people are savedby "faith alone," then surely he must have been saved. But was he?

    Jesus instructed Paul that, in the city he would be told all things that hemust do (22:10; 9:6). What was he told? Ananias said to arise and bebaptized and wash away his sins (22:16). If salvation is by "faith

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    alone" before baptism, then Paul would have had no sins at this point. Buthe did have sins, and he remained in sin till he was baptized.

    The passage clearly places forgiveness, not before baptism, but as aresult of it. Surely nothing Paul later taught should be taken to contradictwhat he himself did to be saved. He knew that salvation by faith includesand requires baptism; it does not exclude it.

    B.Mark 16:15,16

    He who believes and is baptized shall be saved.

    Both faith and baptism are essential prerequisites to salvation. Salvationcomes after or as a result of baptism, not before it. Just as 1+1=2, takeaway either of the "ones" and you no longer have two. So if you take awayeither faith or baptism, you no longer have salvation.

    "Faith only" says: He that believes is saved and may then be baptized.Jesus said: He that believes and is baptized shall be saved. See thedifference? Note this comparison

    Romans 10:9 - if you confess...and will be saved

    Mark 16:16 - He who believes and is baptized shall be saved

    Clearly Romans 10:9 means that one must both believe and confess beforehe can be saved. Why does not the parallel language in Mark 16:16likewise mean that one must both believe and be baptized before he canbe saved?

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    Someone says: "But it says, 'He who disbelieves shall becondemned.' It doesn't say he who disbelieves and is not baptized

    shall be condemned."

    So some conclude that only faith is essential. But we already agreed thatbaptism alone will not save. Both faith and baptism are required. A lack offaith is enough to condemn a person, whether he gets baptized or not.Baptizing such a person would accomplish nothing (cf. John 3:18).

    Can you find a verse that says, "He who disbelieves and does not confessshall be condemned"? If not, does that prove confession is not essential?

    Faith is prerequisite to both confession and baptism; both are worthlesswithout faith. But that does not prove we can be saved by faith alonewithout confession and baptism.

    But look at the passage again. What is it that, if disbelieved, causes aperson to be condemned? It is the gospel (v15; cf. Mark 1:15;Romans 1:16). What does the gospel say? It says right here (andelsewhere) that we must both believe and be baptized to be saved!

    Now, do you believe people must be baptized to be saved? If not, you do

    not believe the true gospel! You do not believe what Jesus Himself says.What if you don't believe that gospel? Then, "He who disbelieves will becondemned"! You believe a different gospel, which leads one to beaccursed (Galatians 1:8,9; 2 John 9).

    Someone says: "It's like saying 'He who gets on a plane and sitsdown will arrive at California.' Getting on is essential, but sittingdown is not."

    Try this illustration on Romans 10:9: "If you confess ... and believe will be saved." Is this like, "If you get on the plane and sit down, youwill arrive at California"? If so, then on Romans 10:9 the illustrationproves that faith is not essential! Why does the illustration work on Mark16:16, but not on the parallel language in Rom. 10:9?

    A better illustration would be: "If you buy a ticket and get on the plane,you shall go to California." Buying the ticket parallels faith (it gives theright to become a child of God - John 1:12), and getting on the plane

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    parallels being baptized into Christ (Romans 6:3). Both are essential toarrive at the destination.

    Any way you look at it, baptism comes before salvation in Mark 16:16,but "faith only" puts baptism after salvation.

    C.Acts 2:38As a result of the first gospel sermon, sinners asked what to do abouttheir sins. Peter said to repent and be baptized "for the remission

    of sins."Again forgiveness does not precede baptism, but follows as aresult of it. In fact, receiving remission is the purpose of baptism:baptism is for the remission of sins.

    When God institutes a practice and a purpose for it, then we mustrespect the purpose as part of the act.

    Consider the Lord's Supper: we eat the bread and drink the fruit of the vine(outer act) for the purpose of remembering Jesus' body and blood. Even ifwe do the right outer act, we are condemned if we do it for the wrongpurpose (1 Corinthians 11:22ff).

    Likewise, baptism is an action (immersion in water) and the purpose is "forthe remission of sins." But if someone believes his sins were alreadyremitted before baptism, then would he be baptized for remission? No, sosuch a baptism would be unscriptural in purpose. And since the purpose isto receive remission, if one does not do it for that purpose, then he doesnot receive remission at all! Hemay believe and be immersed, butsince he does it for the wrong reasons, he never does receiveremission. He isyet in sin! See why all this matters?

    Someone says: "'For remission' means because you already haveit - like a man receives a ticket 'for speeding.'"

    However, no reputable translation ever translates Acts 2:38"because of remission of sins." This is because, while the English "for" can

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    look backward meaning "because of" a previous event, the Greek wordused here (EIS) does not. Some translations show that the correct meaning

    is: "unto remission" (ASV), "so that your sins may be forgiven" (NIV), or"in order to have your sins forgiven" (Goodspeed).

    Try the "because of" argument on these passages:

    Matthew 26:28 - My blood ... is shed for many for (EIS) the remission ofsins.

    2 Corinthians 7:10 - Repentance to (EIS) salvation.

    Romans 10:10 - ... confession is made to (EIS) salvation.

    Hebrews 10:39 - ... believe to (EIS) the saving of the soul.

    Do these verses mean that we should believe, repent, and confess - in fact,Jesus even died - because we already have remission?!Are all thesethings non-essential, coming after we have been forgiven? If not, thenwhy should we believe that is what "for" means inActs 2:38?

    The arguments used against baptism, if consistently applied, wouldinvariably prove that confession is not essential to salvation, andmost of the arguments would prove faith and repentance are not essential!Surely such arguments are invalid.

    To see what "for" in Acts 2:38 means, note the context.

    Consider who is being addressed. These people had been convicted ofsin (v23,36), and had just asked what to do as a result (v37). Peter toldthem to "repent and be baptized." Who needs to repent: people who have

    already been forgiven, or people who need to obtain it? Obviously peopledo not need to repent, unless they are in sin.

    Clearly Peter is not telling saved people how to show they are saved. He istelling lost sinners how to receive remission. Therefore, baptism isnecessary in order to receive remission of sins.

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    D.Romans 6:3,4; Galatians 3:26,27

    How many people are "in Christ"? Just as many as have beenbaptized into Him.

    Consider the following blessings in Christ:

    Grace - 2 Timothy 2:1Salvation - 2 Timothy 2:10Forgiveness - Ephesians 1:7Eternal life - 1 John 5:11,12

    Freedom from condemnation - Romans 8:1

    Can a person be saved if he has not come "into Christ" where theseblessings are found? Are people saved outside Christ? Surely we must bein Christ to be saved, but God's word expressly states that one must bebaptized into Christ.

    Likewise we are baptized into Christ's death (Romans 6:3).

    As a result the body of sin is destroyed (v6) and we are free from sin (v7).Can we be saved without contacting Jesus' death? No. But there must besome point at which we contact that death, and that point is baptism(preceded by believing, repenting, and confessing).

    To illustrate, a wedding ceremony puts a couple into the marriagerelationship. Prior to the ceremony, they may take essential steps towardmarriage, but they do not yet enjoy the privileges of being in marriage.Only after the ceremony are they actually in marriage.

    Likewise baptism is the point at which one comes into Christ, into Hisdeath. Prior to baptism, one may take essential steps toward Christ(believing, repenting, confessing), but he is not yet in Christ and does nothave the blessings in Christ. Only after baptism is one "in Christ" wherethese blessings are available.

    Baptism is also essential to the new birth.

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    Suppose I say, "You are a citizen of this country, because you have beenborn into it." Which came first: birth or citizenship? Now note the verb

    tenses in Galatians 3:26,27:

    "ye ARE all the children of God by faith"

    "for" (Greek GAR = because)

    "as many of you as HAVE BEEN baptized into Christ..."According to the verb tenses, which came first: baptism or being a child ofGod? "Faith only" says one is first a child of God, then he is baptized. Butthe Scripture clearly says one is first baptized "into Christ," then he is achild of God.

    Likewise, Romans 6:4 shows one has "newness oflife" (new birth, bornagain) after he is raised from baptism, not before (cf. Colossians2:12,13; John 3:5). And all this happens "byfaith." Becoming a child ofGod "by faith" includes baptism; it does not exclude it.

    Some people say Gal. 3:26,27; Rom. 6:3,4; and Col. 2:12 refer, notto water baptism, but to Holy Spirit baptism.

    They claim this baptism occurs the moment one believes. However:

    (1) Where do the contexts of these verses say they refer to a baptism inthe Spirit? What proofis there?

    (2) Holy Spirit baptism was a promise made to a few individuals forspecial purposes. There are only two recorded cases in the Bible. When itoccurred, it was always accompanied by miraculous tongue-speaking, andapostles were always involved. (ReadActs 1:1-8,21,22; chap. 2;10:44-11:18.) It was never required ofall people in order to be saved

    (as in Gal. 3, Rom. 6, etc.). Holy Spirit baptism pertained to the age ofmiraculous revelation, which ceased when the written word was completed(1 Corinthians 13:8-13; Jude 3; James 1:25).

    (3) Folks say these verses refer to Spirit baptism, but they also practicewater baptism. That makes two baptisms (cf. Matt. 3:11). ButEphesians 4:3-6 says there is only one baptism for today.You can nomore have two baptisms (one essential and one not), than you can havetwo heavenly Fathers (one essential and one not).

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    (4) The baptism ofRom. 6:3,4 and Col. 2:12,13 involves a burial and aresurrection from the element, like Jesus. This fits water baptism. But if

    this is Spirit baptism, do people leave the Spirit after being immersed inHim?(Cf. Romans 8:9.)

    (5) When arguing against sprinkling or pouring, "faith only" advocatesoften say Rom. 6:4 and Col. 2:12 refer to water baptism as animmersion. When arguing against the necessity of baptism, they say theseverses refer to Spirit baptism. Which is it? It cannot be both ways!

    Baptism in water is the baptism of the Great Commission. It is performed

    by human agents acting in the name of God, and is essential to salvationfor all people (Mark 16:15,16; Matt. 28:19;Acts 2:38; 8:36-39;10:47,48). It is necessary to come into Christ, into His death, and therebybecome a child of God.

    E. 1 Peter 3:20,21

    Noah's salvation illustrates ours.

    Noah was saved by water (v20). This is a figure showing that "baptismdoth also now save us" (KJV).

    Water, of itself, has no power to remove sin (like removing dirt from thebody). Rather, we rely on Jesus' resurrection to save us, so we can have agood conscience - "an appeal to God for a good conscience" (NASB). (Seeon Colossians 2:12 below for more about baptism and Jesus' resurrection.)

    Again, the case of Noah connects faith (Hebrews 11:7) and baptism (1Peter 3:20,21), showing that salvation by faith includes baptism. Thepower to forgive is in Jesus' death and resurrection, but we reach thatpower in baptism, by faith. Hence, baptism also now saves us.

    Another Old Testament parallel is Naaman (2 Kings 5:1-14).

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    Naaman was told to dip 7 times in Jordan to be healed of leprosy. Clearly,water of itself has no power to heal leprosy. But dipping in water was a

    condition Naaman must meet if he really trusted God. Then God's powerwould heal the leprosy.

    At first Naaman was like many people today. He refused to dip, because hedid not believe dipping could cure leprosy. But he learned that he had toobey God, then God's power would heal him. He was healed only when hehad dipped. So it is in baptism.

    But some say that Noah was never in the water, so water did not

    save him.

    Yet the Bible expressly says he was saved "by water" (KJV). Noillustration is identical in every respect to that which it illustrates (else itwould be the same thing, not an illustration).

    Noah was saved by water in that the water destroyed the evil thatsurrounded him, while it lifted Noah separating him from that evil.Likewise, baptism saves us from evil. Remember, God's own explanation ofHis illustration is that "baptism doth also now save us."

    Or someone says "Baptism is just a figure or picture of salvation;it is not necessary in order to receive it."

    This flatly contradicts the passage. This would make baptism anillustration of something else, leaving Noah's salvation completely out ofthe illustration. What the passage says is that Noah's salvation is thefigure, and the thing that it illustrates is the fact that "baptism dothalso now save us."

    Read other translations: "...eight souls were saved by water. There is alsoan antitype which now saves us, namely baptism..." (NKJV). "Antitype"means "something that is foreshadowed by a type or figure." So baptism isnot the figure or the type; it is the thing being illustrated - the antitype. "Init [the ark] only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water, andthis water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also..." (NIV).

    Salvation by faith includes baptism; it does not exclude it.

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    E.Colossians 2:12,13 (Ephesians 2:4-9)People dead in trespasses and sins, were buried in baptism and raisedwith Christ through faith in God's working. Then He made them alive,having forgiven their sins. Again, baptism is an act of faith in God'spower, not an act of faith in our own merit. Salvation by faith includesbaptism; it does not exclude it.

    Note the parallel to Ephesians 2:4-9.

    Eph. 2 says we are saved by grace through faith, not of ourselves; it isGod's gift, not of works lest man should boast. Some say this provesbaptism is not essential. But note the parallel between Colossians 2 andEphesians 2

    Ephesians 2:4-9 Colossians 2:12,13 Dead in sinBy God's gracethrough faith

    Made alive (quickened)

    By being raised with JesusNot of self, not of works Dead in sin

    By God's operationthrough faith

    Made alive (quickened)By being raised with Jesus

    IN baptism

    Both passages describe "salvation by grace through faith." A person is

    dead through sin, but is made alive with Christ by being raised (spiritually)from the dead. But where Ephesians 2 says it is not of self, not of works,Colossians adds other information. "Wherein" are we raised with Christthrough faith and made alive by being forgiven of sin? In baptism!(Compare Romans 6:3-7.)

    So while Ephesians 2 says works do not save, the parallel in Colossians 2shows this was never intended to eliminate the need for baptism. On thecontrary it expressly includes baptism. Salvation by faith includes

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    obedience. This is here shown to include baptism, and that in a passagethat is clearly parallel to Eph. 2:8,9!

    Gideon illustrates deliverance by grace through faith.

    Gideon is an example of "faith" in Hebrews 11:32. God did not wantIsrael to boast that they had saved themselves (Judges 7:2). God said Hedelivered the people (v9,15).But the people still had to act (v3-7,16-25).Without obedience they would never have been saved. But God designedtheir action so that it was clearly not sufficient to earn or deservedeliverance. The action was simply a test of their faith.

    Note the parallel to Ephesians 2:8,9. In salvation from sin we cannotboast that we save ourselves or deserve salvation. We are saved by gracethrough faith. But this nowhere disproves the need for obedience, anymore than in Gideon's case.

    The fall of Jericho in Joshua is also similar.

    This too was an example of "faith," but Israel had to act to receive theblessing (Hebrews 11:30). Yet God said He gave Jericho to Israel

    (Joshua 6:2). If a thing is a "gift," some say there is nothing to do toreceive it. But God's gifts are often conditional. We must act, but ouractions are inadequate to earn or merit the result.

    Israel received Jericho as a gift from God "by faith," but they still had toobey to receive it. So Ephesians 2:8,9 says salvation is a gift from God"by faith." This does not prove there is nothing to do. It just proves thatour actions do not earn the gift, so we cannot boast.

    Salvation by grace through faith does not exclude baptism. It requires it.

    F.The Urgency of BaptismIn Bible examples, when people believed, repented, and understoodbaptism, they were always baptized on the same day or same hour, evenin the middle of the night (Acts 2:41; 8:35-39; 16:25,33;22:16).Instead, modern "faith only" churches usually tell candidates to wait for a

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    baptismal service days or weeks in the future. Why don't they imitate theBiblical sense of urgency?

    Clearly, they believe people are already saved before baptism, so theyhave no sense of urgency as in Bible cases. This further demonstrates how"faith only" doctrine conflicts with the Bible. Baptism in the Bible wasurgent, because people are still in sin till they are baptized.

    Salvation by faith includes baptism, just as it includes repentance andconfession

    Salvation by "faith alone" is not the true gospel of Jesus. It is a pervertedgospel of human invention (Galatians 1:8,9; 2 John 9-11; Matthew15:9;Revelation 22:18,19).

    What should you do if you were baptized believing you were saved beforebaptism or believing baptism is not necessary? You should do like the meninActs 19:2-6, when they learned their baptism was not Scriptural. Youshould be baptized Scripturally. Then refuse to be part of any church thatteaches the false doctrine of "faith only" (2 John 9-11; 2 Corinthians6:17f; Ephesians 5:11).

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