ireo city plots sector 60 gurgaon

4 | +91 8470930121

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Post on 09-Mar-2016




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Ireo City Plots is a residential project from and located on Sector 60 Gurgaon. To know more Call +91 8470930121 ABC Buildcon PVT LTD


Page 1: Ireo city plots sector 60 gurgaon | +91 8470930121

Page 2: Ireo city plots sector 60 gurgaon | +91 8470930121

Page 3: Ireo city plots sector 60 gurgaon

12.5 meters Wide RoadTyp ica l i n te rna l co lony road w i th s tone paved pedes t r i an wa lkways on bo th s ides . Se t am ids ica re fu l l y l andscaped sec t i ons and equ ipped w i th aes the t i ca l l y des igned s t ree t f u rn i t u re , i hesewa lkways w i l l make wa lk ing w i th in the co lony a p leasu re . | +91 8470930121

Page 4: Ireo city plots sector 60 gurgaon

24 meters Wide RoadTypical arter ia l road inter-connect ing var ious zones of l reo City. A landscaped central median div ides theroad into 'To' and 'Fro' lanes for smooth f low of vehicular t raf f ic. Stone paved pedestr ian walkways withstreet archi tecture conforming to the best internat ional standards, have been provided on bolh sides.These walkways are segregated from vehicular t raf f ic by landscaping and parking shoulders.

T h . ] n i d n . t o n a n d @ n l . n G 9 . l o U t h . E | h @ $ b i * r b c h . n g . ' w h 4 n n o d 6 ' . t t h € . o | € d i & t * i o n o l l h 6 c . m p a n y ' | | m a a E d | +91 8470930121