introduction to image file formats

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  • 7/31/2019 Introduction to Image File Formats


    Chapter 1:Introduction to ComputerVision and Image Processing

  • 7/31/2019 Introduction to Image File Formats


    Overview: Computer Imaging

    Definition of computer imaging: Acquisition and processing of visual information by


    Why is it important? Human primary sense is visual sense. Information can be conveyed well through images

    (one picture worth a thousand words).

    Computer is required because the amount of datato be processed is huge.

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    Overview: Computer Imaging

    Computer imaging can be divided into two

    main categories: Computer Vision: applications of the output are for

    use by a computer.

    Image Processing: applications of the output are

    for use by human. These two categories are not totally separate

    and distinct.

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  • 7/31/2019 Introduction to Image File Formats


    Computer Vision

    Does not involve human in the visual loop.

    One of the major topic within this field isimage analysis (Chapter 2).

    Image analysis involves the examination of

    image data to facilitate in solving a vision


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    Computer Vision

    Image analysis process involves two other

    topics: Feature extraction: acquiring higher level image

    info (shape and color)

    Pattern classification: using higher level image

    information to identify objects within image.

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    Computer Vision

    Most computer vision applications involve

    tasks that: Are tedious for people to perform.

    Require work in a hostile environment.

    Require a high processing rate.

    Require access and use of a large database ofinformation.

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    Computer Vision

    Examples of applications of computer vision:

    Quality control (inspect circuit board). Hand-written character recognition.

    Biometrics verification (fingerprint, retina, DNA,

    signature, etc).

    Satellite image processing. Skin tumor diagnosis.

    And many, many others.

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    Image Processing

    Processed images are to be used by human.

    Therefore, it requires some understanding on howthe human visual system operates.

    Among the major topics are: Image restoration (Chapter 3).

    Image enhancement (Chapter 4). Image compression (Chapter 5).

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    Image Processing

    Image restoration:

    The process of taking an image with some know,or estimated degradation, and restoring it to its

    original appearance.

    Done by performing the reverse of the degradation

    process to the image.

    Examples: correcting distortion in the optical

    system of a telescope.

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    Image Processing

    An Example of Image Restoration

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    Image Processing

    Image enhancement:

    Improve an image visually by taking an advantageof human visual systems response.

    Example: improve contrast, image sharpening, and

    image smoothing.

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    Image Processing

    An Example of Image Enhancement

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    Image Processing

    Image compression:

    Remove the amount of data required to representan image by:Removing unnecessary data that are visually


    Taking advantage of the redundancy that is inherent in

    most images.

    Example: JPEG, MPEG, etc.

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    Computer Imaging Systems

    Computer imaging systems comprises of

    both hardware and software. The hardware components can be divided

    into three subsystems: The computer

    Image acquisition: camera, scanner, videorecorder.

    Image display: monitor, printer, film, video player.

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    Computer Imaging Systems

    The software is used for the following tasks:

    Manipulate the image and perform any desiredprocessing on the image data.

    Control the image acquisition and storage process.

    The computer system may be a general-

    purpose computer with a frame grabber orimage digitizer board in it.

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    Computer Imaging Systems

    Frame grabber is a special purpose piece of

    hardware that digitizes standard analog videosignal.

    Digitization of analog video signal is

    important because computers can only

    process digital data.

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    Computer Imaging Systems

    Digitization is done by sampling the analog

    signal or instantaneously measuring thevoltage of the signal at fixed interval in time.

    The value of the voltage at each instant is

    converted into a number and stored.

    The number represents the brightness of theimage at that point.

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    Computer Imaging Systems

    The grabbed image is now a digital image

    and can be accessed as a two dimensionalarray of data. Each data point is called apixel(picture element).

    The following notation is used to express a

    digital image: I(r,c) = the brightness of the image at point (r,c)

    where r = row and c = column.

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    The CVIPtools Software

    CVIPtools software contains C functions toperform all the operations that are discussedin the text book.

    It also comes with an application with GUIinterface that allows you to perform variousoperations on an image. No coding is needed.

    Users may vary all the parameters.

    Results can be observed in real time.

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    The CVIPtools Software

    It is available from:

    The CD-ROM that comes with the book.
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    Human Visual Perception

    Human perception encompasses both the

    physiological and psychological aspects.We will focus more on physiological aspects,

    which are more easily quantifiable and

    hence, analyzed.

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    Human Visual Perception

    Why study visual perception?

    Image processing algorithms are designed basedon how our visual system works.

    In image compression, we need to know what

    information is not perceptually important and can

    be ignored.

    In image enhancement, we need to know what

    types of operations that are likely to improve an

    image visually.

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    The Human Visual System

    The human visual system consists of two

    primary components the eye and the brain,which are connected by the optic nerve. Eye receiving sensor (camera, scanner).

    Brain information processing unit (computer

    system). Optic nerve connection cable (physical wire).

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    The Human Visual System

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    The Human Visual System

    This is how human visual system works:

    Light energy is focused by the lens of the eye intosensors and retina.

    The sensors respond to the light by an

    electrochemical reaction that sends an electrical

    signal to the brain (through the optic nerve).

    The brain uses the signals to create neurological

    patterns that we perceive as images.

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    The Human Visual System

    The visible light is an electromagnetic wave

    with wavelength range of about 380 to 825nanometers. However, response above 700 nanometers is


    We cannot see many parts of theelectromagnetic spectrum.

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    The Human Visual System

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    The Human Visual System

    The visible spectrum can be divided into

    three bands: Blue (400 to 500 nm).

    Green (500 to 600 nm).

    Red (600 to 700 nm).

    The sensors are distributed across retina.

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    The Human Visual System

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    The Human Visual System

    There are two types of sensors: rods and


    Rods: For night vision.

    See only brightness (gray level) and not color.

    Distributed across retina. Medium and low level resolution.

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    The Human Visual System


    For daylight vision. Sensitive to color.

    Concentrated in the central region of eye.

    High resolution capability (differentiate small


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    The Human Visual System

    Blind spot:

    No sensors. Place for optic nerve.

    We do not perceive it as a blind spot because the

    brain fills in the missing visual information.

    Why does an object should be in center fieldof vision in order to perceive it in fine detail? This is where the cones are concentrated.

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    The Human Visual System

    Cones have higher resolution than rods

    because they have individual nerves tied to

    each sensor.

    Rods have multiple sensors tied to each


    Rods react even in low light but see only asingle spectral band. They cannot distinguish


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    The Human Visual System

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    The Human Visual System

    There are three types of cones. Each

    responding to different wavelengths of light


    The colors that we perceive are the

    combined result of the response of the three


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    The Human Visual System

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    Spatial Frequency Resolution

    To understand the concept of spatial

    frequency, we must first understand the

    concept ofresolution.

    Resolution: the ability to separate two

    adjacent pixels.

    If we can see that two adjacent pixels as beingseparate, then we can say that we can resolve the


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    Spatial Frequency Resolution

    Spatial frequency: how rapidly the signal

    changes in space.

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    Spatial Frequency Resolution

    If we increase the frequency, the stripes get

    closer until they finally blend together.

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    Spatial Frequency Resolution

    The distance between eye and image also affects the

    resolution. The farther the image, the worse the resolution.

    Why is this important? The number of pixels per square inch on a display device

    must be large enough for us to see an image as being

    realistic. Otherwise we will end up seeing blocks of colors. There is an optimum distance between the viewer and the

    display device.

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    Spatial Frequency Resolution

    Limitations of visual system in resolution are

    due to both optical and neural factor. We cannot resolve things smaller than the

    individual sensor.

    Lens has finite size, which limits the amount of light

    it can gather.

    Lens is slightly yellow (which progresses with age);

    limits eyes response to certain wavelength of light.

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    Spatial Frequency Resolution

    Spatial resolution is affected by the average

    background brightness of the display.

    In general, we have higher spatial resolution

    at brighter levels.

    The visual system has less spatial resolution

    for color information that has been decoupledfrom the brightness information.

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    Spatial Frequency Resolution

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    Brightness Adaptation

    The vision system responds to a wide range

    of brightness levels.

    The perceived brightness (subjective

    brightness) is a logarithmic function of the

    actual brightness.

    However, it is limited by the dark threshold (toodark) and the glare limit (too bright).

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    Brightness Adaptation

    We cannot see across the entire range at any

    one time.

    But our system will adapt to existing light


    The pupil varies its size to control the amount

    of light coming into the eye.

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    Brightness Adaptation

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    Brightness Adaptation

    It has been experimentally determined that

    we can detect only about 20 changes in

    brightness in a small area within a complex


    However, for an entire image, about 100 gray

    levels are necessary to create a realisticimage. Due to brightness adaptation of our visual system.

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    Brightness Adaptation

    If fewer gray levels are used, we will observe

    false contours (bogus line).

    This resulted from gradually changing light

    intensity not being accurately presented.

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    Brightness Adaptation

    Image with 8 bits/pixel (256

    gray levels no false contour)

    Image with 3 bits/pixel (8 gray

    levels contain false contour)

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    Brightness Adaptation

    This accentuates edges and helps us to

    distinguish and separates objects within an


    Combined with our brightness adaptation

    response, this allows us to see outlines even

    in dimly lit areas.

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    Brightness Adaptation

    An illustration of the

    Mach Band Effect.

    Observe the edges

    between the different


    The edges seem to

    be a bit stand outcompared to the rest

    of the image.

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    Brightness Adaptation

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    Brightness Adaptation

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    Temporal Resolution

    Related to how we respond to visual

    information as a function of time. Useful when considering video and motion in


    Can be measured using flicker sensitivity.

    Flicker sensitivity refers to our ability toobserve a flicker in a video signal displayed

    on a monitor.

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    Temporal Resolution

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    Temporal Resolution

    The cutoff frequency is about 50 hertz

    (cycles per second). We will not perceive any flicker for a video signal

    above 50Hz.

    TV uses frequency around 60Hz.

    The brighter the lighting, the more sensitivewe are to changes.

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    Image Representation

    Digital image I(r, c) is represented as a two-

    dimensional array of data.

    Each pixel value corresponds to the

    brightness of the image at point (r, c).

    This image model is for monochrome (one

    color, or black and white) image data.

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    Image Representation

    Multiband images (color, multispectral) canbe modeled by a different I(r, c) function for

    each separate band of brightnessinformation.

    Types of images that will discuss: Binary




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    Binary Images

    Takes only two values: Black and white (0 and 1)

    Requires 1 bit/pixel

    Used when the only information required is

    shape or outline info. For example:

    To position a robotic gripper to grasp an object. To check a manufactured object for deformations.

    For facsimile (FAX) images.

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    Binary Images

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    Binary Images

    Binary images are often

    created from gray-scale

    images via a thresholdoperation. White (1) if pixel value

    is larger than threshold.

    Black (0) if it is less.

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    Gray-Scale Images

    Also referred to as monochrome or one-color


    Contain only brightness information. No color


    Typically contain 8 bits/pixel data, which

    corresponds to 256 (0 to 255) differentbrightness (gray) levels.

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    Gray-Scale Images

    Why 8 bits/pixel? Provides more than adequate brightness


    Provides a noise margin by allowing

    approximately twice gray levels as required.

    Byte (8-bits) is the standard small unit in


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    Gray-Scale Images

    However, there are applications such as

    medical imaging or astronomy that requires

    12 or 16 bits/pixel. Useful when a small section of the image is


    Allows the user to repeatedly zoom a specific area

    in the image.

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    Color Images

    Modeled as three band monochrome image


    The values correspond to the brightness in

    each spectral band.

    Typical color images are represented as red,

    green and blue (RGB) images.

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    Color Images

    Using the 8-bit standard model, a color image

    would have 24 bits/pixel. 8-bits for each of the three color bands (red, green

    and blue).

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    Color Images

    One example is the hue/saturation/lightness

    (HSL) color transform. Hue: Color (green, blue, orange, etc).

    Saturation: How much white is in the color (pink is

    red with more white, so it is less saturated than

    pure red).

    Lightness: The brightness of the color.

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    Color Images

    Most people can relate to this method of

    describing color. A deep, bright orange would have a large

    intensity (bright), a hue of orange and a high value

    of saturation (deep).

    It is easier to picture this color in mind.

    If we define this color in terms of RGB component,

    R = 245, G = 110, B = 20, we have no idea how

    this color looks like.

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    Color Images

    In addition to HSL, there are various other

    formats used for representing color images: YCrCb

    SCT (Spherical Coordinate Transform)

    PCT (Principle Component Transform)

    CIE XYZ L*u*v


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    Color Images

    One color space can be converted to another

    color space by using equations.

    Example: Converting RGB color space to

    YCrCb color space.

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    Multispectral Images

    Typically contain information outside normal

    human perceptual range. Infrared, ultraviolet, X-ray, acoustic or radar data.

    They are not really images in usual sense

    (not representing scene of physical world, but

    rather information such as depth). Values are represented in visual form by

    mapping the different spectral bands to RGB.

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    Multispectral Images

    Sources include satellite system, underwater

    sonar system, airborne radar, infrared

    imaging systems, and medical diagnostic

    imaging systems.

    The number of bands into which the data are

    divided depends on the sensitivity of theimaging sensory.

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    Multispectral Images

    Most satellite images contain two to seven

    spectral bands. One to three in the visible spectrum.

    One or more in the infrared region.

    Newest satellites have sensors that collect

    image information in 30 or more bands.Due to the large amount of data involved,

    compression is essential.

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    Digital Image File Formats

    There are many different types of image file

    formats. This is because: There are many different types of images and

    applications with varying requirements.

    Lack of coordination within imaging industry.

    Images can be converted from one format toanother using image conversion software.

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    Digital Image File Formats

    Types of image data are divided into two

    categories: Bitmap (raster) images: where we have pixel data

    and the corresponding brightness values stored in

    some file format.

    Vector images: methods of representing lines,

    curves and shapes by storing only the key points.The process of turning the key points into an image

    is called rendering.

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    Digital Image File Formats

    Most of the file formats to be discussed fall

    under the category of bitmap images.

    Some of the formats are compressed. The I(r, c) values are not available until the file is


    Bitmap image files must contain both headerinformation and the raw pixel data.

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    Digital Image File Formats

    The header contain information regarding: The number of rows (height)

    The number of columns (width)

    The number of bands

    The number of bits per pixel

    The file type Type of compression used (if applicable)

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    Digital Image File Formats

    BIN format: Only contain the raw data I(r, c) and no header.

    Users must know the necessary parameters


    PPM format:

    Contain raw image data with a simple header. PBM (binary), PGM (gray-scale), PPM (color) and

    PNM (handles any of the other types).

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    Digital Image File Formats

    GIF (Graphics Interchange Format): Commonly used in WWW.

    Limited to a maximum of 8 bits/pixel (256 colors).

    The bits are used as an input to a lookup table.

    Allow for a type of compression called LZW.

    Image header is 13 bytes long.

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    Digital Image File Formats

    TIFF (Tagged Image File Format): Allows a maximum of 24 bits/pixel.

    Support several types of compression: RLE, LZW,

    and JPEG.

    Header is of variable size and is arranged in a

    hierarchical manner.

    Designed to allow user to customize it for specific


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    Digital Image File Formats

    JFIF (JPEG File Interchange Format): Allows images compressed with JPEG algorithm to

    be used in many different computer platforms.

    Contains a Start of Image (SOI) and an application

    (APPO) marker that serves as a file header.

    Being used extensively in WWW.

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    Digital Image File Formats

    Sun Raster file format: Defined to allow for any number of bits per pixel.

    Supports RLE compression and color lookup


    Contains 32-byte header, followed by the image


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    Digital Image File Formats

    SGI file format: Handles up to 16 million colors.

    Supports RLE compression.

    Contains 512-byte header, followed the image


    Majority of the bytes in header are not used,

    presumably for future extension.

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    Digital Image File Formats

    EPS (Encapsulated PostScript): Not a bitmap image. The file contains text.

    It is a language that supports more than justimages. Commonly used in desktop publishing.

    Directly supported by many printers (in thehardware itself).

    Commonly used for data interchange acrosshardware and software platforms.

    The files are very big.