introducing elixir and otp at the erlang bash

Elixir and OTP Chris McGrath @chrismcg [email protected]

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Page 1: Introducing Elixir and OTP at the Erlang BASH

Elixir and OTPChris McGrath

@[email protected]

Page 2: Introducing Elixir and OTP at the Erlang BASH

What is Elixir?

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ElixirElixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications.Elixir leverages the Erlang VM, known for running low-latency, distributed and fault-tolerant systems, while also being successfully used in web development and the embedded software domain.—

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What Elixir is NOT• Some sort of CoffeeScript for Erlang

• A port of Ruby to Erlang

• Just Erlang with nicer syntax

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Some example codedefmodule RedirectCounter.URL do @max_redirects 10

def count_redirects(url) do { :ok, response } = HTTPoison.head(url) do_count(response.status_code, response.headers["Location"], 0) end

defp do_count(_status_code, _url, @max_redirects), do: raise "To many redirects"

defp do_count(status_code, url, redirect_count) when status_code in [301, 302, 307] do { :ok, response } = HTTPoison.head(url) do_count(response.status_code, response.headers["Location"], redirect_count + 1) end

defp do_count(_status_code, _url, redirect_count), do: redirect_countend

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Why learn Elixir?

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Personal Reasons

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"Boss" Reasons• Our systems are becoming more and more parallel and the

primitives provided by most languages are quite low level

• Runs on top of the Erlang runtime, famous for amazing uptimes and fault tolerance

• Powerful macro system for creating DSLs and reducing boilerplate

• OTP library and architecture makes it easier to create fault tolerant systems

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What's Elixir useful for?• Network related tasks (from plain sockets to web servers

and frameworks)

• Writing reliable, distributed, and highly available software

• MMO backends (not frontends!)

• Using all the cores

• (AKA Things Erlang Is Good For)

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What Elixir adds to Erlang• Modules for namespacing

• Macros

• A focus on tooling

• Streaming

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What Elixir adds to Erlang• Much nicer string handling

• Consistent function parameters

• Clearer organization of standard library

• Variable rebinding

• Less fiddly syntax

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Language Highlights• Mix project management tool

• First class documentation and doctests

• Toll free calling of Erlang functions

• Macros

• Pipeline Operator

• Protocols

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Mix• Generates and manages projects

• Somewhat similar to leiningen

• Like Make/Rake it can compile and runs tests

• Like Bundler it allows dependencies to be specified

• Like Rails or Bundler it can generate new project skeletons

• Full integration with Erlang, Rebar, and

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IEx - Interactive Elixir REPL% iexiex(1)> x = 1 + 23iex(2)> x = 44iex(3)> IO.puts "Hello World"Hello World:ok

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Documentation & Doctestsdefmodule ShowDoctest do @moduledoc """ This module shows off an example of a doctest """

@doc """ Adds it's inputs together

iex> ShowDoctest.add(1, 1) 2 """ def add(a, b) do a - b endend

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defmodule ShowDoctestTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true doctest ShowDoctestend

% mix test

1) test doc at ShowDoctest.add/2 (1) (ShowDoctestTest) test/show_doctest_test.exs:3 Doctest failed code: ShowDoctest.add(1, 1) === 2 lhs: 0 stacktrace: lib/show_doctest.ex:12: ShowDoctest (module)

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IEx Doc integration% iex -S mixiex(1)> h ShowDoctest


This module shows off an example of a doctest

iex(2)> h ShowDoctest.add

def add(a, b)

Adds it's inputs together

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Toll free calling into erlangYou can use any available Erlang library in your Elixir project

% erlEshell V6.3 (abort with ^G)1> os:timestamp().{1422,119363,162867}

% iexiex(1)> :os.timestamp{1422, 119376, 391592}

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MacrosLisps traditionally empowered developers because you can eliminate anything that's tedious through macros, and that power is really what people keep going back for— Rich Hickey

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Macro Exampletest "some sums" do assert 1 + 1 == 3end

1) test some math (TestProjectTest) ** (ExUnit.ExpectationError) expected: 2 to be equal to (==): 3 at test/test_project_test.exs:5

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Macro Exampleiex(1)> quote do: 1 + 1 == 3{:==, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [{:+, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [1, 1]}, 3]}

defmacro assert({ :==, _, [l, r]}) do # ...end

defmacro assert({ :=~, _, [l, r]}) do # ...end

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Pipelinespeople = DB.find_customersorders = Orders.for_customers(people)tax = sales_tax(orders, 2013)filing = prepare_filing(tax)

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Pipelinesfiling = DB.find_customers |> Orders.for_customers |> sales_tax(2013) |> prepare_filing

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Pipelines# rewritten to...filing = prepare_filing( sales_tax( Orders.for_customers(DB.find_customers), 2013 ))

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Protocols• Let you have polymorphism in Elixir

• Inspired heavily by Clojure

• Can define implementation of built in protocols for your own types

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Protocols: Definition1

defprotocol Blank do @doc "Returns true if data is considered blank/empty" def blank?(data)end

1 Sorry, the syntax highlighter doesn't know about protocols yet

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Protocols: Implementation1

# Integers are never blankdefimpl Blank, for: Integer do def blank?(_), do: falseend

# Just empty list is blankdefimpl Blank, for: List do def blank?([]), do: true def blank?(_), do: falseend


1 Sorry, the syntax highlighter doesn't know about protocols yet

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Protocols: Callingiex> Blank.blank?(0)falseiex> Blank.blank?([])trueiex> Blank.blank?([1, 2, 3])false

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Enumerableiex(1)>[1, 2, 3], fn(x) -> x * x end)[1, 4, 9]iex(2)>[1, 2, 3], &(&1 * &1))[1, 4, 9]

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Enumerableiex(1)> stream =[1, 2, 3], &(&1 * &1))#Stream<[enum: [1, 2, 3], funs: [#Function<45.29647706/1 in>]]>iex(2)> stream =, &Integer.to_string/1)#Stream<[enum: [1, 2, 3], funs: [#Function<45.29647706/1 in>, #Function<45.29647706/1 in>]]>iex(3)> Enum.to_list(stream)["1", "4", "9"]

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# More example codedefmodule RedirectCounter.Twitter do def configure do # ... boring setup ... end

def links do configure ExTwitter.stream_filter(track: "link") |> Stream.reject(fn(t) -> t.entities["urls"] == [] end) |> Stream.flat_map(fn(t) ->["urls"], fn(u) -> u["expanded_url"] end) end) endend

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• Large collection of libraries covering a wide range of use cases

• Set of design principles encoded in behaviours

2 Open Telephony Platform - A marketing idea gone bad

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Behaviours• Specify callbacks that you implement to specialize your own


• Formalize common patterns

• Can create your own

• Four standard ones in Erlang

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OTP GenServer

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defmodule RedirectCounter.TwitterLinkStream do use GenServer

def start_link do GenServer.start_link __MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__ end

def init(_) do GenServer.cast __MODULE__, :stream { :ok, nil } end

def handle_cast(:stream, state) do spawn_link fn -> RedirectCounter.Twitter.links |> Enum.each(&RedirectCounter.CounterSupervisor.process/1) end { :noreply, state } endend

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defmodule RedirectCounter.Count do use GenServer

def start_link do GenServer.start_link __MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__ end

def log(redirect_count) do GenServer.cast __MODULE__, { :redirect_count, redirect_count } end

def get do __MODULE__, :get end

def init(_) do { :ok, %{} } end

def handle_cast({:redirect_count, redirect_count}, state) do state = Map.update(state, redirect_count, 1, fn(n) -> n + 1 end) { :noreply, state } end

def handle_call(:get, _from, state) do { :reply, state, state } endend

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def start_link do GenServer.start_link __MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__end

def log(redirect_count) do GenServer.cast __MODULE__, { :redirect_count, redirect_count }end

def get do __MODULE__, :getend

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def init(_) do { :ok, %{} }end

def handle_cast({:redirect_count, redirect_count}, state) do state = Map.update(state, redirect_count, 1, fn(n) -> n + 1 end) { :noreply, state }end

def handle_call(:get, _from, state) do { :reply, state, state }end

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iex(1)> alias RedirectCounter.Countniliex(2)> Count.start_link{:ok, #PID<0.91.0>}iex(3)> Count.log(1):okiex(4)> Count.log(1):okiex(5)> Count.log(1):okiex(6)> Count.log(2):okiex(7)> Count.log(3):okiex(8)> Count.get%{1 => 3, 2 => 1, 3 => 1}

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Call vs Cast

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Cast• Asynchronous

• fire & forget

• More decoupled

• Less control over when things happen

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Call• Synchronous

• More coupled

• More control over order of events

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OTP Supervisors

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Supervisors• Don't do any processing

• Start and restart workers and other supervisors

• Prevent errors taking the entire application down

• Shutdown system in a controlled manor

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Supervision Trees

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defmodule RedirectCounter.Supervisor do use Supervisor

def start_link do Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, []) end

def init(_) do children = [ worker(RedirectCounter.Count, []), worker(RedirectCounter.ConsoleOutput, []), supervisor(RedirectCounter.CounterSupervisor, []), worker(RedirectCounter.TwitterLinkStream, []) ]

supervise(children, strategy: :one_for_one) endend

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defmodule RedirectCounter.CounterSupervisor do use Supervisor

def start_link do Supervisor.start_link __MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__ end

def process(url) do {:ok, pid} = Supervisor.start_child(__MODULE__, [url]) GenServer.cast(pid, :count) end

def init(_) do children = [ worker(RedirectCounter.URLRedirectCounter, [], restart: :temporary, shutdown: :brutal_kill) ] supervise(children, strategy: :simple_one_for_one) endend

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defmodule RedirectCounter.URLRedirectCounter do use GenServer

def start_link(url) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, url) end

def init(url) do { :ok, url } end

def handle_cast(:count, url) do redirect_count = RedirectCounter.URL.count_redirects(url) RedirectCounter.Count.log(redirect_count) { :stop, :normal, url } endend

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Supervision Strategies• one_for_one

• simple_one_for_one

• rest_for_one

• one_for_all

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Restart options• permanent

• temporary

• transient

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Error Kernel Good Erlang design begins with identifying the error kernel of the system: What part must not fail or it will bring down the whole system?— Jesper Louis Anderson

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Error KernelWhenever the kernel is about to do an operation which is dangerous and might crash, you "outsource" that computation to another process, a dumb slave worker. If he crashes and is killed, nothing really bad has happened - since the kernel keeps going.— Jesper Louis Anderson

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# Plain GenServerdefmodule RedirectCounter.Count do use GenServer

def start_link do GenServer.start_link __MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__ end

def log(redirect_count) do GenServer.cast __MODULE__, { :redirect_count, redirect_count } end

def get do __MODULE__, :get end

def init(_) do { :ok, %{} } end

def handle_cast({:redirect_count, redirect_count}, state) do state = Map.update(state, redirect_count, 1, fn(n) -> n + 1 end) { :noreply, state } end

def handle_call(:get, _from, state) do { :reply, state, state } endend

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# Elixir Agentdefmodule RedirectCounter.Count do def start_link do Agent.start_link(fn -> %{} end, name: __MODULE__) end

def log(redirect_count) do Agent.update(__MODULE__, &Map.update(&1, redirect_count, 1, fn(n) -> n + 1 end)) end

def get do Agent.get(__MODULE__, fn(map) -> map end) endend

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Task and Task.Supervisor

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Simple Exampletask = Task.async(fn -> do_some_work() end)res = do_some_other_work()res + Task.await(task)

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# Main Supervisor - Beforedefmodule RedirectCounter.Supervisor do use Supervisor

def start_link do Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, []) end

def init(_) do children = [ worker(RedirectCounter.Count, []), worker(RedirectCounter.ConsoleOutput, []), supervisor(RedirectCounter.CounterSupervisor, []), worker(RedirectCounter.TwitterLinkStream, []) ]

supervise(children, strategy: :one_for_one) endend

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# Main Supervisor - Afterdefmodule RedirectCounter.Supervisor do use Supervisor

def start_link do Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, []) end

def init(_) do children = [ worker(RedirectCounter.Count, []), worker(RedirectCounter.ConsoleOutput, []), supervisor(Task.Supervisor, [[name: :counter_supervisor]]), worker(Task, [RedirectCounter.Twitter, :process, [&RedirectCounter.URL.process/1]]) ]

supervise(children, strategy: :one_for_one) endend

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# Previous RedirectCounter.Twitterdefmodule RedirectCounter.Twitter do def configure do # ... boring setup ... end

def links do configure ExTwitter.stream_filter(track: "link") |> Stream.reject(fn(t) -> t.entities["urls"] == [] end) |> Stream.flat_map(fn(t) ->["urls"], fn(u) -> u["expanded_url"] end) end) endend

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# Updated RedirectCounter.Twitterdefmodule RedirectCounter.Twitter do def process(fun) do links |> Enum.each(fun) end

# ...end

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# Previous RedirectCounter.URLdefmodule RedirectCounter.URL do @max_redirects 10

def count_redirects(url) do { :ok, response } = HTTPoison.head(url) do_count(response.status_code, response.headers["Location"], 0) end

defp do_count(_status_code, _url, @max_redirects), do: raise "To many redirects" defp do_count(status_code, url, redirect_count) when status_code in [301, 302, 307] do { :ok, response } = HTTPoison.head(url) do_count(response.status_code, response.headers["Location"], redirect_count + 1) end defp do_count(_status_code, _url, redirect_count) do redirect_count endend

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# Updated RedirectCounter.URLdefmodule RedirectCounter.URL do def process(url) do Task.Supervisor.start_child(:counter_supervisor, __MODULE__, :count_redirects, [url]) end

def count_redirects(url) do { :ok, response } = HTTPoison.head(url) redirect_count = do_count(response.status_code, response.headers["Location"], 0) RedirectCounter.Count.log(redirect_count) end # ...end

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What I haven't covered• gen_event and gen_fsm

• Applications (in Erlang terminology)

• Upgrades and hot code reloading

• Debugging, monitoring, and logging

• The other parts of OTP (ssh, asn.1, ...)

• ets / mnesia (built in "NoSQL" databases)

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Interesting Elixir projects• Plug: Rack/WSGI like layer for Elixir

• Phoenix: Batteries included web/websockets framework

• Ewebmachine: Generates HTTP responses based on HTTP decision tree

• Ecto: LINQ inspired database abstraction layer

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ElixirConf.eu23rd - 24th April 2015

Krakow, Poland

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Thanks!I hope I've interested you in Elixir and Erlang/OTP


• Progamming Elixir - Pragmatic Programmers

• Elixir in Action - Manning

• Erlang and OTP in Action - Manning
