intro to 1.5 social justice and human rights action


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Post on 19-Jun-2015




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Introduction to Level 1 Social Studies 1.5 Describe a social justice and human rights action.



2. WHATS IT ALL ABOUT? This assessment act ivi ty requi res you to wr i te a repor t descr ibe ahuman r ights act ion (or social just ice) taken. You wi l l be assessed on the extent to which you evaluate thesigni f icance and effect iveness of the act ion taken This is wor th 4 credi ts You wi l l have class t ime to complete this and wi l l need to completesome research at home too. You may research in pai rs but the wr i te up must be done individual ly The end product which you wi l l be assessed on wi l l be a wr i t ten repor tof approx. 6-8 pages in length including a references sect ion which isdue in WEEK 10 3. SO WHAT DO YOU NEED TO RESEARCH? Your end written report (due in WEEK 10) will need to cover thefollowing criteria. Each criteria below is weighted equal ly and theassessment will be marked holist ical ly this means that it is lookedat as a whole rather than part by partYOUR REPORT WILL COVER THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA:1.Describe the social justice and human rights action2.Describe the intended purpose of the action3.Describe the actions taken by specif ic people/groups4.Describe contrast ing points of view of people directly involved,and/or others5.Describe the impact of the action6.Describe the signif icance of the impact of the action for society inNew Zealand or elsewhere7.Descri b e the degre e to which the action met its intend e d purpo s e8.Reference list 4. TIMEFRAMES We are going to break this task into manageable chunks to help youma n a g e yo u r t ime e ff e c t i v e l y a n d s o t h i s a s s e s sme n t d o e s n t e n d u p a sa last minute effor t ! This wi l l mean that each lesson you wi l l have a par t icular cr i teria toresearch and i f that is not completed in the set t ime f rame, you wi l l needto complete i t in homework t ime. We are cur rent ly in WEEK 4, we wi l l have research t ime in class dur ingWEEKS 4 and 5 In WEEK 6 you wi l l be requi red to do a br ief 2 minute PowerPoint whichwi l l cover what you have researched so far (cr i teria 1 3) . You may dothis in pai rs i f you have completed your research together. You WILL NOT be assessed on this PowerPoint and i t wi l l not counttowards your f inal assessment grade. I t is a check point to see whereyou are up to and to inform the class of other human r ights act ions The f inal wr i t ten repor t is due in WEEK 10 5. TAKING THE FIRST STEP Your task today is to begin research on possible human r ights act ions orsocial just ice act ions that you may be interested in making the focus ofyour assessment Again, you may work in pai rs and cover the same human r ight or socialjust ice act ion dur ing the research stage but remember you wr i t ten repor tmust be your own work. You cannot divide the tasks up and then shareyour answers. 6. THINKING AHEAD By Fr iday, you must have emai led me or spoken to me about yourselected choice of human r ight or social just ice act ion On Fr iday dur ing class you wi l l be researching Cr i teria 1 DESCRIBE THE SOCIAL JUSTICE AND HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIONand Cr i teria 2 DESCRIBE THE INTENDED PURPOSE OF THEACTION We have the laptops this per iod but remember there is a l imi tednumber i f you have your own device I st rongly suggest you br ing i tor i f you do not , pr int off some research at home that you can star treading through, highl ight ing and pul l ing out the impor tant points tomeet the requi rements of cr i ter ia 1 and cr i ter ia 2