intrinsically biased electrocapacitive catalysis

Intrinsically biased electrocapacitive catalysis D. P. Sheehan and T. Seideman Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 122, 204713 (2005); doi: 10.1063/1.1908411 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Dual harmonic Kelvin probe force microscopy at the graphene–liquid interface Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 133103 (2014); 10.1063/1.4870074 Non-Faradaic electrochemical activation of catalysis J. Chem. Phys. 128, 182506 (2008); 10.1063/1.2824944 Iron-phosphate∕platinum∕carbon nanocomposites for enhanced electrocatalytic stability Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 113101 (2007); 10.1063/1.2783035 Electronic states and photoexcitation processes of titanium dioxide nanoparticle films dip coated from aqueous Degussa P25 photocatalyst suspension J. Appl. Phys. 101, 023714 (2007); 10.1063/1.2432106 Charge transfer from TiO 2 into adsorbed benzene diazonium compounds Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 1075 (2004); 10.1063/1.1777801 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 01:38:48

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Page 1: Intrinsically biased electrocapacitive catalysis

Intrinsically biased electrocapacitive catalysisD. P. Sheehan and T. Seideman Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 122, 204713 (2005); doi: 10.1063/1.1908411 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Dual harmonic Kelvin probe force microscopy at the graphene–liquid interface Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 133103 (2014); 10.1063/1.4870074 Non-Faradaic electrochemical activation of catalysis J. Chem. Phys. 128, 182506 (2008); 10.1063/1.2824944 Iron-phosphate∕platinum∕carbon nanocomposites for enhanced electrocatalytic stability Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 113101 (2007); 10.1063/1.2783035 Electronic states and photoexcitation processes of titanium dioxide nanoparticle films dip coated from aqueousDegussa P25 photocatalyst suspension J. Appl. Phys. 101, 023714 (2007); 10.1063/1.2432106 Charge transfer from TiO 2 into adsorbed benzene diazonium compounds Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 1075 (2004); 10.1063/1.1777801

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Page 2: Intrinsically biased electrocapacitive catalysis

Intrinsically biased electrocapacitive catalysisD. P. Sheehana!

Department of Physics, University of San Diego, San Diego, California 92110

T. SeidemanDepartment of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208

sReceived 27 December 2004; accepted 22 March 2005; published online 27 May 2005d

We propose the application of the contact potential from metal-metal junctions or the built-inpotential of semiconductorp-n junctions to induce or catalyze chemical reactions. Free of externalsources, thisintrinsic potential across microscale and nanoscale vacuum gaps establishes electricfields in excess of 107 V/m. The electrostatic potential energy of these fields can be converted intouseful chemical energy. As an example, we focus on the production of superthermal gas ions to drivereactions. Analysis indicates that thisintrinsically biased electrocapacitive catalysiscan achievelocally directed ion energies up to a few electron volts and local gas temperature boosts in excessof 104 K. Practical considerations for implementation and experimental tests are considered. ©2005 American Institute of Physics. fDOI: 10.1063/1.1908411g


Catalytic reactions play an important role in mostpresent day chemical manufacturing, both organic andinorganic.1–3 Heterogeneous gas-solid catalysts, in particular,are necessary for production of essential gasesse.g.,NH4,SO2,H2,CO2d, for petrochemical cracking and hydroc-racking, for hydrogenation, dehydrogenation, oxidation,isomerization, and polymerization of hydrocarbons. Since alarge catalytic surface area is paramount, commercial cata-lysts typically consist of finely divided powders or are physi-cally supported on stable, high porosity, and high surfacearea grains such as alumina, silica, or zeolites.

Electrochemical reactions—e.g., electrorefining, elec-trowinning, electroforming, electrolysis—are mostly carriedout with electrodes in liquid and solid state “solutions;” con-sider, for instance, the operation of chemical batteries, theelectrolysis of alkali halide salts into their elements, the elec-troplating and electroforming of metals, or the production ofmetallic aluminum via the Hall process. Electrochemical gasreactions, though less common, are not unknown; H2/O2

fuel cells, electrical discharges for the production of ozoneand the fixation of nitrogen, and magnetohydrodynamicpower generation are examples. Commercial electrodes aretraditionally fabricated from metals or carbon, but with ad-vances in materials science, organic and semiconductor elec-trodes have become increasingly studied. Industrial elec-trodes are usually macroscopic in size, but their sizes havefollowed suit with micromanufacturing and nanomanufactur-ing practices.

Microscale and nanoscale electrode-mediated gas-phasereactions, such as those to be discussed in this paper, areinteresting for several reasons, including the following.

s1d The current and projected importance of micron andsubmicron chemical devices merits deep understanding

of gas and ion electrode physics at these small scalelengths.

s2d From a purely academic standpoint, the gas phase canobviate confounding solvent effects, exposing moreclearly molecule and ion surface interactions, as well asreactions in the gas phase, thereby simplifying theoret-ical and experimental analyses.

s3d In the number density regime where the gas mean-freepath is an appreciable fraction of the electrode separa-tion distance, gaseous ions can be accelerated by elec-trode gap electric fields to many times their originalthermal energiessi.e., qVb@kT, with q ion charge,Vb

the bias voltage, andkT the thermal energyd. For ex-ample, if a room temperature gas-phase ion is acceler-ated through merely 1 V of potential, when thermalizedit will achieve an effective temperature ofT.12 000 K. Thus, gas-phase electrochemical reactionsinvolving ions, even at relatively low biasing, can makeexperimentally accessible a broad range of tempera-tures by which a variety of new reaction channels be-come possible. In tabletop apparatuses between micro-electrodes, one can conduct chemical and plasmaresearch at temperatures easily in excess of 106 K in-volving negligible energy input or heat loading.

s4d Electric field strength scales asuEu,Vb/xg; therefore,narrow gapsxg favor strong fields. Since electrostaticenergy density scales superextensively withE,Vb, andxg srE=se0/2dE2,e0Vb

2/2xg2, wheree0 is the permittiv-

ity of free spaced, narrow electrode spacing is desirablefrom an energy density standpoint.

s5d Narrow electrode spacing allows for high gas numberdensitiesng to be employed while still maintaining thelong mean-free path criterionslùxgd required for largeindividual ion energies and temperatures at relativelylow biases.4 By adjusting eitherxg or ng, one can tunethe relative gas phase versus gas-surface collision fre-quency, as well as their relative kinetic energies andadFAX: 619-260-6874. Electronic mail: [email protected]


0021-9606/2005/122~20!/204713/11/$22.50 © 2005 American Institute of Physics122, 204713-1

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Page 3: Intrinsically biased electrocapacitive catalysis

temperatures. For example, at standard temperature andpressure sSTPd the mean-free path is aboutl,7310−8 m; thus, if microelectrodes are separated byxg

,3310−7 m and biased atVb,1 V, then gaseous ionscan achieve maximum energies ofqVb,1 eV→12 000 K and still undergo significant numbers ofhigh-energysor high-temperatured ion-neutral collisionsin the electrode gap.

s6d Since surface area to volume ratio increases with de-creasing object size, one expects high chemical reactiv-ity per unit volume for micron and submicron sizedcatalysts.

In this paper we explore the basic physics of an electro-chemical approach to catalysis that combines aspects of tra-ditional catalysts with gas-phase electrodynamics, electro-chemistry, and nanotechnology. In particular, we focus on thephysics and chemistry of neutral and ionic gases on and be-tween biased microscale and nanoscale semiconductor andmetal electrodes. We consider surface-mediated ionization ofneutral molecules, their acceleration to superthermal energiessqVb@kTd, and their prospects for high-energy gas-phaseand gas-surface reactions.

The mode of electrode biasing fundamentally distin-guishes the type of catalysis we introduce. Electrodes can bebiased extrinsically or intrinsically, as depicted in Fig. 1.Traditional electrodes are biased extrinsicallyfFig. 1sadg; thatis, they require an external voltage source.Extrinsic biasiseffectively limited by the construction of the external voltagesource as well as by considerations such as vacuum break-down, tunneling, and the dielectric strength of the electrode.In contradistinction,intrinsic biasfFig. 1sbdg requires no ex-ternal voltage source, but rather, can arise simply by physi-cally connecting two different solids having differing chemi-cal potentials with respect to their charge carriers. Intrinsic

bias can be established by connecting two pieces of semicon-ductor having different doping types or doping concentra-tions, or by joining two metals having different work func-tions fFig. 1sbdg. The magnitude of intrinsic bias is limited toa maximum of a few volts, while extrinsic bias can be thou-sands or millions of times greater; however, given narrowelectrode gaps, intrinsic bias can still render substantial elec-tric fields. Also, since as a rule of thumb 1 eV translates intoa temperature ofT.11 600 K, just a few electron volts canbe sufficient to investigate most relevant high-temperaturechemicalsand many plasmad regimes. Thisintrinsically bi-ased electrocapactive catalysissIBECd should be of boththeoretical and practical interest.

More generally, intrinsic bias offers possibilities in thecontext of bias-driven nanochemistry and beyond. From afundamental perspective it provides a link with naturally oc-curring gradient-driven processes in living bodies. From apractical perspective it suggests a number of applications,including the means tosad power future nanodevices withoutresort tosmacroscopicd external bias sources;sbd control mi-croscopic charged particle beams; andscd separate and ma-nipulate dielectric nanoparticles via electric field gradients.Additionally, given that the attainable energies are sufficientfor electronic and rovibrational population inversions in at-oms and molecules, the potential for gas chemical lasers ex-ists, if other lasing criteria can be metse.g., gain length andhigh number densityd.

In the remainder of this paper we develop the theory ofIBEC. We begin in Sec. II with a description of intrinsicbiasing for metals and semiconductors, followed by electro-capacitive energy storage by catalyst particles. In Sec. III,positive and negative ion formation on surfaces is consid-ered, followed in Sec. IV by general regimes of IBEC opera-tion and a generic test case. In Sec. V prospects for experi-ments are considered and in Sec. VI thermodynamic issuesare raised.


Intrinsic biasing occurs when materials possessing dif-ferent chemical potentials with respect to their charge carri-ers are put into intimate physical contact. The relaxation ofthe chemical potential difference between the disparate ma-terials promotes charge separation in the combined bulk,from which electric fields and potential differences result.5

Below we examine intrinsic biasing in metals and semicon-ductors and show how they can give rise to a sizable equi-librium electric field in a vacuum gap, by which ions can beaccelerated to superthermal speeds. The gap also stores ap-preciable electrostatic potential energy and, thus, can be con-sidered anintrinsic capacitorof sorts.

In the following discussion, several types of potentialwill be introduced; for clarity we summarize them here:V; generic potential;Vb; externally provided bias potential;Vc; contact potential between disparate metals; andVbi; built-in potential between disparate semiconductors.

FIG. 1. Electrical biasing of metal and semiconductor electrodes:sad extrin-sic bias;sbd intrinsic bias. M1/M2 indicate metal types;n/p specify semi-conductor doping types.

204713-2 D. P. Sheehan and T. Seideman J. Chem. Phys. 122, 204713 ~2005!

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Page 4: Intrinsically biased electrocapacitive catalysis

A. Metals: Contact potential

To first approximation, a metal is a fluid of mobile elec-trons bound electrostatically and quantum mechanically in alattice of positive ions. Because of Pauli exclusion, electronenergies form a continuum, the Fermi seafFig. 2sadg. Thebinding energy of the most weakly bound electronssat thetop of the Fermi sead is the chemical potential of the metalor, more commonly, its work functionF. Work functions forpure metals vary from less than 2 eVse.g., Csd up to about6 eV se.g., Ptd.

When two metals are physically joined, so as to establisha uniform chemical potential throughout the bulk—that is, asingle Fermi level, as indicated in Fig. 2sbd—electrons aretransferred from the metal with the lesser work functionF1

to the metal with the greater work functionF2. As a result,the former metalM1 charges positively and the latter metalM2 negatively. A potential difference, thecontact potentialVc, is established between the two metals:qVc;F2−F1.

Consider the bimetallic device in Fig. 2scd, consisting oftwo mirror-symmetric horseshoe-shaped pieces of differentmetalsswith differing work functionsd facing one another. Atjunction I sJ-Id the metals are physically connected, forminga standard metal-metal contact, while at junction IIsJ-II d there is a vacuum gap whose widthxg we take smallcompared to the length scale of the devicexdev; that is, xg

!xdev such that the parallel plate approximation holds in the

gap. Let xdev=10−6 m, and xg=5310−8 m, F1=5 eV, F2

=4 eV, so thatVc=1 eV. The device with these parameterswill be called thestandard metallic devicesSMDd.

In addition to the electric field inJ-I metal junction, asecond electric field must be present in vacuum gapJ-II.This can be deduced from Kirchhoff’s loop rule or via Fara-day’s law. Kirchhoff’s loop rule is an outcome of conserva-tion of energy. Consider a closed vectorial loop threading theJ-I region, the bulk of the device, and theJ-II gap. Conser-vation of energy demands that a test charge conveyed aroundthis closed path will undergo zero net potential drop; there-fore, to balance theVc drop across theJ-I contact region,there must be a counterpotential elsewhere in the loop. Since,at equilibrium, away from the contact region there cannot bea potential drop in the bulk metal—otherwise there would bea nonequilibrium current flow, contradicting the assumptionof equilibrium—the potential drop must occur outside themetal; thus, it must be expressed across the vacuum gap.Faraday’s lawsrE ·dl =0d also establishes this result. Theexistence of theJ-II gap electric field is well founded bothexperimentally and theoretically.

While the potential drop across theJ-II vacuum gap isfixed to beVc=sF2−F1d /q, the electric fieldE depends criti-cally on theJ-II gap width: uEu=Vc/xg. fThis assumes thatxg

is not so narrow as to induce dielectric breakdown, fieldemission, physical electrostatic disruption, electrode-electrode tunneling, or other high-field effects, which canreduceuEu. For the SMD, the field strengthsuEu=Vc/xg=23107 V/md is far below that required for high-field effects.g

B. Semiconductor: Built-in potential

Consider ap-n devicefFig. 3sadg of similar constructionto the SMD, consisting of two mirror-symmetric horseshoe-shaped pieces ofn andp semiconductor facing one another.At junction I sJ-Id, the n and p regions are physically con-nected forming a standardp-n junction, while at junction IIsJ-II d there is a vacuum gap whose widthxg we take smallcompared to the length scales of either the depletion regionxdr or the overall devicexdev; that is,xg!xdr,xdev. Let thenandp regions be uniformly doped; thep-n junction is takento be a step junctionsgraded junctions render similar resultsd;diffusion of donorD and acceptorA impurities is negligible;the depletion approximation holds; impurities are completelyionized; the semiconductor dielectric is linear. For a silicondevice as in Fig. 3sad, representative physical parametersmeeting these conditions areNA=ND=1021 m−3, xdev

=10−6 m, andxg=3310−8 m. Thep-n device with these pa-rameters will be called thestandard semiconductor devicesSSDd.

When individualn and p materials are joined, chargecarriers cross diffuse between then and p regions formingthe depletion region, whose width can range from 10mm fora lightly doped semiconductor to 0.01mm for a heavilydoped one.6 Space charge separation gives rise to a built-inpotential stypical values,Vbi,1 Vd and an internal electricfield which arrests further charge diffusion. Standard one-dimensional formulas,7

FIG. 2. Standard metallic devicesSMDd and origin of intrinsic biasing.sad Energy levels for two isolated metals showing disparate Fermi levels.sbdEnergy levels for two connected metals, demonstrating common Fermi levelbut different vacuum levels.scd Physical structure of horseshoe SMD.

204713-3 Intrinsicially biased electrocapacitive catalysis J. Chem. Phys. 122, 204713 ~2005!

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Page 5: Intrinsically biased electrocapacitive catalysis

Vbi =kT


ni2 D, xdr = F2ke0Vbi




, s1d

predictxdr=1.2310−6 m andVbi.0.6 V for the SSD. Hereni is the intrinsic carrier concentration of siliconsni .1.231016 m−3 at 300 Kd andk=11.8 is silicon’s dielectric con-stant.

Across theJ-I region fdepicted in left frame of Fig.3sbdg, physical properties vary continuously with position,but across the open-gapJ-II there are marked discontinuitiesin energy, voltage, and charge because of charge carriers’inability to jump the vacuum gapxg, thus frustrating chargediffusion which would otherwise spatially smooth physicalproperties. Similarly as for the SMD, there can be largeJ-IIgap electric fieldssEJ-II ,Vbi /xgd, more than an order ofmagnitude greater than in theJ-I depletion region. An elec-tric field must exist in theJ-II gap at equilibrium, just as forthe metallic case. For the SSD,uEu=0.6 V/3310−8 m=23107 V/m; thus, the SMD and SSD can support comparableelectric fields.

Two-dimensional numerical simulations of the equilib-rium states of the SSD were performed using Silvaco Inter-national’s semiconductor Device Simulation SoftwarefAtlassS-Pisces, Gigadg. Output from the numerical simulationswere two-dimensional, simultaneous, equilibrium solutionsto the Poisson, continuity, and force equations, using theShockley–Read–Hall recombination model. Over a widerange of experimental parameterss1017øNA,Dø1026 m−3;10−8øxgø3310−7 md, the two-dimensional numericalsimulations showed good agreement with the primary find-

ings of this one-dimensionals1Dd analytic model, most no-tably, that large electric fields can reside in theJ-II vacuumgap.

Figure 4 displays the electric field magnitude for theopen- and closed-gap configurations of the SSD. As ex-pected, the electric fields for the closed statefcase 1, Fig.4sadg are modestsuEuø106 V/md and are centered on thedepletion regions, which, as predicted in the 1D model, ex-tend over the length of the device. While the electric fields inthe J-I depletion regions of two cases are similar, in theJ-IIregions they are significantly different. TheJ-II electric fieldfor the open state isE.73106 V/m fFig. 4sbdg versus anaverage ofE.53105 V/m for the closed statefFig. 4sadg.Numerical integration of the electrostatic field energy overthe entire regionsvacuum and bulkd indicates the total elec-trostatic energy of the open-gap case is roughly 1.5 timesthat of the closed-gap case. Considering only theJ-II regionof each device, the open state stores roughly twice the elec-trostatic energy of the closed state.

FIG. 3. Standard semiconductor devicesSSDd. sad Physical schematic withgap and depletion region shown.sbd Physical characteristics vs positionxthrough junctions I and II. Leftsx,0d and rightsx.0d sides of each graphcorresponds ton and p regions, respectively. Legend: Energy levels forvacuum«vac, conduction band edge«c, intrinsic Fermi level«Fi, Fermi level«F, and valence band edge«v.

FIG. 4. Atlas 2D numerical simulations of electric field for closed-gapsad and open-gapsbd configurations of the standard semiconductor device.fElectric field is linearly color graded from 0 V/cmsmagentad to 73104 V/cm sorange-redd. Note: Units are V/cm andmm.g

204713-4 D. P. Sheehan and T. Seideman J. Chem. Phys. 122, 204713 ~2005!

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Page 6: Intrinsically biased electrocapacitive catalysis

In Fig. 5, the midchannel electric field is plotted versusgap width for the open-gap state of the SSD. Predictions ofthe 1D analytic modelssolid lined are compared with resultsof 2D numerical simulationssopen diamondsd. The 1D ana-lytic model overestimates the electric field compared withthe 2D numerical simulation, particularly at smallxg, but thisis expected given the 1D model’s unphysical singularity atxg=0. At small gap widths the 1D model predicts that theelectric field should vary strictly as 1/xg, whereas in the 2Dmodel, the charge carriers in the bulk respond to the highfields, bleed into the bulk semiconductorssee Fig. 4.d, andthereby moderate them. As a result, the 2D model consis-tently renders lower field strengths than the 1D model, satu-rating at roughly 107 V/m, safely below the dielectricstrength of silicon. At larger gap widths the two modelsagree well. Similar trends are expected for the SMD with theexception of the field bleeding effect.

C. Intrinsic capacitive energy

Electric fields store electrostatic potential energy withdensity rE=se0/2dE2. Capacitors are reservoirs for electro-static energy, storing charge at an electrostatic potential.While capacitance is a geometric/compositional quantity in-herent to the capacitor itself, charge, potential, and capacitiveenergy are normally set by anextrinsic work source. Anintrinsic capacitorderives its electrostatic energy not fromextrinsic work, but instead from intrinsic thermal processesse.g., charge carrier diffusion, creation, and recombinationd,from which its contact or built-in potential is established.Furthermore, whereas standard capacitors dissipate theirelectrostatic energy through internal parasistic resistanceRi

on a time scalet,RiC, intrinsic capacitors can remain en-ergized indefinitely. As such, they can be microscopic reser-voirs of ready energy to power electrochemical reactions.

Capacitive energy storage«es for the metallic IBECcan be estimated from the standard formula for metalliccapacitors:


2CV2 =





2 .e0xdev



2 =e0


2 xg, s2d

where the areaA of the plates is taken to scale with thedevice size; that is,A.xdev

2 . Note that«es does not scalelinearly with E or Vc; it is thermodynamically superexten-sive.

Theoretical limits to the capacitive energy available forthe semiconductor casesSSDd are a bit more involved andcan be estimated from the total electrostatic energy«es inher-ent to theJ-II junction fFig. 3sadg. Let D«essJ-II d be the dif-ference in electrostatic energy inJ-II between its closed- andopened-gap equilibrium states. Within 1D model constraints,this is,

D«essJ-II d .e0

2 FxdrkT


ni2 DG2F 1





xdrG . s3d

Eliminating Vbi and xdr with Eq. s1d and settingNA=ND

;N, Eq. s3d can be recast as

D«essJ-II d .16ke0





3H 1






niGD−1/2J. s4d

Equations3d predicts that the openJ-II region can storesignificantly more electrostatic potential energy than theclosedJ-I region;8 the standard semiconductor device’s J-IIregion contains roughly three times the energy of theJ-Iregion. In principle, this excess electrostatic energy can bereleased chemically. Thermodynamically, this may beviewed as simply the relaxation of the system from a higherenergy sopen-gapd to a lower energysclosed-gapd equilib-rium state.

Potential energy is stored in theJ-I and J-II regions ofthe intrinsic capacitor in both the open- and closed-gap con-figurations. In Fig. 6, the total device energy«es is plottedversusxg for the SSD, comparing the 1D and 2D models.9

The total electrostatic energy is the sum of the contributionsfrom the vacuum energy densityse0E

2/2d andn-p bulk en-ergy densityske0E

2/2d, integrated over their respective re-gions. For both models, the device energy decreases mono-

FIG. 5. Electric field strength for standard semiconductor device vs gapwidth xg calculated at geometric center ofJ-II region for 1D analytic modelssolid lined and 2D numerical modelsopen diamondsd.

FIG. 6. Electrostatic potential energy«es vs gap width for standard semi-conductor devicef1D modelssolid lined; 2D modelsopen circlesdg.

204713-5 Intrinsicially biased electrocapacitive catalysis J. Chem. Phys. 122, 204713 ~2005!

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Page 7: Intrinsically biased electrocapacitive catalysis

tonically with increasing gap width, however, theirmagnitudes and slopes differ due to the differing model as-sumptions. At small gap widthssxgø10−7 md, the 1D modelpredicts greater energy than the 2D model, owing principallyto its vacuum energy, whereas at larger gap widthssxg

ù10−7 md the energy in the 2D model’sn-p bulk dominates.sThe 1D model explicitly ignores energy contributions fromthep-n bulk on either side of the vacuum gap.d In the densityvicinity of the SSD, the two models agree to within about50%.

As for the metallic case, the SSD constitutes a high-energy equilibrium state, an intrinsically biased capacitor,which can remain charged indefinitely since the open-gapconfiguration is an equilibrium state of the system. In con-strast to the SMD, however, the SSDs capacitive energy var-ies strongly with temperature—scaling asT3 in Eq. s4d—since primary determinants of the energy areVbi andxdr, bothof which derive from thermal processes. WhenT falls belowthe freeze-out temperature for the charge carrierssfor silicon,Tfreezeø100 Kd, charge diffusion ceases, the silicon becomesintrinsic, Vbi→0, and the capacitive energy disappears; ineffect, both then andp regions become electrically identicalto undoped silicon. Metals have no freeze-out temperatures.

In summary, it has been shown for both metallic andsemiconductor cases that significant electrostatic potential,electric field, and potential energy can be stored in an open-gap IBEC, thereby constituting an energized microscopiccapacitor.


Neutral gas moleculesX interacting with a surface canform positive or negative ions depending on the magnitudesand state multiplicities of the surface’s and gas species’ en-ergy levels. For metal surfaces, the energy necessary for amolecule to desorb as a positive ionsDEdes

+ d can be roughlyestimated as1,2,10

DEdes+ . DEdes+ Ei − F, s5d

where DEdes is the desorption energy for the neutral mol-ecule,Ei is the gas species’ ionization energy, andF is themetal’s work function. Prediction of surface ionization froma purely energetic standpoint is relatively straightforward:one compares the gas species’Ei and electron affinityEea tothe metal’s work functionF. If F.Ei, then the gasX islikely to lose an electron to the metal and desorb as a posi-tive ion X+. Conversely, ifEea.F, then it is energeticallyfavorable for the gas to attach an electron from the metal anddesorb as a negative ionX−. At equilibrium, the ratio ofpositive ionic j i

+ to neutral j0 fluxes off a metal is given bythe Saha–Langmuir equation:

j i+

j0; Pi =



sEi − FdkT

G , s6d

wheregi /g0 is the ratio of statistical weights for the ionizedand neutral states of the gas. For negative ion formation,sEi −Fd is replaced withsF−Eead. Desorption can be aug-mented by high temperatures. Aside from alkali metals andalkali earth metals, which have small ionization energies,

most molecules are not disposed toward positive surface ion-ization and desorption except at relatively high temperatures,where they are often susceptible to thermal disintegration.Negative surface ionization is similarly restricted outside asmall set of halogen related compounds. On the other hand,select organic molecules can form relatively stable positiveand negative ions—carbocations and carbanions—when sta-bilized by charge delocalization through conjugated bonds,aromaticity, resonance structures, or by appropriate electron-donating or withdrawing moieties.sCharge delocalizationcan also aid surface desorption by propitiously separating amolecule’s charge from its image charge in the surface.dWell-known examples include fullerenes, which via delocal-ization can bear either net negative or positive charge, andthe cyclopentadienyl anion and tropylium cation which arearomatically stabilized.11

A process closely related to IBEC at high temperaturessTù1500 Kd is surface-mediated plasma production result-ing from simultaneous surface ionization of a gas and elec-tron thermionicsRichardsond emission. The classic exampleis theQ plasma, which has been studied extensively theoreti-cally and experimentally for over 40 years.12,13 Q plasmasare traditionally produced by contact surface ionization of analkali metalse.g., K, Rb, Csd or alkali earth metalse.g., Sr,Bad on a high-temperaturesT=2000–2500 Kd, high-workfunction, refractory metal surfacese.g., Mo, Ta, W, Red. Theheated metal thermionically emits electrons. For an electron-rich plasma, the negative electron space charge over themetal accelerates the ions superthermally off the metal sur-face, up to several times the ion thermal speed. Meanwhile,the positive ion flux relaxes the space charge restriction onelectron flow; thus, they leave together as a nearly neutralelectron-ion plasma. InQ plasmas, the electrons are basicallythermal, while the ions leave as a superthermally drifting,half-Maxwellian distribution that usually relaxes quickly to adrifting full-Maxwellian via gas-phase collisions. Ion num-ber densities in excess of 1019 m−3 have been achieved.

More exotic Q plasmas, in which electrons are almostcompletely replaced by negative ions, have also beenstudied.14,15 These are produced by thermal ionization of al-kali halide saltsse.g., CsI, KId on heated refractory metals orceramicsse.g., Al2O3,ZrO2d. Electrons have also been re-moved from standardQ plasmas by gaseous electron scav-engers such as SF6 and WF6, which have large electron af-finities and large electron capture cross sections nearQ-plasma electron thermal energiesskT.0.2 eVd.15,16Thesevarious traditional and exoticQ plasmas offer insights intothe experimental possibilities for IBEC.

On semiconductors, ion production is more subtle thanon metals and lends itself more to quantum mechanical treat-ment owing to the more discrete nature of surface energystates. Nonetheless, the concepts of work function, ionizationenergy, desorption energy, and electron affinity carry overfrom the metallic to the semiconductor case such that oneexpects analogous ionization and desorption behaviors.

Overall, metallic IBECs would seem to have several ad-vantages over semiconducting ones. First, owing to theirhigher electrical conductivity, the free charges on theJ-IImetal electrode faces are more smoothly distributed and

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Page 8: Intrinsically biased electrocapacitive catalysis

more quickly restored than in the semiconductor case. Sec-ond, refractory metalsse.g., Ta, W, Ir, Os, Mod, many ofwhich are already staples of the catalytic industry, can sur-vive higher temperatures than most standard semiconductors,making them more suitable for high-temperature operation.High temperatures favor desorption of adsorbed species,electron thermionic emission, and baking out of catalyticpoisons. Third, the maximum work function differences be-tween metal pairs can be greater than those achievable be-tween differentially doped semiconductors. For example, thebuilt-in potential for siliconp-n junctions is typically about 1V or less, while for select metal electrode combinations thecontact potential can be several times larger; for instance, aPt–Ca contact potential is roughly 4 V. Finally, the metallicJ-II gap can probably sustain larger maximum equilibriumelectric field strengths than the semiconductor case. Whereasequilibrium electric fields are forbidden inside bulk metalbeyond the skin depth, up to the dielectric strength of themetal itself, numerical simulations show that large electricfields tend to bleed into bulk semiconductor well below itsdielectric strengthfFig. 4sadg, thereby imposing an upperlimit J-II gap electric field strength of about 23107 V/m.Thus, we hold that metals are advantageous IBEC candi-dates.


The IBEC effect should be viable across a broad rangeof physical parameters, making a general analytic treatmentinfeasible. Here we identify limiting regimes of operationand sketch some general operating parameters through aqualitative discussion.

TheJ-II electric field implies that apposing gap surfacesare charged positively and negatively. This charge might aidsurface reactions, e.g., by modifying molecule-surface states,perhaps via electron withdrawl or donation, or by molecularpolarization. Thus, surface charge itself—not simply gaseousions—might play significant roles in IBEC. This will be con-sidered in future studies; here we concentrate on ion energi-zation and its ramifications.

Once desorbed and clear of surface potentials, ions areaccelerated by the gap electric field. Depending on the typeand number density of the gap gases, one can imagine anumber of possible reaction channels. The ions themselvesmight be the chemically reactive species of interest or theymight affect the reactivities of other species. Possible reac-tion channels are numerous, but here we concentrate solelyon ions asmolecular projectiles. In this role, ions might im-part their superthermal kinetic energy to adsorbed species,thereby opening new surface reaction channels; they mightcollide with or heat the intervening gas, thereby facilitatinggas-phase reactions; or they might bombard chemisorbed orphysisorbed species on the opposite electrode, thereby facili-tating surface desorption. Most physical chemical processesattributed to low-energy ion beamssEø4 eVd should bepossible via IBEC.17

Alkali metals and halogens appear to be ideal candidatesfor X+ andX− molecular projectiles since they have relativelylow ionization energies and high electron affinities, respec-

tively; they are also relatively disinclined toward fragmenta-tion. Similarly as forQ plasmas, alkali halide salts might befruitful candidates, producing both types of ionssimultaneously.14,15

At least three general regimes of operation can be iden-tified for IBEC on the basis of the relative magnitudes of thegas mean-free pathl and theJ-II gap width xg.

Regime I: sl@xgd. At low gas number density, themean-free path can greatly exceed the electrode separation,l@xg. For the SSD/SMD this would correspond to gas num-ber densities less than aboutng.1024 m−3. In this regime,relatively few gas-phase collisions or reactions are expected.Rather, most gas ions are expected to fall through the fullgap potentialVb before striking the opposite electrode. If theions rebound and thermalize, one expects a high temperaturegas or plasma to develop in the gap. In this regime, theneutral gas and ions are likely to be only a minor perturba-tion to the gap’s electrostatic potential and field.

Regime II: sl,xgd. At intermediate gas density, wherethe mean-free path is comparable to the electrode separation,appreciable levels of both ion-neutral and ion-surface colli-sions are expected. Because of gas-phase collisions, ion en-ergies should span roughly the rangekT0,Eion,kT0+qVb,whereT0 is the initial temperature. Likewise, the temperatureT of the neutral gas should be boosted by collisions into therangeT0,T,T0+qVb/k. As the gas density is increased,the gas temperature and ion energy should decrease since thefinite electrocapacitive energy is shared among more par-ticles. Also, as significant numbers of ions are generated,these should affect the gap electrodynamics, possibly neu-tralizing the electric field which, in turn, should reduce ionenergy and temperature.

Regime III: sl!xgd. At high gas density the mean-freepath can be significantly less than electrode separation. Inthis regime, ions suffer multiple collisions crossing the gapand their individual energies are much reduced from theirtheoretical maximum; i.e., one expectsEion!qVb. On theother hand, this energy is not lost; rather, it is collisionallydissipated as heat, raising the temperature of the bulk back-ground gas aboveT0. This regime might be conducive toreactions that are sensitive to smaller temperature changesand which do not require, or cannot tolerate, high energyions. At these high number densities, the electrodynamics ofthe cavity might be severely altered by the ion populations.In the extreme, the electrodes might become sufficiently cov-ered with adsorbed gas so as to shut down the intrinsic bias-ing mechanism, in which case the electrocatalytic activitywould cease.

A heuristic graph summarizing the above relationshipsbetweenl ,ng,T, andEion in regimes I–III is given in Fig. 7.At either graphical extreme,ulogsl /xgdu;uNu@1, the behav-ior of the system saturates. In theN@1 regimesregime Idions are energeticscorresponding to high temperatured, butthere are few of them, while at the opposite extremesN!0,regime IIId, there are many low-energy ions and the tempera-ture is nearT0. One suspects that somewhere between theseextremes the chemical activity might be optimized, perhapssomewhere in the mid-range of the sigmoid, nearN=0, sug-gestive of regime II.

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Page 9: Intrinsically biased electrocapacitive catalysis

A general analytic description of IBEC is not possible,but given adequate physical and chemical parameters, indi-vidual systems are amenable to numerical simulation. Al-though a system would seem to be fully specified by itsgeometric construction, choices of electrodes and gas spe-cies, temperature, and number densities, this belies its truecomplexity. One should have full accounting and specifica-tions of all gas-phase and gas-surface reaction channels andtheir mutual feedbacks; in turn, these must be incorporatedinto plasma or fluid codessor their equivalent in the highKnudsen number regimed and processed in a time-dependent,dynamic manner. Like many nonequilibrium systems, theIBEC is likely to behave nonlinearly and, thus, will be sen-sitive to initial conditions. As a result of these complexities,here we only sketch some broad lines of practicality ratherthan attempt to paint a detailed picture.

A. Test case: Spool

The optimal geometry for an IBEC cell depends on itsspecific application. In Fig. 8 is presented one simple design,termed thespool, which embodies several generally desir-able features. The spool is constructed from M1/M2 orn/pcylindrical pairs of diameterxcell, joined on axis, and is ofsimilar size to the SSD/SMD. The electrode spacing is rela-tively narrow compared with the device dimensions, allow-ing for relatively uniform and intense gap electric fields, butthe geometry is such that neutral gas can flow into and out ofthe electrode gap radially over broad area and direction.18

The device’s surface-to-volume ratio is good; each cell hasroughlyxcell

2 electrode surface area.19 The spool is encased byan electrical insulator to make it electrically independent ofother cellsfFig. 8sbdg. Also, in this design, the insulationthickens the electrode walls and impedes interlocking withother cells. These cells might be stacked axially into largerstructures, or left jumbled such that gas might diffusethrough a bed of them. Ifxcell.10−6 m, the reactive surfacearea to volume ratio for a spool is roughly 4–5 km2/m3 sne-glecting dendritic surfacing of the electrodesd. The innerelectrode surfaces might be scalloped and insulated, as de-picted in Fig. 8scd, so as to increase local electric fields andconcentrate chemical activity toward the scallop points.

If the electrostatic energy content of an electrocatalyticcell is « and if its discharge/recharge time istdr, then a mea-sure of the maximum instantaneous electrostatic power de-liverable by a single cell isPcell,« /tdr. If the particle flux ofreactants through the cell isFss−1d, then the available elec-trostatic energy per reactant molecule is given dimensionallyby « /tdrF. Let the cell size scale bexcell and let the scale sizeof the catalytic bed beLbed. Depending on the gas flow re-gime, the cell packing structure, and the bed plumbing, theaverage number of cells visited by a molecule on its travelthrough the bed will vary considerably. At one extreme,where a low number densityslightly collisionald gas jets bal-listically through the catalytic bed packed with uniformlyarrayed cells in a highly directional manner, one expects aminimum number of gas-surface collisions,Nball, here takento be of the order ofNball,Lbed/xcell. At a different extreme,where a high number densityshighly collisionald gas mean-ders through a convolutedly plumbed bed, packed with ran-domly oriented cells, the gas flow is essentially diffusive, inwhich case the number of gas-surface collisions should scalemore closely to that of standard gaseous diffusion:Ndiff

,sLbed/xcelld2. sThis assumesxcell represents the gas mean-free path.d For the former, conservative ballistic flow case,the theoretical electrostatic energy per reactant moleculeavailable during its passage through the bedx can be esti-mated dimensionally as

x ,«N



tdrFxcell. s7d

Qualitative estimates can be made for realistic physical sys-tems. Consider a standard spool constructed from the com-bination M1/M2=Ta/Re sTa:mp=3287 K, FTa.4 eV;Re:mp=3453 K,FRe.5 eVd with alumina electrical insula-tion sAl2O3:mpù2000 Kd. Let xcell=10−6m and xg=5

FIG. 7. Heuristic graph of interrelationships of mean-free pathl, electrodeseparationxg, temperatureT, and ion energyEion for the IBEC, whereN; lnsl /xgd. Operating regimes: regime IsN@1d; regime III sN!1d; andregime II sN,0d.

FIG. 8. Spool IBEC cell.sad Perspective sketch.sbd Side view, cut throughaxis. scd Scalloped inner electrode surfaces. Legend: metalsdarker graysd,electrical insulatorslight gray stippled.

204713-8 D. P. Sheehan and T. Seideman J. Chem. Phys. 122, 204713 ~2005!

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Page 10: Intrinsically biased electrocapacitive catalysis

310−8 m, similarly as for the SMD/SSD, so thatVc.1 Vand E.23107 V/m. In this case, an individual spool cellstores,10−16 J of electrostatic energy and its discharge timetdr should be short, on the order oftdr.10−7—10−8s, con-sistent with typical inverse slew rates of micron-sizedp-ndiodes or theRC time constants of microscopic capacitors. Inthis case, the instantaneous power for a single, switched cellshould bePcell.10−9–10−8 W. Instantaneous power densi-ties sPcelld can be large; for the spool,Pcell=Pcell/ s10−6 md3

,109–1010 W m−3. Presuming gas density at STP that flowssonically, one estimates the molecular flux through the spoolto beF.1015 s−1. Let Lbed=1 m andxcell=10−6 m, such thatN.106. With these, one finds from Eq.s7d that, on average,x.10−18–10−17 J.6–60 eV is available per molecule on itsjourney through the catalytic bed. This is adequate to drivechemical reactions, even allowing for thermodynamic ineffi-ciencies.


Experimental tests of the IBEC concept are under con-sideration. Catalytic activity and selectivity can be measuredfor IBEC cells with different M1/M2 pairings, e.g., M1/M1versus M2/M2 versus M1/M2, with the former two actingas controls. Suppose a surface reactionsA+B→Cd is cata-lyzed on M2 but not on M1. IfF2.F1, such that an electricfield is directed from M1 toward M2, then by introducing apositively ionizable speciesX into the IBEC bed along withgasesA andB, a superthermal flux ofX+ can bombard M2,augmenting gas or surface reactions. An efficacy test wouldconsist of measuring reaction products from independentbeds consisting of M1/M1,M1/M2, and M2/M2 catalysts,varying of course the usual thermodynamic parameters suchas temperature, pressure, and gas ratios. If the M1/M2 isfound superior to either M2/M2 or M1/M1 under otherwiseidentical conditions, this would be evidencesbut surely notconfirmationd of the IBEC effect.20

It is difficult to predict which reactions might most ben-efit from IBEC since catalysis is often a multivariable phe-nomenon. It would be particularly interesting to test IBECbeds at room temperature for reactions that normally proceedat elevated temperatures, thereby testing the anticipated ef-fects of high local gas temperatures inside the catalytic cells.This assumes that the reactions require elevatedgastempera-tures, but not necessarily elevatedsurface temperatures.21

Other tests can be envisioned. For example, hydrocarbon de-hydrogenation reactions proceed well on Pt between about450–750 K, while Ta is not known for comparable catalyticactivity. The work functions of Pt and Ta are roughlyFW

=6.2 eV andFTa=4.2 eV, so that a Pt/Ta IBEC spool cellwould support a 2 V potential across its gap. If Cs is intro-duced as the ionizable working gas, the Langmiur–Sahaequations6d predicts virtually complete ionization to Cs+ atT=600 K on both Pt and Ta surfaces.22 For the control cata-lysts, M1/M1;Ta/Ta might have limited hydrogenative ac-tivity at 600 K, while for M2/M2;Pt/Pt activity should besizable. If superthermal Cs+ boosts catalytic activity, perhapsby stimulating surface desorption of products or aiding reac-

tants over activation barriers, the Pt/Ta IBEC could outper-form Pt/Pt.

Surface area per unit masssm2/gmd is a standard figureof merit for catalysts. For example, the surface area/mass forfinely divided Ni used for the hydrogenation of unsaturatedglycerides is typically 25–40 m2/gm, while for supportedcatalysts with significant porosityse.g., silica gel, charcoal,zeolites, andg aluminad values of 102–103 m2/gm are notuncommon. IBEC cells could have area/mass ratios compa-rable to these. Insofar as IBEC requires two metals withwell-defined work functions, one must have sufficient num-bers of atoms to generate bulk propertiesslike Fd, thus put-ting a lower limit for cell size at about 10−8–10−9 m. Addi-tionally, the metals must be physically joined and mustpossess a plate geometry that fosters usable ion acceleration.Again this suggests a lower size limit of about 10−8–10−9 mto be in line with current nano-fabrication techniques. Giventhis, and assuming mass densities of roughlyr.5 gm/cm3,one can show that with realistic dendritic or porous struc-tures, the upper-limit area/mass ratio for IBEC cells is of theorder of 102–103 m2/gm, which is comparable to maximumvalues seen with commercial catalysts.23


As developed in the previous sections, IBEC presents apotentially practical tool for nanochemistry—a hybrid be-tween a typical catalyst and an electrochemical cell. On onehand, quite aside from the catalytic properties of M1 and M2individually, IBEC appears capable of increasing reactionrates and opening new reaction channels, while not beingconsumed in the process and, at the end of the chemicalevent, resuming its original thermodynamic state; thus it sat-isfies the traditional criteria for a catalyst. More interesting,however, are thermodynamic issues surrounding its intrinsicbias and stored electrocapacitive energy, which shade itscatalytic status.

For the IBEC effect to be viable, the system must beheld significantly out of equilibrium with respect to gas flow.The high-energy ions and elevated temperatures predictedfor theJ-II gap are only transient conditions leading to equi-librium. When equilibrium is reached there will be littleIBEC activity and in place of ionic fluxes from either side ofthe gap there will be a static gas-ion atmosphere. The num-ber density of neutrals will be spatially uniform, while thedensity of ions will be exponentially stratified similarly asfor a textbook isothermal gas atmosphere in a uniform gravi-tational field sr=r0expf−mgz/kTgd, where z is altitude. Inthe gravitational case the potential energy of a gas atom issmgzd, whereas in the electrostatic IBEC case the potentialenergy of an ion is set by itsx location in the gap:fsqVb/xgdxg. Positive ions will be stratified in the oppositedirection as negative ions.24 The various species’ numberdensities in the gap are figuratively depicted in Fig. 9.

Equilibrium should be achieved rapidly, probably withina few to several thermal transit times across the gap,ttransit

=xg/vth, where vth.ÎkT/m. For the SSD/SMD withvth

.102–103 m/s andxg=5310−8 m, equilibrium should beachieved within about 10−8–10−10 s, which, not surprisingly,

204713-9 Intrinsicially biased electrocapacitive catalysis J. Chem. Phys. 122, 204713 ~2005!

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Page 11: Intrinsically biased electrocapacitive catalysis

is roughly of the same order as the discharge timetdr for p-n diodes of comparable size. Note, however, thatttransit isorders of magnitude longer than typical timescales forchemical reactions, which are usually comparable to the vi-brational period of molecular bondsstvib,10−13 sd; thus,one can expect significant chemical activity before chargebalance and thermal equilibrium are attained.

In all, the short-lived, nonequilibrium stages of electricaldischarge are conducive to the formation of high-energy ionsand high temperatures. In theory, these transient nonequilib-rium conditions can be fostered by intermittantly pulsing gasthrough the catalytic bed, as is common inflow reactorsthatfeature large concentration gradients between bed entranceand egress.3 Between pulses, the chemical products and re-sidual reactants will clear the bed and the intrinsic capacitorswill recharge.25

For reactions that are exothermic—for instance, theHaber process for ammonia synthesis on ironsN2+3H2

→2NH3d, IBEC is thermodynamically unsurprising since thereaction merely heats the catalyst; however, if the reaction isendothermic—for instance, coal gasification with steam intosyn-gasscoal+H2OCO+H2d—then an interesting thermo-dynamic issue emerges. Specifically, if the capacitive energyfr=se0/2dE2g is tapped either directly or indirectly to drivean endothermic reaction and if it appears as extra chemicalenergy in the products, then the IBEC appears capable ofpermanently shifting an equilibrium, quite unlike a classicalcatalyst.26 While, superficially, the IBEC-driven reactionshould be no more surprising than a electrochemical reactiondriven by, let us say, a battery, things are not so simple. If theIBECs electrostatic energy is tapped, then when the reactantsand products clear the catalytic bed, the catalyst’s capacitiveenergy will rebuild to its prereaction equilibrium value—after all the recharged state is an equilibrium state. It appearsthat, in principle, IBEC electrostatic energy can be tappedagain and again in this fashion to imbue reaction productswith a net increase in chemical energy, but this raises thequestion: What is the source of this renewable electrostaticenergy turned into chemical energy? At present the energysource is elusive, but without a particular and complete re-action cycle in mind, the question probably cannot be an-swered definitively. Given the novel hybrid nature of IBEC,perhaps it is not surprising that thermodynamic issues suchas these arise. These will be the subject of future inquiry.


Analysis and numerical simulations indicate an electro-chemical approach to catalysis, wherein the electrostatic po-

tential energy in open vacuum gaps under intrinsic biasingdrives gas-phase and gas-surface chemical reactions via ac-celerated gaseous ions. A number of reaction channels arepossible, but all occur during the short-lived nonequilibriumperiod during capacitive discharge of the catalyst. Employinggas pulsing through a catalytic bed of microscopic or nano-scopic catalytic cells, relatively high gas densities andthroughputs might be possible. These catalysts potentiallyoffer a number of attractive features, including respectablesurface-to-volume ratios, highsbut short-livedd energy andpower densities, and high internal gas temperaturessin ex-cess of 104 Kd, by which the need to bulk heat catalysts canbe relieved.27 Estimates based on realistic physical param-eters indicate that the IBEC effect should be experimentallytestable within the current arts of chemistry and nanotechnol-ogy.

Beyond the chemical applications of IBEC, intrinsic bi-asing suggests a number of additional applications. Theseinclude providing local power sources for future nanode-vices; directing charged particle beams at the submicronlevel; sorting and collecting dielectric particles; and power-ing gas chemical lasers. Intrinsic bias represents a generalscheme for creating appreciable electric fieldssuEuø107 V/md and field gradients, and for storing ready elec-trocapacitive energy at the submicron scale without need ofexternal power sources.


It is a pleasure to thank E. K. Perttu, J. H. Wright, and K.Adkins for their assistance in preparing figures for this paper.T.S. is grateful to the NSFsGrant No. CHEM/MRD-0313638d for support of this project. D.P.S. acknowledgesthe kind support of the Research Corporation and a USDFaculty Research Grant. Finally, both authors warmly thankV. Špička for the stimulating atmosphere atFrontiers ofQuantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics-04sPrague,2004d, which led to the ideas presented in this paper.


B. C. Gates,Catalytic ChemistrysWiley, New York, 1992d.2G. A. Somorjai,Introduction to Surface Chemistry and CatalysissWiley,New York, 1994d.

3Catalyst Handbook, 2nd ed., edited by M. V. TwiggsWolfe, London,1989d.

4High ng also allows large gas throughput.5One can view intrinsic biasing as reflecting a trade-off between chemicaland electrostatic potentials.

6In the limit of heavy doping, the semiconductor casesSSDd essentiallyreduces to the metallic casesSMDd.

7G. W. Neudeck, inThe pn Junction Diode2nd ed., Modular Series onSolid State Devices Vol. II, edited by R. F. Pierret and G. W. Neudeck,sAddison-Wesley, Reading, 1989d.

8DEes in Eq. s3d is positive definite forxgø3/kxdr. For the silicon SSD thisputs the following constraint on the gap width:xgø


9Energy is normalized with respect to thez direction sJ/md so as to con-form with the output of the 2D numerical model.

10R. I. Masel, Principles of Adsorption and Reaction on Solid SurfacessWiley, New York, 1996d.

11P. J. Garratt,Aromaticity sWiley, New York, 1986d.12R. W. Motley,Q-MachinessAcademic, New York, 1975d.13N. Rynn and N. D’Angelo, Rev. Sci. Instrum.31, 1325s1961d.14S. von Goeler, T. Ohe, and N. D’Angelo, J. Appl. Phys.37, 2519s1966d.

FIG. 9. Heuristic depiction of equilibrium number density vs position inelectrode gap for positive, negative, and neutral gas species.

204713-10 D. P. Sheehan and T. Seideman J. Chem. Phys. 122, 204713 ~2005!

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Page 12: Intrinsically biased electrocapacitive catalysis

15D. P. Sheehan and N. Rynn, Rev. Sci. Instrum.59, 1369s1988d.16A. Y. Wong, D. L. Mamas, and D. Arnush, Phys. Fluids18, 1489s1975d.17These ion energies are below the threshold for sputtering, ionization or

secondary emission from the apposing electrode, lattice dislocation, orimplantation. They are sufficient, however, to excite translational, rota-tional, vibrational modes, and, in principle, chemical reactions.

18Ions tend to be trapped in the spool by gap fields, while neutrals cantraverse the gap unimpeded.

19This can be increased with dendritic surface finishing.20For instance, it might be the case that M1 produces intermediates that

facilitate reactions on M2, irrespective of the gap electric field. Such pro-cesses would complicate verification of the IBEC effect.

21Often the gas and surface temperatures will not equilibrate on the timescale of the experiment.

22At this temperature, Cs has a high vapor pressure and Cs+ should also have

a reasonable desorption probability. In Q-plasmas, ion number densities inexcess of 1019 m−3 have been demonstrated.

23Important concerns surrounding the catalyst’s structural integrity, lifetime,and poisoning are beyond the scope of this discussion.

24One can view the gas ions in theJ-II gap as performing a substitute rolefor the charge carriers in theJ-I depletion region of the SSD. The gasJ-IIions act to balance chemical and electrostatic potentials so as to establisha static, low-energy equilibrium state.

25A buffer gasse.g., He, Ard might accelerate this purging process.26A catalyst cannot alter the chemical equilibrium of a reaction; it can only

speed both forward and reverse reactions so as to achieve equilibriummore rapidly.

27It is remarkable to consider that, in principle, one could casually handle aroom temperature catalyst, belying its 10 000 K interior gas temperature.

204713-11 Intrinsicially biased electrocapacitive catalysis J. Chem. Phys. 122, 204713 ~2005!

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