interpellator - april 2012

The Interpellator is produced by students at Charles Sturt University, Bathurst KEEP CALM READ INTERPELLATOR AND

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The April issue of the Interpellator; Charles Sturt University's student magazine.Featuring:Village Fair 2012 including the WORLD EXCLUSIVE TIMETABLECatapult FestivalFreshman survival guideThe new iPad 2-point-somethingThe new team behind the Interpellator


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The Interpellator is produced by students at Charles Sturt University, Bathurst




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WelcomeBienvenueWilkommenBienvenido 歡迎DobrodošliようこそSelamatDatangWelkomTervetuloaΚαλώςΟρίσατε

Interpellator, April 2012 Page 3Interpellator, April 2012Page 2

WelcomeWelcome to the new and improved version of the Interpellator.This year has brought a new team together to completely revamp what used to be

Charles Sturt University’s showcase magazine. We’ve kept the best parts of the old magazine, while ditching that terrible, clunky layout

which made reading the thing an absolute nightmare.So without further adieu, here is what you can expect to find in this month’s


Contents:Sally Says Freshers listen up!

Ms Rafferty has all the survival tips.

The regulars: The feaTures:

Local beats ‘n’ eats Anna Gambrill tells us about what’s happening.

Your UniBar Pics Tim Yaftali caught you at Dag Night.

Meet your RA Phil Baker; surfer, fireman, PE teacher and your RA.

‘Sup? What do you think of the changed VF date? And feta cheese.

Digital kebab: We have Shaun Heenan to review the latest flicks

What’s cooking, good looking? Hayley Westoby shows you how

to make taco salad.



Meet the new team Meet the minds behind the 2012 Interp team, and the ideas to come.Catapult Festival Anna Gambrill tells you more about the once-in-four year circus gathering.

Rugby heaven Nick Chapman tells us about the rugby club culture.

Village Fair 2012 Interp has the ultimate guide to the festival: The bands, the DJs and the timetable. 22




Tech time Alen Delic tells us just how much of a letdown Apple’s latest announcement was. 30

March in pics We found the best snaps to capture the month.18

Teacher’s secrets By day, she’s a tutor at CSU. By night, a film maker.

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The brains behind The neW inTerp

Alen Delic Associate Editor

Lucy BrennanEditor-in-chief

Lucy Brennan hails from Bowral, the town of tulips and cricket but now calls Bathurst her home as she completes her final year of Journalism.

Lucy is looking forward to her role as editor and hopes to breathe a new life into the Interp. magazine.

“We’ve got a really great, new team in the works,” says Lucy.

“Everyone’s really enthusiastic and passionate, which will make this magazine something special.”

She wants to reshape the magazine and turn it into something people will read, rather than use as toilet paper to improve on the one-ply in the residences.

Lucy has dipped her toes into a mixed bag of extra curricular activities since packing up her life and coming to Bathurst.

Last year she was involved in a third year major work children’s theatre production, Health Havoc that is now being considered for Sydney’s Fringe Festival.

The next stage of the show will commence later this year.

She has also shown her enthusiasm on the sporting fields and this year is captaining the CSU hockey team, which plays in the local Bathurst women’s competition.

And now Lucy will add the task of reforming the Interpellator to her already hectic schedule.

But it is a task that Lucy is fully committed to and passionate about.

Sleep is over rated.

Proud to be a hobbit from the Shire, Alen is embarking on his final year of study in journalism.

Alen completed a number of internships in a number of one-horse towns, before scoring a gig at the Sydney Morning Herald during the summer.

He is also a National Radio News cadet.He’s undertaking much of the design in this new interp,

wanting to mix it up a little.In his spare time, Alen likes nothing more than curling up

in front of the fire with a Mills and Boon novel.

Sally Rafferty Associate Editor

Editor: Lucy BrennanAssociate Editor: Alen DelicAssociate Editor: Sally RaffertyCover Artist: Georgie Davies Arts: Anna GambrillEvents: Hayley WestobyPolitics: Jake NelsonSports: Zak CabanContributors: Jack MonroHayley Williams, Nick Chapman, Sara Hartman Photographer: Tim YafataliMarketing: Meg McKinna

Sally is a third year journalism student and is from what she says is the second biggest ‘city’ in inland New South Wales, Tamworth.

She has completed work experience and internships at Channel 9, NBN, PRIME, the Northern Daily Leader, The Bush Telegraph and has worked as a journalist at a radio station in Tamworth for a year and a half.

In between working, Sally likes pina coladas and getting caught in the rain.

The team: want to get involved?

Age: 21

Hometown: BowrAl

Shoot us an e-mail or add us on Facebook and tell us![email protected] published, get money,Get PAID!

Age: 20Hometown: CronullA

Age: 21

Hometown: tAmwortH

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Sally SaysFreshers! Listen up. Sally Rafferty has some wise words of advice for you.

As I embark on my third and final year of study and face the prospect of becoming a “real” grown up I feel it is my duty to impart some words of wisdom on the first year students, highlighting the things I wish I had known before jumping on the rollercoaster ride that is Charles Sturt University, Bathurst.

Before writing my column this week I thought I would speak with some of the residential advisors on campus to find out what the vibe was like from this year’s freshers.

Not surprisingly it was confirmed that they like to party; Cheeky’s, DK Night and Uni Bar have already become a priority for many of the first years.

However I did hear some alarming accounts of pre-drinking sessions gone wrong, which has prompted me to share my older, much more mature sister’s motto for a night out.

“Sally it’s a marathon not a sprint.” This means doing shots of tequila and

dead ants at 5pm, which at the time seems like the best idea in the world is probably not advisable.

Now don’t get me wrong I know that celebrations can occasionally get out of hand it happens to the best of us but passing out at 8pm is a little sad even if you are an inexperienced drinker.

But don’t despair as the year progresses you will become what I have deemed “drinking fit” so your nights out should be extended over time.

First year guys, this probably won’t affect you too much but I think it is now time to alert the female freshers of a phenomena they call the fresher five.

Quick word of advice, while you might try to avoid it through going to the gym and making good decisions when it comes to food, this year you will get fat!

I have seen it happen many a time to the most petite girls who turn into pudgy pigs before the end of first semester.

My advice is to embrace it! I am of the opinion that uni is really

the only time in your life aside from being pregnant where you can get fat and it is semi-acceptable.

I’m not saying you should go out and eat KFC every night but don’t give yourself

too much of a hard time if you step on the scales and have gained a couple of kilos.

The plus side is everyone is getting fatter so what is deemed skinny at uni is slightly different to the outside world.

The fresher five also has benefits for the male studentpopulation.

I was once told by a very wise friend that if you start going out with a girl who is a little curvy around the edges at uni you should hold on to her because once the time at CSU is up they will shed the pounds and then you have got yourself a hot girlfriend without having to try too hard.

In between chilling out and drunken shenanigans you will probably come across these things called lectures and tutorials.

I know they may cut into your gossip sessions or Wii games but it is probably beneficial if you head along.

My key piece of advice here is make sure you don’t pick early morning classes if you can avoid it.

I am a morning person and even I will admit that this is a mistake.

It will probably be a little nerve wracking if you are shy, but I would also recommend making some friends in your course so you have people to complain with when you are going to class and don’t look like a loser when you have to get the teacher to put you with other people when you have to do group assignments.

“You will get fat”

Whether it is drinking, getting fat or trying to get that painful group assignment done, just make sure you do make time in your hectic uni schedules to enjoy the ride.

Trust me, you will never get to live like this again.

And, it will all come to an end before you know it!

Sally’s tips:Don’t go all out straight away!Embrace the fresher fiveDon’t schedule early classesFind friends in your course

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Australian Politics*

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By Jake Nelson

BY FAR the biggest political news in Australia in February was the leadership struggle between Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd.

If you don’t remember, here’s a recap of how it went down.

Late last year especially, there was a lot of speculation that K-Rudd was going to challenge Julia Gillard for leadership of the ALP, and thus the position of Prime Minister.

Rudd consistently maintained that he was happy with the Foreign Affairs portfolio, but the media (and much of the Labor Party) weren’t convinced.

Things got nasty in late February this year, with a video of Rudd swearing in frustration during his time as Prime Minister leaked onto YouTube in a possible attempt by Gillard supporters within the ALP to discredit him.

After former Labor leader Simon Crean attacked Rudd for perceived disloyalty, the Foreign Minister resigned due to a lack of support from the PM. Julia Gillard finally called a leadership ballot for Monday 27th February, to settle the dispute once and for all.

Both she and Rudd announced they would stand as candidates.

MPs and ministers on both sides declared their allegiances, with one of the most surprising being Transport Minister and Leader of the House Anthony Albanese throwing his support behind Rudd.

In the end, it wasn’t even close – Gillard completely demolished Rudd in caucus, with 71 votes to 31.

Rudd, true to a promise made before the spill, has retreated to the back benches and apparently has no further leadership ambitions.

A surprise footnote to the battle was that Mark Arbib, a Labor right-wing factional

heavyweight and Gillard supporter often accused of being one of the party’s “faceless men”, resigned after the ballot as a “gesture of goodwill”, saying his absence could help the party heal.

So what does all this mean for Labor? For starters, Julia Gillard now has to work to win back the trust of the public now that the internal strife is over.

Labor is still deeply unpopular in the polls, and it’ll be a fight to get the party back into a winning position before the election next year. Party unity may still be a problem, at least in

the eyes of the public: a Sydney Morning Herald poll showed that 68% of respondents did not think Labor would rally behind the PM.

There’s also been speculation that, despite his promise, Rudd may build up support on the backbenches and go after Gillard again, just as Paul Keating did to Bob Hawke in the early 1990s.

One thing’s for sure: the stoush has given the Coalition plenty of ammo for its next election campaign. It’s up to a (hopefully) unified Labor to bounce back if it wants a chance at another term in government.

Big Red vs. K-Rudd : The battle for PM

Photo: The Australian

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International Politics*

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By Jake Nelson

The uprising in Syria has been going on for more than a year now, and unfortunately not much seems to have improved.

As at time of writing, President Bashar al-Assad is still in power, and opposition forces are still being heavily bombed.

The regime has, naturally, come under heavy criticism from the rest of the world, but is it enough to convince Assad to step down?

The uprising began on the 26th of January last year, as part of the Arab Spring, when a man set himself on fire in protest against the Assad regime. Both pro and anti-government protests spread across the country, the latter often being met with deadly force by the government.

Stories of arrests, killings and torture by government forces have become commonplace – as at time of writing, UN sources estimate

up to 11,000 people have been killed in the violence, with over 600 political detainees dying under torture.

Even more disturbingly, UNICEF has claimed that 400 children have been killed and more than 400 detained and tortured since the uprising began.

Currently a good deal of the fighting is taking place in Homs, a city of approximately one million people in western Syria and home to major opposition activities.

Rebel-held districts of the city are being heavily bombarded by the Syrian army under the justification of dealing with “terrorist groups”, which has resulted in high casualties for both rebels and civilians.

Two journalists, American Marie Colvin and French photographer Remi Ochlik, were killed by a rocket which struck their safe house on February 22, a day after Colvin had spoken to CNN about the regime’s attacks on civilians.

Speculation has since abounded that the pair were deliberately targeted.

International response to the crackdown on protests has been almost overwhelmingly negative.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy called the regime’s actions “massacres”, while numerous countries have recalled their ambassadors from the country. Germany has expelled several members of the Syrian Embassy for alleged espionage against opposition groups in the country.

The Arab League has suspended Syria’s membership, and proposed plans for peace

between government and opposition forces. A United Nations resolution to help end

the fighting in Syria was vetoed by Russia and China, drawing widespread condemnation – one member described the veto as “a licence to kill” for the Assad regime.

It’s as yet unclear how – or if – the Syrian uprising will end, but the crackdown on peaceful protests by the Assad regime should be a worry to everyone; as Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”.

The only peaceful solution may be Assad stepping down – but that looks unlikely.

A solution needs to be found, and fast.

Syria in 60 seconds:

Photo: Washington Post

Okay, probably 90.

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Local beats ‘n’ eats by Anna GambrillThis is where our resident culture partizan talks you

through what is happening in Bathurst this month.

Church BarFri 23rd March Peacock Dreams 7 - 10pmSun 25th March The Slones 7 - 10pmFri 30th March Heathy 7 - 10pmSat 7th April Peacock Dreams 7 – 10pm

Sun 22nd April Back to Uni Sunday Service

Peacock Dreams + DJ Max til late

Drinks / Meal DealsHappy Hour everyday 5:30 - 6:30pm $3 beers and $9 cocktails$30 lunch for 2 Everyday2 for 1 Pizzas for Uni Students Every Sunday!

The OxFri 23rd March Pumped Up FridaySat 24th March DJ’s Lewi, Norm and ReedyFri 30th March Pumped Up FridaySat 31st March DJ Reedy and DJ Yogi

Every Thursday Karaoke from 8pm!

Happy Hour Mon to Fri 5pm – 6:30pmWed – Sat $3.50 Vodkas and Midoris 7 – 11pm

Mon 2 for 1 MainsTues $7.50 SteaksWed $20 Rib MedleyThurs $8.50 Schnitzels

Drinks / Meal Deals

The ParkFri 16th March Peacock Dreams Sat 17th March DJ TBAFri 23rd March DJ Alanna Macintosh Fri 30th March The Slones

Drinks / Meal DealsMon $8 Burgers with ChipsTues $9 ribsWed $10 250g Rump StakesThurs $7 Pasta NightFri $10 Schnity

Jack DuggansFri 23rd March Kaylee Bell Sat 24th March Fun PuppetsFri 30th March Mickey Pye Sat 31st March Serotonin

Farmer’s Arms

The HubItalian NightsOnce a month5 course meal / BYOLive Italian jazz + piano accordion$60 per head

Gypsy Jazz Nights3 course meal / BYOEastern European MenuLive Gypsy Jazz$50 per head

“I want the shop to have a café/wine bar feel where

you can come and chill and listen to some tunes”

Feature story

It’s a music store with a twist. SackMusic is the newest music store on Keppel St, and our Anna Gambrill spoke to owner, Phil McDowell.What is Sack Music?

Sack Music is the place that I wanted to have growing up in Bathurst as a musician.

Bathurst has always had a lot of great musicians but never anywhere for them to congregate let alone play.

Sack Music is my attempt at building that environment What inspired you to start this business?

Being from the generation that I am, I always did a lot of shopping online and was always buying musical equipment.

The difference between buying musical instruments online and pretty much anything else is that you miss out on the crucial aspect of being able to see, touch, play and hear the instrument you are seeing.

This struck me as an opportunity to invent a new retail business model based on combining the

best aspects of the online and retail experience.

What are your hopes for the future of Sack Music?

There is still a lot of work to do in the shop with the online shopping in store, renovations, more gear etc. but ultimately I want the shop to have a café/wine bar feel where you can come and chill and listen to some tunes and have a chat while your guitar gets re-stringed or setup.

I want local original music to be discovered and shared there and I want to support and encourage the production and performance of music in all aspects

What are some dates to remember?

I am trying for fortnightly gigs

happening at Sack Music on a Thursday with local musicians playing original music.

On the Thursdays in between the ‘Sack Gigs’ I want to hold a record night where a few people get together and listen to a new LP in its entirety like people used to before mp3’s.

If all goes well I should have a gig on the 22nd March, and a record night on the 29th.

Check out Sack Music and ‘like’ it on Facebook.

Sun 7th April 57 Shades of Brownfeaturing Gareth Jay and James G

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with Anna Gambrill

Catapult is a National Youth Circus and Physical Theatre Festival held in our very own humble town of Bathurst!

It is a non-profit creative community festival, which unites young people and international industry professionals, facilitating skill sharing, networking and performance devising.

The 2012 festival will focus on emerging artists and developing our industry standards.

Catapult runs from Wednesday 28th – Saturday 31st March. Within the festival, there is an array of fabulous shows and events to be enjoyed by all.

The Opening Evening will showcase both local and national circus performers; including hot new emerging contemporary circus group Casus.

Night Antics at Chifley is an outdoor event including a BBQ, live music and fire performances by Circoholics and Leider Youth Theatre.

The Renegade Show is a fun and relaxed night, which shares the talents of youth circus participants, who nominate short acts of 3-7 mins to be performed alongside some special guests.

Catapult in the Park is a lively and playful day to watch – or even participate in – circus and theatre based activities.

Mischievous roving clowns and wandering minstrels will also be lurking!

A large number of our own CSU students are lucky enough to have been interning on this project and will also make up a substantial number of the volunteers in running the events!

We have been working with Peta Johnston, Festival Coordinator, based at the Bathurst Memorial Entertainment Centre (BMEC – across from The Eddy) in town.

This is a fantastic chance for us to learn in a supportive and professional environment, with the bonus of meeting and watching some phenomenal circus manoeuvres, from rookie and expert alike.

“I have been interning on Catapult Festival as a Production Coordinator learning about event management and integrating the youth circus groups and professional adult performers on stage. I am really looking forward to the flurry of colour, energy and sheer circus and physical theatre talent.

The atmosphere of Catapult is incredibly infectious and the benefits are certainly not limited to the participating performers.

Audiences of all ages are provided with a non-stop array of diverse, captivating shows at an incredibly affordable price!”

The interns:Lucy Harrison

Production Co-ordinator “Im doing design for Catapult. My job was to create and build

a working aesthetic for the festival, both inside the Bathurst Memorial Entertainment Centre and outside in the Machattie Park.

The theme we have chosen is Old Circus, so you can expect to see all sorts of cool things like a giant ring toss and outdoor installations!“

Rose ReedyDesigner

“My role as volunteer co-ordinator for Catapult Festival 2012 has been an exciting challenge.

The role involves recruiting eager volunteers to run the festival.

E-mail [email protected] if you want to get involved!”

Daisy HodgsonVolunteer Co-ordinator

What’s on?

Wednesday 28th MarchBMEC City Hall


Saturday 31st MarchMachattie Park


Opening Evening

Catapult in the Park



Thursday 29th MarchChifley Dam

Night Antics at Chifley Dam

The Renegade Show

$10Friday 30th March



7pmBMEC City Hall

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Rafters BarYour bar and bistro on campus. With the bistro recently opening and the new renovations of Rafters it is now a great place to go out as well as eat at.

Wed 21st March ‘Sporting Hoes and Tennis Pros’Wed 28th March ‘Tight ‘n’ Bright’Wed 4th April DK X-Games presented by Newton’s Nation

What’s going onwith Hayley Westoby

around campus?

Tue 20th March BATS Comedy Review Thu 22nd March Beats 101 - DJing class presented by MalibuTue 27th March Lip Sync - ‘Apocalypsync’

Lip Sync is a night where the first year communications students gather around

and make idiots of themselves by lipsyncing to all your favourite pop songs.It’s a great night, and if you know any comm. students come down, have a beer

and support them while they make an ass of themselve!

DKEvery Wednesday night – Run by uni boys for uni students. DK stickers are on sale from the DK boys if you haven’t already got one. It happens each week at the Eddy Hotel with a free pool comp each week. Sign up being at 7.30pm, comp starts at 8pm. Prizes for the winner and runner up! There are weekly DJ’s and great lineups. Add DK Pool Club on Facebook for regular events updates.

Social SportsPlayed every Monday, 6-9pm on Diggings oval is a great way to not only get to know your dorm, but to get to know other dorms whilst playing. There are even some downtown teams getting involved!This term it’s touch football and you don’t have to be good at the game just have the dedication for half an hour every Monday. Speak to your RA or dorm about where and how to sign up!


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March 2012in pictures

Photo: NASA

Photo: Victor R. Caivano | Associated Press

Photo: Dmitry Lovetsky | Associated Press

Photo: Tom Hevezi | Associated Press

Photo: John Crosby | Reuters

Photo: Lukas Coch | Australian Associated Press

Solar flare, March 7.

They happen on a constant basis, but this was the strongest in the past five years, and had the potential to knock out power grids, satellite signals and even delay plane flights.

2.Tornado in Henryville, Indiana, March 2.It didn’t pick up much media coverage over here, but the tornadoes in the states claimed 39 lives, and left the area looking like a post-apocalyptic warzone.

3.Carnivale in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, February 21.It’s the biggest party in the world, and it’s something the DK boys should be aiming to replicate one day. This is just one of the amazing scenes from the world’s party capital.

4.Big Freeze in Europe, late February and early March.

While we complained about a poor summer full of rain, Europe froze. A lot. Entire cities were frozen over and eastern Europe looked like the ice age. This ‘polar bear’ in Russia was brave enough to face the cold.

5.Spiders retreating from floods in Wagga Wagga, March 6.We weren’t the only ones trying to get away from the rain. Spiders crawled and spun their way for higher ground. Some areas of Wagga looked like they were blanketed with silken snow. With some added creepy crawlies.

6.London prepares for the Olympic Games, March.The new 80,000 seater, £500 million stadium is being prepared for the 2012 London games, where our team of Aussies will soon be competing against the world’s best athletes, and Usain Bolt will probably break another world record. Probably.


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Rafters Bar Pics Pho





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Words: H

ayley William

s Photos: AnoukPublicity

Interp’s Sally Rafferty chats to organiser Alexandra Leis about what’s differentthis time around


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What has the interest been like for this year’s event?Everyone is genuinely excited for the line-up, intrigued about the silent disco and supportive of the date change.

What prompted the change in date?We found with the change of the University calendar that the end of September, as opposed to the end of October, was just too cold for a festival. Students shouldn’t have too much on their plate already!

Tell us about the silent disco.The first time CSU had seen a silent disco was a Cindy Ball last year and the results were hilarious so we wanted to try this on a massive scale for the festival.It will be housed in a 10x15m tent with a single entry and exit point. At the entry point you will be given a headset which you can switch between two different frequencies

We’ve gone for more quality rather than quantity with the line up this year and have a killer line up including Sneaky Sound System, The Potbellez and PEZ.

What’s different about the acts?

You’ve steered clear of the indie genre this year?We decided that we wanted a more commercial line up to suit the current demographic of students, as well as being able to have mass appeal with the wider community.

Their current album ‘From Here to Anywhere’ released October 2011, they attribute to the invigoration given to them from writing overseas as well as occasionally getting wasted in their hotel rooms and waking up with a new song.

Regardless, their efforts have paid off, as the risks taken with this album gives them a new vibe and exciting and different developments into their genre.

Their singles from the album ‘We Love’ and ‘Big’ are becoming the first big hits off the album, which is only a sign of things to come.

Sneaky Sound System came to be back in 2004 when songwriter/ producer Black Angus (Angus McDonald) and former band member Damion Downey approached lead singer Connie Mitchell in a Sydney park while she was playing guitar.

Since their beginning playing in Sydney clubs, Sneaky Sound System has enjoyed great successes touring around the world, producing three successful albums and almost too many hit singles. After winning ARIA Awards in 2007 for Best Dance Release and Break Through Artist- Album they secured their place in the Australian music scene.

Inspired by “occassionally getting wasted in their hotel room

Tunes you might know:‘I love it’‘UFO’‘Pictures’‘We love’

You’ve seen them at:Glastonbury

Electric PicnicBig Day Out

Splendourand waking up with a new song.”

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Words: H

ayley Willaim

s Photo: MySpace


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Irish born Dave Goode and Jonny Sonic met touring Australia as DJ’s in 2001 where they became quite successful.

When the boys met rapper Blue MC in Brisbane, they knew they had stumbled upon a talent that they had to hang on to.

Ilan Kidron met Dave in the bathroom of a party where Ilan was singing while reliev-ing himself and Dave was getting a drink from the bathtub.

After hearing Ilan sing, Dave got him in the studio and a month later they had writ-ten The Potbelleez hit single “Don’t Hold Back”.

In 2008 The Potbelleez released their self-titled debut album, coming in at #17 on the ARIA Albums Chart.

The album contains their first two singles “Don’t Hold Back”, and “Are You with Me”, which were both smash hits on the Austral-ian Singles Chart.

The Potbelleez second album “Desti-nation Now”, released in 2011, debuted again at #17. Containing hit singles “Hello” and “Shake It” The Potbelleez have gained further recognition and popularity and are on the rise.

In 2011 they supported Usher in his OMG Tour around Australia where they played to sell out arenas across the country.

Their ability to wow fans with their unique mix of hip-hop, dance and electro music has made them one of Australia’s most recognised bands.

You’ve seen them at:Amnesia Nightclub in Ibiza

Good VibesStereosonic


Tunes you might know:Don’t Hold BackTrouble TroubleJunkyardHello

Talented performer Pez was born Perry Chapman in Melbourne Australia and is an extremely gifted hip hop MC.

Debuting in 2008 with his album “A Mind of My Own” his single “The Festival Song” became the highest charting hip hop track on the Triple J Hot 100.

Pez has collaborated with artists including 360, Hailey Cramer and members from The Cat Empire and TZU.

Pez, while in the US performed alongside hip-hop super stars including Vanilla Ice, Mix Master Mike and Lupe Fiasco.

He has also performed with fellow Australian artists Plutonic, Bliss n Esso, Drapht and Illzilla.

Pez began working on his new album in 2010, which is due for release later this year.

The highly anticipated album will include songs that are to be showcased in his national tour, kicking off this May.

The single “Shine”, that will appear on his new album is to be released in support of ‘The Line’ the Federal Governments pro-respect anti violence campaign at the APRA Song Summit.

The artistic, compassionate performer will bring his unique talent to Village Fair to round out the group of talented headliners.

You’ve seen him at:Groovin’ the Moo

CoasterPeats Ridge


Tunes you might know:The Festival Song

These DaysThis Sound


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TimetableThe World Exclusive

This is the first place you’re going to find the official VF 2012 times!

The Main Stage3.00pm The Slones

3.40pm Bloody Lovely Audrey

4.30pm Gambit

5.20pm Peacock Dreams6.15pm PEZ

7.30pm The Potbelleez

8.30pm DJ Lewi

7.00pm Rainbow Road

9.30pm Sneaky Sound System

Silent Dj Tent4.00pm Mo Slabs & Anti Prophet5.00pm DJ MRCIAN & Doin’ a Bit DJs

6.00pm DJ Fish & DJ Benny

7.00pm Broken Neck of the Woods& Get Wet DJs

Since forming in late 2010, the local Bathurst lads: Luke, Max, Brent, Corey, Matt and Hugh have enjoyed a wild and wonderful start to their musical career.

Their first track ‘We Made It’ quickly rose to number one on the Triple J Unearthed electronic chart, and held the top spot for a number of months.

Drawing on influences from indie-dance and electro house, Peacock Dreams fascinated crowds across NSW and ACT with their unique blend of powerful synth-lines and intimate party atmosphere.

2011 saw Peacock Dreams share the stage with some of Australia’s finest acts including the Stafford Brothers, Strangetalk, Purple Sneaker DJ’s, Ball Park Music, RUFUS and Sparkadia.

These included shows at some of Sydney’s more famous live venues including Manning Bar and The Lansdowne Hotel and one of Canberra’s biggest live venues; Trinity Bar.

This year, among other great gigs, the boys will take to the stage at Village Fair that they are all very excited about.

Broken Neck of the Woods

Lucy Brennan caught up with Liam Wood, one half of the sibling DJs, ‘Broken Neck of the Woods’

“We came up with our name through an accident I had a few years ago when I broke my neck.

“Plus my surname is Wood, so between the two of us we came up with Broken Neck of the Woods.

“I’m really looking forward to having a good time, with a good crowd of people.

“We play techno, ‘cause we like what the different style has to offer, as opposed to hearing dubstep and electro all night.”


ds: L




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Meet your RA

Phil BakerC1-D1 Cottrell

Hometown: Port Macquarie

Birthday: 8.10.1989

Course: B PDHPE Teaching“I’m really enjoying it. The content is interesting and you keep learning things that relate to you everyday.”

Living on Towers: “Love it. It’s my third year now and it’s a very social atmosphere. A lot of fun and I love Bruce Ball and Res Cup. Best time of the year.”

Best moment on Towers: “When a certain unnamed person streaked across the pitch at Res Cup, wearing nothing but a ‘Towers Power’ banner.”

Favourite food: Butter Chicken

Favourite beer: Little Creatures





to: A




Tracy Sorenson has done just about everything.

She’s worked in print, radio and television journalism, at a range of stations and newspapers, made short films, television ads and even had a stint as a foreign correspondent.

But her true passion was filmmaking.“I had been happily working as a

journalist in different ways, but I took on the job as a scriptwriter in a video production company and found myself more involved with hands on camera work,” she said.

“I got more and more interested from there.”

Recently, she decided to pack in her travels and take up her post in CSU’s School of Communication and Creative Industries.

But when she’s not moulding young minds, Tracy Sorenson is keeping part of her old life active, as she works on a documentary about the life of Kate Kelly, Ned Kelly’s sister, and the opera inspired by her life: ‘Songs for Kate’.

“She helped the Kelly gang when they were on the run from the police,” Sorenson said.

Tracy SorensonFilmmaker.

“And then she spent the last ten years of her life in Forbes.”

Her life at CSU doesn’t stray far from her filmmaking, as she teaches the documentary class.

In fact, she has even taken some students under her wing and given them production roles in her latest project.

It is expected for release early next year.

Article:: Alen Delic and Lucy Brennan Photo: Supplied

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iPad ?Not the revolutionary gamechanger we were led to believe it would be, writes Alen Delic

Apple has done it again.They’ve managed to build up the hype,

tweak minor details of a product and are now ready to ask consumers to fork out at least another $539.

The biggest feature announced in the new iPad was by far the new 4G capability and the potential superfast speed.

But, Aussies should deservedly feel ripped off, as our only 4G network is not even compatible with the new iPad, because our 4G runs on an 1800MHz spectrum, while the iPad only runs on 700MHz and 2100MHz spectrums.

In fact, our telecommunications companies can’t even access the iPad spectrums, because the government is holding off until the end of the year to auction off the spectrums. Then there’ll be a wait for it to get established.

So, no superfast iPad speed until around 2015.

The other features include a slightly improved screen quality, which you probably won’t notice.

As well as this, Apple has chosen to upgrade the current A5 processor to, get this, an A5X processor.

The X makes it go four times faster, according to press releases.

And finally, they’ve also updated that dodgy less-than-one megapixel camera at the back of the old iPad, to a 5mpx camera capable of shooting 1080p video.

All this has come at a cost of a slightly heavier iPad, and a thicker one.

But don’t worry, Targus is already on it, and have cashed in on a new range of ‘New iPad’ specific cases!

Aussies will be able to get the slightly better iPad 2 on March 16.

No 4G capability

Better quality screenA5X Processor5mpx camera

Thicker and heavier


Bathurst Gaming 101:Julian Rifkin has written a guide for freshers whowant to get involved in CSU’s gaming community

CounterStike never goes out of fashion

Battlefield 3 is a nice graphic update though

So you’ve made the journey to CSU Bathurst, equipped with your tower, Xbox or PS3, and are quite content with huddling up in your room and playing to your heart’s content, but there’s more to Bathurst gaming than first meets the eye.

Start by heading on over to TheLAN and registering.

The meets, held regularly throughout the year, are described on the website as “social computing events” where anyone can join.

If you’re thinking of attending TheLAN then you’ll need to take your computer with a functional network card with you.

You’ll also need to have all your own attachments, including power cables, monitor, keyboard, mouse and headphones. The organisers also stress that you bring a clean power board as double adapters are banned.

TheLAN hosts a huge variety of players with games like Starcraft, Counter-Strike, Halo, Streetfighter, Battlefield, Call of Duty, Team Fortress and Left 4 Dead being played, so make sure you’ve got

access to the network and power, as well as lunch and dinner.

The next big event, called a Weekender, is being held from the 4th till the 6th of May, with the organisers of TheLAN hoping to hold another day event this March.

some of these games on your computer.

The last outing was hosted at the Bathurst GoldFields in February and a Magic: The Gathering tournament was also undertaken, although unfortunately not finished.

An entry fee for the events generally covers

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Interpellator, April 2011 Page 33Interpellator, April 2012Page 32

‘StHe word Around CAmpusQ: What do you think of the new VF date?

Phoebe Lane

“I think its silly because first years haven’t established strong enough dorm friendships yet.”

“I like the changed date because people on prac and those who graduate halfway through the year will still get to come.”

“I think it’s better, because later in the year it gets too cold at night.”

“It’s good! This way we don’t have to wait!”

“It’s a good bonding chance for dorms to chill out together.”

“I think they have made a good decision. This way it doesn’t conflict too much with exams.”

Alice Nathan Roger Ma Hugh Byrne Christie Dullard Bronson Sheedy

There exists in our society today a shockingly apparent lack of discrimination between cheese species, specifically those of the Danish and the Greek.

Without being racist, the former takes the cake (and the salad too).

Shakespeare once said something about food tasting like music for the thought; a generous gulp of Danish feta permeates through your mouth and throat with the power of a beautiful Jeff Buckley song, or a New Orleans church choir full of Aretha Franklin clones.

Nothing is more appealing to a bunch of undressed green leaves than being covered in the true, creamy, white and snow-like texture of sacred delicacy.

However, they are constantly forced to settle for second best, purely through man’s propensity for terrible vilification.

Beware those café-owners who blindly sling Greek-only salads to customers of every description, for they are blatantly ignoring basic cheese rights and a fair go for the Danes, and we must act now for the salvation of our lesser-known feta.

So the date’s changed this year. Now before you go ranting about the

date change like a walking stick wielding 90 year old reminiscing about how it was back in her day, let’s look at the facts.

Freshers: So you don’t yet know your dormies.

Some might purport that this is bad thing, to them I say, you’re wrong.

Besides the standard ‘S’ things you go to a festival for: Sun, Singlets and Songs- there’s one you’ve overlooked- strangers!

Random people are essential to a good festival day.

Are you really going to have a drunken conversation near the port-a-loos with someone you’ve known for 10 years? No. That job is for a random.

Returners: the New Year brings hope for a fresh start. Well, a clean bill of health at the very least.

You’re not yet jaded about university events (give it another month).

You’ll go. Both: Got a love (sex) interest? Village Fair’s changed date is pretty

much your savior. If after seeing your squeeze covered in

sweat after 3 hours of dancing to some band you don’t know the name of and you still want to do the dirty with them, that’s love.

If not, thank you Village Fair!

Sara Hartman tells us what she thinks about VF2012 in March.? DANISH > GREEKJack Monro stands up for the little guy in the biggest racial discrimination of our time: the battle for the ultimate feta cheese.

Do you have an opinion on something and want to be heard?

Shoot us an e-mail or add us on Facebook

[email protected]

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Other clubs around campus

Interpellator, April 2011 Page 35Interpellator, April 2012Page 34

Feature Club of the MonthInterpellatorSports



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As the seasons change, we farewell a cold and drizzly summer, wishing it good riddance as there is now but one thing on the mind of hundreds of young men around the CSU campus. Rugby season is upon us.

As the clickity clack of metal studs on concrete reverberates around ‘The Zoo’, a feeling of excitement and anticipation cuts through the air, at the much loved home of the Mitchell Men.

For decades, young gentleman from around the country have been honoured to represent their university, donning the bumblebee and competing in the pinnacle of Central West sport.

Adorned in mustard, bearing the logo of the great Thomas B on their chests, the Mitchell Men journey the Central West, earning the respect and admiration of all they encounter.

Women want them, men want to be them, and the club is known to embrace all with open arms.

It would not be a stretch to suggest that Mitchell Rugby attracts, and encourages nothing but impeccable gentlemen, but make no mistake, it is far from your typical country club.

Once the lads have finished squashing their opponents like seedless mangos, they will retire to the Waratah in a bid to drink each other under the table, and dribble nonsensical verbal diarrhea on any girl that is inexperienced enough to fall in to their line of sight.

Fear not, however as drunken gentlemen are harmless, and pretty ladies are smart.

All shall ceremoniously bond together in support of one of, nay, the greatest club at CSU.

Club day has just passed us, but it’s not too late to get in and get involved with some campus sport! Check out these Facebook pages to get involved:

Football:CSU FC

Both men and women

Hockey:CSU Women’s hockey 2012

Basketball:CSU Bears

Ultimate Frisbee:CSU Ultimate

Both men and women

Table Tennis:CSU Meerkats

Both men and women

Skiing:CSU Snowsports

Both men and women

Last year, the CSU women’s hockey team didn’t finish the season and the games that were played were usually in a hung-over and unfit state.

Often only seven players took to the field against teams of eleven and more. This year the girls are faster, stronger and ready to play ball. Trials were held on the 7th of March in far from perfect weather conditions and it

was obvious, as the girls ran through the rain, that this year is about dedication and love for the sport.

The season starts the 24th of March with two competitive teams being entered into the local Bathurst competition.

It’s the world game. It’s played wherever there are people. The Ivory Coast once stopped a nationwide civil war, just so they could get their

football team together to qualify for the World Cup.Some say football is a matter of life and death, for CSU FC, it’s more than that!Well, not really. To be honest, the lads and ladies will play most games hungover

on a Sunday morning.But we get used to it and push on. If you want to get involved but you missed Club Day, check out the Facebook

page and join!

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CSU Mungoes:

Interpellator, April 2012Page 36



Uni boys re-enter the local frame for 2012, by Zak Caban

The 2012 Centennial Coal Cup Competition will see the addition of CSU’s Mungoes, after the University’s Rugby League Team ended its affiliation with the NSW Tertiary League Last Week.

With that move, CSU ends an association with the Tertiary League that spanned more than two decades.

CSU fielded a First Grade team, and a Reserve Grade team in the Tertiary League in 2011, but as the Centennial Coal Cup only has one competition, CSU were left with a predicament, about what to do with excess players.

The solution was simple. CSU will split their players into two teams in the 2012 Centennial Coal Cup.

Club insiders suggest that Players will be placed into either CSU Blue, or CSU Yellow at the start of the season.

Once the players are split, no player will be switched between Blue and

Yellow, as they will be 2 separate squads, yet we’re told the teams will be of equal ability.

The move from the NSW based Tertiary competition, to the Central West based Centennial Coal Cup, is a rather convenient one for the Mungoes, who in recent seasons, were playing most games in Sydney or Canberra

The move will hopefully allow the Mungoes to have a larger presence here in the Central West, and therefore attract some sponsors as they join teams from Blackheath, Lithgow, Orange, Kandos and Portland in the Competition for 2012.

It’s exciting times in Charles Sturt University Rugby League, and I think there’ll be a lot of interest in the two teams, and their progress throughout 2012.

The burning question is: Are they Centennial Coal Cup Premiership winning material?


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Interp movie reviews with Shaun Heenan of

Project X isn’t a movie for everybody. It’s hardly a movie for anybody. But for a university student attending house parties on the regular it’s just about a dream come true.

This is a handheld camera movie, where the characters aim to throw and document the craziest party the world has ever seen, and succeed in doing so.

The plot is pretty similar to that of Superbad. A group of somewhat unpopular high-school boys want to become instantly recognised, mostly to pick up girls.

One of them has the house to himself for the weekend, and so there has never been a better time to make a name for themselves.

They buy a lot of drinks and invite most of the school. A local baseball star and his cohort. And two DJs. And anyone on Craigslist. And anyone with a radio. Within a couple of hours, it’s an absolute madhouse.

Perhaps you’re sick of the Blair Witch camera format already.

They’ve become common enough recently for that to seem fair.

Here is another one, which by my count is already the third of the year.

There’s no pretence here, simply idiotic high-school dialogue, drinking, drugs, sex, loud music and furious neighbours.

Oh, and a midget punching guys in the junk.

A film critic should hate this movie, and I went in expecting to, but somehow the tone is exactly right.

The movie is what it intends to be - fun.

It’s a long way from perfect, filled with gross-out humour which undercuts a few of the movie’s more poignant moments, but it works more often than not.

The long-time crush subplot is handled surprisingly well, so a movie intending to be so tactless.

Yes, Project X goes over the top. Way, way over the top, but the escalation is

just about believable.If you are old enough to

have teenaged kids, stay well clear of this one. It is not for you.

But if you’re in the movie’s target age range, this is as much fun as you’re likely to have without, you know, just going to a party.

Shaun Heenan runs his own website with over 100 reviews, and counting.

“No pretence here, simply high school dialogue, drinking, sex, loud music...and a midget punching guys in the crotch.

What’s cookinggood looking?

Interp’s own Hayley Westoby brings you a delicious meal and a sneaky snack treat every month!

IngredientsTaco Salad!

• Mince meat

• Avocado

• Taco flavouring• Lettuce• Tomato • Red onion• Cucumber• Kidney beans

• 1 tbs of sour cream

Method1. Fry mince meat with onions until cooked and nicely browned.

2. Prepare the salad, using the lettuce, tomato cucumber and finely cut red onion in an individual bowl or a salad bowl, depending on how many people you are cooking for. Make the guacamole with the avocado mashed up, or alternatively slice and leave on side of plate.

3. Add the kidney beans and taco flavoring to the mince meat in the pan.

4. To serve put the mince meat on the salad and add sour cream and guacamole on top and serve.

• Can of tuna• 1 tbs mayonnaise• Bread or crackers

Quick tuna spread!Ingredients Method

1. Mix the can of tuna with the tablespoon of mayonnaise and use as a dip or a spread on crackers or bread!

Great snack between class!

Submit your meal on our Facebook page!

Photo: Alen Delic

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Back cover


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27 Feb 2

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6 7 8 9

13 14 15

22 23

29 3/4





12 16

20 21

27 30 31

B.A.T.S Opening Night

7:30pmRafters Bar



Village Fair

tickets on sale now


K 6

28 1 March


2 April 3

EasterGood Friday

6 7 4


12pmOld Soccer

FieldClubs Day

11am - 2pmLibrary Lawn

Harmony Day

Library Lawn


Kids DayOut

B.A.T.S “Watch this Space”

7:30pmRafters Bar

St Pats

B.A.T.S Comedy Review

7:30pmRafters Bar

LipsyncRafters Bar

Rafters BarOpen

3pm till Late Every Day

Bistro Meals,Good Times,Your Place

Rafters BarOpen3pm till Late Every DayBistro Meals,Good Times,Your Place

Rafters Bar


3pm till Late

Every Day

Bistro M


Good Times,

Your Place

Social Sport6 - 9pmDiggings


Social Sport6 - 9pmDiggings


Social Sport6 - 9pmDiggings


Social Sport6 - 9pmDiggings


Social Sport6 - 9pmDiggings


Rafters B



3pm till Late

Every Day

Bistro M


Good Times,

Your Place

toga party

Pyjama Party

Rugby Club
