international union of history and philosophy of science division of logic, methodology and...

International Union of History and Philosophy of Science Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science Bulletin No. IO In 1985 the Division gave financial support to three international conferen- ces : (i) a Conference on Knowledge-Seeking By Questioning~ Florida Sta~te University, Tallahassee: Florida, 4-6 April, organised by g. Hintikka and A. Mabe, (if) a Symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics; 50 Years of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Gedankenexperiment, Joensuu, Finland, 16-20 /rune, organised by P. Lahti, and (iii) Logic Colloquium 1985 (the European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic), University of Paris XI, Orsay, France, 7-13 July, organised by the Logic Group of the University of Paris VII. The Division will also support the 1986 Logic Colloquium which will be held in the University of Hull, Kingston-upon-Hull, U.K. ; further information about this meeting may be obtained (before July 17 1986) from Dr. F. R. Drake, School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, England, or (after July I)from Dr. N. J. Cutland, Dept. of Pure Mathematics, University of IIull, Cottingham Road, tIull HU6 71~X, England. The Joint Bureau of IUHPS met on August 6 during the 17th Internatio- nal Congress of History of Science in Berkeley, California, and agreed to accept the invitation by D. Batens to organise the 6th International Joint Conference of History and Philosophy of Science in August 1986 in Ghent, Belgium. The general theme of the conference will be "The In- teraction of Experiment and Theory". The Bureau appointed the following Programme Committee for the conference (Joint Commission of History and Philosophy of Science 1985-86): D. Batens (chairman, Belgium), P. Galluzzi (Italy), I%. Halleux (Belgium)~ E. Hiebert (U.S.A.) and R. I=Iilpinen (Finland). Information about the conference may be obtained from Prof. D. Batens, Seminarie voor Logica en Wijsbegeerte van de ~u l~ijksuniversiteit Gent, Rozier 44, B-9000 Gent~ Belgium. It was also agreed to hold the 7th International Conference of History and Philosophy of Science in 1988 in Portugal; the Chairman of the Joint Commission of History and Philosophy of Science will be in 1987-88 A. J. Andrade de Gouveia (Portugal). The preparations for the 8th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science which will be held in Moscow from 17 to 22

Post on 10-Jul-2016




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Page 1: International Union of History and Philosophy of Science Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science Bulletin no. 10

International Union of History and Philosophy of Science

Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science

Bulletin No. IO

In 1985 the Division gave financial support to three international conferen- ces : (i) a Conference on Knowledge-Seeking By Questioning~ Florida Sta~te University, Tallahassee: Florida, 4-6 April, organised by g. Hintikka and A. Mabe, (if) a Symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics; 50 Years of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Gedankenexperiment, Joensuu, Finland, 16-20 /rune, organised by P. Lahti, and (iii) Logic Colloquium 1985 (the European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic), University of Paris XI, Orsay, France, 7-13 July, organised by the Logic Group of the University of Paris VII. The Division will also support the 1986 Logic Colloquium which will be held in the University of Hull, Kingston-upon-Hull, U.K. ; further information about this meeting may be obtained (before July 17 1986) from Dr. F. R. Drake, School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, England, or (after July I ) f r o m Dr. N. J. Cutland, Dept. of Pure Mathematics, University of IIull, Cottingham Road, tIull HU6 71~X, England.

The Joint Bureau of IUHPS met on August 6 during the 17th Internatio- nal Congress of History of Science in Berkeley, California, and agreed to accept the invitation by D. Batens to organise the 6th International Joint Conference of History and Philosophy of Science in August 1986 in Ghent, Belgium. The general theme of the conference will be "The In- teraction of Experiment and Theory". The Bureau appointed the following Programme Committee for the conference (Joint Commission of History and Philosophy of Science 1985-86): D. Batens (chairman, Belgium), P. Galluzzi (Italy), I%. Halleux (Belgium)~ E. Hiebert (U.S.A.) and R. I=Iilpinen (Finland). Information about the conference may be obtained from Prof. D. Batens, Seminarie voor Logica en Wijsbegeerte van de ~u l~ijksuniversiteit Gent, Rozier 44, B-9000 Gent~ Belgium. I t was also agreed to hold the 7th International Conference of History and Philosophy of Science in 1988 in Portugal; the Chairman of the Joint Commission of History and Philosophy of Science will be in 1987-88 A. J. Andrade de Gouveia (Portugal).

The preparations for the 8th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science which will be held in Moscow from 17 to 22

Page 2: International Union of History and Philosophy of Science Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science Bulletin no. 10


August~ 1987~ are now well under way. The progrgmme of the congress is being planned by an international Programme Committee under the ehairmsmship of J. E. Fenst~d (Norway); the other members of the committee are g. Diller (F.IC.G.), Yu. Ershov (U.S.S.I~.)~ M. J a m m e r (Israel), F. Miro Quesada C. (Peru), and W. C. Salmon (U.S.A.). The congress is organised under the auspices of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. ; the Organising Committee is chaired by I. T. Frolov, and the secretary of the commit tee is I. S. Meljukhin. :Further informa- t ion concerning the congress may be obtained by writing to Prof. I. T. Frolov or Dr. I. S. Meljukhin, 8th Internat ional Congress of LMPS, Insti- tu te of Philosophy~ u 14~ 119842 Moscow, U.S.S.R.. The first Congress Bulletin will be distr ibuted in early 1986.

During the past twenty years the General Assembly and the Execut ive Committee of IUHPS/DLMPS have mude many decisions concerning the Internut ional Congresses of LMPS~ which now hgve been codified in ~ Congress Memorandum compiled by the Secretary.

The Statutes of the Division have been under scrutiny, especially the use of the expressions "National Commit tee" and "National lVlember" in the Statutes. In its meeting in November 1985 the Executive Committee agreed tha t these expressions should be retained in the Statutes, bu t defined in such a way tha t they refer to committees representing well- -defined geographical territories~ without any political connotation. This proposal is based in ~ similar decision made in 1984 by the General Assembly of the Internat ional Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) concerning the National Members of ICSU.

The support received by ICSU from UNESCO has recently decreased~ and as a consequence the ICSU subventions to the Scientific Unions will be reduced in 1986 by about 20 %. This necessitates an increase in the membership dues of the Division, and the Executive Commit tee decided to propose t h a t the a n n u a l subscription uni t be increased in 1987 from USD 100,- to USD 125,--~ which is the present subscription uni t of the Division of History of Science.

The :Executive Committee met once in 1985 (in Darmstadt~ F.I~.G., 22-23 November). The Secretary of %he Division, who is during 1985-86 the Secretary General of IUHPS~ represented I U t I P S in the meeting of the General Committee of ICSU, 14-15 Oetober~ Munich~ F.R.G.