international conference on the physics and chemistry of solid surfaces


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Page 1: International conference on the physics and chemistry of solid surfaces

Conferences and Symposia

Symposium on Nucleation, Growth and Structure of Thin Films

FURTHER details are available of the Symposium on Nucleation, Growth and Structure of Thin Films organlsed by the Thin Film Division of the American Vacuum Society This is to be held on 29 September, 1964 at the Pick Congress Hotel, Chicago The following papers are included in the programme

Progress m the Continuous Observation of Thin Film Growth Processes by Electron Microscopy

H. Poppa, General Dynamics/Astronautics, San Diego, Cahf Nucleation and Initial Growth of Single Crystal Films R F Adamsky, Laboratory for Physical Science, P R

Mallory & Co Inc , Burlington, Mass The Influences of Gases on the Growth and Structure of Films

E Bauer, Michelson Laboratory, China Lake, Cahf

Structure and Anneahng Behavlour of Metal Films Deposited on Substrates near 80°K

R Vook, The Frankhn Institute Laboratories, Philadelphia, Pa Metastable Alloy Films S Mader, I B M Research Laboratories, Yorktown Heights,

N Y Optical and Structural Properties of Oxidized Tltamum Films F Chernow, M I T , Cambridge, Mass

Details are available from the Secretary of the Thin Film Dwlslon, Dr M H Francombe, Scientific Laboratory, Blue Bell, Penn

International Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Solid Surfaces

AN International Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Solid Surfaces will be held at Brown University, Prowdence, R I on 21-26 June, 1964 Subjects for dlsucssaon include

Theory of Surface States Thermodynamics Electronic Structure Lattice Dynamics Electron and Phonon Transport at Surfaces Atomic Structure of Crystal Surfaces

Electrochemical Properties of the Solid-Liquid Interface Atomic and Molecular Events at the Sohd-Gas Interface Emission Properties All enqmrles should be addressed to the Conference Secretary

Prof H E Farnsworth, Brown University, Providence 12, Rhode Island, U S A

8th Annual Conference of I.E.E.E. Professional Technical Group on Production Engineering and Production o

THE 8th Annual Conference of I E E E Professional Technical Group on Production Engineering and Production will be held on 11-12 June 1964 at the Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York The theme of the conference is " Design and Production for Economy " On the first day there will be a session on " Thin Film Processing ", and the second session of the same day will, among other topics, discuss mass production of films.

Further information is obtainable from the Programme Chairman

Mr R R Batcher, Consultant, 240-2, 42nd Avenue, Douglaston (63), N Y , U S A