interlake futurecon agenda

Pacific Northwest JSA: Interlake “FutureCon” Chapter Convention The Future of America: The Questions of Tomorrow Answered Today 1

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The Agenda for the Interlake FutureCon Chapter Convention.


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Pacific Northwest JSA: Interlake “FutureCon” Chapter Convention

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Pacific Northwest JSA: Interlake “FutureCon” Chapter Convention

A Letter From Your Convention Coordinators!!Dear Pacific Northwest Delegates,!!! It is our pleasure and honor, on behalf of our Interlake JSA chapter, to invite and welcome all of you to our “FutureCon” Chapter Convention on this beautiful Saturday of March 22nd. At this convention, we will be participating in debates that will answer the questions that our people have about the future of this great nation.!!! As the youth generation of America, we are always called the “future leaders of tomorrow;” and as cliched as it may sound, once we grow up though, we are the ones who will have the power to properly lead this country and its people. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and as the future leaders of tomorrow, we have the responsibility to shape and dictate the future of this country, and subsequently, the future of this world and humanity as a whole. It is in our place to decide the direction that we will take as a country to address the multitude of issues that plague humanity today. That is what this convention strives to achieve, and that is why this organization was created. The Junior State of America strives to build statesmen and stateswomen alike who care about the future of this country and are willing to stand up for what they believe in; and that is why we commend every single one of you at this convention today. By showing up today, you have shown that you care about this country and are willing to stand up for what you believe in. But more importantly, you have renewed the hope for this country that America will survive for centuries to come and will continue to protect humanity’s unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.!! !

! With that, as you participate in the debates at this convention, at Spring State 2014, and at future conventions, we want all of you to think about the positive impact and change you can bring about to this country and people with your decisions that you make right now and in the future. Finally, once again, thank you for attending FutureCon this weekend and we hope that you will have an exciting experience at this convention.!!Yours Truly,!Hari Mahesh and Karthik Meiyappan

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Agenda at a GlanceREGISTRATION: 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM N201

OPENING SESSION: 9:30 AM - 9:40 AM N201

BLOCK ONE: 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM! (Gavel) Resolved, that voting be mandatory for all voting-eligible US citizens. N201

! Resolved, that US government plan and fully fund a manned mission to Mars. N204

! Resolved, that cyberwarfare is the greatest threat to US national security N208

BLOCK TWO: 10:50 AM - 11:50 AM! (Humor) Resolved, that Futurama is an accurate depiction of the future of ! ! America


! Resolved, that immigration quotas be reallocated to favor those with special ! skills rather than blood ties.


! Resolved, that online schooling is more beneficial than traditional schooling. N208

BLOCK THREE: 11:55 AM - 12:55 PM! (Gavel) Resolved, that the current two-party system is detrimental to future of ! the country.


! Resolved, the institution of marriage should be removed from state government ! domain.


! Resolved, the Supreme Court should take an active role in solving problems in ! their court decisions


LUNCH: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

CANDIDATE FORUM: 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM N201

KEYNOTE DEBATE: 2:50 PM - 3:50 PM N201

! Resolved, that the US Constitution be rewritten at a new Constitutional " " Convention.


CLOSING SESSION: 3:50 PM - 4:00 PM N201

SOIREE: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM N201

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Registration (N201)! 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM!!

Welcome! The Convention will be occurring in the N-Building of the Bellevue College Campus. You can park in Lot 14, which is directly across from the building, and if Lot 14 overflows, then you should park in Lot 12. Once you arrive at the N-Building and enter the building, make your way to N201 (the Paccar Atrium), where you can register by

paying the admission of $10.!!Opening Session (N201)!

9:30 AM - 9:40 AM!!The Convention will be called into session with a few words from your convention

coordinators.!!Block One !

9:45 AM - 10:45 AM!!Gavel Debate! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! N201!!

Resolved, that voting be mandatory for all voting-eligible US citizens.!!The United States has one of the lowest voter turnout rates of any developed democracy — consistently under 60% of the voting age population votes in presidential elections every four years. In contrast, Australia requires its citizens to vote, and regularly reaches voting rates of 98% or more, even in sparsely populated desert areas. Thus, many argue that the US should make voting mandatory in order to increase voter turnout; however, others proclaim that though increasing voter turnout might improve the process of democracy, it infringes on a citizen’s personal choice on whether or not to vote — additionally, opponents of mandatory voting claim that citizens who would not vote in the first place would “throw away” their vote to any candidate; they may even vote for a candidate who does not accurately reflect their interests and ideologies.!!

PRO: Bikram De, Issaquah High School!CON: Stephen Fleischman, International School!MOD: Adrienne Hubbard, Skyline High School!!

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!Debate! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! N204!

!Resolved, that US government plan and fully fund a manned mission to

Mars.!!The United States has been a leader in space exploration ever since the 1960s space race with Russia. Most recently, we sent the Curiosity rover to Mars to explore our neighbor. Evidence for the existence of water on the Red Planet is increasing in validity every day; many in the scientific community agree that sending a manned mission to Mars is an important next step to conduct research and investigate for the possibility of life which once was or still exists. The main concerns for those opposing a mission to Mars include the lack of funding and the importance of more pressing matters on this world.! !

PRO: Will Ferrulli, O’Dea High School!CON: Kevin Perez, Interlake High School!

MOD: Brian O’Rourke, International School!!Debate! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! N208!

!Resolved, that cyberwarfare is the greatest threat to US national security!!

What do the citizens of the United States fear most today? Is it a nuclear war with Russia, or the threat of intruders from another world? Or is it a 40-year old sitting somewhere at a lonely desk, typing away to infiltrate our deepest secrets? Worries about cyberwarfare have only grown in the past years as hackers around the world gain access to more advanced and dangerous technology.!!

PRO: Renil Bejoy, Interlake High School!CON: Jiayi Hu, Interlake High School!

MOD: Michelle Chen, Skyline High School!


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Block Two !10:50 AM - 11:50 AM!!

Humor Debate! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! N201!!

Resolved, that Futurama is an accurate depiction of the future of America!!Not sure if it is just a show or 31st century America? How do you imagine America in (just under) a thousand years — kicking it with Fry and Bender, or maybe more of Anakin and Luke? There’s a plethora of alternatives - Jetsons, Star Trek, Flintstones. Really, this debate investigates the true nature of man — are we bound to war with one another until time eternal, or can we finally evolve to love peace more than our conflicting ideas. !!

PRO: Jeff Menaker, Interlake High School!CON: Kevin Perez, Interlake High School!

MOD: Kyle Walton, Central Valley High School!!Debate! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! N204!

!Resolved, that immigration quotas be reallocated to favor those with

special skills rather than blood ties.!!The United States is a country founded on immigrants — anyone looking through American history will find that immigration to our states has always been an important issue to voters, whether we are trying to bring people in or keep them out. Right now, the immigration system calls for family first; that is, people with family already in the United States have preference over others, but some citizens claim that this policy should be altered to prefer those with special skills (e.g., professionals, experienced workers, sometimes students) because this would be much more beneficial from an economic standpoint. Really this is a debate between what we value — familial ties or a competitive economy.!!

PRO: Michelle Chen, Skyline High School!CON: Dylan Milligan, Interlake High School!

MOD: Adrienne Hubbard, Skyline High School!

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!!Debate! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! N208!

!Resolved, that online schooling is more beneficial than traditional

schooling.!!The traditional student gets up in the morning, goes to class, sleeps and talks through a couple, pays attention in others, and spends the rest of their day having fun and procrastinating. But a growing number of students, especially those in college, are choosing to instead take classes whenever they want, online. This has many benefits — people with limited time or unusual schedules can fit in learning whenever possible and still manage to graduate with a degree in their area of interest. However, opponents of the online schooling system argue that online schooling does not have the same merits as traditional education — collaboration over a computer is simply not the same, and being in an environment dedicated to learning can make a large difference in a student’s experience. Do the benefits of online schooling outweigh the disadvantages?!!

PRO: Julian Boss, Bellevue High School!CON: Brynne McKee, International School!

MOD: Kayliana Prioleau, Forest Ridge School!

!Block Three !

11:55 AM - 12:55 PM!!Gavel Debate! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! N201!

!Resolved, that the current two-party system is detrimental to future of the

country.!!With the party-based deadlock in congress accompanied by a record low approval rating in congress, many people have again begun to question the justifications of having a two-party system. The debate on the pros and cons of a two party system was present even at the inception of our nation; members of the constitutional convention deliberately omitted any mention of the party system in the Constitution. George Washington and other founding fathers deplored a two party system, insisting that it

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would entrench political views and divide the nation. Nevertheless, the two party system has defined almost the entire history of American politics. From Federalists to Whigs to Republicans, American politics and legislation has often been determined by party loyalties. Can the USA continue this path of the two party system, or has time finally come to end it? Perhaps the better question is, can our nation even function without a two party system? !!

PRO: Joanna Hamilton, Issaquah High School!CON: Brian O’Rourke, International School!

MOD: Jiayi Hu, Interlake High School!!Debate! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! N204!

!Resolved, the institution of marriage should be removed from state

government domain.!!The institution of marriage has been regulated by state and local governments since colonial times. The Constitution does not delegate to congress the power to determine what constitutes as marriage and its requirements. The national government left this power to the states until recently, in 1996, when the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was passed, and marriage was defined for the whole nation by the federal government. However, last summer, the Supreme Court struck down major portions of DOMA and proclaimed that gay couples married in states where gay marriage is legal must receive the same benefits as traditional couples. Should the state governments continue to regulate marriage in tandem with the national government, or should they relinquish their power — to the feds, to the citizens, or to another party?!!

PRO: Gautham Velchuru, Interlake High School!CON: Adrienne Hubbard, Skyline High School!

MOD: Cameron Tuttle, International School!!!!!!!!

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!Debate! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! N208!

!Resolved, the Supreme Court should take an active role in solving

problems in their court decisions!!As of today, the Supreme Court must take a bystander’s role in their decisions — although they have ultimate authority over the decision’s outcome, they must rely on Congress to appropriate funds and create laws consistent with their decision and the Executive branch in order to carry out the implications of their often grand, overarching decisions in everyday policies. This was created by our founders as one of the original checks and balances in our government, but today some argue that the bureaucracy and Congress are unfit to swiftly carry out the Supreme Court’s rulings; they have become too convoluted and are often oppressing minority rights which the Judicial Branch was designed to protect.!!

PRO: Uma Ilavarasan, Westview High School!CON: Karthik Meiyappan, Interlake High School!

MOD: Bikram De, Issaquah High School!!Lunch!

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM!!At the convention, we will be providing Pizza to those who order it; it will just be $2 on

top of the admission fee. Also, there are multiple tradition and fast food restaurants close to the Bellevue College Campus that you can eat at. !

The following is a list of the options available near the Campus:!!Subway!3080 148th AVE SE, Bellevue, WA 98007

Outback Steakhouse!15100 SE 38th Street, Bellevue, WA 98007

Dairy Queen!3080 148th AVE SE, Bellevue, WA 98007

Jack In The Box!3179 156th AVE SE, Bellevue, WA 98007

Teriyaki & More!3080 148th AVE SE,!Bellevue, WA 98007

Greenwood Mandarin!3303 156th AVE SE,!Bellevue, WA 98007

Bombay House!15100 38th St. SE,!Bellevue, WA 98006

Cilantro Cocina!15220 37th St. SE,!Bellevue, WA 98006

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Candidate Forum (N201)!2:00 PM - 2:50 PM!!

We will be hosting the first GPR Candidate Forum for the 2014 Election Season. This Candidate Forum is an opportunity for you to get to know more about your candidates running in each race and make an informed decision about whom you will eventually support and vote for at Spring State 2014. This candidate forum will be run by your Governor and Lieutenant Governor, who are both present at the convention today. !The following are the candidates who will participate in the candidate forum today:!!

GPR Vice Mayor!Adrienne Hubbard, Brynne McKee, and Karthik Meiyappan!!

GPR Mayor!Divya Dhami and Kayliana Prioleau!!

Lieutenant Governor!Paloma Pineda and Maddie Rosser (via Skype)!!

Governor!Stephen Flieschman and Hari Mahesh!!

Keynote Debate!2:50 PM - 3:50 PM!!

Resolved, that the US Constitution be rewritten in a new Constitutional Convention.!!

The first constitution of the United States was the Articles of Confederation - this provided for a very weak federal government consisting of only a legislative branch: no President, no Supreme Court. After pivotal events including Shay’s Rebellion, the American people decided it was time for a new Constitution, our Constitution, which has lasted (with the occasional amendment) since its ratification in 1789. It is a fluid document, serving the country well — or is it? Some, especially those more politically charged, have been calling for a rewriting of the Constitution into a more modern document which would be more easily accessible to citizenry and perhaps fundamentally restructure government. Is our Constitution malleable enough to fit fit for the years to come, or does it need a major update to Constitution 2.0? !!

PRO: Hari Mahesh, Interlake High School!CON: Karthik Meiyappan, Interlake High School!

MOD: Noah Schnitzer, Interlake High School

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Closing Session (N201)! 3:50 PM - 4:00 PM!!

The final debate results will be read, the best speaker gavels will be awarded, and the hilarious candy grams will be read. The convention will be officially adjourned after a

few words from the convention coordinators.!!Soiree (N201)!4:00 PM - 6:00 PM!!

The official convention may be over, but the fun is not! Join Karthik and Hari for another two hours right after the convention and enjoy our soiree in which we will be watching a movie, eat snacks, drink drinks, and play some fun games. But more than that, you will

be able to have some bonding time with the new friends you have made.!!Campaign Advertisements

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