interior journal (stanford, ky. : 1905). (stanford, ky...

k THE INTERIOR JOURNAL tis VOL XXXiV STANFORD KY FRIDAY MARCH 2 1906NO 1 Obituary of Mr J W James CRAW ORCHARD KY Fru 27On February 25th near tho Hombro hour of midnight the noblo and generous spirit of J W James the noblest man that ever lived in all the tide of Time took iU flight from his elegant home to a far more iplcndod mansion in the skiesHo I was not yet 45 and no man not even his lamented father tho lato G W James will be so sadly missed by tho poor and humble Ho has had i many work hands in his service andI when any servant or exservant ho always gave him appropriate at his own expense When somo burialI black woman nick and out of provisions both would bo sent at his I own expense in his own wagon On one occasion a poor destitute man William Kldd with a withered I arm passing his place of business with an empty meal sack on his shoulder I and a coffeesack in which ho had three hens tho only property he had tn the I world stopped in tot warm Willie said what have you there 11111 a ixasorn No How arc possoms I Mighty scarce How are times with you Mighty hard I have in my I coffee aaek my only three hens Tho 11am somo meal and coffee look here at this paper and ace what your hens are worth in the market G8 cents a piece Take them back home to lay you somo I eggs and take this dollar to buy you- r I gome coffee and meat and take your i meal sack up to my miller and tell him to fill it as full of meal as ho can tlo It He gave more to preachers churches Sunday schools Christmas trees and to feed rind clothe tho poor than any other man in Lincoln county Alas how sad that one who had so often fed tho hungry should die hungry hlnuclfbecauso he could not cat Ills donations to churches Sunday schools and to charity amounted annually to tho hundreds Frank Brooks said on the train today Tho death of Will James is the break- ing up of the noblest family that ever lived In Lincoln county Ills placo hero can never be supplied His Fo- rtuna ¬ was ample his cash capital in the thousand and his pockets always full to meet tho demands of tho borrower and tho beggar How much better this than millions to libraries for ostenta ¬ tion only which do not benefit tho xxjr people I never saw such universal sorrow t expressed in all ranks of life At his burying were tho proud aristrocrats and tho poor tenant working men and their wives and their little children shivering in tho snow At Stanford Monday morning much grief was ox ¬ pressed by such men as Cicero Roy noalda County Clerk George II Cooper nnd the editor of the INTERIOR JOUR ¬ NAL nil of whom had hail business re ¬ lotions with him Ho was fur some time clerk in the J H Owsloy bank at Stanford and was V n devoted friend of this venerable financier whose confidence he enjoyed Ho was educated at Georgetown Col ¬ lege and though not gifted with the divine infiatus of lofty oratory yet in a debate I n that college when no doubt he was competing with the George town or Lexington bar ho took tho prize in discussing whether or not cir ¬ cumstantial evidence should bo admit ¬ ted in tho courts Ills side of tho de ¬ bate was the nfllrmativo Ho was n fluent talker no excellent penman nnd an accurate and rapid accountant Ho was the fond Idol of his mother and his relatives male and female loved him to idolatry Ills aunt Mrs M V Sig Icr adored him us her own darlihg kWillie Deceased was twlco married I Ills first wife wits Mattie Owsley Evans daughter of tho lato George W Evans and his present wife was Mar ¬ garet daughter of tho noble old Scotch ¬ man tho lato John Buchanan Ills wives were both most excellent women of the first families and his laslwifo is noted for her domestic qualities Like the great Washington the deceased left no children but all tho poor of this 1 community will ever regard him as a father brother and friend Ills grand old father G W Jnmes and devoted mother Lizzie P James preceded him I to the tomb somo years ago Ho leaves u most devoted wife to mourn his un ¬ t timely death His sisters Mrs Louan na Holdam of Stanford Mrs Scott of Somerset and Mrs Berta Morris of Crab Orchard arc broken hearted with grief fresh wounds no time can heal nnd he loft male and female relatives and friends who will never cease to mourn for him who never gave cause to mourn before Ho was in many qualities the grandest man that ever moved In tho truck or time Bravo and j noble gallant and true I ills poor little niece Sue Beth James and nephew George Andrew James dual orphans whoso father gave his life in service as a soldier In tho far away Philippines came up from Stanford to mingle their tears over the gravy of the dear depart s I cd All relatives and friends who areI good enough will meet him again shall we not strive to do so 7 Rev 0M Huey made most beauti- ful ¬ and appropriate remarks at tho res ¬ idence to tho largo crowd assembled there which at first fanned the flames of grief in talking of tho noblo dead and cruel Death till It was almost ur bearable but at the close with his soft enpressions and beautiful language he assuaged our grief to soft soothing sacred billows of sorrow which wo hope will softly slumber there forever departWho There is rio union hero of hearts But that union has an end Farewell dear Willie we leave thee With the newfallen snow for a wind- ing sheet And cold bleak winter for a bier And every clod beneath tho mourners feet- Moistened with a tear FONTAINE P BOIUIITT OTTENHEIM Some of our old citizens are predict ¬ ing a fruit famine this year Andy Adams lit preparing to move back to his cottage on Main street John Harris has bought the homo place of his brother George Harris forim Miss Rebecca Mulllns who has been on a vacation will resume her school at this place Tuesday- G M Dalian who has been in this section for a few days on business has returned to his homo in Somerset much to the regret of his old friends Mr R G Collier formerly of near hero has notified us that he wants to see more Ottenhelm news and as ho is such a clover gentleman we will have to respond Matthew Johnson had his first auc ¬ tioneer experience Wednesday crying Cicero Lays sale Mack IIas his friends call him did right well every ¬ thing bringing good prices Joseph Katca whose sale was last Saturday is preparing to start to New Albany Ind In a wagon which he has constructed for the journey It resem ¬ bles a thresher cook wagon Mrs Myrtle Manuel who has been quite ill with ft complication of troubles doesnt seem to improve Mrs Calvin Pitman of Indiana is visiting friends and relatives In this section HUBBLE Mrs Win Wilder is on the sick list T C Rankin lost a mulo which was Icing broken G A Swinebrsad sold a pair of black mules for 35 The bright little son of Mrs Walter Mulkcy died last Wednesday and was buried in Lancaster cemetery She has the sympathy of the entire community in her bereavement Leo Rankin sold his hogs to Danville parties at Clc L P Weaver sold his hogs to Lancaster dealers nt file R G Bratton has 90 cattle to which he Is fowling fodder at 15c per shock In tho absence of the pastor Prof J E Mannix of lancaster conducted services at tho Methodist church last Sunday Eld Tinder will fill his ap K> ntmcnt nt the Christian church Sun ¬ day afternoon- E B Miller has received a letter from his son Frank who has been clerk ¬ ing in a largo dry goods store at Leba ¬ non Ind stating that ho has resigned his position and has accepted one with a wholosae shoe house which gives him a salary of 60 per month and ex ¬ penses J W Eubunks remains in a critical condition Mrs J P Buckley of Kingman 0 is at his bedside Mrs Sink has returned to her home in Lexington after a visit to her parents Mr and Mrs Alex Carman n filleted With Rhoumati 1 I wits anil am yet alHIcted with rheumatism says Mr J C Uliyne editor of tho Herald Ailcilngtun Inv dlaiCforrltory but thanks to Chum lx rlulnn Pain Halm am able onco tnoro to attend to business It is the best of liniments If troubled with rheumatism give Palo Bulm a trial end you are certain to lay more than pleased with the prompt relief which It affords Ono application relieves till pain For sale by Dr W NI Craig tho populist druggist at Stan ¬ orb K y- Through tho efforts of William S Miller a prominent local real estate nan and an of Lancaster tho former Kentuckians of have organized a Kentucky Club and- re preparing to send a delegation to Louisville homecoming Week- June 13 to 1- 7Clears the Complexion Orlno Lnxitlvo Fruit Syrup stimu ¬ lated and thoroughly clenses tho sys ¬ tem and cleats tho complexion of plm pies und blotches It Is tho best laxa tivq for women and children as It Is mild and pleasant anti dons not gripe or sicken Orlno Is much superior to plllg aperient waters and all ordinary cathartics as It does not irritate tho stomach and bowels Pennys Drug- Store NEWS NOTES Uloomingsburlfo of Roanoke Va dropped dead Lexington has increased saloon licenses from 75 to 150 and 25 or more of tho 151 barrooms there willclose At Sharpsburg Frank Hart aged 10 was stabbed In tho back and seriously wounded by Milford Arnold aged 12 Plans are being made for the biggest ball over given in Kentucky to be lick In the Armory in Louisville during Homecoming Week Six men wore killed and 12 so badly injured that most of them are exectcd to die by an explosion in Little Cahaba mine No2 at Piper Ala As the result of tho explosion of a gasoline lamp at tho county jail in Lawton Oklahoma five men were se- riously burned two fatally About 500 carpenters and 1000 other men Identified with the building trades went on a strike at East St Louis III to enforce demands for increased wagesIt held by a London divorce court that marriages by habit and repute contracted In tho United States must be considered legal in EnglandWilliam Macey an alleged bootleg- ger was shot and killed in Breckcn ridge county by Deputy United States Marshal Loyal Bennett Macey had been arrested and was endeavoring to escapeFollowing a conference of several leading life insurance representatives President Morton of tho Equitable announced that his society hadaccept ed tho Armstrong report and was ready to abide any legislation that might bo enactedIn cases of Judge James Hargis end others charged with the murder of James B Marcum Commonwealths Attorney Adams moved for n change of venue Pending a decision of tho court tho defendants were released on 10000 bond each Tho annual convention of the Depart- ment ¬ of Superintendence of tho Na- tional ¬ Educational Association con ¬ vened for a threedays session in the Warren Memorial Presbyterian church Louisville Tuesday morning About fifteen hundred of the bestknown edu- cators ¬ of the United States are in at ¬ tendance Circuit Judge Riddle decided to va ¬ cate the bench at Jackson in the case of James Hargis Ed Callahan and others charged with tho murder of J LL Marcum The defendants were ordered into custody of the jailer and the vacancy on the bench will bo certi ¬ fied to Gov Bcckham for tho appoint- ment ¬ of a special judge I IN MEMORIAM In loving remembrance of our dear little William Mulkey who died Feb 20 1JOC In childhood wo were together But now BO muchalone Since William our little baby tins left our happy home Oh It is so lonesome without William Wo miss him everywhere We miss him at the table When wo seo his vacant chair Ono more home left sad and lonely Ono more body laid to rest Till the final trumpet sounds And the graves give up their dead There will bo a golden crown await- ing ¬ for each faithful servantAUNT LUCY CORNS CURED Corn Exit will posi- tively ¬ remove corns in four days Tho treatment is simple and pleasant and wo absolutely guarantee to refund the money to each nnd every customer whose corns aro not promptly removed with entire satisfaction A bottle of this great preparation only costs 15 cents and nothing if a perfect cure is not speedily effected G L Penny druggist Stanford Ky We must make somo sacrifice said tho senior partner who was an Idtime financier Wo must make acrificcs or go to tho wall Tho new man In the firm rubbed his chin gloomily for n minute or more me his face brightened when the inspiration came Good he cried We will make acrillccs of our creditors It will not cost you a cent to try Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets and they are excellent for stomach troubles and constipation Get a free sample at Dr W N Craigs tlio popular druggist at Stanford Ky I fear that youll soonforget me faltered the young girl Why asked tho man Oh life insurance fellows have mch poor memories At MIddlesboro Isaac D Grccr and Miss Flora Foley wero joined heart and hand 0 n KINGSVILLE Miss Esther Murphy Is quite sick Thompson Evans have a new gust line engine in their planing mill A little son aged about four years of Mr and Mrs Reuben Horton died and was buried at Pleasant Point Miss Mattio Black of Floyd was the guest of Mrs Wm Lane Will Carey of tho C Sspent Sunday with his wife and son here The Q C is constantly making Im- provements here Ferguson McCartj continue with work south of the de- pot and have orders to commence work on the tunnel which is to be extensive ly repairedW of Nicholasville Vho for nearly n year has been our efficient station agent will go to Lexington soon to take a K> sition under Mr Jones the signal man A Mr Hurt will suc- ceed Mr Wolf here The VanAredall sale near hero was wellattended The VanArsdalls left Sunday for Boyle county They art clover people and will be much missed in the Pleasant Point section James Florence and a young man by the name of Patterson gave a perform- ance ¬ at Reynolds Hall Friday evening They had a poor house however having failed in all probability to sufficiently advertise beforehand There is a great deal of sickness just now and our two good doctors are kept very busy and to seriously complicate matters both are Indisposed Dr Acton being threatened with pneumonia and Dr Thompson suffering with lumbago- A L Green who is a first rate car ¬ penter will shortly begin work on the addition to the school house and will later commence the erection of a new school building at Pleasant Point where two districts have been thrown togeth- er ¬ Miss Laura Dyes school celebrated Washingtons birthday with a very creditable entertainment Miss Dye will go to Bowling Green to attend the normal school after her term closes here which will be in n few weeks Her sister Miss Elizabeth Dye will al ¬ so take a course at Bowling Green Eld J G Livingston of Crab Orch ¬ lard fillc l his regular appointment here Sunday morning and evening preach ¬ ing excellent sermons The congrega ¬ tion in the morning was lamentably small but was better at the evening service We arc not alone in wishing Elm Livingston to redeliver his ser ¬ mon of Sunday morning nt his next ap ¬ pointment hero Kingsvillc never had a better preacher than Bro Livings ¬ tonMrs Bud Gooch and son Estill spent n low days with her sister Mrs W L McCarty at Stanford Archie Francs and family have moved back from Eu banks and arc occupying the house for ¬ merly occupied by Charles Love and family the latter having moved to Burnside Mrs Sarah Walters has rev turned horn a visit to her daughter Mrs John Yocum at Danville Mrs Walters will build a new home here soon A Favorite kembcdy for Babies Us pleasant taste and prompt cures havo made Chutnbcrluns Cough Item tidy n favorite with tho mothers of small children It quickly euros tholr coughs and colds and prevents any danger of pneumonia or other serious consequences It not only curoscroup but when given as soon as tho croupy cough appears will prevent tho attack For sale by Dr W N Craig the pop ¬ ular druggist at Stitnford Ky With trembling fingers the sorrowing father opened a small box which had just been left by the postman When the lid was removed there lay revealed a boys shoe part of a cravat n ring and a collar button Alas cried the griefstricken old man gazing on the fragments I al ¬ ways feared that Clarence couldnt stand the hazingJudge Do Not Be Imposed Upon Foley k Co Chicago originated Honey unilTnr asa throat and lung remedy and on account of tho grout merit and popularity of Foley s Honey and Tar many Imitations are olTercd for the genuine These worthless Im ¬ itations have similar sounding names Beware of them Tho genuine Foloys honey and Tar Is in a yellow package Ask for it and refuse any substitute It is the best remedy for coughs and colds Pennys Drug Store Who is your favorite character in modern American history Thomas C Platt sir And why Ho resigned an office once by honky Chief Justice Hobson unnounced that Hon JohnD Carroll of Henry county had been appointed commissioner of tho court 6f appeals under the terms of an art l by the present General Assembly Mr Carroll is one of the best knot attorneys in the State te i 6 Musical Merchandise Violins Mandolins Guitars Banjos Clarionets Flutes Picalos Fifes Ac cordeons Concertinas Harps Har monophones Music Boxes Talking Machines Edison Victor Columbia UptoDate Records A full line of all above carried also strings and supplies for all Instruments Italian violin strings a specialty Mr J B Finleyt Formerly of Rudolph Wurlitzer Co now with HUGH MURRAY t The Jeweler Danville Kentucky A Few Jars of Heinz Preserves and Ap ¬ r pie Butter At Cost I t WB HlGGlNS CASH HOUSE r STANFORD KENTUCKY a the Lincoln County national Bank Of Stanford Kcatuckgrt CAPITAL 5000000 SURPLUS 1500000 DEPOSITS January I 1906 24600000 OFFICERS = c S H SHANKS PRESIDENT W 0 WALKER ASSISTANT CASHIER- J B PAXTON VICEPRESIDENT J C BAILEY GENERAL BOOKKEEPER W M BRIGHT CASHIER J W ROCHESTER CLERK DIRECTORS L H Owsicv Stanford S II SHANK Stanford 0 W CAHTKU Tarnonrllle I W H CUMMIN Ircuchcrivllle L 0 GOOCH WaynejUurg W H TRAYIXJK Ullooru Creek It L numuE Lincuiter W 0 WAIKBH Stanford J II FosTKii Stanford W n StuaesStanford J R PAXTON Stanford Wt rtHlHiitfully solicit the meomitu of Individuals 11 rill timid Corporation flanks and Hunker mill iiroprtimml ti > furnish nil depositor such iiciommodutloiiH us uru consistent with safe blinking Modern Hnfety IHnosIt hoses In our vault for uo of our Clistoniern eei III HOME You are now planning BUILDERS your louse to build this season II Dont forget these facts about Tin Roofing FIRE I FIRE FIRE Do you know the feeling these words give a property I owner If you have a tin root there will be f 0 er cent less 1 auger of fire at your house When you think how much longer it will last it is the cheapest and best roof made Dont fail to consult me nod get prices before you decide on your roof 5 iI- I ALDRIDGE 1 a I Street Stanford Ky m atisattrtaas t aaat f j BUY YOUR Collars Hames Collar Pads Backbands Trace Chains Plow Lines Fencing Wire y Staples Ratchets Grub Toolsic from George D IHopper Stanfor a Ky Hardware Groceries Tinwaref Queensware Tiling Etc I BtaT GOODS LOWEST PRICES t 1

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Page 1: Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY · VOL XXXiV STANFORD KY FRIDAY MARCH 2 1906NO 1 Obituary of Mr J W James CRAW




Obituary of Mr J W JamesCRAW ORCHARD KY Fru 27On

February 25th near tho Hombro hour ofmidnight the noblo and generous spiritof J W James the noblest man thatever lived in all the tide of Time tookiU flight from his elegant home to afar more iplcndod mansion in the


was not yet 45 and no man noteven his lamented father tho lato G

W James will be so sadly missed bytho poor and humble Ho has had i

many work hands in his service andIwhen any servant or exservantho always gave him appropriateat his own expense When somoburialIblack woman nick and out ofprovisions both would bo sent at his I

own expense in his own wagonOn one occasion a poor destitute

man William Kldd with a withered I

arm passing his place of business withan empty meal sack on his shoulder I

and a coffeesack in which ho had threehens tho only property he had tn the I

world stopped in tot warm Williesaid what have you there 11111 a

ixasorn No How arc possoms I

Mighty scarce How are times withyou Mighty hard I have in my I

coffee aaek my only three hens Tho11amsomo meal and coffee look here atthis paper and ace what your hens areworth in the market G8 cents a pieceTake them back home to lay you somo


eggs and take this dollar to buy you-


gome coffee and meat and take youri

meal sack up to my miller and tell himto fill it as full of meal as ho can tlo ItHe gave more to preachers churchesSunday schools Christmas trees andto feed rind clothe tho poor than anyother man in Lincoln county

Alas how sad that one who had sooften fed tho hungry should die hungryhlnuclfbecauso he could not cat Illsdonations to churches Sunday schoolsand to charity amounted annually totho hundreds

Frank Brooks said on the train todayTho death of Will James is the break-

ing up of the noblest family that everlived In Lincoln county Ills placohero can never be supplied His Fo-



was ample his cash capital in thethousand and his pockets always fullto meet tho demands of tho borrowerand tho beggar How much better thisthan millions to libraries for ostenta ¬

tion only which do not benefit tho xxjr

peopleI never saw such universal sorrow

t expressed in all ranks of life At hisburying were tho proud aristrocratsand tho poor tenant working men and

their wives and their little childrenshivering in tho snow At StanfordMonday morning much grief was ox¬

pressed by such men as Cicero Roynoalda County Clerk George II Coopernnd the editor of the INTERIOR JOUR ¬

NAL nil of whom had hail business re ¬

lotions with himHo was fur some time clerk in the J

H Owsloy bank at Stanford and wasV

n devoted friend of this venerablefinancier whose confidence he enjoyedHo was educated at Georgetown Col ¬

lege and though not gifted with thedivine infiatus of lofty oratory yet in

a debate I n that college when no doubt

he was competing with the Georgetown or Lexington bar ho took tho

prize in discussing whether or not cir ¬

cumstantial evidence should bo admit ¬

ted in tho courts Ills side of tho de¬

bate was the nfllrmativo Ho was n

fluent talker no excellent penman nnd

an accurate and rapid accountant Howas the fond Idol of his mother and hisrelatives male and female loved himto idolatry Ills aunt Mrs M V SigIcr adored him us her own darlihg

kWillie Deceased was twlco married

I Ills first wife wits Mattie OwsleyEvans daughter of tho lato George W

Evans and his present wife was Mar ¬

garet daughter of tho noble old Scotch ¬

man tho lato John Buchanan Illswives were both most excellent women

of the first families and his laslwifo isnoted for her domestic qualities Like

the great Washington the deceased

left no children but all tho poor of this1 community will ever regard him as a

father brother and friend Ills grandold father G W Jnmes and devotedmother Lizzie P James preceded him


to the tomb somo years ago Ho leaves

u most devoted wife to mourn his un ¬

t timely death His sisters Mrs Louan

na Holdam of Stanford Mrs Scott ofSomerset and Mrs Berta Morris ofCrab Orchard arc broken hearted with

grief fresh wounds no time can heal

nnd he loft male and female relatives

and friends who will never cease to

mourn for him who never gave causeto mourn before Ho was in many

qualities the grandest man that evermoved In tho truck or time Bravo and


noble gallant and true I ills poor littleniece Sue Beth James and nephew

George Andrew James dual orphans

whoso father gave his life in service as

a soldier In tho far away Philippines

came up from Stanford to mingle theirtears over the gravy of the dear depart


I cd All relatives and friends who areIgood enough will meet him againshall we not strive to do so 7

Rev 0M Huey made most beauti-ful


and appropriate remarks at tho res ¬

idence to tho largo crowd assembledthere which at first fanned the flamesof grief in talking of tho noblo deadand cruel Death till It was almost urbearable but at the close with his softenpressions and beautiful language heassuaged our grief to soft soothingsacred billows of sorrow which wohope will softly slumber there forever

departWhoThere is rio union hero of hearts

But that union has an endFarewell dear Willie we leave thee

With the newfallen snow for a wind-ing sheet

And cold bleak winter for a bierAnd every clod beneath tho mourners

feet-Moistened with a tear



Some of our old citizens are predict ¬

ing a fruit famine this yearAndy Adams lit preparing to move

back to his cottage on Main streetJohn Harris has bought the homo

place of his brother George Harris

forimMiss Rebecca Mulllns who has been

on a vacation will resume her school atthis place Tuesday-

G M Dalian who has been in thissection for a few days on business hasreturned to his homo in Somerset muchto the regret of his old friends

Mr R G Collier formerly of nearhero has notified us that he wants tosee more Ottenhelm news and as ho issuch a clover gentleman we will haveto respond

Matthew Johnson had his first auc ¬

tioneer experience Wednesday cryingCicero Lays sale Mack IIas hisfriends call him did right well every ¬

thing bringing good pricesJoseph Katca whose sale was last

Saturday is preparing to start to NewAlbany Ind In a wagon which he hasconstructed for the journey It resem ¬

bles a thresher cook wagonMrs Myrtle Manuel who has been

quite ill with ft complication of troublesdoesnt seem to improve Mrs CalvinPitman of Indiana is visiting friendsand relatives In this section


Mrs Win Wilder is on the sick listT C Rankin lost a mulo which was

Icing broken G A Swinebrsad sold apair of black mules for 35

The bright little son of Mrs WalterMulkcy died last Wednesday and wasburied in Lancaster cemetery She hasthe sympathy of the entire communityin her bereavement

Leo Rankin sold his hogs to Danvilleparties at Clc L P Weaver sold hishogs to Lancaster dealers nt file RG Bratton has 90 cattle to which he Is

fowling fodder at 15c per shockIn tho absence of the pastor Prof J

E Mannix of lancaster conductedservices at tho Methodist church lastSunday Eld Tinder will fill his ap

K> ntmcnt nt the Christian church Sun ¬

day afternoon-E B Miller has received a letter

from his son Frank who has been clerk ¬

ing in a largo dry goods store at Leba ¬

non Ind stating that ho has resignedhis position and has accepted one witha wholosae shoe house which giveshim a salary of 60 per month and ex ¬

penses J W Eubunks remains in acritical condition Mrs J P Buckleyof Kingman 0 is at his bedsideMrs Sink has returned to her home inLexington after a visit to her parentsMr and Mrs Alex Carman

nfilleted With Rhoumati 1

I wits anil am yet alHIcted withrheumatism says Mr J C Uliyne

editor of tho Herald Ailcilngtun Inv

dlaiCforrltory but thanks to Chumlx rlulnn Pain Halm am able onco

tnoro to attend to business It is the

best of liniments If troubled with

rheumatism give Palo Bulm a trialend you are certain to lay more thanpleased with the prompt relief whichIt affords Ono application relievestill pain For sale by Dr W NICraig tho populist druggist at Stan ¬

orb K y-

Through tho efforts of William SMiller a prominent local real estatenan and an of Lancastertho former Kentuckians ofhave organized a Kentucky Club and-

re preparing to send a delegationto Louisville homecoming Week-June 13 to 1-

7Clears the ComplexionOrlno Lnxitlvo Fruit Syrup stimu ¬

lated and thoroughly clenses tho sys ¬

tem and cleats tho complexion of plmpies und blotches It Is tho best laxativq for women and children as It Ismild and pleasant anti dons not gripeor sicken Orlno Is much superior toplllg aperient waters and all ordinary

cathartics as It does not irritate thostomach and bowels Pennys Drug-



Uloomingsburlfoof Roanoke Va dropped dead

Lexington has increased saloonlicenses from 75 to 150 and 25 or moreof tho 151 barrooms there willclose

At Sharpsburg Frank Hart aged 10was stabbed In tho back and seriouslywounded by Milford Arnold aged 12

Plans are being made for the biggestball over given in Kentucky to be lickIn the Armory in Louisville during

Homecoming WeekSix men wore killed and 12 so badly

injured that most of them are exectcdto die by an explosion in Little Cahabamine No2 at Piper Ala

As the result of tho explosion of agasoline lamp at tho county jail inLawton Oklahoma five men were se-riously burned two fatally

About 500 carpenters and 1000 othermen Identified with the building tradeswent on a strike at East St Louis IIIto enforce demands for increased

wagesItheld by a London divorce

court that marriages by habit andrepute contracted In tho UnitedStates must be considered legal in

EnglandWilliamMacey an alleged bootleg-

ger was shot and killed in Breckcnridge county by Deputy United StatesMarshal Loyal Bennett Macey hadbeen arrested and was endeavoring to

escapeFollowing a conference of severalleading life insurance representativesPresident Morton of tho Equitableannounced that his society hadaccepted tho Armstrong report and was readyto abide any legislation that might bo

enactedIncases of Judge James Hargis

end others charged with the murderof James B Marcum CommonwealthsAttorney Adams moved for n changeof venue Pending a decision of thocourt tho defendants were released on10000 bond eachTho annual convention of the Depart-


of Superintendence of tho Na-


Educational Association con ¬

vened for a threedays session in theWarren Memorial Presbyterian churchLouisville Tuesday morning Aboutfifteen hundred of the bestknown edu-


of the United States are in at ¬

tendanceCircuit Judge Riddle decided to va ¬

cate the bench at Jackson in the caseof James Hargis Ed Callahan andothers charged with tho murder of JLL Marcum The defendants wereordered into custody of the jailer andthe vacancy on the bench will bo certi ¬

fied to Gov Bcckham for tho appoint-ment


of a special judge I


In loving remembrance of our dearlittle William Mulkey who died Feb20 1JOC

In childhood wo were togetherBut now BO muchalone

Since William our little babytins left our happy home

Oh It is so lonesome without WilliamWo miss him everywhere

We miss him at the tableWhen wo seo his vacant chair

Ono more home left sad and lonelyOno more body laid to rest

Till the final trumpet soundsAnd the graves give up their dead

There will bo a golden crown await-


for each faithfulservantAUNT


CORNS CURED Corn Exit will posi-


remove corns in four days Thotreatment is simple and pleasant and

wo absolutely guarantee to refund themoney to each nnd every customerwhose corns aro not promptly removedwith entire satisfaction A bottle ofthis great preparation only costs 15

cents and nothing if a perfect cure isnot speedily effected G L Pennydruggist Stanford Ky

We must make somo sacrificesaid tho senior partner who was anIdtime financier Wo must makeacrificcs or go to tho wallTho new man In the firm rubbed his

chin gloomily for n minute or moreme his face brightened when the

inspiration cameGood he cried We will make

acrillccs of our creditors

It will not cost you a cent to tryChamberlains Stomach and LiverTablets and they are excellent forstomach troubles and constipationGet a free sample at Dr W N Craigstlio popular druggist at Stanford Ky

I fear that youll soonforget mefaltered the young girl

Why asked tho manOh life insurance fellows have

mch poor memories

At MIddlesboro Isaac D Grccr andMiss Flora Foley wero joined heartand hand



KINGSVILLEMiss Esther Murphy Is quite sickThompson Evans have a new gust

line engine in their planing millA little son aged about four years

of Mr and Mrs Reuben Horton diedand was buried at Pleasant Point

Miss Mattio Black of Floyd was theguest of Mrs Wm Lane Will Careyof tho C Sspent Sunday with hiswife and son here

The Q C is constantly making Im-

provements here Ferguson McCartjcontinue with work south of the de-

pot and have orders to commence workon the tunnel which is to be extensively repairedW

of Nicholasville Vhofor nearly n year has been our efficientstation agent will go to Lexingtonsoon to take a K>sition under Mr Jonesthe signal man A Mr Hurt will suc-

ceed Mr Wolf hereThe VanAredall sale near hero was

wellattended The VanArsdalls leftSunday for Boyle county They artclover people and will be much missedin the Pleasant Point section

James Florence and a young man bythe name of Patterson gave a perform-ance


at Reynolds Hall Friday eveningThey had a poor house however havingfailed in all probability to sufficientlyadvertise beforehand

There is a great deal of sickness justnow and our two good doctors are keptvery busy and to seriously complicatematters both are Indisposed Dr Actonbeing threatened with pneumonia andDr Thompson suffering with lumbago-

A L Green who is a first rate car¬

penter will shortly begin work on theaddition to the school house and willlater commence the erection of a newschool building at Pleasant Point wheretwo districts have been thrown togeth-er


Miss Laura Dyes school celebratedWashingtons birthday with a verycreditable entertainment Miss Dyewill go to Bowling Green to attend thenormal school after her term closeshere which will be in n few weeksHer sister Miss Elizabeth Dye will al ¬

so take a course at Bowling GreenEld J G Livingston of Crab Orch ¬

lard fillc l his regular appointment hereSunday morning and evening preach ¬

ing excellent sermons The congrega ¬

tion in the morning was lamentablysmall but was better at the eveningservice We arc not alone in wishingElm Livingston to redeliver his ser¬

mon of Sunday morning nt his next ap ¬

pointment hero Kingsvillc never hada better preacher than Bro Livings ¬

tonMrsBud Gooch and son Estill spent

n low days with her sister Mrs W LMcCarty at Stanford Archie Francsand family have moved back from Eubanks and arc occupying the house for ¬

merly occupied by Charles Love andfamily the latter having moved toBurnside Mrs Sarah Walters has rev

turned horn a visit to her daughterMrs John Yocum at Danville MrsWalters will build a new home heresoon

A Favorite kembcdy for BabiesUs pleasant taste and prompt cures

havo made Chutnbcrluns Cough Itemtidy n favorite with tho mothers ofsmall children It quickly euros tholrcoughs and colds and prevents anydanger of pneumonia or other seriousconsequences It not only curoscroupbut when given as soon as tho croupycough appears will prevent tho attackFor sale by Dr W N Craig the pop ¬

ular druggist at Stitnford Ky

With trembling fingers the sorrowingfather opened a small box which hadjust been left by the postman Whenthe lid was removed there lay revealeda boys shoe part of a cravat n ringand a collar button

Alas cried the griefstricken old

man gazing on the fragments I al ¬

ways feared that Clarence couldntstand the hazingJudge

Do Not Be Imposed UponFoley k Co Chicago originated

Honey unilTnr asa throat and lungremedy and on account of tho groutmerit and popularity of Foley s Honeyand Tar many Imitations are olTercd

for the genuine These worthless Im ¬

itations have similar sounding namesBeware of them Tho genuine Foloyshoney and Tar Is in a yellow packageAsk for it and refuse any substituteIt is the best remedy for coughs andcolds Pennys Drug Store

Who is your favorite character inmodern American history

Thomas C Platt sirAnd why

Ho resigned an office once byhonky

Chief Justice Hobson unnounced thatHon JohnD Carroll of Henry countyhad been appointed commissioner oftho court 6f appeals under the termsof an art l by the present GeneralAssembly Mr Carroll is one of thebest knot attorneys in the State



Musical MerchandiseViolins Mandolins Guitars BanjosClarionets Flutes Picalos Fifes Accordeons Concertinas Harps Harmonophones Music Boxes TalkingMachines Edison Victor ColumbiaUptoDate Records

A full line of all above carried also stringsand supplies for all Instruments Italianviolin strings a specialty

Mr J B FinleytFormerly of Rudolph Wurlitzer Co now with


The Jeweler Danville Kentucky

A Few Jars of Heinz

Preserves and Ap¬r

pie Butter At

CostI t




athe Lincoln County national Bank

Of Stanford KcatuckgrtCAPITAL 5000000 SURPLUS 1500000

DEPOSITS January I 1906 24600000





DIRECTORSL H Owsicv Stanford S II SHANK Stanford 0 W CAHTKU Tarnonrllle I

W H CUMMIN Ircuchcrivllle L 0 GOOCH WaynejUurgW H TRAYIXJK Ullooru Creek It L numuE Lincuiter W 0 WAIKBH Stanford

J II FosTKii Stanford W n StuaesStanford J R PAXTON Stanford

Wt rtHlHiitfully solicit the meomitu of Individuals 11 rill timid Corporation flanks andHunker mill iiroprtimml ti > furnish nil depositor such iiciommodutloiiH us uruconsistent with safe blinking Modern Hnfety IHnosIt hoses In our vault for uo ofour Clistoniern



You are now planningBUILDERS

your louse to build this season II

Dont forget these facts about Tin Roofing

FIRE I FIRE FIREDo you know the feeling these words give a property

I owner If you have a tin root there will be f0 er cent less 1auger of fire at your house When you think how much

longer it will last it is the cheapest and best roof madeDont fail to consult me nod get prices before you decide onyour roof

5 iI-I



I Street Stanford Ky

m atisattrtaas t aaat f j


Collars Hames Collar Pads BackbandsTrace Chains Plow Lines Fencing Wire y

Staples Ratchets Grub Toolsic from

George D IHopper Stanfora Ky

Hardware Groceries TinwarefQueensware Tiling Etc