interfaith wedding: jewish and sikh


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Post on 28-Jul-2015




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By: Quyen Le (Daisy) and Tara Morales

Sikh Religion

History & Facts

◦ monotheistic religion

◦ founded in the 15th century in Punjab region (India and Pakistan) by

Guru Nanak

◦ predominant in South Asia particularly in India and Pakistan

◦ also prevalent in Central Europe, East Africa, and North America

◦ approximately 20 million Sikhs

◦ 'Sikh' in the Punjabi language means 'disciple'

◦ place of worship: Gurdwara

Sikh ReligionBeliefs

◦ there is only one God

◦ everyone has direct access to God

◦ actions and way of living are important

◦ live a good life e.g. keep God in heart and mind at all times, equality, etc.

◦ life cycle: birth, life, and rebirth

◦ God can't be understood fully rather experienced through love, worship, and contemplation

◦ God is inside every human being

◦ 3 duties: pray, work, and love

◦ 10 Gurus

◦ Sikh scripture: Guru Granth Sahib

◦ Khalsa: community of Sikhs

10 Gurus

Sikh Religion

Customs & Traditions

◦ fly the Sikh flag outside the Gurdwara (place of worship)

◦ go to the Gurdwara any day of the week (no day is considered holy)

◦ bow to the Guru Granth Sahib (scripture)

◦ everyone sits on the floor (sign of equality)

◦ sing hymns written by the Gurus

◦ sermon is given

◦ during prayer 'Waheguru ' is repeated meaning 'praise to the Guru'

◦ free, simple meal served after service in the Langar

◦ Sikh calendar: includes date of festivals

◦ Sikh New Year festival: Vaisakhi on April 13 or 14 (parades, dancing, and singing througouht the day)

◦ Gurpurbs: festivals of the Gurus who are decorated with flowers and flags (scripture reading and food)


◦ avoid the 5 vices: lust, greed, anger, pride, attachment to things of the world

◦ do not cut the hair of the face, hair, and body

◦ do not smoke nor worship idols

◦ abortion is forbidden

◦ widows and widowers can remarry

◦ Hindu superstitions are forbidden in the wedding

◦ wear the 5 articles of faith: loose garment (for men), steel bracelet, wooden comb, turban

(for men to hide uncut hair), and steel sword

Sikh Religion

Sikh Marriage Ceremony ‘Anand Karaj’Program of ceremony

◦ family read the scripture in the morning before leaving

◦ the groom says the common Sikh prayer ‘Ardas’ before leaving his house

◦ he receives sweets from mother

◦ his family and relatives depart from the house with him to the Gurdwara

◦ groom arrives by horseback

◦ when two families meet along with bride and groom, kirtan is performed and an exchange of gifts e.g. garlands

◦ bride sits on the left side

◦ a prayer and message is addressed to the couple by a priest or Sikh

◦ couple go around the scripture four times; guests sing hymns

◦ 4 verses of ‘Laava’ (marriage hymn) is sung and in between each, the groom goes around the Guru clockwise direction followed by the bride

◦ ends with singing of six stanzas of ‘Anand Sahib’ (Song of Bliss), the prayer ‘Ardas’, and reading of a verse from the scripture

◦ big, chaotic event

◦ no strict time

Rules◦ barefoot inside the Gurdwara◦ men and women often sit on opposite sides of the room◦ legs crossed; do not point your feet to the scripture

Dress code◦ men: wear bandana; women: wear scarf on their heads◦ groom: suite◦ bride: vibrant saree

Venue◦ in any Gurdwara◦ hotel or banquet hall forbidden◦ 600 – 1,000 guests


Sikh Marriage Ceremony ‘Anand Karaj’


◦ The religion of the Jews. Judaism is one of the oldest religions

in the world today.

◦ Estimated 14 million followers of the Jewish religion around

the world.

◦ The US (6 million), Israel (3.7 million) and the Soviet Union

(2.5 million)

◦ The first religion based on monotheism, the belief in one God.

◦ The three major branches are Conservative

Judaism, Orthodox Judaism, and Reformed Judaism. 

Jewish beliefs

◦God – the Creator of the World

◦The Jewish People are “Chosen People” who receive God’s laws and His blessing.

◦A belief in a coming Messiah (the anointed one)

◦ Recognizes an “after-life”

◦Tenets and the major body of Jewish - the Torah.

◦Not eat certain foods, such as pork, certain seafood, or food without the blood removed, and may not mix dairy and meat products at the same meal

Ritual clothinga. Skull cap (Kippah, yarmulka): head covering.

b. Phylacteries (Tefillin): these are small boxes containing Torah passages written on parchment with leather straps which are worn on the forehead and left arm during prayers.

c. Fringed Shawl (Tallit): these are worn during prayer.

Jewish Marriage awareness◦ Judaism believes in the concept of soul

mates, called bashert.

◦ The primary purpose of marriage is love and

companionship, not just childbearing.

◦ A contract called a ketubah spells out terms

of marriage and divorce

◦ The minimum age for marriage under Jewish

law is 13 for boys, 12 for girls

◦ Marriages between certain close relatives

are prohibited.

The Process of Jewish Marriage

◦Do not see each other for a week before

the wedding.

◦The day before the wedding, both fast.

◦Before the ceremony, the bride is veiled.

◦The process of marriage occurs in two

distinct stages: kiddushin (commonly

translated as betrothal) and nisuin (full-

fledged marriage).

Jewish Wedding CeremonyFor the kiddushin

◦ Two blessings are recited over wine. ◦ The man then places the ring on woman's finger

and says "Be sanctified to me with this ring in accordance with the law of Moses and Israel.“

◦ The ketubah is read aloud.

For the nisuin◦ The bride and groom stand beneath the chuppah.◦ Recite 7 blessings in the presence of a minyan

(prayer quorum of 10 adult Jewish men)◦ Drink the wine◦ The groom smashes a glass (or a small symbolic

piece of glass) with his right foot.◦ Retire briefly to a private room.◦ A festive meal with exuberant music and dancing.

Case study / Research◦(a 2013 survey) intermarriage rate to be 58% among all Jews and 71%

among non-Orthodox Jews


Conservative Judaism Traditional JudaismOrthodox Judaism

Reform, Progressiveand Liberal Judaism

Interfaith Wedding Plan: Jewish and SikhDecorations

◦ the chuppah, a canopy held up by four poles, white cloth◦ a bag of glass ◦ fabric decoration◦ no chairs◦ theme color: mix of neutral and blue

Clothes◦ groom: covers his head with a kippah. For the ceremony, the groom wears a tailored white

robe, called a kittel, over his suit or prayer shawl, called a tallit, over his shoulders◦ bride: wears a saree dress (vibrant colors such as blue, pink, orange or green)

Venue◦ Gurdwara (Sikh worship place)

Guest list (big wedding)◦ English readings alongside the traditional Sheva Brachot (seven blessings recited over the

bride and groom). ◦ print the hymns of Sikh◦ all families, relatives and friends

Program of Interfaith Wedding: Jewish Groom and Sikh Bride


Ceremony◦ groom arrives by horseback

◦ remove shoes at the entrance

◦ bride and groom walk around the scripture four times

◦ guests sing hymns

◦ host will bless over the wine under the chuppah

◦ groom will put ring on the bride’s finger and say their oath

◦ say 7 blessings

◦ drink wine

◦ break the glass

◦ pray the ’Ardas’

◦ go to a private room for rest

◦ festive meals and dancing

Jewish Sikh

Jewish food

Sikh food
