instructional materials adoption instructional materials math adoption day 2

Instructional Instructional Materials Materials Math Adoption Adoption Day 2

Upload: amia-okeefe

Post on 27-Mar-2015




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Page 1: Instructional Materials Adoption Instructional Materials Math Adoption Day 2

Instructional MaterialsInstructional Materials Math Adoption Adoption

Day 2

Page 2: Instructional Materials Adoption Instructional Materials Math Adoption Day 2

Agenda• 1.     Welcome, Refreshments, Grouping, & Overview• 2.     Reflections

– a.    Ground Rules– b.    Communication– c.    Purpose and Goals for the Day/ Develop Rubric– d.    Missing Information

• 3.     Middle School Scope and Sequence – Review Chart Work• 4.     Foundation of the Rubric

– a.    Day One Notes– b.    Focus and Combine Ideas– c.    Share with Whole Group

• 5.     Clarification– a.    Essential Questions– b.    Determine Meaning

• 6.     Prioritize and Weight the Components of the Rubric using CPS

• 7.     What does the Rubric Look Like?• 8.     Next Steps, Pluses & Deltas (+ / )

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Ground RulesGround Rules

1.1. Value all opinions and be considerate Value all opinions and be considerate of othersof others

2.2. Make sure points are shared in a Make sure points are shared in a concise and clear mannerconcise and clear manner

3.3. Feel free to share viewsFeel free to share views

4.4. Respect the views of othersRespect the views of others

5. The committee will work as a whole5. The committee will work as a whole

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Ground RulesGround Rules

1.1. Please resist the urge to hold sidebar conversations during the session.

2. If you have missed an important point, ask the presenter to clarify.

3. Cell Phones– Please silence your phones. – If the call is an emergency, – please postpone calls until then.

4. Lunch…If you are dining off site, please respect the return time. Select dining locales that will allow you to return on time.

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Rules of the Road

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Goal for the Day

• Langauge Arts

• Reading

• World Languages

• Science

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Middle School Scope and Sequence

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Foundation of the Rubric

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Prioritize and Weight

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What does the Rubric Look Like?

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Next Meeting

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