install pnmt win7

NWD-105324-01E P ASOLINK N ETWORK M ANAGEMENT T ERMINAL PNMT (Java version) Installation Manual (Windows7) NEC Corporation Copyright © 2010

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Page 1: Install PNMT Win7






PNMT (Java version)

Installation Manual


NEC CorporationCopyright © 2010

Page 2: Install PNMT Win7


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Table of Contents

1. Installation Sequence ........................................................................................................................ 1

2. Phone and Modem Options Setting (Standard 19.2Kbps Connection) ........................................ 3

3. Installation of USB Modem Driver (USB Connection) .................................................................. 9

4. Dial-up Setting ................................................................................................................................. 15

5. SNMP Service Setting ..................................................................................................................... 24

6. PNMT Setup .................................................................................................................................... 26

7. Firewall Setup .................................................................................................................................. 31

8. Firewall Setup (with Advanced Security) ...................................................................................... 33

9. Network Connections Setting on Windows 7 ................................................................................ 38

10. PNMT Launching............................................................................................................................ 42

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1. Installation Sequence

Only Administrator group privilege level users are authorized to configure the following settings,

(1) Dial-up Connection

Standard 19200bps Modem Setting

(Phone and Modem Options Setting)

USB Modem Setting

(Installation of USB Modem Driver)

Network Element (NE) other than


Step 2: Dial-up Connection Setting

Step 3: SNMP Service Setting

Step 4: PASOLINK Network Management Terminal (PNMT) Setup

Step 6: Launching PNMT

Step 1: Modem Setting

Step 5: Firewall Setup Step 5: Firewall Setup with Advanced

Security (with Advanced Security)

Step 5: Firewall Setup

Firewall is disabling on the Dial-up


Firewall is enabling on the Dial-up


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(2) Ethernet Connection

Step 2: Network Connections Setting

Step 3: Launching PNMT

Step 1: PASOLINK Network Management Terminal (PNMT) Setup

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2. Phone and Modem Options Setting (Standard 19.2Kbps Connection)

This section deals with the use of a Standard 19.2Kbps Modem Dial-up connection. (for non-PASOLINK-NEO network elements). If you wish to use a USB Modem Driver (for PASOLINK-NEO network elements, please refer to ”3. Installation of USB Modem Driver (USB Connection)”, p.9

(1) Click Start | Settings | Control Panel.

(2) Change to Large icons.

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(3) Click the Phone and Modem icon in the Control Panel window to start configuring the modem.

(4) If Location Information window will appear, enter your country and area code and then click [OK].

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(5) Verify the Location and Area Code.

(6) Select the Modem tab. Click [Add] to continue with adding the new modem for the PNMT.

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(7) Check Don’t detect my modem ... and click [Next] to continue.

(8) Select Standard Modem Types from the list of Manufacturers and Standard 19200bps Modem from the Models. Click [Next] to continue.

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(9) Select Selected ports and COM#, then click [Next] to continue.

(10) Click [Finish] to complete the new modem installation.

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(11) Verify that Standard 19200 bps Modem and COM1 are displayed. Click [OK].

(12) Please proceed directly to section 4. Dial-up Setting.

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3. Installation of USB Modem Driver (USB Connection)

Only Administrator group privilege level users are authorized to configure the following settings.

This section describes the installation of a USB Modem Driver (for PASOLINK-NEO network elements) as the dial-up connection.

Connect the PNMT computer to the LCT Port of the NE with a standard USB cable.

(1) From the Start menu, select and click Control Panel.

(2) Click Device Manager.

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(3) Right click Unknown device.

(4)Click Update Driver Software….

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(5) Click Browse my computer for driver software.

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(6) Insert the USB driver CD-ROM in the computer’s disk drive and set Search for driver software in this location and click [Next].

(7) Please wait while processing the search for Driver Software.

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(8) Click [Install] in the Installation pop-up.

(9) Please wait while installation for USB Modem Driver is in progress.

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(10) USB Com Modem Driver installation is complete.


There is a possibility that the USB connection is dropped during a long-duration operation depending on the device type of computer. In the case of a connection failure, please reestablish the dial-up connection.

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4. Dial-up Setting

(1) Click Start | Control Panel and the Network and Sharing Center icon to start configuring the Dialup setting.

(2) The Network and Sharing Center window appears. Click Set up a new connection or network in the Tasks area.

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(3) The Set up a connection or network window appears. Select [Connect to a workplace] and click [Next].

(4) Click [Dial directly].

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In case of connecting with RS232C, Click [Modem-Standard 19200bps Modem].

In case of connecting with USB, Click [Modem-USB Modem Driver].

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(5) In the New Connection Wizard window, input connection name and Dial-up phone number field.

Check Don’t connect now... and click [Next].

In case of connecting with RS232C-Type [PNMT(RS232C)]

In case of connecting with USB-Type [PNMT(USB)]

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(6) User & Password setting window appears. Click [Create].

(7) The connection window appears. Click [Close].

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(8) The Network and Sharing Center window appears. Click [Change adapter setting] in the Connect Dial-up Connection window

(9) Select Connection and Right Click , Appear context menu and select Connection’s properties.

RS232C setting USB setting

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(10) In the Properties Window click on the General tab. Click [Configure].

RS232C setting

USB setting

(11) In the Modem Configuration window, uncheck all four checkboxes.

RS232C setting

USB setting

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(12) Retain the default setting on the Options tab and click the PPP Setting.

RS232C setting

USB setting

(13) In the PPP Setting window, uncheck all the boxes. Click [OK] to go back to the previous window. And click the Security tab.

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(14) Retain the default setting on the Security tab and click the Networking tab.

RS232C setting

USB setting

(15) On the Networking tab, uncheck File and Printer ... and Client for Microsoft... and Internet Protocol Version 6(TCP/IPv6)

RS232C setting USB setting

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(16) Highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IPv4) and then click [Properties].

(17) Verify that both Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically are selected.

(18) Click [Advanced ].

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(19) In the Advanced TCP/IP Settings window, uncheck Use IP header compression for the PPP link. Click [OK].

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5. SNMP Service Setting


It is necessary to remove SNMP Service or to stop it if it has already been installed.

(1) Click on Programs and Features on the control panel.

(2) Click on Turn Windows features on or off.

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(3) Turn off Simple Network Management Protocol(SNMP) and WMI SNMP Provider check box, and click [OK].

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6. PNMT Setup


If PNMT software has already been installed, please uninstall it before you install a new version.

(1) Insert the PNMT Installation CDROM. Open the CDROM folder and double-click install.exe.

(2) The following window appears until loading is completed.

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(3) Introduction window appears. Click [Next].

(4) Specify the directory in which the PNMT is to be installed. Click [Next].

Restore Default Folder: Click this button to revert to default path

Choose: Click this button to select another directory

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The default path is C:\PNMTj. It is not possible to include blank spaces as in “Program Files”. (C denotes the directory where the currently running OS is installed)

(5) Specify the License Key file if one is available. Click [Next].

Restore Default File: Click this button to revert to default file

Choose: Click this button to choose the license key file


If no license key file is available, operation in trial mode is possible.


You may use the PNMT on a trial basis for 30 days. After that the PNMT can ONLY be used IF the license has been imported (activated). To obtain the license please contact NEC.

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(6) Click [Install].

(7) During installation, this window appears.

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(8) Click [Done] to close the PNMT installation wizard.


In some cases with Windows7, window shown below might pop-up upon completion of installation. However, please note that installation is complete without any problem.

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7. Firewall Setup

(1) Go to Control Panel. Click Windows Firewall.

(2) Select Turn Windows Firewall on or off.

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(3) Check mark on Turn on Windows Firewall.

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8. Firewall Setup (with Advanced Security)

This procedure enables Run PNMTj with Firewall.

(1) Click Start | Control Panel and the Administrative Tools icon to start configuring Firewall.

(2) Double-Click Windows Firewall with Advanced Security.

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(3) In the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security.Window appears Click Inbound Rules and New Rule... on Actions.

(4) In the Window appears select Custom. And click [Next].

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(5) Select This program path and Click Browse. Select the pnmt on “PNMTj Install PATH\bin” Click [Next].

(6) Select Protocol type ICMPv4 and Click [Next].

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(7) Retain the default setting Click [Next].

(8) Retain the default setting Click [Next].

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(9) Retain the default setting. Click [Next].

(10) Input Name filed and Description field and Click [Finish].

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9. Network Connections Setting on Windows 7

This section describes the network setting for 5000S. If you don’t wish to connect to 5000S, please precede directly 10. PNMT Launching

(1) Select Start Control Panel

(2) Select the Network and Sharing Center from the Control Panel window.

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(3) Select Change adapter settings.

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(4) Select the Network Connections from the Network and Internet Connections window. Right click the Local Area Connection and select the Properties from the context menu.

(5) The following Local Area Connection Properties window will appear as default.

Select the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), then click on the Properties button.

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(6) The following Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties window will appear. Select the Use the following IP Address instead of the Obtain an IP address automatically. Set the IP address, Subnet mask and Default gateway as follows:

Item Setting

IP Address

Subnet mask

Default gateway

DNS server address is not required.

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10. PNMT Launching

(1) Right click on PNMT and then click “Run as Administrator” to start the application.

(2) If following window will appear, select [Allow access]

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(3) Enter User name and Password, and Select the Connection Entry.

After installation of the PNMT, the initial password will be:-

User name: admin

Password: (There is no initial password. Just press Enter. A password can then be set.)

Connection: In case of connection to 5000S select Ethernet and PNMT (LAN/Direct) entry.

Otherwise select Dialup and PNMT(RS232C)/PNMT(USB) entry.

(4) Click [Login].

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(5) If following window will appear, select [Public Location].

(6) After This Dialog Click [Close].

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If another application is using the SNMP Port, application initialization will not be possible; the application will shut down, and the following message will appear.