innovate 2014 devops: release and deploy keynote

© 2014 IBM Corporation 2023A, DevOps: Release and Deploy Keynote Daniel Berg IBM Distinguished Engineer, CTO DevOps Tools & Strategy Maciej Zawadzki IBM Distinguished Engineer, Director, Deploy and Release Product Line

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This is the presentation that Daniel Berg and Maciej Zawadzki presented at Innovate 2014 describing the Release and Deploy strategy.


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© 2014 IBM Corporation

2023A, DevOps: Release and Deploy Keynote

Daniel BergIBM Distinguished Engineer, CTO DevOps Tools & Strategy

Maciej ZawadzkiIBM Distinguished Engineer, Director, Deploy and Release Product Line

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Acceleratesoftware delivery

Balance speed, cost, quality and risk

Reduce time to customer feedback

People Process Technology





IBM DevOpsEnterprise capability for continuous software delivery that enables clients to seize market opportunities and reduce time to customer feedback

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Software delivery challenges

Failures due to inconsistent dev and

production environments

Bottlenecks trying to deliver more frequent

releases to meet market demands

Complex, manual, processes for release lack

repeatability and speed

Poor visibility into dependencies across releases, resources,

and teams

Daily Build


Who did this last time?


Dave’s not here




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DevOps as the Optimization of the Software Delivery Pipeline

Optimizing the software delivery pipeline• Reduce time to market• Improve quality• Decrease costs

UrbanCode Deploy with Patterns

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The Pipeline is an Assembly Line

UrbanCode Deploy with Patterns

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Balancing the Assembly Line


Equal process throughput avoids backlogs

Upgrading a proceeding process causes downstream backlogs

Upgrading downstream process throughput re-establishes balance

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UrbanCode for Release and Deployment automation

Drive down costRemove manual effort and wasted resource time with push button deployment processes

Speed time to marketSimple, graphical process designer, with built-in actions to quickly create deployment automation

Reduce riskRobust configuration management, coordinated release processes, audits, and traceability

Enabling clients to more rapidly deliver mobile, cloud, big data and traditional applications with high quality and low risk

IBM UrbanCode Deploy automates the deployment of applications, databases and configurations into development, test and production environments, helping to drive down cost, speed time to market with reduced risk.

IBM UrbanCode Release is an intelligent collaboration release management solution that replaces error-prone manual spreadsheets and streamlines release activities for application and infrastructure changes.

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Deployment AutomationVisibility and automated control of your application deployment process

• Manage application components and versions

• Manage configurations across all environments

• Offer secure ‘self-service’ capabilities• Increase transparency• Ensure governance and compliancy

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Intuitive and Scalable Model Driven Deployment

Composite Applications


Re-usable WorkflowsEnvironment Management



The “What”

The “How”

The “Where”

Deployment Automation

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Application model

Reliably capture application content and configuration settings with versioning and traceability

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Application environments


Define where components are deployed and capture configuration settings per deployment environment for an application

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Version applications with Snapshots


Capture tested component versions and configuration settings as a snapshot that is promoted to other environments for better visibility and control

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Reliable Middleware Configuration Management

Artifact Library





Cluster template

Exemplar WAS Cell


Import configuration

WAS Configuration Template Creation

+ Template Assembled




Deploy and promote application and configuration across environments

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Tues: What's New in IBM UrbanCode Deploy (1398) - 11:15am-12:15pmMatt Wagner and Erin BuonomoAmerica's Seminar

Tues: Getting to the DevOps Promised Land with Continuous Release and Deployment Across Mainframe Environments (2336) - 1:45pm-2:45pmRosalind Radcliffe and Zhang Hong ChenOceanic 1

Weds: Birds of a Feather - Ask The Experts: IBM UrbanCode Deploy (1291) – 12:30pm-1:15pmKim FrederickAsia 2

Weds: Continuous Deployment for Mobile Apps (1344) - 8:00am-9:00amDerek BaronNorthern A4

Thurs: Managing Middleware Configuration Using IBM UrbanCode (2296) – 11:00am-12:00pmDavid HattenAmerica’s Seminar

And visit us on the EXPO floor in the DevOps Zone at ped DO-9 – IBM UrbanCode Deploy

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Moving towards production

Actual Component

Virtualized Component

Units are introduced into the continuous integration cycle in a prioritised, controlled fashion

Units not yet built can be simulated as part of a production-like environment

Shift-Left TestingEnable testing early and often with virtualized services


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Databases InternalMessages


virtual components

Simultaneously test across

multiple test stages

Dev QA

IBM Rational TestVirtualization Server

IBM UrbanCodeDeploy

IBM RationalTest Workbench

integrated with

Test Environments

Dynamic Infrastructure

Deploy what is ready, virtualize the rest

Continuously test in production-like env.

Deploy private, secure right sized test data

IBM InfoSphereOptim Test Data Mgmt

UC Deploy Plugins

IBM RationalQuality Manager

Manage quality across the delivery lifecycle

Improved feedback with faster testing

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DevOps Manages Risk Differently

• The adoption of DevOps => increased velocity of application delivery

• Puts pressure on the infrastructure to respond more quickly

• Software Defined Environments enable you to capture infrastructure as a software artifact

Application Changes


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Application Changes


Consistent Incremental Change

… …

What is a #fullstackapp ?

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SpecialistsCompute, Network,

and Storage



Full Stack Blueprint (HOT)

Cloud Orchestration

Describe software defined resources (Compute, Network, Storage) alongside middleware and applications

Capture the full stack as a blueprint document,actionable by an automated process

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Introducing UrbanCode Deploy v6.1 with Patterns

Version the blueprint using your source control repo (native support for git)

Apply the new versions of the template to an existing environment or provision an entire new stack

Validate changes with a "canary" pattern to ensure correctness and detect problems earlier

Verify entire stack before production

Portable across clouds


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Tues: Iterative Web-based Designer for Software Defined Environments (2414)1:45pm-2:45pmMichael Elder and Maneesh GoyalAmerica's Seminar

Tues: DevOps on the Cloud – Continuous Delivery and Full-Stack Deployment (2017)4:15pm-5:15pmSanjeev Sharma, Michael Elder and Steve BooneNorthern A4

And visit us on the EXPO floor in the DevOps Zone at ped DO-10 – IBM UrbanCode Deploy with Patterns

Thurs: Role of Test Data Management and Continuous Testing in the DevOps Lifecycle (2426)9:45am-10:45amEric Minick and Daniel StancaNorthern C

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Better Release Planning and Management• Enterprise Calendaring• Release Process Checklist Templates• Environment Reservation

Effective Change and Risk Management• Rational Team Concert integration• Impact Analysis

Continuous Delivery with Automation / Auto-Progression • IBM UrbanCode Deploy integration

Increased Visibility and Control• Pipeline View • Federated Dashboard• Segment Dependency Graph

UrbanCode Release v6.1Transform chaotic enterprise release planning into streamlined release events


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• Track your changes and dependencies in the context of a release• Detect what application is at risk• Integrate with Rational Team Concert

Risk Management – Impact Analysis

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Increased Visibility and Control - Pipeline View

• Keep track of the inventory across the entire life cycle of the release• Control the entire release lifecycle in an easy to use view

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Boost your Release Process with Auto Progression


Phase DEV Phase SIT Phase QA

Recurring Rules


Phase DEV Phase QA


Phase DEV Phase QA

DEV SIT QA Staging

Ready SIT Ready QA Ready Staging

Phase DEV Phase QA Phase Staging

• Recurring scheduled deployments• Fully automated deployments• Quality status enforced by the gates

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Tues: What's New in IBM UrbanCode Release (2067)10:00am-11:00amErin Buonomo and Sylvain CarbonellAmerica's Seminar

Weds: Transforming the Release Weekend (2442) 8:00am-9:00amAndy Berkebile and John-Mason ShackelfordAmerica's Seminar

Weds: Accelerate Release Pipelines with Auto-Progression (2462) 10:45am-11:45amSylvain Carbonell and Andy BerkebileAmerica's Seminar

And visit us on the EXPO floor in the DevOps Zone at ped DO-11 – IBM UrbanCode Release

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UrbanCode Deploy with Patterns

A balanced software delivery pipeline requires automated release and deploy capabilities supporting DevOps practices.

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