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Post on 07-Nov-2015




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Mason tambin dice que tienen suerte, porque en el avin han sido slo nueve personas con vida. Entonces ellos dicen todos ellos sus nombres y qu puestos de trabajo que tienen. Al principio una mujer dice que ella es la famosa actriz Marie LeGarde. Entonces Nick Corazzini dice su nombre, despus de l reverendo Joseph Smallwod, Solly Levin, Johnny Zagero, quien es un boxeador, la seora Dansby - Gregg, de Dansby criada Fleming, Theodore Mahler, el senador Brewster, un operador de radio lesionada y la azafata Margaret Ross. Luego van a la cama, pero Mason le dice jackstraws que alguien ha dado algunos medicamentos para esas personas.

Dr. Mason despert a las 09:30, todo el mundo ya se haba levantado, se senta fro y rgido, Jackstraw haba puesto la lmpara de aceite exterior, ya era de noche, porque en esa poca del ao la luz del da se redujo en cerca de 2 o 3 horas al da. Oyeron un grito que era la azafata que estaba mirando a los muertos cuerpo man's de radio, Mason le examin y se dio cuenta que fue asesinado pero tuvo que mentir a los dems, les dijo que haba muerto a causa de las hemorragias internas, pero la verdad era que l haba sido asesinado cruelmente mientras layed inconsciente incapaz de defenderse, alguien puso una almohada sobre su rostro, hasta que dej de respirar. Corazzini dijo Mason que la comida enlatada estaba a punto de terminar por lo que decidieron fijar el tractor viejo para que puedan ir a buscar a los otros cientficos. Cuando estaban arreglando el viejo tractor, Marie Legarde llamado Dr. Mason porque la azafata tena un terrible dolor en la espalda, cuando la examin de nuevo vio que tena un corte profundo en la espalda y una contusin en el hombro izquierdo, despus de ver que salt poner sus pieles sobre y se dirigi directamente al plano de revisar el avin se enter de que no hay nada podra haber causado el corte entr en la cabina de un descubri que el gabinete de radio fue daado luego se dio cuenta de que la azafata debe haber sido pinting una pistola al capitn el lo mataron, l comprobado el capitn y tena un pequeo agujero de bala en la espalda tambin hi encontr un arma en Coronel Harrison's cuerpo y lo tom y algunas balas sin dudarlo.

Mason also says that they are lucky, because in the aeroplane they have been only nine persons alive. Then they tell all them their names and what jobs they have. At first a woman says that she is the famous actress Marie LeGarde. Then Nick Corazzini says his name, after him reverend Joseph Smallwod, Solly Levin, Johnny Zagero, who is a boxer, Mrs Dansby - Gregg, Dansby's maid Fleming, Theodore Mahler, Senator Brewster, an injured radio operator and the stewardess Margaret Ross. Then they go to bed, but Mason tells Jackstraws that somebody has given some drugs to those people.

Dr. Mason woke up at 9:30, everyone was already up, he was feeling cold and stiff, Jackstraw had put the oil lamp outside, it was dark because in that time of year the daylight was reduced in about 2 or 3 hours a day. They heard a scream it was the stewardess who was staring at the dead radio mans body, Mason examined him and noticed he was murdered but he had to lie to the others, he told them that he had died because of the internal bleedings but the truth was that he had been cruelly murdered as he layed unconscious unable to defend himself, someone put a pillow on his face until he stopped breathing. Corazzini told Mason that the tinned food was about to finish so they decided to fix the old tractor so they can go find the other scientists. When they were fixing the old tractor, Marie Legarde called Dr Mason because the stewardess had an awful pain in the back, when he examined her back he saw that she had a deep cut on her back and a bruise on her left shoulder, after seeing that he jumped put his furs on and went straight to the plane to check the plane he found out that nothing there could have caused the cut he entered the cabin a found that the radio cabinet was damaged then he realized that the stewardess must have been pinting a gun at the captain the killed him, he checked the captain and had a small bullet hole in his back also hi found a gun on Colonel Harrisons body and took it and some bullets without hesitation.