infographics of the perfect goal (cidi 2013)

Análise de representações gráficas de um evento dinâmico complexo: gol de futebol José Marconi Bezerra de Souza (PhD.) Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná Analysis of graphic representa?ons of a dynamic and complex event: the soccer goal Ricardo Cunha Lima (MSc.) Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial / UERJ

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Post on 26-May-2015




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Demonstration of how a dynamic and complex event, a soccer game, can be represented in various ways, and how they can emphasize or diminish the importance of particular aspects of the event. To view the video of the presentation at CIDI 2013: hpps://


Page 1: Infographics of the perfect goal (CIDI 2013)

Análise  de  representações  gráficas    de  um  evento  dinâmico  complexo:    gol  de  futebol    

José  Marconi  Bezerra  de  Souza  (PhD.)  Universidade  Tecnológica  Federal  do  Paraná    

Analysis  of  graphic  representa?ons  of  a  dynamic  and  complex  event:    the  soccer  goal  

Ricardo  Cunha  Lima  (MSc.)  Escola  Superior  de  Desenho  Industrial  /  UERJ  

Page 2: Infographics of the perfect goal (CIDI 2013)

Representa?on    of  dynamic  events    Demonstra@on  of  how  a  dynamic  and  complex  event,  a  soccer  game,  can  be  represented  in  various  ways,  And  how  these  can  emphasize  or  diminish  the  importance  of  par@cular  aspects  of  the  event.  

To  view  the  video  of  the  presenta?on  at  CIDI  2013:  hGps://    


Page 3: Infographics of the perfect goal (CIDI 2013)

The  “perfect”goal    •  Elected  by  the  Associa@on  of  Football  Sta@s@cians          

4th  goal  for  Brazil  in  the  finals  of  the  1970’s  World  Cup  •  8  players  •  Dribbling,  6  @mes  •  9  passes  •  1  aVempt  to  steal  the  ball  •  1  kick  for  the  goal  

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1.  Infographics  2.  Granurality  3.  Mo@on  proper@es  4.  Types  of  representa@on    5.  Design  process  6.  Final  considera@ons    

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1.  Infographics        

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Journalis?c  infographics  (LIMA,  2009)  

Graphic feature that uses verbal, schematic and pictorial graphic language (cumulatively or alternatively), aimed primarily at explaining some phenomenon.

Jornal 24horas Carlos Monteiro Ricardo Santos

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Modes  of  symboliza?on  (TWYMAN,  1979)

Verbal/numeric Pictorial Schema?c

WriVen  text   Figura@ve  and  abstract   Marks  that  are  not  words,    numbers  or  pictures  

•  Tipography  •  WriGen  text  •  LeGering,  etc.  

•  Figura?ve  drawings  •  Abstract  pain?ngs  •  Photography,  etc.  

•  Diagrams  •  Geometric  forms  •  Graphs,  ect.  

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Text  as  diagram  (Rob  Waller,  1985)

The reading strategy can be developed in a non-linear fashion, so that the reader is not forced to follow a linear reading path in a plain text.  

Linear  text Non-­‐linear  text

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It differs from traditional iconography by the possibility to behave as the main source of information on the page.

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Ilustração Gabriel Silveira Projeto gráfico Diego Sanches Texto Luiz Fujita

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2.  Granurality      

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            Granularity  (SOUZA,  2008)      How  many  pictures    represent  a  dynamic  event?    

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20   21   22   23  

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20   21  

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20   23  

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3.  Mo?on  proper?es        

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Trajectory    is the imaginary path that traces a moving body through space  

Displacement    refers to the distance between an object and its original position, that is, the change in position of the object in a given space  

Direc?on   is the path taken by an object moving relative to the point at which it is moving

Movement  (SOUZA,  2008)    

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Page 24: Infographics of the perfect goal (CIDI 2013)


Page 25: Infographics of the perfect goal (CIDI 2013)

5.  Representa?on    types  


4.  Types  of    representa?on    

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Types  of  respresenta?ons    

 Pictorial  graphic  representa@on  may  be    more  or  less  literal  or  more  or  less  figura?ve  .  

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Graphic  metaphor    (RICHARDS,  1984)  (ENGELHARDT,  2002)  (LIMA,  2009)  (McCLOUD,  1995)    

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Jorge  Curi,    Rádio  Globo,  México,  21  de  junho  de  1970  

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Page 34: Infographics of the perfect goal (CIDI 2013)


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Verbal  and  pictoric  

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Verbal  and  pictoric  

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Page 38: Infographics of the perfect goal (CIDI 2013)

Graphic  conven@ons  for  soccer  goals  infographics  by  the  brazilian  designers  Gepp  and  Maia  :  


Gepp  e  Maia    

Arrows  to  guide    the  narra@ve;    Colors  and  symbolic  forms  to  differen@ate  the  seman@cs  of  the  teams;    Dynamic  pictorial  representa?ons  that  suggest  the  specific  movements  of  players;    Delimi?ng  the  space  of  the  football  field  from  the  perspec@ve  of  the  observer  of  the  scene;    Verbal  descrip?on    of  the  scene  

Verbal,  schema?c  and  pictoric  

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5.  Design  process      

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Work  methodology  in  daily  newspapers  

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Graphic  conven?ons  of  “Gol  da  Rodada”  

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Graphic  conven?ons  of  “Gol  da  Rodada”  

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Graphic  conven?ons  of  “Gol  da  Rodada”  Agents  of  the  ac?on    Players  from  both  teams  and  the  goal  keeper  

Varie?es  of  ac?on  (player)    

Seman?cs  of  the  arrow    Displacement    of  the  ball  

Displacement    of  the  player  

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6.  Final  considera?ons        

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Final  considera?ons  

Choosing  the  moment  of  the  goal:    individual  or  team  ac@on;    Pictorial  representa?ons:    player  iden@fica@on  and  the  intent  of  their  movements,  enriching  the  seman@c  poten@al;  

Reduc?on  details:    Focus  on  the  analy@cal,  tac@cal  and  proac@ve    character  of  the  play,  ac@on  and  speed  is  represented  by  symbols  of  future  ac@ons.  

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Bibliography  LIMA,  Ricardo  Cunha.  Análise  da  infografia  jornalís@ca.  2009.  143  f.  Dissertação  (Mestrado  em  Design)  –  ESDI/UERJ,  Rio  de  Janeiro,  2009.  MADDEN,  M.  99  Ways  to  Tell  a  Story.  London,  UK.  Jonathan  Cape.  2006.  208  p.  McCLOUD,  ScoV.  Desvendando  os  quadrinhos.  São  Paulo:  M.  Books.  1995.  October  Films;  Associa@on  of  Football  Sta@s@cians.  THE  WORLD  CUP  WONDER  GOAL  OF  ALL  TIME.  “Five”  em  7  de  junho  de  2006.  QUENEAU,  R.  Exercícios  de  es@lo.  Rio  de  Janeiro,  Brasil:  Imago.  1995.  184  p.  RICHARDS,  Clive.  2000.  Gesng  the  picture:  diagram  design  and  the  informa@on  revolu@on.  Informa@on  Design  Journal,  v.9,  n.2/3:  87-­‐110.  SOUZA,  J.  M.  B.  Towards  the  op?miza?on  of  soVware  instruc?onal  demonstra?ons  –  The  effects  of  visual  representa@ons  of  opera@onal  informa@on  and  interac@on  on  users’  performance  and  judgments.  Tese  (PhD)  –  Department  of  Typography  &  Graphic  Communica@on,  University  of  Reading,  2008.  ______;  DYSON,  M.  Are  animated  demonstra@ons  the  clearest  and  most  comfortable  way  to  communicate  on-­‐screen  instruc@ons?  In:  Informa?on  Design  Journal.  Vol.  16.  2008.  p.  107-­‐124.  ______;  LIMA,  Ricardo  Cunha.  O  design  de  gráficos  auxiliares  na  representação  de  movimento  para  fins  instrucionais.  In:  9o  Congresso  Brasileiro  de  Pesquisa  e  Desenvlvimento  em  Design  2010,  2010,  São  Paulo.  Anais  do  9o  Congresso  Brasileiro  de  Pesquisa  e  Desenvlvimento  em  Design  2010.  São  Paulo:  Blucher,  2010.  p.  583-­‐595.  9.  TUFTE,  Edward.  Beau@ful  Evidence.  Graphics  Press,  2006.  TWYMAN,  Michael.  A  Schema  for  the  Study  of  Graphic  Language.  KOLERS,  P.A.  &  WROSTAD,  M.E.  &  BOUMA,  H.  (Eds.),  In:  The  Processing  of  Visible  Language,  vol.  1,  Plenum,  New  York,  pp.  117–  150.  1979.                                                                                                                                ______  Using  pictorial  language:  a  discussion  of  the  dimensions  of  the  problem.  In  T.  M.  Duyy  and  R.  Waller  (eds.)  Designing  usable  texts.  Orlando,  Florida:  Academic  Press,  p.  245-­‐312.  1985.  Textos  publicados  na  internet  TERAMATSU,  Edson  Kazushigue.  2008.  Didi,  Gepp  &  Maia  e  os  arquivos  do  Porto.  In:  Infogol!:  futebol  e  infografia.  <hVp://>,  20/5/2013.  

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Thank  you!