industrial policy revolution of india

Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR)

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Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR)

Page 2: industrial policy revolution of India

3 Pillars o IPR

Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai Patel Shyama Prasad


Jawaharlal Nehru

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Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR) 6 April,1948


Growth Development

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• This outlined the approach to industrial growth and development.

• It emphasized the importance to the economy of securing a continuous increase in production

• The main contribution of the IPR 1948 was that it set in the nature and pattern of industrial development in the country.

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Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR) 30 April,1956


Protection Development

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• It also known as “Economic Constitution of India”

• This was introduced in Second five year Plan with a long term strategy for industrial and economy development.

• Policy Resolution of 1956 which had as its objective the acceleration of the rate of economic growth and the speeding up of industrialization including large and medium scale industries also

• The main objective is to prevent private monopolies.

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Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR) 23 Dec,1977

• •


Protection Development Promotion

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• There are two major issues:-(1) Lopsided industrial development

(2) Large scale unemployment• Earlier thrust was on protection (IPR 1948) and

development (IPR 1956), the IPR 1977 added ‘promotion’. As per this resolution, the small sector was, thus, to be ‘protected, developed, and promoted.’

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Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR) 2 july,1980

• The Industrial Policy Statement of July 1980, which is based as the Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956, spells out the following socio-economic objectives:

1. Consumer protection against high price and low quality.

2. Strengthen the agricultural base through agro industries

3. Promotion of export

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Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR) 24 July,1990


Protection Development Promotion


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Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR) 6 Aug,1991

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• IPR 1973• Comprehensive policy package for SSI and Tiny

sector 2000• Industrial policy package for SSI 2001-02• Industrial policy package for SSI 2004-05• Industrial policy package for SSE 2005-06

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