index to abstracts and references 1948 - author index

Part II-PROCEEDINGS OF THE IRE AUTHOR INDEX AUTHOR INDEX-A name followed by "and" is that of the first author of a jointly written paper, while the word "with" indicates that the name indexed is that of the second author. A Abadie, P., dielectric loss at u.h.f., 2844; h. impedaitce measuiement, 2001 Abbenhoose, P., e.r.o. for precision time measurement, (A) 2652 Abbot, A. E, graphical multivibrator design, 2748 Abbott, G., sun a regular variable star, (A) 94 Abeld, J., discontinuous relaxation oseillatioits, 2476 Abend, L, f.m. receiver alignment, 1137 Abragam, A., structure of waves of phase selocity c, 2718 Abraham, L G., and others, pulse-echo mnrasurements on cables, 2205 Abraham, W. G., loading of resonant cavities, (A) 682 Acker, J. T., factory tests on cathode nickel, (A) 2647 Ackroyd, J. O., speech communication in deafnets or loud noise, 2690 Adam, X, miniatute components and valves, 1002; phasitron moduilator, 1405; sound recording by engraving on film, 1548 Adams, G. J., with A. Alford, reflection of television signals from tall buildings, (A) 2647 Adams, J. J., i.f. amplifiers for f.m. receivers, 527 Adams, P. R., S. R. M. )odington and J. A. Herbst, tests on navar system, (A) 428 Adams, EL V., with others, mass and disintegration products of nueseut, 715 Adcock, W. A., computer for simultaneous and characteristic equalicgus, 2834 Adirovich, R. L, luminescence of crystalline phospbors 1373 Adler, R., f.m. (letector valve, (A) 2475 - with W. L. Cherry, Jr, piezoelectric eflect in BaTiO, ceramics, 741 Aigrain, P. RB, and E. M. Williams, amplitude-stabilized oscillatois, pseudosynchronization in, 3044, theory, 980, 188 Aiken, C. B., and W. C. Welz, d.c. amplifier for signals < IV, 381 Atisberg, It, cathode-follower circuit, 994; negative-feedback circuits,106 Akerlind, P., with S. Geier, itonespbeic investigations in Sweden, 9th July 1945, 1925 Albright, J. D. with Al. A. Honnell, f.m. aerial patterns by means of models, 2483 Aloos, D. W., bibliography of magnetic recording, 944 Aldots, W. EL, transmitting valves, 871 Alexander,F. S., anomalous radar propagation near Ncw Zealand, 1969 Alender, P.. Industrial Applications of Ultrasonics, (B) 2587 Alexander, S. N., L. Marton and I. L. Cooter, visual observations of patterns recorded on magnetic media, (A) 2430 Alibrd, A., and G. J. Adams, reflection of television signals from tall build- ings, (A) 2647 - and H. Jasik, reradiation from broadcast towers, (A) 2443 AlfByn, B., granulation, waves, and heating of solar corona, 27; magneto-hydrodynamic waves and sunspots, 3104,8405 -and H. Romanus, trocbotron valve, Aliat, IL, special valves, 2965 ABIss, F.., electrical engine-ring in India, (A) 1878, (A) 168. 281 ABet, C. EL, and Rudnick, high-powet 3-34-kr/s siuen, 917 - H. Frings and I. Rudnick, biological effects of intense sound, 133 Alle, C. W., solar noise at atlO.1tt/s, (A) 1355 Al, B. W., Jr, reflection of v.h.f. wvies from iiieteoric ionization, 2326 Allen, F., low temperature research ill North Ameiica, 1619; phase- sensitive synchronous motor, 2841 AlAs, J. B., electron-multiplier particle counter, 1106 Allen, L} H., ratio detector for a.m./f.m. reception, 2344 Alle, AL, receiver noise factor, 1481 Alle, W. D., and J. L. Symonds, multiple-gap linear electrons acceleration, 207 Allison, W., with others, measurettue,it of tiltra short time intervalsuith chronuotron, 762 AI'pert, Ya. L, anisotropy of iotuosphere, 1032; sporadic F. layer, 1030, theory, 106 van Aiphen, KL, with others, homue projection television, 2187 AIred, R. V., naval radar anti-iamnuiiig technique, 2532; Yagi aerials for 600 Me/s, 2458 Althaus, J., with others, ineasurement of ultra-short time intervals with chronotroti 762 Auderson, A. B., electric expansion meter and applications, 1420 AndersnW, C. D., and others, mass atid disintegration products of meson, 715 . W., with others, Army nireless set No. 10, 2824 Anderson, E, with J. D. Seaver, qttalits control of permanent-magnet alloys, 449 Anderon, R. S., with 0 l Aigevitie, Jr, sound distributien, 2704 Anderson, T. A., dynamic characteristics of probes, 3387 Anderson, W. P., and E. J. tGraingeC, commuitucatious equipment in British Navy, 284 Andrew, B. L., thermistor in biological research, 500 Andrew. R., visibility of signals on radar e.r. tube, 2985 Andrew, V. L., spurious radiations from broadeast transmitters, 2854 Andrews, C. L., trio<le oscillator for A 8 eni, 983 Andrewa, D. R., uith others, calibratuoti of frequency records, (A) 2430 Andrew,, 3. P., tbermoelectric power of CdO against Pt, 2288 Angevine, 0. L, Jr, and R. S. Anderson, sound distribution, 2704 Anglade, C, with J. )errien, addition law for Se photocell, 1201 - with others, local sensitivity variations of photocells, 1814 Angwin, A. S, telecommunicatioius in war, 2114 Anikin, V. I., with others, instrumtents for measurements at Cen A, 475 Anon. ALA. McK., common-carrier mobile RNT sertice, 1758; f.m. elain broadcasting, 820; frenmodyte f.m. receiver, 2085; stereophonic sound, 3313 and F.R., ultrasonic flaw detector, 1113 A.EL., teleconmmunicatiois conference, Atllctic City, 1047, 1749 B.F., and J.S,, radio measureenuent apparatus, 2559 BA?.. shorthand circuit symbols, (D) 43 "Cathode Ray", a.c. bridges, 2288; eill. tuuits, 75, (Ct 1008; phase and its meaning, 2734; sidebands, 1197; synchrodyne, 3500; transforier,;, obsiots atld otherwise, 45; tuing circuits 898 D.G.F., bandwidth vs noise in commussicatioti systetits, (AD) 1745; design trends for television tratesmitters, 1703 E.A. l.f. analyser, 2003 FLD,, listeners' preferences, (D) 934 F.R., ptilse-code modiilatioti, 1161 with A.A. McK., ultrasonic flaw detector, 1113 G.W.o.H, inventorof radiotelegraphy, 2429; Ohbit anid hi lai, 901; Popov, life atid workC 1842; statidard ternus aiuld abbresiations, 2426 EL Sapiens, photoelectric set eid-reproduction from filn, 1541 J.M., automatic-pilot traitsatlatutic fight, 1037; NewYorko3hstu)t Microwave televisioti relay, 1756 J.S., with B.F., radio mi.ea urenment apparatus, 2559 K, anti-sonar, 1107 K3LJ.A., h.f. indudtion and dielectric heating, 201 Radionyme, standard tests for components, 189; statudard tunitug umts and oscillators for 1948, 3008 Anton, N., radiation counter tubes, 2579 and M. Yudin, high-altitude rectifier valve, 2859 Antonov-Remanovski, V. V., properties of alkaliire-earth phosphors, 1372 AntselJoVih, 8., u.h.f. detection, 1474 Apker, L, and others, wide-ratuge double-beterody ie spectrum analyser, 788 Apple, L., 35-W midget trauosm-itter, 294 Appleton, V., FP ionization and geomagnietic latitude, (D) 101 influence of tropospheric conditions on u.s.w. propagation, 2056; investigation and forecasting of iouuospheric conditions, 2048; new metals for old, (A) 152 Aradzhi, V. L, electricity of thunderstorms, 1951 Aram, N. W., aerials for f.m. receivers, (A) 237 Archer-Thompson, EL, and E. Mi. Hiclkiui, radio technique ansI apparatus for studying em-A propagation, 2028 Arditi, K., and V. J. DeSantis, thermionic emission front grids, (A) 2663 Arenberg, D. L., ultrasonic solid delay lines, 1578 Arigoni, A., 50-kW f.m. transmitter for 88-168 Mc s, 2855 Arkadiev, V., oscillations of elementary magnets, 706 Arley, N., niagnetic field of rotating bodies, (D) 3108 Armstrong, E. B., plasma-electron oscillations, 2506 Armstrong, L. D., high-pA magnetometer for automatic steeriuig control, 499 Armstrong, B., with G. L. Grisdale, design of communication receivers, (D) 1407 Arndt, W. F., with D. P. Loye, sheet of air-bubbles as acoustic scleen, 2142 Arshinov, S. S., thermal compensation of circuits, 3041 Arzinger, A., H. E. Hallborg atud J. H. Nelsoni,sunspots and radio weather, 3106 Aschen, B., band-modulator receiver, 1730; seisitise wi asvemeter, 186; tel sision projetntiot, 1787 -a dtR . GisuttI, L'f. imatie aealsosur, 20D2 - atid J. CoUttlle, lI.f. beat-frIcquitcy osciilator, 1584 and R. Zahl, beat-frequericy oscillator construction, 36 Asthenbrenner, R., aligiimerilt of a.m./f.m. generator, 1091; receiver alignment with panoranmic aiialyser, 1098 Ashauer, S., self-acceleratittg electron, 703 Ashwell, G. E., with B. C. Presseys pulse field-strengths measuring set for v.h.f., 1684 Ashworth, F., W. Needham aoid I. WX Sillars, Sii nonliunear resistors, (D) 3361 Asplund, A, Iwith others, itupact testitug of plastics, 1065 Astbury, N. F, calibratioto of hydrophones ated crystal trantsceivers, 2434; novting-coil galsanomneter as circuiit element, 3326 Aston, G. B., and I Essen, frequency measurement at itI00-5tCt,t Mc/s, 2015 Aten, A. R. W., Jr, wituli others, effect of degassing procedure on oxide cathostcs, 2415 Atlas, D., radar analysis of rainstorms, (A) 2524 Atterling, H., atud G Lindstruim, h f. cyclotron generatoi, 2874 Attree, V., reducing fly-teack tiuuue of Stiller timebase, 2749 Attree, V. B., low-inDpedatice d.c stabilized power supply, 3529 Auerbach, I. 1., and otlutrs, Hg-delav-yne memory (A) 2475 Aughtie, F., synuchrodyne receisver, (D) 1139 Austen, A. E. W., with others, voltage characteristics of polythene cables, (DU 2841 Averkov, S. I., with others, instrole ents for meastteirn iitS at cm A, 475 Avery, D. G., aod R Witty, difulasion-ptltip theore, 2257 B Bacchi, G, radiatioui patulrue of cylindnrical radiator with conical reflector, 2997 Bach, H. M., Jr, tilesiiort insterference, 3537 Baggott, A. J., and C H. Fawcett, tagnietic and acoustic suitle develop- nient, 790 Bailey, F. M., tliusiusg iitdic ator for fliii, 834 Bailey, R. C., electronics in tII Antarctic, 259 Bailey, R. S., and H Ec. Siuigletosu, reducitug transmissiouu bandwidth, 3539 BainbriAdge.Bel, L. improsing circutit diagrat i, 2737 Baker, T., iiudicator foruelectronic counters, 2307; noniuicuar resistors for soltage correction, 1169; portable electronic cbronometer, 31f5 Baker, G. W., design of hearing-aid valves, (A) 2430; two-terminal bhv sectifier valve, (A) 2663 Baker, W. N., standing-wave iuitticatoi for 3-22 Micts, 2300 Baker, W. R., J V Fiaiick anit J. D Gow, linear accelerator oscillator and couplineg systen), (A) 2318 Bakker, J., with FA cKroger, lumitescence If Ce compounds, 4s5 Baldinger, E., atud 1'. Huber, esolving power of couiter telbes, 1424 Ballam, J., withi oth rs, Berkeley 4-5,eV e s generator, (A) 2311 Ballantine, R. J., aisd ECG. James, wide-range us h f oscillator circuits, 3373 Ballard, R. C., with others, experimental simultaineous colour telesision systmc, 572 Ballard, W. C., Jr, transmission-line sectol diagramn, (A) 2443 Ballou, B. O., with others, KSBR l-kW tI C.5-Mcis fim. transmnitter, 592 Balls, A. W., with others, lhigh powier pulzd 4sagrilctroi development. 892, (D) Bamford, S., multi-guin c nro, 3184 Bane, C. F., double-tuned r f preamplifier, 1314 Banerjea,B. K.,withothers,ionosphericpropagatiost tm. waves, 1442; microwave radiation from stun, 2220 Baneriee, S. S., and R N. Siuigh, F,-layer clectr it dcsiit near equator, 2239 B , J. 3., qtiartz-controlled signal generatorI 1097 Bados, A., Jr, H Gruen aiud D S Saxoi propagatioum iem 2-dielectric coaxial Iissus, (A) 2166 Banthorpe, C. B., h.v. supply for television receivers, 286 Banting, H. de L., transitron oscillator, 2485 Banwell, C. J., with others, radio echo observations of meteors in 1946, 2779, 2780 Baracket, A. J., abac for pttlse rise tintii response, 2492; square-wavo response abac, 62 Baral, S. S., S. N. Ghosh anit '\t Debray, abnormalities in F region at Calcutta, 2522 Baranger, M., and F. Netter, qiatutuns theory, second quantification, 1815 Baranov, N., bridged-T networks and applications, 1295 Barbee, B. C., suptxrhbterodytie for 144 Mc/s, 810 Barber, N. F., positive and negative frequencies, (D) 187 Bardeen, 3., with W. H. Brattain, forward current in Ge rectifiers, 3439 Bardsley, W., with S. 'olansky interferometry for study of quartz oscilla- tiotus, 3400 Barducci, L, thtory of eelet ctronme hnical transducers, 1849 Barfield, R. H., aild R E. Burgess, small aerials in dielectric loedia, 3351 Barford, N. C., and 01 Bowman-Ddanifold, theory of valves, 894 Bargellini, P. L., broalcasting in Italy and fim, 1759 Bark, A., withothers miustai,tancous radio audieiee-ricasuremeintsystemr (At 2430 Barker, A. C., single-diaphragm loudspeakers, 2702 Barker, B. J., with D. P. J Retief, SOJ^12 open-wire carrier telephone systems, 2610 Barlow, E. J., Doppler radar, (A) 2524 Barlow, B. M., Micro-Waves and Wave Guides, (B) 1584; trunk wave- guide multichannel coiumnunication, 257 Barr, E. E., with others, Ni bolometers, 194 Barraud, J,, with J. J. irillat, measurement of peak voltages by electron diffraction, 1865 Bartow, J. K, rural carrier telephony, 2612 Bata, I., twin-T and bridged-T circuits, 1576 Bartelink, E.. B., antl L tas,an, ftie bhort-range carrier system, 1122 - J. ahbke and R I Watters, tat-response single-tuned imf amplifier, 2406 Bartell, W., with Et Harrington, f im adapter for a im receivers, 1456 Bartlemy, R., properties of thin slightly-conducting targets, 1777, 1778 Barthon, J., video amplification, 1189 Bartik, W. J., and C J. F'owler, extending freqesency range of noise meters, (A) 2652 Bartlett, A. C., geometry of rectangular waveguides, 2722 Bartett, 3. G., and G. T. )avies, high-speed oscillographs, 1690 Banal, P., and A. Loria, scale-of-16 counting circuit, 2185 Bast, 10. B., D. Goedhart and J F. Schouten, 480channel carrier telephone system, 2356 Batcher, R. R., pulse-code modulation for telephony, 258 Mate, A. B., and E. Pillow, mean free path of sound in auditorium, 2 Mates, D. B., orin f night-sky light, 1642 - and H. S. MOassey, reconobiunation iii atinospheric ionizeed layers, 1944 with S. Chapmiian, aurorae and night-sky light, 730 Bates, L. F., and E. G. Harrison, temrlperature changes in iimagntetization, of iron, 2805, of some alloys, 2804 Bauehman, R. W., with others, :3-cm and 0-cni propagati ol in low ocean ducts, 521 Bauer, J. A., televisioni receiver test cquipnu ent, 780; Ii.h.f. wide-band sweep generators, 487 Baum, R. F., approximations to irnipedance functions, 3040 Baumgartner, J., band spreading by double heterodyming, 2898 Baurand, J., and R. Larualrt, ptulse method for measuremnent of small photo-cuiirents, 1672 Baxandall, P. J., high-quality aniplifher dl sign, 1328 Bay, Z., and G. Papp, coincideice circuit with high resolving powser, 2471 Bayliff, R. W., with others, meteor whistles, 3403 Bays, C. F., acid D. Slater, hcrmetic sealing of transforicers, 749 Beach, R., e.s. ills arid cures of aircraft, (D) 812 Beam, R. E., with A. BH Bronwell, Theory and Application of Mlicrowaves, (B) 2682 Bean, N. S., with J. H. Roo, television field equipment, 2388 Beard, E. G.,formulae for negative feedback, 1327; frequeiicy ioodulatioti, 1498; high-gain phase-splittiiig ciillit, 1603; i.f. transforrners for a.m./f.m. receivers, 1732; noise redtluction, in amplifiers atid mixers, (A) 1600, at u.h.f., (A) 1592; oscillating s-alve circuits, 1585; Philips tanoial of Radio Practice for S rvicemie, (B) 2075; ranidom noise, in radio receivers, 1483; statioti selection with f.m. receivers, 1467; switch .s tone coiitrol for receivers 1477 Beattie, A. H., receivisr ciassis testinig e'quipmp t 163 Beatty, R T., Radio Data Charts, (B) 3285 Beasmant, D. W., with oth.ers, sirgle crystals of BaT iO3, (A) 125 Beauvais,G.,rececnt researchesosr insulatinig materials, 2819 Beck, A. C., and D. If. Ring, t stinw with tirciilated ptilses, 777 Beck, A. B., aiid S. A. Tilbtb, utoniati poltr diagiaii recdet r, 1400 Bedeau, F., circtit r, sponsc to sawtooth e.m.f., 1872 Bedford, L. H., gun-laving ratlar receivers, 733 Began, S. J., bias-heldi disteoition in magnoctic tape recordiog, (A) 2430 Behr, A., large c.hroolosphberic ertuption, 3107 Beitman,M. N., teost-Ofteti-Necdecd F.M. andt li.t ision,Sirviciing Inforina- tion, (B) 3076; ito t(lften-N 19047 Radio Diatiaiis and S rviring Iuiformatioi, (B) 256 Belevitch, V., iso rtion loss arud phase shift of fiOters, 384; litioar theory of bridge aiid ritig mioduilator cirtuits, 3058 Belin, R. E., aosur. ,oiet of atinospheric poteitial gradierst, 1674, 2840 Belinfante, F. J., e.m. field theory, 3078, 3088 Belkin, M. K., stabilizatiooi of sup rregeneratise receiver, 3234; slper- regenerative rc tptiooi of puls. sigiials, 1737 Bell, D. A., rhoice of frIqconcy fol v.h.f. raidio links, 3518; iiitensity- distaiice law of radiation, 2592; sl,t a, rials, 1283; tliermal T10ise in resistors, (17 3239; vibratolr pwer packs, 3528 Bell, J., data-trarnsraissioo systenis, (A) 829 -and others, u.s. triodles and oscillators, 683 Bel, P. R,, with W. H. JordaTi, linear aiiiplitfi(r, 991 Belyaev,B. V., effect of frusquei y sariations osivoltage stabtiizers, 3255 Bender, I., cathod -oupled conieiters,240 Beneg, L, with NV Pettdhlka, crystal cuts determined by X rays, 144 Benfield, A. E., with others, iiltrasonic di lay liws, 2479 Benjamzin, R., blockiTIg oscillators, 977 Bennett, F. D., with J. S. BrCooii, niatrixequationsfor triodecircuits,3043 Bennett,W. R., stn of ectorsof ranlo phas., 3164 Bennett,W. S., with others,frequteccy stabilization of microw-aieoscillators by spectreim lines, 2180 Bennington, T. W., iottosphere review, 1947, 1380; ionospheric-propaga- tion forecastinig, 2886; propagation at 4-i100 lNIe C, 1478 Benoit, J., omnidirectional slotted aerial for cm A, 957 - and L. Fouepiet, capacitor for measurement of dielectric constant ofliquiol, 2554 Benson, J. E., aTid W. A. Colebrook, telecotitrol of receivers for aircraft commtmieication, 275,2836 Bentley, N. H., with W. I. Flach, high-quaity hone- made televisio,u receiver, 577 Benz, F., negative feedback, 1604 Benser, g., electrical oscillations ini Ge crystals, (A) 138; excess-defect Ge contacts, 1380 Beranek, L. L., sound attenuation in multiple partitions, (A) 2141; speech intelligibility for communication systems, 123 Berg, W. R., optimum opotating conditions for gas-tube voltage regulators, 583 Berger, K., lightniiig ces.corch in Switzerland, 110 Berhley, F. B., tuniiig without capacitors, 38 Berkner, L. V, with others, Ionospheric Research at College, Alaska (B) 2795 Berman, L. M., direct-reading superheterodynte frequetucy nicter, 3186 Bernhardt, 3., receiser alignment by c.r.o., 184 Bertein, F., electron lenses, ate rrations of form, 1123, defects and image sliarpness, 1125, corrector system for, 1122 - H. Bruch aoid P. Grivet, resolving power and objective defects in electronmicroscope, 214 Bertram, S., degenerative positive-bias multivibrator, 1884 Bertrand, S., cathotdyoc dephasintg, 58 Besle, C., measurements of traciiig speed of c.r. spot, 3185 Bess, L., and A.0. Hanson,electron curnent in 22-01eV betatron, 2588 Besson, R., distortion iiieter, 191; ll.v. stipple for television e.r. tube, 1183; trouble chasing with the c.r.o.,1089 Best, A. C, statedard radio atmosphere,2045 Best, N. B., television aerials, (D) 956 Besterman, T., British Sources of Re fcrenice aii(l Iilfoiiuatioo, (B) 3284 de Bettencourt, J. T., with H. KleRIperer, repeller storage tube, 3560 Bettinger, H., Television Techniques, (B)584 Beurtheret, C., broadcasting transmitter, iiiV-W, Type T.t.1163, 2098, 20-kW, Tvpe T. H. 1392, 2958 Beutler, E., sound distribtution system, with programrne selection, 327 Bevan, N. T. J., and (nrimshaw, amateur R on 23050 Mc /s 3243 Bevan, P. A. T., applicatioris of h.v.Hg are rettiftiers, (D) 560 -with others, parallel operation of highl-power broadeastiag trans- mitters, 3540 Beyer, R. T., titagnetic aonplifiers in computin oircuits, 159 -with others, magneticatnplifiers, 664 Beynon, W. J. G., iii.u.f.observations, 228 Bierwirth, R. A., with others, Radio-Frequency lfeatitig, (B) 221 Bigelow, J. F,, scanning generator unit, 1774 Biggs, J. A., with others, aircraft instrumentation and control, (A) 2524 Billings,B. H., EI Berr ae(I W. L. HIyde, .sibometers,194 Bingley, F. J., projectivegeoinietry ant televiioet utoloirrtiixture, (A) 2647. 3259 Binnian, W,, ivithottiers, 3-cin (o -cl m prtepgittion in tio ocean ducts, 521 Birks, J. B, tiechan,isii of tereoetuagnetic (lispersiot,, 1054; permeability of low-ioneductivitv materialsat cm A, 2807 Bishop, H., wear-tirtie activities of B.B.C. Etngineeirgn lDivision, 2086, (D)3525 Bishop, P. O.,with J. II irris, clectro-encephtl lgraph atonpifher, (D) 1128 Bishop, W. S., sytithetic i arel ruibber, 2542 Black, F. W., with B.C.Robbins, crystal rectifiers fort treastirements, 1770 Black, H. S., and J. O.tEosen, pttlse-code iioedtelation, (A) 2363 Blackband, W. T., and D. R. 13rowoi, tee,s,reent of cable coristants at i3tt s ,1997 Blackwell, D. E., f. Sitiipson ttnd B.B. M, St1leleel Ind, P Sephotocells, 1815 - with others, PbSFe pIotocells,2883 Blanc-Lapierre, A., ant R. Fortet, stationarC aletatory fuin tioiis, 1666 antI P. Lapostolle, fiuettuatiot,; itiet;ai.sinusoidal quantities, 77 Bleaney, B., electrotiic ttititiig of reflex klystrons, 2110; r. f. power measuremrent byetleeeter tttpis at mn A,2025 -andJ.H.N. Loubstr, collisitn, broadeoiingin, NH, inversion spectruin, 3100 -andR P tenr-ec, iverti pctritrto of it, pressure broadbening, 46

Post on 22-Sep-2016




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Page 1: Index to abstracts and references 1948 - author index


AUTHOR INDEXAUTHOR INDEX-A name followed by "and" is that of the first author of a jointly written

paper, while the word "with" indicates that the name indexed is that of the second author.


Abadie, P., dielectric loss at u.h.f., 2844; h. impedaitce measuiement,2001

Abbenhoose, P., e.r.o. for precision time measurement, (A) 2652Abbot, A. E, graphical multivibrator design, 2748Abbott, G., sun a regular variable star, (A) 94Abeld, J., discontinuous relaxation oseillatioits, 2476Abend, L, f.m. receiver alignment, 1137Abragam, A., structure of waves of phase selocity c, 2718Abraham, L G., and others, pulse-echo mnrasurements on cables, 2205Abraham, W. G., loading of resonant cavities, (A) 682Acker, J. T., factory tests on cathode nickel, (A) 2647Ackroyd, J. O., speech communication in deafnets or loud noise, 2690Adam, X, miniatute components and valves, 1002; phasitron moduilator,

1405; sound recording by engraving on film, 1548Adams, G. J., with A. Alford, reflection of television signals from tall

buildings, (A) 2647Adams, J. J., i.f. amplifiers for f.m. receivers, 527Adams, P. R., S. R. M. )odington and J. A. Herbst, tests on navar system,

(A) 428Adams, EL V., with others, mass and disintegration products of nueseut, 715Adcock, W. A., computer for simultaneous and characteristic equalicgus,

2834Adirovich, R. L, luminescence of crystalline phospbors 1373Adler, R., f.m. (letector valve, (A) 2475- with W. L. Cherry, Jr, piezoelectric eflect in BaTiO, ceramics, 741Aigrain, P. RB, and E. M. Williams, amplitude-stabilized oscillatois,

pseudosynchronization in, 3044, theory, 980, 188Aiken, C. B., and W. C. Welz, d.c. amplifier for signals <IV, 381

Atisberg, It, cathode-follower circuit, 994; negative-feedback circuits,106Akerlind, P., with S. Geier, itonespbeic investigations in Sweden, 9th July

1945, 1925

Albright, J. D. with Al. A. Honnell, f.m. aerial patterns by means ofmodels, 2483

Aloos, D. W., bibliography of magnetic recording, 944Aldots, W. EL, transmitting valves, 871Alexander,F. S., anomalous radar propagation near Ncw Zealand, 1969

Alender, P.. Industrial Applications of Ultrasonics, (B) 2587Alexander, S. N., L. Marton and I. L. Cooter, visual observations of

patterns recorded on magnetic media, (A) 2430Alibrd, A., and G. J. Adams, reflection of television signals from tall build-

ings, (A) 2647- and H. Jasik, reradiation from broadcast towers, (A) 2443AlfByn, B., granulation, waves, and heating of solar corona, 27;

magneto-hydrodynamic waves and sunspots, 3104,8405-and H. Romanus, trocbotron valve,Aliat, IL, special valves, 2965ABIss, F.., electrical engine-ring in India, (A) 1878, (A) 168. 281ABet, C. EL, and Rudnick, high-powet 3-34-kr/s siuen, 917

- H. Frings and I. Rudnick, biological effects of intense sound, 133

Alle, C. W., solar noise at atlO.1tt/s, (A) 1355Al, B. W., Jr, reflection of v.h.f. wvies from iiieteoric ionization, 2326Allen, F., low temperature research ill North Ameiica, 1619; phase-

sensitive synchronous motor, 2841AlAs, J. B., electron-multiplier particle counter, 1106Allen, L}H., ratio detector for a.m./f.m. reception, 2344Alle, AL, receiver noise factor, 1481Alle, W. D., and J. L. Symonds, multiple-gap linear electrons acceleration,


Allison, W., with others, measurettue,it of tiltra short time intervalsuithchronuotron, 762

AI'pert, Ya. L, anisotropy of iotuosphere, 1032; sporadic F. layer, 1030,theory, 106

van Aiphen, KL, with others, homue projection television, 2187AIred, R. V., naval radar anti-iamnuiiig technique, 2532; Yagi aerials

for 600 Me/s, 2458Althaus, J., with others, ineasurement of ultra-short time intervals

with chronotroti 762Auderson, A. B., electric expansion meter and applications, 1420AndersnW, C. D., and others, mass atid disintegration products of meson, 715

. W., with others, Army nireless set No. 10, 2824Anderson, E, with J. D. Seaver, qttalits control of permanent-magnet

alloys, 449Anderon, R. S., with 0 l Aigevitie, Jr, sound distributien, 2704Anderson, T. A., dynamic characteristics of probes, 3387Anderson, W. P., and E. J. tGraingeC, commuitucatious equipment in British

Navy, 284Andrew, B. L., thermistor in biological research, 500Andrew. R., visibility of signals on radar e.r. tube, 2985Andrew, V. L., spurious radiations from broadeast transmitters, 2854Andrews, C. L., trio<le oscillator for A 8 eni, 983Andrewa, D. R., uith others, calibratuoti of frequency records, (A) 2430Andrew,, 3. P., tbermoelectric power of CdO against Pt, 2288Angevine, 0. L, Jr, and R. S. Anderson, sound distribution, 2704Anglade, C, with J. )errien, addition law for Se photocell, 1201- with others, local sensitivity variations of photocells, 1814Angwin, A. S, telecommunicatioius in war, 2114Anikin, V. I., with others, instrumtents for measurements at Cen A, 475Anon.

ALA. McK., common-carrier mobile RNT sertice, 1758; f.m. elainbroadcasting, 820; frenmodyte f.m. receiver, 2085; stereophonicsound, 3313and F.R., ultrasonic flaw detector, 1113

A.EL., teleconmmunicatiois conference, Atllctic City, 1047, 1749B.F., and J.S,, radio measureenuent apparatus, 2559BA?.. shorthand circuit symbols, (D) 43"Cathode Ray", a.c. bridges, 2288; eill. tuuits, 75, (Ct 1008; phase

and its meaning, 2734; sidebands, 1197; synchrodyne, 3500;transforier,;, obsiots atld otherwise, 45; tuing circuits 898

D.G.F., bandwidth vs noise in commussicatioti systetits, (AD) 1745;design trends for television tratesmitters, 1703

E.A. l.f. analyser, 2003FLD,, listeners' preferences, (D) 934F.R., ptilse-code modiilatioti, 1161

with A.A. McK., ultrasonic flaw detector, 1113G.W.o.H, inventorof radiotelegraphy, 2429; Ohbit anid hi lai, 901;

Popov, life atid workC 1842; statidard ternus aiuld abbresiations,2426

EL Sapiens, photoelectric set eid-reproduction from filn, 1541J.M., automatic-pilot traitsatlatutic fight, 1037; NewYorko3hstu)t

Microwave televisioti relay, 1756J.S., with B.F., radio mi.ea urenment apparatus, 2559K, anti-sonar, 1107K3LJ.A., h.f. indudtion and dielectric heating, 201Radionyme, standard tests for components, 189; statudard tunitug

umts and oscillators for 1948, 3008Anton, N., radiation counter tubes, 2579

and M. Yudin, high-altitude rectifier valve, 2859Antonov-Remanovski, V. V., properties of alkaliire-earth phosphors, 1372AntselJoVih, 8., u.h.f. detection, 1474Apker, L, and others, wide-ratuge double-beterody ie spectrum analyser,


Apple, L., 35-W midget trauosm-itter, 294Appleton, V., FP ionization and geomagnietic latitude, (D) 101

influence of tropospheric conditions on u.s.w. propagation, 2056;investigation and forecasting of iouuospheric conditions, 2048;new metals for old, (A) 152

Aradzhi, V. L, electricity of thunderstorms, 1951

Aram, N. W., aerials for f.m. receivers, (A) 237Archer-Thompson, EL, and E. Mi. Hiclkiui, radio technique ansI apparatus

for studying em-A propagation, 2028Arditi, K., and V. J. DeSantis, thermionic emission front grids, (A) 2663Arenberg, D. L., ultrasonic solid delay lines, 1578Arigoni, A., 50-kW f.m. transmitter for 88-168 Mc s, 2855Arkadiev, V., oscillations of elementary magnets, 706Arley, N., niagnetic field of rotating bodies, (D) 3108Armstrong, E. B., plasma-electron oscillations, 2506Armstrong, L. D., high-pA magnetometer for automatic steeriuig control, 499Armstrong, B., with G. L. Grisdale, design of communication receivers,

(D) 1407Arndt,W. F., with D. P. Loye, sheet of air-bubbles as acoustic scleen, 2142Arshinov, S. S., thermal compensation of circuits, 3041Arzinger, A., H. E. Hallborg atud J. H. Nelsoni,sunspots and radio weather,

3106Aschen, B., band-modulator receiver, 1730; seisitise wi asvemeter, 186;

tel sision projetntiot, 1787-adtR . GisuttI, L'f. imatie aealsosur, 20D2- atid J. CoUttlle, lI.f. beat-frIcquitcy osciilator, 1584

and R. Zahl, beat-frequericy oscillator construction, 36Asthenbrenner, R., aligiimerilt of a.m./f.m. generator, 1091; receiver

alignment with panoranmic aiialyser, 1098Ashauer, S., self-acceleratittg electron, 703Ashwell, G. E., with B. C. Presseys pulse field-strengths measuring set for

v.h.f., 1684Ashworth, F., W. Needham aoid I. WX Sillars, Siinonliunear resistors,

(D) 3361Asplund, A,Iwith others, itupact testitug of plastics, 1065Astbury, N. F, calibratioto of hydrophones ated crystal trantsceivers, 2434;

novting-coil galsanomneter as circuiit element, 3326Aston, G. B., and I Essen, frequency measurement at itI00-5tCt,t Mc/s,

2015Aten, A. R. W., Jr, wituli others, effect of degassing procedure on oxide

cathostcs, 2415Atlas, D., radar analysis of rainstorms, (A) 2524Atterling, H., atud G Lindstruim, h f. cyclotron generatoi, 2874Attree, V., reducing fly-teack tiuuue of Stiller timebase, 2749Attree, V. B., low-inDpedatice d.c stabilized power supply, 3529Auerbach, I. 1., and otlutrs, Hg-delav-yne memory (A) 2475Aughtie, F., synuchrodyne receisver, (D) 1139Austen, A. E. W., with others, voltage characteristics of polythene cables,

(DU 2841Averkov, S. I., with others, instrole ents for meastteirn iitS at cm A, 475Avery, D. G., aod R Witty, difulasion-ptltip theore, 2257

BBacchi, G, radiatioui patulrue of cylindnrical radiator with conical reflector,

2997Bach, H. M., Jr, tilesiiort insterference, 3537Baggott, A. J., and C H. Fawcett, tagnietic and acoustic suitle develop-

nient, 790Bailey, F. M., tliusiusg iitdic ator for fliii, 834Bailey, R. C., electronics in tII Antarctic, 259Bailey, R. S., and H Ec. Siuigletosu, reducitug transmissiouu bandwidth, 3539BainbriAdge.Bel, L. improsing circutit diagrat i, 2737Baker, T., iiudicator foruelectronic counters, 2307; noniuicuar resistors

for soltage correction, 1169; portable electronic cbronometer,31f5

Baker, G. W., design of hearing-aid valves, (A) 2430; two-terminal bhvsectifier valve, (A) 2663

Baker, W. N., standing-wave iuitticatoi for 3-22 Micts, 2300Baker, W. R., J V Fiaiick anit J. D Gow, linear accelerator oscillator

and couplineg systen), (A) 2318Bakker, J., with FA cKroger, lumitescence If Ce compounds, 4s5

Baldinger, E., atud 1'. Huber, esolving power of couiter telbes, 1424Ballam, J., withi oth rs, Berkeley 4-5,eV e s generator, (A) 2311Ballantine, R. J., aisd ECG. James, wide-range us h f oscillator circuits, 3373Ballard, R. C., with others, experimental simultaineous colour telesision

systmc, 572Ballard, W. C., Jr, transmission-line sectol diagramn, (A) 2443Ballou, B. O., with others, KSBR l-kW tI C.5-Mcis fim. transmnitter, 592Balls, A. W., with others, lhigh powier pulzd4sagrilctroi development.

892, (D)Bamford, S., multi-guin c nro, 3184Bane, C. F., double-tuned r f preamplifier, 1314Banerjea,B. K.,withothers,ionosphericpropagatiost tm. waves, 1442;

microwave radiation from stun, 2220Baneriee, S. S., and R N. Siuigh, F,-layer clectr itdcsiit near equator,

2239B , J. 3., qtiartz-controlled signal generatorI 1097Bados, A., Jr, H Gruen aiud D S Saxoi propagatioum iem 2-dielectric

coaxial Iissus, (A) 2166Banthorpe, C. B., h.v. supply for television receivers, 286Banting, H. de L., transitron oscillator, 2485Banwell, C. J., with others, radio echo observations of meteors in 1946,

2779, 2780Baracket, A. J., abac for pttlse rise tintii response, 2492; square-wavo

response abac, 62Baral, S. S., S. N. Ghosh anit '\t Debray, abnormalities in F region at

Calcutta, 2522Baranger, M., and F. Netter, qiatutuns theory, second quantification, 1815Baranov, N., bridged-T networks and applications, 1295Barbee, B. C., suptxrhbterodytie for 144 Mc/s, 810Barber, N. F., positive and negative frequencies, (D) 187Bardeen, 3., with W. H. Brattain, forward current in Ge rectifiers, 3439

Bardsley, W., with S. 'olansky interferometry for study of quartz oscilla-tiotus, 3400

Barducci, L, thtory ofeelet ctronme hnical transducers, 1849Barfield, R. H., aild R E. Burgess, small aerials in dielectric loedia, 3351Barford, N. C., and 01 Bowman-Ddanifold, theory of valves, 894Bargellini, P. L., broalcasting in Italy and fim, 1759Bark, A., withothers miustai,tancous radio audieiee-ricasuremeintsystemr

(At 2430Barker, A. C., single-diaphragm loudspeakers, 2702Barker, B. J., with D. P. J Retief, SOJ^12 open-wire carrier telephone

systems, 2610Barlow, E. J., Doppler radar, (A) 2524Barlow, B. M., Micro-Waves and Wave Guides, (B) 1584; trunk wave-

guide multichannel coiumnunication, 257Barr, E. E., with others, Ni bolometers, 194Barraud, J,, with J. J. irillat, measurement of peak voltages by electron

diffraction, 1865Bartow, J. K, rural carrier telephony, 2612Bata, I., twin-T and bridged-T circuits, 1576Bartelink, E.. B., antl L tas,an, ftie bhort-range carrier system, 1122

- J. ahbke and R I Watters, tat-response single-tuned imf amplifier,2406

Bartell, W., with Et Harrington, f im adapter for a im receivers, 1456Bartlemy, R., properties of thin slightly-conducting targets, 1777, 1778Barthon, J., video amplification, 1189Bartik, W. J., and C J. F'owler, extending freqesency range of noise meters,

(A) 2652

Bartlett, A. C., geometry of rectangular waveguides, 2722Bartett, 3. G., and G. T. )avies, high-speed oscillographs, 1690Banal, P., and A. Loria, scale-of-16 counting circuit, 2185Bast, 10. B., D. Goedhart and J F. Schouten, 480channel carrier telephone

system, 2356Batcher, R. R., pulse-code modulation for telephony, 258Mate, A. B., and E. Pillow, mean free path of sound in auditorium, 2Mates, D. B., orin f night-sky light, 1642- and H. S. MOassey, reconobiunation iii atinospheric ionizeed layers,

1944with S. Chapmiian, aurorae and night-sky light, 730

Bates, L. F., and E. G. Harrison, temrlperature changes in iimagntetization,of iron, 2805, of some alloys, 2804

Bauehman, R. W., with others, :3-cm and 0-cni propagati ol in low oceanducts,521

Bauer, J. A., televisioni receiver test cquipnu ent, 780; Ii.h.f. wide-bandsweep generators, 487

Baum, R. F., approximations to irnipedance functions, 3040Baumgartner, J., band spreading by double heterodyming, 2898Baurand, J., and R. Larualrt, ptulse method for measuremnent of small

photo-cuiirents, 1672Baxandall, P. J., high-quality aniplifher dl sign, 1328Bay, Z., and G. Papp, coincideice circuit with high resolving powser, 2471Bayliff, R. W., with others, meteor whistles, 3403Bays, C. F., acid D. Slater, hcrmetic sealing of transforicers, 749Beach, R., e.s. ills arid cures of aircraft, (D) 812Beam, R. E., with A. BH Bronwell, Theory and Application of Mlicrowaves,

(B) 2682Bean, N. S., with J. H. Roo, television field equipment, 2388Beard, E. G.,formulae for negative feedback, 1327; frequeiicy ioodulatioti,

1498; high-gain phase-splittiiig ciillit, 1603; i.f. transforrnersfor a.m./f.m. receivers, 1732; noise redtluction, in amplifiers atidmixers, (A) 1600, at u.h.f., (A) 1592; oscillating s-alve circuits,1585; Philips tanoial of Radio Practice for S rvicemie,(B) 2075; ranidom noise, in radio receivers, 1483; statiotiselection with f.m. receivers, 1467; switch .s tone coiitrol forreceivers 1477

Beattie, A. H., receivisr ciassis testinige'quipmp t 163Beatty, R T., Radio Data Charts, (B) 3285Beasmant, D. W., with oth.ers, sirgle crystals of BaT iO3, (A) 125Beauvais,G.,rececnt researchesosr insulatinig materials, 2819Beck, A. C., and D. If. Ring, t stinw with tirciilated ptilses, 777Beck, A. B., aiid S. A. Tilbtb, utoniati poltr diagiaii recdet r, 1400Bedeau, F., circtit r, sponsc to sawtooth e.m.f., 1872Bedford, L. H., gun-laving ratlar receivers, 733Began, S. J., bias-heldi disteoition in magnoctic tape recordiog, (A) 2430Behr, A., large c.hroolosphberic ertuption, 3107Beitman,M. N., teost-Ofteti-Necdecd F.M. andt li.t ision,Sirviciing Inforina-

tion, (B) 3076; ito t(lften-N 19047 Radio Diatiaiis andS rviring Iuiformatioi, (B) 256

Belevitch, V., iso rtion loss arud phase shift of fiOters, 384; litioar theoryof bridge aiid ritig mioduilator cirtuits, 3058

Belin, R. E., aosur. ,oiet of atinospheric poteitial gradierst, 1674, 2840Belinfante, F. J., e.m. field theory, 3078, 3088Belkin, M. K., stabilizatiooi of sup rregeneratise receiver, 3234; slper-

regenerative rc tptiooi of puls. sigiials, 1737Bell, D. A., rhoice of frIqconcy fol v.h.f. raidio links, 3518; iiitensity-

distaiice law of radiation, 2592; sl,t a, rials, 1283; tliermalT10ise in resistors, (17 3239; vibratolrpwer packs,3528

Bell, J., data-trarnsraissioo systenis, (A) 829-and others, u.s. triodles and oscillators, 683Bel, P. R,, with W. H. JordaTi, linear aiiiplitfi(r, 991Belyaev,B. V., effect of frusquei y sariations osivoltage stabtiizers, 3255Bender, I., cathod -oupled conieiters,240Beneg, L, with NV Pettdhlka, crystal cuts determined by X rays, 144Benfield, A. E., with others, iiltrasonic di lay liws, 2479Benjamzin, R., blockiTIg oscillators,977Bennett, F. D., with J. S. BrCooii, niatrixequationsfor triodecircuits,3043Bennett,W. R., stn of ectorsof ranlo phas., 3164Bennett,W. S., with others,frequteccy stabilization of microw-aieoscillators

by spectreim lines, 2180Bennington, T. W., iottosphere review, 1947, 1380; ionospheric-propaga-

tion forecastinig, 2886; propagation at 4-i100lNIeC, 1478Benoit, J., omnidirectional slotted aerial for cm A, 957- and L. Fouepiet, capacitor for measurement of dielectric constant

ofliquiol, 2554Benson, J. E., aTid W. A. Colebrook, telecotitrol of receivers for aircraft

commtmieication, 275,2836Bentley, N. H., with W. I. Flach, high-quaity hone-made televisio,u

receiver, 577Benz,F., negative feedback, 1604Benser, g., electrical oscillations ini Ge crystals, (A) 138; excess-defect

Ge contacts, 1380Beranek, L. L., sound attenuation in multiple partitions, (A) 2141; speech

intelligibility for communication systems, 123

Berg, W. R., optimum opotating conditions for gas-tube voltage regulators,583

Berger, K., lightniiig ces.corch in Switzerland, 110Berhley, F. B., tuniiig without capacitors, 38

Berkner, L. V, with others, Ionospheric Research at College, Alaska(B) 2795

Berman, L. M., direct-reading superheterodynte frequetucy nicter, 3186Bernhardt, 3., receiser alignment by c.r.o., 184Bertein, F., electron lenses, ate rrations of form, 1123, defects and image

sliarpness, 1125, corrector system for, 1122- H. Bruch aoid P. Grivet, resolving power and objective defects in

electronmicroscope, 214Bertram, S., degenerative positive-bias multivibrator, 1884Bertrand, S., cathotdyoc dephasintg, 58Besle, C., measurements of traciiig speed of, 3185Bess, L., and A.0. Hanson,electron curnent in 22-01eV betatron, 2588Besson, R., distortion iiieter, 191;ll.v. stipple for television e.r. tube,

1183; trouble chasing with the c.r.o.,1089Best, A. C, statedard radio atmosphere,2045Best, N. B., television aerials, (D) 956Besterman, T., British Sources of Re fcrenice aii(l Iilfoiiuatioo, (B) 3284de Bettencourt, J. T., with H. KleRIperer, repeller storage tube, 3560Bettinger, H., Television Techniques, (B)584Beurtheret, C., broadcasting transmitter, iiiV-W, Type T.t.1163, 2098,

20-kW, Tvpe T.H. 1392, 2958Beutler, E., sound distribtution system, with programrne selection, 327Bevan, N. T. J., and (nrimshaw, amateur R on 23050 Mc /s 3243Bevan, P. A. T., applicatioris of h.v.Hg are rettiftiers, (D) 560-with others, parallel operation of highl-power broadeastiag trans-

mitters, 3540Beyer, R. T., titagnetic aonplifiers in computinoircuits, 159-with others, magneticatnplifiers, 664

Beynon, W. J. G., iii.u.f.observations, 228Bierwirth, R. A., with others, Radio-Frequency lfeatitig, (B) 221Bigelow, J. F,, scanning generator unit, 1774Biggs, J. A., with others, aircraft instrumentation and control, (A) 2524Billings,B. H., EI Berrae(I W.L. HIyde, .sibometers,194Bingley, F. J., projectivegeoinietry ant televiioet utoloirrtiixture, (A) 2647.

3259Binnian, W,, ivithottiers, 3-cin(o -clm prtepgittion in tio ocean ducts,

521Birks, J. B, tiechan,isii of tereoetuagnetic (lispersiot,, 1054; permeability

of low-ioneductivitv materialsat cm A, 2807Bishop, H., wear-tirtie activities of B.B.C. Etngineeirgn lDivision, 2086,

(D)3525Bishop, P. O.,with J. II irris, clectro-encephtl lgraph atonpifher, (D) 1128Bishop, W. S., sytithetic iarel ruibber, 2542Black, F. W., with B.C.Robbins, crystal rectifiers fort treastirements, 1770Black, H. S., and J. O.tEosen, pttlse-code iioedtelation, (A) 2363Blackband, W. T., and D. R. 13rowoi, tee,s,reent of cable coristants at

i3tt s ,1997Blackwell, D. E., f. Sitiipson ttnd B.B.M,St1leleel Ind,P Sephotocells,

1815- with others, PbSFe pIotocells,2883

Blanc-Lapierre, A., ant R. Fortet, stationarC aletatory fuin tioiis, 1666antI P. Lapostolle, fiuettuatiot,; itiet;ai.sinusoidal quantities, 77

Bleaney, B., electrotiic ttititiig of reflex klystrons, 2110; r. f. powermeasuremrent byetleeeter tttpis at mn A,2025

-andJ.H.N. Loubstr, collisitn, broadeoiingin, NH, inversion spectruin,3100

-andR P tenr-ec, iverti pctritrto of it, pressure broadbening,


Page 2: Index to abstracts and references 1948 - author index

Index to Abstracts and References 19481916, collision broadening, 3397

-J. H. E. Griffiths and D. Roaf, signal gencrators for cm-A n.oise-

factor measurements, 2026--J. W. Ryde and I. H. Kiioman, Si-W crystal rectifiers, 687

Blewett, J. P., design of air-core synchrotron, 1432; electron trajectories

by differential analyser, 2408; iiagnetic field of air-core coils,

1350- and J. H. Rtibel, coaxial delay lines, 1287

with W. C. Hahn, electron trajectories by differential analyser, 2408

Bliss, W. H., fAs recorder and timer, 783Bloch, A., direct calculatmor of harmonic output and interinodulation

products, 2205Bloch, L., L. de Broglie's theory of light, 1816Blodgett, B., with R. L. Green, electrically conducting glasses, 3437Bloecker, W. E., interconnection facilities for television broadcasting,Blom, B., military requirements for printed circuits, (A) 1814

Blond6, R., and P. Herreng, high-speed level recorder, S.A.C.M. Type 2128,


Bloom, A., with V. W. Cohen, microphony in subminiature triode, 3556

Blow, T. C.. graphical Fourier analysis, 1067Bode, H. W., Networki Analysis and Feedback Amplifier Design, (B) 3381

de Boer, F., conductivity of Se crystals, 2809Boers,C. J., amplifier for c.r.o., 1595Boesch, W., telemetry, 501Bohm, D., and L. L. Foldy, synchro- vclotron, 793Bol, K., with L. Marton, spherical aberration of compound magnetic

lenses, 216Bolt,R. H., perforated facings for acoustic materials, 931

Bolton, J.G., and G. J. Stanley,r.f. radiation from constellation of Cygnus,2514

with others, solar radiation, v.h.f., 711

Bomberger, D. C., loudness control for reproducing systems, 3380Bondi, B., F.Hoyle andR. A. Lyttleton, structure of solar atmosphere,


Bondloy,R. L, Ti techmque for glass/metal seals, (A) 2800Bonner,H. M., proximity fuse, 219Booker, H.G., impedance concept and wave propagation, (D) 391Boonimovich, B. (See also Burimovich), noise in nonlinear system, 1480Boord, K.R., h.f. allocations, Atlantic City, 1947, 1492

Boot,H. A. H., and J. T. Randall,lcavitv iiiagnetron development, 890,

(D) 3564Booth,C. F., and G. Gregory, comparison of standard frequencies and

Doppler effect, 1723-and F. J. 'it. Laver, standard of frequency and applications,(D) 2277

Boothroyd, A.R.,svith others, electrolyte tank for a.c. field distributions,

3459Bordoni, P.G., and D. Sette, capacitance meter with quartz resonance

indicator, (A) 2289Borg, B., with others, u.h.f. snobile and fixed comranunication, 2081,

(D) 3514Borger,R., with T C.. Cowling, conductivity of D laser, 3116

Borrow,R. L. A., with C, Mtatthews, inutualinterference in ships

Royal Navy,2348Borup, A., circuit breaker for instruinent protection, 1763

Borzyak, P.G., with others, Sb-Cs cathodes, 3550

Bosley, W., with others, G-NI counters, 2032

Boswell,I. I., with others, dielectric residual effects in titanates, 2263

B6tteher, F., ixonlinear distortion in low-frequency transformers with

strong preinagnetization, 3035Bouhard,J., thermoelectric power of ferroniagnetic materials, 3090Boucherot,E., with others, 12-channel carrier-cutrrent system, 1489Boorne, W. A., with others, 3-cm spectrometer a,i(l misiiiatching imped-

ance unit, 2017Boursault, P. A., R.C.A. AR-88D receiver, 2335Bousky,S., electronic loalani ing of gyroscope rotors, 203Bouthion, L, applications ofILaplac andCauchytransfoniis,

theory of quadiipoles, 2191Bouwkamp, C.J.,aerial radiation resistance, 2729; inputiinpedance

vertical A'4 aerial, 2173; singularities atsharp edges e.m.

diffraction theory, 2772; tabtilatioss a,id application

transcendental function, 3158and N. G. de Bruijn, e.s. field of point charge inside

optimum aerial-current distribution, 2730

Boyoy, D. E., bridge for testing hardness and composition,1111

Bowdber,G W., peak voltagenreastrenient at if00 Mcfs, 2286

Bowers, D.F., and F. Cratiston,Traderadd Oceanspan

mitters, 2397Bowie,R. K, negative-ion blemish inc.r. tube, (A) 263

-andA. F Martin spectral powerdistributionofphosphrs,

Bowlns, 0.E., and P. T. Ninis,thyratron frequercy changers, 2178

BoWman.Manifold, W., with N. C. Barford, theory of v.m. valves,

Boya, K., selective detector forcharged particles, (A)2574Boyers, S., frequencyresponse and distortion in magneticrecording,

Boyle, H.G., andE. B. Doll, compact projectiontelevision system, 2651Boyle,R.J., Australian broadcasting, 1760

Braewell,R. N.,abacs for resonant frequencies of cavities, 48

Bradfleld,G., new electro-acoustic transducer, 2701

Bradford,C. I., printed vitreousidielectric capacitors, (A)1614B. L. Weller and S. A. htcNeight, printed vitreous-enamelconi

ponents, 1003

Bradley, W.E., theory of suiperregenerative receiver, (A)

-andE. crraus, Philcotelevision projectionsystem,

for, 578

Bradnr, B., and others, dcsign of Berkeley linear accelerator, 2316Bradoaw, and others,h.v. nieasurements, (A) 2561

Brailsford, eddy-current anomaly in sheet steels, 1977

Brasoo, N. G., portable ultrasonie thickness gauge, 1702

Brattain, W. and J. Bardeen, forward current in Ge rectifiers,Brando, B. V., turnstile aerial for television, 2093

Mi. Rushchuk and 'it. Pruzhanski, tower aerials

casting, 26

Braude, S. Ya., effect of externale..m field on split-anode magnetron, 810

Brrner, P., mined alkali phosphors with mixed activators,

Bray, T. J. C. baton and J. W. Whitehead, impedance-matchin gtransfornfere 296

ray, W.J., and W. R. H. Lowry, testing of communication receivers,

2299, (D3)3470H.G. Lillicrap and W.R. H. Lowry, transntitter drives receivers

for single-sideband systenis, 2395- H. G. Lillicrap and F. C. Owen, fading machine, 2299

Breckenridge, G., with others, ceramic sheets for capacitors, 146;single crystals of BaTiO,, (A) 125

Brekhovskikh, L., spherical waves from plane boundary,

Bremmer, H., ray theory of propagation of radio waves

earth, 513

Brennt, J., polarization of electron waves, 391

Bresnasd, Rt, stable frequencys.w. diatherniv, 1108

Brenta, P., rosmo Cinipo receiver, 2337

Bressi, A., frequency divider, 1885do Brenil, P., with others,00- kc/s magnetostrictive transducer, (A)

Br,y, and H. Rinia, air cooling of transmttting valves,

W. audio output tetroee, 608

.dionic equilibrium of the lower atmosphere,

Bridgew;ater,T..H,,television outside broadcast service, 841

rBriga,B. withothers, p.p.i. circuits, 1005BriG, A.,ou oudspeahers; The Why and How of Reproduction,

(B) 33Brim}{,, European manufacture of cathodes, (A) 2663

Brrlnooin L.,interaction of waves and electrons, 3093

L. L., with H. J. H. Nethersole, steel-bulbMg-arc7227Briton, J. N., British and American technicaldeevlopmentn, 624;

weight radar in Australia, 1044

Britton, G.,Electronic Developments, (B) 222

Broadway, L. F., and others, valves,

Brockbank, R. A., with R. F. J. Janvi, miiltichannel r.f. amplifiers, 2212

Brockway, W. W., with D., G, Shearer, rsdiovisor landing systcmi for

aircraft, (A) 2524

do Broghe, L., electron optics, 3484; frequency anld phase selocity isLisase nichanics, 76; Mfax Planch, 1841; propagation

(Lwaseguides,(Ed., Alnianach des Sciences, 1948. 2974, (C) 3571

Bronwell, A.,c.rrtube for colour television, 2937

Bronwell, A. B., and R. E. Beans, Theory and Application of NMicruwaves,(B) 2892

Brooks, R. D., with C.E. Hallmark, widb-band oscilloscope amplifier, 64

Brown, A. H., and H. '.i Stanier, v.h.f. aerials for short distances, 3346

Brown, D., and J. W. Lyttlcton, photoelectric Fourier transformer for

analysing sound filnis, 2432Brown, D. R., with W. 1. Blackban i, iiieastireinent of cable constants at

3090 Mc/s, 1997-with N. Rochester, rectifier networks cculti-position soitching,

(A) 2475Brown, B. B., detecting short-circuited tiurns in coils, 3378; polar a.c,

ammeter, 1084Brown, E. W., mobile f.m. systeni, 827Brown, G.

H., J. Epsteiiiand D. V. lleterson, v.h.f. television propagationmIleasurerilents, 3224-C. N. Hoyler a,id R. A. Bierwirth, Radio Frequency Heating, (B)

Brown, H. J., airline coininunications and navigation, 428, (D) 1038

Brown, .8., materials and cotiiponents for transmission line installation,1176,2281

- and F. D. Bennett, iiiatrix equations for triode circulits, 3043

Brown, T. L., and C. I'. Pollard, Hg-contact relays, (A) 2374

Brown, R. H., harnmonic amplifier design, 61, (D) 1888

Brown, R. L., swith others, acoustic inipedance of surfaces in water, 920Brown, S. C., and W. W. ililler, CO.-filled G- couinters, 783

with WIA. Herlin, breakdown of gas at iiiicrowave frequencies,

Brown, V. A., and I. P. Raiuisay, itaxwell bridge it periods 1-201) sec,(A) 182

Brown, W., television interference, 3533Brownlow, 3. M., with others, ceramic sheets for capacitors, 146

Bruce, A., with others, p.m. signal generator for 260-808 Mc/s, 1697

Bruce, F.M.,ellipsoid voltmeter forhigh a. c. voltages, (C) 478, (D) 2849;spark-gap calibration for h.v. measurement, (D) 2890

Bruck,G.G., frequency stabilization of reflex oscillators, 1569

andE. R. Wicher, slow TINI waves in cylindrical guides, 334, 155Bruck,H., andP. Grivet, iniprovements in C.S.F. e.s. microscope, 212R. Remillon andL. Roinani, aberration of e.s. lens, 2040

with others, resolving power and objective defects in

microscope, 214de Brnijn, N.G., with C. J. Bouwkamp, e.s. field of point charge insidecylinder, 78 ; optiiiiutn aerial-current distribution, 2730

Bruining, H., with others, effect of degassing procedure on oxide

2415Brok,I. electrical differential analvser, 1070; eqtuivalents forcircnits

with periodicpararneters,959Bronetti, C., printedcir uit ipplications, (A) 1614

aid R. W. Curtis, printed-circuit techniques, 1894

Brunuer,F., extending linear range of reactance moilulators, 2657Bryliuski,t., systeiiis ofelectrical units, 3077

de Buccar, M., silicone rubbers, 2820Buchanan, I. P., electronic instruments for thermometry, 2869

Buchholz, H., effect of jlnctions on waveguide field, 3018

Buchmann,G., absolutecalibration of Inicrophones,919with others, sound absorber and sound-damped room, 6Buckingham, W.D.,C. R. Deibertand R. V.Morgensterm, concentrated-

arc lanip for light-beani cotnmunication, 585Budeanu, C., rationalization of units and fonnulae, 1006Budenbom,H. T., wavegtiide hybrid rings formicrowaves, (A) 2443Buechner, W. W., and others,e.s. accelerator for electrons, 1120-with others, e.s. generators, 3483

Bull,C.8., diode as a.c. voltmeter, 797; space-charge effects in beamtetrodes, 2668Bull,G. A., errors in refractive indexmeasurement, 1941

Bull,R. L., with D.W. Gloser, silicones, 1066Bullard,E. C., withI. B. Slichter, Frenkel's theory of geomagnetism,(D)104Bullngton, K., propagation for OO m, 509Bundy, F. P., laminated magnetostrictive oscillators, (A) 38; stepped-

frequency transducer elements, 2699Bunimovich, V.I., andNH. A. Leontovich, large deviations in electric

fluctuations, 1213Bunting,E. N., with others, Ba-'ig titanate dielectrics,3441Burbank,C.J, iieasiirenent of directivity factor, (A) 2131Burcham, W. E., 1-'IleV accelerating equipment of the Cavendish

Laboratory, 2037Burdett,G. A. T., fuiture trend in component design, 625Burdick, K. H., constant-voltage transformers for radio powersupplies,

282,1173Burgess, E., German guided and rocketmissiles, 1130Burgess E. impulse response of diode voltmeter,

screened open aerials,(D) 659withR. H. Barfield, suiiall aerials in dielectric media, 3351with W. Ross, design of H-type Adcock direction finders, 2528with H. A. Thomas, Radio Research Special ReportNo. 15: Radio

Noise,(B) 34Burks, A. W., computing circutit of ENIAC, 158

Borland,M. S., with others, observations of1947 Perseid meteorshowser,2511Bttrmeister,F., data forl1f45 inagnetic deviation chart,3111

Burnide,D.G., with others, pulse triode for 200 kW at600Mc is, 26"Burrdl,C. M.,W.R. Savery andP. B. F. Evans,alignmentsignal generator

with display, 1695with C. W.Oatley, u.h.f. filters, 1612with L. W. Shawe, direct readingcm-A wavemeters, 2018; Q-meter

for 10-cm echo boxes, 2005Burrill, B. A.,with others, e.s. accelerator for electrons, 1120

Bortner,R. L., with others, stereoscopic viewing forc.r.

Butn,C.3.,ultrasonic velocity and absorption in liquid

Burwen, S., feedback preamplifier for magnetic pickups, 1606Bush,R. RK, with J. S. Donal, Jr, a.m. of magnetrons, 2663

Btsignies,H., and Dishal, characteristicsof navigation systems

(A) 430xqas, R., stable regulated power supplies, (A) 2639BussatR., Kabacs for superheterodyne oscillatory circuits,

Buteozont W. A. B. Newsam and A. J. Oxford, precision 196Buttle, reactance-modulator theory, 1589

Butlr, F. E., mass production of iconoscopes and kinescopes, 1505K. H., fluorescence ofsilicate phosphors, 2258

Butler, 0. and C. Y. Hang, laminated magnetic cores, effects of ever-

tapping joints, 1978, magnetic properties, 1979Butterfield, F. E., transmitter interference due to coupled 2906

Butterworth, A., buried metal detectioii, (A) 2852; recording magneto-meter, 472


Cahaunos, and J. Dufay, spectrum of night sky in blure and violet, 2523(ady, A., frequency and modulation morttor, 2291, 2571Cady, mountain-top f.m. transmitter installation, 268Cagmard, L., measurementof atinospheric ionic conductivity, 2556Caliicem, N., magnetic inclination at Jassy, 1941-1947, 1934Calpino, C., with others, naval Oire-control radar,(D) 732Calverley, T. E., with others, Van de Graaffe.s. generator, 3258Calvert, K., f. bridges, 1410Cammi, B., theory of variable resonant circuiit, 1875

Oansll, G., and J. J. Chapman, gaseous insulation forh.v. apparatus, 1976

Camp,L., R. Vincent and F. du Breuil, 100 kcts magnetostrictive trans-ducer, (A) 3329CCam, L.W., magnetostrictive radial vihrator, (A) 2151, 2699Camphebe , N. R., and V. J. Francis, random fluctuations in c.e.o. withhighgain amplifier, 252

and L.Hartshorn, experimental basis of electrostatics, 1909V. J. irancis and G. James, common-cathodeampliniers, 2490;

valve noise and transit time, 2420Canavan, 3'. merchant marine radio, 2926Can W. with T. A. Fond, microwave spectrum of NH., 1018

Ca P.,vh.. f short-range navigation and landing aids, 427L., recording stylus with multiple burnishing facets, 1234

CaPbenay operation threshold of atmospherics rccorder, 2902,conreSeponding range of atmospherics, 3504

Carlins, B. J., dissipative microwave networks for broad-hand matching,(A) 2475

Carlson, P. D., with others, voice measurements with audio spectrometer,3316

Carbon, W. L., field-strength recording on 47.1, 101.5 and 700 Mc's,2882Car.1an, D., hf. pulses, 2204Carsahan C. W., squelch circuits toe f.m. receivers, 2601Carpeer, E. B., c.e.o. with puth-putt amplifiers, 2014

Care, W. 3., Jr. magnetic measurements on high.p material, 176SCarter, (G. 8., and K. Koonte, teat characteristics of reeuig wire, 31411Carter, L., and W. V. Smith, microwave spectrum frequency markers,

with W. V. Smith, microwave absorption of NH,, (D)with others, frequency stabilization of microwave oscillators by

spectrum lines, 2180Carr, T., Ohm's law, 83

atwright, H.L., forced oscillations in nearly sinusoidal systems, 2740Caahman, R. J., PbS photoconductive cells for sound reprnductien, 1280Casimir, }I. B. G., eddy currents in ferromagnetic materials, 401Cavaugh, T., spurious oscillations in television receivers, 186

Cawkell, A. B., loudspeaker damping, (D) m88Cetrone, V. C., electronic engine analyser, 210Chaffee, J. G., terminals for New York/Boston radio relay system, 90Chai Yeh. See Yeh, Chai.Chakeabarty, 8. K., solar activity and magnetic storms, 160Chalmers, RK G., with H. A. Thomas, ionospheric height recorder,Chamnu and-Guyot, 6-channelmultiplex broadcasting equipnet,-and G. Guyot, measurement of valve background noise, 489;

synchromization of low-power transmitters, 8273

Chanlrbrl,KR. H., with others, KSBR 50-kW lO0.5-Mcs f.m. transmitter,592

Chambers, A. G., crystal-controlled reactance modulator, 95

Chambera,C. V., mobile transmitterfor t" Mc(s, 8400; 1 0.W modulatorand speech amplifier, 56

Champoix, ., spectral emissive power of oxide cathodes, 1010, O8M-with J. Debiesse, effect of lightonemissionfromoxidecathodes, 67;

hot-cathode photocell, 1317Champion, F. A., protective films on Al and alloys,Chane, B., time demodulation, 807; time modulation, 862- J. N. Thurston and P. L. Richman, packaged amplifie, 307Chandle,C. H,, with others, stereoscopic viewing force.r. tubes,Chang, Sue-Non, characteristics of separately quenchedsup iee

circuit, (A) 2596Chapel, C. E, guided missiles, 2324Chapm 3. 3., with G. Camilli, gaseous insulation for h.v. apparatus,

Chapman, Seville, d.c. amplifier, (A)694Chapman, Sydney, currentscausing solar and lunargeomagnetic variations,

1024; magnetic field of moon,no; magnetic storms;i 1 -main geomagnetic field and secular variation, (AD)S4stratosphere, 1357; variation of geomagnetism with depth,

-and D. R. Bates, aurorae andrnight-sky light, 780Charaniit, -, with others, He-filled G-M counters, 3474Charbonuier,R., and J. Royer, circuits and valves in electtroot,

video amplifiers, h.f. correction of, 1789, I.f. conrectims of,119Chasmar, P., h.f.characteristics of PbS and PbSe photocels, 2611

with T. S. Moss, spectral response of PbSe, 266Chatt,E. S. with others, magnetic properties of fine wire, 1088Chatterjea,i. K., synchrodyne receiver, (D)(113Chatterjee,S. K., and B. V. Sreekantan, u.h.f. absorption by salt solution,

N"Chaudhri,M., and A. G. Fenton, adjustable G-M counters,2878Chaudron,G., withR. Faivre, properties of SrCO,/BaCO mixtures,16O4Chauvierre, M., secondary emission amplifier valve,S18; television

projection, 1786; television receivers, proposed standards for,1191,R.C.A. Type630, 300; television timebase,1791; mass production of radio receivers, 2068

Cheatham, T.P., Jr, with W. G. Tuller, adjustable bandwidth f.m. dis-criminator, 239

Cheek,R. C., power line carrier communications,819Cherrick,I. L., ragged valves, 296Cherry,E. C., with others, electrolyte tank fora.c. field distributions,8489;

pulse-testing of wide-band networks, 1101Cherry, R., with others, variable capacitorfor pressure and displacement

measurement, 200

Cherry, W. H. colorimetry in television, 568Cherry, W. L.,Jr, andR. Adler, piezoelectric effect in BaTiO, ceramics, 74Chervet,D., and J. Heury, correction formula for frequency ofHeholtz

resonators, 298Chiltos, C., with others, 3-cm spectrometer and mismatching impedance

unit, 2017Chin,P. H., with C. S. Roys, constant-current networks, (A)27Chinn, H. A., tape recorders, 945- andP.Eisenberg, sound reproduction, listeners' preferences, m7,.

265- andR. B. Nfonroe, broadcasting studio soundreinforcement,I14Chipp,R.D., video switching and distribution system, .16

Chodorow, M., E.L. Ginzton and J. F. Kane, microwave impedancebridge, (A) 2552

Chow Quantie, with others, efficiency of ZnS phosphors, 34

Chr6tien, L., a.f. output transformer,3034; e.s. vs e.m. deflection fortelevision receivers,1192; feeding loudspeakers in parallel, 14;high-fidelity receiver, 23,8229; optimum loadimpedance inpower stages, 99; virtual triode, 1W 7Christ8b en,J. W., with others, instantaneous radio audience-measureeItsystem, (A) 2480

Christensen,R.J., with others, reverberation in the sea,Cbristian,D. direct-coupled oscillographamplifier, (A)Chrisetiansn, W. N., rhombic aerial arrays, 246Chorzuwwli, P., short-tube method of acoustic impedance measurement,

(A) 338

Chu,E. L., and W. W. Hansen, theory of disk-loaded waveguides,1288Chu, L.J., physical limitations of directive radiatingsystems,,A)94-aand J. D. Jackson, field theory of travellin.g-wave valves,88WCioni, G., transmission-line calculations, (D)126Clack,G. T., simplified signal and test-pattern generators,8888Clapp, J. K., equivalent circuit of quartz bar, 3049; frequency measure-

ment by sliding harmonios, (A)252; high-stabilityLC oscillater2190

Clarn,J.D., stable voltmeter amplifier, 2847Clark,LL flexible decadeaf amplifier, 1317

andL.L. Merrill, field measurements on magnetic recording heads,.1244

Clark, K. C., with others, voice measurements with audio spectrometer,.s331

Clark, E., with J. Van Duyne,a.f. square-wave analysis,1JUClark, R. W., and C. Gronberg,tevision studio technique, 1788Clark, T. H., ermors in spaced collectord.f. systems, 01;mmltiplex

microwaveR/T, (A) 542-and V. F. Cliffold, variable-frequency2-phase nine-wave generator,


Clauser, B. K.,metal-coated plastica, 3155

Clavier, A., and G.Phelizin, ParMs/Montmorency f.m. radio link, 461Clavinr, A. G., F. Panter and W. Duoe, signal/nwise ratio in pusew.countmodulation system, (Al 2614F. Panter and D. D. Grieg, distortion in pulse-ode modulation,(A)2281

Clayton, R. B. with C J Milner, resistance comparisnn at 3300 Mc/s,I9 MCleekoer, D. parasit beam patterns,335; polar diagmms of straightwire aerials, 25

Clegg, A., with A. C. B. Lovell, radio echoes from meteor trials,87-with others, radio echoes, from aurora, 42from Giaenhinid meteors,

1948, 2780

do Clejoulx, B.,radio communications conference at Atlantic City, 170Clevenger, G. W., with others, tuner-amplifier for television receivers,A))27CtL V.F.with T. H. Clack, variable-frequerxcy22phasesiaewave

generator, 24

cloas, .B., and M. T. Lebenbaum, phantastron delay circuitsmO8Ooales, H. C. Calpine and F. S. Watson, naval fire-contro radar,(. (782Cobb, A., with others,vh.ff. cross-channel commnunicatdin,Cobine, D.,and J. Curry, electrical-nwise generators,

andethers,h.f. properties of iron alloy cores, 754

Cockig, W. T., deflector-coil efficiency, 1181, 3535; push-pull balance,997; push-pull input circuits, ,211,2212; selectivitysound-channel rejection in television amplifiers, 298

coo, C., variable reluctance tachometer calibratedagaiost WWV, 198

allghl,E J E. W. Felegy and L. Harrison, emergencycommumications in mines,-wseith E. W Felegy, emergency couiuanications in mines. 8817

N.D.,magnetic focusing, 1124A. .A, and W. R. Keye, alteration of digita data in magnetic-drum


Page 3: Index to abstracts and references 1948 - author index

Part II-PROCEEDINGS OF THE IREoruoputler mremory, tAt 254

Cohen R. performaiuce of teleniiono receiving valves, 2971Cohen, V. W., and A. Bloom, niicrophotny in subminfiature triode, 355Cobs, S.B.,broad-hanxdwavegnude/ muxiul-linejusnctions,HIS; properties

ridge waveguide, 23; wide-hand waveguide hilter, (A) 2443

Coil., R. C., mnagnetostnricton reso-nant frequencies ahar, 1-do Cola, moniitoring tireo 2567Wel, D., experimental needle-scratch supprerstoe, 1235Colebrook, W. A., wiuh J. S. Benson, telecontrol of rmetiue r foe aircraft

conmmumeation, 275, 2863Colin, R. I., survey of radio navigation aids, 429Collard, cmA voltage nmeasurement, 2907; enthrakotnet en, 202.0Collie, H., J. B, Hasted anid D. M1 Hiltson, dielectric propertites, of polar

liquid at cit A, 1991, of letter and heavy water, 2508wth nthers, dielectric properties of water, heavy water and oijtt

ath f, 79

Collins, S. C., low-temperature phenonuena, 338Collins, W. foleeins f.m. !a. toner, 2347'Colomsbo, with T. Kahan. Irate neut feite. en wevegeutdes .rin IAisto

resonators, 3019

Colvin, D., aodio svtseius fortci. stodios, 938; plaumning be ade stirftstudio enstallation, 825

Cook, A., with othret, radio transiuittfieig stattoo at C.riggicue 2371Cook, -E. G., du-sk receordiung, inicreasing voltnute level in, 2707,nr tee nuculof.

tiont in, 1338; feedback recording head, 1242

Cook, 13.8S., with E. R. Corliss, hearinet aid gain mnere uremriut. 2157,2442Cook, R. equations of piezoelectricity, 3082; sbourt-sole mnethod of

acoustie imupedance metsurenientu, 921, (Au 3309; theoryi of

Wmagner earth for ac. bridge, 2853Cooke, A. H., G. Fertel and Hiarmi, eletrnic swetcfete for uingle

aerial not-king, 2643Cooke, D., pulse coinurntication, 2079, (D) 2618Coomubs, S. H., itse of ct-o. eni ftra-toiituter audjustmnent, 2290Cooper, C., wisth others, DIescription of the FIAtbths Muain Magnertic Field

and Its Secular Change, 190ii19-5fti (E) 1645dielectric heating, tppticatieon to wooidivork, 905Coopeer,: film and tlevisot1n, 842

oDoper,BR,,breakfowji steength of airatucotA,750, (D)Cooper, B., ttenouation of 20t0 s eignals by reeks, 3476e; feetabe

crystat uitroleofd frequency standat-d, 3167Cooper, W. B. B.,anet A. Sevuieonr, teutuperateere-deptndent nesisfoes,Cooter, L. L., truth others, ousual ohservation cf patterns rrcordfed on

muuagneticuutudia, (A) 2430

CoPe, E., with others, Arine wuirefes set Nt. 2f, 2624Copeland, W. C., N.P.L1 mobile acotistics laboratory, 1534CoDrbe, P. L., Jr. atid H. R. Jactoou, triotto tot 3 (kV and tskW ftutu

transmotters, 876

QOrbett, W., hugh-powet- linear r.fP aneptufiers, 989Coreoran, N., and J. Hiough, conrbinet peeltr deter irri f i-Winat, Olat

earth and screen, 2462Vordov6s, J, S., televismon link, 1794Corey. V. B.. sonic air-sneed undueatoe, (A) 3486CofeD,. N., and C. Cragg, modtfied mnertoumatch, 3176

Cork, with others, Berkeley 4 5MeV e.s. genenator, (A) 2311

Osrliss,E. LB.R. and S. Cook, hearing-aft gain measuremuent, 2157.2442CoDrnack, W., toes es in ut-on at high flux densifies, 345

CoDrnelius, E. d.e. loainsoperated vibrt-aory iuiverter, 277

COornelius, P., and J. van Slooten, imnprosed clisersity tnt direetket broadIeast reception, 255

Corringlon, S., bandwidith amnd modulatinn inxdex in f.m. 859Coannan, B. J., 152 1012Mc,o inobile equiipment, 2361-and A. WV Richardson, Hat-vet donble superheterodyne re-

ceivet-, 240

Coaslett, V. B., electron nmieroscopy conferre-Ce, Leeds, 1047, 320Costrell, L., determination of toad amid rcovieorv-tiee tot -ACl5 cuntnuers

(A) 2574

Ct,H,prpagation of perturbation in waeegnide, 2447O nDrirU fitters, 1001

Cuob3.foeating diurnal variation ref declination, 103Cosimo,C.A,rno walk problem, 701

Cousins, W., with N J. Thotmipson, meaturing pressures of explosions,

Covington, A. microwave sky noise, 721; sotar nioise at A 10.7 cm, 2513

Cowan, A., coaxmal-cable networks, 645

Cowling, T. G.,, Atlefvns theory of sunspots, 2231; elementary put-ticlesand the geomagnetic fit-Id. 340; sotarmagnetic fietld,

-and R. Borger, ciondmurtivityof D) layer, 3118

Colt, C.I, mutual impedanceofovertical aerials,.658Cox, W., with K. W. Tremetten, wane propagation and n.w. cotmnjunima

tion, 205

Crabtrs, rubber and weather,Crag, C.W., with D. N. Cot-ield, modmfiednmicrotmatich, 3178

Cragg, D., and A. A. Jaffe, dischuarge spread is G.M` counters, 1189W. Bosley and A. A. Jaffe, G.'M cosnters, 203

Haine and J. M. Sleek, triggered spark gape ter hugh-powermodulators,

Craig, uniform magnetic field between coils, 400

Craig, c tr. tube design, 2436

.H,snspots and telegraphy, 712Cramer Hl. S., printing conductors on glass, (A) 1614

rad io, 19Cadl,CF.with A. L. Samusel, wavegumide bridge to measure gaitn aft

4000 Mets, (A) 2552with nthers, design of synchrotron mnagnets,

Cranain, P., south D.F. Bowers, Teaden and Oceaumpan marine trans-

millers, 237

P. W..wide-tuning range ce w. magnetrons, (A) 2663CrmwfRd.D. E.,h.f. pentodesinelrectrometermorcuits,3557

with others, designof Berkeleytlinearacelereatotr, (A) 2216Creamer, S., with others, Ba-fMg titanate dietectrics, 3441

Creighton, H. B. ILan and R. J. Ttiroer, crystal otcmllators, 2195

Crisa,G. B., servontechanism thenry, 1762

CrOsey, with nthers, auitomatic control in radar receivers,Crosby, .r, W. Cflevenger and H. G.oldberg, tunernaamplifier toe

televisfon recefvers, (A) 2647-wilk H. Goldberg, set-irs-mode crystat-oscillantor crcinets, 304

Crout. P. D., trarmsenft behavionr of electrical nvstems, 881

Crowley-Milling, M. C., absorption wavemeter forll2t-W 'ills, 1892and others, em-Aland des A power measurement, 2022with others, waveguiide attenuators,

Crowther, A.,history electron discoverry, (A) 1011

Croxsos, C., crack detection by X nays andyv rays, 230

Osseis, and H. R. Hegbar, u.h.f.low-pass coaxial fitter, 1813Cufes, C., lightning-arrestert discharge currenxts, 339

Ckdole,A. L.,,measurement tOkS pulse voltages at 200 titc)s, 1688y,PF,31-McIs high-pass fitter, 1893

Cnnga,W.J.,graphicaltmethindstfor evaluating Fouriserintegrals, 154G.3.(offard and J. C, R. Licklider, effect nf limiters and selectivityon receiver performance, 814

Curie, Fluorescence et Phosphitnescener, (B) 453

Curan, W., artificial reverbheration systeni, 330

Cturn, L. dotuble-diversflty 2-channel single-sidebanxd receiver, 288

Curran, S. C., and E. R. Rae, G counters, analysis of impulses fmom,1706, south headed wines, 494

-and Mi. Reud, rnonsymnmetricul counters, 2577

Cury, C., with Poles, e.rt-n r-ecrdn,g micrometer, 788

Curr, R., with J. D. Cohine, eleetrical-noise generators, 878with others, h.f. pt-opt-ties of mirn-salloy cores, 754

Cutrts, J. A., broadrasting systems for tratns, 270

Cormis,H. W., with C. Brunetti, printed-circuit techniques, 1894

Cpirtls,L. F., diamonds as radiation detectors, (A) 2575

Cutlr, 0.0C., experimental detenninationi of hielical-wave properties, 2409;

parabolic-aerialtdesignlnformicrosaves, 657-A. P. Kmng and W. tE. Kock, maicrowave aerial measuremenxts, 321

Cotolo, H., gyeo-interartion radio waves, 205


B.M., RC circuits as equalizres, 2742thoriated tungsten filament design, 1655

Dab,33,war-surplus television reeimver,.H,and J. Stanwonrth, solder glasses, 3445

Dallenbachs, W., spiral acceterator for heavy particles, 2585

Daluua, G. C., iniisiature, dotible teiode, 873

Daly, F., antd B. B Mt. Stitherland, infra-red spectrnscope wiuth e.r.

pail,Gresentation, tDI 493i1. nter'modiulation metere 2290

Darussis, E., frictionlitluectrieity, 1820Dan Gupta, M. R.. JI Rayt ant S. R. Khastgir, itiherent noise in receivers,

2349-with others, dirtectional ofseretvatios of atmiospherics at suns-et,

Daskams, E,, with H. B. Bartelink, inm short-range carrerosterno 1152

Daudt, W., net urermetift of noise factor, 1482

Dauvillier, A., magntetis unfi celestial bKlirs .1022Daveyo, R.., and A. L. Niatate, frequency -shift telegraphy, 238,2913Davidson, P. interaction of radiation and matter, 1341Davies, G. T., with J. G. Bartletet, high-speed oscillographs, 189)0Davies, high-fideltyfpdisk recordirtg eqliiptinett, 17

Davies, J. Gt., wvith 0~E fytpet, vefocits of mete'ors, 3101

Davis,F.P., vac Li furrier confect, 2581Davis, H.. physiological effects of ottrasonics, (A) 3299

-attit other Hfeareing Aids, (B) 2714

Davis,EK. H,t tfioitivibiatoste tpdoter ratuconal ratoff 2747

Davis,L., Jr, steli rthu1~ftetIs 415

Davis,ER., toti Wt Ga IStonrteg, dittsebrgi citrectits in bite-but tone c stes,1034

-A. Et W., Aitent and W. Jak;nvol tagi characteristic cf Polythene,eafiti' D) 2841

Davis,W,,auuittlae poftublctionofsetii tifict papers,2423Davy, N, polepice sha,pe forsync-hrotrc)n tuagnet ,3481

DaweP, W., wiute-range a. f.n tucilittor, 50

Doaes, P. (0. M., RC ositltutfor, (A) 1298

Dawley, R. L., (5 cI Rftdi,fo Handbook, (B) 2880Day, R., and 'it. fH. Jennings, quadritixte power aniptihier, 590De Baus, R., interlocked scanning f or tuetwork television, 1773

Debiesse, J., and R. Champnix, effect nf fight on eriuissioit trim oxide

cathodes, 807; hot-cuthcde phototcitt, 1817

DeBolt, E.,with E. Mi Willeioms, osc illatiur design for 51.10inch f.m. ito-tron, (A) 2574

mti yconztnofq-orn,23Debraine, P aind 6 aiitofDebray, M., with others, abnormaltties en F region at Calacutf 2522

Decasx. B., treoitti- tuttge touri-gpropaugation, 17725

Deerhake, F. 1M., iNewutYkiSehuenecteit tceviseion ruta yftent, 1792Degelman, J., photfee ftoperatri tfriggt tirouit, 1572

Desbert, R., with utthuer ,itrt ed rc finp tar ihtifbeae 6c 1illtitataioin, 585

Delaby, H., synchronizoationi, tieflutistiot 2080

Delayguse,, A., theory tof origin of earth' Tittgetctic fted 2517Deilinger, J.EH., ionosphere, 107

-aandNewbtrri Suliefhe tour-tutu wourkofIlR.P.L,2494Deleaux, J. filction if ticvisioute ated ted, 2050

Densaunbe, -, r. fir tiebthe lute tied dfetvcepment, 431, 1368,3125Denis, M., tuud Lint, ceaueremelnts it ciii A, 1078, 3424Deniisse, F., solareaud ga ati titiufAadition, 1626; setar radtiation, ref


-P. Sefegoamnt itd [Zf Gattt atid sttrecuti pse, 2ffth ]t1ff47, 1604

Denly, J. D., with othersi ti,1f tnile alit fixcd cotmmunication, 2081,

Desisey, B. H., .r. o. ienges ef ieis nv0ctelopes. 21950Dennisosn,D. X, with Nielsen, tutucrowave' sptetrttn of Sf1,, 1019Denny, C.R., Jr,PFC.C r evewvoferaeioprogress 905DePackb, D. C., retisfee ictwfork totr solving Laplace's equation, 1071Departmsent of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ike Fuondanuental

scarefi Problemsn of frtelecoon-unitcations, eli) 2995DeSantis, V. J., with Arditi fthertutottot emission froili gruIds 2883

Desearain, vatte develop uteunts in F raitee, 1822DaTurk, J. E.. wtuth offhers, desigui of 'urge-scae ttigital ter, (A) 2548DeVore, H. uiniting resolution iue itntage-orthicenn 2385Devoy, J. Rf., thyratronicircuit foe Ototor content, 2580DeWitt,R. H.,studio)transmitter lint1 on 92fi 98f Mc/s 3250Dexter, sgoat geteeataor for 9ft K ls to 2t10 Mi/s 1418Diamond, M., circle diagramse tot cathode follotwers, 2210Dies, J. and A. Wteinsteio, Stcfwarz' ittequality, 1069Dicke, I.,H., high speed couttincienee circuit, 1571; metrux cemtueputfoft

for tuturowavts iiitwork 1073

Diebunson, C., tontefionat anautsto of meaua orements, 468

Diemer, F., f.bem Synithronie cong sen tlnbhrtegencratoreei dlurck 'oduotecrte Sugmietle, (B) 250.3

Dieutegard, auttostabilized ecilator, 1300; trar inititerrecettuer,eft-33t, Nlt ;s, 308

Dightou, D. T. R., Itoss and A. L. Sholfrey, modooulatuio and wavsifnrun of light brutm, 1087

van Dijl, B., fu-equeriucy standards and eteetronic counters, 482; rhombicaenal deigut, 1883

Dilworth, C.C., effert of surfairSfitins on contacts, 2769Diesniek, G0. L.., fight motdultator for sotind reeorditig, 1853Dinger, H. B., and Ht. aine, aceturacY Of radio-noise nuefers, (D) 1484;

imipedtarce-matching A/2 transformier, 3042Dirac, P. A, M1., Pritnciples of Qua ntuni Mechanic,, (B) 1917Dislsal, M., tuandlpats amplifher dtesigmm, (CD) 1315, 2493, (D) 3064t ITchebvo

sebCft polynomialsf and band-pass filters, (A) 2475-with H. ignie, characteritifur of navigational aut d d f. ystCtit,

tAt 430Dute, W., with others, signat'nullse ratiot in puofse-cotunt ituodulation so feltu,

(A) 2814

DnTom, Di. J., phase end aniplmtude distortiomi mn er networks, 1901,tO) 2764; phase-corrected delay tunes, (A) 2475

-and C, Wmttenberg, parattetter adjustment miuethod f or network

transients, (A) 0575

Dix, C tuuwave renmun iCatiaon Ysysetuts .268and C1. S. Mlg,~.i., tow-power A inagnntron%, 2987with others, Aroto wiref ess set No.o If, 2624

Disgacin, G. V., ant 7M1 Soirbiut, measureutuent of d1tviation ratio ini f in,1404

Dadds, M., aod J. H. Ludlow, C.. H. radiolocaftion transmitters, 853Dodingtou, S. M., with others, tests out navar svstrw, (A) 428

DosSer, and W. Klfern, traveftuieg-wave valver,', enuergy exuchange in,602

Doetnsch. G0., Tabuoten zur LapfaeeTIntfortoiation ondt Arfeiutng z tutu

G.ebratuuch, (B) 345

Doll, B., with 1H. G. Bovlr, coniupact projection tetlovision systemr, 2651Dosub, C., rand urtu walk problem and applicatiuun, 700; theory 'of uttcullatoir

conpted to tung feedtr,-and H P'rse, hield streiigth ovrr sphermcat earth, 890

Dosnal, S., Jr, and R' RK Bush, a.m. of mnagneteons, (A) 266Donley, L.., (Ba !Sr)TiO, resonators, 3138; dielectric properties, of

BaTfi0,!Sr'TiO, mixtures, 446

Doolittle, D., and B. Steinxberg, industriral heating, vatlor operatingcanitiltons, 3275

Dorr, C. ated H. Mit West, relay controlo circuiits for stepping swoucles,1573

van Dorsten, A. C., J. Oostemkanup ausuf J. B. Ie PotlX, electron micro-

scope for40 fekV,2039A., objective viombiltvt ineasurenmeit, 205

ga,1.A,triple loudspe-akrr systemn, 2705ntage inupulses in rectifiers,W,and others, televsison tramsumiutfee design, 1810

Digo fanometer eoits, 3174..Tucker, sqluare-law circuit, 670

Drse,D.VB,BBC remote anuptifber and programmne meter, 992;ma

Dresel, L.A (0,withi otbes, fransIiiission-fitier diode as cin .A noise source,

DreyfusOraf, Doppler cfOn t foronfulci in ellipsoidal theory of specialrelativity, 2591

Driatski, V. M., uteagnet-o tne splitting of e wates in sporadic E layer,2051

Driobovo, S. A., rheostat trigger circuits, 1870

Droslanl1isna, V. I., G.. Lunhinshaya and Ya. S. Shiur, effect of inst anti

recrystallizatiomi on soft magnetic niaterials,Duckwortb, with B.C.. Hogg, vacuium properties synthetic dielec-

trics, 3144

Dulay, with J. Cabannes, spectrurtt of ntight sky mn blue asnd violet,2523

Duffileld, H., and L, Lau--sbe electronic testing of camera shutters,3479

Duffieax, P. M1., dittnection phenoumetea., 1342

lOUfour, J., with W. Klein, ui s.w. broadcasting, 2893Du Hart, B., narrow-bauid f inm adapter, 17T4Duke, C., with t. Sfchutitaino, r.f. bridge for broadcasftsttiono 258Duinousseau,~--, with others, tide-band anmplitier vates for In 1834ISDssnaev, Yu. A., too-temiperaturt reistatnce of ttt,80-and 'in f'. Mai (torts phoi Af propertit 158

Duonbar, J. Y., toot( stodio at ouftic 35

Dusngey,T. W., andtC.R. ulttot x,1astt-tr(r te 510Dusnham,J. M..ypwer-ine toimetioi o arri-t 2355Duina ,B C., Jr,atnd itt(10 is't-tedf on,til~pt iit

ttttdip Ice 1910Dunn, R.W., witlt -f ft. tsorit plo. hi"g fty rttI.1131Diunsheath, P., (Ef.) fitd fril fe frci, t4p, (B) 1527

Duosmuir, Rf., aof J. G. e if otri proporti t,f liqidif itA I4t5e tin. 199g


Dupotuy, G1.. itth tdjijit AifIt' (tievitvt 1090Durand, R., eteit. c outlo , lO0t; C.I1 the ittif (II '~tinhu ,

blac ncoa, 3096; duitefr etinftet tla 3095Durand, B., with Po tn Mi- '-tit 2000Durand, J., v-thC tthe ifti itton Inosherit 3110Durkee, A. L.,Ie l, icr utaer f 'tip itithtietit.rlad,2063: \N iw Yotrki

Diseewang, J., RadfT uini To'i" f1 6~B) 15.30Doest, 0. ritt 1943Dyatlovittskaya, B. L, w itt ftOI s, S b. atttfii-dfe 3050Dtye ft,E.'C Jr,witi ft. ft. f(,tt aiou s ppre ts r

1759Dymond, E.G.,ftiKew 1A,197Dyson, J.. r.tftptwMA,~ t it~It o) difttire ttiathcrme ,ttt 1093

.IittefffA oi tt eoiir i fi crri iiaf rial 18 84Dzung, L. S., A -di, -10 ant 2e504

Easton, A., pittitreioiiett ltteif et toit(i '~iP (t A) 2552.

3469 fu eriet ai ittititl-,rw entet 180ft, filet etunitr i cui ts telvso fN1c roii Mion,


Easton, 1.G wtht R.F Fildidio freefeniti ret ge' cap tc friitgt',180

Eato J. C.,ow tfi nthers ti ftdaiti uiitchiig tirtn fo ti 1298Eekersley, P. P., broadcasting jilbhlrt, 1525

Eckersley, T. L., diftierential petietration itid ioutit ft crii, 1945,theory, 726; etvaporation of mtiltrsit tritd s titcr ifs, 91;triple splittinag of tonespheric rito .3222

Eckert, J. P., Jr, with others. tHg delay iti DTotiiorv (A) 2475

Eddy. W. C., television studio lightinxg, 1184Eder, F. X., dielectric aeri it nosses, 1274; dif ictrie proprtitti of Ice',


Edmondson,A.S,,imtchittg ofh. f tettmisil tittie 2167iEdson,3,.O.,withH. S, Blfack,iptife-dt nofoti,ttiii, (A) 2163Edson, R. C., citrierisystemt iiom iiin-terittitni eq'uiputeit, 2811Edwards, A., stanifard tentn ated abberevtiations (Dt 2876Edwards, C. i-nicrowave tosverttis 661Edwards,G. W.,withtothers, tefetvisio riiiitvert 1107Eirussi,Ya. L., atiiplitnue titters .1400Egan, J. P., edfec of nots tono hearitig, 1036-with others, measuring spt,eftT sp. fitra 924

Egedal, J., difuinavt riaitioti ttf ft no ar gnetfit iat r, 1038, 2790

Egsdi, C.,dirii t-iadi-itfeftquecyiinetcrs 2018Elseenisaft, F., pariticlt niotiton iii inpittgiteticefitl, 1020

Ebseke, L.. tvith C, Stat k, high speed raidiographty, 1715

Eseblols, Gf., antd G. l tifo h~f. permteability of ferrto agitettcmnateriats, 138

van den Huk, J., anti Ci. /otifite, 'tied b etpfii p etoits 1itateriats,3322

C,. W. Kostit atTIt W.,s KA 5.nit abtcoiftitin poronit materials,2144

It ih ottoers sotieid absoiftionef itou Itltt,iit .3322

Eisenberg, P., with A.' bhitt, titoind reprodfet iii li-tt iiirs preterentes,1237.2895

Eisenstein, A., electriecal pinperties eof xude ethoefe iterftace (A) 318Eisenstein, J. C., witth ethers vicet ascrnttttsti with audio -pettromueter,

3318Electronics, atcoustic toaterials, 3004; ceratiticts and glass,3142; trystals

and rectihiers, 3133; electroniie uiicerometer, 788; fluoresceintcotnepounds, 3131; imagemi-tensifitatiton totb X rapt,

3088; iniage-storage tubte, (A) 2983; tiiagnetti: titp. tire, 1587,nmaterial for, (A) 3431; miagnetic nitteritaf 3148; rmetalsend alfoys, 3150; narrow-batit ft frequtotN dt nciftions, 838;ptasftics anef robbers, 3152; producfttio of ff1 crtstals, 739;

selettivetsqueneecdigital conoputer, 2503, ittminetiaturevalvse, 888; techniei,t bibliographiies, 3280; tfeleotireit tier water

works, 1781; televisinn restitution ehart, 1179; safver tharac-teristits with 28-V supplp, (A 1207; v.h.f. bicte facsimileoepoiphitent, 290; X -ety thit hotss u e, 2302; i4ft tlro epower aniptifier, 70

Elenbaaa, W., rootinig condittetms tiitet high pitstore dishefargies, 2228;Pig high-pressure distharge, 399

EAger. H.,fault titration ionh.v. tines fey radio fiifethods,2539Elleser, 0.3J., interaction of electritno tad e. ni. field, 898n3nson, L., with others, anti, eltretti etitisston it tlitii dielectricElliott, A., and G.. Gi. fa Neseice,Eplistt, (I.,a5_tnr converter tier the R 115a, 1143

ElliaB. T., tiutltichannel contutonicaittitti tranintifties, 2905Mli,C. F., with others, Arnis witrcei 1et No. fIt, 2824His, J., tiess compensation itt fts repeoduttioin, 18

G.(., diaphragnistinefeecteen tierro epe, 1435; optitt, oif lectrode.electton guns, 1120

Ellas, W., with other', refleefor, for idseteattgf scanteieig at ii A, (A)

I' 4l 1631

If reed relay, fA 2 575Iatit veto city of ittiteors 3101

s tro uti a ei or ea 422

El-Mawardi, OH,K, nerasorenitent of acioustie tuiipedautte, A) 3305

Elasasser, W. M1., induttion efietti itti geomiagortisin, 1028

Ilson, N0., with I~. B, Pippoid, eftiututiationt of staftditigoisets it,pPaaholoidwaveguide-fed ateri

El'tain, A., dielectrit ionstarit anit toss-ategle mtttrettetit by plate

method, 3189HE.. 1. Iaboratories, elfctronici switching, 357Husslie, A. G.find others, ultrasotiei delay litnt .24719

nitli others ultretasonic delay, tine,.2479Von Ensgel, A., with P. W. B. (t,iff, stafeting potfentiats i,f,h f gis ifistharge~s,Engelbsergee. J. F ncfi

ngland, T. S.,devtlopna,0. L., uondirwater ftefist out, 1779

Hgsl,W. N., with L. B. Loeb, pttnt-to-ptatet couront (A) 2225Esi,N. britad-band crystal ontrollfdt I -i cotis,crter, 1471

Iplois omagnetict permteability ito ribk hfied 175

HIpl,F., broadcasting siervier, 2837Epstein, J., wthtt others, v.h.f5otelotiton propag,atioii itittreeitts, 3224

Ergen, W. X., bridge-typr electrical coinputers, 1072

Herhor, P. C., tutitng of parasitic arrays, 652Erwin,W B., anjd G. M3. tassnetter, iittrasnnie rebtonatic ateud non

tine testing,1Enaiov, N. I., synchrnizaation of icouptid fThitipi on oscillators

3.52Espley, D). C., ti.lecoinititunictatioti syititit irtaimqeattt otite', 17461-5E C.-Cheery and M3 Mi Lesy, pofo ctesting of twidtbauitd networks,

'1101Espy, D., paraultefT network dresign corvet, 303Essen, L.., propagation constants nf screenied twvin tabfes, 1889 resonuncer

wavetneters for ttt00tf50C)itfIt c/i, 2019

and A, C.. Gaordont-Smith, veloity of e.m. waease, 3488

with G.. H. Astoti, frequrency measurement at Niels,2015


Page 4: Index to abstracts and references 1948 - author index

Index to Abstracts and References 1948Estermann, L, A. Foner and J. A. Randall, resistivity and Hall effect of

Ge at low temperatures, (A) 139

Estraband, ., ionospheric refraction, 2884Etold, B., d.c. amplifiers with a.c. feed, 1324Etsold,-, 2-channel system with f m. and a.m., 1494Evan, B. B., rubber dielectrics, 3146

yana D. S., forces in solar prominences, 414; solar flares, 136Evans, P. F., with others, alignment signal generator with display,

Evan, U. R., atmospheric corrosion of contacts, 343

Everitt, W. L., (Ed.), Fundamentals of Radio, (B) (2

Ewing, D. H., H. J. Schrader and R. W. K. Smith, teleran, 1647E1wing, L. H., with others, television transmitter design, 1810Ewles, J., and C. Curry, c.r.o. recording micrometer, 786Hyring, C. F., R. J. Christensen and R. W. Raitt, reverberation in the sea,


Fagot, J., radio aids to aerial navigation, 2249Fails,W. A., L. L. Mason and K. S. Packard, v.h.f. s.i.r. plottingdevice,

(A) 2662FPir, L E., crystal control umit for 200-1040 kc/s, 143Five R., and G. Chaudron, properties of SrCOa/BaCVa mixtures, 1654Pajosi, P., coupled circuits and filters, theory,PalkuA,.&. E., output transformer efficiency measurement, 1407Familiar, V., transmitter matching ranges, 2601Fancher, E. EL, with others, television transmitter design4 1810FPDO, M., and A. W. Lawson, Jr, microwave filters with A/4-line

couplings,Farag6, P. S., electron-multiplier tube, 297

anworth, R. L., pocket signal tracer, 1700Parr, K. E., i. f. design for f.m. receivers, (A) 2596ist, J. F., with J. L. Snoek, nietastable states of Ni, 3429Fatehehnd,R. T., with A. B. Shone, measurement of telegraph distortion,

2U87fauve, C., with others, effects of space charge in two-cavity klystron, 612Fawcett, C. IL, with A. J. Baggott, magnetic and acoustic mine develop-

ment, 790Fay, C. B., high-vacuum oxide-cathode p.m. valves, 1309- and J. E. Wolfe, tunable pulsed triode oscillator, 1878PAy, R. D., and J. E. White, acoustic impedance fram motionxl impedance

diagrams, 2133-R. L. Brown and 0 V. Fortier, acoustic impedance of surfaces in

water, 920Fikler, G. E., and H. R. Meahl, direct-reading waveoteter design for

A 2-75 cm, 2296PEinberg,E. L., wave propagation theory, 1721sInatein, 8.111., photoelectron multipliers with Sb-Cs cathode, 2100Pech, . P and others, airborme magnetometers, 220Fel'd, Pa. i., diffraction aerials, 1269; excitation of wavegaides and

resonators, 3334; radiating slit in wavegtiide, 2164; slotaerials,343, 3344

Fldtikeller, R., charts for chokes, 1290- and E. Stegmaier, complex permeability of coil cores, 3137, with

airgap, 2808FPlegy, E. W., and E. J. Coggeshall, emergency communications in mines,

3617- with others, emergency commntmications in mnines, 236WPFdl, N. 3., and Y. Marchal, dielectric strength of compressed gases, 2824Felix, W., radio and the Swiss Post Office, 8575Fellers, R. G., and R. T. Weidner, admittance matching with irises, 649Pelsenheld, A., with A. G. Kandoian, power loads at v.h.f. and u.h.f.,

(A) 56

Felton, A., with R. S. J. Spilsbury, millisecond chronoscope, 468Fenton, A. G., with HI. Chaudhri, adjustable G-M counters, 2878Ferguson, J. H., E. W. Webster and T. E. Calverley, Van de Graaff e.s.

generator, 32S8Ferrell, 0. P., klystrons for amateur radio, 613; motion of intense

sporadic-E clouds, 3117; propagation conditionfl for asqateucbands, 1449

Fertel, G., with others, electromic switches for sitigle-aerial working, 243

Feashbbh, H., with A. E. Heins, coupling of two acoustical ducts, 911with M. Lax, absorption and scattering by spheres and cylinders, 2120

Fewings, D. J., Marconi h.f. direction finder Type DFG28, 2MFiedlor, G., ultrasonic therapy, 1709Field, l. B., losses in air-cored inductors, (A) 2475Field, R. F., connection errors in capacitance measurement, 169

and I. G. Easton, wide-frequency-range capacitance bridge, 180

Fielding, E. A., quartz crystals, (A) 2812Fiet, 0. O., R.C.A. pylon omnidirectional aerial, 2454Filler, A. S., with others, body-baffle effects on hearing aids, 1248

Fillmore, F., A. Hudgins and HI. Jeppson, ion source for Berkeley e.s.generator, (A) 2312

Fine, E. C., with others, reflectors for wide-angle scanning at cm A, (A) 2443Fink, D. G., Radar Engineering, (B) 118; r.f- remote control relay, MFisher, 3., television signal generator, 775Fisher 3. F., with J. C. Tellier, testing long-persistence screens, 1652Fisk, D. B., and J. M. Whittenton, progress in instrument design, 474Fisk, E. T., development of sound recording and reproduction, 216Fitch, E., spectrim of modulated pulses, 2619

with Z. Jelonek, pulse coininunication, 2079, (D) 2618Fitch, V. L., with E. W. Titterton, portable pulse generator, 2301Fitzgerald, A. S., magnetic amplifiers, design, 1285, neutral type, 960,2179Fitzpatrick, J. A., with others, distortion of ultrasonic waves, 299Flach, W. L, home-built television receiver, 2391, 2392; television inter-

ference suppression, 680and N. H Bentlev, high-quality home-made television receiver, 577

Flamm, L., Faraday's theory and moderm physics, 1343Flammnerseld, A., amplifier and h.v. supply for counters, 3008Fiint, U. T., Max Planck, life and work, 2675FIohn, H., zonal atmospheric currents outside the tropics, 3120Flory, L. E., with others, barrier-grid storage c.r. tubes, 2986Fock, V., with M. Leontovich, e.m. propagation along earth's surface,

theory, 1444Pock, V. A., diffraction of e.m. waves around the earth, 3489; field of

plane wave, 1361Foldy, L. L., with D. Bohm, synchro-cyclotron, 793

Fonda-Bonardi, G., ordinary valves as microwave oscillators, 306

Poner, A., with others, resistivity and Hall effect of Ge at low tempera-tures, (A)

Foot, J. B. L., 1-kW v.hf. f.m. transmitter, 563Foot, N. M., vacuum drying of paper, 1383

Forbush, S. E., solar effects in cosmic rays, (A) 102Ford, A. W., h. f inductor altermators, 1172Ford, L. B., with G. H. Rayner, capacitance measurenient at National

Physical Laboratory, 2863Ford, W. B., adapting TBY-7 transceiver for amateur use, 1159Forgue, S. V., storage orthicon and teleran, 1780Forret, J. 5., semiconducting ceramic glazes, 1061Forrester, A. T., noise in electrometer valves, (A) 899Forr6, H., magnetism of celestial bodies, 3406Fbrster, E., with others, carrier frequency-shift telegraphy. 2364Fonter, W. H., 9-way television relay, 2921

Fortet, R., with A. Hlanc-lapierre, stationary aleatory functions, 1606Fortier, 0. V., with others, acoustic impedance of surfaces in water, 920FPochini, A., field equivalence of magnetic dipole and frame aerial, 1282Poster, A. G. L., valve voltmeter and d.c. volt-ammeter, 2572Foster, J., u.s.w. grounded-grid amplifier valves, 882Fouquet, L., with J. Benoit, capacitor for measurement of dielectric

constant of liquid, 2564Fouty, Rt. A., with C.-E. Smith, circular-polarization f.m. aerial, (A) 2443Fowler, C. J., with WV J. Bartik, extending frequency range of none

meters, (A) 2662Fox, A. G., adjustable waveguide phase-changer, 1255, 338Fox, C., dynamic balancing of radar scanners, 2253Fox, F. B., and J. L. Hunter, simplified theory of supersonic interfero-

metry, (A) 2430Fradkin, B., radio nieasuTement apparatus, 2559Frandiu, G., RC oscillators, 1M81Francis, A., television interference and frequency allocation, 638; tricon

navigational system, 1364hrancis, V. 3., with N. R. Campbell, random fluctuations in c.r.o. with

high gain amplifier, 262-with others, common-cathode amplifiers, 2490; valve noise and

transit time, 2420Flrnck, J. V., with others, linear accelerator oscillator and coupling systemn,

(A) 2318Frank, J , W.SW Huxford and W. R. Wilson, modulation of resonance

lines in Cs arc, 2363frank, R., 10-in mobile f.m. transmitter, 1198Frankel, S., behaviour of multiconductor lossless transmission lines,

(A) 2443; field components in circular waveguides with coaxialdielectrics, 22

- J. J. Glauber and J. P. Wallenstein, triode for 600 AIc/s, 877Fanlklin, C. S., measurement of aircraft speed, 1703

Franklin,E., with others, group velocity of radio waves in atmosphere, 1438Friinz, K., basic design principles for directive aerials, 2466frser, R. M., cinephotography of television images, 3266frae, I.. A., escalator process for simultaneous equations, 3163Predendall, G. L., with others, experimental simultaneous colour television

system, 572,feeland, R. R., checking f.m. transmitter frequencies with WWV, 2856Freeman, J. J., theory and design of cavity attenuator, 2762freeman, O., WABD apparatus for televising special events, 29de Fremery, F., and J. W. G. Wenke, broadcasting programme monitoring

equipment, 1600frezlin, J. H., principles of v.m., 893French, B. A., with M. Silver, high-quality broadcasting radio links,

(A) 2614french, N. R., spiral of human cochlea, (A) 3311frenkel, Ye. I, relaxation theory of hearing, 1849Prericha, R., photoconductivity of CdS, CdSe and CdTe, 4W0Friedman, I., with S. H. Liebson, self-quenching halogen-filled counters,


Friedma R,H. S., correction plate for Schmidt projection system, 2652friedman, T. B., circular polarization and f.m. coverage, 227Friend, A. W., continuous radar tropospheric soundings at 2.398 and

2800 Mcfs, (A) 269, 2693?riis,E. P., and others, microwave repeater research, 2918Frings, H., with others, biological effects of intense sound, 1633

fritch, V., h.f. testing of lightning conductor earths, 023Prize. R., test apparatus for enamelled wire, 1878frohenina,W., with P. Ingerslev, open organ pipes, 2126friherg, d.B., interaction of two particles, (A) 223, 3213f?romy, E., vultage resonance of oscillatory circuit, 3045Frost.8., REAC analogue computer, 3161

nhanf, H., toos- and resonance-roistance of oscillatory circuit, 198;

2-element bund-pass filters, 1337fy, D. W., aerial systems for cm A, 2469

and others, travelling-wave linear accelerator for electrons, 806

Fry, F. J., with W. J. Fry, coupling between infra-red radiation andsupersomic field, (A) 2674

Fry, W. J., and F. J. Fry, coupling between infra-red radiation andsupersonic field, (A) 2674

Frer, P. W., with H. Stanesby, variable-frequency crystal oscillators,2.194

Fubini, E. G., and P. J. Sutro, wide-band transformer from unbalancedto balanced line, 662

Fuchs, 3., magnetic field of rotating bodies, (D) 3108Fulbert, M., television receiver design and construction, 1190

fbller, H. W., numeroscope, 1574Furst, U. R., wow measurement, 3006

furth, R., theory of electrical fluctuations in valves, 2418, 2419


Gabor, D., increasing electron microscope resolving power, 3210; new

methods of speech transmission, 1228, (D) 2139; space-chargelens for focusing ion beams, 216

Gdaden, C. P., with others, cascode low_noise amplifier, (A) 2475, 3061Gaiani, G., class-C amplifier theory, 1313Gaines, W. L., h.f. oscilloscopes, 2566Gainsborough, G. F., sources of error in microwave milliwattmeters, 3466;

thermocouple milliammeters at v.h.f., (D) 1409Galin, J. L. audio filters for speech amplifiers, 1336Gallagher, 6. J., with others, h.f. properties of iron-alloy cores, 754Gasgllaher, 3. with others, Model-200 pulse counter, 1106Galley, B., with D. D. Grieg, pulse-time-modulated multiplex radio relay

system, 643

G sllet, with others, ionosphere and solar eclipse, 20th May 1947, 1640Gallettl, R., coupling between aerials and reflectors, 1273Galloway, W. with others, frequency stabilization of microwave oscil-

Galvenius, I., and H. Wold statistical tests of Alfven's sunspot theory,3106

Gamara, N. J., with others, High-Frequency Measuring Techniques usingTransmission Lines, (B) 2030

Gane, P. G., and B. F. J. Schonland, ceraunometer, 2794-with B. J. F. Schonland, lighting warning device, (D) 2793Geugali, D. K., and S. R. Khastgir, interelectrode capacitances of triodes

at u.t.f., 1830

- with others, directional observations of atmospherics at sunset, 136

Gannett, D. K., and W. R. Young, ratio of frequency swing to phase shiftin ph.m. and f.m. systems, (A) 2430

Gns, N., current distribution in aerials, 15658Gardner, G. F., with T. A. Rich, self-balancing potentiometer, 768

GerL;lk, G. P. ., and A. F. Gibson, luminescence of ph,osphors, 2801, 3421S. T, Henderson and R. Puleston, c.r. tube screens for radar, 886with M. H. F. Wilkins, photoconduction and luminescence in ZnS,

3080Garlick, 3,, with D. G. Tucker, synchrodvne refinements and extensions,

1733Garlick, J. K., with D. G. Reid, absorption wavemeter for dm A, 34

cm-A beam telephone, 3606

Garner, W. R., integration of energy in ear, 923; loudness matching ofshort tones, (A) 3317; loudness of repeated short tones, 3314

- and F. Hamburger, Jr, minimum signal and target separation onremote projection p.p.i., 731

Garstang, W. W., with D. L. Hings, noise neutralization detector, 1487Garvin, S. 3., permanent-magnet materials, 282Gates, B. G., aeronautical communications, 2086, (D) 2633Gaiti, B., al. amplifier with variable selectivity, 168Gauzit, J., with others, infra-red band in night-sky light, 1644Gavin, M. R., with others, u.s.w. triodes and oscillators, 683

Gaurean, V., audibility of high-frequency sounds, 3002Gavrilov, F. F., with F. I. Vergunas, photoluminescence of ZnO, 1374Gazzena-Priaroggis, P., input impedance of non-uniform transmission

line, 3339Gehlshoi, B., Electromechanical and Electroacoustical Analogies and

Their Use in Computations and Diagrams of Oscillating Systems,(B) 2159

Gejer, S., and P. Akerlind, ionospheric investigations in Sweden, 9thJuly 1945, 926

GUnin, G., dry batteries, 1789; recent improvements in Leclanche6 cells,1171

Gent, A.W principles of v.m.,83George, E. i., testing loudspeaker magnets, 473George, W. W., WWV standard-frequency broadcasts, 171Gerbe, W., and F. Tank, high-altitude radio stations andflinks, 64,

2632Gden, H., and W. Schaaffs, mechano-piezoelectric generator for pulses

and short time intervals, 2570Gerhardt, J. B., and W. E. Gordon, over-water microwave-propagation

forecasting, 2330-with A. W. Straiton, horizontal angle-of -arrival measurements for

3.2 cm, 3226

Germany, L. W., and D. I. Lawson, cm-A link for remote radar displays,3619

Gernsba*c, H., miniature valves, 1206

Gerszonowicz, S., theory of long transmission line, 2444Ge-ers, M., relation between power factor and permittivity, 1060

and F. K. du Pro, power factor and permnittivity temperature co-efficient of solid dielectrics, 1069

Geyger, W., cathode amplifier, 1887; inverted valve voltmeter, 2848;niagnetic voltage stabilizers, 3266

49Gheri, H., and R. Steinmaurer, 27-day period of cosmic rays, 716Ghosh, S. N., night-sky spectrum, 3411- with others, abnormnalities in F region at Calcutta, 25Giacoletto, L. J., multitone a.m. and f.m., theory, (D) 24; network

response to f.m. wave, (D) 674; resistive terminations forfilters, 386

Giacomini, A., measurement of wavelength of ultrasonic wave, 1546;uttrasonic cell for modulation of light, 1847Giio, A., magnetic field inside the earth, 1064,m2 ; magnetic moment

of rotating bodies, 1023Gibson, A. F., with G. F. J. Garlick, luniinescence of phosphors, 2801,

de Gier, J., and A. P. van Rooy, improvements in er. tube construction,2669

with others, home projection television, 2387Gill, E. W. B., and A. von Engel, starting potentials of h.f. gas discharge,1L906Gill, P. S., M. Schein and V. Yngve, cosmic rays, latitude effect, n4Gillam, G. H., stabilized insulators with semiconducting glazes, 444Gillard, G., starting of oscillations in RC generators, 3047Gillett, G. D., effect of circulating currents on broadcast directive aerial

efficiency, (A) 2443Gilloux, H., l.f.f medium-power amplification, 1321; new tube for colour

television, 61; technical novelties at Pans fair, 8678Giloteau,-, and -Raymond, television reception tests, 1798Ginlaux, G., applications of rimlock and Mazda-medium valves, 3882;

coiiiponents exhibition, Paris, 1948, W76; developments inFrench receiving valves, 03, 26; radio receivers for motorvehicles, 24

- and J. Rousseau, receivers at 1948 Paris fair, 3231Ginsburg, V. L., Chernikov's effect and radio wave propagation, 1l;emission of microwaves and absorption by air, 894Gi=aton, E. L.W. W. Hansen and W. R. Kennedy, linearelectron accelera-

tor 2584and others, distributed amplification, (A)2476,3376

- with others, microwave impedance bridge, (A) 258Giordano,A. B., microwave absolute attenuation standard, (A) 44Giovaneli, R. G., enhanced microwave solar radiatioh, 2239Gisolf, J. H., W. de Groot and F. A. Kruger, absorption spectra of ZnSand willemite, 3424Gittins,J. F., with P. G. R. King, skiatron, 888Givelet, A., photon and particle counters, 1423Givens, M. P., parallel-T network, 971Gladwin, A. 8., f.m. waves, energy distribution in spectrum of, 34,

network distortion of, 124; harmonics in oscillators, 1M8Glauber, J. J., with others, evcophon beam-switching tube, 888; triode

for 600 Mcls, 877Gluier, A. W., transient response of symmetrical quadripoles, 1|11Gleadle, G.E.H., ionospheric disturbances, 2888

with H. Stanesby, prediction of optimum transmission frequencies,516Glikman,8. E., cathode followers in power amplifiers, 3060Glinaki, G., aerial design theory for f.m., 985; circular loop aerials with

non_uniform current distribution, 34Glover,D. W., and R. L. Bull, silicones, 1086Glucuksman, H. A., superregeneratioix, analysis of linear mode, (A) 28Goedbawt, D., with others, 48-channel carrier telephone system, 2386GoOsrd, S. J., with others, effect of limiters and selectivity on receiver

perlormance, 814Gold, T., with R. J. Pumphrey, degree of resonance of human ear, 8;

resonance theory of hearing, 3003Goldberg, H., and E. L. Crosby, Jr, series-niode crystal-oscillator circuits,

3048- with R. G. Talpey, microwavefrequency standard, 483- with others, tuner-amplifier for television receivers, (A) 2647Goldman, S., nxoise reduction theorv for radar and communication, 2903Goldmark, p. C., and others, instantaneous radio audience-measurement

system, (A) 2430Goldnsith, A. N., theatre television, 2944Gloldsmith, T. T., Jr, and R. P. Wakeman, field coverage of New Y'ork

television stations, (A) 2647Gonorovaki,1. B.,frequencymodulators with reactance valves,2408Good,E. F., dynamic mutual conductanceof valves, (D)1079Good, P., stardardization, 900Goodall, W. H., pulse-code modulation for telephony, 646!; remodulating

repeater, 2917Goode, J. T., negative-feedback compressor, 21.8Goodell, J. D., dynlamic noise suppressor, 123,2147Gooden, J. S., H. H. Jensen and J. L. Symonds, theory of proton syn-

chrotron, 209, (C) 507- with others, 1()0C-MeV proton synchrotron, 208Goodman, B., diode noise generator, 490Gootee, T., t.r. switches for amateur installations, 2376- with L. S, Wecker, television receiver construction using BC-412

c.r.o., 303GordmO,D. S., with others, cm-A and dm A powermeasurement, 2022Gordon, H., with others, Berkeley 4-MeV e.s. generator, (A) 2311; design

of Herkeley linear accelerator, (A) 2316Gordon, J. F., valve pickup for lateral records, 1820Gordon, T. M., Jr, top-loaded aerials, 1278Gordon, W. E., theory of radar reflections from lower atnoosphere,

(A) 2590with J. R. Gerhardt, over-water nicrowave-propagation forecasting,

2330Gordon-Smith, A. C., with L. Essen, velocity of e.m. waves, 3488Gordy, W., and M. Kessler, electronic system for detecting microwave

spectra, 406Goredik, G. 8., radiophysics and theory of automatic control, 402Goroshankin, B. N., interaction of two osciplators, 301Gorter, C. J., and B. Kahn, theory of gyromagnetism, 3092Gosmaid, R.,f.m./a.m. transmitter, 86; televisionreceiver, 1796- with R. Aschen, l.f. cinematic analyser, 2002Gottlieb, L M., oscillator for 88(0-9500 Me/s, 982Goudet, G., e.m. radiation formula, 340- and A M.M.Gratzmuller, electron beam divergence due to space charge,

1812- and R. Musson-Genon, electron trajectories and space charge effects,

1811Gough, D.L, with A. I. Hales, underground magnetic field and Blackett's

theory, 163Gould, W. B., radar reflections from lower atmosphere, (D) 722Gouriet, G. G., noise characteristics of pulse-length-modulated systein,

2606Goutelle, 3., with R. Aschen, h.f- beat-frequency oscillator, 18Gow, J. D., with others, linear-accelerator oscillator and coupling systemn,

(A) 2318Goward, F. K., end-fire arrays, 1271Grace, A. C., field-strength measurement at 400-4000 Mc/s, 1686- with J. A. Saxton, cm-A field-strength meter, 2029Grainge, A., a.c. operated triodes, 2980Grainger, E. J., with W. P. Anderson, communication equipment in

British Navy, 2084Grammer, GD., television interference from amateur transmitters, 579Granger, J. V. N., current distribution on aircraft structures, (A) 2562Granier, 3., dielectric losses, 262Granovski, V. L., and T. A. Suetin, oscillations in low-pressure discharge,

1347Grant, E. F., response of N-stage amplifier, 3082Grassot, P., prototype filters, 999Gratzmuller, A. M., with G. Goudet, electron beam divergence due to

space charge, 1812Gragy, H. C., and S. A. Schelkunoff, approximate solution of differential

equations, 2836Green, H. C., with others, Visible Speech, (B) 2713Green, R. L., and K. B. Blodgett, electrically conducting glasses, 3437Greene, W. E., magnetic amplifiers, 198Greenough, M. L., electronic micrometer, 1129; tuning eye as polarity

indicator, 249

GDreenvwood, B. W., powder metallurgy, 151; Ti technique for glass/metalseals, (A) 2800

Gregoretti, G., valve characteristics by extrapolation, 2106Gregory, G., with C. F. Booth, coniiparisoii cf standard frequencies, and

Doppler effect, 1723Gregory, G. S.,with H. H. Smith, film pickup systen., 294Greig 3., and H. Kavser, moo loss measurements, (A) 1062Grekhova, H. T., and others, tnstrumets for measurements at cm A, 475Grieg, D. D., pulse-count modulation, ",2622

Page 5: Index to abstracts and references 1948 - author index

Part II-PROCEEDINGS OF THE IRE- and H. Gallay, pulse-time-modulated multiplex radio relay system,


J. J. Glauber and S. Moskowitz, cyclophon beam-switching tube, 883-S. Metzger and R. Waer, communication by reflection from moon,

(A) 2915

-with S. Moskowitz, noise-suiiprtssicn characteristics of Talce tiaremodulation, (A) 531,2607

- with others, distortion in pulse-code modulation, (A) 2281Grieveson, J. H., and A. M. Wiggins, comparative decibel meter, 1094Grifiths, H. V., S. E. Martingell and R. W. Bayliff, meteor whistles, 3403Grifflths, J. H. E.,war-time developmcent of valves, 2101- with others, signal generators for cm-A noise factor nceasuretneilts

2026Grigorash, D. I., with others, instruments for measurenients at ciic A,

475GriBlet, L., capacitance meterwith neon-lamp indicator, 3182Grimm, R., comb aerials, 2169Grinimet, L. G., with W. B. Mann, Imperial College h.v. e.s. generator, 199Grimahaw, I., with N.T.J. Bevan, amateur R/T on 2350 talc/s, 3248Grisdale, G. L., and R. B. Armstrong, design of comniunication receivers,

(D)1457Grisdale, R. O., and 'Nl. D. Rigterink, porcelains with low dielectric tos,

(A) 445

Grivet, P., C.S.F, e.s. electron microscope, 3209; Giorgi system of units,1007

- with H. Bruck, iimprovements in C.1S.. e.s. microscope, 212with others, resolving power aDd objective defects in electron

microscope, 214Gronberg, H. C., with R. W. Clark, television studio technique, 1783de Groot, W., luminescence decay for ZnS phosphors, 3423; optical

aberrations in lens and mirror systems, 2767; rise and decayof luminescence, 3130

- with others, absorption spectra of ZnS and willemite, 3424Gross,A., printed receiser circuits, (A) 1614Gross,F. J., aircraft course computer, (A) 2524Grover, G. M.,with otbers, designof synchrotron magnets, 1121(rssss, H., with others, propagation in 2-dielectric coaxial lines, (A) 2185Grui'berg, 0. A., electron focusing by e.s. and e.m. fields, 81Osdnard, P., with otbers, effects of space charge in 2-cavity klvstron, 612Guenther, 3. H.,with W. H. Jurek, a.g.c. and limiting amplifier, 9

Guha, U. C., with others, ionospheric propagation of e.m. waves, 1442;microwave radiation from sun, 2229

Gulbransen, E. A., and W. S. Wysong, oxide filnais, on Mo, 742, on W, 743Guldimnan, A., transoceanic R/T, 1750Gundlach,F. W., resonance excitationby electron streams, 2970Gunka, H., and W. Lippert, note location on magnetophon tape, 1852giurevich, S.B., absorption of ultrasonic wavesin liquids, 3

Gourin, H. M., broadcasting-studio pickup technique, 1539Ousev, V. D., effects of ionosphere inhomogeneities, 420GOlkin, L. S., superregenerative receiver, 1738; theory of diode frequency

changer, 3233

Gotman= P., dynamic mutual conductance of valves, (D) 10798 valvevoltmeter, 477, (1D) 108

Guttinger, P., Frequency Modulation, (B) 2087Outton, H., radiators for cm waves, (A) 81

and J. A. Ortusi, u.b.hf. modulation on waveguides, 54Guttwein, G., distortion in sound disk apparatus, 16Guyot, G., loudspeakers in transient regime, 3009-with- Chamagne, measurement of valve background noise, 489;

synchromization of low-power transmitters, 3272Guyot,-, with -Chamagne, ffchannelmultiplex broadcasting equipritent,


Gvozdover, S. D., and E. M. Moroz, oscillations in magnetron with L.e hersystem, 1516


anes, J., and F. Kerkhof, home projection television, 2387- and B.D. H.Tellegen,diodeas converter or detector, 3380HaF,F.,Il.f. analyser, 1403; voltohmmeter, 188Huyman,P. W.,with others, seoniconductors with large negative tenpera-

ture coefficient of resistance, 2265Hacke, J. H., Jr, approximate solution of ionosphere absorption problem,


-and A. H. Waynick, restricted-range sky-wave transmission, 3220,Hackley, A., with others, underwater sound transducers, 1542Hc, J., apparatus for locating iron in timber, 3212

HXadfled, B. M., amplifier load-impedance reduction, 3083

Hasely, G5., plastics in electrical industry, 452V., memory c.r. tube, 319

T. E. Hanley and C. B. Smith, wide-range u.h. f. signal generators, 775Halo, W. C., and J. P. Blewett, electron trajectories by differential

analyser, 2408Haine, M. E., IMetropolitan Vickers electron microscope, Type EIa12,

(A) 211,2041-with others, triggered spark-gaps for high-power modulators, 833Hale, D. H., h.f. breakdown of gases, 3085Hale, D. RH, growing of quartz crystals, 3433Hale, H. H., and H.P. Mansberg, oscilloscope camera, 2931Hale, N. H.,f,.m. broadcast transmitters, 850Eales,A. L.,prpagationof tail component of atmospherics, 2888- and D. I. Gough, underground magnetic field and Blackett's theory,


Iall,H. H., with H. C. Hardy, transient response of loudspeakers, (A) 3331

Hal, J. S., L, A. Turnier amnd H. 't. W hitliuar, Radccr hAits to N\avuigationu,(B) 2255

TMll L., ultrasonic absorption in water, 2774all,L. L., with others, radio transTnitting statioii at (Criggion, 2371

Iall, W. C., e.s. dischargers for aircraft, 530

HalboWg B. B., with others, sunspots and radio weatier, 3106

Haliday, D. F., and D. G. Kielyv dielectric-rod aerials, 3350

Habian, L. B., Jr, design of universal beacii svstenic, (A) 2524

Halmrk, C. E.,and R.D. Brooks, wide-bauid oscillotcpea .plifitr, 64

HalloWS, W., Ruben-Atallory Hg cell, 2645

Halsey,H ..,and Swaffield, vocoder telephtfbys system, {A) 2910Hamaker, H1. C, radiation and heat couTddc tion in light-si attering cciateriae

394- H. Bruimng and A. H. W. Aten, Jr, effect of hlegassing pairoc daire ouc

oxide cathodes, 2415Hamberger, I., and K. Rawer, s.w. praopagation routid the earth, 3216

Hamburger, F., Ir, with W. R. Garner, mnunimtuuci signalat dtimrget separa-tion ott remote projection p.p.i., 731

Hamburger, G. L., interference iuieasureutient, 1701

HIamer, W. 3., shelf life of dry cells, 293SHamsilto D., Admiralty Type ff12 transportable equipinent, 2360

Hamlton, R., J. K. Knipp aiad J. B. H. KPaper, (Fats), le tcoiiu asel

Microwave Triodes, (B) 3570Hamilton, G. E., television transaucitter diesign, 2948, 3532; WA13D telu-

vision aerial, 30- and R. K. Olsen, W1' IC television aerials, 653Hamilton, J., quantumn theory of radiation (damnping, 2223

Hlammerscbmidt, A. L., abacs for micruwave relay calculations, 2891

Hamnerton, T, G., with others, caicrssave comtnurication link, 549

Hammond, E., with S. H. Sitmpson, Jr., facsimile standards, 1772

Hlancett, G. D., Jr, electronic circuit bzreaker, 279sanley, T.HE,with others, wide-rarnge u. h. f. signal getmerators, 776

Baissl, P. C., uinutant-reading direction finder, 2528Hanses,W. W., surveying with pulsed light, 3211-with P. I.. Chu theory of disk-loaded wavegutides, 1253-with others, linear electron accelerator, 2584

Hanson, A. O., with L. Bess, electron curreuit in 22-NleV betatron, 2586

Hanson, G., with others, v.h.f. aerials for naval conimunications, 8341;v,h,f. cross-channel cotonsunication, 3497

Harding, 3. P., and J. F. Harmon, reconstruction of Leafield tmsasts, 565

Had, A. B., television white screen and I .C. I. colour systeIn, 570- with R. E. Johnson, long-persistexce screens, 1863Hardy, H., frog and electrical science, 903

Hardy, B. C., and H. ES. Hall, transient response of loudspeakers, (A) 3331

-with F. (,. ryzzer, felt, for rectluciag noise and vibration,

Harmans, J., desiRn of widle-band amnplifiers, 1889

Harmon, J. F., with J. P. Harding, reconstructiotn of Leafield masts, W5Harradon, H. D., bibliography of terrestrial and cosmuic niagnetism

electricity, 1918

Harrington, H.,andWW.artell,tfi. d alpterfor a.lm. reeivers 1456Harris, C. H., acoustic impedance of porous sareei, (A) 2134, 3310

Harris, E. J., cathode-folloeter operating conditions, 1316; measurement

of stnall d.c., 164; stabilizing power saipplies, 2934and P. 0O Bishop, electro encephalogra ph auiiplifier, (D) 1128

Hams, H. E., design of iron-core teoais, A) 2475; ccegative resiutance Qinultiplier, (A) 2475

Haris, J. D., pitch duiscrirtination in mtasking, 926Harrias N. L., with others, eleetronic switchesfor oingte-aerial w rkitug,2643Harris, W. A., noise theory atu(c receuiver aesign, (A) 2596Harrison, A. E., KlvstroTu cllbeS, (B) 617; XIXa?ca'it resonators,

(A) 2475

Harrison, E. G., with L. F Bates, temperattire ah:ari"es crt Qgiefizatiotl,tf iron, 2805, if some alloyss 2804

Harrison, L. H., with others, emergency coomunuaicatimns iam tci t's, 2367Harrison, T. It. P., imopulse testing plant, 469, 1402

Hart, E. D., pulse modulation of signal geicerators, 1699; stindtilctrternsand abbreviations, 2428

Hartman, L. M., thecory of h.f. gas discharges, 1904with H. flargenati, theory of h.f.gas lischarges, 1903

Hartmann, J., fiundamentals of easuaremeet techiique, 390

den Hartog, H.,and F. A. Mfuller, c r.o. timuebase circuit, f85Hsrtree, D. R., Caleclatting 'achine- ReHet and p'rospective Develap-

imients, (B) 464G. L. Michel and P. Nicolson, tropospheric refraction, 2044

Hsrtshorm, L., with N. H. Camptbell, experimental basis of electrostatics,1909

Harvalik, Z. V., electronic eyepiece for icifra-rel spectroscopy, 3196Harvard University, Computatiout Laboratory, Tables of the Itessea

Functions of the First Kind, (B) 463, (B) 139Croft Laboratorv Staff, IEtectronic Circuits aucd l'ubes, (B) 2222Radio Research L1aboractory, ery High-Frequency Techniques,

(B) 2117Harvie, R. B. H. B., theory of centimoetric Iitiear arrays, 2452-with others, travelling-wnave accelerator Ior electrons, 506Bus8, Z. K.. linear frequency desiation in a wide-band f.m. system, 2f56Hasted, J. B., mros-pulse generation be electron bunching, 2745- with others, dielectric constant of polar liquid at cm A, 1991;

dielectric properties of water and heavy water, 79, 2508Hastings, A. E., indicato.r for low a. f., 5Hatfield, L. H., frequency-shift keying, 2405Eatton, J., with others, transinission-line diode as cmn-A iaoise source, 2073Haubert, A., fine structure of atmospherics, 2520

with others, solar effect on ionosphere, 3110Rausman, LF.,, and H. Schwarzscbild, integratiort of differertial equatiotni

by use of puncheda-carhd machines, 1087Hausner, H. HB., uetalc ceraenics, 232; sericatuotductic4i ceramrics. 752;

sintereai ciicondicetors, 1659Hawley, M. S., eith F. FP Ronmanow, rating of tirropiphones and loudc

speakers, 324Hayes, A. E., Jr, capacitive pickup with Iiigh a.f. output, 632; impri saul

ratio detector, 1478Haynes,N. M., bibliography ofmagnetic reoording, 842; factors influenc mnu

studies of listeners' preferences, 635Head, J. W., thickness gauige for moving sheets, 2582Head, L. R., tmitLng in receivers at 3f-180 Mces, 2761Eead, R. B., a.r. tthbe screeins, 1212; luuimiitescecee of siample oxiede-

phosphors, 3420

Heagy, M. S., with C. ShUlTiian, thecary ctf travelling-wave valve, 2103,(0) 3274

Heald, E. T., with others, aircraft instiuimuielltation and cotcarol, (A) 2524Heaton, V. E., crystal alock for Natiniual Bureau of Standards continuset

time signals, 2276Hector, L. G., acuatinuoums-exhaust nmac? imtc for valve manufacturna.(A) 2063Hedeman, W. R., Jr, imitlti-frequency crystal coimtrol, 2342Heeroma, H. H., stamadarduizatioet of p.m. nomenclature, 3249Hegbar, H. R.; with C. L. Cuccia, u.h.f. Iow-pass coaxial filter, 1613Heightman, D. W., propagatiomn near 30M'at s, 1451; rebocamad sn attericla

from FP layer at A 111 ni, 520Heinrih, J. M., capacitance bridge, 168Heinz, A. E., and H. Feshbach, coupling of two acotistical daects 911

Helber, C., design of saturable reactors, 2181Helfrich, H. D., Jr, widle-deviation reac tance modulator, 249

Heller, D. M., and L. C. Stenrling, crastal-controlled v.h.f. eqcqtipucueit,2618, (D) 3509

Heliwell,R. A.,mtmeamsurement of ionuspheric virtual height at tlfa kLits, 1946Helterline, L. L., Jr, a.c. voltamge stabilizer, 831; nobatron stabilized d.c.

power supply, 284; regulatiota in broadcasting stations,1170

HWmardinquer, P., I-renhicmulti-cell televisiomn screen, 838; illlproVellsetLtin television cameras, 291

Henderson, S. T., with others, c.r. titbe screens for radar, 885

Hendriquez, V. C., frequency characteristics of receivers, 1461Hendnx, W. C., with others, Description of the Earth's Main 'aagilactic

Field and Its Secular Change, 19t5-1943, (B) 1848Henry, 3., s.w. banal-spread coil design, 3089-with T). Chervet, correction forulnamic for freqamemiey of Helmhlcatz

ressciators, 2998Herbert. L., with H. de B. KIsight, encilosed spark-gap for vservoltage

prutection, 832; Hg-vapomar thyratroils for radar ntrxtultatrs, 879Herborn, La. E., contlidetance-urobalaicce bridge, 2562Herbst, J. A., with others, tests on nmvar systemn, (A) 428Berbstreit, J. W., and J. R. Johler, cusnmic noise at I and k:tb 2510Hercock, R. J., lthotoeraphic Recorcling of Cathexle-Ray T uls racve-,

(B) 2352Her-ford, F. L., Jr, amcclerationa of elec tronms lay resoilant rcsaity, 1431Her in, M.A., adlhS C. Brown, breakdown of gas atimticrowave freq`UeTtmieu s

'.*3390Herlolson, N,, radio echoes irctuci amrrora, 2244; theories of ccielteor imaciza-

tion, 3401Herman, L., with others, iiira-reef banl in night sky light, 1644

Herman, R..L H( crnaim anol J. (Gazit, infra-red band in night-skv light1644

Herreng, P., anal J. t'ille, impedance irregctlarities of coaxial cables, 2162- with IC. Blond: lhigh-speed level recorder, S.A.C.I. Tvpe 212, 1060Hernkind, 0. P., Hivac miniature valves, 2982; VCH 11 triode-hexrIde

and 1F 14 pentode, characteristics, 1818Hershberger, W. D., and L. E. Norton, frequency stabilizatanwm ithtlicr-

wase pectral lines, (A) 2475, 2953Hershey, L. M., *1esign of tiniers for andf.c., 23; rf., i.f. anf a.f.c,

ciracuits, (A) 237Hershfield, S., tapered coaxial junctions, 948

Hertwig, H., frequency-constant a.c. source, 1767; saswtooth oscill.cions,3056; thyratrons and applications, 2108

Hertzler. P. H., arystal-controlled mobile transmitter for 144 'aIrs, 852Herzog, W., band-, high- and low-pass filters, 2420; crystal bar-id-stcppe'-

circuits, 3071Hess, H. A., s.w. echo signals, 2053, 2889, 3214, 3215, 3216, 3495, 3408Hewitt, F. J., J. Hewitt and T. I. Wadley, frequency predirtion for Sou th

Africa, 229Hewitt, J., with others, frequency prediction for Soulth A.frica, 229Hewlett, C. W., csitaic rays, 2787Hewlett, W. R., with W. J. Warren, intennodulation inethod of distortion

measureruament, 2553- with others, distributed aonplificatioim, (A) 2475,375Hey, J. S., ionization effects of nmeteors, 82- and G. S. Stewart, radar observations of tneteors, 411

-S. J. Parsom and F. Jackson, reflection and refraction of etn mevaesover ground, 519

S. J. Parsons and J. W. Phillips, effect of solar activity on D-laverionization, 413; galactic r.f. radiation at 64 Mc/s, 1

-S. J. Parsons and G. S. Stewart, radio observations of Giacobimidmeteor shower, 194ff, 2781

Heymasn, 0., electrical differentiation and integration, 2271

Hibbard, F. H., with W. P. Mason, absorbent walls for sound-measurementtanks, 3304

Eibbwd, L. U., with J. H. Piddington, timebase for radar range measure-

Hibberd, R. G., absorption wavemeter for 251 850 Mc s,1J1; wide-banot

signal generatom for 10-100 fe/ls, 169

-3J. H. Shankland and A. Bruce, p.m. signal genrator for 260-800 lIfe/Se1897

Hickey, H. S., with W. C. White, leak detector for pressure systemn, 288Hicew, J. 8., with W. C. White, leak detector for pressure system, 808

Hickin, H. M., with H. Archer-thompson. radio technique and apparatusfor st,vdying cm-A propagation, 2028

Hlickman, J. B., military radio cooimunications, 2083, (D) 2633Hficks, L. S., amplifier for wire recorder, 2155Hide, G. S., with others, 1000 -.leVproton synchrotron, 208Higgins, R. J., t-kW transmnitter, 1801Higinbotham, W. A., J. Gallagher and Ait Sands,Model 2(10 pulse cooter

1105Hill, A. V., short-periotimovirg-coilgalvanometer, 3175, 3456Hill, 0. J.W., with R.t). A.Maurice, B3B.C. moritciringservice,249Hill, E.G., effect of thunderstorms on television, 232Hill, R. D., eletaron accelerator wvith air-cored field, 206

with L. H. Mfartin,A Mtanual of VacuumPrlctice, (B) 3157Hiliard, J. K., diaconelotidspeaker, 937

Hills, E. G., cathode-follioweraerial arrass, 2171Hilton, P. ., effect of fluctuation noise on pulse distortion, 2351

Mings, D. L., static -fref systemsof detection, (A) 2596--and W.W. Carstanc n1iSe-r,elltralizatioan detctor, 1487Hintenberger, H., effectoc gases an P15Slayers, 3148Hirst, D., and R.W t1l' g, standioig wave irtdicators for wavegatides, 3468Hoather, W. H., principles and designof aircraft inste&uiients, 2883Hobbs, M., limiters aicd freqaiency dietectors, (A) 237

Robson, P. T., omagnetic recordcino, 943Cbatt anl W. P. (0)smoud iccigaie leropertiesof fine wire,

1083Hochgra.,L., subscriter tericiical for raera c arrier telephone, 1490Rocker, J, P., sparkoscillators for glassweldinc, (A)2574Hodelin, J, A,, wide-baidpouer amnplifiers, 2754

Hodge, W. F.,'iii issionof oxide cathodes, (A) 2104

Hodsman, G. F., with G. I iehholz, h.f. perniceability if ferro.nagneticmaterials, 138

lodson,A.L, redcctionofiilsensitivtiimeioG-l counte-,s 1425Hoffman, R. B., acId E

W. darkow,nolile f r. comnmunicatioan equip-taent, 274, 556

Hogg, B. G., vacaicun properties of svnthetic daielectrics (A) 122-a.nd B. I..DIuckworth, vacuaiun properties if svnthetic dielectrics,


Hogg, R. W., avitlf D. fHirst tanding-wave indicators for waveguides,3468

Hok, G., thicbness shear vislrationsof thiai anisotropic plates, 3384Hole, N., statistical analysis of cinter data, 462Hollabaugh, M. G., 1. A. Rado an(l A. t. Levisne, feedlaack acimplifiers,

(A) 382- with A. Nl Levicie, broad-banal itncplifiersa 378

Hollinghurst, F., al(iC.W.Sowton. v,h.f.pOitit-to-ppoint coiiiiouniication,2080, (D) 3515

Hohis, W. C., receiver for citizocis' ridioseesvice, 2341; transmitter for4i0 d-47f Mces, 855

Hollway, D. L., retlex klystreci macufiacture illAuistralia, 1519Hollywood, J. HK, iaaisiiiatch losschart for transmiissicon lines, 1557Honnell, M. A., 1-kW f.l. broadcast station, 289- anal I. D, Albright, f.r. aerial patterns by mearns of inodels, 2463

Hood, I. A, with S. A.Lott, precisioii beat-frequency oscillator, 2568Hopter, S., with others, geometrv for ridged wavegitide, (A) 2443Hopkins, H. F., and N. R. Stryker, loudnessefiicience rating of loud-

speakers, 2152Hopkins, R. J., with H. F. afiller, new kraftcapacitor paper, 1384

Hop cinson, Rt. G., c.r.tiibe screens, actinicproperties, 886, characteristics,884- visibilits of cr. ttube traces, 889

Hopper, A. L., and S. E. afiller, design of radari.f. amplifier, 890Horlacher, A. F., steppiitgswitch for control applications,2881Hromer,F., loop aerials, 33854Hotine, L., broadcasting the royal wedding, 2082Houck, 0.,controlled power supplites for heasv d.c., 2380; gain chart for

cathode followers, 63Bough, J. M., with N. Corcoran, conibineaf polar diagram of aerial, flat

earth and screen, 2482Howatt,0. N., R.C;. Breckebridge ;nd J. 'at. traownlow, ceramic sheets for

capacitors, 148Howe, A. B., with others, parallel oaeration of high-power baroadcasting

transmitters, 3540Howe, G. W. 0. See Anon., G.W.O.H.Howell, W. D., with others, p.p.i. circuits, 1005Howland, A. V.. design and construction of universal meter, 193

Boyle, F.. with others, structure of solar atmosphere, 2785Hoyle, W. G., cirecuit design for gas-discharge regulator valves, 2972;

shunt voltage regulators, 3254Hoyler, C. N., with others, Radio-Frequency Heating, (B) 221

Hubbard, J. C., I.F. Zartmnan anxd C. R, Larkin, ultrasonic fields near

diffracting edges, 3297--and others, distortion of ultrasonic waves, 2999

Huber, (G. H., space diversity reception in California, 537

Huber, P., with E. Baldinger, resolving power of counter tubes, 1424Huber, W., electronic preservation of food, 2325Budes, I., with M. H. Shamos, design of metal G-M counters, 1102

Hudgins, A., with others, ion source for Berkelev e.s. generator, (Al 2312Hudgins, 0. V., and others, cornparison tests fot hearing aids, 271

with others, body-baffle effects on hearing aids, 1248; HearingAids, (B) 2714

Hudson, A. C., abac for efficiency of induictive coupling, 974Hugenholts, H. H., impulse-synchronized oscillator, 987Hugsgs W. H., frequency transformations tanik, 2188;

multi-frequency bunching in reflex klystons, 2988; non-ecantacting short-circuits for coaxial lines, 330, 643, 644

Hugbes, V. W., with others, ccltrasotiic delay lines, 2479Hull, A. W., with others, stabilized airborne magnetometer, 798Hull, C. R., with J. W. Dungey, coaxial electron lenses, 510Hlllegard, E., with E. Iindholm, electrometer-valve amplifier, 3177Hulm, J. K., dielectric properties of BaTiO, crystals, 127Hum, J., EFI50 as crystat oscillator, 981Hunkins, H. R., with E. M. Ostlund, multichannel radio-wire hiubks,

(A) 2614Hunt, L. B., Rh in engineering, 747Hoot, L. E., calibrating microwave wasemcceter, 485; meastirenoent of

f.. instantaneous frequiency, 1681Hunter, J. L., ith FP Fox, simplified theory of siupersonic interfero-

Ieltry, (A) 2430Honotington, H. B., ultrasonic propagatioii throuigh Hg in tubes, 3298

-A. G. Inscie and 'a W. Hughes, ultrasotic delav lines, 2479- with others, ultrasonic delay lire., 2479Huntoon, R. D., and A. Weiss, synchronization of oscillators, 1309Hupert, 3. J., frequenicy coinpasition icc nasval coioTnuuication transmitter,c

2278Hurault, J. I., with others, 1'2-channel carrier-current sysLcm, 1489Husain, S. A., with others, h.v. nceasureticents, (A) 2561Hust, I. B., iccagnetic tape recorder, 2154EIiter, W., h.I. insulators for high power, 1388Huth, A.. broaicasting and television in U.S.SJh., 535

Hutter, R. G. E., electron beaT deflection, 609; field plcotting for electcrilenscs, 14.3

Hutton, H. W., thyratron ereitrolle(l half-cycle tnagnetizer, 2543Huxford, W. S., and J. R. Platt, infra-red ,otcnmunication systenas, 2908

with others, ncodcLlation of resonance lines iti Cs arc, 2383Huxley, L. G. H., Principles and l'ractice of Wavee uides, (B) 350Hyde, W. L., with others, Ni bolometers, 194

lams, H. A., R. I. Burtner and C. B. Chandler, stereoscopic viewingfor c..r. tubes,2984

Induni, G., cold-cathode electron souir.e, (A) 1434Inideld, L., aerial theory, effect of firnite gap, 24Ingelev, F., and W. Frobertius, open organ pipes, 2128Institute ot Radio Engineers, radio progress durinrg 1947, 294loppolo, G., freque.ncy measncrement forin and dm A, 2004Isely, F. C., tunable resonant circuits for 301)-3t00t WIds, 3370Istvinffy, E., crystal filters, (C) 1579; radar developments in Hctngary,


Ivanos, B. I., with others, efficiency of salve oscillator,

iJack, W., sound measurements in broadcasting studios, 3328


Page 6: Index to abstracts and references 1948 - author index

Index to Abstracts and References 1948Jackson, F., with others, retectiori and refraction of cm waves over

ground, 519Jackon, J, D., with L. J. Chu, field theory of travelling-wave valves,

3549Jackson, W., with others, volttge cha,racteristics of polythene cables,

(D) 2841Jacobus, H. i., with P. I. Corbell, Jr, triodes for 3-klW ancd t0-kW f.m.

transmitters, 876Jaeckel, R., theory of diffusion putnp, 3128Jaeger, J. C., equitalent path and absorption for oblique iticidence on

curved io-.osphere,3483Jaffe, A. A., with 3. 1). Craggs, discharge spread it Gs-M counters, 1103- with others, C.-NI counters, 2032Jaffe,H., piezoelectric coefficients of EDT and D lT, 3134James, E. G., and others, Arriy wireless set No. l, 2824- with R. J. Ballantine, wide-range ,i.b.f. oscillator circuits, 3S3- with others, common-cathode amplifiers, 2490; u.s.w, triodes and

oscillators, 683; valve noise asd transit time, 2420James, E. J,, loudspeaker damping, (D) 13Jawieson, Ht. W., with J. R. Whionery, electron trajectories by differen-

tial analyser, 2408Jarman, V. G., valve assembly devices, 887Jarmotz, P., with R. Pepinsky, h.v. stabilizer, d.c., 3257, inductively

coupled degenerative, (A) 278- with others, recoverv time of .-t counters, 2309Jarvis,R. F. J., and R. A. Brockbank, multichannel r.f amplifiers, 2213Janbeeg, J. H., with others, distributed amplification, (A) 2475,3375Jauik, ., with A. Alford, reradiation froimbroadcast towers, (A)2443Jauch, L. M., NB., inversion spectrum, (A) 90,707Jefers, C., a.m.ff.m. facilities at WOAI/WOAI-FM studio, 2924Jefferson, ., RET terminals, 1157; standard terms and abbreviations,

(D) M1Jelonek, Z., noise in pulse communication, 2805- and E. Fitch, pulse communication, 2079, (A) 2618- with others, carrier frequency-shift telegraphy, 2354Jen, C. K., microwave spectroscope, 708Jenkins, J. W., radar C. H. receivers, 801Jenks*F. A., microwave a.f.c.,847, 119Jennings,.lii1., with J. Rt. Day, quadriline power amplifier, 598

Jenny, F., modeco transmitting valves, 2987Joiso, A. 8., and others, barrier-grid storage c r. tubes, 2988Jesen E. H., with others, theory of proton synchrotron, 209, (C) 507Jeppson, M., with others, ion source for Berkeley e.s. generator, (A)2312Jeasell, A. B., conso! navigation aid, 2252Jesty, L. C., H. Moss and R. Puleston, c.r. tubesfor radar, (D) 887Jica, 3. W., metal films forresistors and printed circuits, (A) 1814Job, F., pentodes with variable screen voltage, 1832Joffe, A. V., resistance at metal/semiconductor contact, 1381Johler, 3. it., with J. W. Herbstreit, cosmic noise at 110 and 25 Mels, 2510

Johnson, E. M., with C. E. Smith, performance of short aerials, 651Johnson, f. W., spraying technique, (A) 1614Johnson, K. C., single-valve a.f. oscillator, 2203Johnson, M.P., audio amplifier, 87; pressure/frequency effect of tuning

fork, 827; series trimming of crystal resonators, 383

Johnson, Ri. E., and A. E. Hardy, long-persistence screens, 1853Johnson, R. H., hard-valve pulse modulators, 883

Johnson, V. A., and K. Lark-'froovitz, low-ternperature resistivity ofsemiconductors, (A) 140

Jobanson, W.A., aircraft commotunication aerial design, 2457Johnston, D. L., electro-encephalograph amplifier, 880Johnson, W. G., with others, automatic control in radar receivers, 808

Jolivet, P., electric fields in e.s. generators, 2844Joliffe, S. A. W., and D. Watson, h. f. direction finders, 2248Jones, A. Taber, acoustics bibliography, 908,1531, 2118, 2884, 32

Jones, F. C., simple converter-preselector, 247Jones, F. K.. velocity of cmr waves over sea, 1441Jones, B. Spencer, K-indices and sudden commencements at Abinger,

719,1931; Royal Obsereatory, Greenwich, 248.Jones, J. H., with others, common-aerial working for v.hf. systems,

3520; v.h.f. aerials for naval communications, 331Jones, T. J., secondary eumission from oxide cathodes, 3551Jonker. J. L. H., reflection of electrons in valves, 2984Jordan, E. C., with others, aerial radiation pattent measturements using

rilodels, 1278Jordan, V. L., use of Helmholtz resonators for sound absorption, 1232Jordan, W. it., and P. Bell, linear amplifier, 991Jouaust, R., effect of wind on radio propagation, 1728; radio and meteor-

ites, 2778Jouguet, M., properties and applications of oval waveguides, 2720, 2724Juillet, Mt., traffic receiver RECROt: 451, 284Julsnud, B., and G. Weider, speech-input equipment for Oslo Broadcasting

House, 3008

Jung, H., theory of hearing, 7Jungfer, I., h.f. amplification, f88Jule. L. BI., lmgraph sound recording svstem, 941Jurek, W. M., antI J. H. Guenther, a g.c and limiting amplifier, 89

Jurita, 3. W, F., and C. B. 0. Mohr, cosmic-ray bursts aad showers, 418Jurmam, J. EL, tensor analysis applied to elasticity and piezoelectricity,


Juster, P.. aniplifier with variable bandwidth, oscilloscope for vervlow frequencies, 1088; RC generator, 5n c/s- SIMc/s, 979

K&ch, A., propagation in w-aveguidles near liniting frectiency, 33KICaetle, F. L., ff100i-MeV betatron power supply, 508Kafan, C., theory of bridged-T networks, 2735Kaganovich, V. Mi., measurement of feeder parameters, 1877

Kalau, T.. cavity resonators, effect of electron beam on frequencies,2483, perturbation method for, 2482

-and S. Colombo, transient state in waveguides and cavity resonators,3019

Kahn, B., with C. J. Gorter, theory of gyromagnetism, 3092Hahke, J., with others, flat-response single-ttned i.f. amplifier, 2498;

wide-range double-heterodyne spectrum analyser, 789Kammerloher, F., characteristics recorder, 486Kanberg, R., theory of valves with nonlinear characteristics, 293Kandofan, A. f., omnidirectional high-gain aerial for circularly polarized

radiation, (A)2443- and R. A. Felsenheld, power loads at v.h.f. and u.h.f., (A) 59- and A. It. ILevine, u.h.f. multiplex broadcasting svstem, (A) 540

e, 3. F., with others, microwave impedance bridge, (A) 2552

Kankovnkb, B. T., with others, distortion of ultrasonic waves, 2990KanoyrL,,controt systemsfor transmitters, 849

C., reflection coefficient and phase change for sound waves, 3306

Kantor, K., theory of coil winding, 1332

Kappler, O., wide-band superheterodlyne a.m. tuner, 1472Kapu, P. L., with others, He-filled G.M counters, 3474KaRathJ. G., portable recorder-player, 328K poki.D. I., with A. M. Kugushev, high-power u,s.w. valve oscillators,

53with H. LeCaine, microwave aerial polar diagrxm plotter, 32

Kalhsr,iSt.,1wide-range tuningsvstemsfornmagnetrons, (A) 2663,B. it., .1. propagation along infinite dielebtric cylinders,

1a,111. 2,., luminescence of alkali-halide crystals, 3128uantitative radar measurements, 779

RW. auchman and W. Bioaian, 3-cm and 9-cm propagatioa imlow ocean ducts, 821

conversion table forelectrical units, 3451

Ka1aky, tW., with C. E. Talley, sound reinforcement for theatres, 67

F., and R. G. Rhodes, BaTiOD crustals, 128

X., and M. Surdin, transmtitter-blocker cells for cm waves, 1788Co., wide-range sweeping oscilator, 51

K} ar,}I.,with J. Greig, iron loss measurements, (A) 1082A.., ionospheric layer above F.layer, 2242

Keen, i., linear sawtooth generatar, 2748; television framing signalse.par- ti0n,2

., Wireless Direction Finding, (B) 1047JaeL,H. design of short receiving aerials,2mZas,i.B,,with others, television transmitter design, 1810

D.,D,experimeetal simultaneous colour television system, 572Ke eL, B., with J. B. Keller, sound repfection and transmission by

spherical shell, 2886Keller, B., and H. B. Keller, sound reflection and transmission by

spherical shell, 2886-with H. Primakoff, reflection and transomissiort of sound bv thin

curved shells, 912Kemp,J., anomalous attenuation in waveguides, 2448Kendall, T., and D. Yeo, magnetic stisceptibility of synthetic mica, 3434Kennedy, W. B., with others, linearelectron accelerator, 2584

Kerkhof, FP, with J. Haanties, home projection television, 2387- with G. J. Siezen, home projection television, 2387Kerr, D. B., u.s.w. propagation, 1727Kesavamurthy, N., with others, h.v. measurements, (A) 2581Kessenikh, V. N., structure of ionosphere, 417Kessler, M., with W. (ordy, electronic system for detecting microwave

spectra, 405Kessler, W. J., and H. L. Knowles, direction finder for storms, 2527Kettlewell, B., calorimeter for r.f. powermteasurement at A 3 cm, 2024-W. A. Bourne and C. Chilton, 3-cm spectrometer and mismatch

impedance ulnit, 2017Keye, W.R,, with A. A. Cohen, alteration of digital data in magnetic-dntm

computer mermory, (A) 2548iharbanda, S. R., with others, television sound on vision camier, (D) 2384Kharkevith,A. A.. vibrationsof piezoelectricred, 80ihastigir, S. R.. SI. K. Das Guipta and D. K. Ganguli, directional observa-

tions of atmospherics at sunset, 1383with D. K. Gangtli, irnterelectrode capacitances of triodes at u.h.f.I

1830- with others, inherent noise in receivers, 2349Khodakov, A. L., with N. S. Novosil'tsev, dielectric properties of BaTiOs

at h.f., 1880

KhokWov, A. S., with Ya. S. Shur, thermomechanical treatment of ferrommagnetic materials, 1052

.horosh, 0.3., Sb-Cs photocells, 1511Khouri, A. S., printed circuit techniqule, (A) 1814itheustikov, i. A., with T. G. Begrelishvili, twilight observations of tipper

atmosphere, 3114Kiebitz,F., coupled oscillatory circuits, 1302Kiely, D. G., with D. F. Hallidav, dielectric-rod aerials, 3350Kiepenheuer, K. O., m-A and cm-A solar radiation, 1920; solar actistry

and ionosphere, 1629Kiernan, E. P., telemetering fathom-meter, 502Kilbum, T., with others, strobes and recurrence-frequency selectors, 987Kilgore, 0. R., beam-deflection control in amplifier valves, 881King, A. BI., with others, high-power pulsed magnetron development, 892,

(D) 3588King, A. P., with others, microwave aerial measurements, 1281King, P. G. R., and J. F. Gittins, skiatron, 888King, field of A/2dipolewvith tuned reflector, 3027- and T. W. Winternitz, cylindrical aerialwith gap, 3028- with B. C. Dunn, Jr, currents excited on conducting plane by parallel

dipole, 1910- with C. H. Papas, radiation resistance of end-fire and collinear arrays,

3030Rinm8n, T. B., with others, Si-W crystal rectifiers, 687Kinzer, J. P., and I. G. Wilson, cylindrical cavity resonators, 386Kirkman, R. A., and M. Kline, TE modes in coaxial cavities, (D) 372Kiskyras,A., magnetic secular variation, 3112Kitchen, S. W., fast, noiseless thyratron switch, 3037

Kittel, C., relaxation effects in paramagnetic and ferromagnetic resonance,(A) 131; ultrasonics research and properties of matter, 3300

Kitty, F. L., airport traffic control radar, 114, 1040Kiver, M. S., FM Simplified, (B) 2W8Miasenu, H. A., light from flusorescent screens irradiated by X rays, 437

W. Ramnsden and Chow Quantie, efficiency of ZnS phosphors, 3422Sieen, W., with 0. Doehler, energy exchange ink travelling-wave valves, 802

Kleene. S.C., lengthering of modulated repetitive pulses, 887

Klein, W., and J. Dufour, f.m. u.s.w. broadcasting, 2893Keiinseeuber, W., ancd G. Riese, selectivity of broadcast receivers, 34S9Klement, F. D., with S. A. Popok, influence of infra-red rays on CaS-Pb

phosphors, 1881Miemperer, B., and J. T. de Bettencouirt, repeller storage tube, 3580Klemperer, O., space charge and electron emission velocities, 872, (A) 1825- and B. J. Mayo, electron opticsof electron guns, 3558

Kleyuen, P. B. J. A., theory of plane diode, 2977Kline, 1E. W., r f. resistance meter, 3460lKlie, it., with R. A. Kirkman, TE modes in coaxial cavities, (D) 372

Kinger I. iH., microwaves, 2118; properties of mm waves, 1911KNifrhamee, St. A. W., emergency supply systems, 2378v. Kltiber. B., ionosphere and solar research, 1354Kmosko, J. A., high-gain armay for 144 Mcrs, 345Knight, B. de B., ignitrons Type BK 22 and BK 24, 3547-and L. Herbert, enclosed spark-gap for overvoltage protection, 832;

Hg-vapour thyratrons tor radar modulators, 879Knight, S. A., Fundamentals of Radar, (B) 23; high-fidelity super-

heterodyne receiver, 1135Knipp, 3. K., with others, Klvstrons and Microwave Triodes, (B) 3570Knock, D. B., 28-54- Mlc/s converter, 1736Knol, K. S., with St. J. 0. Strutt, magnetic permeability and Weiss

domains, 3089Knowles, B. L., with W. J. Kessler, direction finder for storms, 2527Knowles, R., anode-follower circuit, 990Koblsky, M. J., loop aerial coupling transformers, 354

and J. Tepper, ripple current in half-wave rectifiers, 1503Kobrak,iH. f., conducting material of hunian ear, 2135Kobrinski, N. i., and L. A. Lyustemrik, calculating machines, 757Koch, A. R., cavity resonators for 2300 Mc/s, 2199Koch, it. W., and C. S. Robinson, pulse operation of betatron, 2315Koc, W. B., metallic delay lenses, 2178, 2485, 3032- with others, microwave aerial measurements, 1281Koene, L. F., frequency calibration of qtiartz crystals, 1405K6hIer, J. W. L., and C. G. Koops, time constant of resistors, 3453Kok, W., with others, sound absorption by porous materials, 2144Kollath, it., and G. Schurnann, 1.5-Mcks betatroii, 3297Koller, L. R., secondary electron emission, 3392Kolomiets, B. T., preparation of T1t1S photo,cells, 1813

and S. MI. ftvvskin, photoelectric propeerties of InS and InSe, 1388Kompfner, P., and others, transmission-line diedie as tm-A noise source, 2073Kontorovich, M. 1,, propagation throtugh diaphragni in waveguide, 1252Koonts, R., with G. S. Carter, test characteristics of recording wire, 3149Koops, C. G., with J. W. L. Kohler, tine constant of resistors, 3453Kopp, ft. A., with others, Visible Speech. (B) 2713Koppelnsun1, F., capacitance bridge with rectifier atid galvanometer, 3181Korchagina, tE. P., u.s.w. oscillators, 52Korff, S. A., electronic techniqujes in nuclear science, 1119; rise of wire

notential in counters, 196Korom f. A., d.c. analogue computers, 2549; c. electronic integrators,

2551Kornei, O., freqUiency responise of magnetic recording equipitient, 19Kosten, C. W., measutirement of sound absorption, 2145

and C ZLwikker, absorption of sound, bu compressible wall, 3321,3323, ty porotis rtubber, 3324

with others, sound absorption by porouis materials, 2144, 3322

Kotomiina, L. A., lituliting wavelengths generated lby a triode, 2885Kourganoff, V.. atmosphere with frequency-dependent absorption, 138

Krasnushkin, P. E., nornial-miode theory of propagation for stratifiedmoediutmi, 3223; nornimal waves n itiiultipolar ladder fitters, 1333

kraus, J. 0., wide-band helical-beaiii aerial, (A) 2443Kruse, E. H.. high-altitude research with V-2 rockets, 1427Krause, L. O.,, fn, broadcast transmnitters using phasitron nuodulation. 591Keauss, H. L., Class push-pull anipliiner theory, 1891Kleer, R. G., oith S. Sparks, radiotelegraph tape relav system, M38Kretamer, E. R., distortion in pulse-duration mnodulation, 881Krishamurthy, C. Ri., with A. london, feedback method of acoustic

inspedance nieasurenient, (A) 3307KEremmelbil, W. F., ohuran for surveying, 2251

Krefger, F. A., appf.ations of luminescent substances, 1973; fluorescence

of tumigstatrs and nmolybdates, 2802, tiimoinescence of solid

solutions, 2259; photoluminescence of (Mg,Zn)(W,Alo)O,, 2260and J. Bakker, lumineseence of Ce compotnds, 34with others, absorption spectra of ZnS and willemite, 3424

Keon, ft., F. J, Nfaginnis and H. A. Peterson, electron trajectories bydifferential analyser, 2408

Kron, f. E., electronics in astronomy, 3478

Keonunberg, M. Hi., visual alfimernt of television receivers, 192

Kuguohev, A. M., and D. 1. Karpovski, high-power u.s.,w. valve oscillators,



]Kibner, M., ceramnicmraetal seals, 121Kunze, F., Data, Chiaracteristics and Connections of German Broadcasting

Valves, and Detailed Application Examples, (B) 3SW9Buper, J. B. Ht., with others, Klystrons and Microwave Triodes, (B) 3670Kuhan, J., cathode-follower gate circuit, 2206Kwal, B., particle accelerators, 1711


Labadie. M. Rt., television transmitter power stage, 575Labin, B., f.m. detection 2343; frequency cotinting circuits as f.m.

detectors, 3235; microwave radio relay systems, M50Labus, J,, space charge and phase focusing of electron beams, 3668Lacy, R. B., with C. E. Sharp, portable microwave communication set,

2914Lafferty, J. M., design of electron reflectors, 82; v.m. reflex oscillator,

814Lafferty, R. ., abac foe voltmeter loading, 766Lageman, R. T., with D. R. McMillan, Jr, ultrasonic interferometer for

measuring velocity in liquids, IMLallemand, A., and F. Lenouvel, electronic telescope for stellar photo-metry, 1714

Lamb, ., dielectric-constant measurement by cavity resonator for A t coa,Lambert, R,, with J. Baurand, pulse method for measurement of smrall

photo-currents, 1872Lament, iH. R. L., atmospheric absorption of microwaves, 3398

and J. A. Saxton, intensity-distance law of radiation, 38-R. G. Rohertshaw and T. G. Haurnerton. microwave communaication

link. 59Lamson, H. W., a.c. measurementsof magnetic properties, 2006: dynamic

mutual conductance of valves, (D) 1079Landau, L., electronic plasma vibrations, 134Landon, V. D., theoretical analysis of mnultiplex iransunission systems,

324BLAn, B. S., insulating oil problems, (A) 3143Lane, J. A., with J. A. Saxton, dielectric properties of water at cm A,

1912Langbeag, E., super-synchrodyne communication receiver, 240Lange, L, with others, Description of the Earth's Islain Magnetic Field

and Its Secular Change, 1t5-t1945, (B) 168Lange, R. W., measurement of high-Q cavities at I1000t btcjs, 28Langford-Smith, F., loudspeaker damping, (DI 13Langie, R. C., with others, measurement of rainfall by radar, 3.Lanier, Rt 8., planiing f.m. broadcast station, 822Lankes, L. R., with S. HI Duffield, electronie testing of camera shutters,

3479Jaaplume, J., signal reception through noise, 2608Laporte, L., with others, Description of the Earth's Nlain Nagnetic Field

arid Its Seculan Change, 1905-1P45, (B) 1646Lapostolle,P., with A. Blanc Lapierce, fluctuations in quasi-sinusoida

quantities, 77Lark-.orovitx, K., with V. A. Johnson, lo-temperature resistivity of

serniconductors, (A) 140- with W. Sranton, electrical behaviour of Te, (A) 130Larkin, C. R., with others, ultrasonic fields, near diffracting edge, 37Latham, R-., with others, high-power pulsed magnetron deveelopment,

892, (D) S6von Laue, M., Theorie der Supraleitung, (B) 250Lauer, -, -Lesmiek and -lIatson, Servo Nleihanism Foi(lamientals,

(B) 1177Laver, F. J.3M., with C. F. Booth, standard of frequency and applications,

(D) 2277Lavoo, N. T., characteristics of lighthouse triodes at 30t0 AIc s, 878Law, it. B., short-period frequency comparisons, (A) 481- with others, crystal oscillators, 2195Lawrence, N. Q., architectural design of television station, 5M2Laws, C. A., with others, autoniatic control in radar receivers, 808Lawson, A. W., with 0. Lazarus, temperature controller, 1114Lawson, A. W., Jr, with R M. Fano, microwave filters with A/4 line

couplings, 85Lawson, D. I., A. V. Iord and S. R. Kharbanmla, television sound oa viston

carrier, (D) 2384w- ith I. W. Germany, cm-A link for remote radar displays, 359Lawson, J. D., paraboloid aenal design. 2448; power gain of microwave

aerials, 3352Lawson. J. L., with A. Bf. Stone, infinite-rejection filters, 385Lawton, C., and V. H. Winson, colonial telecommunication systems,

equiputent, 1150, (D) 2907, organization, etc., 1149, (D) 2g07Lax, M., and H. Feshbach, absorption and scattering by spheres and

cylisnders, 2120Lay, A. W., physics of industrial diathermy, 1109Layoeek, N., and G. T. 'Winch, local sensitivity variations of photocells,2900Laasun, D., and A. W. t,awson, temperature controller, 1114Leas, J. W., surveillance-radar deficiencies and remedies, (A) 284, 3416Labaeqz, 1, V., r.f. resistance of NbN through transition point, 3135Lebedev-Karmanov, A. I, and A. 1L Pisarevski, modulation system design

problems, 1808LeBel, t. J., audiometry of noroial hearing, L227; charts for cathode-

coupled triode aonplifiers, 909; listener frequency-range pre-ference tests, critical survey, 11

Lebenbaum, it. T., toNssnoise receiver input circuits, (A) 2598- with R. N. Close, phantastron delay circuits, 2478Lebert, A. W., with others, pulse-echo mieasurements on cables, 229Leblanc, M., theory of semiconductors and crystal detectors, 87LeCaine, H., and SI. Katchky, microwave aerial polar diagram plotter, 3SLecointe, M., generator for alignment of television receivers, 1415Leeolazet, R., electric field in cumtulus clouds, 1381Lee, E., wAith G. B. B.-Al. Sutherland, iofra-red developments, 3473Lee, E.E +, radio component industry's activities, 1895Lee, Rt., Electronic Transformers and Circuits, (B) 2221Leeds, L. M., with H. P. 1 hoinas, f.m. transmitter performance tueastre-

nents, 1894Leler, J. M., with W. E. Itarkins, plasma sheaths as variable tapacitors,

(A) 2320Legallais, V., with others, variable capacitor for pressure and di.placement

measulrement, 200Legrand, a., studs of surface layers by X rays, 1058tegros, it., capacitor discharge through thyratron, 3187Lehany, F. J., and D. F,. Yabsley, solar noise at 600 and tInt) Alr's,3103

Lehmann, G., costnic noise and telecommunications, 2777, 3102, dimen-sional analysis of v.h.f. triodes, 2978; servomechanisms in radiotechnique, 3282; v.h.f. triode oscillator and amplifier circuits,3029

Lehovec, K., theory of barrier-layer photoeffect, 3079Leiten, i. D., transients in multi-stage amplifier, 1597Lejay, P., localization of sporadic-E .regions. WO; m.u.f. dreterninatiost,

2887- A. Haubert and J. Durand, solar effect on ionosphere, 3110LhmRasnan, L., 1-kW amateur transmitter, 81LRenia,i., RC coupling in non-sinusoidal regime, 1303; transitron

oscillater, 1879; ultrasonics, 816Lennartz, A., sensitivity of broadcast receivers, 1468Lenouvel, F., with A. Lallemand, electronic telescope for stellar photo-

metry, 1714Lentini, R., long-distanoe raciio propagation, 144Leonard, i. W., ultrasonic absorption in fresh and sea water, (A) 232Leontovich, M., and V. Fock, e.m. propagation along earth's surflue

theory, 1444Leontovich, St. A., with V, 1. Hunimovich, large deviations in electric

fluctuations, 1213Leroy, R., bipole theory, 2190Leslie, C. B.,nmegacycle stepping counter, (A) 2874,3477- with H. S. MoGaughan, resistance-tuted f.m. oscillator for a.f., 36

Lealie, E., c.r. tuning inidicator, 188Leslie, W. R. P., stabilization of d.c. supplies. (D) 888Lesnilck,-, aith .thers, Servo Mechanism Fundamentals, (B) 1177Letianne, R., pulse measurement of dielectric constant, 1671Leutt, J.. Jr, effect of fungi and humidity on plastics, 3153

Page 7: Index to abstracts and references 1948 - author index


Lever, W., elfect of climatic extremes on Pb/acid batteries, 29.32Leversedge, 0.1L, radio communication with moving trains, 555Levi, F., magnetic leakage evaluated with electrolyte tank, 2558Levin, M. L., reactance of thin aerials, 346; ring resonant slot i5 a,v'-

guidle, .3021; themrv of slot aerials, 1264Levin, N., and others. v.h.f. cross-channet coiionounication, 3497Lenin, N. M., with others, ,,to-electron emissionfritro thiek (ielectric

filinis, 88Levine, A. M.. and It. (t.. Hollabaegh, broadh-b ad aplifers, (A) 378

aiti A. (r. tandoian, u.h.f. niultiplex broad a ting aysteiii, (A) 540- Withokthers, feedback arplifiers, (A) 382Levine, B., and J. Schwinger. soood raldition frosa rifla,og,sl pipe,

(A) 628, 1845Levitas, D. M.. and V. V. Miuligt, operatiori of blo kins oscillator, 1880Levshin. V. L., luminescence of taS.SreS phosphors 3127Levy, M., raltar dete tion of smnall pulses in noise, 1146, ID) 2899Levy, M., sphersit wasves in dispersive isnedius5. 1617Levy, M. M., pulse modculation, 2822-sith tihers, pitlse-testiidgsfw sidea stetworkcs, 1101Lewis, F. S.. swith A. 1. Wiggins, single-sher c rsista! picktp, 3302Lewis. N. W., exponential distriboUtiOr in statisti Isof valve life, 2836Lewis, R.. 50-W modulator svith peak litstitinsg. 1590Lewis, R. E.. sndsN. sctLaren, sy.ntlimis, ssusi n fillss, 2709Lewis, W. B., radar receivers, 2067Lewis, W. D., and 1 C. riilotsosii brsas hisss (iit(rt.t- titirwvsses 2216Lewis, W. H., frequsency (ionerters, IA) 2596Liander, H., C.. Schaiih andi A. Asplundl, ip,t t esti. g of plasstics, 1065Liang, P. H., F, ionization and geonisagetiss lstitides BDx 1031

Libby, L. L., frequency-sainting v.h.fI isnpedlsswe tes, 2852, svisssrange duial-band television aerisl, 3347

Libois, L. 3., signal/noise ratio in differenst sN-S is spccirsssss p in 1807

Lichtenstein, R. M., Rochelle salt, electrossiechanis al properties, 124Licklider, J. C. R., influence of interasurasl phase on isasking, 1140-and 1. Pollack, effects of distortio oiritelligibilitv of speech, 1537

ith others, effect of limiters and electiss ste oi recei'ser perfolsmance,814

Liebermann, L. N., reflection froisi coastal sea bottolrus, 2887; retle tionof tinderwater sound at sea sslrface, 3293; ssltrasosnic atesor tionin fresh and in sea water, (A) 2125

Liebmann, G., electron 05icroseope, exp.rilllrs71t.l, 2322, resolving poweroa, 2323

Liebson, S. H., discharge nmechanisums of setf-qssesc hing (.-Ml sounters, 495and H. Friedman, self-quenchinig hi.logen-filled counters, 3197

van Lieshout, L. J. A., projection unit for teles ision, 2943Lilliceap, 16. G., with others, fading miiarhine, 2299; transmsitter drives

and receivers for single-sideband svsters, 2395Lilly, J. C., V. Legallais and R. Cheirs, varia'ble capac itor fIr pressure and

displacesieoit meassirenient. 200Lindenblad, N. E., slot aerials, 1265Lindenhovius, H. J., h.f. impedanice illssus.reirient, 470Lindholm, E., and E. HistlegArd, elesctroniieter-valse asiipliher. 3177Lindsay, R. B., sound propagation throtigh simple vortex, 2121Lindstrom, G., atitooilatic cyclotron resonsance control eqlsipmrent, 2875;

h.f. ioseasuremeiits on cyc lotron sisomel, 3480-wuith H. Atterling, h.f. cyclotrsts getierator, 2874Link, A. E., noanufacture of ssnthetic misa, (A) 448Liot, L., casity resonators, 1304; isseassressent of h.f. poser, 3188;

substandard generator ftor si A, 978; soltige stabilizatioii, 1765;(It fGI as oscillator, frequsencvdsolsibler, ancl aniplifier, 2202;25AVi, ito-Mct s transarwitter, 590; 5-kiW ptilse generator, 596

Liot, R., oith M. Derss, riieastirenreosts at sns A, 1076, 3454Lippert, W., stereophonic '2-rhannsl tmalsii ission aith oiagnetophon, 3229

with H. Gunka, iiote locatioi oii magnetophoai tape, 1852Lisman, H., with IK. StImlla, lait-pluse trIc sue ission lices s v.h.f.

rer tors, 2477Little, 0. C., double electroiiiseter viIse, 1211Livens. G. H., nagnetic field theories, 3394Lloyd, P. B., uith others, susass aist itisintegrgtirn preolsicts of lrieson, 715Lockyer, K. G., with I. J. Wheeler, crvstal picktips, 918Loeb, L. B., electricsal discharge through gases, 397; iiiechanisT OT spark

(lischarge, 3388-a,isd VW. N. English, poi.t-tsr-plaise corona, (A) 2225Lotgren, E. J., with others. cvclotron, 2314Lombardini, P., multiple-cavity osagsnetron, 1840London, A., asid C. R. Krishnriniurthy, feedhack isietho(i of acoustic

impedlance measurenien, (A) 3307Long, 16. M., with others, recovery tissue of (5-.Nl counters, 2309Long, T. H., electrosic organ, 2583Lonsdale,E. M., and W. F. stain, graphical analvsis of athole-degenerated

amplifier stages, 374Lonsdale, K., diattionds as coaunters, 3399Loosjes,R., and H. J. sink, characteristies rf oxi(le cathodes under pulse

con<litions, 2414Lorach, M., television in America, 568Lord, A. V., with others, television souii oXl vision arrier, (D) 2384Lorin, A., with P. Bassi, scale-of-1t6 curiting circusit, 2185Lorneau, S., characteristic curses of photon cosunters, 1021Loshakov, L. N., and E. B. Olderogge, theorv of coaxial spiral line, 2715Lott, S. A., and I. A. Hood, precision beat-freuedniicy oscillator, 2568-aiui 1t. J. Oyston, 5-inch c.r.o., 2565Loubser, J. H. N., with B. ileanes, collisioss brosidrening ini NH, inversstsi

spectrum, 3100Loughlin, B. D., f.m. detectors, 1475; Hazeltisfe frernodyne circuit.

(A) 2596

Lovell, A. C. B., electron density is isseteor trails, 1025; suieteoric ioniza-tion and ionosnheric abnoriinalities, 93, 3402; observations of1947 Perseid meteor shower, 2511

and J. A. Clegg, radio echoes from isseteor trails, 2782C. J. Banwell and J. A. Clegg, radio echo observations of Giacotsisid

meteors, 1946g 2780-J. A. Clegg and C. D. Ellyett, radio echoes froin aurora, 422-with others, radio echo observations of riseteors, 2779Lovell, B., Electronics, (B) 799Lowde, R. D., scale-of-ten recorder, 1706

Lowry, W. R. H., sith W. J. Hera, testing of cominusuication receivers,

2298, (D) 3470

witsh others, trainsmstter drives ant receivers for single-sidebanrtsysterni, 2395

Loye, D. P., and W F. Arndt, sheet of air btsbbles as acoustic screen, 2142

Lucantonio, F., carrser-frequsency telegraph svsiteiis, 1488Lucas, 1. R., sciersifie sork of Paun Iangevin, 021

Luck, D. 0., wide-hand phase-splitting networks, (A) 2475

with I. VNiolff, t.l. radar techniques, 2798, 3124

Ludlow,T. H., with J. !I.Dadds, C. H. radiolocation trase ittsiers, 853Ludwig, J. W., des tronic printing scsntrol, 789Lukin, F. V., pulse transforisers, 1585

Lukcbin, A. A., swith Ya. S. Shur, iisssgnetizatioii ian isiapticti tioncurves of alsifer alloys, 1984

Lundberg, 0. V., ruibber jacket for lead used sable, 3015

Luo, Peilin, negatisve-current voltage-stsbilization circuit, 2930Lurie, W. B., c itiens -band transceivers, 3511Lus von Ougelberg, H., loa-pressure discharges in gases, 398

Lozhin8kaya, G., sith others, effect of rsust atid ecrssctallizationsoft iisagnetirc inaterials, 1983

Lynn, L.H., ANAPS-1 0l airbirne radtAr, 1388Lythall, B. W., frequericy instabilitv if pulsed trartisusstters, 857Lyttleton, J. W., with H. Brown, photoelectiic Fourier transforoser for

analvsing sound fisss, 2432

Lyttleteo, R. A., with others, structture of solar atososphere, 2785Lyusternik, L. A., and A. MI. Prokhorov, deterotination of operator eigen-

values bv RC circuit, 457- with N. P. Iobrinski, calculating machines, 757


Macalpine, W. W.. heating of r.f. cables, 3014MaedmInid,LF.,a.n. es f.m.,(D) 1160MaDonald, D. K. C., galvanotneter with negative feedback, 476; linear

network analysis, 2187lacadyen, K. A., vector permneability. 1349Macalane, 8. G., impedance of parallel-wire grid for oblique incidence,

2889; propagation curves for atniosphere with arbitrary re-fractive-index profile, 3487

and J. R. Whitehead, superregenerative receiver in linear mnatle,3501

Machal, A. D., 'latrix and I ensor Calculus, (B) 1395Mackay, D. M., usltiple-psulse generator, 984; synchrodyne receiver,

(D) 1139Mackay, R. S.. Jr, anwl R. R. Soule, watch tisiser, 1869MacKen2ie, R,, andI. I. Vsaithlissan, r.f. sosteni for f.Is cyclotron,

1712MacLean, W. R., eqstivaleust sirs sit of resonator transducer, 679Macnamara, T. C., A. B. Howe and P. A. *l. Bevan, parallel operatiort ot

high-poaser broadcasting transmitters, 3540Macnee, A. B., with others, cascode low-tioise atmplifier, (A) 2475, 3061MacNeice, G. G., with A. Elliott, atisiospheric transrmnission. at 1-5I,3098Macro, W. B., with J L. Ilutusian, slot aerials in corner reflectors, 2407Madaunky, L., and R W. Pidd, parallel-plate counters, 3200Maddock, A. J., mechanical mnodel for niolectilar oscillations, 392Madella, G. B., filters utsing niodulation, (D) 669; heterodyne analysem

with polyphase search voltage, 2013; negative frequency, 186Madella-Lucarelli, A., isopeslincer grasus for parallel resonant circuits,

1876Maggio, J. B., with others, pulse-e ho iiieasureinents on cables, 2295Maginnis, F. J., with others, electron trajectories by (iifferential analyser,

2408Maiden, R. M., abtas for selectivity caletslations, 1335Maillard, J., Carson's generalized reciprocitv theorems, 2168Main, W. F., with F. Ni. Lotsdale, graphical analysis of cathode-degenera-

ted amplifier stages, 374de Maistre, X., selectivity by itegative feedback, 1465Makai, E., with others, activation of flusorescence by Mrn ions, 1375Makar, R., A. R. tBoothrovd and I. C. Cherry, electrolyte tank for a.c.

fielIs distribution, 3459Makinson, W., transdtcers siatnd ststercoiostinmincatioss systems for aircraft,

2438Malan, D. J., auid 1. F. J. Shonland, lightiling, 1362Malatesta, S., stability conditions in nonlinear circls its, 1575; voltage

indtuced in receiving aerial, 12B8Mtalolm, R. W., taxicab rarlio eqsuipsmsent, 826Malich, C. W., with S. I_ Seaton, Research at C(llege, Alaska,

(B) 2795Ialling, L. R., aircraft speed by DHppler eftect, 782Maloff, L. G., projection telesision, (A) 2090; pulsed rectifiers for television

receivers, 311Malav, N. N., asttenusation of H , wave in rectangtular waseguide, 3016;

equivalent eircutits for cavity resonators, 3050; wavemeter for('II A, 3465

Halter, L., magnetic slestrosi musltipliers 796Mandel, P., large-screen televisiun projector of Compagnie des Compteiten,

2941Mandeville, C. C., ans IN. V Sr herb, resolving time and coincidence loss

for (.-M couasters, 2034Manfredi, D. E., pton. jititltiplex conimsunication system, 2359Mang, C. Y., with 0. L Butter, latiusnated magisetic cores, effects of over-

lapping Joints in 1978, magnetic properties of, 1979Maninger, R. C., reas tance-valve circuit analysis, (A) 2475Mann, W. B., and I. G. Griniouet, Itusperial College h.v. e.s. generator,


Manners, M., effect of heat treatlnexit on glassitungsten seals, 119Mannevy-Tassy, G., resistance variation of 'nSb alloy, 2830Manning, L. A., ionospheric electron distribution. 725Manberg, H. P., with H. E. Hale, oscilloscope camera, 2931Mansford, H. L., waveform monitor, 479Mansion, D., f.n. detector circuit, 988Mamnon, 1K. W., South African railway communications for royal totur,

2369Many, W. G., electronic photoflash unit, 1430Marchal, Y., with N. J. Freici, dielectric strength of compressed gases, 2824Macchand, N., Ultrahigh Frequency Transmission and Radiationt, (B) 1283Marcovitz, N., witveguide discontinuities, 3020Margenau, H., theory of h. f. gas discharges, 1902,1905

and l.. h. Flarturan, theory of h.f. gas discharges, 1903Macgolin, M. G., f.m. niaster oscillator for high-fidelity broadcasting, 2402Miriani, 3., nuagnetism of celestial bodies, 1927Markham, J. J., analysis of acoustic signals, 2130Markov, G. T., niutual irsrpedance of aerials, 2174Markow, E.W., with R. B. Hoffman, mobilef .m. commuricationequipnient,

274, 556acke, B. H., ceraniic dielectric materials, 3440

Maks,L. W., photographing pulse wave shapes,288Marmet, P., attenuation is compouind lines, 1556MIacuis, R. J., with others, Hearing Aids, (B)2714; hearing aids, body-

baffle effects on, 1248, comparison tests for, 2711Macshall, F fluorescent mnaterials irradiated by X rays, 123

Mlbhall,J.., R. C. Langille and W. McK. Palmer, measurement of rain-fall by Tadar, 8121

Macgten, J., and A. L. Pugh, Jr, printed resistors, (A) 1614, (A) 2763Martin, A. H., with R. M. Bowie, spectral power distribution of phosphors,

342BMartin, A. V. J., Decca navigator, 1646; niultiplex links using waveguides,

(A) 2078; quartz beat-frequency oscillator, 190; resonant cavi-ties, 2743; waveguides, 2445

Mactin, D. W., f.m. receiver design for railway radio, 309Martin, L. H., and R. D. Hill, A Manual of Vacuum Practice, (B) 3157Mactingell, 8. E., with others, oseteor whistles, 5403

sacten, ., and K. Bol, spherical aberration of compound magnetic lenses,216

- with others, visual obsersation of patterns recorded on magneticmedia, (A) 2430

Marton, L. I printed conductors, (A)1614Malrtyn, D. P., currents causing solar and lunar geomagnetic variations,

1024; lunar tides in the ionosphere, 106; solar r.f. radiation, 2783

Macvaud, J., automatic tracer for electron trajectories, 2009Mualakovets, Yu. P., with Yu. A. Dunaev, physical properties of PbS, 165Mason, L. L., with others, v.h.f. s.w.r. plotting device, (A)Mason, W. P., RaTiO5 ceramics, 3139; EDT and DKTlcrystalsfor filters,

2803; electrostrictive effect in BaTi(a, 1062; synthetic piezo-electric ervstals, 740

andl F. H. Hibbard, absorbent walls for sound-measurement tanks,3304

Massa, F., sound pressure measurement, 50 cls-250 kcJs, 303Massey. H. S. W., semiconductors, 1068

with D. R. Bates, recombination in atniospheric ionized layers, 1944Hathes, R. C., and R. L.. Miller, phase effects in inonaural perception,

925Matrioon, M., Allouis OC III transmitting station for 6-21 Mcs, 83, 2922Matn,-, with others, Servo Mecharism Fundamentals, (B) 1177Matte, A. L.,multichannel carrier telegraph system, 3245- with J. R. Davey, frequency-shift telegraphy, 2362, 2913Matthews, C., and R. L. A. Borrow, mutual interference in ships of the

Royal Navy, 2348

Matthias, B. T., BaTiO, crystals, dielectric constant and piezoelectricresonatice of, 254. growth of, 2810

-R. G. Breckenridge and D. W. Beaumrront, single arystals of BaTiOD,(A)

W. Merz and P. Scherrer, dielectric properties of Rochelle-typecrystals, 438

lmuchly, J. W., Univac, (A)2548Maurice, D., and R. J. H. Slaughter, f.m. reception, 2345Manrime, R. D. A., and C. J. W. Hill, B.B.C. monitoring service, 249Mautner, L., Mathematics for Radio Engineers, (B) 2274; stabilized power

supplies, 285with J. H. Mulligan, Jr, analysis of feedback video amplifier, 2766with R. C. Palmer, video amplifier transient respolise, (A) 2475

Maxfteld, 3.T. time integral basic to optimum reverberation time, 3519Maxwell . , peak-limiting amplifiers, 689; visual analysis of a.f.

transients, (A) 2562Maxwell,BD. F., broadcast transmission measuring set, 3190Malxwell, E. conductivity of metallic surfaces at cm A, 167aydav A. P., effect of vacuum on magnetron frequency, 1317

Mayo, B. I., witb 0. Klemperer, electron optics of electron guns, 3558- with A. F. Pearce, em, reflex valve for A 10 cm, 897

Mayot, M., forecasting of sunspots, 99von Marhaser, G., vibration-galvanometer improvement, 347Mlnthur, E.BD.,dyotron, microwave oscillator, (A) 2668Mc0oneldl.R. A., video storageby ironoscope nnosaies, 836lloCool. W. A., conductance meter for h.f. losses, 346

MlcOormck, K. L., standarddiode fcr cathode core-material tests, (A) 2663Meormsick, C. G., glass-sealed switches and relays, 562

MoCracken, L. G. hlter characteristics of dynamuic noise suppressor, 24McCready, L. L., J. I. Pawsey and R. Payne-Scott, r.f. solar radiation and

sunspots, 412MsBonald, . 3., and D. A. Thorn, radiation from ships'receivers, 2352McDonald PF., W/T transmitters for shore stations, 1804MeMiroy, i. C., with others, aircraft instrunientation and control, (A)2524MGaughana, 16. S., unsynrmetrical RC parallel-T null network, 47

and C. H. I eslie, resistance-tuned f.m. oscillator for a.f.,3f8McGee, F., lf. phase-shift conipensation. (A1355McGraw, R. V., selsyn-driven variable-frequency oscillator, 2744McGuire, J. EL and P. J. Nowacki, comriussss-wavedusplex pulse-communica-

tion system, 2635Mcllwain, K., lanac navigation svstem, 1041-and H. A. Wheeler, propagation of radio waves through groundl,

(A) 2590Mclntosh, L.R., with others, e.s. accelerator for electrons, 1120

McKenzie, A. A.,a. ivs f.m., (D) 543McKinlay, D. W. R., with others, oebservations of 1947 Perseid meteor

shower, 2511McLachlan, N. W., mnathematical theory of f.r .,41; Theory and Applica-

tions ofMathieui Functions, lB) 1397lcLacen, N., with R. E. Jewis, synthetic sound on filhn, 2709

McLaughlin, J. L. A., superheterodvne reception, 811McLean, B. A., paper capacitors containing chlorinated impregnants, 95McIean, W., with C. F. Miller, secondary-emissiov trigger valve NUTR-

103d-J. (A) 2663Mecillan, D. R., Jr, aiti R. r. Lagenisann, ultrasonic interferometer for

sllea siring velocity in liquids, 1228McMillan, E. M., reciprocitv theoreisi, (D) 970McNlally,J. O.,and W. G. Shepherl, ieflexoscillators for radar, 1518

McNeight, S. A., with others, printed vitreous enamel components, 1003HcPetrie, J. S.. and B. J. Starneeki, los level atmnospheric ducts, 2329MeProod, C. 81., a. gain sm.eter, 3471; h. f. equalization for magnetic pick-

tups, 631. intersuuodsitation nis-asurement, 947; volume expanderand seratch suppressor, 40; *2-way speaker system, 1160; 6AS7Gasnpliker, general-purpose, 2756, high-quality, 2755

MSkismin, H. J., theory of Hg delav line, 3367Meacham, L. A., and EI. Peterson, iaiultichannel pulse-code modulation

system, 236Meacham, S. A., v.h.f. airborne comnmunications system, 828

Meahi, R., with G. E. Feiker, direct-reading wavemeter desigii for

A 2- a5cii, 2293Mlea,W. 3., with others, airbosnse magnetometers, 220

Mecke, R., and R. L. Schupp, sensitive capacitance measurements, 2000

with 1I L. Schupp, valve voltmeter and d.c. amplifier, 3178MWeurst, R. 8., radiation from short aerials, 3348Mdle D. 3., and D. H. Rathgeber, precision double-pulse generator, 3191

va, N. V., aurora and ionospheric layer above F,, 2243

MeeJk 3. H., triple splitting of ionospheric rays, 3221Meek, . 38., with others, triggered spark-gaps for high power modulators,

833Meeker, W. F., with F. H. Slaymaker, blind guidance by ultrasonics,

(A) 2573Megaw, E. C. S., effects of obstacles on u.s.w. propagation, 2890; high-

power pulsed magnetron, development, 891, (D) W6; perinanentmagnet design, 753; propagation of very short waves, (D) 2331

with J. C. Dix, low-power cm-A magnetrons, 2987

Stgrelishvili, T. G., and A. Khvustikov, twilight observations of upper

atmosphere, 3114Meier, A. S., and W. P. Stnumers, impedance of vertical aerials over fikte

ground planes, (A) 2443Meiejohn, W. H., magnetic hardness-tester, 748Meinke, H. H., dm-wave measurement technmque, 2859; meaning of cur-

rent, potential and resistance at v.h.f., 3396Meldahl,A., with L. S. Dzung, units, dimensions and similitude, 2504

Melville, W. S., high-power pulse transformers, 60Melvin, M. A., theory of autonmatic control systems, 498

Mendosa, E. B., phase velocity of radio waves over land at t00 kchs, 1440

Menon, K. B., with others, h.v. iuseasurensents, (A) 2581v. Ments, M1, amid J. B. Le Poole, compsitation of magnetic electron lenses

2321Menzel, D. H., Elementarv 'sanusal of Radio Propagation, (B1 W8- and W. W. Salisburv, a. f. ra<liowavesferom the sun, 1628Menzer, E., and K. Sittet, f.m. radiosonde, (B) 2588Merrill, L. L., and F. Ft. Slaytisaker, directional characteristics of clamtnId-

edge disk, 3288witlts D. L. Clurk, field mseasuremusensts Oat meatetic recording heild,


Merriman, J. H. H., and R. V. White, Isi. for v.h.I. multichannel KI T,3513

Merrtt, F. R., with C. H. Townes, Stark effect in h.f. fields, 1344Mars, W., with others, dielectric properties of Rochelle-tvpe crystals. 439Meaner, M. 1., with others, barrier-grid storage c.r. tubes, 2986Messiah, A., dvsnamies of electrons in linear accelerators, 2873Metson, G. H., wavelerigth laws of split-anode magnetrons, 1516Metzger, S., T*ith others, commumication bv reflectior from moon, )Au547,


Meisler, E., and VW. Risegg, broadcasting on lv. distribution networks,2613Meyer, E., G. Buchmann and A. Schoch, sound absorber and sound-damped

room, 6Meyer, H. F., and A. H. Ross, multipath transmission sitssulator, (A) 2552Meyer-Eppler, W., display apparatus for transients and nonlinear distor-

tion, 3183Mers,A. L., standard terisis and abbreviations, (D)2991Miocioli, A. R., and D. Pollack, f.ii receiver design, 244

Michael, F. R., valve failtures itn ENIAC, 601

Michalowics, J.C., 101.74Nc/s i.f. transformers, 1284

Mliehe, J. 8. L., svith others, tropospheric refraction, 2044

Miehll, R. B., radio aids to niarine navigation, 2247lliddleton, D., noise through nonlinear devices, 3238Middleton, E. J., with B. J. Stevens, a.m. eS f.m. for broadcasting, 201

Miedera, H., resonant circuit with nonlinear self -iiductance, 36Migne, D., feedback amplifiers, 1326

Migulin, V. V., and 1. 'N. Yastrebtsova, transitron relaxation oscillator,3064

- with D. M. Levitas, operation of blocking oscillator, 1880Miheev, M. N., with P. N. Zhukova, magnetic properties of Cr-Ni'i-Mo

steel alter heat treatments, 1975Milazzo, S., with W. Sichak, aerials for circular polarization, 3343;

circularly and elliptically polarized aerials, (A) 342

Miles, J. W., diffraction of sound by infinite set of plates, 3296; equivalertcircuit of bend in waveguide, 648; plane discontiniuities in coaxial

lines, 1249; reciprocitv theorem in electromechasical systems,969

Millar, N. P., with M. Row ell, long-scale instruments, 3173Mtilen, 3. 2-m, 6-m and 10-mu transmitter, 587Miller, C. F., and W. McLean, secondary-entission trigger valve NU I I-

1032-J, (A) 2663Miller, C. W., N. C. Crowlev-M'illing and G. Saxon, waveguide attenuators,

1892with G. Saxon, hybrid wsaveguide junctions, 2163

-with others, cm-A and dm-A power measurement, 2022Miller, D. A., variable-frequency h. f. transmitter, 2399Miller, A., perception of short bursts of noise, 2137

and W. G. Taylor, perception of repeated bursts of noise, 2138with others, measuring speech spectra, 924

Miller, H., with others, magnetic amplifiers, 664Miller, H. P., and R. J. Hopkins, new kraf t capacitor paper, 1384Mffiller, L., coil-pack modification, 1331Miller, R. L., masking effect of periodically pulsed tones, 927

with R. C. Mathes, phase effects in monaural perception, 925

Miller, R. W., airborne radar for meteorology, 1045Miller, S. E., with A. 1. Hopper, design of radar i.f. amplifier, 690

Miller, T., 10-cm power measuring equipunent, (A) 2552Xiller, W. E., Olympia radio exhibition, 524Miller, W. W., with S. C. Brown, CO.-filled G-. counters, 783Millingtn, 0. Fotirier transformnof incomplete Gaussian function, 2833Millman, P. M., D. W. R. McKinley and MI. S. Burland, observations of

197Perseid meteor shower, 2611MiIIa, P. J., Parmly sound laboratory and anechoic chamber, L231Hilner, C. J., and R. B. Clayton, resistance comparison at 1300 lIe/s, 199

with others, pinhole racliography of magnetrons, 2670; v.m. valves,895

Minorsky, N., introduction to nosliunear mechanicos, 156Minter, J., performance tests for f.m. receivers, (A) 1419


Page 8: Index to abstracts and references 1948 - author index

Index to Abstracts and References 1948Mitchell, A.R., con;bined signal tracer and ietcr, 1099Mitchell, C. J., heterodyning anid modulation. 235; loiti(ipeaker (limping,

(D) 13Mittell, B. E. G., disk recording, (A) 1243Model, Z. I., and others, efficiencv of valve osdillator, 1609Moffatt, 3., diode noise generator, 1693Mohr, C. B. O., with J. W. F. Juritz, cosmic-ray bursts and showers, 416Moir, J., optimum frequency range for speech and music, 268Mol, H., theory of hearing and musical pitch, 322Moldaver, T. L, Se rectifiers, 1379Moles, A., noise, methods for study of, 3005, physiology of, 3301Moline, J., pulse circuits, 3057; pulse modulation, 1497; stabilization of

supply voltages, 964

Moll, P., carrier and pilot current equipment, 1153Molloy, C. T., directivity index for acoustic radiators, 3289Monk, N., and S. B. Wright, public telephone service on trains, (A) 2614Monroe, R. B., and C. A. Palmquist, C.B.S. studio-control console,

(A) 2430, 3241with H. A. Chinn, broadcasting studio sound reinforcement, 1540

Montague, B. W. St. L., conversion of R.1147B for 50-250 Mc/s, 3227Montalenti, G., sensitivity of impedance bridges, 2010Montgomery, C. G. (Ed.), Techniques of Microwave Measurements,

(B) 2865

Montgomery, R. B., over-water refraction of 10-cm waves, 1134Moody, N. F., with F. C. Williams, ranging circuits and linear timebase

generators, 965

Moore, J. H., P. K. Seyler and S. B. Wright, rural RjT in Colorado, 2629MDran, R. B., Jr, spiral-sweep timer, 764Moreno, T., Mlicrowave Transinission Design Data, (B) 3545Morgan, A. R., with others, underwater sound transducers, 1542Morgan, K. Z., health problenis in atomic energy, (A) 2677Morgen8term, R. V., with others, concentrated-arc lamp for light-beam

conitiurxication, 585Morgulis, N. D., emission from semiconiducting cathodes, 1823

P. G. Borzyak and B. I. Dyatlovitskaya, Sb-Cs cathodes, 3550Moroz, E. M., with S. D. Gvozdover, oscillations in magnetron with

Lecher system, 1516

Morrical, K. C., design and use of mixing networks, 1338Morris, C. M., and H. J. Prager, receiving valves for industrial use,

(A) 2664Morris, L., escalator process for damped Lagrangian frequrecy equations,

3182Morrison, 3. F., and E. L. Younker, measurement of h.f. power and imped-

ance, 2012Morrison, L:W., Jr, radar receivers, 1142Morrow, C. T., small enclosures and the human voice, 3315Morse, P. W., and H. E. Revercomh, u h.f. beating of frozen food, 504Mortiaux, F., speech-input equipmnent of Brussels Broadcasting House,

2923Moseley, F. L., and others, aircraft instruoientation and control, (A) 2524lMokowitz, S., and D. D. Grieg, noise suppression characteristics of pulse-

time modulation, (A) 531, 2607with others, cyclophon beam switching tube, 883

Moss, H., with others, c.r. tubes for radar, (D) 887Moss, S. and G. H. Parks, pulse coisiniumcatioii os lines, 2615

with G. H. Parks, wide-band p.m., 2621Moss, T. S., spectral sensitivity of PbTe layers, 3132- and R. P. Chasmar, spectral response of PbSe, 2662Mott, N. F., formation of oxide filnis on metals, 439Motto, V. B., 10-m and 20-ni rotary arrays, 3277

Motz, analysis of klystron reflector performance, 3567

Moubis, J. A., with F. M. Penning, Ne glow discharge with Mto cathode,2770

Moulton, R., plastics as optical materials, 3156Mourmant, P., graphical circuit calculations, 972; ziatching raiiges of

transmitters, 595, (C) 2097; measurement of aerial impedlanice,1678

Moumon, J. C., grounded-grid feedback oscillator, 2484Mowry, S. C., with A. W. Nolle, ultrasonic propagation in high polsymers,


Moxon, L. A., noise characteristics in radar receivers, 818and others, automatic control in radar receivers, 808

Moyer, R. C., D. R. Andrews and H. E. Roys, calibration of freqtiencyrecords, (A) 2430

Muellr, G. B., polyrods, 2449and W. A. Tyrrell, polyrod aerials, 952

Muller, F. A., with H. den Hartog, cer.o. timebase circuit, 665Mfiller.trobel, L., and J. Patry, current calculation for frame receis iiig

aerials, 33Mullett, L. B., with others, travelling-wave linear accelerator for electrons,

506Mulligan, H., Jr, and L. Mautner, analysis of feedback video amplifier,

2768Mullin, L. R., Mtarconi communication receiver Type RG44, 3228Mumford, A. N., long-distance point-to-point cotnmunication, 2077;

radio ts line for communication systems, (AD) 817Murphy, J. L., with J. N. V'an Scoyoc, electronically controlled reactiance,

(A) 2475Murray, A. F., printed circuit applications, 1614Murray, F. J., Theory of Mathematical Machines, (B) 1074Murray, J. M., conversion of transmitter 150-B for 14 Mc/s, 589Musson-Genon, R., electrolyte tank for space-charge effect il valves,

3179; u.h.f. measurement of frequency and of Q, 1680with G. Goudet, electron trajectories and space charge effects, 1811

Mustel, Z. R., corpuscular discharge from sun, 1027Mutter, W. N., rectification characteristics of oxide-cathode interface,

(A) 814

Mynall, D. J., electrical analoguie coiiiputing, 157, 459; pulted crvstal-oscillator circuit, 973


Nagy, B., with G. Szigeti, conductivity and fluorescence of ZnSif,, 1051with others, activation of fluorescence by Mn ions, 1375

Najork, L., a.m./f.m. signal generator, 2297akLasone, R. P., with P. Semm, r.f. oscillator-controlled potentiometer

recorder, 1422Marus, N., plating plastics, 2544National Bureau of Standards, mathematical tables, various, (B) 162Nature, electrical properties of soil and water at cm A, 2546; French

scientific library in London, 1215; international radio confer-ences, 3287; Italian cosmic-ray laboratory, 2233; powdermetallurgy abstracts, 25; publication and classification ofscientific knowledge, W14; ultrasonic absorption in liquids. 1532

Neal, L. P., and H. B. Wells, Varif receiver for A 2 m, 1470Naddermeyer, S. B., and others, measurement of ultra-short time interials

with chronotron, 762Needham, W., with others, SiC nonlinear resistors, (D) 3361Nalher, H. V., discharge characteristics of G-M counters, (A) 2308MeaCson, P. J., electromechanical a.f. oscillator, 2712Neiman, M. 8., electron between parallel grids, 2407Nelson, J. N., with others, sunspots and radio weather, 3106Nelson, R. B., tuning of multiple-cavity magnetrons, 2417

eregsard, L. S., D. G. Burmside and R. P. Stone, pulse triode for 200 kWat 600 Mc/S, 2886

Metheroot, W., ignition interference, 253, 1148Nethersole, N.1. N., and L. L. Brinkworth, steel-bulb Hg-arc rectifier, 2372NMuter,F., with M. Baranger, quantum theory, second quantification, 1615Neumann R., high-vacuum pumps, 1371, 2534Newbary, G. R., and W. E. Willshaw, feeding a linear accelerator, 3051Newbound,R., with F. Widnall, protective finishing of electrical equipmnent,


Neellw, N. N., Jr, calculating field strength in interference region. 226;coincidence counting with G-M counters, 3199

Mewasam, B., with others, precision radar, 92

Newatead, G., triple magneto-ionic splitting of rays by F, region. 2595lewton, EL W., geomagnetic crochet at Abinger, 223; geoiiiagnetic

epoch, June 1941, 2789; sudden commencements, 1932, inGreenwich magnetic records, 828b

Meg ., measurement of time constant of resistors at i.e., 166Esalso, A. EL, single-sideband amateur transmitter, 1806

Nibhols, R. a, Jr, and others, body-baffle effects on hearing aids. 1248

with others, comparison tests for hearing aids, 2711; Heariiio Aids,(B) 2714

Nicholson, M. G., wow meter, 3467Nicholson, 8. B., solar and magnetic data, April-Sept. 1947, 1919

with 0. R. Wulf, nioon and recurrent geoniagnetic actisits 3109Nicolson, P., with others, tropospheric refraction, M044Nielsen, C. N., measurement of sniall currents, 1673Nielsen, N. H., and D. M. Deiinison, niicrowave spectrunaio NH, 1019Nessen, K. F., acoustic analogue of Soiiinmerfeld's surface wave, 3287;

even-hannonic excitation of quartz bars, 3383; field strengthof A/2 aerial, 3924, 3025; resonators,frequeticy stability of, 3369,high-Q, 2196

Jigg, D. J., f.m. studio-transmitter radio link equipment, 3516Nijenbuis, W., and F. I. Stumpers, properties of networks, 3354Nims, P. T., with 0. E. Bowliis, thyratron frequency changers, 2178Nissan, G., universal generator, 1696Nixon, C. M., recording studio'3A, 1238; studio design to minimize noise,


Noble, D. E*, interference redtuction by cavity filters, 1479; 2-way broad-cast between train and ship, 273

Moe, J. D., with others, distributed aimplification, (A) 2475, 3375Noll, E. HL, simple synchronizing generator, 1781Noile, A. W., adjustment speed of a.v.c. systems, 3374

and S. C. Mowry, ultrasonic propagation in high polyiiiers, 3442Norgaard. D. E., single-sideband transmission, (A) 2614, 3271Norris, R. N., Felevision o-day, (B) 1195Norton, F. R., television receiver laboratory, 2279Norton, K. A., surnspots and m.u.f. forecasts, 1447

and A. C. Omberg, maxitnuni range of radar set, (D) 432Norton, L. N., with W. D. Hershberger, frequenty stabilization with

mnicrowave spectral lines, (A) 2475, 2953Morton, R. L., B. 0. Balloti and K. H. Chaiiiberlin, KSBR l0)-kW 100f.5-McIs

lii. transiitter, 592Novosil'tsev, N. S., antd A. L. Shoilakov, dielectric properties of BaTiO,

at h.f., 1660Nowacki, P. J., with J. H. McGiuire, cotiiiiuon-ware duples pulse-comn-

muunication system, 2635Nowotpy, W., p.m. nitethods: cyclophon, 1498; radar in peace, 1387Nuovo, M., electromechanical analogies, 1865Nyborg, W. L., and H.K. Schillinrg, hf. whistles: edge tones and resoniance,

(A) 2129Mylund, H. W., rural KJT systemn, 2630


Oakes, W. G., electric strength of polytheiie, 2267Osaley, C. W., u.h.f. nieastirements, 1988- an(I C. M. Burrell, u.h.f. filters, 1612

OtBrien, B. C., and F. L. Sherwood, phase monitor for broadcast arrays,1082

O'Brien, J. C., combined f.m./a.m. coimniisimcation systems, (A) 2614O'Brien, W. J., radio navigation aids: decca, 113Otnomr, D. T., applications of Van de Graaff X-ray generator, 1115Oddie, T. H., and J. L. Salpeter, design of nminimum-cost chokes, 2183Odeil, L. F., standard terns and abbreviations, 2428Odessey, P. M., with A. Easton, counter circuits for television synchroniza-

tion, 2472Okress, E. C., vane-tvpe niagnetromt, 267101, A. I., night-sky li'6ht and solar radiatioms, 1643Olsderogg% E. B., with L. N. Loshakov, theory of coaxial spiral line, 2715OLipbat, M. L., J. S. (ooden and G. S. Hide, 1000-MleV proton synchro-

tron, 238Oliver, B. N., a.v.c. as a feedback problent, 2501Over, W., long range using 1 W at 7 Mc/s, 1452Ols, R. K., with G. E. Hamilton, WTTG television aerials, 653Olson, H. F., a.f. noise-suppression circuits, 933, (A) 2146t Eleniemits of

Acoustical Engineering, (B) 1548; frequency-range preferencefor speech and music, 10

-and others, underwater sound transducers, 1542Omber, A. C., with K. A. Norton, maxinsuni range of racdar set, (D) 432Oostekmp, W. J., with others, electromi mmicroscope for 4091 kV', 2039Oppenheimer, F., with others, field control in linear accelerator cavity,

(A) 2319Ordung, P. F., c.r.o. measurement of short d.c. pulses, 2555Orthuber, potential distribution on metal or sem,iconductor surfaces,


Ortusi, . A., barner-layer photocells, 1202with H. Gutton, u.h.f. umodulation in wavegimides, 54

Osborne, S. P., with R. D- Dunn, ploiighing by radio, 1131Osmond, W. P., with others, magnetic properties of fine wire, 1083Ostlund, N. H., and H. R. Hunkins, mnt,ltichannel radio-wire likubs,

(A) 2614A. K, V'allarino and it. Silver, stabilized f.m. systers, 860

Oswald, 3., losses in waveguides, 949; Lecher lines aisd related problemns,338

Ovenden, H.L W., recent developments in astronoutiy, 2227Qwen, A R. G., ani L,. Reynolds, effect of flanges on radiation patterns

of small horas, 24B8Owen, D. L., with others, Comomon-aerial working for v.h. f. systrmts 3520Owen, F. C., with others, fading machine, 2299Oxford, A. J., pulse comnistnication, 2079, (D) 2618

vith others, precision radar, 1982Oyston, H. 3., with S. 4. Lott, 5-inch c.r.o.,25%


Packard, K. S., with others, v.h.f. s.w.r. plotting device, (A) 2552Page, N., radiation resistance of ring aerials, 18f2; series-loaded inast

radiators, 3342Paine, HL C., with H. E. Dinger, accuracy of radio itoise rneters, (D) 1484;

impedance-iiiatching A/2 transforiner, 394Palieri, L., and A. Piecinini, aerial power nieters, 2021Palluel, P., secondary electron erission from solids, 89

Palmer, R. C., phase synchronization for remote television signals, 30and L. Mautner, video amplifier tranmsient response, (A) 2475

Palmer, W. MWK., with others, measurement of rainfall by radar, 8121Palqsiit, A., with R. B. Monroe, C.B.S. studio-control console,

(A) 2430, 3241

Panda, A., survey oif omiosphere theory, 723Pannet, IF. E., characteristics of pow-er supplies for transmnitters, 281Panofky, IF. K. NI.. C. Richimian and F. Oppenheimer, field control in

linear accelerator cavity, (A) 2319

Panter, P. F., with others, distortion in pulse-code imiodulation, (A) 2281;

signal/noise ratio in pulse-count modulation system, (A) 2614

Panton, .L, G. W. Edwards and G. B. Townsend, television receiverdesign, 1187

Papas, C. N., and R. sing, radiation resistance of end-fire and collinear

arrays, 3030

Papp, GC, with Z. Bay, coincidence circUit with high resolving power,2471

Pappenhu, E. W., with G. L. Sansbury, wow iiieter, 2148

Parenti, V., electronic flaw-detectors, 1426Parker, B., cathode follower, 1593.Parker, L. W., television intercarrier sound svstem, 1188Parkin, W. E., and J. M. Ieffler, plasma sheaths as variable capacitors,

(A) 2320

Parkinson, W. C., G. M. crover and H. R. Crane, design of synchrotronmagnets, 1121

Palcks, C. N., and S. H. NMoss, wide-band p.mii., 2621with S. H. Moss, pulse commurication on lines, 2615

Parks, W., with others, v.h.f. cross-channel conmmunication, 3497

Parmentier, M., J. I. Hiirault and E. Boucherot, 12-channel carrier-

_current systems, 1489 , . .Parodi, I, propagation along non-uniforni cable, 1549Parratt, L. C., with others, airborne magnetometers, 220Paons D. R., a.m. ts f.m., (D) 1752Parsons, 3. N.. electronic counting and sortirg devices, (A) 2574Pasons, S. 3., with others, effect of solar activity on D-layer ionization,

413; galactic r.f. radiatio,s at 64 Mlc s, 1926; radio observations

of (Giacobinid DICteor shower, I946i, 2781; refltuetin and refrasction of ciii waves over grotummd, 519

Partington, 3. R., (T. V. Planer an(I 1. I. Roswel, lidilec ric resi,dul effectsin titanites, 2263

Parzen, B., imiipedance measuiru-iiirtet, (A) 2552Paren, P., electrical constants of coaxial (alulc(, 331Pask, 3. A., glasstmtietal scaling, 1972Pasler, M., trapezoidal wasefonu, with uioise factor, 2470Patchett, C. N., loudspeaker dimuping, (D) 13PatemanL, J. N., with F. I. W. Strafford, television aerials, close-spacedl

arrays, (D) 28Paterson, C. C., I.E.C. research laluor.alctri,s, 1524; tren(ls in r.udio cisn-

munication, 2115Patry, J., radiatioms impedance of eus. dipuole, (A) 1280

with T. MIuller-Strobel, utirrent c,ilcitlatioti for frause receiving aerials,33

Patterson, T. A., Jr, utility a.f. ainplifier, 208Patton, W. V., conductor paints, (A) 1614Pawsey, J. L., with others, r. f. solar radiation and soLnspots, 412Payne, J. J., cleaning switch contacts, 1387Payne.Sgott, R., visibility of smiiall echoes on p.p.i., 1985

D. E. Yabsley anid J. G. Bolton, solar radiation, v.h.f., 711with others, r.f. solar radiation and sunspots, 412

Peachey, F. A., with A. R. A. Rendall, variable a.f. tusciliator, 1414Peake, N. J., voltage amplification formulae, 2495Pearce, A. F., and B. J. MIayo, v.m. reflex valve for A I cm, 8M7Pearce, S. F., interference, froiii electrified railway, 1744, illships, 2900Pearce, W. F., Introduction to Wireless, (B) 2681Pearcey, T., e.imi. field near cusp of caustic, 225Pearson, G. L., magnetic-field-strength iiieter tusing Hill effect in fae, 3172;

physics of semiconductors, (A) 128,2264with W. Shockley, effect of surface charges out thin semicomiductlr

films, 3438Peilin, Luo See Luo, Peiliii.Pekar, S. L, and 0. F. oniasevich, therntionic emission front mietals

covered by semiconductor, 3391Pekeris, C. L., field of dipole near horizomi, 224,1443Pelaei,C.,Angola radio network, 2628Pdligat, N., electronic multi-range voltohtiimeter, 1100Pendleton, W. W., correction of corona on small bushings, (A) 145Penin, F., aerial navigation systems, 1961Penning, F. M., and J. H. A. Moubis, Ne glow discharge with Mo cathode,


Penrose, R. P., with B. Bleamiey, inversioms spectrum of NH,, pressurubroadenxing, 1918, collision broadening, 3397

Pepinsky, R., and P. Jarmotz, h.v. stabilizer, d.c., 3257, inductivelycoupled degenerative, (A) 278

and others, recovery tilmie of G-M counters, 2309Pepper, T. P., oinidirectional array of stacked V-aerials, 2170Pera, R., all-band amateur transnuitter, 1803Perlat, A., meteorology and radio, 2236Perrier, F., a.c. Wheatstoile bridges, 3180Perronne, G., h.f. case-harderLing of steel, 1117Person, R. P., and T. A. Rich, opinion isieter, 1118Person, S. V., distortion correction illclass-B inodulator, 1809

with others, efficiency of valve oscillator, 1609Persoz, B., uniform and exponential trauismuiission lines, 1258Peskin, E., and E. Weber, d.c. characteristics of iisicrowave bolouietcrs,

2882Peters, B., withothers,f.m. cyclotron, 2314Peters P. N., magnetron f.m. method, (A) 2614Peters, R. C., aerial tower design, 35; facsiitlilev tramisimmitter, 2648; h.f.

f.m. aimplifier, 691Peterson, D. W., with others, v1i.i. tcltvVicioTu Pruopagatiomi uuneasuurellelutb,


Peterson, E., with L. A. Meachams, utoultichamuiiel pulse-code Mitnfmlatimssystem, 2366

Peterson, G. E., with others, Hearing Aids, (B) 2714; hearing aits, body-baffle effects on, 1248, conuprison tests for, 2711

Peterson, H. A., with others, electrois trajectories by differential atiiilyser,2408

Peterson, J., United Nations telecoimmsunicatiois, 557Peterson, L. C., space-charge effects in iicurow ave tetrodes, 880Petraglia, F. A., (Ed.), Electronic nmgine,ring Slaster Index, 1940,

'( 1220Petrich, R. O., wide-baiid .5a-McMs ainplifier, 692Petrides, T., diode crystals for variable tilute-uu l-tistus, 371Petrie, D. P. R., principles of v.III.,893Petrie, D. R., with others, valves, 895Petrie, W., excitation conditions in tipper atmtsphere, 1359Petropoulos,G. M., h.v. characteristicsof earth resi,tansces, 1982Petrllka, V., and J. Benet, crystal calts tuettnniutedl X rays, 144Pfeil, K., tricking in superheteroclynes, 3502Philizon, C., with A. Clavier, Paris, link, 551Philipp, E. M., niucrophones, charctteristics ot, 1239Phillips, E. N., W. G. Sterns and IN, J. (a.musa,riu. Eligh-F reqjtiency Measuring

Techniques tising Transiiiissiott LiCes, (B) 2030Phillips, N. B., and L. A. Ware, transsit tuimui effect in klystron gaps, 898Phillips, J. W., with others, effect of solar actiuity sn Di-layer ionization,

413; galactic r.f. radiation at 04 Cs 1926oPhillips,M. L., critical frequrneies and sxol,racus itsv,727Piaggio, H. T. H., magnetic field of ittassive rotuting bodies, 2775Piatti, L., u.h.f. receiving valves, 2413Piaux, L., recent researches on inssilatimig aterials, 2819Picard, M., antivibration immiimersion galvausoiimeter, 2848Piccinini, A., with L. Palieri, aerial posver muteters, 2021Pickard, G. W., and H. T. Stetson, troposphleric propagatiori auid weather,


Pickering, N. C., high-fidelitv voluisue expansder. 696; record wear, 2684;space-charge output tetrodes, Al 86, 2B67

Pidd, R. W., with L. Madanskv, parallel-plate counters, 3200Piddington, J. H., and L. U. Hibluard ticltasefuor radar range measure-

ment, 2488Pieroe, J. A., solar eclipseof 1st Oct. 194i, 1924

Pierre, R., noise in resistors amid valves, 2220; passise iucodles in travIll-Ing-wave valves, 3548

-and W Sihepherif, reflex oscillators,611Pillow, M. E.,with A. C. Bate, misean free pathof sound in auditorium, 2Pim,J.A., u.h.f. breakdown strengthofair, 3141Pinciroll, A., negative-resistance crystal oseillators, 1882; standard-

frequency and tine signal cel'tre, itrin, 1987Pine, C. C., r.f. shielded room, 2642Pinkerton, J. M. M., ultrasonic absorptios ius uvater, 4Pipes, L. A., Applied Ifathemiiatics for I-igiuseers antd t'hysicists, (B)1394Pippard, A. B., medium-aperture horn ralitor, 2453; surface h.f. imped-

ance of superconductors, 1014and N. Elson, elimmiinatiors of standitig sasves imu paraboloid wave-

gujide-fed aerials, 2489G. E. H. Reuter and E. H. Siomidheituier, conmioctivity of metals at

microwave frequencies, (D) 2768Pisarevski, A. M., with A I. ILebedlev-KIarvitimaov, immodulation systemI

designs problemiss, 1808Pistolkors, A. A., theory of circulardiffraction aerial, 1858; theory of slot

aerials, 1266Pivovarov, S. P., high-gain a.f. aisiplifier, 3378,; voltage stabilizationafor

television apparatus, 1766Planer, G. V., with others, dielectric resi(ital effectsin titanates, 226Pilat, J. R., with W. S. Huxford, itifra-red couimsiiunication systems, 2906

- with H.S.Snyder, principles of optical comnmurxication systems, 2909Pboos van Amstel,J. J. A.,small Serectibiers, 3283Pluse, I., f.m. signal interference, 813

Poch, W. J., television synchroniziiig geiserator frequemicy stability, 292- and H. C. Shepard, television imiobile unit, 1789

Poittevin, M., X-ray tube with line focus, 217Polivanov, K. M.,ferromagnetic mimaterials inalternating fields, 34S0Pollack, D., with A. R.Miccioli, f.m. receiver design, 244Polla, I., atonal interval, 2136; filtering amid speech intelligibility, 889;

nuonaural and binaural thresholds, I.3- with J.C. R. Licklider, effects of distortion on intelligibility of speech,


Pollrd,C. E.,with J. T. L.Brown, Hg-contact relays, (A) 234Polosky- 3., improvements in negltive-fee(lback amplifiers,3877


Page 9: Index to abstracts and references 1948 - author index


Pomeroy A.F m easurenenrnt ofiijepedn rc miniutchtinusiaveguidi, 468

Pond,T. A. i,ndW. F. Canrain inirrowsee spectrium ofNH, 1018le Poole, B., electron microscope siith viaciable ikagnification, 213

with M. v. flents, coiilputation of siagoetic electron lenses, 2321with others, electrots iiiceroscope for 4dlii kA, 2039

Popok,S. A., and F. D. Klenient, intluene ilfinhire red ravs oniCSli)bphosphors, 1651

Porter, R. W., slteasonic siren, 2433Fosin, D. Q., iiiii roe aspark, 2818Possenti, R., charts for atteniiataton i ZobIt'filsler, 1334Potemein, V. V., ladlertppefilters, 30070Potter, G., polse inciltiplex coiiimutonii Mtios , 3507Potter, J. A., crittrol of thyratronreo cifilen, 39, 2640Potter, R. K., G,. A. Ksopp and H. C.eGrr-; iitAe e Stpech,lB) 2713Pound, R. V.. d iplit micro tsv. cicoisLI sU,i(ii.tti' liy t m 3247; stililtlizt ion ,I,111i icwave oiscillators 1311

-atirlE iis.,odMiAlowavse ixerse (Bi 269Power, R., Modilsl 5 tidill hearing aids, 2156Powles, J. G., miieasureiiient of permtittisvity at ciii A, 2541- With DlIunimor, dieleitic properties of liquids at 9.4-350 ciii, 1992Prache, P.M; electronotiotion between constant-potential electrodes,

1012; theory of negative-feedback amplifiers, 383, 132

-Wsith Ni. Prodhon, extetisions of netsork theory, 1292Prager, H. J.,w ith C. I. Inortis receiving valses for indiistrial use, (Al 2663

Pratt, H. G., signal generator, 1098Pratt, T. H.,nfara-redimage-converter lobe, 1710do Prd, K., with Ml(. evers, power lasctr and peruitiivitvtletiperatuote

"cl fis iens ot solicl dielectrics, 1059Preisman, A., nodl itiieihod of circuit analysis, (D) 671

Prentice, J. P. M.,A. C. B.Lovell and C. f. Basioell, radio eiho ohserea-lions of neteors, 2779

Pressey, B. G.,h.f andv..fh. ratdiogoniometers, 3414, error ineasuretisemrtfor, 3413

-nani G. Ashiwell, puLlsehield-strength titeastiring set for v.h.f., 1684Preston, with others, underwater soundtransducers, 1542Price,J. F., effectiveness of by-pass capacitors atv.h.f., 2473Price,S. L., balanced clipper noise suppressor, 2692Price, W. L., shadow effects(lue toteiiiperature inversions,349Prichard, S.,with H. R. Skifter, aerial patternt seasurentient, 2727Primakoff, H., and J. B. Keller, reflection andtransnission of soundby

thin curved shells, 912

Pcinz, D. G., d.c. aniplifiers with atitoitiaticzero adjustmsent, 1602Pritchard, R1. L., and M. D. Rosenberg, optimani directivity patterns for

linearacoustic arrays, (A) 3292Pritchard, W. L.,A 4-coupled waveguide filters, 1000Procopiu, S.,geontagnetism, D and H at Jassy, 1941-1007,933; secular

%ariations of magnetic eleritents at Jassy, 1931-1947, 1935Prokhorov, A. M., withL. A. Lyustecnik, determnination of operator

eigenvalues bv RC circuit, 457Prowse, W. A., solid diagrams for resonance phenomena, 2481Pradhon, M., and P. M. Prache, extensiorns of network theory,1292Pruzhanski, M.M., with others, tower aerials for broadcasting, 26Pryce,M. H. L.,with C. Domb,field strengthover spherical earth, 800Ptitsyn, S. V., emission from oxide cathodes, 1826Pugh, A. L.,Jr, with J. Marsten, printed resistors, (A) 1614, (A) 2763Pagliese, F., with others, u.h.f. mobile andfixed communication, 2081,

(D)3514Puleston,R., with others,c.r. tubesfor radar, (D) 887; screens

for radar, 885Pullen, K. A.,Jr,cathode-coupled amplifier, (D) 1322Pumper,E. J., experimentalinvestigation of electric fluctuations,1520Ptmphrey,R. J., and T. Gold, degree of resonance of human ear, 8;

resonance theory of hearing, 3003Putley,E. silicon/metal contact resistance, 2537Putman,J. L., input impedance ofcentre-fedA02 slot aerial, 3346- and W. B. Macro, slotaerials in corner reflectors, 2467

B. RusseU and W. Walkinshaw,field near centre-fedA/2 slot aerial,3345


Quantie, Chow See Chow Quantie.Queffee, 3., multivibrators using two triodes, 2487Quennuie,M.H., randomflights, (D)de Quevedo,J. L.G., with others, frequencystabilization of iiiicrowave

oscillators by spectrum lines, 2180


Radio Corporatn of America, R.C.A. Technical Papers Index [to 1941,.

HAdley, W. G., hearing-aid development, 1245; speech communicationin deafness or loud noise, 260

Rado, J. A., with others, feedback amplifiers, (A) 382Rae, E.R., with S. C. Curran, G-M counters, analysis of impulsesfrout,

1708, with beaded wires, 494Ragg, M., rust and the protection of iron, 441Raitt,R. W., ultrasonic reflection from sea bottom, (A) 629

with others, reverberation in the sea, 3290Rakahit, H., molecular and atomic oxygen in upper atmosphere, 418Ralston, D. D., transmitterfor local duplex operation, 307aunbo, W. H., coaxial load for u.h.f. calorimeter wattmeters, 174Ramer, L.G., with P.E. Sabine, absorption/frequency characteristics of

plywood panels, 2691Ramm, C. A., photoelectric thresholds of G-M counters, 1707Ramsey, B. P., with V. A. Brown, Maxwell bridge at periods 1 210ff sec,

(A) 182

Ramsy, H. T., rating of thermionic rectifiers, 599RAmsy, L. A., vertical distribution of radar field strength over sea, 2058Ramsay, J. 1.,Fourier transforis in aerial theory, 166, 1068, 2270, 3159Ramaden. W., with others, efficiency of ZuS phosphors, 3422Rand, G.E., duocone loudspeakers, 3240Randaill,J. A., with others, resistivity and Hall effect of Ge at low tempera-

tures, (A) M3Ranll,J. T., with H. A. H. Boot, cavity magnetron development, 890,

(D) 38Ranger, R. magnetic-tape recorders, 329, design of, 20Rantsen, B., A. R. A. Rendall and S. N. Watson, land-line technique

for television outside broadcasts, 3536Rassweiler, G. M., with W. S. Erwin, ultrasonic resonance and non-

destructive testing, 1112RAtee,J. A., and I. J. Shaw, ifiteraction of radio staves, 3219Ratheimr, L., cathode problems, 1824; international frequency-changer

equivalents, 1821; oscillation frequency limits of grid-controlledvalves, 1818; receiver design, 1459; u.h.f. circuits, 1288;wide-band amplification, 2753

Rathenau, G. W., and J. L. Snoek, magnetic anisotropy in Ni-Fe alloys,am

Rathgeber, B. D., with D. J. Medley, precision double-pulse generator, 3191Halsey 0. L., radar transmitters, survey of developments, 2095Ranl, RR., with others, mass and disintegration products of meson, 715Rauch, L. L., fluctuation noise in pulse-height multiplex radio links, 815Rawer, K., calculation of field of space wave, 514; forecasting of iono-

sphere critical frequencies, 419; ionospheric perturbations inzone of polar auroras, 421

with L. Hamberger, s.w. propagation round earth, 3216RAy, with others,. inherent noise in receivers, 2349Raymond, -, with Giloteau, television reception tests, 1798Rayner, B., and L. H. Ford, capacitance measurement at National

Physical Laboratory, 2863Read, 0. W., and R. R. Scoville, interinodulation-distortion meter, 2858Read, J. C., h.v. Hg-arc rectifiers, (D) 861Read, 0., recording and reproduction of sound, 1545, 2441, 2706Reber, G., solar intensity at 480 Mc/s, 1921Redgment. P. G., with R. V. Whelpton, c.w. long-range navigation aids,

198Redmayne, W., transmission-line theory simplified, 3013

Rodnton, 0. D., and J. E. Stanworth, effect of temperature and/or humidity

on seat stresses, 2799Heed, electronmicroscopy conference, Leeds, 1947, 1713

Regenstrei,E.,electeiron mirrors, 1013Reich, mode separatin tin oscillators, (A) 2475

and R. Ungvary, a f. and ultrasonic frequmenrymneter, 2292

Reid, A. F., internol cyclotron targets, 795

Reid, D. 60ciii mumltirliannc pulse-phase-moutImlation systems, 2625-aand J. K. Garlick, absorptoonstuvemveerofo dos 3464; A frit,

telephone, 3506Reid, with S. C. Curran, nonsymmetrical cotunters, 2577

Reitz, L. P., reverberation tests broadcast stusslios, 930

Kelton, F. Applied Bessel Functiomls, (H) 2275

Remillon, R., withothcrs, abrrration ofe.s. tens, 2940Kendall, A. A., and A. Peachey, variablea.f. osciltator, 1414

withothers, land-line tech imiquefor television outside broad.t3536f

Renwick, W., withAT

V. Wilhes, mltranistic uinit foe IDSAC, 3448

Relief, D. P. and H, J.Barker,-1OJ12 open-wire carrier telephonesystems, 2610

Hettie, S., withothers,16oferteV brtatronus 3482

Reftingee, M., dynariiic symmetry ofsiudios, 636and S.Ms. Stevens, sound reinforcement the Hollywood Brwl, 1544

Renter,Gf. H., witfh others, condurtivity of metals at microwavefreeuencies, (D) 2758

Revereomb, H. with P. W.Mlorse,u.If. healing of frozen fosxt, 504

Hevirietx, P., localization of sporadic-E regions, 3410

Hex, H. B., magneticasnpliihee 1869Reynolds, D.,component testfng forreicevers, 2864

Reynolds, L.G., with A. R. G. Owrn, effect offlanges radiation patIentsof small horns, 2468

Reynolds, S. I., re-entrant cavityforeoss measurement, 765Rhodes,D. R., miniature(0lm /ITtransmritter, 1508Rhodes, R. G., With H. F. Hafii, crystals, 126Riblet, H. maximumdirectivity of aerials, 2731; theory og directiommal

couplers, 675; impedance indicator for A 3 (A) 2552

and T. S. Saad, waveguide directional coupler, 1855

Rice, S. matrix theory fur reflections from circular bends fn rectangumlaewavegciides, 2721; properties of sine plus noise, 2219

Rich, T. A., and G. Gardner, self -alancfng potentiometer, 768

withR. P. Person, opinion 1118

Richards, P. I., resistorotransmissionnline circuits, 1871; scalar amid

vectoir ctentials, 702

Richardson, A. W., with B. J. Cosmmn, Harveydouble superbsterodynef.m. receiver, 246

Richardson, H. 0. W., magnetic focusfng between inclined plane pole-fares, 409

Richardson,J.R andothers,f.m. cyclotron, 2314Hickman, C.,wifhboters, fieldcontrolin linear accelerator cavity, (A) 2319

Richunan, P. L., with others, packaged amplifiers, 2207

Richmond, A. a.f. response measurements in broadcasting, 1406R ichmnnd,I J., with others,u.hff. niobie and fixedcommunication,

2081, (D) 3814

Ridenour, L.N. (Ed.), Radar SystemEngineering, (B) 435

Rideout, V. C., a.f.c. of microwaveoscillators, 226: parallel-tunedtrans-former design, 2177

Rider, F., and S. D. Uslan,F.M.Transmission and Reception, (B)3626Ridgway,J.F., with D. G. Tucker, design of synchrodyne receiver, 526Riese,G., with W. Kleinsteuber, selectivity of broadcast receivers, 3499Riethmtlller,J., methods and apparatus for measuring emission of oxide

cathodes, 1095Rigal, R., propagation in cylindrical waveguides, 2723

and J. Voge, waveguide theoryfor plane 1553Rigteriik, M. D., andR. 0. Grisdale, porcelains withlow dielectric loss,

(A) 445

Rimes,RH earthing andsoi resistance, 1063Ring, D. B., delay distortion in microwave repeaters, 2859

with A. C. Beck, testing with circulated pulses, 777

Rinia,1 J-de Gierand P.M. vanAlphen,home projection television, 2387

with Brey, air cooling of transmitting valves, 2673Rfnh, B.,a.c. auxiliary emagnetization of cores, 2507Ritson, D.M., J. B. Hasted and C. H. Collie, dielectric properties of wate r,

heavy water and solutions ath.f., 79

-vith others, dielectric properties, of polar liquids at A,191, f

water and heavy water, 2508Ritson, F.J. U., with others, strobes and recurrence-frequency selectors,

987Rittner, E. S., improvementof photocell characteristics, 1816; semi-

conductors as amlplifiers, 3065Rivait,R., atmospherics, fine structure of, 2519, originof, 2521Rivire, P.,miultiplex RTo litikfor Corsica, 3508Rinkin, A. A., free regime of Iimiear systems, 3046; self-balaacing phase

inverters, (D) 2192

Roach,R.G., with C. N. Ssiivth, dielectric measurements at cmA, 1994Roaf, D., with others, signal generatorsforcm-A noise-factor measurements,

2026Robbins,R. C., and F.W. Black, crystalrectifiers for measurements, 1770

Roberts, A. (Ed.), Radar Beacons, (B) 3418Roberts, F.F., pulse technique in cable fault location, 2842Roberts,R. S., with W. J. irucker, Plastics for Electrical and Radio

Engineers, (B) 1066Robertshaw,R. with others,microswave communication link,54Robertson, S. D., targets for microwave radar navigation, 1043Robinson, C. S., with H. W. Koch, pulse operationof betatron, 2315Rocard, Y., background noise due to sea waves, 251, 1742; French radio

observations during solareclipse, 20th May 1947, 1632; magneto-striction of Ni, 408; radar reception of solar e.m. radiation,1627; stability criteria for oscillatory systems, 1568

Rochester, N., and D.' R. Broewnu, rectifier networks for multi-positionswitching, (A) 2475

Rodda, S., potential distribution in treait tetrodes, 2109; themral noisein resistors, (D) 2072, (C) 3239

Roddam, T., high-stabilits ILC oscillator, 3374Roe, J. H., television field pickuip equipinent, 1506

and N. S. Bean, television field e(uipment, 2389Roeschke, C., trancsformer desigii. 38Roetlkn, A. A., repeaters for NewAAorblBoston relay system, 2919Roger, B., the electroshock, 3201

Rogers, D. C., cm-A signal generators, 2027with E. H. Ullrich, suieasuremmient of receiver noise factor, 1743

Rogers, W. E., analysis of cosuplexswaves, 3171Rogosinsli, A., and A. A'oisist, TIieastireiiient of efficiency ofG-M couaters,

496Romani, L., with other,,, asberration oft'.s tens, 2040

Romassow, F. F., and 'It S. Hawley, rating of microphones amid lusid-speakers, 324

Romanus, H., with H. Alfvsn, trochotron valve, 1205Romell, D., frequency chaiige duurilig propagation, 2052Romeyn, F. C.,with others, seussicorcductors with large negative temperatusre

coefficient of resistusie, 2265van Rooy, A. P., with J. de (bier, iiiiproveiiiemits in c.r. tube constructsiton,

2Roper, C. and J. F. 1 ngellberger, electromecharnical d.c. amuiplitier, 693Roques, P., frequency changing mn television receivers, 1193de Rosa, L. A., loudness, pitcli, sand smiasking phenomena, amid cocllea

mechanics, (A) 3312; phise (uistortion in audio systemus., IA) 2430

Rose, A.,srith P. K. Weimer, elec tron imiotion in uiniform magnetic field, 709

Rosenberg, M. D., with R. L. Pritchard, optimum directivity patterns forlinear acoustic (A) 3292

Rosenberg, W., milliwattnieter for 8g00-10COf1 Mlcs, 187Rosentreter, E. W., single-sigiial single-sideband adapter, 3230

Rosovsky, MH. I., propagation in viscous iiiedium, 1016

Ross, A. E., pulse-position modluslation without fixed referemcec, (A) 2614Ross A. H.. sith H. F. Atever, isitIltipath transmission simulator, (A) 2582Ross A. W., problems in shiptuornme r.s(lar, 1971Ross, D. A., with others, Hearing Aids, (8) 2714; hearing aidf. som-

parison tests for, 2711

Ross, H. M., with others, modtllatio,. amid waveform of light lieiti 1087Ross, I. M., war-time developimient of components, 1O9Ross, R. G., radar storm detection, 1964Ross, W., fundamental problems in h.f. direction finding,

and R. E. Burgess, design of H-type Adcock direction finders, 2528Rossby, C. G., angular velocity distribution in atmosphere, 1033Roston, B., v.h.f. screening, 2817Roston, -, buried metal detection, (A) 2882Rotblbt, J., E. A. Sayle and D. G. A. Thomas, scale-of-100 counter, 2306Rothenberg, H. C., with I. Rudnick, crystal probe microphone, (A) 3327Roubine, recent theories of the aerial, 341

Rousseau, with G. Giniaux, teceivers at 5948 Paris fate, 3231

Howell, R. H., and N.l'. ilillar, longscale inststruments,3173Rowland, R. J., uerials foe Citizens Radio, 3456; seriesceitc ini.i

coaxial lines, 1854Rowley,L., interference froni sircrait eleitrical equipuent, 2002Koyden,G. T., radio-range andtR equipment, 2534Royer, 3., with R. Charboonoier circuitss aiid valves in electronico, 339;

video amplifiers,h.f. corrc lion of, 1799,I.f. correction of, 1154Royss C. S., and P. H. Chin, c tint-current ritwork (A) 2475Reps, H. H., dish record iig, iiiiiiig forcie onlacqlee blanks, 638, iItiii

Muodulation distortsios anissalysi, 630with others, calibrationol fceqileucsreccrd., (Ai 2430

Kubel, 3. H., wish J. P. Blewctt,.o..xial delay liutes, 1287RuddlesdeR , E. IForstrr soi Z. (elonek, carr er freiifncy* hitstele-

graphy, 2354

Rudenberg,H. G., delay-3.delinecopiitd wide-band pulsearnplifier. (Al 2209;

thecry of delay line icupled travelling-wave asc plifier,(A) 2475Rudmose, H. W., acosistit perfoirinance of roims, (A) 2143

nd others,volceeTneasra iit stll audio spectrumeter. 3318

Rudnick, I., propagation of aioustic wave aling iowiisdaes, (C) 2122and If. Rothenberg, cryltit prcbe isiicrophone, (A) 3327

with C.ft.A llen, high-powhhier 3 34hi siren, 917

with others, ciological eff cIss itn stense iou,sd, 1533Reiegg, W., with E.Iitczalcr, biroadcastingO ii distributiottlii netisrks,


Rumbhagh, L. H.,svith otll iliert, aebsirbor intsgttetonter 220

Huunorn, S. K., variation of geocgagnetism with dipth 2516

Rushchuk, H., withotlhers toweraerials for broae...caisting, 26

Rushtorth, L., withothers, high piwsec poltcidtsiais, trut levtelopmeit,892, (D)3566

Rushman, D. F., and A. sinst ien, peritiittivity of poiiotpatisplec ofBaBliG,, 2262

Russell, B., with pther,, fisldnsircentre-fedA,0 2 slot aerial, 3345

Russell, 0. 3., nmedeen G'it tubes, 2870Kuthserg, S., with rihers,h.f. properties of ironnullov cores, 754

Rybuer, 3., circle diagrans of itiipedanceor adintttatneefor quadripsles,(A)3357; NoutograttisofComplex Hsperboltc Fttiictions, (B) 1986

Kydbeck, 0. E. H., theory of travelling-ease valve, 2962

Hyde, 3. W., attenuation aiod scattering at cit duie to ilotids, rain,etc.,2062

with others, Si-W rysotalrect fits,rs 687

Ryder, 3. D., Electronic migimeerning Principles, (B)007Ryder, K. W., earthing probletms, 2825Ryftin,Ya. A., resolving popyer of television systeiiu, 1785

Kyle, H., solar radio emissoost and sunspots, 2228

and GD. D.Vnherg, solar radiation, r.f., 2784, it 40 atidc I75 Ni,,s, 96

Hymer, T. B., electrical amid acousticalinstrumients at fitsicalSociety'sEibitition, 1947, 179

Kytov,S. M.,hield strength smseacureissent atciiiC 0, 491; grosip veilocityofeetin. waves, 1720

andM.E. Zhabotinski, oscillations in self oscilfatorv systerss, 456Kyvkin, S. H., with B.T. Kolfomiiets, photoelectric propertiesofInS aous

lnSe, 1388


Saad, T. S.. with H. J. Riblett, waveguide directional coispler, 1855

Seus, W. F., with W. W. Stifler, Jr, sotar [soundfiling and ranging], 2797

Sabarof S., distortion analysis technique, 2888

Sabine, h. J., sound absorption and impedance of materials, 928Sabine, P. E., and L. G. Ramer, absorption/frequencycharacteristics of

plywood panels, 2691Saneedtte, G., indurtive bridge, 1289Sack, B. S., and others, magnetic amplifiers, 664

8, 3. photoluminescence of ZnS, 16508, recent progress in the production of X rays,5876

Sabla, M. N.,B. K. Banerjea and U. C. Guha, ionospheric propagation of

e.m. waves, 1442; microwave radiation from sun, 2229

de Saint-Rol a, A., modern e.m. sweep technique, 209Sakue,B.D.,constants ofa- and P-quartz, 2538Salisbury, W. W., with D. H. Menzel, a.f. radio waves from the stsn, 1628Spedtr,J. L., fluorescent light and lamps, 1390; magnetic materials,

1662; television and colour, 1782with T. H. Oddie, design of minimum-cost chokes, 2183

Samarki, A. A.,and A. N. Tikhonov, excitation of waveguides, 3336SaUoilov, V.F., sawtooth-current generator, 1887Samue, A. L., c.r.o. presentation of impedances, 771

and C.F. Crandell, waveguide bridge to measure gain at 4000 MIcls,(A) 2552

Samuelaon, H.E., field tests and coverage of465-Mc/s equipmnent, 1728

Sande, K.F., galactic noise at 60 Me/s, 2618Sands, M., withothers, Model-200 pulse counter, 1106Sandatr6m, A.E., e.m.f. and internal resistance ofbarrier-layer photocells,

600; mechanism of Se photocells,812Sanial, A. J., curve tracer for loudspeakers and microphones, 2439;

loudspeaker design by electromechanical analogy,.939Sansbury, 0. L., andE. W. Pappenfus, wow meter, 2148Sapoahkov, M. A., summation of nonlinear distortions, 2071

Same, H.R., P.L. Kaptir and- Charanjit, He-filled G-M cesnters, 3474&Ssoon H, Alexandra Palace television centre, 2094Sathe,i., theory of quadripoles in closed chains, 967Savery, W. H., with others, alignment signal generator with display, 1698Savocy, W. A., design of a.f. compensation networks, 2436Sazon, D. S., with others, propagation in2-dielectric coaxial lines, (A) 2166Saxon, ., and C. W. Miller, hybrid waveguidejunctions, 2163

with others, cm-A and dm-A power measurement, 2022; waveguideattenuators, 1892

Sexton,J. A., deteruiination of aerial gain from polar diagram, 1861;dielectric properties, of aqueous salt solution, 1915, of water

at cmA, 1913, 1914, of water vapour at u.h.f., 1996and A. C. Grace, cm-A field-strength meter, 2029

- and J. A. Lane, dielectric properties of water at cm A, 1912with H. R. L. Lamont, intensity-distance law of radiation, 3492

Sayle,E. A., with others, scale-of-100 counter, 23C6Sayre, D., with others, recovery timne of G-M counters, 2309Seal,R. K. F., frequency-halving circuit,55Seanlon, W., and K. Lark-Horovitz, electrical behaviour of Te, (A) 130Sbhaffs, W., d.c. bridge with notnlinear resistances, 1570; siteasureitient

ofL, C orR by phase displaceiiient, 1670with H. Gerdien, mechano-piezoelectric generator for pulses an(t short

time intervals, 2570Schade, 0. H., electro-optical characteristics of television systeriis, 2940,

3261; magnetic-deflection circuits for c.r. tubes, 574Schatz,E.R., with others, measurement of ultra-short tinue interval sbith

chronotron, 762Schaub, C., with others, impact testing of plastics, 10658chein, M., with others, cosmic rays, latitude effect, 714

Schelkunoff, S. A., with AI. C. (;ra, .approxismmate solution of dilfeerentialequations, 2836

Scherb, M. V., photoelectric effect is self-quenching G-NI counters, 2033with C. E. Mandeville, resolving tinue and coincidence loss for fG-t

counters, 2034

Scherer, W. M., cathode-folloser v.f.o., 375; converted ART/l1 speech

amplifier, 1319; televisioms interference prevention, 3538&herrer, P.; with others, dielectric properties of Rochelle-type crystals, 43RSchick, W., capacitance stability of nuica, 447

Schiffeemller, H., permeabilitv of ring duist-cores, 471

SchJese,3., direct-reading imispedance nieter, 2861Schilling, H. K.,with W. l. Ne Iirg, h. f. whistles, edge tones and resonance,

(A) 2129

Schlegel, B. A., f.m. calibratosr, 773, applim ations, 774

Schlesinger, K., l.f. compensationim fer asisplifiers, 1601; nmagneticdelectiornin kinescopes, 573

Schneeberger, R. J., tetrode soltmieter for high rmegative voltafies, 2285

Schneider, A. W., public addm-ess systems for United Nations auditoria, 15Schneider, E. E., with othere, transnoission-situe (liode as cm-A noise source,

207Schoch,A., with others, isoList abIosrber.samdlsound-damuped rooui,6Schonland, B. F. 3., and P. G. cane, lightning warnming device, (D) 2793

with P. G. Gane, ceraeinommmeter, 2794

with D. J. Malan, lightning, 1362

Schott, F. W., with others, Tletweork analyser for study of e.m. nelils,(A) 2475


Page 10: Index to abstracts and references 1948 - author index

Index to Abstracts and References 1948

Schott, J. T., with others, pulse-eciho ineasureoients on cables, 2296Schouten, J. F., perception of pitch.- with others, 48.chantel carrier telephone system, 2268

Schrader, B. 3., with others, telerait, 1847Schroeder, A. C., with others- expericonental sinnitiltaneous colour telesision

system, 672Schuck, 0. B., standard del-is litie for phase roieasurement, 1683

Schulz, P., theorv of high SOiTent arc iolumn, 3086

Schulz, W. M. H., h.f. insulating materials and chemical structure, 1385Schumann, F., and C. Duke, r.f . bridge for broadcast stations, 2583Schuatn, f., with R. Kollath, 15-Mek' betatron, 3207Schupp, R. L., and R. Mecke, valve voltmeter and d.c. amplifier, 3178- with R. ilecke, sensitive capacitance measurements, 2000Schwartz, E., f in., 2817Schwartz, h S., Rieke diagrams for oscillator design, 3371; Statistical

methods in electronic system design, (A) 2877, 2992Schwarzschild, M.,with L. F. Hausman, integration of difterential equations

by use of punched-card machines, 1687Schwinger, J., with H. Levine, soind radiation from unflanged pipe,

(A) 28, 1846Sott, F. S. G., standard termis and abbreviations, (D) 2876Scott, H. H., dynamic a.f. noise suppressor, 932- and E. G Dyett, Jr, audio aiiiplifier and noise suppressor, 2759Scott, R. F., Collins receiver, Model 7.5A-1, 2599Scott, W. E., mean K-indices and C-values for 1946, 1929Scott, W. J., power supplies for aircraft coinniunication equipment,

2-with others, valses, 895

Scoville, R. R., with G.. W. Read, intemniodulation-distortion meter,2858

Scroggie, M. G., advantages of large receiving aerial, 28; a.m. es f.m.,(D) 1180 heterodyning and modulation, (D) 1146;- soundreprodtuction, (D) 1224; standard tem,s and abbreviations,2427

Seal, P. M., square-wave analysis of cotmipensated amplifiers, (A) 2552Seman, C. B., panoramic receiver, :1.5-20 Mc/S, 2600Sears, R. W., electron-beanm ttube for pulse-code modulation, 2411Seaton, S. L., electron produc tion ill ionosphere, 724; experniiental

determination of ionospheric gyrofrequency, 2238; mnagneto-ionic muiltiple refraction at high latitudes, 254

- and C. W. Matich, Auroral Research at College, Alaska, (E) 2795H. W. Wells and L. V. Berkner, Ionospheric Research at College,

Alaska, (B) 2796Seaver, J. D., and R. E. Anderson, quality control of permanent -magnet

alloys, 449Seeker, B., accuracy of impedance measurements, 3170S;eely, S. W., ratio detectors for f.m. receivers, 23468edy, S., nicrowave aerial analysis, 66

Sefnyi, P., space-charge theory antd electron inertia, 3391- and N. Szokely, effect of bending on Se rectifiers, 86

leaoa, Z. 8., diurnal variation of tropospheric temperature, 100eiagman, P., with others, monosphere and solar eclipse, 20th May 1394,


Sall, . B., v.h.f. crystal oscillators, 1301Semnov, V. F.. lattice filters for den A, 887$emm, F., and R. P. Nakasone, r.f. oscillator-controlled potentiomneter

recorder, 1422Sequee, G., comaponents salon, Paris, 187

Ser6er, t., beam dynamics in linear accelerator, (A) 2317

Screm, L3., decade-ring scaling circuit, 2184Seein, B., conductivity of metals at u.h.f., 14Sette, D., distortion in light modulation by ultrasonic cell, 3000

- with P. G. Bordoni, capacitance meter with quartz resonance indica-tor, (A) 22

Sev, A., with Mt. Toussaint, synchronization of broadcasting networks,280

8eint, HI., diffraction at aperture in metal sheet, 3097Sevi, F., distortion due to umonnetallic resistors, 3362Swig, R., comuparison of neighbouring frequencies by beats, 3483

Sebold, H., curing interference to television reception, 254

SeYlar, P. K., with others, rtural radiotelephony in Colorado, 2629Seymour, R. A., with W. H. B. Cooper, temiiperature-dependent resistors,

Shadowita A., shunted-aeiiplifier input admittance, 2756Shenos, B., and l. Nudes, design of muetal G-' I counters, 1102Shanlad, J. H., with others, p.m. signal generator for 26-800 Me/Ns,


81han1ln. 3. P., .hf. aerial, with circular polarization, 1589, with vert-ical polarization, 1279

Shapiro, H., weith others, ultrasomie delav lines, 2479Sharp, C. E., and R. F. Lacy, portable'uicroswave commnunication set,

2914Sbhrplese, T. K., Hg delay lines, 673; high-speed n-scale counters, 2186Shaw, 8. 3., with J. A. Ratcliffe, interaction of radio waves, 3819Shaw, F., with others, mercury -delay-line memory, (A) 2475Shawe, L.. W., and C. Md. Burrell, direct-reading cm-A wavemeters, 2018;

Q-meter for cni echo boxes, 2006Shearer, D. G., and W. W. Brockway, radiovisor landing system for airt

crafr, (A) 262

Shelton,G.R. A. S. Creamer and E. N Bunting, Ha Mg titanate dielectrics,


Shembel, D. K., circuit equivalent of quartz ers-stals, 13with 0. 4. Tkhorzhevski, svnechronization of valve oscillator by a

hamlonic,Shepard, B. C., with W. J. Poch, televisioti mobile unit, 1789Shepard, W. G., high-gain d.c. Amplifier, 380hepherd, W. 0., with J. O. McNally, reflex oscillators for radar, 1818

wsith J. R. Pierce, reflex oscillators, 611Sheppard, C. B., with others, mercury-delay-line memory, (A) 2476Sheppard, P. A., structure and refractive index of loseer atmosphere,

hen, R., tight-weight waveguides, 755Sherd,. C., resonant-line coil, 72herehy-Harv;e, 6. D. See Harvie, N. B. K. S.Sherwin, C. W., short time delavs in G- I counters, 2576Sherood, F. 3., with B. C. ('Brien, phase monitor for broadcast arrays,

Shipton, H. W., with others, demiiagnetizinig amplifier valves to eure ripple,3889

Shk1toer, D.'A., tunainescent output of phosphors, 2281Shovky, 3. S., galactic and solar r.f. emission, 96ShlYsmin, B. A., radar and weather, 2254Shockley. W., and G. L. Pearson, effect of sturface charges on thin semi.

conductor films, 3435

Shone, A. B., and R. T. Fatehchand, ime.asurement of telegraph distortion,286

Shonnard, 3. R., facsimile niodutiator photocell, 2961ShuftreY, A. L., with others, moduilation and svavefonn of light beam, 1087Shhulman, C.. and Mt. S. Heagy, theory of travelling-wave valve, 2105,

(C) 3274

ShUnaman, F., pulse-code modulation, 2626Shur, Ya. S., and A. S. Khokhlov, therincimechanical treattuent of ferro-

magnetic materials, 1062- mtnd A. A. Lukshin, iiagnetization aiid inagnetostriction curves of

alsifer alloys, J194tvith others, effect of rtust and recrestallization on soft magnetic

materials, 19

Sih W., and S. Milazzo, aerials, for circular polarization, 33, andelliptical polarization, (A) 342

Sienen, G. 3., and F. Kerkhof, bome projection television, 2387Siforov, V. L. u.h.f. amplifiers, noise in, 3067, theory of, mSing, P. F., frequency allocations, 1747Milare, R. W., with others, SiC nonlinear resistors, (D) 3381

Silver, H, nioiatoring equipment for f.u. broadcasting, 488, 28W1;pretuned band-pass frequetucy multiplier, 684

-and H. A. French, high-quality broadcasting radio links, (A) 2614-wsith others, stabilized f.m. systema, 860

Simane, C., with P. Debraine, automatic ssnchronization of cyclotron,2038

Simon, E., F.W. Thotiias, soldering At alloys, 2827Simon, L., dieltric aerials, 334Simons,R. F., with others, stabilized magnetometer, 798

Shimon, A. I. F., designof small single-layer coils, 963Simpson, O., conductivity of PbSe flIns, 1376

G. B. M. Sutherland and d. E. H1lackwell, PbTe photocells, 269

with others.PbSe photocells, 1815

SimPson, S. B., Jr, and R. E. Hanlnizond, fas iumile sitanlirds, 1772Sicelair, D. B., measurements at v.h.f.,1408Sinclair, G., E. C. Jordan amid E. W. Vaughan, aerisl radiation pattern

Smeasurements tusing models, 1278

Stith, x N., with S. S. Banerjee, F.-laver electron density near equator,2239

Singleton, H. E., with R. S. Bailey, rediciiig trans-mission bandwidth,3539

Sitte. K., with E. Mienzer, f.lin. raliosiiuold, 111 2588

Sittkan,A., efe ct of magnetic storimi on cosmic radiation, 3113Siian, L. J., uiltrasouiic absorption in air and other gases, 914

Skellelt, A. H., radial-beam valve with es. foctusing, (A) 2683S Biter,H. R., and J. S. Prichard, aerial pattern measurement, 2727Slack, C. M., and L. F. Ehrke, high-speed radiography, 1715

Swater, D., with C. F. Bays, hermetic sealing of tranLsfonriers, 749

Slaughter, J. H., with D. Maurice, f.m. reception, 2345Staymaker, F. H., and W. F, Meeker, blind guidance by tultrasonics,

(A) 2573with L. L. Merrill, directioiial charac.teristics of claniped-edge disk,

3288Sleeper, M. B., flus. television relay vs c)axial cable, 2370; U.S.A. fac-

simile service possibilities, 289Slepyan, L. B., sensitis-ity of receivers, 3232Slichter, L. B., and E. C. Bullard, Frenkel's theory of geomagnetism,

(D) 104

Slfikovic, 3., miniature radio components and receivers, 1339Sloncnwkld, T., with others, airborne magnetometerst 220Van Slooten, 3., with P. Cornelius, improved diversity and directive

broadcast reception, 255Slutske, M. A., and Mit. A. Studitski, noise nmeter for broadcasting stations,


Shitsadn, A. A., oscillation imiechanismr in umulti-segmnent magnetron,1838

Smale, J. A., developsuments in point-to-point coimmnuni(ation, 2358Smith, A. H., automatic a.f. phase reverser, 677

S C, B., withothers, wide-range u.h.f.signal generators, 776Smith, C. E., starndard reference aerials, 951- afid R. A. Fouty, circular-polarization f.m. aerial, (A) 2443- and E. M. Johnson, performance of short aerials, 851Smith, C. P., wide-band wobbulator, 1310Smith, E. H. Froe, magnetic amplifiers, 3339Smith, F. W., Jr, and WI. C. Thienpont, l.v. high-current stabilized power

supplies, 283Smith, H. R., and G. S. Gregory, filn pickup system, 2946

Smith, J. P., with others, barrier-grid storagee.r. tubes, 2986Smith. J. R., television field equipment, 2918Smith, J. B., loudspeaker damping, (D) 988Smith, R. D., with J. F. Wentz. microwave television transmission system,

Smith,Newbem,with J. H. Dellinger, war-timework of I.R.P.L.,2049Smith, 0. 3. M., ,8-ray thickness gauge for sheet steel, 497; post-war

engineering curriculum, 902Smith, P. H., cloverleaf aerial forf.m. broadcasting, 1272

Smith. H. A., radar navigation, 16; Radio Aids to Navigation, (B) 1048E. Franklin and F. B. Whiting, group velocity of radio waves in

atmosphere, 1488Smith, H.W. X., with others, teleran, 1847Smith,T.,75-W R/T and c.w.transmitter, 182Smith, W. B., recording sky-wave signals, 778

Smith, W. V., and R. L. Carter, miecrowave absorption of NMH, (D) 406- and others, frequency stabilization of microwave oscillators by

spectrum lines, 2180- with R. I,. Carter, microwave spectrum frequency markers, 83

Smith-Rose, R. L., I.E.E. convention on scientific radio, 3282-and A. C. Stickland, effect of meteorological conditions on u.seAv.

siropagation, 2061Smitley, .R., lf.portable amplifier, 377

Smt, C. N., and R. C. Roach, dielectric measurements at cm A, 194Smyth, 3. B., and L. C. Trolese, radio propagation in lower troposphere,


Snoek, J. 3., anomalies in magnetization of bars, 32; effective lengthof Barkhausen discontinuity, 3091; factors deterinineng per-

meability, 347; gyromagnetic resonance in ferrites, 36;initial permeability of Fe, 3138; New Developments in Ferro-magnetic Materials, (B) 447

- and J. F. Fast, metastable states of Ni, 3489- with G. W. Rathenau, magnetic anisotropy in Ni Fe alloys, 48

Snider,H. S.,and J. Platt, principles of opticalcomnmunicationsystems,

nyder, L, large scale computers, (A) 2548Sobl, A., short telephone lines, frequency response improvensent, 80Soderman, A. ., impedance measurement bridge for 20 140 Mc/s.

)A1W 81

Sokolov, ., circle diagrams in transmission ine problems, 1250

Sola. L., invention of aerial, (D) 1218SOle, 8. 3.,frequency control of RC oscillator, 49

Soloyle, 0. F., with others, efficiency of valve oscillator, 1809, S. H, thermoelectric powerof metals, 704

-with others, conductivity of metals at microwave frequencies,(D) 2788

Sorkin, I. M. , with C. V.Dlugach, measurement of deviationratio inf.m.,1404

Sorokln, V.,sphericale.m. waves, 304Sorokina, V. V.,ad PV. Timofeev, shape of field for e.s. lenses, 2880Sonwnko, L., excess-defect semiconductor contacts, 448Sotakob, B. S.,thermistors, 3036

Soucy. a.L, frequency stability of oscillatory circuits, 1381; temperature-coefficient effects of coil finishes, 1810

Soules H. R.,with R. S. Mackay, Jr,watch timer, 1869

Sewerby, J. HaG. Radio Data Charts, (B) 3288; shunt voltage stabilizer,2929

Sowton, W., F. Hollinghurst v.h.f.point-to-point comniunication,2060, (D) 8351Spanenbeg, K., G. Walters and F. W. Schott, network analyser for studyofe.m.fields, (A) 2875

Spangenberg . H., Vacuum Tubes, (B) 3279Sparks,B., R. G. Kreer, radiotelegraph tape relay system, 9

SpayneA. J., with othem, pinhole radiography of magnetrons, 260Spenee, H. D., diffraction of sound by circular disks and apertures, 3294Spewe, C., W. Ellis and E. C. Fine, reflectors for wide-angle scanning

at cm A, (A) 2443

Sperduto, A., others, e-s. accelerator for electrons, 1120Spltalby,H. S. J., and A. Felton, millisecond chronoscope, 485Spimedel, F. A.,Browning RV-10 f.m. tuner, 8323

Spooner A H., zero setting of waveform monitor, (ID) 480Squier, K T.., calorimetric measurement of anode dissipation, (A) 188

Sr_ekantan,B.V., with S. K. Chatterjee, u.h. f. absorption by salt solution.

Stcy, J. D., watt-second rating of d.c. capacitors, 42

Stdlin, R., transfer coefficients of electroacoustic systems, 325Stiiger, H., hardening of synthetic materials in h.f. fields, 2822Stainaby,A. G., with others, high-power pulsed magnetron, development,

892, (D)Standhing, W. G., with R. Davis, discharge currents in kite-balloon cables,


Stanby, H., and P. W. Fryer, variable-frequency crystal oscillators, 2194-and G. H. Gleadle, prediction of optimum transmission fre

quencies, 518

Stonier, H. M., with A. H.Brown, v.h.f.aerials for short distanres, 3340Stanley, 0. J., with J. G. Bolton, r.f. radiationfrom constellation of

Cygnus, 2514Staney,H. J., Schering bridge Type D-98-A, 348

Staneel,N. R., induction heating, application, 2872, practical applicationof formulae for, 2035

Stanworth, J. E., with A. E. Dale, solder glasses, 3446

- with G. D. Redston, effect of temperature and/or humidity on seat

stresses, 2799

Starkie. D., plastic lenses for television projection, 3154; plastic mirrorsand lenses, 758

Stanek, B. J., aerial gain and polar diagramns, (D) 2461; selectivedemoduation, () 6856; synchrodyne receiver, (D) 1139

-with J. S. McPetrie, low-level atmospheric ducts, 2329Sterner, C. 3., 50-kW f.m. transmuitter, 2967

arohleki, ^A. L, dielectric constants of solid dielectrics at cn A, 199

Starr, A. T.. cm-A high-power pulse communication, 2827Staub, F., Kettenformige Ultrakuruwellen-Dandfilter aus Qtiasistationaren

SchwingtOpfen, (B) 697Stedman, C. K., design of a.m. subearrier telemureter systeusis, 1989Stegmaier, E.,with R. Feldtkeller, cotmplex perinseabisity of csil cores, 3137,

with airgap, 2808Steinberg, E. B., with H. D. Doolittle, itidustrial heating, valhe operatilig

conditions, 1275Steinherg, 3. 3.., h.f. energy froml iornized gas, 1823, 1908Steinmumrer, R., with H. Cheri, 27-day period of cosuiui , 716Stenning, L.. C., with D. IfC Ileller, crystal-coiitrollerl v.h.I. equipzeuit,

2618, (D) 3509Sterling, H. T., dinije contact potential for iiegative lias, 353Stern, W. G., with others, High-Freqtienicy Mleasusriug T echnsiques usiuigTransmission Lines, (E) 2030Stetson, H. T., Sunspots in Action, (B) 1954; sunlspots sil radio, 2804- with G. W. Pi kard, tropocpheric rropagatiois and weather, 1453Stevels, 3. M., physical prcperties and strnicture of glass, 2829; scale

glass as mica stsbstittlte, 2823Stevens .J8., and E. J. -Middleton, a.m. ms f.mi. for brocadcasting, 261Stevens. S. M., with I. Rettinger, sound reinforcenient in the HIollywood

Bowl, 1544Stevens, S. 8. J. 1. Egan amid GC A. Siller, msseasuring speech spectra, 924- with others, Hearing Aids, (B) 2714Steveneon, A. F., transrnitting and receiving properties of aerials, 3023Stewart, G. 5., with J. S. Hey, radar observations of nmeteors, 411- with others, radio observations of uiacobinid nmeteor shower, 194lil,

2781Stewart, B.8., feeds for beans aerials, 2733Stewart, K. B., toss measurement in smnall ferrouoagisetis sasrsples, 178Stickland, A. C., lower-atmosphere refraction, 1940-with R. L. Smith-Rose, effect of meteorological cotiditions on u.s.w.

propagatior, 2081Stifler, W. W., 3r, and W. F. Saars, sofar [sourid fixing and ranging], 2797Stigant, S. A., Modern Electrical Engineering Mathemuuatics, (B) 161;

YO4Ifor junction networks, 676Stitan, F. H., omnidirectional 6-m aerial, 86UStolkma H., reflected-power communication, (A) 2814; stiperregen-

erative circuit applications, 1391Stodola, H. K., and H. Lisman, flat-plate transmission-lines as v.h.f.

reactors, 2477Stoffrl,en W., direction finder for atuiiospherics, 3122Stokes, V. O., transmitters in parallel, 3270Stone, A. M., and J. L. Lawson, infinite-rejection filters, 386

Stone, H. P., with others, pulse triode for 2{0 kW at 6110 Mfc/s. 2868Stonwer, E. C., ferromagnetism, 3896- and E. P. Wohlfarth, high-coercivity ferromagnetic mnaterials, 1053Stafford, F. H. W., and J. N. Pateman, television aerials, close-spaced

arrays, (D) 29StrGftiff,., GR-S rubber, 148Straton, A. W., and J. R. Gerhardt, horizontal angle-of -arrival ineasure-

ments for A 3.2 cm. 1225Strecker, F., theory of quadripole chains, 1577Stefvens, M. A., with D. F. Rushman, pennittivity of porous saniples of

BaTiO,, 228Strong, C. B., radiolocation, system classification, (A) 1089Sttllt, M. J. 0., gain and noise figures at v.h.f. and u.h.f., 159; Ultra-

and Extreme-Short Wave Reception, (B) 2074- and K. S. Knol, magnetic permeability and Weiss donmains, 309

-and. A. van der Ziel, compensation of shot effect in valves andcircuits, 3158; v.m. valves as u.h.f. preamplifiers, 1890

Stryker, N. H., with H. F. Hopkins, loudness-efficiency rating of loud-Sn kers, 2152

Studiblki, . A., with M. A. Slutsker, noise ineter for broadcasting stations,

Stunm, F. L., with W. Nijenhuis, properties of networks, 334

Stumpera, F. L. H. M., iuiipulse-noise transients in Icni. receivers, 3305;interference problems in 1147; network distortiozi of f.mum.signal, 1886; nonlinear noise problem, 2359

Sturgees, H. B., with others, radio transmitting station at Criggion, 2371Sturley, K. R., frequency uuodlulation, (D) 3512; heterodivlsing and

modulation, (D) 1145; short-circuited turns, 3379Stuai, V., Ilerkvir,-W receiver, 1483Suat, R,., hot-cathode Hg-vapour rectifiers, 1208; saturatiots curses of

transmittinrg valves, 818; u.s.w. valves and circuits, 2412Sucber, IL, with others, geomuietry for ridged waveguide, (A) 2443van Szehtelen, B., measuring watch rate error with c.r.o., 2838Sueklig E. S., differential input circuits, 54

Suotin, i. A., oscillations in low-pressure arc discharges, 1348

-with V. L. Granovski, oscillations in low-pressure discharge, 1347Sullivan. B. M., vacuum pumping equipment, 22Sulzer, P. G., cathode-coupled negative-resistance circuit, 33; diodee

noise generator for receiver measurements, 3132; high-powverionosphere-measuring equipment, 224

Summe, W. P., with A. S. NMeier, impedance of vertical aerials overfinite ground planes, (A) 2448

Suzstsin, D. B., photoforiuser, (A) 2475Surdin, H., sith R. H. asv- traisniitter-blocker cells for cm waves, 1768Suthaelnd, 0. B. B. M., and E. Lee, infra-red developments, 3473- with E. F. Dalv, infra-red spectroscope with c.r. presentation,

()D 493

- with others, PbSe photocells, 1815; PbTe photocells, 2860Sutro, P. J., with E. . Fubini, -vide-band transformer from unbalarnceds

to balanced line, M8Svarmthiolm, N, local length toriiula forlong magnetic lens, 2877Sw4illeld, 3., vocoder for long-distance telephony, 2911- wmth N.J. Halsey, s!occder telephony system, (A) 2910

Swingle, D. Il., with N. Weuler, radar storm detection, 433Sykee,H.6A.,h.f plated quartz cri-stal umits, 1877Symond,.J.L.,with W. D. Allen'mi,sultiple-gap linear electron acseteratiomt,

397with others, theory of proton synchrotron, 209, (C) 307

Synek E.,energy transformation inelectrodynamicloudspeakers, 2701Synge, J. L.,boundary problems ia mathematical physics, 139SzeRo Chag See Chang, Sze-Hou.Sz6kely, N., with P. Selinyi, effect of bending on Serectifiers, 86Szepesi,Z., slot aerials, 1561Szigeti, G., luminescent materials, (C) 164- and E. Nagy, conductivity and fluorescence of ZoSiO,, 1061- E. Nagy and E. l.Makai, activation of fluorescence by Mn ions, 1375Szildai, G. C., R. C. Ballard and A. C. Schroeder, experimental simomultaneous

colour television svstem, 572

TTaft, C. H.,automatic trackingradar SCR -14-A, 2630Taft,E., with others, wide-range double-heterodyne spectrum amatlvser, 789Tagg, 0.F.,contact conditionsin instrument jewel bearings, 410

,CaT.,coupled aerials, 2450Talley,.HB.,radarforrivernavigationf n fog, 425Talley, C. E.,and N.W. Kautzky, sound reinforcemient for theatres, 2897

!alpey,H 01., and H. Goldberg, microwave frequency standard, 483Tnk, F., with W. Gerber, high-altitude radio stations and links, 648, 232Tannenebamum, 3., 28-MIc/s weak-signal converter design, 1486Tazn,S Hilan h.f. a.m. broadcasting in U.S.A.,3523Taany-Tieisasy, L., chain-relaxation method of network analysis, 335Taylor, A, rotating-manode X-ray tube, 3485Talor,D., and C. H. Westcott, Principles ofRadar, (B) 3419Taylor,W. 0., wiehIG. A. Stiller, perception of repeated bursts of noise, 2138Tellen, H.PD. }1., coupled circuits, 384-and J. Haanties, diode as convertor or detector, 3360

Tellier, J. C,impulse noise generator for testing f.m. receivers, 1418andJ. F. Fisher, testing long-persistence screens,1052

Teltsecher, E. B., f.m. multichannelv.h.f. radio link, 283Teodorhik, F., nonlinear theory of RC generators, 1299 oscillators

witb bridge circuit, 30; theory of blocking oscillators, 1305;theory of RC ladder-type oscillators, 1307

Tepper, J.,with II. J. Robilsky, ripple current inhalf-waverectifiers, 1573Terlecki, R., and J. W. Whitehead, portable substandard of frequenyv.

Teeman,F. E, E;LadioEngineering, (3Terrien,3., and C. Anglade, addition law forSe photocell, 1201-C. Anglade andC. Touvay, local sensitivity variations of ph, tocells,




Page 11: Index to abstracts and references 1948 - author index


Thackeray, A. D., short-lived high-latitude solar flocculus, 97Thaler, W. J., with others, distortion of ultrasonic states, 2999Thali, H., Technical Dictionary, (B) 908

Thayer, G. N.,microwave radio relay systern, 1754Thiede, H., generationi of oLIt-of-phase voltages, 2738; phasetlquaizatioll,

1873Thiemun, H., large-screen telesi ion projection, 2986Thienpont, M. C., with F. W. Smiith, Jr, t.o. high-cturrent stabilze,l powcr

supplies, 283Thomas, A. M., cerauirics rith loss tensperattire coefficient, 455Thomas,D. E., phase tables Ior unit attenuation slope, 968Thomas,D. G. A.,with others, scale-of -100 counter, 2306Thomas, F. W., and F. Sirsioii, soldering Al allovs, 2827Thomas,H. A., and R. F. Bsirgess, Radio Researeh Special Report No. I5:

Radio Noise, (B) 534-and R. G. Chalniers, ioirospheric height recorder, 2240Thomas, H. P., and 1. M1 L c(lc tratnsmitter perforrrkance

lilerits, 1694Thomasson, D. W., design of industrial electronic apparatus, 2313;

Ruben-Mallory Hg cell, 2645; Service-surplus c.r. tube data,1835,3561

Tbompson, G., design of groutid-plane aerial, 1262; push-pull resonant-line oscillator for 161-170 Mc/s, 1586

Thbompson, G.M., characteristics and circuits for Type 807 valve, 1831Thompson, L. E., iriicrowave propagation experiments, 2894

Thompson, N. J., and E. W. Cousins, measuring pressures of explosions, 787Thomsen, }. L., inotes on aurora australis, 1953; proposed auroral index

figure, 1952; solar radio emission and sunspots, 2228Thomson, J., total emission daniping, 3554- and others, u.h.f. mob le arld fixed ciommunications, 2081, (D) 3514Thorn, D. A., with C. J. McDonald, radiation from ships' receivers, 2352Thourel, L., dielec tric heating, 2036; negative feedback in amplifiers, 1605Thursnauer, H., properties and tises of ceramics, 1391Thurston, J. N., with others, packaged arinplifiers, 2207Tibbs,C. E., Freqtrency Moduilation Engineering, (B) 558Tibbs, S. A., with A. H. Beck, autosnatic polar diagram recorder, 1400Tiberio, U., signal/noise ratio, in I.f. anplifiers, 1320, in oscillographic

receivers, 2070Tickner, A. J., witli others, airborne iriagnetometers, 220Tikhonov, A.N., with A. A. Samarski, excitation of waveguides, 3335Tillman, J. R., valve oscillator, 976Tillotson, L. C., with W. D. Lewis, branching filter for microwaves, 2216Tilton, E. P., 420 Mlcs transmitter and superregenerative receiver, 15

Timoteev, P. V., with V Sorokina, shape of field for e.s. lenses, 2880Titteton, E.W., and V. L. Fitch, portable pulse generator, 2301Tkhorzhevski, 0. A., and B. K. Sheriibel, synchroxoization of valve oscilla-

tor by a harnonic, 1308Todd, F. V OR aerial navigation systenr, 3123Todd, W., d. f. receiving systeni for iiieteorology, (A) 2524du Toit, S. J., anticoincidence and recorditig circuit, 1708; self -quenching

G-N1 counters, 3198Tolansky, S., and W. Bardsley, isiterferometry for study of quartz oscilla-

tions, 3400Tomasesich, 0. P., with S. I. Ilekar, therinionic eonission front metals

coveredl bh seinico,iductor, 3391Tomkins, A. A., surgeless volunre expansion, 2739Tomlin, G. H., with H. C. Turner, electrical techniqtie in other industries,

1110Tomlin, S. G.,principles of v.m.,898Tommasini, E.,d. c. valve voltnieters, 2008Torrey, H. C., and C. A. Whitriser, (Eds), Crystal Rectifiers, (B) 2989Touraton,-, -Zwobada and --Dumousseau, wide-batid amplifier valves

for cm A, 1834Touonier, M., growing of piezoelectric crystals, 1657; physical properties

and syniosetry of crystals, 2811Toussaint, M., alrd A. Ses, synchronization of broadcasting networks, 260Touvay, G., with others, local sensitivity variations of photocells, 1814Towne,C H., incrowave absorption of NH,, (A) 407- and F. R. Merritt, Stark effect in h.f. fields, 1344Townsend, G. B., with others, television receiver design, 1187Tranter, W. O., diffraction of waves, 2326Trmub, E., with W. E. Bradley, Philco television projection, 295, receiver,

578Tremellen, K. W., and J. W. Cox, wave propagation and s.w. coinmunica-

tion, 2050Trestchenkoff, G., s.w. receptioni with coinniercial receiver, 523Tnem, W. R., portable RWT for trains, 1164Trillat, J. J., and J. Barraud, useasuirentent of peak voltages by electron

diffraction, 165Trisrhka, J. W., with others, magnetic amplifiers, 6864Troitski,V. S., use of e r.o. to indicate bridge balance, 2011Trolese, L. G., with J. B. Shiiyth, radio propagation in lower troposphere,

801Tromp, G., cvith others, e s generators, 3483Tukc, J. L., with others, 1 -Mes betatron, 3482Tscker, B. A. C., with J. Dyson, contour plotter for directive aerials, 1864Tucker, D. G., analysis of ring and Cowan modulators, 3543; design of

balanced rectifier modulators, 3542; perfornance criteria forpulse aiid television aniplifiers, (A) 373; rectifier resistance,exponential law, 1868; synchrodyne receiver, 1138, (D) 1139,1140, design of, 525; two-phase telecommunication system, 2912

and J. Garlick, synchrodyne, refinenients and extensions, 1783and J. F. Ridgway, design of synchrodyne receiver, 526with J. H. P. Draper, square-law circuit, 670

Tucker, W. J., and R. S. Roberts, I'lastics for Electrical and Radio Engi-neers, (B) 1066

Tockerman, B., magnetic screening by spherical shell, 705Tiller, W. G., bandwidth reduction in communication systems, (A) 2614

and I P. Cheathatm, Jr, adjustable-bandwidth f.m. discriminator, 239W. C. Galloway and F. P. Zaffarano, frequency stabilization of micro-

wave oscillators, 3055Turner, C., and others, Berkeley 4-MeV e.s. generator, (A) 2311Turner, H. C., and G. NI. Tomlin, electrical technique in other industries,

1110Turner, L. A., with others, Radar Aids to Navigation, (B) 2255Turner, L..d., balanced 1)00- and 1.000()0-Nlcs calorimeters with tapered

water loads, 2023Turner, R. J., with others, crystal oscillators, 2195Turner,R. P., pocket valve voltmeter, 1687; 61)0-W RtT transmitter, 1199Tumney, T. H., svnchrodyne receiver, (D) 1139Tuthill, C. A., interpreting systerii at Lake Success, 637Tattle, W. N., use of diode rectihiers for d.c. inotor speed control, (A) 2574Tweedy, S. E., inagiietic amplifiers, 1560TyrMll, W. A., waveguide hybrids, 678, 2165

with G. E. Mueller, polyrod aerials, 952Tyson, B. F., h.f. crystal voltmeter, 2284Tyzser, P. G., and H. C. Hardy, felt as noise and vibration reducer, 929Tzo, H. Y., magnetic field of rotating bodies, 1633Tszn, Y. K., with Chai Veh, frequency deviation in reactance-valve Lmru.

circuits, 2751


von Ubisch, H., hot-wire vacuum gauges, 436Ublig, H. H., passivity in Cr-Fe alloys, 744UlIrich, E. H., and D. C. Rogers, measurement of receiver noise factor,

1743Underhill, E. M., permanent-magnet alloys, 1663Ungyary, R. L., with H. J. Reich, a.l. and ultrasonic frequency meter,

2292Urick, R. J., absorption of sound in suspensions, (A) 2119, 285; measure-

ment of underwater sound velocity, (A) 634Usla, S D with J. F. Rider, F. M. Traniission and Reception, (B) 3526Uttle, i, with F. C. Williams, the velodyne, 962Uskov, A. L, directive aerial design, 968


Veequler, V., R. F. Simons anxd A. W. Hull, stahilized airborne magneto-

meter, 798Vaile, R. B., Jr, with R. E. Zenner, magnetic tape recorder, 3010Valentin, A., aniplidyne, 3527VaLlarino, A. R., with others, stabilized f in. system, 860Vallarta, M. S., magnetic field of Msilky Way and effect on cosinc radiation,


de Valroger, L., broadcast receiver iiiput circuits, 2068,2897Vance, P. A., saturable reactors for loa(d control, 665Van de Graff, R. J., J. G. Trunip atid W. W. Buechner, e.s. generators,

3483- with others, e.s. accelerator for electrons, 1120Vanderlippe, R. A., freqtiency-shift radio-teletypewriter, 1493Van Duyne, J. P., and M. E. Clark, a.f. square-wave analysis, 1081Van Scoyoc, J. N., and J. L. Murphy, electronically controlled reactance,

(A) 2475Varley,W. E.C., B.B .C.variable frequency driveequipment,1806Vasseour, J. P., Huyghens' principle and diffraction, 1618Vaughan, E. W., with others, aerial radiation pattern meascrements using

Illodels, 1276Vatghan, J. F. O., general-purpose c.r. o., 2564Vaughan, W. C., use of circle diagrams, 337Vergunas, P. I., and F. F. Gavrilov, photolsrminescence of ZuO, 1374Verwey, E. J. W., electronic conductivity of non-metals, 84-P. W. Haayman and F. C. Rorineyn, semiconductors with large

isegative teroperature coefficient of resistance, 2265Vestine, E. H., and others, Description of the Earth's Main Magnetic

Field and Its Secular Change, 1905-t945, (B) 1645Vick, F. A., niission fron oxide cathodes, 2974Vickerman, P. N., insulating niaterials for electrical machines, 751Villard, 0. G., Jr, single-sideband reception, 2597Ville, J., theory and applications of analytical signal, 1293

with P. Herreng, impedance irregularities of coaxial cables, 2162Vincent, G., tcinirig band of reflex klystron, 2872Vincent, R., owith others, lt 0-kcls magnetostrictive transducer, (A) 3329Vink, H. J., with R. Loosjes, characteristics of oxide cathodes under pulse

conditions, 2414Violet, P. G., characteristic inipedance of cable junctions, 2717; u.s.w.

propagation, 1450; wave propagation in metal tubes, 1554;3-stage couplisigtilterforwide-band amplifiers, 3073

Vladimir, L. O., pernrriability tuning of broadcast receivers, 71Vladimirski, V. V., cavity resonators coupled through siiiall aperture,

2197, propagation in, 2198Voce, E., copper and copper alloys, 1664Voge, 3., iiieteorological effects on u.s.w. propagation, 2060; propagation

in waveguides and in atmnospheric ducts, 1719- with R. Rigal, waveguide theory for plane waves, 1553Voge, J. P., v.h.f. amplifiers using travelling-wave valves, 60

Voigt, P. G. A. H., loridspeaker daniping, (D) 938Voisin, A., with A. Rogozinski, niteasurenent of efficiency of Cr-M counters,

496Vollerner, N. F., oscillator with external arnplitude limiter, 2201Vol'man, I. I., excitation of rectangular waveguide through slot, 3017Vol'pert, A. R., efficiency of h.f. feeders, 349Vonberg, D. D., with M. Ryle, solar radiationi, r.f., 2784, at 80 and

175 Mc/s, 96

Vonsovski, S. V., ferroniagnetism of binary alloys, 1974Vormer, J. J., artificial electrical twinning in quartz, 142; filter crystals

with low self-inductance, 388,3072Vowels, R. E., matrix methods for ladder networks, 2189de Vries, G., cavity resonators, 975Vul, B. See Wtir, B.


Wadachi, K., geomagnetic data, Japan, 717Waddel, R. C., electric-field meter for aircraft, 2287Wadley, T. L., with others, frequency prediction for South Africa, 229Waer, R., with others, comoiunication by reflection from moon, (A) 547,

2915Waesche, H. H., sources of quartz crystals, 2813Wagoner, W. G., u.h. f. transmitting tetrode design, 2981Waggoner, L. T., 350-W c.w. and telephony transmitter, 588Wagner, R., embossing recorder, 942Waidelich, D. L., full-wave rectifier and capacitive input filter, 73Waithman, V. B., with K. R. MacKenzie, r.f. system for Lit. cyclotron,

1712Wakeman, R. P., with T. T. Goldsmith, Jr, field coverage of New York

television stations, (A) 2647Wald, S., inductive coupling of serials, 953de Walden, S., signal/noise ratio in radar, (D) 1739Waldmeier, M., coronal radiation and ionosphere variations during eclipse,

728; final relative sunspot numiibers for 1946, 1922; provisionalsunspot numbers, April-June 10(47, 713, July-Sept. 1947, 1923

Walker, A. C., piezoelectric ADP crystal culltuire, 2535Walker, A. H. B., television h.s supply, 2390, (C) 2847Walker, G. D., radio communication for South Afric sn railways, (D) 2925Walker, P., uses of silicones, 147Walker, P. J., Iocidspeaker damping, (D) 13Walker, R. A., with others, voice lileasscreeceasts with audio spectrometer,

3316Walkinshaw, W., with others, el(il near centre-fed A/2 slot serial, 3345;

travelling-wave linear accelerator for electrons, 506Wallenstein, J. P., with others, triode for 6f0 l3Ics, 877Wailer, W. E., S. Hopfer and 0I. St(clier, geomnetry for ridged raveguiile,

(A) 2443Wallis, P. J., principles of v.m., 893Waliman, H., stagger-tuned aniplifier design, 2491-A. B. Macnee and C. I'. (iadsdin, cascode low-noise atisplifier.

(A) 2475, 3061Walter, W. Grey, H. W. Shipton an(i W. J. Warren, demagisetizing

amplifier valves to cure ripple, 3559Walters, G., with others, network analyser for study of fields,

(A) 2475Ware, L. A., with H. B. Phillips, tramisit-tirote effect in klystron gaps, 898Ware, P., inductive tuning unit for list television receivers, 2069Warmoltz, N., ignition omechanisotm of Hg-cathode igniters, 830Warnecke, R., P. Guenard and C. Farve, effects of space charge irs two-

cavity klystron, 612Warner, A. J., electrical properties of plastics, 3443Warren, G. W., with others, u.s.w. triodes and oscillators, 683Warren, W. J., and W. R. Hewlett, intenriodulation method of distortion

measuretnent, 2553-with others, demagmmetizing amnplifier valses to cure ripple, 3559Wass,C. A. A., table of intermodulation products, 2188Waterton, F. W., voltage distribuition in ntulti-stage electron accelerator,

3205Watson, A., 12-channel recorder, 803Watson, A. G. D., G. Hanson airdf J. Ft. Jones, v.h.f. aerials for naval

communications, 3341J. H. Jones and D. I. Oweii, coin-icnon-aerial working for v.h.f.

systems, 3520-with others, v.h.f. cross-channel coiimmunication, 3497Watson, D., with S. A. W. Jolliffe, h. f. (tirection finders, 2246Watson, P. S., with others, naval fire cuntrol radar, (D) 732Watson, S. N., with others, land-line technique for televisiori outside

broadcasts, 3536Watson, W. H., directional couplers for waveguides, (D) 2719Watson-Watt, R., radio aids to navigation, 2250Watters, R. L., with others,. flat-response single tuned i.f. amplifier,

2496; wide-range double-hetersolyne spectrum analyser. 769Watton, A., Jr, duct capacitors, 2474Watts, R. 3., and D Williams, micronave absorption, double-modulation

met---hod, 1017Waye, W. W., television installation, 2091Waynick, A. H., u.s.w. propagation beyond horizon, 803

with J. E. Hacke, Jr, restricted-range sky-wave transmission, 3220

Webb, J. B., unwanted radiations front broadcast transmitters, 2098Weber, B., with E. Peskin, d.c. characteristics of microwave bolometers,

2892Webg, H. B., valve characteristics on c.r.o., 772Webster, E. W., with others, Van de Graaff e. s. generator, 3258Weeker, L. S., and r. Gootee, television receiver construction using

BC-412 c.r.o., 303

Weekes, K., and I. 0. Wilkes, atmrotspheric ti(tes resonance theory,1938

van Weed, A., coupling of valves at u. h.f .,993Wegman, L., a.f. measurement of sroall sarictions of capacitance and

phase angle, 1078Weider, G., with E. Julsrud, speech iinput eqciipitient for Oslo Broad-

castiiig House, 3008Weidner, R. T., with R. G. Fellers, admittance nmatching with irises, 649

Weighton, D., inipulsive interference in receivers, 2901Weil, L., coercive field of ferromagnetic powders, 134

Weimer, ei. K., and A. Rose, electron motion its uriiform magnetic field,708

Weiner, J. R., C. F. West and J. E. Dercirk, design of large-scale digitalconiputer, (A) 2548

Weinstein, A., with J. B. Diaz, Schwarz' isiequality, 1069Weinstein, J., with R. Wexler, attenriation of cm waves by rain, 2332Weinstein, L. A., plane open-ended waveguide, 3336, 3337; shot effect in

cylindrical diodes, 1829Weiss, A., with R. D. Huntoon, synchrorization of oscillators, 1309Weiss, K., properties of CdS layers, 3147Weisskopf, V. F., production process of mesons, 101Weler, B. L., with others, printed vitreous-enamel components, 1003Wells, F. D., L tsetwork as impedance transformner, 1259Wells, . B., with L. P. Neal, Varif receiverfor A 2 m, 1470

Wells, H. W., polar radio disturbances dturing nmagnetic bays, 729with others; Ionospheric Research at College, Alaska, (B) 2795

Wells, W., electronic organs, 3203Welz,W. C., with C. B. Aiken, d.c. amiiplifier tor sigiials < I1aV, 381Wendt, K. R., television d.c. componient, 2939

(C. L. Fredendall artd A. C. Schroeder, experimtrental simultaneouscolour television system, 572

Wenke, J. W. G., wsith F, de Frernriry, beroalc stirg, pmro'guramdcie stonitoririgeqriiprnent, 1500

Wentz, 3. F., and Ko. D. Smicth, iicrowave television transmission systein,2653

West, C. F., with others, design of large-scale digital comptiter, (A) 2548West, H. M., with C. J. Dorr, relay control circuits for stepping switches,

1573West,W., and others, radio transrnitting station at Criggion, 2371Westberg, R., harmonic problems of region betweetn a circle and twsc

parallel lines, 3D81West¢ott, C. H., transmission-line bridge, 2854

with D. Caylor, Principles of Radar, (B) 3119Westwater, F. L., radar storin detection, 1963Wettstein, A., telecommunications at 5th Olympic Winter Sports, St.

Sloritz, 1948,3243Wetzel, W. W., magnetic recording theory, 1851Wexler, R., and D. N0. Swingle, radar storm detection, 433

and J. Weinstein, attenuation of cm waves by rain, 2332Whale, H. A., optiriiuni conditions of RC oscillator, 1580Wheeler, H. A., helical aerial for circular polarization, 1270; limitations

of small aerials, 1281; radiations resistance of aerials, 2451;resistance of aerial ill irntinite array or waveguide, (A) 2443;r.f. induc tance miieter, 183; superregeneration after WorldWar II, (A) 2596

--with K. Mctlwain, propagation of radio waves through grocmc,(A) 2590

Wheeler, L. J., and KR . l ockyer, crystal pickups, 918Whelpton, R. V., niobile m-A grotind-radar transmitters, 854-and P. G. Redgixient, c.w. long-ramige navigation aids, 1958Whinnery, 3. R., and H. W. Jamisieson, electron trajectories by differential

analyser, 2408Whitby, O., transit-time effects class-C power aimplifhers, (A) 2475White, C. F., servo-system performnnce moeasireremruet, (A) 2639White, F. C., airborne radar, 115White, J. E., acoustic impedance, contiritcotsly variable, 913, measurement

of, (A) 2132with R. D. Fay, aco istic impelance frois mootional iimlpedance

diagranis, 2133White, R. W., with J. H. H. Merriman, for v hhf multichannel R/C,

3513White, S. J., horis loudspeakers, 3330White, S. Y., dangers of high-power uiltrasonics, 3195; ultrasomc applica-

tions, 1421, in biology, 2867, in dentistrv and metallurgy, 1704;ultrasonic load problems, 2304; 18-kW turbo-generator siren,922

White, W. C., and H. S. Hickey, leak detector for pressure system, 2866- and J. S. Hickey, leak detector for pressure systeom, 2303Whitehead, C. C., quiet high-gain aimuplifier, 2760Whitehead, J. B., measurement if h.f. dielectric properties, 172Whitehead, 3. R., with G, G. MsIacfarlane, superregenerative receiver in

linear mode, 3531Whitehead, J. W., additive ant rsmultiplicative mnixing, (D) 1144; best

freqteemicy RC-tuned toye generator, 2569with R. Tertecki, portable substandard of frequency, 3166

- with others, impedance-motching transforeii-r, 1296Whitfield, H. R., light-weight radar, 1004Whiting, P. B., with others, group velocity of rumdio waves iri atmorsphere,

1438Whitmar, R. M., with others, Radar Aids to Navigation, (B) 2255Whitmer, C. A., with H. C. Torrey, (C s), Crystal Rectifiers, (B) 2989Whitmer, R. N., fields in non- netallic waveguides, (A) 2443Whittanton, J. M., with D. B Fisk, progress in iiistrumnent design, 474Whittle, R., design of precision telemnetering equipment, (A) 2574Wicher, E. R., with (;. G. Brteck, slow TM waves in cylindrical guides,

334, 1555

Wideroe, R., circular accelerator for heavy particles, 794; displacingelectron beam in betatromn, 3206; European induction accelera-tors, (D) 509; radiation transformers, 792

Widnall, F., arid R. Newbound, protective finiishing of electrical equip-ment, 1057

Wiener, F. M., sound diffraction by rigid circular cones, 3296Wienert, K., inagnetic data for Sikkim and Southern Tibet, 1928

Wiggins, A. M., and F. S. Lewis, single-shear crystal pickup, 3302with J. H. Grieveson, comparative decibel meter, 1094

Wikkenhauser, G., skiatron, 1838Wildund, W. G., with others, body-baffle effects on hearing aids, 1248

Wilehinsky, Z. W., electrode dissipation at u.h.f., 865Wild, R. F., variable r.f. follower system, 2088

Wiles, W. E., Cheltenham K-indices for Jan-June 1947, 718, July-Sept.1947, 1930

Wilkes, G., wavelength lenses, 1859

Wilkes, M. V., and W. Renwick, uiltrasonic nmeoiory usit for FDSAC,3448

- with K. Weekes, atmospheric tides and resonance theory, 1938

WilkinH,M. H.P., and G F. J. Garlick, photoconduction and luminescencein ZnS, 3080

Wilkinson, K. J. R., high-power radar modulators, 884

J. L. Tuck and R. S. Rettie, 16-MeV betatron, 3482Williams, A. E., mica and micanite, 2814; silicone coatings for glass

insulators, 746Williams, C., c.w. short-distance navigation and landing aids, 190Williams, D., with R. J. Watts, microwave absorption, double-modulation

method, 1017Williams, E. M., and H. E. DeBolt, oscillator design for 130-itnch f.m.

cyclotron, (A) 2574

cith fI. R. Aigrain, ausiplitlide stabilizedl oscillactors, psnudoel.yl.chromiization iri, 3044, theorv, 980, 1883

Williams, P., design of broad, asting control rooms, 3522

Williams, F. C., radar circuit techniques, 1874and N. F. Mloody, ranging circuits and linear tinobaseginerators,

985and A. M. tJttley, the velodyne, 962W. D. Howell and B. H. Briggs, p.p.i. circuits, 1005

-:F. J. U. Ritson and Ir. Kilburn, strobes and recrurrene-fresstcmcyselectors, 987

wiiu, a. P., broadcast aerial, 344Williams, N. T., rnetal,ceramic vacuum seals, 120

Wflliams, P. 0., processing valve components, (A) 2663Wiliams, R. C. 0., tuning devices for broadcast receivers, (D) 3503

Williams, S. E., solar r. f. noise fluctuations and flares, 2512Williams, V. Z., infra-red instruments and methods, 2868Williamson, K. I., mseasurement of axial field in electron tcnicroscope

lenses, 511Williamson, M., impedance measuremoent by ILecher wiroc, 2843


Page 12: Index to abstracts and references 1948 - author index

Index to Abstracts and References 1948Willis, . 8., band-pass crystal filter, 2215Wills,B. F.. af. magnetic fluctuations, 34WiloX, J. B., e.s. ills and cures of aircraft, (D) 812Ws$h&w, W. Z., and others, high-power pulsed magnetron developmenit,

892, (D)-with G. R. Newbery, feeding a linear accelerator, 3061WjlmaD, H., structure of PbS and PbSe layers, 299Wilmott R. M., maximum directivity of aerials, (D) 3031Wilner, J. T., with others, instantaneols radio audience-measurement

system, (A) 2430Wilson, L G., with J. P. Kinzer, cylindrical cavity resonators, 388

Wison, W. It, with others, modolation of resonance lines in Cs arc,233

Winch, G. T., with N. Laycock, local sensitivity variations of photocells,'96

Winchell, A. M., nieasuring equipmnent for flexible ws.veguides, 1417

Winder, N., bass correction for moving coil pickups, 2708Winsow, J., matching for multiple loudspeakers, 940Winson, V. H., with C. Lawton, colonial telecoinitiunication, equipment,

1150, (D) 2907, organization, etc., 1149, (D) 2907Winternits, T. W., with R. King, cylindrical aerial with gap, 3026Wirelsos World, air-line radio, 1501; Atlantic City telecommunication

conference, 2357; British submniiature valves, 2410; broad-cast receivers for schools, 241; Bush receiver EBS4, 2898;Bush television nmodel T.91, 302; distortion in speech and musictransmission, (AD) 2149; Ekco A52 receiver, 2338; facsimile*n U.S.A., (A) 1178; frequency allocations for European "

region, 1188; Guide to Broaclcasting Stations, (B) 628; hearingaids, (A) 1246; invention of aerial, 119; klystron for A 8-9mm,3277; loudspeaker quality, (AD) 2440; iiiobile communicationsystem for police, 1163; mobile RiT for police and fire services,272; multichannel comniunication system, 23M8; radio com-passes, 1036; Radiomobile Model-100 receiver, 1462; R.C.M.F.exhibition, 2218; Sargrove-Tungsram JA55 valve, 1J23;television receiver constriction, 304, 1188; v.h.f. for aircraft,3281

Wjinisoi, F. J., theory of superconductivity, 3084Wittsnbrg, E. C., h.f. inductive heating, 1118Wittenberg, C., with M. J. Di Toro, parameter-adjustmiient omiethod for

network transients, (A) 2475Wity, R., with D. Avery, difftusion-pump theory, 2287Wolaturth, Z. P., with E. C. Stoner, high-coercivity ferromagnetic

materials, 1083Wold, with I. Galvenius, statistical tests of Alfv'n's sunspot theory,

'1i0Wole, B.H., with C. E. Fay, tunable pulsed triode oscillator, 1878Wolf I., and D. G. C. Luck, f.n. radar techniques, 2798, 3124Wood, (. W., positive-grid characteristics of triode, 3868Wood, H., testing of radar responders, 781

Woodward, P. H., calculation of field over plane apertuire, 2460Woodyard,J. R.., with others, design of Berkelev linear accelerator, (A) 2316Works, N., resonant cavities for dielectric ineasureiiients, 173Woroneow, A., iron-core deflecting coils for c.r. tbes, 2498Worsam, L. F., amateur-band receiver, 1484Wodian, L. A., voice-controlled relays, 1802Wright, B. T., with others, f.m. cyclotron, 2814Wright, D. A., oxide cathodes, 608, energy levels in, 1981; thermionic

properties of thoria, 141; work function and energy levels ininsulating materials, 1980

Wright, G. P., with otlers, v ,ii s,ilses, 89

Wright, P., continioiis-coistrol theriioregulator, 7M1Wright, S. B., with N. lotk. piuulic telephone service on trains (A) 2614- with others, rurnl RIT isi Colorado, 2829Wrich, D., Pourier r ciioriis and Structure Factors, (1) 2289Wros, H. Ni., shunt equalizer design, 2480Wul, B., dielectric constant of BaTiO, at low temperatures, 1382Wulf, 0. It., and S. Bt icholson, moon and recurrent geomagnetic

activity, 3109van der Wyck, C. T. F., single-sideband RIT apparatus of Dutch Post

Office, 11U, 3510Wysong, W. S., with E. A. Gulbransen, oxide films on Mo, 742. on W, 743


YabWley, D. B., and others, solar radiation, v.h.f., 711

- with F. J. Lehany, solar noise at 600 and 1200 Mlc/s, 3103YanoUy, XL W., with L. P. Yntema, I a in electronics, 440Ysstfrbov, V. A., effect of heating on luminescence of Zn-Cd phosphors,

1049Yatbbeons, T. N., with \. V. iligtilin, transitron relaxatioi oscillators,


Yeb, and Y. K. rzun, frequency deviatioi in reactance-valive fii,circuits, 2781

Yeo, D., with J. T. Kendall, magnetic susceptibility of synthetic mica, 3434Yngve, V., with others, cosmic rays, latitude effect, 74

Yntlnn, L. F., and R. W. Y'ancev, Ta in electronics, 440Yotsng, L., automatic boiler-control, (A) 829Yong, N. B., pulse-tiiiie modulation field telephone system, 2823YOong R. W., propagation of undenvater sound by bottoom reflection,

(A) 2323, 3291

Young, W. R.., with D. .Cannett, ratio of frequency -swmicc to phase

shift in ph.m. and f.m. systemns, (A) 2480

Young, W. R., Jr, interference at v.h.f., 3237Younker, E. L., with I. F. Aortieson, measurement of h.i. poiwer and

itiipedance, 2012Yu, Y. P., bridge-balancedl aiiiplifiers for valve voltmeters. 244; stiper-

heterodone tracking charts, 528Yudin, M., with N. Anton, high-altituide rectifier valve, 2889


Zaalbarg van Zelst, J. J., constanIt amplification, 278Zadeh, L. A., resonatit frequencies of n-meshed tuned circuits, (D1 681afferano, F. P., with others, frequency stabilization of iicrowasve

oscillators, 3055?ahI, B., with R. Aschen, beat-frequency oscillator construction. 389Hueosky, T., c.r. B-H tracer, 177Zanarini, G., sensitivity of ear to phase distortion, 1547Hariman, I. F., with others, ultrasonic fields near diffracting edges, 3297Zeitlin, L. A., self-inductance of circular arc, 1018Zenner, IR. ., and R. 13. \Vaile, Jr, miiagiietic tape recorder, 3010Zerno;, D. V., *M. I. Elinson and N. Imf. Ievin, auto-electroii eiiiission froie

thin dielectric tilotis, 88Hhsbotirsl, M. B., uith S. flytov, oscillations in selio cillistory

systems, 488

Zisekolin, L. A. propagation of signals in coaxial cable, 2181HheslhXbov N.i, self-modulation in valve oscillator, 3083

Zthukova, ~i. I,, and .N'. Nikheev, magnetic propertieis of Cr-Ni-Niosteel utter heal treatnients, 1978

anu der Zidl, A., measuremiient of noise factors, 2860; theory of pL.iuediode, 2976

-with M. J. 0. Strutt, compensation of shot effect in valkes aincircuits, 3388; v.m. valves as u.h.f. preamplifiers, 1890

Zimmermano, N. B., h. f. cable design, 1880

Zinks, 0., dielectric aerials, 3349; exponential conductor as transfonrier872; field-strength forniiula for long-wave propagation, 1448;measurement of L, C and R by double potential divider, 1075

ZuooW, B. 8., practical design of v.h.f. f.m. receivers,Zuhrt, B., Kirchhoff-Huyghens principle and e.m. radiatiotu oiedd- 1824Zuvers, H. B., ignitrons in broadcast service, 228Zwikker, C., sound absorption by porous materials, 3322- J. van den Eijk and C. W. Kosten, sound absorpltioi by prmi,

rmaterials, 3322- with J.,van den Eijl, sound absorption by porous inateri;l. 3322- with C. W. Kosten, absorption of sound, by compressill. wiall,

3321, 3323, by porous rubber, 3824Zwobda, -, with others, wide-band amplifier valves for ciii A 1834Zykov, L V., aurora in Soutlern Siberia, 2M2

SUBJECT INDEXSYMBOLS (A) Abstract, (B) Book Review, (C) Note of Correction, (D) Discussion

AAbs, for nicrowave relay calculations, 21; for oscillator circuits of

superheterodynes, 173; for Pulse risetime, 99 fol resonantfrequencies of cavities, 48; for selectivity calculations, 1388;for square-wave response of RC amplifier, S2

Abusratioms in lens and mirr systems, 27S7Absorpto (See also Ionosphere; Microwaves; Sound)

acoutstic, by compressible wall, 88M1, 383measurement of, 2l48perforated facings for various materials, 81

by plywood panels, 81

by porous materials, 2144, 332by porous rubber, 34by sheet of air bubbles, 2142by slagwool cones,by spheres and cylinders, 2120by spspensiom of partides, (A)2M1, 2088use of Helmholtz resonators, 1232

by various materials, 08, M, 3004niicrowave, by air,

detection apparatus, 406double-modulation detection method, 1017meanuesit of, 708

of NH,, (A)o0. 41, (A)407. 707, 1018, 1019, 397 colli-ionbroadening mf 8100, pressure broadening in, 19i8

by oxygen, 389

spectra of ZnS and willetmite, 384

ich.f., by salt solution, 3099

nllmuosor, in air and other gases, 914in fresh and in sea sater, (AR214, (A)2128in liquis, 31theory of, 2774

in water, 4Ase4sss (See also Absorption; Impedance; Sound; Ultrasonics)

analogue of Sommerfeld's surface wave, 3887

applications, sonic airspeed indicator, (A) 348

architectural, of studios, 83, 90.938, 382, and rooms, (A) 2148bibliography, 908, 181, 2118, 268, 8electroacoustic systems, transfer ooefficients of, 88#end-corrections and harmonics of open organ pipes, 2126engineering, elements of, (B)(18exponential horn design,measurement of directivity factor, (A)2131signal aialysis by filters, 2130sound rooms, anechoic, 1231, construction of,

Aeas (See also Coupling, Transmission lines; Waveguides)aircraft, design of, 247

broadcasting, 344

cloverleaf, f.m., 1272

directive, effect of circulating currents on efficiency, (A)9443reradiation from towers, (AO244

calculation of field over plane aperture, 240capacitance, for mains revers, 1688cathode-follower arrays, 2mfor circular polarization, 180, 3M3

helical, 10crcularly and eliptically polarized, (A),for Citizens' Radio,SWfor cm waves, (A)3j1coupled, theory of, 240

current distribution in, 88

cylindrical, with gap 3S0dielectric losses of, 1274

diffractio, circular, theory of, 3186radiatfon and resistance of,

dipole, 1/2, with tuned reflector, field of, 3027.field near horizon, 84, 14

radiation impedance of, IA)1260

directive, basic design principles for, 24S8broadcasting, effect of cirrulating currents on efficiency, (A)24comb, 2189contour Plotter for, 1884design of, 958effect of anges on radiation patterns of small horns, 28bigh-gain, for 144 Mc/s,. 34

physical limitations of, (A)44radiation patteens of, 3383

receiving, 2179e.m. radiation formula for, 340

end-fire arrays, 1271feeders for, efficiency at u.h.f., measurement of paranmeters, 1877f.m., with circular polarization, (A)21

design theory, 988

radiation patterms by means of models, 2463

for f.m. receivers, (A)287gain and polar diagrams, 1861, (D)26ground-plane, design of, 18horn, with medium-sized aperture, SWinductive coupling of, 93273

invention of, (D)1,119loop, 3384

circular, with non-uniform current distribution, 34coupling transformer.; for, 384

receiving, current calculation, 88muaximum directivity of, 2731, (D)3081niicrowave, 24O9

analysis o,f, 688

measurements on, 1281parabolic, design of, 867polar diagram plotter for, 32power gain of, 3382

theory of linear arrays, 2482mutual impedance of, 2174oinnidirectional, high-gain, for circularly psuarized radiation, (A)24

R.C.A. pylon, 248stacked-V, 2170for 50 Mc/s, 868

open, partially-screened, (D)884optimum current distribution in, 273parabolic, feed systems for, 667paraboloid, design of, 2448

waveguide-fed, elimination of standing waves, 2469parasitic, tuning of, 82

polar diagram of, automatic recorder for. 1400with flat earth and screen, 2462and gain, 18, ((D)241measurement, 32, 2727, using mmm dels, 1276, 2483, 3383

polycod.f I8,1 244

radiation resistance of, 1 ,2 81,2729, 3030in infinite array or waveguide, (A)2443

receiving, induced voltage in, 1268

large, advantages of, 28short, design of, 2726

reference, standard, 9861reflector, for wide-angle scanning at eom A, (A)2443and reflectors, coupling between, 1273rhombic, 24

design of, 1883

ring, radiation resistance of, 1882resonant slot in waveguide, 3021

rotary, for IO m and 20m,1277serfes-loaded mast radiators, 3342short, perfromance of, 881

in dielectric media, 331

limitations of, 1281radiation from, 3348

slot, 343, I3., 8,33

in corner reflectors, 247A/2, centre-fed, field near, 384, input impedance of, 3846omnidirectional, for cm A, 9867with spindle-shaped radiation diagrani, 1881

theory of, 1284, 12straight wire, polar diagrams for, 26television, (D) 988

all-wave, f.m., 1180bicooical, 839

close-spaced arrays, (D(29turncstle, 2093WABD, 30WTTG, 883wide-range, dual-band,

theory of, 31effect of finite gap, 24use of Fourier transforms, 158, 106 20, 3189

thin, reactance of, 348

top-loaded, 128tower, for broadcasting, 28

transmitting and receiving properties of, 3023

vertical, impedance over finite ground planes, (A)2A14, impedance of, 2173mutual impedance of, 8l8

v.h.f., for naval communications,for short-distance communication, 3340vertically polarized, 1279

wide-band, helical-beam, (A)944

Yagi, for 600 Mc/s, 2488

Alo (See also Feromagnetic materials; Mfagnetic nmaterials; andindividual substances)

binary, ferromagnetism of, 1974Cr-Fe, passivity in, 744Cu-Ni, 198

electrical and physical properties of, 310fermmoagnetic, temperature changes during mumagnetim1tiuuu of, 28

Mn-Sb, resistance variatiow of, 280

Ni-Fe, magnetic anisotropy in, 38permanent-magnet, data for, 186

Altern,bors, inductor, h.f., 1172Anwuie, a.c., polar, 1064

A_Moni See Absorption, microwave, of NFHAm_Mne 8873

constant, 27current, by diamond, 2787h.f., O88I.f., medium-power, 1321

video, wide-band, 81

voltage, formulae for, 988

Amplfe (See Also Cathode followers; Rlatdr; lelevision apparmitunia.f., I7

B.B.C., 992

converted ART/1, AT1for electro-encephalograph, 0, (1D)1128flexible decade, 137high-fidelity, O96,OM08high-gain, Sit, low-noise, 2780level-governing, 8power, 13stesting by square waves, 1981

for use with noise suppressor, 2789

with variable selectivity, 196I120-W, for speech, 26

with a.g.e. and limiter,band-pass, design of, (CD1)118,2493,30O

design and analysis of, (D)804bridge-balanced, for valve voltmeters,cathode, 1887

cathode-coupled, (1)132triode, charts for, 916

circuits, gai and noise figures at v.h.f. and u.h.f., 1Sclass-C, t=ory of, 1s13common-cathode, 24SWcompensated, square-wave analysis of, (A(2882for counlters, 3066Bd.c., withl s.c. feed,

with automatic zero adjustment, 1802electromechanical,using electrometer valves, 3177bigh-gain, 380

sesitive, (A)94for signals .claV, 381for valve voltmeter, 3178

feedback, (Awith controlled input reactance, (A)2875design of, (B)3281for magnetic picmkps, 1608

gative, improvements in, 3377, theory of, 388,132analysis of. g6

graphical analysis for, 274harmonic, dengn of, 81, (D)1888high-quality, designof, 1328

f.., flat-response, singe-tuned, 2Wfor f.m. receiver, 827

designi for radar, 69Oi.f. compensation for, 1601

hf., portable, 377linea, 901load-bapedance reduction for, 3061low-noise, cascode, (A)S , 8061

magnetic, 198,I84,186K1. _ 18,1, 338design of, 1288

matesials noncoses, (A)348neutral type, 9604 179use in calculating machines, 189

mlti-stage, transts in, 187