in the end all you really have is memories 23... · • cabb om. steamer p 8 gulf to australia and...

1 ' • ' • • | ! I I j I M : I i I 111 » \' ! ! I I i ! S I ' •! ' I Something ', About Arrivals and Clearances JL\ This \ Port; Notes of Interest •"•-• ' ' - TODAYS CALENDAR ' • i PTEMBVR 19. 1943 snavtlgbt-iavlnt Tim*) Philadelphia ' Bun rlae* «.•»» AM. Sun sets .. I.OJ PM High water io Ki AM and 10.!« P M Low water 1.5(1 AM end 6.11 PM High water Low mifr Fftedy Island ft.40 A M and , 1.31 A 0 and Delaware Breakwater High wii»r .... wow water f.jl P M 1.6i P M 4.21 A M^and f.M P M 0.3T AM and If.M hi ' « 10 V «__ Valuatiou figures just issued show that Philadelphia holds third place in the ^alu*i of exports for the fiscal year ending June 30. aside from New York. Ha laptop Roida followa New York and ha» a valuation of $ir>5,531,840. of which Norfolk had $135,221,451. The valuation HB accredited to Philadelphia amounts to $125,584,300, and Baltimore comes next wilth $112,507,333. Report has been made by Captain Banford, of the Swedish steamer Boden, now discharging at Port Richmond, thut off the southern hanks of Newfoundland about a week ago he bad sighted a sin gle-masted vessel, lolling about in the aea. No signals were displayed and no further information was secured as to the identity of tha. craft. Charter has been closed for the steamer Oxelsund. which left Pbiladel- hia Sunday and arrived at New York, or 7500*onB of phosphate, from Tampa to Denmark, with September loading. The Oxelsund late Friday niffbt figured in a collision while, off Kaighn's Point with the steamer Frednes. Both/iad fome plates bent, but no serious damage resulted. Harry O. Carlton, formerly with the Seaboard Air Line, has been appointed as general agent for the Philadelphia and Norfolk Steamship Company, and will have his offices at Hampton Roads. William Hansen and his associates, of Bergen, Norway, who promoted the Lake and Ocean Steamship Line to be operated between the Great Lakre* via the St. Lawrence, and Europe, have abandoned the Idea for the present. The reason given is that the cargo was not in evidence as one of .the necessary adjuncts for successful conduct of the enterprise. ARRIVED YESTERDAY Sir KERHONKSON. Moon. Ktw' York, mdie in transit, Moore A MeCormeck. l*tr .lOSBTPn M (TDAHT. Myers, Tort Ar- thur, petroleum. Joeeph 0 Oebrlel. S»r VBEPOt . OUen. New York, petroleum. Tidewater Oil Co. Sir ANTHONY GBOVB8. JR. Willi*. Balti- more, passengere and mdlse, Erlc««oa Line. - Motor barger P W SOMERS. tov.ete**. Balti- more, mdse. Marine Trane Corps. , Barge* roNEWAOO. from Oharlestown; TMM PwB. from Portland, and INDIAN RtPOB. from Ljnn (In tow tug GKRMANTOWJO. O H HaKertnann. Raree» M C No'a 14. 15 and 19. from Bos- ton do tow tug IMKOMONTl. T W Mono Trait* Co. Bane A n Co No ft*, from Tall River (In tow tug WILLIAM J DONALDSON), loaeph C Gabriel Barren T.OLIR ,T DKMPSET. from .lame* River, pulpwood. and EXPERIMENT. fr«m JiniM RlT»r. tie* fin tow tug SEN- ATOR PENROSE). Dempeey A Sons (ar- rived 17thi. Barra READING, from Baltimore, Ericsson Line (arrived ITthi. Marens no«ik. Pa. Sept 1*--Arrived: Sir DELAWARE SUN. Ben, San Pedro, pe- troleum. Sun Oil. Co. , Clayton. Del. Sept 18 Arrived: »tr CAtTKNESS (Br>. Cormac, Huelva, p/rita* ore. S L. Burgess A Co. Wilmington. Del. Sept 18 Arrived: Srh f'DTTTSARK (Bri. Wtlkle. St. John. Nb. pulpwowl. Jennup A Moore Paper Co. CLEARED YESTERDAY Str 7RI0KAH0MING (lr). Weafiarlh. T«a- ion vli New York and Halifax, mdse. Fumes*. Withy A Co. Svr CORNELIA, (are/. New York, roaldue cargo. Jrtnn May A Son*. Str ANNETTA. Tonnessen. Port Antonio, bal- last. Banana Kale* Corporation, Str BIRMINGHAM CITY, Aruet. Bueaa T*"- tura Arlog tqulriue. Ban Antonio, Val- paraiso. Antofagasta and Talcahimono via New York. mdse. Norton, Lilly A Co. Str BANAN iS'orh WrOldsen. Port Antonio. ballast. 1 nlted Fruit Co. * Str (APITAI.NR YAIDOLIN (Fr). Baudan. Baltimore. ballast. H. L.* A Co. Str OCLFLUOHT. Townaend. Port Arthur, bnllast. Gulf Reflnlnv Co. (cleared 17th). Str VRKDOL. Olsen. Bayoune. N. J., ballast. Tidewater Oil Co. Str U\KE TIPPAH. Wilder. Norfolk, mdae. Philadelphia A Norfolk 8. S. Co, Str ANTHONY GROVES. JR.. Willie. Balti- more, pat* and indue. Ericsson Line. S. h WILLIAM A NAl'GlJCR URr". Moahar. La Havre, ballaat. t,uckenbarT» S Boo. »erryboat OCEAN CITY for New -York J\» tow tua- SWATAnA). • X Motor barfo Si W. SOMERS. T/ovelaae. BaltV moro. nid»e. Marina Tram. Corp. Bane* NESKAMINY for 8*co, KAdJjr, FtlU, for Portland and PAXINOR for Boaton (10 tow lug VALLEY FORGE). 0. H. Haser- man. " Bar»e RITA DEMPSBY for Norfolk (In tow MIB CORINTHIA). Dempaejt A 8om. frleared 17th). • team bane ADONIS. Pufh. Waahtnirton. D. C, atuar. towing barae BUgLVA for Waah- Ington. D. C. *ii«ar. 8. C. Loveland A _ Co. (cleared l.'.ih). -1' r .^li. N C nON r> K '' SEPT. 1S. CLEARED Prb PETER MclNTVRB (Rr). Rondreau. New- port Newa. ballaat. Jeaaup A Moore Paper Co. DELAWARE BAY ARD RIVgR Delaware Breakwater. Sept 18— Paaacd up: IH, 4rx;iC. from Calcutta, etc. 11.80 A M. Sailed iwaward: Tua* DNDJBRWRITBR. vow- ISX/iSWI A KANSAS: HAROLD, tow I on bane HORNET. Pa»«ed out: Stre ABATOR (Nor). S , Fw t « J L°Jl n, - N B: NANTICKET. for Boaton: rtAYONNB. for New York: HKSPKUQS (Nor), for (allao etc: niCtTlSII U)RD (Br), for Leahoro via Ssvona: TAMARAO (Br), for Barrow; DBRBM.INE. for tamplro; tank risted atr: light four maated erhooner; deep flv«-ma»ted erhooner. Weather. 2 P M: 72 aotithweat. Hi mile*, partly cloudy: bar. 3f).2«. w£fc.'L».. lo'anrt, Sept 18 Paeeed OP: Tug MINERVA, towing barge. I.M P M: VII J DONALDSON, towing barge. 8 P M Paeaed g«N %&W% %»? YT!^ Marcu* Jl'-fl*. Sept ts- -Paimod down: Light house tender IRIS: engineers tug VIDBTTE: •mall tug HOSTLER, towing bargee ROSB Wl,,.V!i, mtBf, , ; 'N"IAN. towlnjt a carfloat; CASPIAN, towing tmrge SHINDEI,. STEAMERS REPORTED •V., "ilfiSV 0 ^ . ( 1 rK J or I'hlladelphla; aalled Rhleld*. September 12 Hlr ONI AUK), from Philadelphia: arrlvid Bopton. B>fitemb«r 17 lapd cleared to raturn). Str HOWARD, from Philadelphia; arrived Boeton, September 17. Str B U T . TRIANGLE, for Philadelphl*. 8an Pedro. San Franchco and Portland: cleared Hoaton. Sej>^emb$r 17 "i in.., '• l#th. GEORGB W BARNES, New York. ^ Antwerp Pglted tifft) 1»: RMAM EL N.) nEJ. fBetgt. Marcus Hook „„„ rfenolulu - -Arrived Sept 1ft: WEST tlWJV, LOOK. Baltimore etr: 6th. BOLTON CA«M r |.<4 iBai. New York for Manila. Me. and -al <••! IflfV FNTERPRlt'K. Fgn r r a--,ls.o an-. •a led for TtHo; ISSONOMIA. I " ,v Harbor for Sydney, an d *allo»l l«ith: MATS'tSIA. S.f> frrancNeo, , Salfed Sent 11. VRNTPRA; fSp Fran.-Nro. Panama ognal CrUtebal Arrived Sepi ]fl: xBANGARBE. Havana L«L<«,tiru Htmbure Arrived Scot 11: 'REBOLI-TK i Pant, New York. ^ Pallet) Sept ),-,:• KROONLANO. .sew Y.,tk t la ( herboirr: 13th. Hoi,'.4;u ti;-ri Lo» Vnegeley: 12th. BACANDAGArT Charleston: NNT'VOfS. Mnbl'e. . ^ .„^ „ , Calbarlen Sg'led Sept 14; R1NGP.ORG fNor). Pl.'ladflnh'a. t»«-'J .,„ Gibraltar f»"t"\ S«nt H: "AN *vMM rrsn ph 'a'tMoMe f'" - M»»aell1eaj '5tn. WrtAY CASTLE (Rrl. HOUK Rons for New rVl-Manfand"- Arrived «"nt 1". UNITED STATES fDani. New York Tower *ai|.-d Sept 15. KING GRCFKYDD 'B'V Phiie1e)ph'a. „...„..„... Na*»au Nailed Sept 14 NORDA.MbRIK A <Dao). Clenfueco» OKARTFRB GRAIN Steamer Montreal to Greere. IRS' cents. Serf loading. "• Amer'ean dtearCer Memnon. Noth Paelft> to Weat Coast Sotith Amerlra. part targo lour. Sept loading. N CO AI P B s'^B aleamer Ano»y. 3107 net. At. lantle Binge to Valparaiso, part egrgo, *2.i3, Nov loading. . ' ' TIME CHARTER Norwegian ateamer Sooga. 180V net. round trk> lp West Indie* trade. $1.15: prompt load- '"• * NITRATE ^ * H Daol*h neamer Amallenborg. lOftO net. Cut e to E.,i»r»e. October loading .(done IP London, rata not reported). Norweaian atoamer H«rcU'»#. U'lle to Med- Iterranean. 8&. Adrlatlec 3!». Oct Nov oad- Ing (Loudon)* „. _ „.„ CABB OM. Steamer P 8 Gulf to Australia and or New Zealand, baala cente. ope port. Oct 1-15 cancelling. Il*-i««»*.. M m - PHOSPHATES Swedish at*amer Oxajoaund. 7500 ton*. Tampa to Denmark. Sept loading (part of con- """'"' FOREIGN CHARTERS Tuolta. MOO ton*, one trip, dellvary S.vd- nev. N S W. re delivery China or Japan, Great Cltv. 10.000 ton*, delivery Pott Plrle. redelivery Cbfqa or Japan, 3* »d. Sept Oct loading. Taurus. 7000 tone .Danube to Antwerp. Rot terdam or Hamburg. l«s. United Kingdom Irta ftd. two porta fld extra. Blv 8d less. 1500 too*, oata 2a Od extra. Sept 80 can YILTT Marp, P500 tort*. Rosarlo to Antwerp- Hamburg Range, berthed with ftOOO tout to start, at 18* 1 >-*d. Sept-Oct loadlna. I r obe Mendl. 6100 tons. Glasgow to West Italy. 0*. prompt, ^ Steamer. 6000 t°os. Glasgow to B A or La Plata. 15s Sept. Canadian Posptjctor. 7000 ton*. Newastle, N 8 W. »o San Francisco. $2.25, Sept Oct 10. cancelling. FOREIGN MAILS Clostnj at Phlla. Postofflce, Woek Ending September 22, 1923 The closing time for foreign registered mall at the Central Post Office la 2 P. M. for con- nection with stearaera eatllog the' following day: TRANSATLANTIC MAILS WEDNESDAY. !».. Irish Fre<> State, via Qtieeuetown, (other countries must be specially addressed for despatch bv thU steam- 5 r, via Liverpool): also parcei-oost mail* for riah Free State: bv rail to Boston. Mass.. and thence by 8. 8. Scvthla. 10 A. M. THURSDAY. 20. South Africa (specially addressed correspondence only). via Cap" Town: also pajcel noat mails for Union of South Africa. Bacituanalaml Protectorate. Port- ugueae Eaat Africa. Northern and Southern RhodesU and Southwest Afr\ea Protector- ate, per B. H. Ambrldge. 12.80 A. U.J Ger- many < aiH-cl»ll> addreasod eorfeapondencff only), via H/mburg. per S. S. Ilausa. 12 30 A. M.: Sweden. Norway. Denmark and Fin- land, via Gothenburg: also parcel-post malls for Sweden, per 8. 8. Stockholm, 12.30 A. U.j Turkey and Roupiaola (specially addrcssqd rorrespondence onlv). via Constantinople and Constanaa: also par<**l-po«t malls for Bulaarla and Roumanla per 8. S. Sangamon. 12.30 A. M.: Burote. Afri<a and We^t Asia, via Ply- mouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg; also parcel peat mall* for Great Britain, France. Gar- '••' '^I.I< » ' ' " RREY. Departed this life suddeolv, /^ept. -17. HKLTLA I... wtff of Ha«rv O; .R «$• a«0 laugliier uf lie late Frfteinltil :>»d t'liurl ttte flu von. Itel.iii e> ii nd rwerKP. HISO Indies \u\lllnry »f Goini.intown Coniiuun'ei'v. JO'* In-lied lo f one .II .*, \ Hoa. Wo.l.. 3 P. M. i HI- realdehre, I<8P ito--« st. Gfvi«iptow't In . p-i<n'<\ p I'l.r?-. mny HIII Tuc*. eve. Ml ItTON. sppi. 17 HI t" ill HI. N. I. i.KOKGE. ,-,0ii of lat" GC'ire W. ,i"<l Jo eplpn c. Burton in hi* .VjMi VM", Finc-al i*r- lens WejliieaAs.v. fl p, M., DU l "nt *»vlne> Tiirte HI ' i s into leabjettye, •.'Ol.'i tsiitM.<«; * ; . Int. »ilv<C" i AIM LI;. Sept. irt. ANNA S. w-d •« <J I. B. 'J-ner. GMO(J 78. Ri l.i t v s yiul irends •I'lfVd to sf>rvl<e». Wed, 1.3(1 P. M.. fv>ui icsdtnu' of iipi Kon-ln-law. A OH^.' , » ^''; - • lifMter, JVi K. Euclid a-e.. ilhddoo, leld. N. Je I in in IVB te. ("A^i:. Sept. 17. MRS. .VRAREIIA, I. ''ASK. aged 77. Seriloo.i ill h*tu'»> of "»er *on« Dr. Eugene. A UP. «3 \V. I rt Cut a> -i.e.. I iin-di WHO. Wid.. :t P, «l. Int. nt New Albunv. Ind. St. I miU. Mo., napem please COPA . , CASSJIM .-Siiddenlv, Sept. 17 III-'.NRV nui-biuid oj Cn-hurlne Ca-adv in >e Lin*ke>-). Funeral liiur*.. 7.30 A. SI., fr-mi his laU ffa- idenoe. ui'.J sp.lng Gardeii st. rjoiomn mas* of iVMilcni al SI AiralhaV Ohurcb., ') A. M. HU8 •fVfk nnd fi|i-iii|-<. al.«o ompl-iv-'Cb 'if P. and it Itwy.. Intlted Int. 0. I ' Cent. «. IIALFAN . Sept. 17 H NNATI I.. wid Ow of T, Clialk v tM.aTtan.. H«««1 Vi. » ^ ;;» e »*^• limt>..- •: i. M 10'it p«,IOr Sf.i'n" ftlgbl « Son:,. Il.t \\ s a.te *l. Media, Pa., Int. Modla tent. Friends may <all XA,id.. lo 0 " THE PlttLAPELPHtA mQUlHER, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1923 «... , i j>.'.'n •'' ' * " "¥' 0 t M. CLARK. S Sept. 13. lll.LKN V.. Jaughtor of the late P.itilck and Eilrabnll) Clark. Relit- tivea nnd friends are Invtteo to funeral, ripitH. K.3U A. M.i from resilience. U>* G^v nt . >>k. High Rwji.leui Mat* at St. («JW the HnTHM l hiircn, 10 A. M. Tut. «t St. Jopn'd. COES. Sept. 18. ZORE8TEL U.. husband of Allre Ml'lor Coe* a*ed 76. Funeral services linns.. 3 P. M.. ut the home of ht- op. Harold V. Coes, SWl Wayne aye., Gee- mitntoNtn Int. private, Bust Bildgewnttr- MOCK, ' ^ COIEMAN. -Sept. IS. MICHAEL. hnMbam. of late llamiih Coleman. Relatives Hnd friend* also Holy Name Society and D v. No. 8. A. O. H.. are Invited to attend funeral, Fr... S.jW A. M. fr-nt the-parlors of M. A. Hajes 10S E. Price st.. Oermnntown. Solemn Mass of Reouiem at St. Vincent's Church, 10 A. M. Int. New Cathedral Pern. CONARD.—Ninth month. iTth. THOMAS F. CONAltt). acre 82 years. .Relative*i and "lends tnttted to attend funeral oni F fth tlay, 30th,. from his late residence. Maple, OI«. at - P. M. (Standard Ttmel. Int. WJLJL'ILVTO Take 1.02 train Trom Reading Terminal to Ambler Station, also Chestnut Hill trolley to Rose Hi:V ,,,„_,- DAHLSJROM. Sept. 16. CLAiRA^MAHRLIl. wife of Carl G. Dahlslrom. t5«»4«Wj.-« Mfi wood 8ve.. Ardmore. Pa. Funeral services and Int. private, Wed. No floater* DANDRB. Sent. 16. LfLLIAN ,»[ATt, wlf• of Emlle Dandre. and daughter of t h e j a t a Ajn drew 'and""Biiaa J. Devlin ^Relative! frlond* are Invited to attend funeral. at Str 'HERBERT I. PRATT, from PkJltfcaK phla; arrived Port Arthur. Htptemher 11. Schr ROSALIE HUfL. from l^wea Dal; ladetphta; sa'lxd arrived Charleston. September 18. Str VACUUM, for Paulsboro: salted Port Arthur, September 12. Btr W M BURTON, for Phil: Port Arthur. September 12. 8tr GULF PRINCE, for Philadelphia; salloJ Port Arthur. Septemher 12. MARY RRADFORD. Pierce. Catham, N B. for Philadelphia; sailed Portland. Sep terobar H . 8tr 8ABINF. SON. from Baltimore; arrived Sabine. September 11 (and aa led 12th fot Chester Pal- Btr BELFAST MARU (Jap), from PhiladeU phla Ae; arrived Seattle, September 9. Str BURMESE PRINCE (Br), for Philadel- phia; sailed Bu<nos Ayre*. September 18. Sir BUNA l\or). from Philadelphia; ar- rived Port Antonio Septepiber 1». Str AGWIWORLD. from Port Loboa: arrived Boston, Septenihor 18. Str 8CH0CHARIR, from L*!th: ar/ived Boa- ton. September 18. Htr COf^HtADO IBr>. for Philadelphia; • ailed Boston. Septemher 18. Str EASTERN COAST, for Philadelphia; •ailed BoMori. September 18 Btr WEHrriAKE. from Glasgow: arrived Baltimore September 18. BY TELEGRAPH K»w York. Sept. 18. \rriwd. str* M INN ft KAHDA from llamhiirg. etc: PREBIDENT VAN BURBN. from London. r\v; MAJESTIC <Ht) from Hoiithanipfoit. etc: KBI.TORR from Daiquiri: CARENCv). from Genoa. «te; EAST- ERN DAWN, from Antwerp: MA15AMA. froin Pensarola: SORAMICO. from Peiisnrola: JOHN WORIHINGTON. from San Pedro; SIBONBY. from Havana: EL VALLK. from Galveston; NHTHOLAS OUNEO (Nor), f'oni Glbaru; MIS aOURlAN' from Seattle. «tcj HU NOV AAG) fNor". frorrf Caalldn: tug JOHN F LEWIS, towing 1 bge; JO.NANOi;. from Norfolk (Ill-.h and* 2.10 P M): W M I.IBp^ front Baton Bouge IHIghlands. 3.10 )• M); ASSYRIA (Rr) from t;iaa«nw. etc (Sandy Hook. 3.56 P M); ANACONDA, from RoHe.-.luti (Hlghlanda. 4.53 P M). Neva'York Sept J8 Cleared, atra HdDSON (Trl. for Bordeaux'via Baltimore: 8IXA0LA, Mr klngaton: FLORIDA (Dan), for Windsor, S 8: W M TOPPER, for Cape Haiti: LAP- LAND (Rr). for Antwerp: D1TUANIA (Dan*), for Daii/.U-Freilncsa'Nor). for V >rV Oru*: SAN- CAMON for Baltimore: PRESIDENT MON ROB for londo.t: PATRIA (Fr). for Mar ST RUOOA ' (Bratsl. far Pernambuco; AOWl STONE, for I.oa Angelos; SANTA v BAR BARA for Phlla: BlDNBY M HAUPTMAN. for Ix)a Angele*. OTHER PORTS Annato Bay. Sept 14 Railed: Str 8VAN WILD (Dan), for Camden. Vila, Sept 13 Sailed: Sir NORIHUV (Nor) for Philadelphia. Antill* Sept 16 Arrived: Sir NORD8TJOR- VEN (Dan), from Plilladelphla. Boston. Kept 18 Arrived: Str CLAN MAC- BRAYNE (Mr).vfrom Colontlat. eft-. Tampl'.t ArrNed LI: SVBAIAND .Hwedl. N>w (frl-a.»K: i«th. ::K.PURAN'/A. Vera Crn:-.; 16th. MKLINB (NorU New York: MEXOtL. Galvefcton: loth, MIRI.O (Nor). New York: WYNKRlO IBr). Belfast. flaljed Sept IB: GRAMPTOW ANDBRSON. N*w-Orleans; PAOL H HARWOOD. H M U . < .1 I* f.. many. Auafrla. C»e.clio*lavakln. Hunaarv. Swlff.erlanil. etc.. per S. S. Mongolia. 1 A. M : Germany (specially addressed correspondence only), via Bremen, per S. S. Bremen. l'A. M. MAILS TOR SOUTH AMD CENTRAL AMERI- CA. WEST INDIES, ETC. WEDNESDAY. 10 .Nicaragua (East Coast), via Bluefleld*. per S S. 0 P M. Canal Bone, Panama. El Salvador (print*, etc). Nlraraugna tempt Raat Coast). Amapala City. Cholu- teca (also prints, etc, for Naca«une. Teguci- galpa and Yuscaran). In Honduras Caura anil NArlno Wpartmenfs of Colombia. Ecuador, Peru (except laultcts). Bolivia and Chile. lother uafls of Honduras must he specially ? ddres*ed for /lispatch bv this steamer), via rlstobal. Talara. Salaveny. Callao. Mol leado. Arlca, Iqulqae. Antofagasta. c'oqulmbo. Valparaiso and Talcahuana ( .per S S Santa E '*l , feuRSI>AY 1 ' 20—Yucatan and Campeche (c'nh* and other parts of Mexico must be apaclaiy addressed for dispatch by this steam- er), via Havana, Proartso, Vera Cms and Tamptco :«IKO parcel poat mails for the Mex- b-n States of Campetlie and Yucatan, per S S Mexico. 12.80 A, M. Haiti, except prints. etc., for Cape Haiti and Port de Palx ICnra- cao and Veneauela must be apt-daily nddreHand for dispatch by this ateamwr v'.a Port an Prince. Cufacao. La Oualra. Puerto Cabello and, per 8 8 Carna 1.00 A. M. St. Thomga. St. Croix, Saba. st. Martins. St. Bustatlus. St. Kltta. Nevl*. Antigua. Muni- srrrat. Guadeloupe. lKtmink-a, Martinique and St. TAicia (Guiana, Barbados. Grenada. St. vlricettt and Trinidad must be apeciully nd- dragaed for dispatch by this stoairiMl. vl.i St. Thomas, St. Ciol«. N't: Kltts. Antlgim. Guadeloupe, Dominica. Marllulq\ie. St. I m I i and^Barbadoa. par 8 8 Martln'que. 1.00 A. M. FRIDAY. 31 Newfoundland, via St John*, par S 1 Roaallnd. 9 P M. Bermuda, via limn TlfOn. W » H Fort Vtetorla. 9 P M. TRANSPACIFIC MAILS The connecting malls t lose at the Central Postofflce at It) P M on Jatea shown.' * Hawaii, via San Frunclsco. Sept 20. per 8 8 II 8 A T Cambria. Japan. Korea and Siberia. al*o specially ad- dressed correspondence for otner destinations, via Seattle: also pareel-oost mail* for Japan and Korea. Sebt 21. per 8 S Pi-otosliau*. • Hawaii ela Ban tfranclsco. Sept. 21. per S S Wilheltr.lna. Philippine Islands (letter mall only), also S ocially addressed corrcspondcnco for Japan, orea arid China, via Vancouver ami Vic- toria.. B C. Sept 22. .iter 8 S Bmprcsa of Aus- tralia. Japan. Korea and China (specially addre*sed correspondence only), via Seattle, Sept '-'l. per I S Africa 'Mam. Hawaii. Hnmoan Islands. Australia and Now Zealand, via San Francisco: alsfl* parcel post mails for Samoan Islands and Austrnlla (note, letter mails for .New Zealand will he dbr- mabaiked at Honolulu for connection with S S Niagara, due there Oct 13). Sept 2T. per 8 8 Ventura. . . TRANSATLANTIC MAILS DUE AT NEW YORK S S Majestic due Sept 18. with malls from Belgium. Egypt. France. Greece, Italy. Neih- t/lands. Portugal. Spain. Switzerland. Turkey and Jugoslavia. Steamer left Cherbourg Bout us. OBITUARY A.R.MONTGOMERY Philanthropist Was Member of Sev- eral Organizations Archibald ft, MontaonoTy, for tnor<» than sixty yeras u cltisen of Dolu- ware ronnty and well known in this wty, died at (ilenays, his' home in Radnor township, near Ttryn Mnwr, on Monday night. While he had been jn poor health for several months, he had recently gained strength and his death was not expected. Mr. Montgomery Mae horn on May 30, 1847, the Hon of Richard U. and Elizabeth Hinney Montgomery. lie was educated at the Episcopal Acad- emy and the 1'niversity of Pennsylva- nia. An accident, while he was still a youth, resulted in the loss of his right arm and other serious and per- manent injuries, lie overcame his Ehysical disabilities ajjd his active life ad been, In the main, devoted n. charitable, and philanthropic work. For many years he was a vestryman of the ('huveh Of the Redeemer, llryn Mawr: president of the Pennsylvania Institution for the I>enf, and a mana- ger of the Pennsylvania Hospital, lie was a. member of the /eta t'si Fra- ternity, the Merlon Cricket Club, ihe University Club, and the Radnor Hunt, of which he was a founder, for many years vice-president, and, until recent yearn, one of the mqst nctive mem- bers. He .was unmarried. Jacob tv. Loose / OUWCESTER, Mass.. .Sept. IS. Jacob I/. Loose. Kansas Ch\v» Mo., as- sociated with the Loose-Wiles Biscuit Company and a summer resident here, died today. and fhura.. at I) o'clock, from hV'iate'resIdenco. $26 N. Randolph st. Int. private, at Mt. M«rtaU '.era. Kentalns mny he viewed Wed. eve. DANTK. Near Columbus N. J., Sept. IT HiHN 0. -»UNT?>. aged ««• K 8o/vIces « his late residence), near Colnmbua. N. J Thurs.. I P. M. (standard time). Int. Colum- bus Cent. ' DE BELLA. Suddenly, on Sept. IT. JO- SUPIIINK. daughter ot Maty De Bella, aged \9 yoHri. Re'stlves and Irlende ^lso mem bers of B. V. M. Sodality of St. Rita's Church, aro invited to funeral services on Wed., n P. M., at residence. 2314 S. 20th st. Solemn reouierti mass at St. Monica's Church. » A. M.. Thur*. Int. llolv Crosa Cem. 1MKNKH.-- Sept. 17. suddenly. BER'fHA KVA (nee Holler), beloved wife of W mam Dit'iier. aged 10 years. Rein fives and ffWOda. roombera of Kii>t Germnn Baptist ( hurcli <»»n and Luxeine). Invited to attend funeral eerv- Ices. Frl.. 2 P. M.. late residence. r 'l23 N. Lambert st, Int pilvnte, Northwood Cem. Viewing Thura.. 8 P. M. DOI.LARD. Sept. 16. \NNIE A. BOLLARD, ItelutlveH nnd faienils are invited to attend fiiiieml. Thins.. S.80 A. M.. from 1TM N, 11 th, at. Solemn leouieni mass St. Malachy s Church at III A. at, Int. Mol.v Sepulchre Cem. KHI.K. -In New York City N. Y.. Sept. 17, KI'tiKNK KBIK. Tut. W0*t Laurel Mill.Cem.. Wed. at 12.M P, M.. lavlUht-savIng time. KNNTS. Sept. 17. CATHARINE V. HNNIS, Uelntlvos and friends are Invited to attend funeral. Thura., 8.30 A. It., fflW,JftL'.*f|S: dence of her sister. Mrs. Mulveh"l $%&, a % st. Kolentn reriulem mass Ht the Cathedral, IU A. M. . Inl. llolv Cross Cem. FKRGV'KON. On Sept. 17. SARAH, widow of Andrew 0. Ferguson. Relatives and frienis Hie Invited to aervlces. Thura.. nt 2 P. M.. nt her Isle rcldence. MSi Market st. Int. at Fernwood Cem. Viewing Wed. ev«. F1T/.PATRICK. Sept. 16; EDWARD C. husband of Mary K. Fitzpatriek (nee Mur- phv). and soil of Malavh.v and Delia Fits- Patrick. Relatives and frlcnda. also Dlv. No. ftO. A. O. II.. aro invited to attend' funeral. Tllllra., S.30 A. M., residence. 1271 S. Holly- wood st. Solemn requiem mass at St. Ga bitel's Church. 10 A. M. Int. Holy Cross Cem. ' " GRKCER. Sent. 16. IHOMAH P.. husband of th* Inr# Addln L. Oreger. Relatives gnd friendi. aUo Continental Republican Club, em- plovees of Ilureau of are Invltod to attend fungral services. Thura., io A. M.. at the parlors of F. M. Rowland A Son. 100S Diamond nt. Int. private. Remains may be viewed W.ed.. after 8 P. M. GR0F.T8CH.--At Occanvl.le. N. J.. Sept. 1(1. JOSEPH F.. husband of Rosa F. Groetach, aged 64. Relatives and friends Invited to attend funeral. Thura.. 8 A. M.. from C. A. Quinliv A Sons. 1848 N. 20th st.. Phlla. Solemn high ma«s at Ht. Luke's Church .Glen side. Pa., 10 ,V. M. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. Remains viewed Wo.t. after 6 P. M. HAINKS. At Friends' Boacdlnf Home. 6300 Greene st.. (iermuntowu, Seconu-day. Ninth month t7th. HARRIET TpWNSEND. widow of Richard R. Haines, In her 00\h year. Tlt- nnral. Fifth day. Ninth-month. 20th. at 2.30 P. M. Int. private. HAINwS.—vlSth day, Olh month. SUS-AN L. HAINKS. Relatives and friends are Invited lo ut tend her funeral. Atli day. 20th ln«it.. 2.80 V. M. isinudard time), from tier late resi- dence. Wolf Run House, near Petmsdele. HKNCKKL. Sept. 17. F.LSA. wife of-^ Alfred A. Henckel. aged ' 42. RflaUvea and .friends invited to attend funeral service*. Tliurfe. IT. M.. at the parlors or Joint S. Horkelbaoh. 3T30 Cettnantown ave., cor. >of Rrood st. It»t, -pri- vate. Northwood Cem. t v w v l may call Wed . 7 to B P. M. HILL- Sept. !•* JACOB, husband of Emma Hill, aged Oil. Relatives and friends, also Barbarossn t'nterstutzungs vereln. Ba- dlscher I'uterstutsungs Vereln- and employee* of American Pulley Co.. Invited to atteud fu- neral. Thura.. 2 P. M., from hie late resi- dence. 2124 N. 28th st. Int. private. North Laurel Hill Cem. Friends may call Wed. eve. KKI.LV. Sept. 17. CATHERINE KELLY. Relative;, anil friends, i Hilics' Auxiliary, A. I). *L. No. 31. also Lad* Victory. No. 36. K. or St. J.. are^Phvlted lo attend funeral Thura.. S.!)0 A. M.. from her late residence, 215S K. Cumberland st. High mass at Ht. Ann's Church. 10 A. M. Int. New Cathedral Ceii^. LAM. Sept. 18. JENNIE, wlf« of lat ) I'luirlea M. Lam, aged 67. Relatives and friends ate Invited, (o-ittenil funeral. Fri.. 2 uf, 1 ' " ",''.'"• ' gates I'V RHEUMATISM .:: for rheumatism Is directly through the blood. The poison that aettlea in tho muscles, front and back, causing aeverg pains, must bo dis- solved and expelled from tho system or therO can be no relief. Rrown s Blood Treatment la the most logical remedr for the yelief of rheuiiia tlsin.. The special lna;redlenta entei- Ing Into the treatment aro Intended to drlvo out of the system uric acid and at tho aamo time build up healthy red blood corpuscles. $2.00 a pottle, net a bottle and note tho wonderful Improvement In rheumatic condi- tions. Open evenluxa and Saturday P. If. Blown'a Drua- 8toro. 10th and Ajroh Btreata. . WJ.—a: ^GOOD WORK^ AT LOW PRICES SATISFACTION & PAINLESS, DENTISTRY GuRranteed nt lowoat i net In PhJIa. 50c & $1 Filling* DR.HYMAN 9th and Market THE DENTIST WHO DOES NOT HURT Examination Frmm Platte* that lit. iff. pi. Crowwes and fcrldge- work, $». Cleaning. Si. Kllltnga, Mo up. - X-Roy Examination DIED ALLEN. Sept. 17. EMMA f., tvlfe oflai- Stanislaua .1. Allen. Rclailv-s and filo:uls i.i vlteif to attend funeral, ihurs 8.30 A. M-. from residence of her brother-in-law. James B. lUit/.l'. 0S22 N. Broad st. (Broad, and Hftlnca sis.). Solemn reunion IIHISH at Chuieh ot Holy Angels. 10 A. M. Int. New Cem. ASHMEAD. sept. I». OKOROBANNA S.. daughter of the late lieoige I,, and Kuril.-I I'.reitt Aslmiead. In her 8Sth year. Fuueial «ervij*i» at the rexldence of her niece. Mrs. u. P. itcii.uii. 147 Grand View road. Ardmoie. Pa.. Fri.. 2.80 P. M. Int. private. Kindly omit flowers. BAItTH. Sept. IS. WILLIAM BATH BARTH. It hi. realdence. HlHlilaml a*e, .tml Maple ave.. t'ynw.vd. Pa. Due notice of funeral will be .given. BKCHTEL- Se„t. 17. CAPTAIN WILLIAM II. BECHTKL. In his »>2d year. Funeral serv- ices 'I'hura,. 2 P M.. late resldeii•«, Gtoueps- (er pike, west of t.awmdde Sta'lon. Barrlna- ton. N. J. Int. Harloigh Cem. BERDNER.- In New York city, on Sei.i. I«. ELLA ANNEAR BERG.VEIL widow of 0. William Rertner. Service Wednes., 10.M0 A. M.. Rent. t». at St. Jamoa' Church. 22d and Walnut st».. Phlla. Interment private. Please omit dowers. BIRD. Sept. 10. at the residence of Wal- lla Itilleau. near North Wales. Pa.. CLARA A., daughter of the late William II. and Han- nan P. Bird, aged o4, Fuqefnl aervlces il of L»urof Hill Con.. Thura. -*-i-, ,.ap,- irvlcea nt- 11 A. M, Pnymente •*J* I »39 MARKET ST. I N. E. Cor. W h * Ukt. 3 N, 10th St. I Dally., 9 to ft p. M. ^•'•iin,, If) f rt 4 p . M SC ., ... J. ,.. "Your Health Depends Upon Your Teeth Treat your teeth well and thev wilt treat vou well as vou arow older, Twenty \«»re exftorlenco aro> offered Vou hero at the lowest ooaainle or ices. Cootl Het of TVoth .'.,.^f*.0« Flue Set of Teetli tlH.tM) G«hl irown tt Itrlilx,.. Work. *3 to »« Silver IHIIitg. «O<M Clolrt $1 U |> •V" i: B hi ii: i. .$ 5 l4AaV4.ff#! No oharae for nsin'es* oxtraotlon whan other work ta done. Alt work guaranteed Q?* n - 9 d- **• *o • **• **• 9undava 10 to «. Dr. B. R. Sirnotu. formerly oraotlolna <M EASTERN PAINLESS White DENTISTS 942 Market St. 8 ™: r i a'e rosldedce |<f* p'uVkl a^e Inl. I Con ill). Fun- jt'l ft mi** tjf •« 'PA ^'gW'J/trhTihiM Cchi I ' •. ' :'.".. r « l " " ' <• ••0\\i-< htotli'i-l> I iw. tor •**- ,vs LVLKLTT. C. La lit. aged M. Inl pg.-. n in i . a t \ r>- in" Me To ntn ta/i. i":n i a .•« nl lift, al llo!,v - /c>i'i;i > 'Tfl I.T SI AID \', Di;, I AMH. Soul. 1>. OURi^ , I. or«it I. and I dna C • upc.a -en ice . iF I,, i! >.f •-'<',' i- <c iif"' Mi^'^n o-">. Inl. pi-l.tiP*. ' TTi l.lii..- rje-iv'-n i)>s'- h* HM- r | Tii -i- ,,K ^. ' l o i'• r m- , M Mi, t,Al.BV.-Sept. 10. CAR >t.INK. ' Wife »t ''•«•» >.«rg a.e C i»|l .. L fa b.-- RlIiltJV>« acd'iipo-lx „iv In- I P«- •" i'«" " v - tlbd-'lo funeral s-i-vceh I eui ,. '.' P. M. <tl f J'« t«o »t in. -,v r ;;ie , a< idencc. 'il'i' iS Rult' st. Int. url- -to tale. r»l*nd» mav tall l\-d. 7 to " P M / l< . --.Si t h«it(> .tlt'u . -cp . Di, ;iAHAil •».. w •«• of Ceoige, l " hi r Ho'l illiiLlii"'- of .Mi'i'.^oi ,i. :}r ,A mtah \ ki«i' i . m •' »t»t anl I'-od' of nl" In, e<1 / .o ,;itl- nil t n •:nl. 5"bur»,, at N.nci ,\. M.i 'rhm 'te.- into ic-i-te'icv i nngle.v jive.. I.ennev I* *[k. Che'a cr. .1 • •« n«n-a i i It o Ho-une-lllt.1 a( 10 A. M. I'll 'mmkculate Heart Cem. •J.. I . MI M a. ;. v ilo-v " '•I '.', K; I '.I • ' I . .. ;•; ".. ;,',i Diiii-i .••I, 1.1' lull". \. 'l . 1 I'll.- Ill '-I .'.• VV. I'll •'!'•• i'l , M I'll. W..' hill'.: * , l.OlDEN. Sett. 17, f IAK\. wife of M 1- "on Louden iu?e t''. R» alive-, .no friMWls and all .-orictic 1 of «-|iich he its a member, are Invliefl to li.iiend f :icral, Tl'-.n ., «.«(• A. M.. late rcsld^iio. 8w Dennle «t. >' ienit, ron'ilem o.«<.* at ;St. S ephen's t. hurch. 10 A. M. Int. iffly Sebulcliie Cent. MoC.U'SI AND. .S/,tt. '17. JENNIE, wife of W. •'. McCausland, Re'n-. h es and frWlw "re nv.rexl to aliend fuue.all. Thins. 7,;i0 A. M., mm lot S. Svit M. Mlali rei'.ilem maK^ at St. Jnmefc' Church, 0 A; M. Int. Lancaster, Pa. t^r And* n.a.v rail Nyod. ore. McKALVEY.- Sudden \\. on Sept. 17. NOR- MA IL. duuglttor of Alexander anl Fannie G. MeKaN ey Relutlves and irlerits. also Camp No. 1«o, P. O. S. of A., nvttei to finernl serv)e«f. 'fhirs., 'J P. M.J (Day l»ht-*avlng). at her parent*' residence. 5003 Chojtnut st. Int. at Fernwood Cem. Friend* mav call nfler 7 P. M. ed. ,. MJIIGHFN.- Sept. I ft, JOHN A.. hutTband of ROse K. Melghan In** Downey), anl son Of Kllrabcin and the late J ,srji i -Me!gh'»u, Relatives and friend* also I'hlla. lodge. No. 54. I. O. 0. M.. and White Caps' New Y'< ASKO.. Invltwo to attend Ifi neral. Tit :v~-.. 8. A. M.. tr*int bis late residence, 1023 Wol' st. Solerrn I Igh majt* t s hurch. 10. 4. M\ ^olemn I Igh majis of i4guliem Int. Holy Cros,s fern. St. S.30 ; st. M-Milca'a pepi. MILLER.— Suddeiib. Sep palan.' III.. IACOB Mll.t KR. flOlO Rldsre.ave.. Boxborbjjh, 17, at Cham- Due notice from MILLTUS. Dreherl.~ widow of Sept. *r 17. FREDERDKA (nee Hai*r.v Mlllius. agH id years. Relatives and frlehda invited to »eivices. 'Iburs., 0 P. M residence of broth- er In-law. Mr. Adolf C. Haeberle. 3110 N. Bth sLVnt. private. Nor bwood Cem. Viewing Wed.. J r . M. ; MONTGOMERY.—At .Hon.aya. Radnor.Town- shfp Dotnware Co.. Sept.l 17. ARCHIBALD R. MONTGOMERY. Funernl iserviees at Church of Rodeemer. Brvn Miiwr. Krl.. at 4 P. M. Day- liglit-».av)ng Time. MOK01PAN. Suddenly. Kept. 15, JOHN, be- loved husband of Bridget rwscipan fxiee m ' i !>-^ a«g Ml Itl'UY. -Sept. in \:.\l;v A.. r)*.'igli|"j< .| ,., i- .tileh.ii'i ,i id \j,;\ ip'i»i lie'a lv"s •nd lends , r fn t.^i ,•• a tV it' full» il '' I'M!:.. II v A. M . 'nil- •'i'$V.-.,vo. I'd.i N, HIV >l. Mas Hi ts•-. RMSO of I linn i.'liuicli al fl A. M. I'll. Pott vllt .. I'II, O'CONNOR. >epl. 17. STELLA- MARIE. iiu.gti.i'i 01 ilia.l-s and i;i'le O'Connor (non id 'r'ouds ap" . i-.ltcd to .O'l A. M.. tinients' r«l*J >-t. .--dlemn IIHIM" of re- . harcli. 1(1 A, M. In . Mu'Tnlv L.«Relntives n attend funernl. Jlrl.. de«<- ?fiM S. ^inwi- ouient al Epiphany fj i < -:<-ss em. ODEA. - Sept. 17 MARGARET E. ODEA, Funeral ••eivioes wPl |n> held at her ,ln'e resl- 'i"ttcc PJ3R N. Ui'lejiti---tin St.. Thur*.. 9 A. M, Int. Pol'stown. l'a. Remains may be v>«e.' W"» 7 to 10 P. M. <'f4BORN<*-Sept, Is. MYIU OSBttRN. Fu- neral services. Thurs. ;i P. >L. G. 'A. R- Home, flilth aed Vine «ts. Int. Mt, >for)a , i.' RAVEN. Departed thi* life Sept. 10. FREEMAN" R W E N . Relatives and friends, also MItcheTl Lodso No. 200. F. and A. M.. and all othei Mv,;nic orderN of which he was a member, are Intlted to funeral services, Wed.. 3 P. M.. at his late ro-ldenee. -ISOS ROSK st.. Germuntnwn. int. private. Frbnds may call Tues. e^e. d RirANE. -Sppi. Hi. MARTIN M.. hushand of Maigaiet Rniiii- (pre Morrison) ,of pi'^n mere. Glenafcnle. Coi n i v Unlway. Irolard. Relatives and Irlemls invited to attend funernl. Thura.. S.30 A. M..\lnte res deuce, !}270 Lorifat «t. SOlCain mass of vo-iuloiu nt Ch'ireh of St. James. 10 iA. M. Int. Holy Proas Cem, New Vork racers p'^ace c"i>, SiHECK.--Sent. 1». JEANNET1E T.. he- lOvell wife of lo.-epii J. School, and dauvhtey of TOwnsend and the late Jeannette Hitnea. Funefal. to whlcb relatives and friends tr« Invited. Thurs.. 8,30 A. M.. from her late res- idence, 038 Marlyn mad. Overbrool,-. Solemn Mass of Retiulem. St Catllstus' Church. 07th •t. nnd Lnnxdowtie HVC.. 10 A. M.. precisely. Int. Private. SCHRAMM.- Sent. IS.. PETER H.. husband of Johanna Sohsgmni (n>e Frllnel). Relative* and friends, also William B. Selinlder t/>dge, No. 41U, F. and A. M.: Harmony R. A. C No. «2: Quaker City i/tdge. No. 208, L O. O. F.; Court Amerlens. F. F. of A., invited to attend funeral. Dfi., 2 \>. >f. from his late residence, Mil Upland at. Int. Mt. Mortal! Cem, Remains may be Slewed Thurs. eve. 8I1RIVER. At Atlantic City. » i mi i i N. J.. Sept. STEAMSHIP LINES STEAMSHIP LINES x * yPN f* s "' Accommodations are Still Available on the S. S. PRES. HARDING J Sailing Sept. %% f Jo Bremen via Plymouth and Cherbourg \ from Piers 5 and 4» Hoboken S. Sa LEVIATHAN J I SaiHiig Sept. %9 f'o Cherbourg and Southampton from Pier 86, foot of W. 46th St., New York To'riremen via Plyhiouth and Cherbourg from Pterc 3 and 4 Hoboitea President Arthur George Washington America • • • • . Presideijit Roosevelt 2 6 Oct Oct Oct 13 Oct 23 To London via Plymouth and Cherbourg tailing from Piers 3 and 4 Hoboken President Monroe • • •.' 1 President Van Buren • • • President Polk * •* > • I President Adams 1 • • • • Sept 19 Sept 26 Oct 4 Oct 17 Telephone your Steamship Agents or the United 8tates Lines today. A. representative Will call upon you gladly United States Lines 1431 Walnut St., Philadelphia Lombard 8570 Managing Operators r. s. SHIPPING . IS. ILWIS RliriVBR. n-.*' W>, b'le-ed bus (i. Si , Ii; . h i ' l . ttpU '•'"' " i nil v'li'N I' •'•en II , • >'i I'l UK l,|v~l ' .1 it • |t i:. J .... i i •• > ,.s I,. ;• ' y.. ,f . i; T • i- I ,'lt'l I i'.V. \. .1 o: !>;'• .(• ii ei ;• A* HI rini?ii t T.MR>„ I..'10 !• M. , «*. ' S! .xl'l.. .'.-i.t. in. ELI .1. tvl '•• hiiii' i) it II i"l' Iflfl'llll Hi III l)l)| |l I lllil- • lit. •.til iu';e I\/>e( MAKER. Tti'Hu.ves i nd fiienl ns a ni'Mit- id f a; •ash..,, nama. -^- • b IS 1\ t I'll Is N •. S, t •d i" •I.. : \ Inl. via Ci'' I'M.. a c and nl Drain of vthli.'h he \t I'l 1 ;-. .tie' I'IVJ.V" o ii'i' idi nern'i ->•)• C •. I i. i-. J.Sy r v l . . lit Ihe |Ast.)MieH of (!••• tv<- f'l'*'. 1m V.. F^e si. htf. Ctyen'ijoiitii ten. 1'ileiuls nin.v cn'l*\\>d.. afier S It. M. SHIM S> !>*. 17. CMMA L. Kl!OF Ili'lnt'-'S « ,,f riivJttl - a • in l.e^ to narltu's o' a(fend fi'iieu;) Tim s. ^ ('. M.. i narlfU's o'. .T'lin R, StlVN .?• ab.'i. 111" V.. .'!ii«i'iiia)hiinnii ave. Int. |vh«ie fvOilll ( ed.ic ('HI C'eni. I'riendu may eall M>(, . nf'ei' V !*. M. KI'KAIL Sepi, 17. Mis. AHKLML Xl'K.AIt. ruitfriil sffVieoa. 'I'litt s., j P, M.. nreeiseiv, at revld ine of her s.m. William 'ftrar. 2''OJ R. poi.uhin 't. lot. niLn'e. Fr end i may v -all Wed.. R 'o 10.-P. M. rieice mill' (loweis. 'STAITOIIP,- Al Riverside. al.. on Se»t. 12. DR, WIMflKI V. STAKFOItl). husband Of Annii M, fttnfford. Ilelotlves nnd friends, also Williamson Lodge, Xu. 30ft, V. m l A. M.. St. John's fhapfer. \o. '.92. >L A. M.. I'hlla- 'I'dinili t'ennnnndert, No. p. K. T.. «re litv.ted to ser\Ues. Wed., at 0 T'. M. tdityllau savInK). Bantlst (Vmeterv CfttSfiel; llnddonfle d Sj, ,1. '.STKWARnSON. At AtVinHe f.l.v Snpt. 17. >NN'A. eldest dalitfhfer of late Tliomas snd Hannah HolHnfrsn'orth Stewnvdso •{ in .->4th year of her n-e. Sen lees at UCt Arelt st.. I'liurt,.. II A. If. Int. i» ivnte. STOUT. Sept. 1«. MATvTHA A Kdsar T. iStoi't. itemalns may be her home. wtlUamstota n. N. .1.. from 7 to 8 I'-M. DaylUrht Savin* !f1m*. Kii nernl service* Thurs.. 12 noon, at i airlors of S. V. Irankenfleld !^<ns. ri300 Vine s(|. Int. Ar- lln*ten Com, .STRAW. -Sept. 17. at fravose. T»a.. ISAAf: J., husband of iale V.lltfabeth Gr in Strmt, formerly of flRlO Master st,, In his fiOin yenr. Belatlve« and friends Invited to Mrvlc»l, Thurs.. 2 P. M.. at the Shurtleff Apts..,> MaiWet it. Int. private. the service on Thursday at 1 P. M. »t the •'Ihe' II. Hn' Hli'tr.. 1"^'t rdeMn, t Itir.i lute -nteir 'iil.ii'e ;if Put h •• ",it> Ii.' I'M . \1. Siiu. 17 i i.t'l.k.*.;!-:. r lm. ,.i. •• </. In • .1 lin ii .Mi AJ.-i y Viti<erm:i:i. ii'lili- ,,ll'i I ' i t ( » I l . t l i < "i in llilliliil e i .' i*s, I' I. :.w i U.. at II i' 'HI- reajtlotice, :i*it'!i Qin'i'h la'- Valla o>' sein yil; il. • In:, p 1- VMK'. Ml. Peace «'om. V l"ifls ina> <•:.f| Th it*, eve, , i ,1 j wi)i;riUN(irii.N. yem. a, DAVIU C. Ir,n blind oi the hue sie-.m Woi thlugton, a*«d 165. Relative* mid friends, alto Peon Township M.. add AWrbS'i < iiiiiicjl. I (.'Ullfll. ,\n (i... So] 30. If, A P. A Aroh at.. I, *|fe of ivlevyt'd In Av'eflnesdHy. STRKKT. At Mooreatovvn. N. I. Sept. 17, JOANNA I)., widow of Dr. A. Emtry Street. Funeral Wed.. 1.80 P. M. (day I slit eav. In*), from her lata residence. 100 Chester avo., Moorestown, | Autos will meet 12.80 P. M. ttaln from Market st. ferrr. Phlla.. at Moorestown. VARY.--On Sent. 17. , BLlZARBTH 8. VARY, into of 724 Wynnewood road. Over- brool,. Relatives nnd friends are Invited to STEAMSHIP LINES ft oH US.Government Ships s^.^,-,.»^V^ «.-. rfVJs, entShi} -Burners |-^*33 Now Americam Built Oll-Burneraj-435 feet long, 21,000 displacement too*;*"'- SEATTLE 11 ateamlng dasya from Seattle tA Yo- kohama. Other porta of call ore Kobe* Shanghai, Hong Kong, Manila. PRES. GRANT Oct. 5 D i e 4 PRES. MADISON Oct. 17 Dec. 1« PRES. McKINLEY Oct. 3» Ddc. 2S PRES. JACKSON Nov. 10 Ja>. • PRES. JEFFERSON Nov.32 ) « . M «ntf every 13 tittyn fTiere.ftei For information addroaa Admiral Oriental Line 17 State St., New York or local railroad and ticket orli "OGr SAN FRANCE Via Honolulu to Yokohama, Kobe, Rbartehol.F'* PRES. PIERCE Oot. 4 D|M> PRE8. LINCOLN Kong, Me nil*. v 0ct. 18 pjao. 81 PRE8. WILSON NOT. 1 Jin. 10 PRES. TAFT Nov. 15 jfn. 8« PRES, CLEVELAND Nov. 87 Feb. 9 auo* every 14 day* f/tereafTe| For Information Addreaat Pacific Mail S. S. ^ o . 10 Hanover Square, New York CHr or local railroad and ticket agekejr .Vrtiirtpino Operntort for U. S, SHIPPING BOARD V -X'.!^'.J~ =r- TOURS AND TRAVELS CLARK'S 21st MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE Feb. 2, by epccialiy chartered Wh !te Star S. 6. "BALTIC"^! *' 4 69 day* $600 up Including hotel*, dri iei,gni<lr», fee*, visiting Madeira, Spain. Athens, Corl* •tantinople, 18 day* in Fgypt Snd Palestine! Naples, Rome, Monte Carlo, etc. S :op ->ver In Europe andreturnbv Maieatic" 'Hcmeric"etc* CLARK'S 4th CRUISE, JA*iJlS.1\ 000 «fc.UP ROUND THE WORLD 122 day*, including hotels,drives, guides, rets (KC by (pccially chartered Cunard nev /oil burn** aAcoNiA'' sum A floating palace tor the trip. Panama Canal, Loo Apgelet, 18 daya Japan and China option 10 days Ifidla, Jerusalem, Athens, etc. Stop ova* In Furope and return b« "Aqultsnla ' etc. FRANK C. CLARK, Ttmet Bldg., HAUTMiT'f TOURS CO., MO H. 13th 8*. Cunard or White Star t>ocal Of fleas VBANK O. CLAHK. 'A'lm.a »l|a;.. N. V. New York our BANKING DEPAKIMENTo^ I -• Joforjo, ba 'I %* •... profit- cs, drafts, notes on <• V ^ O U R bank should be protector, servant, counsellor and friend. "j If it is less than these to you, you should lose no time in improving your banking relations. A N ACCOUNT with this Company is a convenience and a safeguard; it provides a record of payments, and makes it profit- able to you by paying interest on your balance. HE Company serves ,by collecting chec g/ Bj * local and distant points. It remits anywhere. It furnishes ' safe deposit Vaults, where valuables may be kept. It lends money 'on, approved collateral, an^d finds investments for you. The counsel of its officers is always available in financial affairs. j ' L V HE Philadelphia Trust' Company can only thrive when its "7 patrons thrive. In promoting its customers' interests it pro- motes its own. But such relations must be reciprocal, and it desires its| patrons to feel that in helping the Company they are helping themselves; that as^the Company progresses it is able to giv$> better service. Upon such*; a basis it invites a continuance of its present patronage and the account of every one who appreciates such a b l anking # connection. . ri hiladelphia. Trust Company , 415 Chestnut St. Broad and Chestnut . s I i Special $1 X-Ray I Examination < ohatiltatton. adrlte nrtd exnmlnn- flon. Im Inrlliia- Xs.Rajr. t'hemhnl Annl.vala and Illood preftftur* Teat for One Dollar. Ruch ia the offer made by The i;leelro-Meilleul f>oetora *«ho now <MTII|,,V the entire htfltding, four flonra. at 132 Mouth Iflth M. (Just be> low Cheatnnt), Philadelphia, to the sl<k H.I.I Hlllng. / Cases Incurable Told So If iour cttae la Incurable, you will lie frankly told ao. The examination 'a. tnoat Important j while It roata hut one tloMar. It la aa accurate aa If the patient had paid the rranlar examin- ation ehiiiaeis In full. Too are under no obligation to take treatment. Physical Wreck Regains Health "/ ran no^ appreciate whit tick pi'ople. it-ho ftuvA hten wade teen uavt to do oil in. thrir power to hel/> Mh- rr* ailUia," AO«»» Mm. Lydia E. How- ell, of /2{ Firnt Avenue, Pitmttn, V. J. "That 9 the way I feel no-/). and take thin mean* of trying to reach »nme poor tuffcrcr who i* d i t c 0 u r ay-d and about reii'hi to give tip th>- hat tie of Hfr. 1 »'«* one of that cla»* hut not uoir. fiejore l $tartcd taking treat- mrnt with The J.lcctro Mrriical t)o<- to,t I .«><i* a physical wrc^k for ycart. l] had a high hlood prcnturc tchich cavted tnc terrible vertigo ot- tahbt, my hack ached, and paint c>'- tcided to tny arm* and leg*. I tin* very nervou* and could not atrip and wan losing weight, tfg hutband in*itt>d I take treatment froin The Elevtvo-i Medical Doctor* at he, had called on Mr. Itoroy, of .Glataboro, 'UIIOHC. wife watt taking irratr,\ent» and had -I'- ' rirtd mott brmftcial retultt. After my third treatment, I tyiiiced im- provemtnt, and now I aiit^fcry de- cidedly better. My family and jviendt all ma> rel at ma worked change, nnd I am trul'f feeling like a new being. I,AR«KST OFFICES IN STATK The i:iretro~M<*ll,i«l Dot'tora' ofttcra are the largeat and rlneat equipped of- fices of their kind in the State treat- ing rhronli- and nervoua dlaeaaen. The Klectro-SIedlral Doctora never dlatrlb- nte <arda, pamphlet*, etc.. from door to door, ao do not be deceived, but re- member the correct addreaa. AILMENTS TRF/ATF.I> Among the allmenta treated b.v The F.lectro-Mediral Doctor* are anemia, iiallimn, bllloiianeHN, bladder anil blood troublei*, bronchltla, bowel trouble, catarrh, constipation,' deaf- neftSt dyapepala, ecceina,, fenuile trouble*, stomach gaaea, gaatrltla, heartburn. Intestinal troablea, liver complaint., weak Innga, nervous de- bility, pnralysla, neuritis, rheumatism and other dlaeneee of women and men, The Electro-Medical Doctors 122 South 18th Street Kntire Rnlldlng l'lltl.ADFI.rillA OFflCE HOURS: Dailr 8 A. M. to 8 )'. M. Wedrtesrtsys h Saturdavs. 8 A. 5 P. M. Sundays 10 A. M. to 1 V. M. RESOBTS , ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Kew Clarion, Kentucky A va - J""* ° " . . Boardwalk. I New brick addition. An all year hotel. I S. K. BONIFACE | 20th year. Booklet. nt-n#> Boanlwaik at Ocean Ave. Ku- "' "* luiniiii nlnn. KiiunliiK water; La M 12.00 up dally. Private bath SB.00 "im daily, PmaraM Missouri Ave.. 4 doora to He.11 h. I.IIICIHIU outside rooraa: home oookins. ITthanccfas. year. Bath, prlv. ,Mra. M. ypomey ^T VI M O Tenneaaee nr. Beach. Kuocial OI. MinVfuii ra , eiI Att) eriean A Huron, plans. Running Water. Mrs. Theodosla Miller. H o t e l G a » e U ,?j,* l, * ,0, i!* A *«- *"«• " UICI v»«*g«j Butidlaa. Hot aad *«!« water ovorv_roo«nj__Eurooaan„rlaJ*.__ Marlvn 1; ' :! H( - Ch.rlea. Kuropean. 1 Tray mwiiysa hreaafaat. Ph. I/uubard 2628, Phils. ATLAMTIO O I t t , N. J. 2 !>• World'a Or.ate»t Plarrfosss* are Invited lo fu rest- eaca OCEAN CITY, N. J. THE FLANDERS On Boardwalk at Eleventh Ht OCEAN CITY, N. J. K spEciAri%L Rims' J. HOWARD NMICIIM, 1'rea Seven yeara inanacor "Tho OreenbL.. White Sulpkur Sprlna-.. w. fa. *tgr. irler" Burdaal Houae te%^ytttfc- WILOWOOD. N. J. finest Hotel. Opaa D. 3. WOODS. sHEiPONsa^g:'/ MT. POCONO, PA. Til A Relmnnt Modern throughout:. at*ea» snsj o e i m o m tieat j . 1, OORNISB MOUNTAINHOME, PA. The New Mo«n» Airy ™jffl$ft»* SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES You Sir! What ate vou dolnir with . your K re. nlnga? Don't you want a better-try- ing position? Don't you want the chance at the good things of life, and a successful happy future? Don't you know that you can make all these things possible by spending three evenings a week In tHIs giyat eehrtol Of business? Such a course will give vou a Knowledge that no one can lake away from-y»u, ability that Will make you alwaya valuable to many concerns. ,We want to make you capable 6f nlllng. any position. Will vou let us do H f General Muslims*, IHislness Administration. Higher Ac- counting (C. P. A.). Shorthand. Sec- retarial. Teacher-Training. Saleanmn- ahln, Real Estate sod Conveyancing, l'ublle Speaking and>Ora*mmer Scliool courses, Plumbers' and , Contraotora' Miislneas Course, Day and Mght School. . IT 1 '. Banks Business College 1200 WALNUT ST., FHLILA. if nil MI> ji''.jsf, Krl., • I*. M.. in hin late .line. ^rn'MV..' \ o i r i s al Int. at Mt. P (f>m. KiliihK iiuiT nil linn- e,» 11 ' |i ll"n»i 1 1 1 y 11 1 n m SCH0OLS«AND C0UE8ES " PHILApELPHIA TTJRNGC'MIEIW"©*^ Bioai' and Cotiunbla Ave. Schools Onen in September Instruction in Ovmnaallca. Swimmin*. Hlf ing. Life .Savin, and O.imin. Booklat. Arolv at «f|lce. 170ft N. Br^sd jit. $5000 POSITIONS *Cd no U' r ,1 f ,i hard to find men to nil them, fit Vaurtelf for a better position. UNIVtRSITV OF PA. EVENING SCHOOL 108 I oft n Hall—fhoo* Baring 0100—Sta. |Sf PREPARE FOR COLLEGE IN LESS THAN 2 YEAR' * EVENING STUDY A Exoert faoultv, Well-eouiopod labs. Pre* oars tor siiv oollere or State Board Exam*. ' Medeiet*. [rate*. Thorough instiuotlon. NATTONAt PREPARATORY. 8PH00J, MUSIC! Our clastea cover vocal, violin and l>:ano Day. afternoon and evening rliiates.; Expert Instructor*. Send for Illustrated Booklat * of Our "6S" Courses. WANAMAKER INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIES *M k 'walnut Streets, Phlla , Pa. WE (AN HELP YTjU TO EARN A LARGER SALARY Tbe lielter positions- thotie wlileh pay tlxa best snlnrloi- aiv.aya ao to thoae who hsvo lmsliies. ti'Sinfiic. Our courses, in, lui|ine atenocraplile, lionVkieplnt: anaSfceerctarial. g|v*> you coinplele ninl in ;<• I i.« I exprrlence. J»a f anderenliiK <'liis»es. Individual lustruction. KMI-II a' any lime. I'lillii(|el|ililn llualneas ( nllegc snd College of Commeroa .A 17)0 MarkeF St.. Philadelphia Trie fepucbpal Academy (FOUNDED f78J> OVERBROOK Regular pehool ^es>|ima beat* ThMrpday September Mth Re /v.-iiiilnallons I Tuesday, tfent.'mber 18tb New Bo-ra Report Wcdneiday, Sept. l9»a Greville Haslam, B. S., Il(>ar]ina«tcr Morris Braun Violin X'irluoso Neioli snd Conotrl ileUter Stanley f j nl phony Oi'ehestra Mcmbjor «f the Faculty of fl CQNSEK^OI^yMuSlC Limited Number of Pupils Accepted Address Registrar 1831 S. Broad St. .1 I i i i i Looking for a Job? 'I'licn VIMI nie jiul ono of I he fii"«dulliOH of Wires Siliool. Tlicv no nol iiiiii, fur position^,] I0USII1MS IR lnokiiiK for ih.'m.J livaiililK lo pay tlicni (lie liigh<>rr ]SU|HVI<S. ID jrivc them cxoruilvcj ||Kisltl<iiiM, or jilncc Iheni In line i'or Huch iiiithorily. School! I now k»|ion. PEIRCE Mi(%:%: <»f HtMJiir<«s Atimmimrarvn Pine Street Weat of Broad I'lilliul. Ipliin Mrltc lor Iffji Year Hio/. Train for Leadership * Higher Accounting A complete course, Includlna O. P. A.—•S very important and nrofltable profeaaloa. Salesmanship and Advertising InatniOtlon by exuert. In the*. be»t p*ylaj of all buslqeaaea. '' - Real Katate—Conveyancing Our auperlor trafnln. by experta o s . a . a S.M for unlimited earning. Trade Extension Courses^ Includea Plouibera' course, with bookkaonlat ofrce and record keeping, necessary to co trading pluinber*. Day School . Night School Banks Business College 1200 Walnut Ht., Philadelphia SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE N. R. Cor. Itrond A Snrinjr Garden Sta„ I' 1,11,1:, DAY <I,A8SKH I\<- ELECTRICITY AND AUTOMOBILE A nine tnonllis' eourse Jn Kl.KCTKlClTT. Imlli HieoW'tli'H) and insi'tli'iil. A I wo nionllis' eouiiie In AUTO ME- CHANICSJI repair shop experience, Kvenin* Clna.ea Machine $hop Practice Machine Slum Mathematics Mechanical. Archi- tectural A. Kree- luiiiil Drawing lllustratl'in Arlthmellc Matheuiallcs Electricity. Radio Pattern H|ion AutoiDoblle. Elee. and Mil l,n nd .',1 Kit yojkrscir lo take advantage of the opiiortunltles open to technically trained men and women. Exceptional Facilities and Low Rate* All I'I.ISNCK Open Seiitember 2tth ItOOlilct 1,1,1.,11 N.MS Strayefs Business College S07 Ohjsstnut Street. Walnut 08-84 Offii<r> Wftflr* Wo develop the hlgheal Typewrltlnb. Jiookkceplng. etc.. in our sin denta and ,Kot the, Iniaest salaries for them, Arr>rkii*itin<r Practical one-year course /K.t.uuiitiiiK . , n Aroou „, 1nt / or book- keepers and business men. Taught b.v a prac* tlelnr in •ciiuntiiiit. Wharton graduate. A good business to learn. , _ Saileamianahin : ssi^amanahip pay. her work. Wo| can train vou to aucceed In (lib groat profession. Piactlcal salesman aa teacher. j*_»- Keal Katate and CoSYVey Real Estate: ancltiK taught by a Phil adeluhla I4wyer and practical Real listat' men. Kvery perron who Will ever buy or sell Real Estate <nn proUt bv this course. Yor ahould aome time buy RoSl Estate. Enroll now, fall. trrlte ' ot phone fur partlcu l»rs sbout the courso you aro Interested in ot enroll now. I- Strayer'tt Business College ' 807 Cheatnut 8treat. Walnut 08-84 Catalogue Free: / P.T.Co, 1 - : ! m a CoNSEB5iffl[roiar PHILADELPHIA Extension Courses j f In Public School Music , Directed land Accredited by t Penna. State Dppt. of Public Instruct! i. ruction Evening and Saturday Classes Now Forming Write Addrcfi, Registrar 1331 S, Broad St •• I'n-m for Particulars i tin I i I' I'l'i'l iiann*i * ' 'i it i Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Post on 26-May-2020




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Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 23... · • CABB OM. Steamer P 8 Gulf to Australia and or New Zealand, baala 2» cente. ope port. Oct 1-15 cancelling. Il*-i««»*.. M

1 bull bull bull | I I j I M

I i I 1 1 1 raquo

I I i S I

bull I

Something About Arrivals and Clearances JL This

Port Notes of Interest bull bull - bull mdash bull bull mdash - bull


snavtlgbt-iavlnt Tim) Philadelphia

Bun rlae laquobullraquoraquo AM Sun sets IOJ PM High water io Ki AM and 10laquo P M Low water 15(1 AM end 611 PM

High water Low mi fr

Fftedy Island ft40 A M and

131 A 0 and Delaware Breakwater

High wiiraquor wow water

fjl P M 16i P M

421 A M and fM P M 03T AM and IfM h i



10 V laquo__

Valuatiou figures just issued show that Philadelphia holds third place in the ^alui of exports for the fiscal year ending June 30 aside from New York Ha laptop Roida followa New York and haraquo a valuation of $irgt5531840 of which Norfolk had $135221451 The valuation HB accredited to Philadelphia amounts to $125584300 and Baltimore comes next wilth $112507333

Report has been made by Captain Banford of the Swedish steamer Boden now discharging at Port Richmond thut off the southern hanks of Newfoundland about a week ago he bad sighted a sin gle-masted vessel lolling about in the aea N o signals were displayed and no further information was secured as to the identity of tha craft

Charter has been closed for the steamer Oxelsund which left Pbiladel-

hia Sunday and arrived at New York or 7500onB of phosphate from Tampa

to Denmark with September loading The Oxelsund late Friday niffbt figured in a collision while off Kaighns Point with the steamer Frednes B o t h i a d fome plates bent but no serious damage resulted

Harry O Carlton formerly with the Seaboard Air Line has been appointed as general agent for the Philadelphia and Norfolk Steamship Company and will have his offices at Hampton Roads

William Hansen and his associates of Bergen Norway who promoted the Lake and Ocean Steamship Line to be operated between the Great Lakre via the St Lawrence and Europe have abandoned the Idea for the present The reason given is that the cargo was not in evidence as one of the necessary adjuncts for successful conduct of the enterprise


in transit Moore A MeCormeck ltr lOSBTPn M (TDAHT Myers Tort Arshy

thur petroleum Joeeph 0 Oebrlel Sraquor VBEPOt OUen New York petroleum

Tidewater Oil Co Sir ANTHONY GBOVB8 JR Willi Baltishy

more passengere and mdlse Erlclaquolaquooa Line bull -

Motor barger P W SOMERS tovete Baltishymore mdse Marine Trane Corps

Barge roNEWAOO from Oharlestown TMM PwB from Portland and INDIAN RtPOB from Ljnn (In tow tug GKRMANTOWJO O H HaKertnann

Rareeraquo M C Noa 14 15 and 19 from Bos-ton do tow tug IMKOMONTl T W Mono Trait Co

B a n e A n Co No ft from Tall River (In tow tug WILLIAM J DONALDSON) loaeph C Gabriel

Barren TOLIR T DKMPSET from lame River pulpwood and EXPERIMENT frlaquom JiniM RlTraquor tie fin tow tug SENshyATOR PENROSE) Dempeey A Sons (arshyrived 17thi

Barra READING from Baltimore Ericsson Line (arrived ITthi

Marens nolaquoik Pa Sept 1--Arrived Sir DELAWARE SUN B e n San Pedro peshy

troleum Sun Oil Co Clayton Del Sept 18 Arrived

raquotr CAtTKNESS (Brgt Cormac Huelva prita ore S L Burgess A Co

Wilmington Del Sept 18 Arrived Srh fDTTTSARK (Bri Wtlkle St John Nb

pulpwowl Jennup A Moore Paper Co CLEARED YESTERDAY

Str 7RI0KAH0MING ( l r ) Weafiarlh Tlaquoa-ion vl i New York and Halifax mdse Fumes Withy A Co

Svr CORNELIA ( a r e New York roaldue cargo Jrtnn May A Son

Str ANNETTA Tonnessen Port Antonio balshylast Banana Kale Corporation

Str BIRMINGHAM CITY Aruet Bueaa T-tura Arlog tqulriue Ban Antonio Valshyparaiso Antofagasta and Talcahimono via New York mdse Norton Lilly A Co

Str BANAN iSorh WrOldsen Port Antonio ballast 1 nlted Fruit Co

Str (APITAINR YAIDOLIN (Fr) Baudan Baltimore ballast H L Rures A Co

Str OCLFLUOHT Townaend Port Arthur bnllast Gulf Reflnlnv Co (cleared 17th)

Str VRKDOL Olsen Bayoune N J ballast Tidewater Oil Co

Str U K E TIPPAH Wilder Norfolk mdae Philadelphia A Norfolk 8 S Co

Str ANTHONY GROVES JR Willie Baltishymore pat and indue Ericsson Line

S h WILLIAM A NAlGlJCR URr Moahar La Havre ballaat tuckenbarTraquo S B o o

raquoerryboat OCEAN CITY for New -York Jraquo tow tua- SWATAnA) bull X

Motor barfo Si W SOMERS Tovelaae BaltV moro nidraquoe Marina Tram Corp

Bane NESKAMINY for 8co KAdJjr FtlU for Portland and PAXINOR for Boaton (10 tow lug VALLEY FORGE) 0 H Haser-man bull

Barraquoe RITA DEMPSBY for Norfolk (In tow MIB CORINTHIA) Dempaejt A 8om frleared 17th) bull

bull team b a n e ADONIS Pufh Waahtnirton D C atuar towing barae BUgLVA for Waah-

Ington D C iilaquoar 8 C Loveland A _ Co (cleared lih)

- 1 r ^ l i N C n O N rgtK SEPT 1S CLEARED Prb PETER MclNTVRB (Rr) Rondreau Newshy

port Newa ballaat Jeaaup A Moore Paper Co

DELAWARE BAY ARD RIVgR Delaware Breakwater Sept 18mdash Paaacd up

IH 4rxiC from Calcutta etc 1180 A M Sailed iwaward Tua DNDJBRWRITBR vow-ISXiSWI A KANSAS HAROLD tow I on b a n e HORNET Paraquolaquoed out Stre ABATOR (Nor) S Fw tlaquoJLdegJln-N B NANTICKET for Boaton rtAYONNB for New York HKSPKUQS (Nor) for (al lao etc niCtTlSII U)RD (Br) for Leahoro via Ssvona TAMARAO (Br) for Barrow DBRBMINE for tamplro tank risted atr light four maated erhooner deep flvlaquo-maraquoted erhooner Weather 2 P M 72 aotithweat Hi mile partly cloudy bar 3f)2laquo wpoundfcLraquo loanrt Sept 18 Paeeed OP Tug MINERVA towing barge IM P M VII J DONALDSON towing barge 8 P M Paeaed

glaquoN ampW raquo YT^ Marcu Jl-fl Sept ts- -Paimod down Light

house tender IRIS engineers tug VIDBTTE bullmall tug HOSTLER towing bargee ROSB W l V i m t B f NIAN towlnjt a carfloat CASPIAN towing tmrge SHINDEI

STEAMERS REPORTED bullV ilfiSV0^ ( 1 r K J o r Ihlladelphla aalled Rhleld September 12 Hlr ONI AUK) from Philadelphia arrlvid

Bopton Bgtfitemblaquor 17 lapd cleared to raturn) Str HOWARD from Philadelphia arrived

Boeton September 17 Str B U T TRIANGLE for Philadelphl 8an

Pedro San Franchco and Portland cleared Hoaton Sejgt^emb$r 17

i i n bull

lth GEORGB W BARNES New York ^ Antwerp Pglted tifft) 1raquo RMAM EL N)

nEJ fBetgt Marcus Hook bdquobdquobdquo rfenolulu - -Arrived Sept 1ft WEST tlWJV

LOOK Baltimore etr 6th BOLTON CAlaquoMr|lt4 iBai New York for Manila Me and -al ltbullbull IflfV FNTERPRltK Fgn rra--lso an- bulla led for TtHo ISSONOMIA I v Harbor for Sydney a n d alloraquol llaquoith MATStSIA Sfgt frrancNeo

Salfed Sent 11 VRNTPRA fSp Fran-Nro Panama ognal CrUtebal Arrived Sepi ]fl

xBANGARBE Havana LlaquoLltlaquo t iru Htmbure Arrived Scot 11 REBOLI-TK

i Pant New York ^ Pallet) Sept )-bull KROONLANO sew Ytk

t la ( herboirr 13th Hoi4u ti-ri Loraquo Vnegeley 12th BACANDAGArT Charleston NNTVOfS Mnble ^ bdquo^ bdquo

Calbarlen Sgled Sept 14 R1NGPORG fNor) Plladflnha t raquo laquo - J bdquo

Gibraltar fraquot Slaquont H AN vMM rrsn ph atMoMe f- Mraquoraquoaell1eaj 5tn WrtAY CASTLE (Rrl HOUK Rons for New

rVl-Manfand- Arrived laquont 1 UNITED STATES fDani New York

Tower ai|-d Sept 15 KING GRCFKYDD BV Phiie1e)pha bdquo bdquo bdquo

Naraquoau Nailed Sept 14 NORDAMbRIK A ltDao) Clenfuecoraquo


Steamer Montreal to Greere IRS cents Serf loading bull bdquo

Amerean dtearCer Memnon Noth Paelftgt to Weat Coast Sotith Amerlra part targo lour Sept loading N

CO AI P B s^B aleamer Anoraquoy 3107 net At

lantle Binge to Valparaiso part egrgo 2i3 Nov loading

TIME CHARTER Norwegian ateamer Sooga 180V net round

trkgt lp West Indie trade $115 prompt load- bull NITRATE ^ H Daolh neamer Amallenborg lOftO net Cut e to Eiraquorraquoe October loading (done IP London rata not reported)

Norweaian atoamer HlaquorcUraquo Ulle to Med-Iterranean 8amp Adrlatlec 3raquo Oct Nov oad-Ing (Loudon) bdquo _ bdquobdquo

bull CABB OM Steamer P 8 Gulf to Australia and or New

Zealand baala 2raquo cente ope port Oct 1-15 cancelling Il-ilaquolaquoraquo M m -

PHOSPHATES Swedish atamer Oxajoaund 7500 ton

Tampa to Denmark Sept loading (part of con- FOREIGN CHARTERS

Tuolta MOO ton one trip dellvary Svd-nev N S W re delivery China or Japan

Great Cltv 10000 ton delivery Pott Plrle redelivery Cbfqa or Japan 3 raquod Sept Oct loading

Taurus 7000 tone Danube to Antwerp Rot terdam or Hamburg llaquos United Kingdom Irta ftd two porta fld extra Blv 8d less 1500 too oata 2a Od extra Sept 80 can

YILTT Marp P500 tort Rosarlo to Antwerp-Hamburg Range berthed with ftOOO tout to start at 18 1 gt-d Sept-Oct loadlna

Irobe Mendl 6100 tons Glasgow to West Italy 0 prompt ^

Steamer 6000 tdegos Glasgow to B A or La Plata 15s Sept

Canadian Posptjctor 7000 ton Newastle N 8 W raquoo San Francisco $225 Sept Oct 10 cancelling


Clostnj at Phlla Postofflce Woek Ending September 22 1923

The closing time for foreign registered mall at the Central Post Office la 2 P M for conshynection with stearaera eatllog the following day


via Qtieeuetown (other countries must be specially addressed for despatch bv thU steam-

5r via Liverpool) also parcei-oost mail for riah Free State bv rail to Boston Mass and

thence by 8 8 Scvthla 10 A M THURSDAY 20 South Africa (specially

addressed correspondence only) via Cap Town also pajcel noat mails for Union of South Africa Bacituanalaml Protectorate Port-ugueae Eaat Africa Northern and Southern RhodesU and Southwest Afrea Protectorshyate per B H Ambrldge 1280 A UJ Gershymany lt aiH-clraquollgt addreasod eorfeapondencff only) via Hmburg per S S Ilausa 12 30 A M Sweden Norway Denmark and Finshyland via Gothenburg also parcel-post malls for Sweden per 8 8 Stockholm 1230 A Uj Turkey and Roupiaola (specially addrcssqd rorrespondence onlv) via Constantinople and Constanaa also parltl-polaquot malls for Bulaarla and Roumanla per 8 S Sangamon 1230 A M Burote Afrilta and We^t Asia via Plyshymouth Cherbourg and Hamburg also parcel peat mall for Great Britain France Gar-

bullbull ^ I I lt raquo

RREY Departed this life suddeolv ^ept -17 HKLTLA I wtff of Halaquorv O R laquo$bull alaquo0

laugliier uf l i e late Frfteinltil gtraquod tliurl ttte flu von Iteliii egt ii nd rwerKP HISO Indies ulllnry raquof Goiniintown Coniiuuneiv JO In-lied lo f one II Hoa Wol 3 P M i HI- realdehre Ilt8P ito--laquo st Gfvilaquoiptowt In p-iltnlt p Ilr- mny HIII Tuc eve

Ml ItTON sppi 17 HI t ill HI N I iKOKGE -0ii of lat GCire W iltl Jo eplpn c Burton in hi VjMi VM Finc-al ir- lens WejliieaAsv fl p M DU l nt raquovlnegt Tiirte HI is into leabjettye bullOli tsiitMltlaquo Int raquoilvltC

i AIM LI Sept irt ANNA S w-d bulllaquo ltJ I B J-ner GMO(J 78 Ri li t v s yiul irends bullIlfVd to sfgtrvllteraquo Wed 13(1 P M fvgtui icsdtnu of iipi Kon-ln-law A OH raquo ^ -

bull lifMter JVi K Euclid a-e ilhddoo leld N Je I in in IVB te

(A^i Sept 17 MRS VRAREIIA I ASK aged 77 Serilooi ill hturaquogt of raquoer onlaquo Dr Eugene A U P laquo3 V I rt Cut agt -ie I iin-di WHO Wid t P laquol Int nt New Albunv Ind St I miU Mo napem please COPA

CASSJIM -Siiddenlv Sept 17 III-NRV nui-biuid oj Cn-hurlne Ca-adv in gte Linkegt-) Funeral liiur 730 A SI fr-mi his laU ffa-idenoe uiJ splng Gardeii st rjoiomn mas of iVMilcni al SI AiralhaV Ohurcb ) A M HU8 bullfVfk nnd fi|i-iii|-lt allaquoo ompl-iv-Cb if P and it Itwy Intlted Int 0 I atliednl Cent

laquo IIALFAN Sept 17 H NNATI I wid Ow of T Clialk v tMaTtan Hlaquolaquolaquo1 Vi raquo^raquoeraquo^bull limtgt- bull i M 10it plaquoIOr Sfin ftlgbl laquo Son Ilt s ate l Media Pa Int Modla tent Friends may ltall XAid bull lo 0


bull 0 t M CLARK S Sept 13 lllLKN V Jaughtor

of the late Pitilck and Eilrabnll) Clark Relit-tivea nnd friends are Invtteo to funeral ripitH K3U A Mi from resilience Ugt G^v nt gtlaoavingtk High Rwjileui Mat at St (laquoJW the HnTHM l hiircn 10 A M Tut laquot St Jopnd

COES Sept 18 ZORE8TEL U husband of Allre Mllor Coe aed 76 Funeral services l inns 3 P M ut the home of ht-

op Harold V Coes SWl Wayne aye Gee-mitntoNtn Int private Bust Bildgewnttr-MOCK ^

COIEMAN -Sept IS MICHAEL hnMbam of late llamiih Coleman Relatives Hnd friend also Holy Name Society and D v No 8 A O H are Invited to attend funeral Fr SjW A M fr-nt the-parlors of M A Hajes 10S E Price st Oermnntown Solemn Mass of Reouiem at St Vincents Church 10 A M Int New Cathedral Pern

CONARDmdashNinth month iTth THOMAS F CONAltt) acre 82 years Relativei and lends tnttted to attend funeral oni F fth tlay 30th from his late residence Maple OIlaquo at -P M (Standard Ttmel Int W J L J L I L V T O Take 102 train Trom Reading Terminal to Ambler Station also Chestnut Hill trolley to Rose HiV bdquo _ -

DAHLSJROM Sept 16 CLAiRA^MAHRLIl wife of Carl G Dahlslrom t5laquoraquo4laquoWj-laquo Mfi wood 8ve Ardmore Pa Funeral services and Int private Wed No floater

DANDRB Sent 16 LfLLIAN raquo[ATt wlfbull of Emlle Dandre and daughter of thejata Ajn drew andBiiaa J Devlin ^Relative frlond are Invited to attend funeral


Str HERBERT I PRATT from PkJltfcaK phla arrived Port Arthur Htptemher 11

Schr ROSALIE HUfL from l^wea Dal

ladetphta salxd

arrived Charleston September 18 Str VACUUM for Paulsboro salted Port

Arthur September 12 Btr W M BURTON for Phil

Port Arthur September 12 8tr GULF PRINCE for Philadelphia salloJ

Port Arthur Septemher 12 Shr MARY RRADFORD Pierce Catham

N B for Philadelphia sailed Portland Sep terobar H

8tr 8ABINF SON from Baltimore arrived Sabine September 11 (and aa led 12th fot Chester Pal-

Btr BELFAST MARU (Jap) from PhiladeU phla Ae arrived Seattle September 9

Str BURMESE PRINCE (Br) for Philadelshyphia sailed Bultnos Ayre September 18

Sir BUNA l o r ) from Philadelphia arshyrived Port Antonio Septepiber 1raquo

Str AGWIWORLD from Port Loboa arrived Boston Septenihor 18

Str 8CH0CHARIR from Lth arived Boa-ton September 18

Htr COf^HtADO IBrgt for Philadelphia bull ailed Boston Septemher 18

Str EASTERN COAST for Philadelphia bullailed BoMori September 18

Btr WEHrriAKE from Glasgow arrived Baltimore September 18

BY TELEGRAPH Kraquow York Sept 18 rriwd str M INN ft

KAHDA from llamhiirg etc PREBIDENT VAN BURBN from London rv MAJESTIC ltHt) from Hoiithanipfoit etc KBITORR from Daiquiri CARENCv) from Genoa laquote EASTshyERN DAWN from Antwerp MA15AMA froin Pensarola SORAMICO from Peiisnrola JOHN WORIHINGTON from San Pedro SIBONBY from Havana EL VALLK from Galveston N H T H O L A S OUNEO (Nor) foni Glbaru MIS aOURlAN from Seattle laquotcj HU NOV AAG) fNor frorrf Caalldn tug JOHN F LEWIS towing 1 bge JONANOi from Norfolk (Ill-h and 210 P M) W M IIBp^ front Baton

Bouge IHIghlands 310 )bull M) ASSYRIA (Rr) from tiaalaquonw etc (Sandy Hook 356 P M) ANACONDA from RoHe-luti (Hlghlanda 453 P M)

NevaYork Sept J8 Cleared atra HdDSON (Trl for Bordeauxvia Baltimore 8IXA0LA Mr klngaton FLORIDA (Dan) for Windsor S 8 W M TOPPER for Cape Haiti LAPshyLAND (Rr) for Antwerp D1TUANIA (Dan) for DaiiU-FreilncsaNor) for V gtrV Oru SAN-CAMON for Baltimore PRESIDENT MON ROB for londot PATRIA (Fr) for Mar


RUOOA (Bratsl far Pernambuco AOWl STONE for Ioa Angelos SANTA v BAR BARA for Phlla BlDNBY M HAUPTMAN for Ix)a Angele

OTHER PORTS raquo Annato Bay Sept 14 Railed Str 8VAN

WILD (Dan) for Camden Vila Sept 13 Sailed Sir NORIHUV

(Nor) f o r Philadelphia Antill Sept 16 Arrived Sir NORD8TJOR-

VEN (Dan) from Plilladelphla Boston Kept 18 Arrived Str CLAN MAC-

BRAYNE (Mr)vfrom Colontlat eft- Tamplt ArrNed LI S V B A I A N D Hwedl

Ngtw (frl-araquoK ilaquoth K P U R A N A Vera Crn- 16th MKLINB (NorU New York MEXOtL Galvefcton loth M I R I O (Nor) New York WYNKRlO IBr) Belfast



I f many Auafrla Craquoecliolavakln Hunaarv Swlfferlanil etc per S S Mongolia 1 A M Germany (specially addressed correspondence only) via Bremen per S S Bremen l A M MAILS TOR SOUTH AMD CENTRAL AMERIshy

CA WEST INDIES ETC WEDNESDAY 10 Nicaragua (East Coast)

via Bluefleld per S S 0 P M Canal Bone Panama El Salvador (print etc) Nlraraugna t e m p t Raat Coast) Amapala City Cholu-teca (also prints etc for Nacalaquoune Tegucishygalpa and Yuscaran) In Honduras Caura anil NArlno Wpartmenfs of Colombia Ecuador Peru (except laultcts) Bolivia and Chile lother uafls of Honduras must he specially

ddresed for lispatch bv this steamer) via rlstobal Talara Salaveny Callao Mol

leado Arlca Iqulqae Antofagasta coqulmbo Valparaiso and Talcahuana ( per S S Santa ElfeuRSIgtAY1 20mdashYucatan and Campeche (cnh and other parts of Mexico must be apaclaiy addressed for dispatch by this steamshyer) via Havana Proartso Vera Cms and Tamptco laquoIKO parcel poat mails for the Mex-b-n States of Campetlie and Yucatan per S S Mexico 1280 A M Haiti except prints etc for Cape Haiti and Port de Palx ICnra-cao and Veneauela must be apt-daily nddreHand for dispatch by this ateamwr va Port an Prince Cufacao La Oualra Puerto Cabello and Maraeabo per 8 8 Carna 100 A M St Thomga St Croix Saba st Martins St Bustatlus St Kltta Nevl Antigua Muni-srrrat Guadeloupe lKtmink-a Martinique and St TAicia (Guiana Barbados Grenada St vlricettt and Trinidad must be apeciully nd-dragaed for dispatch by this stoairiMl vli St Thomas St Ciollaquo Nt Kltts Antlgim Guadeloupe Dominica Marllulqie St I m I i and^Barbadoa par 8 8 Martlnque 100 A M

FRIDAY 31 Newfoundland via St John par S 1 Roaallnd 9 P M Bermuda via limn TlfOn W raquo H Fort Vtetorla 9 P M

TRANSPACIFIC MAILS The connecting malls t lose at the Central

Postofflce at It) P M on Jatea shown Hawaii via San Frunclsco Sept 20 per

8 8 II 8 A T Cambria Japan Korea and Siberia alo specially adshy

dressed correspondence for otner destinations via Seattle also pareel-oost mail for Japan and Korea Sebt 21 per 8 S Pi-otosliau bull Hawaii ela Ban tfranclsco Sept 21 per S S

Wilheltrlna Philippine Islands (letter mall only) also

Socially addressed corrcspondcnco for Japan orea arid China via Vancouver ami Vicshy

toria B C Sept 22 iter 8 S Bmprcsa of Ausshytralia

Japan Korea and China (specially addresed correspondence only) via Seattle Sept -l per I S Africa Mam

Hawaii Hnmoan Islands Australia and Now Zealand via San Francisco alsfl parcel post mails for Samoan Islands and Austrnlla (note letter mails for New Zealand will he dbr-mabaiked at Honolulu for connection with S S Niagara due there Oct 13) Sept 2T per 8 8 Ventura TRANSATLANTIC MAILS DUE AT NEW

YORK S S Majestic due Sept 18 with malls from

Belgium Egypt France Greece Italy Neih-tlands Portugal Spain Switzerland Turkey and Jugoslavia Steamer left Cherbourg Bout us


Philanthropist Was Member of Sevshyeral Organizations

Archibald ft MontaonoTy for tnorltraquo than sixty yeras u cltisen of Dolu-ware ronnty and well known in this wty died at (ilenays his home in Radnor township near Ttryn Mnwr on Monday night While he had been jn poor health for several months he had recently gained strength and his death was not expected

Mr Montgomery Mae horn on May 30 1847 the Hon of Richard U and Elizabeth Hinney Montgomery l i e was educated at the Episcopal Acadshyemy and the 1niversity of Pennsylvashynia An accident while he was still a youth resulted in the loss of his right arm and other serious and pershymanent injuries l i e overcame his Ehysical disabilities ajjd his active life

ad been In the main devoted n charitable and philanthropic work

For many years he was a vestryman of the (huveh Of the Redeemer llryn Mawr president of the Pennsylvania Institution for the Igtenf and a manashyger of the Pennsylvania Hospital l i e was a member of the e t a tsi Frashyternity the Merlon Cricket Club ihe University Club and the Radnor Hunt of which he was a founder for many years vice-president and until recent yearn one of the mqst nctive memshybers He was unmarried

Jacob tv Loose O U W C E S T E R Mass Sept IS

Jacob I Loose Kansas Chvraquo Mo asshysociated with the Loose-Wiles Biscuit Company and a summer resident here died today

and fhura

at I ) oclock from hViateresIdenco $26 N Randolph st Int private at Mt MlaquortaU era Kentalns mny he viewed Wed eve

DANTK Near Columbus N J Sept IT HiHN 0 -raquoUNTgt aged laquolaquobull K8ovIces laquo his late residence) near Colnmbua N J Thurs I P M (standard time) Int Columshybus Cent

DE BELLA Suddenly on Sept IT JO-SUPIIINK daughter ot Maty De Bella aged 9 yoHri Restlves and Irlende ^lso mem bers of B V M Sodality of St Ritas Church aro invited to funeral services on Wed n P M at residence 2314 S 20th st Solemn reouierti mass at St Monicas Church raquo A M Thur Int llolv Crosa Cem

1MKNKH-- Sept 17 suddenly BERfHA KVA (nee Holler) beloved wife of W mam Ditiier aged 10 years Rein fives and ffWOda roombera of Kiigtt Germnn Baptist ( hurcli ltraquoraquon and Luxeine) Invited to attend funeral eerv-Ices Frl 2 P M late residence rl23 N Lambert st Int pilvnte Northwood Cem Viewing Thura 8 P M

DOILARD Sept 16 NNIE A BOLLARD ItelutlveH nnd faienils are invited to attend fiiiieml Thins S80 A M from 1TM N 11 th at Solemn leouieni mass St Malachy s Church at III A at Int Molv Sepulchre Cem

KHIK -In New York City N Y Sept 17 KItiKNK KBIK Tut W0t Laurel MillCem Wed at 12M P M lavlUht-savIng time

KNNTS Sept 17 CATHARINE V HNNIS Uelntlvos and friends are Invited to attend funeral Thura 830 A It fflWJftLf|S dence of her sister Mrs Mulvehl $amp a st Kolentn reriulem mass Ht the Cathedral IU A M Inl llolv Cross Cem

FKRGVKON On Sept 17 SARAH widow of Andrew 0 Ferguson Relatives and frienis Hie Invited to aervlces Thura nt 2 P M nt her Isle rcldence MSi Market st Int at Fernwood Cem Viewing Wed evlaquo

F1TPATRICK Sept 16 EDWARD C husband of Mary K Fitzpatriek (nee Mur-phv) and soil of Malavhv and Delia Fits-Patrick Relatives and frlcnda also Dlv No ftO A O II aro invited to attend funeral Tllllra S30 A M residence 1271 S Hollyshywood st Solemn requiem mass at St Ga bitels Church 10 A M Int Holy Cross Cem

GRKCER Sent 16 IHOMAH P husband of th Inr Addln L Oreger Relatives gnd friendi aUo Continental Republican Club em-plovees of Ilureau of Hlghwnva are Invltod to attend fungral services Thura io A M at the parlors of F M Rowland A Son 100S Diamond nt Int private Remains may be viewed Wed after 8 P M

GR0FT8CH--At Occanvlle N J Sept 1(1 JOSEPH F husband of Rosa F Groetach aged 64 Relatives and friends Invited to attend funeral Thura 8 A M from C A Quinliv A Sons 1848 N 20th st Phlla Solemn high malaquos at Ht Lukes Church Glen side Pa 10 V M Int Holy Sepulchre Cem Remains viewed Wot after 6 P M

HAINKS At Friends Boacdlnf Home 6300 Greene st (iermuntowu Seconu-day Ninth month t7th HARRIET TpWNSEND widow of Richard R Haines In her 00h year Tlt-nnral Fifth day Ninth-month 20th at 230 P M Int private

HAINwSmdashvlSth day Olh month SUS-AN L HAINKS Relatives and friends are Invited lo ut tend her funeral Atli day 20th lnlaquoit 280 V M isinudard time) from tier late resishydence Wolf Run House near Petmsdele

HKNCKKL Sept 17 FLSA wife of- Alfred A Henckel aged 42 RflaUvea and friends invited to attend funeral service Tliurfe I T M at the parlors or Joint S Horkelbaoh 3T30 Cettnantown ave cor gtof Rrood st Itraquot -prishyvate Northwood Cem t v w v l may call Wed 7 to B P M

HILL- Sept bull JACOB husband of Emma Hill aged Oil Relatives and friends also Barbarossn tnterstutzungs vereln Ba-dlscher Iuterstutsungs Vereln- and employee of American Pulley Co Invited to atteud fushyneral Thura 2 P M from hie late resishydence 2124 N 28th st Int private North Laurel Hill Cem Friends may call Wed eve

KKILV Sept 17 CATHERINE KELLY Relative anil friends i Hilics Auxiliary A I) L No 31 also Lad Victory No 36 K or St J are^Phvlted lo attend funeral Thura S)0 A M from her late residence 215S K Cumberland st High mass at Ht Anns Church 10 A M Int New Cathedral Ceii^

LAM Sept 18 JENNIE wlflaquo of lat) Iluirlea M Lam aged 67 Relatives and friends ate Invited (o-ittenil funeral Fri 2

uf1 bull bull gates IV

RHEUMATISM for rheumatism Is directly through the blood The poison that aettlea in tho muscles front and back causing aeverg pains must bo disshysolved and expelled from tho system or therO can be no relief Rrown s Blood Treatment la the most logical remedr for the yelief of rheuiiia tlsin The special lnaredlenta entei-Ing Into the treatment aro Intended to drlvo out of the system uric acid and at tho aamo time build up healthy red blood corpuscles $200 a pottle net a bottle and note tho wonderful Improvement In rheumatic condishytions Open evenluxa and Saturday P If Blowna Drua- 8toro 10th and Ajroh Btreata




GuRranteed nt lowoat i net In PhJIa 50c amp $1 Filling

DRHYMAN 9th and Market


Examination Frmm Platte that lit iff pi Crowwes and fcrldge-work $raquo Cleaning Si Kllltnga Mo up -X-Roy Examination

DIED ALLEN Sept 17 EMMA f tvlfe o f la i -

Stanislaua 1 Allen Rclailv-s and filouls ii vlteif to attend funeral ihurs 830 A M- from residence of her brother-in-law James B lU i t l 0S22 N Broad st (Broad and Hftlnca sis) Solemn reunion IIHISH at Chuieh ot Holy Angels 10 A M Int New Catliedril Cem

ASHMEAD sept Iraquo OKOROBANNA S daughter of the late lieoige I and Kuril-I Ireitt Aslmiead In her 8Sth year Fuueial laquoervijiraquo at the rexldence of her niece Mrs u P itciiuii 147 Grand View road Ardmoie Pa Fri 280 P M Int private Kindly omit flowers

BAItTH Sept IS WILLIAM BATH BARTH It hi realdence HlHlilaml ae tml Maple ave tynwvd Pa Due notice of funeral will be given

BKCHTEL- Sebdquot 17 CAPTAIN WILLIAM II BECHTKL In his raquogt2d year Funeral servshyices Ihura 2 P M late resldeiibulllaquo Gtoueps-(er pike west of tawmdde Stalon Barrlna-ton N J Int Harloigh Cem

BERDNER- In New York city on Seii Ilaquo ELLA ANNEAR BERGVEIL widow of 0 William Rertner Service Wednes 10M0 A M Rent traquo at St Jamoa Church 22d and Walnut straquo Phlla Interment private Please omit dowers

BIRD Sept 10 at the residence of Wal-lla Itilleau near North Wales Pa CLARA A daughter of the late William II and Han-nan P Bird aged o4 Fuqefnl aervlces

il of Lraquourof Hill Con Thura - - i - a p -

irvlcea nt-11 A M

Pnymente bullJ I raquo39 MARKET ST I N E Cor W h Ukt

3 N 10th St I Dally 9 to ft p M ^ bull bull i i n If) frt 4 p M


Your Health

Depends Upon Your Teeth

Treat your teeth well and thev wilt treat vou well as vou arow older Twenty laquoraquore exftorlenco arogt offered Vou hero at the lowest ooaainle or ices Cootl Het of TVoth ^f0laquo Flue Set of Teetli tlHtM) Glaquohl i r o w n tt Itrlilx Work 3 to raquolaquo Silver IHIIitg laquoOltM Clolrt $1 U|gt

bullV i B hi i i i $ 5 l4AaV4ff

No oharae for nsines oxtraotlon whan other work ta done Alt work guaranteed Qn-9 d- bull o bull bull bull 9undava 10 to laquo Dr B R Sirnotu formerly oraotlolna ltM

EASTERN PAINLESS White DENTISTS 942 Market St8trade r

i ae rosldedce |ltf puVkl a^e Inl I Con ill) Fun- jtl ft bull mi tjf bulllaquo bull P A ^gWJtrhTihiM Cchi I bull rlaquol ltbull bullbull0i-lt htotlii-lgt I iw tor

bull -

vs LVLKLTT bull C La lit aged

M In l

pg - n in i a t

rgt- in Me To ntn tai in i a bulllaquo nl lift al llov -cgtiii

gt Tfl IT

SI AID bull

D i

I AMH Soul 1gt OURi^ I orlaquoit I and I dna C bull upca -en ice iF I i gtf bull-lt i- ltc iif Mi^^n o-gt Inl pi-ltiP TTi l l i i -

rje-iv-n i)gts- h HM- r | Tii -i- K^ l o ibull r m- M Mi t AlBV-Sept 10 CAR gttINK Wife raquot bulllaquobullraquo gtlaquorg ae C iraquo|l bull L fa b-- RlIiltJVgtlaquo acdiipo-lx bdquoiv In- I Plaquo- bull ilaquo v-

tlbd-lo funeral s-i-vceh I eui P M lttl f Jlaquo tlaquoo raquot in -v r ie alt idencc ili iS Rult st Int url- -to

tale rraquolndraquo mav tall l -d 7 to P M llt Mli --Si t hlaquoit(gt tltu -cp Di iAHAil

bullraquo w bulllaquobull of Ceoige l hi r Hol illiiLlii- of Mii oi i rA mtah kilaquoi i m bull raquotraquot anl

I-od of fHinlv nl In elt1 o itl- nil t n bullnl 5burraquo at Nnci Mi rhm te- into ic-i-teicv i nnglev jive Iennev I [k Chea cr 1 bull bulllaquo nlaquon-a

i i bull It o Ho-une-lllt1 a( 10 A M Ill mmkculate Heart Cem

bull J


MI M a

v ilo-v

bullI K I I bull I

bull i Diiii-i bull bull I 11 l u l l

l 1 I l l - I l l -I bull VV Ill bullbullbull il M Ill W hill

lOlDEN bull Sett 17 f IAK wife of M 1-on Louden iue tlan-tkin Rraquo alive- no friMWls and all -orictic1 of laquo-|iich he its a member are Invliefl to liiiend f icral Tl-n laquolaquo(bull A M late rcsld^iio 8 w Dennle laquot gt ienit ronilem olaquolt at St S ephens t hurch 10 A M Int iffly Sebulcliie Cent

MoCUSI AND Stt 17 JENNIE wife of W bull McCausland Ren- h es and frWlw re nvrexl to aliend fuueall Thins 7i0 A M mm lot S Svit M Mlali reiilem maK^ at

St Jnmefc Church 0 A M Int Lancaster Pa t r And nav rail Nyod ore

McKALVEY- Sudden on Sept 17 NORshyMA IL duuglttor of Alexander anl Fannie G MeKaN ey Relutlves and irlerits also Camp No 1laquoo P O S of A nvttei to finernl serv)elaquof fhirs J P MJ (Day lraquoht-avlng) at her parent residence 5003 Chojtnut st Int at Fernwood Cem Friend mav call nfler 7 P M ed

MJIIGHFN- Sept I ft JOHN A hutTband of ROse K Melghan In Downey) anl son Of Kllrabcin and the late J srji i -Meghraquou Relatives and friend also Ihlla lodge No 54 I O 0 M and White Caps New Ylt ASKO Invltwo to attend Ifi neral Tit v~- 8 A M trint bis late residence 1023 Wol st Solerrn I Igh majt tshurch 10 4 M ^olemn I Igh majis of i4guliem

Int Holy Cross fern St

S30 st


pepi MILLERmdash Suddeiib Sep palan III IACOB Mllt KR flOlO Rldsreave Boxborbjjh

17 at Cham-Due notice from

MILLTUS Dreherl~ widow of

Sept r 17 FREDERDKA (nee Hairv Mlllius agH id

years Relatives and frlehda invited to funertl raquoeivices Iburs 0 P M residence of brothshyer In-law Mr Adolf C Haeberle 3110 N Bth sLVnt private Nor bwood Cem Viewing Wed J r M

MONTGOMERYmdashAt Honaya RadnorTown-shfp Dotnware Co Septl 17 ARCHIBALD R MONTGOMERY Funernl iserviees at Church of Rodeemer Brvn Miiwr Krl at 4 P M Day-liglit-raquoav)ng Time

MOK01PAN Suddenly Kept 15 JOHN beshyloved husband of Bridget rwscipan fxiee

m i gt-^ alaquog

M l ItlUY -Sept in lv A r)igli|jlt | i- tilehiii i id j bdquo ipiraquoi liea lvs bullnd lends r fn t i bullbull a tV it fullraquo il IM II v A M nil- bulli$V-vo Idi N HIV gtl Mas Hi tsbull- RMSO of I linn iliuicli al fl A M Ill Pott vllt III

OCONNOR gtepl 17 STELLA- MARIE iiugtiii 01 i l ia l -s and iile OConnor (non id rouds ap i-ltcd to

Ol A M tinients rlaquolJ gt-t --dlemn IIHIM of re-

harcli 1(1 A M In

MuTnlv LlaquoRelntives n attend funernl Jlrl delaquolt- fiM S ^inwi-ouient al Epiphany fj i lt -lt-ss bull em

ODEA - Sept 17 MARGARET E ODEA Funeral bullbulleivioes wPl |ngt held at her lne resl-ittcc PJ3R N Uilejiti---tin St Thur 9 A M Int Polstown la Remains may be vgtlaquoe Wraquo 7 to 10 P M

ltf4BORNlt-Sept Is MYIU OSBttRN Fushyneral services Thurs i P gtL G A R-Home flilth aed Vine laquots Int Mt gtfor)ai

RAVEN Departed thi life Sept 10 FREEMAN R WEN Relatives and friends also MItcheTl Lodso No 200 F and A M and all othei Mvnic orderN of which he was a member are Intlted to funeral services Wed 3 P M at his late ro-ldenee -ISOS ROSK st Germuntnwn int private Frbnds may call Tues e^e d

RirANE -Sppi Hi MARTIN M hushand of Maigaiet Rniiii- (pre Morrison) of pi^n mere Glenafcnle Coi niv Unlway Irolard Relatives and Irlemls invited to attend funernl Thura S30 A M ln te res deuce 270 Lorifat laquot SOlCain mass of vo-iuloiu nt Chireh of St James 10 iA M Int Holy Proas Cem New Vork racers p^ace cigt

SiHECK--Sent 1raquo JEANNET1E T he-lOvell wife of lo-epii J School and dauvhtey of TOwnsend and the late Jeannette Hitnea Funefal to whlcb relatives and friends trlaquo Invited Thurs 830 A M from her late resshyidence 038 Marlyn mad Overbrool- Solemn Mass of Retiulem St Catllstus Church 07th bullt nnd Lnnxdowtie HVC 10 A M precisely Int Private

SCHRAMM- Sent IS PETER H husband of Johanna Sohsgmni (ngte Frllnel) Relative and friends also William B Selinlder tgtdge No 41U F and A M Harmony R A C No laquo2 Quaker City itdge No 208 L O O F Court Amerlens F F of A invited to attend funeral Dfi 2 gt gtf from his late residence Mi l Upland at Int Mt Mortal Cem Remains may be Slewed Thurs eve

8I1RIVER At Atlantic City raquo i m i i i

N J Sept


Accommodations are Still Available on the

S S PRES HARDING J Sailing Sept f

Jo Bremen via Plymouth and Cherbourg from Piers 5 and 4raquo Hoboken

S Sa LEVIATHAN J I SaiHiig Sept 9

fo Cherbourg and Southampton from Pier 86 foot of W 46th St New York

Toriremen via Plyhiouth and Cherbourg from Pterc 3 and 4 Hoboitea

President Arthur bull George Washington America bull bull bull bull Presideijit Roosevelt

2 6

Oct Oct Oct 13 Oct 23

To London via Plymouth and Cherbourg tailing from Piers 3 and 4 Hoboken

President Monroe bull bull bull 1 President Van Buren bull bull bull President Polk bull gt bull I President Adams1 bull bull bull bull

Sept 19 Sept 26 Oct 4 Oct 17

Telephone your Steamship Agents or the United 8tates Lines today A representative Will call upon you gladly

United States Lines 1431 Walnut St Philadelphia

Lombard 8570 Managing Operators


IS ILWIS RliriVBR n- Wgt ble-ed bus

( i Si

Ii h i l ttpU bull i nil vliN I bullbullen II bull gti Il

U K l | v ~ l bull 1 it bull | t

i J i i bullbull gt s I bull y

f i T bull i-I l t l I i V 1

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hi i i i i) it

II i l Iflflllll Hi I I I l ) l ) | | l I

bull l l l i l -bull r i l l i t

bull t i l i u e I gt e (


TtiHuves i nd fiienl ns a niMit-


f a

bullash nama - ^ -bull b IS


t Ill Is

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bulld i bullI

Inl via



a c

and nl Drain ttiithin of vthlih he t Il1- tie IIVJV o iii idi nerni -gtbull)bull C bull I i i- JSy r v l lit Ihe |Ast)MieH of (bullbullbull tvlt-fl 1 m V F^e si htf Ctyenijoiitii t e n 1ileiuls ninv cnlgtd afier S It M

SHIM MAKIlt bull Sgt gt 17 CMMA L KlOF Ililnt-S laquo f riivJttl - a bull in le^ to

narltus o a(fend fiiieu) Tim s ^ ( M i narlfUs o Tlin R StlVN bull abi 111 V iilaquoiiiia)hiinnii ave Int | v h laquo i e fvOilll ( edic (HI Ceni Iriendu may eall Mgt( nfei V M

KIKAIL Sepi 17 Mis AHKLML XlKAIt ruitfriil sffVieoa Ilitt s j P M nreeiseiv at revld ine of her sm William ftrar 2OJ R poiuhin t lot niLne Fr end i may v-all Wed R o 10-P M rieice mil l (loweis

STAITOIIP- Al Riverside bull al on Seraquot 12 DR WIMflKI Traquo V STAKFOItl) husband Of Annii M fttnfford Ilelotlves nnd friends also Williamson Lodge Xu 30ft V ml A M St Johns fhapfer o 92 gtL A M Ihlla-Idinili tennnnndert No p K T laquore litvted to serUes Wed at 0 T M tdityllau savInK) Bantlst (Vmeterv CfttSfiel llnddonfle d Sj 1

STKWARnSON At AtVinHe flv Snpt 17 gtNNA eldest dalitfhfer of late Tliomas snd Hannah HolHnfrsnorth Stewnvdso bull in -gt4th year of her n-e Sen lees at UCt Arelt st Iliurt II A If Int iraquo ivnte

STOUT Sept 1laquo MATvTHA A Kdsar T iStoit itemalns may be her home wtlUamstota n N 1 from 7 to 8 I -M DaylUrht Savin f1m Kii nernl service Thurs 12 noon at i airlors of S V Irankenfleld ltns ri300 Vine s(| Int Ar-llnten Com

STRAW -Sept 17 at fravose Traquoa ISAAf J husband of iale Vlltfabeth Gr in Strmt formerly of flRlO Master st In his fiOin yenr Belatlvelaquo and friends Invited to Mrvlcraquol Thurs 2 P M at the Shurtleff Apts aoltgt MaiWet it Int private

the service on Thursday at 1 P M raquot the bull I h e I I Hn Hlitr 1^t r d e M n t I t i r i lu te -nteir i i l i i e if Put h bullbull itgt Ii IM

1 KllttAN Siiu 17 i itlk- rlm i bullbull lt In bull 1 lin ii Mi AJ-i y Vitiltermii i i l i l i - l l i bull I i t ( raquo I l t l i lt i i n l l i l l i l i i l e i is I I w i U at II i HI- reajtlotice

iiti Qinih l a - Valla ogt sein yil il bull In p 1-VMK Ml Peace laquoom V lifls inagt ltbullf| Th it eve i 1 j

wi)iriUN(iriiN yem a DAVIU C Irn blind oi the hue sie-m Woi thlugton alaquod

165 Relative mid friends alto Peon Township M add AWrbSi lt iii i i icjl

I ( U l l f l l

n (i So] 30

If A P A

Aroh at

I | f e of ivlevytd In


STRKKT At Mooreatovvn N I Sept 17 JOANNA I) widow of Dr A Emtry Street Funeral Wed 180 P M (day I slit eav In) from her lata residence 100 Chester avo Moorestown | Autos will meet 1280 P M ttaln from Market st ferrr Phlla at Moorestown

VARY--On Sent 17 BLlZARBTH 8 VARY into of 724 Wynnewood road Overshybrool Relatives nnd friends are Invited to


ft oH USGovernment Ships

s ^ ^ - raquo ^ V ^ laquo- rfVJs

entShi -Burners |- 33 Now Americam Built Oll-Burneraj-435

feet long 21000 displacement too

7nsjrf- SEATTLE 11 ateamlng dasya from Seattle tA Yoshykohama Other porta of call ore Kobe Shanghai Hong Kong Manila PRES GRANT Oct 5 D i e 4 PRES MADISON Oct 17 Dec 1laquo PRES McKINLEY Oct 3raquo Ddc 2S PRES JACKSON Nov 10 Jagt bull PRES JEFFERSON Nov32 ) laquo M

laquontf every 13 tittyn fTiereftei For information addroaa

Admiral Oriental Line 17 State St New York

or local ra i l road a n d t icket orli

OGr SAN FRANCE Via Honolulu to Yokohama Kobe RbarteholF PRES PIERCE Oot 4 D|Mgt PRE8 LINCOLN

Kong Me nil

v0ct 18 pjao 81 PRE8 WILSON NOT 1 Jin 10 PRES TAFT Nov 15 jfn 8laquo PRES CLEVELAND Nov 87 Feb 9

auo every 14 day ftereafTe| For Information Addreaat

Pacific Mail S S ^ o 10 Hanover Square New York CHr or local railroad and ticket agekejr

Vrtiirtpino Operntort for U S SHIPPING BOARD

V -X^J~ =r-



MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE Feb 2 by epccialiy chartered Wh te Star


69 day $600 up Including hotel dri ieigniltlrraquo fee visiting Madeira Spain Athens Corl bulltantinople 18 day in Fgypt Snd Palestine Naples Rome Monte Carlo etc S op -gtver In Europe andreturnbv Maieatic Hcmericetc CLARKS 4th CRUISE JAiJlS1 000 laquofcUP

ROUND THE WORLD 122 day including hotelsdrives guides rets (KC by (pccially chartered Cunard nev oil burn aAcoNiA sum A floating palace tor the trip Panama Canal Loo Apgelet 18 daya Japan and China option 10 days Ifidla Jerusalem Athens etc Stop ova In Furope and return blaquo Aqultsnla etc FRANK C CLARK Ttmet Bldg

HAUTMiT f TOURS CO MO H 13th 8 Cunard or White Star tgtocal Of fleas

V B A N K O CLAHK Alma raquo l | a N V

New York



I bull - bull

Joforjo ba I



cs drafts notes on

bull ltbull bull

V ^ O U R bank should be protector servant counsellor and friend j If it is less than these to you you should lose no time in

improving your banking relations

AN A C C O U N T with this Company is a convenience and a safeguard it provides a record of payments and makes it profitshy

able to you by paying interest on your balance

H E Company serves by collecting chec g Bj bull araquo

local and distant points I t remits anywhere I t furnishes safe deposit Vaults where valuables may be kept It lends money on approved collateral an d finds investments for you The counsel of its officers is always available in financial affairs

j bull L V H E Philadelphia Trust Company can only thrive when its

7 patrons thrive In promoting its customers interests it proshymotes its own But such relations must be reciprocal and it desires its| patrons to feel that in helping the Company they are helping themselves that as^the Company progresses it is able to giv$gt better service Upon such a basis it invites a continuance of its present patronage and the account of every one who appreciates such a blankingconnection

ri hiladelphia Trust Company

415 Chestnut St Broad and Chestnut

s I i

Special $ 1 X-Ray I

Examina t ion lt ohatiltatton adr l t e nrtd exnmlnn-

flon Im Inrlliia- XsRajr t hemhnl Annlvala and Illood preftftur Teat for One Dollar Ruch ia the offer made by The ileelro-Meilleul fgtoetora laquoho now ltMTII|V the entire htfltding four flonra at 132 Mouth Iflth M (Just begt low Cheatnnt) Phi ladelphia t o the slltk HII Hlllng

Cases Incurable Told So If iour cttae la Incurable you will

lie frankly told ao The examination a tnoat Important j while It roata hut one tloMar It la aa accurate aa If the patient had paid the rranlar examinshyation ehiiiaeis In full Too are under no obligation to take treatment

Physical Wreck Regains Health ran no^ appreciate whit tick

piople it-ho ftuvA hten wade teen uavt to do oil in thrir power to helgt Mh-rr ailUia AOlaquoraquoraquo Mm Lydia E Howshyell of 2 Firnt Avenue Pitmttn V J That 9 the way I feel no-) and take thin mean of trying to reach raquonme poor tuffcrcr who i d i t c 0 u r ay-d and about reiihi to give tip thgt-hat tie of Hfr 1 bdquo raquolaquo one of that claraquo hut not uoir fiejore l $tartcd taking treat-mrnt with The Jlcctro Mrriical t)olt-tot I laquogtlti a physical wrc^k for ycart l] had a high hlood prcnturc tchich cavted tnc terrible vertigo ot-tahbt my hack ached and paint cgt-tcided to tny arm and leg I tin very nervou and could not atrip and wan losing weight tfg hutband inittgtd I take treatment froin The Elevtvo-i Medical Doctor at he had called on Mr Itoroy of Glataboro UIIOHC wife watt taking irratrentraquo and had -I-

rirtd mott brmftcial retultt After my third treatment I tyiiiced im-provemtnt and now I aiit^fcry deshycidedly better My family and jviendt all magt rel at ma worked change nnd I am trulf feeling like a new being

IARlaquoKST OFFICES IN STATK The iiretro~Mltllilaquol Dottora ofttcra

are the largeat and rlneat equipped ofshyfices of their kind in the State treatshying rhronli- and nervoua dlaeaaen The Klectro-SIedlral Doctora never dlatrlb-nte ltarda pamphlet etc from door to door ao do not be deceived but reshymember the correct addreaa

A I L M E N T S TRFATFIgt Among the allmenta treated bv The

Flectro-Mediral Doctor are anemia iiallimn bllloiianeHN bladder anil blood troublei bronchltla bowel trouble catarrh constipation deaf-neftSt dyapepala ecceina fenuile trouble s tomach gaaea gaatrltla heartburn Intestinal troablea l iver compla int weak Innga nervous deshybil ity pnralysla neurit is rheumatism and other dlaeneee of women and men

The Electro-Medical Doctors 122 South 18th Street

Kntire Rnlldlng l l l t l A D F I r i l l A

OFflCE HOURS Dailr 8 A M to 8 ) M Wedrtesrtsys h Saturdavs 8 A Mto 5 P M

Sundays 10 A M to 1 V M



Kew Clarion Kentucky Ava- J deg Boardwalk I New brick addition An all year hotel I

S K BONIFACE | 20th year Booklet

nt-ngt Boanlwaik at Ocean Ave Ku- luiniiii nlnn KiiunliiK water

La M 1200 up dally Private bath SB00 im daily P m a r a M Missouri Ave 4 doora to He11 h I I I I C I H I U outside rooraa home oookins ITthanccfas year Bath prlv Mra M ypomey ^ T VI M O Tenneaaee nr Beach Kuocial O I M i n V f u i i r a e i I Att)eriean A Huron plans Running Water Mrs Theodosla Miller

H o t e l G a raquo e U jl0i Alaquo- laquobull U I C I vraquolaquoglaquoj Butidlaa Hot aad laquolaquo water ovorv_roolaquonj__EurooaanbdquorlaJ__

Marlvn 1 H(- Chrlea Kuropean1 Tray mwiiysa hreaafaat Ph Iuubard 2628 Phils

ATLAMTIO OItt N J 2 gtbull Worlda Orateraquot Plarrfosss

are Invited lo fu rest-eaca


THE FLANDERS On Boardwalk at Eleventh Ht

OCEAN CITY N J KspEciAriL Rims J H O W A R D NMICIIM 1rea Seven yeara inanacor Tho OreenbL

White Sulpkur Sprlna- w f a

tgr i r l e r

Burdaal Houae te^ytttfc-WILOWOOD N J

finest Hotel Opaa D 3 WOODS sHEiPONsa^g

MT POCONO PA T i l A R e l m n n t Modern throughout atearaquo snsj o e i m o m tieat j 1 OORNISB

MOUNTAINHOME PA The New Molaquonraquo Airy tradejffl$ftraquo


You Sir

What ate vou dolnir with your K re nlnga Dont you want a better-tryshying position Dont you want the chance at the good things of life and a successful happy future Dont you know that you can make all these things possible by spending three evenings a week In tHIs giyat eehrtol Of business Such a course will give vou a Knowledge that no one can lake away from-yraquou ability that Will make you alwaya valuable to many concerns We want to make you capable 6f nlllng any position Will vou let us do H f General Muslims IHislness Administration Higher Acshycounting (C P A) Shorthand Secshyretarial Teacher-Training Saleanmn-ahln Real Estate sod Conveyancing lublle Speaking andgtOrammer Scliool courses Plumbers and Contraotora Miislneas Course Day and Mght School

IT 1

Banks Business College 1200 WALNUT ST FHLILA

if nil MIgt jijsf Krl bull I M in hin late l i n e ^rnMV o ir is al Int at Mt P (fgtm KiliihK iiuiT nil linn- eraquo mdash 11 |i l l n raquo i 1 1 1 y 11 bull 1 n m


Bioai and Cotiunbla Ave Schools Onen in September

Instruction in Ovmnaallca Swimmin Hlf ing Life Savin and Oimin Booklat Arolv at laquof|lce 170ft N Br^sd jit

$5000 POSITIONS CdnoUr1 fi hard to find men to nil them f i t Vaurtelf for a better position UNIVtRSITV OF PA EVENING SCHOOL 108 I oft n Hallmdashfhoo Baring 0100mdashSta |Sf


Exoert faoultv Well-eouiopod labs Pre oars tor siiv oollere or State Board Exam Medeiet [rate Thorough instiuotlon


MUSIC Our clastea cover vocal violin and lgtano Day afternoon and evening rliiates Expert Instructor

Send for Illustrated Booklat of Our 6S Courses


M k walnut Streets Phlla Pa


Tbe lielter positions- thotie wlileh pay tlxa best snlnrloi- aivaya ao to thoae who hsvo lmsliies tiSinfiic Our courses in lui|ine atenocraplile lionVkieplnt anaSfceerctarial g|vgt you coinplele ninl in ltbull I ilaquo I exprrlence Jraquoa f anderenliiK ltliisraquoes Individual lustruction

KMI-II a any lime Ilillii(|el|ililn llualneas ( nllegc

snd College of Commeroa A 17)0 MarkeF St Philadelphia

Trie fepucbpal Academy (FOUNDED f78Jgt

OVERBROOK Regular pehool ^esgt|ima beat

ThMrpday September Mth Re v-iiiilnallons I

Tuesday tfentmber 18tb

New Bo-ra Report Wcdneiday Sept l9raquoa

Greville Haslam B S I l ( gt a r ] i n a laquo t c r

Morris Braun Violin Xirluoso

Neioli snd Conotrl ileUter Stanley f j nl phony Oiehestra

Mcmbjor laquof the Faculty of


CQNSEK^OI^yMuSlC Limited Number of

Pupils Accepted Address Registrar 1831 S Broad St

1 I i i i i

Looking for a Job Ilicn VIMI nie jiul ono of I he fiilaquodulliOH of W i r e s Siliool Tlicv no nol iiiiii fur position^]

I0USII1MS IR lnokiiiK for ihmJ livaiililK lo pay tlicni (lie liighltgtrr ]SU|HVIltS ID jrivc them cxoruilvcj ||KisltlltiiiM or jilncc Iheni In line ior Huch iiiithorily School

I now kraquo|ion

PEIRCE Mi( ltraquof HtMJiirltlaquos Atimmimrarvn

Pine Street Weat of Broad I l i l l iul Ipliin

Mrltc lor I f f j i Year Hio

Train for Leadership Higher Accounting

A complete course Includlna O P AmdashbullS very important and nrofltable profeaaloa

Salesmanship and Advertising InatniOtlon by exuert In the beraquot pylaj of all buslqeaaea -

Real KatatemdashConveyancing Our auperlor trafnln by experta osa a SM for unlimited earning

Trade Extension C o u r s e s ^ Includea Plouibera course with bookkaonlat ofrce and record keeping necessary to co trading pluinber

Day School Night School

Banks Business College 1200 Walnut Ht Philadelphia


Stabdquo IlHiil 1111 DAY ltIA8SKH Ilt-


A nine tnonllis eourse Jn KlKCTKlClTT Imlli HieoWtliH) and insitliiil

A I wo nionllis eouiiie In AUTO ME-CHANICSJI repair shop experience

Kvenin Clnaea Machine $hop

Practice Machine Slum


Mechanical Archishytectural A Kree-luiiiil Drawing

lllustratlin Arlthmellc

Matheuiallcs Electricity Radio

Pattern H|ion AutoiDoblle Elee

and Mil ln nd 1 Kit yojkrscir lo take advantage of the

opiiortunltles open to technically trained men and women

Exceptional Facilities and Low Rate All IIISNCK Open Seiitember 2tth

l l l l l h t l l l l i l ItOOlilct 11111 N M S

Strayefs Business College S07 Ohjsstnut Street Walnut 08-84

Offi iltrgt W f t f l r W o develop the hlgheal Typewrltlnb Jiookkceplng etc in our sin denta and Kot the Iniaest salaries for them

Arrgtrk i i i t inltr bull Practical one-year course K t u u i i t i i i K n A r o o u bdquo 1 n t o r bookshykeepers and business men Taught bv a prac tlelnr in bullciiuntiiiit Wharton graduate A good business to learn

_ bull

Saileamianahin ssi amanahip pay her work Wo| can train vou to aucceed In (lib groat profession Piactlcal salesman aa teacher

j _ raquo - Keal Katate and CoSYVey Real Estate ancltiK taught by a Phil adeluhla I4wyer and practical Real listat men Kvery perron who Will ever buy or sell Real Estate ltnn proUt bv this course Yor ahould aome time buy RoSl Estate Enroll now

fal l trrlte ot phone fur partlcu

lraquors sbout the courso you aro Interested in ot enroll now I-

Strayertt Business College 807 Cheatnut 8treat Walnut 08-84

Catalogue Free

PTCo 1 bull -


a CoNSEB5iffl[roiar


Extension Courses j f In Public School Music

Directed land Accredited by t

Penna State Dppt of Public Instruct bull

i ruction

Evening and Saturday Classes

Now Forming


Addrcfi Registrar 1331 S Broad St

bullbull I n - m

for Particulars

i tin I i I Ilil iianni i it i

Untitled Document

fileC|Documents20and20SettingsAdministratorDesktophellohtml2182007 110103 AM

Thomas M Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
