in cooperation with pln 34: taking action with data session 1

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in cooperation with PLN 34: Taking Action with Data Session 1 Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Above the line: Whatever first name you want us to call you Below the line: Your role and district Below the line: One or two words to describe you as a leader Nametag Welcome! Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Welcome 2.Getting to know you 3.Overview of Course 4.Final Project Introduction: Cycle of Inquiry 5.Session 1 Objectives 6.Data 7.Cycle of Inquiry 8.ANALYZE 9.Data Conversations 10.Reflection 11.Next Steps Agenda Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Taking Action with Data Westmoreland IU University of Pennsylvania Credit 4.5 graduate credit from the University of Pennsylvania Penn Literacy Network 1-2 participants = $800/person 3-9 participants = $600/person 10+ participants = $400/person Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Getting to Know You In center of name tent, place your name. In 4 corners write: Upper left: Type of learner you are (visual, kinesthetic, etc.) Upper right: Your title/function Bottom left: Something most people do not know about you Bottom right: Years in education Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Teachers should adopt a systematic process for using data in order to bring evidence to bear on their instructional decisions and improve their ability to meet students learning needs (NCEE ). Taking Action with Data is a proven methodology for helping teachers use data to inform instructional decisions. Premise of this course: Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors What defines a PLC? 2.What is the purpose of a PLC? 3.What collaborative structures do you have in place in your school or district for data discussions? 4.What norms do we want for our PLC? We are a PLC! Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Participant Notebook contains the following: Background knowledge content Anchor Activities will be completed in class as the foundation of the course Optional activities Utilize for your particular needs Graphic organizers for classroom activities Homework exercises are participant driven complete two of the activities that best fit your needs. The non-negotiables are the Journal Reflections, course readings following each session and reflections on application of your learning. Final project create and implement a Cycle of Inquiry project to address a student learning need at your school. PLN 34: Taking Action with Data # Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Reflection Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Understand the premise of this course Begin to develop a Cycle of Inquiry Define quality data Identify a variety of data sources available in their school Complete a Data Inventory Complete the initial steps within the Cycle of Inquiry Reframe authentic questions using Positive Presumptions Construct questions for a Data Conversation using Positive Presumption Apply Positive Presumptions in a Data Conversation Session 1 Objectives By the end of the session participants will be able to: Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors What is data? Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Data Quality Standards Data quality is a perception or an assessment of data's fitness to serve its purpose in a given context. Good data is. Accurate Information is correct Complete All records that should be included are there Unique No duplication: one student, one record Timely Information is collected as close to the time of use as possible Consistent Information in multiple data systems all reflect the same thing Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Why Data Quality? Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Data CarouselData Sources Each station contains a data exercise in your participant notebook. Groups will have minutes at each station Use the Graphic Organizer in your participant notebook on page 6 to record your reflections 10-23 Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Aggregate Data Aggregate Data is high-level data, typically a sum or other summary statistic, that groups a collection of individual data points into a single data point. Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Exercise 1.5: Interpreting Aggregate Data 25 Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Cycle of Inquiry The panel considers the inquiry cycle of gathering data, developing and testing hypotheses, and modifying instruction to be fundamental when using assessment data to guide instruction. ( Using Student Achievement Data to Support Instructional Decision Making) Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Activity: Cycle of Inquiry Example 40 Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors COI Questions: 1. What are your initial thoughts/questions ? 2. How does this example relate to what you currently do in your school or district? 3. How do you see this possibly being implemented in your school or district? Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors The cycle of inquiry gives us a way to look into our practice with varying levels of detail, broadening or narrowing our scope, as appropriate. Using the Cycle of Inquiry Flexibly 24 Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Choosing the Right Level of Detail 25 What are the stakes of your decision? What is the level of risk if you make a bad decision? Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Patterns in Data Common results in data for an individual or group of students specific enough to allow you to target instruction where it is needed. The Pattern in Data may illustrate a need that is skill-based or content-based. It does not necessarily mean an area of weakness; there could be a need for enrichment or extension if the pattern indicates student strength in a particular area. Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Exercise 1.6: Identify Patterns in Data- Item Analysis 43 Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Exercise 1.7: Identify Patterns in Data in a Single-Source Data Set 49 Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Exercise 1.8: Identify Patterns in Data- Participant Data 52 Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Cycle of Inquiry Project Plan Course Final Project Analyze Strategize Act Data Conversations Reflective Practices 77-87 Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Data Conversations Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Data Conversations How do Data Conversations fit into the Cycle of Inquiry? Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Data UseCollaboration Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Data UseCollaboration Current StateIdeal Vision Tension Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Gathering Information Guiding Improvement Finding Solutions Is it easier for you to teach that way because your students are more focused than mine? Is Johnny failing your class, too? Are your students going to be ready for the next set of benchmark assessments? Presuming Positive Intent What strategies do you use to keep your students so focused? I want to learn more about Johnnys performance in different content areas; how is he doing in your class? What strategies are you considering to prepare your students for the next set of benchmark assessments? VS. Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Positive Presumptions Involve thinking through what you really want to know, and what assumptions you are making before you ask a question. Presume a positive result has already taken place so you ask a question with this assumption already in mind. Presuming Positive Intent is not the same as being positive. Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Exercise 1.10: Positive Presumptions Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Negative PresumptionsVersusPositive Presumptions Are you going to help Frank with that math problem? Versus Did you use quiz results to form these groups? Versus You failed this test. What happened, you didnt study? Versus Have you developed differentiated lesson plans for your students? Versus Reframing VS. Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors On the back of your nametag write one or two words that reflects your learning today. Complete Journal Entry #1. Complete two of the following: o Complete the Data Inventory for your school/district. o Identify a Pattern in Data from a recent assessment in your school/districtl using the Patterns in Data template... o Have a Data Conversation with a colleague and complete the Data Conversations log. o Complete a PLM module that best fits your learning needs. Begin identifying the data-based focus of your Cycle of Inquiry; start completing the Cycle of Inquiry Action Plan. Complete course reading: o Read pages in Using Student Achievement Data to Support Instructional Decision Making ( Practice applying positive presuppositions with a colleague or family member and write a brief reflection Next Steps Primary Use Colors Secondary Use Colors Taking Action with Data Westmoreland IU October 7 November 17 January 20 February 24 March 29