important pointers about resizing photos

Important Pointers About Resizing Photos | Apr 15, 2013 at 5:26 AM PDT New York City : NY : USA BY 1 0 VIEWS: 12 A picture is worth a thousand words, without a doubt the advent and widespread prevalence of these have made world a more colorful place. Pictorial representations are an effective means of advertising products, businesses and services, enlivening dull business reports, presentations and maintaining the interest of the audience in them, retaining important memories precisely, explaining complex ideas and processes in a simplistic manner and many other such things. Computer and digital cameras have made these accessible and easy to use. However certain things such as the shape and size of these visual representations might need to be altered before its soft copy can be successfully used within a digital medium. Reducing or increasing the size of a picture, based on the stipulate requirement entails editing, rescaling, cropping, re – sampling, increasing (in some rare cases) but mostly reducing the size of the image. Reasons for size modification Photographs, images etc might need to be rescaled for various reasons. Usual ones are- MORE FROM ALLVOICES How Would You Describe Alex Rodriguez? Adud, Aroid or Afraud? Sea lion pups wash up in thousands on California beaches Motorola Electrify 2 XT881 - Review, Features, Specification 17-Year-Old Girl Commits Suicide After Being Raped By 4 Classmates and rape Contributor Report News Stories: 0 Blog Posts: 5 Videos: 7 Images: 0 Comments: 0 Michle Church Bombshell: Pope Eyes Vatican Reform Stories Stories Media Media Contributors Contributors People People More More Login Login

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A picture is worth a thousand words, without a doubt the advent and widespread prevalence of these have made world a more colorful place. Pictorial representations are an effective means of advertising products, businesses and services, enlivening dull business reports, presentations and maintaining the interest of the audience in them, retaining important memories precisely, explaining complex ideas and processes in a simplistic manner and many other such things


Page 1: Important Pointers About Resizing Photos

Important Pointers About Resizing Photos | Ap r 15, 20 13 at 5:26 AM PDTNe w Yo rk City : NY : USA


1 0VIEWS: 12

A picture is worth a thousand words, without a doubt the adventand widespread prevalence of these have made world a morecolorful place. Pictorial representat ions are an ef fect ive means ofadvert ising products, businesses and services, enlivening dullbusiness reports, presentat ions and maintaining the interest of theaudience in them, retaining important memories precisely,

explaining complex ideas and processes in a simplist ic manner and many other suchthings. Computer and digital cameras have made these accessible and easy to use.However certain things such as the shape and size of these visual representat ionsmight need to be altered before its sof t copy can be successfully used within adigital medium.

Reducing or increasing the size of a picture, based on the st ipulate requiremententails edit ing, rescaling, cropping, re – sampling, increasing (in some rare cases) butmost ly reducing the size of the image.

Reasons for size modif icat ionPhotographs, images etc might need to be rescaled for various reasons. Usual onesare-


How Would You DescribeAlex Rodriguez? Adud,Aroid or Af raud?

Sea lion pups wash up inthousands on Californiabeaches

Motorola Electrif y 2 XT881- Review, Features,Specif ication

17-Year-Old Girl CommitsSuicide Af ter Being RapedBy 4 Classmates and rape

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Page 2: Important Pointers About Resizing Photos

Photographs are f requent ly posted online at various online forums such as blogs,websites, social networking sites, chat rooms. Most of these allow uploading ofphotos of only up to a certain size. Therefore these need to be adjusted tosuccessfully post them on such forums

One might need to e-mail pictures to a client , modif icat ions might be required asoversized one cannot be at tached and mailed.

might be required while t ransferring these from one phone orcomputer to another.Photo resizing

Many a t imes vivid pics are used while making presentat ions in power points or inword documents, reducing the dimensions of it af ter past ing it generally leaves itlooking shabby. It is advisable to do all the altering prior to its incorporat ion.

Resizing is not an easy task a variety of things need to be taken account of whilecarrying out alterat ions.

Pixel DimensionIts very important to maintain the original pixel count during the resizing process,otherwise the clarity of the photograph is compromised

Clarity Mere compression of an image using the free software programs will probably leadto deteriorat ion in its quality and clarity.

Uniformity When the dimensions of a picture is adjusted it tends to get blurred or becomesmuch sharper than its original version which results in a degradat ion of the imagequality.

It is advisable to hire the services of sof tware professional when important photosneed to be resized. There is a major dif ference between the work of an expertsand an amateur. Employing a professional will save you a lot of t ime and headacheand you will be assured of gett ing top quality work.

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Michel is a voluntary writer and blogger who writes about Image Editor Tools &Picture Resizing Software. This t ime he has come up with a new art icle which isabout .Photo resizing

Michle is based in New Delhi, Delhi, India, and is a Stringer for Allvoices.Report Credibility

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April Reader Photo Contest – Get Cooking! — Doll Diariesdolldiaries.comChar — I use, but how do I attach a resized photo without it coming up toosmall? Char says: April 13, 2013 at 6:53 pm. Emma – resize your photo to 540 pixels wide(tall can be anything) and then tell it to save to your computer.

Explaining Low Res and High Res Photos and Printswww.photoshopgurus.comThere are two very dif f erent and equally valid meanings to the term, "resolution", as appliedto digital images: #1) "Resolution" is the dimensions of the image in pixels. #2) "Resolution"is the number of pixels per

Produce Professional PDF Handouts from Your Mind Mapsfluentbrain.comFirst, since the images are 4000 pixels wide, they will be multiple t imes the size of thecanvas. Resize them to f it the canvas. Second, adjust the size of the mind map images sothat their text size is all about the same. Next, remove the alternate .


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photos resiz ed on Twitter

done with AKB's photos,resized, cropped, wadever. i'm lazy to edit/addfilter so i'll upload it here within half an hour. doanticipate!!

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yes terday rep ly re tweet favor i te

We do a de-dup pass afteryour photos have been processed. What sorto f duplicates are you seeing? Resized? Multi-sources?

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everpix @dvydra

3 days ago rep ly re tweet favor i te

Snapping a decent Twitteravatar is an art. Good photos are frequentlyyeti- like when resized.

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3 days ago rep ly re tweet favor i te

yesss.Can you pleaseupload the photos that we took together inanother host?I wanna save the originalones,because FB resized them

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no1_0911 @widaww

4 days ago rep ly re tweet favor i te

Page 6: Important Pointers About Resizing Photos


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