immunology of the skin

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  • 8/13/2019 Immunology of the Skin


    1-5-09 The Immunology of the skin

    1. Describe the major components of the immune system. Describe the differences between

    the innate and adaptive immune responses. Delineate the components of the adaptive and

    innate immune systems of the skin and describe their methods of action. Understand

    differences between the cellular and humoral components of the immune system. Describethe different immunoglobulins active in the immunology of the skin.

    Recall that there is innateand adaptiveimmunity.

    Innate immunity is rapidand non-specificwith no memory. It consists of:

    o Neutrophils: rollalong the endothelium andphagocytosevia hagolysosomes!

    where organisms are killed "y o#ygen-deendent and indeendent mechanisms.

    The o#ygen-deendentmechanism involves respiratory burstthat

    roduces hydrogen ero#ide! hydro#yl radicals! and singlet o#ygen.

    The o#ygen-indeendentmechanisms involves cationic proteins and

    enzymessuch as myeloero#idase and lyso$yme

    %acrahages release G-!" and G#-!"to stimulate myeloid recursordivision in the "one marrow! resulting in the release of millions of

    neutrohilsinto circulation.

    o $osinophils:rotect the host from infection "yarasites! which associate with

    antigen-secific Ig& 'eosinohils ( arasites and allergic reactions)

    &osinohils "ind to Ig& via low-affinity receptorscalled "c-epsilon-%&&.

    &osinohils are only weakly hagocytic 'unlike macrohages and

    neutrohils)! "ut can have a athologic role in allergic reactions.

    o N' cells: eliminate infected or malignant cells

    o #ast ells: mast cells are located in tissues! while "asohils are in the "lood.

    *oth bind avidly to IgEvia e#ression of high affinityrecetors for the anti"ody!called "c-epsilon-%&.

    *inding causes immediateallergic reactions! such as anaphylaxis and

    angioedema. That+s "ecause activated ,c-esilon-RI leads todegranulation and release of histamine! serotonin! prostaglandins!

    leukotrienes'*! ! /! &! and ,)2which enhance vascular

    permeability! bronchoconstriction! and induction of inflammatory


    o omplement: involves 30 serum glycoroteins that result in enhanced

    phagocytosisandAPC recognition.

    The roteins include the anaphylatoxins(a! )a! and *a4 all stimulate

    mast cellsto increase vascular permeabilityto encourage antibodiestoenter tissue. 5a is a strong chemoattractant.

    The #+comle# is comosed of 5"! ! 6! 7! 9. It unches holes

    in mem"rane causing death "y osmotic lysis.

    o antimicrobial peptides: includes defensinslike human "eta-defensin 'h,D-)

    and catheliecidins

    o cytokines: low molecular eight messenger su"stances that can act autocrine!

    aracrine! or endocrinevia "inding to cell surface recetors. They include

  • 8/13/2019 Immunology of the Skin


    interleukins 'I8) which are leukocyte oriented! colony-stimulating factors',) that act as hematopoeitic progenitors! and interferons'I,) which

    interfere with viral replication

    o toll-like receptors: recognition of micro"ial and viral comonents. They"ridge

    the ga"etween innate and adative immunity. /endritic cells e#ress toll-like

    recetors dative immunity: defined "y memory'secificity! imrovement with each encounter)

    and antigen presentation'/+s stimulating na;ve T cells! initiating rimary immune

    resonse). It consists of:

    o Dendritic cells: function in stimulating na;ve T cells and initiating a rimary

    immune resonse. They have to main locations:

    /+s in the T cell areas of thespleen and lymph nodesare the mosteffective s

    /+s in the epidermisare known as angerhans cells

    8angerhans cells are derived from the *%! desite their eidermal


    They can "e identified with electron microscoy or histochemicalanalysis that stains forAPaseand has anti"odies directed against

    8 antigenic moieties 'D1ais the most useful marker). They aredistinctive in having ,irbeck granules in histochem.

    Their function in the skin allows for initiation of sensitization

    'as evidenced "y the lack of contact sensiti$ation in skin devoid of

    8angerhans cells deleted "y class

    II 'which resent exogenousantigens that result formendocytosis?rotein degradation in endolyso$omes)! while /7T

    cells recogni$e antigens resented on %> class I'which resent

    endogenousantigens that are either viral or tumor)

    o The %>-II is critically dependent on dendiritic cells! "

    cells! and monocytes#macrophagesunlike %>-I

    o / cells: they develo in the *%! migrate to the thymus for selection.

    positive selection 'only T cells that recogni$e self %>are allowed to

    survive) occurs in the corte# of the thymus. 95@of T cells get selected out

    in ositive selection.

    negative selection'T cells that recogni$e selfetides dislayed on self-

    %>s are eliminated) occurs in the medulla of the thymus Immature T cells e#ress "oth / and /7 'the Adou"le-ositiveB

    stage). &ventually! one of the surface markers is lost! giving the T cell

    secificity to %> II and %> I! resectively.

    T cell signaling reCuires two signals:

    "irst signal: TR "inding to etide-%> comle# on s

    '"asically the antigen "eing resented)

    o this determinesspecificity

  • 8/13/2019 Immunology of the Skin


    o "inding of first signal without the second costimulatory

    signal results in anergyfollowed "y aototic cell death

    !econd 0costimulatory signal: surface molecules and cytokines

    o ,unctions in romoting clonal expansionof T cell as well

    as T cell differentiationinto effectors and memories

    T heler cells '/) recogni$e foreign antigens andactivate #&to eliminate athogens! as well as

    activating , cells. There are three tyes of heler

    effector cells:

    /h2:precursorthat e#resses I8-3! I,-

    gamma! T,-"eta! I, ! I8-! I8-5! I8-!

    I8-9! I8-1D 'won+t really "e tested)

    /h1: e#resses I,-gamma! T,-alha!

    and I8-3 to induce a cell-mediated

    inflammatory resonse

    /h: e#resses I8-! I8-5! I8-! and I8-10

    tofavor antibody production! cause allergic

    disdease! cause atopic asthma! and systemiclupus erythematosus. I8- in articular

    stimulates * cells to roduce Ig&! while I8-5romotes eosinohilsand I8-10 inhi"its


    ytoto#ic T cells '/7) focus on endogenousantiviral and antitumorresonses. They have two

    athways for killing:

    Inserting perforinsinto the cell mem"rane

    ctivating death receptor "as'/95) viadeath ligand "as'/958) to trigger


    o ostimulator molecules include the ,3 family members

    '*6-1 aka /70! or *603 aka /7)

    ositively regulates D4recetor on T

    cellscauses crosslinkinge#ression of anti-

    aototic genes and roduction of cytokines like I8-


    o / cell receptors 0/%s: defined "y their diversity.

    ecific recetors for every ossi"le antigenare encoded "y fewer than

    00 genesE This is made ossi"le "y recombination of varia"le regiongenes2

    =aria"le '=)

    /iversity '/)2only in TR and TR loci

    Foining 'F)

    onstant ')

  • 8/13/2019 Immunology of the Skin


    &ach TR uses a different com"o! with additional nucleotides "eing

    inserted "y deo#yri"onucleotidyl-transferase

    The maGority never encounter their antigen

    o , cells and immunoglobulins: the maGor role of * cells isroduction of

    immunoglo"ulins. D15! D2! and Dare the main markers. ctivation

    leads to maturation! or the secretion of secific anti"odies. &ach Ig contains two identical light chainsand two identical heavy chains.

    They are linked together "y disulfide "onds! and the-terminal functions

    as the "inding site. The /R region of Ig+s recogni$e eitoes! so no

    antigen presentation is re$uired. tensive gene rearrangement createsdiversity.

    &g#: the largestIg at 900 k/a

    ontains one F chain

    Induces rimary immune resonse: romotes agglutination and

    activates classical comlement

    &gG: the most abundantIg! comrising of 65@ of all anti"odies. There are

    su"classes 'IgH1-IgH)! with IgH1 and IgHD"eing activators ofclassical comlement. %oreover! autoimmuneanti"odies are mostly

    mediated "y IgH.

    &g+: this is the mucosalIg. It activates the alternativeathway. There are

    3 su"classes 'Ig1 and Ig3). Ig is resonsi"le for athogenesis of"ullous autoimmune diseases.

    &g$: this is the anahylacticanti"ody! for immediate anahylactic

    reactions. resence of Gust a few are needed for sensiti$ation.

    o U6, radiation '390-D30 nm) suresses the skin immune system and causes

    reactivation of herpes simplex virus. Translant atients have increased chance of

    skin cancer.