i'lm-adelphiastepi stnrv loose morse in...promise reduction, advising them that a «*«£ now...

laborers Reject Termt—Bricklayen Vote to Sustain Them. STRIKE SOT OVER YET Pennsylvania Soft Coal Men Decide to Support MitchelL Car Trr.tc.aiTH to thz trtbctx l Altoona. Pen;,. March 11.— The 26.000 arißaM of the Central Pennsylvania bituminous tßa% have decided to a unit In supporting the oe~! policy of President John Mitchell of the U-T, Mine Workers. President Patrick GUd»*a~. Secretary-Treasurer Richard., GUbert. of S! district, have done all in their power to * ffn ' n ? th " "' en to accept the operators' co« promise reduction, advising them that a «*«£ now awtM be suicidal. As a conaeqaenc, 5! vote on Tuesday will emphatically indotoa n stand ef t.V national otr.^rs. "• «o Plttsbur?, March ll._Pr esl aent Patrick n-^ Wort Ptttßterr district of th. UnltaliS Workers to-day detailed OffSJSIS & amor.? the union mir.ers to tnJluerce -** ,* *** to vote In favor cf accepting the ul«n»Ss?2 the operators, so as to avoid a strikf?,, * 1 President Dolan -aid: "i am iSbriSwi*? 11 80 per cent of our men are In favor or «* htt the reduction In wages rather than an?t^2!s* <«>t work." MINERS OPPOSE STRIKE TW«I. ; n**cv.c Ran an every<ahjM the Bowery, will be op*nr<l this evening. t= H. iLa/iey. leadn of th. MeAatey Water Street hnatfeo, win be ta eherge. Tha work win non-sectiirtan ltn< ' m 's opened under the ausptc Icf tl >• v. rork City Church Extension .<'.•' Mls><l nary f ' ' ' odlai Episcopal Church. Th-- tall is a rart the eld Oormania Assembly Rooms. No ..; Bowery, east slao, above Houston-st < i who are expects i.' t" '.'» presenl '\u25a0 -nighi \ \u25a0"? E. O. Andrews, Dr. C. S v.ins;. Dr J. Wesley Johns- ton, s. ii. HiOty and r :i S A SCIENTIFIC CONGRESS. rhiladflphia. March 11—Th" BfwaieillKW of the Amerlc:,n Phlln.j.iphlon:?..oioty. Whtek mepfs tier- on April 7, % and r». BMtaoM abOßt thirty papers 0:1 geologteal. etbnotogtcal aa4 atbef nwiiiUia topic*. A-:io:.^ tl.-m nri> nn» by Dr. Franz »;.j". of N«-w- Terk, en "The Horizontal Plane ot the sku'.V and one by Waldexnar J ' \u25a0'.- n, ai?.i "f New-Tork, •'\u25a0n ' Fha swkaghhi i- : . , \u25a0 •31 n Klr»t CSnrch rf O •:. E.iriton. 111. Mr» .' . Dr M W M -i.'-Jr. Ih<»> in U i. im* s«'*> A KUT.I }f| Julia UlllirKi |je Cash, B. O I"* n ?u!-. . . - io>ii» i\u25a0»> Ocercs K. Do4«« 5""«> V L*n:jn« - S 'X» T--al . .""»*.«.:»> The folliwlns; rontrtbuttor.s have b«-->n mad*- to the Macedonian r<!!"f fund: \u25a0 \u25a0 "Porylfal" mn'-V wffl bf f'.v^n BMBOnOT evening by Ij» •<•>\u25a0 Paker. orcar.^t chnfr master at Calvary Church. Foarth-aveL «' - .>T Tw. n:y-Cr«t-st.. at his br:*f orffftn r-'-'ttil at ' . !\u25a0> p. tn. T^« Liiv Electoral Conference tn the ICew-York Baal Conference at ti..? MethSCM Episcopal Church meets ln Sitrpscn Chlliea, Brooklyn. April f>. T\.'.* ccr.f t«t.c«> willele.t seves delr^atea to the Or^ral Confercnca Amorn? thu^e mentioned for v r Is TttOß . ' - >n Church, whore the conference will be entertained. Mr. .: has bees .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0::\u25a0:\u25a0 of every lay conference : m ben beld save ur.e. Tlie n-'ir hodwrrkT of tho West Fnd Pre<«^y- terlaa I "lurch h.us-? to »>e i-sta!le<i y.\-t \u25a0 m^« Laora C htyars, -r Bartfacwj t.* to have rh^rpe. SVe will u<<e th« month of \ "(T »et- tlan r.t work in tall dtf nr.ii ln other cittes. In the Bean ti:n<\ Dr. Eiurnhani will be In i-harse. and will KCt the work, well I At T . of St. An- \u25a0 * The a-.nuil rotroat of the Xavler Alumni Sod-i'lty Wffl beghl on 8-.;n.'.ay. March -i\ In the ChafO of St. fraaehi Xavler, at » e*deck, ani win end. as u«ual. on Fain-. Sunday morning. March -T. at the 730 am rr.fLr.9 The r*erc)?rs wd be baM dally at r "m except on Sat irday everUag, March 26. They will b* ,>r.ducte<l by the H- v i\ H. Caaey. S J ,of W.mdjtoc*. Ml. The rf.reat Uopen to all Catliolii* m*a. CHURCH NEWS ISO SOTES. While a number of men r.ore searchlnr for th» head of the body or other things which mlpht leid to rtn ldp::tlflcation they came on another body, that of a mnn. It was lyins near the shore, and had evMortlv b<>»!i rOOBBtty freed from the lea, as it «ai In good preservation. At a late hour to-night the body had not feaan Identified. It waa that of a man about fifty years old. and the hands indicated Omil he had not done manual work. At oi>*» time It was thought that it night be that cf Frederick Bli- Derbeek, who was emp!o>e.l in <i canning house nt Salem, and has been mi'-sina: gbjMM Dscettthar, but a scapular found on r\if body Indlcatod that it was that ni a Catholic, while BOdtrwath was \u25a0 Quaker. a Dnmber of men whe hid known Btkkfrbeek viewed the body, and were positive thnt it waa not his. BeeaOM of th<» finding of the ttro bodies so dose together i'r.~ poli •* -i- ••» m lUirsr a rid In- vestigation, baUottaS that ther-' may bam been n ,;.• iiorder 01 rtlftT*Tl Of a murder and suicide. They believe, however, that It is pos- Flble th-it th" injuries to the wom.m's body may have come from f.ie action of the fed They also think it posafble that the bodies may both have filtftod down from some place further up the rlvor. THE POLICE SUSPECT MURDER. iBT TCUSBAm TO TITS TRHST^S-l Brldjreton, K. J.. Mar \u25a0 n 11. headless body of a woman which war found In a eak* of ice here jraetcrdajr waa identified to-day aa that of Mi?? Martha c. Biauum of Km, 39? Ridsre- ave., Philadelphia. The : tataßeatlea was made by Michael Brrnn.an. \u25a0 brother of the dear! woman. and Mrs. 11. Rimes, her aunt. The brother aaM that Miss Brennan left her home on November 20 last, and s!nc# then they have not henrrt from h"r. Sh« wjs thirty-nine y?ars old and had been a sufferer foi- a k-ng time from nervous prostr^itior. It Is gOppOSOd f:i« was gJUWUOfI In tho dchuylki!'.. She was a devout Catholic. That of a Man Found Woman's Identified btf Brother. SECOSD BODI' IS ICE CARLSBAD \ \u25a0 \u25a0 iry: :r.i4 Produ-t* •isttni' Mineral V'sers d Baffttaal or < ;•- I Si PO2XM < the ftomach. Liver, \u25a0 I tntertlnes MM* Gall- l ;t. a:iJ I:. I.'1 .' . \u25a0 -... i The Mnl Carlsbad UnM Silt ctta'.r t, the Carlsb*'! : rs Is used fox «'onsv:;>. .n. PxKpepsla. wttCm «.!:<-> the S;:u'.; I':,^; ;.». SprucJel Boap are ta be hid t: •? Ca:lvlw.<l Miami «Vat*T IVrpvt. LOEBEL BKTTlimiai GtRLSBiII Eisner £3L Mendrlton Co.. of New York. sol* .V«-nf». The larxrly b<rrw<4 etrr«latioa of Tbm ] «>— •!»» Tilbune nrr.-«.«.itmtr« mmr going to \ .•it*, early Kntui<L:> cij'it. K3xrri\<~r* will ' roctr- a tavor by ow^lac la their r^vr \u25a0« I the rixrllect eoaaMa Btotnrnt. DOnUBD i r. V. '.» til* Crai- to \u25a0BBBt from \u25a0»irt kh Black He* no«« la a* ay with.!«•,«„ istiU the i o;.ml to neu- tralise the I>»rdr. n rl 4lkumt4 by Ex-Attache. la to sorrow '9 Trtlwa«. Those of the Batson Field Said To Be alt! fBT TTLtCßxra TO TUT T»!Br?.-T:.1 D=:ia*. Tex.. Match v k i am •;%• fc.n la twBM r IWSarti to-day that salt wctrr la la-p* o attacked practice. ly r.ll the mta in th« r.cw Uaf.cn Sour Lake distri t. •The DkQ| 00 >\u25a0\u25a0' -it loar Lake admit* that »rit wa.er has aprcared in roruc vcll«. but is in- .\u25a0':rrn tn w . •!,.-.\u25a0! the reports are esaggjecßtsfl Somr -; ti...t \U<rr- is * enr .«-.irsry to flep-c* propf-rty vaiu»s. oihT* to i SALT WATER IN OIL WELLS. COMMISSION DECLARES REEVE INSANE Rl\erhf«(J. Lnr.g lelar.d. ilar-h IL— Drs. .1 H Ecn.lajr.in aiid 11. H. You:.;: ai.J Gtcrse F. Stack- rcle. t!.e cr.rr.rr:!*?lon «;:•- BtSd by JwßttOi I eon to Inquire Ir.to the ra: :ry of A. Ttth!l] ReOV*. of Aquebo^ue. who thot and killed Deputy Sliorlff rurl^rd on t»errffib»r 1? last, to-day reported ta the ju*tiep thai they bad n ad n~+\r to n> hwai AT.'-r baanag th«s report of the BMaaaaaiaa Jus- Hoe GHT--«-'snr. trsue<s ar. order directing that the : ' '•orarr.nt.-d !o the sjyluin ior the ii.;an« at M^tteawan. Decree Granted Io P. G Morgan, Who Charged Desertion and Indiscretions. o-cat Kodk, !/• Karck Q.— The reit for abroi-.-te ciivor^ Umugfet by Psrry <";. Heraaa. -'f Port Warhlnrton. apainst his wife, Dats-y. cams SB before Supreme Court Ju^ti^e <la>Tior to-<lay. and a riecro* wa« granted to the plaintiff. Iffendart it- r. niece of Filchard Croker. her mo'her. Mr- >;--.•! B "vV:irren. ba\ln«[ been a favorli v .:s. Doth kti - O/arrea and h^r husband are <3e*a. Mn Morgan is now 'ii the chorum ot "Tb*> Yankee Gottaa!" com^nv ta New- York. Contractor Accused of Grand Lsrccr.y Re- arr..igned Released on Bail. a, ta the Biiieome Ooatt rester- flay. <3!sr;.lSK^(3 the WtO Of baboaa corpus obtained by Ssaaph a Faitsy, the cootractor, arrested by a a charge ef ab» it - itlonn DIJOSI fvirn tli* - Fartey was tbea r^nrrfti^-ne-i before Magistrate Crane and w»s «>aj»od ',v I .•>.•\u25a0«• i.'i. Th" \u25a0 . t Farley, to fjr::l^h a t.cw bond. Urn o'A one harinc -xpirvd. The r.car- b g vas set dos ' I li RICHARD CSOKIR'S NIECE DIVORCED. ment for i \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 c* FARLIY HABEAS CORPUS DISMISSED. ST()P\ MT. VERSOS DRAFT. \u25a0 D \u25a0 : i \u25a0 . VMJS - \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 M tritk //• I ' ; ree, i . \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 STEPi GETS BACK. Inspectors Report Plumbing Out of Order Roof Leaking and Dirty. Borcjffh rrcsMer:t Abeam rootorday received a report from hi* sanitary in^ectcrs on the condition of the City Hail. They call attention to many <!• - :. «-ts. They found taat Biaea of the bad odor for which the Ball if BBd ha3 lo:.R been famo'is oomcj from an underground rip? gallery which runs Just beneath the tile floor tn the basement. Much Of the plumbing was found out ef order and cracked. Ttf roof wa? 1< akinc end the roof gutters were foul with sediment, and the tanks under the roof are so foul witiiwater an.l 5-edimcnt— the accretions of yeirs— that IhSf are dang'-rous to the health of everybody in the building. The skylights are im- properly ventilated asd leak, and the clock tower l- i \u25a0 full of holrs that wor.d-r i- expre.->3ed at the clock's ability to ko at all. Tl:..- ra.:. leaders aie «saad '\u25a0> drain into cesspools, re tl?ht and h-.i'l otaanam wat>-r, while others let their eonteats percolate, so that the retaJntag walls ,ir« always .Mil p. and ono cf them. \u25a0'::• retaisiag wail ><f the northerly area." is now bulging, and the sidewalk alongside of It IS likely to ears in. Th- ventilation generally is condemned, and spe- ••i.'io recoma nd it:'>ns covering all the points made rs seat to Mr Abe irn. He 111 now ro ahead with t! 8 wrk i'( rep.iir. for which h" ha» received an atumwistlen of $:i>. : . \u25a0><. CITY HALL FOTTND IN BAD SHAPE. He Tells What to Bo with the Dirt from the Streets. Ti»t Trrx'.RAPn to run tt.ipive ) (hlcaso. March li.— Major John MeOaw Weod- burj'. Cemarfsstooer of Street Oanir-sr of New- Tork, lectured here to-rl?ht. under the awajlotS of tiic city Club of Chicago, before \u25a0 Urge ;mj- cllence. i!e talked on "How to r-!sr><'»,i of tho Waste? of a Ctty." and ' Id bia hearers a treat deal they ".Kl i.rit know about clean streets and alleys. Tlito were many city official* In the ... teiMWtalTf from the Street Cleanlngr and Health departmeuts. and the niajor'» talk gave them mv. li matkM that v..,« new to taern. lie tol.l bow tho work U <Inr.e !n New-York Speaking to s"in n of the Chicago authorltl-s after the loct\;r«. Major Woodbury laid: There should no fim-sti-in °f politics tn tho Itlon of waste matt.r. There la none In Wow- Vurk. We have about fc.««v>,ouO annually to spend for -!\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0 i- \u25a0 Ing, garbage removal and for tho \u25a0 I n r mow. Vfi have to ppen.i that m'i'-h i\u25a0> j. i rM •\u25a0' the waste. It Is L.wl! sh to t.flii ft the of Chicaito with $1.'»» it do! with I M> miles of streets. jo Is certainly a vas: city— of vast di.st«:i. \u25a0<. It Is a great example of Atnertcaa . "it and en- terprise. Tne improvements are stjto to come. : - Woodbury will speak to th« City Club to- BjuiroW afttrrnon on thf organisation and ndmtn- : t.-.tion of tne Strict Qeaidasj Department of Nfw-York. •• .- ii ns^lcr.r'l l«i that, cB-tnjr to the filling \u25a0 > Betghbortnsj streets »cr« Bfteea I \u25a0• below th* «tr*e.t level. ~ \u25a0 . -.;!y frrquently flooded by the up ff tidewater in the Hrook-ave. fewer. two y< ur«. It !i aaM, upward of \u25a0 ii!t? tor «\u25a0«\u25a0«!— have be^n ri^.i h>- \u25a0 property n«r.fr« on account of this flooding. , \u25a0 : . nt BIIIHITVB In construction I Itli probable, says th« report, tratam Uea under the proposed alto Pron \u25a0 :it of rlew, rr«»h^tlc and utlll- id, the iT-ljfn'uorh.jod of the mv- i oca is mu<-!i t.> b<s pffelied. A br!»>f delay is .il:-<> urged, with a vlow to awaiting the f .i-( of the 1 111 proposiof to nuk« a n«w county of the Borough Of The Bronx, The ne«><l» £f the the county ofTWs osuld then I 0 a -i . y \u25a0 as b .\u25a0) Uasj; it is suggested. WOODBURY ADVISES CHICAGO. Municipal Art Society Committee Against That Selected for Bronx Courthouse. rt rabmtttad by the dvhj crr.tr^s com- \u25a0U Art 8c lety to the , at of Urn \u25a0•. thata t re^o^d »tte of the eewrt- \u25a0 tin.;: ta tha Ud l>!strlct of Tho Hrnnx \u25a0 ict-it -it lf«i re:i»>ir» ar« K^en why .. !>«• rrio.-<rn. The "It" in 090- \u25a0i an Irr'sular ploce of ground b' . lad :r. <i-.-iii.l-sixty-Jlrst-iit. on th<» aorta. , .\u25a0•\u25a0:. the east ar.d south. anl lirook-ave. wit.i t. 11 nl f Mnrimum Penalty for Con- fated Verger. \u25a0 : - ' " \u25a0 ' ; iltabla ! - I ci:':tT Ik f MSSBI v \u25a0 ' .l^gif"*. •• '••', *-?'»rdar by « 'i t:.« pi \u25a0 ' i \u25a0 3> «n »t>* \u25a0 •\u25a0 rr •'. :• n Nati.».»i Baahi rrttfljsta --• i-ir c It . '\u25a0 ' » »J* Imutd Stti \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 i \u25a0 \u25a0 OPPOSED TO PROPOSED SITE. FIVE YE IRS FOR IUto.H'U. Report of Mr. Parsons on Hotel Darlington Collapse. District AttoT.cy Jerome received yesterday froTi H. Dubois Partcr.s a. repnrt of his Investl- gatton loto the Darttnatoa Ho>l dlyast«r, which he announced lat«? in the afterncon. Mr. Jerome refused to *r.y whom he believed to be culp.i- ble. The report was in extenso. "An exainir.ntlon of the rulr? of the Darling- ton Hotci." said Mr. Jerome, eummarizln? th? report, 'shows clearly that its collapse was I by an Improper construction of the lr^n work, made po?s it>!e by and due to loose to!?? in column, bean nnd ftrder <'i>nn"ctlcns. This re- \u25a0Ulte i in the entire weight Of the structure belnjr thrown OB the flanges of the column. Instead of on the centres, the UVCfI never being Intended Cor that purpose." - >U th« report. Di?t:lct Attorney \u25a0 said: The c-.iumns were bolted to the flang-ea, the fVt::^? i >.= ir.^r .in tar on which th«" flooi be.ma rrat. You have ore lonff column running hori- aon tally. At < ne potat there ria.v 1 c aomethlng :: . . ' . and at that i>oint th* column w.!l bt» ):'•. The Buildinc lawa contain ccrt.-.i.i provtaiona in '••- card t>> this, v.iiioh ;ir*» Inserted S.I th.it ,-i bulld- I . •i>tru'-u>.i like thi^ thf> Boor »y:a m s snail k'.\<- lateral tr» tho columns. The law airo \u25a0 > the i olei In the flangcj shall be driliod t" :..wo th^r.i :. n itv. TtKae*drilled holes nre of standard "-lz^. not rarylna; peicetrtlbljr. Tli*- bolts in a Irlile^l hole wi . at exactly and win nt praetfcally at'Ud. If \u25a0i the bolts. a.«= niiLri.i have been the rase In This building, thrre ts play; md if then i. wltbi it thai lr.it-i.ii rapport, there is thai much rhance I - f :-Kii7ip. The \u25a0•. \u25a0 ifrht and Bira!n. in- atettd of belns perpendicular, will be Qutmil io the w. Ik point. Tn»* holes In the material n«.-,i in this bulldlne Wirr> cast und i'"t flrlll.'tl and \a:ie«l BS to size. an.l there w;,p lateral play in the lufs. thpr^ly maki:i< pome ktructural defeot. Through this feel the r'...T 1.. u:iv filln-it V.^lfl Btlff. ... Wfis out <\u25a0(\u25a0 plumb aTi the strain liistribtitfi uneqaaUy, all iln waa thrown on t.hf loose fiance. Tro.-.i evidence In this rxsc there was *r.m« cracking beard, and tn that way the column a lat 1 r »d ot tlu fianßfs. If that ta a •un tlie lluiiiUnc Cod*- was violated. Tho bulldln< fell th»Tf" was sr>m»» vinlatlnn In t' " hr.lflri:. >>Nt It Is r.ot Bpeclfl \u25a0 nn fo Joat what i r..- int in th* 1 report, ar*! it didn't any that tho t.olcs Wf-re oast and not drKlf J. P'Ftrrt Attornsy Jeroni^ - !<l*>-A to p:,ic» th^> responslbnity on any one or moro aajraoßß, Mr 1 thai an Inspector r.ho failed tIOM of taw in a building which \u25a0 1 \u25a0 Ins do.itli, «..u!l ie Ruiity "f nian- \u25a0laugl p ... •!!>• no wnrk wan done on the ruins : t \u25a0!!\u25a0•• aaM the v.ork was afternoon by ord<»r of A^lsfunt 1 V l>ut h- .l'-ni-'l that he LAID TO LOOSE BOLTS MIVF.K TINS fcivrn to rhll.lrfu as prircs. Ser ChlMrpa'* l*a»r, to- u.orreM* I ribon*. ON ACCOUNT OF THE General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church LOS ANGELES. CAL Leaves April 27. 1904 Round-Trip A 4 £* From Hat* New York Indn<lio(r transportation, double berth, and all mfals going on SPECIAL TRAIN TO LOS ANGELES Mi Bide trip to the Grand Canyon: I 111 lit, tickets war traMportat kra onj on «• ular trains natil Jan" CO. ll«M. and are ralid to stop oft »i he \\ori.l TO »*- I)!-talle«l Itlaernry will be son: upon application to Colin BUUUtj A. t- f . a^ Fifth Av,uue. N>w York, or p GEO. W. BOTD. J. R. WOOD. P»»* Tr.ffi= M.:..«.r. •^^\u25a0RSTTtSaf MMFhlU^lph^P- PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD PERSONALLY -CONDUCTED TOUR. TO THE GRAND CANYON OF ARIZONA PACIFIC COAST Say "Inspector" Had Looked Through the House on Monday. Tvrn young women, >i. Celeste and kflaj Linian Lsrjr< anaafl with rworvexs, drove away a supposed burglar from their hortv* at M . •"•'•v > Aiexander-ave. last ever.in?. They are tho daughters of Mrs. Pauline Levy, who with an- other daughter and her s-nn. had gone to a theatre, leaving the two girls at borne» They »cro about to retire when they heard noises at the Uoor. and Investigating, raw a ran with a flasJilight working at or.c of the inner doors. He bad already forced open tho outsid.» door, according to the young women. Mi«s Lillian four.d her revolver and went down the flairs io the door where the man was work- ing. Miss CeleEie ran down the back *vty an! out to the street, and then came up the st-ps, taking the burglar from behind. She shouted for the police at the same time, and at th; commotion the burglar left the door and ran out p!>_st th* younc woman. He dashed throus i a crowd of men across the Street, and might have been caught had not two other men who bad been standing opposite tho. Levy house Interfered with his woold-Le captors. AH three got away and disappeared down A!o\an ier-nve Th: young women tod their Story to Sergeant HeCartea at thf- station ,-vr.d detecttres wt-re detailed to look for the men. The MiMes Levy told the police thrit 09 Monday a «;t'ar.gs man. wearing a Van Dyke War-1. app ft a:f>»i at then? house and obtained perr^lssion to look it over. en the excusf that )v> was an "inspector of pome sort. After be had male a rearchlr.j !n- \es>ti?atton. they, said, be remarked thai tha house was a ell arrant" ' or.c. and Aed If others adjoining were similar. He was told that th»>y were, and then he depart f-'i. scy.n^ he would txt buck again to continue his mapec- Ccn soon. GIRLS CHASE BTJRGLAR WITH GUNS. Dremd Disemi D him from Tnffii- cv.a and Men si en. T.f; rts raoatrad nt the Baraaa of Vital Pt.i- in t>i<» iff-aith T>«r>r-.rtn)^nt Indicate thai tha Atttln In the <itr from pneumonia tbtl week "in outnumber (bom r>* lad ma ;i rtcord wr?k for the «li \u25a0•:•. \u25a0«»». 00l "' \u25a0 total of l.S»«> deaths ln the City ln?t week th"ff! v«-r<- .".."><• fieaths from pneumonia anl 11 < » deaths from broo ho-pDeumonla. Tha In I in th" praraJaoea of pr^umonii h-.^ baan al- moat Ft^Tiy, week by w-^k, itaoe th" ftral week of Junuruy, wh"n the disc T!:e infectious character of pneumonia has bern recognized by the Health Board, n;nl many reports have been received showing thai th" <1i"»- t-ase ha« been communirati d from at of a fr.ir.ily t" Others. The Increase of the dis- ease, however, Is attributed \<y Ear.ltary oAdala :• * to infection than tr> th^ prevalence of in- fluer.za, commonly kiic.wn na the KTlp. :in<l of SKaflPj ln tlie city. An attack of hlfltMttSa brings on an attack of pneumonia fo freiuently that t!ie officiate of tlie Health Department bare corr.e to rr-gard Influenza as the chief promoter of pr.eun-nnio. Casea of Inlluenr^ are rei orted by physicians only when the patient <lk-s of th.» <JU< ris<*. If a t.itlent who lias Influenza Is at- tacked with f-4t.li pneumonia th<» death Is re- ported as one from pneumonia. The fact that thirty deaths from tatoemta were reported last wetk. therefore, gives n<> true Indication i>f th<_- prevalence of Influenza tn the city. Meuf-les frequently Irir'.j;:- <i!i pneumonia, and more rreque-ntly biuncho-pneuirionla, Physlclana are required to [p;io:t all cases of meaatoa, whether they terminate fatally or not. Th<- re- poris show that there were L.433 coaea of n \u25a0 m the city last week, and only thirty >!-*aths tram the riit'-afe tn th« »e"k. As Infl by Itself Is lea fatal than measles. It Is es- timated that th« re arere more than two thousnnri \u25a0,f lnduenza in the city last week. The il danger of epMetnlcs of iftffU* and Influ the nnltaxy oflk labj say, Uea tn the (act that SB many cr-.ses of mwnlei and Inflttensa lirln^r on < •\u25a0,-... It' lief Dron all three dis- aassa, '.lie m ff tm * m}r declare, may bo expected as aoon as the weather ki:'-*k i: '-* warmer. l'"or many weeks the weather baa \u25a0 en peculiarly favorable to Urn aptwad «ti»J fatality of the dis';;i?>s by reason of th« eudden an>l tevere < luni— in temperature. PXEUMOXIA'S VICTIMS, n r^n \u25a0 . \u25a0 \u25a0 "No. not now." replleJ Miss Lazare. "I don't fe^l very n-ell &r.J I w.ir.t to get the air." Purkln said »<h(? looked pale. Alter that he mine ppveral Mai up n:id down, and saw Miss LBSOv sill! sitting Ir. the wlr.dov.-. About 6:*."> oMo . Tc I'avM a:..l Terry, \u25a0 ho had be.'ii looking out of the window now and th.-n. wondering why the young ran was pitting th*re. heard a srrcain and rushed to the nln- !-•\u25a0• '.- i- down into the airwhaft, they saw Ml^s Laaare a U.Jy wlilrllnj In the air and r.ij.- U:y des-endlng. They p.t.v It th \u25a0 t.»trlna'. fa.-«» downward, rebound and l!«i ttflL liv; '. \u25a0 - , I the lourth f.fir VtMa he heard the crash. He sto^po'l th<» cas. tan out Into the hallway nn<l Raw Mlsa I_TS.ir<» bind on tho n'tttng, «h!' % h la placed kba«l la th* ml'Mle of th«- v lndowa on th.it About 6:15 o'clock M!=s LattXw comp'.'tlnod of feelinp II!. and said she wouM go homo. She Etarted from the office A ttw n.::iut> s Uter P. S. Davis and C. 11. Terry, clerks la t:ie office where MM Is ampiof«d, law bcr sitting In an op"n window facing on the a:rsh;i't from the hall Tray and dlrertly opposite th» elevator shafi. About the «arr.<» tine Patrick DurUln. an ele- vator man In th« bul'.dlng. was ias?ing the e>venth floor, when aa tm,W Him LaaM sit- ting la the open n-lnJo.v. Mopped the car. op^tiei th« door and askf*d: "Going down?" Young Woman, 111, Falh Seven Stories in Telephone Building. Mtsa Bessie D. La-are. tweaty-tawee. years old. llvins: Ir> m Ontario apartrr.»r.t*, la llcr':!mcr- *V. r.^ar rfirtif"*^ \u25a0*\u25a0 Brooklyn, i ItUMB« raphrr MBlMfmi '\u25a0/ O* ASMrteaa ,-raph and T'!'-phone O:::; t.v ta thflr Ueca on the okv^nth floor of the Telephone BulMin?. at No. II \u25a0-St.. is AytßS ln ?h< * Hu if-cn Street Hos- pital as the result of a fall la*: WWl>| from a window or. the eleventh floor c: the bulMing to .-\u25a0 Glee! netting protecting a skylight in the air- <=!.aft at the fourth door. SQSW-TOBK DAILY TRIBUNE. SATURDAY. MARCH 1-. 1904. SUICIDE STnRV SCOOTED. MORSE IN I'lM-ADELPHIA /;.- mag ta &n Caxc. Lake-- \u25a0ba - \u25a0 L«iw*«>d . ft at tbe L , aad btrtd tftacteift la I \u25a0 ; f ' \u25a0 - ta h'-s ad J.n Lcoon- j.. \u25a0 \u25a0 ' m - an(S r '* , \u25a0 . \u25a0 "l. v.hrr, ?-f. * In »p a that Im \u25a0«\u25a0 w*ng »«> n \u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 B meet Mrs. Mflcaa t>< lljiPrili t^^.t yiu are to BMI """ \u0084-, b<, a reronc!:i=tlo:x. 1 \u25a0 °' th<> brids: taStai «t the Lm*< H* rsir * vi^ nnt or, Oa bo I i r ' \u25a0 I ».«ocj.- D 'it- •• » ' \u25a0 " \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'••\u25a0 - - * - ; \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 .4. ft CHALLENGE RAI!:SFOaD to debate. Westeherter Sor-fhst ridNot Get Chance to Ask Questions After His Spefcb. » i n .-••'\u25a0 - ''--'s of X<-^ 'r? nnd P"rt CtM \u25a0' :• •\u25a0nay prr.t \u25a0 . I conflict of \u25a0 Hi a:.J the r.ork- J of ar. a»i<3rrss r>r. I 7 \u25a0 r Ijil.ar T - ... fiQfJr'': ' \u25a0 \u25a0 lallrta j Tro;:i Vosi \u25a0 \u2666t. J. I ; : . ' :\u25a0 v \u25a0 - ft a tnua hoT?:t >\u25a0• . \u25a0 curst::r..rs a cr.. -^r.c«>rpd th \u25a0 f-pargo. editor of """* \u25a0 N r-Torfc \u25a0 N\u25a0 - Koch»..i .. roE school ; td park \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 OILMAN COMPROMISE ALLOWED. The Appellate DMMM Of t).i» Supreme Court B^aMoafjaf* ti \u25a0rifled fiewn a 6*ctfion affirm' - an order of the SurrcgaU'a Couit, r> 'rr.:- i-i; the ad- n,:r!'t"Ctr<'« ct th' Otttl <' DMSi F. Gl'.mar, to rerrTrort:** or.fl \u25a0•\u25a0'tla a rlaira cgah't Hm estate maof by M"s I"- I \u25a0 P<OCta Ha": !'rr r.^:-n was ©.:•-. - M* r" | m r- \u25a0- \u25a0:. -MMand >• M in aharea Ot the Great *'•*:;•:; «.r.a Parttte T"* 3oe . pair-. Mr* FlaH. »he . \u25a0 - ::r GlUnar.'s house | hJ« draih. an.i fr'.r: i«)!p sr.(J crTindrr^''. has *pr*»d %n p!ar* at t'.:e cippo«; ' Inform atioa to be used In contettlsa; ar.oihrr claim Tjrrssctting Will Fo Longer Be Done by Haid, Public Printer Saya. Trosh!r.grtan. Vtftfl U.-r:;: 1 . \u25a0 MBttf Pa.'iae- indlcateJ t.> the House ConaKtai ta Appropria- t' :\u25a0.' to-diy ttal tUH yen: «ffl >«'.n Oa i gtffr mpp.t n; lb«Ge«etßßMOt fYinr'r.- OfllM wttt \u25a0 •> sotting BWdttaea A proposition to this end tv m-id.-t M tb» ' ' \u25a0 - I v 0?? '* r-rs ff the LJnotye CWMjany. ar.d tmmedlOteW a demand to heard aratnst th« propos.aoa « \u25a0 Mr. Palmer wa» i .: bill If h .. ,- any ;. \u25a0 ithorlty was deemM n^^ 1 by nan to ta r \u25a0 " ' " :n ST n his offlce He answered that h^ . the further explanatten that labor -^ ayj .\u25a0hl-.erv tuM bc«.n teUoduced Ir.'j ••\u25a0.:>• h of tfc» work exfej \u25a0 .•.upos-.g rownvr th^ efilce withuot s;n authortty. Ue _jinr turther that *vi iTtTae- <e study of Jh* deveiopmcr.t o *• otoe, and had cons ne red it |J»^ state np to withtn tfte la.-t twelve myrrhs. =_\» tha' time < sveJopraent haJ been -ai-- and : \u25a0 ; " .. hinea tv " m«r *- i:a - ;* caaatd«r.>d the m.. "-\u25a0 " •'-' d I Z*.„, rant tho equipment of tn^ ao IVKrnme1 VKrnme^r ,"" WitsW it5 Ofh.-e Tn!s atatement. r^ken In connection w-^ ?hVflr«t; that he a* \u25a0 wrho-it. epedal ' ". doubt tn th« bb iof the *J*g| Sa»e of r \u25a0 •\u25a0 b* S lr, 0.-.t of t.v As no le S '\u25a0 '^ 'V- Tr>tee wiU - \u25a0 :nr:her hearings la Of \u25a0*\u25a0 GOVERNMENT PRINTING BY MACHINE. It Ends in Court. Where Emptier lifjajaj Satisfactorily and Pay*. possessed an Ski Mm *v «• \u25a0 " wu •— MMpatIn* t!.. n r » »ral <*«' aw* * they had dots* for him. ' -• >«aWf<ar •tart*.: m a 1 m chase after J.imn Oftanoa. a dealer I. » . c .». TC« \u25a0•hmm lasted till all of th» nwn w«r* taken to a poll.-* \u25a0 -.rt for (Hjorderiy cor. . . I The rr.en appeared out* I » V ,OBW early In the mornlrc. and be. f#arlr:« that t!»ey hi- t'Ti] '! -..ra tarn \u25a0 -..;r#.: o.t cf «a- other doer and bcarJed a Second-ay». car. TS« men «a* hU Qgfefl ar. 1 M 'raasferrad to a crosstown car. then r-trnr^.'erreJ. »r.! fl changed again, always with tfc«! Ken Just a Llocfc behind. Finally he dashed Into a salmon, hoping to Ect o::t of a sii.» (OBR but there «as none, an 1 UM men !:ad h:m trapped. A inori parlej «•\u25a0\u25a0; held it the bar. ar.d in the mean V.r. na\-: cab bvoos&t When it dror« uy he maoa * <!..>;. for !t. and started uptown a: a gallop, w'.tli th-- Itaitana ye.lir,? i:i . .iaS"t it and blocked thu wteela, and . I " *•«• sTiki".^ a: (beta wttJl Ma w)-.lp ft polio man ca.-r.<» up an.l arrested the whoV lot "^ iptala waa t:na::- to Bad out what the trouola w.. j all n-cre ser.t to court. There Grinror. admitted that he ot*<* '. UK rr-*" 1 amall «-ims. which he said he would pa:-- " ~ day. when his accounts were Bad* out Ri , . \u25a0 . \u25a0 . n at thai tba*. On The advi.e ef the mag!* 1 rratet r*id OH m-.n at once, act! all forties wer» dis.-harged. NO PRESENT ACTION* LIKELY The striking- bricl^ayers* laborer, B# \u0084* Matt* In the small hours of «st«£T **tag and rejected the -tu^en'" S r S brought about at the 'feting tn th« »2S Trad,* Club en Thursday m,^ Not **\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 went back to wcris. and even the few * trt * er men who had been at work <Ud not * m ° a some of the building*. PD * at The strikers heM that th» settlement wM,s restore 1 former condition* by whicTZU? 1 m. and & anai BX, until the question In arbitrated on March tV was too indefinite. They demanded this oJ'" tirr., absolutely, and MM a •"" -r-iMwi of their own. Taey sail they wer( , wi;; ln submit the question of overtime tor th« s*r~! day ha'.f holiday to arbitration. The Manhattan Borough council of the brldu layers- usiona In the mean time decided to m tain CM laborers, and not to work witft „- union men. on OH pMBi that the laborer, «*» M fair:/ tlttM ffcnft aj O f Jolnt " bitration bcar.t of the bricklayers' unions and the M«on an. the atdhani WW9 BtM the Bu.Uin* Bate CM all day. and t at .nestle tr, K .ndiaa: up for No attempt aspaarod to ban *\u0084„ rr.ado to put any mor nentoVK P-:,d:ng a poestbJ .; of 0m st-<iu t*e n^.,on builders wished to av>;d ' n# i™! whether or \u0084.t the bricUajS%aB wort with non-union . r , r 7 r J; . .. ' '' * a' -r \u25a0 .; , >b< rers. Tht, Qw «a>- --at emphasis, and matter oouuag onrii the la- <• I '"' nl * -.. "!nn Th- t.n-itiayers \u25a0 - - was •>» r>maln any additional aggr*s*: long chase to*colle:t \u25a0IGISL n T* CET COOT! "TCtRATTtSXT. g»»*m \u25a0** oaaarad «f *«od trotaeot If tb«tr oil \u25a0•*" (6 »J'Hil,rr. they am tadr a*rt. la Th»

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Page 1: I'lM-ADELPHIASTEPi STnRV LOOSE MORSE IN...promise reduction, advising them that a «*«£ now awtM be suicidal. As a conaeqaenc, 5! vote on Tuesday willemphatically indotoa n stand

laborers Reject Termt—BricklayenVote to Sustain Them.


Pennsylvania Soft Coal Men Decideto Support MitchelL

Car Trr.tc.aiTH to thz trtbctx lAltoona. Pen;,. March 11.— The 26.000 arißaMof the Central Pennsylvania bituminous tßa%have decided to b« a unit Insupporting the oe~!policy of President John Mitchell of the U-T,Mine Workers. President Patrick GUd»*a~.Secretary-Treasurer Richard., GUbert. of S!district, have done all in their power to *ffn'n? th

" "'en to accept the operators' co«promise reduction, advising them that a «*«£now awtM be suicidal. As a conaeqaenc, 5!vote on Tuesday willemphatically indotoa nstand ef t.Vnational otr.^rs.


Plttsbur?, March ll._Presl aent Patrick n-^

WortPtttßterr district of th. UnltaliSWorkers to-day detailed OffSJSIS &amor.? the union mir.ers to tnJluerce -**,*

***to vote In favor cf accepting the ul«n»Ss?2the operators, so as to avoid a strikf?,, *1 President Dolan -aid: "i am iSbriSwi*?1180 per cent of our men are In favor or «* httthe reduction In wages rather than an?t^2!s*<«>t work."


TW«I.; n**cv.c Ran an every<ahjMthe Bowery, will be op*nr<l this evening. t= H.iLa/iey. leadn of th. MeAatey Water Streethnatfeo, win be ta eherge. Tha work winnon-sectiirtan ltn<

' m 's openedunder the ausptc Icf tl >• v. rork City ChurchExtension .<'.•' Mls><l nary f

'' 'odlai Episcopal Church. Th-- tall is a rart theeld Oormania Assembly Rooms. No ..; Bowery,east slao, above Houston-st < i who areexpects i.' t" '.'» presenl '\u25a0 -nighi \ \u25a0"? E.O. Andrews, Dr. C. S v.ins;. Dr J. Wesley Johns-ton, s. ii. HiOty and r :i S

A SCIENTIFIC CONGRESS.rhiladflphia. March 11—Th" BfwaieillKW of the

Amerlc:,n Phlln.j.iphlon:?..oioty. Whtek mepfs tier-on April7, % and r». BMtaoM abOßt thirty papers 0:1

geologteal. etbnotogtcal aa4 atbef nwiiiUia topic*.

A-:io:.^ tl.-m nri> nn» by Dr. Franz »;.j". of N«-w-Terk, en "The Horizontal Plane ot the sku'.V andone by Waldexnar J

' • \u25a0'.- n, ai?.i "fNew-Tork, •'\u25a0n'Fha swkaghhi i-

:. , \u25a0 •31 nKlr»t CSnrch rf O •:. E.iriton. 111.Mr» .' .Dr M W M -i.'-Jr. Ih<»>in U i.

•im* s«'*>

A KUT.I }f|Julia UlllirKi |jeCash, B. O I"*n ?u!-. . • . • - io>ii»

i\u25a0»>Ocercs K. Do4«« 5""«>

V L*n:jn«-

S 'X»

T--al . .""»*.«.:»>

The folliwlns; rontrtbuttor.s have b«-->n mad*- to

the Macedonian r<!!"f fund:



"Porylfal" mn'-V wfflbf f'.v^n BMBOnOT eveningby Ij» •<•>\u25a0 Paker. orcar.^t chnfr master at CalvaryChurch. Foarth-aveL «'

-.>T Tw.n:y-Cr«t-st.. at his

br:*f orffftn r-'-'ttil at'.!\u25a0> p. tn.

T^« Liiv Electoral Conference tn the ICew-YorkBaal Conference at ti..? MethSCM EpiscopalChurch meets ln Sitrpscn Chlliea, Brooklyn. Aprilf>. T\.'.* ccr.f t«t.c«> willele.t seves delr^atea to theOr^ral Confercnca Amorn? thu^e mentioned for

v r Is TttOß . ' ->n Church,

whore the conference will be entertained. Mr..: has bees .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0::\u25a0:\u25a0 of every lay conference: m ben beld save ur.e.

Tlie n-'ir hodwrrkT of tho West Fnd Pre<«^y-terlaa I"lurch h.us-? t« to »>e i-sta!le<i y.\-t \u25a0

m^«Laora C htyars, -r Bartfacwj t.* to have rh^rpe.SVe will u<<e th« month of \ "(T »et-tlan r.t work in tall dtf nr.ii ln other cittes. Inthe Bean ti:n<\ Dr. Eiurnhani will be In i-harse.and willKCt the work, well


At T. of St. An-



The a-.nuil rotroat of the Xavler Alumni Sod-i'lty

Wffl beghl on 8-.;n.'.ay. March -i\ In the ChafO of

St. fraaehi Xavler, at » e*deck, ani win end. asu«ual. on Fain-. Sunday morning. March -T. at the

730 a m rr.fLr.9 The r*erc)?rs wd be baM dally at'« r "m except on Sat irday everUag, March 26.

They will b* ,>r.ducte<l by the H- v i\ H. Caaey.

S J ,of W.mdjtoc*. Ml. The rf.reat Uopen to allCatliolii* m*a.


While a number of men r.ore searchlnr forth» head of the body or other things whichmlpht leid to rtn ldp::tlflcation they came onanother body, that of a mnn. It was lyins nearthe shore, and had evMortlv b<>»!i rOOBBtty freedfrom the lea, as it «ai In good preservation. Ata late hour to-night the body had not feaanIdentified. It waa that of a man about fifty

years old. and the hands indicated Omil he hadnot done manual work. At oi>*» time It wasthought that it night be that cf Frederick Bli-Derbeek, who was emp!o>e.l in <i canning housent Salem, and has been mi'-sina: gbjMMDscettthar,

but a scapular found on r\if body Indlcatod thatit was that ni a Catholic, while BOdtrwath was

\u25a0 Quaker. a Dnmber of men whe hid knownBtkkfrbeek viewed the body, and were positivethnt it waa not his.

BeeaOM of th<» finding of the ttro bodies sodose together i'r.~ poli •* -i-••» m lUirsr a rid In-vestigation, baUottaS that ther-' may bam beenn ,;.• iiorder 01 rtlftT*Tl Of a murder andsuicide. They believe, however, that It is pos-Flble th-it th" injuries to the wom.m's body may

have come from f.ie action of the fed They

also think it posafble that the bodies may bothhave filtftod down from some place further upthe rlvor.


Brldjreton, K. J.. Mar \u25a0 n 11.—

headlessbody of a woman which war found In a eak* of

ice here jraetcrdajr waa identified to-day aa thatof Mi?? Martha c. Biauum of Km, 39? Ridsre-ave., Philadelphia. The :tataßeatlea was madeby Michael Brrnn.an. \u25a0 brother of the dear!woman. and Mrs. 11. Rimes, her aunt. Thebrother aaM that Miss Brennan left her homeon November 20 last, and s!nc# then they havenot henrrt from h"r. Sh« wjs thirty-nine y?ars

old and had been a sufferer foi- a k-ng time fromnervous prostr^itior. It Is gOppOSOd f:i« wasgJUWUOfI In tho dchuylki!'.. She was a devoutCatholic.

That of a Man Found—

Woman'sIdentified btf Brother.


CARLSBAD\ \u25a0 \u25a0 iry::r.i4 Produ-t*

•isttni' Mineral V'sers d Baffttaalor < ;•-ISi PO2XM • < the ftomach.Liver, \u25a0 Itntertlnes MM*Gall-l ;t. a:iJ I:.I.'1.' . \u25a0 -... i

The MnlCarlsbad UnM Siltctta'.r t, the Carlsb*'!: rs Is used fox «'onsv:;>. • .n. PxKpepsla.wttCm «.!:<-> the S;:u'.; I':,^; ;.». SprucJel Boapare ta be hid t: •?

Ca:lvlw.<l Miami «Vat*T IVrpvt.

LOEBEL BKTTlimiai GtRLSBiIIEisner £3L Mendrlton Co.. of New York.

sol* .V«-nf».

The larxrly b<rrw<4 etrr«latioa of Tbm ]«>—•!»» Tilbune nrr.-«.«.itmtr« mmr going to \.•it*,early Kntui<L:> cij'it. K3xrri\<~r* will

'roctr- a tavor by ow^lac la their r^vr \u25a0« Ithe rixrllect eoaaMa Btotnrnt.

DOnUBD ir.V. '.» til*Crai- to \u25a0BBBt from \u25a0»irt kh Black He*no«« la a*ay with.!«•,«„ istiU the i o;.ml to neu-

tralise the I>»rdr.nrl-» 4lkumt4 by Ex-Attache. lato sorrow '9 Trtlwa«.

Those of the Batson Field Said To Bealt!

fBT TTLtCßxra TO TUT T»!Br?.-T:.1D=:ia*. Tex.. Match v —

k iam •;%• t« fc.n latwBM r IWSarti to-day that saltwctrr la la-p* o • ,« attacked practice. lyr.ll the mta in th« r.cw Uaf.cn Sour Lake distri t.•The DkQ| 00 >\u25a0\u25a0' -it loar Lake admit* that»rit wa.er has aprcared in roruc vcll«. but is in-.\u25a0':rrn tn w . •!,.-.\u25a0! the reports are esaggjecßtsflSomr -; ti...t \U<rr- is * enr.«-.irsry toflep-c* propf-rty vaiu»s. oihT* to i


COMMISSION DECLARES REEVE INSANERl\erhf«(J. Lnr.g lelar.d. ilar-h IL—Drs. .1 H

Ecn.lajr.in aiid 11. H. You:.;: ai.J Gtcrse F. Stack-rcle. t!.e cr.rr.rr:!*?lon «;:•- BtSd by JwßttOi Ieon to Inquire Ir.to the ra: :ry of A. Ttth!l] ReOV*.of Aquebo^ue. who thot and killed Deputy Sliorlffrurl^rd on t»errffib»r 1? last, to-day reported ta theju*tiep thai they bad n ad n~+\r to n> hwai •

AT.'-r baanag th«s report of the BMaaaaaiaa Jus-Hoe GHT--«-'snr. trsue<s ar. order directing that the:' '•orarr.nt.-d !o the sjyluinior the ii.;an«at M^tteawan.

Decree Granted Io P. G Morgan, WhoCharged Desertion and Indiscretions.

o-cat Kodk, !/• Karck Q.—The reit forabroi-.-te ciivor^ Umugfet by Psrry <";. Heraaa. -'fPort Warhlnrton. apainst his wife, Dats-y. cams SBbefore Supreme Court Ju^ti^e <la>Tior to-<lay. anda riecro* wa« granted to the plaintiff.

Iffendart it- r. niece of Filchard Croker. hermo'her. Mr- >;--.•! B "vV:irren. ba\ln«[ been afavorli v.:s. Doth kti

-O/arrea and h^r

husband are <3e*a. Mn Morgan is now 'ii thechorum ot "Tb*> Yankee Gottaa!" com^nv ta New-York.

Contractor Accused of Grand Lsrccr.y Re-arr..igned —

Released on Bail.a, ta the Biiieome Ooatt rester-

flay. <3!sr;.lSK^(3 the WtO Of baboaa corpus obtainedby Ssaaph a Faitsy, the cootractor, arrested by

a a charge ef ab»it

-itlonn DIJOSI fvirn tli*-

Fartey was tbea r^nrrfti^-ne-i before MagistrateCrane and w»s «>aj»od ',v I.•>.•\u25a0«• i.'i. Th"

\u25a0 . t Farley, to fjr::l^h

a t.cw bond. Urn o'A one harinc -xpirvd. The r.car-b g vas set dos

'I li


ment fori











•• . VMJS





M tritk //•

I' ; ree,

i .\u25a0

\u25a0 \u25a0


Inspectors Report Plumbing Out of Order—

Roof Leaking and Dirty.Borcjffh rrcsMer:t Abeam rootorday received a

report from hi* sanitary in^ectcrs on the conditionof the City Hail. They call attention to many <!•

-:. «-ts. They found taat Biaea of the bad odor forwhich the Ball if BBd ha3lo:.R been famo'is oomcj

from an underground rip? gallery which runs Justbeneath the tile floor tn the basement. Much Ofthe plumbing was found out ef order and cracked.Ttf roof wa? 1< akinc end the roof gutters werefoul with sediment, and the tanks under the roofare so foul witiiwater an.l 5-edimcnt— the accretionsof yeirs— that IhSf are dang'-rous to the health ofeverybody in the building. The skylights are im-properly ventilated asd leak, and the clock towerl- i \u25a0 full of holrs that wor.d-r i-expre.->3ed at theclock's ability to ko at all.

Tl:..- ra.:. leaders aie «saad '\u25a0> drain into cesspools,re tl?ht and h-.i'l otaanam wat>-r,

while others let their eonteats percolate, so thatthe retaJntag walls ,ir«always .Milp. and ono cfthem. \u25a0'::• retaisiag wail ><f the northerly area."is now bulging, and the sidewalk alongside of It ISlikely to ears in.

Th- ventilation generally is condemned, and spe-••i.'io recoma • nd it:'>ns covering all the points madew« rs seat to Mr Abe irn. He • 111 now ro aheadwith t! 8 wrk i'(rep.iir. for which h" ha» receivedan atumwistlen of $:i>.:.\u25a0><.


He Tells What to Bo with the Dirt fromthe Streets.

Ti»t Trrx'.RAPn to run tt.ipive )

(hlcaso. March li.—Major John MeOaw Weod-burj'. Cemarfsstooer of Street Oanir-sr of New-Tork, lectured here to-rl?ht. under the awajlotSof tiic city Club of Chicago, before \u25a0 Urge ;mj-

cllence. i!e talked on "How to r-!sr><'»,i of thoWaste? of a Ctty." and ' Id bia hearers a treatdeal they ".Kl i.rit know about clean streets andalleys. Tlito were many city official* In the... teiMWtalTf from the Street Cleanlngr andHealth departmeuts. and the niajor'» talk gavethem mv. li matkM that v..,« new to taern.lie tol.l bow tho work U <Inr.e !n New-York

Speaking to s"inn of the Chicago authorltl-safter the loct\;r«. Major Woodbury laid:

There should b« no fim-sti-in °f politics tn thoItlon of waste matt.r. There la none In Wow-

Vurk. We have about fc.««v>,ouO annually to spendfor -!\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0 • i- \u25a0 Ing, garbage removal and for tho

\u25a0 I nr mow. Vfi have to ppen.i that m'i'-h i\u25a0>j. i rM •\u25a0' the waste. It Is L.wl!sh to t.flii ft• the of Chicaito with $1.'»» • it

do! with IM> miles of streets.jo Is certainly a vas: city—of vast di.st«:i. \u25a0<.

It Is a great example of Atnertcaa . "it and en-terprise. Tne improvements are stjto to come.


Woodbury will speak to th« City Club to-BjuiroW afttrrnon on thf organisation and ndmtn-: t.-.tion of tne Strict Qeaidasj Department ofNfw-York.

•• .- iins^lcr.r'l l«i that, cB-tnjr to the filling\u25a0 > Betghbortnsj streets »cr«Bfteea I \u25a0• below th* «tr*e.t level.~

\u25a0 . -.;!y frrquently flooded by the• up ff tidewater in the Hrook-ave. fewer.• two y< ur«. It !iaaM, upward of

\u25a0 ii!t? tor «\u25a0«\u25a0«!— have be^n ri^.i h>-\u25a0 property n«r.fr« on account of this flooding., \u25a0 : . • ntBIIIHITVB In construction

IItli probable, says th« report,

tratam Uea under the proposed alto

Pron • \u25a0 :it of rlew, rr«»h^tlc and utlll-• • id, the iT-ljfn'uorh.jod of the mv-i oca is mu<-!i t.> b<s pffelied. A br!»>fdelay is .il:-<> urged, with a vlow to awaiting thef.i-( of the 1111 proposiof to nuk« a n«w countyof the Borough Of The Bronx, The ne«><l» £f the

the county ofTWs osuld then I0a -i . y \u25a0 as b .\u25a0) Uasj; it is suggested.


Municipal Art Society Committee Against

That Selected for Bronx Courthouse.rt rabmtttad by the dvhj crr.tr^s com-\u25a0U Art 8c lety to the ,

at of Urn•

\u25a0•. thata t re^o^d »tte of the eewrt-\u25a0 • tin.;: ta tha Ud l>!strlct of Tho Hrnnx

\u25a0ict-it -itlf«i re:i»>ir» ar« K^en why.. !>«• rrio.-<rn. The "It"in 090-

\u25a0ian Irr'sular ploce of ground b' . lad:r.<i-.-iii.l-sixty-Jlrst-iit. on th<» aorta., •

.\u25a0•\u25a0:. the east ar.d south. anl lirook-ave.wit.i t.

11nlf Mnrimum Penalty for Con-

fated Verger.\u25a0 :

- ' • " \u25a0'

; iltabla!

-I ci:':tT Ik f MSSBI v


.l^gif"*. •• '••', *-?'»rdar by« 'i t:.« pi

\u25a0'i \u25a0 3> «n »t>*



rr •'.

:• • n Nati.».»i Baahirrttfljsta • --•i-irc It. '\u25a0 '

• » »J* Imutd Stti \u25a0 \u25a0






Report of Mr. Parsons on HotelDarlington Collapse.

District AttoT.cy Jerome received yesterday

froTiH. Dubois Partcr.s a. repnrt of his Investl-gatton loto the Darttnatoa Ho>l dlyast«r, whichhe announced lat«? inthe afterncon. Mr. Jerome

refused to *r.y whom he believed to be culp.i-

ble. The report was in extenso."An exainir.ntlon of the rulr? of the Darling-

ton Hotci." said Mr. Jerome, eummarizln? th?report, 'shows clearly that its collapse was

Iby an Improper construction of the lr^nwork, made po?s it>!e by and due to loose to!?? incolumn, bean nnd ftrder <'i>nn"ctlcns. This re-\u25a0Ulte iin the entire weight Of the structure belnjr

thrown OB the flanges of the column. Instead of

on the centres, the UVCfI never being Intended

Cor that purpose."- >U th« report. Di?t:lct Attorney\u25a0 said:

The c-.iumns were bolted to the flang-ea, thefVt::^? i>.= ir.^r .in tar on which th«" flooi be.marrat. You have ore lonff column running hori-aon tally. At < ne potat there ria.v 1c aomethlng::•.. ' . and at that i>oint th* column w.!l bt» ):'•.

The Buildinc lawa contain ccrt.-.i.i provtaiona in '••-card t>> this, v.iiioh ;ir*»Inserted S.I th.it ,-i bulld-I. •i>tru'-u>.i like thi^ thf> Boor »y:a ms snail

k'.\<- lateral tr» tho columns. The law airo\u25a0

> the iolei In the flangcj shall be driliodt" :..wo th^r.i :. n itv.

TtKae*drilled holes nre of standard "-lz^. notrarylna; peicetrtlbljr. Tli*- bolts in a Irlile^l holewi. at exactly and win nt praetfcally at'Ud. If

\u25a0i the bolts. a.«= niiLri.i have beenthe rase In This building, thrre ts play; md if theni. wltbi it thai lr.it-i.iirapport, there is thai muchrhance I

-f :-Kii7ip. The \u25a0•. \u25a0 ifrht and Bira!n. in-

atettd of belns perpendicular, willbe Qutmil io thew. Ik point.

Tn»* holes In the material n«.-,i in this bulldlneWirr> cast und i'"t flrlll.'tland \a:ie«l BS to size. an.lthere w;,p lateral play in the lufs. thpr^ly maki:i<pome ktructural defeot. Through this feel ther'...T 1.. u:iv filln-it V.^lfl Btlff. ... Wfis out

<\u25a0(\u25a0 plumb aTi the strain liistribtitfi uneqaaUy, alliln waa thrown on t.hf loose fiance.

Tro.-.i evidence In this rxsc there was *r.m«cracking beard, and tn that way the column a

lat 1 l«r »d ot tlu fianßfs. If that ta a•un tlie lluiiiUnc Cod*- was violated. Tho

bulldln< fell th»Tf" was sr>m»» vinlatlnn Int' " hr.lflri:. >>Nt It Is r.ot Bpeclfl \u25a0 nn fo Joat whati r..- int in th*1 report, ar*! it didn't any that thot.olcs Wf-re oast and not drKlf J.

P'Ftrrt Attornsy Jeroni^-

!<l*>-A to p:,ic»th^> responslbnity on any one or moro aajraoßß,

Mr 1 thai an Inspector r.ho failedtIOM of taw in a building which

\u25a0 1 \u25a0 Ins do.itli, «..u!l ie Ruiity "f nian-\u25a0laugl

p ... •!!>• no wnrk wan done on the ruins: • t \u25a0!!\u25a0•• aaM the v.ork was

afternoon by ord<»r of A^lsfunt1 V l>ut h- .l'-ni-'l that he



fcivrn to rhll.lrfu as prircs. Ser ChlMrpa'* l*a»r, to-u.orreM*Iribon*.


General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal ChurchLOS ANGELES. CAL

Leaves April 27. 1904

Round-Trip A4 £* From

Hat* New York

Indn<lio(r transportation, double berth, and all mfals going on

SPECIAL TRAIN TO LOS ANGELESMiBide trip to the Grand Canyon: I111lit, tickets war traMportat kra onj on «•ular trains natil Jan" CO. ll«M. and are ralid to stop oft »i he \\ori.l TO »*-

I)!-talle«l Itlaernry will be son: upon application to Colin BUUUtj A. t- f. a^

Fifth Av,uue. N>w York, orpGEO. W. BOTD.

J. R. WOOD. P»»* Tr.ffi=M.:..«.r. •^^\u25a0RSTTtSaf MMFhlU^lph^P-



Say "Inspector" Had Looked Through theHouse on Monday.

Tvrn young women, >i. Celeste and kflaj

Linian Lsrjr< anaafl with rworvexs, drove awaya supposed burglar from their hortv* at M . •"•'•v>Aiexander-ave. last ever.in?. They are thodaughters of Mrs. Pauline Levy, who with an-other daughter and her s-nn. had gone to atheatre, leaving the two girls at borne» They»cro about to retire when they heard noises atthe Uoor. and Investigating, raw a ran witha flasJilight working at or.c of the inner doors.He bad already forced open tho outsid.» door,according to the young women.

Mi«s Lillianfour.d her revolver and went downthe flairs io the door where the man was work-ing. Miss CeleEie ran down the back *vty an!out to the street, and then came up the st-ps,

taking the burglar from behind. She shoutedfor the police at the same time, and at th;

commotion the burglar left the door and ranout p!>_st th* younc woman. He dashed throus ia crowd of men across the Street, and mighthave been caught had not two other men whobad been standing opposite tho. Levy houseInterfered with his woold-Le captors. AH threegot away and disappeared down A!o\an ier-nve

Th:young women tod their Story to SergeantHeCartea at thf- station ,-vr.d detecttres wt-redetailed to look for the men. The MiMes Levytold the police thrit 09 Monday a «;t'ar.gs man.wearing a Van Dyke War-1. app fta:f>»i at then?house and obtained perr^lssion to look it over.en the excusf that )v> was an "inspector ofpome sort. After be had male a rearchlr.j !n-\es>ti?atton. they, said, be remarked thai thahouse was a ell arrant"

'or.c. and Aed If

others adjoining were similar. He was toldthat th»>y were, and then he depart f-'i. scy.n^he would txt buck again to continue his mapec-Ccn soon.


Dremd Disemi D him from Tnffii-cv.a and Mensien.

T.f; rts raoatrad nt the Baraaa of Vital Pt.i-in t>i<» iff-aith T>«r>r-.rtn)^nt Indicate thai

tha Atttln In the <itr from pneumonia tbtlweek "inoutnumber (bom r>* lad • •

ma ;i rtcord wr?k for the «li \u25a0•:•. \u25a0«»». 00l"'


total of l.S»«> deaths ln the City ln?t weekth"ff! v«-r<- .".."><• fieaths from pneumonia anl 11<»deaths from broo ho-pDeumonla. Tha In Iin th" praraJaoea of pr^umonii h-.^ baan al-moat Ft^Tiy, week by w-^k,itaoe th" ftral weekof Junuruy, wh"n the disc

T!:e infectious character of pneumonia hasbern recognized by the Health Board, n;nl manyreports have been received showing thai th" <1i"»-t-ase ha« been communirati d from atof a fr.ir.ily t" Others. The Increase of the dis-ease, however, Is attributed \<y Ear.ltary oAdala:• * to infection than tr> th^ prevalence of in-fluer.za, commonly kiic.wn na the KTlp. :in<l ofSKaflPj ln tlie city. An attack of hlfltMttSabrings on an attack of pneumonia fo freiuently

that t!ie officiate of tlie Health Department barecorr.e to rr-gard Influenza as the chief promoter

of pr.eun-nnio. Casea of Inlluenr^ are rei ortedby physicians only when the patient <lk-s of th.»<JU< ris<*. If a t.itlent who lias Influenza Is at-

tacked with f-4t.li pneumonia th<» death Is re-ported as one from pneumonia. The fact thatthirty deaths from tatoemta were reported lastwetk. therefore, gives n<> true Indication i>f th<_-prevalence of Influenza tn the city.

Meuf-les frequently Irir'.j;:- <i!i pneumonia, andmore rreque-ntly biuncho-pneuirionla, Physlclanaare required to [p;io:t all cases of meaatoa,whether they terminate fatally or not. Th<- re-poris show that there were L.433 coaea of n \u25a0

m the city last week, and only thirty >!-*athstram the riit'-afe tn th« »e"k. As Inflby Itself Is lea fatal than measles. It Is es-timated that th« re arere more than two thousnnri

\u25a0,f lnduenza in the city last week. The • ildanger of epMetnlcs of iftffU*and Influthe nnltaxy oflk labj say, Uea tn the (act thatSB many cr-.ses of mwnlei and Inflttensa lirln^r on< •\u25a0,-... It'lief Dron all three dis-aassa, '.lie mfftm

*m}rdeclare, may bo expected asaoon as the weather ki:'-*ki:'-* warmer. l'"or manyweeks the weather baa \u25a0

• en peculiarly favorableto Urn aptwad «ti»J fatality of the dis';;i?>s byreason of th« eudden an>l tevere < luni— intemperature.


n r^n•

\u25a0 .\u25a0


"No. not now." replleJ Miss Lazare. "Idon't

fe^l very n-ell &r.J Iw.ir.t to get the air."Purkln said »<h(? looked pale. Alter that he

mine ppveral Mai up n:id down, and saw Miss

LBSOv sill! sitting Ir. the wlr.dov.-.About 6:*."> oMo. Tc I'avMa:..l Terry, \u25a0 ho had

be.'ii looking out of the window now and th.-n.wondering why the young ran was pitting

th*re. heard a srrcain and rushed to the nln-!-•\u25a0• '.- i- down into the airwhaft, they saw

Ml^s Laaare a U.Jy wlilrllnjIn the air and r.ij.-

U:y des-endlng. They p.t.v It th \u25a0

t.»trlna'. fa.-«» downward, rebound and l!«i ttflLliv; '. \u25a0

- , Ithe lourthf.fir VtMa he heard the crash. He sto^po'l th<»cas. tan out Into the hallway nn<l Raw MlsaI_TS.ir<» bind on tho n'tttng, «h!'%h la placed

kba«l la th* ml'Mle of th«- v lndowa on th.it•

About 6:15 o'clock M!=s LattXw comp'.'tlnod offeelinp II!. and said she wouM go homo. SheEtarted from the office A ttw n.::iut> s Uter P.S. Davis and C. 11. Terry, clerks la t:ie officewhere MM Is ampiof«d, law bcr sitting In anop"n window facing on the a:rsh;i't from thehallTray and dlrertlyopposite th» elevator shafi.

About the «arr.<» tine Patrick DurUln. an ele-vator man In th« bul'.dlng. was ias?ing thee>venth floor, when aa tm,W Him LaaM sit-ting la the open n-lnJo.v. H» Mopped the car.op^tiei th« door and askf*d:

"Going down?"

Young Woman, 111, Falh SevenStories in Telephone Building.

Mtsa Bessie D. La-are. tweaty-tawee. years old.

llvins: Ir> m Ontario apartrr.»r.t*, la llcr':!mcr-

*V. r.^ar rfirtif"* \̂u25a0*\u25a0 Brooklyn, i ItUMB«raphrr MBlMfmi '\u25a0/ O* ASMrteaa ,-raph

and T'!'-phone O:::; t.v ta thflr Ueca on the

okv^nth floor of the Telephone BulMin?. at No.II \u25a0-St.. is AytßS ln ?h<

*Hu if-cn Street Hos-

pital as the result of a fall la*: WWl>| from awindow or. the eleventh floor c: the bulMing to

.-\u25a0 Glee! netting protecting a skylight in the air-<=!.aft at the fourth door.



/;.- mag ta &n Caxc.


• -\u25a0

• L«iw*«>d

.ft at tbe L, aad btrtd tftacteift la

I \u25a0

; •


\u25a0 -ta h'-s

ad J.n


j..• •



- an(S r'*, \u25a0 . \u25a0 "l.v.hrr, ?-f.

—* In »p

a• that Im \u25a0«\u25a0 w*ng »«>

n \u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

B meet Mrs. Mflcaa t><

lljiPrili t^^.t yiu are to BMI"""

\u0084-, b<, a reronc!:i=tlo:x.

1 \u25a0°' th<>

brids: taStai «t the Lm*< H* rsir*

vi^ nnt or, Oabo

Ii r '



».«ocj.- D 'it-•• » '\u25a0

" \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'••\u25a0• •

- -

* - •

; \u25a0




ftCHALLENGE RAI!:SFOaD to debate.

Westeherter Sor-fhst ridNot Get Chance to

Ask Questions After His Spefcb.» i n .-••'\u25a0

-''--'s of X<-^

'r? nnd P"rt CtM \u25a0' :• •\u25a0nay prr.t \u25a0

.Iconflict of \u25a0

Hia:.J the r.ork- J• of ar. a»i<3rrss r>r.

I7 \u25a0

r • Ijil.arT- ...

fiQfJr'': • '\u25a0 \u25a0

lallrta jTro;:i Vosi


\u2666t. J. I; : . • '

:\u25a0v \u25a0

- •ft a

tnua hoT?:t>\u25a0• •. \u25a0

curst::r..rs a cr.. -^r.c«>rpd th

\u25a0• •

f-pargo. editor of"""*

\u25a0 N r-Torfc\u25a0 N \u25a0

-Koch»..i ..roE school ; tdpark




OILMAN COMPROMISE ALLOWED.The Appellate DMMM Of t).i» Supreme Court

B^aMoafjaf* ti\u25a0rifled fiewn a 6*ctfion affirm'-

anorder of the SurrcgaU'a Couit, r> 'rr.:- i-i; the ad-n,:r!'t"Ctr<'« ct th' Otttl <' DMSi F. Gl'.mar, to

rerrTrort:** or.fl \u25a0•\u25a0'tla a rlaira cgah't Hm estate

maof by M"s I"-I \u25a0 P<OCta Ha": !'rr r.^:-n was©.:•-.

-M* r"| m r- \u25a0- \u25a0:. -MMand >• M in

aharea Ot the Great *'•*:;•:;«.r.a Parttte T"* 3oe .pair-. Mr* FlaH. »he . \u25a0

- ::r GlUnar.'s house| hJ« draih. an.ifr'.r: i«)!p sr.(J crTindrr^''. has *pr*»d %n p!ar* att'.:e cippo«;

' • Informatioa to beused In contettlsa; ar.oihrr claim

Tjrrssctting Will Fo Longer Be Done by

Haid, Public Printer Saya.

Trosh!r.grtan. Vtftfl U.-r:;:1. \u25a0 MBttf Pa.'iae-indlcateJ t.> the House ConaKtai ta Appropria-

t' :\u25a0.' to-diy ttal w« tUH yen: «ffl>«'.n Oa igtffr

mpp.t n; lb«Ge«etßßMOt fYinr'r.-OfllM wttt•

\u25a0 •>sotting BWdttaea A proposition to this end tv

m-id.-t M tb»' '


-I v 0??'*

r-rs ff the LJnotye CWMjany. ar.d tmmedlOteWa demand to b« heard aratnst th« propos.aoa «


Mr. Palmer wa» i . :bill Ifh.. ,- any ;. \u25a0 ithorlty was deemM n^ 1̂

by nan to ta r \u25a0

" ' ":nSTn his offlce He answered that h^ .

the further explanatten that labor -^ayj.\u25a0hl-.erv tuM bc«.n teUoduced Ir.'j ••\u25a0.:>•

h of tfc» work exfej \u25a0 .•.upos-.g rownvrth^ efilce withuot s;n authortty. Ue _jinr •

turther that *vi iTtTae-<e study of Jh* deveiopmcr.t o *•otoe, and had cons nered it|J»^

state np to withtn tfte la.-t twelve myrrhs. =_\»tha' time < sveJopraent haJ been -ai--

and : \u25a0• ; ".. hinea tv


m«r *-i:a- ;*caaatd«r.>d the m.. "-\u25a0


rant tho equipment of tn^ aoIVKrnme1VKrnme^r


Ofh.-e Tn!s atatement. r^ken In connection w-^?hVflr«t; that he a* \u25a0

wrho-it. epedal '".doubt tn th« bb iof the *J*g|Sa»e of r \u25a0 •\u25a0 b*Slr, 0.-.t of t.v

As no leS'\u25a0 '^ 'V-

Tr>tee wiU • -\u25a0

:nr:her hearings la Of \u25a0*\u25a0


It Ends in Court. Where Emptier lifjajajSatisfactorily and Pay*.

possessed an Ski Mm *v «• \u25a0" wu •—

MMpatIn* t!.. n r • » »ral <*«' aw* *they had dots* for him. ' -• >«aWf<ar•tart*.: m a 1m chase after J.imn Oftanoa. adealer I. » . c .». TC« \u25a0•hmmlasted till all of th» nwn w«r* taken to a poll.-*

\u25a0 -.rt for (Hjorderiy cor. .. IThe rr.en appeared out* I » V,OBW

early In the mornlrc. and be. f#arlr:« that t!»ey hi-t'Ti] '! -..ra tarn \u25a0 -..;r#.: o.t cf «a-other doer and bcarJed a Second-ay». car. TS«men «a* hU Qgfefl ar. 1 M 'raasferrad to

a crosstown car. then r-trnr^.'erreJ. »r.! flchanged again, always with tfc«! Ken Just a Llocfc

behind. Finally he dashed Into a salmon, hoping to

Ect o::t of a sii.» (OBR but there «as none, an 1 UMmen !:ad h:m trapped. A inori parlej «•\u25a0\u25a0; held it

the bar. ar.d in the mean V.r. •

na\-: cab bvoos&t When it dror« uy he maoa *<!..>;. for !t. and started uptown a: a gallop, w'.tlith-- Itaitana ye.lir,? i:i. .iaS"tit and blocked thu wteela, and . I

" *•«•

sTiki".^ a: (beta wttJl Ma w)-.lp ft polio man ca.-r.<»up an.l arrested the whoV lot "^ iptalawaa t:na::- to Bad out what the trouola w..jall n-cre ser.t to court.

There Grinror. admitted that he ot*<*'. UK rr-*"1amall «-ims. which he said he would pa:-- " ~day. when his accounts were Bad* out Ri,. \u25a0 . \u25a0 . • •

n at thai tba*. On The advi.e ef the mag!*1rratet h» r*idOH m-.n at once, act! all forties wer»dis.-harged.

NO PRESENT ACTION* LIKELYThe striking- bricl^ayers* laborer, B# \u0084*Matt*In the small hours of «st«£T

**•tag and rejected the -tu^en'" S rSbrought about at the 'feting tn th« »2STrad,* Club en Thursday m,^ Not

**\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0went back to wcris. and even the few

*trt*ermen who had been at work <Ud not

™ *m°asome of the building*. PD* at

The strikers heM that th» settlement wM,srestore 1 former condition* by whicTZU?

1 m. and & anaiBX, until the question In arbitrated on March tVwas too indefinite. They demanded this oJ'"tirr., absolutely, and MMa •""-r-iMwiof their own. Taey sail they wer(,wi;;lnsubmit the question of overtime tor th« s*r~!day ha'.f holiday to arbitration.The Manhattan Borough council of the brldulayers- usiona In the mean time decided to mtain CM laborers, and not to work witft „-

union men. on OH pMBi that the laborer, «*»M fair:/ tlttM ffcnft aj Of Jolnt"

bitration bcar.t of the bricklayers' unions andthe M«on an. the atdhani WW9 BtMthe Bu.Uin* Bate CM all day. and tat.nestle tr, K.ndiaa: up for

No attempt aspaarod to ban *\u0084„ rr.adoto put any mor nentoVKP-:,d:ng a poestbJ .; of 0m st-<iu t*en^.,on builders wished to av>;d'

n# i™!whether or \u0084.t the bricUajS%aB wortwith non-union . r,r7*°rJ;. .. ' '' * a' -r

\u25a0 .; ,>b< rers. Tht, Qw «a>-

--at emphasis, andmatter oouuag onrii the la-


I'"' nl* -..

"!nn Th- t.n-itiayers\u25a0


was •>»

r>malnany additional aggr*s*:

long chase to*colle:t \u25a0IGISL


T* CET COOT! "TCtRATTtSXT.g»»*m \u25a0** oaaarad «f *«od trotaeot If tb«tr oil

\u25a0•*" (6 »J'Hil,rr. they am tadr a*rt. la Th»