illinois valley bible institute

The Illinois Valley Bible Institute offers online audio lecture courses in books of the Bible and related biblical subjects. Listen and study on your laptop, iPad or iPhone. Our Institute is Affiliated with Trinity College of the Bible in Newburgh, IN, the pioneer of Theological Distance Learning; who for over four decades trained thousands and currently has thousands of students around the world. All audio lectures have been done by qualified faculty. Each completed course earns a Diploma. Eight courses will earn Master Teacher Certification for the courses you studied. If you desire a college degree, you can complete 16 courses and earn the Associate in Biblical Studies from Trinity College of the Bible. Our Commitment to Biblical Study {II Timothy 2:15} Illinois Valley Bible Institute 327 E. Saint Paul 327 E. Saint Paul 327 E. Saint Paul 327 E. Saint Paul Spring Valley, IL 61362 Spring Valley, IL 61362 Spring Valley, IL 61362 Spring Valley, IL 61362 Phone: 815 Phone: 815 Phone: 815 Phone: 815- - -780 780 780 780- - -1301 1301 1301 1301 Email Email Email Email: : : : [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Illinois Valley Bible Institute Burl Cole, M.A. President Illinois Valley Bible Institute is where you can make your goal of more knowledge about the Bible; college level study for Diplomas; and earning the Associate in Biblical Studies a reality. Low course fees to study online make it easy. The opposite side displays 24 online audio courses that are currently available. Bible; Theology; Counseling; and many others, offer a biblical education in the privacy of your home or travels as you study at your own pace.

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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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On-line distance education.


Page 1: Illinois Valley Bible Institute

The Illinois Valley Bible

Institute offers online audio

lecture courses in books of

the Bible and related

biblical subjects. Listen and

study on your laptop, iPad

or iPhone.

Our Institute is Affiliated

with Trinity College of the

Bible in Newburgh, IN, the

pioneer of Theological

Distance Learning; who for

over four decades trained

thousands and currently

has thousands of students

around the world. All audio

lectures have been done by

qualified faculty.

Each completed course

earns a Diploma. Eight

courses will earn Master

Teacher Certification for the

courses you studied. If you

desire a college degree, you

can complete 16 courses

and earn the Associate in

Biblical Studies from Trinity

College of the Bible.

O u r C o m m i t m e n t

t o B i b l i c a l S t u d y

{ I I T i m o t h y 2 : 1 5 }

Illinois Valley Bible Institute 327 E. Saint Paul 327 E. Saint Paul 327 E. Saint Paul 327 E. Saint Paul

Spring Valley, IL 61362 Spring Valley, IL 61362 Spring Valley, IL 61362 Spring Valley, IL 61362

Phone: 815Phone: 815Phone: 815Phone: 815----780780780780----1301 1301 1301 1301

EmailEmailEmailEmail: : : : [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

I l l i no i s Va l l e y B i b l e

I n s t i t u t e B u r l Co le , M. A.

Pres i d en t

Illinois Valley Bible Institute is where you can make your goal of more knowledge about the Bible; college level study for

Diplomas; and earning the Associate in Biblical Studies a

reality. Low course fees to study online make it easy.

The opposite side displays 24 online audio courses that are

currently available. Bible; Theology; Counseling; and many

others, offer a biblical education in the privacy of your home or travels

as you study at your own pace.

Page 2: Illinois Valley Bible Institute

A Survey of the Old Testament I A Survey of the Old Testament I A Survey of the Old Testament I A Survey of the Old Testament I

(22 Lectures) Genesis through II

Samuel Chapter 8

A Survey of the Old Testament II A Survey of the Old Testament II A Survey of the Old Testament II A Survey of the Old Testament II

(22 Lectures) II Samuel Chapter 9

through Daniel 3:18

A Survey of the Old Testament III A Survey of the Old Testament III A Survey of the Old Testament III A Survey of the Old Testament III

(20 Lectures) Daniel Chapter 4

through the Book of Malachi

The Book of GenesisThe Book of GenesisThe Book of GenesisThe Book of Genesis (32 Lectures)

An overview of the Book of Genesis

The Book of Daniel The Book of Daniel The Book of Daniel The Book of Daniel (31 Lectures)

Insights in the Book of Daniel which

are applicable for today

A Survey of the New Testament I A Survey of the New Testament I A Survey of the New Testament I A Survey of the New Testament I

(22 Lectures) Matthew Chapter 1

through John Chapter 7

A Survey of the New Testament IIA Survey of the New Testament IIA Survey of the New Testament IIA Survey of the New Testament II

(22 Lectures) John Chapter 8

through I Corinthians Chapter 7

A Survey of the New Testament III A Survey of the New Testament III A Survey of the New Testament III A Survey of the New Testament III

(20 Lectures) I Corinthians Chapter 8

through the Book of the Revelation

The Epistle of Paul to the Romans The Epistle of Paul to the Romans The Epistle of Paul to the Romans The Epistle of Paul to the Romans (18 Lectures)

Learn the Five Major Doctrines in Paul's Epistle.

The Epistle to the Hebrews The Epistle to the Hebrews The Epistle to the Hebrews The Epistle to the Hebrews (24 Lectures)

Studies in the Epistle to the Hebrews

The Parables of Jesus The Parables of Jesus The Parables of Jesus The Parables of Jesus (24 Lectures) Learn how

and why the parables were used by Christ

The Book of the Revelation The Book of the Revelation The Book of the Revelation The Book of the Revelation (34 Lectures) A

study of future events

New Testament Theology New Testament Theology New Testament Theology New Testament Theology (24 Lectures) Master

the Major New Testament Principles of Theology

The Doctrine of God The Doctrine of God The Doctrine of God The Doctrine of God (10 Lectures) A study about

the many attributes of God our Creator

Making Disciples that Make a Difference Making Disciples that Make a Difference Making Disciples that Make a Difference Making Disciples that Make a Difference

(20 Lectures) Learn to mentor after a person

accepts Christ as Savior

Women in Scripture and Church HistoryWomen in Scripture and Church HistoryWomen in Scripture and Church HistoryWomen in Scripture and Church History

(16 Lectures) A study about women in history

and today

Spiritual Warfare Spiritual Warfare Spiritual Warfare Spiritual Warfare (22 Lectures) Examining the

activities of evil forces in the world today and

how to be victorious

A Biblical Theology of Christian EducationA Biblical Theology of Christian EducationA Biblical Theology of Christian EducationA Biblical Theology of Christian Education

(16 Lectures) A course that should be taken by

everyone who teaches

The Art of Mentoring The Art of Mentoring The Art of Mentoring The Art of Mentoring (28 Lectures) A course that

teaches you how to help others grow in Christ

The History of Biblical Counseling The History of Biblical Counseling The History of Biblical Counseling The History of Biblical Counseling (18 Lectures)

Origins and contemporary development of

Biblical Counseling

Women's Issues in Counseling Women's Issues in Counseling Women's Issues in Counseling Women's Issues in Counseling

(16 Lectures) Skills and techniques

for counseling women

Resolving Conflict Through Personal Resolving Conflict Through Personal Resolving Conflict Through Personal Resolving Conflict Through Personal

Forgiveness Forgiveness Forgiveness Forgiveness (20 Lectures) Resolve

conflict in the church and in social


Comparative Analysis of Human Comparative Analysis of Human Comparative Analysis of Human Comparative Analysis of Human

Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology (22 Lectures) Distinguish

between biblical and humanistic


The Philosophy of Religion The Philosophy of Religion The Philosophy of Religion The Philosophy of Religion

(16 Lectures) A study about the

various religious philosophies

Online Audio Online Audio Online Audio Online Audio

Lecture Courses Lecture Courses Lecture Courses Lecture Courses Each Lecture is 25-30 Minutes.

All Audio Lectures are Online

Fee per course: $75.00

The fee includes unlimited access to

the lectures and as you complete the


choice test to qualify for the Diploma.

No textbooks are required. Use your
