iji, - fdr presidential library & museum · ~ 9, 1944. j.. abrahamaon subject& herbert...


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Page 1: IJI, - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · ~ 9, 1944. J.. Abrahamaon Subject& Herbert :tsq. FollO'iJinl our COllVeraation ot March 7, I ban haJ two occ.aaiona to p tbar rurtbar D]:rreuiona
Page 2: IJI, - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · ~ 9, 1944. J.. Abrahamaon Subject& Herbert :tsq. FollO'iJinl our COllVeraation ot March 7, I ban haJ two occ.aaiona to p tbar rurtbar D]:rreuiona

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"' •IJI,

Page 3: IJI, - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · ~ 9, 1944. J.. Abrahamaon Subject& Herbert :tsq. FollO'iJinl our COllVeraation ot March 7, I ban haJ two occ.aaiona to p tbar rurtbar D]:rreuiona
Page 4: IJI, - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · ~ 9, 1944. J.. Abrahamaon Subject& Herbert :tsq. FollO'iJinl our COllVeraation ot March 7, I ban haJ two occ.aaiona to p tbar rurtbar D]:rreuiona

JUL 14

Dear Berber\ 1

lev ~\ we are \eraiaatt.q Ult liar Retu.a• • Board I want '~;!:b JOa well oa JO~ coaiQ& a1ae1on v1Ul llr. Earl .... alii \o t.hallk JO\l ptraoo.all1 tor \be ~illllll& ~·- J'M 414 tor aa 1il Bw1\&erle.M .- r~. 1 t"1 -.a\ we were 'fti'J rortuaa\e t.o a•• 70" 1a 8V1\aer,l&Ji14 18 the oruo1al aon\ba before ee~1• ............ \lbea 1\ wu ao 1aportan\ to con­\1aue ... all- eu\ ettona \o taft aa II&DJ aa poaa1blt ot \ht pereeoute4 people• a\111 caught. 1A Geru.D baD4a. You baYe perturaed ablJ tor tbe Boar4 1a taftt7 &D4 oa JOtll' aore reoeat. asa1gD&ent. 1D Sw1\aer­l&D4 aD4 FNooe aD4 JO& 4eaerft the honor of acooapaDJ-1111 .... Barr1eoD oa hla 18 ort.ant. 1AYett.11at.10n.

Wl\b k1D4eet. peraonal regards,

81Doerelf JOur• .


(Si gned) William o ~".,

W1U1- 0 ' Dvfer · lxeout.1Tt Director

11r • ._._ .. , Ka,&k11

.... -..... wr.t.1oa, len . .. l,aer aa&.

Page 5: IJI, - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · ~ 9, 1944. J.. Abrahamaon Subject& Herbert :tsq. FollO'iJinl our COllVeraation ot March 7, I ban haJ two occ.aaiona to p tbar rurtbar D]:rreuiona

.1 JO, 1944


Page 6: IJI, - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · ~ 9, 1944. J.. Abrahamaon Subject& Herbert :tsq. FollO'iJinl our COllVeraation ot March 7, I ban haJ two occ.aaiona to p tbar rurtbar D]:rreuiona

.. . ,.

MAY 13 1944

Deal' ... • 6b1.ple, t

;D) euppor\ fd hie cat.ion • Uk t t. 1Qo.t pl.IJue 1aau. WGh piiiiPcr\ to bta ft11dat4Ml ! or \rawl 1n kq{ S~ia, t1WU tnD, x-l:UGa, Jliat.eUM, an0 • • la.Ud. e.xpH'-8 te •ka h18 \l&J"\ere 1n !ur'k41,7 tor t.1.M b.t1Jac but. tda .,... et aou~u... w11.1 i.DOlut.te t.M &ddl.• ~an .

.. ...... tuil \Mt. tM puepart. WUl ~ Tal1d&t.ecl to 1Ml·wle t.a. MOMUJ7 COUDt.riee ot t..rao.U. t.o reach hie deo\Ua­\.1-. rvka1, ~ \IPOD UM rollt.e bl w1ll. t.r&Yol aD4 t.ba \nft1 arr'&DG~ta 11tl1ob wUl. be -.cle. !he Mlliat.ance ot \.be 1\&M Dlpuot•Ja\ 1A 8MV1 bi MOeiiU'J at.rpl.aDe pr1or1t.1N Ma alnMf7 ._ aollct tAd.

wo\&ltl apprea1a\e aliT ft4lpl 70C1 Ill. b\ be able t.o .... Wh!ob Jd.tllt. facUitate t.bt 1a•uano• or *'· lat.ald.•• pan­Jill'\· It 1• .,._, that. be \aka up hi• dut.1u at. tl» earl1.,\ J IIU.ble E n\.

,.. ... ,, .•. ~ " · . . .. bl.

DeouU.w m.new .. • ... ,..., 11 WJ'i\taa at th l'ttqU t. o! Air• C~ of

Page 7: IJI, - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · ~ 9, 1944. J.. Abrahamaon Subject& Herbert :tsq. FollO'iJinl our COllVeraation ot March 7, I ban haJ two occ.aaiona to p tbar rurtbar D]:rreuiona

~ 9, 1944.

J.. Abrahamaon

Subject& Herbert :tsq.

FollO'iJinl our COllVeraation ot March 7, I ban haJ two occ.aaiona to p tbar rurtbar D]:rreuiona aboUt Herbert Xa. tsq. Sa. of t.heao co rro. Leavitt, who bappetlld to diacuas hill 1o. quite another con­nectionJ ot.hera ccae t"ra1 .1nn Petluck, bead ot t.be Ui.g.ration DetBrl-ent or the ret1oriltl Re.t'Ugee Service.

Both testif)' that be carried out his overaeaa eaigm:ent nth c011p8teooe, care and ainoeri V . In devotion to the wolfare or retugoea • he is ea1d to ran.t.c cloae to J oe Scha:rta. Ue is quiet and diocreot 1n hia pereonal and offioial conduct. There ia no doubt as to h1a peraoaal boneat,..

117 oanolulliOD is tba t ho ia UDtUIUal.l:.r well-sui ted ro:- tl-.a mi:lslon ~ -m.loDI4.