ifhnos brochure fa 0129

October 17 – 20, 2010 Crowne Plaza Galleria Manila, Quezon City, Philippines FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT IFHNOS World Tour 2010 – Philippines “Current Concepts in Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology” www.ifhnosworldtour2010.org 54th Annual Convention of the Philippine Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery “Fallacies and Controversies, Updates and Debates” www.psohns.org.ph IFHNOS BROCHURE_0122.indd 2-3 1/29/10 11:27 AM

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October 17 – 20, 2010Crowne Plaza Galleria Manila, Quezon City, Philippines

F ir s t A n nOu nC e M e n t

IFHNOS World Tour 2010 – Philippines“Current Concepts in Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology”www.ifhnosworldtour2010.org

54th Annual Convention of the Philippine Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery“Fallacies and Controversies, Updates and Debates” www.psohns.org.ph


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Dear Colleagues,On behalf of the Philippine society of Otolaryngology – Head and neck surgery (PsO-Hns) we are honored to play host to the international Federation of Head and neck Oncologic societies’ (iFHnOs) World tour 2010, a global continuing medical education program featuring the most respected leaders in the field of head and neck surgery and oncology. the iFHnOs World tour 2010 will be held in conjunction with the 54th PsO-Hns Annual Convention on October 17-20, 2010 at the Crowne Plaza Galleria Manila, Philippines. We cordially invite you to an active exchange of ideas among colleagues in the Asian region during the twin meetings.

With the iFHnOs World tour 2010 theme of “ Current Concepts in Head and neck surgery and Oncology”, we hope to provide an interactive venue to explore frontiers in head and neck cancer diagnosis and treatment through introductory lectures, discussions with regional and local experts on case presentations, and demonstrations on operative techniques through video presentations.

On the other hand, the theme of the 54th PsO-Hns Annual Convention is “Fallacies and Controversies, updates and Debates”. Common misconceptions and myths will be discussed. Pressing issues, both academic and clinical, will be highlighted in debates. We look forward to satisfying the attendee’s quest for answers which usually is not readily available in the medical literature.

Beyond the scientific sessions, we have lined up opportunities for you to explore and discover 7,107 island experiences: from the golden sunset of Manila Bay to the virgin rain forests and underground rivers of Palawan; from golfing greens to coral reef dive sites; from innumerable pristine white sand beaches to the wonder that is the Banaue rice terraces. But however each one experiences the Philippines, what shines through is the genuine warmth and gracious hospitality that comes naturally from every Filipino.

We are leaving no stone unturned in ensuring a rewarding and memorable experience. We look forward to seeing you all in the Philippines come October 17-20, 2010!


Alfredo QY Pontejos, Jr., MD Antonio H. Chua, MD Over-all Chair, Organizing Committee Co-Chair, Organizing Committee

Josefino G. Hernandez, MD Honorary Chair, Organizing Committee President, PsO-Hns inc.

C. ReNé LeeMANS, MD, PHD – THe NeTHeRLANDSProfessor Leemans is Director of the Otolaryngology residency Program and the Advanced Fellowship Program in Head and neck surgery and Oncology at the Vu university Medical Center Amsterdam

(VuMC). He is also a Co-Director of its Cancer Center. His special interests include head and neck oncology, microvascular surgery, and basic research.

JeSuS e. MeDINA, MD, FACS – uSAProfessor Medina currently holds the Paul and ruth Jonas Chair in Cancer treatment and research at the university of Oklahoma. His clinical research activities center around the management of cervical lymph node metastases in squamous

cell carcinoma and melanoma of the head and neck, organ preservation strategies, and minimally invasive parathyroid surgery. He currently serves as a Director of the American Board of Otolaryngology and a member of its residency review Committee for Otolaryngology.

JAN B. VeRMORkeN, MD, PHD – BeLGIuMDr. Vermorken is a Professor of Oncology at the university of Antwerp, and Head of the Department of Medical Oncology at the Antwerp university Hospital. His main field of interest is in head and neck oncology and gynecologic oncology. His main research

areas concern early clinical and pharmacological studies with new drugs, studies on the interaction of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, HPV in various malignancies, and immunological approaches.

RANDAL S. WeBeR, MD, FACS – uSAProfessor Weber is Chairman of the Department of Head and neck surgery at the university of texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, texas. His clinical interests are non-melanoma skin cancer, thyroid cancer, and therapeutic

strategies for organ preservation.

JATIN P. SHAH, MD, PHD (HON), FACS, FRCS (HON), FDSRCS (HON), FRACS (HON) – uSA Professor shah is leader of the Head and neck Program and holds the elliot W. strong Chair in Head and neck Oncology at Memorial sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in new York City. He is Founder of iFHnOs and is currently the

President of the international Academy of Oral Oncology. in recognition of his outstanding contributions and world leadership in head and neck surgery, Memorial sloan-Kettering Cancer Center has established an endowed Chair in his name, the American Head and neck society has named an annual symposium in his honor, and the iFHnOs has established a lecture in his name.

RALPH W. GILBeRT, MD, FRCSC – CANADADr. Gilbert is a Professor in the Department of Otolaryngology – Head and neck surgery, and the Department of surgery at the university of toronto. He also Chairs the Medical Advisory Committee of the university Health network and the

Cancer Care Ontario Program in evidence-Based Medicine for Head and neck Oncology. He has extensive clinical experience in reconstructive microsurgery of the head and neck, and mentors a long-standing Fellowship Program in Head and neck surgery and reconstructive Microsurgery.

VINCeNT GReGOIRe, MD, PHD - BeLGIuM Professor Gregoire is currently Director of the Center for Molecular imaging and experimental radiotherapy, Professor in radiation Oncology, and Head of Clinic in the Department of radiation Oncology at the Academic Hospital of the Catholic

university of Louvain in Brussels, Belgium. He coordinates the Head and neck Oncology program where the publication of the consensus guidelines for selection and delineation of the target volumes brought him worldwide recognition. Besides his clinical activities, he is running a translational research program on tumor microenvironment and the integration of functional and molecular imaging for treatment planning.



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the iFHnOs World tour 2010 – Philippines scientific Program Committee welcomes the submission of case presentations. each session starts off with an introductory lecture by an iFHnOs Faculty member. two to three select cases are then presented for members of the panel (regional experts) to react to and discuss. A total of 40-45 cases will be selected for the conference.

TOPICS OF INTeReSTo Oral Cancero salivary tumorso thyroid and Parathyroid Glandso neck Metastaseso Advances in radiotherapy for Head and

neck tumorso Current role of Chemotherapy with

radiotherapyo sinuses and skull Baseo Larynx and Pharynxo Molecular therapeutics with

radiotherapy & Chemotherapyo soft tissue and Bone tumorso Parapharyngeal tumorso Minimally invasive surgery in Head and

neck surgeryo reconstructive surgeryo skin Cancer-Melanoma

CASe PReSeNTATION GuIDeLINeSo Case presentation should be written and

presented in english.o Presentation should be in Powerpoint

format to be composed in the following order – Authors’ information, History of Present illness, imaging studies Done and Pictures of the Patient, Biopsy result, Pre-Op Diagnosis, and treatment Plan.

o Presentation should not exceed three minutes in length.

o Cases with diagnostic and/or therapeutic challenge or dilemma, involving extirpation, reconstruction, and radio-chemo treatment are preferred.

SuBMISSION INSTRuCTIONo Deadline for submission of case

presentations is on March 15, 2010.o submission can be done through

email at [email protected] or [email protected].

o An Acknowledgment of case presentation submission will be sent to the corresponding author and/or the presenting author by email.

o notice of Acceptance will be sent through email by March 30, 2010. Please make sure that you register no later than April 15, 2010 to avail of the early Bird registration rate.


0730H - 0800H

INTRODuCTIONLecturers : Jatin P. shah, MD randal s. Weber, MD

ReCONSTRuCTIVe SuRGeRY (0730H-0900H)Moderator : randal s. Weber, MDLecturer : ralph W. Gilbert, MDPanelists : Jatin P. shah, MD Jesus e. Medina, MD Choakchai Metheetrairut,MD eric e. Arcilla, MD

0800H - 0930H

registration/Hotel Check-in ORAL CANCeRModerator : Jatin P. shah, MDLecturer : rene Leemans, MDPanelists : randal s. Weber, MD ralph W. Gilbert, MD Mamerto G. Almelor, Jr., MD

SINuSeS AND SkuLL BASeModerator : ralph W. Gilbert, MDLecturer : Jatin P. shah, MDPanelists : randal s. Weber, MD Jesus e. Medina, MD Bernard Lyons, MD rene s. tuazon, MD

OPeRATIVe TeCHNIQueS IN HeAD AND NeCk SuRGeRY II (0900H - 1030H)Lecturers : Jatin P. shah, MD randal s. Weber, MD ralph w. Gilbert, MD

0930H - 1100H

PSO-HNS SYMPOSIA: FALLACIeS/CONTROVeRSIeS/uPDATeSsYMPOsiuM 1: Facial Plastic and reconstructive surgerysYMPOsiuM 2: sleep Medicine

SALIVARY TuMORSModerator : Jesus e. Medina, MDLecturer : randal s. Weber, MDPanelists : Jatin P. shah, MD rene Leemans, MD Christopher Goh, MD Jacob s. Matubis, MD

LARYNx AND PHARYNxModerator : Jesus e. Medina, MDLecturer : randal s. Weber, MDPanelists : Jan B. Vermorken, MD Alfredo Q.Y. Pontejos, Jr. , MD Bambang Hermani, MD

1100H - 1130H Morning Coffee/tea Morning Coffee/tea Morning Coffee/tea Morning Coffee/tea

1130H - 1300H

PSO-HNS PLeNARY: DeBATeSPLenArY 1: OsA: structural or neurologic?PLenArY 2: Basal Cell CA: Wide excision or MOH’s surgery? immediate or Delayed reconstruction?

THYROID AND PARATHYROID GLANDSModerator : randal s. Weber, MDLecturer : Jatin P. shah, MDPanelists : Jesus e. Medina, MD rene Leemans, MD Luke tan, MD edgardo r. Cortez, Jr., MD

MOLeCuLAR THeRAPeuTICS WITH RADIOTHeRAPY & CHeMOTHeRAPYModerator : rene Leemans, MDLecturers : Vincent Gregoire, MD Jan B. Vermorken, MDPanelists : Jesus e. Medina, MD ralph W. Gilbert, MD Barbara M. Domingo, MD

PSO-HNS PLeNARY: DeBATeSPLenArY 5: Condylar Fracture: Open or Closed ApproachPLenArY 6: OMe: Ventilation tube or not

1300H - 1400H Luncheon Luncheon Luncheon Luncheon

1400H - 1530H

PSO-HNS PLeNARY: DeBATeSPLenArY 3: Chronic rhinosinusitis: infection or inflammation?PLenArY 4: Does tonsillectomy Affect immune status in Children?

NeCk MeTASTASeSModerator : rene Leemans, MDLecturer : Jesus e. Medina, MDPanelists : randal s. Weber, MD Jatin P. shah, MD randall Morton, MD samuel D. Ang, MD

SOFT TISSue AND BONe TuMORSModerator : Jesus e. Medina, MDLecturer : randal s. Weber, MDPanelists : ralph W. Gilbert, MD rene Leemans, MD Arturo s. dela Peña, MD

PSO-HNS PLeNARY: DeBATeSPLenArY 7: is LPr a Clinically Distinct Disease?PLenArY 8: the Future of OrL in the Phils.: should We Produce Generalists or specialists?

1530H - 1600H Afternoon Coffee/tea Afternoon Coffee/tea Afternoon Coffee/tea Afternoon Coffee/tea

1600H - 1730H

PSO-HNS SYMPOSIA: FALLACIeS/CONTROVeRSIeS/uPDATeSsYMPOsiuM 3: rhinology/AllergysYMPOsiuM 4: Otology/Audiology

ADVANCeS IN RADIOTHeRAPY FOR HeAD AND NeCk TuMORSCuRReNT ROLe OF CHeMOTHeRAPY WITH RADIOTHeRAPYModerator : randal s. Weber, MDLecturers : Vincent Gregoire, MD Jan B. Vermorken, MDPanelists : ralph W. Gilbert, MD rene Leemans, MD Gaudencio P. Vega, MD Antonio H. Villalon, MD

PARAPHARYNGeAL TuMORSMINIMALLY INVASIVe SuRGeRY IN HeAD AND NeCkModerator : Jatin P. shah, MDLecturers : rene Leemans, MD ralph W. Gilbert, MDPanelists : randal s. Weber, MD Jesus e. Medina, MD Marlinda Yudharto, MD Daniel M. Alonzo, MD

PSO-HNS SYMPOSIA: FALLACIeS/CONTROVeRSIeS/uPDATeSsYMPOsiuM 5: Craniomaxillofacial surgerysYMPOsiuM 6: Laryngology

1730H - 1900H

OPeRATIVe TeCHNIQueS IN HeAD AND NeCk SuRGeRY ILecturers : Jatin P. shah, MD randal s. Weber, MD Jesus e. Medina, MD

SkIN CANCeR - MeLANOMAModerator : ralph W. Gilbert, MDLecturer : Jesus e. Medina, MDPanelists : rene Leemans, MD randal s. Weber, MD Krisinda Dim-Jamora, MD



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GeOGRAPHY the Philippines, located in southeast Asia, is an archipelago made up of over 7,000 islands. Main island groups are Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. the Conference venue is in the island of Luzon.

TIMe ZONe – GMt plus 8 hours

GeTTING THeReManila is served by the ninoy Aquino international Airport which has 3 terminals. terminal ii services all Philippine Airlines (PAL) flights, both international and domestic. terminal i services all other international carriers. terminal iii services other domestic carriers. On departure, an airport tax of us$10.00 will be collected.

eNTRY FORMALITIeSVisitors from selected countries may enter the Philippines without visas for a period of 7-21 days, provided they possess passports valid for at least 6 months beyond their intended stay and that the have tickets for their onward or return journeys.

For those requiring visas, please present the Conference registration Confirmation to the Philippine embassy or Consulate located in your country to facilitate the issuance of the visa.

CuSTOMS AND CuRReNCY ReGuLATIONVisitors will be required to accomplish the Baggage and Currency Declaration Form to facilitate customs examination. the following items are allowed duty –free: personal effects, tobacco and alcoholic beverages not exceeding 400 sticks of cigarettes or two tins of smoking tobacco, and two bottles of wine or spirits. Visitors carrying more than us$ 3,000 cash are requested to declare the amount at the counter of the Central Bank of the Philippines situated at the Customs area.

CLIMATethe Philippines has a sub-tropical climate with temperatures ranging from 23-31 degrees Celsius in the month of October. rains are normally expected during the months of June to October and visitors are, therefore, advised to bring a light jacket.

LANGuAGeFilipino is the national language but english is widely spoken and is extensively used in business and government.

CuRReNCYthe monetary unit of the Philippines is the Peso (PhP) which floats in relation to foreign currencies. there are notes in 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1,000 peso denominations. Coins come in 5,10, 25 and 50 centavo and 1, 5 and 10 peso denominations. international credit cards such as American express, Diners Club, Mastercard and Visa are accepted in major establishments.



IFHNOS World Tour 2010 – Philippinesmeetings, exhibitions & events Team, Inc.

Unit g3, agCOr Bldg., 335 Katipunan ave. loyola Heights, Quezon City 1108 Philippines

Phone: (632) 426-0093

Telefax: (632) 436-6581

[email protected], [email protected]




ON-SITeSePTeMBeR 16 –OCTOBeR 17, 2010

CONSUlTaNT US$300.00 US$350.00 US$400.00

reSIDeNT US$200.00 US$250.00 US$300.00


US$150.00 US$150.00 US$150.00


Delegate’s (Consultant or resident) registration fee covers admission to the inaugural Ceremonies with Gala Dinner and Cocktails, and conference bag.

Accompanying Person’s registration fee covers admission to the inaugural Ceremonies with Gala Dinner and Cocktails, and a half-day City and shopping tour.


n ReGISTR ATION PAYMeNTPayments can be made through telegraphic transfer or demand draft. Please make the demand draft payable to the: Philippine society of Otolaryngology – Head and neck surgery inc. For telegraphic transfers, please transfer funds to:


ACCOuNT NuMBeR : Current Account 545-2-54500311-7

BANk : Metrobank san Miguel Ave.-Ortigas Branch

BANk ADDReSS : G/F, Belvedere Cdmn.,

Ortigas Center, Pasig City


Delegates must bear bank charges.

n CANCeLL ATION & ReFuND POLICYCancellation and refund of the registration fee will be given provided a written notification is received by the Congress secretariat on or before the stipulated dates:


Before September 15, 2010 50%

after September 15, 2010 No refund

n CONFeReNCe MeALSDelegates with special dietary requirements are requested to indicate this in the registration form.

n CONFeReNCe HOTeLAll scientific sessions and social functions stated in the programme will be held at the Crowne Plaza Galleria Manila, a business hotel that is centrally located in the vibrant Ortigas commercial hub. it is 15 kilometers away from the ninoy Aquino international Airport. Crowne Plaza, and its adjacent sister hotel, Holiday inn, are extending preferential accommodation rates to all delegates and guests of the iFHnOs World tour 2010 – Philippines until september 15, 2010.

nett rates are inclusive of daily buffet breakfast at the hotel’s coffee shop, government taxes and service charge.

reservations made after this date will be subject to space availability. All reservations must be guaranteed by credit card. All hotel charges will be settled directly with the hotel upon check-out.


Deluxe, Crown Plaza galleria


PhP7,000 nett per


Deluxe, Holiday InnPhP6,000.00

nett per roomnight

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