if conditionals kaz w ex

CONDITIONALS The Zero Conditional The First Conditional The Second Conditional The Third Conditional The Mixed Conditionals

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If conditional - 4 types - mixed conditional


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►The Zero Conditional

►The First Conditional

►The Second Conditional

►The Third Conditional

►The Mixed Conditionals

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The Zero Conditional (Structure)

The Zero Conditional sentence, like all other conditionals, consists of two clauses, an "if clause" and a "main clause".

We use the same verb form in each clause of a zero conditional: the present simple tense:

■ If Clause: If + Subject + Present Simple

■ Main Clause: Subject + Present Simple

If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils.

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The Zero Conditional is used to talk about things which are always or usually true ―scientific facts, general truths, etc.:

►Example: If you cross an international dateline, the time changes.

Explanation: This always happens every time you cross a dateline.

► Example: If you dive 10 meters under water, the pressure increases to two atmospheres.

Explanation: This is basically always true ―the pressure of 10 meters of water equals one atmosphere.

► Example: Phosphorus burns if you expose it to air.

Explanation: This is a scientific fact ―you can test it in a lab.

The Zero Conditional (Uses)

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(note that MOST Zero Conditional sentences will mean the same if "when" is used instead of "if"):

● If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils.

● When you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils.


● If When you get this exercise right, you have a good brain.

If proves that you have a good brain.

When will make you have a good brain.

The Zero Conditional (Using When)

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Comma?! ▬This Rule Applies to All Conditionals

► When the "if" clause comes first, a Comma is used:

If clause + , + main clause.

If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils.

► When the "if" clause comes second, a Comma is NOT used:

Main clause + if clause. (No Comma)

Water boils if you heat it to 100 degrees.

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Let’s Practice:Use the conditions and results in the box to complete the phrases below.

Conditions: you've got a headache, you don't wear a crash helmet, you heat it to 100º C,

she comes home very late, you leave gates open in the country, you add sugar

Results: you get pink, A dog bites,Butter melts, the DVD

player comes on, it scratches you,You have more chance of being killed

1. Water boils if _______________________________.

2. If you mix red and white, _______________________________.

3. _______________________________ if you leave it in the sun.

4. If _______________________________, take an aspirin.

5. If _______________________________, it tastes sweet.

6. _______________________________ if you go near its food when it's eating.

7. If you pull a cat's tail, _______________________________.

8. _______________________________ if you don't wear a seat belt.

9. If you press this button, _______________________________.

10. Farmers get very angry if _______________________________.

you heat it to 100 ºc

you get pink

Butter melts

you've got a headache

you add sugar

A dog bites

it scratches youYou have more chance of being killed

the DVD player comes on

you leave gates open in the country

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The First Conditional sentence consists of two clauses, an "if clause" and a "main clause":

We use the present simple with the If clauseWill + Infinitive with the main clause:

► If Clause: If + Subject + Present Simple

► Main Clause: Subject + Will + V. Infinitive

If clause + , + main clause.

If it rains, we will stay indoors.

NB: You may use Will, Can, Shall, or May.

The First Conditional (Structure)

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The First Conditional is used to talk about things which are possible in the present or the future ―things which may happen:

►Example: If it's sunny, we'll go to the park.

Explanation: Maybe it will be sunny ―that's possible.

► Example: Paula will be sad if Juan leaves.

Explanation: Maybe Juan will leave ― that's possible.

The First Conditional (Uses)

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Let’s Practice:

1. If Jack ______________ late again, his trainer will be furious. (to arrive)

2. You'll be sorry if you ______________ for your exams. (to revise)

3. We ______________ if the weather's good. (to go)

4. If the bus ______________ on time, I won't miss the football match. (to be)

5. If you ______________ your homework now, you'll be free tomorrow. (to do)

6. We ______________ out if there's no food at home. (to eat)

7. You'll find life much easier if you ______________ more often. (to smile)

8. If it's hot, we ______________ for a swim. (to go)

9. You'll do it better if you ______________ more time over it. (to take)

10.If she ______________ practicing, she'll get better. (to keep)

11. I ______________ so happy if I pass the exam. (to be)

12.You'll be really tired tomorrow if you ______________ to bed soon. (to go)


do not revise

will go



will eat


will go



will be

do not go

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The Second Conditional sentence consists of two clauses, an "if clause" and a "main clause":

We use the past simple with the If clauseWould + Infinitive with the main clause:

► If Clause: If + Subject + Past Simple

► Main Clause: Subject + Would + V. Infinitive

If clause + , + main clause.

If it rained, we should stay indoors.

NB: You may use Would, Could, Should, or Might.

The Second Conditional (Structure)

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The Second Conditional is used to talk about things which are unreal (not true or not possible) in the present or the future ―things which don't or won't happen:

►Example: If I were you, I would drive more carefully.(I am not you ―this is unreal)

►Example: Mariam would be sad if Rana left.(Rana won’t leave ―that's not going to happen)

►Example: If cats had wings, they would be able to fly.(Cats don't have wings ―that's impossible)

The Second Conditional (Uses)

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Note that the "Past Simple" form is slightly different from usual in the case of Verb to BE.

When there is an impossibility, we use "were" instead of "was" with any subject whether singular or plural.

►If I were rich, I'd buy a big house.= unlikely to be rich

►If he were here, he wouldn’t allow that.= he is not here; he is somewhere else

The Second Conditional (with Verb to BE)

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One very important structure is omitting “If” and inverting the structure to take the interrogative (question) form.

Normal: If + Subject + Past Simple + ComplementSubject + Would + V. Infinitive

Example: If I were you, I would study harder.

Inverted: Were + Subject + ComplementSubject + Would + V. Infinitive

Example: Were I you, I would study harder.

The Second Conditional (Inverted Structure)

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Let’s Practice:

1. If Joe ___________ (be) here, he ___________ (catch) some fish for supper.

2. It ___________ (be) nice if the rain ___________ (stop)!

3. I ___________ (give) you a chocolate if I ___________ (have) any.

4. If I ___________ (have) a better sleeping bag, I ___________ (not feel) so cold.

5. If this tent ___________ (be) any smaller, one of us ___________ (have to sleep) outside!

6. I ___________ (look) out for bears if I ___________ (be) you!

7. If I ___________ (not be) so hungry, I ___________ (share) my beans with you.

8. ___________ (be) I here, I ______________________ (help) you.

were would catch

would be stopped

could give had

would not feelhad

were would sleep

would look were

were not could share

Were could / would help

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Like all conditionals, the Third Conditional sentence consists of two clauses, an "if clause" and a "main clause":

We use the Past Perfect Simple with the If clauseWould Have + Past Participle with the main clause:

► If Clause: If + Subject + Past Perfect Simple

► Main Clause: Subject + Would Have + V. PP

If clause + , + main clause.

■If it hadn’t rained, we could have gone out.

■It could have been nice if you had come on Saturday.

NB: You may use Would, Could, Should, or Might.

The Third Conditional (Structure)

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The Third Conditional is used to talk about unreal situations in the past ▬things which DID NOT HAPPEN in the past. It is often used to express Criticism or Regret:

►Example: If you had driven more carefully, you would not have had an accident.

Criticism: You had an accident because you didn't drive carefully enough.

►Example: If it hadn’t snowed, we could have gone skiing.

Regret: It snowed, so we couldn't go skiing.

The Third Conditional (Uses)

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One very important structure is omitting “If” and inverting the structure to take the interrogative (question) form.

Normal: If + Subject + Had + Past ParticipleSubject + Would Have + Past Participle


If I had studied harder, I could have passed the exam.

Inverted: Had + Subject + Past ParticipleSubject + Would Have + Past Participle


Had I studied harder, I could have passed the exam.

The Third Conditional (Inverted Structure)

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Let’s Practice:

1. He crashed his car, because he fell asleep while driving.

If he ______________ asleep while driving, he ______________________ his car.

2. We could go to the show, because we had enough money.

If we ______________ enough money, we _______________________ to the show.

3. I lost my job because I was late for work.

I _______________________ my job if I ______________ late for work.

4. The wind was so strong that the bridge collapsed.

If the wind ______________ so strong, the bridge _______________________.

5. I couldn't call Sally because I had lost her number.

I _______________________ Sally if I ______________ her number.

6. I couldn't tell Talha because I had not met him. (start with Had)

_________ I _________ Talha, I _______________________ told him.

7. I would have come on time If my car hadn’t broken down. (start with Had)


hadn’t fallen wouldn’t have crashed

hadn’t had couldn’t have gone

shouldn’t have lost hadn’t been

hadn’t been couldn’t have collapsed

could have called hadn’t lost

Had could havemet

Hadn’t my car broken down, I would have come.

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We use the Past Perfect Simple with the If clause (3rd Cond.)Would + Infinitive with the main clause (2nd Cond.)

► If Clause: If + Subject + Past Perfect Simple (Third Cond.)

► Main Clause: Subject + Would + Inf. (Second Cond.)

If clause (3rd Cond) + , + main clause (2nd Cond).

■If Vince had taken my advice, he wouldn’t be in trouble now.

Vince did not take my advice in the Past.

He is in trouble NOW.

NB: You may use Would, Could, Should, or Might.

Mixed Conditional —1 (Structure)

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Mixed Conditional —1 (Uses)

The Mixed Conditional 1 is used to talk about conditions in the Past ▬things which did NOT HAPPEN in the Past and have the results in the Present:

►Example: If you had driven more carefully, you would not had this accident.

Explanation: You had this accident now because you didn't drive carefully in the past.

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We use the Past Simple with the If clause (2nd Cond.)Would Have + Past Participle with the main clause (3rd


► If Clause: If + Subject + Past Simple (Second Cond.)

► Main Clause: Subject + Would Have + V. PP (Third Cond.)

If clause (2nd Cond) + , + main clause (3rd Cond).

■If Vince were a good student, he would have studied for the exam yesterday.

Vince is not a good student NOW.

He did not study for the exam in the Past.

NB: You may use Would, Could, Should, or Might.

Mixed Conditional —2 (Structure)

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Mixed Conditional —2 (Uses)

The Mixed Conditional 2 is used to talk about conditions in the Present ▬things which are UNTRUE in the Present and have the results in the Past:

►Example: If I were smart, I would have studied for the exam yesterday.

Explanation: You are not smart now because you didn't study in the past.

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Overview of Basic Verb Forms Used in Conditional Sentences

Situation If Clause Main Clause Example

0 Facts and Truths present simple present simple

If I have enough time, I read every evening.

1 True in the Present / Future present simple will + infinitive

If I have enough time, I will read tonight.

2 Untrue in the Present / Future past simple would + infinitive

If I had enough time, I would read now or later.

3 Untrue in the Past past perfect simple would + have + pp

If I had had enough time, I would have read yesterday.

M Untrue in the Past

Result in Present

past perfect simple

would + infinitive

If I had had breakfast,

I would not be hungry now.