ies son rullan 2007

дошли в…; benvenuti a…; hoşgeldiniz…; bienvenidos a … benvinguts a.. My Coast, Your Coast, Our Coast

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Page 1: Ies son rullan 2007

Welcome to…; dobrodošli…; καλώς ήλθατε…; Добре дошли в…; benvenuti a…; hoşgeldiniz…; bienvenidos a …benvinguts a..

My Coast, Your Coast, Our Coast

Page 2: Ies son rullan 2007

IES SON RULLANIES SON RULLAN is a secondary school from Palma de Mallorca ( Balearic Islands).


- 12- 16 years old ESO: Educación Secundaria Obligatoria ( Compulsory education)

- 16-17 A level. Different modalities:Humanities and Social Sciences, Health Sciences Scientific and Technological.

CYCLE TRAINING in sports activities Classes last 55 minutes, students and teachers have to change classrooms.

IES SON RULLAN is a secondary school from Palma de Mallorca ( Balearic Islands).


- 12- 16 years old ESO: Educación Secundaria Obligatoria ( Compulsory education)

- 16-17 A level. Different modalities:Humanities and Social Sciences, Health Sciences Scientific and Technological.

CYCLE TRAINING in sports activities Classes last 55 minutes, students and teachers have to change classrooms.

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The beginning

IES Son Rullan was created in 1983 as a result of an agreement between the Ministries of Defence and Education of Spain to ensure schooling for the children of military staff posted to Palma The school is located outskirts of Palma. Are registered over 600 students

IES Son Rullan was created in 1983 as a result of an agreement between the Ministries of Defence and Education of Spain to ensure schooling for the children of military staff posted to Palma The school is located outskirts of Palma. Are registered over 600 students

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There are 27 groups, including all the levels.

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  We also have other complementary services.

-  Dinning service-  Free Revision Lessons: Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.-  Personal Attention of Guidance Departments. Tuesday afternoons.-  Extracurricular Activities. -  Library and Computer Classrooms are available to Parents and Students.- Advice for Parents.   

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Specialist classrooms

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Our school is a public non-confesional center that aims to educate its students in democratic values

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We emphasize on our educational project, based on:

- Coexistence incenter.

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And...Education based on students' capabilities attending their individual and cultural particularities

Education based on students' capabilities attending their individual and cultural particularities

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Methodology must be the result of cooperative work

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Based on participation and involvementBased on participation and involvement

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Promoting educational values

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Improving everyday life

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- Improve academic performance:

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Plan to promote reading greaterinclusion of the library in the life of the Centre

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Participating in fairs.

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And maybe one more international programme...?

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България Türkiye cumhuriyeti

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Italia Republika Hrvatska 

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Ελλάδα Sverige

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Tell me and I’ll forget, show me and I’ll remember, involve me and I’ll learn (Benjamin Franklin)