ieltspast letter

1.Your friend is coming over from a different city to attend your relatives weddi ng and you cannot meet him/her at the airport. Write a letter to him/her and say - Apologise about the situation. - Explain why you cant meet him/her at the airport. - Give directions to the hotel that is already booked for him/her. 1. 1.You have been selected for a training course on computer skills that you canno t attend. Write a letter to your employer and say:  - Explain how this training course would help you.  - Why wont you be able attend it?  - Suggest a way to have that training again. 1. Your friend is involved in an import/export business. You have some ideas tha t might be helpful. Write to him/her and say  - Suggest a product and explain what is good about it.  - Tell him/her about the product in your country.  - Advise what he/she should do with this product. 1. Write an application letter asking to delay the essay submission in a course youre taking. 2. Write a letter to your friend from a different country. Invite him/her to a p arty at your home and include the following  - What is the party about?  - Give directions how to get to your place.  - Suggest how to accommodate him/her. 3. You are going to have a family party in a private room of a hotel. Write a le tter to the hotel manager and say  - Why do you need to use this private room?  - What do you need them to provide for the party?  - Inquire about the price of the food you are ordering. 4. Your children are learning a foreign language at school, but they need some e xtra help. One of your friends suggested to contact a language tutor. Write to h im/her and say  - Why are you writing to him/her?  - What do your children need help with?  - Ask the tutor about his/her experience and suggestions. 5. Write a letter to your manager asking for a training course, which you would like to attend. In your letter explain  - what the course is,  - why it is required for your job,  - how you will manage work while doing the course. 6. You are planning a holiday in another country. Write a letter asking your fri end to join you and explain  - Why are you taking a holiday? - What is your holiday plan?  - Why would you like him/her to come? 7. Write a letter to a friend inviting him/her to watch a movie that he/she want ed to see. Tell him/her  - What movie is it?  - Why do you think it might be interesting?  - Make arrangements to watch it together. 8. You are interested in a short course in a certain college. Write a letter to that college and say  - What course are you interested in? Why?  - State your education background and practical experience.  - What do you like about the college? 9. One of your co-workers is leaving the company. Write a letter to the manager who asked you to organize his/her farewell party and say  - Where will the event take place?  - Suggest a suitable time.  - Describe what food you would serve and what entertainment arrangements you would make.

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IELTS past letters


1.Your friend is coming over from a different city to attend your relatives wedding and you cannot meet him/her at the airport. Write a letter to him/her and say- Apologise about the situation.- Explain why you cant meet him/her at the airport.- Give directions to the hotel that is already booked for him/her. 1.1.You have been selected for a training course on computer skills that you cannot attend. Write a letter to your employer and say: - Explain how this training course would help you. - Why wont you be able attend it? - Suggest a way to have that training again.1. Your friend is involved in an import/export business. You have some ideas that might be helpful. Write to him/her and say - Suggest a product and explain what is good about it. - Tell him/her about the product in your country. - Advise what he/she should do with this product.1. Write an application letter asking to delay the essay submission in a course youre taking.2. Write a letter to your friend from a different country. Invite him/her to a party at your home and include the following - What is the party about? - Give directions how to get to your place. - Suggest how to accommodate him/her.3. You are going to have a family party in a private room of a hotel. Write a letter to the hotel manager and say - Why do you need to use this private room? - What do you need them to provide for the party? - Inquire about the price of the food you are ordering.4. Your children are learning a foreign language at school, but they need some extra help. One of your friends suggested to contact a language tutor. Write to him/her and say - Why are you writing to him/her? - What do your children need help with? - Ask the tutor about his/her experience and suggestions. 5. Write a letter to your manager asking for a training course, which you would like to attend. In your letter explain - what the course is, - why it is required for your job, - how you will manage work while doing the course. 6. You are planning a holiday in another country. Write a letter asking your friend to join you and explain - Why are you taking a holiday? - What is your holiday plan? - Why would you like him/her to come?7. Write a letter to a friend inviting him/her to watch a movie that he/she wanted to see. Tell him/her - What movie is it? - Why do you think it might be interesting? - Make arrangements to watch it together.8. You are interested in a short course in a certain college. Write a letter to that college and say - What course are you interested in? Why? - State your education background and practical experience. - What do you like about the college?9. One of your co-workers is leaving the company. Write a letter to the manager who asked you to organize his/her farewell party and say - Where will the event take place? - Suggest a suitable time. - Describe what food you would serve and what entertainment arrangements you would make.10.Write a letter to an employment agency about your interest in working in another country. Please mention - What kind of job would you like to have? - In what industry do you want to work? Why? - Why do you want to work in another country?11.You have some repairs to do at home, but there is a restaurant next to your house. Write a letter to the restaurant manager and say: - What repairs are you going to do? - How will it affect the restaurant? - Provide a solution for the inconvenience.12.You are a foreign student and you received an invitation to participate in the international day. Reply that you agree and propose the activities to be done through out the day.13.Write a letter to an English teacher whom you know and ask to borrow a few English books to help a child of your friends to study. Please say - Give details of the child. - When and where do you plan to teach him/her? - What books do you want to borrow?14.Write a letter to a recruiting agency about a company of interest. In your letter - Explain why youre interested in that company - Why you are choosing an international location15.Write a letter to the manager of a taxi service that you have hired and say - When and where did you use this service? - What was the problem? - What do you want the manger to do about it?16.One of your friends invited you for a meal with his/her family in their home. Write a letter to your friend and say: - Thank them and tell what you have enjoyed the most. - How do you feel about this visit? - Suggest some arrangements to invite them to your home.17.Write a letter to your friend describing an important event in your life that you are planning to celebrate soon. Please say - What is the event? - How will this affect your life? - Invite him/her to the celebration.18.You recently met a manager of a new company started in your city. After the meeting, the manager wrote you a letter offering a job at this company. Write him back and say - How do you feel about the job? - Why cant you accept it? - Provide a reference to your friend who might be interested.19.Write a letter to colleagues, asking for help with your presentation. - Explain when and where the presentation will take place. - What is the content of the presentation? - What kind of help is needed?20.You and your friend recently went on a holiday together. You have a problem with your photos taken during the holiday. Write a letter to ask your friend for a particular photo and say - What is a problem with your photographs? - Which photo would you like from him/her? - Why do you need this photo? 21.Write a letter asking you colleague for assistance with your presentation. Please say - What is the presentation about? - What help do you need with it? - Explain why it is beneficial for everyone.22.You want to book a conference hall at the hotel for a meeting with your colleagues. Write a letter to the hotel manager stating your requirements and say - How many days will be required for a meeting? - How many people will be there? - What other arrangements do you require? 23.Write a complaint to the construction company that is building new offices near your house and say - What is bothering you? - What do you want the company to do? - Suggest your solution to the problem.24.You are doing a full time job and would like to continue that job on part-time basis. Write a letter to your manager and say - What are the reasons for your decision? - Which days would you like to work? - Suggest solutions so that workload would not be impacted.25.You are leaving the country to return to your home country, and you have furniture that you want to give to a friend. Write a letter to him/her and say - What furniture do you have? - Why would he/she like it? - How can he/she pick it up?26.Write a complaint letter to the owner of the apartment that you have rented for a week about the poor service you received. Please include - an explanation of the problems you have faced - what you want the owner to do about them - a suggestion how the situation can be improved27.You saw a column in the newspaper about your childhood friend. You would like to contact him/her. Write a letter to the editor of this newspaper asking for details about your friend. Please say - Why do you want to contact him/her? - Suggest how the editor can contact you.28.You are having a party soon and want to invite your friend. Write a letter and say - What is the special occasion? - What are you planning to do? - Suggest to him/her transport and accommodation solutions.29.You are about to move to a new town. Write a letter to the towns official to enquire about sport and other leisure facilities available in town. In your letter - Introduce yourself - Say what activities you are interested in - Ask about facilities available in town30.You had a job interview recently. Write to the manager of the HR division and say - Describe yourself and the position you applied for. - Why do you think the interview result was positive? - Why do you need the interview result soon?31.Write a letter to a moving company that you have used to move your furniture and let them know you have a problem with some of the items. In your letter - Give the details of your delivery. - Explain what problems you have experienced with the furniture. - Say what you expect the company to do.32.Write a letter to your company manager saying that you want to leave the company. Please say - What have you learned while working for the company? - Did you enjoy working there? - What are your reasons for leaving?33.There is a swimming pool proposed to be built in your town. Write to the city council and say - Why is this swimming pool important to you? - Suggest where it should be built. - Why is it a good idea to have a swimming pool in the town and not outside of town?34.You have been advised by the manager to conduct a short session in school and share your work experience with the students. Write a letter to the headmaster of the school and say - Who are you and what kind of job do you do? - What are you planning to talk about? - What equipment will you need to use?35.Write a letter to a friend in a foreign country who has invited you to their wedding and say: - Why cant you attend the wedding? - Tell them about the gift you are sending. - Suggest how you can meet after the wedding.36.You have recently bought a toy over the internet. When it was delivered you have found some problems with it. Write a letter to the toy company manager and say - Give details of the purchase. - Describe the problem. - What do you expect the company to do about it?37.Write a letter to your friend and invite him/her to a special event that you are organising. Please say - Why do you organize this event? - Why do you think he/she should come? - Suggest accommodation arrangements for him/her.38.Write a letter to your landlord about the neighbours above your flat that are disturbing and say that you wish to make a complaint.39.Todays teaching methods and communication between teachers and students will disappear by the year 2050. To what extent do you agree or disagree?40.You have read an article in a newspaper that contains incorrect information about your town/city. Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper to inform them about the mistake. In your letter - Describe your knowledge of the city. - Explain what information was incorrect in your opinion. - Suggest how the editor could fix this error.41.Scientists believe that junk food has bad impact on our health. Some people think that people should be educated to consume less of it, while others think that it is pointless. What is your opinion?42.You are living near a public park and the condition of this park is getting worse than before. Write a letter to the park management and say - Why are you interested in this park? - What are the problems you are facing? - What are your suggestions for improvement?43.A friend of yours is planning a business trip to the city you know very well. He/she wants to spend one day to see the city. Please say - What are the must-see places to visit? - Suggest a few places to eat in. - What transport is available and convenient to use there?44.You have been sent abroad for a 3-month training which is about to finish. Write a letter to your company manager asking their permission to stay longer and say - How does the training benefit you? - Why do you need to stay longer? - Inform the manager when you will come back.45.You have recently ordered a book online, but the book was delayed and has not arrived yet. Write a letter to the manager of the company - Give full details of your order. - Explain why you need the book urgently. - Suggest a solution for the situation.46.You had purchased a toy online and upon delivery found that there was a problem with it. Write a letter to the manager of the toy company. - Describe a toy that you bought. - Describe why you think the toy is faulty. - What do you want the company to do about it?47.Invite a friend to join you for your next vacation. Please say - What are your plans? - Why do you want to travel with him/her? - Why do you think he/she will like it?48.Write complaint letter to the airline manager regarding the behaviour of one of staff members on your flight. In your letter - Give full details of your flight. - Say what the problem with the staff member was. - What would you like the manager to do regarding this matter?49.There is a public event coming up in your town. Write a letter to your friend who you think would be interested to take part in it. In your letter - Describe the event. - Say why you think he/she would be interested. - Suggest an arrangement to meet there with him/her.50.Write a letter to your English speaking friend about a movie that you are planning to watch. Please say - What is special about this movie? - How is it related to your friend? - Suggest an arrangement to see this movie together.51.You saw an advertisement for a position to look after a house in Scotland while the owner is away, write a letter to the owner and say - Introduce yourself. - Why are you interested in this job? - Ask some questions about the job.52.Write a letter to your friend and ask to take care of your children while you are away on a business trip overseas. In your letter include - What their likes and dislikes in food are. - What activities they like the most. - Suggest an arrangement for you to pick them up after the trip.53.You have bought a product online and are dissatisfied with it. Write a letter to the company and say: - What product did you purchase? - What is the problem with it? - What do you want the company to do about it?54.Write a letter to you supervisor asking for a one-day leave, so that you could help your friend. In your letter - Describe the problem of your friend. - Say how you are going to help him/her. - Suggest how you will complete work tasks on the requested date.55.A magazine published an article about your country. However there are some mistakes/wrong information in that article. Write a letter to the editor: - Explain that the article contains wrong information. - Supply the correct information instead. - Provide some more interesting information for the editor to publish in the future.56.Recently you have read a book and thought to tell your friend about the book. Write a letter to your friend and say - What is the book about? - What is the books name and who is the author? - Why would it be useful for him/her? - Where can he/she get this book?57.You work for an international company. Recently your job has changed and you believe that more training is needed. Write a letter to your manager and say - How has your job changed? - Describe a type of training you will need. - Suggest the arrangements incorporating training and your work.58.An international company has opened its new branch in your town. You are interested in working there. Write a letter to the human resources and say: - What position are you interested in? - Why are you interested in this position? - Ask for additional information about the company. 59.Write a letter of complaint to the manager of an online shopping site about a few products that you bought and arent happy with. In your letter - Give details of your order. - Explain about the problem with the products. - Say what you want the manager to do about it.60.Your local college is organizing an event on the International Students Day and is looking for people to talk about their country. Write a letter and say - What topics would you like them to cover? - Why would it be interesting for students? - Ask questions about the arrangements.61.You have to cancel an appointment with your bank branch manager. Please send him/her a letter and explain - What the time and purpose of the appointment was. - Why you are unable come to this appointment. - Suggest an alternative time for the appointment.62.A friend who is living overseas should visit you soon and would love to stay at your place. Write a letter and explain - Why cannot he/she stay at your place this time? - Suggest an alternative arrangement. - Invite him/her to stay in the future.63.You have just returned from a work trip abroad with a colleague. Write a thank you letter to your colleague and say - how you feel to be back - how helpful he/she was - invite him/her to visit you at home.64.Write a letter to your local council about a situation which created a lot of dirt on your street. In your letter - Explain what caused it. - How is it affecting you and your neighbors? - Suggest how it can be solved.65.Write a letter to your friend who is working in multinational company. In your letter - Tell him/her that there is a job vacancy in their company. - Say how you found out about the job. - Ask for help with your job application. - Explain why you are interested in this job.66.Write a letter to your friend that was supposed to visit you soon, but it is not possible now. In your letter - Apologise to your friend. - Explain why its not possible to meet now. - Suggest an alternative arrangement.67.Write a letter to the cinema manager to inform him/her that you have lost your bag in the cinema. In your letter - Tell exactly what happened and when. - Where do you think you left the bag. - Ask the manager to help find the bag.68.You friend has an idea for a start up business. Write a letter to him/her to say that you are interested to become a partner. Include in your letter: - What do you think about the idea? - Why do you want to be part of this business? - Give some suggestions. 69.Your friend recently had a new baby born and you have bought him/her a present. Write a letter and say - What is the present? - Why did you choose it? - Arrange a visit to give them the present and see the baby.70.You have applied for a position in an international organization and you need to provide a reference letter. Write a letter to your former teacher asking him/her to write it for you. - Give your full details. - Describe the job that you are going to do there. - Say why it is important to you.71.You borrowed a tour guide book from your friend which was very useful. Write a letter and say - Why was it helpful for you? - When will you return this book? - Thank him/her for this guide book.72.Youve recently found an object and you think that it might be of some historical value. Write a letter to the director of the museum asking for some information on the object. - Give a description of that object. - Tell them where you found it. - Ask for information you are seeking.73.Someone in your company is organizing a trip abroad for language learning training. Write a letter to him/her and say why he/she should choose you for this trip, as there is limited number of places available. - Describe who you are. - Why do you think this trip is good for you? - How can it help the company?74.You want to take training courses for your job. Write a letter to ask your employer to help you pay the tuition fee. In your letter - say what courses you want to take, - why you think these courses are beneficial, and - explain how they will contribute to your performance.75.You have seen a job advertisement in some newspaper. Write a letter to your friend asking him to consider this job. Please say - Where have you seen the ad? - What is the job description? - Why do you think, he is a suitable candidate for it?76.Write a letter to a friend who has visited you a few days ago and has left his mobile at your place. Please mention - The visit he paid you and how you felt about it. - How you found his/her cell phone at your place. - Suggest ways of sending it back to him/her.77.You have borrowed something from your friend for a party, but it was damaged during the party. Write a letter to your friend and say - What was it? - How was it damaged? - What will you do about it?78.Your local newspaper published an advertisement asking people to help with protecting the environment. Write a letter to offer your help to the project manager and say - Why are you interested? - What can you help with? - When can you start?79.As part of your study you have worked for a short period of time in a company. Write a letter to the manager of this company. In your letter: - Thank him/her for the opportunity - Explain how the experience gained there has helped you - Share your plans for the future.80.You have just returned from a working trip overseas. Write your colleagues a letter thanking them for your experience. Please say: - How do you feel about being home? - Thank them for their time. - Invite them to come and visit you. 81.You have lost something at the airport and a staff member helped you to find your belonging. Write a letter to the airport authority and tell them about that person, including: - What did you lose? - How did that person help you? - Suggest the way of appreciation for that person.82.You have lost something at the airport and a staff member helped you to find your belonging. Write a letter to the airport authority and tell them about that person, including: - What did you lose? - How did that person help you? - Suggest the way of appreciation for that person.83.Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to a music concert. Please say - where and when the concert is going to be, - what type of music will be played there, and - why your friend will enjoy it.84.Write a letter to a company manager to apply for a part-time job. Please say - Why do you want this particular job? - Why are you suitable for this position? - When are you available to start work?85.You have recently bought a personal computer in a shop near you and it was faulty. You have visited them and asked to repair it, but they did nothing. Write a letter to their office and say - what was the problem with the computer, - what service you got from the shop, - what you suggest they do.86.Your computer has been repaired recently, but you are not happy with the service. Write a complaint letter and say - What is the problem? - How do you feel about it? - What is your suggestion for this issue?87.You will have to undergo a minor surgical procedure and you wont be able to do your job in full. Write to your manager - Explain about the operation. - Say what part of the job you wont be able to do. - Suggest a solution to this situation.88.Write a letter to the Airport Manager, about a flight that you missed for your business trip because of a problem that occurred at the airport. Please explain in your letter: - What was the problem? - What happened as a result of the missed flight? - What would you like him/her to do about it?89.You are working in a very busy office. A particular piece of office equipment is not working properly. Write a letter to the manager and say - What is happening with the equipment? - How does this affects your work? - What do you suggest to be done?90.You have written an article for a magazine about the job that you do. Write a letter to your manager to ask for his/her comments on it. - Explain why you have written this article. - Give a short description of what you have written. - Specify what particular things you want him/her to comment on.91.Write a complaint letter about a taxi service that you have used recently. Please say - When did you use the service? - What was wrong with the service provided? - What actions for improvement do you suggest?92.Your friend got a new job. Write a letter to him/her and say - Why havent you contacted him/her recently? - Ask him/her some details about the new job. - Suggest when and where youd like to meet him/her.93.You have stayed in a hotel a couple of days for a business meeting and left a few personal belongings there. Write a letter to the manager of the hotel asking for help. - Explain when you stayed in the hotel. - What did you leave there? - What would you like the manager to do about it? 94.Write a letter to your manager and ask for his/her comments regarding the article which will be published in a famous magazine next month. In this letter, you should say - What have you written the article about? - Why did you write it? - What makes it so special?95.A reporter complained about a new TV program that you like. Write a letter to the newspaper editor. - Describe your point of view. - Say what you like about the show and why. - Ask the newspaper to take some action.96.You have recently used the services of a moving company. At the new place you found out that some of your items were badly damaged. Write a letter to the company manager including the following: - Give details of your move. - List items that were damaged. - Say what you expect the manager to do.97.Write to a newspaper regarding an article they published about a TV program. Please say - Why didnt you like the article? - Why do you like this TV program? - What is you suggestion to the editor?98.You recently moved to a new area. Write to your friend and say - Why did you move there? - Describe the new place. - Invite him/her to visit you.99.Write a letter to a friend who went away for holidays and you stayed at his/her house. In your letter explain - What did you enjoy there? - What was the problem with the kitchen equipment? - What did you do to fix it?100.Write a letter to a friend in another country. Ask his/her advice about the country because you have recently applied for a job there. In your letter - Tell what is the job you have applied for, - Provide some details about the job, - Explain why you applied for this job101.One of your friends has asked you to be a partner in his new start-up business. Write a letter to him and say - What is your opinion on his new business idea? - What have you decided on this matter? - What are the reasons for your decision?102.Your friend and his/her family from a foreign country are coming to visit you. Write a letter to him/her and say - Invite your friend and the family to stay at your home. - Suggest places to visit in your country. - Give other useful tips. 103.You are unable to complete your course you have discontinued it. Write a letter to your teacher to thank him and explain. - Why have you discontinued it? - What are your reasons for thanking him/her?104.Write a letter to your friend thanking him/her for guiding you for an interview. In your letter - Explain what happened at the interview. - Say how his guidance helped in the interview.105.Write a letter to your friend from an English speaking country, who wants to visit your country. In your letter - Invite him and his parents. - Tell him what places they should visit in your country. - Give him some useful advice. 106.You recently bought a product after seeing it in an advertisement. However, having received the product youve realized it did not match the description in the advertisement. Write a letter to the manufacturer saying: - What was the product? - What was mentioned in the advertisement? - Why didnt the description match the product you bought? - What would you like the manufacturer to do?107.You have attended a course in college. The teacher was very helpful, however you are not satisfied with the college facilities. Write a letter to explain about the problems you have faced and provide suggestions for improvement.108.You saw an advertisement recently and bought the advertised product. Upon receiving the product you discovered that the information in the advertisement was incorrect. Write a letter to the person responsible for the advertisement and say: - What is the product? - What information in the advertisement is incorrect? - What do you expect the person to do about it?109.Write a letter to your friend from whom you borrowed something that accidentally broke. Please say - Remind him/her, what have you borrowed - Explain what happened - What you will do about it110.Write a letter to the event organizer to let them know you are not happy with the hotel that was booked for your meeting. Please say - What meeting was it? - Why didnt you like the hotel? - Suggest what the organizer should have done differently.111.Write to your teacher and ask to give you a reference for a new job. Please say - Why do you need the reference letter? - Describe the position that you are applying for. - Why are you the right person for this position?112.Write a letter to a friend about an item you borrowed last week, that accidentally got damaged. In your letter - Describe the item. - What was the damage? - What do you intend to do to rectify the problem? 113.You have attended a course in college. The teacher was very helpful. However you are not satisfied with the college facilities. Please write a letter to explain about the problems you have faced and provide suggestions. 114.There is a historical building in your town and the city council wants to pull it down, because there is no money for repairs. You are not happy with this decision. Write a letter to the city council and say - Why is the building important? - Suggest a solution to finance the repairs.115.Write a letter to the bus company, to express the appreciation of the good service that you received from them recently.116.Write a thank you letter to the public transport authority about the manager who helped you to find something you lost and say - What did you lose? - Why was it so important to you? - How did the manager help you find it?117.Write a recommendation letter for your friend who is applying for a job. In your letter please say - How long do you know him/her? - What are the main qualities of your friend? - What is his/her work experience?118.Your friend is coming over to stay with you. However, you will be away on vacation for a month. Write him/her a letter and say: - how to get the keys to your flat, - how to operate the equipment in the flat, and - suggest a few places of interest to visit.119.You have bought clothes from a shop in a different city, and one garment turned out to be defective. Write a letter to the manager of the store and explain - What did you buy there? - What defect did you find? - How would you like to solve this issue?120.You went to a theater with a friend and he/she had an accident. An employee helped you. Write a letter to the manager to - thank the employee, - explain about the accident, - suggest what they could have done to prevent it. 121.Your neighbor has animals in the garden that disturb you and your family. Write a letter to the neighbor and say - What is disturbing you? - How is it affecting you and your family? - Suggest a solution for the current situation. - What will you do in case both of you dont reach an agreement? 122.Write a letter to a friend who is looking for a part time job. Describe a job you have found for him/her including: - What are the duties? - Why do you think it is a good job for him/her? - What does he/she have to do to get it?123.You went to a museum with your elderly friend last week. However he/she found it difficult to walk around the museum. Write a letter to manager and say - Whom did you visit the museum with? - What problems/inconveniences did he/she faced? - Suggest a solution that will enhance the museum visit experience for an elderly person.124.You have trouble paying rent for the house where you live. Write a letter to your landlord explaining your current financial situation and ask for a house change.125.Write a letter to the clothing shop manager and let her/him know about the problem you have noticed with the clothes you bought in from his/her shop, which is located in another city far away from your home town. In your letter - Explain the problem you noticed. - Say what you felt when you noticed the problem. - Explain what you would like the manager to do.126.You are studying in a college and you have been assigned to select a company to visit and do some research. Write a letter to the companys manager and explain: - Why do you want to visit the company? - Why did you choose this company? - Suggest any type of special arrangements needed.127.You are a student who would like to visit a company for academic purposes. Write a letter asking permission and explain - What is the purpose of your visit? - Why did you choose this company? - What do you plan to do during the visit?128.You want to rent out one of the rooms of your apartment. Write a letter to the accommodation officer of a nearest college and say - What does the room look like? - What kind of student would you prefer?129.You saw a newspaper job ad, of a nursing house looking for carers. You are interested in the position. Write a letter and say - Why are you interested in this position? - What relevant skills do you have? - When could you start?130.You have recently taken a sight seeing tour, and had a bad experience. Write a letter to the tour operator and explain: - What was the reason you took this tour? - What went wrong in the tour? - Suggest a solution for the problem.131.You live in a flat and have problems because your neighbor is noisy. Write a letter to your landlord and explain - What is the problem? - How does it affect you? - What is your suggested solution?132.Write a letter to a company about an item you have bought several years ago, which you want to return. - Describe the item. - Why do you want to return it? - What do you suggest as a solution?133.You had a meeting scheduled with an employee in another company. Unfortunately, you are not able to come to the meeting. Write an apology letter to the person whom you are unable to meet. Please say - Why cant you keep the commitment? - Inform him/her about the new arrangement. - Apologize for the inconvenience caused.134.Write a letter to a bus tour company manager about a tour guide who did an excellent job on your tour. Please say - What tour did you take? - Why do you think the tour guide was excellent? - Suggest some ways to the manager to reward that tour guide.135.Write a letter to a manufacturer to ask them to arrange production of a new item for you. Please say - What item do you need? - Why do you need it?136.You have purchased some furniture on advice of a sales person from the shop. After receiving the package you were not happy with it. Write a letter to the manager of that shop and say - What happened at the time of purchase? - Who advised you about this furniture? - What is wrong with the package? - Suggest how the problem could be solved.137.You have been invited to your friends family event, but you couldnt attend. Write a letter to apologize and explain: - Why couldnt you attend the event? - Ask questions regarding the event.138.You have been experiencing problems with the local public transport. Write a letter to the manager of the public transportation services and say: - How have you used the local public transport? - What problems have you experienced? - Suggest how they can improve the service.139.You have bought a damaged item from an online store, write a letter to the manager and say: - What was the item that you bought? - What was wrong with it? - What actions do you expect the manager to take?140.You have recently moved to new place. Write a letter to your friend and say. - Why did you move? - Compare your new house to the old one. - Compare the neighborhood.141.Your local community newspaper has announced a competition to acknowledge a person who has vastly contributed to the society. Write a letter to the editor about a person you know, who deserves the award. Please say - What his/her personal qualities are. - How do you know the person? - How did he/she contribute to the community?142.You are about to move from one place to another. Write a letter to your friend and say - Why are you moving? - When will you move? - How can he/she help you?143.You have bought an electronic device on the Internet and it was damaged, when you received it. Write a letter to the seller and explain: - What was the damage? - What do you want them to do about it? - Suggest a solution to this situation.144.You are preparing an event (picnic) in the countryside. Write a letter to a friend and ask to help you with the arrangements. Please say: - What is the reason for the event? - What arrangements have you already made? - How can he/she help to organize the event? - What activities have you decided on?145.You are transferred to another country to study. You want a part time job while studying. Write a letter to your friend in that country and ask him/her to help you out with finding a part time job. Please say: - What are your study plans? - What type of job are you looking for? - Explain how your friend can help.146.You have found out about the construction of a new airport in your area. Write a letter to the local authorities to complain and express your concerns. Please say: - How did you find out about the project? - When did you first learn about it? - How would it affect the area or you personally? - What would you suggest as a solution to this dispute?147.You had a small accident in the kitchen at your rental place. Write to your landlord and say - How did it happen? - What are the things that were damaged? - Suggest what your landlord has to do about it.148.Your friend would like to put together an international food book. Write a letter to him/her and describe a dish that you tried recently. Please say - What was that dish? - When and where have you eaten it? - Suggest your friend to include the recipe of that dish in his/her book.149.You have read an article in a newspaper about someone you know. Write a letter to the editor as follows: - describe the article, - explain what details were wrong in the article and what the correct ones are, - suggest what he/she should do about the article.150.You are taking a course at college, but you are not happy with it. You would like to change to a different course. Write a letter and include the following: - What course are you taking? - Why arent you happy with the course? - Which course would you like to take instead?151.You want to work in another country. Write to your friend who lives there and ask for information about work in that country. Include in your letter the following points: - why you want to work there and - what kind of work you are looking for.152.You have moved to another city to do a short term course. Write a letter to invite a friend to do the course with you. Please say - why you want your friend to join the course, - what the benefits of this course are, - how joining the course will help your friend.153.You need to read a book that cannot be found in the book shops in your area. Write a letter to a bookshop in another city asking for the book. In your letter - describe the book, - explain why you need the book, - and how you would pay for it.154.Write a letter to a friend in a foreign country. Ask him/her - What kind of job would you be able to get there? - Why would you want to work there? - What are the working conditions there?155.Write a letter to the hotel manager asking for help with your event celebration. Please say - What kind of event is it? - What arrangements should be done prior to the event?156.Write a letter to a professional photographer who has taken your family photo recently. You liked the photo and would like to ask the photographer to take pictures at your special event. In your letter explain - why you liked the photograph - what kind of event you have planned - what types of photographs you would like the photographer to take157.You have attended an event in the local park. Write a letter to the organizers of the event and include the following - details of the event - what you enjoyed the most - what needs to be improved - make suggestions how to improve.158.Recently you have visited a tourist attraction. You enjoyed there, but also had a problem. Write a letter to the manager of the attraction and say: - What did you like there? - What problem have you faced? - What do you suggest to rectify the problem?159.Write a letter to the manager of your local bus service. They have recently made some changes to the bus services, which create an inconvenience for you. In your letter explain - What are the changes? - What are the problems you are facing? - What would you like to change in this service?160.A friend is having a party at home and asked you to help him/her in the preparation. Write a letter and say - How would you help him/her? - What will you bring to the party? - When will you be free to see him/her?161.Write a letter to a teacher asking for reference letter for a job and explain - Why have you chosen him to write the reference letter? - What kind of job do you apply for? - Why do you think you are suitable for this job?162.A friend of yours is applying for a job as a sports instructor for teenagers in an summer school in Australia. He is asking you to write a recommendation letter to the principal of the school. In your letter you should say - How long have you known him/her for? - What are his/her qualifications? - Why is he/she suitable for this position?163.Write a letter to the head of the organization to request funding for a particular course.164.A construction company finished renovations at your home recently. You are not happy with their work. Write a letter to complain to the manager about this matter. In your letter explain - What type of repairs were done? - What are you not happy about? - What do you suggest, as a solution?165.You are planning to join a part time course and have come to know about an organization that can sponsor your studies. Write a letter to the head of the organization mentioning - your educational background and work experience, - how the organization can help you to do this part time course, - what is the benefit of doing this course.166.You have started a course after reading its details in a brochure. Unfortunately it turned out to be totally different from the description in the brochure. Write a letter to the manager, including the following: - Mention the details of the course. - Explain how it was different. - What course you would like to take instead?167.Write a letter to the principle of your college to inform him that you have joined an evening course, which is different from the one described in their brochure. Please say - What course have you joined? - Describe how the course is different from the one described in the brochure. - What action do you expect the principal to take? - What are your suggestions regarding this matter?168. An international company is opening a new branch in your town/city. Write a letter to the Human Resources Department and say - What job are you interested in? - Why do you want to work for that company? - Ask a few questions about the company and the job itself.169.Rubbish is increasing in the area where you live. Write a letter to the local environmental officer and explain - Where the rubbish is coming from? - What problems is it causing? - Suggest your solution for solving these problems.170.Write a letter to a friend in an English speaking country, telling them about your relative who is coming to their country. In your letter - describe your relative, - ask them to meet your relative, - tell your friend why you want them to meet your relative.171.You won a competition and received a vacation for two as a prize. Write a letter to invite a friend to go with you. In the letter - tell about the competition you won, - specify what kind of vacation it is, - explain why you want your friend to be there.172.You have been asked to organize a farewell party for a colleague who is leaving the company. Write a letter to your boss and say - what the date, time and venue of the event are. - recommend types of food to be served. - what kind of entertainment will be available.173.You found a small bag and want to return it to the owner. Please write a letter and say: - Where did you find it? - What is in the bag? - How do you want it to be collected?174.Write a letter to the owner of a cafe who has put some tables and chairs on the pavement, which are causing inconvenience to people walking by. In your letter include the following: - What are the problems this is causing? - Suggest some solutions. - What action will you take if required?175.Write a letter to a friend who has invited you to dinner, in your letter - Thank him for the invite, and suggest the exact date and time - Tell him who else will be with you - Describe the hotel location176.You have purchased a new electronic item last week, but it has arrived damaged. Write a letter to the shop manager to complain about this. In your letter explain - What was the product? - What was the fault? - What do you ask the manager to do?177.Write a letter to a friend saying that you are moving to an English speaking country. Ask if he/she is interested in furniture that you want to give away and explain how to pick it up.178.You were invited to a British friends marriage, but you are unable to attend the wedding. Write a letter explaining - why you couldnt attend it, - what is your plan to make it up to them - when you will meet instead.179.Your English speaking friend is moving to your neighborhood with his/her children and wants some information about the local school. Write a letter to him/her, in your letter - Explain about the school and its facilities. - Give your opinion about the school. - Explain why his/her children will enjoy this school.180.You have just arrived in a foreign country on a business trip. You faced a problem at the airport. Write a letter to the airport manager regarding the problem you had. In your letter - identify yourself and state your flight number, - explain what problem you had at the airport, - suggest an improvement that should be made to the airport to prevent the problem.181.You are on a business trip and stayed at a hotel. Unfortunately you left something behind in your hotel room. Write a letter to the manager, in your letter please include the following: a. details of your stay. b. details of what you left. c. what you want the manager to do. 182.You recently visited a foreign country and got some information at the Tourist Information Center. The information given to you was wrong. Write a letter to the center manager and explain - What was the information required? - How was the wrong information provided? - What problems did you have because of this?183.You are getting married. Write a letter to an English-speaking friend to invite him/her to the wedding. In your letter - describe who you are going to marry, - tell what will happen on the wedding day (the schedule), - explain why its important him/her to be at the wedding.184.You have arranged a plan for travel and accommodation for your friends. Write a letter to them and - remind them about the plans, - give them the details of accommodation, - suggest what things they should bring to the trip.185.Write a letter to the manager of a TV company about uncomfortable timing of the new program that has recently started. In your letter - write why you like that program, - why the new timing is not comfortable, - what changes you would like them to make.186.In the area where do you live there are not enough sport facilities. Write a letter to district executive committee. In your letter - describe the problem with sport facilities, - write what you think they should do to solve this problem, - write how important it is for people your age.187.You have recently moved into an apartment that you just rented and you realized that there are some problems. Write a letter to your landlord, and - tell your landlord what you like about the place, - describe the problems, - suggest solutions to the problems.188.Write a letter to an English friend who has just moved to a new home recently. As a friend you are thinking to give him/her a gift. In your letter - describe your present - say why you choose this present - explain how you are going to send him/her the present.189.Write a letter about problems with your rental property to the owner. 190.Write a letter to a singer and invite him / her to your celebration. In you letter - tell him / her about the event, - invite him / her to your party, - explain why you want to have him/ her at this party, - ask to sing a particular song. 191.You are a college student in an English speaking country. Write a letter containing your intention to move to a college accommodation. In your letter - introduce yourself - give reasons why you are not happy with your current accommodation, - explain why you think the college accommodation will be better.192.There will be a traditional celebration in your country and you want to invite your friend from an English-speaking country. Write him/her a letter and - invite your friend, - explain what happens at the party, - describe the tradition and why its important in your country, - say why it is important for your friend to be there.193.Write a letter to your landlord who wants to increase your rent. In your letter - introduce yourself, - explain about your current situation and what you want your landlord to do, - say what you will do if the rent will be increased.194.You are leaving your flat and going away for a period of time. Write a letter to your flat-mate about your keys that you left somewhere inside your flat. In your letter say - why you had to leave and describe the location of your keys, - how long you will be away, - what you want him to do when you come back.195.You read a job advertisement for the Childrens Care association. They need volunteers (to work without pay). Write a letter to the organization and say - why you think you fit that job, - what interests you in this job, - how soon you are available to join.196.Write a letter to a restaurant manager complaining about the food and the service during your recent visit when you dined in with your family on a special occasion. In your letter: - Describe the problems that you had, - Say what were the consequences of these problems, - Specify an action you would like the manager to take.197.You have recently bought some sports equipment recommended by a shop assistant. However, you found a problem while using it. Write a letter to the shop manager, saying - when and what equipment you bought, - what was the problem with it, - what you want him/her to do about it.198.You bought a new magazine. The editor of the magazine asked every subscriber to give feedback. Write a letter to the editor that includes the following: - an explanation why you bought the magazine, - what you liked and disliked about it, - what kind of improvements you would recommend. 199.You were looking after your friends house while he was out of the country. Accidentally, you broke something in the house. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter - describe what happened, - describe the damage, - explain how you are planning to compensate your friend.200.As a part of a promotion, a company is holding a competition and the prize is a computer. The person, who writes the best letter to the manager, wins the prize. Write a letter in order to participate in the competition, in your letter include: - what your current position is (or your situation), - what you would do with this prize, - how this prize can help your future.201.You have arranged a meeting with your business partner. Unfortunately you have to change the arrangements. Write a letter to your partner, in the letter - explain the new arrangements, - apologize for changes, - explain the reasons why changes were needed.202.You were sent to a training to another country and are doing a course. You wish to stay there for longer than was planned. Write a letter to your boss, in your letter - say what you gained from the training, - explain why you wish to stay longer, and - how much longer you wish to stay.203.Your company has sent you to an English-speaking country to do a course. You have finished it and got a certificate, which unfortunately you have lost. Write a letter to the college principal to request a duplicate certificate, in that letter include - an explanation of how you lost the certificate, - tell them why the certificate is important to you, and - what you want them to do.204.You have ordered a book by post from a mail order company, the book hasnt arrived yet. Write a letter to the manager of the company, in your letter say a) what the content of your order was, . b) what the problem is and how important that book is to you, c) what steps you would like the company to take regarding your order.205.Write a letter to a friend who is visiting in your country the first time. Tell them the best time of year to come, what places they could visit and invite them to meet your family.206.You have recently done a short-term course in an English-speaking country and found one of the teachers to be very good. Write a letter to that teacher to - thank her/him, - say why you liked his/her lessons, - say what your further plan of study is.207.Government plans to construct an airport in your locality. Write a letter to the authority, in your letter a) explain where did you come to know from about this news, b) describe the negative effects of the airport construction, c) ask to consider alternative site for the construction.208.Write a letter to your classmate, to tell them: - that you have broken your leg, - thank them for the card and presents youve received, - explain what you are doing in your spare time, - and how you have been recovering.210.Write to the owner of the bag youve found. In your letter tell him - where you have found it, - what it contains, - how to contact you to get it back.211.Write a letter to a cinema manager you have previously been to regarding a problem you had, in your letter mention - which movie was it and when you saw it, - what the problem was, - suggest what the manager should do to rectify the problem.212.Write a letter to a friend who invited you to visit them in their country. In your letter a. Express your appreciation of the invitation. b. Write the date of your visit. c. Write about the things you want to do there.213.Write a letter to one of your classmates and invite him/her to a class reunion. Please include in your letter: - when and where is the party, - give some details about what is going to happen at the party, - tell him/her what you have been doing recently.214.You live in an English speaking country and you want to do some voluntary work (not paid). Write a letter to the local council to let them know the following: - Why you want to do the voluntary work. - What your skills and experience are. - What can you do as a volunteer.215.You are working in a company. You would like to join a training course related to your work. Write a letter to your employer, in your letter - describe what course you would like to do - how this course might help in your work - suggest suitable time for you to do this course.216.You just graduated from a course at a training school and you have to send feedback to them. Write a letter to the training school, include the following: - the details of the training course, - what you enjoyed in the course, - what should be improved in the course.217.Write a letter to your supervisor regarding a course you attended as a part of your job. In your letter include the following: - explain purpose of your letter, - say how the course was useful to you, - what are your suggestions regarding the course.218.You have finished a course. Write a letter to the course organizer to give your feedback. In your letter include: - the details of the course, - what you enjoyed during the course, - any suggestions you would have.219.Write a letter to one of your English-speaking friends, who is coming to visit you. You were supposed to meet him/her at the airport. Due to some reasons you are not able to meet him/her. In your letter explain: - the reason why you are not able to meet him / her, - how he/she can get to your house, - what you have arranged for him/her during his/her stay.220.You and your family have just rented an apartment and one or two problems occurred. Write a letter to the landlord. Describe the problems and tell him what you want him to do.221.Write a letter to your English speaking friend who is visiting you soon and asking you what presents would your family like. In your letter explain: - who your family consists of, - what kind of presents each member would like, - how you feel about your friend coming to visit.222.You are about to start social meetings in a particular area, where people from different nationalities can take part. Write a letter to the news editor of the local newspaper, requesting him to publish information about this. Include the following: - what activities you have planned, - when the first meeting takes place and where.223.Write a letter to a friend that you cant collect from the airport, as you have promised, because of some reason. In your letter - explain why you cant come, - guide them regarding other options to get to your home, - describe the plans/visits you made to show them around when your friend arrives.224.Write a letter to a travel agent expressing your dissatisfaction with their facilities due to a problem you had on your holiday.225.You are attending a part-time course in college, due to some problem you couldnt continue your course. Write a letter to your teacher, where you - describe the course, - explain the problem, - explain the reason for not continuing, tell the teacher about your future plans when you will continue the course.226.You would like to work for a company abroad. Write a letter to an employment agency, saying: - what kind of company you want to work for, - why you want to work there and why, - why you want to work abroad.227.You are not satisfied with the changing room in the sports center that you visit. Write a letter to the manager, in your letter say: - what the problem is, - how you feel about this problem, - what steps you want the manager to take.228.You have heard that your company is organizing a language training abroad for a limited number of participants. Write a letter of interest, in your letter - state your position in the company, - explain why they should include you in the list, - explain how the training could benefit your work and/or the company.229.Write a letter to the airport flight manager about missing a business trip due to an accident that happened at the airport. Explain: - what happened at the airport, - what was the result of missing the flight, - what you want them to do.230.A construction company is building new shops next to your apartment and it is disturbing you. Write a letter to a construction company manager: - tell him who you are, - say what exactly is disturbing you, - let the manager know what you want him to do regarding this situation.231.You are a football player, but you have to leave the team for a while, write a letter to your team-mate and say: - why you have to leave, - how much you love the football team, - when you are coming back.232.Write a letter to a sports club, tell them that you are not satisfied with the service and have already let them know about it. In your letter state: - What exactly is wrong with the service, - What happened after your complained the first time, - What you want the club to do after your letter.233.Write a letter to local council regarding the plan of replacement of a library with a supermarket, you need to write the following: - where do you get this information, - the disadvantages of having a supermarket instead of the library, - importance of the library.234.A semi-formal letter to your neighbor complaining about her animals. Your neighbor keeps pets in the garden so that the animals create problem for you and your family. Write a letter for your neighbor about the situation. Include the following information: - who you are, - describe the problem, - your suggestion how to solve the problem.235.Train service in your area is reduced. Write a letter to the train company, including the following: - Explain how it affects you, - Describe your situation, - Tell the train company what you would like them to do.236.Your telephone company made a mistake about sending your bill to a wrong address. Write a letter to the account manager to complain and explain what problems were caused by this and what you would like them to do.237.You have just arrived in an English speaking country to study a course. Before you left, your English teacher invited you to a dinner. Write a letter to him describing your present situation. In your letter include the following: - Thank him for the dinner. - Tell about your studies. - Say how his advice helped you.238.You have planned to study in Australia. You have sent a letter to a college, but you have not received a reply from the college.Write a letter to the college principal. In your letter, you should - give details of the course that you wished to do, - say why do you choose to study at the college, - say why do you need the reply soon.239.Write a letter to the principal of a college in which you got accepted and say that you cannot start your course. Please include in your letter: - Which course had you applied for? - Why cannot you start? - Ask about the future courses availability.240.Write a letter to the manager of the hotel where you stayed about a member of staff who helped you solve a problem. In your letter - introduce yourself, - explain the situation, what was the problem and who fixed it, - offer to reward the person in a certain way.241.Write a letter to a English-speaking friend. Thank him(her) for the vacation spent there and for their help with your injury. Tell them about your trip back, and the effects of this injury.242.You have bought an airline ticket, but for some reason you will not be able to travel on the day scheduled. Write a letter to the airline company: - Providing the details of you flight, - Explaining the situation, reasons why you cannot travel, - Saying what you expect the airline company do to.243.You have recently left something in a train, write a letter to the manager of the Lost and Found department and specify: - when you lost it, - describe the object you have left, - tell the manager what you want them to do with it.244.You are planning to go on a holiday in an English-speaking country where one of your friends reside. Please write him a letter and let him know about the upcoming trip. In your letter: - Ask for recommendations for places to visit during your trip. - Ask about accommodations. - Advise on an program that you and your friend can do together once you will meet him.245.Write a letter to your professor about your recent internship and future plans after graduation. In your letter - Thank him, - Tell about your duties at internship, - Share your plans for after graduation.246.Write a complaint letter to a moving company, let them know that they have damaged some of your furniture, tell them you`re not happy about the service and suggest a solution. 247.You have just arrived in an English speaking country to study a course. Before you left your English teacher invited you to a dinner. Write a letter to him describing your present situation. In your letter include the following a) Thank him for the dinner. b) Tell about your studies. c) Tell how his advices helped you.248.You have been invited by your colleague to his farewell party. You are not able to attend the party, write a letter to the friend - explain the situation, - say why you are not attending, - say something about the period you have worked together and his/her work.249.Write a letter to the head of the department of education to show your appreciation of a course you attended. In you letter - explain about the course, - how have the course benefited you in your life/work.250.Write a letter to a friend and ask him / her to look after your house in your absence, give reasons for your travel and any specific instructions / requests.251.Write a letter to a park authority about damage being made to the facilities of the park.252.An English speaking friend is working at your hometown. He/she is planning to visit another town in your home country. Write a letter to him and make suggestions for his / her trip.253.You have invited your English-speaking friend to a family wedding and reserved a room at the hotel for him/her as you agreed before. You wont be able to meet him/her at the airport. Write a letter to your friend, describing: - the reason why you cant meet him/her, - how he/she can get to the hotel from the airport, - the hotel where you made the reservation.254.A friend of yours has decided to come and visit you in one month. Unfortunately, it will not be possible. Write a letter and a. Apologize. b. Explain why it will not be possible and suggest an alternative.255.Write a letter to your friend overseas, invite them to a party and explain how to get to your home.256.You received a letter from your friend informing you that his elderly parents are coming to visit in your area and he is asking for your advice on - which places they should visit, - where should they live, - invite them to do something with you.257.Your close friend has a new born baby. Write a letter for her/him and say: - congratulations, - tell about your gift & explain why you have chosen it, - suggest a time for your visit.258.An Australian company offers money to foreign students to study in Australia. Write a letter to the company. 1. Introduce yourself. 2. Say what do you want to study. 3. How the money will help you.259.An Australian company offers money to foreign students to study in Australia. Write a letter to the company. 1. Introduce yourself. 2. Say what do you want to study. 3. How the money will help you.260.Your friend bought tickets to the theater for both of you. Write a letter to a friend to tell him that you can not go to theater, in your letter - Apologize, - Explain the situation, - Tell him what he can do with the extra ticket.261.A friend had a new born baby, you have picked up a present for the and want to visit to give it to him / her. Write a letter to 1. Congratulate your friend. 2. Tell him why you picked up the mentioned present. 3. Suggest arrangements for the visit.262.You are living in an English speaking country and the restaurant near you is making a lot of noise. Write a letter to the restaurant owner.Cover the following: - tell restaurant owner to reduce the noise levels. - suggest a solution to fix the problem. - warn that if this problem remains not solved then further action will be taken.263.You are going to leave your apartment in an English speaking country and your landlord is a very good person, who has assisted you a lot during your stay. Meanwhile, your friend wants to rent the flat after you. Write a letter to your landlord and - let your landlord know about your leaving, - thank your landlord for his/her help, - tell him/her about your friend.264.You are shifting out of your accommodation. You think the place is suitable for your English speaking colleague who is arriving next month. Write a letter to your colleague 1. Explain why you are shifting out. 2. Describe your accommodation 3. Why is it suitable for your friend? 265.You work in an international company. Write a letter to the manager to give you some time off, in your letter include the following: - The reason why you need the time off, - When you need the time off, - Who should replace you when you are not around. 266.As an evening class student, your teacher gave you an essay assignment for the weekend. You could not complete the essay on time. Write a letter with inclusion of following: - the subject of your essay - the reason you could not finish it due to. - how and when you will finish it.267.You have an evening class and your teacher gave you an essay to work on for the weekend. However, you were not able to finish the essay. Write a letter saying the following: - outline the subject of your essay - what happened why you did not finished it - tell what you will do to finish it.268.Write a letter to your English-speaking friend telling him/her about a local event that is to take place in your town, which would be useful to her/him. In your letter - Mention the event - What are the activities involved - Mention the arrangements you would make for his/her stay269.You have been offered a job overseas that you applied for. Write a letter to your friend who already knows about that job as well - tell what kind of job is it - explain why you applied for this job - ask your friend about the country270.A sports club in your area is about to be closed and you oppose to that. Write a letter to the manager and make suggestions why it is important that the club stays open.