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A simple step-by-step approach to writing the IELTS Academic Task 1 essay IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 Workout Graphs/Tables/Charts Pearl Kempton, MA English/TESOL

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A simple step-by-step approach to writing

the IELTS Academic Task 1 essay



Writing Task

1 Workout Graphs/Tables/Charts

Pearl Kempton, MA English/TESOL

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Copyright © 2013 Pearl Kempton

Overview of Task 1

You are presented with data in one or more graphs/ tables/ charts/ diagrams and are

asked to describe and summarize the information by selecting and reporting the

main features, and making comparisons where relevant. Remember, you are not

just describing what you see in the graph. You are analyzing and explaining

meaningful information from the data you see in the graph.

You must write at least 150 words. Aim for completing this task in 20 minutes.

You are scored in 4 areas:

Task Achievement

Do you address all points of the question? Do you present a clear overview of the main trends or features and compare relevant information?

Coherence & Cohesion

Do your ideas flow logically and are they linked together? Are your main ideas supported well?

Lexical Resources

Do you use a range of vocabulary for the topic and for describing patterns and trends?

Grammatical Structure & Accuracy

Do you write a variety of sentence structures?

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4- Paragraph Structure to follow for any graph/chart/table:

Write 150 words minimum. Aim for about 7 – 10 sentences.

NOTE: You do not need a concluding paragraph since your overview paragraph (2nd

paragraph) already summarizes the main points. Why do we put this as the 2nd


Because it’s central to your answer and essay, it helps you organize your

ideas right away when you’re planning your essay. It also makes it much

easier to write the last two detail paragraphs because you already know what

you have to write.

It explains things clearly for your reader and gives them an overview

understanding straight away of the data.

Strategically for time, you will have written the most important part of the

essay, just in case you were to run out of time. If you were to leave it for the

last paragraph and not finish it, you would cut out the most crucial part of this


•1 sentence that paraphrases the title of the graph/chart/table

1st Paragraph: Introduction

•2 - 3 sentences that state 2 main features/trends/patterns

2nd Paragraph: Overview/Summary

•2 - 4 sentences that state relevant and important data to support 1st main feature

3rd Paragraph: Detail Paragraph #1

•2 - 4 sentences that state relevant and important data to support 2nd main feature

4th Paragraph: Detail Paragraph #2

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7 Step Approach:

1. Read the task question carefully and underline key words. Look carefully

at the graph/chart/table, taking note of the labels and making sure you

understand the data and units of measurement.

2. Identify TWO main features/trends/patterns that are significant and jump

out at you.

You will highlight these two features. Think of how you can divide your

information by these two features. Look at data that show:

a. highs/lows; smallest/largest; peaks/lowest points

b. similar or different trends/patterns

c. contrasting (opposite) trends/patterns

d. slowest vs. fastest; steady vs. fluctuations in growth/decline

e. cross-overs; data surpassing other data

3. Choose the most relevant data and details to highlight for each main

feature/trend. You do not have to write about every point/data in the graph or

chart if there is a lot of data given, but you should probably start with

beginning numbers, the middle or peak/dip, cross-over points, and the ending


4. Write a quick introduction. This is one sentence that paraphrases the Task

question and title/labels of the graph. Avoid copying the task question word for

word – you will lose points for this.

5. Write your overview/summary paragraph. This clearly highlights the main

trends/features/patterns of the chart or graph. This is especially important in

getting a high score band because it shows that you can explain meaningful

information from the graph, rather than just describing the data.

6. Write your first detail paragraph of the first feature.

7. Write your second detail paragraph of the second feature.

Write detail paragraphs (5 mins


Write overview/summary paragraph (3 mins)

Write introduction (2 mins)

Read Task & Identify 2 main

features - Planning (5 mins)

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Example with One Graph/Chart/Table

Task 1

Spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The following chart shows the average house prices in Auckland by suburb in 2007

and 2012.

Write a summary of the information. Select and report the main features, and make

comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

House Prices in Auckland by Suburbs 2007 & 2012

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7 Step Approach:

1) Underline key words and read carefully. Look at labels carefully.

Here’s the task question again:

The following chart shows the average house prices in Auckland by suburb in 2007

and 2012.

2) Look for 2 main trends or features that stand out to you

Straight away I look at the highs and lows. I’ll divide the suburbs based on high

value suburbs (over 500K) and low value suburbs (under 500K). It’s a quick and

easy way to divide the information. The main trends that I’ve noticed are:

The high value suburbs that are above the $500,000 mark (Auckland North –

Albany & Birkenhead, Auckland Central – Eastern Suburbs, Auckland Central-

Mt Eden/Epsom) have dropped significantly in the 5 years

The low value suburbs well below the 500K level (Auckland Central City,

Auckland West, and Auckland South) have dropped in value only slightly in

comparison. In fact, I notice one low value suburb (Auckland Central City)

actually increased in value.

3) Choose the most relevant details to include. In particular I will write about

the huge drop in the Auckland Central - Eastern Suburbs and Mt Eden/Epsom

suburbs. I’ll also take note of the only rise in value for City Central.

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4) Write a quick introduction. This is a paraphrase of the graph labels and task

question. Indicate time periods and key labels. Have a look again:


The following chart shows the average house prices in Auckland by

suburb in 2007 and 2012.

House Prices in Auckland by Suburbs 2007 & 2012

I’ll paraphrase the task question and the title/labels that I circled in blue and write

one sentence:

The bar chart compares the changes in average house prices for the

North, Central, West and South suburbs of Auckland in 2007 and 2012.

Take note: I’ve added the larger suburb names to be more descriptive and specific

in the introduction, but I didn’t use all the small sub-names – I’ll save those for the

detail paragraphs. I’ve also indicated that there is a comparison between the two


Good synonyms to use in the introduction for Task 1:

Chart / graph/ table/ bar chart

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Shows/ illustrates/ compares/provides information/ represents/ provides data

5) Write the overview/summary paragraph.

This should be 2 – 3 sentences. For the first sentence, I’ll write about the overall

trend of prices that I see as they have mostly declined from 2007 to 2012. I’ll then

write about the two trends that I identified about the high value and low value

suburbs and what the patterns are for each one.

(1) Overall, average house prices declined from 2007 to 2012. (2) Prices

in higher value suburbs of averages well above 500K dropped

significantly, whereas prices in lower value areas decreased

comparatively little, with the exception of one that rose slightly.

As you can see, I only wrote 2 sentences. Take note of the highlighted cohesive

devices that hold it together and clearly show the relationship of the 2 trends I

identified (they are different).

6) Write your detail paragraph for the first trend. Clearly state the most

significant numbers (biggest drop in value).

The affluent Auckland-North and Auckland-Central suburbs experienced

the most significant drops in prices. In particular, Eastern Suburbs lost

the most value of nearly 100K from 829K to 730,500 by 2012. Following

close behind was Mt Eden/Epsom, which lost roughly 150K to reach

577K in 2012, and Albany which lost around 70K ending at 590,000.

I wrote 3 sentences here. Note the vocabulary for describing movement (p.15):

Experienced significant drops = lost

Note some other vocabulary used here:

Affluent = wealthy

Following closed behind = introductory participial phrase

In particular, = specifically

Roughly, around = use approximations when you’re not using exact numbers

7) Write your detail paragraph for the second trend. Combine trends if

possible so include the suburb that actually rose in value with the low

value suburbs.

(1)In comparison, averages in low value suburbs declined only slightly.

(2)Auckland-West and Auckland-South, which were valued in the mid to

high 300Ks dipped about 30 – 40 K respectively. (3) Conversely,

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Auckland Central City, which had the lowest house value in 2007 at

312K, was the only suburb to actually increase in value, reaching 356,

250 in 2012.

I wrote 3 sentences here. The first sentence states a clear overall contrast

with high value suburbs. The second sentence gives data. The third sentence

gives details/data about the only suburb that increased in value. Take note of

vocabulary & cohesive devices I used here:

In comparison – to show its relationship to the other trend

Dipped – to lower or decline

Conversely - an adverb that introduces a statement that shows the


Respectively – this refers to the order of information previously given

to be the same order as information following

Final Essay:

The bar chart compares the changes in average house prices for the North, Central,

West and South suburbs of Auckland in 2007 and 2012.

Overall, average house prices declined from 2007 to 2012. Prices in higher value

suburbs of averages well above 500K dropped significantly, whereas prices in lower

value areas decreased comparatively little, with the exception of one that rose


The affluent Auckland-North and Auckland-Central suburbs experienced the most

significant drop in prices. In particular, Eastern Suburbs lost the most value of nearly

100K from 829,000 to 730,500 by 2012. Following close behind were Mt Eden/

Epsom, which lost roughly 150K to reach 577,000 in 2012, and Albany which lost

roughly 70K ending at 590,000.

In comparison, averages in low value suburbs declined only slightly. Auckland-West

and Auckland-South, which were valued in the mid to high 300Ks dipped about 30 –

40 K respectively. Conversely, Auckland Central City, which had the lowest house

value in 2007 at 312,000, was the only suburb to actually increase in value, reaching

356,250 in 2012.

(172 words; 8 sentences)

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Example with 2 or more Graphs / Charts / Tables

Spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The following show the world traffic volume measured in passenger-kilometres by

mode of transport. Write a summary of the information. Select and report the main

features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

World Traffic Volume

53% 29%



1990 - 23.4 trillion pkm




High-speed Transport





2020 - 53 trillion pkm




High-speed Transport





2050 - 103 trillion pkm




High-speed Transport

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7 Step Approach:

1) Underline key words and read carefully. Look at labels carefully.

2) Look for 2 main trends or features that stand out to you. Here’s what I see

straight away:

Green circles: Straight away I can see that the total volume nearly doubles

every 30 years.

Pink circles: I can see these modes of transport (automobiles, buses, and

railways) are projected to decrease.

Yellow circles: I can see this mode of transport (high-speed transport) is

projected to increase.

Take note of labels: pkm = passenger-kilometres

I’ll combine the information that increases together (circled in green & yellow) as one

trend, so I’ll have two trends to write about.

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3) Choose the most relevant details to include. As there are only 4

categories, I’ll include all of them. Since there is only one category that

increases, I’ll combine that information with the overall traffic increasing into

one detail paragraph. The other paragraph will be about the other modes of

transport that decrease.

4) Write a quick introduction. This is a paraphrase of the graph labels and task

question. Indicate time periods and key labels. Have a look at the question:

The following show the world traffic volume measured in passenger-

kilometres by mode of transport. Write a summary of the information.

Select and report the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

I’ll paraphrase the task question and the title/labels and write one sentence:

The pie charts show the volume of global traffic measured in passenger-

kilometres based on 4 major modes of transportation from 1990 to projections

for 2020 and 2050.

Take note:

I paraphrased “volume of global traffic” for “world traffic volume”

I added that the charts are based on 4 modes of transportation (that I got

from the labels)

I indicated the years. I also specified there are projections all in one


5) Write the Overview/Summary Paragraph

This should be 2 – 3 sentences. I’ll start with the overall trend of the passenger-

kilometres. Then I’ll contrast the different modes of transportation that increase and


Overall, it is clear that the total traffic volume is estimated to balloon in the

next 40 years. In particular, higher speed transport will increase in popularity,

while traditional modes of transportation are projected to decline significantly.

I wrote 2 sentences. Take note of the highlighted cohesive devices that hold it

together and clearly show the relationship of the 2 trends I identified (they are

different). Some vocabulary to show the future:

To be projected to (verb) (i.e. projected to decline)

To be estimated to (verb) (i.e. estimated to balloon)

To be expected to (verb) (i.e. estimated to nearly double)

Will (verb) (i.e. will increase)

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6) Write your detail paragraph for the first trend. Clearly state the most

significant numbers (biggest drop in value).

Traffic volume is estimated to nearly double every 30 years, from 23.4

trillion pkm in 1990, to 53 trillion in 2020, reaching 103 trillion by 2050. High-

speed transport, which had only 9% market share in 1990, will become the

most used mode of transport at 41% by 2050.

I wrote 2 sentences - one to talk about the overall trend and the second one to

address the growth of high-speed transportation. I included most of the data

numbers, making sure I included the numbers for the beginning of the period

(1990) and the final period (2050).

7) Write your detail paragraph for the second trend. Clearly state the

numbers in terms of how much they have dropped and vary how you

state it.

On the other hand, traditional modes are projected to decline, with the most

noticeable drop in use of automobiles, which will lose roughly 20% market

share from 53% in 1990 to 35% in 2050. Similarly, buses will lose about half

its share from 9% to a scant 4%. Railways will also drop from 29% to 20% in


Take note:

Use of prepositional phrases as adverbs: “with the most noticeable drop in

use of automobiles”

Scant (adj) = slight, barely sufficient in amount or quantity

Vocabulary to deal with percentages = “about half”

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My Final Essay:

The pie charts show the volume of global traffic measured in passenger-kilometres

based on 4 major modes of transportation from 1990 to projections for 2020 and


Overall, it is clear that the total traffic volume will balloon by 2050. In particular, high

speed transport will greatly increase in popularity, while traditional modes of

transportation are expected to decline significantly.

Traffic volume is estimated to nearly double every 30 years, from 23.4 trillion pkm in

1990, to 53 trillion in 2020, reaching 103 trillion by 2050. High-speed transport, which

had only 9% market share in 1990, will become the most used mode of transport at

41% by 2050.

On the other hand, traditional modes are projected to decline, with the most

noticeable drop in use of automobiles, which will lose roughly 20% market share

from 53% in 1990 to 35% in 2050. Similarly, buses will lose about half its share from

9% to a scant 4%. Railways will also lose nearly 10% from 29% to 20% in 2050.

(168 words; 8 sentences)


Task achievement

I gave a clear overview of meaningful information and supported it with accurate details.

Coherence and cohesion

Because I planned out my essay, it flows logically and each paragraph is clearly centred around a main topic. I used cohesive devices appropriately (not too many and not too little).

Lexical Range

I used a range of high-level vocabulary – both in describing movements & trends as well as topical vocabulary regarding transportation.

Grammatical Structure &


I used complex sentence structures and wrote a variety of sentences.

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Additional Resources on Vocabulary

Transitional Words/Cohesive Devices useful for Task 1 essays


Useful Vocabulary


Also, and, in addition, furthermore, moreover, what is more, not only . . . but also, as well as

Comparing and contrasting

In comparison, whereas, while, meanwhile, however, but, although, on the other hand, in contrast, on the contrary, conversely

Highlight Significance

In particular, particularly, especially, specifically


First, second (etc.), next, then, finally, before, after, when, during, from that point, from then on, from there, until then, until that point, initially, following this, while, meanwhile

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Useful words that describe movement, patterns or trends

Meaning of a Movement/Trend




Go up/ to become a great number (upwards trend)

rise increase; growth; swell; jump; peak spike a high of ;

rose increased grew; swelled; jumped peaked; reached/hit a peak soared, surged, spiked skyrocketed doubled (2x) tripled (3x) ballooned

Go down/ to become lesser in number (downwards trend)

decline decrease dip drop fall

declined decreased dipped; took a dip dropped fell plunged plummeted hit a low bottomed out

Stay the same

stability plateau

stabilized remained stable/steady plateaued levelled out/off

Go up and down

fluctuation; varied

fluctuated, varied

To pass another level/point

surpassed overtook exceeded

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Words that describe the extent and manner of the

movement or trend

Large extent of movement

Small extent of movement





significantly significant slightly slight

dramatically dramatic Insignificantly insignificant

considerably considerable small; little; minor; scant

notably notable negligibly negligible

markedly marked slowly slow

sharply sharp

hugely; massively huge; massive

massively massive

rapidly; quickly rapid; quick/fast

Manner of movement



steady steadily

constant constantly

consistent consistently

moderate moderately

regular regularly

frequent frequently

sporadic sporadically