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710 Generating Document Clusters Using Thesauri and Neural Networks Jennifer Farkas Industry Canada Centre for InformationTechnology Innovation (CITI) 1575 Chomedey Boulevard Laval, QuCbec, H7V 2x2 e- mail: jfarkas@ ci ti.doc .CA June 30,1994 Abstract In this paper, we describe the use of thesauri and neural networks for the classification of lexically similar natural language documents. We discuss the effect of extending the usual keyword representa- tion of documents to a weighted, thesaurally-based, representation using relations amongkeywords. We present some experimental results obtained from a neural network prototype that uses Kohonen’s self- organizing map paradigm (cf. [5]). 1 Introduction Automatic document classification by means of clustering is an active and challenging field of re- search. Recently, researchers have begun to investi- gate to what extent the pattem recognition power of neural networks can be exploited for this purpose [2. 3. I I]. In [l I], for example, a recurrent con- nectionist network is used to classify library books based on input of their rifles. In [2, 31, it is shown that the back propagation learning algorithm can also be used to build afUU-taz document-classifying neural network. Nevertheless, most applications of thls technology to information processing have, until now. been concerned with problems related collections of textual material. Its aim was to sat- isfy user queries by retrieving only query-relevant documents from these collections. In [7], Lin et al., used Kohonen’s feature map to construct a self- organizing semantic map for information retrieval. Others such as MacLoed 181 and Deogun et al. [l] have attempted to break classification bottlenecks by using clustering algorithms to achieve a seman- tic grouping of documents. In this paper, we go beyond the retrievalproblem and describe a system that facilitates document re- trieval through structured storage. In particular, we sketch the main features of a prototype of an auto- matic document classificationsystem, called Pro- File. that is capable of classifying full-text docu- ments relative to a targeted document clustering on the basis of a controlled domain-specific vocabulary and thesaural relations. Retrieval is managed and controlled by mathematical similaritymeasures that provide a metric structure for the underlying doc- ument space (cf. [4]) that measure the semantic overlap of different documents. ProFile was developed using three fundamental components: 1. An ISO-type thesaurus constructed from se- mantic relationships between keywords to pro- vide a context for term phrases. to informarion renimul. In [61. Kwok. for exam- ple. built a neural network for probabilistic infor- mation retrieval to facilitate the processing of large 2. The Kohonen self-organizing learning map to find appropriate relationships among input pat- tems.

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Generating Document Clusters Using Thesauri and Neural Networks

Jennifer Farkas Industry Canada

Centre for Information Technology Innovation (CITI) 1575 Chomedey Boulevard Laval, QuCbec, H7V 2x2

e- mail: jfarkas@ ci ti.doc .CA

June 30,1994


In this paper, we describe the use of thesauri and neural networks for the classification of lexically similar natural language documents. We discuss the effect of extending the usual keyword representa- tion of documents to a weighted, thesaurally-based, representation using relations among keywords. We present some experimental results obtained from a neural network prototype that uses Kohonen’s self- organizing map paradigm (cf. [5]).

1 Introduction

Automatic document classification by means of clustering is an active and challenging field of re- search. Recently, researchers have begun to investi- gate to what extent the pattem recognition power of neural networks can be exploited for this purpose [2. 3. I I]. In [l I], for example, a recurrent con- nectionist network is used to classify library books based on input of their rifles. In [2, 31, it is shown that the back propagation learning algorithm can also be used to build afUU-taz document-classifying neural network. Nevertheless, most applications of thls technology to information processing have, until now. been concerned with problems related

collections of textual material. Its aim was to sat- isfy user queries by retrieving only query-relevant documents from these collections. In [7], Lin et al., used Kohonen’s feature map to construct a self- organizing semantic map for information retrieval. Others such as MacLoed 181 and Deogun et al. [l] have attempted to break classification bottlenecks by using clustering algorithms to achieve a seman- tic grouping of documents.

In this paper, we go beyond the retrieval problem and describe a system that facilitates document re- trieval through structured storage. In particular, we sketch the main features of a prototype of an auto- matic document classification system, called Pro- File. that is capable of classifying full-text docu- ments relative to a targeted document clustering on the basis of a controlled domain-specific vocabulary and thesaural relations. Retrieval is managed and controlled by mathematical similarity measures that provide a metric structure for the underlying doc- ument space (cf. [4]) that measure the semantic overlap of different documents.

ProFile was developed using three fundamental components:

1. An ISO-type thesaurus constructed from se- mantic relationships between keywords to pro- vide a context for term phrases.

to informarion renimul. In [61. Kwok. for exam- ple. built a neural network for probabilistic infor- mation retrieval to facilitate the processing of large

2. The Kohonen self-organizing learning map to find appropriate relationships among input pat- tems.


3. The Euclidean distance measure to determine document similarity.

2 TheThesaurus The thesaurus underlying the ProFiZe prototype is based on a structure in which each tennis related to aset of broader tenns, aset of namwertenns, anda set of related terms in accordance with the semantic content of the document space. The thesaurus thus approximates a semantic interpretation of the texm phrases encountered in the document space. The motivation for the specific structure of the thesaurus used in the development of ProFile is the same as the purpose of thesauri in general, viz., to provide “a grouping, or classification, of terms used in a given topic area into categories known as thesaurus classes. As in the manual indexing case. thesauri can be used for language normalization purposes in order to replace an uncontrolled vocabulary by the controlled thesaurus category identifiers. When hi- erarchical relationships are supplied for the entries in a thesaurus in the form of broader or m o w e r terms, the indexing vocabulary can be expanded in various directions by adding these broader or nar- rower terms, or certain related terms, as may be the case.” (Salton [lo])

The document space from which ProFile was de- veloped consists of approximately 800 scientific ab- stracts taken from four different domains of the Zn- spec database. The documents were examined for their semantic content. and 92 characteristic terms were identified as preferred terms, and 122 as non- preferred terms. Using these terms, a thesaurus with broad terms (BT). narrow terms O. related terms (RT) and used-for terms (UF) was constructed. Re- lations such as USE and UF are used to standardize the keyword vocabulary. They define appropriate synonymity relations for ProFile.

3 The Architecture Using the relational structure on terms provided by the thesaurus, we introduced a weighting scheme fortenns, we interpreted all documents as numerical vectors suitable for neural network processing. The default weights assigned the broad terms, narrow terms and related terms were chosen to be, and 0.2 respectively. Contrary to the usual indexing practices. we assigned greater weight to the broad

terms than to the more specific m w terms, since our objective was document clustering rather than document retxieval.

3.1 The Vector Representation We began by indexing all terms of the thesaurus. This resulted in a list of tenns f l , .. . , ta. We then used this list to associate with each document D a vectur v (D) with 92 entries. We think of u ( D ) as the sum of the (numerical) vectors representing the thesaural terms in the document. The entries of u(D) express numerically the value of a thesaural term in the document. For each thesaural term t E D, the term vector u(t) is computed in three steps: The entries of u ( t ) are ail 0, except for the entry corresponding to the team t. That entry has as its value the frequency # ( f ) of occurrences of t in D.

Next we used the thesaural relationdps among terms to expand the vector u(f ) to a vector re1 (u(t)). We identified the broad terms, narrow terms and re- lated terms of a term r in the thesaurus and com- puted their weights by multiplying # ( t ) by the de- fault weights for these tenns. i.e., the frequencies of the broad terms are multiplied by 05, those of the m o w tems by 0.3, and those of the related t e m by 0.2. We replaced the zero entries corresponding to these terms in the vector u(r ) by these values.

Finally we added the vectors rel(u(t)) deter- mined by all thesaural terms f E D and normalized the vector using the Euclidean norm. We took the resulting vector v ( D ) to represent the document D.

3.2 The Kohonen Map

We designed a neural network that was able to clus- ter these representation vectors. We used the two- dimensional grids in the Kohonen layer of the self- organizing map and examined the degree to which an acceptable clustering could be achieved. Our work shows that the self-organizing learning map finds appropriate relationships among input patterns with the result that each document is actually as- signed to one of the neurons in the Kohonen layer. In this paradigm. documents are presented sequen- tially to the input layer. and learning is achieved by finding the best-matching neurons in the Kohonen layer. The pattern relationships and pattern clus- tering. i.e.. the semantic similarities of documents. can be read off the Kohonen layer. They provide

7 12

the basis for the clustering of the documents by the network.

Table 2: Documents to Centroids

3.3 Performance Measures We examined the result of using both 9 (a 3 x 3 grid) and 16 (a 4 x 4 grid) neurons. The input pat- tern to the Kohonen feature map consisted of the 92 values corresponding to the number of p r e f d terms in the thesaurus. As pointed out above, the Kohonen self-organizing learning map found the R- lationships between the input patterns and assigned each document to one of the neurons in the Kohonen layer. The 16-element network turned out to yield results considerably closer to our expected classifi- cation scheme than that of the 9element network. We therefore chose the 16-element class classifica- tion scheme for the development of PruFiZe.

33.1 'lhining Accuracy

In order to assess the performance of the network at different training stages, we used two measures: The average disrance of a document from the cen- troid of its (similarity) class, and the average dis- rance between (the centroids of) different classes. The average distance of a document from the cen- mid of its class gives us a good idea of the type of clustering within a class achieved by the net- work. The average distance between classes pro- vides a measure of the level of document separation achieved by the network. The goal is to train the net- work until a level of clustering has been achieved at which the clusters remain unchanged by further training, and where the distances between the doc- uments in a cluster remain constant.

The following tables show the clustering aggre- gates before training. after 2.000 training cycles. and after 4.000 training cycles. Tables 1 shows the initial random distribution of the training documents into the 16 classes C0-C 15. Table 2 shows the aver- age distance of the documents from the centroids of their respective classes. Table 3 shows the average distances between centroids of the different classes:

Table 1: Document Distribution

CO 0 C1: 142 C2: 2 C3: 2 C4: 139 C5: 157 C6: 57 C7: 20 C8: 2 C9: 1 C10: 16 Cl l : 119 C12: 0 C13: 13 C14 3 C15: 90

- 0.5728 0.2953 0.5788 0.6595 0.7467 0.6857 0.4615 0.7071 O.oo00 0.7406 0.6673 - 0.7910 0.6285 0.4089

Table 3: Centroids to Centroids

9.2028 2.1828 2.2383 2.2348 2.0613 2.0989 2.1046 2.1578 2.1491 2.3526 2.0947 1.9445 9.2028 2.0462 2.1590 2.2358

After 2,000 training cycles, ProFile had clustered the documents as follows:

Table 4: Document Distribution

CO 114 C1: 4 C2: 28 C3: 104 C 4 36 C5: 47 C 6 10 C7: 46 C8: 7 C 9 60 C10 25 C11: 15 C12: 128 C13: 10 C14 18 C15: 111

Table 5: Documents to Centroids

0.4367 0.5973 0.5763 0.1615 0.5149 0.7342 0.7452 0.5603 0.7323 0.3957 0.8964 0.7251 0.6094 0.6569 0.7638 0.3558

Table 6: Centroids to Centroids

0.9878 0.8959 0.8829 1.0237 0.9396 0.8569 0.8090 0.8926 0.8830 0.7463 0.7851 0.8624 1.0256 0.9779 0.8642 1.0707

After 4,000 training cycles, ProFile had reached a stable state in its training, since further training cy- cles produced the same clustering. The following tables show the final result:

Table 7: Document Distribution

CO: 150 C1: 44 C2: 29 C3: 129 C 4 6 C5: 9 C6: 18 C7: 26 C8: 5 C9: 60 C10: 27 C11: 7 C12: 108 C13: 22 C14: 14 C15: 109


Table 8:

0.5186 0.7274 0.607 1 0.5492

Table 9:

0.9902 0.9009 1 . O M 1.0171

Documents to Centroids

0.6974 0.6471 0.2843 0.8389 0.7279 0.4838 0.4110 0.8916 0.5711 0.7824 0.6353 03359

Centroids to Centroids

0.8865 0.8721 1.0105 0.8278 0.8742 0.9384 0,7371 0.7751 0.91 13 0.8599 0.9238 1.0561

4 Conclusion The system described in this paper contributes to our understanding of the extent to which a neural net- work can be expected to produce document clusters whose elements correspond to a measurable degree to our concept of semantic similarity.

The next step in ;the deveiopment of Profile will be to validate the described technology in an op- erational environment in a specific department of the Government of Canada. In particular, the clas- sification achieved by Profie will have to take into account the hierarchical structure of most document spaces. Thus we intend to enrich the system in var- ious forms in order to achieve semantically accept- able hierarchical partitions of real document spaces.

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