i jfeli^ig^f-'/^gion hom e a t » fores avenue. le »cller of kusabetlj avenue is) general...

V'TsSa. *&ts:Xi ss r *»S." ^x^" ' *-Jt "" jfeli^ig^f-'/^ ? .•='. -•r - -* * •" t « f- I -.**• CHROX ICJUE CKANFORD; THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. "1932 Sports School Bowd- with " For Fbns and Reports a K. Warner, chairman at the.Cen- ,tnl Belief 'oommlttee has Issued caU in Project to Drop Budget o«UMCeulndH«^ Committee to have Item for Athletics. , teji-'ssttitsJiYer-s*the meeting and _ item ror/AUUCOCT. «aeh bialam ^topotmnoe win b* Announcement at pisstomate In- .oooiMiwd. A t**port covering activi. terschdssUe athletics UttMhl|h «•» «lurlof, the past year and plans Iat school self-supportini was mad* at the * • ftttun wlttbe considered; Mr. War. to perfect the project ted th O S # Tta Omtna neltet Committee was Mr.-"ormed Mo years ago front represent*? w t« tites of more than thirty organisations with. m tb* township for tte purpose of ear- »» sat? K"tiJ? eh p pj t Mr. Towler stated the Oeneral o r - ' ltU t U a . organised by the h taU f th Mr. Towler stated the Oeneral o r g y ganbation U sending out letUn to aU f « f - Bloce t h r organtaaUoa of the parent* of Ugh school pupils, printlns ***» «Toup, <* whU* Mr. Warner Is SSo* XoTthe past fSTreSriTthe flwctorjh* Central Relief Oomnaltte. Board of Education tat made an an- na» been functioning u.an,au*Ulary jropriatlon of IUXKJ for athletics In the.•••ncy. budget each year. When the plan was I iat**ailaa&mmtimt*&fram needed, as there wa» UUle athletic to- terest In the school and teams were poorly supported by the public. There ' was some Question of the approptlsllon. H(rconUnned,~a.-manrfettr1t~»i»-w* . an expenditure directly ooncemed with ' educational mattei* as lnttrscholastte athletics rank as ortra-currlenJar «e- t t v l t i e s . . ••-•• •-••:, — • ' • - . • :•'-.•' • ' . ' After the athletic appropriation was granted, there was a rerivalln ath- letic Interest. .Mr.: Towler conUrwd. Championship teams hare been devel- oped, particularly In the p u t two yean and the school* sports program has at- tracted considerable pubile support, to - the extent that <"™Mnnr~'» of the 1 boardapproprttalon of 11,000 would, en- able the General OrgtnrtaMnn to roU up a tidy surplus. ' v •'••'"(.- "-', ' - . The explanatory letter to parents, Mr. • Towler explained.-points out that In the ' " " contests for only $1.00. while student tickets of ' mate. other-whoole-were-**-, der the plan being worked out by the General Organisation, with the. guid- ance of the board** athleUo the season ticket-rate-for-popfls-and the public alike wilt be (A utarkmf tU» year. With good nppoit antWpatWt from both pupUs »nd the pttbUe, the l~hld ^ athletic* s*U p plan~should f talning In the future. Mr. Towler de- clared. Por the present school year, he concluded, an appropriation of |806 may be needed from "the board, but - thereii-ilttle doubt; but what-the-«th»|laTgf O.O.P;-elephant nasbeen secur- program willj»rry Itself In the future.: ; The board approved the report of the Varied Program Will Be Of- '. fered on Grounds of Local -Post Tomorrow and Satur- _ d a y . . -•'./•- ••--'•. '.-". All prepartpry deUHg hsve been com- pleted for Cranford'* only circus this milni. to be presented toutoirow ev- ening and Saturday afternoon «nd ev- ening by Cranford Post So. Jia, Amer- ican Legion, on the -grounds of ths Le- gion home at » Forest avenue. Lee »Cller of KUsabetlJ avenue is) general chairman of the committee In charge rs of the post art assist- to various capacities. - Serend members ot the post Vfll na- clowns during the big-top tesUvltlei, while others will -be busy distributing meats, groceries, candy and other pitas; to J lioldtnr* of 1 * lucky* numbers, some will acts* Ibellyboomenand Uck- tiiePew for attiaMloni under tn»*lg top. 'Toes* win 1naudetrspe»»a«Ut In brHUant presentations of thrilling serial stunt*. Tumblers, acrobats and trained animals will also have their sharetothe program of the main ring. The oommlttee has announced that a ed. together:.wltti •« smsBer_eleptant which may represent third party dis- senters, as well as DemocraUc donkeys, athletio coraaittee^ and endorsed-the^ to m movement of the general Organisation' tlsan gathering, as far as the menag- . make - interscholasUc sports carry erie is concerned; " -troth,or TOthout." toe lowlyhot themselves. • Later In the meeting, Mr. Towler an- nounced that Ooach J. B. Weekley had effected a saving of $150 in the athletic equipment bUJ, through'repalrs to foot- . ball and other sports' equipment, Mem- bers' of the board were gratified to hear of the saving and expressed apprecia- tion to the coach. An announcement M m the Oeneral Organization of the htgh.school points dog will rise to Its place In the circus sun in appropriate settings. That de- tail of the gala event Is'being taken care of by Edward Burr and bis corps of "Dogonlans/ 1 The Ladles' Auxiliary to the post will conduct a bake sale of pies, cakes, baked beans, Jams, Jellies and pickles. In the post home,'.there will be a free sbowUg of selected views of old Cranford. generously furnished B i g out the'raise In season tickets for pu-] by Berkeley O. Austin. _ ,^P"« is necessary to make athletics self- Says an anouncement from the dr- supporting. It states pupils may ob-'cus committee- "This U an effort on tain their UckeU on the Installment' the pert of the post to provide enter- plan, paying $1 now and the balance In tainment for Cranford friends and m- January. - I cldentally. Improve the condition of the •3-he student council requests public 'treasury, to make possible more ex- support tomake the plan possible/" the't statement continues.. "A dennlte drive work during tt» coming winter. idedopi I In welfare and relief The for the sale of season tickets will be' public is cordially lnvtted and admis- started in the near'future, giving the slon to the grounds will be free." public an opportunity to show support 1 As a booster for the circus, there, will and appreciation for *the high school be astreet parade this evening, team* and the records they have made. I "~ ltBtliews Speats who sells five tckats "wU be gren one free. -"Another-step takes-by- the-newly- lonmd student c*gsnfsation Is directed- .against nw.jjayIn»Spectators»hobave..-,, been numerous as-sthleUc events In the '• past. Police help has been promisedtoCivet. Interesting Resume of ; _ rcmeoxthissituatioo this year. , "The first home game wfll be foot-; ball withjtosHIe Park October «. Then Westfleld will play here October a and the nnaLgame of the season will be .-•ah-** opposition. : An effort is being made to ..15. i "Approximately twenty- Jetlc r the CdurstTat Yale's 47 Work- ship, School of Drama. > to the Cranford i. rout)ne tamed the sTPfHTFlayTehalr- Junior Service Latgue _ TdGneJ -~ The Cranford Junior Serria Uathews, who ptestutul an interest- ing talk~of the « Workshop of Tale, 'Who* she has for the past two* yean been studying under Oeorge Pierce Baker, bead of the School of Drama. League In a brief resume late Itafhem traced will present' a review of raU^sbioosrthe«llJi»of the theatre and man's ln- Tueaday afternoon, October 4, at S:*9 herent Ion of acting, o'clock, at the home ot Ka. Lisle R. "The drama was eonqdrad," Miss Beardslee. 317 Prospect street. Tbe Mathews said, "to Greece by one whose fashion* win be shownlw»H-iwark^l»- thought, of Impersonating the god, partment store, _ / •" r Bacchus, met wltli gnat appro*! by . ' Tickets are now on sali «*.» cents the ptopls. of • Ms commtmlty sad I .* mad may be secured fromtotmbst*ot, spread**> the whole world."-Oontb> \the Junior Service LesmsC'dr at lbs) nine, Mb« Uathews spoke of Jhe drama ««_^«_ .M. -.. b . . . . .., ' ' - _J i II 1, Ii • • I I — ' - - * " • • Bookshelf In Alden stnet wofasoseoVior the rsdeofr Bptatb»ttss*eU»sanPolod,potoUng Republican Groups Laf Campaign Plans Club Will Have Meeting Next Wednesday Night. With Local Candidates as Guest Latest figures for the vari- ous schools are as follows: Orant-aai; Sherman—MO; Lincoln—Soo,; Roose- velt—44B and Cleveland—491. Miss Edmond points' out this -Is an increase of 151 over tho-.total enroll- Various Republican organisation* in JB?nt of the school* at the end of, the Speakers. Cranftrd are now completing plans for BT unified campaign In support of the entire Republican ticket at the'polls in the November Oeneral Election. The first public meeting'of-the in- tensive campaign will take place next Wednesday evening In the pepublican i ill b g Club'Rouse. The occasion will be a special meeting, arranged upon the recommendation of James E. Warner,. chairman of the club's, campaign, com- mittee, as a booster'meeting foiMMayor Oeorge A. Luts'and Police Commis- sioner James O. Beggs, Both are cab' the year and not month of June. Compared with the tiT"^™? ?& ftt "J! eiutot JunpVcrirc11 at " ?>th " <*' th ^ *""* ^ thj^ approximate ppenlprngures as; sc h CQL< whli!h have mh Rrad«.- Par- given last week •bowed an increase of e m!tKl ^. d T i gorous opposition, bui the M. though added enrollments this week beard stood by it. -order, claiming it .to.^-roiHUblp^^ Committee. " Edmond points.out. __;, -1 hiavy enrollment I n tlie two upper Both have Carried the endorsement of the club In past elections and'have ^attracted strong support frmn all other 'Repubiicah units In the community, it Is the objective., of the Republican club campaign committee to assure for them this year even greater pluralities than the substantial figures tijey have rolled up In the past, j Both the mayor and the police commissioner have taken a leading part In the economy programs put through .by the present township administration. The dub has heartily -approved ot these savingstoflocal 1 payers and Its vigorous work for the re-election of the. two Republican can- didates' will be presented.oh the basis of avote of confidence In the Township Committee as'a unit. Besides the special meeting of. the Republican Township Committee can- followed the .campaign committee's special club gatherings next month. At these sessions, candidates for County, State and National offices will be In- vited to speak.M r , _ A large number of Cranford women will attend the reception and tea next rrtdai afternoon. Bept. ». at Locust Grove* Country Olub, gtrestneld, being arranged by the newly-formed Union County League of Republican Women Mrs. Allce'H. Deller of Retford avenue is recording- secretary of the new- Re- affair will be in honor of Mrs. Edna B. Conklln of Hackensaclc, National 1 Com- mittecwoman from Nfcw Jersey and Mrs. Elizabeth, C... Verga of Camdcn. "VicechahTnaS'or.theStaWtepublican Committee. , _^ : 'speakers will.Include; Edward Bauer, Chairman of the Republican County. Committee; -United States Senator W. W. Barbour, Republican candidate for re-election; Donald H. McLean, the party's choice for* Congress from thi new Union County district; Charles E Lolzeaux, Republican candidate for State Senator, and all the candidates for the Assembly. Mrs. Deller states those lacking trans- portation to the scene of the reception and tea should get In touch with her. 'A group of local Republican women Is being formed to work as a unit of the' Union County organization of "a Nation-wide group of women allied with the engineering profession which' will work for the re-election of President Hoover. Women who are engineers, or husbands of engineers are .eligible for membership. A somewhat similar cam- paign group lent Important support to -the—Hoover campaign of 1938. Both gineers. ^ ( >1H. Oeorge L-'A. Thomson of ElUa- beih is Union County_chalrman. The National chairman ol.thls year's or- ganization Is Dr. Lillian Gilbrecht of Mohfdalrrwhlle MiCROy* D. 'Wright'or East Orange Is vice chairman. i Leaders. In this- campaign group will work through women already.active^In politics, but they expect to reach out to others. ( By taking In new territory, the ' " expects to jtttiact^new p j p crease organized support for the Hoover AU Scout Troop* PU6ipr_ AH four Cranford troops of Boy Scouts held their first Ball meeting last week-and. began to lay plans for. the season's activities after the Summer recess; The Cranford Scout Leaden Round Table' will hold £ meeting next Tuesday night in the Scout Room In the Trust Cotnpny budding to-discuss plans for the proposed Pall Sally and to plan for the sesjon. Mr. Stroh, the District Commlsrioner, wU have hi* first oppoztuntty to.meet the leaders In abody.rTheflmBowrdM«ej1ew»iU be held - School Figures Exceed Year End Enrollment An- increase of S3 pupils "over the opening; enrollment last week in the public schools was announced Tuesday FIVE CENTS Gives Final Decision On Pupils' Transfer past school year. In June. In giving figures tor the opening en- rollment-last week,' The Citizen nnd .Pupils in Roosevelt 7th Allowed td^Remain: Eight from 6th Must Attend Others. Upon (hp recommendation of Mrs. Elizabeth • Bales, chairman, of the IcacherV'oimmittre, the Board of Ed- Chrpnicle stated there was a decreay!' «™tlcn Turaday nkht unanimously ap- 6f 30t f l t a "the total enrollment of j proved the permanent enirlini«M of the system at the dose of the pastlelght North.avenu- 8th^ra-lc pupils school year. Miss Edmond has point- In either Sherman or Unculn School 1? Dur fl cnrollm t ""'Istructed parenuof 7th and «ll» Kridr figures for the , lllpiUs Mnt in . N o r t h a r a m ,. in J „.. t d i R i t SehWlan year u. j dlcufpcl thul if actual enrollment n«- Sold To Pension Fund No Bids Offered for $98,000 - Assessment and. Improve- ment Bonds. • '. • ' •up tothose anticipated, the/ transfer , would not tf carried. . For . the pur. which lo make adecision in the case. the board postponed its regular meet- lnK which' toll on Tuesday of last week to Tuesday of this week, as schools did i n « ojx'n until last Wednesday. " ' ; | As explained by Mrs. Ba(cs--3!uesdav ."'• _ / : ' - .''night,-rnrollntiTnt figures for the TOi No bids were received by the Town- gmdc in Roosevelt School .niadfr it pos- shlp Committee at Tuesday night's stole .fur the ordered transler fo North meeting for, $98,000 Improvement and avenue iiupll; lii that grade to he re- Assessment Bonds as advertised bal-'sclhded. She explained Jlhat- BA^-o'r ance of authorized Issues unsold. The Roosevelt has an enrollment ot.thirty .bonds will be disposed of on private.and 8B. thirty-two. Capacity of each option,- "'... class room_js. thlrty-.nve,, she said. If ;" The $20,000 Emergency Relief Bonds the transfer of the elgju 8th grade raenUjr autoort^ weje^sol^ Klfce' BD3 < ^ifipnei^"PenslSS.~Puna^tD r "ol?i?rs' were r'csclndedi Mrs. Bates Commission for par at 6per cent, the. explained, .enrollment 1n the two' ,8th approve^'by resolution'and the sale to the com- five and thirty-seven, exceeding the c*- mlsslon on Oder submitted also bcin» paclty. which wttl'be taxed during the made, by resolution. >car by the enrolment of new pupils In -Xn'Sppucatien or S. A Shahccn for th(r eradci srsfc'ited these'i*th«>'«r- permit to construct an extension of the rcllment ngures. an o( Tuesday, In Bth normXehlgh'Sventw sewer lateral was (trades of the other schools. Including submitted by Engineer Collins and-at- the elirht tra,nsfcred from RooaeveU: ter discussion referred to the street and Uncolff BA-30, BB—28; Sherman «X« sewer committee and the engineer 132 and BB—.11 Capacity in those claij Police Commissioner Beggs submit- roijnifl la 40. ted .Chief Hennessey's repoft~sliowlng; .Mrs.-Dates contenn^d that-the'trans-i 30 arrests and $151.50 fines collected,_ut ofJhe_Hoht 'pupJU^ftonii Aoosevelt 'oTwm'6irtW~wrar^1^19tafe~uid~tne'"~^h crowifeoT schools balance to the Township; ... .'would ta c( benefli ti> thcm.as tliej- Bulldin^ Inspector Steele submitted will receive individual Instruction ten building permit applications for ^hlch-wpuJiLte: precluded .bj.ojwr. l h t t o b V l v ; ' The uJ p approval! lwo-dwelllng*relght'••gBiag«tcrew*d8a~"cTaJi'es ' in" t v and two alterations.. Mr. Stcel'e also• tfar.s.'er'nko reacts for the benent of submitted for approval eleven Oil bur- the fcmaliUiiB pupils In' the flooseveit ner permit applications. All granted. ORANt R-T. A. (JIVES were.ath «rade, she concluded.-: : "| Nortli avenue parents.'-however.-"con- l.'tlnued their; opposition to the trans- ••' ..' fcr.. .Many cf the protests a-ere on. sen- PROGRAM OF SEASON Members Approve Fietnre for Library Circulation. Adopt Budget far Activities. tlmental reasons, parents pleading that their chlkjrc'n might finish elementary ' ! school with the same group with which Collection they siafted. One asked if pupils are enrolled In Sherman and Lincoln 8th grades, would : they be allowed to be Brnduatcd with t h e . Roosftvelt 8th Plans and activities for the coming (jr.ide: President John K. Cloud said year 'were discussed at the" openinu such a plan might possibly be worked meeting of the Grant P.-T.-A for the,out. , . . . •"' season Monday afternoopr In the school J Having made, up a deficiency in Regular meetings are"to 1 take place the chemistry at Summer School of Oeorge first Monday of each month 'Program Washington High.School In New York, for the year was announced as folows the board voutt a high, school diploma October—short business meeting and'to Burnett Tower. Such action was discussion of the year's budget, as well recommended bytherteache'' 5 ' <**"" as plans for the Christmas welfare par- \ mlttee and approved by the principal ty and announcement o t membership or the hlghjschool. '.-,.- . ... - .r drive-results; November—observance ol At a cost of 20; It vis agreed to National Education Week, In conjunc- clun g e the. telephone s>'stem of the tlon- wtth-tb«~Wednesday—MornUnj tthocil- board" Ui- tire -board-rooms - In Club; December—Welfare meeting and orant School.: It wjs recommended by Christmas party; January—no meet-, Harry K»SI«son, cHalnnan of the fl- ing; February—meeting on parent" ed- na mittee Mr Slison expUIn- ucatlon, wUh-perhafrf a speaker; d M h k i etio wtthl py; , Harry KSI«son, ing; February—meeting on parent" ed- nancc committee. Mr. Slison expUIn- tl Uhhfrf ker; used lasjeyear-cost-a to- . On art,unlimited.<*?' e^^'S^^^t'-^ March—speaker, in co-operation all K-'frAVunOs orCranforaf April-* children's entertainment ,and plan- ning of next year's program; May— annual jmeeiing and election of-offi- cers." Mrs. Bay ,. T ._j.or possW as little ,a5»$«J5.15. If reductions ore made'Tor lpter-«chool calls: Mr. Siseon emphasized the fact that tifce new type of switchboard will A. Clement presented a n , not necessitate extra help In the.bbard y p not ne interesUng-nporljin the budget and offlcc3 . th ' bdt f »104 dotect g f »104 was adoptect The amount WO) provide for i Grant P.-T-A.-share of-the Council'scholarship fund, two delegates from tha council to tbe Asbury Park convtnMOD, contribution,to the picture coUecttcsrof the Public Library, atten- dance prises and a certain amount to be donated'to each room for worth- while books. - , After-tbe meeting, many members Viewed the collection of pictures which win be placed in the Cranford Public Library to be circulated like books. The 66Uectkm Includes pictures of various subjects in (be Aelds_of art, history, geography, sod music and science and is expected to be of great valuetochil- dren, . i m , Robert S. Miller, chairman of the picture committee has worked diligently to make the collection a suc- cess,-H was explained tothose who Viewed the pictures. The cataloging is being done by.Mrs. Bar! V. Qw of the KoostMlt P.-T. A. and the cost of the eoBsotlpKis betof (harsd^by an WUliam Austin submitted a bid" of 1340 to remove asjics frqni the.school . during ~.the"ccniliig. g a r and' M5:for ! rubbish. His estimate'was referred, to the building and grounds committee for lrivestig»tlonr——-——'---.-- Oi ^"K.. Warner, chairman of'the. health and attendant* committee rec- ommended "that four pupils living In Raritan road be given bus transporta- tion'-'to the ;tocil school* at a cost of fourteen cents per day per pupiL He 'also recommenaed • that.three South Crsnjtorjhdjlldren, living near the Bo- selle' line be. allowed to attend. the schools of that borough andL the same for nine children near the Oarwood line. All the recommendations were adopted. ' After the'dose of the regular, busi- ness meeting, the board went Into ex- ecutive session. No announcement was made of the subject, but It is presumed they considered the matter of. reduc- tions iffsOarles <or acboot teachers and other board employees. Relief Group Stresses Need Of Cooperation Taxpayers' Directorate . Meets Tomorrow Nigljt The board ol directors of the Cran- ford Ta^iavrrs As^iviaUon-mll IwM an onraniiatlpn meeting tomorrow nlcht at i the home Of Nfrs j-Aiuru. Knowi,> [Chnritable Organizations Are Urged to Check Cases With Official Agency. Cite Law on Fdlse Pretenses. 309 Cauno'ayrnue. arrordiriK to an nounctment ni»|e Ixst nichi Matwhon, teiniJiirary olialnnan ul the board • • ... Wheri tlie assockiuon »ii, (nrni-xl.last 'month, ii was announoxl lhai tin- board meet'lor nnrani7j.ilioTi tulii r\fv- Uon of permanent ciffln-n liiiniii; tur week : of Kept 12. Th;. constuutioh ot the Rroup provide Uiat niei'tuiBS sliuil be held ~ Ncctt r)f ro.opLTat-Inn ix'twrrn itval ' organizations diiinj wrllarc * work iiTui Hie cranfard KnuimtMiry Relief Artinln- Istnition BUS htrrsnt at tlir'oremnza-. \Veiine.sday ot eaclil-Hon nieetliitt of Ilic Advisory Council month, but no* meriinc'was held lasfflo Hie rWief Aclmlntsirnjlon last Krl- nlsht mnst ol'thc" Ulnvtorit, tutu brrti out ot town durum (he |wi.t ri-w Vreks. ^ir .Manrlwn annnumnl tliai lib' next mi-otlnu will In- Wednrsdny evening. .Sept. 28. . StiibbomFireDamages day lU'dinu m t"hpToVn.nh||) Uminti Hie miftlnR, It was reported liml a liirik of rocoida of I he iuliulu.. tstrallim wiilil'iiforniaMoii liintjslu'd by other ontant/jitloiis showed uiu? family to be BIT tUm .1111 Income o i - y o weekly' I1MII1 Viirinu.t _rvlii-r shurces.' " . Dirvetur Ueorso K...Wariier'of llm Hinrrijeney Itrllcf Adiulfllatrntldir \nf- ut.' the ornanlzfttlnii of t(u-' ' wfe'r i 'H?\A'rifW'tth^ if ' '^S' ; ~- i'T'33 Rremen Ouickly Subdue Scri- ""bus" Tlif eat r 6T~ NigliT~Dlazc Jo-Tlicatte Block--Biisinfas Section. Starting In a |»i»ai!F brtwrcn Ilir main portion nf the store and a mir room, fir* Ute Monday liight thrratrnwl he National Cigar and statinncry Slorr at 15 North »vfnup. Vint. . Tlwuiih Hit 1 nu'n .quickly Hiiothcrttl Hip rianit's, dani*f« to thr stock of the nlurn oas Kitlniatcd at about t5.0OO. due .largely to smoke »nd watrr l*roi>erty dAiniiKi' otvth the flames, smokr and witter was estimated by Flrr Cliicf Tunlson as about «5,000 also. Thi-'alarm wa» turned in by OfDcer Frank <3«ru»0"»boiit"H-30-i>»niT~(roiTT the box at the comer ot North avenue irtd Union avenue. Before the laht enillU'll is lo ii.HHlst the relief .'adllllllls-': . tr(4ll«ii--Hiid~flir<iiigh":'fhr"-jrTvicB-"of-:' 1 --.' nivmlwi» of Hie TOWHSIIIP c.iiiimlltee. Will pro'vliie a nretirtl link b*'lwt*'n tile itilicliils vXw TUIM: iiir mhnr>* axui thn, roup wlilili c«|iruilv It tn iLislat tin.. ri*l^.ry* 'MayoY Tri'iii^ji; "A~ Qu/.' waji 'II-OIIHI . a:i I'liitrrnmii of \\\v ndvlwiry 'uiiiiiil. with llcrlM'rt H . Wliicklrr, Township trciisun-r ulid deputy ..relief llriTlor. na si't'ictruy. . I'nvsi-llt ill- tin- iirKiuil/.allnn inwlln(( n-re: Miuror l.utz, Tuwiislilii Cummlt- i-enmn I-'raiik MrCullotiKli,'the Hev. lanics K.. MrlMnulil, piislor ol. Bt,' Ml- chners Roman Cutliolk Churih, the Hev. IbMcix! T ^FIIIIBI, nietor tit 'I'rllilty Episcopal Chiircl'i; I/iula Tiillwt. trena- ircr of Uetli Kl Ti'inplc. Harry I,, Dlrn- inlck, cashier of tile. First National~ Hank, nil well as Ka-llcf. Director War- ner aiid fJeputy Wlnckler. Tow'nshtp Ooniinltteemirn ^I^^.^^steilh.'ydi^jyid^,.^. Hufieyr'otlf>er"nieiiibers..of the roupctt^— were xwiiy oiijiuslnesii trips. round of the alarni was completed, all the fire, apparatus ^was ..at the scene of the blaze and.the flreftfihtcrs were lay- ^ 1 ' center,of town, it aUrttcU-d a ..large crowd-of -spectators SIMI- mifio. bad - to be diverted around that section of North .avenue. ."•'..•' •. . -4 - i ^ = vT : 1 The *Tt*r,'room trf trie- store wa» a mass of flames when the, riremen went into action, but by break Inn throueii he front door and fighting their way members of the council jipproved the. pl»n of cb-opcrallon suggMtM and It was pointed out that ofllclal Eniergcn- cy^Renef records of Individual..cases would be confidentially turnUihcd other : Interested orttanlnUons. Dccause of liio"cases in which families have, been' -•' -. resclflnir relief from -.more than on*'.'•.. — ""'•' of the flames, they qulrkiy brought them under control. Another liuse Una 'was run to Uie side of the building and played throughi an ^opening In Uie root 'in. trie rear of-the^ire. ' : ". "A showcase'In the-rear of thc-.sXore proper and its stock, wait consumed by the fire, while the heal cracked milch of thejother glass in.the store. Qrcat quantities of water were used .foT Oie quick extlnguUlilnit of the flames and all stock on low shelves was generally ruined. - . -.''. -. • • .- The store Is operated by M. T>. Dragar p of 18 West Holly who stated ho left at 11:10 that evening. He said there was no odor of smoke aBoutrtha place at that June. Wnfte the origin of tbe' nre was not' cstabiishedTT^r. Bragar b«lieves'lt started from eithera carelessly tossed cigarette, or short cir- cuit In the wiring. He. recalled having recent trouble with electric ll«l>Ur:r -' Tuesday morning, Mr. Bragar .Issued a statement In which he- eompllmenleU the firemen for thelflwbrk. He wild: I wlah-to'-publlely cipress-thy-appre- clatloa to Uie members oj thd Ore de- partment for the. efficient manner In which;they fought the'flre. they wire (Continued on Uut pagty Democrats Will Have Schedule, for' Thursday Evening Sessions in Various Schools, yf/hh Big Sendj-Off -for-€gBjger*s Campaignr^ A"serte* of *e«i^yranies lit "the «u. dttoriums of the local schools will fea- ture tbe DemocraUc campaign In Cranford--Jh* tentative schedule as annmBeed by the enatanah oI4he.mu- U James W. Barrett. nWptii c o . Is: Ortdbeir 7,'Lincoln.School; October 14. Boosewlt Schobl^Oftober 31,8her-. man School: October 38, Cleveland School; November 4. Outdoor Rally and Parade. " •'. ' '' " "' r • . In addition, a Cooper Old Home Night will be arranged to honor the candidacy of Walter E. "Cooper for the Assembly. - Every, candidate .or. the Democrats^ ticket will be introduced, and those who have .already signified their Intention of belnc^pnsent are Congressman Percy H. 8tesrart, candi- date for V. a Senate: Red C. Hyer, Omgiessicaal aspirant; Ray K. May- ham, candidate for State Senator and the two local candidate* lor Township cutest page) Icularly strewed llic-iiMd for co-op- ration between the varlou.1 oriiutilza-' ioi^s .which carry on relief work and. h,. nmeisl.n-llrf-adminlitnittnh.-Other - to all Rrouns dolnii charHablo work, KiiiitinK^otrrtliBrror a persDnito r e - — elve aid under false*pretenses consU- - utes-»nil«k'aiiiior,> The-letter-wa»i»»-- Ollown-. - . • . . ..... ''At a nicctlng of. the Advltory Coun- ;ll'of the'Cranford Emergency Belief, [act» were broUKht forth which deemed |t advl.Mible that every charitable or- .-• ganl-tatlon In Cranford be made famllV lar with the provisions of the lffw In . t i r i t t o ncceptancBjof relief; for their" - own protection"and especially for tho protection of Uione whom they arcjald- ln(t. Following 4s from 'An Aot tor the - .funlsiimenl of Crlrnes,' which was ap- proved October 13, 1031:- . / ." 'Any penon whe iihall know- Inily,: or designedly, by means of any ralw sUtement mule orally or In wrUlni obtain from any County ~ or municipality In Oil. State, nr from mny oHV-er or charitable or- .*>*.* KsniiaUon' or • any' awoclatlon of ,, any kind undtt^rtttantm that he to , poor and* needj or oat of employ- ment, any money, wira*, jnefchiii-" "• dise, rood* or: clutfeU, or other v»l-. -- able thing, shall bh ipUltf «f-i jnlS-v ^ demeuior and piiBtahed .aecora*..~*- Ingly.' " ' _ , . ' v - i . • •• ' ';•• _ : *Eb!iid!«w.-4s;' ifery drastic and tho State Insistsi upon its enforoemeht. Ah example of how, apersQif could become criminally liable under this act;.wqiild be- that., posslblyJie.Js rjhitlvlnj: :ald '. from aprivate,'charitable organliatlon. ' ! l t o h l i f Ul Crahford"; .'The recipient of this relief: may have fold.the private organization that-h« Is receiving aid from the Town- ship, but has not Informed the Emer- - gency Belief Committee of the Town- ship that aid is being furnished by a -This would be a •^-•-vi,a A *; J-l violation of thft law, a mlsdeameanor forwhich is provided a perialty.of up.". to 11.000 flne, or three years In Jallat hard labor, or both, • , . . / .. • ••It also came tolight at this meeting . of s caw-whete a family was receiving -- (Continued m Uut page) . . . To Resume Unity Meetings r^ N«xt Sunday Afternoon Dnlty liBeetmgs "will be 'fesumed Tuesday at'3:'aO'pTh>: at the Hiverslde. Mrs. Edith M. Berry of; the accredited : Unity Center,'; Newark,-win be the., leader^.' Meetings will be held each , week. , "- v .;»-j "The class studies the-application of fundamental dirlstlan princir*» to ' daily living," says s o announcement of ' the meeting, "and an who are Inter- . ested in working out Individual prob- ; lems and l n j n e j e a c e and welfare of ' the world at large are welcome." ' A.,

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Page 1: I jfeli^ig^f-'/^gion hom e a t » Fores avenue. Le »Cller of KUsabetlJ avenue is) general chairma n of th e committe I charg rs of th pos t ar assist-to various capacities. - Serend

V'TsSa. *&ts:Xi ss


^x^" ' *-Jt"" j fe l i ^ ig^ f - ' / ^ ? .•='.

-•r --* *•" t «




SportsSchool Bowd-


" For Fbns and Reports

a K. Warner, chairman at the.Cen-,tnl Belief 'oommlttee has Issued caU

in Project to Drop Budget o«UMCeulndH«^ Committee to haveItem for Athletics. , teji-'ssttitsJiYer-s*the meeting and

_ item ror/AUUCOCT. «aeh bialam ^topotmnoe win b*Announcement at • piss to mate In- .oooiMiwd. A t**port covering activi.

terschdssUe athletics U ttM hl|h «•» «lurlof, the past year and plans Iatschool self-supportini was mad* at the * • ftttun wlttbe considered; Mr. War.

to perfect the projectted th O

S # Tta Omtna neltet Committee wasMr.-"ormed Mo years ago front represent*?

w t« tites of more than thirty organisationswith. m tb* township for tte purpose of ear-

»» sat? K " t i J ?eh p pj tMr. Towler stated the Oeneral o r - '

l t U t U

a . organised by theh taU f th

Mr. Towler stated the Oeneral o r g yganbation U sending out letUn to aU f « f - Bloce thr organtaaUoa of theparent* of Ugh school pupils, printlns ***» «Toup, <* whU* Mr. Warner IsS S o * XoTthe past fSTreSriTthe flwctorjh* Central Relief Oomnaltte.Board of Education tat made an an- na» been functioning u.an,au*Ularyjropriatlon of IUXKJ for athletics In the.•••ncy.budget each year. When the plan was I

iat**ailaa&mmtimt*&framneeded, as there wa» UUle athletic to-terest In the school and teams werepoorly supported by the public. There

' was some Question of the approptlsllon.H(rconUnned,~a.-manrfettr1t~»i»-w*

. an expenditure directly ooncemed with' educational mattei* as lnttrscholastte

athletics rank as ortra-currlenJar «e-t t v l t i e s . . ••-•• •-••:, — • ' • - . • : • ' - . • ' • ' . '

After the athletic appropriation wasgranted, there was a rerivalln ath-letic Interest. .Mr.: Towler conUrwd.Championship teams hare been devel-oped, particularly In the p u t two yeanand the school* sports program has at-tracted considerable pubile support, to

- the extent that <"™Mnnr~'» of the1

boardapproprttalon of 11,000 would, en-able the General OrgtnrtaMnn to roUup a tidy surplus. ' v •'••'"(.- "-', '- .

The explanatory letter to parents, Mr.• Towler explained.-points out that In

the ' " "contests

for only $1.00. while student tickets of

' mate.other-whoole-were-**-,der the plan being worked out by theGeneral Organisation, with the. guid-ance of the board** athleUothe season ticket-rate-for-popfls-andthe public alike wilt be (A utarkmf tU»year. With good nppoit antWpatWtfrom both pupUs »nd the pttbUe, the

l ~ h l d ^ athletic* s*Up

plan~should ftalning In the future. Mr. Towler de-clared. Por the present school year, heconcluded, an appropriation of |806may be needed from "the board, but

- thereii-ilttle doubt; but what-the-«th»|laTgf O.O.P;-elephant nasbeen secur-program willj»rry Itself In the

future.: ;The board approved the report of the

Varied Program Will Be Of-'. fered on Grounds of Local-Post Tomorrow and Satur-

• _ d a y . . - • ' . / • - • • - - ' • . ' . - " .

All prepartpry deUHg hsve been com-pleted for Cranford'* only circus thismilni. to be presented toutoirow ev-ening and Saturday afternoon «nd ev-ening by Cranford Post So. Jia, Amer-ican Legion, on the -grounds of ths Le-gion home at » Forest avenue. Lee»Cller of KUsabetlJ avenue is) generalchairman of the committee In charge

rs of the post art assist-to various capacities. -

Serend members ot the post Vfll na-

clowns during the big-top tesUvltlei,while others will -be busy distributingmeats, groceries, candy and otherpitas; toJ lioldtnr* of1* lucky* numbers,some will acts* Ibellyboomen and Uck-tiiePew for attiaMloni under tn»*lgtop. 'Toes* win 1naudetrspe»»a«UtIn brHUant presentations of thrillingserial stunt*. Tumblers, acrobats andtrained animals will also have theirshare to the program of the main ring.The oommlttee has announced that a

ed. together:.wltti •« smsBer_eleptantwhich may represent third party dis-senters, as well as DemocraUc donkeys,

athletio coraaittee^ and endorsed-the^ to mmovement of the general Organisation' tlsan gathering, as far as the menag-

. make - interscholasUc sports carry erie is concerned;• " -troth,or TOthout." toe lowlyhotthemselves. •

Later In the meeting, Mr. Towler an-nounced that Ooach J. B. Weekley hadeffected a saving of $150 in the athleticequipment bUJ, through'repalrs to foot-

. ball and other sports' equipment, Mem-bers' of the board were gratified to hearof the saving and expressed apprecia-tion to the coach.

An announcement M m the OeneralOrganization of the htgh.school points

dog will rise to Its place In the circussun in appropriate settings. That de-tail of the gala event Is'being takencare of by Edward Burr and bis corpsof "Dogonlans/1 The Ladles' Auxiliaryto the post will conduct a bake sale ofpies, cakes, baked beans, Jams, Jelliesand pickles. In the post home,'.therewill be a free sbowUg of selected viewsof old Cranford. generously furnished

B igout the'raise In season tickets for pu-] by Berkeley O. Austin. _

,^P"« is necessary to make athletics self- Says an anouncement from the dr-supporting. It states pupils may ob-'cus committee- "This U an effort ontain their UckeU on the Installment' the pert of the post to provide enter-plan, paying $1 now and the balance In tainment for Cranford friends and m-January. - I cldentally. Improve the condition of the

•3-he student council requests public 'treasury, to make possible more ex-support to make the plan possible/" the'tstatement continues.. "A dennlte drive work during tt» coming winter.

idedopi I In welfare and reliefThe

for the sale of season tickets will be' public is cordially lnvtted and admis-started in the near'future, giving the slon to the grounds will be free."public an opportunity to show support1 As a booster for the circus, there, willand appreciation for *the high school be a street parade this evening,team* and the records they have made. I "~

ltBtliews Speatswho sells five tckats "wU be gren onefree.-"Another-step takes-by- the-newly-lonmd student c*gsnfsation Is directed-

.against nw.jjayIn»Spectators»hobave..-,,been numerous as-sthleUc events In the '•past. Police help has been promised to Civet. Interesting Resume of

; _ rcmeoxthissituatioo this year. ,"The first home game wfll be foot-;

ball withjtosHIe Park October «. ThenWestfleld will play here October a andthe nnaLgame of the season will be

.-•ah-**opposition. :An effort is being made to

. . 1 5 . i

"Approximately twenty-Jetlc r


CdurstTat Yale's 47 Work-ship, School of Drama.

> to the Cranford

i. rout)ne tamed thesTPfHTFlayTehalr-

Junior Service Latgue_ TdGneJ -~

The Cranford Junior Serria

Uathews, who ptestutul an interest-ing talk~of the « Workshop of Tale,

'Who* she has for the past two* yeanbeen studying under Oeorge PierceBaker, bead of the School of Drama.

League In a brief resume late Itafhem tracedwill present' a review of raU^sbioosrthe«llJi»of the theatre and man's ln-Tueaday afternoon, October 4, at S:*9 herent Ion of acting,o'clock, at the home ot Ka. Lisle R. "The drama was eonqdrad," MissBeardslee. 317 Prospect street. Tbe Mathews said, "to Greece by one whosefashion* win be shown lw»H-iwark^l»- thought, of Impersonating the god,partment store, _ / •" r Bacchus, met wltli gnat appro*! by

. ' Tickets are now on sali «*.» cents the ptopls. of • Ms commtmlty sadI .* mad may be secured from totmbst* ot, spread**> the whole world."-Oontb>

\the Junior Service LesmsC'dr at lbs) nine, Mb« Uathews spoke of Jhe drama««_^«_ . M . - . . b . . . . .., ' ' - _J i I I 1 , Ii • • I I — ' - - * " • •Bookshelf In Alden stnetwo fas oseoVior the rsdeofr


Republican GroupsLaf Campaign Plans

Club Will Have Meeting NextWednesday Night. WithLocal Candidates as Guest

Latest figures for the vari-ous schools are as follows: Orant-aai;Sherman—MO; Lincoln—Soo,; Roose-velt—44B and Cleveland—491.

Miss Edmond points' out this -Is anincrease of 151 over tho-.total enroll-

Various Republican organisation* in JB?nt of the school* at the end of, the


Cranftrd are now completing plans forBT unified campaign In support of theentire Republican ticket at the'pollsin the November Oeneral Election.

The first public meeting'of-the in-tensive campaign will take place nextWednesday evening In the pepublican

i ill bg

Club'Rouse. The occasion will be aspecial meeting, arranged upon therecommendation of James E. Warner,.chairman of the club's, campaign, com-mittee, as a booster'meeting foiMMayorOeorge A. Luts'and Police Commis-sioner James O. Beggs, Both are cab'

the year and notmonth of June. Compared with the

t i T " ^ ™ ? ? & f t t " J ! e i u t o t JunpVcrirc11 at" ?>th" <*' t h^ *""* thj^ approximate ppenlprngures as; schCQL< whli!h have mh Rrad«.- Par-given last week •bowed an increase of e m !tKl^.d T i g o r o u s opposition, bui theM. though added enrollments this week beard stood by it. -order, claiming it

. t o . ^ - r o i H U b l p ^ ^Committee. • " • Edmond points.out. __;, -1 hiavy enrollment In tlie two upper

Both have Carried the endorsementof the club In past elections and'have

^attracted strong support frmn all other'Repubiicah units In the community, i tIs the objective., of the Republican clubcampaign committee to assure for themthis year even greater pluralities thanthe substantial figures tijey have rolledup In the past, j Both the mayor andthe police commissioner have taken aleading part In the economy programsput through .by the present townshipadministration. The dub has heartily-approved ot these savings tof local 1payers and Its vigorous work for there-election of the. two Republican can-didates' will be presented.oh the basisof a vote of confidence In the TownshipCommittee as'a unit.

Besides the special meeting of. theRepublican Township Committee can-

followed the .campaign committee's

special club gatherings next month. Atthese sessions, candidates for County,State and National offices will be In-vited to speak. M r , _

A large number of Cranford womenwill attend the reception and tea nextrrtdai afternoon. Bept. » . at LocustGrove* Country Olub, gtrestneld, beingarranged by the newly-formed UnionCounty League of Republican WomenMrs. Allce'H. Deller of Retford avenueis recording- secretary of the new- Re-

affair will be in honor of Mrs. Edna B.Conklln of Hackensaclc, National1 Com-mittecwoman from Nfcw Jersey andMrs. Elizabeth, C... Verga of Camdcn."VicechahTnaS'or.theStaWtepublicanCommittee. , _^ :

'speakers will.Include; Edward Bauer,Chairman of the Republican County.Committee; -United States Senator W.W. Barbour, Republican candidate forre-election; Donald H. McLean, theparty's choice for* Congress from thinew Union County district; Charles ELolzeaux, Republican candidate forState Senator, and all the candidatesfor the Assembly.

Mrs. Deller states those lacking trans-portation to the scene of the receptionand tea should get In touch with her.'A group of local Republican women

Is being formed to work as a unit ofthe' Union County organization of "aNation-wide group of women allied withthe engineering profession which' willwork for the re-election of PresidentHoover. Women who are engineers, orhusbands of engineers are .eligible formembership. A somewhat similar cam-paign group lent Important support to-the—Hoover campaign of 1938. Both

gineers. ^ (

>1H. Oeorge L-'A. Thomson of ElUa-beih is Union County_chalrman. TheNational chairman ol.thls year's or-ganization Is Dr. Lillian Gilbrecht ofMohfdalrrwhlle MiCROy* D. 'Wright'orEast Orange Is vice chairman. i

Leaders. In this- campaign group willwork through women already.active^Inpolitics, but they expect to reach out toothers. (By taking In new territory, the

' " expects to jtttiact^newp j p

crease organized support for the Hoover

AU Scout Troop* PU6ipr_

AH four Cranford troops of BoyScouts held their first Ball meeting lastweek-and. began to lay plans for. theseason's activities after the Summerrecess; The Cranford Scout LeadenRound Table' will hold £ meeting nextTuesday night in the Scout Room In theTrust Cotnpny budding to-discuss plansfor the proposed Pall Sally and toplan for the sesjon. Mr. Stroh, theDistrict Commlsrioner, wU have hi*first oppoztuntty to.meet the leaders Inabody.rTheflmBowrdM«ej1ew»iUbe held -

School Figures ExceedYear End Enrollment

An- increase of S3 pupils "over theopening; enrollment last week in thepublic schools was announced Tuesday


Gives Final DecisionOn Pupils' Transfer

past school year. In June.In giving figures tor the opening en-

rollment-last week,' The Citizen nnd

.Pupils in Roosevelt7th Allowed td^Remain:Eight from 6th Must AttendOthers.

Upon (hp recommendation of Mrs.Elizabeth • Bales, chairman, of theIcacherV'oimmittre, the Board of Ed-

Chrpnicle stated there was a decreay!' «™tlcn Turaday nkht unanimously ap-6f 30t f l ta "the total enrollment of j proved the permanent enirlini«M ofthe system at the dose of the pastlelght North.avenu- 8th^ra-lc pupilsschool year. Miss Edmond has point- In either Sherman or Unculn School

1? D u r "«fl

cnrollm™t ""'Istructed parenuof 7th and «ll» Kridrfigures for the , l l lpiUs Mnt i n . N o r t h a r a m , . i n J „..

t d i R i t SehWlan year u.

j dlcufpcl thul if actual enrollment n«-

Sold To Pension FundNo Bids Offered for $98,000- Assessment and. Improve-

ment Bonds. • '. • '

•up to those anticipated, the/ transfer, would not tf carried. . For . the pur.

which lo make a decision in the case.the board postponed its regular meet-lnK which' toll on Tuesday of last weekto Tuesday of this week, as schools did

i n« ojx'n until last Wednesday. " ';

| As explained by Mrs. Ba(cs--3!uesdav."'• _ — / : ' - .''night,-rnrollntiTnt figures for the TOi

No bids were received by the Town- gmdc in Roosevelt School .niadfr it pos-shlp Committee at Tuesday night's stole .fur the ordered transler fo Northmeeting for, $98,000 Improvement and avenue iiupll; lii that grade to he re-Assessment Bonds as advertised bal-'sclhded. She explained Jlhat- BA -o'rance of authorized Issues unsold. The Roosevelt has an enrollment ot.thirty.bonds will be disposed of on private.and 8B. thirty-two. Capacity of eachoption,- " ' . . . class room_js. thlrty-.nve,, she said. If;" The $20,000 Emergency Relief Bonds the transfer of the elgju 8th graderaenUjr autoort^ weje^sol^Klfce' BD3<^ifipnei^"PenslSS.~Puna^tDr"ol?i?rs' were r'csclndedi Mrs. BatesCommission for par at 6 per cent, the. explained, .enrollment 1n the two' ,8th

approve^'byresolution'and the sale to the com- five and thirty-seven, exceeding the c*-mlsslon on Oder submitted also bcin» paclty. which wttl'be taxed during themade, by resolution. >car by the enrolment of new pupils In

-Xn'Sppucatien or S. A Shahccn for th(r eradci srsfc'ited these'i*th«>'«r-permit to construct an extension of the rcllment ngures. an o( Tuesday, In BthnormXehlgh'Sventw sewer lateral was (trades of the other schools. Includingsubmitted by Engineer Collins and-at- the elirht tra,nsfcred from RooaeveU:ter discussion referred to the street and Uncolff BA-30, BB—28; Sherman «X«sewer committee and the engineer 132 and BB—.11 Capacity in those claij

Police Commissioner Beggs submit- roijnifl la 40.ted .Chief Hennessey's repoft~sliowlng; .Mrs.-Dates contenn^d that-the'trans-i30 arrests and $151.50 fines collected,_ut ofJhe_Hoht 'pupJU ftonii Aoosevelt'oTwm'6irtW~wrar^1^19tafe~uid~tne'"~^h crowifeoT schoolsbalance to the Township; . . . .'would ta c( benefli ti> thcm.as tliej-

Bulldin^ Inspector Steele submitted will receive individual Instructionten building permit applications for ^hlch-wpuJiLte: precluded .bj.ojwr.

l h t t o b V l v ; ' TheuJ p

approval! lwo-dwelllng*relght'••gBiag«tcrew*d8a~"cTaJi'es ' in" t vand two alterations.. Mr. Stcel'e also• tfar.s.'er'nko reacts for the benent ofsubmitted for approval eleven Oil bur- the fcmaliUiiB pupils In' the flooseveitner permit applications. Allgranted.


were.ath «rade, she concluded.-:: "| Nortli avenue parents.'-however.-"con-

l.'tlnued their; opposition to the trans-••' ..' fcr.. .Many cf the protests a-ere on. sen-


Members Approve Fietnrefor Library Circulation. Adopt

Budget far Activities.

tlmental reasons, parents pleading thattheir chlkjrc'n might finish elementary

' ! school with the same group with whichCollection they siafted. One asked if pupils are

enrolled In Sherman and Lincoln 8thgrades, would : they be allowed to beBrnduatcd with the. Roosftvelt 8th

Plans and activities for the coming (jr.ide: President John K. Cloud saidyear 'were discussed at the" openinu such a plan might possibly be workedmeeting of the Grant P.-T.-A for the,out. , . . . •"'season Monday afternoopr In the schoolJ Having made, up a deficiency inRegular meetings are" to1 take place the chemistry at Summer School of Oeorgefirst Monday of each month 'Program Washington High.School In New York,for the year was announced as folows the board voutt a high, school diploma

October—short business meeting and'to Burnett Tower. Such action wasdiscussion of the year's budget, as well recommended by therteache''5' <**""as plans for the Christmas welfare par- \ mlttee and approved by the principalty and announcement ot membership or the hlghjschool. ' . - , . - . ... - .rdrive-results; November—observance ol A t a cost of 20; It vis agreed toNational Education Week, In conjunc- c l u n g e the. telephone s>'stem of thetlon- wtth-tb«~Wednesday—MornUnj tthocil- board" Ui- tire -board-rooms - InClub; December—Welfare meeting and orant School.: It wjs recommended byChristmas party; January—no meet-, Harry K»SI«son, cHalnnan of the fl-ing; February—meeting on parent" ed- n a mittee Mr Slison expUIn-ucatlon, wUh-perhafrf a speaker; dM h k i e t i o wtthl

py; , Harry KSI«son,ing; February—meeting on parent" ed- n a n c c committee. Mr. Slison expUIn-

tl Uhhfrf ker; used lasjeyear-cost-a to-. On art,unlimited.<*?'e^^'S^^^t'-^

March—speaker, in co-operationall K-'frAVunOs orCranforaf April-*children's entertainment ,and plan-ning of next year's program; May—annual jmeeiing and election of-offi-cers."

Mrs. Bay

, . T . _ j .or possW as little ,a5»$«J5.15.If reductions ore made'Tor lpter-«choolcalls: Mr. Siseon emphasized the factthat tifce new type of switchboard will

A. Clement presented a n , n o t necessitate extra help In the.bbardy p n o t neinteresUng-nporljin the budget and o f f l cc3 .th ' b d t f »104 dotect

gf »104 was adoptect

The amount WO) provide for iGrant P.-T-A.-share of-theCouncil'scholarship fund, two delegatesfrom tha council to tbe Asbury ParkconvtnMOD, contribution,to the picturecoUecttcsrof the Public Library, atten-dance prises and a certain amount tobe donated'to each room for worth-while books. - ,

After-tbe meeting, many membersViewed the collection of pictures whichwin be placed in the Cranford PublicLibrary to be circulated like books. The66Uectkm Includes pictures of varioussubjects in (be Aelds_of art, history,geography, sod music and science andis expected to be of great value to chil-dren, . i m , Robert S. Miller, chairmanof the picture committee has workeddiligently to make the collection a suc-cess,-H was explained to those whoViewed the pictures. The cataloging isbeing done by.Mrs. Bar! V. Q w of theKoostMlt P.-T. A. and the cost of theeoBsotlpKis betof (harsd^by an

WUliam Austin submitted a bid" of1340 to remove asjics frqni the.school

. during ~.the"ccniliig. gar and' M5:for! rubbish. His estimate'was referred, tothe building and grounds committeefor lrivestig»tlonr——-——'---.--

Oi "K.. Warner, chairman of'the.health and attendant* committee rec-ommended "that four pupils living InRaritan road be given bus transporta-tion'-'to the ;tocil school* at a cost offourteen cents per day per pupiL He'also recommenaed • that.three SouthCrsnjtorjhdjlldren, living near the Bo-selle' line be. allowed to attend. theschools of that borough andL the samefor nine children near the Oarwoodline. All the recommendations wereadopted.' After the'dose of the regular, busi-

ness meeting, the board went Into ex-ecutive session. No announcement wasmade of the subject, but It is presumedthey considered the matter of. reduc-tions iffsOarles <or acboot teachers andother board employees.

Relief Group StressesNeed Of Cooperation

Taxpayers' Directorate. Meets Tomorrow Nigljt

The board ol directors of the Cran-ford Ta^iavrrs As^iviaUon-mll IwM anonraniiatlpn meeting tomorrow nlcht at ithe home Of Nfrs j-Aiuru. Knowi,> [Chnritable Organizations Are

Urged to Check Cases WithOfficial Agency. Cite Lawon Fdlse Pretenses.

309 Cauno'ayrnue. arrordiriK to announctment ni»|e Ixst nichi

Matwhon, teiniJiirary olialnnan ulthe board • • . . .

Wheri tlie assockiuon »ii , (nrni-xl.last'month, i i was announoxl lhai tin- board

meet'lor nnrani7j.ilioTi tulii r\fv-Uon of permanent ciffln-n liiiniii; turweek: of Kept 12. Th;. constuutioh otthe Rroup provide Uiat niei'tuiBS sliuilbe held

~ Ncctt r)f ro.opLTat-Inn ix'twrrn itval 'organizations diiinj wrllarc * work iiTuiHie cranfard KnuimtMiry Relief Artinln-Istnition BUS htrrsnt at tlir'oremnza-.

\Veiine.sday ot eaclil-Hon nieetliitt of Ilic Advisory Councilmonth, but no* meriinc'was held lasfflo Hie rWief Aclmlntsirnjlon last Krl-nlsht a» mnst ol'thc" Ulnvtorit, tutubrrti out ot town durum (he |wi.t ri-wVreks. ^ir .Manrlwn annnumnl tliailib' next mi-otlnu will In- Wednrsdnyevening. .Sept. 28. .


day lU'dinu m t"hpToVn.nh||)Uminti Hie miftlnR, It was reportedliml a liirik of rocoida of I he iuliulu..tstrallim wiilil'iiforniaMoii liintjslu'd byother ontant/jitloiis showed uiu? familyto be BIT tUm .1111 Income o i -yo weekly'I1MII1 Viirinu.t _rvlii-r shurces.' ". Dirvetur Ueorso K...Wariier'of llmHinrrijeney Itrllcf Adiulfllatrntldir \nf-

ut.' the ornanlzfttlnii of t(u-' 'wfe'ri'H?\A'rifW'tth^

if' '^S';~- i'T'33

Rremen Ouickly Subdue Scri-""bus" Tlif eat r6T~ NigliT~DlazcJo-Tlicatte Block--BiisinfasSection.

Starting In a |»i»ai!F brtwrcn Ilirmain portion nf the store and a mirroom, fir* Ute Monday liight thrratrnwlhe National Cigar and statinncry Slorr

at 15 North »vfnup. Vint. . Tlwuiih Hit1

nu'n .quickly Hiiothcrttl Hip rianit's,dani*f« to thr stock of the nlurn oasKitlniatcd at about t5.0OO. due .largelyto smoke »nd watrr l*roi>erty dAiniiKi'

otvth the flames, smokr and witterwas estimated by Flrr Cliicf Tunlsonas about «5,000 also.

Thi-'alarm wa» turned in by OfDcerFrank <3«ru»0"»boiit"H-30-i>»niT~(roiTTthe box at the comer ot North avenueirtd Union avenue. Before the laht

enillU'll is lo ii.HHlst the relief .'adllllllls-': .tr(4ll«ii--Hiid~flir<iiigh":'fhr"-jrTvicB-"of-:'1--.'nivmlwi» of Hie TOWHSIIIP c.iiiimlltee.Will pro'vliie a nretirtl link b*'lwt*'n tileitilicliils vXw TUIM: iiir mhnr>* axui thn,

roup wlilili c«|iruilv It tn iLislat tin..ri*l .ry* 'MayoY Tri'iii ji; "A~ Qu/.' waji'II-OIIHI . a:i I'liitrrnmii of \\\v ndvlwiry'uiiiiiil. with llcrlM'rt H . Wliicklrr,Township trciisun-r ulid deputy ..reliefllriTlor. na si't'ictruy.. I'nvsi-llt ill- tin- iirKiuil/.allnn inwlln((n-re: Miuror l.utz, Tuwiislilii Cummlt-i-enmn I-'raiik MrCullotiKli,'the Hev.lanics K.. MrlMnulil, piislor ol. Bt,' Ml-chners Roman Cutliolk Churih, theHev. IbMcix! T ^FIIIIBI, nietor tit 'I'rlliltyEpiscopal Chiircl'i; I/iula Tiillwt. trena-ircr of Uetli Kl Ti'inplc. Harry I,, Dlrn-inlck, cashier of tile. First National~Hank, nil well as Ka-llcf. Director War-ner aiid fJeputy Wlnckler. Tow'nshtpOoniinltteemirn ^I^^.^^steilh.'ydi^jyid^,.^.Hufieyr'otlf>er"nieiiibers..of the roupctt^—were xwiiy oiijiuslnesii trips.

round of the alarni was completed, allthe fire, apparatus was ..at the scene ofthe blaze and.the flreftfihtcrs were lay-

^ 1 'center,of town, it aUrttcU-d a ..largecrowd-of -spectators SIMI- mifio. bad - tobe diverted around that section of North. a v e n u e . . " • ' . . • ' •. . -4 - i ^ = v T :

1 The *Tt*r,'room trf trie- store wa» amass of flames when the, riremen wentinto action, but by break Inn throueiihe front door and fighting their way

members of the council jipproved the.pl»n of cb-opcrallon suggMtM and Itwas pointed out that ofllclal Eniergcn-cy^Renef records of Individual..caseswould be confidentially turnUihcd other :Interested orttanlnUons. Dccause ofliio"cases in which families have, been' -•' -.resclflnir relief from -.more than on*'.'•.. — ""'•'

of the flames, they qulrkiy broughtthem under control. Another liuse Una'was run to Uie side of the building andplayed throughi an opening In Uie root'in. trie rear of-the^ire. ' :".

"A showcase'In the-rear of thc-.sXoreproper and its stock, wait consumed bythe fire, while the heal cracked milchof thejother glass in.the store. Qrcatquantities of water were used .foT Oiequick extlnguUlilnit of the flames andall stock on low shelves was generallyruined. - . -.''. -. • • .-

The store Is operated by M. T>. Dragarpof 18 West Holly who stated holeft at 11:10 that evening. He saidthere was no odor of smoke aBoutrthaplace at that June. Wnfte the originof tbe' nre was not' cstabiishedTT^r.Bragar b«lieves'lt started from either acarelessly tossed cigarette, or short cir-cuit In the wiring. He. recalled havingrecent trouble with electric ll«l>Ur:r -'

Tuesday morning, Mr. Bragar .Issueda statement In which he- eompllmenleUthe firemen for thelflwbrk. He wild:

I wlah-to'-publlely cipress-thy-appre-clatloa to Uie members oj thd Ore de-partment for the. efficient manner Inwhich;they fought the'flre. they wire

(Continued on Uut pagty

Democrats Will Have

Schedule, for' ThursdayEvening Sessions in VariousSchools, yf/hh Big Sendj-Off

-for-€gBjger*s Campaignr^

A"serte* of *e«i^yranies lit "the «u.dttoriums of the local schools will fea-ture tbe DemocraUc campaign InCranford--Jh* tentative schedule asannmBeed by the enatanah oI4he.mu-

U James W. Barrett.nWptii c o .Is: Ortdbeir 7,'Lincoln.School; October14. Boosewlt Schobl^Oftober 31,8her-.man School: October 38, ClevelandSchool; November 4. Outdoor Rally andParade. " •'. ' '' " — "' r • .

In addition, a Cooper Old HomeNight will be arranged to honor thecandidacy of Walter E. "Cooper for theAssembly. - Every, candidate .or. theDemocrats^ ticket will be introduced,and those who have .already signifiedtheir Intention of belnc^pnsent areCongressman Percy H. 8tesrart, candi-date for V. a Senate: Red C. Hyer,Omgiessicaal aspirant; Ray K. May-ham, candidate for State Senator andthe two local candidate* lor Township

cutest page)

Icularly strewed llic-iiMd for co-op-ration between the varlou.1 oriiutilza-'ioi^s .which carry on relief work and.h,. nmeisl.n-llrf-adminlitnittnh.-Other -

to all Rrouns dolnii charHablo work,KiiiitinK^otrrtliBrror a persDnito r e - —elve aid under false*pretenses consU- -utes-»nil«k'aiiiior,> The-letter-wa»i»»--Ollown-. - . • . . . . . . .

''At a nicctlng of. the Advltory Coun-;ll'of the'Cranford Emergency Belief,[act» were broUKht forth which deemed|t advl.Mible that every charitable or- .-•ganl-tatlon In Cranford be made famllV •lar with the provisions of the lffw In .

t i r i t t o ncceptancBjof relief; for their" -own protection"and especially for thoprotection of Uione whom they arcjald-ln(t. Following 4s from 'An Aot tor the -.funlsiimenl of Crlrnes,' which was ap-proved October 13, 1031:- . /

." 'Any penon whe iihall know-Inily,: or designedly, by means ofany ralw sUtement mule orally orIn wrUlni obtain from any County ~or municipality In Oil. State, nrfrom mny oHV-er or charitable or- .*>*.*KsniiaUon' or • any' awoclatlon of ,,any kind undtt^rtttantm that he to ,poor and* needj or oat of employ-ment, any money, wira*, jnefchiii-" " •dise, rood* or: clutfeU, or other v»l-. - -able thing, shall bh ipUltf «f - i jnlS-v ^demeuior and piiBtahed .aecora*..~*-I n g l y . ' " ' _ , . ' • v - i . • •• ' ' ; • •

_:*Eb!iid!«w.-4s;' ifery drastic and thoState Insistsi upon its enforoemeht. Ahexample of how, a persQif could becomecriminally liable under this act;.wqiildbe- that., posslblyJie.Js rjhitlvlnj: :ald '.from a private,'charitable organliatlon.

' ! l t o h l i f


Crahford"; .'The recipient of this relief:may have fold.the private organizationthat-h« Is receiving aid from the Town-ship, but has not Informed the Emer--

gency Belief Committee of the Town-ship that aid is being furnished by a

-This would be a

• ^ - • - v i , a

A *;J-l

violation of thft law, a mlsdeameanorforwhich is provided a perialty.of up.".to 11.000 flne, or three years In Jallathard labor, or both, • , . . / .. •

••It also came to light at this meeting .of s caw-whete a family was receiving --

(Continued m Uut page) . . .

To Resume Unity Meetings r^N«xt Sunday Afternoon

Dnlty liBeetmgs "will be 'fesumedTuesday at'3:'aO'pTh>: at the Hiverslde.Mrs. Edith M. Berry of; the accredited :Unity Center,'; Newark,-win be t h e . ,leader^.' Meetings will be held each ,week. , "-v.;»-j

"The class studies the-application offundamental dirlstlan princir*» to 'daily living," says so announcement of 'the meeting, "and an who are Inter- .ested in working out Individual prob- ;lems and lnjnejeace and welfare of 'the world at large are welcome." '


Page 2: I jfeli^ig^f-'/^gion hom e a t » Fores avenue. Le »Cller of KUsabetlJ avenue is) general chairma n of th e committe I charg rs of th pos t ar assist-to various capacities. - Serend

Trial of


NE HUNDRED AM) TWENTT-_av« jrtsrs aro Ibe.tusset.ibe wb«le

nalloa.«m- larwd Ivward itlcb-miMHt. * Ta** 1•«•• UM4% was takingplace Me «C 'lac....n e s t s la Aawttdaa bWUHy—whathas beta called The fmura crim-inal trial la i B n i n i history andon* of the aaiaMe trials In tbe an-sals a( tto I n . " No two • penun

fmttfeat i f l k t iuilrf *»atea, was'iioo trial for bi* Bfe aad'iite rtiarj-f acainn lilia

threat to the safety *r sec J»t oae |*raon or aCroup of persons b«t t» i t * «if«) of UM wholenation. It* crime of. bit* I M

A|lhi»eh Bnrr wasr'in«sljM*v't>y-«r*it-'::*»a Brauk im*kt «f 1 H *

aarf fchMrtsa* o n stlB daaMfalfee fkiijiaaj I tarr Conspiracy"

Modem ContractBridge ZtZZZZ


T j BE sure-tbst. the reader has theproper- • reaction .to "bia partner'!

two-bid and clearly understand!, thepart It plays In the forcing System. h«most realize that for ita success, tbeforcing two-bid dependa entirely oncorrect responses. When responding w

your partner's two-bid, the most Im-portant'facts to ketp in mind are:

Iflint—Voa cannot pass.- Second—Even though you are trick-leia you must bid and continue tobid until a game la reached <or ll«penalty equivalent In a double «f anopponent which will net aa madypoints aa your gam« would be worth).

Third—Unless you hare at least ona.honor-trick, your Hrst response OHirtbe a negative two no trump, lrreipe*tlve o^wbether. or, not you bold length1n.jo.ur partner's trumps or a'longsuit of your own.

Fourth—Any response other thantwo no trumps Is. positive, showing atleast one honor-trick. In. your hand.

If you respond with two no trump!you show that your hand lacks anhonor.-trlck; wlth.tbli negative re-sponse you may. have some distribu-tional- support In long trumps andrufflngTHiTuiror a long suit,of.yourOW.B. cutter, can. be shown on ajater

atlve respiin.Be has warned your'part-_rl^V"iiitnB'suW-'Srjr- :"-"r'''

* if you respond with a false of-»-|-pa«ner1s-*ult*yojt'sli6»^eaBltely-one

honor-trick and the normal support


• u i u n / w ast fee fkiijiaaj Itarr Conspiracy"was actually" a Urtw«»Me MbabK, tb« ,wu»e ofAaron Burr baa com*' d m la j«<i«Ur twllcfamong our "icatiinr of maa4n4s** wcuod only.to Benedict ArooJit WfcrthM-« nrt be.ljaa brjaiassigned aoeb m pi»rr jWtj *r onjuialj 1s a

room dcenoCnKniTHtPAiMn* t^ cw. Jtrn.iw?-—iri'."T«E PAOtANTof AMCRirj f '')"' "COUUTiSV VALE UNIVtRSITV PRESS)



In the PmldratbtL*t*xih»a.«M*w(t tlurr.andThuuascandidates, each V^ ;_tie which, tire*' '.«*• *>ntHt»,.1MR '.(be.reprrtsntiUtev wfclih «*«Hi««)yAfter balloting, for l i n t i r a i r i n «-<r<- c»«tfor. Jelfenion'aiul fooir fyrltttrr. aad liudef-theConstltiiilva s s It KWM! tkts UMjf mio> JrftVr-sun Fmldent and Itair. Yit* 1-mMlpni He-cliUM of political Jut*«TT «riUi the FpderallEU,Kurr lost mhaitxtr nriant tbr W J i n amongthe iiew party h*U for M B . T>«>.lie tweanwfnvotveti iD- a bitter Mreccte f«r fuj rtfuuicy InHew York politic* suul ii^tnw of Uie antae«n-lam qt JetTersDo all ttr patn«&sv'*as tb niwnto Itiirr's rival*, toe CKueof and tne(l Urine-•tons. Accnntlncly hr anvttnl I'rdomllKt ,iraj>-

'port In the gn»enatMta( t%cr t< IHti. «n alH-ance whjcb was fooifcl K«*rS« IT AlemndorUamiltou., The-mnit «m» tW Hvat 4>f. Iturrwho heM HamUioo. fii-rCj mpvodtitr for^Jllsbumlltatton. Thro jot&mol ife* fimous llnrr-ltamlltvo:duel Is «fcMk Parr* install nded tbe:great career of U"a.<Mi>xtn«"* srcix-ury of_tlietri'n»uri ami nna> Borr a patitirsl abd nocial"pariah.

JDlscredlteil In UurEatt > b f r be had I w na leader. ISurf n r n l i t tbr'Unt to recoupbla fortunei . bopinjc.w ca*r«tiBie *n tl<e tyffmtamong, tse Westerners* » b « * taik-cf ligunlpnwaa r(fe- I'Xoasnt: is*--AB*d*-ai<* he arrlvixl"



at Blennerbawett's bland in the unio river.•rharf "™.^tFJ,mnn l^-ffliffklWyH. II TfaltliyIrishman, - woe-bad Mttcd -ibfnr'in :1 jWt i.-. ToBlennerhass«tt BWf pcvsww-1 a •«II<1 K*rtne ofraising an annul force la tbe OMr'Southwest,driilnC'the:Spcutianty tftst-roC-Uisxico-axtd-^vt&lv*^Ushlng a gnat soutberp «naf<drncy coaeosed

' 1(be AD«cb«dlea

jf1 it

the Amwicao tfrrltMj »*Kwhere the sintHnwt forstrung. . ' ' _ ' . . . : ' • . . • . . . . . ;

Blennerhassett' wasl mwugh' lunu <aised t>yBurr's" scheme, to moftiice «u i x d pos*rnsionito furnisb tbe m i m i r j a m ; : Tbey *1Mhoped to gain th* aid of Grrtt ftrttaia in car-rying out tbeir BckeBW aad. frrtbrr to Insurethe socceaa of tae plaa, itarr « M : tbe npport»f General Wllklosoo. Ukm (<n«rbor of Unlsl-ana territory, commander *f tb*! Called SUtesarmy s"nd **u tw»-f»t»d a iilliia as ri-r* aerredtheCnJled Statea n»i"«i»ni»ruL~ : ",

Throoghoot idea aad lSDJS Bsrr deivJoped bisplot which became »rO kwnrt UiTwiEKont tbeff l i w federal a«l»w1tSei. t»we»w.-»eeiato have been stnaxely bBed t» «bai n i u tIng place unta at but WUkiwoD betrayed thescheme to JeffHasa «?a*:aaj. tonmtwr it, 1S00,Issued a Preaidesttal procbuaaihn caUlas forthe arrest of all Ibssclanraliied. tViainson »ndthe others, to save tbeir *ra aklni. dnertedItnrr and. In the m s d m porttnee. t c ,wn mad*the goat-«f tbe whole affair. Attcnitlnc to See,Burr was arrested to Atabaaka aad broagbtback to TlrjUda far trial aa the cbsr$e of trea-son.

His case was tried la tbe Catted Stales cirn i t court latter _at KHJ^aiiad aad •erer. perbaps. In.American aMary baa tbet* bees ealb-,(red tosetber la a n o t n a a sacs a sabory of

i that •role .roves la

: Richmond. John Mar shall, chief Justice*,of: the' ,•• .'Supreme; court of tho United Suites presided

.over tin- trial. Luther Martin and Edmund TUnn- 'dolph were counsel for the accused and \Villlaui -Wlrt, ivusyicuunscl ,for the govcrmni'iit" ' Tho- •foreman of the grand Jury which brought the ...

.. indictment BKuliiBt Burr was.,tho waspltth, .but '*•,. liiHIIuill John" Randolph of Itoiinoke. And, not «'.- the, least of the great figures in this .case, was •„-;„...

.... • _l>«rr;s-charmlng,-d»tishtcr,' Theodotla. of "tragic •f a m e l a t e r . ' \ ' ' • • .'••-,••,'-. ' ' . •"•

.'••' -Although Aaron-Burr wns'upon trial on tho•'i;^ir(Si»t-«rious.cliurK<.<'f»hlch can be. placed-against --••

• '•?. the cltUen of a country.ln reality he was Uttio pV;V3^^rwJiM^iibJU!wa»;p»j«a^l%;wfok-^

: . ./ regarded as "a test of strength between the Re- ." publican president Jefferson and (lie Federalist

Chief Justice Marshall, the trial lasted' frola" -.March 57 167 September 7,'1807, and the full

i j story of the legal: maneuvers executed by-,th«...two clashing forces would, .require a^book for -- t h e . telling. ' • '• :-~-r-r '"•''[ - ':.' .. ' '•'•':

Under the' Constitution, treason against thoUnited States consists "only In' levylng war ~ :

against- them, or In adhering to their; enemies/-giving, them aid and comfort," and no person .

"taaybejConVlctiiHl of It. ''unless on the testimony -of two witnesses to. the same-overt act,-or on -.confession in open court" ThVcruiof the whole ..

. casej against. Burr was whether or not on a rcr- '-tain «late-< December 10,-1900) Burr bad-actual-——•:

ly "levied war (gainst-.the United States" byassembling ah armed force on Blennerhassetrsisland and< on the day following had set In* mo-tlon this -uiiiie_oriU54Jorfle In an expeditionagainst the City of N|;w Orleans.

The prosecution produced a series of wit-nesws, mainly servants of.Illennerhaisett. toprove-this point Then It announced Its Inten-tion of Introducing evidence to xhnw Iturr'sconnection with the assemblage on tbe Islam!. "whereupon the defense sprang a >urprlsc~'whlcli<tamed the tide In Burr's fator. Developing thefact that on the night of December 10 Burr -hadnot been present at the Island, but had been 200miles away In Kentucky, they contended thatunder the Constitution the assemblage on Blen-

nerlinBsetl's'.Jsland icoulil not be reifardcd ubis act, evcn^grjintini! tluit.he bail advlBeil'It,fur, mid .they, advising, nor Is one thing butlovyluj; It Is quite dnotlliT. If tills Intorpretutlonwas correct.-then no ovi-rCTact of lorylng war,either wltliln the JurlsillclloiKof the court,M

' stated In the Indlcttnent, hndbefen or could '6eahown AKalust BiirrT' ' -

oplnlon .accenting, virtually -the contention^ «fBurr's attnu>vs and when the prosecution -50s

' unable.to produce twoHvltne'jscs'who had actual-, fy" seen Purr.procure the assemblage on tho-ip-,'lanil. It allowed the case to so to the Jury,

returned; "We of the Jury say that Aaron" BurrIs npt proved to be jrullty under this Indictmentby any evidence submitted to us.-"We therefore•find, him not guilty."-At tb^arder of the chiefJustice this Scotch verdict was cnterW~oa-therecords of tho court''a* a simple "not guilty,"".. AcqulttcuVJlurr became an.exile and an oat-

c u t The man who came, within one vote of beIng. 1'resldent :.of the. United States,wanderedabout Kurope for four years^-borrowlng small

. amounts,' attempting dubious promotions, lirg-Inc the. French id spjfeo_Lomsrannr"(n 1810. andnnidly rv,uirnlng.; to/rffs own land with a false•wig and whiskers! Shortiy'after his arrival heencounlered , the^briwklnjrTrfrthe one tie -thatheld him-ijo-the earth when-his beloved Theo-itosla, who had stoodjiy him Iwhen the wholeworld sortiied to have filmed against him tookship from the; South io* meet him in-New. "fork.'The ship on which she sailed never reachedport and what her fate was Is to this day anI'mo'trd nijatery. One of the most tragic pic-iiitv-i In nil Aperlcan history Is that of theiTolveii, itlvrnced Aaron Burr, a devoted fa-ther Kliati'-ier else^be may have been, goingilium ti> the batter* every day for years,'search-Ins tho horizon for /the sail of a ship which

. m-ver csmewhe ship bringing back to him hislongest daughter. And then as a final touchto an Ill-fated acrccr was his unfortunate mar-riage 1o the famous Madame Jnmel who divorced"him on the day he died.


quoen. When more than one raise canbe counted (In additional honor orrutpng'tricks) the bid should beJumped for the full amount of raises.But a Jump over the game should'beavoided with -less than 2 to *2'/4 honor-

If you r-ispond with a suit take-outyou show at leaut one honor-trick In"a hand oontalnlng a biddable suitUnlike-your raises, your suit take-,outs must never-be Jumped. They mustbe bid gradually even though you haveall the outstanding honor-tricks miss-ing from your partner's hand. Tbebetter-'reojon^-you-have for "believingthat the hand contains a-slam, the bet-low and EnlnlriR all possible Inform^

peaks up to eternal^snowa.rlfrowhere^I*ls«:iU^!$ler^,comriajrib.le^eUhtAJL<!r," del1 Jhe^equator, rising froni the heart

of a continent The Andes of Ecua;dor, relatively close to the coast andthe mountains of the Island of NewGuinea are the closest competitors. ,.- Weather conditions do their part Incontributing to the. strangeness ofthis African motfntaln mass, and Inthrowing an almost literal veil ofmystery arouj(do.it The peaks arebidden to observers from the plainsarid forests'by clouds and fog exceptat rare intervals. As n result, thedefinite. existence of the mountainswas .unknown to Europeans until1804 when Sir Samuel Baker, whileexploring' Lake Albert, saw "a blue.mpnntSrn to the souls.1* Ills observa-

tion. ,., As the bluuTng^annot die~a"fter"an original two bld has been opened.,•there Is no reason? to- become nervousand shut out'what might prove vaUi-able further Information. .

: If >yntt respond (vltjh-thretlyoo deny support "for'partner1* sujt'(unless sometlmts when he opens aminor) and also deny another bid-dable suit but. you show/from It*to 2 honor-tricks. The purpose of thethroe no trump.response-is.to informyour partner Immediately that he can

port, . / . . -If you respond wtth four, five, or

six no trumps- yotf show 2% or morehouacrlrlcks: aodiatJatk'-or.odeqttatehouacrlrlcks:trump'support or biddable suit.p p pVour 2% honor-tricks, added to theminimum shown by. partner's openingtwo-blil, put you definitely In the slumzone. Whether you decided to bfd Ira-mediately, for the slam or to give yourpartner a slam Invitation would de-pend/upon' whether 'your hand con-tained Just the bare 2 4 honor-tricks(bid '4 no trump) pr sulllcicnt. addi-tional honor cards and stoppers tofeel, assured that, without hearingfurther from your partner, a clambid nt no trump would be a thor-

^ Kxumples of forcing two-bids:




ftcalerSouth '.vyest North

2 Diamonds Pass 2 Spaclea.8 NoTrumps Pass Pass






w . : • . " • ' : . • ; • : :

H-i00S70SD-A104 .



South3 Hearts8 Hearts4 Spades


"BiddingWest Kortbj J5ast

RPass 2 No Trumps RatsP ' 3 SdPass' 3 SpadesPass Pass


When ('bidder whose siae"has (partial score opens' with a declara-tion of two which, will pat him oat,the bld'Is not forcing. " *

m n

Fsshlonsbls UdlM of Equatorial Africa.

br N«llon«l-0«oiT«phlo SoeMr.wiuliliistou, 1A C~-\*'tiil d«rvlcif.

R'DWENZORI, o^e of the world'squeerest mountain- masses, has.been scaled by a Belgian expedi.tlon entirely In Belgian territory,-

according to reports from the BelgianCpngo In which a part of'.the moun-,tain.-1'les.. The "feat, not hitherto ;ac-.compllshed, required a cjliub of morethan 10.000 feet"of.-difficult txainessJungle and rocky, slopes..RuwenzorlJs ynusjial |n Rs very

ly under the equator, surrounded bj1ShtV"t1iffiInF'"tr 'feaT''fpreBT(" iri(I1ShtV(t«iffiInF.tr^feaTfpreBT(^(Isun-drei)ched plains,covered with.ta.lll b ^ * ' a ' t " l t * s - l t S

crest of Ruwenzorl, with an altitudeof 10.810 feet.above sea ileveL

Numerous small glaciers extend"down from the snowy peaks to about14,000-foot level, -and from themtrickle many streams. . From which-ever side the drainage comes. It findsits way Into the surrounding lakesand' rivers and flows, through Lake

'Albertf Into the Nile...' Ruwenzorlthus fulfills the ancient tradition: itIs the "Mountain of the Moon" onwhose white crests Egypt's life-givingriver Is born. • ...

The portion of Ituwenzorl. lyjngnorth of Mounts Emln and.Gessl hasnew^»been^-dtmbedi«Mo~addltloii«to»making a survey of the western slopesw-T^"ami^raTig^''qirTnitna-'Stanley saw the peaks and made

known the fact, for- the first time,that they were snow-tappeuV tt was

d lnotp

more than a decade latertttat the snotr.line was:first reached;and the crests were not attained un-til 1008' when the duke at .the Abruzxlled his expedition to the t o n . ; , | '

The name, Alotintnins oC the Moon,-is believed to-have arisen from a mis-taken translation.from Arabic.; but ithas -fitted well Into the atmosphereof mystery that surrounded Ruwen-torTTor centurlesTnna" It nTST"a^Spurntlve Justification because of theweird appearance of the mountainslopes. The relatively few white menwhw-hnTe-maJe'-tbe^rdTOnsV^Vrmo-Irave.nll noted ihe Impression thatthey had- blundered Into some alien,world. - The combination of excessivemoisture, altitude and equatorial sunhas produced a unique vegetationHint jn maps ways Is utterly fan-tastic.

Vegetation Is Extraordinary.After emerging Croni: the dense

tropical forests of''the lower slopes,a climber feclMfice a Lilliputian vis-iting the rnpnilows of Brnbd|ni;nng.He walks^unong parsley plants nine;feet hl£ti. "binCseed" three times bis

oughly safe and favorably contract- helcht, and heather plants, relativesot^lhc low Scottish shrub, that havet>Tpancled Into great trrcs 70 and 80feet tall. To add to tho weinlncss,colored mosses—brown, jellow, green,-nhlte and red—are nil about under

overhead. They grow In huge-1

cushions that encircle tho limbs oftho heath trees like glnnt mushrooms;Impaled on a skewer. The unenrthlyappearance Is heightened usually byfog," through which the strangegrowths loom dimly; and there Is acontinual ^drlp_.Qtjftntfit_frojn. Jl)nil)j(and mots clumps. The way oftenleads through swamps and muck upto one's knees.

Above. the_h_eath forests, on lessswampy ground, giant lobedlas cover'-large areas, «6dlng. thelr_splkesj ur>.to twenty feet of more.-All about area variety of weeds, grown almost tothe magnitude of trees. Further tipare thickets of bamboo through whichprogress Is extremely difficult Thehighest slopes. Just' below the snowline, are covered with a thick growth'of everlasting flowers. •

Except on Its lowest slopes Ruwerf..tori Is uninhabited, and above thetropical forests there is not much" ani-mal life. The soggy heath forestsare almost devojd of animals, birdsand Insects. On other parts of (heslopes, where sparse animal.,life Isfound, it forms a'Tjncer assortment:a few small mountain antelopes;leopards that prey on them; hyraxes,which are harellke conies; frult^at-lne bala-wltn e>wlrig4pread." of twofeet; and a few*birds and insects.

The name, Ruwenzort. was selectedby Stanler_-M the most commonamong a large number or native des-ignations. It has been Interpreted asmeaning "King of the Clouds" and"Rain-maker."

' Really a Mountain Range.Ituwcuori Is not a single mountain,

but a "pbcket-«lze" range. With' Itsfoothills i f is approximately OO.mlleslong and 30 miles, wide. The naming'system that has been followed Istath^complex. "Topping the moan-'

tain mass are'six, explored groups ofsnowy peaks, and a few other heightsnot yet climbed. Each group la givena name as a mountain, and. each,peak la tben separately named, frontnofth ty south the snowy mountaingroupa/whlch hare been climbed areEmln,' Gessl, Speke, Stanley. BakerondAulgl di Savoia, em* named for -ankexplorer of Ruwenjort-ltself or ofneighboring portions of Africa. MountLulgl (II Savoia bears the name -ofUw do^. . ofv.toe .• AbruijU^, 4i»uot.Stanley Is the highest 'of the "sixsnow-cappsd groups..-Allfour-of-Itspeaks—Margherlta, - Alexandra, Elena

flS^J»i(B3a0SUJ'ijaflJSM^^.jsJ3aSJfiEi,high, and exceed by several hundredfeet the peaks of the nelghborine

pedltlon plans to climb tbe'peaks ofthis northern-region and to obtaindefinite Information.in regard to their

; Odd Facts About th» Editor. ' >While Ruwejnzorl's snow h»k been a

popular' "harjl "to believe'*^subject.-there aifrotheri facts about the world'shot line that are, perhaps, equally, a»s t r a n g e . ••. . • • - . , ' \.\: '. • •- --For-example:—™ •;—*--—-——•* •-•—

Th»The' equator does not touch conti-

nental Asia.Less than one-fourth of the equator

The eq'Oator cuts Africa nearly Inhalf, traversing the middle section of.Kenya, severing tbe northern thirdfrom the Belgian Congo and bisecting:the tongue of French equatorial Af-rica which, with Angola, nearlysqueezes the Belgian Congo off the At-lantic const

In the 2,300 miles across equatorial .Africa there are no deserts bat torrlilJungles, some parts of which are socanopied by trees Interlaced by vinesthat only- pehcll-like rays of sunshine-penetrate. In this region the travelermeets with naked, black, klnky-halretitribesmen! and such unfriendly beastsas wild elephants, lions and hippo-potamuses. 1

Just below Huwenzon's westernslope Is the bailiwick of the Bani-hute pygmies, shy, diminutive folk orthe Jungles, and beyond Is the domainof Baotu tribes, some of whom relish

-traman flesh. The Masai, among thewprld's fiercest natives. Inhabit theregions, to the east of the mountain.

Between the western coast of AfVlen ,and the coast of Sonth America, the'vjuntor ciussen no-lurid. InThtTinoullt of the Amazon It traverses Mexlnna Is-land and then plunges Into 2000 milesot Jungle land, almost as Impenetra-ble In places as the Jungles of Africa.

•Equatorial South America Is theland of Indians of yellowish arid red-dish hnes with straight hair which Is 'cat as though*'soup butt Is had been ~applied to the natives' heads as gnldes -for barbers' scissors. The" largest ani-mal la the tapir, and ant eateiy areabundant' "At the eastern base of- the Andes,the equatorial traveler meets theJlvaros, natives who are proud-oftheir art In shrinking human heads tothe size of an orange, with the hairand skin Intact '

From their hot Jangle homes, theJlvaros can' see the snow-cappedAndes of Ecuador and western BrazlLQuito, capita] of Ecuador, nestles IDthe Andean hills, about fifteen milessouth or the equator.

The equator begins Its trans-Pacific"flight" by crossing the Galapagos Is-lands and tben makes a long_Jnmp ta '

-the East Indies where It traversesCelebes, Dutch Borneo and Sumatra."missing Singapore, the nearest pointof continental Asia- by only 00 miles.These regions a n Inhabited by brown- 'sklnned_ natives, some of whom show-traces u of SlsBgoilarj, Hindu andMalayan blood, ,

From Sumatra westward, the equa-tor touches,no land until It strikes)Kenya, East-AMcsr—— " — ' — " • —

S j ^ ^

i' '

Page 3: I jfeli^ig^f-'/^gion hom e a t » Fores avenue. Le »Cller of KUsabetlJ avenue is) general chairma n of th e committe I charg rs of th pos t ar assist-to various capacities. - Serend


ffir »..;

g ( t a n a n ass* hj (he Utae nwmbers of thli speech dcrect clinica t tba anmauia pfcssl'ir Xesajte. jmtunHj Vt t w e their own ..faulty speech..Stanuaetins. T'T'*—"-C Bajasg; a»a - t a i j talk" Are Mine of- (he lliVngl over-

- • ' - ~ - ialiteStaKbcricaltesesummer..curriculum..


Swindles* Fnad Vi. Pamiam Cafes.

Paris.—'toimngtmntetiled a vtatttac

1 to a popttftur.asiittwaiii tale mceatlyIndicates that tbe wmti frgiwisiflwi 1»not ualmtsal. ' _

Despite nvn«teJL»uiu«JB«ts «£' thesep s•too. mear ta Ota mm*, swa«f Psrisiaai stCrnBk catcss. (he. vicu

and still prwriaV easy fir grians-

• punished. W i t e m n ax a taw<late- with a ACcnat sasfattt. • «*•fereat name, sad tSBsWl aasznclie.

a4disappear!**; Mas* Us* TlcOn tattlmetof«tt»lber«t»aati«L

'., Only receaUj a oisasisg aanfflrsTlsii,tantiemes dMoo** apart! •*•*««.-'<X» ftaacB en Oat fbnifest ** ©HfSexo

prevalent sag If for one of the swln.-dlnrs to take a chair on the- terraceof a popular .cafe where nil the world{(*» and wait until some' particularbird oT~ prey arrive*. .

The victim selected Is either chosenty^~prearrapged tactics on the pnrt ofthe £angi *6r a. victim la-chnseV "atrandom because of his apparent orsupposed possession of ready wealth./The "con man," so to spent, havingan engaging personality, soon makesthe acquaintance of the victim and. If

U h t e hworldly arts of a gentleman; who "has

l lworldly arts of a g t m ;l i v i bath,In,nai l .mi l o tJaUa


«yetx «ircomstance ntr all continents,soon makes Its Insidious effect, andtwo firm friendships are formed.Drinks follow, confidences'about fum-

'f lTTsfeBS *\&iirSSr"''in»mSSis'tiiBn'*ond>

e v e n t s . '.;. i t '. •'• •-.- i :-.\ .•'•• .'••The crook Is anparentlyj wealthy,

Just.aHareless fellow whose-peopleire rich, or whoso uncle. Js president

e MightHwMiwed

By THOMAS ARKLE CLA• U t > D « > . 1 kU>.

UsUmnity si IIBM**.

WI»=at»rT»told at Bath. ia» great;mualdaa, that ons day he visited a

d i s t a n t city itvwhich there wasa cathedral con-taining a wonder-ful organ. He ap-proached the sex-ton In charge re-questing htm first

.S&t^he nilgbt beallowed to sea tho

.organ, and thla re-quest being grant-ed, that be mightplay upon It. Thesexton r e f u s e dthis s e c o n d re-quest, laying that

It was quite contrary to his directionsto let.any stranger touch the Instru-ment which might be Injured It notcarefully handled. Bach was..Insist;ent, however, and persuasive, andfinally the sexton yielded.

As he listened'to the great mus'clunhandling the wonderful Instrument thesexton was first .astonished and thenheld spellbound. Vtmillv it dunnedupon him who It WAS talsho'e musiche was llsienTng. There was only onemad In the world wtyi had such skill.When, the music'was ended he cunieup to the player-Jind grasped him by< h h d i ; B ! l k Y i 1 » n h r ' » l d 5and .... _ „.,„ .„let tlie musician touch the orgun, "undto think I might have missed the ma*

-teri»- . -—,«,;..— •--, ' ,—~—v-—How much we have missed or come

near e y ^our unwllllng'ness to take advantageof opportunities. ; :

I think I might have missed all thepleasant experiences which have cometo me during the last forty years. Ihad a boy friend who had moved awayfrom our community and whom I hadnot Been,for a hnlf doien years. 1

-had thought of Inviting him to visitme, but had'put'orr the Invitation asone will In such .cases. Then one day.

il bad the inspiration and acted on.lt.He came. He had been, tq college andhe' persuaded me to go. But for theInspiration which led me. to Invite himto visit me I aoubt^ery much.that |

t i l


COUIO PloV9fEADIlV FOR2,000.000,000 VtARS

- • JWNUS.t.lc.) , '


be It would have been Just as well.."' ' vou.lpvcc_.gonder-.wJ^t.would

have happened to you and what youmight have missed had you turneddown a different road than the oneyou took one night, or. If yon hadn't

be today -If yqu. had- n»t-maila_certa|ndecisions a scorebf years ago?

' .1 «©. » • • ; ?»«itVnl N«wip«>«r UnlpJ. . .;

Lawyer Just- Works HarderThan Other Fellow. . "

Chfcago.—Sightless eyes' are no dls-advantage tq Herbert Gutsier, Inwjcr,who.cousldera that he got a "hrcuk"when, at the age of seven years, achildish accident at the hands of arough playmate left him blind.

"I Just work barder thnn the. otherfellow," said Oelsler. "That's . thoonly reason 1 won honors In school,and the only reason I win.cases Incourts. I'm not afraid of work, andI-do It more cheerfully than tho law-yers who can see,"

Gelsler, who Is twcnty-elEUt years

eral law practice for three years, wnap j "Of .ibrllllaht record In John MuTsliull highschool,

lie entered the University of Chr-d (

the three »ariif;oj'-pfe^inw work",' ah'if:entirear'tne \aw schoitl^grhduatlnB In".W.1) with the highest 'honors of ibisc l a s s . .••:" ••;..• ' • ' ' ': "' ' •


! ^ i > p | MIn tlic law mtiiiDl, nnd win VliH-ttil tothn Order of the Coif, un honorary lawscholastic fruternlly. ncli(ler"'wnscliulrnmu-of the University nf Chicagoeditors of the UllmtlH l^iw Ite^vlew, antlwon the'WICKln rolie prize for scholar-ship In his second yrnr. .„

"I find the fact Hint I rannot ;seeno (llsailvandiEe to inn In the courtH.In cxa'inlimtloii'of wltneMH(<M It la nottfie'ir".ftictiil ejpri'SHlon Unit, reveiilswhether .they lire tolling the truth, buttheir words."

(lelnler baa a reader, and In additionis proficient In' midlng (he Krnllli'syslein. Ho rii|ililly takes notea f"rciiurU'oaui-..uj(«_,,.uu.,tlJC,,,llnUllp ..Dpi;^writer, and In tho eitiirtrnoro tnkeii

l ie swims, dunces, howls, takes longwalks and Is r.md of nidilnit. Althouiibtotnlly blind, he lends an active, nor-mal llfO. ' " : ' " , . •*~tle'siiTintjwb'"flmdnlf "fellows"'whnwere his cln«snmte» In law school asa good kport, a keen mind nnd an.ex-cellent companion. 1 ' : .

By Charles Sughroe

VV/OUI l ) . s r nihl un iiniiilKiak'nlile• **1ollfh of rhlr nitit nu dlr nfTtSVP; 1*1

ni'ss to yniir mill HCIIIUIII anil early rnllspneiiranre? Here's " howl Womenkeenly ulert t« tlume Buhlle iimveiiwhich niiikefur KU"I> "lyle .irelltnUnuluinuiiilale appeal In Hie Idea. 'I'lin;la, they ,ur« loppliiu Ihi'lrtlowery t'hlffons mid uflerniiitii prltiitt;.tlMrfr piiHlel-country clg.li fnnk» n'nd oih r of Ihi'lrdainty tcownx wlil<-h are tm>. pretty tolay IIHIIIU until tin; "from In «n Hiepuinjiklii," with iierfeclljt stijiillnu lit-tle .•vlret haia mid) IIH all I'nrlH Inwearihji.ln re^tnurnnlji,.to Ihenlera amiat nll'Miiiiirt gntherlni!*.

"And If you hirvo already nriiulredyour ';flrst" full frork .or milt, why of

with it one of the new'nnd..^^N>H>»»WM.nr.jii» w>M>hmttm»>ware now' rcniurlnu, mi as to iilnmpycur. costtiiuc with'that Inat-inln.ulelook wblih nil ccivct^_-Uulijf.-lfi the neweMt _,eolor fi»r' the^nllttriilg littlp loljueH' wiiiiii .'aru ii'owgracing the-'Stylu pUliiri-. Fur Jhntinillter, .even tho. newest velvet nullorisifapt to ho In that Ijiittcrlim Hliuile'However, he intHiiri'i|' tluit. hlnck andw'hlte'are definitely hnlilliiK thi-Ir own.

.That "touch 0'. white" wlileb rnsjilnnao perslstt'iitly CIIIIH for Is-frei|iientl>

; S H i i i r r i i y ~ i h T ~ i l c i l - t r T i r t

xames. I k e I s * ' K & e Ones win.trimmed th* asaBSMs! «tsBW wen «ld«ffendere. sod tteEr sjB«OT«fr « ssignalised la rafts.. Btt jHfflce acOoii

' a m only nans Os> ngaenaOe «entte-xoaa nad portnl «ak tAs mSOmm.

In this saitEcadsr cafe t i e saamdestof systems sire, BaglsstriL , 3taxr> r]c-tlms probaatr fft m e n>« M »conaborate. bat x t n a tnaker fallsthese: thmja sssfts tt m«fa w w l i thetime lost ea tatfr aai coesaes. Tbe


Meet the tastes* jessss lady IsTTasbinsivawSI1KHA9 X. tmj. aec-TKtarr w Dntssr QAsi, «ha> Is secre-tary «f the new axne ssaa t u t * boaxd.AD persass tmsat smUinm « « h the<>wrd. be tb*T MsMiaen. «OCUBI or* * seekets, tae ss«t aC «*Sdi are le-fe . case «s 3tn-

before M a c asssfttcal ta* s n ot

• * * ' ^ ~

of a big corporation, and whose ac-quaintance is \ast among men of clr-enmstance. ' To make money boreshim, because he has plenty.

Flattering -,0v«rtBy -deVlous means'the crook estab-

lishes the approximate wealth of hisvictim. And, by some singular co-incidence, a venerable gentleman hap-pens by the cafe. n&~speaks to thecrook as though he mliihl be the sonof bis elder business partner. The.first crook lnvltea his respected friendto Join them In a drink. He explains

rriT t1"1! "•» Jild genUeninn l»_ oneof America's or England's greatestbankers, the silent partner of shiplines, oil concessions, gold mines andscandalously rich, who Is retired butwho goes to the stock exchange as- amatter of Jong habit, , — -

The two crooks talk of a little deal.Perhaps they leave their new friendout ot; this little deal.. The next daythey met again, and.the elderly gen-tleman ' turns -over a. few thousandBranca with a bored air as the win-nings of their little deal. They offerto let tbelr victim In on one of thoselittle .deals, and they even bet Jocu-larly' among themselves who will gettrlmmed-on .the next Mock deal. Thistoes on until the friend is convincedthat lie la In good company. Then,cantos the real deal. The victim lajrsout cash, a specially big prize on anew stock. The next day the twofriends cross the frontier and the Innofcent victim calls shame-facedly on thepolice.

Unliurt in Car Crash,4 •* Nuwe Diet of Fright

New Uork.—Miss Elsie Cob. trfenty-three years old, a nnrse,nt the Creed-moor State hospital, died in Jamaicahospital following' an automobile col-lision a few hours'earlier. Hospitalauthorities said that at'tar as theycould learn Miss Cob was physicallyunhurt, but the shock brought on anattack of hysteria whicD affected bet'bearz." This caused her death.

Earl Grace

Just the other day Earl Grace,catcher for the Pittsburgh Pirates,compfeted-bls one hundredth consecu-tive game without an error. lie badhandled 270 chances without a alsjplay,his last previous error being on Au-gust 29, 1931. - ~ ,


' , - Seeing RedWhen we Face the sunlight with

our eyes' closed we do not seem to'be in darkness, but rather, a red-dish glow penetrates .our visions.This Is because" the red blood Inour eyelldr doses out all othercolors which go to make op light,allowing only the red to passthrough. ' , . .

6. !>]«. W««l«ra Ntwipapn Union. ,

Props* VratilttiokThe best way to ventilate a room

Is to open a window Mp and bottomor .one window at the top, and another,on" the opposite aide ot to*; room attht bottom. . ^.» j ' j *

Archery PracticeRuins House Walls

San llateo, Calif.—Even the rain.didn't stop Robert MacColllstcr.

and his little bow and arrow.* When the rain began to fall Mac-Colllstcr moved h|s target practiceInto'jtbe house. A. wall^ MacCol-llster found, nuule an excellent tar-,get for.his arrows.

But lira Jtdbiirt Person, ownerof Uie home In which MacCollIsterwas living, objected. She told the

jHMitLrbsjrLwuili were pockmarkedwith . arrow holes. MacColllstcrpaid to have, .the room, rcplnstercd.


_ ^fio. burglar wants to bs mistakenfor aChgsband."- s»HI«.B«Ul»dloat«, wvnuntn.

Tie-Around Style

of'twisted or-liraldeil or .^lliorwlni;draped white velvet, JUKI to lie "iilf-ty,'"_w™r yvmiji one or thejinrli;btl|*.Vree-wiTlS?>«*ili? vibli'hr'<iiirS'''<n« 'likVa halo . nliout,. the bend.-

1'erhhpH you lire, [mrthrl to lirlukH.If so you w|j | ttnil wnltliitc to atiHweryour bid niu(. call nltnullve tilmkvelvet capelliien. liecliliHll.v shnllow..crowin-d are these, newest modelsThey sure 1I11 o l o t for nny -nsiuuie Intho way of,topping It with stylo. Mil

liners are pltn Inn mnskilurable i n -unmr=atr thin t jpc of tat-for=. trams-

dlnte wear. ''I'he.new cuffed lints nro prfivlnie

Just tn the Ilklnv of wnuii'ii who "Bees:a chnime frnui the cup IIIIIIIK llttlitbereU and II>I|IK>H sucli as hnv* heenliold'llii; the. center nf th« »lli«« taIIIUK. nnd yet do mil fancy the wl.lv*li'rliiis.v These jjllli- Imu wllli • enftare Bttiilrtly In fiiKhtuu al Ihu presentiniinient." The perky lltlln cull »tTe«at the tofi of the picture to thi- leftbrlniia velvet Imik In truly Vlctorlmi

-ninillier. Ill Die urli;lnal It la of vlo-lel, but It will prove evei sn g o o *limklni: In bliii'li .fiickeneMl wear.

Just hclmv iliU.flfuilel. Hie lint ahowa

llnery color In IIIKII «I»1B for fall rli



nml Hi« i-riiwii n'nil lirlinare Hindi) onn Bilff. wired crlniilluiL frnmo—a ver»new anil aliiiilllcnnl in<«e. In therealm of millinery, fur It hiis bwnninnj«iluy»Uli.u.l iut«-wiir«. . workedon a fiMLtiilatlou. ' Wu foritot to men-tion' that the IIHIo violet .velvet batalmvA described ianlw> done over atrain.-. . • -. : J • '. .

Tho «eo toquo 'tot' the top to therliibt la -ciinjureil of velvet which lastitched to fiirni a checkered «rf«t.

jlv^lhe^iyij^JLiilUlnjiTS nr« jilting al l -WITIB of fancy stiintH wlllfveirct this

..aeasiin In tlix way of stllchlnx, tuck-IIIK, BhlrrliiK and such, •.

. •- And tifiw- w« riimi' IILIJIO cundudlnanumber iii Mils' itniii|i—11 velvet sail-"Or, Ibnli,whlrh IIIITII IK.IIO more Im-portant type forenp"ken for the cota-lni< monlha. The model shown Is a.very conservative "tie. -Home ultrainillnra ha«<i nniim|nKly sbnllnwcrownswith narrow brim's worn tilted over

C. 1ISI. WMt*rnN-< p.r UnUa.


Simplicity la tbe "keynote apeeth"of some of the new one piece knitfrocks that are going to be muih wornwhen the election results hegln to rollIn next November, says up authority.In the Knnsaa Clly Star. 'Monotonefor tho most part, these slim frockswith either short or long sleeves. One

'still sees the boucle suit In some of Itsyounger moods. A rum brown bnucle,made Ip three pieces, had s ihrce-(junrtcr length'' com nnd/a slim skirt,.worn with a t'rejim 4id«r fngimul"(magic word, this f«ll) blouse 'lhexoal has widened amnrtly aenmedsleeves, tightly buttoned cuff buniK

pull through Bdirr with ends ofbrown gnlyak and a, YlghMy 'fittedrnlstllnc.

The ope-plecc fr/ick with the detachable .high ueik.e.d,cni)O J s . not to bocrowded riff tbe smart strict scene

•4hls autumn. Ift s rich wine noveltywoolen It has matching octagonal but-tons tipped wltb "liver metal thatfasten the cope, trim tho sleeves, andaid a deep aide pleat In achieving awraparound effect These coat frocks,by the way, are tremendously Importnnt for early fall wear—you reallyshould have one.

This'crisp summer frock, a'typicalhot weather dress appropriate" for anytime of the day. embodies some of themoat popular features of .the tie-around style. It Is at Its best In flock-dot voile, which Is full of fashion Im-portance at the present time.—Wornan'a Home Companion.


Agins; thi Eagliib Nov.lAlthough a copy of every book,

newspaper, piece of music and pamph-let published In. .this country mast bedeposited In the ilrltlib Museum li-brary, application* to read the novelsare not granted until they hat* beenpubUshed five yearsw-London An-swers.

New Stocking*_Pr_oofLAgainst Mbiquito Bites

Stockings are amarler than no stock-Ings at all this summer, llesh stock-Ing are tremendously popular, nutwhat about mostjuirnes and their, un-pleasant MttJe stings?

The newest In hosiery ideas Is tbechemically treated itfocklng. "It dnesn'llojik any different from tlie'Slni-kingawe're used to and you. yourself, enn'edetect the cheulcal. but the mosquitocan nnd he makes s htisty retreat. _

Thrts-QMrttr CostsThis new length between the knees

ind the ankles Is the smartest forrammer coats whether they be o,fwool, silk or linen, or one of tbe gaynew striped cotton*.

Perhaps the' most outstanding fea-ture of the definitely Dew suits Is thethree-quarter length of their Jackets.'It docs not innttcrlf the suit Is strict-ly tailored or Resigned 'along softlines, as In the model* pictured. tbe>

~iiew""fength' Is Its claim to last-min-ute freatlon. The fact that the suitshown jbos a slenderizing stralgbtllnoskltfralso that the Jacket buttons dpito tbe neck and .that the, sleeves araor dolman Influence, establish tbe cor.rectness and chic of this model fatfall.

Page 4: I jfeli^ig^f-'/^gion hom e a t » Fores avenue. Le »Cller of KUsabetlJ avenue is) general chairma n of th e committe I charg rs of th pos t ar assist-to various capacities. - Serend



- TBI CUNTOIO crnzjnCetatllsae* 1MI


mi:';:Ceabtsad udar tbe MaW

rni caiKrosn crrua.s AND. caaONicLt.In Mil

MliusHca CVCKV THUMbav -Uelea Aeeaiie. CraaMd'. X. J

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15-1932, . JXMM m. wAai<is. . *

* . adits' asd FuUlabar . 4

the Democratic candidate for governorbeing "wringing wet" and ti» Republi-can candidate pledged U> continuanceof SUte prohtbttloh. at Maine ha* hadlor many years, and the (wneluu* de-cided the congressional contest*.

'Maine* wllf be *aJeljrRepublican In Ko«vrmber. but the result of the Septem-ber election should show the Hepubll-CHIUJ th« necessity for harder workthroughout (he Country.

Terra Two Dalian it YearEntered el -the Craatord Poet OOC« a*

Second Cleee-tielter

Triumph of

While the board of Education Iswrestling with economic problems andemerging from the scuffle with futuresavings ol $1,000 In athletics and from13 to-1106 for telephone service as tro-phies of victory, It I* disquieting to hearno word of the matter of reducing the•compensation of teacher* and otherboarti employees.. While these smaller

,economles'combined to make a nicefigure, they are dwarfed In.con ,wlth.what can be saved' through a de

. crease In pay for teachers and others.' ' - - - - "~> to

JUNIOR POLICE ...... __."There Is no authorization In "the

School Safety Patrol law for the use ofschool children aa traffic policeman.The law specifically limits the., activi-ties of Safety Patrols to directing fellowpupils across the street* when trafficpermits safe crossing. Any attempt touse the patrol* to direct vehiculartraffic will be fraught with danger topatrol members and motorist* alike andwill go far toward defeating the pur-pose of the Safety Patrols," • • ' -

Thai statement was made yesterdayby Herbert.C. ailcoz. Manager of the.Trenton Division of the Keystone Auto-mobile dub of New Jersey, commentingon report* that, school authorities Invarious part* of New Jersey contem-plate the use of school children with"Stop" flags to direct traffic in the •yi-

of school*. Thl* plan Is con-trary vo the'policies of the State Police,who strictly limit the activities of schoolpatrols under their direction to controlof children rjtid not vehicular traffic.'As an organization vitally interested

on the'highways, we Srlsh toviCome-r!orsrajca,.:W»«t!j«»»»—.umi'i. .>,,-' plan ft refund a part of their salaries-.

-This has been the plan ToUpwed motherschool districts, some taking Sat cuts

children as trafflo poUoemen," said Mr.| Wlcoxr- -"We—urge upon -polio* andschool jiuthoritiet the Importance of

Only one knows) flock of greatersnow gees* is still left In thlt torn-try and the** birds are bring giventlit most careful protection both byoBlclaui of the tjnltetf Bute*-to* Can-ad* through the actloa of the migra-tory bird treaty. • This "tone Hot*spends It* winters In Knrtb Carolinaand Virginia, where Iocs I game wariden* glv* it protection. .-"•"' -' With the coming of spring weatheris April tbe bird* feel the urge to gonorth and usually By directly north-ward. until they read) the St. U »rence river. Here they turn north-east Ind follow the river to s groupof small Islands, where every year"they atop oft for a few days to restand feed. While taking their "breathei" they are under the care of theQuebec mounted police, who aend apatrol to the Wand*....... .-• ,. •" Banter*. In the past have taken anunfair advantage of the birds throughresort to camouflage. The siren ro atthl* season Is usually full of flnatlnrle* and the hunter*, dressed In whiteand tiding In White motorhoats, ap-proach close to the flecks before thabirds realise thst an enemy Is at hand.iSe*,u*e ot ihtrarity of.the greater•now gets*, particular pains ire beingUken to perpetuate the flock and IHT-hapa bring'about as Int-reii**"' which

I will later permit hunting of the birds,|- Other bird* found on the Islands

with tht greater snow |pew are theCanada gooee, brant, htack duck, pin-

• :A-'Js»-.".>-Hr-. **t'-'r-"^sTjfc',"sfc»^'afr"Ysi*fcls¥J''l"'L"JF""Vf/"*'~''V '*'^

One »f t ie world's greatest teveo-ttons was Uwss4f.righting, beat, i s*priadpU of which fs used ta til life-boat*. Cut out a piece •* woo* O*

will flnd that no matter what, joo do. with It In water, It right* Itself *« •»losUnt. . -

' Now toother astonliblnj Inreolloota annouo«J—that of a sKtp whli*cannot be sunk. . The Inventor U M.Joseph Cbartrain. a Frenchman. T«t»were made wltn a model of an Atlaa-Ue liner twelve feet long and weHfti-ing half a ton.

The experts conducting the testsbegan by driving great bolw In th«model below the 'water line with crow-bars. A fuII-sUed thip pierced withbole* on the U M scale would havesunk In a minute or two. ?io effortson the part of the expert* could makethe model do anything5 more thansettle down ao Inch or two in the wa-ter. The daronged model was tiltedright. over on Its beam end* by treatweights, but the! moment these wereremoved It righted Itself, again.—Lon-don Tlt-Blta. ••'""

Rnla — cntd* tsrpentlnr — chreflytw*4 la soap tasking, finds a wldel

"- •••- —-"•rrsctnre of panerVfeArrest, making of

> u . luMlen'm. oil. lubricants,~asd Ink. It It best knows for.of.reftlnlnx Th« bo'vrs of violin-

Classified X^^^^^


; . . . . O a U m * • 'The aull*>r nr&d ttie jarket oiorb. of

fc*» new byik and turned to the pab-llKb<rr. Tit-*)*** stop the presites andUuv« ntT}iliin< ,«w.iy." bf pleaded.tl vrafil to «rlt«va oovel that la worthy• f thl t irihtiT^.""' - • • '


FOB8ALZ sfflM»lX«WEOI»ILBCT*IC ' * M b «



Uf jrou wain to UIJ. rsut of ut l , call C « — - .

tt £ Alan, attvtu u

of t*tt>er:«mt todcontribution, to thereduced taxation on a

TflTMc t^c«

U w Onfar in M«morxJ

worth, where the highest paid teacher! ***** » l e •«• h ^ . U l "It la well

Icharge of pa-

cent this year. While the teachers'maintain a perhaps guilty silence Inthe fane of the trend of the times, theschool board it guilty oftemporltlng Inan unJusUfsable manner. There must bemeant ot bringing the teacher* up Intoline with what Township employees andthose of private enterprise* have.done,or have had done to them. And each

'month-that the step is delayed Is Justthat much lets that can be saved dur-ing the school year. *

slon of the law ranuim* ~~ v..—.... „parents before children can be appoint-ed a* Safety Patrolmea We do notbelieve parent* will be willing to givethis consent If children are to be placedIn post* of danger,

"The duty devolves upon the schoolsto see thai children are not endangeredby standing in street* and highway* di-recting vehlclular traffic It was neverIntended they thould-be put In thatposition. Traffic,direction It a man'sJob, and an exacting one aiithat."

'•• - i t

movement of thaUlirTBcruoiQeemOrganisation, guided.by the athleticcommittee of the Board of Education,to make athletic self-supporting. WhileIt will necessitate an Increase In the

'price of student Ockets, the fee chargedlocal pupils under the. new plan will be

• lower-than those of other: nearby oom-commu ilUe*. The Board's policy of [ap-prlatlng njoney for athletic*, paracu-larly. durlng"'lhe past couple * of yearswhen^chaoiplonahtir teams attracteddeserved: public support, was quettlon-able and it Is gratifying to know thatit will be abandoned. Those who havethe Interest of school activities at heartcan do much to make the proposal a

Point Long in DisputeSolved by Old Trers?

Furtliw.'iinMjf'thif North Amc4f*anil Ada were once Jorneii or wereparts of the same continent has beesfound In northern Alberta.' Canada.ItemallT» of Irert anld ,ti> be fromWtiKn tor twejity ralllJott j»r»otd. JFHperfectly preserved, were found"la

(T"sV1Itr*vellii*>aiaB.v , . . most of the highways and by-ways of New England says be doesnot know where there Is a single one.Generally they were built Into a fence-Use to debar vagrant cattle and per-mlt the passage of humans. No twoexactly alike, they were picturesquecomponent* of stone walls and mil'fencea. Generally there was s stepor two of stone which elerated thestile base a foot or'two above theground. . ••-,••• x-s'

Te be sure, there are plenty .of com,merclaUied turnstiles at the entrancesef fair grounds and amusement parksto facilitate the collection of tickets*nd keep, out,-gattrCtasherL.:,These...•aawevtr. hs Tf but' slight relationship

a t l d i r t a r M w I JGnarled brandies and truDks of treesth'apco'uiil'bfLwiilKlW-Ttth -ia-Jaek-knlfe, »nd even^hs-lesiea and theInsects that fnl open tbe leaves, were

r d ^ t ^ * ^ « » B ^ l | ^ l » ^ ! »

B It wen necessary-ls^stngl* ant-one eharaeterlsUo ot tte people ofNew Jersey whloh might bs'truth-ruIJty oail»d -Tb« areat AmerieaaVirtue" it • probably would'" be"'spbrtsmanahlp — the spirit of fairpUr. All men and women worthyUM name believe In and practicethe "tauare deal" and certainly thetime hi* not Vet poms to| abandon

Ken who hold high publlo offlo*havt much with whloh to contend.It his been succinctly declared byone of the great -philosophers that"no matt can serve two maste**,vyat.th.e publlo ottlclal often has, to

and to. the whims ana tfaaln*

tation'* plea for a mcre'g—r ..port. The pupils are taking the Increase to the price, of their ticket* Ingood part and It It up to everyone InCranford Interested la iport*, and the

-high school athletic program In partic-ular, to evince that Interest In a con-crete manner by purchasing season tfo-ket* for all game*. ; • ' .

Every charitable organization shouldheed the call of the Emergency ReliefAdministration for co-operation Inhandling all cases of aid for the needy.Any doubt u to the advisability" of suchgroupaworklng together and using'Uio

• official relief administration as a clear-Ing grounds for such cases was removedat (he orBKnlzhUon meeting of the Ad-visory Relief .Council last Friday night.There It was reported one family hadbeen receiving an income* equivalent to

' M 0 pet week, through the well-mean-.. Ing'.but misguided effort* of several

organltataona, . With - an Investigatornow on the Job, It will be dUBcult forsuch cases to arise In the future, but

> ot the official f acuities

'M'V'Kif'TI--^W iipuni, ^ : ^ *".T!!.'J*-7

~ wlU'b^'SA'Hndlniiniabing needTfoTTe^iiej during' UU) winter, •• Organitationa,.wtUch nave been so-generous In UietrefTori* in the past, can do the greatest

"amount of good where It Is needed themost through the •"*H?s*&*TJile'llef

which aretnands. :,i •

There Is, therefore, but* one fairway In which to Judge a man's fit-ness lot any public oOlae which heha* held, when he expresses a de-sire to return to It This Is by theclose scrutiny of hi* record.

One such aspirant to re-electionto November is W, Warren Bar-hour,.Republican candidate for theUnited States Senate, _ and In theabort time he tTai worn the togaof the upper House—;tlnce Decem-ber lit, last—h» haa met every Is-sue frankly, courageously and In away which should make every Jer-sey man or woninn proud to returnhim to that Important duty. To saythat he ha* vindicated "the judg-ment'of former Governor Uorgan7 . Larson; who appointed him toflU'tha' vacancy caused by the deathof the late Dwlght W. Morrow, I* -putting It mildly. He has honoredthe State with hit record.

- - Barbour rinv'.coni*flitfntly<'refuse4'tt> be seen .and not heard",. Just bs»-eause^-be happens 2-to b« « new-comer In the Senate: He Introducedthe lint bill for Prohibition Repeal

•-* 'In the Senate, was a

•hawevtr- h^yf but Slight r e l a pto the rustic stiles of woodTTmmoHWIted In song and story •• trustingp l a c e s . ..'. • , - ' , • — • •

^UssfcySett Er• The- plant food removed from the

Held* and pasture* of America everyyear-by erosion Is at least twenty-onetimes more than that removed, by'thecrops haryeeted, says'. the UnitedStates Department of Agriculture." T h e plant food taken by crops can_be restored to Jthe form.of fertlllierbut that taken by erosion enniiot berestored, because this ruinous procetistake* the whole body of the soil, plant

d d ll Lnd Imoverished

p « « ~ u :JI : u »uuib . . . . . . . . .X. J^ la «ctlti«4 ta-'a tko aa waretKHiarmen unU» s M > aa4 u«»<*an4i« lierdnafter de-«VTO«4 *MA du« IMAIT* iiarutg twee: « l«n to al

tlala avn intereat Uieretn«ad !S«_uaK acmnilcd iai aucit nuure. fur eucbefcarar* Mna« nptn4; tl)cre wtll te aold atavMIc aVtlaa at «,ur warrtwuaea. Sll'-ZIS ffamttiAfc^ K. «a4 Chcststft Mmrt brtvtxn WalnutArc *«4 Hlffe ttrvrl. Cra&ftfid. N. i,, uo

TlCrOlV. KErTCllllKa S'TU. Uit.ai I* A. JL, aad If u» aale U«rmr ta nol

M4.M aaid dau. the aane will be ata-at tbr aa«w ptstx* at our warehouse*

Zu-Zli ttovlb Ate.. E- and Cheatnut Iftrnrt of«a«Si aad tiiry day tbereafter. except Hunday,' -'-Iliac at.l.S A. M. "«arh daf and eontinulQi

aO cweda'ar* *<4d, to wit: flanu,. cbalw.K nfricerali**. texea. Ubr carriage, bedi.

- Urr«4a. cbloa cliMet. rusn,'ine. radio,.- bouavhol'1

etc.; aa enumrratAd 1EM <ear«s««ar mwmwl&i lamed uy ibibtiin* taum. be . mat h*H fur tba accounta o

T. MM I & K a n o . Him. Jann Buttertrld.Mr. liana w. <1irUa. Mr. W. Glbiaon, Mra. S,

,Jl,.Cn««,,«BaT.RrantHaltoreen, llr. Bernardr. « r - W W m . ) l . *iKl*!«,M«..Jal>reilrv I . H. Hbrpliy, Mr. K. U. Norton

M w , . J > l r a . John %M. MraMC. Kmctl Wirltl«atr H n

' - - •aiU rWUIUaaa.Tl* l*»* «1f »» tnr

u d Xaor << UM aala. .BOBBINS i AtUBON, IncII1-I1J BcKith At«., £.,D B ^ S J L

to the airtight embrace of the tarsand. Not only are these ancient treesfar older than any previously discov-ered tree remain*, but they are saidto be the only known deposit ot Juras-sic period vegetation In Its original [state. Tht- remains were discovered 'by the engineer of the Canadian fed-eral department of1 mines, who> Is anauthority on bitumen deposits. . -


Bas't Light few WorkugThe American Standard Code of In-

dustrial lighting recommends an llto-mlimtlon of from 10 to 15 foot-candleson tiie wur " " —*" '-"

ROOMS FOR RENf209 Miln, Street, Cran-ford. "To Rent withBoard, large sunny room.Excellent home table.-G>nvenient for railwaystation. Center of town.

initiation, should-not be lest .inan Qfoot-candles, but higher tllnminatiooIncrease* the rapidity and accuracyof ofllce work. Indirect iltbtlng I*not nece»Mrllj the brst fora of Ujht

•1Sj^'f"prlai>fnc^1Sro^inlitl« '«*-«»«•'wntfiil ; or • good lighting—tu, soffl-cjent Intensity and r absence of glare.Under proper condition* temt-lodlrectlighting, or even, direct lighting, aaay.•be antlsfnrtory. Indirect Ughtisc Is I'more costly to Install and maintainthan temllndlrecl or direct lighting. <

-Walls-should not be whltt or..<}»rk to J .color, A lleht buff Is a good color for ' Iwalls. Ceilings should be white. «aHs f"and rtlllnjs should have matt sur-.

MANUkE ana lut> ssU ftr ssls. DsUvsnt u>°-

••" • .'' HOUSE—FREE ' ~ ~ .WEE— Dwelling IMIUK lucatnl on iand at I i

Houth Avruue, Wcat. to anyuue wlui will re1-ut>%e it ot Utar It tlowu. Coouuunlcate wttUlWmtnclil Kcculllln Co., OS Elm Utreet. W«at-

,, PIANO-FEEE VALTEMIl'Ull [lulu In loud condition will ba

sUtm aivay to party ulirt- wtu take good careof aame. Call' l*t««-n It and 1 and • sndI*. U. Mra. llutrliluaiin, a Stratford Terrace.

KXFE«88, MOVINa THVCKINGH0BD1X8 Ji ALU8ON. lo*—¥»vln», Btonft.

rrdlu etc? iU*** AlUeS Vss Usirs, Inc.W?bVt m* Ssirenl and vktottjr te.lsJeLT lijBouUi Are.. «. Pw" C«SttlonJ

FUUNISHED BOOHS TO KENTTWO romforuMy furnUI|td- rooma. ' Breakfaat

U dralrvjL' Z.", Urove Hlrvet. TelephoneCiUiifurd 8-""»"s-i „ . tf

^y;^'r'Se...St»J^MAfttlUBT • *

I liMtUBTAHLV furnlaned room, three ia|nuteito rhurr.lies. trolley and, Iralua. Hoard If UV-alred. .ileiatinaUe. I. BurlncOnjd Areuue.

ssd CaraaMIe «aw.

. jmrsge, ttucatag.' WSekilrtr^iVlrtmss. bart«e,rate. TUl »atl-ctaertUly sl.es. We mo»jMross U..

of across Uw CODUOCDL l b sross U..ftrst to

aSlsSliSwB^ull-sUig Cranfurd for. sateoprtca at sU'Umas. reotU North ATemia.'»atf

rulU.*.mn. TJe- *lgbt.OUntonl 1-1118.

' • • • - ' U

KriUMB-psu, VS.W York.

Ne» Vork, BArcUy MIS.


l"rlv«ta entrance. AlaoAU I.ry reaaonaW.. .

CKanluriT o-uaraf.~lalNimn^teiiue, Koal. j

NWfcfilf flirnWtwl-roooi,. aU cuuwiteicej, >ll>!Amerlcau family. - 115 North Avenue, WeiC

' •. ' - • - • • • - - - . - • . - I f

31 Kbull|-AT«iue..C-O3IS-U. ,

FO&BENTFVKN rtMHua and Hiiri)iurL-b. Tine furnace andlower. 2U3 North Avdnue, H'm. Call

T l l m L'ltauforil 6-18:i3-JblowIWer IUUL

EIX roolua and balli; all Iniorovemrata.; larare.Vacil. S^tcmber Jit. Telephon. Cltaaford


TO LET—.No. « KiirlnsMO A»-rtvr,-.«All lm-proyclnenta, wltu £a;al{e, Uvuul room, diningroom, -. liatl -aiid - kllvben un nht door-; 3btilruonia and tiath on aerond hour, aud twocootl bedroonia In attU'. Very law rent. -A

' Uarsalu. Telephtine Owner. CKajiford «-»<M.'U

UKU11UULE omen for rtnt un aiconil Door ol

merly occupied by ltunco. C U.-l)srab, foalOffice BuUdHif, Crsolord, K J . - • tl

and theBank,

!or the Horn*.

d»af e»r to sny; conatllueht, wills aJust .cause nnd he hna Wen equallyooumgeou* jjh«Bhtiife>ught AU

Last week reference was made In thiscolumn to the great site of the billotto be voted at this n i l ' s election <ndthe great number of name* oh the bal-lot which the votef must go through to

'.mark hit-or ber choice. «he blanketballot this faB will be about 1% feetV3O»* afflrifirfeet wide, pow manysame* snpear on It, we cannot say, not

Hatrtof V sample before u*-but it knotbJtst »bortof lmposiUon on the voterto force, him <>r her to wade through(be great lkt of names in order to votefor those candidates preferred.' Any-thing that makes mtiog hard, abouldbe changed add surely the'blanket bal-lot is bard to vote, ,-tt costs manythousand* of cMlars' more thati the*t>rdronn of ballot, which should Interest

,,-tta. taxpayer " ••'• • • • • • ; •

- *ns> r**nlt of the BecUo* "in MaineTtttfam 'bailed by the DemocnU as

V. • H i t rlUai and a «ur* Indication«f Tiissiirrttli; watkcal success to Wo-

people mlsiakep. .The Republican candidate Is • a

young'man. .with many'yean of' vigorous, useful service before.him.

He can be carried, fleaervedly. • to-the heights, by his own p>ople. andmade' one of th« great figure*, ofthis orTtjry—other time. IF be r»-eelves th<Hr 4ll2RITEn> eopald^ra-Uor. and jrtippprt at the polls The -

^tlme he has spent In the Seriate has'.been, all xon short to bring out tht 7latent qualities certain to manifesttheins«]ve*. ' Uy.sll'rules of reason,tn consideration .<•< "" *h»wjr>'hehad already niad«, W, Wamik B»r- "hour Is deserving of the uuited sup-;port of all the stale, rtgsrdles* ofparty affluatlon. _ . •. ...

sometime* results from continuous'growing of the clean-tilled crops. Isnot worn-out land; the only worn-outland hi that which has been so badly,washed by erosion that It would beentirely futile to undertake its redn-matlon.

- LJviagsteMf Soavsatr .There Is on' exhibition at the Living-

stone memorial, Blsntyre, a very dl-lapldated copy of • gechpana Biblethat haa on It two of Doctor Living-stone'* signatures.' One of these' Isdated "Tett lSOO,'1 that in, just beforehe left on his first fnrlongh. The bookba. been badly damaged by whitesnta The chief Interest, however, 4snot so much the book as a little slip ofpaper that It contains, on which, wellprinted In blue Ink. Is a picture, oftlamlltoa palace (now demolished).It seem, clear that It must hare beenlong used u • book-marker. ' \

M.akjcsy'a l«Way fnV.r«T~ '"f

painter, was a lad. be wts dlssatla-Jletl ^wltsi_f»presenUUpns of the

Christ whles he saw. They seemed"effeminate penonlncation* of too« K S V ksmllltyr* tU •riaktd ta paint

- How Garibaldi EacapeJThe story of Garibaldi's narrow

escape from capture during hie stayat the little capanna In the Bavensa

TTnarsfiea, may Interest some of'yotarreaders. I have not seen it In print.It was told me some years sr» by anold woman to whom I was Introdocedat Ravenna. While GaribaldL- waa lahiding news came that soldiers wereon their tray to search every cornerof the marsh. What was to be done?It was decided to secret him la a boledog for rubbish dot far from the cot-tage. Bought) were laid over it,.and'children were Instructed to play a serf"ot "Here, we" go round th*| mntberrybush." Jumping over the hole, singingand dancing. The rose incceeoed.—London Times. "•>

/ -. . . Baiwbart R*c«rsl—Lawrence T-KlUbetT, of the Clevelandleague clnh. In a gau>e Played August13. i8$0..hlt a single, a double, three

-trlplfi aiuljs Jwge MnlajtJ^Uaiea sf'-bat •iB-a-sTajiU-ganuL- ___»__ .__




Citizen am) Chronicle• . • . • * •

ArVhetlser you want ajob; a roomi' whetheryou need hejp.or have a 'room to rent, pr have "

.any .other' want ,thatshould iorne before the .public eye, you will getbetter 'results by usingthe want ads in ther\?ipp(irA advertisingsection of The Gtizeiiand Chronicle.Pl»ooeCrmnford 64)008

ROOM AND BOARD WANTEDKKFlNErf young man ttanta room anu board' with private tamlly* In West £nil of Cranford.*

*WHti m)*Tt'-1W;Tar* of Cluxenflnd cluiolcle.

RAjumsutor...jsUw., aoiichnia^yieBiw./New.ZuaUncl TTWte.ran*tnerters- Boa»»-I>*Usm»d.'l >weat prices. Tno Cranrord Babbitry. 114UrdurdT Ulrtet. ,.(St«il(ordu^Thpns Cllsnford

' t - l W S . .- ; ' . • ; . • :—-r.;.~~- --.-

I H O s i S K M E B i B BBXt'LtttlVT use or'ptltstsJr-owned-ssddl«

bone ror rent by the uontb by one or two.

lOBT— Bank Book No. 13113 of the CrajifordTruilrColopany. Cranford, N. J. Tbe underis requeued to return. It to the bsak. U notrestored before tbe 1st day or October; 19i2, *application, will be nude to the bank for anew book. . • • > ••• • » • ! »

AFABTHENTS FOB BENTLABGI Urlng room, kitchen, bedroom and bam.

Hrat Qoor. rrltate borne. Front snt| screenedback porches: TekDbone CBantord I-SSIT-J.

• ' ' i . • ; - • - v. - • « . . « .

Al-AHTUENT for "rent st S0» CenUnnlsl 'Are-: nue. alt Improrenenta, hea.f funrjshed, $30

tier month. Inquire at SOU Centennial Avenue.'nr call CBanford 8-0651. ' . tf

ATAUTUKNT for rent s t 15 North Union Are-

Center of town, alt aBcommodaUona.


. SIGNS FOB SALEI NEATLY pthited card algna: "Ifojcgale,"

L" He: Cluaea aaid tbronlcle OOIce.(

WASHING MACHINES BCTAIBED.I R1JECTIIIC W'asbcrs repaired, rectory tralaed

'serHcv on Eaay Waauera.. Kzperl seriica onall ellur makes. WubersJ used, for (ale.

-' leri.uaaaiiabto. Mffl"». Ufeit. I/a, anil l / lrAll mabt^-ter asle. •- Eaay Waaber Head-Ipurtan, Tuule BroUiera. 1'hom CBsafordHill ' If

VEUY stUaeUte furslshed! flrat Hot apart-ment In best i residential section, l inegrounds and poreh., Also two moos oo/ sec-ond Door, adjoining bsln. Beduced rentalSOT North Union Arepue, Cranford, tt

..:, -. WORK WANTW>-»»»»aJ»'WUUAN wUhea day'a work or part Uma. Wll

Uke carle of children. Call CEanford s-liej-J.

XXI-EBJKNCID woman.) wlahea 'detains orlaundry work by the day. leltphone Clsn-ford «-0S41-B.. , . . ,-.,'

UEMSTITCHINGCLKAN'INU and Dyelnt, .nesting, UomiUtchlns1

and Uuuoii Covering.. l lrs. F. Curlatlsnaen,90 Houlh Union ATeuue, Crsorord. - TelephoneCHtnford d-SOW. . • : ' . U

' Caaada's draal DayDominion day, the Canadian na-

tional holiday, comet a few day* bt-forftiOur^ IndependeoMi.day—oniJuly1., It coaraemorate£ the union iof thet^ntdlsji provinces UJtSeir presentfederal fystenv^s^ the creayoo of

, ! • « . . " •

a r;tat O»

"Tat* ha* mysttrlott* power," saidmVH^iflit^iajt^l^tew^d.

•-•'-' •"•'•'ttaJL'.atattits*.

"soch a man as could be severe to thewrongdoer, even white be was for-giving snd tender to the rcpentsnt,*To eonnteract the effect of the ptlnt-laga ef which Monkacty dlaspproved,he . himself painted pictures whichbar* Christ1 • life for them*

•, Teasi hs MsjsSatsta / :Tk* Chine** bars nsed the toad for

BtMlcinal purpoee* for; centuries, butthey us* him empirically without ei-aet knowledge.' Drug stores In Chins(tn a hard.toad.cattef. which, whengrtynnd, i* nted eztarmilly a* a localssj*sthatte.r The measnr, i , not wtth-• s t sens*, as th* sobttanc* doesdeaden the sensory nerve*. .The forta-ela for the toad cake la a tenet which•H th* Idng^ horses attdTinWrflrifrmea could not drag from Itt mUera.

• " Ws-Uy FassJlyThe Wesley* afforded a pretty ex-

ample.of two qualities linked Uiromti.several geierations— mute and rclle-fam* fervnf. Two of the Wesley grand-father* Mre expelled from their bene-aces-atraonjurors. Cbsile* and the

: gnat John showed both qnallUe* In a'high degree. Then cooes Sebastian.• great composer of church tnssle, Hi*•oo, vrho died ftujly recently,'wa. .i lirurmit WsMMrniMW wa* music.

AT ACTUAL SAVINGSFinest qaalHy foods, fan wesgbt, fall sit* and fmll meastn. at

- savfaig price* Keep yetsf stasdard* ef'tMag «p5-v and tbe rest ef feed sVam.

SPECIALS FOR SATURDAYUMAS, 1 fts. for> .FBESB'COBN, per dosen , >BEETS, S batches fir '.CABBOTS, i. tranches for ~HEARTS OF CELERY, per bmcb ^ ,OBANGES. IS for , I 1^ .


TJwtleC,BANANAS, peri



The Reliable Market ," , ' YUKJ Fnrito and Vegetable*


„ y^u^uleV^aff^fMnt%^8*money? Inreatmeht of uiiquesttoned meritsod security.' $100 and up.' Strictest lnreatl-gallon Utrlled. Security,- care CltUen andChronicle. Crantord, N. J. If

LOADS WANTED'anted—Load or part load of houietiold goods.ItOM—l'rovldeure, U.. 1. _.....sept. 20

Albany; N. Y. ::.... ; Sept. 28Cleveland, Ohio :~. 8ept i»Chicago, 111. - ,0ct 5

IBSKft BttOa. l'lalnllcW, 8omerTUle or New

. SMAIX SHOP FOR RENT -'siLAIi aliopv auluUe for llthl mtdianlcal

wuik. -Central location. Rent reasons!~Box A-7A. cure Cltlaoo.snd Clironlcle. tf

WIDOW, wtahea, work bribe day. Vull or parttime No laundry work. Telephone Cliao-ford ••14HJ-W.— — -; >t-

WOMAN wltbet general housework ,bT day.week- or part^tune. Box A-90, car* of Citlseoand Chronicle. * . " - :• '- .. .•

.--tood. worker.-to *leaa - u y . U i e 4s>, ..•3.00. ' Btterencaa. U r a . - Kropp; "M "NorthAvenue,.Qanrood. '?>>. . . - -

Y0UM1 fatfy, trained Uacher, Is prepared to -give private tulUon or cotchuif. Kspeclsily ui.-terested In handicapped children. Hlsbett ret- '

Charges very reasonable. '* JPhone

HELP WANTED—Female ;WANTED—Young or middle s|ed lady to work

lo-Ladles Bcsdy-to Wear Shoppe. Bslea ex-perience noteaaentlal but preferable.- Cran-foriLzglrLprfiferred._j8nuUl ..salary to startHox 8v. cars, ot dtlsen and Quronlcls.'*-

SALESMAN WANTEDAN opportunity ;ts now ottered to.the properly-: qualified man. - one -looUnf' for - a- paraanml-r

' connection, direct with msnufscturerT-aeUlngTIUKEN OU Burners, the recognised leaderIn Ita line. We give ipeda). training, liberalcotnnuaalon and leaaa. . Telepbone or write.

'tor lntenlew. F. J. Bird.'CBantord 6-0383. or Box. No. A-78,csre ot Cltlsen:snd Cbron-'

Icle.nmc*.. '.:'• . . ' '• • • If


Hernrned both sides. Best materials and workmanship atlowest* prices.' Orders completed promptly and 'shades hung


•• • : . • , . . / J T V / X \ i - ; ; - ' iJ'Jrk'l*i .JM,.•••;•• . ' • ;• w i : - ' : ' . s . .

p ^ o , | IHanipton St., Cranford, N. J. Six room h^ouse,located in one of the most desirable, sections of 'town,lot -50x175, garage. Reasonable terms, >price $6,700. :

River lot for sale, price $1,500.

THOMAS MACMtEKlN. Real Estate ar d

-Insurancei NOBTH AV&, E . CKANFOBD, K J.

• ""^ .•••.•••'-Ti''"';;'".'''" '''''•^'!k:'::&:^^W-'\'.yv4^^i^&'S^i^&f'::K

wm saglgg^gj^

Page 5: I jfeli^ig^f-'/^gion hom e a t » Fores avenue. Le »Cller of KUsabetlJ avenue is) general chairma n of th e committe I charg rs of th pos t ar assist-to various capacities. - Serend



I f e * said <ta,.f i«

ul New

iT*lrlng*snd netnaT-la Ida Borotna atworth to UM OsualT at Daloa aad state

" ' U J M JwJwa a» auabsn'ir and U la Mockill on the "Bevuvid Map af Maw Orun Park.

• S u County. ConlalnJna- la treat en tretotb" .aid Newart Avenue M (wet and extends*It Uial wldtb la length or deptk Mvtbwsrd bw-

\*>»:"rll>>Avmue IM feet bounded on the WestI, uld South Mill Street. Being knew*, aa So.

MIBUIH-S mut-ln,,y Brt»«o IKtsjtown BulldiM * L

lu>MUoa of »U»lmli. Hear, Jener. s cor-l.,r»llwi. ele*.. cunpUluiiU Md Peter Ouilqr.tt . ! • . aUeolliBU. « . f«. for HU ef Boct-^HV* rirlue of Uii' lUm-Wlid Kit of fierif», u« to in* directed I stall « P O H for esleI,puiaio »endue. in the District Court. I mI,, tin, Court House. }» till Cll, or Blsebeth.N ^ fl»t8T DA* 6? . '

, i . line oVioek.auuiiiSril-Wiro. rtlodt DafUihiSllliKl Hon. lo,Ul»,cifU«Dooa of said dM>:""

vlt uie'following Iraet or parcel of Uad andlifimbca liBrrln.Het parrlcularti dnnbRt' •II-liate, lyuis and tain*" in lie Car of Wliabilb,lu lii» Cuuut; i f Union «»4 BUtr o / j i f w

" I K which, ti. more particularly known, num-Krtii and described on a nap entitled "BOnMtn.m Map of >yeUorVa Addition to ElliabtUl-

X X" (now on nt« In t&« btlaUr'i Offlc*^fffJ™6^«rlU.l^^I^Xa3SI»UStoc»hid out on MW niap bjunitat br Blx. Bcrantband. Mechanic Streets(now called South T ir t


i-.rn.Ui Vuk street.

»• HANK B. EUMOKB, Sheriff.IDVMILLV * UUESTON, Bolra. . . . '

SHKlliyrs BAIA-InChincery of New J«r-•,y. Bctwtin Mutual IUTIIIH Fund Uir-

iuoular a Corp.. compUlnaat.' and Pan. (Danielf>r'U»ldl Cirro. tt u t . dofmdanU. .JTl J«.for Mlc o( morlK»«ed praajao.:. - . -

ID rlrtue of tin aturoautid writ of fleriliius 10 me directed 1 ahalt ixpow for uUl>v imbllc tenduc. ln-th> Dlsttlct Court Eoom.In Uio Court UOUH. In U» Cltjr ot ElUalwIb,t \ , J . . o n • . . - < . ' • ' - • • ' : • ' :


al one o'clock Standard (two o'clock: DajlljhtMav'iiis) -Tidi«« In-tho afurnoon of laid day.

All llw followint tract or. MTcrt o( land and1-PITOU^ linelnafur partlculvlr dMcrlbed. •!»•ute. lying and being In Ue CUT of EUabtthIn UicCountr ot. Union and 8UU ot • » » .

o f « y « l e Itreet casuni tares ruradroa aadetgjtty Sim feat Karlbesjtartif alaew aald aloeof. MyRUJKnetfraat Us tauraetUea wHa> IkeH t l r t M t C i l AHartaeaelerty sMe at Cenleneiel Araaas;K 11* > f « . at r-Ighi aaglss to Itynle MreMan* kwadrad and tflaea (1151 feet te a point;Hasan K. U" I * K. penllal wHk "Kynle Streettarty (M) feet to a aaM; rbenea K U * ITW. panlM wUk Ihe course ant aboie deatrikadon* taadnd tad Ulas* (tUI feet ta> aaM aide0T Myrtle Street; and thence H. « • 3¥

•g aald side of Jtynle street forty (t»)la the poka or alase'-tf PKUraiXC.

I t la. d * lro

Iteee, la. du» im.rlaiat«li HM*Mlatenat froajTntuat taTfisfrtSrtS*

-r-tANK B. UHIUKB. BwrBf.


nu*cc— BALK—In Chancery et Hew Jer-atj. Between.Tbe Cnalbrd Mutual Build.

\m and Lean Aaeodslloo. a corporal!plataaat, aad Itllg Dl rabis, et ala.. ckFL fa. for sale of mortgage! preeali

By elrtna of the ahne-auted writ «t Baftfa-cisa to m» directed 1 auall eipoae fee sal* bypablla tendne. In the DUIrlct -peart'loose. Inthe Court Buise. l a , the City o» EUabnh.It. J.. an


at t-n o'clock In Ike anemooa of aald day.All that certain tract or panel of land and

nrsaUass. hereinafter partkuUtly described, sit-uate, lying and betng la the Tovnahlp of Crka-ford In the County of I'nlon and Bute of New

"iJaUINMNG al a point lu Ibe Saalherly aideof H-rrtle Street dUt.nt Three Hundred (3HIreel Nenhosiurly along aald side of UyrtleStreet, from Ita IntenecUon with the North-easterlj side of Centennial Atenue; tbenee B.M- ST B. »t right, apglea to Myrtle StreetUne Hundred and Fifteen (11?) feet to a point.Utenre S SI* JO" K. parallel »llh Myrtle Streetl-'ortr (It) feet 10 a point; thence X. U * S fVf. parallel allb Hie coune flrat abaee describedOn. Hundred and nfteen 11191 fert to u l d aideof Uyrtle street; and Ihenee B. SI* 3*/ W.along said side of Uynls Street Forty He) feelto the point or place of •beginning.

There la due approiluaulr H . I l t H wltHInterest from July 30. 1MZ, and coata".-..'• •':-..-"

. • .-••— • riUNK.B. KliUONB, (nierMf.nErlKELCV C AUSTM.Bofr. ••*•*CDJACC..-.•. • . . »,*.• Vees 118.18

8H<Bir*r*8 SALS—In Chancery of New Jer-,aey. Between The Cranford Mutual. Bujldlag

t f f f S 2 ? Sfa- for lale'of mu-Kaged prenlaea. • ••'-.-,•'-.-•— Br »l«»e-i>f-.<he-.l»»e-««l«d-»ielK>f-riwlfadaa'to roe directed I shall ennae for sale by3Mury(Hiaaf?vr-isri>uaftx-cSBV'wiiiiKrV'3Muy(Hiaaf?visri>uaftxcSViiirthe Court House, In tbe City of Ittsabeth.

WKDNEBDAT. THI 1ITR DAT Orat two o clock In* the * afternoon ql said day.All that certain tract or parcel" ofland and

premises, hereinafter particularly deacrlbed, sit-uate, lying tnd being In the Township of Crsn*ford. In Ihe (Jounty of Union snd State of New

Simss iNI! at a point" in the Northerly aideof Orange A>enUa distant 108 reet weaterlr,along said aide of Orairge Avenue front Ita In-tersection with the westerly ilde of KlreraldeArenue: Ihenfe South 43" 14' West along URT>lde of Orange -Avenue B2.3 feet to land- ofHannah r. Drake; thence North «3- <o»West;W3 feel; thence North 38* S' East 93.18 feet,'Uvence South. S3' 55' East IL88 feeli thenceBiuthMt" 43'.*ast 44.11 feet to the nolhi orplace of Beginning; Eiceptlng therefrom thefollowing detcrlbed premises. " '

BIUINNLNU at a" point In the Northwesterlyilde of Orange ATenue distant IM (eel soulh-wealerlr.albng.aald aide of Orange Avenue from.Ute eouthwesterly aide of Rlrerilde Arenue, aaUfbeginning point being a comer, of premlaes/ofi l d U J l l i l r t 4 « t h tald.p^Ue»oJ lli«.joa»njlp«rt4ier«o.,tht»c«

orth-Ti* 43' West along aald premise! of saiduilimiUlie isaumrf —»e««»ee.mn''lii»»iiiiUiei

aaaUUtlaV S A U - l a Ckaaeery af Re* Jar-y r . »stweaa Ma-traaJaM Mwari B a l l s y

By -rtnuw or Ue sMtvatalea wrK, at Bsrtfacias n sea- iatait.il \ shett expose far sals b>yn^^r vewafssv tw Ube Matrass* Coast Basse, IIIill* Court tkraaw. la Use Ctt| of cnsabstrK.-J, a* •--


at 0-w.a-cjgk la. Iha.aaarasoa at aald day,- an Oiay iesVitn -pact *er pawwt ef-Mnaai. waasev fceretnefler partteulartj deaettbed. sit-uate Irlar -aadr belaal, ta Ihe Township *tCreator*. I s the County at Union aad shale ef.Vow Jevaey,

Kaosm.aad dealfaalea eat a - s p sntBlad"Mae of property at Granted. Unlew Ctanty..Xew Jersey, owned' and domed by Benlasila ».Has» and Adele B. Jotusoa." which nap ta soMo la the orare af the fcajMaf e» asld CaaMrof Calaa aa lot numbers* nUMtr-twoB»Jl>.

Thsn Is due approximately • « . asTUJraiand *l.Ma.U. with Interett treat July «Slh.MM. and mats,

FBANK B. "UOI0N8, BharllBIBKBUCT C. AUHTl*, Set'!.UUJiCC " Fees |U,M

W E B i r r a SALaVln rhasnry of N , . J«-sey. Between The Betsylawa BalknagsM U . s

lasvrlallen si -BUsaVeth. *ew J«VHy. ialasa. s i c . eeeaplaiaau. aad bUie tt la h n d l It f b l

IBBirrti 8ALB—la Cbaaeerr of New Jer-ser. Bstwetar The Osaford Mutual auilldsng

and loan Association, a CMporaltoa, complain-ant, snd Wortaeu's-Building Co.. Inc. ofL'ulon County, a «vporatb>n, et ala., defeadaOUFl! fa. tor aals at mortgaged praakwa. .

By •Irtue «f the sbna-suttd writ of Her1.facial lo me directed I shall eilMse for- sale b>liublle Tendue. In the District Court Bum. bIhe IViurt House. In tbe Cltr of Dlaabelh,X. J . on


at two* o'clock In the afternoon of said dsy.All Hist certain tract or parcel of land aad

premises, hereinafter particularly deacrtnad, sit-usterlylng snd-telnf kr the Townahlp of Cran-ford. In tbe Countr of Vitkn and.State of-Maw

J e r s e y . ' ' - ' • •' •'. ' • • • . . • <

••• HUST TKACTi Bethuuna; at a stake stand,tag In the •oulnweatariyllne'of John Street,said stake being Ihe moat northerly corner Inuakl street of land .formerly" of John A. Miller ifhsnee* from said beginning • and 'b-lntHns;- on1

•aid. land formerly of Joan A. HlUer aoMth-westerly one hundrsd-and slilr I1MI feel toa stake and corner 'of said land. fortnerly ofJoMi A.UUler and In. Une of Unit tormerUrof'A.

tloncd Hue northeasterly one hundred and sixty(twi- ffrt-l» »;eUkejlii lite atoresildJ.abJk^lttrM!tj_tl!aBnjMns;.,aa_tta.

to Uie place of betlnnlng.-SBCONrr-TrUf^-r-Beltanlnrin-Jline of John BUeet at'a point dlatanr aloniaald center: line of John BUeet fi>a/nundrsdWB'-fbnt"Wlr'^*et1'1ro*rtrlwe«lerlyi1»«n^^tersectlon of the center Mine of,-John StreetWith the northerly .line of North X-rennei theneerunning U) south Bfty-fl-re dtgr.rf west (B.3.1-* W.I ons hundred elgh-yCelghl (111) •feetto a point: thence (I) running south 41* 15' Itwmtj-Ote (19| ieet to/a point; thanes (atrunnlnii north 55* B. I l l feel te the aald centerline of John Street ;/md thence (4) runnlninorth 41* 15' IV. Iwenty-lTe IJ31 feet alongssW-cenler Une ofjoho Street to the pout orplace of beginning. Being A strip of land 22feet wide at Uii rear of the premises describedin deed .frota" UargsretU X Miller, unmarried,Ip riorlan/B. Krantaman. dated July ID, 1MI.and recorded in Book 611 of Deeds, page ««.*

re7 Is. due' approUmately II.U0.I8 withIntersil from July 30, 1>3>, and costar

/ FRANK B. BMMONB. SharifT. :BKRKsLKT C. AUSTIN, 8ol'r. . ' '

H D 1 « C O •.. ••* • . . •" . .••'•• . . • F e e s I H . M

BHBBIFrs SAUC-in Chancl B l A «icary of New Jer-

'-*eyv^^tweM->rterauwHA^-*4Jillt^e^eafi«alaaal>.snd Hsrauel B. irf et Ms., defendsnta, VI.•faririsraair). .. By Onue ot the abore-stated.*wrlt or fierificlas to_me directed I ahall e-tpose tor sale.bjPDhlus rendoe.. In the District Court Boom.' Inihe Court House, In the Cll/ of liUaueth,

N , I . o n ' • : ••• . - ' : • • - : . • •"• . " " "

WKDNI8DAY/ THB 1STH DAY OfD E I T B I I B I B , A. D., l i l t ,

sidt atMsran* h

sidt at ttaalan Aveaae. tkiauM » dR.-ne t» mrnwlM (Teat waT

hat, and • m u r Ia teat as a astu:la<oce i n*t mat ease West faety fen laW JswaUs XI ehgnee n swaav.itraw (ear fast sad abtely t . .of a faat <• a salat to sfesna!_skktaf sfUkrcst Aiesaie. t h e m |rtarlk^M'Cktnes. 4» ilajjslU ajsttptaeaol

bj das apstaatsubly Katl-TTwith UiUrtU fnaa ia tua ;. 1

F1UNK B. UMUMI.(MIL A. TBAmUaN. Jr. Itol'r,'

alasa. s i c . eeeaplaiaau. aad bUie ttnutraet ala., wehndanla. It. fa. be sale e« kuul

. Ttrtus »f Ibe sboie-sbtod will •( Ox.faclaa la las dlmleil 1 sbaU eavow fee utoby pabUc -raadue. lu Ibe l>utrki luun K—»bt the Cwan Bouse, la UM IHJ J KUuteU.


st twa a'cloik ul ln« arunvue, wf said itir-All UM feliowliig uact or panel ef land" SSAI-saatasa Bemaaner partlculartr s n m h d , ^tHe. tjlac aad twlna' la tne toy ux KluaUttu

the Coluitji of I'uLuet aatl ttkAU ut .\c»

_ . _ ., _ lr --. .,—__. -.-». ami . srumnui i~, ' Tn/VaT>t«ita.m l i . Tat .« . h u «,«!?. « , t , . , i

U(ia* u a* djrttiid 1 stialt npo«. furIV t^4t«r »«n]a.f; u Uir IHttrla t.*.url u-» th« twiHT lUiulw, lu-.tliV • ' •V -I- an . .

<Ulfn.\X!<»AV. TJIK 1-T1I DAY OrIHTOIICB. 'A. U, l « « .

»:iw«»!Hftrt-|3 tlK.AbmAH tUe («l.h.»'.r.,; t r , . t iit t4,ri.ri ,rf iRI,,j . ^

•«..t«i»«* Ito^itHati.r p*ni(-ularly dr»rrlbri|. itt-•i;* h.HS «r,.i J..,im' i« it,* Ti>Hnalilii of fran-«;J ut il,r t.rti.fli or t'iil.m-.tid Mule of Nrt*

. Laii* JPW^, a.*i£i»*tTj..*nd di5iim£uut,i.d «>

^J»^ u a l r n l TUn» -llundjfd iliil ntlr. l«n

• i j y V . " * . " 1"1"1'*'!* "M'H! -"f'"li«iiiJ-:'t™

i woltti a u p is on filr lu tii« CnUm 4'tminybrc,«atr'a ,<*Aiti'. . . •

TrMfe ' l i . dot m'prntli-iatcly t> .-ir>2.r*e wltli

\ K H t l L l S JL TUMAHl'Ll), S..I r. ' ." " ' "Fi i -» | i : l It

BKULSMLNU at a point la the -norfnirly Ik.of South Fifth aunt, •hub t»i,i „ d, t f l s lwestwardty sloa* Ibe same one hu**.J ,, . , ,twenly-elght feet and aeoouea h>ditr«Hfci sra fUol (W.I7) f^oa 1U uunectka »itk in.westerly -Une ef Hecead Avekiie: UieMe inrunning wealwsrdly slang th*-eald lbs* rf Sew!.Hfth BOatt'Uilrty-tliree (111 M : i k o n ,:inorthwardly si right eagles to saU Unr •:South.Fifth Btnet ouiTuadrfd ll«ei rnl.Ihance (31 eastwardl} and parallel auh |UInl course thtrtJ-Uiic* . (Ml rnl; U w (sisouthwardly and uaralUI with tt» wri«a4 ruurAone hundret (MM) feet to th. > U l^» \4SouUt- Firth S(re>t and UM tutol ut Bt>;i.\NINO. .- / - . ' . - • • . .

There ' I s ' due epprexlmsulv IX.de! u «ittIntatest from July' M. IMS. and ewu.


t i..u !.,<• |:.ttinM|Uill l.f till- ^ilUtlHTly llni•4,t!j«ifc£nci.l .t ltinir t.tiMtiK4'4 ulUi lilt! Wi-.l«llj. 'Ui* «.t SliFuL^tUld Auai.lv lirtHturrtl, IIII-III,-,

:*.i,i^ 1 u - t n . i -V liilHuVa iti ftt-i-ut.i'U. KnaiI..1 tfi a («.u.t. ihrti.i. l - l Ni.tU. n't tie

tint, *1;I(U li.lul U In llu. W I N M I J *M... < : i , ,„ *.'• >v«y *M nliowii i.i. IHIjit) i).

'Coabciury iif"'N«'in«r"seyr-BelwSM UMaarB.-TlMs«««ie.-i,f, sod Ulnllomo loaw. et ala. d,

FL fa. toe tale of • . i n n i r t m a M - tBy vUtue ot the aU>r*-aut«J will et c*i

iaclaa U) me directed I shall eipatt-f^r Ml••r r-"'* 'nirtin, la mir flliirkt t nin Ihe Court ilouae, In the III j ofN. J.. on '


at twa o'clock tu Uie anenuMNi of ul4 itzii.All the following tract or eaml ol land ao<.

premises hfrelnafter psrUculsrly «I*»%-Titml. tiluate, lying sad being tn the itt> «if Cllnuu.In the Coimly ot Union ssd a u u ut st-Jtrsey. . •

BBUINNINO at a point on U» .Nutlhaouiliaide of.Spencer Street dlaunt line Uei fi^Narutssitarly from Ihe comer focaxl t , -il*Intenettloo of th. Ne<thw«elerly si'fe w Hi.of-Speiteer Street with the Northeaster!*. at*or -lutr of Second Aienue: '.ruBatcr'trmwrNorthsaatarly along the seid Nmtlionirtli u-vof Speacar Street twcnty-*lve (33) feel', tbewnNorthwesterly and paraUel with X n s J A"nua one hundred 111*1 fnt to the rnitn lin.of Ihe Block between Spencer SUM ami' Ml<-Htreeti Iheaee Southwesterly along said cenutline ol'the bioek and Parallel, with Spe.cn

rallel with Itenlnd-Airaur em

B i l l ' s -s.tl,K.-lu. riiancrj- of , ^ H M

. As**i*tluii. a UHIS r».riH.ran> uf llio Kuu•l«luj,v. <i,.l Itiith A.' Mfaush.il «..,! Alllt-i

», «*.I.H ... 4..L-* nl^it-stalcl Mrlt. ,,f. Jlprl-i«* I.. Qiv il.inUii I *li«l! (ii«wr h.f IAUli.Utr >,,,.tn... u. llii'llliuii't fourl II.KIUIII.,- touiLtluuM'. Ill tin- I'll, ut KlluMII1.. vu •"

I ' « t l i M > l l . l \ . I t l l f ' l i n i MV'OF' : oiToiiKK. .v. i i , liiai.

AM ttJ Mlvvuif trail or |,an-el ul land am.

lurd in Xhv t'uouty uf t'HI.ui suU S*ute irf Nt-n

B - M V M M ; • ! i i-ilnl In tlw hoiitlwtl)- llu.


- H1...U, X\.-t.i l - .ralh. tu the. HrsL ti-uiw

lf.it <,r,!uiia (III|>|I«.A. AY.V tlii^" Iniuiln^.'TiW(r.T^V-.T.Tt""*At'rTi«irTiiit"iTfviIHi«'",ir"r

( U i l t t i !..-> imlul . lla-iii'i. (41-..II n'lurv.iH- Mr^-^ i th -x TKTtiror of- lt.t-rt-trrt.'lf.lit

1" * l.'.i.l .in !"•• Mid Stiutli^ly line »lt-iiuf, IJitnvv | .1| Noulll mi (It-

tW*. ll.t- S..ul|i^il> llm-* ur KtittiiuIUl.l A»".'iilu,i Iti' iUrr i.f KKi .UMM;, .

| ;

It tMSUlXH, HIlitltT.

i : im>' . s ^ALB- In n i i t iu ir j uf Nuw Jt-r,> l i . t v j . ^ UuiiiHl hauiii;- Fnittl IUr,-... a Td-iu., ..ixiiifUlititm. un.i Allwrt Hl . i . t l . i . . : U K u ^ i t i . . it. f«?Tur Mle ul

l, t .di j , .-I \n>- nt-.-i' alalttl » iU (>[ fltfiI*« l-» t-i« i l iuru-i 1 HJIHII- UIUWH I«r t«*ii-|.i,Uir i,-.iaii--\ HI lift- Hmtri't tuiirt Ititoiu.,

in ihr t'o-iit Ili-ujv.*. IJI titv f i ty of Ullutittl... J . «'« . '

•i.tl»N>.NLtAV. I'm: U T l l UAV (IKOl l i t l lKlt . A. li , IH.ti, '

it.lw-u.-iM-.nk. In "tin* nll'fiiiHii, of *i\i\ iby,UC lilt ti>liti*i'H! uart ur iiiijrKT'iir'iiit'll*alii.

'.llatirU'kUlal ^ 'lU'Ki! ill l l u - ( Lt>- ur Ktlui-

iMJ'jM/ie voluntary icrweol Mi-mme produrfiir. 1/ less pro/ejsionol.

' I consHiutnUy Uw»mcinbi.r from the.Jna•• •••'. -"• ' district mttdp up his mind to lay this

•Tho flrat rcul. eHort to s u n a tire question oil the tablp until ciiouehrompanyorU) raise the tuvt'ssurj- lutids money was »ub»crlb«t to purchase 800 v

tor the purchase or a vlllaue hook kud '"ft o( ho»r> nnd n. carrUige ot sonic 'ladder truck, to be provided with but-k- s"rt to ctirr)' It. Two of our promiiMmlels. etc., was made by E. K, Ailuius, Jr., cilta'iis had promised to raise enoughin 1879. who circulated u stibscrtption money by .popular subscription, exppct-llsl wllli a prUited heacUiig, o( which li«V Uio town committee to vote tavor-

lie following ts a copy; ' ' itbly on Ihe water questio«;!'but on pro-'"'Cranford, N. J . Sept. 15. 18711. "rmlnii the list at Uie next mwllnitof

We, the undenlgned cltlwns ot Cnui- Uie committee, thry had hardly enoughirdrdo hereby BBTOJ (O pity tho .'sums money protiilsi^t to buy a"ilm-m lire

~'t opposite our. respective names, for hat I CM course, these two prominentUie purpose of purchasli\ji i Hook and citizens were Very niuclt.put out by theUdder Truck, equiupm with Buckets ncUon ot llui member from the 2nd•aiid Uabcock rire Extlinsulshcrs. tu be district; wlm^nuule Ihe inotlon wlilthiscd by a voluulet-r organlnttton its a wits tiitititl, to lny thn fraiuhlse on Iheprotecllon BBainst flrea In the Town- tabUv_ At the next. miTtlnit of Un-ship. In case the amount rbq'ulrttl. township cominlltiv, held a nioiiih ;lesUmated at »500i, Is not fully »ub-. 'Inter, Uie two prominent .eltln-iu «h> Jicribed, the'ntoiiey will be retmtili'd.' Inuf prtunlaed raithfully lo raise I'limnh '

"It Is needless to say tliat the uppcal Jiwrn-y to obtain thn nii'essiirj Ihe np-Km not strong fnuugh«nd lacked'lxilh imijittni, reportnl nroKri-iu. iin a wlui-.'lUhuhtasin UIKI aoUat»-.^o Uwproject...l«-ri. .mid slow 'nnitirnin li »a^1 nul[ailed to materlnlue. In WI-1UU1, aiiothiT i;ent hud brrn nddul lo tltcivhen the Union Water Vomiutny mutU' ""• --«iid nk'nili that' [nuuliKr «iu

proptKltlon t«,j, tht! -Tuwiulup to plitcu •*'d upon the table. To iiniki a KHIKater pipes throUKliouL the main tilrtvij story shiiri,>:. "K; Adorns l u i M o hikef .Cranford, they stipulated anil uiint'd>"clmrgo at thpr sulMcrlptlou Ibt w-o coiiiiiH'ticu Ihe work Uiuiiuiluiti-ly, <'acli clti/'en persoiin.y who U in id toirovlded the -Township would g-uuuih- contribute,' und uillect • the miini'i'^-to-,rcnii.'29-.-h3rdmnts:lit''$3a t!ftCU,.i'»ii'. .Wi-lclr.: aiiuiunted.-™tu .4j|10ik>, and an*r

certain .period. Al lhat Uin« tliu ohoppjiiK itrouiiti_ conshlvnible 1111,0.-tiiU)-4uiir--tl»;itrfctj.i^-tiitUuia—.writ* inade.—wah. _ £ x - CWU.^-ui.i^.1 jiy J4~,ixiwit ~iicuetllcL..oI-.Aliu-JJt(wui-k ^N. .1 dm ilt1*

el11t.1l -lit liartinrht, wlm w«s a l t l m l Inn. 111 the"" "' ' " ' " "'" piilliiii'iit^ainiiily'liii ,1111 s.. Hi'

to lurnl.'slt a HIKMI 4 - « l m l M I -. . . . _ _ .... , _ _ , . iidi-ret-Mlttf -hOBr'WtrliTFf1 wnrt it •

the tlmo, and up|K)rtimlty luul now ar- r1'1''. ntttl' 50tl feet 61 new twu iimi um -lived to start the boom tor the pro- hnlf inch rubber lined ciilUin hosi «tihliosed lire company.; and tu'klnit advnn, I*" MUM ni«7.li'.i on pljieH, und nen »•,.

ilie ol Ihe situation, proni|itly held up '"V «i»iiiiwr«, e i f . tor Ihe sum of 1110le franchise in this way: . | "When the 'would be' flu mm «<it"Twoluriiilwi'i!u[..the lommlltce, rep- certain that Ilie funds for ihe appur-

reseiitlns. the 3rd mid 4ih districts, were "!"» wi1-1 hi uliiht. II m-eninl'lo |iulnot In lu'vor pi votttiK for .the lntro-IlicUon'of Uie city water; the memberrum Hit). 1st mid the KhaLrinan were.-i!i|>liatlcally tn.luvor of the adoption;.

County Horteshoe Pitcher*Tots for Title Saturday


mimltteetimn. luid OIM? u m n i 11irBiVpr"criairnVSi~of~the whole, iniik-UK the-1 total ot 'tire members, lil/'K. a^r*

Into 'tlicm—Ihe hotel Imiiemti 1lilt—and'Itli'll the T0W11 Ciiinmlltie

uranlcd the fr»ncljjw!,"- -y\. 11, HKRODO'IUH

DUtn n[ ltaltwity and 1. 11 IMUIITOHo( Cfutiiord may aliio rnU«r the ton.

rnt louthcrlr Iron the aouOicrfr luw or SouthStreet; Ilienn (1) Souiherljt «Joa« tlw KaatwUrline o(. tlecond AMntte 46.01 rctt to. a point Inlluo e.f luda fornKrijt ot 1. O. Woodruff; Inraee

. (2) Northauttrljr Jong Mid WoodrutTa landa|:.:J [rtl t o , i centre .Une .of » paitr will;thncft Wl NorUnrfaterlr alone the eentn line

lid party of Ihe• 4 » l u t 4l7s5-out; and thence

TraW%tninltmsmMWVi<)Ustnmtmutlterlr line, of a oo* aur>. brick buluUnf on

I vrerolHt adjolnlttf .«• UM, Korth; Uwne*- (4)•uuilmeiieriy along aald: lln* !of aald brickbuilding H . I I M 10 Ue place) of BKOLSKLVa

SKCUND TIIACT: ' Beginning al a point In•*• tile Kaiurlj lute of Second i tmue wnere the—Hue Is Interawted tlir U» aoutharlj Urn ol

Bouiu j^lreet; Ibmce (1) - Kaaterly aloof aaltfaoutlierUr Une oTaoUUl Street Sl.»5 ferfpoint ta-tlloIaattHT-llne-of-.rbttek-bulllMlocatnl on herelndfecrlbed tufealaea: IheWe t>l:—Hqntlierly along aaMHtaaterly~llne of" * brleav1'iilliUJig 4L53 font, ton corner of aald trick,

. liiilMln i thence (3) Saiurlr atlU along line of- aald lirlck bulldrng S.80-feel' to a point; thmfce

•111 Soutlierlr UUt along tile lino of aald^brlek

of said premises of uldpart; tbenee South W- '

feet to said side'otOrancsArrai..•S'orth 43* II' East alone aaldalde ot OranieArenua. t feet to the point or pUCT of BKJIN-t a n a . • - • • -./• . - -.-• ..-. •

There la due apptmlmaulr (T .154.11, withtereaefrom Aniim Jnt- l lJt siMl-eioits. «s• • FOANK B. KMIIONB, SherUt.

KiiirBurr.c. AUSTIN, goir, . ' - :

K E l F r a , SALB-^n, Chanmy of .New Jet?ser.Brfl.eCT TlW Elcelildr BuUdlnl and

Loan AMoVUttoa.of KUabeUi. N, J.,. a .corp,or N.JZTeoinnUlliant, and Frank D'aleo (also

— Irani DlHeo), «l sis.,-defsttuanla.for sals ot moruiaied ptasalses, "•"• •

Ail that-eerutn tract or parcel of land andpremises hereinafter partleularlj described, sit-uato, lying u d belhf at.the Township of Cran•ford. County of lUnlon and Start of New

'. known aa lota 1-1! and 18-34 IncL on-ft,: on map-of-property . of Llntbulll

Inc.. Cranford. N. J... 1»H, snd known1-U ineL on Block «« , on a .niap.ap-

ppnnd by the-Town (lannlhi * Art Commission,

BEUINMNU.Being a part of lota .No*. 13. 31. r. snd St.

Block "J>" on a map enllilni' .Msp ut Un.l tr-longlnt ta the (stsu i)r w. .W.'MI.V. ivnaxd.alluaUd U) the ..lily of Elliabetb. .\e» Jwm.at partitioned l«l««> w. » . .1110 «s^..alhanlel JtlM. Marslon Mlem M»r>' K NUia,vyibBsf'BV»»per«erf Jiimr TreatiniT' Irteje trMeyers, .Commissioners appointed - by UM tit-Ulialia' Court oT the faiinty' of' L'alia: by'.-anbmade AprU, 1I5»." ' I '

- ' " • -4IJJS» •!• IU. to

FltANK'Ttl BMMOXsTaWftrf.-UUBSTO.V. Sefn.


! Than U das .spproalmauly Ml;Uresl from June M.,.»M, jml ciu»-

iiBl,lry • hlo Coi

'faelaa to me directed I'lhall expose- for sale by*public .vendue. In the District Gourt *Boom,rlnthe • Court House.... 1,0. the Cltj of Buubeth..N . ' : . J . , o n • • ' * • - . • * •'•'..•':'. . * * . : * * ' -

: - . . * . • . * . . ' .



Berl u|a^«ieeUiw:^aaoK>riUe£eSKiaw

IfK a. LulMlpj on berelndescrlbed premises .45feet to s pblnWUieuce (7). Boutheasurly aloni;the Nortlieastcrly line of said, brick buUditta::"..r,s fml to a polut;Itience (8) BoulhweslerlyaluuK line of landl fornu>rly of J. 0. .Woodruff31.25 feet tn ike centre line of a party wall;Oiem-I) (91 Northwesterly stone the'centra linei.f said psrty HS1I/J5.50 r«et to a point In thes.Hiilierly lineofxa one story brick building on-iKriliides^ribeuVpreolaas; thence t i t ) Westerlyolonl.sald line'of a brick bulldlnf 11.85 feetto a pulntMfi the,Easterly line of.Second Are-UUO;|IUJHI.« 111) Xorth«rlr alone the KsMertyUne or/iaUl Second AVenue T1.H fset to Useplaoe/of UKUINM-jli. •; 1..-. ..... . ..' :

. xnillD TltACTi Betlnnlng at a polut In theSoutherly luie'of Boulh Stteet where the same

V f i luteraected-- by -the ^ Soutitweaterly . line -ofy KllzalJcth Avenue;.' tlience (1) Southeasterly

along said Southwesterly- tins', of HliabethAtrimg 31.01 feet lo a point; thence (I) Boulb

. weatcrly along line of lands: fomtady of J. O.-'Vooiiruff. and atsoalone the line .of a' sllteep;ViiHdlng wu Iiereuidescrlbed 'premises and lacondnuatlon thereto 68.98 feel to* a point;Ilicnce (3| Nutlhweaterly ahll aloni the South-itly line W a one Itory brick building on here-Inden rltied premises 13 Qg feet to a corner ofsiutm. theme (!) Southwesterly still alon( laidline of a ouc story brick buUdlng .49 feel to apolut tlience fir Mirlhwesterly still along saidXnullitrly line of s brick building ( I t feet toan. ancle point In sane; Uience (81 .Northerly•till alone aald line of a one aiory brick build-big St feel la a point, ssUT point being-.a cor-ner of a one story 'brick gangs on ailioUiincnremluif thenee (I) Southwesterly along theNortherly Hne o r i nne itory brick, bulldlns

~i M) fert -ttra mint1; Uiauia(»)-Norlh«Try-aloTnr-Hie-Kajuilyiiaa ufnai-mia Sinn Uli.k bulM»-

inc 43 -3 feet to a -point In the Southerly Hneof tkmthLStreel; Unmet (•) Saitady alonf the

lOL'UTll TRACT. Beginning at a point Inthn wulherly line of South Street aa now Uld

'-tint and opem*,to>tli» Nonbe«SrIj onar-ofproperty now or formerly Wonting la John G.LlKle and Nathaniel King; thence runnlnc•long their Une South II decreea W mtnuteanest IM feet: tben.ro South 41 deueea 53 Bln-utta Kail OJf fe«. Uience " - — -It nlnuui Eait »1 feet more... , _ J » . ,lu the fence, line now forming the Mar ot bouselot or wld rredetldt Bleating: thence lit anEuterly direction along aald fence line, being;the rear Une or the present house tot ot aaldiUeaslnf. 58.8a Tect to a corner of the fencesbounding aaU property aid being 141ft feet•milherly from^Uu—ioutberly Una of SouthStreet on a line which runa North 11 HacreeaIt mUjulfsJ*Eutl thence nuiiung along thatline North 1J. degrees 1*. mloutea laat 1O.M

. feet along aaUrenra Una Ktlhe Southerlr luwof South Street and Uience rannlng North »$•Jegreea Ja minute. "West along aildnllu. f

at'lwo ordock In. the afternoon of wld dar,-All the following uact or parcel of land •:<!

premises berelnsfter psrtleularly described.! alt-Jtate, lying snd being In Ihe City of KluabelhIn the County of; pnlon and State of New

VIRST PABCBtj: Bejlnnlnj at a point In theMaterlf line of l*ourth Arenue dlstaat northerlyone nundred' feet from the corner formed by theIntenectlon-of said 11ns of slid stres* and the.northerly Une of John 8treetl thence rttnnlunorth serehty.slx:Vdegrees' rait- and-. at rightaDaler"torfVurUl Avenue, snd In line dlvldlnglols numbers one hundred Iwelie and one hun-dred thUtaeo In -.block "O" ai' Uld -down on"Map of bttUdlng lots belonging lo John Peters"(filed In tbe offlce of Ihe Register of the Countyof Ksaei) setenty-Bfe feet to a point; theneehmnlaaT.south fourteen, degrees east fifty feet;theiM running north tlghly-slt detteei, oofmiauls east lh[rty-frre feet to Uio aids propertyline? thence, running north three degrees.fifty,nine minutes west and at' right, angles to'John."treet, eighty-eight end fourteen"' Jmndradthsfeet'to a point; Uience running strath seventy*..six degreea west ons hundred snd .twenly-flveand nlnety^one one-bundredths feet to laid lineof Fourth Arenue. \ and thence running south-east alorftr said Jlne^if Fourtli Avenue Uttrt)feel lo Ibe place of Beginning•.Heine the earns premises ronveyed to saidVlnrenso D'Meo by deed or Catberine Calavano-and ethers, recorded In book'878 of deeds forUnion Cnmly page 12S, snd book H 8 page USand part of Ihe premises conreyed to said\ Ineetuo m Meo by deeds of Vila Itedda andhusband recorded In book 5l», page "Ul.ofdeedi for ssid ifeuhiy . , ,

SECOND TABCEL: Beginning at Ihe corner

' John utrtjf t' Anil tjTsyj."Vj fitfrTy nlfto of inoiiirtsti

easterly line of fourth Avenue a distance ofSfVentT'lira 1T5I feet. Iheneii runrrtna essterlvi«_ right anglea lo-ssld lW-of Fourth Avenuea dlstuea of forty-three 143) fael: Uiencerunnlnc southerly a distance'ef seventy' lire* CJSJfeet jnore orj^se.ta the northerly Une of JohnStreets ftemc* running besiarly along saW Itoeor Jobs street, forty-three (II), feet more, orleas to the plica of Beginning, '

PABCBL: Beglnnuig at a point InUne or John Street distant forty-

[43) feet faum (he corner formed try the.cllon or said line of John Street with

the eaeurly Una of.Fourth Avenue; thence run.nrng i easterly along said, line of John Streetfifty'Seven (57) fact to a point: thenee run.ntng northwesterly, at right angles to John Streetl l x u v n e and Seventeen hundredths <M.17)red-mure or lass, l o ' i fwln l ; thenee runningyouth elghty-stt (Ml degrees, rob (1) minute,west, thlrty-flre (15) felt to a potnl; thencerunning -north fonrteen (14) degrees west,twenty-Ore ( S r feat to a point; thence runslngWcaterly tbJrlr-two tM) feet Is a point; -thenceraining smitharly a dlsunce of aeventy-ltre173) f~t-«>ore «> leas (a a point"and place of

at a reg-

ia"w,7liiili«rVC". iTTjlS jJauTAre!', Paasalc,\m i enel .nade tn^MMt'an* lots 1-38 Ind.

T>n Brockfl., QO a,map of property of LlntbulltH I C f d . N. J.. u»i,-and known

l l k 847 on a IMP ap-* in, .Commlsaloji.

n V Conilnltteipassed at a reg-

U made bye., PaHalcl Iff

t(c3^hip of

d :«l




-lYjHt 8S.7MFourth 'collar

of the . .ular meeling'. and;wl ..C. ,W. BaUUay, C.°>S. 1715- - made In UM.-"and.mots C, on a map of P'viHomes, Inc., Crsnford.il. J..as UU 1-8 Incl. on 1Bld^ 49,-onlitoved by the Town Planning A Artand by a resolution ef the Townshipof tho Township or Cranford, passed i t aidsr jneetlng and. which said map .ta madsC. W. Balllday. C." aVsHo-aUUVhAwirJ'aaaauuN. J.. made In 1UI. '— - \ .-">-.•. Known aa loU (-11 Ind. on Block 17 (except

lot 3) on a map approved by thi Town Planning& Art Commlulon, and by a reaohitlon, of theTownahlp, Committee ot tbe Township of Cran-ford,- paased.at aLregular rdeellng. and which•aid msp lenade by. C. W. llellldar. O. I. .1713 Main A<7, Passalc. N. J., made In 19M,and lota 1-34 IncL on Block F., (aneptlonoflots lH-t7)'.on a map of .property of LlntbuutHomes, -tacCranfordi N.J., 1>», end knownaa-lota 1-KrlncJ. on Block 645. on a map ap.proved by Town running eV Art,Commission, andjy a resotuUon of tba.TawnsKlp Committee:ofthe Township of Cranford, pastod.:at a regufsrmeeting and which aald map la made by C. WSalllday, C E , 1715 Haul Are, Passalc, N. J ,made In tmih I

Tbe following described lota nave been re-leased from tbe within mortgsge as more par-ticularly described above, snd which are-notaffected try-this foreclosure, to wit

Lots 1,1 and 3,-Block 0(5, Lot 4, Block 47,IMS 4, 5 u d I, Block «15, LoU 9 snd I,Olock 47. i

Ttrere Is dus apprailmalely |J3»»S and"'. wllh Interest from Jupe 1«. 1»31. and

_ _ BALst-ta Chancery of .lew Jer-sey; Between Home Bvilmaa; asrt lass As.

•otlaimtt of-PUatmti. a ii»i»«alluw i f WJersey, complainant, and Bdwanl WUliasss andUertha WUUuna, .hb> wU». el aU> d>l«Ssau.IL fa. for sale ot awrtgacest praaUaca.

By virtue of the abui«-auted wett of See.facias 10 me directed t aharfViapuM luc s tt

imLUC imJiii, Ul U>« UaUkl l««ul..li~a.tbe Court Bouse, hi' Use tUy irf fcjttauKH.

"*-)iitBDAr/TB.B 5TU UAV OrOCTOUttt. A. 1). luz . .

dt two o'ciova ul tun aileibgoii ef aaJd d*2.All that tract or parcel of land asd pr«sa«»«.

iierclnarter particularly dtactlbed. situate. lilr><and tieuuc Ul tits City of BllxaUtn^ln tbe CMU*-i/ or U1.I00 aud State of Ate J«»a«y. *

Beginning el a point in tat IU-IBIJ ,11s. i»s'ultou Husel dUtajit Two budd,«a' ai»a,l««Jll-

,itaj). Ictt ...otuwili i .w. tui L.i.is*«i»»-

.. One ot <iuun Bunt; tnewoe runsuxStlty-llle t»5) ocgtwa etevem, III) sOs-

ons hundred (let! feel; thence Nonl«114) degrees-forty-ahss I1>| «1»lentr-Ivs (15) Isrt; thetM suutb

•Ut»-HIe "WJ) _ctoees^efenJIIl_Blnot!»je»!tone hundreoV(lei) leet to Use aoctbstly lls»of Fulloo Btrwir thence a low said u « so»u.twenly-rour (iVilegrees tony-ntae ( l » ailo-nles East IwialyVie ( » ) feet to the peat aadsssfe of staflnilniV; J : • - . , • » • - . • "rStjng knewa as^l&nuBsber iweaty-twa (« ion block number XUikt ( » oa Map U U«New sl^ufacuainB; Town, of ElUBbethportfr-S sJersey, now on ale In lhe\o»Ve of the s>juui«r the County of Union. \ .

Being also known as «l»"Fit»a SUeel. EUuhath. New Jersey, sad soblectXhowrter.' to adriveway agreeisedl which sgr. ,of June if, itUr-maoa sad eotered Wo fcetwttvThomsa r-O'ConaiU. et ux. and lltoW. Uo«rdand bar husband, wbkn u recorded, la • u>.Urglster'B Offlce for Ihe County of .1"eed Bonk UK. page 51. etc. - —.

This coaieyance U nude' expresslyu a certain grant of rlafil of way msdfl'lkW?WsssssssssssssVk^Ck-4'4jssk4wawsBawr fcfcrl | f t f g | d« j t ts t f r i f f s ' W?sl

• "

.ilui:.ir:.t vf a M»I' uf HK- ITttHtortl- «nM I'*"1

^Utijj-tiBwtU*-! •»•* li.Mij*i,: ":.J:.._ •;' •

•J/ ilt^«-l«*)il At.mil' (Uxutii \Vc-t,'rl> , iUmg Hi:

M^tiuu *i( K«ia iii'ie »r rii-njiiiid AI.VI.UI\Ur WttWiiy niilw <-f Kiirliitiiii-ltl Himtl.

.•1) luiiuiu*: VVtalitly' arul ttUiiijt •«'*) s'-JirrUud Aitiiui! 40 Ifrt tu * |>(,'lnt; .tlit'iiCL

Jnlon County l>urk CuiimUsnlun . willpolisor^llie Union County Uorv- l -w

r t hich wilt b t l d ' H truurnument which -wilt be tirld'Hutui-duy tfteniwii,-September-17, l a War-Inuncu Park', El I mix1 Hi, ut'twu ocluck,

o bii' I'ccelvod" Ii'om iilayera ol : evw y

will bfi jM'nnltU'd u> cOinti *to lu bothA nllvi-r cup will be awitrdid to Ihn

i a, andji. itold incdal-puld'ihnlali vt,111 ln>

wlnntT in theto tlnFrmiiier-up,UIVIMI lo Ihn wlnnliiK tfoublt^ tntm itud••Silver• iiiottrtls' to thr'Se-jonif -plrtce lenm ••x

c, c. IOYC

iron* s>ti<1 al'H'C Hit- K<)uii»'itr>it7Fly~IIit>J «T lutaWKbcr £74 mi Ujf nup .MI-O»» iiinritliiiivil \»»t c H U i i istriiit. tU^tov (3) Eaiwriy In a m u r «

BU.*i'rt!j*'i'V-*iu,. l.ri 'i«i itViubtYi. a n . Mi M>. I U . I . lUiIltH'IIMt 10 fftt t(* a ,K-.lit.

:»ty...in UiUob 'Ctfcunty. fMtmy well L j , QHENNAN 1 , ] ' _•ciiowit• hwwtthtie •liilchen. wlm_xoin-. - f i t - * — » « » *ltkf o|ietcd..n furnier tuifritanivnu will pri>U- B R E N N A N &

<nK™;|;! Plumbing,Heating.Tinning

drew Koczon, Railway, winner g( U.l-i~—Standard Automatic OU nurncra•>*• .^.Wcw | jQ0 HOUTH JiVK,, B,, CKANFOIU?h'lMit.n*:' '. ' ~"yori ; D. b'Amato of Ijcblch Tl'iainn,

Utllon County Cl)ainpto«->o(: Wit). B. A.'T e l «-0!M

-4 A

1 f ' rilANKK. KMMfl B, HlivrltT-,i'xt\v,v. sriiiiitiT, **.JT.

KlUJkl'C l « § I*3 !

: NOTICE OF sETTLEMfeNT; . ^ Cluflflillccl a d v e r t i s i n g i n T h e•^nVillre- i t .|wtei»J(. gl.v.cM1. wTliel, tirv lli:l.-'jlint. «I (-^--^- ~~^-.:-~- . -^ ' - r - - ,=4 . ' . ' .^-.x _ . , « ,•wsub.'MI.er.. Trustn; of. Um (lillilr.n's liu.l Qt iZCIl n n t i . ClirOnlClC DritlgmuVr Um Hill awillin'of Ibe lail.wlll Slid t « - | . . . . •'. • "

results,r""~Fqr"Snlc'or Kent—Exclmngc-—Work Wanted—

I H ,m|.:|ial«.

In I'lisncrry </f New J I T... • .lliiilillnii. sml l>ian An

JtlK-lll.-S (IITIHiniUl'll. fOIII[*l«ll<

. . . i l l iir Kilwarrt I.'.ililul anil lUli'iT.I') II.. . - .

..Ilnl-fur setllriiienl I" tin. llr|iliaii»' ':•""! ofIn. l .m.il) ut I.'IIIIIII. "ii Hlil.i). HID :1>1 I|4>»r Oitni-T iii-ii, ai 1 ::;o i1, it.

.IISION''roi:.\TV .TKUMT i;«»U'ASV.

IVIliTTeSIIHIIi * Mi-LKAM, ITei'liirl,'12". llroail HI., K l l u M l i . N. J.

llf.l Hl-ltUllllHT Mill. "

liiiirut»Ki.-<l ITein-

flV rlriu* of. Uie nl-iu-siaifcii hrlt of drllaela< W IO» dlrerttd l..aliall n | » n « fur ml>:

1 , i^uUIc i i n d w . In Hie IMsUii-l <"iiil "M»n.

I'li-'S |.'i.Sl»-

Help Wanted—or any other

needr— l e a - word—2 5c mini-

rnum charge, _ . j

, .AV. T1IK I2TII - -niliKii, A ii . . . i»:;!.

»!«){ trirt i.r parrel frf laltil »*Hl

I -IHIIIE In till- t'itr «f Kllxalwlliwf I'lilim anil HUte of >««

II.I lue «l s |<iml In tin IB rlhi 'ly «l 10 ofr r d PUrt divt.tt «>*l-irl> -ilonK

, 1 , six aid H.iM> Dii liuiiilMrtlUishum lit* vwrf rormul l»y Hi* tiitTit(.(Wi

•mctUrlj tI4n «f Manlon A'tinu. Ilitm' ^ itt Mirll-rh »nl "t rWil •Wil" »"

I huiin-* (Iiwi fj.t to


d - I - . « t «*< huiin--*. (Iiwi fj.U.rui-r fUHi.it s m mit i f l r Wid

- -• • f r l j (in fiet l« «

f t l I'1*"*







There Is due ipproilmiteJy 83.4MM andSill V, ""' *'Ua5.N and |U.I5».« ind^88.87 . with Interest fron July 1st, Ut*. and

i(73) f~t-jo

TlOT is iThere is; due appnxlrutely IHJS575 and117,717.11 with Intenst from July U. 1MX. 'r FHASK-B. XaUIONB, BhernT.C. ADD1SON BWUT, golr.BDJtCC ' . Aes

SUHtU-ra 8 A U - I n Chancery of jtev Mr-i •"*•*»••"*•» The Cranford Hntaal. BuD*:

. Ing and loan Aaeocl*aU<m. a CorporaUoa, «eaPlalnanl, and T. and (*)' C, l w p o r lcorponuon. ,t aUrdefmdi>t&or mortoged praalaaa.

public lendoe, to *"b* DlsUfctthe." Court House.\l t h O

r 2 , . .

samagOH.canwmsr.XMotVnmr ;:-s DaJUr.'»'JLru: to*J TJ

* IS'

SJIEBIFTB BALE-Ia Chancery of New Jeraeyr Between l-olonla Building and |«sa

A»socllUmi*'1*-|traa»«hi-;».' J-.-S - eorporxUoaof the Bute of New Jersey, complainant, aadLyon II. Chaffee. el ah.. Ofentunta. JT.-fa.(or sale, of mortgaged premises, '

By virtue or the above-staled writ of Deri-fsclaarlo me directed I «halt expose for sslsby public vendue. tn the District Court Boom,In the Court House, In, the city of Bllxabeth.

'.."WBDMBOAY. TBB 5TU DAT Orv OCTOBBB. A. ».. int. Irtwo o'clock tn tha aftamann of asJd in.All that certain tract or parcel i f U a d and

premises hereinafter nartievJarly-idracrlbed. all-lying aod Eclng* In IBerTojrnahlp of Crsn.

. (n the County of Union"aad Bute of MewJersey. ~ * ' /

Known and designated on a-eertaln map . -UUert '3l*p of jprufont Times. Cranfcid,Sew' Jersey." property ,of the Cnltad BealtyInd Mot'tgage Company of New fork Cltr, mr-ve'yed MM bV J. Wauses Biggins. C. S.. whichrasp Is on Bis l« the Union County Betlster'sOfBca, aa lots numbered Iwur Btmdrsd Too;««4i: Four Buuttal Three (««l) sadvlwarHundred Twa <IM). In Block ntmbersff-ljpsHondrfi Thlrtr^even(lJ71. , - yk"i

Bring also known as It Booth jith llnssl .' ^ apprexl-airly ej.tn^fcsrria

mr or u e srvpcnj xi wnnsa T » •«, •*»—• side ol the premises baiein destrtwd,

wherein- there wasjgraau^ the ptitUega^f ualuat SU liases lo "pass OB foM'-»»: wtue aabwaU.vahlclssv loadt or -otherwise, thswagh.aad .i«ra certain concrete driveway Ma-'l*.4he saw

!t» rurBliigtlt.<ss»rlr slSig s.7rr"i1ir~lrf


U d baaaat -n- strip of IsflaJ eevwnkJi ihlaright of way ts grantee] b. apprsxhasialy-slsfeet la width and borders so tha. svaUarly ahfeof the i»rcau*eanerela deacrlbed raaalu fwesUia street line of Fulteo Btraat to ih. rear efUw property herein -fatlaaa*. ; '

Tha party of the fJrst" part-awns* eeaveys lotha- party of the second part any _rtr*t. tttle; orInterest watch tha party of the Brsl pan ma-ture In a eerUht strip of land apprexhaatel]UUse 131 feet in width boetjertag « . the »»staartharte slde.ef the rniatea adjoeal»».<io u»sowlh m IhsllisBilsiiTiiilslll Tfcliisiiiaiil wy virtna of a certain-ImCnuSteiade". Ihe twentyalxtk day of June, 1IH. by th. party ef theOrst «aitrand tha owner ut la* fessaiaea adtolninx en Ihe sooth; wfcltk tadeotare Is recorded In tjfBeglstera efBre tor thaCooeny of

J * ; - »

™i»" Jtr.r»" Hirr»jrul l y lr,llln1 l w l » r . r . ril««l-tll •>-«•••«»••»I i , » W I" «"• Brglstw s DIBre of


loini ss'Sumlwr 1111 and

', due abprolls-alely »•• t i : AS win

Tees 131 I


Thsta U due spproxlmauly J3JM.S3. wH

"* *" ASS55iJ'iISiS«VS«u mtau,, ew-r.

WJ t71eTI>flT-.sla'ij, — '••" 'f*se-»"F ^

i }OU «ljr| OilUfi. tr» Ot-ywi eirfo nrmilred V> »t(»i*e.f *"•»

Ithc tiUI of rmTTjilkiiit f-lm I'T Uv* *u, ot) or before the ICUi <Ur <* >°]C, t* u ld bill will ix Ukrn « j


TBE McCARTER SCHOOL l ? « 3 to f<it~-ln«e. s <yruln iw"sude fcr Frltl»r »..If anil Hilda Marls

kfs - K . to nddltr tnloii TIU. andiati Casrant/ l\un|an». a. Nfw Jerse

lt«sy Jar-HHOWrMd Th

train Kindergartentd Ninth •Grade


Consult the RealEstate and ,

Insurance Dept.





, tmtnm~2-V330 or Emn»ori i-VMt

£ . \t*«» >-•", - *

', r ^ =»'

£, J--- i W'I

Page 6: I jfeli^ig^f-'/^gion hom e a t » Fores avenue. Le »Cller of KUsabetlJ avenue is) general chairma n of th e committe I charg rs of th pos t ar assist-to various capacities. - Serend



Council ConsidersBoosted Sewer Levy

Special Committee Would In-crease Rate From $2TIQ to$2.72.' Propose Ordinance

Vets Sponsor Barn DwicoTomorrow Night in Grove

KenUworth Post. No. 2M0, Veteransot Foreign War«. will present an old- . ,. ,fashioned bam dance tomorrow night • ,inMiuer-i orove, Edwin u Bartdge, Board Employees Will Refund_ » . . . i » M n > « n f t h * m m m l t t M - I n c h a r s e . r * - i • : # o _ i ; ' rduiiua


chairman of the committee-In charge,statra the affair will be run off In true,back-country style, with music fur-nlshed by The Mountaineers, a musicalteam which specialize* in barn-dancerhythm. • • ' '; -

Old-fashioned square dances will nave- - .»• _ * u _ «_A a» A L . ii Mil natal «1 A M


to AbolishBoard.

The special council committee namedby Mayor Nltschke to revise the reportof the assessment., commissioners forbenefits'-of the construction of the localtrunk jewer submitted IU report «ndrecommendations at the council meet-ing Tuesday night Named after thei ^ ^ L. Savidge. chairman; WUllam agree* to! donate ten'perJcent or m

to reach an agreement v o h l l l l , Daniel-Ker* and Joseph H7 aalaryr-tooludlng the-ten per cent consaors appotntedjby thej %$££T' .,. , r Tttibutlon of the *>P«***.J*}!£tlti:

tee Included Ootmcilmen, Charles

Pagea m ,Oolf OCHtm,1- WDoat

benefit to tb» borough.

m y pcarried through. T i t a m r

^ r al» quesOoDSd the lefaBty ofnibsUtutlng map* at tbs> l>saiinc..

Prank Morm.was the only tealf tfc tfcatta

Ke nil worth^ property until It Is used as »<*»«-

School Teachers Give5 Per C e S Of Pay

Part of Salarie., EffectiveWhen Borough Employee*Do Same. :

Meeting Monday night tn Harding

-councilwith the assessors

Old-fashionea square oanot»wmu"i» aunuw m***>~i •«»••• — •• -a nrbmlnent part to the program and school, ttui Board of Education accept-onTof the best callers for this type of ed the off er of Uaehers and, other schooldance will be on hand to direct the dan- board employees to refund five per centcers through the Intricate details. Men of their salaries durlnr the coming

1 ' - a r e urged to wear overalls ichool year. When the' offer was ec-' ginghams. • eepted. It was pointed out Supervising

In charge Includes: principal W. J. Deans had previousljchairman: William agree* to! donate ten- per ((cent of Ins

| Warren Cauflett to RaceIn New Marketjundajr

Warren Caullett, of Kenllworth, oneof the sew leading (tan promises to beat the New Market track this comln*Sunday aiming to cop all honors.Caullett is always at the track with Mssmile and sunny disposition. Us t sun-day he surprisedthe spectators by over-taking Vernon Cook in a duel match ofsix laps. Cook, the Garden StateChampion, Is finding close competitionwith Warren in hU -Blackbird Special.

The promoters, Harry Munro anSam Little, together with *be AtlanticCoast Auto Racing Association, promisean Interesting program between theleading star*:- Vernon Cook, ol BedBank; Warren -Caullett. of KenUworth;and Ixonard FWnof Mdto Othe

•—siinrni rate of « 71 per linealfoot.The unit assessment proposed by We

1 lmpiiweMm»t °aaw6saoisv-Oeuraa L D

BOROUGH BWOT e f f e c t by thVToii»tary"acU«i:or:th«

ana uviuuu ^v*»j^w. .'••" . *-"^-drivers that, have promised -to be thereare: Day Elder, Henry auerand. RayCompton; Al Charnoeh, Al Lattamlo,Frank Bailey, Oeorge Gulp.

b u n d Kills ActionFor'Cemetery

4any ResidtaH^/oice Ob;tion to <>airMce GrantingPermit for Burying Groundon Galloping Hill Road.

After a number of local residentproperty owners voiced objection to theordinance granting permit for the es-tablishment of a cemetery fronting onGalloping HU1 road, near the Unionboundary line, the Borough CouncilTuesday night voted the legislationdown, On motion to advance the pro-nosed ordinance to second reading, .al

lSrttlrrihemeetlngrthe new presdent iSaK;T6frnlernwpcTted-for--th

S g ^ ^ p w . | i « f | : lSrH * T i Victor r. Blrlnger'deslgiiedTBrdent, iSaKT6frnlernwpcTtedfortfl(^ w h , c h w o n Mcond prise to the re- nyt and means committee tbst there

t j u n j ' r a i s tialij rsniln rsllfii " " 'The unit assessmeni yiv^mv »/ " f | float which won secono. prae w» "»• ™- ways ana mraum ™ui»v™ «. . . >-?---!_.—...iiiuil sisiesiiis. flurrrsT ** " M ^ t JUHUIJ i n k fishji rsisiln fslliii frtii iiinn s rirnfrrt— " * " • " ' 'bets. T. 3. Koerner and Paul Arthur. MM 1 M America Pays Tribute to the teachers and board members last^Prt-was (UP tier lineal foot The special i ^ o r y of Oeorge Washington." the dsy night While it had been gener-oouncUmanlc eommmoifs report showed \ . M ,„« entered by Dorothy Dolan of ally thought the teachers would be ask-the rate ot **,» per foot to be divided Ou{ieivi, The same entry won second, ed to refund ten per cent of thr'r sal-thns: »1»1 for laterals and II cents per p r l a ) k t BeWldere Beach, Keansburg. arles. President Ennger reported theyfoot as local trunk sewer charge; the l r xhe KenUworth Mixed Chorus will had consented to a five per. cent cut.

Rutgm OtTeri Evmi^L._ . .Study in Newark Center

The Rutgers adult education program4l^wi«efe^J*ei»JIUlftiSS!u<>f

rise at ueiviaere »eacn, n*mi—wi' ancs, nwaww*". »«Ht« ••»«..— —The KenUworth Mixed Chorus will hsd consented to a nve per. cent cut.

practice fbir the season this Before the board took action In acB M M W . report was si.*", for lamaia^ resume pnicuwp »*« **—* • -r—~ ueiore uw QWQ w t »VMWM «*. —»-and t l tor local trunk sewer eharger evening&,T theTCettllworthiM, t o t i n g the refund, there was a lengthy

The higher rate recommended by the church. Ward Harry oLWestfteld I* . , ^ , , U v e . aasalon. In accepting theeouncUmanle committee would

to b W ^ iuncUmanle m

leave^nly *»*«OJB. to be a n W ^ ithe borough at large snd retiredthrough local trunk sewer charges forfuture -or*a report set the

while the's share as

~zr- - executive- session,. D u r m * contributions from

In accepting theUie_ teachers and

.for«4l*^wi«efe^J*ei»J.IUlftiSS!lour three-year evening courses on major divisions ofithe commercial field,according to an announcement madethis week t y the University ^xtensloDivision of the university, with. Iden-tical nrst-year schedules, the new plan

. « ' . _***!_-.-« A^_a»ht«krf« fna* tr lsl l*fi«tlcal nrst-year. Dcneaiuc», « « »»«™ ••«—provides specl<ui«ed training for the remalnlng two^yeirs. ta accountancjcommerce, management,, and-real

the new leader of the cnorus. uunng contributions from the_ teachers ana 1 tote. . /the summer, the group has held several ^ j , employees. It was agreed that the ap^id registration headquarters wilsocial gatherings and attendance has r ( | u n ( | g 1 ) ould take effect as soon ss' • ...^.^^ • — . . . J . _ I . <m m tcn««i__ t_«»A tn,* *hnnn will tllKUUt a a-^^—. ^4'*b>. lutMawK *M*J« alffnllAP•octal gatherings ana aM«nu»no» u»» refunds would t a e effect as soon asbeen large- The chorus will present a employees of the borough toVe similar

BpeClSi TCglStmuuu u r a w i u * 1 ^ " "• -be established for students lrom Essex,

concert this rail.tf lofs report set the borough's share as T^^ W U a large attendance at the m , y o r mul oouncU.thet the bi

VW»»."-*Tr»t^f^ui»-was^P|>ossd^.mttu^.-.pjcni^the council, which claimed a. bond Issue pUbiican Clubpinc. last Friday evening j j^ M n t their salaries dnof 1100,000 would carry the borough l n Miller's drove. Music, games and -jining year.

and would not be allowed by the, com-missioner of municipal account*..

The special eommlttee-also. recom-mended an ium»«r««i of approximatelyTI cents peridot as a Railway Valleyjoint Trunk Sewer charge! to be madewith the local sewer assessment The•poitlon of the~report~«ititalnbig this11, irniisHnri was as follows: ' "Wewould further recommend that a Rah-way Valley Trunk Sewer charge belevied wtth thU assessment This trunk»ew« charge wW approximate 71 centsper foot, subject to sbine slight revisionand a final figure wUl be given at thenext meeting, dur reason for recom-<

- -ntendlnt -that «he trunk sewer chargebe Included ln this assessment js- asfollows: The Borough of Kenllworth Ubow receiving Us full maximum bene-fit from the Rahway Valley TrunkSewer and the fact that the trunksewer disposal plant Is not yet com-pleted does not affect Kenllworth^ useof toe sewer. We might further'point

_»l_that_bjr_lndudlng ^hls proposedtrunk sewer charge ln this assessment;Kenllworth would save considerable

' money as It would not be necessary tomake another assessment some time lnthe future." *— l -

Coundl decided to reopen the hear-ing on the assessment report, settingthe next council meeting. Sept " "p. m. as the time.

After the report, of the special com-mute was received, an ordinance wasIntroduced to- abolish the assessmentr _ m ^ i m which made levies- for thelocal trunk sewer, through repeal otthe ordinance adopted April 28, 1M1,creating the board. Hearing on therepeal was set for Sept 37 at »:30 p. m,

• — « n « - Baroqnr FUtetwe"-—Hw-ctty-«f-l*«* In Apulia-has da-,servedly been called "the Baroquefiorence" by flrrcorovlps, for certain-ly that style of architecture aada»lp»uriil_<l«vr«iion to on Itsfburcbies snd Its large: sntf small pal-

"aces, although Itoiunoesque Is thepraralrat style of srt In Apulia.' Thewhite sift U w . stone Is Onely sdapt-

~ ed to the petrified embroidery andjace

action. It was also voted to notify theand council that the board em-

nd'the=-fiv*during tins


program. .Speakers Included; Nathan-iel Weltcheck of Baiiabeth, Wesley A.Stanget W Cranford, both of the Un-.1 W . County RepubUc*n,Committee

speakers' committee; Bdward U Bauer,Reputllcalii ciunty^Clhalnnan! DonaldH. KsLean. bandldate foe Congress;

of money'on hand and sonw »18,000 Itstill due from the borough ss the schooldistrict's shsre of 1W1 taxes. It was•voted to write the mayor and councilasking why the money has art beenpaia. The bb*rd=wlll also request thatpskx.The bos>T\a-w*w » ...,.-~..—^>future collection 1 of taxes beset aside

Hudson. Bergen, Unlonr and Morr,counUes, at the Newark Public Ubrarjbetween September M and October I

TBff ^«ffltrortwertynv6 promlfl

Mr KesslerT statement that thecemeiery woulo be a be™««» ^ f ^ ;ough was interrupted by others P"*™-riving indication of the overwhelmingtSSZ which was ^ f ^ t

h objecuon, UKUOU*^» " ~ \ "« « . , would be a detriment to boto1 borough and Roselle Park. Judge

- ^ as It would take tax-

M W e n t Brothers of'tract ln thecemetery-said a

, owners of a largeof the proposed

nibPrank Morm.was the only teal »es»

to speak In f aror of tfca anptfcattaL Hac L ^ d It wouldbe a benentto theborough and would, not depredate prop-

tT am had claimed st-JtMor-

Isolate the borough^choslng another site

^ ground wouldOne suggested

Vthe. other endo f Z m . the other t h a ^ t would bebetter to sell the land for-taxes thanto allow»cemetery. * V

P. J. Koerner asked who were>"*-posed ordinance to secona reaajng,.»»- F - j , Koerner asxea won rat « ~ "» public hearing, all four members e r > of the movement, Inquiring whetaer

of council present voted In the nega- ihty vcre-0nanciaUrresponslble.-Mayo*U OOUHCI* |l(VqFUb l u w u *** ***M r'—o—Uvfr. In attendance were CouncilmenVltale, VeBters, Rowan and Oeores,with Mayor Nltschkepr«duJg'. -

Application for the^cemetery wasmade'srfew weeks ago-by the L, R. O.Holding Company, ot wbtch Linus R,OUbert, -PlatefleW-eonb»otor,.ls- presUdent Borough Attorney WUllam D.WoUsKeU advised an ordlnanoe was"necesssw M> • g r l ' i - i


t i le / 1HXIC UIIS'M'WM; »»f—s---

Nltschke ruled the'question out of order and it was later repeated by EdwinL. Savldge) who claimed the answer wasvital to the question. "As the mayor

necesssw M> granlUiel)ermiranefttwas Introduced last month, with theholding company paying the cost of ad-vertisement At the •hearing Tuesdaynight, Samuel Kessler. Dlrabeth attor-ney tor the holding company explainedthe company will purchase 40 acres ofland from the Kenllworth Realty Cor-poration for a cemetery, if permit wasgranted'. He submitted a different mapfrom thai with the first application, ex-

l i i it ntained minor changes asI lUDl U 1 M WIUI WW U i o v a»s/a*»aM«>-•-»—» ——

plaining It contained minor changes, asthe site would not extend to 31st street'snd would leave more land for the bor

SSUd t o object again, Attorney Kess-^ dalmedjnler Introduced MrTOUbertr president of | the engin

. . . , •_._— *.-. »»•«• tv»s* 1a.nn tlnn tutec

both spoke in favor of theAttorney Kessler sabl Us* »- _map was not great enough to make anydifference.

There was anpBreatlT c*her*1ejntob»to enter objection when. Mayor RBVachke closed the heartn*; and caSetf forMtiori by the coundtt. Hone ct thecoundl made any wnunrnt, before the

' Bauer, KUng and Ooodtrt, boroughengineers, submitted flnsl teport of in-

' "in after confnletlnrt of repatefor by the one-year maintenance

The boroogh engineerst otthe defeeU reported byNengageii tor flnal-inapec-

1 t(t tbs-'prevloas

for the cemetery.j n hta.objection, former Tax Com-

tery would take an Income of about»1^00 from the borough. There werecheers and cries of "We don't want acemetery." MayorrHitschke called oneman to order and Bald If dtlsens didnot behave, they would have to leavethe hearing. Mrs .Thomas Merrit sug-gested that the land, under consider-ation be sold for a factory site andclaimed the Kenllworth Realty Cor-

Councll endorsed a

claimed w e juiiuwuiui *W«M*/ ~™poratlori had in former years refused to

- M u for such enterprises. Again. Mayorand would leave more land for the bor- N l t s c n k e rapped the hearing to order,ough. He claimed a cemetery would be Former Mayor Stahl summed up 00-aheneflttotheJiojwgh^vlng.employr,je«tlons-.toUhe_w»eterj..and:rment to many In Its development a n ^ , nterprlscs which dimi

end public utilityby the New Jersey StateMunicipalities.-"

' " SaswnsWaoChurch spires date rroni a belief la,

etll spirits. These were held t» feara point, even a pointing ringer. Hencea pointed splra to keep them from an-noying- worshipers.

oiani sunuura uy u«-

e d u C a ^ " h - " t ^ T p p o m t « r t o the ment to many In It. development a r i d - ^ v l 0 U 5 e n t e rp r l s e 8 w h l c h diminishedh t ^ c t o ^ s t a f T t a order toi handle I that there can be no objectionfrom a ^. m ^ borough, B u c h as Iheinsirucuott svau, m «"» ^ _ - t a ^ ^ i J 1 1 _ i f a r j viewpoint. Mr. Kessler said _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ — — —amipelieut., .™studenU entering the school. ClasseswUl be held at the NewJersejr Collegeof Pharmacy. . -';,. '"

needs of' the school boarilt wss taken to «w caU of

th d j d eetWrtMa>r ^ J Shonor of the second

f | .SJJ laTHI l y i M I T rm BSIB a v a i l »»•• . v— T l ™ ^ ^ - - ^

the chair tnd at the adjourned mwt-togi Borough Tttswurer John K. Butler.

MIA Who In tiattf fHartfHitMl o l yhflfll mdhflyBJ - S s T =wlU bfcwked to be present and explain'.' ^ ih. homjwh'i financial condition.

Ins4dltlilmvt»tn».ibiDpthree-year: courses, this faU, the.Rut-gers extension programito Newark wlUInclude a number of social one-year

cako as the center of Interest.

sitcrnoon was passed teen new.children have^been enteredrefreshmenU were In toe kindergarten, he said, exptoln-

kte birthday ing that many parents apparently think• " ™ w „,„ kindergarten ot the school has

been dlsconUnued. He was instructedto spread word that the klndergartonIs still operating,

Mr. Deans reported several childrenschool-as parents-notare no* WWIWHH » » r p i r"

claim they have not proper shoei, Allare to be referred to thesuch • 1 — —

overseer of the poor.The..,; resignation ot

Murphy otid n

Mrs. Florence««hoo» nurse was

Ojibway Indians StillSi»« "Hiawatha" Stor

Canada has Its own OberammcrgsoFor many years-the OJlbwsy Indian!of the Onrden Illvcr presenre, aloof-side the city of Snult Stt Marie. Ont,hare been presenting a riverside stageversion of .l*ngfello«'. l ^ n . . . " ! ! ^ Murphy ot L t o t e n - ««ho» nuwatha." In tl.Mr own lnnguSge. The received andacoepted. For tte healthOnt |>erfortnniice was put on at. theCanadian Ban In honor of a visit fromLongrvllow'a daughter. The poem Is aglorlftcatlon of Hi* 800 area and LakeSuperior. The Illvcr Kwaslnd was the8t Mnry's on which the 800 Is built m m ww w »« •••« »«——— —and the rapids mentioned tn the poem ceptlon had been referred to the -wiy*are the Soo rapids. The. city's old and means committee. Swen Swenson.rncllnn name, 1'awltlhc appears In the chairman of that committee reoom-po«n. It wns the OJIhways who In- mended that the reception be aban-sp'lrrd the twin and It Is their leg- doned thU «ar, due to the economicfniln and «lnrlf« which are told In -It conditions. __ The recommendation was

The 800 Indluns prcseiitfdJhV-plsy adopted.TF^wml'lklnwicnfelFesyesrs-sg* " J. J. OordiSWWbBitttwt-the'audit ofand once they appeared In* London, the board's books for 1M1. It was re-Kngland. K«ry character In the piece* ferred to the finance committee, whichla taken by an ojlbwai,anatluLwbole will make a.report on the recoramm-plsy- irglven- m-tbe-Iadlan Ungwi*.' daUonsof the audit at Ihe nex.t_«>ulvThe actton of the play Is explained to board meeting. ' *th* audience through-a-loud speaker.

committee. William U Rondo. recom-" hat action on'naming her

„ be deterred unUl the next„ meeting. Mrs. Murphy's reslg-

_ T _ j takes effect October 1.After the matter of the teachers' rt

cfenes to cultural subjeits, such M ere-stlvewritfag. ihtroducUon-to philoso-phy /sociology, American literature,business English, and Industrial rela-tions: Courses lh aocuU work, namely,TJubllc-welfere--wor*r an4-socUU- casework, wUl be given. under prominentState figures In this field, and In co-pperatlon Jrtth the New Jersey Conter-

gatlons. He expressed the opinion thatthe board can find a bank willing tomake the loan. Some $19,000 U due theboard from the Slate, he concluded, andwhile this la not usually paid until thePall of. the following year, Dr. A. UJohnson;\County superintendent of-schools ls-maklng an-effortJO-Obtatapart of It at ottce for the school board,so that at least •"teachers and otherboard employees will be paid..

Mayor Nltschke wss surprised at theschool board's attitude, saylftV ho at-tended * meeting several weeks ago tbexplain the borough's-AiutauOsl dlmcul-Ues. H e censured the dlstrlct^lerk fortelling ihe o w n creditors bUls weren'tpaid because the borouidi has not turn-ed over school moneys, declaring thereIs an Implication that the council isfault

It was agreed that the finance com-mlUoo of the council, together'with Mr.Butler, should confer with the financecommlttec-Dt the Board of -fcducatlon.

the realty p p nmoney and taxes of recent years havenot been paid and will not be paid. un-Ul part of the land Is sold.' Orantlnghe cemetery permit: anff making the

sale possible would thus be a financialbenefit to-the {borough, he said, con-

urtlng t.hst

noiire la h«r»bj 8l!«n Uut Iht Bor«u«hCuunrll or Uie IlutouHiV Ktnlliorth^at a mret

TlIlS<BAV*K\kMMi, BKlTEMB«a SI, 1WS.at I to r M. (Xaium B n n * « TUnA «U

Resents"^ lUCV l l i e ^••s»lJa •»«w »^a»-— —• -

It Among the most notable, examplesto the church of St Croce, the.seml,-

~&ry and Its well, the rslssxo dellsPrefettara a'nd tht Churches of 8t_OUsra snd' CsCertas, Out wneffar

' U M e the visitor should not fall-totake the trip to OalllpoU to see IUGreek fountain, the cathedral o»VStAcala. by Oeoulnl and Its famous can-

•i >

Lons;_Ustoti!N.T«r»!!L_ -^Bor*d*rtUque.. , —At Not H«r«l to Complete The Borough Council Tuesday night

The story of an American back- expressed Indignation upon receivingwoodsman who hnd never seen a bors* "the Board of Bducation's request for Mi«•> hmnl of nrohlbltlon has 00 monop- explanation why school moneys was not

-oly ~on "Nevere." Great Britain has paid. Councilman Venters for the fl-irts of "Nevers." -Ttie Ute Lord Ox- l i d Iford never-used a telephone. He WMprobably the only public msn ot these

the horned owl was*. • |«ionlllcallon of the«vU one. They_ feared Its Influence• a t regarded Jts vWU to dWeillngs uptrtentoas of disaster or death. —_-"Today tnCgrest-borned owl Is <on-

% • , Btderei the least desirable of aU the* " owUfheesuse It eskwetM with man ln

Ha issreli f* food. T h e flatted States'!«1 survey etosslnes U» greet

owl asB-Vestrstolng toBuedce

aj»p%jj a aj a ^ | l a a a w vvav***™ v^'^ w^w • " ^

, « , „ committee explained everyone Inthe borough should know that financial


UMiuhWU • • * * I W ^ S««uttll>o Ht Ibe lonl MnlWn tnm.

m o putiioH of nub mullnj to 1».menu other iMn n >nr obJMtloo. Hut

r proprrtr namnl In uld r.port m»I |>rcKHU l u M lb« ctuflroKWu ot uich U•od lo utr^nirfbn md olhCT Kllon W • » :bt d*»nlr<I( •lipuwUM iml ptntn and u tllh

nd luitfcy shall miulr< Thi aakl upon UH i on fUt In lh> oBkt of tht Bonjuth (1<rtor ^ . I ' '«g'*SEtUalni Jteplembrr 11. ikl!

SEt A C K iBwouih Ckrk.

strange as me w o in«i.-inraw77«»™—|Q»a--nmnaiBnoi scnom ^u"wli-•»^~••»•-sgoy a pretty Lincolnshire girl st set- • a d ~ m t while hta borough accounts. _ • „ . . . h . *.A n.~i an hav Ufa 1B ifrgfa K'balance of tSjOOO the rest of this

montli, some t7,000 Is reserved to payenteen, who had lived all her life laa village In the Wolds, took her firstjourney by train to deetlwrpss. '

Also she- bad never ridden la a »»o-tor~es.r,"~An~old Isdy ot Longford

N t h lle

month, some (7,000 is reserved to paya tax revenue note and that Interestand salaries* during- the month willmake'the borough's. total obligation

t h M f l O O B id th Itor~es.r,"~An~old Isdy ot Longford make'the borough's. total obligationnear Nunestoo, who jlled not long age more than.MflOO. Be said there Isat the age of ene hundred, had never question whether salaries of the police

("seert tVieeT'VnaTienri ieeB-nore-dep^ Be^psteT-afler'ThUseer t tV ieeT'VnaTienr i i eeB-nore -dep^ Be^psteT-afler'ThUthaK twenty-five miles from her borne, quoth. The money cannot be paid overA girt of. twenty who lives twenty t g &, g^ti board, ne- declared, untilBiles from Plymouth, has n*re» visit- i n l taxes are collected In a sufficienttd tbst town * « any. ptaee on ths ^ o u n t•ceast-toB*» Malt - \' Ir ' ' '

Mr. Butler pointed out also thatthe school board Is permitted under law

_ , „ . -to borrow in Its own right agalna^ theetUeree to Indinte ' M l apiMrtlonment of sehool tax**, a•a-iat • « • an |nTCa pnceedurc followed m I1M, when the

probaDiy me omy puouc m»n « u ™ difficulties naVe been brought about m«Un«days who could say ibe same. People through delayed payment pf taxes and " " ™brought to Scotland tram 8 t XUda refusal ot about IUJD00 coming from T » « (had never' seen a train, a motor car, i e j i taxes. ~ "or a horse. This Is not. nearly as Borough Treasurer John B. Butler.Strange i s the fact ' - '^ ^ " " '

PKOP9ICO ORDINANCE NO. IUAN ORP1NAME to r«iwal "An.. Onllnanf*ME to r#»fal An.. Ordlninc*

(>n»t.l Bnanl ror the nuUnr «<

and aduplni at a mc«tlrii of UutCouncil t«lil on April ssih i n t .

It! II nrdablM if Uw >Uj« - I r i CamnaoDluncU rf l(n BtirtxaK of KtnUwncit. UnionCountf. N*w Uriel. .:

Herllon I Thai Iht Onflunn ntlUnl 'AnOrdlniar* rmt lm a l^oiral Board for UMmaklnt of all aftxtam'nu for beaeAU .acvniofrom local ImproTrmmta HI th« Sonusn ofKenlKorth I'nkw Tountr, New JmtT." «hldi«at caaatd and idopM at a awcttM of lb«Uaror and Coutnil U « on April a ih , lf>I.U an.t Uw um» ti bentr cqnaltd. ', UM

dlsanrn InnxuUtrat wlUi IhU Ordlnaiic* a n

nw ti tuAll OrdinU

Ptaltd.or (UK of Or>

dlaorrs eIUI IhU

w n . . , » ontbauo-tnall Ukt «T*rtla On mann<r protUWd b; Uw

' ' IMialTo* atort ordlman wai pUMd (a Its a m

rtadtns >t s Tfculir aw«ilas'~af-ttw Haror sadIComaao CmiwU hrld Toaalar, SeoUoUr U,Itsi. and onfcral idnitiaHl far a nitoTktsr'*-- and floal paasag* tai '

TUSSDAT. sinfaacsinTB, int. /at tM r air /


. - Phone CBanferd (-UM

WM. E. GOURLEYt» Betfetd Ave, CranfersT

Jobbing E»tJmatmg1 1 *•

\lo«nnuuMmovresn(rrsr1it _those who turn to the back of a bookto see how It comes out—Glendale

- FowuUtlaa of LIVntfrThe Magna Cbsrta was not dlnetly

foubded op' «ny pretroue'dotnaientbal was n detailed srsleirmt of feudallaw. reiterating ncc'jcnlxeii fedifsl prsie-tlCB. , ' . ' - -

_ YOU ARE SURE _..._.:;OF JGOOD REFRIGERATIONif you SELECT KELVINATORPuLHc Service stands' back of the appliances it Bells. We willnot sell an article unless we are sure it will give satisfaction.

JW&take, no chances. We test and prove the efficiency of,everymake of appliance we offer for sale.

You take no chance when you purchase Kelvihator. It isthe oldest domestic electric refrigerator on the market Newconveniences are added to each new model.. Nearly allKelvinators furnish four different temperatures. The cabinetsare well built, raised from the floor and many of them have -an automatic light inside. ^

uOur service extends beyond the sale of ihe merchandise. f>We will install without charge any Kelvinator you select fromus, and we will service it for three years without charge. We ,give you a three year guaran- ' *• ~- - 'l d

- teejjgainrt-defeotive-partgV^--"YdirrmTy purchase -the-Kel-

vinator upon the dividedpayment plan,' a small sumdown and twenty-four monthsto complete the purchase.


•- t-t—, J

Atk for the KeMnofor book"Cooking withhold." H tdUyou how to make ddtdou*froHuiduheMintheKdtinalor.

> ^ •

Page 7: I jfeli^ig^f-'/^gion hom e a t » Fores avenue. Le »Cller of KUsabetlJ avenue is) general chairma n of th e committe I charg rs of th pos t ar assist-to various capacities. - Serend

> 7 v


' • - . ' • > - • d Page For aGreater


PiiHtiU ^ HaOrnnito ilotnanf tiMM tnatty of Jlie

xfllaa or 001107 ft iliiarnlii Britainaeaacd dovecotes of irMcta no tneeak i n cecae'dawn to as. Tfce Bomaa

Gaol sad tt *aa the Konaaoa whordatrodwed tt tat» KagUnd. laOenl and later times, before the ad-Teat ef ttt tsralp and the nraat «e-tato, tbe^oTccata aotred tha nrotaamef food Autng ftw Ieanermonr>>a oftha year. Hftmai COBM D» i w adated la tttr •"•H aput, tlM averagedoraeoca betas capaal* of hototar eer.

peoaln. With a * Introduction of notcrops the day ef the dovecote began tan a » For anany yean past, there-fore, the dovecotes of Great Britainhare bees faiuaa; iota oegtert. andabac with windmills and watermffistbqr are beeaatmt no*.

9 * . Faiat at View,,1 -count life Jgat a atatt to try tbt

«faTs strength on.—Exchange.



' • - n •

TOduring the next


BBTWBHN soar and anting O-Intxtsxnanr o n o «iH aoaaD>

aa*a tfcoaaaada and tboesaadt «<1doBats 1> firing axBsntau

« * n perishables an asosa costly.-Ihr/lf ana fta^iahManrt TnayTIymmtmmBk. rrasas.laaat.fraan.air,.b than wfll ba DO anollagmi

bat ddidoa* aalads andtheir &7a.11>tylt aevej? •uatdiaw

Todar.oaaoaajofatarycanwttat aa|oy asodetn retriwnirioax baaaTTmnairtainli Th**'-r1-afffiiJWTTo»

f» a>oca>aiao> JaTattled taawfl

cfacdess alaal/* : guuda* agauW.ahv dam and aMialan, II najaint asaneadoa;;a<»te»«n pniaa; Claamlng•Wat nhiawa an aU swal. pomalilaBaed. SUdiag abaltvt amako otratyJaM^, arf a^M

If foaantMaBna of baring Mli spdagwBrnacbnaa-G-Baknraij,

I fflaoaauuim? It liffl at*a.atany asmdollars bdbcaan* spdag. Coaaa laaodajr and an ioar easy at it to- a«m

G J n l & W ;. Present prices and taxau ara A t


LAND OF SPHINXIncluded in Radiow S e n i t a - P l u ,T«Wpho

Spwatah Main Hookup

A new nutla aa* arlsan.. to con-tsaad tha (boats of wltards of tbatoyal eosrta of ancient- Egypt- Aabltlou drasmi ot legerdemain olthoaa renerable neeronwneen who•pant much time tiytnc to, make thason atand Still, have been outdone by,the genius of modem man. Tor sowone majr stand In the shadows of

•tha Pyramids and sposk In a normalTOlcVwhlch may be beard and under-.atood In Enrope, Asls.' Auatnlla and'far off North America. -

Telephonic communication, brlniingtha land of the Nile'Into«ootact-wlUi>fleHr»ii4taleplwnea^Ui al piru of the worMr

jaraa established early In Auguit .The.ienrlee,"embraces Cairo" and"

Alexandria, aoae 1.000' miles from'NawTSrkTand aadeabo'urjff.OW lab>phones to the growing world-wide

.tela*hoaa,,natwort, wilch-Js, awltU*,bringing all ~nat!ons within rolcaruga ot each other. This la the secondmajor extension of transoceanic radiotelephone •errlee to Africa, u Cape*town,-Vort.Elisabeth and DeAar andother nesrby polnu in South Africawere added to the llit last June. EgyptIs 'reached orar the regular trans-Atlantic radio telephone channels op-erated by tha American Telephone andTelegraph Company and the BritishPoatofflce, and. over a special radiocircuit between London and Cairo.

Plan New HookupAnd now the earlleat people known

To"us~aa a naU6n~, naflng Deeflbrchedby thla latest Inroad of a newer cltill-satlon, commonlcatlon enginean are

itaad-tateplium sanluafrom America to' another part of-theglobe which la rich In historic and ro-mantic lore—tha Bparilsh Main.,

Voiosways by-land already -teach;Cuba and Mexico, and radio telephoneserrloa was axUndei «._p«rjn«dajutyear. By the and ot Hit tt is belleredh

Senator Barbour GreetsVeteran Republican


SB1 Newi-—We have gotten right to work. H

seemed good to be bock with one an-' other ajain and ur wish every one suc-ce,-a in the coming school year.

Our.i a« has formed a N»ture Club,The naino of it is The Nature StudyOiub. Cui f csideht Is Pat King: vice-

, president, Joe Petrozelll: secretory1 Aiula Warchol We shall take our Ursth ke en Kr'diy. September. 16.

V-l n-c j!>o tolng something to makeour K m lojk attractive. '

SA News , '• In connection wjth a>Fttll Leaf Studycur »A i labs 's making a series of Na-ture Stud, tilts to Uie nearby Heidiand WOOLS Hci'e *e become* familiarwith tile 'luuiffs oDeaves, wild flowersand needs <Jn oiuMlrat trip, conduct-e"d on Monday, we learned the namesof Uurtv-thive ol tlw above named oh-

, lectsf . . . . . • • 'ifcu l.u.arj- tables, book cases and

chailo In slic 5A classroom ore receiv-ing tlieli in nu.il coat of paint nt thehand ol tlw pupils. . . . ••'•' .

Much enUiusiH-iin liiut been shown byMra. WolfT's pupils in developing a Fall

" Flower study l""~~:\TTT'.77I7iI7:Anjiji ti.tjrc.ilth_of ttrfsjmlt^gjjtjrjs

tli« chlldun .no compiling speilingbooks which contain- •lloU-or" iianici.

y5ba la eommnnleatlon range of nearlyall the countries and Islands border

l a g on what was tha Bpaalsh Main.•ArranxenienU.haTe. been made'to

lnaogwa(« radio tohphone setTlca toSffpth American repub-

lics bordertorf On the Caribbean Sea.This will refeolra the constructlbtf'of• aawtmunmtJng station at Hlaletffcd a , and tt la exacted that It willbe ready tor use br-Uie end of this

the new cottnEitos to beretched by this serriceIndadlng tha Canal Zone,being the second outlying .gKIto ba oonueoted with -the UnlBtstee by teelphone. Other Central.*

^American republics To/ be* reached"will ba Hohdarsai Nicaragua, and Co*UBlea. The South American countriesare ColonvbU and^-Veneiuela. Tha

R.mS ialands also will be Included

• • 7 ' :- Tjribeite to the Dog

•The latenigence of the dog," t a nA»ert>ayion Terhnne. "Is so uncan-ny ascertain times that It takes pre-cedence orar anything possessed .byman. Dogs feel atatss-of-mlnd, attl-tndea, emotloos which moat be exhibit-ed Jn domsy words to men. Long,long ago, their first ancestors madeIhelr compact of friendship and af-.faction with men. That friendship haa

!J ll

W ALTER S. TnHy af Hillside,tit by saying that "they were not aaM. j . . Who haa voted a stralKht strict in those days as they are now

and anyway I looked twenty-one sothey let ma vote for my friend, AbeLincoln." The veteran, who Is As-

N. J., who haa voted a straight,RapobUoan Ueltet fo» teyenty^neoontlnuout years, was an Interestedspectator at a recent meeting at-,

—tended by OntUd Statarflenator W' {'Warren Barbour. It waa Mr. TuU/s.

Uneoln." The veteran,sistant Adjutant—andquartermaster General

" ' of the


Assistant.of t h eRepubUc,

>fl<«Jtt.Hr,US,J)WMvH_misting hardens, flower shops, etc.,- wrltinal loui jjroins and stories, slcctclilmiHuWLrs and collecting' siieciinens forboukleta. Thus far the pii|>iis are abluI idt-ulify 2j kiiids of. flowers. .

•1112 News . ,.AlUiGiinh school has been open only

H-shuit time, \vu are all working earn-tl> to make the best year we have ev-

er '.-ad. • • . ..• / • ~" ••''Ijist week nine people started out with

n good tfccid of 100 per cent in.Spell-ing. Thc52 people were": Thomas Beov-er In no Kjuwin. Edward lfcrbold., Mbrlan'Williamson. Frank Kolojcskf, Ed-

ku»6ky, Richard Searles.Next week WE hepe to have at least

For a number of yimm, Uwnlong the seuslmre have i.'gjoyed Ht'u&onfurin for those tlcnlrlng to coniinulti u<-.twecn Nuw York and the scashiire ilui'-ng the Summer Si-nson: No such. huvnhave been In (.'fleet betwwn New Yorkand LiikewiKxi. .

The-tickets will be good for 20, DO.M'OI-and ISO trips..'.- All of those tickets win1M plnced^ofi sule October 1. Tlie 30nnd 60 trip tieason Tickets ure good forthree successive caleiuuir-monthH; the100 and 150 trip season 'licketji ror_sl.>successive calcndnr montlia. Ml tlikcii

•uiust 4»»r ilw- i»lioi<n!r*|)li- o(- UII. imr-must be prt(

kuentetl ta-thVticket (ujvnta when tile ticket is., pur-

Selling John Bull TelephonesE m y one U co-opeToTlng by brlng-

* Inj i"trts5l1n« thmgs io school.".Wil-'< Ham Corvclyn brought us two tadpoles,

while Alice Bplrkowsky Is lending-uiIcr nsWtwwfc' Albert Mlllef, brouglitus borne of his goopy tell. Ruth Hadlcr

I brou &hi • us a .- lovely picture; of the\ anno WtetrtUBfon arMgci Many pcu-

pie haw- been in'torcsUjd in drawingthis We also liavo had some otherinkicstlng articles brought, into class.

4 B 1 N e w s .- " •• ' .:-.. »41)1 has decided, to make a collection

of leaves lound around ^lllese. partvThiy plan' to. make booklets showln;the various |ra{:.fanjulles>'.and;jukve al-;read} ma'tt'ir sdmc-lcaf': flSitluiCs by"'iiJ<hIng spatter" work; Those 'who l»vc

| helped make a border of these leaf out-Unts are Ccorcc Mcrio, Margaret

g ^ jas an amotlonalone.-

Excellent KsaionTlic reason most people <IUU-I

us they grow older1 is<rhei time mort-to keep "onfWTihT

bratns'of nun. In many Instances, thebrains have not been-lnferior."

' > Beaatlfal ItalyTha fmltfalness of Italy'i mndowtv

and Ttoeyards, the majesty of noracanary, the kindness of her inhab-itants and th* glory of her susshlneInre an endleas stream of etger seek-er»r<»rtip«yrTr«llccesslon of cWlI-'Isatlona—Etrnscan, Greek. Phoenicianand Eoman—has left to Italy, fromthe snow-dad Alps to tha fertileahoreTof tunny, Bldly. an.nnlniaglna-ble wealth ot art—cburcbes, palaces.jaommeBtt, painUngs, masterpieces ofoenlptura-aU wKnessess-of lot glorl-

past—Exchange. '

Ailaajjjlag F _ _ j .- A drop of blood cooUlna three mil.Uon red gloonlat. and then art mar*nrm. ,1 , tha mik af • tlngl* coAflshthan man to. th* world, So smell ttthis germ that one grain of sand Jafo mmion.tlaea 1irger_than'lt Ahundrtd thnaos of tb* allkworm a nJoat 4M^*tx>4fth of an Inch thickwhan pUead-jloa.bylaM*. bat tfctr*are torn* melaltv that can ba drawn

' h to thartwehe-haa-am aidjr at jUalck aa a tan.


Acmu I liuloThla flaeHpf motorcyclea carrgrlng modala pf the new hind telephone lipart of an advertising campaign to popularize telephone service among theBritish. .Telephone service there Is operated by tha Poet Office Department,and PoatmaetarNleheral Sir KlnojUy Wood Is shown Inspecting then

machlneeXwhlch are-ready to leave London on a tour.

' Young TrsveleiChildren are travelers newfjtiirrlveil

In a strange country; wo aliouldHbp 'efore moke conscience nnt tothem.—I/ocke." ,7

He'll Catch 'EmNo matter how had you ~a\va, wlien

you'.throw bouquets i t a man llic.y nl-wnya hit the right «pot.—DlufftonMewt-TJanqer. .

OhOhiilk Apetiklilte In 11 forin »r <l>a-

matlc >ttrand' lifts nothing to ilc withs

ael Wnrchol, Aduin Smolcnskl;PetrozcUI, Harry Crlscuolp" and Louis

C'rezloi -• : * - •

Pahujr»ount"» "Flrnt BeaiidnFootball Murder Myslerr!

" 7 6 t 0 0 0WITNESSES"


I HOLMESWeek pf Haturday, Sept. 171h


• Matinee- Drily

2:30Phone 2-1288 THEATRE -WESTFIELD

' , . TODAY




It Offers EueptlonalEntettalntnent for Every

Member of tbe Family .



"* ' *''%*lm**lmZ*ivENTsr,


"at 7i56'"




in "JEWEL ROBBERY"r . Also— '






County Raider* MakeSmall Hauls in 2 Placet

Assisted by local polict', county dr-tec|lves made two liquor raida hereTuesday nlitlH, took two'into.custodyand soltoil a small quantity of nllimtIllciittl rum.

Detective Rlcluird Ri-llly and BITSDennis Comlnkey visited, a rish mark'oiK'rated by Tony Karuiiskl at 330North avenue and (otrnu two half-pintbottles of alleged whiskey. Mr. Kai'-owski accompanied them to headquar-ters. Detective Prank Eniilelntrh, andSpecial Marshall ReKlnuld'llefele rniij'-(Hi the home of John Clradls at 3ii.i8ouU> avenue. There, they found andconfiscated about two K»llon» of .mnytvo c whiskey and oiii'-.thlrd of a Ballonof perhaps «in. Mrs. Oradls was oil th»premises and was brout pillli'r.headquarter*.

Mr. Karowskl nnd Mrs. Oraflls are tinppear before the pnmccirtor.

Season Fares to-Winter

Haw-TlkcNew Jsrsoy Ctmlral liHllrotul. m<~oi'dlng tit liiurbuiiccnit'iiL by 'tlid Ocu •ratOiftcivjwillTilaci! Senson-TlckrUiTiir

sale between'New York and LakewuntSouth Lakowood and Laki-Juirst ilurlii;:

of these Season Tickets,In addition to Season 'Tickets, then,

will also be placed on sale the too tripAnnual Ticket. r<Th|s ticket wlll.be goodor 10& trliw and will be limited to ran;eur ln'addltlon to Uie date of sale. The'lores for thaw ticket* will be the sam<:a« the' IM tflp HJwumH Tlrtl.l» milMiabove. • . + .- . . . .'.:'. . ; . ' . . .

l i iero Li no chongo In the presentCommutation - or Family Tii^kct fareswhich have been In clfcct for Bonntlriio. .

li;adiey, MXM Esther V^tr \St\-Cutlicrlll^' Walther. Fnuiklin^ Wxkx.

erlx-rl Bobtllii, W. W. ICulwyIn the frraaVn: Miss' Rvfl/n P^kn.1 .

M a,-- Dorothy Trurie, 8*1» Mai lot x.SilUi. MlM lluth Thorn. MUs

, WlMl EaUrtle C W trnxwtu)e diversity, of tlvtsrp-its

dlcalcd by the ! tltl«i; of [h* mtaitX. y


Ibro a cfewdetl stuijliim. "*"70,000 W'ltqcsscs" is tho title of thU

fasclimtliiK and dorliiK picture, with acast of Hollywood's luniinarics, consist-

Koiitgomcry, Dorcthy CiirLstittni; MiclV' Ihu of I'hlllp llolmwi, Dorothy Jordan,

,*ln youl

Cluirlcs RUKKICS alid JohnnyUrtfwn, coming to tho Iliraniount Thea-tre, Plainlleld,:.. beginning HalSept. 17.". .

It will perplex every nnrv<^in juiubrain, when America's foolbull he'to ismurdered bef'oro the kcen*ty«i of 70,000spectators In the year's'big game I Didhlfj)tti know whyi4) ld Ills Bwcethcart?Did the.boy who wair'Jealous.of{ his.fame? . > ^ \ -. ,. ';

The hero dashing for a touchdown Issuddenly and mysteriously killed- In thtshadows ot the goalposts. How and bywhom Is the crime committed Is a prob-

• denes Kflullon-untll the veryend of the picture-' • ? ' . ' ' . "

No one seated during the .last fifteenminutes of the picture and you are urg-ed not to reveal the ending'Of this pic-ture to your-fitcndsr- — I " T r

Sec this thrilling* and most unusual,mystery.: Few; will solve it-^and no oneirlll forget-lt-

Ancient Writers Depict 'Terror Spread by Fly

On'e iild,wrlt«,i«lls .us that:. ."JjCafetie are struck with-«uch terror at theapproach of.these Insecta (flies) .thatthey forsake the pastures apd run, f u-.rlous. In every direction, until exhaust-ed by fatigue they sink down and ex-pire, Eren.th» elephant and rhinoceros,theugh .they-cover their thick hideswlib a coating of mud, are unable toprotect themsalves * from these trou-bleseme persecutors. .Their /attacks•re not confined to the brutt creation;and when they stlDt a human belnf,violent .tumors are - produced,'and er-<ry part of the body becomes ma IfInfected witl* leprosy." '

When to this graphic descrlpUon ofUie terrors' excited, by. the adrentofsuch Ues, are added the further well-known facts that In the East, somemake their way Into the nose, earsand ayes to breed, others bore Into anddeposit ,th;tr eggs In tha flesh, wheremaggots' are "'produced, '-freflnentcauses of very painful and often dan-gerous ulcers, we can readily under-stand the awfnlnea* pf tba plaguewhereby Almighty-0<xJ would, drivePharaoh snd^tbe Egyptians to do hiswin, before he should be- compelled toInflict greater troubles upon them.—

r t iLitaas'e P^eJUHty,, Esdl««i,.w*atesjtselt-ind U that'«CBtal|tyllae'ii*fliaa,

Board Gives CalendarFor School Year

Other Announcement* Madeby School Officials M NewTerm Gets Under Way.

The Hoard of Wucatlinj his 3he schiKvl calendar'.far th<i yruUK hu'ldays and m-e»'ip«ru-«fc t:

SUKSestiHl that tlif foUowltig bf t-,t tand. kept [ur rrterrnrc

School (lUniiter I»E*-H fSchool opens." WWin<-s*iy Vpe TColiunbiu Day, Wnuw.idlt O.t li


ou y.. Wnfmlftv »>iElectiurf !)»/. 'TueiUay, »..i JAtlllblice Diiy;-FrldaV;' N.iv II.Olifc.- fur Tlianksiglrti-.it l<«. • *-

ic\Mfay. Noif. -a, •«( 1'isuiil hmirKn>pen M>m<lii}.' Novembtr J

"Cliwp for <.'lirbliii;|.t R(tr

Wwlnrsil.iy. Jan.

: ' for EaMtT.13. at n-Kill

Memorial Day.ri1 J)

OrUfilUltlllll EXITCL- ,line-21»t, Ira..

Tellrhfra Ta'klf ( W « M 'A total, nf fourteen U:in 1 if ra r t *

.lurwood Holnxils HIIVI- t.ak.i n" t'r'-r^jiij rournes. etthf-r tl'irir« tit- ptir,ul yciir ur th*1. pa--tfi '.Mimn*1* «-u

«on. Hi'VC'll ot tllcw an- hi t u '-• -rfldiool^ lind. Hie other* ir r) « * ^

tary «rh(Wl.-». / H I P W rimrw* i'*ukrn volun'tartly by u-uclu-r:* M> A* \

er prepare them to Irwcrucr tryfir

New York University ir<l Owumulu. Ainonu (he. ti'iu-l>m m ttrunlor Illnh School arr: fUlvs r.*xit>rtti


Among the courses taken an*-ire, Vocational Ouldaiu.tr. Social fxU~

tory, Curriculum Malting, NfrthAia ntTeaching, Bdueatlprwl_. J>jcrw(o«ar.

tillosoplvy of Educiitlcm. ,llnnw Work ftriurdel*

niul tnfl$» att IwwSatract'tijiit"hV>ine''i»tok ti T I -


ajl of children,upi»r grasl«ST Ttie dallyment for" the' varioiis tfrculmO d £ ' 4 39 U ' a t ' d t l

• *)

£ 39 nUn'atcs'datlym>niiU!« daily; 'itrafte'-ff,'uaily; gnuU; 1, W). mlnut«*mimltcs; gnuie li, 150 minulm

In Unr ninth gnufr, no hnmewick LtisKlKii'cd for Friday. In tl-e 1th VJLIt'll ifrades, arlthfnellcTi"unlgred 6ulj.ingllsh.hiiUjry and gMirraphy t » « »c«k. inilirtOth grade'thrre- la a Au.j _

as.ii«nineiit In mathematics, h-wjef.Bngllahi science,, and Latin or Pt'Mh.SOUK; of these subject! can be pr*p««c!

school. - • • '


BOROUGH BKIErSThere will be a regular mertlm at

the IJorouKli Council,Tuesday luutf. inrie. Borough Hall. ,

Tho Mayor arid Council In tocuuBa-loh with Tax Collector 8njo>r taw

announced that a Tax Bile of an turnand assessments.prior to -1933, that an?unpaid, as of October 1.1932- _ ,

Assuitant-Flre Chief Ch«rlf« White— -»s-seriously lnJured"M6haaj wbto if ,

eUvtroin .thc"r5bl of'Eis riome In Ha»Iayeiiuc. Engaging In painting the rwif.Mr. Whim slipped and fell'to «fceground, He Is f i d :•CKSeVS^apiat

The. 8t. Mark's Mens^Club of 6vMark's Protestant Episcopal Chuntv'wlli openrthet season's activities by hold-ing a card party in the Churcn Hall,.Beech avenue, Friday evening-. Sept- 30.There will be games of Ptnoctale. Beatts,Five Hundred. Fan Tan. Bridge andEiehre, In, addition to the prties forWgh scores*there will be-a season prtteawatded for high scores to. Efaxxhfeand Bridge, which win be awarded atthe end of the season, the Woman"*tiulld will .serve refreshments. -;;OO-cera of u e club for the torrent fearare;- President",/Thomas Daub: «iee-presldent, William H.-Parker: treasxirer,-George Holt; secretary, Richard Walt.A iplendld assortment;, of Tahabieprizes 1» being assembled for the etm-lng of'Bept 30. • • • ' • ' .

Hoi Sprints Oolpmt.The daily flow from the fortx-stx hesv

•prlngs In Hot Springs National park *Arkansas, Is estimated at 9HUXXX gat-Ions, with an average temperature at148 degrees Tatrentett.

Call* fVSkill _ _The Kane Of checkers Is ooe *t Ike

most profound and adentUe gaaNBwhich haa bean devhwoV t t aaa kctai taald that "everybodj plays "tkackanvpat there are tim totej"

Page 8: I jfeli^ig^f-'/^gion hom e a t » Fores avenue. Le »Cller of KUsabetlJ avenue is) general chairma n of th e committe I charg rs of th pos t ar assist-to various capacities. - Serend


Calvary Lutbenn ChouResume* IU PracticeCarrie W.C.T.U.Has

Anooal GatfaeritfIn the Cranford ChurchesOfficers "Efccted ant? Report*

of Year's Activities Made atMeeting Tuesday After-

Plant Peonies th i s Month

the Sunday Calendar of-.;, • Cranford Churchet


. Walnut AvenueRn. foskheU V. renter

••••7»:S0 A. M-Blble School. 11:00 A._M-Public Worship. 1:00 P. M.-EP

•''worth Uague. 8:00 P. M.-Evenli*Worship ,


I Rt». WUIUm F . « * r « « » ^» • « A. M,~SundM School, 11:0

A. M.-The 8ervle«.

pmn pwssrroMN CBOTCH"• Comer of Springfield and'North

Union Avenues•Rev. Wm. B. Sloan

S-4S A. M.-Church School. U:Q0 A. M-Mornlng Worship. 1:00 P. M ^

Christian Endeavor. 8:00 P. M.—Even! ing Wonhlp.

ITsmn-r Eracoru. CHCTCISCorner of NorthAve. nod Forest A n

: •••••• ••• v R e ^ K L - T . F e a s t •8 a. m—Holy Communion. .»:46 a. ni.-O>urch School.

- U•.•>•.miorMarnlng,JBWJ, » ° d — r

inoh (Holydo^unfen (W'TMSTBUntday of the month); .:'7 " "• ------

The Union County Extension Serviceues a serin of *W » week menu*,

. . monthly meeting ot the„ „ , „ Memorial W. O. T. V. was held

epared by Margaret V. Satterthwalte, rwMty rt the home of aba. J. Oome Demoiulnitlon v AgenU one of yuier IS Hampton street. This bring ht»hlch will be published each week in Ult flnt m n t m s of the season, the plants, aodr b * wfl*lie Cranford Cltlten and' Chronicle, members enjoyed a social hourr talkingThe menus are for a family of two oven-the-good tlmea el " "-' — "idulta and three children of seven, five d u r l n - | u summer. An)

and two, years. A marketing list and ' • - " -recipes for Lheinenu. may be obtained* *|j_ hbspitalltr of 1from Uie Home Demonstration Agent, •_.-

has an office In the Court R o u s t , - . J ^ M M—- The menu for.tW. week is J^^e^desJert; r t iVclockand the

SUNDAY' ' :* , » l e r t m « toUmrint •*•}•*>Breakfast: Cantaloupe, Tomato Juice

Park lastwere also sent to the] Jersey i

' and.wUIgfvehtoiiatjlyi

t » lefnft)

Vegetable Salad, Bread, Butter, MoidedFruit In Oelatlne, Milk, Tea.

Supper:. Cream Cheese, Jam, Band-riches. Cereal,and Milk for Two-Year-

Tart CHVSCH or OHSIST, scnBtnsTprt«lhW:-AMlln Street

(.-IS A. M.—Sunday School 11:00 Aprlc»..-»Wedne«Uy-a«rYlCft,*0

p. M. Reading room open dally 2 Ut P. If., excepting Sundays and Boll

" d a y E • -•• •"--

_1_ OiMtrow) Ooam T U B » I O I' Retford Avenue

Sunday Services—Bible School, (:4Ia. m.i preaching 11 a, m. and 1:41p. m.; Young People* Society, 7 p. m

Midweek Service—Oommunlty BibbOlau Tuesday at I p. m.

Prayer and Praise, Thursday atP- m.

Cottage Prayer, Friday t t l p . n i .

88 High StreetBer. W. H. Bleki


A. M.-Publlc Wonhlp. «:D0 P.a^nrorth League. 8:00 P.Wonhlp.

n n BAITOT Ouuicn100 High Street

Bar. I t Ml HitehlopB;45 A. .aL—Sunday Bchool. 11 :MLA




IL-Moming Wonhlp, 8:i9 P. VLt-B. Y. P. V. 8:00 P. M.—Evening Ser-vice.

Bt. MiCM*n.'e R. O. OnnacB*. Mlln Street

Bar. JaaiM V,

CUTTINQ FOOD COSTUnion Co«nly Etlenataa Berrlee

f i t a Week M—m

V * # i AS M. t_ ! • • • • • • • • • •

the-good times each had spen

By A. C. McLeanX. J . Agrteattsnl Eaicsaiaa Service

September Is one of the best monthsof the year for setting out new peoniesand for moving those that have re-mained for too long a time in one gar-den spot and are not'thriving.

rauy-give-tbe-best re-

gram and'practiceveningv Officers * 01

have requested all members' ofchoir tobe present at the rehearsals.which take place at B 30 p. m,: ,

Tomorrow at 8 p rru, there will Be ameeting of Sunday SchooJ teajbersandworkers. It uUl be an importan « s -«ion.- as plans for the season will b-considered and a lull attendance .isurged.

Plans are. being made for a recep-tion of parents and Bunday Schooteachers Tuesday evening, Sept. 27. AllBarents have been-Invited to be presentto!meet teachers of their children in

ysulU if they are left practically undis-turbed. PlanU situated where the lightsoil condition* are not conducive totheir growth, however, should, be mov-

i ll t diid th h

a*' ifae SewStation

utter. Milk, Coffee. -Dinner Spanish Itlce, Butt«redCar-

rot*. Lettuce Satad,

their growth, , , bed, and it 1* well to divide them whenthe moving take* place into-plece* hav-ing' from three - t eraw eyer«ch7—Ifthey snot be replaced in the same po-sition, the soil should be dug up and a

amount of fertiliier, partic-ularly bone meal, mixed with It. Bonemeal atone will not suffice, for It con-tains only;/nitrogen and phosphorusand the peonle* require a complete fer-tiliser i f they are to give thtf results ofwhich they are capable. '• . ,

When replanting peonies do.not Bet

u n d i t ^ P P .Members 61 the Women's Guild are

continuing plans lor the annual bazaar,the date of which will be announced inthe'near-future. It will-take place I)fore Christmas, oSering an opportunityfor Christmas shopping. .The Guild li

toberyedlnthfip l a n n l n F i i u p p ^church October 11, from 6 to 8 p. m.Tickets -for adults ,ylll be 60 cents,while children Tinder twelve j-ears ofage will be admitted for thirtjt cents.

"MATTEK-.wili lie the subject ofthe I-esion-Serinbn in aH Clmrcheio( Xhrht, -Scientist, 'on Sunday,Septeintjer-18. 1932.

The Colden Text is: "Every man-^ r i l i k l l t * y e r i !

Supper: Potato Salad, Siloedtoes, Bread, Butter, Floating Island,Milk, Tea. \ ' • •- v

WEDNESDAY .; >Breakfast: Apple Sauce, pry Cereal,

Toast, Butter, Milk,. Coffee.Dinner: Baked Beans, Poached Egg

or Two-Year-Old, Baked Potatoes,

Bmlth and Mrs. C, W.

rlpp.The school children won six. County

prises for essay work, one State primand honorabler mention f04 six eslajnifrom the State. Dutto» the year 4,000pieces of literature were given out and•ighteen columns of publicity were se-cured through the cooperattBft of theJJwta-ln.S^uiSau^.qu.cjmjb^rSalad,!

Bread, Butter, Poach Shortcake-withCream, Baked Poaches for Two Yearflirt, W

Supper: Cottage Cheese, Bread, But-ler, Fruit Cup, -Butterscotch Cookies,MllkiTea.

-•.,', .,..-.,•. :TH1)R8pAY.-' •,•-..:.;....•!1 Breakfiut: 8t«wed>ears, Wheat Cereal, Toast, Butter, Milk, Coffee;

Dinner; Creamed Dried B«ef, Mash-

Eev. John M. Nakarg; AsstsUalSunday Masses: 7 S . jm, • s. m

OhUdrenVMsssr »:J0 a, nr., followed b>Bunday School; High Mass, 10:30 a. m.,followed by bensdlcUon.

Tuesday, 1:48 p. m, Bt. Anna's X)e-votlon*.

had sent thr«e~sweatei»: to the O;' ' f Pan»al • »

a i r a ^ to_ha»e Jhteyes about two In-,ches below the soU surf ace. . To preventheaxlns give tbe plants a slight _protec-ton of some form during the first year.

•wilt-become estabushed quickly, goodstsed dumps of three or five eyes each

lea a m mvassd e t *H*bm wm findBeptembw aad. OlUfcrir Ideal montaaifor npfiasttae, sOkassdr at U feetter tostairtT psMr' sacai. gattdesa* 'te

not sorrtinl the iplaced to goodther arc potBtnl I

oOx or (base ttat :

next summer. The plants d6 not thrivein a n add soil or one that Is strictlyalkaline. A neutral or slightly. acidloam i s best ' -

fouriderisxan(outitl«lj)y.>lie;.b'r"«^imaxe: tor his molloh image is false-

_.b6od^-and.-there..k_no...bre»th_..m__them" (Jcrcmiali 10:14). ' ••'•

_j^nwju^i])Ri?.ilMirai_y;'vic.!'."5-(J!?)'.-.prise ihel.tsson'Scnnon is the fol-lowiiTertroTitilie'BWcI'T'he Lord-

not slack concerning'hi* promise,

be re-. and if

r ttwy wfllbeeonw will msaial ABttng Oae fall andarbwth wm not kr aVBayM i hBu-ty. bftnmfiv stoats nxpond espec-

ROBERT THEISZ SL SONCarpenter* and Builder*

-ioebtnr.-Alteranons, Scraeatag-of-AD iralrToastrBuaerrMllk,-Coffee.

ed .pptiUHia) Uma Penlis andj Cuiu.Beet, and Celery Salad, Bread, Butter,Fresh Fruit, Cookies, Milk, Tea,.

Buppcr: Bean Soup, Strained Boupfor Two-Year-Old. Siloed Tom*Bread. Butter, Cookies, Milk, Tea.

FRIDAYBreakfast' Sliced Peaches, Cooked

Fruit for Two-Year-OId, OMmealTout; Butter. Milk. OoTfee." - "•

Dinner: Boiled Flsli with Egg Sauce,Parsley Potatoes, peas. Pickled Beets,Bread, butter,-Prult Salad, CookedFruit for Two-Year-Old, Milk, Tea.

Supper:-Vegetable Chowder, Bread.Butter, Banana Whip with CustardSauce, Cookies, Milk, Tea.'

SATURDAYBreakfast:* Apple Sauce, "Wheat Oe-

Trgt*l'HoipHal,'lu'«*tr« al Pawsl BheawhoT* so often mentioned by "Cheerio.'She bad received a Utter of appre-ciation and thanks from htm. which•he values very highly.

'Announcement was made of theCounty convention which will be heldIn the First Presbyterian Church here,

wilt ftowcr the Bnsfryaac Most o f tplants are pncBkaStr doanaot daringSeptember -aad cssa asosem»enUyimfy^il |g, gsjsd avesassSjasjB.

Kind* at lowest OastPhone Cranf art «-«SM-M






Bent at The following committeesw e n appointed: Registration. Mrs.Frank Woodruff; flowers, Mrs. 3. A.Knowlesi courtesy, Miss Jessie Robert-son; ushers, Mrs. Charles BurraU andMr*. C. B, Carey, lunch wiU be servedat toe Rostreror at 1 p. m. Mrs. WnaO. m n t a . Btate president, will be thespeaker. Dedication of White RibbonRecruit* "will be tiUd>at'1-tt'p. m . •

Deotlon ot officers resulted as fallows:president. Mrs. W. A. Ireland: re-

cording'secretary. Mrs. O. B. CaYey,corresponding secretary, Mrs. OeorgeAUan; treasurer, Miss Jessie Robertson.Vice presidents and directors will be se-lected at the next meeting, which willto held at- the home of Mrs: FrankWoodruff on October l « /

tp tW la**- ASHB BL

TtrrapUne Wins inPikeV Peak Climb Test

A standard Essex Terraplane. Road-ster won the annual Pike'* Peak HillClimb Sunday, breaking, all atocV carrecords. The vlctonr carries with it .thetreasured. Fenrose .Trophy -which willbe held by the Hudson Motor: Car Com:

Xot.bnft.year,In whining this classic the Essex Ter-

ranlahedefeited-the second best stockeai by a J mluutesr^nm ue» leuuiit fuithe course s i established by the EssexTerraplane yesterday is 21 minutes 20.B

ThU annual event which is probablythe {nost picturesque as well us tryingcontest held In this country, is run un-der American Automobile Assodtalon

is-longsufferffiStoTisrwardrnot will-ing that any should perish, but thatall -should conic 10 repentance'(11 Peter .3:9). . . .

•The Lesson-Sermon also Includesthe followiiiR passage from theChrislian- Scicme lonthook, "Sci-ence and Health with Key to theScriptures" by Mary llaker Eddy."As inortals" Kain mnrc correct viewsof God and man, multitudinous ob-jects of creation, which before wereinvisible, will become visible. WJicnwe realize that J-ife is Spirit, never .in nor of matter, this.understanding

d i ! l f l l <will expand .intb!self-complelen<ss,finding alt in God, Rood, and needing


the Didi that Cheer*WEStFIELD

CANDY KITCHENl r Ice Cream •

Ice-Cream'ls the,perfect dessertfor the perfect hostess. Serve itafter any holiday meal,'or u therefreshment for any party.

—Fnoae-for Prompt-Delivery.CEANTOBD 6-0«li ,

Westtield Candy KitchenCorner Union Ave. and Alden S t




* uilotd- tf

hone CRanford 4-01W-REstMuates Cheerfilllj flrreo


Urd Btreci kEMLWOBTB

FLOWERSfor all occasions •

Artistic and Latest Design* u FuneralWork a Specialty "

— - a t theRiverside Flower Shop

TeL CRan'ord S-UM


Philip Erkman, Jr.

Dinner: Macaroni with CheeseSauce .String Beans, Cabbage and Car-rot Salad, Bread, Butter, Peach Tapi-oca', Milk, Tea.

Supper: Bgg and Tomato Salad,Bread, Butter, Freeh Fruit, TapiocaPudding for Two-Year-OldL Milk, Tea.

; Jom.wb.t Odd B.qu. . l • •The will uf tlii) late Jobu.O. Wsnonl

irf Uuiduu conlulned till* strati** lastfrequest: "1 tleslrv-Uiat utter toy death,my barber, lluguu* Troon, shalnsbave.me tind dress my anger nslla, and 1dlrtci that ne shal] be paid/a fee ofOv* I l



* DCOO m m p

TsL CRanford ft-UUtSS'Ncrtb Areas*, B.

Central toS«kFinance Ait!

from informationthe general offices of the

Railroad Company of "New Jer-today that this company win make

^.UcaUon to the Reconstruction Ft-nance Corporation for a "Work Loan"within the next few diys, for the pur-pose of repairing engines, cars andmarine equipment While It is statedthe equipment Is not Immwiiatetrneeded to meet, traffic conditions, themanagement feels that the workshouHbe-jmdertaken-at tmt-tlme and-ln-aus

AcsxtaBsicniWrtata Us*! Ss tsertt-abfe and the p s a V n *sr kaocsiU tof ace la not haw «a> satst tt, tat toow tod i m * »Jtasp fcnslUjy 'Ciati taat

nSesT The car entered isA. A. A. men from the-assembly lino atthe factory. The choice,is mad6 at.random and the car Is then checked bythe A. A. A. technical committee to seethat alt dimensions are standard. "Thetransmission, rear axle, cycllnder headand carburetor are sealed, the mani-folding Is measured and the fact es-tWhaWttttet&ndrtBWk


upon srtfianCtaKSws to «inarnnttan witha deslxw t» gM Oar cdan- penonis pointof tfcnn to cUter marts, tram war. toarUtrattonv

A mother mriftep "?»# hsar «« » 1*r^'m*'*/ Uaetmi Mi S^essr tfld als-

ter. Br Bks» <tm •11111—j toe. Chen laughwhen sn» wbiinel «r " ""EiT'lthe nashnt M s * * t i cboy? Th«r a nwe- have space as

Is thtatram fceBnarIT ahe whhos am«.o4es dot is amnu-

tt thispsssttsQItaes tail

only one.

In all respects.

able, b i t s kgattmste desire, tfcUwishing! to fees *ogjsts left as tbst *r sse tore «tth It.so there t>n>D*t> oymt to «adl-'cate'nV In fatS. It as naasjble and oee-estaiy since K b Uae dftre «Ucn sttm-'nlatesna-tadS'aarkaBt. Bot we wouldsgxw Utat ttss dnftne. easeised at theapensc of OOSBSLWUTims. kaw

InanliHT**'meat-end aid In. it'mn1*tlng' *"***activity. It«l* stated that If the loanU secured, approximately MO men winbe recalled to work beginnlne October L

l t imso f news you ina>

Aviation Course Wfll BeGiven Adults by Rutgers

An evening course hi the fundamen-tals of aviation will be addedrto thecurriculum of the University Extension"Division ~of Ttut«ers--TjnlTcrBlty "thisfall, according to an announcement to-4*X.pj Professor N. C. Miller, dlxectoiOf the dtvlston. The new course willtram student flyers, amateur aviationenthusiasts, and those connected withthe commercial side of the acronauticpJindustry hi the scientific principles re-quired In license examinations. Thecourse is presented in cooperation withthe Btate Department of Aviation.

Aviation enthusiast* in this localitymay nave the opportunity of attendingthe course. It, in addition to the courseto be opened in New Brunswick, oUiercoarse* are Introduced, according' toProfessor Miller, a t other localities Inthe State, depending upon the demand

— i with an analyst of flrrrai-superior to U s _

sgr making


A new,deari-burnln«»fuel oO. Svpcr>n&nMLFree from ftuma, adds,",grit, water. Uncnanft-I t t ^ CjQsvltJT* UBI lOf l l l -•pedfleatlon*.' Batch

I P/V ••dt * . J * ' la^fc.^ ^ *


g;ttf»Moc. heat.


/ 1 , » %•


toward BerayuwtwHic her «bentafc-

ttOi and to be hdftt, to see Out byOajsaatf ICTttaJsTdsge SB

Bai bt KIT vmsa&am aUanttto.dUtd^BmrcaSfe^toldkrae. litheBnCr BnllCffV "*** sUBBBsX IsPUU Z n *

hate her to CeH sssaestor to Urn la theejcaoCtae panafltc ataafld t|tt svqrbxanr ehante fed Us* Us slater standshjgntr in a* aSedOoa «f the parenU,tt wouH toad to sasl* ttm «wnt to

od boQr *er ss Ox utr »ay- hiwhteh he endd ftafttor s o Ids aeU

am thattatr wxdito da the lightthtnt; and caopaate la soaking a happy

auiicartermsand nhrasea,-thu'uuuiM!wUI-carry-the rtnrimit-through princi-ples of flight, airplane'Instruments, air

nmeroe regulations, principles of air-craft engines, propeller construction

a *nalt>tenance,-and kindred sabjeets,tit the course bt twenty-four classes oftwo boors each. Classes will open InNew Brunswick on October 10 and willcontinue, twice each week for a period<sT twelve wesksv ,,

A. Kenneth Ackcrman, Instructor innumerous aviation schools^in the east,

gcan commercial pilot, and for manyyean a student of aeronautical -theory,wQl have charge of the course.


$50 to $300 .Hoot bt ambarrssed by bills!A loan wfll clear them and

_pajrm«nt terms a n easy.

PlaJniield Thrift- A .Loan Go.1» W«tdmnf

- , Tel CKanford «-tSMCONTRACTOR JOBBERbesoldthrouRlmn ad in these columns.

i rSc^Quter €onstfuctf6aTCbmpaiiy 1154-156 Frtlintbnysen Avenue, •- NEWARK, N. J.

ALTERATIONSStucco, Carpenter, Masonjod Concrete ,W«fk"' Otablllha IU? 'CBANFOHO. M j . ]

I 'Sunday Dinner $1S ^ i 2 t o 8 P . M.


HAYASHI'S RESTAURANTTelephone CRsnferd 6-Otn




Linden Decorating {CompanyP A I N T E R S A N D " " 1 " " " * * * - ^ - - ' - J<? '- f



Page 9: I jfeli^ig^f-'/^gion hom e a t » Fores avenue. Le »Cller of KUsabetlJ avenue is) general chairma n of th e committe I charg rs of th pos t ar assist-to various capacities. - Serend


Neios^it the Week ;In and About Town

Mr. andK t M N A L *

Mis. a T. Ham*stutSsfromtneKenslngbmBtablettn 8pringfleM avenito returned Tuesday

• ' , «««• a month ipent at Beach Haven.I Keuilworth*MJS: John Custom and her son, John.

•Virginia Balden, daufbter of Mr. and of 433 Gntorl avenue returned TuesdayMrs. Russell J. Balden of W Forest av- after a week's visit In Painted Post,N.Y.enue,at East

, George Young of 17 LaSalto avenueis a member of the committee In chargeof the Western Heetrlc Keamy WorksHorseshoe -roumament, now under way.

Tonaluka-CouncU No. M, Degree ofpocohontat will present a card party

I Tuesday evening to V. P.W,HalL Allgames wlU be played and refreshments•will be served."

For a short tune early this morningiffFTWH«rtetwr«rth

. ..tnue and Springfield avenue wasclosed to traffic while a coat of surface

f dressing covered with stag'was applied.

The cranford Lions Club resumed Itsweekly dinner meeting |asl Friday ev-

\ enlng with • ton* attendanee. Meet-ings will W held each Friday eveningat o 30 o'clock at the Rostrevor onMUn

f street.

The Twilight Melody-»oux-of Newarkwill hold an entertainment at the Col-

: orcd Elk's Hall, South avenue ana Bllse_ttiiKtJmw!^y«d^

Procecds-io-be usedthe unemployedr

Reopening the case oFFlore l8SaWoarid Henry Eusttee. each charged.withdisorderly conduct as the result of aJlght. Judge Loyeland reversed his

' original decision and refunded the fineof $10 which he originally placedagainst Mr. DtFablo.

: The first regular meeting of the Wo-man'p Club for the new season will take

» • • * • - « . Warner of Ulavenue. West, and Mrs. F. D. Cruik-shank of Westfleld are (pending a weekat Manaaquan.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank X. Oil* of EUsa-beth avenue have announced the birthof a son Monday, Sept. 13. Mrs. ai l(«M formerly Mist Helen TatnaU.

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Warner of12L North-avenue. Watt, attended theNew Jersey Sheriffs Convention Fri-day and Saturday at. Atlantic City.

Mrs. Louis Mathey of 312' Orchardstreet had as her guest last .week-end,HtorWUUanrMr Sperry/of New" Yprlc.Mrs. Bperry Is a former resident ofCranford. , .

Mrs. H. J. Lusardl of 1' WashingtonPlace, was. hostess at luncheon andbridge yesterday; to the Wednesday Af-ternoon Bridge Club... There were threet a b l e s , p l a y i n g . • • . . ' • ' •

•Miss Wllhelmlna Ratti of J05 Northavenue," West, reamed Tuesday toM ^ ^ S l t M > ' A W t e l M

returned Monday trom l iana? *ay,Canada^ MHa-iUBfe Barroy. iten»htcvol Mr. and Mrs. 8 . ¥ . Barmv, also T*-torned Monday. t ra i Sprint Lakewhere ibt m i tbt | n t of »fr. sod W*.CbMtta flaws oC T t m inane attheir

Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Cooc of Ca-sino avenue and Seaside haw announc-ed 'the. marriage of their' daughter;Franeys, Jtdele, taShl f Fllflld


Colleges and Universities

ts n- of Willow street, University of

as upper . e i e w a r (

i-XUcon Women s Springs, olilo.Behley of PlslnflfKf The'ceremonw tooW CoUeee at Lynchburg, V», and Kelvinplace Friday. September t at Seaside.' Van Kurt, of s i Walnut mvenue salu-pMr. Sehley Is the son of Mr. and Mr*.John C. Sehley of l l l e Sherman are-nue, Plalnneld.

Count* lions Perfect FUnsFor Band and Drill Contest

tttortan. will enter Obertin College.Mebard Baker of -Denman

Arthur Prtdertctson of 151 Elm.streetd J h Tb

Flans are up nicely for thell * bp

Ahuual Band and Drill Contest * to be

and John Tbennanri of 20 South . „nue will be1 stSdcnts at Rut«ers Unives l t j . - -. • ' • - . _ . . •

forke Markluun will cuter the Iresli-in class ul Rutgers a»d Cliarlej

..will trunsJiT there'., as. a'

£ ™ ^ ^ J " T _ n U e : "•°»Ste.Ber*alt..of lMOrnienrilal,nue, a junior: and Harold Hamen o!12? Cmtrnnial avenue, a wiuqr—:

Upper "classmen . f r o m cranlora at

M I Merkleoriisnri.u.O., S ^ , r Sir'^^' 1 ' 1 1 1

sponsored by the General Committee: d-n street; i t o , oiga SpShTof 100 L e W o l IB C n T ,

the Btadlum Field. Warinanco Park. Wiersbach of 10 Edgebrook Place will all s

street;menue; Miss

Elizabeth aqd Roselle, Sept. 2Mh.

enteredintention of filing formalIn the near future. Those di

are: Rldgefleld Park DriU Team.B. P. O.E.. No. 15O4i Bavwoy Post :

Botertw the Ctile^ WUUam and M '.WilUu-fcrf ol 43. Spruce streetMiss Jane SUui- U11I return to Stevens Insuiute ot TrCn-

260, American Legion Drum and Bngle!Corps; Bayway Refinery ..Band;. Essex

,'of I

7Hii^%bJM"s1lie'li^M'-'a"inMbEr''oi'the ;senlor'class7~~r ~~ * "'•

Miss Gertrude Danforth has returnedfrom a vacation spent at Ocean date.

p,eaSSu> «e her many friend^

and daughter, Dean Banker and MissJoan Banker, of 20 Pittsrield street leaveTuesday for Europe. Miss Banker willattend school at Lausanne, Switzerland.They will be abroad a year. ,. Mrs. George Hennessey of 126 East-man street has ben vlsjttng her sister,Mrs. Elizabeth Bauers, of Pittsburgh,tor two weeks. She was accompanied

place Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock by Mrs.,William Van Busklrk of Ridge-at the home of Mrs.CS. Voorhees,'300 --•---•North avenue. East, where all meetingsfor the season will be held. Officers

appoint committee chairmen.

wood.. Miss Florence.. Saniom of 24 North

avenue,-West, la expected home thisweetfrom Atlantic City, where she has

* T i * K n n w l p * '"'^ beeij.vaeatlotiUuj,-»Mls8 Sansom's-aunt',Mrs. J.'>. Herren of Tarryiowni N. Y-,

quest a large attendance'that the

alty Co.-bos removed its office to thecorner, of North' avenue and Aldenstreet. In the-Ehmling building. Thehew".pmbe'Is ofrtlie .._which the company occupied aago. Extensive alterations and redec-orattons have been; completed to give

athcart arm a modem rearand insurance office. .

• Members of Cranford Council of theRoyal Arcanum'will participate In theannual outing of councils from Union,Middlesex and Monmouth CountiesSaturday afternoon, starting at three

-ii'dock. la•WarinancoParJt, jmaMth.Thera'wtll be games for' men,, womenand children, with cups and prizes forwinners. Arthur Lewis, RaymondDom and O. E. D'Elom will be. .Incharge of Cranford. Council's partici-pation.

Lo.._ ile_who refuses what Is Jnst, givesup everything to him "who Unarmed.—IScanT \ " {

Dollars Wur Ouf QuicklyI ..According to the' treasurer of the

DAited States, dollar bills wear out[ quicker than bills of higher denouilnn-jtlons. Bow well we. know It I '

Our process of cleaning, restores yourto their original cleanliness and

auty. Paramount Cleaners.

Caruso's Beauty Parlor" . AND *

Barber ShopOr£~

accompanied her.•. Mr. and Mrs. Maihew^)f!tMtt" of Nor-,maodle Place have announcedthe birthof a daughter, last Thursday.; Mrs

^Iall.i&;the.j[ornier. Mlss.ElIlEabeth Crane.The daughter has. been! 'named AdelineDean, in honor of Mr. Ball's mother,Mrs. A D . Halt

nolouy as a senior; Hofaert"Klmora menue, io. jiUtcs. 'oullen as \«ophomore:.Mis»-|i'eli-n.stanUj or Su

f of 13 Doer- vestt'r sUi'et, to Miss. WlwUxk s HilioolKoyal Guards Drill Team:- Imperial "«• w m f »Ul-matrtculate at' North Um(»". «» ». btnior; M I » Jain lutaneCommanders Drill Teanv'ol BtnJ-mln Carolina College; WHUam Angus ol j «' Blooiniiifflalu avenue, to HuriisonFranklin Chapter, Order oi1 rw.i.t.j«yi°O'^n i'flnth street • i l lenUr Syracuse •')urB iUite ..'I'cach.i.Ts Collfoe 1/n u, ,Irvington; Bound Brook 'Elks, ^No. IMS I BniveriKy; and Uerefflth Conley of 3 sophomori'; lluyler l i s k u . Prlnuion

-Pialnfleld-Kna; - Wdgas-Band. - - .v'..-^":, -.' •'••

It la understood that the.Ellia_ethElks 'Band, drill team and cadet corpswill-also-compete as they hate always

,. - . .-.-,.J?-tt«wn'Dr;r«»«tWr%|kgnilri-J|bf"6i'-Mlss Onmtsnce DIBattista pf'718 Wtl- cliardsutet, to-Syracuse as a sopholow street, S t Elizabeths Hospital murt'- Miss. UoroWiy itopy of 15 Mudl-Trmlniag School; Miss Dorothy* OBJrett s o n ' avelllH*. t" O6erlin Colli-sc as uOf atOnaves . Place, the University' of «ophamorc. . ••-.

Deposit Small Amounts WeeklyWatch The Total Grow

Cranford Trust Company

Tlii^lHiri-iiiir si . Huli'lpli in |i,i«t,,,iI (r.Tniiil WIIH ,lmili |n i in i on Hi, ,.||,"f ii» eiirllw fjitin-h. l l ' l snm- »f tiir""""( imrlsli : diurillvs hi KniiDhiil.Tholilch l.imtun, '.MIISB...K«V«'J Its iiiiinii an ,t

MUK . nuiii'iil,nirriiiilVon' til

Swif l ' t l-amiliar 3 a y i n | ' r

The .tcrsn aliuui- tlic itVas liavlni;niuiilli'f Helm1 tci ! j | | , . . HH'III '(« 'fpfHiiii'tilly

naffe'niaesTrtHe"pa»t: ""—^"Tl"*™^"' »"»"«M™» ™ ^wonnunioir - MissBiilli Hfcki oi Haniptoii ItoadThe following committees"were ap-j avenue; New York University; Charles leaves Sunday to inur the Junior dims

ttstffnHCJBrodklyi,; SHss Luc-le.Scotl.llerlH.Dy Place will « . iw wSyan-ini*BtoomingdaOe avenue. Sweet versity; ,nlid Alexander Lawrence-of

the detail* of the contest: Judgescommittee, O. K. Warner, Al Pyser.Austin J. TotteidoU: grounds, Al Py-ser, Austin J. Tottcrdoll; program.Austin J. TotterdoD, Ernest Peffer;collection committee, John Sweet; prizes.Warren Halsey, ArtJjur Newman, C. A.Bradshaw.

The next meeting of the GeneralCommittee will be held tomorrow even-Ing in the Adminlstrailon Building, ofThe 0nlon County Park Comml 'Warlnanco Park, Elizabeth.

Flu. Old B . lgU. Cl«y

Belgian cities is Bruse*. called theVenice of .the North^jgng^.....


avenue was hostess Friday night to areunion of the delegates to the Chris-tian Endeavor Conference at Blairs-town last month. The guests' werefrom Trenton, New York, Newark andCranford.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Llttell of 211_-oUy_street lea.ve Saturday Jot.-Fhjte.Sulphur Springs, W. Va., where Mr.Llttell will attend the meeting of theNational Wholesale Druggists' Asso-ciation. They will be gone ten days'.

, I. Ad.g.- All playsand no work makes Jar

disappear.—Ft Wayne Nens Sentlne

Ladles' and Men's hata cleaned andblocked! equal to new. ' ParamountCleaners.

llyes as It-used to live fuur.cepiurie*ago. IM narrow' houses, with, weinlstep-.llke,roofs,.are_bullt.aJonB.fanal»whose water flows slowfy"a'm< dream-ily. Old womeb In white cnifs ait nearthe porches weaving, thin lace. Bmsesla the natlwi'tnwp <,t iii ' •lsh painter Slfcnillng. whose beat wurfc*are collectetl there in a muafuru whichIs an.old cloister, ' • '

Blu* Grua ID Al inKentucky bine grasn. pi-rliarn Hie

most popular lawn grass prodm-itl Inthis country, Is not. as Its mime irn

Stutpa. It Is an Importation fromE i-rope. As a matter of fuct. mdsT'ofthe best grasses now grown" In thif'country hnye been Introduced herefroni foreign nources.


All butrumenU Taught .PHONE CEANFOBD 6-079S ^

L H.General Contractor'


•11 Sonti 15th si,'Crimfoidr~-

T£e TicketWill be announced in this space in nextweek's issue of The Citizen and Chron-icle-by the Cranford Democratic Cam-paign'Committee. .

Watch for the Winners. ^ . . . _ ^ "I"»U1 far *r, WUIUm SL- D'Ater.^etniwifn u m p r .

Difficult T««kA list. Jil-I cnmp'ldl, of ISAM) rtl*

euses tlint^nrrilct^manklnd phowmuch harder It must ne..ln n-times to he" an nll-nrnund hypo'rhnndflnc—llamlltnn (Ohio) Jonmat

Brtar; Joseph Haddad. of 50? CenU-n- ,314 Uhlan avenue Is transferlng U|-Col-w m i ? ^ ! ! V 0 l 5 * . C 0 l l e g e ' B r ° ° k - m t ( r o m w««"">i;K>n und Jelfersonlyn; Dexter Bates of 406 Casino ave- University.

Large Audience Enjoy*Concert From New Organ

MoreJthsn 600 attended the recitalpresented on the new. Dr. George Pran-.d i Greene Memorial Organ ln,the FirstPresbvjertan Church Monday evening.

'was WUliam. A,The concert artist


W«r .Veteran Wifl Show-Gold and Silver Handiwork

Ralph O. Orimm ol Washington,p. c,.will conduct an exhibition, ofhand made Kold und Uhrr Jewelry andtable service tumorrow afternoon andgyejilng,, .stflrtlng-ai.-4 o'clock- -and- con--tlnulng ^Saturday all- day and l i Uieevening—The f xhtbltvwill takeplac* at

i n k t S , i n i l t l l r i i l l N l H n l ) ^ p r \ i a \U n

h i u M i l i l l l i r - l l t ' i M I h u l , , | i M m | , r i ) ,

VIII;-AIIII mi pmrrri l airinfliillni

l n h i r l l i n ( TalnnlTnfcnt (ir tin- iilillily |ii i|<> »i,im. sp.u

I'lul IIIIIIK ui'll, m n In' InhiTlti'il In DIPneliHe IIIMMIIO tnciititl illillille» nrp In-h.Tllnitl,.. ir Hi,, nrfxprlni: whii hnv In.hi'rlii'd iMTtnin nlill)ty'ili>vi<lnp'i«'tliii In-llerlhiiire lijf'Iiriu-llca.- mill tralnlni; l»<In likely hi e\mi In (hut imrllcillur•llrui'l-lon. . . . ' - . . . •

Dr»f («rt' ','1 hlow uiy own truiiiprt, (fs*"tliiit's

tlio only wny tniliiy lo^ntlrni't nUi'll:t l / ' t AWI :

ng out the rfampton .strtel, corner of Eastman,__, _ . . ,. _ 6t t n« n e w «t:*et. For. wvcral years -In'the past,imtroment. the concert was a complete Mrs. llatw ha.v ami.ngod tho showings• _ _ , , , . .... • , • . .'for JVtr.OfliluriViha he lias VJarge' cll-

aary-^ srittoj Improvised chimes sccom- entelt'ln Cranford.

There were a few lnteSuptlons dueto electrical difficulties.

After the concert, Mr. Goidsworthypraised the vojeuigand tone of the or-gan. •. , • . . . - • • • .

For the t int time, the audiphonc sys-tem was in operation and gave perfectsatisfaction. Clarence A. RomlDger

•ihe-UBtallttUen-' a id w»*by the congregation.

served with Co. I pf the 355th Infan-try, 80th Division; He saw action In

1st. MUiIcl. Meuse and Argonnc battles:On November 4, 1918, Just a week be-fore the Armistice, he was seriously In-jured bj a hlgli explosive shell. Hewas al • tlic ColonlaHospital until Itwas closed ai <1 it MIUS Uivrc Uiat Mrs

To Excb It. PlicaDespise not »ny mm, nml do mil

•porn anjlblng: for there Is DO man.hat Ims not bis hour, nnr Is there any-hinc ttiat h u nnrit«i*p1nf*o

Iuli.n j |Clilpolata Is an Italian creation, half

sauce arid half stew, made of.carrots,turnips, chestnuts, onion, sausage,mushrooms, artichokes, celery anilstrong veal gravy. **

Special reduced rates on cleaning ofcurtains and drapes this month. Para-mount' Cleaners.

A'mftnuriai 10 Ilie French audBrit-ish- war dead, looted at Thlepral InUse Somme district, contains 'theu n a of more than 70,000 men.

Orlm,ni rtioHed vocational training InJcuelr> and metal uork m tlic fahop ofWalter Ibid Oonora! Hospital In Wash-ington '


FOR F. J . IIIROCOMFORT _ _ _ 364 Lincoln A.ICONVENIENCE n ^ E CR.nlord t 038]CHANLINC68 " OIUoil }.;«40

SPECIAL W E E . K - E N D O F F E Ra t t h e

Thirty-Five Cent Beauty Shoppe5 EASTMAN ST.—(Next to Model Bakery)

A N Y T H R E EO P E R A T I O N S F O R 75


nion AveT


Timely Offerings, Priced for Quick Selling

STILL DOING B U S I N E S S !National Cigar, and Confectionery

•j' (T Now at '"v"'. 13 NORTH AVENUE, WEST

,TO*SXOWS'DAMAOK» HT F E U ?r V > ? ' t f «?*< • i • - -•



2boxe»Kotex1 of Kleenex } All for ?

59c3 boxes "Modestv" 59c


'Sheer Pleat Von,

* 5* Pairs

BOYS' PAJAMAS2 Pcs.—V Neck—Broadcloth or rercale

$1.00 Values v QQCit T*~ - - -

'Boys' New Blouses—nShirU59c—S5c—95c

J"- Men's Shirts; Collar AttachedWhite or f l

(Benrie* Wdktat O 7Se'patar) . _ • " \T \z/?& Colors " *

NEW FALL DRESS FABRICS' rjnrnln TTijti sTsVisTTTMIIsn Wi^li Weaves JM-Incli WMe—Popular FaU Shades •


5^ 469°• 'te

B5ctO*Ia»Attat at Service for Lowest Prices in Yean


.*"'*-"% .v.-v

whitt'i thp not rt'Huin AH HIDpntverh linn It: "A nit w'liU'h'ni


ilitg AvmLriri* I l l l l l l t<v<i 1^1

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iill'llr.u .'•H l l M l l u

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Jiml Ifortmakeleans.



ie leu


<l 1

*>nrlj i


0.(K'ilII HI

»M«Hriiniifilaniiiinllj' to<l liy Anier

KENNE'TH E. BELLGeneral Building **


PlKUle CIl. 0-1970-il


i SchaeferViolinist—Teacher


.-....,- i . CooJ 111 Wli» Boolt. •'"Ml'll llntti>tl in r,'llil "UIKI, liiuikii,"

milil III lln, tltp.~ka|r<> at llhlhiirmvh.*"Kvp|| tt/cHiEll'tlify tin lint lIlHliMitnii.ltlinn,^ tlrpy~iir(* (toinif '(To linrm wlli'lillius cniriiKi'il."—WnsliliiKlnn smr. '•'

Now Yofk city

..:.(i?upil» Accepted No\(f)• — Hfudlo—11 Willow 8t.. Cranford

6711 Summit Avr., Wratllrld, N. J, • •!• • ' ' ' • I •

-Ti'lepJionc Wntllpld 3-1767


TTTSirPlsnted Qftm Seed Jiooi thn licit ll«-MUM It Tukm riMfulon of the Noll In Urn.


^>ft:Wl!*e«r»«».,Coii»_^p_Bl^1ntIr U\*Unit Days ill. Hprlnf, bcfnra Wrrd Hc«d» canUermliute. - . • -r

The Perfect Hostess'Entertainsraithe

BARBARA MARIEAccpmrnodatloiis tor teas, bridgeluncheons, shower* and' dinners.'• For rates and reservations

NIONE WEStFIEU) 2-3MOLuncheons Swo— Dlnncra 60c, 75c




' Z o t o z • • • • • /

Permanent Wave(machlnclesf)

'Bon'atPermanent Wave(automatically wound)

$7.ooHoo >\

If you bring a friend $ 3 ' ^ • * '

SPECIAL—any three Itemsshampoo haircut finger wave {T* | A Afacial pack eyebrowtweeze K I I I I Isinge / manicure eyebrow dye v -

' --" MarceJ Wave $ . 7 S _ —- •. Lady Fair-Beauty Salon.IK WALNfJT AVB. ' ' . ^ ,

*> * - '

FUNERAL . DIRECTORS' ••• " ' ' 4s-,MMI !)•• ' H i n n i L H . 4• » » ,• •• «^ - 7-rg " , » • «•!«'' 'Ai

Page 10: I jfeli^ig^f-'/^gion hom e a t » Fores avenue. Le »Cller of KUsabetlJ avenue is) general chairma n of th e committe I charg rs of th pos t ar assist-to various capacities. - Serend



9 SO A M -—Public W-worth L«MWorship

fable of theHungry Fame-



' •*»•9:«S A- I

A. M.-T1W


Comer <

• " ' R

M —HofbliCniUUin E


Corner of

ONCE tlirre waa a Uro-nle wtmIMirnm-itl aV»me* Tackle and• •'Ul ItKliInK ull Calallna. Isla nil. hoping Hint-he uilght get

a Nibble from a Tuna. To. thosewho nm-r have , « w ' a Tun». It

t>e lnt|inrt<-d that' Dili MarineJI'MIMT l» • Mlnow two HIU* atualler than a Hubnmrlii«.U I* fullyaa Ionic « ' «• Freight O r «nd If do-mratlrated. 'could lie uw-d for.towingItarcn The V«() oho rode, track andforth across the dancing Wave*, trol-

l i n g , « n JUT!"''!'? "«lt • nd bi-gglngIhe Filth to iclve him some Trade, was7

IIIICJIIH Tn rare Luck. I m u K he nev-er (jot • Xirlke. If lie had, the poor

?W<Hihi» would not. have.remained Inthe Boat. ' ' • ' ' , -•' "•• *' i

On another'Orcantnri a cheerful I(a-beclle iwllKhed u|> u dinky Itlfle auch

M k t ' C y l«landthe


11 a. mn*on'<Hol:

• - . - - * * •

l i a s r OiCornel '

- Merry-Mafcera at. Coney Islandu'w In shoi>tlii|!~nTliliect IfonTJUckr^and other movable Targets. He puton a ISoy Scout Uulfonn and went out

::intatU«lUUs,.iho^i.Bg,;BujtJbe couldV Wire up'a CrtsslyltoiriHllt day'hi

scrambled around, kicking at the Un-, derhrustr* and making Noises which

were meant to Insult the Bear and In


« P. M-daya.


Bundaja. m; Pp. m.; V

HJdwnClass Til

Jlttl- «rho fly

p. m-



over C a n driven by 'Women and prolert the I'atrlot who buya Fireworksmust hate been on the Job that Daybecause the dauntleaa Nltarod neverraw Hide or Hair of a Orlu ly . : Ttialla why tie lived to get back borne andeat a hearty 'Supper.

It happened-that a Tounc Man whothought he waa,:. whereas be reallywasn't, ram* tnlo more awect Cur-rency, -than "you could «ho»el with, aUroop BhotrH In Three Houllia. OnnNljht. in a aeiecl Club), which hoialnce been (mdlotked no '-leaa thanthree time*, he found hlmavlf gaxlnnat- a hyiinotlc llrunetle even a i an

' Kngllah Sparrow oilgbt g a w al UieU l h

cmziH AHT> ctaomcu

Northwest hdiaiii Compete m

Lights of New York S2SZTbe novelist telephoned his paWlsb- lice w e n plenty bbsy oo their own

account brushlnf moths out of tbestation booses.

These motbs probably j o d e In ontbe night wind. Something qoeer al-waya u being brousbt Into New.Torkon the wlnga (if the wind.: I-ast yeart was a swarm of grasshoppers.. A

and asked for the head of tbe

g p pfew of them even came In oiwn'win-


aU meaaed up Inside of the Dome. B ewanted to prove that, be (Barb) be-longed In the Hall or Fame InatMd of• Ilome for Oollapaed- MeoUllUea.

" Looking the Part.. T«t look «t Mr. Pranule, aboot thetime he waf eon*) out of Corieje i n * 'began to ramble In the dilaj^lotteeKleld of Literature, It never wool!have been luipected that he bad thislurking Determination to Prove to the.whole World that he was a Heller,l i e was aklnny and wore powerful<Jln«wi and had a bulging Bead, likethe larue end or a Oourd^/Ut wasbashful In Coiii|iaiiy, Strangerf oftetnuked If he had pasaed through anyHerloiia Illm-aa when quite Young. Ifmi attractive UuUe gave him *> coupleof roicuiRh Ixmka and. began to ask.him pert (Jiiestlona, he yammered fora little While and then'sank below theHorizon. ' . . ' . • ..;.

.Who would have dared to predictthat Herbert J. I'rangle was planningto write Ixive Stories so"alullng that,he would have to use Asbestos I'apertTo look at- him he was just ks p a *alpnafe as a IluBber Olove/:^ '"

Kven as the bloody Historical Ro-mances' are written by slender! M*ld-ens. Just, out of Hmlth-College, and allthat Free Verse about Nymphs danc-ing In the shadowy Wlldwood Is turnedout by hard-faced old Orouches wear-ing Orerahoes, and Adtlce to the l-ove^Mrhx-ouiM from a Police Ileporter,"soIt p i n inovltable that this b a m wouldwrite nlxiut heaving Dosoms and Ollng-Ing Kisses.

Bra. Te t , t gof Importance had happened, hastenedto answer the call.. "Who In topbet," demanded tbe nor-

ellst, "!• your office boyr-Whyr Inquired the publisher-"Well," said the author, "I sat op

all night finishing that hut InstallmentBDd when you aejit for It tills morning.I was bleary-eyed, umhaven, un-bathed, anil In a general state ofdeshabille. That young man or yoursentered and looked, at me to solemnlythat I felt self-conscious and explainedtobim that I bad been laboring with-out rest, • • •

•Ob, sir," be said, 'yon mustn't dothat. My father, too, Is Inclined Inwork In that manner.and, every timebe duel so, It makj!iJi!nLilck._Jtejlly^sir,' he aalrt, 'you should so arrangeyour work .pint you ft[>t and sleep atregular hours.' I told.-ilm, assertedthe Borellit, 'that I would earnestijendeavor to follow his advice. But'wbrf l» that kidr* ' ' \

"1 have no. hesitation In aaylnit,''replied the publinjipr, "ihn't-1 can In-stantly Identify. that particular" nniceboy, lie talked lilni«flf Into hi* pres-

j b Y k th father

Friends and nelatlves little suipectedhla Intentions. He kept on producingManuscripts that were rejected with

' H | O

y"Bit job.

alYou may know the father

j j j l i e nl«n;Jls a'

luslons and kept, him hidden, away Inld

luslons and kept, him e ya Clicerful Itoom where they' would

He oeter <«for« hail-aeeoi to'-

and he knew that Life would not meananything,to. aim unless hejcould beii«ar her, to Inhale the 80 or 40 kind!of I'ertumerv slie Was ualng and haveall the otiitr Johns chewing their\yrlat Watches In Kbvy.'••>>~•

This one made I'oia Negrl look like

yrT6ianr>TW^fnand consoled themselves with the'fte-flection that there Is one Jlni In ev-ery large Family. '•••'•'

Ttien there came a Day when theBook Itevlewers all bi'K»n to gibberand say that a New Light had ap-peared In the Heavens and It wi'aHome Light • About 2,000 CandlaPpwer. ' • . . . ' . . ,

They'agreed thai Herbert .J. Pran-gle, author of "Seared Souls," was In-decent,»audacious and snlacloua buta Master Analyst of all the Funilamen.tal Kmotlons and a Oenlus with aU r g j ^ O V " • •..-• , •

All at once hl%-apolo{etle Kin bo-:»n-'IWn1n|(:-Mp;.iind-dpwB;Hta Streets,j»sjtlng everyone, "Have you read Her-

Wallace Irwln."- - . . - - • — . , .-. . £ • - t -

J.,.jy.(iftre_.!s«a_;.routig girl from NWrTork, aTnenfbeV oTtfie"3iinTor,~(eajftte~'1and that sort of-thlnj^wlifliiasj|?edJa, I'«rla,..ItonwJandrBVieaoA,..cone..t5house parties In London and visited InBudapest," but who hnsn'l been farwest.oMersey.dty and It as Ignorantof tha United Slates; her own country,aa a skylark Is of a coal mine. Thisseason her parents figured that Itwould be an educational experience Ifshe went to tbe Pacific coast by wayof the Great takes,' and discoveredfor herself that Indiana nc longerroamed the woods of Michigan .or theplains of Illinois. They have beenshowing nie,.some of her.lettera. Shestopped to see Mncklnnc Island andROV quite a kick out of It. Tha,t cer-tainly takes me bacjc to my youth,when luted tn sail from Did Missionor' Travenw~Cfiy.' fo "

berts new UOOKISoon after the Volume had been

barred from many libraries and de-nounced from the Pulpit, and Holly,wood wo» demanding 111* Pictureliights, and the Tremolo Sisters were

l on the Front iWch to inter;

a Clergymah'a Daughter,bear, the Current crackling, j

The yearling Willd of Fortune tried'to scinapbori a few Slgnale to the |

jlnsky Uiwen and grt her lutercslcil*i>ui she had no. Llne«nUtie Bank Rolland did not like the Soft Shirt lirwore with the IMnrier Jacket,' so shethrew him ahoul' 1AM Feet Into the£j£ Ji!!i~~S^?:_janrs>jr Into the Night

•I look "like I """t"™ v« »«o * . .»» . . , - .v . . . . . . . „ . ,t o n coulo I * ' e w " 1 0 daring iind dovlllah Author,I rlew the daring am

It Is claimed that; (I.one -fiiijrj no, less, tTor Photographs an

. 1i • A


West _ •; ';, . ''.For sevcrj.l Days the Rallnra on his

Yacht had to watch him lo*'ke*p himfrom going overboard with the AnchorIn hla Arms, which would have beenMs • only clinnce of sinking. Hethought that be : had Itcen given 'aflirty Peal, whereas he should hnvti

?n slnelnit at the T0)t of hl» Voice.• for If little.Illta Poieta. the undulat

-Ing ..Vampi had taken a real Fancy tn-him. It would bave coat htm over

I 0 0 O . O U 0 . :, • ' . ' , • : '. ' • • • ' .

"—.—-Pooi O akta Dr«il» Many a Man, -Two years ago a prominent Member

of the (Camber of Commence of Ofcln>hnma City. Okla., WAS In Burope. tak-liur his flnt real Bett alnce the Synrtlcate In ,wbfrh h* was Interestedstruck the ((usher. He watched Ihe

v: wheel at Monte.Carlo and. being quick' SI' Flgurea and ablv to ace rlghl~lhrouith any 1'roposltlon on the lump.' be felt, almost sure that It would be. ' " • Cinch in win .allMhe depreciated

Currency and rloso the Hump,• He sat 'up for two Nfghts^and wore

"~put two IVnrils -doping. a' System_ whlchv.could n o t j o s e ^ l i e eipjataed

' fh«rWod«is <)i>erio<ll to"jhla"fwiTTrav,"ellng Companions and said It was n

11 Itpe. If hurtled up bj enouch Coin, so

' -'an tn kcrp on''dotihling.—!He-wai\ted~-rWUran*4^;. |o*. . lWi^jVvn^ i i^ |4(B5,.. ."-'Cand let him go In and shoot,"up the

>t Herbert received. Inss than 100 Requeita

tographs' and Autooraphs.The aiars of the Mmellght '

~ ^ o r a matter ijf rears be had waited-and hopeil for this Day'to come, AHthrough the talltoine Nights be hadbeen sustained by'an Inirepld-Beliefthat some Day tho World woulo>»lm

George Washington la reputed tohave thrown a dollar across a river,but the states of New York arid NewJersey threw a Washington .bridgeacross a river and the result for the,year Is expected (o be a million dol-lars In toll feea. That's nolhlne. TbeIlnlland tunnel makes 12,500,000 a

a long time, l i was the rnnhliinto bo lean and hungry looking.. Now,If. you look that way, people merelyput It down, to the depression., O. t i l l . B«ll Srnaicaly. —

• M m Fook FIramaa , 'Truro,- Mass.—The tire department

here recently- retponfled-^td - nn-ulnruffor what was bcllevedjtjtbe a forest^1fire, but later-proved to he tho moon, 'tinged a dull red, rlsfng on the horizon.

- M e a s u r e a man by his enemle


Cow Gulpi $777j FarmerDoesn't Know Which One

' Little liock, Ark.—Wade-Hollowuy'ssavings, amounting to t777, linye gntleInto a cnw. nnd he Is baffled regard-Ing method* for recovery for hedoesn't know which cow; In. hlsherd


regatta ne« Seattle. TbU £*£?* - * T * " *«* "* ', paddled b 7 T e t o e n - r » 6 t O r « o » and BrlOahH-

ty gwithin hlnsclf the Pulsations of TrueOrratness and he knew that, eventual-ly, the Universe would vibrate In Sym-pathy. . • " • • '

Well, he began to get the Vibrationsnnd they nearly mined him. He sud-denly discovered that One may not ac-qulro one Portion of Fame withouttaking on about. three Portions ofcheap, low-down Notoriety Herbert^the shrinking Violet, "audilcnly founihimself In a Class with the Ford Joke,the Radio, the Statue of Liberty andZlcgfeld's . Follies. All tlie FarmHand's In .Iowa were fully Informed

"regarding his fccullarltles and Eccen-tricities'and blighted. Lav* Affairs.

lie found that ha could not stir, outof Door) without, being trailed by abraten Hussy In shamclcu Attire andsticky ltouge,'known ai Publicity, Holearned. In a Hurry, that the LaurelWreath had a lot or Thorns In It.Strangers crawled up,the Tlre-Bscapeto gc^ a l.ouk at him In his ownRoom. Tlie Public Prlnta were full ofveiled References to hla Checkered Ca-reer nnd It wns whispered about, un-

But to get westward.; 1 like what thegirl wrote when she sow her. first-Idnho potato. Of It she writes: "Itwas three times as large aa I hadImoflncd eli'phnnts to be.' It «nr-passed my wljuest expectotlnns. ArtelI had dug ni It for a while,. I wa»afraid 1 mlsht fall li\ the depressionI hull made. I had an awful time get-ting thlnga nil uaed up, Ouia Idaho:potato should feed a family." <

, l i . _ _ , • • ' • : iJ«_ ! ! • _ •_

White moths recently Invaded NewTork. 8omo called them . "gypsymoths." 1 do not'know wliSt kindthey were, but they wire beautifulThwr -.-wlire so tlilck * lint they nbso-lillely InterfcrBd wltlr tmmc TmVcrs

i th f thel ntefc

would liult to "wipe them from thewindshield or their .cars, nnd In thellroni tirey "were so thick that per-sons telephoned the police. The po-


A recent and especially posed portrait study of Roy DIkeman Chapln, aatnmobile manufacturer, who was named by the President to succeed Robert,PLaniont as sbcrctary of commerce. ._,--- ,••-••••——

HowItStartedBy JEAN

-der- CorerrTlhat,hJs_lough_ feveMraal tortlonSt^cf obatic Ufic«JljiK» and licjid

• • • • . • • • • ' '

' ' " • • • • . ' - • ' , • • - • ' ' : . :


I'lace, but thi>y were Ipeerjtand, Millthat Hie Suckers *ad al'readjfTitit Tip-too mihy Bultdlnga and laid out moreFV»we,r Beda.tnan were needed.' Theywere cold around the Ankles and de

... void, ef •Spotting Blood. Tliero wasNofhlnr Stirring and consequently allof the Boys are back home and living

1 In comfortable- Circumstances.,. ii--i ^These Eiartiples have been cited, to

prove that many a Chump who thinksthat the Breaks are against him Is

' really the favored and pampered Childof riestlny. Herbert J. ITangle, of

. wboro we are compelled to write, wasnot »o fortqnate- l i e went fishing and

'r-- the Tuna got ; him. While .searching_ for the Orluly he had the Tough Luck''-^ to Bga pit. When he smiled a t the

- HSntlfiil Kwnale abg*ya»e him a quW-"" <erlng ^Embrace and darn near' amoth-

ered him: He found a'Chance to* playhl« Sjrslerii and after he got Into the

••;•-'- (inroe be. learned that he couldn't es•' C S . p e . ' • " . • • • . . . - - ' • ' ' . ' •'-•- "' -.""" : " : r ' r

. All of t}ie which are FlgDresof' Speech. The-8tory-U that Br} Pran-

gle. rrom the time he waa In his Teens. I: had^trrseTJ^n^jhirprnwIte to beta-"

V moos, notorious, scdalmed. celebrated^Vi:\apd:pop«|ar.r'-' ;;.,'.;?n "<rr >f,'-.v»::

He wanted hla Name on the BcrolU;' so t»at Walloi her would be proud of

" " JOw^JasnaWd always dalme*

really a Stt>ry of hl*-0wn Llftu.Which was fairly hard oh a harm-

less Boon who was Just as pure asRainwater.

If a dlstnttt Relation, whom he nev-er had srcrCgot Into a'Jam aoywhcrtvIt alwa>a came out In the Dispatchesthat the accuscdJTarty was a Cousin Hof tbe well-known"Novelist This Isknown as Advertising.

Mr. JPfanglo received* countless In-vitations to address: the Women andthe Rolarlans and the Free Thinkers,tnil_he rouli dot. venerate sufficientVocal Energy to-make Ulmself heard

' t » Ittniseir." Tn fact, he couldn't doanythlnf»«wept-alt In a Back Roomand write on Paper. When tbe fierceOutre smote blio-be was,scorched toa Clniler. ,

At present bis unmarried slater hashim up In the Woods, reeding •blraGluten Biscuits and Milk.

MORAL: It Is almost Impossiblefor' a Drum Major to pass along MaleStreet wlthuat being noticed.

! '. . The Taata . • ' ..

TI1AT the tungo conies to us fnJraUitln America Is (Irobiibly fairly

well known, but tho knowledge thatIt Is a product of tho Argentina slumsMight shock some »of those who nogratefully and .llghtheurtly trl|t thetoe Terpsichore to tills foreign music

-The tango -came Into ifs awn aboutthirty Jcnra ago, originating In thosubmerged - section of the City ofUuenos sAlrf s. •

It was .early characterUeil hy con

ngs, soiuo of which poslUaosjixc still,prlicdccd In this thinco. '

Todas's >tnni;n Is conslilcxftblv"slowed, down," the Btc|)9. being biotll-tled by modern tlAs« mutters, with8'View ofMnnktnc h illt-nHictt andgraceful ballroom affnlr out of w)hntVMI« at first almost a frcnileil |<«r-formnnce.'

6. t i l l . Doll Syadlult.—WNU earvte*,.

Tax Payment* RevealOld Hoarded Money!

- 'Cetrolt , ' illch.—Boarded -"gold randold style paper >money are bejng re-ceived here In payment of tasea, .City'Treasurer Clinrles L. 'Williams as-serted. • •-•.. _.—'-

"We have even.received some of thebig pld-fashloncd'yellow backs.". saidWl)lianis. "A single day's receiptsnottcd about J l .^» In old bills."


i come dvwu for ^man.™ ;

"What lar1

"Wlien lie's IHe miles up In the nlrand his gusollne gives out."


Fassous ladiaa' C.HyThe" city uf RatiRuon In India con-

Ulna close to <00.000 people. It has afine water supply, and oaay modernbouses. It waa built alongside theRangoon river, about 40 tallea"fromtbe Day of Denial. Perhaps the raosfInteresting think in -llsngMD. IS thegreat pagoda, which might be compared r»ughlf,-tOrJaiiLlct_cceajn_<eoneupside down. Tbe tip or, the cone Isim'feet above tbe ground, -Burmesecom m m far t v l iridato visit tbls• £ • * pagoda. " .; •

slipped out of Ills pocket All Hollo-wily, could' ifnd n*aa the chewed billfold 'iind'a. dime.'-A vetwlnarina witsBuinnioncd^and-opcrnt'ed'On-two-cowsat $10 each. but did not line] themoney. Then the.search was aban-doned. —. —^ : .

• . ' ' Horn. Hint ,"';. ' '..• ,-.-' The best way to deal with a stain on

a tablecloth Is to cover It with a pla"tebefore the wife spots IL—Pearson's.-

Duitrts aad ThiagaTpUE use of gelatin In desserts pre-•l "ients a surprising number of •'••

easpoonAil or TanlUa. lastly d » > m r -ly beaten whites of stx e«ja . Moldand chin. Serf* w l t i whipped cream.

lUlitfutidlsluiitlitttucetiQt.?......Cl.Want to look; «t "bpt most delicious to

- "• Pintapple PUddlnd-Soak two tablespoonfuls of gelatin

inn VnVbSrf^prtil m tha foltowliig_cooked mixture:

i i l f t l s o t mllli SIT

Soak one tablespooafnl oT e d a t i a lnVII tablMpoonrnls of cold wattr. Bollw o cupfnli of water with o a e icnpful

of-»U)rar-forllft«ei asiswtaone _ mpfal of peaches co t toe, cook

eggs well beaten, one cupful of sugarand a plncb of salt, cook until smoothand thick with three cupfuls of cannedcrushed pineapple. Pour Into a bowl,set In Ice water and beat when It be-gins to set Mold and chllL Servewith whipped cream and cover withpdwdered macaroons. . '

Caramel Sponge, v -Soak one tablespoouful of gelatin tn

one-fourth .cupful of cold water, thendissolve over hot water. Scald onecupful of cream' In a double boiler, add Ione'cupful -of .sugar that has beenmelted to,a caramel In a frying pan.

T'O.COOl.-'hot. liquid or food.' trycovering It1 with -a cloth-, and p u t

ting a rubber band around It to keepIt in place.. It can be set outside'awindow «f jduor without fear of dust.A bowl la very convenient for the'pur-pose, and sugar bags, ripped' open andwashed, for covers. ••'.._

: . ' , - ' ' . - ' - • • • ' • • • • - • ' # • • - - • ;

«•• T^Jetere'StlmBilng'tonMtoes -for saJadvplace them In'a basin and. pour boil-ing water over them. The shin willthen'peel oft without any trouble.

'" ~~ - • »',» ' ..- rr-

When preserving spread, a largesheet of newspaper over the' table.When you are through peeling fruitsand preserving paper may be removed

AnaVtable will be.quite.clean. ,

. • • . . ' : • • • • ' • . . - • • . . \ . • .

In making coffee the water mustbe boiling at the top boiling point be-fore It Is poured- on the coffee. Wa,ter at the highest liqsslble temperatufe Is necessary for .\he most elKciemextraction- of flavor, aroma and color.

—WMistrrlc; . • '

range, one lesson and ooecopfnl ofthe peach sirupv Sow add the gelatin,and when thorooghly solsed. flavorwith a.teaasoonfnl of vanltta aad beatoccasionally until It beados to set.Now add three.eg* whites beaten•tiff, mold and chill. Serve srith acold'boiled costard.

• Molded Pinwpple.Heat the juice from a can of pine-

apple with enough orange Juice tomake'dne pint, add one-quarter or a-cupful or sugar and the JoJce of alemon. Soak one and one-half table-spoonfuls of—gguUln In owe quarter

jolces. chiU tn' cobeaC Serve ontnce or creaa wtkh mayonnaise blendedwith whipped cream and craibe lpistachio nuts, Se i re with hot sautedb ' t f l n e j t ''•' ";7''"": ' r ' : ' 'y::


"Do yoa Uflnk a eoQexe edoat lon

p a y » r '• . . •. •••' .• ' . ' „ ' " ••

"1 hardly know. True, my dacsti-ter'cot enjaaed after' a fuor year'scourse; bo! she might have atiainedthe same result In" two weeks at abeachj" :' '."'-' -...' ' . - -

Cheerio Chapters Fun for All the' ChildrenEdited, by DOHOTHl" EDMONDS


Dun'i. throw away burntmatches. Use them to taakt. mena-geries bf animals Instead. Take off

'the burnetl-jpoTtlciD -neatly. Haveyou some cardboardT Plenty, orthese match ends? .A little slowdrying mucilage or ' glue? Somewhite corn meal? Cu; your card-board Into various shapes squaresor.oblongs Tor mounting. Draw apencil outline on the cardboardof the animal you wish to make.

'Smear this nl th glue Jind quicklyk 7p

over your outline so that they ad-here to the glued portion. ' Fill

' tn this space with your corn: meal.Let It drj into place. Paint Itquickly with color you desire andbrush'with lacquer-when this palmIs dry. A vert attractive bonierfor your room or baby sister's roomcan be'mnde In this way- _

A frame can be put around themand a ab\ss over them so that theymake a complete picture If you


LOST RIVERS v San bakes.Please- attend.-

Everyone> loves a bunt__SffeIlhere In -tbese-worda, phrasesv-are,names of rivers concealed. Thereare twenty. In all, one river In each,phrase. See If you can.find tbem a l t

Rhinoceros. _ - 'Polite. -" - ' - w

Senile,,, ' •Missouri n.Daniel, you better o .Whither. . . ", , • >Swan soea. r —AmoilDS honors.

• Proud but poor.Nell rowed.Do your worstShould son come too. ,

Orin.-orcvjTine, weat.B r o w » e u > e T VOh, dear me.Voltage:'Going late. 'Divine attraction.


Here-Is-a story of three scoot*'who.iweDt on a camplnc trip. Canyou out theie Srordi" tojeiher tomake dVe descrtptlte pnnses ten-Ing live dlfrereni thins* Ibat. bap-pened ro themT Cse eacn word only.once, of; . (eiiiii.i

vw il^

Page 11: I jfeli^ig^f-'/^gion hom e a t » Fores avenue. Le »Cller of KUsabetlJ avenue is) general chairma n of th e committe I charg rs of th pos t ar assist-to various capacities. - Serend












ri-t'llr.1. - , i . inj' . , , , t , .h.^,1 ,h,i. 'VMII .l»t Kit* lb» ivi:

Along the Concrete. Our Pet PeeveGOOD 60SH





htltt »t U«l BtaiuroJ to 4-airh ftinruin. No*. «h#ti DM-^ cvuM Kit quiet] Tur t «hLl.-. ib<-> lux ln In W l i r

If thi-j h»4 >»ri ainjihinc brbiuit tlra.

I f«rs«.t In turnIT lh« • l . o « m talb.-1—Montreal O«

-Dill' OiHioirm. ninlini." until D I Drarutrr to |S» o i ; nyatlotilM. - u to•a about, i t i j j ml'rr Atj. l<«iV|m for

He'5 Ge//mg a Dog, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL By Oudei Sughra*e


AMOtlCA APntA AU, AUD "VVtuji was lli*p Ittinilur of tbe jvlre-

»l**t! " Anj fool

1 & l "





sides MICWB wwrmo,• m i CHICAGO IAM1 WHO


AUD -we FiArtss of

Btua«n-v, Am ABOUT*R> jpuctisa. oiir «<

ALASI LOOKS iout u£ MteiciB wiiv

O»&Jt««r>-\VL»t , i u k n ' yoo._ thinklial Cunxil'MIr U >nat«rlti|

TlnRHWi—W«U, I «•» t r i r / MiOnSOQ W»'lfiirt. •

The Visitor—Wfc«» tfc«|>rl«lo« man In tkls

Tke .NatlK^-Now'hwklt k o c Brmn-jer, you'd better alk that Uwr« qut»-lloo of lUBCiiodr ciae la UUa «ait«—1 H I ft was murk of a feller for Ulkla't^out mjnclf.

TRAVELS By J,me.,W. Brook.

ljU LhntMr. *-Oar tan» krns Joit fon«

throntb •Ur. B—Wbat was the maUert.Mr. A—We found we faajl mori ese»

ttUtcs Uoa okpaaltara,

Ob TATAndy was bo i l ; enja«td with a

•pade to l l» Bu«l b o I e bcriile his carwbeaVa-Knsscr hailed him. *8t«k

the Dad?*-Ob. nor r*pU«J Aady chwriir.

"Uf Mcfne died henv and Tp\ dlf-for; it"

J3foaot MASON

H E maflerly «ntenees.of the Virginia BillV X of Rights were faAiionci by another neigh-bor, George MawnjGecugeWythe, first profororof law in America, applied hi» powers to thelegal training of minds for the new citizenthip;Hugh-Merceri druggUl, was to become a greatgeneral, and-Fielding Lewi* an ammunitionmaker, all close friends of Washington,

HERE were other folks movintf about intheir respeelive aBairs as good nei&hbors do.

l a Alexandria there was Dr. Craik, to whomFate had not yet imparted the h& that he hadM C Q u t i f n v t i x r o m ^ m f t frpfl

ia fine the Surtfeon-Geaeral el the Continedtalfarces in the American Sevolution under his

^p tVifowthejrore prized a* lime ticka off ike meuuic o£ hcpatting

yean! Among friends, Ihere was Lard Fairfax, RoyalUl to theend, watching with deep conoeta the tide of events, yet wilthis high e&eem tor the youth be had counseled at JBelvoir and

Ralaihrity««Bparatl»elj rhft, arort¥4 »

the Potomac KWer.-I WoqJdm ai|iJ{«B9Vumtftel7; bat

Page 12: I jfeli^ig^f-'/^gion hom e a t » Fores avenue. Le »Cller of KUsabetlJ avenue is) general chairma n of th e committe I charg rs of th pos t ar assist-to various capacities. - Serend

* s *.-- -. , * • ,



-The Sundi


Re». »9 30 A M -

—Publlc Wc_worth Leaky*WorOilp

CU.TMT Ev«lie

Be*.9:45 A k

A. M.—The -

PlMT 1

Corner o '

". ' R«

Dedication Services

- M — MomlnE

Other Gifts Consecrated asProgram for Season Is Op-ened Last Sunday; .

. Wlth'«p'propjUt«»'«*rotibnle« at_thiservices In the Fin* Prabyterlan

• Church Sunday, the new Dr. OeorgeFrancis Ortene Memorial Organ and

• other gift* to the church fere receivedand dedicated. Marking the reopeningof church activities for the season, therewas a large attendance at both services. In addition to the organ M amemorial to the late Dr. Oreene, for-mer pastor of. the church, new choirstalls, Teredos, pulpit and lectern werfdedicated to the service of the church.

The Rev, W. R. Sloan, pastor of; thechurch, was In charge of the two ser

Ing Worshli .

•'. . iwirComer ol 1

' 8 a. nt—' ••»:46'a. a.' • 11 r m.

moil (Holyday of the


L J.49AJLlL-fiervleV M. Be

Vices, assisted by the Rev. Dr.; HiramFoulkes of the Old First Church, New-art, at the morning service and by theRev. Dr. William "fe McKlnney.ofWestneld at the evening service. Thevisiting clergymen delivered'the ser-mons, at the, services In which theyparticipated.- • .'-•..' . / '.;•. ' • ,

Dr. Greene was an Intimate of Dr.Foulkea for. many years and In his ser-mon Sunday morning, Dr Eonlkes paidan eloquent tribute to the former pas-tor to whom the organ-was- dedicated,He declared Dr Oreene had all theattributes of a noble man ot Qod anda servant of his people, a man of un-blemished tntegrlty,"of- -whole *soui "andstout heart, a msh-W Industry, sagacity-,

« P. U , I ny sutl dmaliy. ubi


Sundaya. m.; ptp. m.; Yc

Mid weeCUssTue.

Prayerp. m.

ST. 1 -

"treat personality,-*-genuine piety-andlove for others.

From the service, Dr. Foulkea eon-'Unaed, there should arise a. note ofpraise to Ood, a note of Joy, a note ofbeauty and a note of Immortality, allblended In a supreme dedicatory an-them. It should be a pean of praise toOod for His goodness, he said Thespirit of Christ, the spirit ol the lateMra, John W. Helns who largely madethe organ possible, and of all the lovedones of,.1 the congregation who have

_paased/oD,ihould.hlend with the joy Inthe hearts of those present to make theservice, an evW memorable occasion

' organ committee^ reviewed the work otV


»:« A*


;i4s- II <-fc*J • * - .«

-In the purchase and installation of the'organ, other glfte dedicated Sundaywen by Mr. and Mrs. Newton P. Stew-art, In memory of their pareoti, Mr.and Mrs, Jobn.atewart and, U&. andMrs. Charles A. WUdey.








JebMnj •

: ^ p pOrr of Westfleld. daughter of the lateMri-Helns and she formally opened theorgan. .In her remarks, Mrs. Orr re-called that several years ago, both hermother and Dr. Greene had expressedthe hope that some day • ntUng organ

could b« secured for the church.In accepting the gifts, Mr. Sloan

mentioned all who had made them pos-sible, as well as those who assisted InjUtcratlons and repairs to the churchfor the opening of the new season. Heparticularly thanked William,a. Jones,chairman of the church's music com-mittee, »ho gave freely of bl» tlai» andknowledge of organs In supervising 1UInstallation. Mr. Jones was presentedwith the keys of the organ. In token ofappreciation for his services. He wasalso given a beautiful engrossed parch-ment designed by the artist, MraEthellnda M> Hallbert,' 607 RiversideDrive. Mrs. Hallbert also designed theMemorial Roll placed several monthsago on the South wall of the church.

At the evening service, D/rMcldnneylauded Mr. Sloan for hi* effort* to ad-vance the church since he accepted thepastorate. He pointed out that thenew organ and other _gifts were madepossible largely through the efforts ofthe present panor.

At the services Sunday, the radult mixed choir sang for the Anttime. Lawrence V. Dilsner, the' neworganist and choirmaster waa at' theconsole. • \

Cranford Police to ShootJersey City Team Sunday

After a'perlod of Inactivity In the$ld of pistol competition, the pistol

•Army DtSmouhKa"Plator"C6urier•"Shortly-ntter-ltr' organteattonr -the


DEMOCRATS[ from fmmt 9mA)


Following a abort rampalgn meet-ing this evening in the club rooms atIS Onion'avenue. Worth, members ofthe local Democratic Club wtll proceedto Ooontjr Headquarters at MS BroadStreet. Btsabeth. when a rally win of*BcJally launch the Democratic Caavpaign la Dnkn Oaobty.

Tomorrow evening win be held thefirst of tbe Fait season card pstbe given under the auspicesHouse Committee. All games will be'

Cran/ord Phyer. Fare WsflIn County Tennis Tourney



ance. The matches were played at (1)SWarlnanco Park .Court* and weathepermitting the tournament will be com-pleted next Saturday and Sunday^'' John Hedges, Plalnneld City ChamX*otK and captain of University of Virgfnle Tenaia-Team seeded third in thtournament, had a dose call In hi!match with "BUT Arthur of Kenii

The Warnock Brothers of Cranfordnd have

Vexa MagBettagood chancewith _one...ot-them..reaching, the flnnl

held the evening of October 3.Democrats

will aUend a dinner In honor of PercyH. Stewart BaUirdajr evening In Plain-Bald.—.— ,; ;

COLLEGE CLUB(ComtiMtd tnm pope cm*)

feated C O . Culln, 3rd of CranfiC. O. pulin, )r. of Oraniorii defeatei

i P. Walker, P. Warnock of Cranford de-1 feated J. Kaufman! Q. H. Hermes.Cranford defeate4..Ii. OvsTew; Singles,' second round—C. O. -Culm, Jr. defeated

masks,, in tbe'Oreek Tragediea, u> the John Morgan,' VL Warnock defeatecspoken'asides and.to' the use.oCthe-F. A;.Welt,:; ,,: ... .....'• :^.._..'._;.OIBbfiules In the time of.Shakespeare.' Doubles, second round — Warnock

.., r — On working a t , 6 w Workshop," Miss Brothers defeated Cutrle.and Ljiyater,division of the Jersey .City Rifle; Club Mathewa said, "tbe student UrobUgeHMCuun and Culln-defeated - by BenderI formerly the Montlcello Rifle Club) of. to-study dli»clin<.tostumlr«[>sceBe and Bender, Hermes and Oliver -130 MAitlcellS avenue, Jersey City, wfUagain resume Its competitive shooting

TB» first match of thlsnerlas) «nt bs as sieting " PartfcasBtr' Us»fired against old rivals,, the CranfordPolice team The two teams will againmeet this Sunday afternoon at the On-Ion" County Tark' Range, ~NomahegaDPark, at 2 00 o'clock, firing over the'

*aT*g*l'"r. pJaywrttlng. lighting. sUie - •Cranford defeated Tucker and Oarpencraft, mtade, art. i M in'n""c aa well ter; Doubles, third round. Warnocl

must leant the Pistnokny at tbe play Hermes and Oliver defeated 81huns_andand learn how to convey jits rhythm to Arthur.the audience.'

IE" eipJaffilnF" the' Importance of" Local floljFName to Joinrhythm and dealgnlng, Mim Mjtfhew. Id Disll i l l Rally O t lshowed photugianba of play* which"

she dlstiiawd the schools of playwrltlng.clubs pistol division staged I U » , . .match with the Cranford team as Its including the new Russian construe-opponents In this competition, theJersey City shooters were severelybeaten, a margin of about seventypoints separating the victorious teamfrom the vanquished. Since that time,although they have been engaged Innumerous, matches, the Jersey Citycombine has not suffered another de-feat administered by a police team.

At the first meeting of St. Michael1

Monday night school,

Old Eaglita Cbalf —A 'furllilnuule bench Is a broad-

•eatvd cliulr wllliuut arms made la <btre1gti«'«f Tl«iae» i -and-KUsaWU'accoiamudute the hooped akiru or•farthrngaree-ef-tbUma,

The NoU. UfeBvery nnble life leaves the fiber of

It Interwoten forever to the works ofthe worlAMJehnl Russia. >-—.-

Flr.l el Qreat SdwelTurner, tbe great English lands-

scape painter (1TT5-1RI1), Is gives.credit as the Inventor.of.nodera wa-ter color .painting,

Hot Mencao S«uceIndian ReUghPepper RdishTitjJBit Reliih

• C L A R E ' SOh,Boy I


PicUe RelishSour Chow ChowVegetable ReJith

Pimento RelisbImported Sotlr Onion*

AMD—for the finest MEATS and SEA FOOD, phone

Klein's MarketCHOICE M E A T S

Phone* 6-1420—6-1421 -10 Union Avenue" Q u a l i t y and S e r v i c e " .

• _ . <

"CHEAP" CQALQia Just What the Word M e a n s -It's CHEAP IN QUALITY. ,

OUR AIMAIMHat, Always Been to Conduct Our Business


Save Money,onJFuel,Burn


Lehigh Coal & Supply Co.""*J * •- * ofUnio.Gv.N.4. •-,;• -1 -J

Ood Brown" and pAt the meeting of the executive board

Friday, the naignatton of Mra. A. M.Burch.iKiuimng secretary, was acoppt-ed. baa moved

parade and rallyi of the suburban dlvlalon of the Holy Name Society. Tbevent will take place October 9 in W<field.. To complete •plans for the localgroup's part In the rally, the next meet-

mi iP. K. Spnle: vice

president. Mn.,no*ard Park: secondvice president. I U . A. a Day: record-ing secretary. Mrs. J. P. Past: cortes-|WjSMllis« s a m l s i j I l ls imits i nitreasurer." Mrs. ,Bonald MoOinnls.

to bead the local delegation.After the business- meeting, the Rev,

John M. Kuberg, assistant pastor of StMichael's Church, gave a brief talk.About 10 members were present Hgtole .

Stenctt ,Pernat

OatJ*** t h e * BUbJ o t Tnaklna asya slier hearing tl»-


I'ulMrat Candidate—Vcs, I'm goingamong the ranncrs today to a pumpkinshow, or Jackass show, or somethingof that sort. Not that t care for pump-kins or Juckasscs, but t want to show.B * U e - ! S k ' " '£"*£"y**!L'k r«'»« «• ><*««<*. but J want to show,

rlreas T>ort»* sfri»»» Wnt aa rlgnt i tbe people 1 am one of them.—LondonSlsttlemd nHaJH^^M^UwhwSts^ atuM


Your PermanentDoes Need A Mention

Let us rewave the new growth of hair in your permanent.Rewaving done at a verysmall fee, without injuring theold wave.

- How about your skin and nails? Come in for consultation.

Cranford: Beauty Studio11 UNION AVantK, MOUTH ^ TeL CRanford 6-0974 ORAOTORD

Open Ever* Tuesday and Thursday Evening

REPAIR_ M . -" - "^ SHOES ,Money -NOW/.

I! IfHave the old shoe* repaired with first-class leather and

workmanship. There is lots of wear in OLD SHOES if

properly lepairaL-and that's ""

... Our Businessi

_^ We give good workmanship and material

Modern Shoe Repair Shop_, 2 North Union Ave-i Oanford


Q. J. JANSEN, Carpenter-Builder1 ResaonsbU Rates

" afl*e

RELIEF GROUP(Continued from pase one)

aid from three different sources, ihere-'by receiving a total Income of theequtvalent~af- neartr"*•» P^ we*k;

Therefore, it U also for the protecUonof the various charitable organizations

.workjb>.,««t.elpsest. hairnonxt d t th ting that


JhatJJl .orkjb>.,««t.epIt was suggested at the meeting thatc c communicate with each organizationgiving relief, requesting them to conlcrwith the official Emergency Relief Ad-ministration on all cases they may have.

"While the records of the EmergenRelief Administration are excludfrom the general pdbUc, an accredit*member of your society will be gladl:given such information as Is needed.

With Mr. Warner as director and MiWlnckler as deputy director, these-anthe!officers of the local relief admlnlstratton: Warren Kirkman. overseerthe poor In charge oTdlrect reliefs

h U k

(Continued from page one}on the. job promptly and prevented a

' grave fire loss. In spite of the difficulty••• in getting at.the flame* thejLdid every-•I-thing possibleio protect stock and keep

the damage to a mUUmum.":-The adjacent .store operated, a v j

'milijji1ery'."1establlshment -also-, sufferedsmoie Jind' water damage. While re-pairs are being made to his store._Mr.

Bragar is sharing tbe Tipping shopcarrjlng on* business aa usual

Monday afternoon, the departmentwas called out for a Ore m a garageowned by William K. Alekson at ie:North Lehigh avenue. Damage » «slight, as only shingles on the rear ofthe building burned.

Send In any items of news you mayhave—no charge.

Istrar and Investigator and Mrs.Yankey. bookkeeper and record cler

AT THE CASINOThe cool weather-the past few da:

seems to have brought more duckplcbowlers to the alleys. • Last Wednesdaseight and Saturday eleven men ap-peared. One game was very closet]contested but the others quite- thcontrary. .- .:"', . ' •:'

Based on Judge Ctns's repuUtlon fiaccuracy and speed .tbe opposingwas^ivma big handicap, but the Judg.failed-to perform accordingly,


Bterrett ', ".' - « Am IIIPlummerPemas .

„ .114„ M




3W_ 387 >"ifS 116 12C

Llttell „Blgble .. . ...-

198 1*6ST -98 «

. .108 91 »_ . M 87 "78

TstnallFayF. ZundeiR. ZundeiHandicapbox . . .Oox, Jr. . .


- 113, . 1M

147. . . 8 5

, ,. 90


420 284 41







95 152 122 12S

Fast 66Handicap — . . .

73. . 150

432 724' 503583

When, jpou! have real estate or houwcir'sJrmeaTrorsnerWveftTieTlie

In' the columns of this paper for quick



,AL§,. s,%:_,„??..-(plus deposit)

•Ume.Bkky and Ton* Blcky

New Packed Peas

IMS Pack Jersey Asparagoa

Crashed Peaches In Brandy

J.H.McMAHONHigtVGrade Grocer

Phones CBaafoi? MOOO-e-JMl

UpholstererFred Kantner


High Grade Furniture-and

-Drapery Vfork —

Rittmotet Given


Boildmg and RepairsHull Size Garage, 12x18, toMatch Your House, at Low as$196, on Easy Time PaymentsRe-rooflngT Repairing and AlterationsMl Klnd>of Btoret^ronts and Tbttures


M. KISSTskpheat Cranford t-MUVI

P. J. BmdenbergerPainter •£,] bwscmtor

ana Osnfal itak




OUR MEATSwe. delivered ta your door In prime eondltlon becanse webgJfiVLYTm; BEST and take.the utmost precaution to keep It R U S H andWHOLESOME. .


,3.Pound*, for JL^

BEETS, • •- ' '3 Bunches for

CARROTS,3 Bunches for

SWEET POTATOES,... _3_Ppund»_for,

YELLOW ONIONS,3 Pounds for' iOc

YELLOW SQUASH,3 Pound* for


PEACHES,6-Pound Basket for

COOKING APPLES,10 Pounds for



« S< I

JOHN W. HEINS & SONReal hstate aijid Insurance ;



TBI» CBANFOBD 6-0117 (Opposite SUUon) COB. ALDBN ST.


Best Residential Neighborhood Carefully Restricted

Felice E. DiFabio, BuilderTELEPHONE, 6-2035 - . 107 LINCOLN AVENUE, CRANFORD



PAPER-HANGINGReasonablrPrTees-in Craftex, Mottling

and Tiffany Effects, r-*^ f3

Also Oiwide Painting with Dutch Boj^Leaiand.Iinseed Oil"ESTBtATES" CHEERFULLY GIVEN




-Let me give yon an. estimate onyour wiring work. Wewfl lmakeanInvestigation and .suggest changeswithout any obligation to j w . '



MO Walaat Ava. OBaMroBO

1 ~" _ Tdephone-CRanford &0506

Standard Lumber & Supply Co.-LUMBER FOR ALL USES

Full hne of Standard Size Screen,. Cedar Closet lining.

Chestnut and Cedar Posts for Grape Albert, Etc


_,»• -J1** •••

t-~.' •!•*--•E^-i.-v'Vi' — -

r- --1