~~i i m~~~..o~~tlpoiutt }1ltuitmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935... · 2006....

~ m~~~.. o~~t lPoiutt }1ltuitm , Ir , Daughter-Dad Hike Funeral Services for R. P. Cruse Held Here Sunday Rotary Club to Visit Highland Park Tonight Fine Portrait Studio Located Conveniently Rov Phlho Cruse 22241 Madlson street St Clair Shores was fat<llly wounded on Houghton Lake uur West Branch last Fnday evemng Th 1 young man 111 company With his broth- ers COU~lll<; and frIendc; was on a huntmg tnp over Thanksgl\mg dud the week end \Vhl1e four of them were gomg to a nearby grocery sture 1 nday evenmg for supphes for th,e table at theJr cottage a gun was ac\!- dentallv dIscharged and t le bullet ,-,n~ tered the temple of young Mr Cru'le / IUlhng hIm mstartly Ht" body \\as brought to DetrOlt Sdturday A short funeral serVICe wa!> held at 2 p m Sun~ day conducted by the Rev M Luther Canup DD and the bod} shIpped tu it Pleasant N C where It was 111- terr"d Tuesuay of tnls week Young Cruse v.as 16 years of c.gro He was one of 11 chIldren and IS <,ur vlved r y hIS father \i\ l1ham Cruse l. ld five brothpr" and five sI~ters He came" to DetrOIt la!>t summer to bve W th Ins mcJe ane aunt Dr and Mrs J M Earnhardt .:l.t the above addres~ wd to rece1\'e an educatIOn He was at~ tendmg t e blgn sd 001 In St C. <llr ~hores He became a member of the Grosse Pomte Lutheran Sunday School m September ane' was a member of the Young People's class taught by \irs R S Johnson The Sunday Scheol held a memorIal sen Ice for hun last ~unda\ rrornmg n \"hICh members of hiS c1a<>s took part and when hiS teach er spoke briefly PoInte Players It was produced 111 1931 by \Ir Axel Gruenberg no,.. of WWJ and :,tarred Agne:. A..nduson, noVl of Hollywood The play centers about an orphan glrl \\ho was taken 11 to a COl1vtnt d.S a baby and later d.dopted by the doctor of the Village EIghteen yeal s go by and Theresd., the orphan gIrl leaves the convent to marry AntOIl10 1 he play portrays motherlv love epltomlzed 111the devo 1011 of SIster Joanna of the Cross to Theresa SIster J oo.nna 1S more of a mother to the chtld than the rest of the nuns Both sceres of th1S play show the InSIde of a convent. About t\\O yedrs ago the v.. arren StudIOS at 16711 East Warrrll at ):ork- shIre road announced ItS ("l)e111ng In the nelghhorhood and Sl11ceth1.t tIme Its populanty has grov>l1 exceed111gy, due largely to the splendl t portraits produced by thIS StudIO undtr the man~ agernent of <l capable photographer They '1lso carry a comDlete hne of C and A RIchards' <:hadowgrd.ph~ stl.. 10uettes and copies of tan ous pamt. l11gs 111 nUl1lature These would make ,Ideal ChrlstnJas glftS ll!!I!!Il!JI!JI__ I WE PRINT IT A~ WE GEl I ~ IT, WITHOUT FEAR OR ~ i ll! FAVOR - ADVERTISING i@ HAS NO RELAlION TO ~ OUR POLICY ~ '" @ '''Ii'JmilJiil/il1ii!JiilJO!Iii!IiiJIi'JOlIiYJii!li'Ii'Ii'Jii'Ji'Jiil'i'1i'I By Mall $200 per year Smgle CopIes 5 Cents Christmas Bazaar MichigaaExposition Will Feature Many Outstanding Exhibits Pointe Players Present Two Act Comedy Here December 3rd and 4th -- I All the hast Side Camp 1:< Ire groups SIxty per cent of the entire exhibIt Jomed In el tertau mg theIr father:, on space at ConventIOn Hall whicl-t Will a Daughter Dad HIke at Belle Isla house the fourth at'mal DetrOit anti I ark -,unday aftert100n November 28, MIchIgan Fx;pos tOT the Jas'" two at 2 00 Ms DaEartnce Hess De.. weeks m January has been re~erved trol !\ ews Hlh.er led the group over accordl11g to Charles A H Thorn gen Ilart of the 1\ ews Tra 1 Later the gIrls etal cha IUl.:l.ll Sl.l.:l.le adohrents are cooked hamDurgers and hot dogs tor 10 per cent ahead of the sal11e penod theIr menfolk and ended an excltmg last year aLtern00n b) challenglllg them to clem. The \rld West Sportsmen 5 Show op<;trc.te their talents 111 games and \\ 111feature the \flc ugan Department <>ll1.;mg of Consel vatlon e"{hlblt of native \'l1ld Mrs John Hol ..tel11 of WOO Haver. 1fe III \\ooalalJd sett 19l:> U1:>1l1,g hVll1g hIli fom er rleld Secretary of the al1lmals where po SIble There wIll be CIllCagO Co11n<;11ot Camp FIre Girl, a 60 foot Cast ng pool erected In the \\ as 1 I <-harge ot the OoCcaSlOn The center of the hall where a program of OlJOVll11ggIrlS served as a program C'ompetltlv-e fl) and baIt ca:.tmg \\111 commIttee be conductea Severd.l natIonally fam N"an<:y l\orrls Betty Lou Welhol .. ous anglers WIll be on hand to give gert :'hlrley Wyatt Bon11le Breeman, demon<:.trat cns and lllstructlOns In the \ferJe Busdl Betty Bypsam Rose~ art Commercnl exhrblts 111the field mary Bradford Rita Decker, Ruth of sports coyer ne-ar1y all camp actIVI \ orrIS Mary AlIce Henderson ttes metudmg a traIler show There ----- wlll be a Show of ChampIOns WIth Mrs RIchard Webber of Lake Shore champIon log rollers of North Amenca road IS In New York VIsItl11g her shOWing theIr skill on shpptry logs and daughters Mary and Jean Flam New canoe tIlhng contests York she wJ11 go to Pmehurst N C, Jam~s Melton popular screen d.nd where Mr Webber Will meet her at radiO star \\111 S111g..t the EXpositton The Carohna and at le...st 3000 persons Will take part 111the stage prodt ctlOns In addltlon there Will be a c'Ookmg s<:11001dally WIth prIzes and MichIgan Indians 111 co:.tumes demonstratmg natIve <rafts fhe finals of the P"onounce A Down c'Ontest sponsored 0Y the Industnal MorrIS Plan bctnk WIll be conduded on the ExpoSItion Audltormm stage \\1th a\,"ard" of $1000 In C:lsh gomg to the winners There ,,,il be no admls <:.Ioncharge f01 the entertamntel1t In the audltonum Mll.hlgan s own pre hlstonc ma~todon MIdge WIll be on e'\hlblhon along With many other ren 1l1der.> of he state s remote and rec"'nt hl~tory A two act comedy 1 he Cradle Song WIll be presented Fnday and Saturday December 3 and 4 In the hIgh school audItormm by the Pomte Players under the directIOn of Mr Donald Horton The Cast mc1udes Jean Trombley Dorothy MIller Joan Reuteer Mar- Jane Kaufmann Barbara FaIrbairn Janet Teldeck ElIzabeth BIshop Cath enne Raupaugh rrd 1ces 1:< 1 elwald CatherIne Hauke Betty Farmer VlVa Cossey Stewart SmIth Bob Hurst, \Vllham Lua""lg and Bai bara r errv ThiS IS the se<:ond tIme The Cradle Song' has been pr esented by the .r Huntsman Uses Gun and Camera Armed WIth a bIg gun and a mirnature camera, thIS duck hunter walts In hIS blInd for some ()f the WInged targets to come along ThiS snap of a snapping nimrod was taken on Tawas lake, far flung preserve In the northern part of MichIgan's lower penmsula. Safety Buttons to Aid Motorists "rr;:fJ,,""'ffilIiilIii1Jil.mJliUii!'iilJi!Ii'Ji'Ji'lIi'Ii'JiilIi'Ii'Ii'Ii'Ii'Ii'I ! flj " iiJ Warning to Owners I ~ of Automobiles ~ The Aur II GUildWill hold its nnual ~ ID Chnstmas lazaar and dl11ner at the ~ Thieves have been rt'bblng ~ cluh rooms 2163 Ea,st Jeffelson avem1e , automobiles oE radiOS and othe" I corner of Dubo:. 1vtmue Saturda) "iJ valuable parh during recent:al Decen ber 4 fhe bazaar v,.lli open at ~ weeks In the Grosse POinte area ; ) 0 do k and the d1!1ner W1Ube <:ervea In order to make their task more rID from 6 to 7 30 p m There WIll be dlffu.:ult the poliee departmenb booth" of a )rons fancy articles baked suggeat that nr owners lock goods JellIes and cd.ndy Mrs Jesse their cars when parking' them In (Jrorw IS cha rman All hare. ot hearmg front of the houae at night, as per<>011<, and thel fnends are most well as In the garage cordially my ted Mayflower Descendants Observed Anniversary Reflector1£ed buttons on all guard raIl pO:.ts alon.g US 10 betVleen LansIng and Grand Rapids hav(. been ordered 1l1sl:&1[tdoy the Stafe Righway Gom 1111:,<,lOner Murray D Van VVagoner The areler means the placl11g of about 1 500 buttons As the car approaches a guard rad the button W1l1be cry:,tal With a red reflectIOn on the guard raIl at the left <"Ideof the road The at 111VCrsary of the slgltIng 0 the Ma}flov.er Compact was ob~el\ed on Monday l\ovember 22 when about sixty members and guests of the M ch igan Society of \1ayflower Descendants met at the COIOlv To\"n LIub tor theIf annual dm ler An mte"estl11g program mcluded greehnl5s frem the Governor vVl1hams Cooper Harr s redding of the Compact and roll call of tre Slgners by James CJ} de GIbert of Dearbo n '\\Itlt re sponse flom tbe uescendants a schol arly address bv Dr Samuel Forrer Ph D of the Jefferson Avenue Pres bytenan Cnurch and vocal solos by MISS Barbara Scully talented yoU'lg Detrol1- soprano Membershlp In the Society whIch IS restrIcted to tho"e of direct descent from Signers of the C0mpact IS shared I y <lnnmber of Grosse POl11te resldent<: 1l1clud111gSt<lndlSh Backus Gilbert A Grant \fIS'> \1argaret Grant Mrs Henry Bourne Joy Mrs Lmdel1 J Kauffman \{p Herbert W Mandel Dr Everett H Ret..-d Mr and "Irs LIo} d De\Vltt Smith Wilham E Stand d.rt Robert \V Star dart Wtlham C StandIsh and Harold F Wardwell Theosophical Society Meetings Announced Is It pOSSible t1 at we should know anythmg about that other hfe after ph) slcal death? Is It posSlbk to dls co\Cr the facts ",hlch VIe shall all have to face-for the one thmg that IS abso lutdy certa111 for e, er) one of us IS the fact of death? S Ii Vv y Ie \~ho IS glVll1g a serIes of weekl) FrIda} Illght lectures under the au<:.pIce:.of thro TheosophIcal Socle ty 111DetrOIt 1509 Broadway, Will dlS cuss Llfe After Death Is there proof? December Srd at 8 p m The followmg Fnday The V\ ay of rhe M)StlC dud w111dose the senes De cember 17 the subject Su.permen {The Path) These lectures are free "Ind the pubhc IS cordl111y 111vlted Free study classes In elementary Theosophy are held Monda)s at gp m and Fndays at 2 30 p m Free lend ng hbrary open datI) 2 4 except Sun ddYS John Stone of Grosse Pomte h3.s been elected vice preSIdent of PhI Fta SIgma fresl man men s honor soclet,}' at the UlUversity of MIchIgan I lf any auaplCIOUS characters are The members of tl e Grosse Pomte noticed. please get III touch With Alger Post Auxiliary Rotarv Club and their wives are re~ the police at once Your Cowop.. P D b 8h mmdeo Ol the fact that they have been erahon 1$ aaked that thiS robbing arty ecem er t inVIted to partiCIpate wlth Hlghl.:l. d of automobiles Might he put to Park III '" elc01n111g a new club wl ch an end In.thla VICinity A dessert IUllcheoll and card party has Just secured ItS charter under the I'! l!1iil1li!,.J,~,ffiQ I WIll he h ... ld on Wedne!>day December I ~ponsonhlp of 1-he HIghland Park dub, ro!J_i!!J,!Jlill!ll~I,!fIi!ilrl!!li!!rr>Jli!JijlJiilli! h _______ 8 at 1 30 pm at the home of Mrs tOnIR t at 7 30 0 clock H Done 28 Ldkevlew avenue near Edgar truest will contnbute toward Kercheval Members of Alger Aux I the el tertamment and a sumptuous lary and 1I1elr frIend~ are remmded to meal wlll be ready ior you at the Y keep thas m milld as a large attend \V C A bUtldIng on Woodward avenue ance IS bung prepand for at Buena VIsta PreSident Fmtan L Henk IS deSIrous of makmg a good showmg d.nd urges the members who <;all.. to ~ttSl.n d I- REVIEW LINERS GET RESULTS A J. Kretsch Plumbing Popular in Grosse Pointe Ihe new Ford V 8 IS now on dIsplay d.t the showlOoms of Millenba ...h Motor "lales Co at 13000 East Wan en at DIcker on Tnese new modeb are larger rOO111lerand most economIcal to o'Jeratc.. Manv new features hav!" beer embodl('d 111 constructIOn whIch }?u \\'111be Interested 111 MllenLach Sales ar d ServIce 1l1Vltes ) ou to VI'lIt then sho'Hooms and <;ee these new model:, v.hlch are destmec. to popularity wlth car oy\ners who de 'lIre the maXlmum In comfort, spLec d.ld economv The A J Kretsch Plumbmg and Heatmg company IS well known locally havmg been located at 14739 Mack avenue at Ashland for the past SIX years WIth a backgrorund of 20 years experIence They mamtam several sendce tt ucks which are equIpped WIth matenal and tools to gt\ e prompt and effICIent serVIce They are qualified and expert on aU types of plumbl11g l,nd heattng plant ll1stallatlOn or repalflng 100[1l1g tm nmg and cIeonl11g furnaces i\f.:l.n} Grosse POl1 te homes have found tnelr "erVlces qUIte sattsfactory and econ Olmcal I belIeve 111the ab')ve ::,log-an I want to belong to the 193710Y CLUB Address Name Amount Enclosed ~ ~emLenhlp pOltrlng 111to THF TOY CLUB*glVe promtSe of the fnlfilled de,,,e of ",any a httle heart and w,ll prp'Ve th.t there I~ a Santa Clau<; e\ en though Dadd) hasn't made enq'Pgh to take care or lIV111g expensf",:, and won't be ahle to "upp1) e1}I-.ldlSh 1uxulles- such as to's, when Chn<.;+m", s mornIng arrIve~ ~ , " Here s one letter \\ n(ten to THE roy Cl UJtlast wmter that WIll prove to 'au t l 11t your member<;nlO means a ,\thole lot to some poor famI', , DE;\R CLUB ,t I\, Ish to thank) au most sIncere1) for your glnerous donatIOns III answer to my apphcatlOn for toys for my kI~les at Chn'ltmas hme Your box was <';0ntce and how they enJove~.:them I ~l v husband IS worl..mg aga.n now and ,f thllt,ll" are better for us next year, I hope to ma]. ..e a donatlO11 to your clUb so that I may mdlrectly help some other needv famIly K " Thankmg you agal11 I remCl111 Respectfully Y,pu.1 S" BeSIdes the lOam pOOl famlhes rcmembered by THI: rOY CLUB, five Olphan hot"e, were <uDphed WIth toY.i~last Chllstmas 1 hat they were apprenatlcl 15 <;hO'\\n by the letter 1ecelved Here IS one flom an 111Stltut on that prOVides a horn for many lIttle orph'ns " 1 he box of lovel) tovs a"rtved f Jr Chrtstmas!ii',d mdeed wel e much apprecIated It was verv kmd of you to t~nk of us dUllng the busv days, and I hope the D,vme Babe ".11 bl~s you and yours thIS commg ) ear and WIll make It a year of gI~t happmess and ~ prospenty to enable you to carry on vour goOd~vOI k of makmg others happ' s, espectall, OJr dear poor httle Chlr,4ren -God sown dear ones 1hev w,l1 have mUch JOYand happmess {rpm those lovely \ to) s, and ,f ) au could see them, they would amply repay you for all your trouble and <:111dne<s " ".gam thankmg ) au and a,k111g God to bless 3'\'u, WIth a prayer of the chlldreu Yours respectfully" YOU, too can )010 W t'l1S ,plendld "ark Membersillps are but .nit) cent" and )OU nUlY ubta,ll1 satre flOUJ. a11Y ~Cft offIcer 01 fire- man m Crosse Pomte TownshIp If you w.sh } au mal fill 111 the coupon appearmg on the front page of thIS newspaper, then mall ,t m ",th yonr membershIp dues to THE TOY CLUB, 15224 E J effer- son Avenue, Grosse Pomte Park 1iIch If you wlc;h to give toys 111good condItIOn Just call up Lenox 4554 and they" ,11 be pIcked up promptlv Help THE TOY CLUB hve up to ItS ,logan Not a KId W,th out a Toy for ChrIstmas Music Stud.o Opened in Grosse Pomte D.strict A musIc studito has been ope"led 111 our commumty under the dlrection of MUSical Director Hugo RIchter Mr RIchter IS a Il1USlClanof splendid attamment haVing studIed In hurope under some of the best teachers He was engaged m concert work orchestra and also chOIr dIrectIon This. profound mUSical educatIOn readlly recommends hun as a teacher of the htghest type Margarete R1chter cannot be too hIghly recommended as a first dass teaoher of vI011l1 She ~tudled under the most competent tel,ch~rs 111Eur ope and graduated WIth honor from the State Comervatory of \1USIC Cum verslty of Cologne) Her splendId tra1111Ughas qualIfied her especI1.11ya~ an mstructor 111 vlOhn ThIS plano VIOlIn StudIO fills a long felt want for an InstitutIon where one may recetve expert T1lstructlon III our own com mUl11ty Apple" 11IE HOME NEWSPAPER OF GROSSE POINTE AND THE FOURn:ENTH CONGRESSIONAL D1STRICf OLDHAM, Pubhsher GROSSE POINT! ~[JCHIG".N rHUI{':>DAY DhChVlBJ;R 2 1937 "Big Historic Memorials Society LB M cmbu s of the HIstoriC 1Iemon<lls ,:,oclety \\Ill meet Frtd<lY Decem~el 3 at 2 30 0 dock at the home of ~dr!> Benton V Johnson on ChH~ag.,:)boule. vard 1 he preSIdent, MI s Charles Hatton Metcalf Wll1 conduct the meet 111g Mrs LoUIS GaSCOigne program ch<llrman WIll mtroduce the gue:.t ~peaker Dr Fredenck B FIsher who Will tOllk on f The Value of TradItIon' Mrs Eleanor Hazzard Peacock vill S111ga group of songs, With Mrs John son the hostess at the plano Goodfellow Bridge Party December 9th Lakeside Inn Feather Party Sunday, Dec. 12 The GIrlS of the Umon Guardian Trust company wl11 hold their Sixth annual b,oIdge party for the benefit of the Old Newsbo)s' Goodfellow Fund o. December 9th at 8 o'clock at the Book CadIll<lc Hotel Asslstmg MIS!> Mary ReId who IS the general chan man are 'Line Marcus Mabel Ja.s nowsk Sally Ohst Mih.... Slmp.son Blanche Elltott LUCIle Slayton Carmel Costello Ingnd E.ckstrom, Esther Gugel an.d Mary Bnevogel Allee and Jack Hogan 111vlteyou to a feather party on Sunday De<:ember 12 at 3 30 p ill at the LakeSide Inn, 3748 Hickler Lane, next rood to Mt Clemens Watei Wotks on East Jeff- erson The cost for thIS party IS only nommal and thrts also mcludes a free \ emson dmner ThiS popular resort holds these an .. nual affaIrs for the entel tamment of theIr patron~ge many f10m the Grosse Powte area You are cordIally 1l1vIted to partIclpal1:e 111these actiVItIes Original the Here's Lions Goodfellow Paper Sale pate To Be Announced Next Week Very shortly at a date to be) oonduct theIr annual 'Goodfel I G P. H d' announced later m these columns 10" paper sale on the streets ofl rosse Olnters ee lng the Grosse Pomte LlOns Club WIll I Grosse Pomte TownshIp C 1 J' T Cb It IS the hope of the LlOns that a 1to oln oy lu News Dlgest every request for help such as " ChrIstmas baskets clothmg toys _ ,hoes ete WIll be fulfilled 1 he It's a good thmg pheasant sea- reoue<;ts have started to come son IS off The writer saw sev- mto the offIce of the Nelghbor~ eral very temptmg meals stroll hood Club th~ headquarters for acro", St Paul a e~uple of days the Goodfellows and It appears ago Anyway I dldn t have a gun at tIllS early date that the help -- I needed WIll far exceed that of last The Tapanese sItuatlOn tS not year .mproved WIth defiance to na The Grosse Pomte LlOns are tlOns 10 the InternatlOnal Settle anxlOUS to do theIr part 10 thIS ment campaIgn and It b up to you reSI~ dents of Grosse Pomte to make The man who robbed the MId l't pos"ble land bank WIll be hanged for Be prepared to mee, the LlOns murder at MIlan MIchIgan, on\ on thIS paper sale date and have July 8 Another crImmal career vour contnhutlOn ready 1he At the end of the rope LlOns ",11 be on the streets early, ram "now or shIve ready to ac cept your Idea 10 the way of a check paper bIll or com as to the re11 meamng of a "GOODFEL- LOW SIX magazmes whose content .. were conSIdered obscence by a Jury have been banned from sale m DettOlt We thmk It about tIme some such actIOn was taken An attorne} seeks to have fOUl pm pIe ga 19sters released It 0111 prtson hVldently the de;,re to have these gangsters freed was hastened by the sudden den1lSe of one of the boys a few days ago The boys f,am PIttsburgh went on st11ke for more spe'1dmg money out of the Rose Bowl pi 0- ceeds than has lutherto been thell lot, theIr 'pendll1g money preVI- ously someth111g hke $700 per man, "hlch really doesu tallow an) thmg for celebratJl1i;: VIctory or counteractmg the effects of defeat Wj< Lwderstand that unemploy- me_, ehef iund w,l1 be admll11s- tered to the unemployed about JUly 1st, and we beheve that w,l1 be about the end of welfare Hrs Elmer Speck was hostess to her hmlly Thanhgn mg Day In her home 011 Lake Shore road WIth bet were her s sters, Mrs Harry Torrey and Mrs Joseph Schlotman and thetr hus bands, TiSh Schlotman BIll Torrey Emory Leypen Ford, Mr and Mr' Ford BaUantyne, Mer", 2tl-d.J4;rs",H.oward Ballantyne and theIr "daughter, Bar bara Mr and Mrs E P Dodge, of New- he:rry, Mass retutneQ With theIr mece A Fntz Kreisler concert was Baflbara to spend the hOlldays wl1Jhthe halted at the Ul1lVeI SIty of i\1:Ich- Howard B~1Janlynes igan when an exploslOn of tear gas In the audIence cd.used a httle MISS France'S SIbley IS leav1l1g no confUSIOn However the concert. later than Del.embei 7 to spend the was contmued after the exclte- wmter season In Egypt ment substded A pohceman shot hImself 111 the leg whIle removmg hIS gun to partake of lunch rormel Govel nor Bl uChel \vas a guest of the Gro"e Pomte Rot ary Club at theIr weekly lunch- .on last Monday and he <poke mterestmgly about MIchIgan and ,ts futm e Some 3 000 are ehglble for old age grant aT SOCIal SecurIty 111 DetrOIt but have uot as yet made appheatlOn for same There must be a lot of Insh- men workmg on the Oeveland bushnes for we understand that r nsh confettI 1S <howered upon the buses by stnkmg dnvers There are but t\\ euty one shop pmg days left before Chnstmas Shop now don't walt for the la,t mml1te 1 ush In fact you can find almost anvthmg you mIght de ~:Ire for a gIft rIght hel e III your neIghborhood from a tm whIstle to a swanl..y automobIle ~~ i THE GROSSE POINTE ~ I'~=':;= I _~m!IiYJii!Jiil.J@~' VOL 12-No 15 Wmtfred Hughes Will become the bnde of FranCIS MaUrIce Hally thIS was announced by MISS Hughes par. ents Ml and Mrs Fred A Hughes at a large open house Sunday 111their homt:: on Devonshire road Mr Hally IS the SOI1of \frs P J M Hally of Dancers everywhere are doing the Hfllg Apple," but few know about Jefferwn~ave11t.e and the late Judge the orlgmal whtch happens to be thIs unique country cafe and ballroom ! Hs.:; near Wathena, Kan., the capital of the apple country. '* * '* REVIEW LINERS CET RESULTS ~ V,ClOUS attackel s of Innocent \ ch,ldren al1d women should be kept under very close observa- tion m hct a commlttment to an mstttutlOn would be the veri thmg

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Page 1: ~~i I m~~~..o~~tlPoiutt }1ltuitmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935... · 2006. 7. 15. · m~~~..o~~tlPoiutt ~}1ltuitm Ir, Daughter-Dad Hike Funeral Services for


m~~~..o~~tlPoiutt }1ltuitm


Daughter-Dad Hike

Funeral Servicesfor R. P. CruseHeld Here Sunday

Rotary Club to VisitHighland Park Tonight

Fine Portrait StudioLocated Conveniently

Rov Phlho Cruse 22241 Madlsonstreet St Clair Shores was fat<lllywounded on Houghton Lake uurWest Branch last Fnday evemng Th 1

young man 111 company With his broth-ers COU~lll<; and frIendc; was on ahuntmg tnp over Thanksgl\mg dudthe week end \Vhl1e four of themwere gomg to a nearby grocery sture1 nday evenmg for supphes for th,etable at theJr cottage a gun was ac\!-dentallv dIscharged and t le bullet ,-,n~tered the temple of young Mr Cru'le

/IUlhng hIm mstartly Ht" body \\asbrought to DetrOlt Sdturday A shortfuneral serVICe wa!> held at 2 p m Sun~day conducted by the Rev M LutherCanup D D and the bod} shIpped tuit Pleasant N C where It was 111-

terr"d Tuesuay of tnls weekYoung Cruse v.as 16 years of c.gro

He was one of 11 chIldren and IS <,urvlved ry hIS father \i\ l1ham Cruse l. ldfive brothpr" and five sI~ters He came"to DetrOIt la!>t summer to bve W th InsmcJe ane aunt Dr and Mrs J MEarnhardt .:l.t the above addres~ wdto rece1\'e an educatIOn He was at~tendmg t e blgn sd 001 In St C. <llr~hores He became a member of theGrosse Pomte Lutheran Sunday Schoolm September ane' was a member ofthe Young People's class taught by\irs R S Johnson The Sunday Scheolheld a memorIal sen Ice for hun last~unda\ rrornmg n \"hICh members ofhiS c1a<>stook part and when hiS teacher spoke briefly

PoInte Players It was produced 1111931 by \Ir Axel Gruenberg no, .. ofWWJ and :,tarred Agne:. A..nduson,noVl of Hollywood

The play centers about an orphanglrl \\ho was taken 11 to a COl1vtnt d.Sa baby and later d.dopted by the doctorof the Village EIghteen yeal s go byand Theresd., the orphan gIrl leavesthe convent to marry AntOIl10 1 heplay portrays motherlv love epltomlzed111 the devo 1011 of SIster Joanna ofthe Cross to Theresa SIster Joo.nna1S more of a mother to the chtld thanthe rest of the nuns Both sceres ofth1S play show the InSIde of a convent.

About t\\O yedrs ago the v.. arrenStudIOS at 16711 East Warrrll at ):ork-shIre road announced ItS ("l)e111ngIn

the nelghhorhood and Sl11ce th1.t tImeIts populanty has grov>l1 exceed111gy,due largely to the splendl t portraitsproduced by thIS StudIO undtr the man~agernent of <l capable photographer

They '1lso carry a comDlete hne ofC and A RIchards' <:hadowgrd.ph~ stl ..10uettes and copies of tan ous pamt.l11gs 111 nUl1lature These would make

,Ideal ChrlstnJas glftS






By Mall $200 per year Smgle CopIes 5 Cents

Christmas Bazaar

MichigaaExpositionWill Feature ManyOutstanding Exhibits

Pointe Players PresentTwo Act Comedy Here

December 3rd and 4th

-- I All the hast Side Camp 1:< Ire groupsSIxty per cent of the entire exhibIt Jomed In el tertau mg theIr father:, on

space at ConventIOn Hall whicl-t Will a Daughter Dad HIke at Belle Islahouse the fourth at'mal DetrOit anti I ark -,unday aftert100n November 28,MIchIgan Fx;pos tOT the Jas'" two at 2 00 M s DaEartnce Hess De ..weeks m January has been re~erved trol !\ ews Hlh.er led the group overaccordl11g to Charles A H Thorn gen Ilart of the 1\ ews Tra 1 Later the gIrlsetal cha IUl.:l.ll Sl.l.:l.le adohrents are cooked hamDurgers and hot dogs tor10 per cent ahead of the sal11e penod theIr menfolk and ended an excltmglast year aLtern00n b) challenglllg them to clem.

The \rld West Sportsmen 5 Show op<;trc.te their talents 111 games and\\ 111feature the \flc ugan Department <>ll1.;mgof Consel vatlon e"{hlblt of native \'l1ld Mrs John Hol ..tel11 of WOO Haver.1 fe III \\ooalalJd sett 19l:> U1:>1l1,g hVll1g hIli fom er rleld Secretary of theal1lmals where po SIble There wIll be CIllCagO Co11n<;11ot Camp FIre Girl,a 60 foot Cast ng pool erected In the \\ as 1 I <-harge ot the OoCcaSlOn Thecenter of the hall where a program of OlJOVll11ggIrlS served as a programC'ompetltlv-e fl) and baIt ca:.tmg \\111 commItteebe conductea Severd.l natIonally fam N"an<:y l\orrls Betty Lou Welhol ..ous anglers WIll be on hand to give gert :'hlrley Wyatt Bon11le Breeman,demon<:.trat cns and lllstructlOns In the \ferJe Busdl Betty Bypsam Rose~art Commercnl exhrblts 111the field mary Bradford Rita Decker, Ruthof sports coyer ne-ar1y all camp actIVI \ orrIS Mary AlIce Hendersonttes metudmg a traIler show There -----wlll be a Show of ChampIOns WIth Mrs RIchard Webber of Lake ShorechampIon log rollers of North Amenca road IS In New York VIsItl11g hershOWing theIr skill on shpptry logs and daughters Mary and Jean Flam Newcanoe tIlhng contests York she wJ11 go to Pmehurst N C,

Jam~s Melton popular screen d.nd where Mr Webber Will meet her atradiO star \\111 S111g..t the EXpositton The Carohnaand at le...st 3000 persons Will take part111the stage prodt ctlOns In addltlonthere Will be a c'Ookmg s<:11001dallyWIth prIzes and MichIgan Indians 111co:.tumes demonstratmg natIve <raftsfhe finals of the P"onounce A Downc'Ontest sponsored 0Y the IndustnalMorrIS Plan bctnk WIll be condudedon the ExpoSItion Audltormm stage\\1th a\,"ard" of $1000 In C:lsh gomg tothe winners There ,,,il be no admls<:.Ioncharge f01 the entertamntel1t In

the audltonum Mll.hlgan s own prehlstonc ma~todon MIdge WIll beon e'\hlblhon along With many otherren 1l1der.> of he state s remote andrec"'nt hl~tory

A two act comedy 1 he CradleSong WIll be presented Fnday andSaturday December 3 and 4 In thehIgh school audItormm by the PomtePlayers under the directIOn of MrDonald Horton

The Cast mc1udes Jean TrombleyDorothy MIller Joan Reuteer Mar-Jane Kaufmann Barbara FaIrbairnJanet Teldeck ElIzabeth BIshop Cathenne Raupaugh rrd 1ces 1:< 1elwaldCatherIne Hauke Betty Farmer VlVaCossey Stewart SmIth Bob Hurst,\Vllham Lua""lg and Bai bara r errv

ThiS IS the se<:ond tIme The CradleSong' has been pr esented by the


Huntsman Uses Gun and Camera

Armed WIth a bIg gun and a mirnature camera, thIS duck hunterwalts In hIS blInd for some ()f the WInged targets to come along ThiSsnap of a snapping nimrod was taken on Tawas lake, far flung preserveIn the northern part of MichIgan's lower penmsula.

Safety Buttons toAid Motorists

"rr;:fJ,,""'ffilIiilIii1Jil.mJliUii!'iilJi!Ii'Ji'Ji'lIi'Ii'JiilIi'Ii'Ii'Ii'Ii'Ii'I !flj "iiJ Warning to Owners I~ of Automobiles ~ The Aur II GUildWill hold its nnual~ ID Chnstmas lazaar and dl11ner at the~ Thieves have been rt'bblng ~ cluh rooms 2163 Ea,st Jeffelson avem1e, automobiles oE radiOS and othe" I corner of Dubo:. 1vtmue Saturda)"iJ valuable parh during recent:al Decen ber 4 fhe bazaar v,.lli open at~ weeks In the Grosse POinte area ; ) 0 do k and the d1!1ner W1Ube <:ervea

In order to make their task more rID from 6 to 7 30 p m There WIll bedlffu.:ult the poliee departmenb booth" of a )rons fancy articles bakedsuggeat that nr owners lock goods JellIes and cd.ndy Mrs Jessetheir cars when parking' them In (Jrorw IS cha rman All hare. ot hearmgfront of the houae at night, as per<>011<,and thel fnends are mostwell as In the garage cordially my ted

Mayflower DescendantsObserved Anniversary

Reflector1£ed buttons on all guardraIl pO:.ts alon.g US 10 betVleen LansIngand Grand Rapids hav(. been ordered1l1sl:&1[tdoy the Stafe Righway Gom1111:,<,lOnerMurray D Van VVagoner

The areler means the placl11g of about1 500 buttons As the car approachesa guard rad the button W1l1be cry:,talWith a red reflectIOn on the guardraIl at the left <"Ideof the road

The at 111VCrsary of the slgltIng 0

the Ma}flov.er Compact was ob~el\edon Monday l\ovember 22 when aboutsixty members and guests of the M chigan Society of \1ayflower Descendantsmet at the COIOlv To\"n LIub tor theIfannual dm ler

An mte"estl11g program mcludedgreehnl5s frem the Governor vVl1hamsCooper Harr s redding of the Compactand roll call of tre Slgners by JamesCJ} de GIbert of Dearbo n '\\Itlt response flom tbe uescendants a scholarly address bv Dr Samuel ForrerPh D of the Jefferson Avenue Presbytenan Cnurch and vocal solos byMISS Barbara Scully talented yoU'lgDetrol1- soprano

Membershlp In the Society whIch ISrestrIcted to tho"e of direct descentfrom Signers of the C0mpact IS sharedI y <lnnmber of Grosse POl11te resldent<:1l1clud111gSt<lndlSh Backus Gilbert AGrant \fIS'> \1argaret Grant MrsHenry Bourne Joy Mrs Lmdel1 JKauffman \{p Herbert W MandelDr Everett H Ret..-d Mr and "IrsLIo} d De\Vltt Smith Wilham E Standd.rt Robert \V Star dart Wtlham CStandIsh and Harold F Wardwell

Theosophical SocietyMeetings Announced

Is It pOSSible t1 at we should knowanythmg about that other hfe afterph) slcal death? Is It posSlbk to dlsco\Cr the facts ",hlch VIe shall all haveto face-for the one thmg that IS absolutdy certa111 for e, er) one of us ISthe fact of death?

S Ii Vv y Ie \~ho IS glVll1g a serIesof weekl) FrIda} Illght lectures underthe au<:.pIce:.of thro TheosophIcal Soclety 111DetrOIt 1509 Broadway, Will dlScuss Llfe After Death Is thereproof? December Srd at 8 p m Thefollowmg Fnday The V\ ay of rheM)StlC dud w111dose the senes December 17 the subject Su.permen{The Path) These lectures are free"Ind the pubhc IS cordl111y 111vlted

Free study classes In elementaryTheosophy are held Monda)s at g p mand Fndays at 2 30 p m Free lendng hbrary open datI) 2 4 except Sun


John Stone of Grosse Pomte h3.sbeen elected vice preSIdent of PhI FtaSIgma fresl man men s honor soclet,}'at the UlUversity of MIchIgan

Ilf any auaplCIOUS characters are The members of tl e Grosse Pomte

noticed. please get III touch With Alger Post Auxiliary Rotarv Club and their wives are re~the police at once Your Cowop.. P D b 8 h mmdeo Ol the fact that they have beenerahon 1$ aaked that thiS robbing arty ecem er t inVIted to partiCIpate wlth Hlghl.:l. dof automobiles Might he put to Park III '"elc01n111g a new club wl chan end In.thla VICinity A dessert IUllcheoll and card party has Just secured ItS charter under the

I'! l!1iil1li!,.J,~,ffiQ I WIll he h ...ld on Wedne!>day December I ~ponsonhlp of 1-he HIghland Park dub,ro!J_i!!J,!Jlill!ll~I,!fIi!ilrl!!li!!rr>Jli!JijlJiilli! h_______ 8 at 1 30 p m at the home of Mrs tOnIR t at 7 30 0 clockH Done 28 Ldkevlew avenue near Edgar truest will contnbute towardKercheval Members of Alger Aux I the el tertamment and a sumptuouslary and 1I1elr frIend~ are remmded to meal wlll be ready ior you at the Ykeep thas m milld as a large attend \V C A bUtldIng on Woodward avenueance IS bung prepand for at Buena VIsta PreSident Fmtan L

Henk IS deSIrous of makmg a goodshowmg d.nd urges the members who<;all.. to ~ttSl.n d I-


A J. Kretsch PlumbingPopular in Grosse Pointe

Ihe new Ford V 8 IS now on dIsplayd.t the showlOoms of Millenba ...h Motor"lales Co at 13000 East Wan en atDIcker on Tnese new modeb arelarger rOO111lerand most economIcalto o'Jeratc.. Manv new features hav!"beer embodl('d 111 constructIOn whIch}?u \\'111be Interested 111

MllenLach Sales ar d ServIce 1l1Vltes) ou to VI'lIt then sho'Hooms and <;eethese new model:, v.hlch are destmec.to popularity wlth car oy\ners who de'lIre the maXlmum In comfort, spLecd.ld economv

The A J Kretsch Plumbmg andHeatmg company IS well known locallyhavmg been located at 14739 Mackavenue at Ashland for the past SIXyears WIth a backgrorund of 20 yearsexperIence They mamtam severalsendce tt ucks which are equIpped WIthmatenal and tools to gt\ e prompt andeffICIent serVIce

They are qualified and expert on aUtypes of plumbl11g l,nd heattng plantll1stallatlOn or repalflng 100[1l1g tmnmg and cIeonl11g furnaces i\f.:l.n}Grosse POl1 te homes have found tnelr"erVlces qUIte sattsfactory and econOlmcal

I belIeve 111the ab')ve ::,log-an

I want to belong to the 193710Y CLUB



Amount Enclosed

~~emLenhlp pOltrlng 111to THF TOY CLUB*glVe promtSe of

the fnlfilled de,,,e of ",any a httle heart and w,ll prp'Ve th.t there I~a Santa Clau<; e\ en though Dadd) hasn't made enq'Pgh to take care

or lIV111g expensf",:, and won't be ahle to "upp1) e1}I-.ldlSh 1uxulles-

such as to's, when Chn<.;+m", s mornIng arrIve~ ~, "Here s one letter \\ n(ten to THE roy Cl UJtlast wmter that

WIll prove to 'au tl11t your member<;nlO means a ,\thole lot to some

poor famI',, DE;\R CLUB ,t

I \,Ish to thank) au most sIncere1) for your glnerous donatIOns

III answer to my apphcatlOn for toys for my kI~les at Chn'ltmas

hme Your box was <';0ntce and how they enJove~.:them I

~l v husband IS worl..mg aga.n now and ,f thllt,ll" are better forus next year, I hope to ma]. ..e a donatlO11 to your clUb so that I may

mdlrectly help some other needv famIly K"Thankmg you agal11 I remCl111 Respectfully Y,pu.1 S "

BeSIdes the lOam pOOl famlhes rcmembered by THI: rOYCLUB, five Olphan hot"e, were <uDphed WIth toY.i~last Chllstmas1 hat they were apprenatlcl 15 <;hO'\\n by the letter 1ecelved Here

IS one flom an 111Stltut on that prOVides a horn for many lIttle

orph'ns"1 he box of lovel) tovs a"rtved f Jr Chrtstmas!ii',d mdeed wel e

much apprecIated It was verv kmd of you to t~nk of us dUllngthe busv days, and I hope the D,vme Babe ".11 bl~s you and yoursthIS commg ) ear and WIll make It a year of gI~t happmess and

~prospenty to enable you to carry on vour goOd~vOI k of makmg

others happ' s, espectall, OJr dear poor httle Chlr,4ren -God sowndear ones 1hev w,l1 have mUch JOYand happmess {rpm those lovely

\to) s, and ,f ) au could see them, they would amply repay you forall your trouble and <:111dne<s "

".gam thankmg ) au and a,k111g God to bless 3'\'u, WIth a prayerof the chlldreu Yours respectfully"

YOU, too can )010 W t'l1S ,plendld "ark Membersillps are but.nit) cent" and )OU nUlY ubta,ll1 satre flOUJ. a11Y ~Cft offIcer 01 fire-

man m Crosse Pomte TownshIp If you w.sh } au mal fill 111 thecoupon appearmg on the front page of thIS newspaper, then mall ,tm ",th yonr membershIp dues to THE TOY CLUB, 15224 E J effer-son Avenue, Grosse Pomte Park 1iIch

If you wlc;h to give toys 111good condItIOn Just call up Lenox

4554 and they" ,11 be pIcked up promptlvHelp THE TOY CLUB hve up to ItS ,logan Not a KId W,th

out a Toy for ChrIstmas

Music Stud.o Opened inGrosse Pomte D.strict

A musIc studito has been ope"led 111

our commumty under the dlrection ofMUSical Director Hugo RIchter

Mr RIchter IS a Il1USlClanof splendidattamment haVing studIed In huropeunder some of the best teachers Hewas engaged m concert work orchestraand also chOIr dIrectIon This. profoundmUSical educatIOn readlly recommendshun as a teacher of the htghest type

Margarete R1chter cannot be toohIghly recommended as a first dassteaoher of vI011l1 She ~tudled underthe most competent tel,ch~rs 111Europe and graduated WIth honor fromthe State Comervatory of \1USIC Cumverslty of Cologne) Her splendIdtra1111Ughas qualIfied her especI1.11y a~an mstructor 111 vlOhn ThIS planoVIOlIn StudIO fills a long felt want foran InstitutIon where one may recetveexpert T1lstructlon III our own commUl11ty





Historic MemorialsSociety


M cmbu s of the HIstoriC 1Iemon<lls,:,oclety \\Ill meet Frtd<lY Decem~el 3at 2 30 0 dock at the home of ~dr!>Benton V Johnson on ChH~ag.,:)boule.vard 1 he preSIdent, MI s CharlesHatton Metcalf Wll1 conduct the meet111g Mrs LoUIS GaSCOigne programch<llrman WIll mtroduce the gue:.t~peaker Dr Fredenck B FIsher whoWill tOllk on f The Value of TradItIon'Mrs Eleanor Hazzard Peacock villS111ga group of songs, With Mrs Johnson the hostess at the plano

Goodfellow BridgeParty December 9th

Lakeside Inn FeatherParty Sunday, Dec. 12

The GIrlS of the Umon GuardianTrust company wl11 hold their Sixthannual b,oIdge party for the benefit ofthe Old Newsbo)s' Goodfellow Fundo. December 9th at 8 o'clock at theBook CadIll<lc Hotel Asslstmg MIS!>Mary ReId who IS the general chanman are 'Line Marcus Mabel Ja.snowsk Sally Ohst Mih.... Slmp.sonBlanche Elltott LUCIle Slayton CarmelCostello Ingnd E.ckstrom, EstherGugel an.d Mary Bnevogel

Allee and Jack Hogan 111vlteyou toa feather party on Sunday De<:ember12 at 3 30 p ill at the LakeSide Inn,3748 Hickler Lane, next rood to MtClemens Watei Wotks on East Jeff-erson The cost for thIS party IS onlynommal and thrts also mcludes a free\ emson dmner

ThiS popular resort holds these an ..nual affaIrs for the entel tamment oftheIr patron~ge many f10m the GrossePowte area You are cordIally 1l1vItedto partIclpal1:e 111these actiVItIes


Lions Goodfellow Paper Sale pateTo Be Announced Next Week

Very shortly at a date to be) oonduct theIr annual 'Goodfel IG P . H d'announced later m these columns 10" paper sale on the streets ofl rosse Olnters ee lngthe Grosse Pomte LlOns Club WIll I Grosse Pomte TownshIp C 1 J' T C b

• It IS the hope of the LlOns that a 1to oln oy luNews Dlgest every request for help such as "ChrIstmas baskets clothmg toys _,hoes ete WIll be fulfilled 1 he

It's a good thmg pheasant sea- reoue<;ts have started to comeson IS off The writer saw sev- mto the offIce of the Nelghbor~eral very temptmg meals stroll hood Club th~ headquarters foracro", St Paul a e~uple of days the Goodfellows and It appearsago Anyway I dldn t have a gun at tIllS early date that the help-- Ineeded WIll far exceed that of last

The Tapanese sItuatlOn tS not year.mproved WIth defiance to na The Grosse Pomte LlOns aretlOns 10 the InternatlOnal Settle anxlOUS to do theIr part 10 thISment campaIgn and It b up to you reSI~

dents of Grosse Pomte to makeThe man who robbed the MId l't pos"ble

land bank WIll be hanged for Be prepared to mee, the LlOnsmurder at MIlan MIchIgan, on\ on thIS paper sale date and haveJuly 8 Another crImmal career vour contnhutlOn ready 1heAt the end of the rope LlOns ",11 be on the streets early,

ram "now or shIve ready to accept your Idea 10 the way of acheck paper bIll or com as to there11 meamng of a "GOODFEL-LOW

SIX magazmes whose content ..were conSIdered obscence by aJury have been banned from salem DettOlt We thmk It abouttIme some such actIOn was taken

An attorne} seeks to have fOUlpm pIe ga 19sters released It 0111prtson hVldently the de;,re tohave these gangsters freed washastened by the sudden den1lSe ofone of the boys a few days ago

The boys f,am PIttsburgh wenton st11ke for more spe'1dmgmoney out of the Rose Bowl pi 0-

ceeds than has lutherto been thelllot, theIr 'pendll1g money preVI-ously someth111g hke $700 perman, "hlch really doesu tallowan) thmg for celebratJl1i;: VIctoryor counteractmg the effects ofdefeat

Wj< Lwderstand that unemploy-me_, ehef iund w,l1 be admll11s-tered to the unemployed aboutJUly 1st, and we beheve that w,l1be about the end of welfare

Hrs Elmer Speck was hostess to herhmlly Thanhgn mg Day In her home011 Lake Shore road WIth bet wereher s sters, Mrs Harry Torrey andMrs Joseph Schlotman and thetr husbands, TiSh Schlotman BIll TorreyEmory Leypen Ford, Mr and Mr'Ford BaUantyne, Mer",2tl-d.J4;rs",H.owardBallantyne and theIr "daughter, Barbara

Mr and Mrs E P Dodge, of New-he:rry, Mass retutneQ With theIr mece

A Fntz Kreisler concert was Baflbara to spend the hOlldays wl1Jhthehalted at the Ul1lVeI SIty of i\1:Ich- Howard B~1Janlynesigan when an exploslOn of tear •gas In the audIence cd.used a httle MISS France'S SIbley IS leav1l1g noconfUSIOn However the concert. later than Del.embei 7 to spend thewas contmued after the exclte- wmter season In Egyptment substded

A pohceman shot hImself 111 theleg whIle removmg hIS gun topartake of lunch

rormel Govel nor Bl uChel \vasa guest of the Gro"e Pomte Rotary Club at theIr weekly lunch-.on last Monday and he <pokemterestmgly about MIchIgan and,ts futm e

Some 3 000 are ehglble for oldage grant aT SOCIal SecurIty 111

DetrOIt but have uot as yet madeappheatlOn for same

There must be a lot of Insh-men workmg on the Oevelandbushnes for we understand thatrnsh confettI 1S <howered uponthe buses by stnkmg dnvers

There are but t\\ euty one shoppmg days left before ChnstmasShop now don't walt for the la,tmml1te 1ush In fact you can findalmost anvthmg you mIght de~:Ire for a gIft rIght hel e III yourneIghborhood from a tm whIstleto a swanl..y automobIle



VOL 12-No 15

Wmtfred Hughes Will become thebnde of FranCIS MaUrIce Hally thISwas announced by MISS Hughes par.ents Ml and Mrs Fred A Hughes ata large open house Sunday 111 theirhomt:: on Devonshire road Mr HallyIS the SOI1of \frs P J M Hally of

Dancers everywhere are doing the Hfllg Apple," but few know about Jefferwn~ave11t.e and the late Judgethe orlgmal whtch happens to be thIs unique country cafe and ballroom !Hs.:;near Wathena, Kan., the capital of the apple country. '* * '*


~ V,ClOUS attackel s of Innocent\ ch,ldren al1d women should be

kept under very close observa-tion m hct a commlttment to anmstttutlOn would be the verithmg

Page 2: ~~i I m~~~..o~~tlPoiutt }1ltuitmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935... · 2006. 7. 15. · m~~~..o~~tlPoiutt ~}1ltuitm Ir, Daughter-Dad Hike Funeral Services for










}fal v Rall SOCIal commItteeb.llen Kneghoff SOCl.1lcommIttee\.fargaret Lowry,., theater~artr CO""


Mrs \\ lcner enteMa111ed at a cock ..tall party for Ellen PeabodY) In hethome On Neff road MISS Pea/body leftfor Key West Fla to marry] onathanLatimer 11m. was followed by adm-ner given by \Ir and Mrs Buhl 11\their home on foura111e road

•••\ir lud 111S I\Ior"e arrived 1n town

last \"eek to spend the holidays '''lth.MIS '\1orsc s pale lts \11 and MrsHoward BOl'l.bnght

Messiah LutheranChurch

Southeast corner of Ke"cheval andLakewood avenues A H A Loeber,pastor 1434 Lakewood avenue Tele-phone Lenox 2121

Second '3unday 111 Advent December5 Preachl11g servICe at 11 15 a 11\

Tne List Times w 1l be the subjectof the sermon Sunday "chool at 10o clock

rhe second of the speCIal Adventservices WIll take place next W edne5~day December 8 at 7 45 p m j Chnstour Hlghpllest' wIll be the theme tobe treated In the sermon

The Monthly BIble HaUl sponsoredby the Yourg People s SOCIety WIn beheld ~uuday December 5, at 5 15 p 11\The epls"'les of 5t Paul to TItus andto Philerr on WIll be dlscus.led

The follOWing gills from GrossePomte are comnl1ttee membCl s ot theWomen's League at the L11Ivel:Hty ofUlc111gan

MadellJ1e Klleghoff SOCialC01nnll teeBetty Sohaffer SOCIal COln1111ttceVanon Eaxter soual C01Ulmttee a11d

candy commltteeBetsy Honhart SOCial commIttee

\11" and Mrs Albert Meder of Ul1lverslty Place arrived 111to\'l n last Sun~day mornmg after a stay 111 Gotham\\Ith thelr daughter June 1''1ho earn'down from Sarah Lawrence III HI 011 X

Ville, N Y

• • •'Ir and Mrs CClarIes Dewey of

ChIcago spent Tharksgl\'lng Day VISltl11g thcIr son 111 law and daughterthe 1:' ready Algel s

Last Fllday afternoon Mr and 1IrsJames Holden 111Vltcd a Iew 1l1t1matefllcnds to a cocktall party 111honor ofthe out of town gue<:ts

• • •Suzanne SIbley of Gros-se POl11te

was recently 1111hated 1I1to CollegIateSororls sororIty dot ~he Umvers ty ofMIchigan MISS SIbley IS a graduate'itudent m the unlvel SIt)


• • •

Hotd In New YorkThe annual "1leetlng and the OPC11l11g

of an exhibitIon of contemporary German pamhngs was held at 4 15 p 111Novembel .:10, at the gallene<; of theSOcIety of Arts and ClaUs for membenof the SOCIety Mrs Phelps N ewberr)\Va", chamnan and also a"ranged thetea table

• • •

• • •

• • •

Ml and \1:15 J Deane Rucker andMrs FranCIS T Dwyer of Lake Shoreroad are stayl11g at the Ritz Carlton

Mrs Mlllald loncray and her daug<hter Peggy Lou of Bucku &,ham roadh:::1.\e left tor a few mOl1th~ stay 111

'1:1aml Beach

Helen Jare ral1ey was marned toGlen Roger \-flUet at 8 30 p m Monda) November 22 111 the 1-0me of helparents 'ir ard \1rs Robert EmmettFalley on Trombley road The bndel'{room H. the son of Mr and M1"s J W'!tIler of H1l1sboro avenue The Revl:<redenck B FIshel pelformec1 thecelemony

Aftel a weddll1g tnp through the<.,outh '11 and \1rs MilICI '\'1111be athome 111 the Alden Park Manor

• • •The Student League of the T J.esday

\fuslcaJe IS sp0'1S011ng a bndge tea today December 3 In the home of Jane~cott 102;, Buckmgham road Jane~utchel chairman of the party WIllbe as<;lsted by Doral Kleffman ann\Vllla Jean Huc1gJ11s

• • •Mr and Mn Otto Lundell of B1SIJ

op road are sta) mg at the Hotel Commodale 1tl ~eVl York

• • •\IT and 'irs H.obert L Petne and

theIr chIldren Diana and Bobby, orCadillac, Mlch left last week afterspendl11g se\' eral days WIth Mr and\1:rs Harry R ESl1ng of Maumee road

Mrs Robert Henkel, of Bedford

n f'hlladelpJua She ¥.as accompal11ed load returned Tuesday irom a VISIt mby \-Ir and Mrs Perry T Stakes II, Nen YOlk \\1th Prlllcl11a Darmstaetterof RIversIde Drive dud Ruth Henkel who attend Garland

lit • • "chool 111 Boston She was accOm\fary ::'chnelder enter tamed Mr and panled by Mrs Arml11 A Darmstaetter

\irs Jamb B Barnes Sue Kelly of Arden ParkGeorge CreIghton and Phlhp Scach at * * *a cocktatl party 1n her home on um Betty Brodhead daughter or Mr\ erslty place last Saturday evenmg be and \Irs RIchard 1'h0111ton Brodheadforc takmg her guests to the Intercol made her debut In the home of herIf..,g ate CIUlb for a dinner dance parents on HalYal d rOd.d Thanksglvmg

• • • Day Her asslstant~ v.ere ~dnette"-ir and \frs Leoclyard Mitchell of Pierce Madehne L111dley Patsy Scully

Ridge road announced the engagement I John \Idcbeth and her house guestot their daughter \1ary Snerman Mlt Dorothy Se1Xd..Sof Toronto her moth('hel to Paul Harvey Denllug JI SOl er s gue5t Mrs VVllllam Van Husanof .Mr and \Irs Paul Han ey Demmg \1:oore 1fn. Strathedrt1 Hendllc \11 Sof L1.ke Shore road at a tea held 111 I::, \. Batchelol and 1I,1rs 'Wilham DontheIr home Thanks.glvmg Day Mrs nol yrenton L wson oe Cmcmnatl a 1 auntof Maty was present for the tea ThrmarrIage Will tah.e place t1l the .:.pr,g

Mr and Mrs Kar \fdthlas Doereu(Madeline Mllhgan) of OutLr DrIveannounce the birth of a son P ,illl\£athlas, October 7

• • •Mr and "ir" Alf ed h Glann '11111

saIl December 8 to spend t le Chr stmashohdays 1U Denmark and GermanyThey W111return to DetrOit Malch 1

• • •He1el1 Holtzman daughlel of Mr

and 1Irs Edw1l1 I ouest Holtzman of\fol"an road has cho~en January 15 asthe date of her marnage to Lw \1Leufkells of DetrOit so 1 of Mr anaMrs Hubert Leufl ...ens of Lake Worthfla The service VI III be performed 1115t Pad s Catnedral and followed bya reception In the Holtzman shame

• • •Mrs Perry T Stakes of Mar1bor~

ough avenue, spert Thanksglv111g Day


• • •

Mr d.ud Mrs '\.lfre(~ I IS her and th('lrfamIly spent the T lanh.sglVlI g recessWith Mrs F siler" SlstCI \1bS \fll1l1!CCrlp.ps, 111 '1er homL 1n 1'101wall 0ThI'i 15 all annual event £01 the Fisherfamily

• • •

By MARY JANE STOETZELMr and Mrs August Froehhlh of

Pembel tOil roaa announce the engagement of then daughter \1arg1.ret Ehzabeth, to WIlham C Beaupre, J 1 501of Mr a'1d vhs vVl1ham Beaupre ofKerby road Grosse POinte The wedd111g\\111 take place Jl1 the eally summer

GENTLEMENWatche.AlrguldcsDesk clock.Renaon bghter.Evan. bghteraCigarette cue.Ash traysK.ey caseaWalletsMlbtary DetaTravel setaCameo and

SIgnet ring.SWAnk setsIdentificatIon


MARKET15225 Kercheval Ave.

at Beaconafield

We DeJiver

All Steak 21cHamburger, lb.........

Fresh Ham'J 25c* or whole, lb •••• 'M

RUSSELLCURTAIN CLEANERS]4727 Kercheval at A$hland

Lenox 8275

Electric Motor RepairDUNCAN & MacNICOI14927Charlevai]l at Waybllnl

Night., S.... •

T Z 11SO Holiday.u.' TR. 2.8001




_ .:.


Drapes CleanedIndIVidual, Exclusive Wor!.

The LIttle White Ohurch Arounnthe Corner Radnor aHnue (L111co111road) at Mack a\enue r I!. Sternpa<;tor 4425 Radnor l.venue TelephoneN la-gal a 3023

DlYme serVIce;, at 10 45 a mSunday school at 9 30 a mCatechetlcal Instructions Tl.esday at

4 and 7 p 1"1 Saturday a~ 9 30 a mChOlr rehealsal Wedncsday at , p In

Y P S mect111g Friday at 8 p mReI ear<;al fer the Sunday Sdhool

ChllSt nas serVlce~ Saturda) afternoon~at 2 and Sundays at 1 4S p 111

Used Te. In 2737 B. C.Tea drinkmg probahly startcd In

China about 2737 B C, and wasmtroduced mto I:..lfOpe early In theSlxk ("en"

Mt. Olive Lutheran


Complete repairaerTu:e onWatches.

Clock. andJewelry

CHILDRENBaby cup.a and setaIngersoll watchesMickey Moule

wo!Ltche$Lapel watchesPen &: pencil aebPo ..kef: knivesBirthstone rIng'

, 'I

Morle. deSIgned to please particular women wh>des toe latest authentic haIr at,.le-; from thf!world'. leading fashIon CE"nters


lnd Floor Punch Ie Jud.y Theatre Bldg NI. 37E'30lllvle Sislera' Grease POInte Repreaentatlve


LADIESBrooehe&CupsBracelebCharmsGold CroasesPearlsRlngsRosariesExeluslve CompactsWatchesWatch braceletsManicure SebLampIClocksSI1verw';re

suggests for

BulkSau.age, lb. •

Let: ofLamb, It.

o. Mulier'sLE.7786

_I ..



Guaranteed Singers3993 Nottingham Ave.

:r {1(' ,.1'<--1'1 ""iA J" \:Page two




~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We Cordially Invite You to See The New i_FordV.8_





13000E. Warren at DickersonLENOX 2353

~ iiIJ~

••~,•••__ ,~'__ ~__I__' '_'~ ' ~ ~,~, 'M'__ '_

Sound tra.vels Faster in }(,d

Sound travels 11,000feet per sec-ond m Ice-more than ten timesthe veloclty of sound through thealf _Popular Mechamr's



Page 3: ~~i I m~~~..o~~tlPoiutt }1ltuitmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935... · 2006. 7. 15. · m~~~..o~~tlPoiutt ~}1ltuitm Ir, Daughter-Dad Hike Funeral Services for


Rooms for Rent

Teacher of Piano

Neighbor"ood Club • NI. 4600Res. 37 Mapleton • NI. 0515

LIncoln Played HarmOllieaIt IS saId that Lmcoln often ear ..

rled a harmonIca m his pocket, onwh1 '" playE' - re-laxat ('''''

DRESSMAKINGAlterations • Coats Rehned

FRANCES ADAMS874 Nottingham Ave.

Murray 2315

FOR SALE-Doll house furnlshed"and chtld 5 lroOlng board and elec ..

tnc :rOl1 like new ~ lagara 1871

IOR :,ALE-Radlo electnc trait sandtypewnter 644 RIVard Blvd

Margaret Grant

The Harper Method ShopPhone TV 2.3378 Eot 1888'ShampOOing scalp treatmentmilteel, water .nd fingerwavlng,facial mauage, manJcurmg scalptreatments for men15319 E Jefferson at Notitngham

For Rent

w. Measure and Install

Damman HardwareHayes and Outer Drive



Storm Windows$1.19 and up

Superior Beauty Service"oPlilar Permanents at Popular Price.Featuring Famous Machlneleas Wave.Newest Fashions Fin ••t Method.Combining Quahty WIth Low Pnce.KORTE BEAUTY SHOPPE

14940 MACK at Wayburn NI 7171

rr=========~VIOLIN OUTFIT


Real value much higher17284 MACK

BUNG l\LOV.,r on Al er road I 5 roomsbath, attic garage pleasant corner,

cxcellrnt transportatlon vacant Dee22 Ad1.tlts and reference $4750 Box12 GrO'~se PQ1Ute Re\le"

-- -Q--- - -"-- _-..-I HELOISE LORENZOI Teacher of PianoI aloo

I Adult BeginnersPhone NI. 9846--,,---~-------,,-


ALL KINDS of c;ewmg and dressnlak ..1'1g by day m your home 2294 Park

er avenue


Work Wanted

FATHER and son workIng couple 2boys or 2 gIrls Prtvate famtly, bus

~ervlce at the door Rea.onable CallLepox 6137


BFLGIAN lady ~ants ",asl1111gs athome and day \"ork ~I 9876

RELI l\BLE woman wl11 care for chJ1..dren Phone l\tagara 9399

COLORFD COUPLE-A 1 references,buth'r housemcin chauffeur Call

Tyler 5 7035 from 7 to 10 a m or after5 p m

WORK Vi A'ilfhD - Woman w..nt,an) J...Jrd of day "ark reltable best

of refe1 ence Plaza 1611

Board and Room

-----------_.~I Review Liners


1 NUSUfi I dolls rare clock (gIrl InSWIng pend'Ulum) glass early rocker

sIguf'd TOY5to\e paperwelght Whitney, 160 F Gran-d Blvd

FA ~TY "ho adnured "hIte dog lRflont of Punch and Judy fheatre

several Vvecks 19o please <:On1mUDlcat."'Ita Tu,edo 2 1079.

COMFORTABLYfurnIShedroomWIthPl1vate famliv breakfast If de~lred

i37, Lakepoll1te Ave \furray 2992

GROSSE POI"TE ROOM WIth hIt.chen pnvIleges for cou,p1e WIth good

referen'Cc reasonable, 011 Nottmghamroad Leno}". 7241

J BEACOl\SrIELD near Kercheval-Pnvate home attraotIvely furnished;

gd.rage Phone NIagara 6762

GROSSE POINTE ROOM WIth kIt-chen prIVileges for couple With good

reference reasonJble on Nottmghamroad Lenox 7241

COMFOR1ABLh furmshed foom {orITan "'It 1 cook1l1g faClhtlcs If you

want to 90 Oak street Grosse PomteFarms


and enjoy

3144 Chalm"'rs at Mack





TV 22788Under supervl5lon of MISS Leonxe, wt IIknown beanbclan operating on the

East Side since 1924


Shadow graphs - SilhouettesDutch T.le - Gypsy and Fool


PRICESGrosse Pointe Motor & B.ke ShopJ423 Lakepolnte NI 9478

A C Verbrugg('

SEE THEMat the

WARREN STUDIO16711 E. Warren at Yorkshire

Phone Tuxedo 2.2540



First Stamps for an ExpositionThe first eXposltIOn In thIS country

honored WIth a senes of stamps wastht' ColumbIan F'x""n~;tIon m lRg3


WIll be parents day 111 he parIsh andany boy or gIrl brl11gmg hIS or herfather or mother to e1ther serV1ce orboth wlll be honored on the honor rollThe tl11rd Issue C'f the parIsh paperThe Grosse POInte Ch1mes' WIll be

dlstnbutedAll members of t le Sunday School

and congregatlO 1 all fooner memberstheIr 1ne lds and the publlc are cor ..dally l11\lted to atterd th1S celebrattonA bnef rcport Will be read of tl e pasttwo years Come and rejOIce ¥-lth us

....... Jo::>V ....... -.----.------~ .-



Miniature Reproductionsof Outstandmg





This Special Is Good Unbl Saturday, December 4For Prompt and Perfect


In connection With

10403 Harper

Steel, for permanencyPicket, for beautyWire. for economy

Materiels or erectionClothes Line Posts, Steel or Wood, Permanent or remllvabl.MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. Slre~~; J}?O\1 - 979 Lak,polllte

ESlabhsbed 1909 Plaza 2850 rOR RE\TT-Comfortab-le front room,l1lce1y furl1lshed Fam1ly of 3 adults__________ =====1 ~ear ]effersol bus Call "'\Tlagara 9565.




IMPERIALCleaners &DyersMa".kat Nottingham TU. 2.3000

$5 or C'roqutgnolePf'rmanpnt for onIy

Fox Crpek Barber Shop14114 E. Jefferson Ave,

At MSnlstlque Lenox 1474Open Thurs and Fn EvenIngs

for the past thIrty-four years attract-ing the outstandmg youth of the ~tate

The questlOns WhlCh t~ese J'oungleaders discussed were as follows

1 Problems of Young Cttlzens 111

school and commu11lty hfe - deabngWlth delll1quency alcohol stealll1geheatmg and other problems

2 Yot.ng CIt zens and the \\orld s tuatlOn I war hkely fOl us? \\' hat ISreally happenll1g 10 Ch1Oa? \\ hatabout developments In Germany ItalyRuss1a? \\that about so called YouthMovements?

.3 Why Jobs are hard to get andkeep What have young people to lookforward to \ oC<ltlOnally? \iVhy d.le somany young people perplexed aboutthe1r hfe work ~

LENOX 1414LOUIse Mtllt, Manager

Grosse Pointe LutheranChurch

Where Do We Go From Here?w111be the subject of the anl1lVeIsaQsermon at the Grosse POl11te Lu heranChurch worshIp ng 111 the RIchardSchool audltonum Ketcheval avenueand M-eK1I1ley road St nday mormngDecember 5 at 11 0 clock preached bythe Rev M Luther Canup D D pastor In a spechtl serV1Ce 111 WhICh thecongregatlon w111celebrate the secondanl1lversary of the first c:.erV1ceheld 111

1935A speCial session or the Sunday

School Will be held at 9 45 o'clock WIthan outSIde speaker addressmg theschool

Dr ALbert E Vossler 246 \fernweather, WIll gn e a vlOhn number atboth the Sunday School rour and atthe 11 o'clock serVIces He WIll playYe \Vho Ha"e Learned Alone' by

TschaJkowsky, and 'MedltatlOn fromThaIS' by \1:assanet Dr Vossler willhave Mrs Vossler as h1S accompamst

MISS Dorothy Tweedel, from DetrOitWill glve two vocal numbers smgmgalso at the Sunday School celebrat10nand at the preachmg hour M1SSTweedIe \\111smg 0 DIVl11eRedeemer' byGounod and I SPlrlt of God" by N eldhnger

At bo h serVIces Sundd-y mornrngthere WIll be the annual rQll call It



17151 KERCHEVAL, at Neff RoadEstabhshed In Grosse POinte SInce 1931



SERVICE AND REPAIRS1473. Mack at A.bland NI .701

SIX Thanksgwtng baskets were gtvenby pupIls of the LewiS E Matre sohoolto needy famd1es 10 the sohoO'I dtstrIct

Canned goods, frUlts, and vegetableswere contnbuted by the pupIls, whIleOlle mother furOlshed a cil1cken foreOich of the baskets whlch were gtvenas ThanksgIvmg gtfts

A four per cent 1l1<:rease 111 clrculahon of books by the Grosse Pomtepubllc ltbrary durlllg the month ofOctober IS reported by MISS FlOrenceSevers, hbrartan Th1s 1l1crease lS 0" erthe cIrculatIOn of the saMe month ayear ago

Grosse Pomte also has an mcrease of12 per cent 111 the number of regtstet edhorro,", ers as compared wlth a year agoaccordlng' to M1SS Severs The great-est Increase 15 111 th.e Clt) of Gro.!>sePomte w!-Jere 20 per cent more peoplehave tel.ken out hbrary card 111 the pastpeal

A total of 14636 books wet e Clrcu.lated In October d.mong the 8450 reg-Istered borrowers of books from thepubhc ltbrartes of Grosse PQlllte

A teul lon dmner for all preset t andalumnI members of the staff of theTO'lver Grosse Pomte HIgh School'sstudent newspaper, 15be1l1g planned forTuesday even1l1g December 21, at 6o cIock In the h1gh sehool cafetena

Thomas Groehn June '32, WIll p.r-e."Ide over the progralTt WhICh WIll con.SISt ch1efly of mformal news reportsof the present \\ hereabouts and actlvi.ties of the alumnt ';Dhe part~ WIll beguests of the athlotlc department atthe R~al Oak Gl'losse Pomte basket.ball game follow1l1lg''the pr-og'ram

Plates WIll be 75 cents each Reser-vations should be phoned or mailed toMISS DorIS TfJott, Tower adViser, atth<ohIgh school

Flora KIes, Jean Teague, LeonardGordan, and Bettle SullIvan are serv~I11,g'wlth Thomas Groehn on the com.m1ttee In cha,rge of arrangements

Mrs Carewe-Glona LunleyNuro,e-Marllyn ThomasArthur Carewe-Gordon LlchtwardDon Carewe-vValhs ThompsonMald-Alberta FalrbanksAnn Martm Seaetary-Lllhan Le-ckeThe club IS under the dIrectIon of

Mrs :eleanor E1pperThe 7A and 8B dramatIC club of

rrombly school whIch has not beennamed as yet WIll present Too MuchStatic by Ilsti P RIchardson

The cast mc1udesTeddy Davldson-M McRae 7AM" ary Ralston-Mary Ellen Gallarno

71;Ja-ck Davld,c,on-Calv111 Vogt 7ABetty Davidson-Roxannf" Rupp, 7AAllen Davldsol1-J Lamb 7ASarah Da\ ldson-Sh1rley Sickels 8BThe club IS under the sponsorshlp of


Enrollment In the GrO'srsc POlfltepublic schools has Increased 42 nercent or 171 students Slllce a year agofhere are now 4143 pupIb 111 the ele-mentary and JUnIor and senlOr- hIg'bschools

The greatest gam IS In the semorhIgh school WhICh has Increased 75students or 92 per cent

In the elementaty sooools Kerby reports a galO of 36 students Mason 30students and Matre 39 students Deferand Trombly sdhool enrollments showa decrease frotn over a year ago

Hannan "Y" NewsEleven older boys from Southeastern

Deir01t attended the MIchIgan StateOlder Boys Conference held 111 Battle'Creek hovember 27 and 28

The~e conferences are sponsored bythe Y M C A and have been held

Fashwn-s In archItecture dO\Vt1 theyears were descnbed by ProfessorEmlle Lorch of the Umverslty of Mich.Igan speakmg \!onday evemng, No-vember 22 to the parent groups ofGrosse Pomte Hlgh School

ApprOXimately 300 people eonstltuted the audience, WhiCh heard severalnumbers by the newly organized ACa.pella OhOlr of the hIgh school andadjourned for refreshments after Pro~fessor I o1"chs Illustrated lecture

Begummg With the slmtple bUIldingsof hIstone Fort Pontc41artra1l1, Profes ..sor Lorch traced the changes In archt.teetural styles whIch Detrolt and MIch~

lIgan have \\1tnessed The early colomalhouses were followed by a modIfie'Cicolometl ~tyle know as the GeorgIanThen came the claSSical reVIval mtro.duced mto thIS country by ThomasJefferson, Profe-ssor Lorci1 said Heshowed slides of both gQ<X\ and badexamples of bUIldmgs of thIS penooV'OICll1gstrong regrets that many of thegood examples ha\e been destro)'ed

The GothlC pertod and the RIchard~on era both brought good butld1l1gsand fantastt-e ones to the CIty anda.gam Professor Lor<:h tllustrated thedifference WIth photographs of DetrOit

Ihomes, churches and busm,ess bUIldmgsThroughout hiS address two pOints

were emphaQlzed by the speaker thatthe fine bmldmgs of the past shouldbe preserved <lnd recogmzed as theyare In New England and second thatthe arcillltecture of the future WIll goon to somethmg ne~ rather than re-turn to old styles

Professor Lorch gave lughest praIseto the plannmg whIch p eserved theWoodwa"d dvenue churches m the re-cent street wrdemng He t.aged therestoratIOn and preservatIOn of otherold Detro1t buddmgs warnmg that thetendecy of the past has been to destroybeauty to make way for new fads ofdublOtlS taste



pint 29c


C. O. Do'sCharge Acct's.

• 2 pkgs.25c

Michigan Mild

Neighborhood ClubActivities

•3 Barberi to Ser-ve You

Xervac Hair Treatments15005 Kercheval at Waybum

lhe Juntor dramatIc clubs of theDefer Trombly "'annexes of the GrossePomte High school Will pre:)ent twoplays at Defer school Fnday December 10

The Curt..l1l1 Time Club a 7B dramattc club wil present HobbyHorses by John KIrkpatrick Thecast for thc pe1'formance 1Sas follows

WIlham Carewe-Lloyd Ely

Fenc111g 1S the mam attractIOn forthe Cadettes at the present season

All "enlOr glrlS gymnasIUm c1as~esar~ getting red.dy for the FederatIonof Settlements volley ball tournament

FrIday nIght December 3rd there ISto be a Woohvorth Dance at the l\eIgh-borhood Club AdrrlSSlOll IS only 10cents Come on over and enJoy aneVel1allg of danclOg


The Boy Scouts dehvcI ed all theCommunity Fund posters throughoutour commu111ty

The Photography class IS meet1l1g onThursday evenlllg,c, as well as Fndayevenmgs now

Call Grosse Pointe Printing Co.,Lenox 1162, for Job Printing.

Grosse Pointe HighSchool Note.

Complexion Cloth Free


Palmolive ToiletS()~()


Clean QuickSoap Flakes




$1.15 doz.

Ground Fresh


lb. 39c




39clb. 39c






Salad Dres~_.n_g_. _qu_art_2_9_c


Ripe Olives

Philadelphia Cream





Spiced Ham. 12.oz 3 for 99c

Chick~n A La King c:an29c






• •


Blue Ribbon

See Usfor



15417 Mack at Beaco'1sfidd


Finest Selection in Detroit40 Styles to Select From

Deposit will hold tIll Xmas

Jakimec Beauty SalonLENOX 9230

999 Bearon&field cor E Jefferson


I3UY A Like ~ew




Plymouth Pd Coupe 1933 Ford Club Coupe 1937Olds 4 dr tmnk, 1936 Packard 120, 4 Dr Tr 1936

Also 1937 OffiCIals' Cars


Packard Grosse Pointe Branch15205E. Jefferson LE.7900

Lovely women keep lovely with the fW!

of skilled beauttclans Fln~st moder'ltequipment, newest haJr fashions Our'beauty arttsts are at your terVlce

10 Phones5 Trucks

Fruits and VegetablesBaldwin Cooking

~pplespeck 29c

Fancy Head

Head 9C



Beans lb. IOc






N1!c 2 '"lSc 2~~.









J,\ULl""~IJ;!t;yi\:;l ...,J;fJ,.., .......tVl,.J... "" ...., -l-./' (,.


Page 4: ~~i I m~~~..o~~tlPoiutt }1ltuitmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935... · 2006. 7. 15. · m~~~..o~~tlPoiutt ~}1ltuitm Ir, Daughter-Dad Hike Funeral Services for

Red Cross Replaces FarnlFamily Losses

The Red Cross gave agriculturalrehabi11tatlon to 10,116 farm tamtUes folloWlnfi1;the severe eastern1100dsat las w inter Types at aidincluded feed seed. livestock, farmtools and machinery and other item!essential to agrlcultJral producthity. More than $599 000 was elpanded by the orgamzatIon to meetthese requirements.

In addlUon to occupational atsistance, rural tammes hard hit bythe flood waters were rescuedclothed, fed and sheltered bY theRed Cross Where it was ne-cessal'1the Red Cross repaIred and reobunt out buildings, barns and otherstructbres MedIcal and nursingcare were provided and homes refurnished

Red Cross agricultural rehabiUtation benefited nearly three times al imany families as receIved all othertypes of Red Cross occupational reo ~babilltatlou combined. !

~L-'-b-o-r-'.-a-dv-o-C-a-C-y"'o-f-th-e-R-e-d-c-r-o.." r';program Is attested by recent stat ..ments from William Green, presidentof the American Federation ot Laborand John L Lewis, president 01' theUnited Mine Workers ot America

"Red Cross aims and purposes arahighly commendable and deserving ofthe support of all classes of peopler "-said Mr Gree.1. f

liThe actiVItIes and serVice of the [American Red (,'rOS8satisfy a great lneed of the people, and 1 strongly urge rthat it receive the unqualified supportof all during its annual Roll Call fol"members "_M_r_L_e_W_I_a_S_a_Id._ !


Aid Given 1,062,000 PersonsThrough Set-Up

by Agency

The elasticity and scope of Red Cro••disaster work Is showu in a recent ra--port on Red Cross reuet measUres dur-ing the unparalleled Ohio MississippiValley flood of this year.

At the height of the emergency RedCross reuef offl.ceswere estabhshed in182inundated counties and in 148coun..ties where refugees were cared for, thereport stated. Eight regional head..quarters omces controlled the 328coun..ty offices, and were in turn supervisedby the National Red Cross in Washing..ton, D C.

A stb.tistical summary of personsaided by the organization indicateathat the floods constltuted the greatestpeace time emergency ev-er faced by Ithe nation The Red Cross gave some Iform of assistance to 1,062.000 men, wo-men and chlldren From January toAugust hundred~ at trained workers ~helped by thousands of volunteers ad.. rmiuistered to the sufferers. ~

A Red Cross rescue lleet of 5400 rboats was organized, according to the rreport. Emerge:ucy hospitals estabo

~:~~~;~t~~ed11;~~a::t~~O~nn~::: ::: L1000 refugee centers the victims of rthe 1100dwere sheltered, clothed an~fed Through the Red Cross medical..health program and the work 01' pubUchealth agencies SIckness was kept to ~normal for the time of year in '\U Iinundated areas

Because 01' its disaster experiencallthe Red Cross was directed by thePresident or the United States, who is)also president of the Red Cross, to c0-ordinate the effort of all federal floo4reUet groups. i" Government and RedCross omcials met daily at the RedCross headquarters buIlding in Wash.. tington to plan relief measures and p.... 1vent duplication of effort. (

"We Were fortunate in having 5. ryears of disaster relief experience to ~call upon in meeting the emergency."~~IAdmiral Gary T Grayson, chairman of'he Red Cross, said. f

It was found that 97,000 tamlUescomposed 01' 436000 persons had to fhave their resources sup.ulemented or- ran entirely new start prOVidedby the IRed Cross the report stated, Red Oro.a j

emergency and rphabiJItatiOP. assist- tAn~e was as tollows r~scue, traDl- ~portation and ahelter tor 62000 tam..illes rood, clothint and other maint..nance for 193 000 famIlies, bUIlding andrepair for 27,000 fa.milies, householdgoods for 90,000 tamIlles: medical. fnursing and sanitation r.elp for 15,00.fam1l1es; agrICUltural rehabtlitaUon for10.000fammes; other occupation~1 alll tfor 3.000 famille. and other types ~rellef for 4.000 famme ••

"Credit for this largest peace-timerellef operation in the history of the ~natton must go to the American people Iwho contributeo a Red CroBs reIretfund of more than $25,000 000," AdmiralGrayson said. f

During the year the Red Cross gar.aid to the victims ot 105 other dl.. Iasters in 36 states, Alaska. and tbeDlstrict of Columbia. The Red Crols ",.:financed the majority of these relief ~Ioperations from money contributedthrrJugh membershIps during the 81-nual Roll Can last November, since itls fonly in case of large scale dlsasteJ8that a national drive for reUef funds Is Imade

This year the Roll Call Is from N... tv.mber 11th to the 35th. The Red Crolll 'IIseeks a greater membership to meltits dIsaster r$l1e1 and other servhaoblIgations during 1938 r

Last year Red Cross Chapters ga.l. rntal help to 120,000 needy tam1Ues \

~\" """~\

Thursday, Decembei Z,

January Floods RevealStrength of Red Cross

No For'\.. ...... ~HEgyptA large va.Llety of trees grow

throughout Egypt, esl1e~lal1y alongthe Nile, out nowher'!. Is there aforest •

F.... Jol> PrI"ti". of tll. BeitoI' ~ I

caD Th. Rnio1". L.lloa 1I1L



Hen spectacles are really forchIckens and they make the fowls aswise as they look. This edueatedhen IS wearmg the new specs WhIChare made of metal and Instead ofimprovmg the chIcken's eyesight,they prOVIdea blInd spot, which ptevents bulhes In the flock from pIckIng feathers from the more timid.


Mercedes Angen of San Franclseohad two teeth when she was bornand now that she's two weeks oldthey've grown to qUIte some. huskymolars, as tlus pIcture shows. Andshe takes the dentistst suggestlons,about usmg .. toothbrush,


Harry L. Hoplnns, WPA admmlstrator, as he addressed the recentmayors' conference at BostoD, MascoHis snbject was "The National Program.'" Mayors from leadIng citle ...throughont the UUlted States wertIn attendance Their verdIct wa"that the rebef burden In big clbet

would be IUcreasqd Eather than lowered thIS wmter.

, ~~

John Holmes, who started WIthSWIft & Company as a messengerboy 31 years ago and became prestdent of the company recently. Hesucceeded G. F. SWIft, a son of thefounder of the business, as exec'lltlve head of an orgamzatIon of 60,000employees engaged lD the dressingof lIve stock and natIonWIde dIstrl

'butlon of meat, poultry, eggs, butter, cheese and by~prod.ucts. MrSwift wIll contmue active participation In the busmess as VIce challman of the board of dIrectors.


A, B, C, D Quads Have Birthday

These quadruplets, sons of Mr. and Mrs. PhIlIp PerrIcone of Beau-mont, Texas, were labeled A, H, C and D by the physIcIan who attendedtheir birth eight years ago Their parents promptly named them An.thony, Bernard, Carl aud Donald (left to light). Here they are WIththeir last bIrthday cake.

WhIle a town crier stands by to announce the result, a police sergea.ntis shown weIghmg the new mayor of High Wycombe, England, A. J.GlObs, in accordance with an ancient custom of the town. ThIS is partof the traditional mstallatIon ceremony,

It's Popular at Northwestern

Here's Safe Way to Jaywalk

Martha Towle (left), and Helen Sethness, Northwestern uDlversItycoeds, battle III the crIsp wmter aIr. FIeld hockey IS one of the mostpopular femmme sports on the Evanston campus. MISS Towle has justhit the puek from under the stick of MISS Setlutess dnring an intra.mural eootest. il

His Honor Weighed in the Balance

Jaywalkers on the public square in Cleveland were polItely remIndedby polIce that uSIllg a red flag placed there for their ca-nvenlence "might"help them In darting across the streets when the traffic lIghts wereagaIllst them It was all part of a traffic safety campaign to reduce thenumber of motor fatalItIes that have been mountmg rapldly.


Current Newsthe•Inand Persons

Happenings of the Nation Told.:::Jcenes


l-Senonta Anita Lizana, temperampotal Chilean, becomes second foreigner to WID United states wpmen'snational tennis champIOnshIp in Forest HIlls (N. Y) meet. 2-Desperatc to save ShanghaI, the Chinese Cen.tral government hashly ordered milItary trainmg for women, who are fighting the Japanese shoulder toshoulder wIth the men; some have already heen kIlled in actIOn 3-Tmy Nancy Felio, youngest Americanrefugee fr" 1 the war In the Far East, as she landed in Seattle, safe and sound.

Civilization l\iarches On in Europe

I-George HarrIson, left, chairman of the American FederatIon of Labor comnllttee, Philip Murray, center,.and DavId Dubmsky, rIght, leaders of the C. I. 0, shown as they gathered for a conference m Washington,.D. C., the object of WhICh was to reumte the groups 2-Gen. FrancIsco Franco, leader of Spam's msurgentfor-ees, smIles as he learns of the fall of Gljon, last of the AsturIan strongholds. 3-Bmg Crosby, radio andIcreen star, bemg gIven the honorary degree of Ph. D. m musIc at hIs alma mater, Gonzaga UDIversIty, Sp.-kane, Wash., by Mgr. John Condon.

Mark Anniversary of Nazi "Beer Putsch"

1 ~-:< .;-\t ~;>'

t*\ '< ~~ ~'\f:~:,~,,- "> ~

f~/ ~....>>>.'%,} ",,"- .;,,

Flanked by pIllars of the NaZI party, Realmleader Adolf HItler Is pletured as he took part 1U the annualeelehratlon at Mum ...h, Germany, that marks the antllversary of the famous -'beer cellar putsch" in 1923 thai,waSi.ille, liegjnl1ing of HItler's rise to power, J

Berlln.-With war becommg more and more Imminent In Enrope, Germany hastens to proteet her youthfl'on1 the most horrible of modern weapons-gas. As pictured here, officials oversee the dIstribution of gasmasks, making sure they fit properly before the youngsters are aUowed to take them home at 2~ 111"ksiabout ~nthe eopy,

Scenes and Persons in the Current News



Page 5: ~~i I m~~~..o~~tlPoiutt }1ltuitmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935... · 2006. 7. 15. · m~~~..o~~tlPoiutt ~}1ltuitm Ir, Daughter-Dad Hike Funeral Services for



Rofreohes Wurn Carmenb

FJrSt English Turnjlik. AlltThe first turnplke act, permlt-

tll'lg a prIvate company to constructa road snd chsrge the publlc for itsuse, was passed In England In 1663.

Mammoths Preserved in leeMammoths are occaSIonally dI!-

covered m SlberIa perfectly pre..served m the lee for 10 000 year ••

Call Gro .. e Pointe Printing Co.,Lenox 1162. for Job Printing.




Restores Life to Fabtlca


Windmill PointeCleaners--Tailors

----..Art Window and House

Cleaning Co.I \Valls rIoors

Cellmgs Scruhbed\\ ood \ork a 1dI Kalsoml11e Waxed\\ allpaper by Machme

Grosse Pointe District

W••• llf •••• d LlI=n()x -:.()~()Deliver-Phone L J ~

All Garments Insured Agalnlt Fire ancl Theft

14931 Jefferson Ave. 1.~:gi

BROUKE'S MARKET17898Mack at Washington Rd.

J'.jl"xt Dool::'to Smith'. Store

Thursday, December 9thW,th a Full Line of Fresh Meats, Fresh FIsh

and Fancy Baked Goods

Mosqulto.s Breed In TreesOf the 1 289 br.edmg places of on.

species of mosqUIto found m SlelraLeone d~trlCt, 749 were In holeI' oftrees


I MIRRORS FOR GlrTS-GIa.s Tops Protects FurnitureLeadpd Art Gla .. RepaIred - Glass for All Purposes

DIAMOND ART GLASS STUDIO87ZS Kercheval at Fischer LE. 7930


Boost Your





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The Grosse Pointe Printing Co.15121 Kercheval Ave. LEnox 1162

C7ift~Ice Skate••Hockey,Hard toe

Hardware • Sporting Good.12888 E. Jefferson

at EmersonLENOX 9309

Sku"Lurd make,7 ft, pan'

Toboggans67and8ft,pet' ft

For Jo& Prlnbng .f tile Better KIndcall The Review. Lenox 1182.

pnvate Industry In an enVlrOl1ment that the ongm or Cassld) CampIS at Ol1ce healthful and f ee flam thedlstractmg mfluence of it great manylow mcome homes

The boy C'ampers must be bet\', een19 and 2J years of age and come fromlow l11come homes fhey are employeclapproXImately 56 hours per month bythe 1\ahonal Palk ServIce at $1792per month Out of thiS money the boys What \'1 e Believepay their oV,n carrp fee v,hlch amount.. "What we believe," saId HI Ho,to between $1200 and $1400 per month I the sage of Chmato\Vt1 'shows oneClasses range from hIgh school and of two thtngs, our WIsdom or our('ollege suI Jects to such practll.aJ credulItv'courses as plumbmg cement mlXll1R...tone maSOnf) accountmg sUfvey111gcarpentry electncty and others StudyIS flot compulsory but It 1S advIsedand as ea(,,11 llH.lW1Clualmay study \\hatIS most sUlted to hIS needs e\ ery boydoes el roll 111 some class

The Courcli members had dl11ner 111~he boy s mess l1all foUowlr g the camp111SpectlOl1 They were addl essed byDr l\fa .....'.f Peet Pro!,ossol of Surgeryat the Un \ erslty of Mlch1gan whotalked on th(' recent advances made 10

the cure and preHntlOn of InfantileParalysI~ and ga...e a short hIstory of


Camp Fire Girls

to reveal a rehable source ThiS fa.ctIS mentIOned because It might serveto lllu<:'.trate how universally mar a"kno"ledges that all else IS useless to onewho s not well 1be world IS forthol>e wro have health Illness IS('alamlty

The publtc mterest In mamtauunghealth generally IS e}\.pressed In thevork of health departments In Mll.hlgan "'here the interest 111 llealth runs1 goh health llepar~ments functlon at andfechve lewl The peQple of \llchl~an It' COUllnOn With most states ofour land nevertheless have developed asafeguard to heIr health the bem.ficlent potential Q( whIch 1 as only eC'ently begun ~o emerge That saft-guard 1S the "oluntary health agencyoutstandmg example of whIch In thISnat on IS the Mlchlgan TuberculOSISASSOtClatwn Perhaps that a.ssoclatlon\\ III be more readlly Identified as thecgency which each December 15 suppor ed by voluntary tax through thetubercl1losls Chnstmas seal sale Thegre.it strength whKh thIS v-oluntary<;oclet} of 11lclllgan men and "omenrepresents IS 111 Its complete freedomfrom pohtlcdl obhgatlon It labors asa sC1entlfic body In behalf of pubhcwell belflg uninfluenced by the pres<;ure group~ that nde tax supporteda~encles 1\0 pub he health department'I f ee of thest forces State un~ver

~tles and colleges, hlgh"l1111dedas theyare cannot escaope LIke an eVIl lodethe)e grOl1pl>bend the bearmg of honestefforts out of Its true cour<;e

for eX1mple In the fir~t decade ofthIS century medIcal leaders on theLlCUlty of the unn erslty medtcal schoolasked that a tuberculo~lS samtOrlumbe hmlt 111 Ann Arbor The dtsease11 ght then be more closely studdedand medIcal student 'I mIght be tramedIn figl1tmg that dlfllcult and deadlymalcld) 1Jhc unn erslty d d not gettoe sanatorium Pressure groups kitled It 1wenty }ears later thIS proposal \\a~ reVl\ eo by the tuberculOSISassocIation ,\ 111chbad come mto e:>.IStence 111 the meantlme Prel>sure groupsagam tued to kIll Jt A govefl1or ve ..oed tM measure Untverslty faculty

membcls did not dare object fOl fearof politIcal Iepnsals agaInst unIverSItylpproprratlons But the tuberculOSISaSSOCIatIon members none of whom1eccived any pay, pushed on undauntedThe uUlverslty hO~Pltdl dId get ItstuberculOSIS sectton-today a mecca for'lClel1tIsts 111 thiS field

l\orthern \{lcmgan needed a tuber-CUl-oS15sanatorIUm PolItICIans played1)ohtlca. horse Ylhlle children SIckenedand dIed for lack of care AnothelgOHfllor vetoed the appropnatlOllmeasure Aga111memben of the MiChlgan 1uberculos,ls AssoclatJon elnelgedas comp eiely unafraId al d soan thene", \01thern Mldlugan SanatonumWIll be open

fhe tJbetculos1s assoclattons standout, over tile natIon, as examp es ofpnvate effort l1nbo\"ed by the politicalvoke Taev are lIl,upported by the"'OlUl1tU}J small gIfts of tens of thou~sands of people Thetr work IS tocal ry on where other health agencles(all or do 110t penetrate There 15 noKnown ~a) for Cltl.zens to buy a largerdollar S ,",orth of health lIlervlce thancan be had 1'or bu) mg tuberculOSISChrIstmas ~eals T'they serve human-kmd 111 honest) and untrammeled free-dom In them the Amencan peoplehave cre"lted an 111Stltutlo-n nearest tothe ldeal of Amencan democracy

GoodfellowDolls must b. dr.... dand returned to the Camp FIre offIceby Fnday, 1\ovember lith A numoerof dolls have already been b'"rooght 111

and are on eXlll1bltIn the offIce CampFIre GIrls cooperate each year wlththe GoodtellO¥ls 1n thCllf Chnstmasdoll project

Camp }< Ire GIrlS are eagerly 1ookl11gfom ard to the Christmas hohdaysSeveral aU CIty actn.lbes have beenschedUled for thIS penod A splashparty at the "Vomens' CIty Club forBlue Blrds,-the annual ChnstmasBreakfastl wtlm:h Will be open to e\ eryregIstered Camp FIre Gul,-and a weekof WInter campIng at Camp Wathana,the ofttclal Camp of the DetrOIt Councilof Camp F1re Gtrlsl th1S Will be openonly to gIrls who have been Selllorcampers at Camp \Vathana A numberof 'troups ate makIng plans for ChrIst-malt: caroung and fillIng Chrlstmac;baskets as one o-f theIr' Give ServiteprOlects for the year

Do your Ohn~tmas s.hoppmg at theCamp nre offIce I Camp FIre eqUip-ment, of all kmds makes a.pproprla,teg1fts for any Camp FIre GIrl or BlueB,,'<1

Boys Camp Availableto Local Youths


Frank Dewey Interestedin Aviation

eontrad With the New yO! k Amencanilnd the Kmg Features Syndlc ..te townte the eholly Knickerbocker column Arter graduatmg fl"Om the U111~versity of Pennsylva111a he \"aslaunched ImmedIately mto the souetyend of a journahstlc career first onthe old Phlladelphla TImes and lateron the 1\ew York Press When thePress was consohdated w1th ne mornmg Sun he lomed 1. brokerage firmbut \\ rote pI> a sldelme the socIetycolumn for The Mall

TIckets for Maury Paul are no\\ onsale at Grmnell s MUSICStore DetrOlt$110 and $165 mc1udll1g tax

Tuberculosis FightProduces Results

1\ews9apers have pla)ed an Important part in the tuberculOSIS movement1n thts country ana thelr contll'1ued effotts m edt catmg the pubhc m thepreventIon of the dl'lea~e rank as anoutstandmg pubhc service accordmgto TheodlQre J VverIe executlve seereatry of the \1:lchlgan TuberculOSIS AssoclatlOn Mr \\ erle <;il.1dthIS \\eel..that the excellent c..ooperahon Mh..hlgal1nevI spapers have g1Ven to the Assonahon has stIrred people to contmuedeffort In the age old battle against thtdisease

'Throughout thIrty years of l.OmDatagaml>t tuberculOSIS, Ghllstmas sealfinanced a'CtlvltIes ha\ e been suopportea<:.taunchly by newspaper'" he declaredthereby aIding III no small measure

the health educatlOll program of theMlcmgan TuberculOSIS Assoclat1on

• Prevention s still the baSIC achv1tyof the '\SSocutIon::. Chnstmas sealfinanced program conducted the :)'ealaround for the control of tuberculOSIS1 he d sease contlmes to be a s,efl()lusthreat to 1Itc1lgan 'Ives Mr \Verl~exp.lal11ed S1l1ce 1907 \"hen the M1Ch19an 1uberculosis AssoclatIort beganIts orgal1lzed fight agalllst the dlseO' ethe state death rate from tuberculOSIShas decreased mQre toan fifty per cellthe p011lted out Tlus progress has beenmade pOSSIble largely through Chrlst~lnas seal funds and !he cooperatIon ofthe press Both factors \'nIl play anltnp01 tant part 111 that half (If the battlethat remain:/> ahead

'vvlth Mldllgan people agaIn hUYlngand US1l1gtuber'Cu'osiS ChrIstmas sealsWIth neVIspapers contInuing to publlsh111formJ.tIve articles on tu'berculosl<:'.'\Ir 'VI erle saId (the anti tuberculOSISprogram of the MlOhlgan TuberculOSiS!\ssoclatlOl1 can be pushed forward ra.pIdly In 1938 'I

Christmas Treesin Highway Barred

ChriStmas trees won't srprO'UtIn them1ddle of trunkhne street, and hIghways thts year

Murray D Van \Vagoner state 111ghway COOuU1ssioner, thIS week directedaSSl<;tant ma ntenance engmeers to barmch clocorattons together WIth speClalllghtmg effects over the truThkhnes

The order does no~apply to decorahon-s on bght polesl trees at the Sideof the road or street and SImIlar Chflst.mas effects ThIS IS the fIrst 3- ear thatoverhead hghts WIll be barred althoughtheIr l'se has been subject to prevIousrestr1cttons

Several 'Communttle-s have alreadiyasked the commlS'l10ner for permISSionto use O\erh-ead hgHmg and trees m~he mlddle of 4runkhne streets Theserequests have bee 1 dented

ThIS regulatIon IS not a ~afety regu.lahon prImarily, the eomml~Sloner saidThe malO reason for 1t IS to keep

traffiC moving 11l an orderly manneron trunkhm. streets durIng thb rushseason T\'Vo years ago- Chrlstma~ treesthat were permItted m tr.e m1ddle ofthe trunkhnes resulted 111 a great dealof traffiC confUSIOn The same thmgJ1a.ppened last year WIth overhead lightsIt 15 not In the best l11terests of motorl<;ts 01 busme~smen In the affectedcommumtIe:> to permIt such pra-ctlces I

The twenty fourth annual hIghwayconfelenl.e at the UnIverSIty of M1clll.gan Will be 1eld Feb 15-17, mc!uslveG D Kenne-dy d.eputy state hIgh", aylommlC:Sloner a.nd c:o'1ference programchcurman Ql'nounced I:h,s \\ eek

The anuu<l.l banquet wlh take placethe mght ot Feb 16 A speaker ofnatloral prOmlnei ce WIll be on theprogram Cooperatlng groups con~dUl.tlng the conference are t,he StateHtglhway Department, the U111verslty ofMIchIgan and the State ASSOCiatIOnofCountv Road CommISSIoners and En.~meen

The Boys '\01J... CouncIl of DetlOital.ceptlng the Invitaho-n of \Vtlltam FKinsey, \\layne Count) DIrector of the~atlonal 'Youth AdlnInlstrahon spentfhursday November 18 mspectmg theNY A s CaSSIdy Lake Camp School forBoys near (thelsea The councrlnembers wIll refer boys to the campGrosse Pomte bo) s may apply to LynnBartlett of Grosse Pomte HIg;h Schoolor to the NY A Sponsor .In theIr owrthIgh 'lchool~, or chrectl, to the NY AoffIce at 130 \Vest Larned

C;:assdy Camp whIch IS sponsoredl)y the 'Jahonal Youth Admll11strattoll,The NatIOnal Palk Serv1ce and the~otar) Clubs of \hchlgan IS an exptr1~

'Ther-e IS no \Haltn \\ Ithout health Iment In glv111g boys from low lUcomeSo long ago was thiS truth ad,now homes a chance to contmue thelrledged, that brlef hbtary research £&115Ieducatlons and prepare themselves for ~-------- ........... --..

FRANKLIN DEWEYYoung Frankhn De'" ey, son of Mr

and \{rs Frank H Dewey 21 RoslYllroad Grosse POll1te Shores bebeves 111

""'" spendmg aU hIS spare ttnle these dayslearnmg about the aVlahon bU~l1leSSStewardess Thelma We1d abo\-e ofAmencan Alrhnes ex.plams a pas'lenger manifest to hIm beSIde one of thehne s gIant sleeper transports Dewe)a graduate of Grosse POll1te HIghschool IS a master mecha11lc studen4at Curtiss Wnght Techml.al Instituteof Aeronautics on Gralld Central -\11Termmal, Glel dale Cauf I where thehuge planes arc based

and wherefores of soctal success andfaIlure, the story behmd bIg socialevents and other thmgs which do notget mto pnnt

Mr Paul, whose middle lnltlalsstand f.or Henry Biddle of the prom~ment Biddle family of PhtiadelphlJ. notonly hob'1obs with the haclal hons oftwo conhnents but through his svndI-cated column he 1'1 In a po:.lt1on tomake or break social clllnbers HISpersonality and career recently fur11 shed abundant material for two" ttyProfiles In the 1\ ew Yorl"er magaZll1e

He has a reputatIOn m ""ew York as ao;cmtlllat1l1g after dmner speal er

In 1932 \ir Paul signed a long term





Treatments In your home hy appointment2.~3Z60 5316 Devonshn-el D(ltl'Olt


MUSIcal Director Hugo RIchter Plano, Theory, Condt..cbngMargarlte Richter Vlchn. Theory

Inlitruchon hased upon scientific educahol"aI prmcIples17284 MACK - near Notre Dame

PLaza 202\


You are shep. light. It bnngspmg for a new '" you BETTERkitchen stove FLAVOR-theand you look at ~ delicious natu..two stoves, both P. _.J _I . A ral flavor ofthe same pnce. HAVE 2>~ TO meats and vege-One IS an ord!- ELECTRIC COOKING tabl.s cooked1nnary stove and thelrownJUIcesone 1S an electnc range It brlngs you healthfulWh,ch should you buy? WATERLESS COOKING.

Outwardly there lS httle Wlth preclOUS mmerals andd1fferencemappearance Both Importantfood values sealed ..stoves are attracttve, ooth are .ln It bnngs you moreabout the same Slze Appar- LEISURE-extra hou..-s ofently, there 1Sl1ttle to choose freedom away from thebetween them YET THERE kitchen And It brtngs you aIS A BIG D.1FFERENCE! bright, sparkl1ng k1tchen,

Electr1c cooking 1S the with less frequent need forre ..latest and most modern decoratlng, andpractlcally no

scourlng of cooktng utensllsmethod of cooking And to.. Remember these ADDEDday you can purchue an FEATURES when you goelectr c range for Just about shOPPing for a new stovethe same pflce you pay for an Remember that stoves mayordinary stove' An electric look alike, but you pay norange gwes you advantages more for a stove WJth theseyou obtam In no other stove. advantages than you do forIt bnngs you CLEANLINESS, onewJthoutthem Buy wIselyWIth pure heat from a glow- _ •• choose an ELECTRICingWlre-"heat asclean as sun.. range for your kItchen!

See the New ElectrIC Rangcs DH Display at Deportment Stores,EtectrwoJ Deaters and ot oil DetroIt EdISon Office,

Entirely rebuiltand recovered.Fine selection of mater",ls

Tel. TU

NIagara 7586

°Complete Line of Toys


$ljC)oliU IOtto H. Lange Co.

15114Kercheval Ave. LE. 7339

and Gifts for the Family

Maury :a B Paul who 15 betterknown as i Cholly Knickerbocker I In

ternatlonally known society reporterand columm:.t will make .rIS fir ...t andexclUSive Det"olt appearance Wednesday morn111g December 8 before theDetlOJt Town Hall audience tn uheFIsher Theater

Speakmg on 'How Sorlety makesand breaks Itself Mr Paul wlll takehIS audlence behmd the scenes wIththe SOcIety edItor reveahng the v. hys

J11lWfff;ty,LJecemoefZ. 1937---.!._--Society Reporter

Featured in TownHall Series Wed.

l.....-- --------------- -----.~~._~Il!mi'ii!ffi!I1ilJii!I1il1i'ffi1f~'iill"'



Page 6: ~~i I m~~~..o~~tlPoiutt }1ltuitmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935... · 2006. 7. 15. · m~~~..o~~tlPoiutt ~}1ltuitm Ir, Daughter-Dad Hike Funeral Services for






FIrst Dental Colleg.The first dental college was start-

,ed m Baltimore m 1839

Horticulturist toAppear at Institute

of Arts SundayHow would you hke to glOV. all the

vegetables and flow{rs you need In

~matl ta11k::. scarcely larger than abathtub?

Arthur C P1l1sbury, world famoushortlcultuns~ who appears at the De ..trOlt Institute of Arts, \Voodwan. atKirby next Sunday evenmg, Decel1lber5 at 8 30 WIll f.xplam and 'lhow 111

motIon pictures how two thou:oanJbushels of potatoes and $50000 worthof tOMatoes per <tcre I,.an 'lJe gl 0\\ nthrough the use of chemIcalS MrPIllsbury has gamed ll1ternatlonal famethrough h1s sod less cuI tlre HIS mo-hon plctureo; all Il1 natural color, Willre\eal step by step ~he oper'lt on of atank that wdl furmsh a fanl1ly of 'lve'x lth aU the vegetables and Gowen 1tcan tSE'

Sunday December 5, 1.t 3 30 .It" theLetrolt Instttute of Arts I an laml)~belt natural st and authol of ~..l.nl,.tu"ary I etters' and other bo;)1{&,Will gIvea notIon pI....ture lecture on 'Vlld Am ..mals of .he horth Wood'l' Throughthe medIUm of mot10n pictures \(rCelmpbe-ll Will take hIS .audlence I11tothe WIlds of hIS 2500 acre game sanc-tuary lo'Cated near Three Forks, WISHe WIll sho",.\,all types of m1dwest Wildamnals 111 theIr native habIt<it

Both lectures are under 111"auspIce:;;of the World Adventure Senes of theDetrOIt Instttute of Arts

At," ........ , ~ ."''''A''''J• G. M$d,...- 1; 4i. b Z4 ........- .. 1.4


at your service every day and eveninguntil Christmas

Liberal Trade-In Allowance


Jeweler • Optometrist • Optician14400Charlevoix

L'i't Forster's Be Your Headquartersfor Santa Claus'

Diamond Mountings. Birthstone Rings

ValuesIn Jewelry HistoryYou wouldn't think of keeping your car for 20 years •WHY NOT TRADE.IN your old watch or other jewelry onnew, modern jewelry.



Clocks, WatchesDiamonds


TROOP 85Th1s week membel s ot Troop 85 al e

learnmg some Chn,tmas carols 1ndmaklllg Chnstmas presents They are

IThe Warren Studio I16711 E. Warren at Yorkshire Road ,I ----- Phone Tl1xedo 2.2540 I




"'" """ ""t'\'t',f:l!i"*4~""TiT ...,p-'l~

Thursday, Decemher\2. 193, m--;;-=============;;;;;;=;;;;;;=;;;;.---------< . 11

January 21-Hawallan All Stars, at GIRL SCOUTS making flowers out <>f wool and patch-Detrott work purses

Janunary 22-Hawauan All St1,rs at h Some of the gIrls are learmng tablel)elroJt WIth the approach of lhnstmas t e setttng m ordtr to get theIr se-eond

Gal Sconts seem blister than ever 1 kJJ.nuary 'If'l-Butler at Detrot class Most of the glr s are wor 109

?':I Ma'1y troop::. filled ba~kets of food for d MFebl1arv :-Western Ontano elt De on theIr morse co e- Lthe poor for ThanksgIVIng and they _

trOlt are plannmg to do the same for ChnstFebruary 8-Western State at Kal mas DotI dre.ssmg for the Sophie

amazoo WrIght Settlement IS one of the majorFebruary IZ-John Carrolll at eleH actn1t1es and :)....veral groups WltI smg

land Chn'ltmas carols on Chnstmas EveFebruary 16--We~terl1 State, at De [roop 140 IS busy practlcmg Its songs

trolt <tnd the members have been nvtted toFebruary 19-DePcl.ul at ChIcago the home ot'the leader Mrs Charlesrebttnrv 21-Almour Tech at Chi a Chestnut on Notre Dame after the

cago carohng to have hot chocolate andFebruary 26-Joho Carroll at De sand1i\lches

tr01tMarch 4-DePaul at Detr01t Troop 131 WIlt (ontmue Jts study of

home nurS1l1g along WIth the varlc u\!arch ll-}..otH. Dame at DetrOIthohdav actiVIties

h \. The Dlrstnct ConmIttef" ¥.Ilt meetChristian Science C urc~. next Wedne<day, December 8, for ,t,regular monthly meetmg at the hom~

God the anI) Cause and Creator of the chaIrman Mrs James J PlenaWill be the subject of the Les:)on Ser- on \1oro.!>s road The meetmg wIl~ bemon m all Chnsban Sctence Churches heln at ten 0 clock In the morn1ng and.throughout the ¥.orld on Sundav De ell! member'S wlll 1 eport on theIr VhltScewber 5 to the vanous troops dunng the p.ast

The Goldtn Text from Psalm 19 1 3, monthIS The heavens declare the glory of On December 6, there Vvlll 1Je a CItyGoi and the firmament "heweth 1m \"'lde meetmg for all .dults nterestedhandywork There IS 11eY ~peech ror 1Jl <:coutmg at the Central M Elanguage where thetr VOIce IS not (hurch at Woodwa.rd and Adams fheheard' timE' IS 7 30 and Mr Ray Johns the

Among the Blble CitatIons ts tlus consultant for Group Work and Youthpassage (P~alm 146 51 6) Happy IS \gencles for the CounCIl of SO{'Ialhe that hath the God of Jacob or h1s ttgencles w II speak All those whohelp whose hope IS 111 the Lord hIS are Glll Scout wmded are urged toGod WhIch made hea\Cn al d earth attendthe seal and all that therem 1S whIch The next regular meeting of thekeepeth truth for ever I scnbes WIll be held Monday afternoon

Correlahve pasasges to be read from December 6 at 4 o'clock lU Room J06the Chrt::.ttan SCience textbook, SCIh of 1he h1g'h 'l('hool M tss Trott teachence and Health Wlth Key to t E' er of Journal sm w1ll conduct the groupScnptures by Mary Bake.r Eddy III through the pnnt shop and talk onchide the foHovnn~ (p 204) When IJourll'ahsmwe re",hze that Life IS Spmi never 111,

nor of matter, thlS understandmg \'11111expand mto self completeness findmg

all III God good and needmg no otherconSCIOusness '

Locke-Schalter Wedding

Jefferson AvenueBaptist Church

M1ss Bertha Sch.alter, mece of thelate Judge George Defer of GrossePomte and Dr Cornehus J Locke ofDetr01t, oldest son of \ir and MrsJames Locke of Grand Haven, wereumted 111 marnage Saturday afternoonat 5 0 cIock at the horne of Dr Locke sparents at 1143 Washmglon avenueGrand Ha\ en, the hO'lle where DrLocke ""as born and v.ht.re hIS parents have hved tlle~r entIre weddedhfe J ustlc(. M C Locke, youngestbrother of the groom perf 01 med theceremony

Mrs WIlham Meyer, attended herSIster as bndesma1d and James RLocke attended hIS brothel as bestman

The weddmg party after the ceremony, had d1l1ner at the rerry Hotelin the party were the bnde at"d ~roomMr and Mrs R1chard Holme Mr and1I4rs Ralph Holme, and Mr and Mrs\Vtlham Meyer of Grosse Pomte Mrand Mrs James Locke, pal ents of thegroom, and Mr an1 \irs James RLoc!{e

Dr Locke practiced dentIstry 111

Grand Haven prevIous to the Worla\\- ar and Sll ce that tJ111ehe has been111 DetrOit where he 1S plomment In

SOCIaland pi ofesslOual actIVItiesDr and Mrs Locke Will make their

home at 15223 Last Jefferson avenueGrosse POinte Park

2 Members Appointedto Highway Board

The Rev Wayland Zwayer m111lstelof the Jf'fferson A"enue BaptlstChurch wdl preach hot}! rnornmg andevenmg thI~ Sunday and ofticlate a~the observance of the Lorn s SupperHIS sermon at 11 a m preced1l1g theComm~111on SerVIce WIll be on TheU111ty of Expertence I ApprOXimatelyfifty new members WIll be welcomedInto the church on tlus occaSWll F01the 7 30 evelllng holtr of \VOl shIP the:Rev Mr Zwayer has cho~en 1.S hISllubJect, • ExpenSIve ExperIments" If)ou are WIthout a church home In thISVICIll1ty the pastor and members ofJefferson A, enue Baptist Church cor~dlalty tnvIte you to worshIp With themand JOIn 1U partakmg at your Lord stable Sunday rnorl11ng

The church school meets at 9 45 a m10 eIght departments under the leadership of the General SupermtendentKessel D Greetl Youth groups meet-mg one hour before the evemng ,",orship are FrIendly B Y P U JudsonB Y P U and a new orgdll1zahon forhIgh school youth WIth John Engstromas counselor

Two new appomtments to the htghway adVisory bOard were annoullce<lthIS week by State H1ghway CommIs-'lloner Murray D Van Wag-on<.:~t

Mayor TU111SE Johnson, of GrandRap-Ids, succeeds Cornehus GerberFremont ba-by food manufd.ctureT andWard J Kelly Crystal F.atls b.ankertakes the place of Mayor George LLaund\, of Sault Ste MarIe

Other members all 01 whom werereappomted, are 7v.[01tlmei E Cooleyof Ann ArboI, dean ementus of thecollege of engll1eermg Ul11verslty ofMIchigan ~tdney D \Valdon Detr'lltllldtlstnal lea der elnd Harold E Howlett Pontiac Attorney

The board IS non salaTled agency , 13928E. Jpfff'rsond.chng 111 an advi ory <.apac1ty to the 1 I

st.ate hIghway commISSIOner. It meets """,.u:rt;;£hn¥" ad.t"." ub41




















879 918 832

776 837 830 2,443

5S8 757 641


832 744Cleaner.

154 1741f1 158172 147136 168173 190





684 816 769Nottingham Iftn

166 164 174148 149 181

" 168 180 165157 209 169

_ 157 159 169


Cramer Electric145 150161 159173 165129 175161 161

Impertal Cleaners176 201 142

_ 218 149 143." 148 170 139

1S6 126 146159 159 159

769 810 738Sttitt's- '4obd,uno 13! 99

142 115 9788 139 123

" 107 183 155113 161 149

_< 28 28 28

857 80S 738Frahm a Arch. Service

157 203 195Z09 172 143127 182 148160 180 162-~ 145 14836 36 36

Stancbna. Nonmber 26, 1937W L26 720 1318 1517 1617 1615 181, 184 29

tend thiS meetlng, and to aId In thISwork

Tea and refreshments wdl be servedat the cl9se of the afternoon Mrs\VIlham F Catlin, regent, WIll pourI hQse pl10nmg to be present are askedto Inform the hostessl so that she mayknow hbw large a group to prepare for

Business Men'sBowling League

Nottmgham InnCramer ElectrICImperIal Cleaners ..Frahm s Arch 5ervrreSquare Deal CleanersOa~ CleanersStntes Mobtlga,sWem s Rushc Cabl1l



~Weill" R~tic Cabin

Wetns Jr 131 133 169Werns Sf 90 151 1<6Krause 132 11J 100Kramer 131 181 129Mauer 107 145 152

HandIcap 93 93 93


-----796 861 858 2515

Squ .... Deal CleaBersElle 183 154 173 51(jC Ayh"l: 172 140 182 494L i;) hng 161 127 179 462Eschnck 133 138 163 434Courtemanche 166 16S 125 459

Hilnd1cap • 17 17 17 .II-----

Huhn •HeultzeJman •Reeber •RogersSpayd •

June •TharerBeaupre"Itesch\hearron

u. of D. BasketballEngagements for

Coming Season

GerowLOUIS'ichult.tI eBrancStrltt..


CrawerReppTrombley.TurnerSarei'llus •

BmetbaU teams re:presentutg sevend'1fferent sta.tes and two foreIgn coun~trIes are hsted on the 1937-38 Umver-~Ity of Detf01t ca(le s-ohedule, releasedthIS week by AthletIC Dlreetor CharlesEo "Gus" Dorats All of these qUtn...tets wll1 be met by the Titans on theIrhome Roor. 1:'

Of the twenty teams a.ppearmg onthe newly released .s-ehedule, 14 hav~prodou-eed brtlha9t records dUrIng thepast ten years to gain ratIngs as theoutstandmg basketball teams of thecountry Seven new teams have beenscheduled thIS year by the Red andWhIte and SIXof last year s encountt"rshave been dropped from the 1937-38card

The cage car.d for the wmter monthsgIVes promIse of beIng tne of thestrongest schedules of ItS kll1d m themIddle west and should prOVIde Detr01tbasketball "'fans WIth some excItlllgcompetttlOn on the hard wood courts

Some of the bIggest games of theseason to h, played n DetrOIt ll1cludeencounters Wlth Notre Dame Nebras~ka, Cabforma, Kentucky, Butler, De ..Paul and the Hawallan All Stars Four-teen games In aU WIll be played on theTItans' home court which wl11 agambe the NaV'~1Armory

The complete schedule stands as fol-low'

De'Cemher ll-Adnan, at DetrottDecemher lS-l'urdu.e, .at LafayetteDoc.emher tS-Assumphonl at De-

troItD~ember 28-Nebraska, at DetrOItDecember 31-Caltforllla at DetrOItJ am.at) 5-'MichIgan Normal, ...t Yp

sIlarttLJanuary lO-Kentuc~y a" DetrOItJanuary 15-Mu;hlgan Normal, at



2ScIb.33cpt 29c






Ib 23clb.




eaeh 39c39c

2 16- •• 17cloaves

4 Pkg •• 25c

ence H Becker Group' Wednesday,December 8 at due-thIrty 0 clock, atthe home at the chaIrman Mrs Johnrarnsna,,\, Jr, on Wl1demere avenue,ned! '-le"en Ml1e road The group ISnamed for Mrs vVllham A Becker,Pre<;ldel1t General of the Nattonal ~oclety D A R, w'bo IS deeply mterestedIn the problem 01 the underpnvilegedchIlu

Any member of the chapter may at-tend, ormg1l1g SCl~SOlS old Christmascalds magazmes and other matenal.cor sl.rapbooks Jelly 15 also desiredto mclude 111 Chnstmas donahonsVvhIle makIng SCIapbooks the groupWIll discuss phns for the year Thechapter may adopt' a Becker bo\ orgIrl to sponsor through thiS school'ear, furl11shmg tUltlon books cloth-l11g Illterest or encouragement orwhate' er seem~ needed Teacher member .. at the eVE'l1mggroup Will Sl ggestcandidates for th1s honor

Ass1stmg Mrs Earnshaw ¥.11l be her\lCI,. cha1rmen Mrs Merrill F Crosstirs Victor E Krohn, Mn Ray Sackett and hIrs Harold G ::,te\fl1S A ..

ItbIS IS also human conservatIon work1fr: Earnspaw has a~ked th.e membersof the conservation comm1ttee, ofwhich Mrs Sackett IS chauman to at-



'. Ib• pnnta

Yellow Onions 5 t~:IOcGrapefruit • 4 f•• IScFloridaOranges d•• 30c


APPLESAUCE C0.f&1.RY4t•llcan.25eCORNED BEEF A'~t~"'2,.g can.35eCHERRIES Cl?g~I~:.~~¥.B N'<a~Y,27cCORN Gc&t~~~R~fk,}1:M 2 No2 cans25cAPRICOTS *Wc,nRj,E'"...'L'1:'6 N'e.~Y,23cSIFTED PEAS c°.fL~TBRYNo1 e.n 13eTOMATO JUICE CCI~1:F24.0... n 10eGRAPEFRUIT C~~~t'Y2No 2e.n.25cJU ICE C~~~~};Rt1i¥B 2 No 2 cans 25cLIMA BEANS ~7.~6~~No2 ean1 DcSALMON COUNm,j,CLUB • t.lle.n27eGREEN BEANS • 3N02ean.25cCORN Sf;'i'J • 3 No 2 25eORANGE JUICE s::::. 12 o n 1DcPEANUT BUTTER ...".".. 2 Ib I" 25ePURE LARD Rf~m~D • 2 lb.25c






Tastyloins •"FRES.SHORE"



qua.t 12c


Fort Pontchartrain

Large white beautiesIdeal for all purposes-speCial at the lowprice only at Krogers'

ReSldence-130S 8ucklDIhamru 2-1717

Cooper Bros.



Lenox 5885

Fresh Milk

Country ClubFarm Fresh

lb 19cIb.3Sc

lb. IOc

Fort Pontchartral11 Chapter Daugh-teis of the Amenca"1 RevolutIOn ,thohad the first Juntor D A R group III

MIchIgan and \"ho have Just organizedan evemng group for teacher hbrarlanand other professlOnaI women memberswho had been unable to attend theregular thIrd FrIday*" meetmgs WIllpIoneer d.gam by orgamzll g a Flor-

Fresh SaIled

PeanutsIb IOc

head 7c5 lb. 19c

buneh Sc

FREE DELIVERY17037 Kercheval Ave.

Phones. NI 6500.6501



Cigarettes2. pkg. 2.5c

carton 11.19 r:::




NI. 0469






CountryClub21b 55e

Dates, lb.All you want



24* Ib sack97c

Mary Hill, Mgr.

16117~ack )lvenue15222 E Jefferson Ave15229 Kercheval Avenue

344 Rivard Blvd.17215 Mack Avenue



RED GRAPESHead LettuceSweet PotatoesGreen Onions

Phone CAdillac 04661010 lAFAYETTE BLDG.


Molds With

Domestic Employment

AGENCY• I .133 Oak St, nr Char evolxGrosse Pointe, Mich.









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