i have a dream that continues despite dashed hopes, aspirations and expectations 

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  • 8/10/2019 I Have a Dream That Continues Despite Dashed Hopes, Aspirations and Expectations


    I have a Dream That continues despite dashedhopes, aspirations and expectations

    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting,dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

    - Edgar Allan Poe


    I have a hope. ometimes, it goes be!ond that and be"omesan e#pe"tation. $he hope is that this "ountr! will on"e again be one in whi"h ever!

  • 8/10/2019 I Have a Dream That Continues Despite Dashed Hopes, Aspirations and Expectations


    "iti%en is e&ual. A "ountr! in whi"h members of one ethni" group, both individuall! and "olle"tivel!, will feel totall! and "ompletel! e&ual to the others, embra"ing ea"h

    other not out of for"ed re"on"iliation but genuine emotion and feeling.

    $hose hopes, aspirations and e#pe"tations have been dashed over and over again. 'ut

    the dream "ontinues. I have a dream that m! famil! of three "hildren (two girls and a bo! of s"hool-going ages), and wife who is a full-time housewife would one da! be freeof all our debts. I dream about a da! when m! eldest daughter "ould be admitted to the best s"hool in the distri"t without pa!ing *santhosams+ (gratifi"ation) to the e"retar! to the lo"al politi"ian I dream that m! se"ond daughter "ould be provided with brand

    new uniforms instead of the ones used and dis"arded b! her elder sister. I dream of theda! when m! one and onl! son, who is in his adoles"en"e, "ould pla! for the s"hool

    "ri"ket team without pa!ing pu a to his "lass tea"her and "oa"h. And I have a dreamthat m! wife, who is pregnant with our fourth "hild, would one da! be provided withdomesti" help so that she "ould assist our "hildren in their s"hoolwork. I also dream

    that all m! wife+s pawned eweller! "ould be re"overed soon so that when the ne#t big wedding "omes, she "ould wear all the eweller! that I gave her on our wedding da!.

    And, I have a dream that in m! own workpla"e I would be re"ogni%ed as an e#emplar!,effi"ient worker and be able to obtain m! ne#t promotion without a bribe being offeredto the hief /inister+s wife. $hese dreams ma! be far too ambitious to be realised, but

    "an an!one blame me for dreaming0 As a s"hoolbo! m!self, I dreamt of rea"hingimpossible heights I dreamt of having, not a palatial house for m! famil! but a room!

    home where ea"h of m! "hildren "ould have his or her own room with an atta"hedtoilet and bath. Is that too ambitious a dream0 I don+t think so.

    /! wife+s brother is a lo"al "ontra"tor. 1is "onstru"tion work involving "uttingirrigation "hannels has "ome to a dead halt be"ause there is no irrigation work undertaken b! the 2overnment. 3ow he has swit"hed to road "onstru"tion and

    asphalting of newl! "ut roads. 4et, he "annot get suffi"ient work to keep his workfor"egainfull! o""upied unless he pa!s 567 in advan"e to the Pradeshi!a abha member who is allo"ating work. Da!s of tender pro"edures are dead and gone. 8l!-b!-night

    "ontra"tors are bidding wa! above the engineer+s estimates and still managing to

    obtain "ontra"ts. 1ow on earth the lo"al authorities find mone! to pa! these"ontra"tors is another &uestion altogether. /ost of them have not been paid for the

    work done. 4et, the 567 advan"e was "olle"ted b! the politi"ian even before the"ontra"t was signed. I dream of a da! when m! brother-in-law would be "ompeting on

    a level pla!ing field.

    I dream that our so-"alled role-models of parliamentarians would e#er"ise morerestraint when speaking in Parliament I dream that the! would not take the law into

  • 8/10/2019 I Have a Dream That Continues Despite Dashed Hopes, Aspirations and Expectations


    their own hands and punish honest government servants for not obe!ing their ordersI dream that our lo"al politi"ians would not get involved in raping tourists I dreamthat the! would at all times respe"t the law of the land I dream that the! would not

    punish s"hooltea"hers who do not obe! the de"rees of politi"ians.

    Dreaming of a land that is free of "orruption and nepotism is no sin dreaming of aParliament that is robust and thought-provoking !et friendl!, de"ent and "ivil is notonl! inno"ent, it is a"utel! ne"essar!. $hose who do not dream would not a"hieve what

    the! have not dreamt of. u"h is the fundamental "hara"ter of a dream. It is notpossible to dream if one is not ambitious. 9e are not in a super-mundane world whereall desires and wants are absent and worldl! life is treated as sinful. o it is perfe"tl! all

    right to dream.

    I have a dream in whi"h our rulers are honest and "andid about what the! utter inpubli". I have a dream in whi"h our President gives "redit to the "ommanders andordinar! soldiers for winning the war without owning the war-vi"tor! b! himself. I

    have a dream that the first famil! is, if not e&ual, at least "omparable with others in allrespe"ts - se"urit!, wealth, fa"ilities available et". - of da!-to-da! life. I have a dream

    that bigwig-politi"os pa! attention to other "ommuters also when the! rush from point A to point '. I have a dream that our politi"ians, be the! /inisters, Prime /inisters or

    ordinar! parliamentarians, abstain from soli"iting favours of various kinds, su"h asmone!, flesh (women), furloughs and other gratifi"ations when the! perform their

    basi" duties as servants of the people.

    I have a dream: I have a dream of being able to &uestion our rulers without beingtreated as a bothersome irritant. I have a dream that m! !oung daughter "ould be sent

    to see the area /P or the /inister without worr!ing about her returning with her virginit! inta"t. In su"h a "ruel world from whi"h sanit! has fled and avari"e, greed andlust have invaded the inner san"tums of the ruling "lan and their hen"hmen, dreamingof simple dreams has be"ome an un"ommon lu#ur!. It is no "ardinal sin to e#pe"t theordinar! from the ordinar!. It is "ertainl! a task to e#pe"t the e#traordinar! from the


    In a deepl! "onvoluted world of phon! values and distorted truths, the ruling "lan isto!ing with the emotions and weak responses of a gullible publi". In su"h a "haoti"s"enario, e#pe"ting a strong and wise response from the rulers is as impossible as

    e#tra"ting feathers from a tortoise. Deepl! buried in their own e#"reta, these rulersspare no words or a"tion to a"hieve their own paro"hial ob e"tives, whether the! be

    mone!, power or an!thing else. It is in this morass that I am asking, that I be allowedto dream to dream about a better future for m! kids better future for m! $amil,

    /uslim and 'urgher brothers and sisters to dream about a world of pea"e, usti"e and

  • 8/10/2019 I Have a Dream That Continues Despite Dashed Hopes, Aspirations and Expectations


    fairness. Is that too mu"h to ask for0I have a dream that sooner than later this situation would turn for the better. I have a

    dream that our rulers would open their e!es and ears and if all signals are a""urate andright, the! have no intention of ad usting their antennas. If the "urrent set of rulers is

    not willing to "hange, then I dream that there will be a man born of the soil, wedded to

    the age-old values of fairness and kindness, a man who sa"rifi"ed the "omforts of ruling "lasses and who would "ome down to earth and stand with the ordinar! manand woman of the land.

    I have a dream of seeing /aithripala irisena as our ne#t President to do awa! withthis dra"onian s!stem of E#e"utive Presiden"!, to establish the rule of law and orderto be transparent and a""ountable and to enri"h the people of the "ountr! instead of a

    single famil!.I have a dream.

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