human nutrition essay

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  • 8/7/2019 Human Nutrition Essay


    Human Nutrition


    Heart Health

    This is an example essay. The total word count on this essay is 683 words.

    Nutrition is the word used to describe the types of materials that a human

    body needs. The people who study nutrition are called nutritionists.

    Nutritionists will group food into different categories depending upon what

    types of vitamins or minerals, or other substances are in the foods. The main

    groups of foods are fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy, carbohydrates and lipids

    (Lipids are also known as fats).

    The first food group, fruits, are usually pretty high in their vitamin and

    mineral contents, but usually pretty low in fat. Examples of fruits are foods like

    apples, bananas, pears, and cherries.

    The second food group, vegetables, also have a lot of vitamins, but they

    are an especially good source of minerals. Foods like broccoli, carrots, onions,and peppers are usually very low in fat and carbohydrates so its okay for people

    to eat a lot of these types of foods.

    The meats category of foods includes foods that come from the muscle or

    organs of once living animals. These are foods like steak, chicken, and fish. The

    meat category of foods are a very good source of protein, which is really

    important if you want to grow big and strong. Eating some types of meat, called

    red meat, like steak and hamburger, is a good source of the mineral iron which is

    really important to how a new baby grows. Because of this, it is really important

    for women who are pregnant to consider eating meat.

    Dairy products are the types of foods that come from milk. There are a

    lot of different types of dairy products, such as milk that you drink, ice -cream,

    yoghurt and cheeses. Dairy products have some vitamins, and are a really goodsource of some types of minerals, especially calcium. Because calcium is a really

    important mineral in how bones are built, its important that young people eat

    enough dairy products when they are growing. Even though ice cream is a dairy

    product, you probably shouldnt eat too much of it because its high in lipids


    Carbohydrates and lipids both give us energy. Carbohydrates come in

    two types, simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are like just plain sugars,

    like the kind of sugar that my mom and dad put in their coffee, or the kind of

    sugar that some people dip strawberries in. Simple carbohydrates are really

    common in things like candy and cakes, cookies and soda pop. Complex

    carbohydrates are found in foods like potatoes and rice and breads.

    Nutritionists usually say that complex carbohydrates are better than simple

    carbohydrates, so we should try to eat less candy and more breads and potatoes

    and rice.

    Lipids are fats. You can find fat in a lot of different things. There i s fat

    dairy foods and meat foods and some types of plants produce fat too. Pretty

    much any type of oil is also a fat.

  • 8/7/2019 Human Nutrition Essay


    For humans to be healthy, we should eat lots of the right kinds of foods.

    Usually, were supposed to try to eat less simple carbohydrates and lipids and

    more of the foods that are fruits and vegetables because these foods have less fat.

    The reason why having less fat is good, is because if you eat too much fat

    and you dont get enough exercise, the fat can build up inside your circulat ory

    system. The fat can get stuck to the inside of your arteries and veins like glue.

    When theres too much fat inside your arteries and veins, it makes your hearwork really hard. Doctors call this heart disease. If you have heart disease for

    too long, its possible to have a heart attack, which might kill you.

    To be safe, and not have a heart attack, its really important that people

    have good nutrition. This means that they should eat a good balance of food,

    with lots of vegetables and fruit, and some meat and carbohydrates, but you

    should stay way from eating too many lipids (fats). Its okay to eat nice tasting

    food like ice-cream and candy once and a while, but mostly, you should eat a

    balanced diet to stay healthy.