human cloning

By: Anthony Streppone & Joe Gedeiko Mrs. Martinez Period 1

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A StrepponeJ Gedeiko


Page 1: Human cloning

By: Anthony Streppone &

Joe GedeikoMrs. Martinez Period 1

Page 2: Human cloning

Basic Principles of Genetics1. Traits are controlled by dominant and

recessive alleles because when a dominant trait is present it will always show and recessive traits will only show if there is no dominant allele.

2. A co-dominant allele is an allele that is not dominant nor recessive causing for both traits to be shone at once like roan cattle.

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Basic Principles of Genetics(continued)3. Alleles from both parents are past into the

offspring through both parents sex cells. Each sex cell has 23 chromosomes and when they combine in the offspring the child then has 23 pairs of cromosomes (one from each parent) for a total of 46 cromosomes that define all of its traits.

Bb Bb

bb bb

Hair color

Mother Bb Father bb



b b



Page 4: Human cloning

Human Genome Project1. The Human Genome project officialy started in

1990. The projects goals at the beginning were to identify all the approximately 20,000-25,000

genes in human DNA, determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical

base pairs that make up human DNA, store this information in databases, improve tools for data analysis, transfer related technologies to the private

sector, and address the ethical, legal, and social issues

(ELSI) that may arise from the project.

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Human Genome Project (continued) store this information in databases, improve tools for data analysis, transfer related technologies to the private

sector, and address the ethical, legal, and social issues

(ELSI) that may arise from the project.

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Human Genome Project (continued) 2. People who carry genetic abnormalities are

discriminated and are often refused life insurance. Lawmakers are trying to ensure that people can control who has access to their genetic information and for what reason.

3. The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination act or GINA is an act that protects Americans from being treated

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Human Genome Project (continued)Unfairly due to differences in there DNA that

may affect their health. This law prevents discrimination from health insurers and employers.

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Genetic Disorders1. Sickle cells is a single gene disorder and

destroys the cells very fastColor blindness is a chromosome abnormality

and is effected when the x chromosome is effected except males only have 1 x so it is more common in men it occurs when a chromosome mutates

Asthma is a multifactor disorder that affects the airways of the human body

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Genetic Disorders (continued)2. Genetic counseling help perspective parents

who have genetic disorders because if they find out what they can do and how to change it before the baby is born they can possibly set up a different life for the child because they might not have a genetic disorder

3. Deletions large enough to be seen in a karyotype result in the loss of many genes.

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Genetic Disorders (continued)In humans, these are less comman than

deletions that remove small portions of a chromosome. As with abnormal chromosome numbers, genetic disorders can result from the imbalance in genetic material caused by deletions.

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Many people are agenst cloning saying things like “They can make a copy of someone but can

they give it a soul?” Fr. Stanley Samuel Harakas said that "mixing human DNA with animal DNA would be something more than

‘Playing God.’ It would be ‘Playing the Devil.’“more religious leaders feel this way

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Argument 2The cloning process is pointless and takes a very long

time to finally get a good copy. Dolly the first cloned sheep was discarded 200 times before a “good” copy was formed. 98% of clones are born either malformed, stillborn, or die immediately after birth. And those who do survive usually have congenital defects such as premature aging?

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Argument 3Cloning of human embryos is one method

employed to obtain embryonic stem cells but in the process, the embryos are destroyed. Human cloning is bad because some religions are against the idea of it and think that god should be the only one to create humans. By cloning humans you take heredity out of child birth because the child is related only to one parent.

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Argument 4During cloning you can genetically engineer

the genes of the clone so you may get rid of sickness and or alter the appearance of the child "From the point of view of a Christian, sickness and even death are not always evil, and if man tries to make his earthly life eternal, forgetting about Godly laws, he creates great unhappiness for himself and immeasurable suffering for his clones, especially if these humans being are doomed to be 'spare parts'," Father Vsevolod said.

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Conclusion In conclusion human cloning is bad because it

takes god out of the mystery of birth and creates a child not related to one of its parents. It also creates what are thought to be souls copies of some leaving no uniqueness in the child