human 2013.pdffirst “humans” humans are...

HUMAN EVOLUTION Or.. Why we are all Africans.

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Page 1: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only



Why we are all Africans.

Page 2: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only

Earliest Human Ancestors

The earliest ancestors of humans were Australopithecus

All people, past and present are hominids

Hominid means two-footed, upright walkers.

The earliest australopithecines very likely evolved 5 million years ago in East Africa.

Page 3: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only

Earliest Human Ancestors

The earliest hominid fossils have been

found in Africa.

Current evidence indicates that there were at least 6 species of early hominids, though they did no all live at

the same time.

Page 4: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only


Page 5: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only


Page 6: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only


Humans are members of the genus


Modern people are Homo sapiens

However, we are not the only species of humans who have ever lived.

There were earlier species of our genus that are now extinct.

Page 7: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only

First “humans”

Australopithecus Early human

Page 8: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only

First “Humans”

Early humans were quite short.

The differences between aus. and early humans are most noticeable in the head.

Humans developed larger brains and smaller faces.

In addition, humans became better in developing tools to aid in their survival.

Page 9: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only

HOMO HABILIS: First “human”

Page 10: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only

Homo habilis

Homo habilis means “Handy man” and

lived around 2.0-1.5 million years ago.

It is beginning with Homo habilis that our ancestors finally had brains that were bigger than those of the apes.

Page 11: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only

Habilis had the ability to make a simple

cutting tool.

This tool would have been very useful for breaking open the long bones of the remains of animals left behind by large

predatory animals.

Page 12: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only
Page 13: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only


Page 14: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only

HOMO ERECTUS: standing tall man

The modern human body size began to appear with the next species in our evolution--Homo erectus.

Some Homo erectus left Africa about 500,000 years ago and moved into Asia and Europe.

Page 15: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only


The Erectus discoveries have been

found widespread in Africa, Asia, and Europe

Page 16: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only

HOMO ERECTUS: “standing tall” man

Below the neck, Homo erectus bodies

were much like modern humans.

With Homo erectus, there was a significant increase in body size compared to earlier hominids.

Page 17: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only

Page 18: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only

Homo erectus were the first species

that learned to control fire.

This meant that they could leave tropical areas and settle in colder climates.

Fire allowed them to cook their food.

Fire also provided protection against

larger predators especially at night.

Page 19: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only

HOMO SAPIENS: man who knows

Page 20: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only

All people today are classified as Homo sapiens sapiens,

They first began to appear 130,000 years ago in Eastern Africa

They were in Asia shortly after 100,000 years ago.

They did not appear in Europe until

60,000-40,000 years ago.

Page 21: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only

HOMO SAPIENS: man who knows

Page 22: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only

Homo sapiens developed weapons

that allowed them to hunt animals more powerful than themselves.

Homo sapiens were also the first to create art works- paintings of animals

on rocks and carvings of stone, wood or bone.

Page 24: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only


Page 25: HUMAN 2013.pdfFIRST “HUMANS” Humans are members of the genus Homo Modern people are Homo sapiens However, we are not the only