中国. 中学政治教学网崇尚互联共享 unit 1 maintaining a sharp eye passage 2

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Page 1: 中国. 中学政治教学网崇尚互联共享 Unit 1 Maintaining a sharp eye Passage 2  中国 .中学政治教学网崇尚互联共享

Unit 1 Maintaining a sharp eyeUnit 1 Maintaining a sharp eye

Passage 2Passage 2

Page 2: 中国. 中学政治教学网崇尚互联共享 Unit 1 Maintaining a sharp eye Passage 2


How to Say Hello in Different LanguagesHow to Say Hello in Different Languages

Have you ever stopped to think about how many people are saying

“Hello” to each other today, and in how many different languages? If you

want to say “Hello” to everyone on the planet, you would have to learn at least

2796 languages and greet at least 6 500 000 000 people. Here are some of the

ways of saying “Hello” around the world. Hola in Spanish, Ciao in Italian,

Nihao in Chinese or Bonjour / Salut in French, and many more!

We know that the usual way to greet each other is a simple handshake or

wave in the US and Canada. However, other gestures such as various forms of

bowing, embraces and other gestures are used in other parts of the world.




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Here is a small list of languages chosen to show how to say “Hello / Good

morning” in different languages. Look up the language in which you would

like to learn to say “Hello / Good morning” in that language. Pronounce

the suggested wording to practice it.

✧ Arabic — pronounced sabahou el kheir, meaning “Good morning”.

✧Australian — G'day (mostly informal but including strangers pronounced

gu-day, “G'day mate”).

✧ Chinese — In both Cantonese and Mandarin, it is written as 你 好 .

Cantonese is Nei ho or Lei ho (pronounced ne ho or lay ho) and Mandarin is

Nǐ hǎo (pronounced nee how) (Remember the tones). In Mandarin, you can

also say 早上好 (zǎo shàng hǎo) for “Good morning”.

✧ Danish — Hej (informal; pronounced hey), God dag (formal), God aften

(evening; formal), Hejsa (very informal).

✧ English — Hello (formal), Hi (informal), Hey (informal).


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✧ French — Salute (informal; silent “t”), Bonjour (formal, for daytime use),

Bonsoir (Good evening), Bonne nuit (Good night).

✧ German — Hallo (informal), Guten Tag (formal), Tag (very informal).

✧ Italian — ciào (pronounced chow, informal, also means “Goodbye”).

✧ Japanese — おはよう ございます (pronounced o-ha-yo go-zaimass,

meaning “Good morning”).

✧ Korean — Ahn nyeong ha se yo (formal, pronounced on-nyoungha- say-yo).

✧ Portuguese — Oi, boas, olá or al?(informal).

✧ Russian — Privet! (informal, pronounced as pree-vyet), Zdravstvuyte

(formal, pronounced zdra-stvooy-tyeh).

✧ Vietnamese — Xin chào (pronounced sin djow).



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Language PointsLanguage Points

1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences

1. (Para. 1) Have you ever stopped to think about how many people are

saying “Hello” to each other today…

Analysis: Stop to think means stop whatever is being done and concentrate

on the question.The infinitive phrase to think indicates a purpose

of stop. It is different from stop thinking, which means stop the

action of thinking. And thinking is the object of stop.

Translation: 你是否曾留心考虑过,今天一天大约有多少人互相问候“你好”?

Example: I don't think this is a smart way. Have you ever stopped to think

out a better idea?


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Language PointsLanguage Points

1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences

2. (Para. 1) If you want to say “Hello” to everyone on the planet, you would have to learn at least 2 796 languages…

Analysis: The if-clause seems a real conditional one, for want is used instead of the unreal conditional wanted. But subjunctive mood is also implied because would is used instead of will, indicating an almost impossible action to be carried out.

Translation: 如果你想对这个星球上每个人都道声“你好”的话,你就至少得学 2796 种语言。

Example: If you want to make a friend each day, you would have to make some 20 thousands of friends in your lifetime! Back

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Language PointsLanguage Points

1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences

3. (Para. 2) We know that the usual way to greet each other is a simple handshake

or wave in the US and Canada.

Analysis: To greet each other is an infinitive clause used to modify the way. It

means more or less the same as the way of greeting.

Translation: 我们知道,在美国和加拿大,通常互相问候的方法只是简单地握握手 或挥挥手。

Example: Do you know that in some Arabian countries, shaking one's head from

side to side is a way to show agreement?Back

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Language PointsLanguage Points

1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences

4. (Para. 3) Pronounce the suggested wording to practice it.

Analysis: The past participle suggested is used as an adjective to modify the

gerund wording, which means the words used to say something.

Translation: 按我给出的文字说明去练习发音。

Example: Can you understand the suggested meaning of the wording?Back

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Language PointsLanguage Points

2 Important Words

1. planet

n. any of the celestial bodies (other than comets or satellites) that

revolve around the sun in the solar system 行星


♫ All the eight planets can be seen with a small telescope(望远镜) .

♫ The picture shows six of the nine planets in the solar system.

1. planet

n. any of the celestial bodies (other than comets or satellites) that

revolve around the sun in the solar system 行星


♫ All the eight planets can be seen with a small telescope(望远镜) .

♫ The picture shows six of the nine planets in the solar system.


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Language PointsLanguage Points

2 Important Words

2. gesture

n. motion of hands or body to emphasize or help to express a thought

or feeling 手势;姿势;姿态


♫ He raised his hands in a gesture of disappointment.

♫ We hold a party for our new colleagues as a gesture of welcome.

2. gesture

n. motion of hands or body to emphasize or help to express a thought

or feeling 手势;姿势;姿态


♫ He raised his hands in a gesture of disappointment.

♫ We hold a party for our new colleagues as a gesture of welcome.


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Language PointsLanguage Points

2 Important Words

3. Informal

a. not officially recognized or formally controlled



♫ We have an informal agreement to clean the campus every Sunday.

♫ Her wording is a bit too informal for this occasion.

3. Informal

a. not officially recognized or formally controlled



♫ We have an informal agreement to clean the campus every Sunday.

♫ Her wording is a bit too informal for this occasion.


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Language PointsLanguage Points

2 Important Words

4. Include

v. have as a part, be made up out of 包括,计入


♫ The list includes the names of many famous organizations.

♫ The price includes both the house and furniture.

4. Include

v. have as a part, be made up out of 包括,计入


♫ The list includes the names of many famous organizations.

♫ The price includes both the house and furniture.


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Language PointsLanguage Points

2 Important Words

5. various

a. of many different kinds purposefully arranged; having great diversity



♫ His achievements are various and very impressive.

♫ Everyone arrived late at the party for various reasons.

5. various

a. of many different kinds purposefully arranged; having great diversity



♫ His achievements are various and very impressive.

♫ Everyone arrived late at the party for various reasons.


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Language PointsLanguage Points

2 Important Words

6. pronounce

v. to use particular sounds to say a word 发音


♫ He knows a lot of French words but pronounces them incorrectly.

♫ She pronounces Chinese tones in a funny way.

6. pronounce

v. to use particular sounds to say a word 发音


♫ He knows a lot of French words but pronounces them incorrectly.

♫ She pronounces Chinese tones in a funny way.
