how & why: ui case studies

Daniel Burka Pownce - Co-founder Digg - Creative Director Silverorange - Co-founder How & Why UI Case Studies

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Post on 21-Aug-2015




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Daniel BurkaPownce - Co-founderDigg - Creative DirectorSilverorange - Co-founder

How & WhyUI Case Studies

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Case Studies1. Digg - Story Format

Getting started and changes over 3 years

2. Digg - Comment SystemAdaptation over 2.5 years

3. Pownce - Initial DesignStarting from scratch

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Starting with Digg• Started working with Digg in March 2005

• Original scope is one week of work

• Where do you start?

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Digg story design

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Why start so focused?• You need to start somewhere

• Homepage template was more obvious but...

• Identify key themes quickly

• Get fast & focused client (Kevin) feedback

• Develop visual language

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Example Mozilla Download Page & Button

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Example Store product page

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Identifying the problems


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Identify what makes Digg unique... Digging!

1. Doesn’t feel important

2. Doesn’t indicate an action

3. Not quickly scannable


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Title isn’t bad, but...

1. Could be emphasized better

2. Help user jump down page visually


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Submitter information

1. Oh, he’s the submitter! Not the author?

2. What the heck is that number?


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1. What do you mean?

2. Why would I do it?

3. That’s a multiple select dropdown? Really?


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More stuff to add?1. New comments system2. Ability to share stories

3. Show the source?4. What order are these in?


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First revision...


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Ok, spot the differences...

1. Digg button is emphasized... a lot.

2. Digg button is an action with a verb

3. Button style helps with brand identity, visual language


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Mezzoblue(thanks Dave!!)

Mozilla Digg

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What else has changed?

4. Title is bigger and bolder

5. Submitter is labeled as such and has an image

6. Time stamp is entirely new


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What else has changed?

7. Comments are entirely new

8. Two share links are new

9. ‘Report’ is now clearly a dropdown renamed ‘Bury Story’


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Success?• In this case not always clear cut

• Can people scan stories faster?

• How does it make people feel?

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Success?• In this case not always clear cut

• Can people scan stories faster?

• How does it make people feel?

• Gather stats where possible• More digging and other participation?

• More registered users? More overall visitors?

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Success?• In this case not always clear cut

• Can people scan stories faster?

• How does it make people feel?

• Gather stats where possible• More digging and other participation?

• More registered users? More overall visitors?

• User test, even basics• Is date-order more comprehensible?

• Can someone successfully digg or report?

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Identify the problems again...

1. Digg number is too big (the site’s getting popular)

2. Gradients are so last year

3. Too much stuff - could be tighter


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Identify the problems again...

4. Meta data divides the story’s core info

5. Burying is not being used enough


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!Second Revision

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!What’s changed?1. Gradients reduced, bevels gone2. Metadata reduced to a single line, no visual jump3. Share replaced ‘blog it’ ‘email it’4. Bury has single-click option and prominence

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Success?• Buries increase

• Testers find chronology slightly clearer

• There’s less stuff

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Digg Comment System

2005 2006 2007 soon...

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First Design, 2005

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Challenges become obvious

• Design is awfully literal

• Data isn’t very compact

• Limited Functionality

• Doesn’t scale

First Design, 2005

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Second Design, 2006

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But... still doesn’t scale

• Nesting encouragesdiscussion but now thereare more comments thanever

Second Design, 2006

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Nesting confuses novices

• User testing revealsconfusion

• Don’t understand‘indented comments’

• Top-posting adds to theproblem

Second Design, 2006

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Too little nesting for experts

• Users implicitly say thisby using @soandso tofake functionality

• Users explicitly tell usby email and comments

Second Design, 2006

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Content organization...

• Block button is tooabstract and too cluttered

Second Design, 2006

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Third design, 2007

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What’s changed?

1. Header is simplified... less image heavy

2. Block button hidden

3. Threads collapseda. Scales betterb. Lessens top-postingc. Simplifies initial view

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Explicit feedbackWhat are people saying?

1. I liked it the old way (you should be fired)

2. Annoying to open threads (too slow)

3. Hard to find your own comments

4. Ugly threading, too many vertical lines

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Implicit feedbackWhat are people doing?

• Total comments increased byover 30%

• Unique commenters increased byaround 20%

• Unique comments per person increased by about 15%

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Successes & missteps! Top-posting is lessened and doesn’t confuse novices

! Scales to thousands of comments

! More people are participating

! More comments are being posted

! People are threading better

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Successes & misstepsx Too slow to load individual threads

x Design is cluttered

x Especially when threads are open

x Can’t find your own comments if threaded

x Interactions are poorly designed

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What to do about it...• Go back to the old design?

• Address shortcomings

• Adapt to user feedback

• Get more feedback -- we released a video

• User test this time

• Leave time for further iteration

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What to do about it...• Go back to the old design?

• Address shortcomings

• Adapt to user feedback

• Get more feedback -- we released a video

• User test this time

• Leave time for further iteration

Let’s see it...

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Pownce Initial Design

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Pownce is brand new...• No established design language

• No prior expectations from users

• Blank slate is intimidating though

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Inspiration leads the way

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First take is close...

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Focus on the note...

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Focus on the note...

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Hatch adds movement & character

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Visual language spreadsAn ‘aha’ moment. Leads to more things.

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A few conclusions• Starting focused can be a big help

• Echo design language

• Be prepared to iterate and react to your users

• Many types of feedbackImplicit feedback is especially important

• There’s nothing wrong with making mistakes

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Thanks!Slides will be on Slideshare

Illustrations by Ryan Putnam (via