how web video marketing works

20 1 VIDEO MARKETING Video killed the radio star. David: We’re into the session now which is going to be video marketing. I think video marketing is one of those things I feel that is the way the internet is going, with faster speeds and more and more people consuming video. That really needs to be where you position yourself. There are a lot of cool things coming down the pipe that I want to talk about and help you to understand why using YouTube and other video distribution services represents such a really good opportunity. Firstly, and I chatted with a few of you during the break, a lot of you had mentioned the idea about, especially with the video testimonials, some people don’t necessarily feel comfortable in front of a camera. It’s just a matter of doing the action, getting in front of there. I’ve done now, Ben’s helped me cut up however many, but we’ve got over 300 videos on the site. It’s just a matter of going through that process and getting skilled up to do it. It’s something that I think you need to do. This is mainly because, again, have a look at Melbourne SEO Services. You connect with me at a much deeper level before you meet me. Do more video now You can read it in text and so on, but thinking again about the user, the user is lazy. Most people are lazy. When they come to a website, they want things to be as easy as possible for them. That’s why video works so well. I still offer the text option, but with the video, I can speak to you guys a lot better and you can cover so much more ground. When you choose a business that you’re passionate about and that you love, that comes across in the video. You guys can see I eat this for breakfast. I love it, and you can get that across in a video where you can’t necessarily get it across in text.

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Post on 10-Nov-2014




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This transcript is from the eighth session of the Small Business Internet Marketing Workshop. It focuses on how web video marketing works. It teaches about the benefits of creating more videos, its structure, and how to set up one. To learn more about this or watch the workshop sessions, visit


Page 1: How Web Video Marketing Works 1


Video killed the radio star.

David: We’re into the session now which is going to be video marketing. I think video

marketing is one of those things I feel that is the way the internet is going, with faster

speeds and more and more people consuming video. That really needs to be where you

position yourself. There are a lot of cool things coming down the pipe that I want to talk

about and help you to understand why using YouTube and other video distribution

services represents such a really good opportunity.

Firstly, and I chatted with a few of you during the break, a lot of you had mentioned the

idea about, especially with the video testimonials, some people don’t necessarily feel

comfortable in front of a camera. It’s just a matter of doing the action, getting in front of

there. I’ve done now, Ben’s helped me cut up however many, but we’ve got over 300

videos on the site. It’s just a matter of going through that process and getting skilled up to

do it. It’s something that I think you need to do. This is mainly because, again, have a look

at Melbourne SEO Services. You connect with me at a much deeper level before you meet


Do more video now

You can read it in text and so on, but

thinking again about the user, the user is lazy.

Most people are lazy. When they come to a

website, they want things to be as easy as

possible for them. That’s why video works so

well. I still offer the text option, but with the

video, I can speak to you guys a lot better and you can cover so much more ground. When

you choose a business that you’re passionate about and that you love, that comes across in

the video. You guys can see I eat this for breakfast. I love it, and you can get that across in a

video where you can’t necessarily get it across in text.

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YouTube is tag no. 2 search engine

YouTube at the moment is known as the second biggest search engine. So next to Google,

people go to YouTube when they’ve got questions, especially ‘how to’ type questions.

When it comes to the optimization part, I’ll talk about how you can best optimize these

videos to make sure that they’re coming up. You’ll also see videos starting to appear in

organic search as well. Once Google came out with this universal search and they start to

embed a whole lot of things into search, you know when you search things sometimes and

sometimes videos come up?

Again, thinking about the way usability works, your eye gets attracted to a picture doesn’t

it? So if you’re looking at a search result, even if the video is halfway down the search result,

your eye goes there because it’s attracted to the picture. You’ll get much higher click

through rates through your videos.

iPad users consume three times as much video

Another thing as well, video consumption is on the rise. They talked about, once the iPad

launched and it’s only been out for a couple of months now, it was in the top five

particular methods that people consumed video on. Where you compare it to other

phones and things like that, it’s just jumped video consumption through the roof. Drilling

down even deeper and having a look to people who use iPads, they watch and consume

three times as much video as other normal internet users.

There’s a lot of shift over there and the iPad’s exploding and all that type of thing and

everyone is just chewing up video. I just want to make sure that we position ourselves

really well for that.

Google TV is coming

Also I don’t know how on the pulse some of you

are, but Google TV just got announced. In fact I’ll

show you a video that explains what Google TV is

and again this is something that has only just

been launched. I think it will show you how much

it’s going to change once the internet and TVs

and things like that merge together. So we’ll just go to YouTube, like I said, this is cutting-

edge. I think this is just the start of it. I think Apple TV tried to it but they didn’t execute it

very well. And I think Google TV has the potential to do what Apple TV wanted to do.

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[Google TV video]

Ok, that’ pretty much coming out of the pipe at the moment. Already they’ve signed on

Sony and a few other different providers that are building Google TV into TVs. I think it’s

only a matter of time before we start to see TV and internet merge together. What does

that do? We’re all internet people. We’re at an internet marketing conference but what

does it mean to everyday people? It’s like the iPad is revolutionizing things because it’s a

lot more accessible to people. When my Mum starts talking about iPad, and I say, how do

you know about iPad, it’s everywhere. She’ll be listening to this and transcribing, so hi


Faster internet equals more video consumption

When it comes to Google TV, I think this is just the start. Internet speeds are getting faster

and it’s going to mean more and more people start consuming video as well.

It's in your search

It’s in your search as I talked about. I’ll just show you ISO Consulting. Part of what we do

when we work with a client, Ben’s a bit of a whiz on Animoto and that’s how he makes

these videos here. You see these are some videos as well. They’re starting to embed

themselves into the normal organic search. It is below the fold, but I’ve got low res on this

Mac and sometimes, obviously the Google Maps is pushing the results further down the

page. But sometimes if it wasn’t a Google Local search, you’d see that come up front and

centre and your eye is going to go right to it.

What it does for you

These are just little promo videos for Heather’s

business. So it’s integrating itself into search

and that is one of the reasons you need to be

doing more video. What does it do? We talked

about this whole idea about people doing

business with people and I talked about that at the start. You want to connect better with

people and you can do that through video. It builds the authenticity, transparency and

keeps it real.

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We’re doing some work with a print management company, Barney’s. We were talking

about him recording videos to put throughout his website that help educate people about

his products and services, who he is and all that type of thing. We were talking about that

way that he should present. He’s seen me and I’m in a T-shirt and I change my T-shirts

different times so I look a little bit like a Wiggle. He said, should I be doing that? I said, no,

what you want to be doing is, we did that from a branding point of view, I said, imagine

that you’re talking to the customer. So you want the customer to experience you as though

you were in the room with them now.

So I said, if you wear coloured shirts or whatever, then wear coloured shirts. He said, how

should I speak? I said, just speak like to a normal customer. That just comes from getting

comfortable with it and doing it enough times, and then that just comes out. You want to

be real because people can smell fake and dodgy a mile off. So just be who you are and

don’t try and make things up, and you’ll go really far.

Question: With that, would it help to write a set of questions out and then do that?

David: Yes. In one of the latest slides I’ll go through the way I write scripts. It’s important to

think about what you’re going to say first. But you need to be careful with a script because

you don’t want to read from a script. You know when you watch someone, if they’re not

trained in how to read from a teleprompter, it feels like they’re reading. Someone who is

passionate, it comes back to this idea that you should choose a business that you love and

are passionate about. You shouldn’t need a script if you love what it is that you’re doing.

You might have a few bullet points that you need to talk about and then just do it off the

cuff. If you know it, you should be in that space and that will come across. That’s what

people connect with. So a good insight there and then when we get through to one of the

other slides, I’ll talk about, I’ve got my video material there. Ben’s going to help me set it

up so you can see how it actually all works.

As I said, you want to make things as easy as possible. Who wants to read? That’s why so

many people sit in front of the TV for hours on end because they don’t want to sit there

and read a book. It’s just easier. Oh, it’s been a long day at work, just want to come home

and kick my feet up and watch some TV. The last thing you want to do is read a long sales

letter and all that type of thing. So video is the way to go.

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At the moment it’s still a very uncompetitive landscape. Some of the rankings that we’re

getting on YouTube and in Google video searches as well, we can get rankings up really

quickly for very competitive terms because a lot of people aren’t doing what I’m about to

teach you. That is, imagine treating each one of your videos like a mini authority site. What

do you do for mini authorities? You send links to them. You start to send links to those

videos and it’ll shoot straight to the top of the search engines. That’s what’s coming along

in a little bit.

Where to use it

So where do you use it? Just thinking about going

back to earlier today, when I talked about the

structure of the different websites. Firstly I’d have

a video front and centre on your home page and

put yourself in your avatar. Think about what it is

that their biggest frustrations are, like this free

report. And then just talk to them as though you’re a trusted advisor and friend. They’ve

come to you. They’re having issues with the video or whatever, physio, back pain whatever,

and just speak to them. Here’s what I’d give you for my advice. In all videos, and I’ll show

you some of my videos later, you always want to end a video with a call to action. You have

to tell them what it is that they should be doing next.

You should also have it on your services page to explain what it is that you’re offering.

Oftentimes, and Heather, this is probably perfect for you, your product and service, it isn’t

necessarily super clear for someone to understand what it is that you’re offering, so you

want to explain that in a video.

If you had that front and centre, here’s what I do, if you have to go for a certain type of

industry test that you have to pass, and you have to pass it the first time, why don’t you

come to me? I’ll help you out. Basically I’m a consultant, I make sure that you pass it every

time so you don’t have to keep resitting it and that way you can just focus on what you’re

good at. Really just put yourself in their place and speak to them.

The other good place to put it in is on the About Us page and it’s that telling a story. You can’t

fake the story. Again, this all comes back to the idea of building trust on your website.

People want to feel like they can trust you. So anything that you can do to help them trust

you, for example, telling them the story about, here’s how I got started, why I got started.

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‘I like helping people. I’ve always been interested in health and people with lower back

pain. It’s just something I wanted to solve and help them get through. I had a family friend,

my Mum and one of her friends ended up having lower back pain and it was debilitating

and crippling for her, and it was terrible for me to see that situation. What I did, I got into

this industry and I started to focus on lower back pain. And I helped her and I want to help

you and I have a passion to help.’

If you put something like that, and that was just me rambling, if you actually had a script

and you mapped that out, that’s something where you talk to the person and no one does

that sort of thing.

The other place you want to put video is in that autoresponder series. So the 10 x 10, this

comes from Mike Koenigs and you can check out a free interview on He’s

got this 10 x 10 x 4. I just focus on the 10 x 10, which is what are the 10 questions that your

clients ask when they’re looking for your products and services? Write them out and then

script a video response to that. What are the 10 most frequently asked questions? Record a

video answering each one of those and then I’ll show you how to optimize that.

As Pete talked about, looking at Yahoo! Answers, people have questions, then they go to

Google to try and find the answers. Then if we structure these videos correctly, it’s like

they’re coming to Google. They’ve got an issue. They’re wanting a frequently asked

question. We give it to them. We’re not selling anything. And then at the end of the video,

hey, want to find out more? You might have more questions on say, physiotherapy, head

back to our website to find out more.

You’ve got 10 questions that are frequently asked questions, and then 10 questions that

they should ask. So what are the 10 questions that you think they should ask? Then you

can script up that. There’s a double benefit there, both in getting them into YouTube and

also putting them into your autoresponder series, which we talked about in one of the

earlier sessions. When I talked about adding in content, that’s a good place to do that.

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I just wanted to talk about the other thing as well,

testimonials. Testimonials is the other big area

where I use video. If you have a look at our last

workshop, we got little videos of everybody and

they talked about what it was that they enjoyed

most about the session, all that type of thing. We

loaded it onto the website and Heather’s helping

us out with a video of her experience with Melbourne SEO Services.

You want to do the same thing for your business. Think of a client. Once you’ve done what

you promised you were going to do for them and you deliver on that result, you ask them,

hey, do you mind if I record a short few-minute video? It will just build the trust when

someone sticks and lands on your website.

If there was someone else who was in their situation before they decided to choose from

you, and here they are saying, I chose Melbourne SEO Services because I was frustrated my

website wasn’t ranking. Then I went to them and then I got X number of results.

Here’s a little bit of a template. I gave a series of questions that you can follow. You just

have to modify it for whatever industry you’re in. How were things before they came to you?

So what results were they getting before? Why did you come to us? So get them to explain

their frustrations. Like, I went to another SEO company or I got pay per click advertising

and I didn’t get the results that I was after, so I came to Melbourne SEO Services.

Then you talk about how we worked with them. Explain the process. ‘You know it was really

easy to work them, I thought it was going to be a lot of work on my end but they ended up

handling all the heavy lifting and I didn’t have to do anything. It was peace of mind so I

could focus in on my business.’

Then what were the results? ‘We ended up getting our site onto page one of Google which

in turn meant that we got more visitors to the website which meant that we got more calls

than we’ve ever had before. When I compare that to all other media advertising that I’ve

had in the past, I got the best return on investment by going through that.’

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Then what did it mean to you? ‘It just felt good to have someone who could take it off my

hands and I didn’t have to think about it.’ Would you recommend us as well? ‘Yes, of course, I

got the result, I’d recommend it to friends and family.’ Then usually this one is a good one

to ask right at the end, is there anything else you’d like to add? Usually this is when the gold

comes out. They’ll come up with something that you didn’t necessarily think about where

they might say, oh, yes, this and this happened because I worked with you.

If you follow that structure in your business, and this is all about building businesses of

value, so you’ve got to obviously be delivering on what your promise is. Sometimes as well,

we talked to someone during the break, they were saying they’re finding it hard to chase

up testimonials afterwards. If that’s the case, how about early on in your communication

when you first start working with a client you just say, look, one of the ways that I keep the

cost down is to make sure that my business is run on a referrals basis. I like it when you can

refer clients to me and the way that I find that works best is if I can get a testimonial. So if I

can get you the results that I promised I was going to get you, it’d be great if you could

record a testimonial for me.

Just mention that early on and it’s almost like you pre-frame them early on that they know.

It’s almost they’re saying, I’m going to do business with you and I accept your terms, your

terms being I will offer you a testimonial because you’ve said this is what I expect and

they’ve agreed to open into that relationship.

All of this type of thing that I’m giving you, I’m just hoping that you take it and use it for

good products and services. Some of what I’m teaching here can be taken and used in a

manipulative way because I’m giving you the essence of what sells people. You just come

from a good place and make sure you apply it in a good place.

My recording tips

My tips for recording, and this speaks to what you

were saying, I might borrow you for a second Ben

and we’ll set this up and I’ll just show you how it

is that we do the recording at the office. A lot of

the videos that you see for Melbourne SEO

Services are recorded in the back room. I pretty

much stand in front of this little drop sheet.

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It’s only a small room. Ben has all the lights set up. Usually I’ll yell out, hey, Ben, can you

make sure all the lighting’s all good? Then he’ll come in and depending on what video it is

that I’m doing, sometimes Ben’s in the room because he can provide me some really good

insight. Then pretty much I’ll just stand there like this. Imagine yourself now drifting up out

of your head, floating and drifting down into my head. Imagine what it’s like being here,

it’s pretty comfortable. You get used to it.

Behind the video here, you might have a

whiteboard. I usually have a whiteboard

about eye height. I didn’t want to bring that

in, it wouldn’t fit into the car. I’ll just have

bullet points on what it is that I’m going to

talk about. I make sure that we only do

bullet points. Pete and I did this for the video that we recorded that you’ll see on the small

business internet marketing. The way that Ben’s setting up these lights is probably

something that you want to take note of.

This is a whole lot of work that Ben’s brought to what it is that I do for my business, to

make sure that I brand myself really well. I almost feel like, if we’ve got a mike, Ben, I don’t

know if you want to give some insights as to how our videos have evolved.

Ben: First of all I’ll talk about the lighting system. I

won’t turn them on now but you get the point.

This is called a three-point lighting system. The

best thing I can recommend is to throw it into

YouTube. Go and have a look at three-point

lighting system tutorial. It’s very simple and very

commonly used, even on big film sets and things

like that. It’s a really good lighting system.

Basically what it does is, I’ll use Dave as an example. You might have seen some earlier

videos that Dave has done three years ago, sitting in front of the computer and you’re still

getting the information coming across, there’s a lot of good content but he doesn’t look

necessarily the best that he could. With good lighting, it just pops the person out. It gives

them a certain presence. It’s literally because you can see their face. There are no strong

shadows coming down. If you stand under a down light you get shadows, half your face is

in shadow.

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When you’ve got light coming at two angles, it lights both sides of the face and then the

one behind us throws a little light over the back and highlights a bit of definition in the

face as well and helps push them out from the background. Overnight, the quality of the

videos change. You can see also it gives a certain confidence because you know that you’re

looking good, you’re feeling good, you’re backing up what you’re saying with a certain

presence. That’s why we set it up.

You can do it anywhere. It’s a bit of a luxury here, we’ve got more room than we do in the

back room. But Dave has managed to set up a little screen, a black backdrop in the

background and we just work the lights and make it work. We’ve just worked out the right

system and it’s just something you need to play around with.

Dave gave an example about Barney’s. This guy has a print management company. I went

out to see him and he was asking what he should talk about because he’s all about

customer service. He said, should I get up there and say I give the best customer service

and so on?

The answer is no, you should give an anecdote. You should give an anecdote about

customer service, but you don’t need to spell it out. You can say, I had this customer. They

needed 500,000 stickers out in 24 hours and we did it. Rather than, I was there for them

and I’m so good at this. It’s that thing about saying, the proof is in what you’ve done and

that’s really powerful in video.

It could be about physio. I’m so passionate, I had this client who couldn’t walk, they had a

repetitive injury and I tried this technique that I learned on the internet. Then that’s the

winning thing. So there is that authenticity rather than saying, I’m great at this. It’s almost

you giving a case study or a testimonial without the person.

David: As you can see, and I’ll show you some videos of before and after and what Ben has

really brought to the team as far as that sort of thing. I get comments on the videos all the

time. So I think if you guys can bring that to your business, you’ll do extremely well.

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The other tip as well which Ben gave me is, when doing the post edit afterwards, don’t feel

like you need to get the script exactly right from start to finish. If I’m making a 10-minute

video, sometimes I’m on the money and I record straight through. Other times there will be

points where we stop and start. I might just record a little segment and I’ll stop. I’ll record a

bit more of a segment and then when Ben edits post, he’ll have the video and when it cuts

to the next part, he’ll pop in, so he’ll pop in to the head. It’ll feel like, oh, that’s just them

changing camera angles. But really that’s me because I did another shoot or another shot.

So it just comes from practice.

The structure of video

Intro (professional & hook)

The structure of the video itself, you need an

intro. If you can use some sort of little flash, or

something so it makes you look a little bit

more professional, or some sort of hook, or

something to get someone early on. The start

of the video, you just want to draw them in. So

whether it’s a flashy intro where they say, oh, what’s this and they want to watch to see

what happens, or whether it’s a hook, you might have a question. Have you ever, blah, blah

depending on whatever your local business is? Lead with a question. Then they’ll say, I

want to watch this to find out what the answer is to the question.

Lower third

Have a lower third, and the lower third just usually happens at the start of the video.

Underneath the person who is talking, and I’ll show you an example of one, it just has your

name and maybe your website or something like that, just so they start to associate you

and your name together. It gets your name out there. Also thinking from a professional

point of view, a lot of times you might look on the news and things like that and they’ll

have lower thirds, where they’ll say who it is that’s speaking. That’s again just making the

videos even more professional.

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Always include your URL

When posting on YouTube, have your URL displaying all the time throughout the entire

video. Usually we put it on the bottom, in the bottom left hand corner. The reason we do

the bottom left-hand corner, is on the right-hand corner, YouTube often puts a watermark

over the top. So if you have your URL over the other side, it’ll get hidden by the watermark.

So just make sure you drag it and put it over the left hand side.

Have that throughout because someone might be watching the video on YouTube. They

haven’t necessarily found this video on your website, they might have found it on YouTube.

You want a way to bring them back to the website. They might be partway through the

video and then say, yes, I want to find out more about their particular product and service

so you want to make it as easy as possible.


At the end of the video, make sure you have a call, like an outro. We’ll have a little bit of

music. In fact, we usually have music at the start and at the end.

Outro (call to action)

And then at the outro, a very clear call to action. Want to watch the rest of this interview?

Head to X. Want to buy these DVDs? Head to here. You tell them exactly. Want to find out

more? Go to here. And that needs to be really clear.

Question: With the music for your intro and outro, it’s royalty free music?

David: Ben’s probably a good one to answer that.

Ben: I edit in iMovie, which Dave talked about, for those who have a Mac. And it’s got a

bunch of jingles in there that you can use. Alternatively, there are websites where you can

buy stock music for $20 a pop. I don’t know if Movie Maker has it built in. But does anyone

know? Who runs a Windows machine? Just use what you can in your Mac.

David: If you just Google royalty free music, you’ll find some things out there.

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What you’ll need

Things that you need, lights, camera tripod, a

microphone is important. The sound is really,

really important when making video. I think this is

something that Ben taught me as well. If the

sound is not quite right and you’re watching a

video, you notice it like that. But if the sound is

fine, you don’t notice it. You just don’t think about

it. But if the sound is wrong, then you pick up on it.

For editing, iMovie is fantastic. Ben came from loving using Final Cut and I’ve tried getting

him to use iMovie a little bit more, mainly because of the speed at which you can put

material out. And you can edit really quickly and it’s quite intuitive. But the finished

product, when we did the Google vs. Yellow Pages video that you saw at the start of the

day, that was done in Final Cut because that was something that we needed a little bit

more control over.

Another way as well, if you’re really not comfortable doing live video yet, and as time

passes you will begin to get more comfortable with it, but if you want to first start with

onscreen recording, you can start with ScreenFlow on a Mac or Camtasia, and that will just

record your screen. So go ahead, get yourself a PowerPoint, talk through your product and

service and just go through a PowerPoint presentation and record it, and then upload that

to YouTube. That’s a good way to start.

Pete: I just want to give you guys a bit of context of what you can actually get from a price

point perspective from camera-wise. So you don’t have to freak out and buy those crazy

cameras at the end of the room there. There are two cameras I’ve been using for a while.

One is a Flip MinoHD. It’s a full HD camera for a couple of hundred dollars. So you don’t

have to go and spend thousands of dollars. This is one that I bought when I was away in

the US last month, which is the best one on the market at the moment, called a Creative

Vado. The beautiful thing with this one, is not only is it HD, it has a mike input jack. So you

can actually get a lapel mike and plug it straight into the jack, and you’re getting high-

quality video. Just to give you a really quick idea, just 30 seconds of what some of the

video looks like on these things. This is a Flip MinoHD. This is available in Australia these

days. The Creative Vado I don’t think is available in Australia yet, but Amazon or plenty of

online places, $200.

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Then you can get a camera stand. Flip comes with a camera stand so you screw it in, sit it

on the table in front of you, there’s your tripod right there, it comes with the camera. To

give you an idea of quality and things like this, I do a lot of video casts where I have a bean

bag thing that sits on my dashboard which has a screw at the top. I screw my camera on

my dashboard and do videos exactly like this. This is the quality you can get on a little

camera like this. It’s pretty high-quality video for a camera this big. For the web, that’s

cheap, just $200. You have to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars to get some high-

quality material. This is the royalty free music that comes out of iMovie.

So the software that this video was done on and a lot of the videos that Dave is talking

about, comes free on the Macintosh. So you don’t have to go and spend $500 on a

separate piece of equipment. You have a Mac which is by far the best machines out there,

and you buy a $200 Flip Minor or a Vado, and you’ve got a movie studio to do high-quality,

high-definition video work. So it can be done very cheaply.

Optimising your videos

David: I’ll talk briefly about how to make them

then come up in YouTube. One you’ve edited

them and you’ve got them all exported out, the

final thing you need to do is make sure that you

do the on page optimization. It works very

similarly to the way that you do optimization for

a page on your own normal website. You select

whatever your keyword is that you want to go after.

You can go for a lot more aggressive, more competitive phrases than you could with

normal search because it’s a lot less competitive. You can go for things like trading advice,

which is one video I can show you, and a few things like that where I probably have no

chance at all trying to rank that in normal organic search. But you can rank like that in

video. You just want to make sure, once you’ve selected that keyword, make sure that you

put it into your title, make sure you put it into your description. The video will enable you

to have a little description and I’ll take you over to show you what one looks like.

Tags, the way I use tags, it’s just an additional place to insert more keywords. So it’s almost

like the meta keywords component of when you’re optimizing a page. I know that might

still be a little bit of gibberish for some people, but as I talked about, I’m going to make a

video for you that takes you a little bit more in depth, how to do the on page optimization.

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The other thing you want to do when optimizing a video, have a look at what your

competition is doing. If you want to rank for a particular keyword on YouTube, type in that

keyword. Look who’s already number one and then see what it is that they’ve done. That’s

a good starting place. Just take the same structure of their title, the same tags. Maybe you

take the same structure of the way they’ve done the meta description. You reword it. I’m

not talking about plagiarism, but you can take some inspiration. Then just build that into

your video. I’ll just show you one quickly.

Ben: Just quickly, you may be wondering where to get the lights. Dave, you got them on

eBay, is that right? Those little umbrella things are called soft boxes and they just help

diffuse the lights, so it’s not a strong light on you. Look up lighting kit or something on

eBay. You should get them for a couple of hundred dollars. Those just have the little

fluorescent, the power-saving bulbs in them. They’re about five in each one. That’s it, it’s


David: There we go. Having a look, this is just a particular person’s name in the trading

niche who I did an interview with. Then I wanted to dominate and I mean dominate the

front page of YouTube for that particular keyword. So we took the video interview that we

did, and then Ben cut it up into little segments and we just posted lots of little segments.

I’ll show you one of the keywords. We’ll do trading advice because that was one I know.

Trading advice is pretty competitive, not number one at the moment, but happy with

number two. We’re working on number one.

The title is here, so that’s why it’s important to have the keyword in there. There is the

description. When Ben first started working and optimizing some of our videos that we

uploaded to YouTube, he was spending a bit of time really making sure that copy read

really well. Then we had a bit of a talk and realized most people don’t actually read the

description underneath the video.

The main thing that you need to make sure, get the

keyword in there, because the search engines will

definitely read it, and then also have the URL. So the

URL should have http://. That way, it’s clickable.

Google will recognize that it’s clickable and then it can

be a link just to try and draw people back to your website. Usually, that’s the first thing that

you should have on your description. As you can see when it’s minimized and you don’t

see the rest of it, at least they can still click the link to come back to you.

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So this is one of the videos that Ben worked on. There is flashy intro material I talked about,

Upgrade Your Trading Smarts. You’ll see the lower third. This is me in the back room, in

front of the black thing that I was talking about. I had bullet points on the whiteboard just

as you saw me doing here. Then we recorded in little segments, then Ben snipped it

together and you’ll see the points at which I had a break, it’s when I zoomed in on my head.

Then I’ve broken back because that was the next little bit. Then I’ll just come to the end of

the video and you’ll see we’ve got a call to action. ‘Take action now.’

They’re doing really well for us, those particular videos. That’s how you go ahead and

optimize videos for YouTube. Pretty much all you have to do is take what it is that you’ve

already learned earlier, and I’ll also go ahead and make a video for you about the on page

optimization. But it’s just choosing the right keyword, making sure it’s in those few places

and there are a few other little sneaky things that I’ll show you really quickly.

Question: So when you said you broke it into segments, what was your rule about how big each segment should be?

Ben: YouTube has a limit of 10 minutes. So 10 minutes is your cutoff point but you also

need to allow for your intro and your outro. So really, nine and a half minutes or so. But

generally, you find a natural ending in most things.

So it might be seven minutes or six, or eight. It just depends on where there’s the end of a

point and you’re about to make another one, but you never want to go over 10 minutes.

YouTube will let you go over a tiny bit, but also it depends on the content as well. If it’s

jam-packed full of material, you don’t want to saturate the person with information too.

Question: I was just going to throw in that it’s worth transcribing your video. I don’t know if you were going to mention that but YouTube can transcribe it for you. It doesn’t always do

such a great job, particularly with Aussie accents, but you can also transcribe it yourself. Or you can take the text and when you embed the video on your site, just put the transcription of your video on your site as well. So you’re getting the SEO benefit

of all the terms that you mention in the video too.

David: Yes, it’s a really good suggestion there and that’s also how we end up building our

web 2.0 properties and where we get the content from. So we transcribe it and use it over

there, and it’s also underneath your video in the description to make it easier. So it’s good.

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Understanding the algorithm

So understanding the Google algorithm. Here

are the factors that make it up. So you just

have to think, how can I boost each of these

different areas? Back links is probably the

number one most important thing. So sign up

for AMA or maybe in your EzineArticles you

link back to your YouTubes if you want them to pop up. At the moment, you can get

videos ranked just with having the keyword in the right place. You don’t even necessarily

have to do much more because it’s not very competitive still.

But if you want to push something up in a more competitive space, build back links to it.

The more embedded times you can get your video so Google has an option where you can

embed a video. So when you’re looking at a video, you can grab the embed code and that

code, a webmaster can cut and paste that and then that YouTube video will get embedded

into your website. The more embeds that you have, again, that shows Google, yes, this is a

video that people see value in, therefore they’re going to give more weight to that video.

Number of views as well, the more views a video has; the ratings, you can give things a

five-star rating. Comments, the more comments there are on there shows it’s active and

people are interested in it. The age, how old it is.

Some of these ones, as I get further down the list, I think, play less and less of an important

part. But the age, whether or not it’s included in other people’s playlists because you can

create playlists on YouTube. If other people include your video in their playlist, it’s like

them giving you a thumbs-up and a vote, saying, yes, this video is ok.

How many channel views you’ve got. So I’ll just show

you briefly on that, an actual channel. If I come back,

this is just my standalone YouTube video. But if I go

to my YouTube channel, I’ll click djenyns here. It’s

probably not the best choice for a user name from an

SEO point of view but I registered this a really long time ago. Having a look here, this is

your channel page and this is where all of your videos are in one place. So you can see, 200

videos just on this particular one, let alone some of our other ones as well.

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So that gives you an idea how video has evolved. But from here you’ll get some stats on

here. On this particular channel, people have visited this page almost 40,000 times, and of

all my videos, we’re 750,000 views on all of the videos on this channel. If you imagine,

that’s a lot of views. If you’re imagining someone watching that, I’m pre-selling them on

my content and ideas, and then I draw them back to my website. It’s a really good sales

tool here. I think that your channel views and also the subscribers to your channel will play

a part as to how your videos rank.

It’s still very early days, so all you have to do for now is, just don’t worry about that type of

thing. This is the type of thing you might listen to in another two or three years when it

gets a bit more competitive, and you say, how do I get my video up? Alright, I’ll take out

my DVDs and see what Dave said. But for now, if you just make sure you’ve got the

keyword in the right place, try and get it embedded if you can, and just start building links

back to your video.

Channel secrets

Channel secrets, just make sure that you select

the right user name. You can change the

background image to have your URL in there.

This is another sneaky way to try and drive

people back to the website. This high-res

screen, I’ve actually got my URL there. If

people are here, it’s just another way to point

them back to the website.

The channel type as well. When you first sign up with YouTube, your channel is set as

default, the default channel type, I’m not even sure what they call it. But when you log into

Google, here is a cool little tip to change your channel type and it’ll get you awards.

Sometimes down the right-hand side, you can get most viewed and most active which I’ve

got as an example on I took a screen capture of it. So again, this is just

building proof and that credibility. On this one you can see, it’s just building that credibility,

thirteen most viewed on today.

Now, if you’re competing in the default niche that everybody else is under, the standard

channel format, it’s a lot more competitive space. You have the option when you sign into

your YouTube account. You come into settings, and then channel type. So change your

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channel type, I set mine to guru. YouTuber is your standard one. So you’re competing

against everybody else to get those awards.

When you get awards, there are special places on Google that your websites will get listed.

By changing this channel type to guru, I’m competing against fewer people. Therefore, it’s

another way to get your videos that extra little push. That’s another cool little thing that

you probably haven’t heard before.

The other thing as well, when people actually get to your channel, tell them to subscribe.

There are parts where you can enter in some text. So on my channel, I say, above you’ll see

a yellow button. Hit the subscribe button. I tell them what to do. A lot of what we talk

about is giving them calls to action and telling them what it is they need to do.

Don’t be perfect...

You don’t need to be perfect. We’ve done

about 300 videos plus over the past three years.

Ben and I always have this discussion about

quantity versus quality. For me, coming from

my old-school direct mail, ugly long sales

letters do sell, bringing that into the video,

sometimes I think ugly videos will sell as well. Come on Ben, let’s try and push harder to

get more videos out. And Ben says, hang on, we need to make sure that when people see

them, they’re good quality. So we’re finding that balance now so we push out videos

quickly enough but we also get them out in good enough quality that people are going to

want to watch them.

That’s a pretty rude, early video that I did and I was sitting in my bedroom, I didn’t have

any lights, this is before Ben. There’s my wardrobe, I’ve got a mirror up the side there. This

video has 36,000 views and pointed people back to my website.

They’ve evolved now and you saw what they look like now, but I mean that is pretty raw.

That was a good couple of years ago. Hopefully that gets me off the hook.

Question: Why so many?

David: Why so many? The more videos you have, the more tickets you have in the search

engine lottery. It’s all about creating as much content as you can, both in video and in

pages. The more you get out there and if you’re targeting keywords, the better chance you

have of coming up in front of people.

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So start with four to five videos, just get started. Put them on those key pages that I talked

about, Home page, Services, About Us. There are a few keywords there, if you search those,

we pretty much dominate most of those pages. You’d be familiar with TradeSim, we do

quite well dominating that one, charting software and a few other ones. So just copy what

I’m doing and that might be a good start.

Any final questions on video?

Question: Is there a problem with taking things from iMovie into YouTube?

David: Maybe we’ll let Ben answer that one.

Ben: You can actually export it straight to YouTube. So it’ll format it for you. Or you can

export it as a video at whatever size it is and it should be fine, as long as it’s not too huge.

But even now YouTube can take HD footage. So it’ll take a bigger format, like an aspect

ratio. But it’s not a problem.