how to succeed in the first few years of the corporate world

By Chong Sai Khong 0105982 Lee Kian Hong 58075 Sum Wei Xiang 0105829 Syafiq Adnan 0106438

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Chong Sai Khong 0105982

Lee Kian Hong 58075

Sum Wei Xiang 0105829

Syafiq Adnan 0106438

1. Gaining trust2. Positive Attitude3. Involve in working environment4. Accept failure5. Creative thinking6. Have personal goals7. Respect8. Neat working attire9. Early for work and meeting.10. Self Branding

Colleague and superior

Decrease difficulty of works

More efficient

Work with enthusiasm

Always be patience and optimistic as will encounter a lot of obstacles during the early years

Volunteer on working



Have better networking with colleagues and superior.

Better working environment


Failure is a stepping stone to success

Learn from mistake

Do not give up

Provide ideas in meeting or in group decision making.

Higher chances of recognition by superior

Have style of work that suits you best

As a motivation when working

Live to work not work to live

Be optimistic

Always be positive minded

Adapt to the company culture

Avoid unnecessary criticisms

Respect everyone

Unnecessary formal attire (if company stated)

Looks professional

Feel belong in the group

Conversation topic

Always plan to arrive early.

Never be late for work or meeting.

Always inform others as soon as possible.

Establish LinkedIn profile

Introduce yourself to co-workers and be as friendly as possible



Thank you

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