how to overcome dissertation procastination

How to Overcome Dissertation Procrastination Presented by

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How to overcome dissertation procastination by


How to Overcome Dissertation


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If you are waiting for the perfect time to start writing your dissertation, you might never find it. No time will ever be perfect for a dissertation. Procrastinating is a constant threat for students when handling a large project such as a dissertation.

It makes staying on track when you have other important responsibilities almost impossible. Naturally, the body tends to repel things that are not pleasant and difficult.

Stop wasting time waiting for the perfect time to commence your dissertation project. Design a dissertation plan to see you through the dissertation-writing period. Plan carefully and allocate adequate time to each section of the dissertation.

1.Get started immediately

You don’t have to start at the beginning just because that is what professors advocate. In fact, you do not have to begin by writing the introduction of your dissertation proposal. Start where you feel most comfortable.

2. Start from anywhere

You don’t have to begin with the largest task of the project. Give yourself a few minutes to accomplish a small goal. In no time, you will gain momentum by completing the small tasks. Break down the large tasks into small tasks that are manageable.

3. Start small

You will make consistent steps if you write something everyday. Set a side some time to write something small on your dissertation. You don’t have to write a whole page or chapter, something as little as a paragraph is enough to keep you motivated.

4. Write something everyday

Work on your most productive time of the day. At times, it is easier to procrastinate if you work when most exhausted. You can choose to work in the morning, mid-morning, afternoon or evening, whichever suits you best. Work on the dissertation when you feel fresh and motivated.

5. Productive time

Overcoming writers block is possible if you stick to your dissertation schedule. If you find yourself unable to write or even, think, get up, and arrange your workstation. Clean up your desk, arrange your notes and books, and clean your computer.

7. Overcome writers block

For every task that you complete, reward yourself. It does not have to be a big task, perhaps as small as completing a paragraph, or that you managed to do what you set to do. Reward yourself with a sensual bath, a phone call, a cup of tea or snack.

8. Reward yourself

How fast you write your dissertation depends on the complexity of the topic and availability of resources. Pay attention to each section of your dissertation ensuring that it is enriched with information and well organized.

9. Do not rush

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