how to make homemade perfume

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  • 7/25/2019 How to Make Homemade Perfume


    How to Make Homemade PerfumeFebruary 28, 2015 Business Ideas 2 Comments

    People love using perfumes because it makes them smell great and feel

    better. Not only does smelling great make a person feel good, but it will make

    a person feel attractive also.

    Here are ways on how to make your own perfume so that you can produce a scent

    which is particuar to you, and unike any of those that you can buy either in store or

    o!er the internet"

    Tip 1" It is better that you use measurin# de!ices that aow you to e$acty measure out

    the amounts of ois and so!ents re%uired" If you do not, the perfume you make may not

    be what you wanted"

    &ro!ided beow, are a few easy recipes that you shoud be abe to produce at home

    without too much hasse"

    'o start, you wi need the foowin# aboratory e%uipments( a 10k# wei#hin# scae or

    kitchen scae, pastic cups, a stirrin# rod, a sma beaker and a 1,000m beaker, and a

    !oumetric )ask with co!er"

    'he raw materias for this pro*ect are as foows(

    + 0# tripe deodori-ed acoho .'/H

    + 15# fra#rance

    + 5# musco .C3

    + 5# moisturi-er .propyene #yco or &&4+ 5# distied water

    For packa#in#, you may use either an atomi-er botte .spray with a net content of 5 m

    .&15 per botte or roon #ass bottes with a net content of 10 m .&16 per botte"

    'hese are a!aiabe at the /i!isoria arket in ania"


    Step 1:'o start, put a the raw materiase$cept the acohoin sma pastic containers

    or beakers for wei#hin#" 'he acoho needs to be wei#hed ast because it easiy

    e!aporates when e$posed to air"

    For accuracy, a of the in#redients must be wei#hed in #rams, this is to ensure you aremakin# %uaity scents"

    First, wei#h the beaker or the pastic cups on the wei#hin# scae" ake sure to ad*ust

    the scae to -ero before takin# your measurements" 7hie on top of the scae, the

    beaker or the pastic cups with the in#redients and wei#h"
  • 7/25/2019 How to Make Homemade Perfume


    Step :7hen the materias are ready, pour the C3 into the beaker containin# the

    acoho" 'o make sure that the container of the C3 is thorou#hy emptied of the C3,

    rinse it with the wei#hed acoho, mi$ the resutin# soution with a stirrin# rod, then add

    the thorou#hy mi$ed soution to the C3 in the beaker" 9tir the contents of the beaker

    unti the C3 is fuy dispersed in the acoho

    Step !::dd the &&4 to the mi$ture and stir" :ways stir each time you add another

    in#redient, and make sure to competey disperse the substance before addin# another

    in#redient to the mi$ture"

    Step ":Finay, add the distied water" 'o competey cean the empty container of the

    remainder of its contents, rinse it with water and add the resutin# soution to the

    mi$ture in the beaker"

    Step #:'horou#hy mi$ a the in#redients in the beaker unti the perfume soution

    becomes homo#eneous, then #et your bottes and them with the perfume" 3abe and

    packa#e your perfumes as desired, based on where you intend to se them"

    'his formuation for 100 #rams of perfume yieds 12 to 1; roon bottes"ach time you need to #et some of your raw fra#rances, transfer them into smaer

    bottes" 'his is to minimi-e their contact with air, which may ad!ersey interact with

    them" By usin# a !oumetric )ask with co!er, you can keep your perfume intact and

    weseaed unti you are ready to packa#e it"

    $ther Perfume %ecipes

    1. &asic %ecipe: you need for this recipe is some water, chopped )ower bossoms .use iac or

    a!ender if bossoms una!aiabe"

    &ace the )ower bossoms in a bow, add the water and then co!er them and ea!e them

    o!erni#ht" 'he ne$t day, the soution can be put into sma bottes and sprayed either

    into the air or on to your skin"

    . 'ma(e

    For this, you wi need some distied water, !odka, hypericum perforatum, cypress and

    rosemary .a of which are essentia ois" 'hey shoud then be mi$ed to#ether and

    stored o!erni#ht":fter a period of 12 hours or more, the soution produced can be put into a dark spray

    botte to be used" ?sin# a dark coored botte wi hep the soution to remain fresh,

    which wi be fet by the person usin# it when they appy it to their skin"

    !. )hispering %ain

    'his is another recipe that may be worth tryin# out" :#ain, you wi need distied water,

  • 7/25/2019 How to Make Homemade Perfume


    some !odka, 9andawood, Ber#amot and Cassis essentia ois .which can aso be

    purchased as fra#rance ois"

    For this recipe, you wi need fra#rance ois such as 9andawood, Cedar 7ood,

    Ber#amot, @odka and a itte touch of @ania" : these in#redients shoud be put into a

    *ar and then shaken" It shoud then be put in a coo pace and eft for a

    week" :fter this time, you can then transfer the mi$ture into sma perfume bottes"

    'hese in#redients shoud be stirred to#ether and then stored o!erni#ht in a co!ered

    container" 'hen, the ne$t day, it can be transferred to a dark coored botte" 'his

    perfume must be kept in a coo pace so that it does not dry up"

    'he three perfumes abo!e normay ast for about a month before they ose their scent"

    Tip .&ut your perfume in a dark coored botte and must be kept in a coo dry pace to

    make its shef ife much on#er"

    *rench Perfume $ilIn#redients

    1" 1A2 ounce . #rams sweet amond oi

    2" 15 drops a!ender essentia oi

    ;" 10 drops sandawood essentia oi


    1" 9terii-e a sma dark #ass perfume botte" :dd a in#redients and mi$"

    'his perfume wi be #ood for si$ months" 9tore it inside the bathroom cabinetout ofsuni#ht"

    +itrus Splash


    1" 2 cups distied water

    2" ; tabespoons !odka

    ;" 15 drops sweet oran#e essentia oi

    " 10 drops Ber#amot essentia oi .e$tracted from oran#e trees

    5" -est of one emon

    Instructions1" 9terii-e a cannin# *ar in boiin# water" :ow to dry or dry carefuy without touchin#

    inside of *ar"

    2" &ut emon -est in the *ar" &our water and !odka o!er -est"

    ;" 9tir with a stainess stee spoon" :dd essentia ois, sea and put in coo, dark pace for

    one week"

  • 7/25/2019 How to Make Homemade Perfume


    " 9wir contents e!ery other day" strain i%uid throu#h cheese coth or co=ee ter" &ut

    perfume water into dark .bue or amber decorati!e botte"

    'his perfume wi be #ood for a year"

    ow to make 'romatherapy Perfume

    First, you need a base" It can either be acoho or a carrier oi .but the best is a mi$ture

    of the two to#ether" 'he best type of acoho to use is one which is odoress .say !odka

    and mi$ this with o*oba" o*oba is particuary #ood, as it has a on# shef ife, and once

    it is put on the skin, it tends to dry out and ea!e a wonderfu scent behind"

    Howe!er, *o*oba is one of the more e$pensi!e carrier ois, and I woud su##est you

    e$periment with one of the cheaper ones .such as amond or apricot kerne oi instead"

    'hen, once you are happy with the product you are producin#, you can produce the

    same product but with *o*oba oi instead"

    'he e%uipment you wi need for makin# aromatherapy perfume is as foows(

    1" easurin# 9poons .:ny #ood kitchen store wi ha!e these

    2" 9ma Funne .Can be purchased at any #ood /I< or hardware store

    ;" 9ma Coored Bottes .3ook around your oca stores or carry out a search on

    the internet

    " /ropper .not a essentia oi bottes ha!e one of these incuded with them"

    Dow we wi pro!ide you with the instructions for producin# your rst batch of

    aromatherapy perfume"

    1" 1 teaspoon of carrier oi .o*oba, :mond or :pricot Eerne and 1 teaspoon of

    acoho .@odka, and with the sma funne, pace these in the botte"

    2" De$t, add the essentia ois from your chosen recipe .beow you wi see a number of

    di=erent recipes, with the %uantities of essentia ois you re%uire for them"

  • 7/25/2019 How to Make Homemade Perfume


    'he rst recipe beow is specicay for those women who may su=er from ner!es on

    their weddin# day, and wi hep to fee much more rea$ed and cam on their bi# day"

    : you need to make this recipe is(

    a" drops asmine

    b" 2 drops 3emon

    c" 1 drop &atchoui

    The following recipes have been designed to help produce a much more

    calming e-ect to the person using them.'hese perfumes wi hep to focus you on

    your inner sef, and pro!ide you with a feein# of security, which wi promote a feein#

    of tota rea$ation"


    drops of Cedarwood

    2 drops of Cary 9a#e

    1 drop of 4rapefruit2 drops of andarin

    +hill $ut

    2 drops of 4rapefruit

    2 drops of &atchoui

    1 drop of ose

    ; drops of @eti!ert

    2 drops of

  • 7/25/2019 How to Make Homemade Perfume


    2 drops of ose

    drops of osewood


    2 drops of 3inden Bossom

    ; drops of 3ime

    2 drops of Deroi

    ; drops of 9andawood


    drops of eissa

    2 drops of ose

    2 drops of

  • 7/25/2019 How to Make Homemade Perfume


    5" :fter weeks, you can transfer the mi$ture to dark bottes for stora#e, or keep the

    mi$ture in the botte it is in, in a dark coo pace"

    'he na recipe pro!ided beow is one which wi produce a body spash, rather than a

    perfume, and has a citrus aroma to it"

    &ody Spash


    1" 2 cups of distied water

    2" ; tabespoons of !odka

    ;" 1 tabespoon each of emon and oran#e pee .which must ha!e been ney chopped

    " 5 drops of 3emon @erbena

    5" 10 drops of andarin

    6" 10 drops of ran#e


    1" i$ the fruit pees with the !odka in a *ar, co!er and et it stand for 1 week"2" :fter the week, strain the i%uid and add the essentia ois and distied water to


    ;" Dow et the mi$ture stand for a further 2 weeks, and make sure you shake the *ar we

    once a day durin# this time"

    " &ace the na soution after the 2 weeks in a dark botte.s, or keep it in a coo

    dark area"

    Tip !.&ut your homemade perfume in a nice !inta#e perfume bottes, they wi

    certainy pro!ide you with an indi!idua ook that cannot be found when buyin#

    perfumes that ha!e been mass produced"$ne of the best ways of selling your own perfume is through your friends,

    families and coworkers4 you may also use them as giveaways for weddings

    and other special occasions.If you are marketin# the products to teena#ers, itGs

    better to put your perfume in spray bottes" If you are tar#etin# oce workers, howe!er,

    puttin# the perfume in roon bottes woud be a better option" :!oid usin# pastic as

    packa#in# materia they ha!e dio$ins that may mi$ or interact with your perfume"

    's you can see making your own perfumes, colognes or body sprays is simple,

    and once you0ve made your 5rst lot and tried it yourself, you will soon want to

    be making more.