how to make banana cake

How To Make Banana Cake By : Ani Priastami & Estri Mulatsih

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How to make banana cake

How To Make Banana CakeBy :Ani Priastami & Estri Mulatsih

Materials250 gram margarine100 gram granulated sugar100 gram brown sugar250 wheat flour1 sdt baking powder sdt baking soda1 sdm seasoning spekuk100 ml liquid milk4 banana ambon1 sdm lime juice5 egg whiteGarnish: cream, chery, cheesee

StepsFirst, Preheat oven to 180C, grease round cake pans with butter and flour, set aside Then, mashed ambon banana, add lime juice, stir until flatNext, Mix margarine with brown sugar and granulated sugar until expand and soft, pour egg yolk one by one while continuing to be mixed until expandPour wheat flour, baking powder, baking soda and seasoning spekuk, stir until flat. Add mashed banana, add egg white has been mixed, stir until flat and pour in to cake pansAfter that, Bake cake for 45 minutes until cookedFinally, Garnish with a dabe of cream and grated chesee, then put some pieces cherry