how to grade writing

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  • 7/30/2019 How to Grade Writing


    A Criterion for Evaluating Papers and Essays

    Perhaps the most difficult task for the educator is to evaluate a student's writing. Animportant reason for this difficulty is the educator's concern that the evaluation process is

    too subjective; that is, the "correctness" of a paper is perceived by the student as only the

    educator's unsupported opinion. This concern usually is the product of habitually seeingeducation as a process of right or wrong answers, whether this perception is viewed by

    the educator or by the student. While objective tests can examine the student's

    comprehension about facts and figures, written papers about divergent knowledge offer a

    challenge, because the student's paper cannot be evaluated by the same criterion as a true-false test about knowledge that is convergent.

    For this reason, writing is given little priority by educational technocrats, who emphasizeprocesses rather than rhetoric. Objective tests are satisfactory to determine whether a

    student has minimal knowledge required by the techocrats, and the student's standing can

    be readily determined by the grading scale. Students are technically and socially trained

    in order to "fit in American society." However, to employ rhetoric means having toevaluate differences in ideas, which is becoming more politically unacceptable in the

    schools, because differences create friction. In order to get a job, a student does not haveto struggle with words or with ideas.

    An objective scale is impossible for evaluating writing. In reality, like the mythological

    "average student," there is no such thing as an average paper. The reason is becausepapers deal with ideas, not with answers. Ideas cannot be viewed in terms of being

    average or above-average, but only as being clear and logical, or unclear and illogical.

    Ideas may express truth or error, but never are these ideas "average." Therefore, theevaluation of papers centers on whether the student successfully expresses his ideas in a

    clear and compelling way. While important to proper communication, grammar is not theemphasis when evaluating the student's work. Only after the educator has considered thepresentation of the message are concerns about spelling, grammar, and mechanics

    addressed. However, since the technocratic establishment is hooked on GPAs, the

    educator must assign some letter grade in order to appease the misguided makers of


    The F paper should be rare. Every student is not so completely devoid of ideas that he

    cannot organize or discuss a topic. If the student fails, the reason will be his failure toacquire a working knowledge of grammar, and not because the student lacks ideas. The

    only real question for the evaluator will be to determine the difference between the A, the

    B, and the C paper. Typically, the difference between mediocre writing and uncommonwriting is that the better writer uses transitions between thoughts and uses specific

    support in the form of examples, illustrations, and anecdotes. The common writer uses

    language that a politician uses--trite phrases, vague generalities, and noncommittalhedging. The difference between the A and B paper is that the writer of the A paper has

    written a nearly flawless product.

  • 7/30/2019 How to Grade Writing


    The Evaluator's Checklist

    1. While not necessary, you should consider reading the essay aloud to the student. If thereading reveals weaknesses in logic and grammar, have the student revise the paper

    before any further evaluation. As you read the paper, the student himself will discover his

    own errors or lack of logic.

    2. The second reading is to find failure in communication.

    Is there a weak thesis or, even worse, no thesis?

    Do the topic sentences fail to prove the thesis?

    Is the support just vague generalizations and not specific?

    Are pronouns used for subjects or objects?

    Are vague nouns used such as "person," "thing," "society," and "event"?

    3. Use a check mark to indicate lines that have grammatical or spelling errors. The

    student is now required to discover his own errors without the educator's "correcting"them for him.

    4. You should always create a short paragraph that will serve as the end note.

    Explain what the student is doing right.

    Tell the student what you would liked to have known more about in his paper, but

    that he failed to say.

    Find one--two at the most--concepts that the student needs to do for the rewrite or

    next essay.

    End with an encouraging note. Tell the student how pleased you are that he has

    progressed, how you enjoyed reading this particular essay, or some other

    appropriate remark. The evaluation ends on a positive note.

    5. Assign a letter grade. The following criteria are used by colleges when assigning a

    grade to the paper. Papers are evaluated for content and organization, as well as forgrammar and mechanics. Most college professors assign a failure to any paper with three

    major errors in grammar. Some colleges are even stricter regarding grammar.

    6. Miscellaneous considerations Papers should be double-spaced, even when the student writes by hand. The space

    between the lines allows you to place your comments near the student's idea thatneeds attention.

    Always have the student rewrite the paper. Students need to learn that the first

    written product is always a rough draft.

  • 7/30/2019 How to Grade Writing


    The A essay:

    has a strong central idea (thesis) that is related to the assignment;

    has a clear, logical organization with well developed major points that are

    supported with concrete and specific evidence;

    uses effective transitions between ideas; uses appropriate words composing sophisticated sentences;

    expresses ideas freshly and vividly;

    and is free of mechanical, grammatical, and spelling errors.

    The B essay:

    has a strong central idea that is related to the assignment;

    has a clear, logical organization with developed major points, but the supporting

    evidence may not be especially vivid or thoughtful;

    uses appropriate words accurately, but seldom exhibits an admirable style while

    the sentences tend to be less sophisticated; and has few mechanical, grammatical, and spelling errors that do not distract from

    the overall message.

    The Cessay:

    has a central idea that is presented in such a way that the reader understands the

    writer's purpose;

    has an organization that reveals a plan, but the evidence tends to be general rather

    than specific or concrete;

    uses common words accurately, but sentences tend to be simplistic and

    unsophisticated; and one or two severe mechanical or grammatical errors.

    The Fessay will exhibit one or more of the following problems:

    lacks a central idea (no thesis);

    lacks clear organization;

    is not related to the assignment;

    fails to develop main points, or develops them in a repetitious or illogical way;

    fails to use common words accurately;

    uses a limited vocabulary in that chosen words fail to serve the writer's purpose;

    or has three or more mechanical or grammatical errors.

    Major errors in grammar: The following are considered major errors in grammar.


    Comma slice, or fused sentence

    Subject-verb agreement

  • 7/30/2019 How to Grade Writing


    Pronoun-antecedent agreement or pronoun reference

    Evaluating the In-class Essay

    While the in-class essay may appear to be a simple assignment, requiring

    minimal effort by the student, to write an outstanding essay will require skill, a

    skill that can be achieved only after plenty of practice. As for evaluating the in-

    class essay, the principles applied to the argumentative paper will be also used

    for the essay. The goal of students is to communicate their ideas clearly and

    logically, and the role of the evaluator is to ensure that communication has been

    successful. The following are general principles that apply to all in-class

    essays, regardless of the course.

    Thesis Statement: As usual, the most important sentence in the essay will bethe thesis statement. The student should be able to recast the essay question into

    an acceptable thesis without much struggle. However, the better students will

    also show some creativity with their thesis statements as evinced in the "A"

    example of the essay. The thesis statement is always the first sentence in the in-

    class essay.

    Topic Sentences: The student will have at least two, but not more than three

    topic sentences that give the reasons for the truth of the thesis sentence. These

    sentences do not have to be very elaborate. However, the topics must be clearly

    stated and relevant to the thesis statement. The topic sentences will reveal the

    logical thinking of the student.

    Support Sentences: For each topic sentence, the student must provide at least

    one or two support sentences as evidence for the truth of the topic. The

    student's grade will be predominately based on his ability to use information

    from the text and incorporating it into the support sentence with a pleasing

    style. While there will be no transitions between sentences generally (except at

    the beginning of the topic sentences), the student should make good use of

    transitions within the sentence, especially if he uses complex sentences.

    Other Considerations: The in-class essay is one paragraph, and one paragraph

    only. As a paragraph, the in-class essay does not have a conclusion. Therefore,

    the student does not need to summarize the points or provide "a moral to the

    story." Also, unlike the argumentative paper, the in-class essay will not have a

    title. Because the essay question must be written usually within 15 to 20

  • 7/30/2019 How to Grade Writing


    minutes, such creativity wastes valuable time.

    Students should always be permitted to use their notes and texts whenever

    writing the essay if the essay is about a work of literature. The support

    sentences require specific quotations, facts, and other evidence. Without the use

    of the text, the essay will become a series of vague generalizations and nothing

    specific. While this advice is true with literary topics, essays about questions

    concerning history and science will not require the use of the text or notes.

    History is the understanding of the past in order to apply the lessons learned to

    the present, and necessarily requires a different skill than analyzing literature.

    As for science, students are required to memorize the cataloged knowledge by

    regurgitating it on the exam, and thus represents the lowest form of learning.

    Most student writing will either be "A" or "C." The difference between the two

    will be the student's use of support. The "A" students will make a concentrated

    effort to use specific material for their support. The "C" students will use vague

    generalities without any specific support to back up their statements. The "B"

    students are generally those who could be "A" students, but who are careless in
