how to get into radio'ton gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our...


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Page 1: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

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W ho Gave Von the Bird. Daddy?

500 Programs Listed Alphabetically

Arch Oboter 'HOW To Get Into RADIO'

BOB HOPE Story of






Page 2: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

Miss Rays Hartmann, Colonial Hotel, La Jolla, Calif. Sirs: Knowing that Radio Life

countenances no intolerance, it is fair enough to include such expres-sions as that of J. Harry Fieldhouse regarding religious broadcasts, but one can only wonder at such intoler-ance and disregard of the truth and beauty of the Bible and its teach-ings. We are blest indeed to have such teachers and speakers as Roy L. Laurin, "Haven of Rest," "Sunday Vespers," and many others. Thank you again for all the ex-

cellent Radio Life contributions. It is as everybody says, wonderful.

Floyd 0. Fredeem, 779 Cherry Sheet, Banning, Calif. Sirs: It surprises me that people

can be as unfair as J. Harry Field-house who recently wrote some pretty strong remarks about the re-ligious programs that are "allowed precious time on the air." Mr. Fieldhouse will perhaps be

surprised to know that the "Old Fashioned Revival Hour," broadcast each Sunday over Mutual, reaches the largest audience of any sustain-ing program on the air today. Is it fair then for one person to ask that this and other programs like it be removed from the air simply because he does not happen to like them? Many millions look forward to these programs each week. And it so happens that this letter

is not written by an "old fogy," but a young fellow who finds great hope and consolation in the things of God.

lona J. McCain, 1033 Westlake Avenue, Los Angeles. Sirs: I read Radio Life weekly and

enjoy it very much. I have recently been attending the "United We Sing" program at KNX each Sunday and I am deeply interested in the kind of work Art Baker, the director, is do-ing in "keeping America singing" at

On Our Cover "Dear angels," says Snooks.

"I wanna thank you for my wonderful daddy, and mummy, and my little brother, and the twins, and for all the turkey, too —and I hope all the poor little children get plenty of Thanksgiving dinner like me. And please, dear angels, make Plymouth Rock be in Idaho." ..."Snooks!," repri mands Daddy as he pins on her nap-kin. "What kind of a request is that?" ... "Well, yesterday," replies the irrepressible Snooks, "we had to write a composition about Thanksgiving." —"Yes?" Daddy demands querulously. "And that's what I put on my paper!"

this time when it is doubly neces-sary to keep up the morale and not let the song go out of our hearts regardless of these strenuous times, for we all have so much to be grate-ful for.

John Evans, Wildwood Sanitarium, New-hall, Calif. Sirs: In an issue of Radio Life pub-

lished the latter part of June this year, you printed a copy of my letter to you asking a plug for Ginny Simms' return to the air with a half hour program. In a later issue, at my request, you ran a cover picture of Ginny. It was not my intention to bring

about comparison discussions in quality of Dinah Shore and Ginny Simms' abilities, vocally. This discussion seems to have

been started by a Mr. A. Hartwick. Apparently Mr. Hartwick was over-en t h used at the possibilities of

Ginny's return to the air to the point of voicing his pet peeve of not par-ticularly caring for the grand voice of Dinah. This discussion then car-ried on to the date of issue October 18. In bringing this discussion to an end, may I suggest, those liking Dinah's qualities listen to her, those preferring Ginny-, do likewise. Let's not tear the girls apart. They are endeavoring to please all. You might learn to like both. So, let's cheer them from title sidelines and wish both the best.

Mrs. Gene Brown, 7302 South Vermont Ave., Los Angeles. Sirs: War has always brought a

lowering of moral standards. That's not surprising. Radio has always maintained the highest standards of any popular means of com-munication. Here's hoping it doesn't lower them now. Best wishes to Radio Life in its effort to keep pro-fanity and questionable language of any kind off the air.

Paula E. Brooks, 1874 1/2 Middleton Place, Los Angeles. Sirs: Was very glad to see Mrs.

Ivah R. Edwards' letter in Radio Life of October 11 concerning "Bridge to Dreamland."

For the past several years I have been a staunch listener of Mr. Car-son's program and indeed look for-ward to his 45 minutes of trouble-stealing melodies on Sunday nights. However, due to swing shift employ-ment, I am now deprived that pleas-ure. I hope that the management of the network will find it possible on some future date to feature Mr. Car-son on a daytime program, and that my drop in the bucket will fast be-come a torrent.

SPINACH Without Sand!


—and Fresh Sunny Sally Vegetable Salad!

Pa ge Two

Page 3: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

THIS W EEK November 22, 1942

ARTICLES * * * * Arch Oboler Tells How To Get into Radio 4

Ity Suzanne Warner

Happy Home-Making Via Radio .......... 6

Norma Young

It's Warm in Alaska 35 fly Bob hope

Behind the Scenes in Radio 36

By Evelyn Itigsby

Boa ke Carter 39

FICTION * * * * Win or Lose 33

Bp Delete Elliott

PHOTO FEATURES * * Album of Stars 8

Prodigious Playtimers 34

COLUMNS * * * * Phoolosophy 3 Tel-E-Types 13 Radio Lifelines 15 Chef Milani 40

PUBLIC OPINION * * Ear Inspires the Pen 2

RADIO WEST * * National, International.... 9

ORGANIZED LISTENING Time Changes 11 Pre-Casts and Pre-Views 14 Daily Logs 16-29 Daily Highlights 16-28 Program Finder 30-31

Publisher, Carl M. Itigsby; Managing Director, Culbreth Sadler; Business Manager, Vinson Vaughan; .41(30Clate Editor. Evelyn Mushy; .4rt Director, Lorle Behr; Log Editor, Ilal Julian; Feature Writer. Suzanne Warner; Editor-in-the-Service. John F. White-head.

RADIO LIl.1 Ic published weekly by C pton Printing Company. 1P211 Wee' Washington Blvd., Los Angeles. Phone RI. 5262. Postpaid Subscriptions. $2.ito Per year of 52 issues. Advertising rates may be had on application to the Bust-near Manager. Single copies are 3e. Un-solicited material Is sent at render's risk. Radio Life assumes no responsibility for same. All remittances should tie by Postal Money Order. Express Money order or Check in favor of Radio Life. Currency ,s sent at sender's risk. This issue is numbered Volume a. No. 11. Entire contents of thin issue copyrighted. 1942. Reprinting in whole or part with-out permission strictly prohibited. Edi-torial offices 153R North Vine street. Hollywood. Telephone HEmpstead 2025. Business and Advertising Offices. 10211 West Washington Blvd.. Lon Angeles. Telephone Richmond 5262. Entered as Second Clasa Matter May S. 1942. at the l'ontotfice of LOS Angeles, California. 1111,1431* the Act of March 3. 181'9.

Gene Burdette'

FIRST YA WN Let's cut flossy introductions, and

get down to hard, cold dizziness. We're such good friends by this time, we can cor-dially insult each other! So, just let your hair down. I can't. Nature waived mine . . . b u t, permanent! Here's this week's cereal ... right fresh fro m the Cornucopia Humo-rosa . . . with the accent on corn!

SILLY SONATA I heard a radio

blasting — must have been next door, baby's howl, woman's scream —then an airplane's roar! A shot! A moan! A grunt! A groan! Gruesome clang of bells! Egad! Are we invaded? Uh•uh! It's ORSON WELLES!


recent disastrous brush fire in To-panga Canyon, Jerry (Alfalfa) Co-lonna, hair-lipped comedian, took out additional fire insurance. As double precaution, he even sleeps under an asbestos mask!

ODDITORIAL Radio needs more humanitarian

producers like Walter White! By al-most superhuman effort, he's kept "Nobody's Children" on the air for over two years. What price glory? No glory! All for doughnuts without jelly, and coffee without sugar and cream. That takes the well-known guts. Too bad he can't find a spon-sor with a HEART!


ductor), whispers: "There's some-thing rarer than a day in June, and that's an expert oboe player. What's an oboe? Well, it's an ill woodwind nobody blows good!"

BE THAT AS IT MAY We're going to award the Guncot-

ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

by conscription."


It'll be just too-too terrible if the government ever starts to ration mattresses! My, my! Just think! What'll some of our "overworked" network executives do for a much-needed night's rest after a gruelling day's swiveling?


All right . . . so you guessed it! Our mascot is here again. But, after all, what's a home without children? A broadcast without a commercial? A relief! LITTLE MIKE-AL, not quite sane, Pushed his pater down the drain, Mater chided: "Naughty child! PLUGS LIKE PAW DRIVE PLUMB-ERS WILD!"

MUMMIFIED MEMORIES Are you a sentimentalist? Do you

like to recall the old daze with a lump in your throat, a sty in your eye? Swell! So . . . let's take Ken Niles and Don Wilson . . . if you can lift him! Both are announcers de luxe! Both started Hollywood careers at old KHJ. I know. I was there! Both possessed large reservoirs of the old oil, but by continued refin-ing through the years, developed a hi-octane, high-priced delivery. And both deserve an earned success . . . so much so, the Egyptians have named their smoothest flowing river after Niles. And Pasadena patriots have named their biggest mountain after Wilson!

HORRORSCOPE While the "Who's Imitating Who"

civil war rages (the Dinah Shore vs. Ginny Simms tempest) we'd like to gamble a gander into the hereafter . . . clairvoyant claptrap . . . a silly seance, as it were. Our Raleigh coupons for 1943's favorite local vo-cal yokel are on JANE FROMAN.

EGG-ZIT Quittin' time . . and who cares?

More of these seasick sagas next week . . . Meanwhile . . . BONDS will BIND the BUND!

Discoraantly yourS, (Heeby G. B.)

Pa ge Three

Page 4: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

£;r4 rith Tells How to Get Into Radio

By Suzanne Warner

74 RCH Oboler, ace dramatist, who won radio's coveted "Os-car" for the best pub-lic service program and the national

award for 1941 in the field of radio drama, looked surprised when we In-quired if he kept his feet immersed in ice water while he composed his super-colossal, spine - chiller series, "Lights Out," heard every Wednes-day at 8 p. m. on the Blue Network. "Do they sound like I had cold

feet?" he inquired. "Oh, no, not at all," we hastened

to assure him. But we had heard of other writers who had temperamen-tal quirks like, —well like having to keep hot pads on their stomach, or ice bags on their head, or sniff the fragrant aroma of a savory stew sim-mering on the stove. Wasn't it Jack Woodford who always had to feed the canary before he started writing, or the thoughts refused to flow?

"No," Arch Oboler laughed, "I de-pend on no such mechanical aids to thinking. I believe I am quite nor-mal. Wouldn't you say so, Moselle?" He turned to a secretary whose fin-gers were skipping over the keys of an electrically-equipped typewriter trying to keep up with the rapid-fire dictation that came reeling off a dictaphone record. "I —I beg your pardon, Mr. Oboler,

I wasn't listening," Moselle apolo-gized. "I say, wouldn't you agree that I

am quite normal? . . . no crazy quirks like some of these other writ-ers have?" Oboler repeated. "We-ell," Moselle b eg a n, in a

somewhat hesitant voice . . . "How about your mood music? . . . and your night rides? . . . and the elec-tric pencil? and . . ." The playwright frowned and shook

his head rapidly in an easterly-west-erly direction. But Moselle, efficient to the last punctuation mark, had not seen the Oboler stop-sign and continued.

Page Four

Noted Playwright Offers Valuable Advice to the Talented but Timid

"When we hear a stirring patriotic number coming from the automatic phonograph Mr. 0 keeps beside his dictaphone, we know he is working on one of his "To The President" plays. The sinister ghost music from Mozart's "Don Giovanni" tells us he is working on "Lights Out." The other afternoon we heard Grieg's "Butterfly," and rushed in to see if we were starting a new series, but it was only a sequence from one of his screen plays introducing a panty-waist sort of guy who was flitting about trying to find someone with 'pull' who could keep him from go-ing to war." "And the night rides and the elec-

tric pencil?" we prompted before Oboler had an opportunity to pre-vent any further rendition of his writing habits.

"We'd better hurry along with that last batch of records," Oboler re-minded Moselle. "Play goes on Sun-day, you know."

"Yes, yes, of course," the secretary agreed, "I'll be brief. Mr. 0 can think so much better when he is driving, so whenever he gets his plot tied up into an almost impossible knot, he jumps into the car and starts driv-ing. One of us secretaries has to go along and take his dictation in short-hand. A suitable light became quite a problem when we were working on the night shift." "Night shift?" we repeated, ques-

tioningly. "Oh, my yes! the electric type-

writers are kept going night and day since the war started. The light on the dashboard didn't give suitable light for taking down notes, so we tried hanging a flashlight do wn from the door, but it wiggled too much. Mr. 0 finally solved the prob-lem by having a pencil specially constructed to carry its own light. It's one of those things that looks like an inventor's nightmare . . wait, I'll show it to you." "That won't be necessary!" the

dramatist interpolated firmly.

Eleanor, Oboler's picturesque little missus, came in with the baby just then, and everything had to stop while the playwright "coochy-cooed" young Guy, born the same day and in the same hospital as Phil Harris' baby girl.

"Arch and Phil paced the 'expect-ant father's corridor' together," Mrs. Oboler teased in that cute little-girl way of hers. "You should have seen him when. . ."

"Now, please, darling, don't you start offering any glimpses of me! Moselle has just about ruined my reputation already, telling about my idiosyncrasies." "Oh? Did she tell how you always

read when you eat? Even when you took me to dinner before we were married. What a romantic lover!" Mrs. Oboler sighed.

"I have to read when I eat," the dramatist defended. "You know very well my food won't digest unless I do." "Where do you get ideas for your

unique plots, Mr. Oboler?" we in-quired, in an attempt to turn the conversation into a more favorable channel. "From my contact with life. most-

ly," Oboler answered.

"B-but what kind of contact have you had with life to inspire such ghastly nerve shockers?" "He got some of the m on our

honeymoon tour," in f or med Mrs. Oboler. "Arch took me on a tour of all the haunted houses in New Eng-land."

The Obolers live on a 360-acre es-tate atop a cliff overlooking Malibu Beach in a super-modernistic struc-ture designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. It has a figure 8 swimming pool that is the envy of all Holly-wood. Oboler has a uthored over 400

plays. Over 50 were written in sup-port of the war effort alone. He is weekly adding to this count in this particular field with his "To The

Page 5: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

l'O ELEANOR, his picturesque little minus, Oboler points out the Wonders of radio's new sound effects as he takes her on a tour of Hollywood Radio City.

President" series broadcast each Sunday over the Blue Network.' "Now about casting your plays,"

we began, in an attempt to ask our $64 question about how to get on the radio. Every day Radio Life re-ceives requests from readers who in-form us they have talent for radio acting but don't know how to go about getting on the air. Some who have made attempts told us of their rebuffs and discouragements, and are wondering if their secret ambi-tion to appear before the mike must forever remain unsatisfied. It was in behalf of these frustrated

radio aspirants that Radio Life was calling on Arch Oboler, who not only writes but casts, directs, and pro• duces plays by the hundreds. We knew if anyone could point the way to the door reading "Artist's En-trance," it would be he. "Persistence!" Oboler answered, as

we explained the object of our mis-sion. "Persistence must be coupled with talent. If you are any good at all at what you want to do, here is the place for the very necessary lit• tle demon of persistency to start his operation . . . the continual pound• ing and beating at doors and other people that will, blitzkriegs permit-ting, get you the measure of success that your ability or your personality warrants. "How to be persistent with pro-

ducers and directors? I shouldn't answer this. It means that the di-rectors union will turn my picture to the wall. Persistence means call-ing on advertising agents, and sit-ting in waiting rooms, and telephon-ing the men who put programs to-gether, and sending them letters, and every other way and means you can devise to keep you, your name, and your abilities in the directorial eyes. "You will be made very unhappy

at times. Directors, in self defense, will look through you as you talk. Some of them may even tell you to go away and bury your lovely head. "But eventually, if you have abil-

"NOW LET ME THINK," says Arch Oboler, radio's ace dramatist is he and narrator Lewis Stone go into a huddle over the -To The President- script.

ity or a face prettier than the norm, you will find yourself standing in front of the microphone awaiting that very tense, but very exciting moment, when a director will point a finger at you and you know you are on the air. "I have explained all about suit-

able audition material, and many other things helpful to aspiring ra-dio actors and actresses. in my book of plays, 'This Freedom'," Oboler ex-plained. "Briefly, the material should be within the range of one's abili-ties, and of interest to the particular

person who will listen to the ludi• tion. Something not too familiar. Simple. Don't attempt to run the gamut of emotions in five short min-utes." With these few suggestions and

the wealth of information to be found in Oboler's b oo k, talented members of Radio Life's family should not only find themselves be-fore the mike, but cavorting around in a swimming pool of their own ... probably not a figure 8 pool like the one on the Oboler estate, but a fig-ure 7 or 6 or 5.

BIG BREAK for Marjorie Davies, New York radio actress who is -catching on- in Hollywood, she chats here with Oboler during a -To The President- rehearsal.

Page 6: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

Happy cwtt By

Norma Young

gF EVER I have the oppor-tunity to award a medal for bravery, I'm going to give it to a young woman who has one of the most exciting, fascinating jobs

in the world, a job just like mine, radio commentator on home-making.

We may not get scoops on war news, or do "on the spot" reporting when accident and disaster outdo design for spectacle, but if you think there's no fascination or suspense or danger to the job of radio home-mak-ing, well, what else when thousands of women get together, even if it is by way of the microphone?

You know, there's one thing we have to be careful of with our multi-tude of friends. Since everything is relative, what looks funny to you and me may be tragic to someone else. In fact, sometimes what looks

Via Radio funny to you and my guests is trag-edy to me. If you've ever carried on at great

length on how to make a cake or a pie, showing off in its best light all the training you've received to make you a cooking expert, it's no joke to crumble your whole build-up with your own hand, right in front of your audience. I've done it—just once —heart-breakingly with a pud• ding that looked so delectable in the mold, and collapsed so completely as I turned it out on the plate. In such instances, you have two

choices of procedure. You either say "See, that's the way you SHOULDN'T do it," or you just bow out. Sometimes in this business of be-

ing co-ordinator of a thousand homes you get so involved you can't bow out. And then you pay the hard way. I once started to help a husband

and wife arrange their living room to live up to my precept that man has a right to comfort in his home.

We started with telephone calls, mailed sketches back and forth, and finally to prove my point, I went out to the home to demonstrate. I did it. too —by moving every piece of fur-niture, including a baby grand piano, in their great big living room.

Husbands often bring radio home-makers their problems. It's sent out stork information to many men, once a complete layette order. I've told men how to make gravy, —one said he'd never had decent gravy at home in his life. His wife made it just as badly as his mother had. Coffee making concerns many hus-bands. I have an easy "out" there, because most undrinkable coffee can be traced to a rancid coffee maker, and the best remedy is a good daily scrubbing and airing of the utensil.

I hesitate to rush in on man-woman relationships, though, for once I almost overbid my "happy homing."

I had interviewed a young fellow on one of my programs —he was no celebrity, just a nice young man with an interesting story to tell. A few days after the show I received a letter from a girl who said she was lonely, couldn't seem to meet any men she liked, hut my friend interested her. Would he mind if she wrote to him? She sent refer-ences which were approved, so the young man agreed to write to the girl. Then they met. Then he asked her to dinner and to a show. A few days after their date I had

a letter from the girl —a very sharp letter. She was insulted —my young friend had tried to hold her hand during the movie. I wanted to write back to tell her

she'd have been more insulted if the man hadn't tried to hold her hand, but I didn't, of course. I rarely talk hack. But when I do, I find that my lis-

teners are, for the most part, pretty fair in their responses. One exchange of letters followed my presentation of the charming Madame Helena

PRACTICAL PAUSE in the kitchen. Norma Young, hostess on KH.fs -Happy Homes- program, stops in her kitchen routine to share a recipe. Mustard in macaroni and cheese? And

sour cream, too, for a spicy tang.

Page 7: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

"HORRORS, 140!", exclaims Norma. -Never an .c. on potato or tomato.- In her "Kwiz Ko!lege - routine for Home-Maker's Club- on KHJ from 12:IS to I p.m. Monday-Friday, Norma features a spelling and pronunciation bee, with con-

cessions for broad

Rubenstein, Princess Gourelli, on one of my broadcasts. When she'd been my guest before

she had not yet acquired her royal title, so that confused me in the first place. Then, just as we went on the air, she presented me with . a bracelet, and I became completely fussed when, as I was describing the bracelet to our audience, she took her earrings off and gave me those, too. From then on I "madamed" and

"princessed" her indiscriminately, I was so thrilled. Not so one of my listeners. She wrote in to give me a good scolding. After all, she said, I was an American woman, I had no business trying to act snooty, and to use titles. Naturally I felt the listener had

an explanation coming, so I .told her why I was confused, what with the new name, the gifts, and all. Next mail brought me one of the nicest apologies I've ever read. "All right, Madame Rubenstein is now a prin-cess by marriage —but you're one by birth. A real princess of charm."

It's that type of cooperation that dilutes a woman's chagrin on many occasions. You can well imagine that all culinary experts are put on the spot every time they entertain. Just as fans often greet comedians with an "all right, be funny" ap-proach, I feel that my guests in my home expect ambrosia to come out of every tureen I uncover.

When I entertained my employer and his wife one evening, I didn't fear that attitude, but I did want the meal to be exceptional, for it was comprised of foreign dishes I'd just learned to make. I had been studying with some French chefs and I wanted to begin a radio class on French cookery. This was my chance to "show off." The soup was delicious, the salad perfect, and when the entree was served it looked so good I was as proud as a pea. cock. It was a veal concoction, prepared

with a kitchen bouquet. To make that, you fold celery stalks around garlic, bay leaves, rosemary, and parsley, and tie it all together with kitchen twine. Though it imparts a flavor that is heavenly, it's certainly not designed to enhance the appear• ance of the platter. In fact, it's sup-posed to remain out of sight —in the kitchen. My husband had just begun to

serve our guests when my eye caught sight of a long strand of well-cooked twine. I hoped to get the platter out into the kitchen be-fore any more of the bouquet be-came evident, but the host foiled me by lifting off another piece of veal and exposing the entire parcel. There it lay, looking like a wilted tamale, generously wrapped with twine to spare. Fortunately my quick-witted em-

ployer saw it before the other guests did. With the expression of a con-noisseur who has found a long sought medall:on, he turned to my husband and said,"Jack, you needn't think you can slight me. I won't con-sider myself properly served till I have some of the flavor stick."

I put my French cookery series on the air the next week.

Men aren't always so gracious, though, especially when you take them by surprise. Going into a studio located in a public building, I one time stopped to welcome some visitors on the way in. I held the door open for them, chatting merrily, then just as I was about to follow my guests, my hand slipped from the door. Without looking back I groped for the knob.

Instead, my hand landed on the cold, bald heaJ of a mar: sitting be-hind the door. Worse than my shock was the embarrassment when the man, startled, I guess, slapped my hand away with a resounding smack that caught the entire room's atten-tion. That's as rear as I ever got to

personal injury, but referring again to that medal for bravery, here's an incident that explains what I mean. A little friend of mine was working on a cooking demonstration broad-cast. Her job was to stay in the kit-chen, off stage, and keep the speaker supplied with cooking materials. as she worked and talked. The broadcast had just begun

when my little friend turned from the sink to see a giant rat sitting right in front of the refrigerator. She didn't scream, or faint. She was so scared she couldn't. She put her hands back of her, searching for a weapon for the attack she felt was coming. Her fingers touched the materials she had ready for the day's demonstration, grated cheese and salt pork.

With a shaking but cordial ges-ture, she tossed a bit of cheese and pork to a corner of the room, away f ro m the refrigerator. The rat pounced on it, and carried it to an-other corner to eat. My brave little friend rushed to the refrigerator, took out the food she needed for the show, and got back to the sink just in time to serve second helpings to her guest.

The demonstration and the kit-chen banquet lasted about an hour. In order to make sure there was enough of the cheese and pork sup-ply to take care of the broadcast needs as well as to keep the rat engaged, my friend doled carefully. With certain aim, she placed each serving to the rat a little bit nearer the outside door till finally the tran-sient was shut out into the hallway frqm which he'd come. So, I have good cause for my mirth when I laugh at my radio friends who look forward to the days when they can relax in their careers and take up "some sort of a woman's program — a commentary, you know, easy to do, and no excitement."

Page Seven

Page 8: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

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Radio Life's Album of Stars



Sid Sutherland (left) and Jose Rodriguez are a team of news analysts with perennial popularity. Heard over KECA at 9:15 p.m., Wednesday through Friday, they merit their fans favor because of their phenom-enal background. Rodriguez, born in 1898 in Guate-mala City, Central America, has traveled extensively and has a knowledge of diplomacy and military affairs plus news experience. Sidney Sutherland, born in Mon-terrey, Mexico, 1888, the son of an American mission' ary, speaks fluent Spanish, as does his partner. He

has covered, for the largest U. S. newspapers, almost every conceivable type of event from Latin-American

revolutions (eight of 'em) ;to divorces. On their radio program, Rodriguez and Sutherland are allowed free

rein of their opinions and deductions.

Page Eight

Page 9: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is



RADIO: West * National and International

Hail! The Holidays One of the most imposing casts in

radio history will take to the airwaves on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, No-vember 26, when ilgin stages a two-hour variety show over Columbia net-work from 1 to 3 p.m. P.W.T. The cast reads like a who's who of the enter-tainment industry, with such stars as Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy, Don Ameche, Walter Pidgeon, Judy Canova, Jose Iturbi, Elsie Janis, Gene Krupa, Spike Jones of "Der Fuehrer's Face" fame. the Golden Gate Quartet, Songstress Dale Evans, Allan Jones, Ginny Simms, Ella Mae Morse and Freddie Slack, and Bill Goodwin as announcer. A 30-piece orchestra di-rected by Lou Silvers and large chorus will provide accompaniments for sing-ers, background music for the dramas and featured musical numbers. V

Music will range from the concert piano work of Iturbi to the definitive rendition of "Der Fuehrer's Face" by $pike Jones, and a drum novelty by Gene Krupa, king of that division. Dramatic portions of the show will feature Walter Pidgeon, star of "Mrs. Miniver", and Ameche. The latter will also be master of ceremonies.

Purpose of the show is to provide a holiday celebration for members of the armed services at home and abroad, as well as their families at home, since so many family celebra• tions will be less gay than usual this year.

In both time and talent depart-ments it is believed that this Elgin holiday show will set new budget records for a single radio broadcast. Odd angle to the show places such long time NBC performers as Bergen and McCarthy, Ameche, Dale Evans and Spike Jones on CBS.

Last year, as many will remember, Elgin bankrolled a series of four pre-Yule broadcasts starring Shirley Temple. It is understood that another two-hour broadcast with star-studded cast will take to the CBS air waves with another program of similar mag-nitude on Christmas Day.

Ceiling Zero? As the commotion over the $25,000

salary freeze died down last week in Hollywood when word was received from the Treasury Department that the ceiling did not become operative

on contractual obligations until Jan-uary 1, another problem confronted radio and its stars. Briefly, the prob-lem is this: What will high salaried stars, who work in both radio and pictures, do about curtailing their ac-tivities? Will they choose radio as their medium, or will they feel that for their efforts, and the money, pic-tures will give them greater publicity and afford a better outlet for their talents? Outside of regulars like Crosby, Hope, and Benny, there are the guest stars, whose appearances are counted upon to lend prestige to numerous shows like Lux Theater and the variety programs.

As program directors and agency heads struggled last week to see day-light, one firm fact was apparent on the radio horizon —the fact that radio, if it exuects to maintain its high levels of broadcasting, would have to step in and develop its own talent, independent of any other industry.

For one class of performers, at least, the situation looked promising. These were the lesser lights, the would-be entertainers who have been angling for studio breaks but all to no avail, because of the bigger names in the offing. To these people, the situation offers glowing promise.

Bergen Top Man The C. E. Hooper rating, which tells

what programs are most popular, pinnacles Charlie McCarthy and Edgar Bergen in ace place. Perhaps Radio Life readers would like to compare the shows they think are tops with the professional statistics, so here are the most recent survey results: Charlie McCarthy 30.0 "Fibber McGee and Molly" 27.9 Walter Winchell 27.3 "Aldrich Fa mily" 27.2 Bob Hope 27.0 Frank Morgan-Fanny Brice 26.7 "Radio Theatre" 25.2 Jack Benny ........ ........ ........... 25.2 Bing Crosby 21.1 Rudy Vallee 19.2 Eddie Cantor 19.2 "Screen Guild" . ......... 18.6 "Mr. District Attorney" 18.5 "Adventures of Thin Man" 17.2 Kate Smith 16.9

Child Narrator Guest narrator on Arch Oboler's

"To The President" program last Sun-day was little Tommy Cook, brilliant

boy actor, well-known to Pacific Coast listeners as "Little Beaver" in the popular Blue network "Red Ryder" series.

Tommy turned in a fine perform-ance in Oboler's poignant story "About My Mother". It's quite an in-novation for a child to step into the role of narrator and required a lad of unusual ability to explain to the President why his mother lacked in-terest in the war. BECA, 1:30 p.m.


Frank Figures That the impact of the war on

radio broadcasting sales has not been as heavy as was first thought is shown in current earnings statement of the Columbia Broadcasting chain. Released this week were figures which showed a gain for 1942 over 1941: 39 weeks' gross sales of time for the period ending October 3, 1942 were $45,293,614.56, as against a sim-ilar 40 weeks' period for the previous year of $44,049,683.30.

Columbia, like most other big bus-inesses, suffered, however, a severe reduction in net income, due to higher war taxes, so that even with an in-crease in time sales, the net available to stockholders for the current per-iod's operations are only $1.69 a share against $2.22 for the previous year's similar period.

Payoff for the general public, how-ever, is that any investor who had had sufficient confidence in the fu-ture of Columbia, could have bought its shares this spring for 8% and sold them last week for 15'2 —a profit of almost 100, , receiving at the same time, a dividend return of almost 20% per annum while holding the stock for the raise.

Traveling with Charlie Dale Evans, clever little chanteuse

on the Chase and Sanborn show, landed back in Hollywood a couple of weeks ago and proceeded to give an enthusiastic description of her cross-country trek with none other than —Charlie McCarthy. "As we left Los Angeles the morn-

ing of Sept. 28", reported Miss Evans, "Charlie boarded the train in his tra-veling case. Very swank in his tuxedo and with his monocle stuck niftily in his right eye, little Wooden Head rebelled when he was set down in one corner of Bergen's compartment, alongside Mortimer Snerd. "When we arrived in Albuquerque, a

swarm of 300 school children, mostly Mexican and Indian, was storming the station to see Charlie. Bergen re-lented and let him make a few wise-cracks about the characteristics of truant officers." According to Dale, it was just as

well that Charlie was shut up in his case, for Bergen huddled every day, all the way from Los Angeles to Chi-cago, with three writers and a script girl preparing his coming Sunday's show. Edgar supplied himself with brain food by eating Colorado trout for every lunch and dinner it was on the menu. "Charlie finally came out of his

Page 10: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is


NEW UNIFORM FOR C. Me. Recently returned from an Eastern tour, Bergen's dummy shows off his West Point garb to Songstress Dale Evans and Don Ameche,

co-entertainers on the Chase & Sanborn show. See story in Radio West.

OFF TO THE WARS. Popular Peter Potter of KMPC's -Musk Box" and -Platter Parade" joins the Army as a radio specialist. George Irwin (right) takes over

the program. -Platter Parade - will now be called -Off the Record."

case in Chicago, only to get mad", Dale reported. "The cutest little girl was at the

station—a sweet little thing about four years old, with big blue eyes, blonde curls, and a blue coat and hood trimmed with fur. The photog-raphers were taking pictures of Ed-gar, Charlie, and me, when Bergen spied the little girl and said, 'Let's bring her into the picture!' I held her in my arms, and Charlie pouted immediately. You'd think I was a mere yokel like Snerd', he grumped.

'O u r first of the four Sundays we

were to spend away from California was with the Signal Corps at Fort Monmouth, where we met many people from Hollywood", Dale con-tinued. "Charlie was ailing all that week and I had to help Bergen swab his throat. Finally, his cold became so serious that Bergen ordered a spe-cialist. "Sunday arrived, and we were to

broadcast our show from Annapolis. With a tall, handsome cadet as my bodyguard, I was escorted to chapel. "All during tha service, the under-

current of my thoughts turned toward

Charlie and whether he would be able to go on with the program that after-noon. Noticeably wan, he upheld show tradition, but stopped once during the broadcast to remark, 'Bergen, you've got such a cold I can't talk.'

"Our third Sunday was spent at Quantico with the Marines, but it was our fourth which provided Charlie with his biggest moment, when at West Point, he received a soldier's uniform, made to his exact measure-ments."

Dale thought that the f unniest thing happened one night in New York's Copacabana, where Joe E. Lewis was per f o r min g and Don Ameche was taking special delight in heckling him.

Finally, Lewis stopped and cracked: "Ameche, everybody in this place can go down on Broadway and see you for 35 cents, but they paid a lot more to get in here to see me!" Kri. 514g:

Hooray! Best radio news of the week is

about Andy and Virginia, those like-able, spontaneous funsters whom you hear mornings at 7:30 o'clock on KMPC. In addition to their "get-up-ster" program on this station, Andy and Virginia have added, this week, a new network show on the Blue chain. This program, which will be broad-

cast over the Pacific network Mon-day-Friday at 10:15 a.m., will be re-leased locally over KECA on Tues-days and Thursdays only, but will be aired from San Diego to Seattle. This will mark the first time in five years that Andy and Virginia have been heard on a network, their last assign-ment being on KHJ-Don Lee when they first arrived here from the East. It is indeed a satisfaction that on

their new program, labor difficulties with the musicians' union will not prevent them from airing their zest-ful music. That this clever pair who write

and perform their own program may continue until they have their own network variety show is Radio Life's sincere wish. KI:C A. 10:15 a.m.

Tues., Thu m

Corwin's Back The popular Norman Corwin, who

recently presented "An American in England" by shortwave, is back in the United States to start a new series on November 24 over CBS to be heard at 10 p.m., Tuesdays. Although no definite title has been

selected, the program will feature up to the minute subjects, possibly with historic connotations. Watch Radio Life for further announcement.

KNX., 10 p.m., Tues.

Permanent Guest? It looks as though Nelson Eddy has

found a new girl for the "New Old Gold Show" heard oxer KNX at 5 p. m. on Wednesdays. Although it is not definite that

Irene Manning will be signed as a permanent star, she has appeared on

Page 11: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is


NEXT WEEK Everyone's talking about him

—who is he? —where's he from? —how did he hit the top? . . . and now Radio Life brings you an exclusive story on the sensa-tion of the music world .. Spike Jones. Truly you can say "Der Fuehrer's Face Was His Fortune," for that record has sold over a half million copies in the last couple months. Read our inside story. If you've ever seen a broadcast

you've probably wondered what's the meaning of all those funny little signs that the producers, announcers, and engineers make with their hands. In next week's issue we explain about "Giving the High Sign," complete with diagrams. The Albu m Page presents

John J. Anthony, head of the Goodwill Hour. "Vic and Sade" come in for a spread, and we start our new series on Support-ing Players.

the last three shows since Nadine Conner left to rejoin the Metropolitan Opera Company.

Miss Manning is well known to movie and radio fans, and her lovely voice complements Nelson's perfectly.

ENS, 5 p.m., Ned.

Happy Landings Yankee "greetings" to Axis leaders

were autographed on a Lockheed P-38 in the forecourt of CBS-KNX last week. Network stars, studio officials, and passers-by vied for the privilege of being among the first to sign their names on the swift fighter plane. In return they made purchases of a min-imum of one dollar's worth of war stamps. Bob Anderson, CBS-KNX staff newscaster, won the honor and was first to autograph his personal mes-sage to Hitler and Hirohito on the P-38 prior to its departure to one of the fighting fronts. In order to obtain permission from

military authorities for the "auto-graphing" of the plane, arrangements had to be made to have sufficient military guards on hand so that every individual annexing his signature to the plane could be accompanied by a guard. Bob Burns and the entire cast of

the "Arkansas Traveler", Jean Her-sholt, Phil Baker, Mary Astor, Burns and Allen and 8,000 others signed their names to the ship. The War Department has not, as

yet, issued the final figure, but more than 5,200 single dollar stamps were sold and an enormous quantity of bonds ranging from $25 on up to $5000 was bought.

Crosby on Limb Last week on Kraft Music Hall the

guest of honor was Mrs. Francisco Lim, wife of the Philippine general

who led the wild attacks on the Japanese on the Island of Luzon. That is the way the news item read, but a story lies behind her appearance on the show.

Mrs. Lim was scheduled to be at rehearsal at 3 o'clock. Came 3 and no Mrs. Lim. Came 4, then 5, and still no Mrs. Lim. The show was to go on at 6 p.m., so there was only an hour left for her to appear. Five. thirty came and went. By 5:45 the NBC writers and producers of Kraft Music Hall were pulling out what was left of Bing Crosby's hair when . . . In came Mrs. Lim, quite cool and collected in a lovely black lace gown and carrying a beautiful orchid cor-sage.

She smiled very sweetly, then an-nounced calmly: "I'm ready now . . . I was detained at a luncheon engage-ment." EFL p.m.


Salutations "Manhattan Merry-Go-Round" has

its tenth anniversary this week, mak-ing it one of the oldest musical shows on the networks. Listeners have come to regard the "Merry-Go-Round" as an integral part of Sunday evening.

Back in 1932, the sparkling enter-tainment that has come to be identi-fied with the program was off to a merry start. Such artists as Rachel Carley, fresh from the Folies Bergere in Paris, Fritzi Sheff, Tamara, and the Men About Town have been fea-tured from time to time. Present St ar is Conrad Thibault, baritone, whose recent concert in Town Hall was widely acclaimed. Radio Life salutes and congratu-

lates "Manhattan Merry-Go-Round" for ten years of sprightly entertain-ment. All, 6 p.m.


Of All Things Because he feels it is the patriotic

duty of every American citizen to vote, William L. Shirer, author, news analyst, and foreign correspondent, re-turned to America to register for his first American ballot and was denied the right because he was considered Illiterate. It seems paradoxical that a college

graduate, author of a best-seller, a nationally-syndicated columnist, and one of radio's most widely known news analysts should be considered illiterate by his local election registra-tion board, but it's a fact nevertheless, as the records of the Board of Registra-

Time Changes Your Gospel Singer — Mon. thru Fri., 11 a. m.. E ECA.

Andy and Virglnla —Tues.. Th urs., 10:15 a m., KECA.

Touchdown TIps —Thurs., 10:15 p. m., K FI.

Philadelphia Sy mphony Orch. —F r I., 11:3u a. m., E FX M, K GB, K VOE.

Halls of Montesu mn —Sat, 3 p. m., K HJ, K FXM, K VOE.

To the Colors Bernie Smith, Radio Life col-

umnist, and former KFI-XECA Public Relations head and Farm Editor entered the Army on No-vember 18. Ray Anderson of the CBS-KNX

news bureau entered the army November 10. George Dvorak, KFI-KECA an-

nouncer, enlisted in the Army Air Force and reported for ac-tive duty to a bombardier school November 9. John Nelson, Raymond Mor-

gan producer and producer of "Breakf ast At Sardi's" and "America's Home Front" went into the Navy as an ensign on November 18. Norman Anderson, head usher

at CBS, left November 13 for Midshipman's school. He will finish there as an ensign.

tion in Tuckahoe, New York, will prove. The news analyst left this country

before he was 21 years of age. His cor-respondent's work • abroad during the past 15 years prevented him from ever casting a vote.

When Shirer called at the election registration board for his first Amer-ican ballot, he stated that he made his living writing and broadcasting, and that it really was his voice which reported on world affairs three times weekly on CBS. The board was extremely interested

in Shirer's personality, but regretfully informed him that unless he could display his diploma from college, he would have to take a literacy test to prove his right to vote. Due for a broadcast in New York,

the author-commentator was unable to take the test at the time ... so the balloting went on this year again sans the vote of William L. Shirer.

ENS. 2:43 p.m., Sun.

Sheer Coincidence "Get the blazes out of here you old

harpy!" shouted Monte Woolley, as he hurled a teapot at a woman in a rehearsal on a "Radio Reader's Di-gest" program heard over CBS-KNX on Sunday at 6 p. m. Just as he reached that line, the

studio door swung open and. in walked Ruth Berman, harpist for Ltnn Mur-ray, music director of the SNw. The angry tone, the smashing crockery, and especially the reference to a "harpy" were enough for her. She departed bewildered.

Hot Discs on Ice Gordon Gaskill, war correspondent

recently returned from Africa, says they're keeping Dinah Shore's hot swing records on ice down by the torrid Suez. Gaskill r eports that James Gleason, second engineer on the S. S. Knoxville City, has an old

ENS, 6 p.m. Sun.

Page 12: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is


gramophone and a collection of Dinah Shore recordings as his prizes. Daily air raids worried Gleason, not because of any personal hazards, but because his records might be cracked.

The engine room see med sa f e enough from concussion and flying bomb hits, but the records might melt there. The ship's refrigerator was bet-ter. So each day, when the alarm sounded, Gleason placed the torrid recordings on ice.

Last Laugh Joel Kupperman, the six-year-old

Quiz Kid, completely embarrassed the research staff at a recent broadcast over the Blue network. Joel's solu-tion to a mathematical problem was "8 14 feet".

"No," corrected Joe Kelly. "Work it out again."

"A moment later a dejected Joey said, "I get the thame anthwer". "Well", condescended Kelly, "You

were almost right. The correct answer is 8K.".

A double check after the broadcast proved Joel was right and Kelly was wrong. The large research staff, which is responsible for the answer on Kelly's card, when called upon for an explanation, explained shame-facedly: "What happened was that the midget made monkeys of us."

FLECA, 8:30 p.m., Sun.

Hollywood Spotlight Martin Kosleck, the screen's No. 1

Nazi villain, portrayer, re-enacted a real-life drama on the Erskine John-son "Hollywood Spotlight" show re-cently (Wednesday, November 18). Kosleck, who has portrayed Nazi characters in 15 or more pictures al-ready, nearly lost the sight of his eye when a bullet fired on one of the sets shattered a glass window behind him and a flying splinter struck his eye. Kosleck dramatized the near-tragic accident for listeners on the Johnson show.

* * KIECA, 9:30 p.m. Mon.-Frl.

KMTR's "Bond Wagon" Archie Peckham has been appointed

field director of the Public Relations Department at KMTR. He replaces Rex Dettre, who is now serving as captain in the Army. Peckham's major as-signment is centered around the ac-tivity of KMTR's "Bond Wagon." This mobile unit which includes facilities for recording, playback and public ad-dress has been made available for use to any organization at w h ose meetings or social affairs the Bond Wagon might encourage the sale of War Bonds.

* * Sad Statistic

Olyn Landick, the "Hackensack Gos-sip" of the CBS "Kate Smith Hour," has never received a fan letter from that town.

Diggim' Discs With JACK LAWSON

Mister Johnny Mercer is a young man who has been dragging down big money as a songwriter the past few years. During this time, he hasn't paid much attention to his singing, which originally brought him into the spotlight of the entertainment world when he vocalized with Paul White-man some years ago.

But now, at last, Capitol has goaded him out of his lethargy, and it looks as though platter spinners have a new hero to rave about.

On the first Capitol release, he gave us his own interpretation of his own tune, "Strip Polka" (Capitol 103), which critics all over the nation hailed as a classic. Who hasn't heard his tale of "Queenie, the cutie of the bur-lesque show?"

Now he has another one worthy of preserving for posterity. It's "I Lost My Sugar in Salt Lake City" (Capitol 122), a blues tune sung as nobody else could sing it. Mercer's phrasing will tickle the spine of the most blase blues fan. And there's a monologue near the end that'll put you in stitches.

Flip it over and you get "The Wreck of the Old 97," Mercer's modern treat-ment of the famous railroadman's song, replete with streamlined jive ac-companiment by Freddie Slack's very fine orchestra and an excellent chorus by Bobby Goodrich on trumpet.

This disc establishes Johnny Mercer as a great blues singer, a great ballad singer, and a great scat singer, all in one! In other words, it's terrific!

Not so sensational, but fine fare for the disc digger, are the other three waxings on the new Capitol release. "I'm Glad There Is You" (Capitol 125) is a lovely ballad by Jimmy Dorsey and P. Madiera sung by our favorite young tenor, Dennis Day. Gordon Jenkins does a very pleasant instru-mental job on the reverse side with Irving Berlin's ever-popular, "Always."

If you want to know why "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition" is likely to become the hit song of this war, listen to the Merry Macs' version (Decca 18498). It's in town now, and selling out much too fast! "Tweedle 0 Twill," its companion, should not be overlooked, since it is a solid disc in the very best Merry Macs style.

My kids clamour for "Der Fuehrer's Face" (Bluebird B-11586) every night and delight in playing it over and over. Spike Jones and his City Slick-ers do a masterful job, but the tune is endeared to me by the clever lyrics of Oliver Wallace.


For the best Gags of the Week, heard over Radio and sent Radio Life, tickets will be sent winners for admission to radio broadcasts. Send your best gag se-lection to 1029 West Washington Boule-vard. Los Angeles.

Miss Ruth Reese, 322 West Rosecrans Ave-nue, Compton, Calif. Sirs: Heard on "That Brewster Boy." Joey: See my muscles? Windy: Are those muscles? I thought

they were mosquito bites!

Joyce Pressley, 1406 North Catalina Street, Los Angeles, Sirs Heard on the Rudy Vallee pro-

gram. Joan Davis: Do you know the best

way to raise corned beef and cabbage? Jack Haley: No, how is the best way

to raise corned beef and cabbage? Joan Davis: With a fork! Tickets also sent to Ira Goldstein,

1079 % South Oiange Grove Avenue, Los Angeles.

Mrs. H. W. Gaston, 734 East 43rd Street, Los Angeles. Sirs: Heard on the "Breakfast at Sal.-

di's" program. Joe: What did the goat say to the

other goat after chewing up an auto-mobile fender? Tom: I don't know. What did the

goat say to the other goat after chew-ing up an automobile fender? Joe: This is a Ford V-8. Tickets also sent to Vivienne L. Cart-

ner. 708 Fourteenth Street. Huntington Beach, Calif; Mrs. A. R. Johnson, 1106 A caci:, Avenue. Huntington Beach, Calif: Mrs. L. 11. Varian, 1183 North Western Avenue, Hollywood; 31rs. A. Bierman, 833 South Fedora Street, Los Angeles.

Mrs. C. E. Brock, 184 South El Molina, Pasa-dena, Calif. Sirs: Heard on Kay Kyser's "College

of Musical Knowledge." Kay Kyser: Make a noise like a

wolf. Contestant: Hi-ya, babe!

r aRY7W/Ne t'Avar our rpvi swavc,fi


Fisher's Itiskit Mix is the short cut to shortcake, biscuits and hot breads, sweetened with sugar from our quota . . saves yours.


Ask Your Grocer for a Package Today!


Page 13: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is


100iel-E-Types By BILL RATIGAN IQ000(11/404 L40449_0_4Q_44C)44000Q0

(This column is written by Bill Rattgan, ace air-editor of Radio City's News Room. In typography and content. it is modeled aftet the major press association teletype wires, which are basic sources of information for all your radio commentators and newscasters. Watch Tel-E-7'ypes and get an inside slant on what goes

on before the news goes out.—The Editor.)





































Page 14: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is



Sunday, November 22 — "Golde rt Strings," KHJ, 3:30 p.m. (30 min.). "Golden Strings" makes its debut on the airlanes. This new musical series, under the direction of Ted Bacon, will feature an all-girl string ensemble playing phrases of the melodies that have made musical memories for generations and will be recalled wherever music is loved. The first program will feature spe-cial arrangements of the "Blue Dan-ube Waltz," "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes," and the brilliant "Horo-Stac-cato" made famous by Heifetz.

Monday, November 23—Frank Victor's Quartette, KHJ, DLBS, 10:15 a.m (15 min.). A quartette under the di-rection of Frank Victor featuring his own brilliant arrangements.

Monday, November 23 — "T Ii e Great Melody," KECA, 10:30 a.m. (30 min.). Monday through Friday Al White will present vocalists doing melodies we all love.

Monday. November 23 —"Hymns of All Ch u r c h es," KFI, 11:45 a.m. (15 min.). Franklyn MacCormack, whose reading of poetry and phil-osophy during the last decade gained him network distinction, has been named to succeed Joe Emer-son as the featured member of the "Hymns of All Churches" program. The format of the program will blend his readings against the back-ground of favorite hymns sung by the mixed octet under the direction of Fred Jacky.

Tuesday, November 24—"Bridgeport String Ensemble," KHJ, DLBS, 1:30 p.m. (30 min.). Afternoon melodies will be presented by a string en-semble featuring salon music se-lected from the world's library of classical and semi-classical music.

Saturday, November 28—"Metropoli-tan Opera," KECA, 11 a.m. (3 hours). Lily Pons, lovely singing star, will open the current season of the Metropolitan Opera Company by taking the leading role in "The Daughter of the Regiment" Milton Cross, one of radio's outstanding announcers with a well-established reputation as an opera critic, will announce the program.

m mentation

Thursday, November 26—"News, Com-mentary," KHJ, 9:30 p.m. (15 min.). Gordon Burke, young KHJ newsman whose interest in headlines has al-ready earned him "commentator's rating" through a news series he presented wh i le stationed with KGMB, Honolulu, will be heard in this new weekly series featuring commentary on the news. Burke's Interest in headlines has already taken him half way around the world, and through 47 of the 48 United States.


Monday, November 23 —"Mirandy," KECA, 10:15 a.m. (15 min.). Mirandy and her popular philosophy are now being aired on this network Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

62006 Drama

Monday, November 23 — "Amos 'n' Andy," KNX, 8 p.m. '(15 min.). This popular team will be heard in the four thousandth episode of "Amos 'n' Andy." This actually means that the two veterans will be celebrating their 8000th broadcast in the char-acters they have made so famous, as each episode is broadcast twice daily.

1 f'orld A I fairs

Tuesday, November 24—"This Nation At War," KECA, 10 p.m. (30 min.). George Corey, chief documentary writer of this program, has gone abroad as an accredited war cor-respondent and will present four broadcasts from England. With gov-ernmental sanction to travel among the American troops in England, Corey will set up a program which will have as its highlights colorful talks by the men who fly the fight-ing machines; by the men who man the warships and freighters, mount the tanks, and the men and women in America who toil to build the machinery to destroy the enemy.


Sunday, November 22—"The Catholic Hour," KECA, 3 p.m. (30 min.). The Rev. Leonard Feeney of Weston Col-lege will sp ea k on "God As A Child."


Saturday, November 28—"Foot ball," KHJ, DLBS, 2 p.m. (3 hours). Frank Bull will handle the play-by-play description and Dick Garten will be on hand to give armchair foot-ball fans the color on the Stanford vs. Navy Pre-Flight game.

Saturday, November 28—"Football," KECA, 2 p.m. (3 hours). A complete play-by-play report of the USC vs. Notre Dame game will be given. The teams are clashing in Los An-geles.

National Affairs Thursday, November 26—"100th An-niversary of Notre Dame," KECA, 2:30 p.m. (30 min.). This program will commemorate the 100th anni-versary of Notre Dame. The Very Rev. Edward F. Sorin first set foot on the site of the present institu-tion on that date. Monsignor Fulton J. Sheen will be the speaker. The program will come from the chapel on the campus.

Weigllakie 11f usic

Sunday, November 22—"Fitch Band-wagon," KFI, 4:30 p.m. (30 min.). Art Jarrett will submit his personal life to the friendly third degree of Master of Ceremonies Tobe Reed when the Jarrett orchestra boards the bandwagon at the Great Lakes N a v a 1 Training Station. Soloists with the orchestra include the pul-chritudinous Jeri Sullivan and Tom Morgan.

Saturday, November 28—"Lamplight-er," KHJ, 10:15 a.m. (15 min.). "The idol of the airlanes," Jan Garber, will be Ted Yerxa's guest on his Saturday morning disc delving pro-gram.


Thursday, November 26—"Kraft Mu-sic Hall," KFI, 6 p.m. (1 hour). Guesting on Bing Crosby's show will be Dorothy Lamour.

Drama Sunday, November 22—"Nobody's Children," KHJ, DLBS, 4 p.m. (30 min.). A new father of two weeks, John Beal, stage and screen star, will be Walter White, Jr.'s guest on "Nobody's Children." John Beal, who is currently starring in "Edge of

Page 15: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is


Darkness," is the proud father of a baby girl named Theodora Emily.

6tififibY41,7 Drama

Tuesday, November 24—"Theatre Of Fame," KFWB, 9 p.m. (30 min.). Celeste Rush has written a special Thanksgiving program featuring Donald Chapman as the colonist who bnught in the first Thanksgiv-ing turkey. Although there will be many programs dealing with the same subject, this one has a little different twist. The Celeste Rush production will be augmented by Leon Leonardi's viler Bros. or-chestra.


Sunday, November 22—"Standard Symphony," KFI. 9 p.m. (45 min.). This week on the Standard Sym-phony's 789th consecutive weekly concert, John Barbirolli will present "La Gazza Ladra" by Gioachino Rossini: "War Lullaby," by John Alden Carpenter; "Peer Gynt," "Morning" by Edward Grieg; "Ro-meo and Juliet," Peter Tschaikovsky,

Monday, November 23—"Carnation Contented,' KFI, 7 p.m. (30 min.). Josephine Antoine, vocal star of the program, will sing Massenet's love. ly "Meditation" from "Thais" as her featured number. Basso Reinholdt Schmidt will sing "Lift Thine Eyes," by Logan. The Carnation Chorus will offer "Louisiana Hay-ride," and "Hymn of Thanksgiving." The orchestra is under the direction of Percy Faith.

Variety Tuesday, November 24—Bob H o p e. KFI. 7 p.m. (30 min.). The third week of Bob Hope's whirlwind tour of the six-week midwest hop will come from Wright Field, Dayton. Ohio. With him, of course, will he Frances Langford, Vera Vagu e. Jerry Colonna, Wen Niles, Skinnay Ennis and his musicmakers, troup-ers all.

Saturday, November 28—"H a 11 s of Montezuma," KHJ-DLBS, 8 p.m. (30 min.). The all-Marine show origi-nating at the base in San Diego featuring the Marine Band and dra-matizations written by Staff Sgt. Larry Hays, will be heard at this new time.

Current Events Sunday, November 22—"Invitation to Learning," KNX, 10:30 a.m. (30 min.). Harry Gideonse, expert on economics and President of Brook-lyn College, New Yo r k, will be chairman. Gideonse has headed vi-tal international economic commit-tees and is author of "The Com-modity Dollar."


PUZZLE OF WEEK: The 'wit Parade" with its exasperating, monot. onous repetition of "Lucky Strike green has gone to war." (Lotsa folks thought he said "dream has gone to war!") Now seems this was build-up for a change in cigaret packaging colors, due to the company's in-ability to secure green dyes.

BONER OF THE WEER: Art Baker, interviewing a woman on "People Are Funny," asked the contestant if she was married. "Yes, just eight weeks," she replied. Asked Art: "Any children?"

LOW OF THE WEEK: The Benny show. Same old stuff by the same old writers by the same old cast. Thanks to Dennis Day for a pleasant lift when he sang "White Christmas." It was more effective than the Kostelanetz rendition the same afternoon.

( BUCKLE OF THE WEEK: Otto K. Olesen company (downstairs) adve lising for a woman truck driver and getting a blue-streak-cussin' applicant so tough they couldn't hire her.

ICICK OF THE WEEK: The Rudy Vallee preview on Tuesday night. This show is going places with Joan Davis, Verna Felton, Shirley Mitchell, Gil Lamb—and Ransom Sherman, whose unique brand of humor is stimulating. Understand he is booked for a fifth guest shot on the Vallee show. Wish that he would be a regular, or else have his own program again. Thanks to Gil Lamb for putting so much effort into the studio warm-up. His pantomime, "A Jitterbug at the Para-moult," is very clever. Joan Davis evoked audience surprise when customers saw her for the attractive person she is. She clowns so much in such un-glamorous parts that people envision her accordingly.

SIGHT OF THE WEEK: Mr. and Mrs. Story of Bakersfield and their 20 (!) chitdren backstage of "Johnny Presents Ginny Simms" show. Offs')ring ranged in age from a babe in arms to twin girls (191, one of four sets of twins. Because the eldest boy, Private Jack Charles Story (18), U.S.M.C., won't be home for Christmas, the family was given a holiday celebration on the program. Before show time, the Storys' dressing room looked like a mob scene from a picture, Mama S. placidly surveying the scene, while Papa reclined wearily on the couch.

IDEA OF THE WEEK: Efforts of Bert Gordon (Eddie Cantor's "Mad Rust Ian") to have his hilling changed to "The Glad Russian." "And why not?", he asks. "After watching those Russians, what have I got to be mad about?"

SUSPENSE OF THE WEEK: Waiting in CBS' Studio B on Monday for Orson Welles to make his grand entrance at rehearsal for his new' Lockheed series. Everybody speculating, before Welles' arrival, on what his mood would be and everybody expecting to be ordered out of the place. They weren't disappointed. It happened when Welles bel-lowed: "Who are all these people? Clear the studio!" Out went evelybody—contact men, agency men, studio officials—all except 0. W., the actors, and an engineer.

THRILL OF THE WEEK: Sitting in the "Time to Smile" audience and watching Shirley Dinsdale and her dummy, Judy Splinters, being born as transcontinental air stars. Even without them, the Cantor show was fast and good. Von Zell's acting (like a dog) and the mu-sical arrangements of "Mr. Five by Five" and "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition" were masterful. When Shirley and Judy came on, and the audience took them to their hearts, it left nothing to be desired.

REPARTEE OF THE WEEK: Radio actress Claudia Morgan and Frances Chaney discussing headlines as they left the "We Love and Learn" studio. "What do they mean by the expression 'military ob-jective?'," asked Frances. "Walk past those soldiers on the corner and you'll find out!",. replied Claudia.

HOPE OF THE WEEK: That radio, its ranks already depleted by entrance of actors, musicians, writers, producers, executives, and tech-nicians and more scheduled to go daily will be able to do the job, and well, that is expected of It as an essential part of winning the war.

Page 16: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

SUNDAY, NOV. 22 *Indicates News Broadcasts

The W ORLD Tomorrow!


analyzes today's news with the pro-phecies for The World Tomorrow.

9:30 A.M.

KMTR stiV, 0 —KFI —Deeds Without Words. EP*KNX, KFWB. KGFJ—News.

KECA. HFSD--Soldlers of Production.

KHJ. KGB. KVOE— Wesley Radio League.

KMPC—Sacred Heart Hour.


'SOUND WORDS' 8 A.M. Sunday, KPAS 6:45 P.M. Mon. through Fri. This Is NOT religious enter-tainment. It is SPIRJTUAL WARFARE! II TIM. 2.

KPAS—Sound Words. lornt—S%vdisis Hour. K WK W -5Iusic. KFAC--Country Church. KRHD —Ranch Program. KFVD—Rev. Sales. KFOX—Varieties.

11:05 —KNX—West Coast Church. 8:16--KF1—Book of Books.

KMPC—Stars Over Manhattan REWIR--Jesse Crawford.

*K WK W—News. KPAS—Dr. Robert Shtder. KGFJ —Music.

8:30*KFI—Highlignts of Week's News.

KNX —Invitation to Learning. RECA, ILFTSD—African Trek. EHJ—Funny Paper Man. KMPC —Old Sunday School. KFWB—Union Rescue Mission. HPAS—Immanuel Baptist Ch. KW-IL K —Operetta. ESITR—W. B. Record. KFAC.—,Strollin' Tom.

*KGB—News; Hymn Singer. KFV11--Church of Christ. HVOE—Gospel Singer.

11:35—HVOE—Radio Chapel. 6:45—KFI—Dinning Sisters.

KFAC —Music. K WK W—Pasadena Council of Religious Education.

*BRI M—News. Music. RFSD—Call to Worship. KGB--Pastor Agard.

9— E n—Hospitality Time. *KNX—Quincy Howe. News. *KECA, KMPC —News. KHJ. KGB. KV0E--Detroit Bible Class.

KFIIII—Union Rescue Mission KPAS—Judge Gardner. KMTR—Sonsrs of Salvation. K WK W—Popular Music. KFAC—Liberal Catholic Hol m HPPC—Dr. William S. Mid. dlemass.

RGFJ —Cowboy Music. KRK11--Musde Masters. KFOX —Music. KFSD— War Journal. KFVD—NValtz Time.

9:15.KFI —Physical Well Heine. KNX-- Woman-Power. KECA—Opal Scarborough. KMPC—Dr. Corley. KFAC —Voice of Health. KINIE W--Salon Music. HPPC—Prelude to Worship. Kt-VD—Musical Gems.

10:30—KFI —Emma Otero. KNX—Sali Lake Tabernacle Choir.

*KHJ. KGB, K1'0E—Waiter Compton.

KECA—Stu sic Hour. KMPC —Sunday Drive.

RI:AYR—Swing Session. *KMTR—The World Tomorrow. KPAS—Music. KFAC. K WK W —Muslc. KPPC—Dr. F. P. Woellner. XFVD—Musical Revue. KFSD— rhe Woodshedders.

9:45*ILFIJ. KGB. KV0E--America's Week at War.

R WKW —Cosper, Gardens.

10 " *:1- FO Robt. St. John. X—Church of the Air. KECA—Music Hour.

*KHJ. KGB. KVOE—News. Glenn Hardy.

KMPC--Wesley Radio League. *H MS. KPAS. KFOX —News. KMTR—Fanny Reinhart. K WK W—Rev. Vincent Wilson. KFAC. KGFJ —Music. KRKD—Music Masters. KPPC—Dr. F. P. Woellner. KFVD—Musical Revue. KEMP—Horace Heidt Revue.

10 :15—KFt —Labor for Victory. W U, KGB. KEOE—Rumance of Highways.

KFWB—Swing Session. *K WK W—News. KPAS—Musical Favorites. KFOX —Peoule's Church.

10:30—KFI —Fact Finders, *KNX—News. *KECA—Radio News Weekly.

HVOE—Little Show. KNIPC —Off the Record. RPAS —Czech Polkas. K WK W —Paul Di Stassio. RGFJ—Light Concert. HPP(7—Church News. HFSG—Aimee McPherson. KGB—Man Battle Stations.

In:35—KNX —spotlight on Music. 10:43—KFI —Modern Music.

KNX—You Can't Stop America.

KECA—Nirk Harris. RAJ. KGB. HVOE—Canary Chorus.

KPPC —Tower Chimes. K WK W—Familiar Ballads. KPAS, HE'OX —Music.

—KFI—Kaye Serenade. KNX—Those We Love. 11

DATA KFI KECA (NJ KFVD KPAS KFSG KGFJ KFXM KFAC (GER rwint Tr(FSD TKIAPC TilEV TKFWIFY-KNX-1 iTK-1) KFOX TKGB T KVDE 570T6401-190-11-930 1-1020-T 1240 T13301-1390 1 - 6 0 710 870 980 1070 1110 1230 1280 1360 1430 1490

*KECA. KFWB—News. KGB—Pilgrim Hour.

KMPC—Off the Record. KMTR—Church of Christ. HPBC —Church Service. H WE W —Charch Service. KPAS--church of Open Door. KFAC--Ist Methodist Church. KGFJ—Sunshine Pastor. RFOX—Varieties. XFSD--Speaking of Glamour. RFS D—Musical Revue. KVOE—Of Civic interest.

11:15*KFI—Alvin Wilder. KECA—Sunday Serenade, KFAVII—Swing Session. KEND —Coast to Coast on a Bus.

R%0E—Concert Miniature. 11:30—KFI —ChIcago Round Table.

*KNX— World News Today. KECA —Speaking of Glamour. RSITR—Music. RFOX—Ist Christian Church. KS OE— Words of Life.

11:15*HECA—News. 11:55—KNX—KNX-tra.

I42*KFI, KFWB—News. iG*ILLCA. HE-SD —John Vander-cook.

*RAJ—Broadway News. KNX—N. Y. Philharmonic. K.MPC —Off the Record. RI MS —Church of Open Door. KFAC -1st Methodist Church. KPPC—Church Service. KMTR —St. Brendan's Church. R WIC W —Sarred Music. KGFJ —Sunshine Pastor. KFOX—Rev. Earl hie. KFV121—Musleal Revue. KGB, KVOE—Cadle Taber-nacle.

12 :15*K 11-1. pton KECA. IMO— Hake UP, America.

KHJ —Music. ILE MB —Swing Session.

*K WK W— Weekly News Review KFAC—L. A. Bar Assn.

SUNDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in LIghtface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety 8:30—African Trek, KECA-

KFSD. 8:30—Invitation to Learning'

KNX. 11:30—Speaking of Glamour.

KECA. 3:30—Sergeant Gene Autry.

KNX. 4:011—Jack Benny. Ell. 4:15—Time Out for Laughs.

KNX. 4:30—United We Sing. KNX. 5:00—Charlie McCarthy. KFI. 6:00—Conrad Nagel Show. KNX. 6:30—Fred Allen. RNX. 7:00—Good Will Hour. KECA-

KFSD. 7:30— Walter Winchell. Kr!. 8:00—The Great Gildersleeve.

8:15—Jimmie Fidler. KECA-KFSD.

9:00— GroodPappy and His Pals. KECA-RFSD.

10:00—University Explorer. KECA-KFSD.

11:13—Unlimited Horizons. KFI.

War 8:0o—soldiers or Production.

KECA-KFSD. 9:45—America at War. KHJ-

KGB-KVOE. 10:15—Labor for Victory. }CFI. 12:311 —Army Hour. KFI. 3:30—Reports from the Battle-

front. KFI. 1:00— Women-in-War Week,

EN'. 4:30—Stars and Stripes in Itidt-

silo, KHJ-KVOE. )!ri 6:00—Show of Yesterday and To-

day. KECA-KFSD. 8:30— Wings Over the West

Coast. KHJ-KGB.

Drama 10:13—Romance of the Highways,

KHJ-KGB-KVOE. 11 :(10- Those We Love. KNX. 2:00—Chaplain Jim. KECA-

KVA D. 2:30—Bulldog Drummond: KIIJ. 3:110—First Nighter, KHJ-KGB-

KFX5I-KVOE. 3:15—Dear John. KNX. 3:45—Newsmakers. KFI.

4:00—Nobody's Children. K W-KFXM-HVOE.

5:00—Hello. Americus, KNX. 5:15—Tomorrow's History,

K Vi K W. 5:30—One Man's Family. KFI. 6:30—Inner Sanctum Mystery,

KECA-KFSD. 7:45—Parker Family. K1'11. 8:00—Crime Doctor. KNX. 9:15—The Whistler, KNX.

Quiz Pi o grams 7:00—Take It or Leave It. KNX. 8:30—Quiz Kids, KECA-KFSD

Outstandinq Music 12:00—New York Philharmonic,

KNX. 1:30—Pause That Refreshes,

KNX. 2:00—Hawaii Calls, KHJ-

KFX111-HVOE. 2:00—NBC Symphony. KFI. 2:00—Family Hour. KNX. 2:30—Musical Steelmakers.

KECA-REND. 4 :30—Fitch !Bandwagon. }LEI. 6:00—Manhattan Merry-Go-

Round, Krt. 6:30—Alhum of Familiar Music,

KFI. 7:00—Hour of Charm. KFI. 7:30—Inglewood Park Concert.

RN X. 8:00—Hancock Ensemble, KHJ. 9:00—Standard Symphony. KFI. 10:30—Bridge to Dreamland.

KECA-KFSD. 10:30—Lucky Lager Dance Time.

KFAC. 11:00 —Symphonia. KMPC.

Public Affairs 'II :3(7—Chicago Round Table. KF-1 12:15—Wake Up America. KECA. 5:00—American Forum of Air.

KIIJ-KGB-HVOE-FEFIK. 11:20—Report to the Nation, KNX

Sports—Comment 2:00—Football. KMPC.

"For a Faith To Live By"





"Bringing Christ to the Nations"


HPPC--Music of the Masters. 12:30—KFI—Tills us the Army Hour.

KHJ—Cadie Tabernacle. KFWB—Jean Leonard. KFAC —Music. K WK W —Marches.

*KPAS. KRI M—News. }WPC —Occidental College. KGFJ —Light Concert. KGB. 7V0E—Hancock Ensemble.

12 :40-1( RK D—Muste. 12:45—KPAS-44elodie Interlude.

R WK W—Bob Nash. Sports. —101 —This is the Army Hour. KNX—N. Y. Philharmonic. KECA. KFt1D--National Ves-per..

*KMTR —News. KHJ, KGB. KFIL311. KYOFe— Lutheran Hour.

KMPC--Sam..el B. McKee. KFWB--Varietlik. K WK W—Civic. d KPAS —Melodic Interlude. liRKD. HFOX—Musle. RFAC —Sictory Players. KGFJ—Light Concert. KFVD—Sloods in Movie.

1:15*KMPC —News. KMTIL KFA(' —Music. K WIL W —Poetry and Music.

1:30—EFI —Soldiers of the Press. KNX—Pause That Refreshes on the Air.

KECA, REND —Easy Listening KHJ. KGB. KFILM. HVOE— Young People's Church.

KMPC—Voice of Tomorrow Kt-WEI —Don Rose. K WK W—Light Classics. KPAS—Church in Barn. HMTR—Betty Phillips. KGFJ--Cowboy Music. KFOX—Sidewalk Cafe. TIFVD —Hawaiian Music.

1:43—KFI —Looks at Books. KMPC. }MISR—Music. HMTR—Planos. KFOX —Army Transcription. KF'VD—Civoru Group.

.01—KFI —NBC Symphony. KNX —Family Hour. !MCA. KIND—Chaplain Jim. KHJ, KFILM. HVOE--Hawall Calls.

KFWB. KRI M KEYD--Music. KMPC—Football. KPAS—Franklin Ave. Chapel. KMTR—Pastor Egertson.

*KFAC —Radio News% eekiy. KVYK W—Bruce & Hillbilly Band.

*KliFJ —News. KGB—Church of Christ. RFOX—Good News.

2:15—K TAC—Mtosic. REND—Popular Favorit es. KGFJ —Saltation Army.

*KFOX—News. 2:30—RECA—Musical Steelmakers.

KHJ —Bulidog Drummond. KFWII—Symphony Hall. ILSITR—French Program. K PAS--Calvary Tabernacle. K WK W—Popular Records. KGFJ— W. C. T. U. KFOX —Res!. Billy Adams.

*RFX5I—Naws. KIND —Musical Steelmakers. KGB —The Shadow. HVOE—Bethel Tabernacle.

2 :45*R NX —Vi Imam Bilker. KGFJ —Music. HIPXM —Highway Romance.

3—KFI — We Belie% e. *KNX—Edward R. Murrow. KILL KFXM. KGB. EVOE— First Nighter.

RECA--4'allsolic Hour., ICRPC —Football. KFWB—Don Rose.

Page 17: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

NOVEMBER 22, 1942 RADIO LIFE PAGE 17 SUNDAY LOGS KVITIL SFAC—Musle. K WK W--Concert Matinee. KPAS—CalvarY rahertlacie• KGFJ—Locy West Sunshine Mission.

KFOX—Rev. hip. KFSG—Evangelistic. KFSD—Dr. Lowe. KIND—Popular Favorites.

3:15—KNX —Dear Jnhn. KF WB—Musical Varieties. KIND—Colored Revue.

3:30*KFI —Reports from the Battle-front.

KNX—Sergeant Gene Autry. KECA —Church Federation Vespers.

K M —Golden Strings. KFWB—Hollywood Collegiate Hour.

KPAS—Church of Christ. *KFXM—America at War. FCFSD—Lou Bring Orch. Kt-VD—Hank the Night Watchman.

KGB—Anchors Aweigh. KV0E—Evangelistic Church.

3 :415*K fl —News Makers. KFXM—Concert.

A —KFI —Jack penny. K N X—W omen-in- War Week.

KFSD—I mcheduled. KH.1. FEFX.M. KAOE.— Nobody's Children.

KM Pt —Football. KFV1-11, KFAC —Music. KPAS--Gospel Tidings. KNITR —Mathew Murray. KWK W —These Will Be Stars. KGFJ—Locy West Sunshieie Mission.

MINIX —Sunshine Pastor. KIFVD—Hank the Night Watchman.

KGB—Covenant Vespers. 4:13—KNX—Time Out for Laughs.

KECA, KFSD—Stars From the Blue.

KFIVII—Varieties. FiltKD—Music.

4:30—KFI—Fitch Bandwagon. KNX—United We Sing. KECA, KrelD—To the Crest. dent.

KHJ. KV0E—Stars and Stripes in Britain.

KMP( . KVIKVI —Music. *KFIVII—News. FLP.AS—Lotheran Gospel Hour. KMTR—Bible Treasury Hour. KFVD-90-90 Club. SFXM—Cadie Tabernacle. KGB—Music for Sunday.

4:45—KFWB—Stuart Hamblen. KF1 1)—Tea Time Music. KGB—Irene Dalton.

s—HIFI —Criase Sanborn. 11NX —Hello, America. KECA—Man Battle Stations. KFIJ, KGB. KFXM, KV0E— American Forum.

KFWB—Stuart Ilamblen. KMPC—Back to God. KMTR—Matinee Playhouse. KPAS--Lincoln Ave. Presby-terian Church.

KFAC. KRKD—Music. liVtIE W —Star Parade.

*KGFJ, KFSD—News. KFVD—Tea Time Music. KFOX —Missionary.

3:19—KECA—Pan-American Rhythm KMTR— Wings.

*K WK W—Tomorrow's History. KGFJ—Light Concert. KFOX—N arieties. KFSD--Oscar Otis.

5:30—KFI —One Man's Family. * KNX— William Winter. News. KMPC—Serenade in Strings. 1161TR —Christian Crusade.

AC —Organ Recital. KPAS—Helen Markam. KIND —Carter Wright. &FOX—Our Saviour's Luth-eran Church.

KFSD—Moments of Melody. 16:46*KECA. KFSD—Drew Pearson.



*KNX—Dick Joy. News. *SELL KGB —Gabriel Heatter. *KMPC—News. KMTR—Old Age Pensions. KFXM —Concert. KV0E—Youth Speaks for Christ.

5:66*KNX—Erie Sevareld. News.

6-IECFI-3tanhattan Merry-Go-Round.

KNX —Conrad Nagel Show. KECA. KIND--show of Yes-terday and Today.

KI1J. KGB, KVOE—Old rash. ioned Revival Hoar.

KM PC —Musical Milestones. *KFWB. ILFOX—News. KFA(-- Classical Atomic. KNITR—Viennese Ensemble. KPAS—Holliston Church. FERKD—Music. KGFJ —Concert. KFX111—Voice of Prophecy.

6 :1 KFW B—Don Rose. KMTR—Historic Saga. KFOX—Pastor Marsh.

6:30—Sri—Album of Familiar Music.

KNX—Fred Allen. KECA, KFSD--Inner Sanctum Mystery.

KFWB—Joe Cron. KMTR—Music. KPAS—Beyond Tomorrow. KGFJ — White Tabernacle. KFOX—Rev. Earl hie.

6:45—KFWB--kleatIng France. *KRI M—News. KPPC —Musle.

OLD FASHIONED REVIVAL Charles E. Fuller, Director

P.O. Dos 123. Los Angeles.

Calif. 6:00 P. M. —Mutual Network

KILL 930 Kilocycles. K nit:, D M Kilocycles. KGB. 136u Kilocycles. KVOE, 1490 Kilocycles.

9:00 P.M. —Rebrottilvast KPAS. 1110 Kilocycles. K M°. 1440 Kaocycles.

a:13 P. M.—Rebroadcast KFXM. 1240 Kilocycles.

10:00 P. 9. —Rehroodeast KMPC. 710 Kilocycles KFOX, 1260 Kil.rcycles

11:00 P. M.—Mutual Repeat

7—Ku —flour or Charm. LS —Take It or Leave It. *KILL KVOE. KGB—John B.

tighes. KECA. KFSD—Goodw:11 Hour.

*KMPC. KGER—News. KMTR—Mnsie.

KI•PC —Evening Concert. KPAS--Ethel nobler. KFAC —Open Foram. SC.F'J—Programa del Oro. KFON —Off the Record. KING—Aimee McPherson.

7:15—KHJ. KV0E—Rabbi Magnin. KM PC—Pro Football.


Melodies America Loves Songs of

Thanksgiving EMMA PITT Mezzo-Soprano

Male Quartette Concert Orchestra

SUNDAY, 7:30 P. M.

KGER—Douglas Aircraft Musk..

KGB—Homefolks. 7:30*KFI—Nalter Winchell.

FLNX—Ingiewood Park Con-cert.

KHJ. KGB—This Is Our Enemy.

KMPC— Wings Over Jordan. KPAS--Church of Open Door. EPIC —Sacred Song Recital. KrOX —Excursions in beleoce. KGER —Echoes of the Opera. KV0E—Gospel Light.

7:43—KF1—Parker Family. KFIVII—Don Rose. KI•PC —Organ Recital. KFOX —Ross Ballroom.

8 —fin—Frost Warnings; The Great Gildersleeve.

KN X —Crone Doctor. *Kt:CA, KFSit— Watch the

World Go By. Kill—Hancock Ensemble.

*KSIPC. KGER—News. KFAVB—Hollyvrood Presby-terian Church.

KNITR—Floyd Johnson. KFAC—Ist Methodist Chnrch. KI•AS —Chtirelt of Open Door. KPPC —The Clarion Call. KGF.I —Bethel Church. KrOX—Musical Comedy. KGB—First Baptist Church. KVOE—Gosnel Light.

:06.—KGER—Olga Grav*s. 8:15*KFCA. IliFSD —Jimmie

KMPC —Land Man. A :25+1(N N.—News. 11:30*KFI —News.

KNX—Gene Kru m ()reit. KE1 -.1, lit-s11 —Quis Kids. KILL KGB— Wings Over the West Coast.

EMI('. KINIX— Waltz Time. KGFJ—The Four Aces.

11:45—KFI —Cabhages and Kings. KMPC—Mother's Album. KFAC —Music. KPPC—Relicious News.

99— En — Standard Symphony. *KN X — William Winter. News. KECA, KFSD—Grandpappy nnd His Pals.

*KI M KGB. KVOE, KFXM— News. Glenn Hardy.

KFIVB—rnion Rescue Mission KMPC—Andre Kostelanetz. KM FR—music. KPAS—hid Fashioned Revival Kt-AC—Sunday Evening Club.

*K6F-J. KGF:R—News. KFSC.--Vour Favorite Hymns. 1IFOX—County Barn Dance.





9:13—KNX —The Whistler. KHJ. KGB. KVOE—Voice of Prophecy.

KMTR—Ten Pretty Girls. KGFJ—Music. KISG —Message in Song.


A Gospel Broadcast Bringing Christ to the Southland Each Sunday 9:30 P. M. KFWB-980 Kilocycles

KFKM —Old rashioned Revival 9:30*KECA. KFSG—News.

KFWB—Pacific Lutheran Hr. KMPC—Hermit's ('ave.• KFAC —Glorious Hope. FLMTR—Day's Review. KGFJ—Boyd Johnston. RFOX —Rev. Earl Iv he. KGER—Ada S. Teeple.

*KFSD—Dorothy Thompson. 9:36—KFSG —Viola Anderson. 9:43—K1'7—Pierce Bros. Choir

KNX —Les Hite Orch. KECA—Edgewater Beach Orch.

*KHJ. KGB, KV0E—Dr. Poly-zoides.

KSITR—Itob Brooks. *Kt.-SD—News.

10*KFI —Richneld News Flashes. *KS.X, M aj. KGER—News. KHJ —H. Holmes Oreh. KECA, KIND—University Ex-plorer.

*KF WB—News. ILMPC —Old Fashioned Revival KFAC—Classical Music. KFOX—Rev. Fuller. KFSG—Esther Fricke Stuart. KMTR—Viennese Ensemble. KPAS, KGB. KV0E—Voice of Calvary.

10:03—KGER —Victory Mission. 10:13—KFI—Betty Martin.

KNX —Don Roland Orch. *KECA, KIND—Dorothy

Thompson. ICFWB—Moods and Melodies. KMTR —Santaella Ensembat.

• KGF.11 —Cowboy Music. KF7LM —Ale Maria Hour.

10:20—KGER —Musle. 10:30—KFI—Inside the News (Thrifty .

Drug Co.). KNX — Wbat's It All About?

10:30 P.M. —KFI

"Inside the News" With JOHN BURTON



KECA. KrS11—Bridee to Dreamland.

KILL KGB, KVOE—Freddy Slack Orch.

ISFIAB—Elliott Kelly Orch. KMTR —Max Lerner Orch. KPAS—Monkey Jamboree. KFAC —Lucky Lager Dance Time.

KGER—Spanish Program. *KFSG—News: Esther Stuart.

Evening Comes. KFWB—Moods and Melodies. KMTR—Barron and Hatch. KGF.11— Wesley Steadman. KFXM —Freddy Slack Orch.

*KFT —News.

KECA. KFSD--Melodlea for Uncle Sam.

*KNX—News. Bob Andersen. KHJ. KGB. KV0E--Old Fash-ioned Revival.

RFWB—Moods and Melodies. KM PC—Symphonia. KFAC —Lucky Lager Dance Time.

KPAS—Monkey Jamboree. KMTR. KFOX. KFSG—Music. KGFJ—Dundee Players.

11:15—KFI—Unlimited Horizons. Kt:CI—Loren Palmer.

11:2.0—KNX —Report to the Nation. 1.1:30—KM PC—Peaceful Valley.

KrW11--Music You Want. KGF.1 —Cowhoy Trio.

*KING—News. 11:33 —KFSG —Beatity of teriptures. 11:43*KFI. KNITR—News. 11:30—KNX —Prelude to Midnight. 11:33*KNX KF WB—News.

Double Pianissimo Robert Armbruster, who conducts

the "New Old Gold Show" orchestra, has developed a "music-less" method of timing his melodies during the fi-nal pre-show rehearsal. The orchestra files out of the Vine Street Theater for a few moments of relaxation just before air time—and Bobby "conducts" a crew of empty chairs as technicians watch the clock. Armbruster's sense of timing is so accurate that he doesn't need the actual music but can rely exclusively on his own baton.

Reaction to Action The whole cycle of a sailor's reac-

tion to battle was recently described to Warren Hull of "Vox Pop" by a navy quartermaster. The veteran of Macassar Straits told the CBS-KNX announcer, "First you're so busy you haven't a chance to be afraid, two hours later comes reaction and you're plenty scared. Takes two days to re-lax. The second night you get some sleep and the third day you're ready to go again." Fortunately the cycle starts over if interrupted by the enemy.

Barnum Was Right The pet story of Bess Johnson, star

of NBC's "The Story of Bess Johnson" goes back to her past. She was play-ing a heroine whose boy friend had disappeared. The first half of the pro-gram covered the trials of Bess—the second half reported the tribulations of the boy friend on a desert island Bess maintains under oath that she received dozens of fan letters advis-•ing her to listen to the second half of her program and she would find her boy friend.

Page 18: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

MONDAY, NOV. 23 *Indicates News Broadcasts

6 to 6:30 A. M.

Aircraft Times PROGRAM DAILY

KWKW 1430 on the Dial

0 — E n—Johnny Murray. KNX—Band of the Morning.

*KECA —Between the Lines. HHJ. KENJI. KFSD. KGB. EV0E—Breakfast Club.

KF WB—Popular Orris. EPAS. KGFJ.

KFOX—News. KFAC—Sacred Heart.

*BRI M—Broadway Pasadena News.

KRI M—Music. KS-VD—Stuart Hamblen.

8:15--K M—Betty and Bob. KECA—MeNeill's Breakfast Club.

KMPC—Markets and Sports. HMTR. KFAC, KGFJ--Music.

irEPAS--Carroll Lunt. RI OX—Firestone Foursquare.

11:304401. KHJ. B MA. KFWB. KRI M—News.

KNX—Valiant Lady. riMPC—Unity Daily Word. R WK W—Music. EPAS—Haven of Rest. KFOX—Classified. KFXM—Sunshine Service. KGB—Serenading You. EVOE—Classified Ads.

8:35—ERRD--Music. 8:40--E WK W —Sports Precast. 8:45—KFI —David Ha mm.

KNX —Stories America Loves. *KECA —Women Who Make

News. RHJ—Victor Lindialw.

*IFFN B—News. KMTR—Health Talk. IVA-K W—Operetta Music. KGFJ —Dr. Weisman. KFOX—Cowboy Music. KFVD—Vocal Favorites. KGB. HVOE—Yankee House Part,.

jek —KFI —The 0'24411e. KNX —Kate Smith.

* K M/. EFX. M. KGB. HYDE— News. Boake Carter.

*KMPC. KGFJ—News. KECA—McNeill's Breakfast Club.

KFWB—Dr. Reynolds EPAS--Polly and Pat. HMTR, KFAC. KFVD—Music K WK W—Operetta Music. RRIED--Sagebrush Serenade. KFOX—Firebrands for Jesus.

* KFSD—Roy Porter.


DR. R. L. McMASTER for the

McCOY HEALTH SYSTEM EI cry morning—Mon. Own fri•

KY-AC at 9:15 liC.FJ at 10:13

9:15*KFT —News: Music. KNX—Big Sister.

*Y MCA, E.MTR. KFVD—News. RHJ—Time Out. IIMPC—I've Got Your Number KFWB, KGFJ. lEFX31 —Music. KFAC —Voice of Health. S WI M—Bulletin Board. KF6D--Publie Service. KGB. EV0E—Melodies.

5:20—KGB. EVOE— Women Today. 9:30—KFI—Witat's Doing.

IENX—Romance of Helen Trent.

KHJ —Nonna Young. !MCA, EFSD —Breakfast at Sardi's.

KM PC—Family Bible. * KF WB—News. KPAS--Yesterdav's Favorites. KMTR— W. B. iteeord. RFAC. RFX,11—Music.

*K WK W—Burritt %I heeler. Talk.

KGB, KVOE —Naval Band. KFVD—Dr. Richardson.

9:45—K M—Mirandy's Garden Patch KNX —Our Gal Sunday.

lieKMPC, KRIED--News. RPM, B—Bowling Center. KMTR —Music. KFAC —Star Parade. R WRIF —Old Favorites. IIPAS —Transcribed Times.

HEAR CHEF MILANI "Dinner for 4,

a Dollar No More" KFWB -1 0:00 A. M. KFSD -4:1 5 P. M.

KFVD—Here Comes Parade. 0h1

10— KFI —MidmornIng Journal. KNX—Life Can Be Beautiful.

*KECA. KFSD—Baukhage Talking.

*IIHJ. IFF11111. KGB. ILVOE— News, Glenn Hardy.

IIMPC—Curtain Calls. "et n—

KMTR—Pastor Egertson. KFAC —Religious Vi ork. K WK W—Vincent Wilson.

*EPAS. KGF.J. REOX —News. KFVD--Morning Serenade. KRED—Turf Bulletin.

10:15—KF1—Agnes White. FINX—Ala Perkins. KECA—Mirandj. RAJ. KFX31, RvOR— Frank Victor's Quartet.


*K WRIV—Monitor News. KFAC—Midmorning Serenade. KGFJ—Voice of Health. ICRHD—Talk. KFOX —Varieties. KFSD--Little Jock Little. KGB—Army Band.

10 :30*RFI—Art Baker's Notebook. KNX —Vic and Sade. KECA. KFSD—Benny Walker Show.


KMPG—Charm Notes. KFWB—Science of Mind. KPAS—Meet Priscilla Alden. HMTR—Floyd B. Johnson. K WK W—Martial Airs. KGFJ—Music. ERICD—Central Labor Council KFVD—Union Rescue Mission.

10:35—KHJ. KGB —Strictly Personal. 10:45—KFI —Dr. Kate.

KNX—The Goldberg.. KFX21, KGB—Unsched-

uled. KMPC —Calif. Women's Clubs.

* KFIVB—News. IRMTR—Dr. Lovell. KFAC, KRI M—Musk. K WK W—Marvel of Vision. KFOX—South American Way. HVOE—Fed. Women's Clubs.

11 —KFI—LIght of the World. KNX—Young Dr. Malone.


5,.T...-T- CrourrinoT iTro T1330113 0 7 600 710 870 980 1070 1110 1210 1280 1360 1430 1490

K M —Treasure Star Parade. KECA—Your Gospel Singer. KMPC —Dr. L. T. Talbot. KFWB—Al Jarvis. HMTR. [(FOX —Music. KFAC —Lee Adam.. KW K W —Jean Sterling. KRI M —Musical Comedy.

*KGFJ. KFVD. KFXM—News. RFSD--Good Cheer.

*KGB--Cedrie Foster. *141 OE—Monitor News.

11:05*HPAS—Pasadena News. 11:15—K11 —Lonely Women.

KNX —Aunt Jenny's Stories. REVA—Between the Bookends RHJ —Market Place.

*RMTR—News. KNK W -11Ing Crosby. KPAS —Music as You Like It. KGFJ KFOX. SCFND--Music KFXM —Pop. Orch. KFSD—Between the Bookend,. KGB. EVOE—B. Elliott Orch.

11 :30— h El —balding Light. ENN — We Love and Learn. KECA—Sideshow. KFIJ—Eddie Albright. KM PC — Lawrence Welk. EMIR—Humboldt Park Tab-ernacle.

*KPAS—Pasadena Independent. KFAC—Polle Patterson. K WK W —Kilowatt Halendar. KGFJ—City Dwellers.

*KRI M, KFOX—News. EFXM. KGB. KVOE—Mutual Goes Calling.

'IPSO—Ann Gibson. 11 :45—K Fl —tsvnins of All Churches.

KNX. FIRED. KGFJ—Music. EHJ —Mutual Goes Calling.

*KECA. KFSD—News. KMPC —Ben Sweetland. K WE W—Farm Report. KPAS-- Walt. Time. KMTR—Volney James. EFOX—Marritinx Along. KFVD--Vlolet Schram.


111—K M—Farm Reporter. 116 KN X —Dat e Lane. * M U—Broadway News. KECA, KFSD—Open House on the Blue.

KF WB—Al Jarvis. KNIPC —I've Got Your Number HPAS—EPAS Entertains. KNITR—Melodies for Keeps. K WK W—Popular Music. KFAC, KFOX—Music.

*KGFJ, KGB. HYDE—News. KRI M—Prairie Schooner. KFX.M--Star Parade. EFVD —Editor of the Al,.

12:15*KNX —Bob Andersen. News. KFI—Ma Perkins.

MONDAY Program Highlights .lorning Programs Appear in Lightface Type; Afternoon and

Evening Programa in Boldface.

Variety 8 .00—Johnny Murray. ICIT. 9:00—Kato Smith. KNX. 9:30—Breakfast. at Sardi'll.

KECA-KFSD. 10:00—Chef Milani. KF WB. 11:15—Market Place. KI-13. 1:00—Club Matinee. KECA. 4:00—Art Baker's Notebook. KF1 4:15—Chef Milani. KFSD. 8:30—Spotlight Bands. }MCA-

7:30—Furlough Fun, KFI. 8:00—Amos n Andy. FINN. 8:15 —Lum and Abner. }MCA-

KFSD. 8:30—Gay Nineties Revue. KNX. 9:30—Vox Pop, KNX. 9:30.—Hollywood Spotlight.

KECA. 10:00—University Explorer.

HECA-EFSD. 10:15—Major Bonnie. KECA.

War 4:30—Action on the Home

Front. KNX. 6:00—Eyes Aloft, KIT. 8:00 —Counter Spy, KECA-IFFSD 7:15—Alias John Freedom,


Drama 5:30—Bulldog Drummond,

KGB-RFX,M-HVOE. 6:00—Lux Theater. KNX. 6:30—Curtain America, KHJ-

K17(31-KGB-KVOE. 7:00—SdPeen Guild Theater.


7:30—Blondle. 7:30—Lone Ranger, K W-KGB-

RE LM-HVOE. 8:15—Orson Welles. HNX. 8:30 —Cavalcade of America,

KFI. 8:30—Eyewitness News. KECA. 9:30—Hawthorne House. KFL

Outstanding Music 1:30—Theme and Variations,

KHJ-KGB-KF KM-HVOE. 2:30—Classic Hour. KECA. 3:30—Keep Singing. America,

KNX. 5:30--Voice of Firestone. KFT. 7:00 —Contented Program. RFT. 7:30 —Chapel Quartet. KFAC. 8:00—Evening Concert, KFAC. 8:00—Pleasure Time. KFI. 9:00—Telephone Hour, KF1. 10:00—Lucky Lager Dance Time.

KFAC. 10:30—Eastside Danes Tonite.

KFWB. t1:00—Philharmonia. KECA. 11:30—Masterworks. ENE.

Quiz Programs 4:15—Boulevard Quiz, KFWB. 8 :30—Dr. I. Q.. EFT. 8:30—Double or Nothing. KI1J-

EVOE-KFXM-KGB. 9:00—.Quiz Court. KNX. 9:00—True or False. !MCA-


Sports—Comment 10:30—Tom Hanlon. KNX.

K M—Homemakers' Club. KFOX. KFXM—News.

KFAC-1 Solemnly Swear. WIE WN W —News.

ot GROCERIES ! * Lt *CASti Plt


ervi Fltzroy2141

KGFJ —Music. KGB—Molly Morse. KV0E--Luncheon Dance.

12 :30— KFI —PeliPer Young's Family. KNX—Joyce Jordan. Girt Interne.

KECA-10-2-4 Ranch. KMPC —rurtis H. Springer. IIPAS. } ME W—Music.

KFAC —News. KFOX—Varietles. KFXM—Shady Valley. KFVD—Gospel In Song. KFSD—Men of Land. Sea and Air.

KGB—Pulpit Highlights. NVOE—Have You Read?

12:45—Eft —Right to Happiness. KNX—Bachelor's Children.

*KECA, KIND—Deane Dicks-son.

KMPC —America Marches On. KF WB—Al Jarvis.

*KPAS—News. KFAC—Vernon Steele. KGFJ--Life and the Land. EFOX—Science of Mind. KFVD—Violet Schram, KGB. HVOE—Shady Valley.

4 —JI M —Backstage Wire. KNX—Galen Drake. KECA—Club Matinee. KHJ—Bill's Wax Shop. EMPC —Music.

*KF WB—Today's War Moods. *E MIR. KGFJ. KFVD—News. KPAS —Contrasts in Rhythm. KFAC —Dr. Sheldon Shepard. K WK W —Civic. KRI M—Pan-Americana. KFOX, KFXM —Dance Music. K IND—National Farm and Home.

* KGB. HVOE—Walter Comp-ton.

1:15—EFL—Stella Dallas. KNX—Unscheduled. KHJ KGB. EFX1d—Sweet and S-entimental.

*KM PC —Monitor News. RE'R'13— A1 Jarvis. ILMTR, KGFJ, HRED —Mnsic. EPAS—Island Melodies. KFAC —Classical Music. K WK W—Concert Music. KFOX —Classified. KFVD—Moods in Music. NVOE—Civic.

I:30—KFI—Lorenzo Joaea. El6X—American School of Ale HHJ. KFXM. KGB. 10'0E— Theme and Variations.

KMPC —Pan-Americana. KF WB—Harry Benzin. HPAS--Aircraft Reporter. HMTR—Rev. C. J. Kennedy. KFAC—J. N. Yates, Organ.

*HRED —News, Musk. KFOX—Christlan Science. KFVD —Oregon Lend Man, KIND—Ann Gibson.

1:45-11 M—Young Widder Brown. KFWB. HMTR—Music. HFAC —American Legion Aux. Wary.

HPAS—Juke Box Matinee. KRI M--Singing Waiters. KFOX —Rhythmic Age. KFVD—Vocal Varieties. KFSD —Club Matinee.

1:55*HECA, KFSD—News.

11 —EFT— When a Girl Marries. KNX—Housewives' Protective League.

SECA, EFSD—Air Corps Band.

*IiI1J, KGB. HVOE--Sheelah Garter.

Page 19: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is


*KMTR, KG FJ—Nen s. K Sty les. KFAC —Music. KPAS—Juke Box Matinee. R RR W--Concert Matinee. KRI M. RF.X31. KFOX—Music KFVD—Organ Melodies.

2:15—RFI —Portia Faces Life. *KHJ. KGB. EV0E—Don Lee

Newsreel Theater. Kill R—Lyman Smith.

*K WK W. RFSD—News. KGFJ, KFOX —Civic. KITTY —Music Box. KFXM —Concert.

2:30—K111 —Just Plain Bill. *KNX — William Winter. News. KECA —Classic Hour. KMPC—Interviews in News.

* SEVER. KRI M. KFXM—News K WK W— Waltz Music.

KGFJ —Volunteers of America. RFOX —Western Songs. KFSD--Singing Strings.

:45—KFI —Front Page Farrell. KNX —Ben Bernie.

*KM Pi% KIIND—News. BFWB—Song of the Islands. KPAS—Let's Play Bridge. KRIED —South Sea Serenade. KGFJ —Mnsic. RFXM —Civic Spotlight. REND—This Is My Song.

3— KFI —Lone Journey. KS X—Housewiv es' Protective League.

KECA —Classie Hour. *KnJ. KGB, KV0E—Philip

lieyne-Gordon. KMPC—I{ ex Museum.

KMTIL KGFJ—News. KFAC--Musical Masterpieces. K WK W—So. American Music. IIPAS —Star Parade. KRI M—Salvatore Santaella. KFOX—Half and Half. KFXM—Ministerial Alliance. IIFSD--Musie by White. RFVD—Popular Favorites.

3:15—KFI—Road of Life. IINX —KNX.tra: Musk. RIEJ—Rhythm Ensemble. KFIVR —Pop. Orch.

*KPAS--Nevve. KRKIN KGFJ—Musle

KFX.111—Organ. RFSD—Anterica Calling.

*KGB—Monitor News. KV0E—Melodies.

3:30—KFI—Vic and Sade. KNX —Keep Singing America. KECA— What's Doing.

*KHJ, KGB, KVOE—Frank Cuhel, Owen Cunningham.

KPAS—Rumba Time. KMTR—Pinnos. K WK W—Record Derby.

*KIIRD--Nee s, musk. KGFJ—Cowboy Trails. KFXM—Trading Post, KFOX—Tempos of Today. KFSD—Listening Time. KFVD —Novelty Notes.

3:45—KF1 —Against the Storm. KN. X —The World Today. SECA. KFSD —Pages of Mel-ody.

EHJ —Bill Hay Reads the Bible.

RMTR--Santaella Ens. RPAS —Marcbing Moods. RIIRD —Songs0. KFOX —Varietles. KFVD—Rumba Music. Krxm, KVOE—B. Cummins Orch,

KGB—KGB Presents. 3:55 —RGB—Miracies of Faith.

A —Rirl —Art Baker's Notebook. KNX —The Second Mrs. Bur-ton.

*ELHJ, KFXM. KGB, KVOE— News. Fulton Lewis.

*KECA—Lieut. Canady Reports. KM PC--Musical Headlines. KFWB—Etchings in Ivory. RFAC--Civil Service Program. KMTR— Woman's World. K WK W—Ilawalian Music. KPAS—Music. KGFJ —Home Hour. IERBD—Toast to the Town. KFVD-c-Plano.

*RFOX—News. KFSD--Fifteen Minutes From Broadway.

4:15*KNX —Sam Hayes. News. 'MCA—Lana American Neighbors.

RAJ—Nancy Dixon. KMPC—Il'Artega Presents. KFW 11—Boulev ard Quiz.

*KFAC. K WK W. KFVD— News.

XPAS—Ethe/ Mulder. EIRRD--Mov ieland Quiz. RFOX —Varieties. KFXM, KGB, KV0E--Johnson Family.

RFSD—Chef Milani. 4 :20—KN X—Unschedul ed. 4:30*KFL KECA, K MPC —News.

JINX—Action on Home Front. SILL KGB KV0E—Musio Depreciation.

KFVVES--Vocal Varieties. KFAC—Swing Shift. K WK W—Nante Band. KPAS—Don Milligan. KFOX—Matinee Melodies. KFXM —Dr. Philip Lovell. KRKTN KFVD--Music. EMSD —Oregon Land Man.

4 :35—KFI-1 letory March. 4 :45—KFI—Mary Marlin.

KNX—Martha Mears. KECA—Men of Land. Sea. and Air.

RAJ, K B—Judy and Jane. KMPC--Ithythm Rhapsody. KFIVB--Stitart Hamblen.

*KRKD. RFSD—News. KFXM—Dance Music. KV0E--Eitar Parade.

e *RFI-11. V. Kaltenborn. KNX—Army Recruiting.

*K HJ—Broad n ay Sews. K ECA. KIND —Don Winslow. IC/N M—Stuart Hamblen. KM1PC. —Rhythm Rhapsody. KMTR—Paster Egertson. KFAC--Swing Shift.

*K WK W—News Analyst. KPAS—Uncle Charlie.

*KGFJ. KFXM —News. KRKD—Songs of the Saddle. RFOX—Sunshine Pastor. KFVD—Ex ening Serenade. KGB—KGB Presents. KV0E—Classified.

15:15*KFI, KMPC. KFVD—News. KNX—Philltarmonic Speaker. 'MCA—Twilight Tales. KHJ—Johnson Family. K.MTR—Children's Story. K WK W—Muir. KGFJ--Remember Pearl Har-bor.

KFXM—Popular Orch. RFND —Elea Hound. KGB. KVOE—The Barrys.

5:30—NE1 —Volce of Firestone. *KNX —Harry Flannery. KECA, IK. nD—Jack Arm-strong.

RHJ. KFVD--Music, KMPC —Curtis H. Springer.

*KMTR, KPAS, KGFJ —News. KFAC — Whoa Bill Club. K WK W—Barbara Brook. KRIED—Race Results. KFOX —On the Range. KFXR11, KGB. KV0E--Bulldog Drummond.

5:15*KNX —News, Ward. KECA, FUND —Capt. Midnight KH.1—Strollin' Toni. KM PC —Community Chest.

*KPAS —Our Daily Bread. KMTR—Old Age Pension. RGFJ, KRI W —Music.

5:56*KNX—Cecil Brown.

e —RFI —Eyes Aloft. KNX—Lux Radio Theatre. KECA. KFSD—Counter Spy.

*KHJ. KGB—News. Gabriel Meatier.

KMPC —Sports Page. *KFWIL &FOX. PCFNM —News. RMTR--Irwin Allen. RFAC —Music. KPAS—Musical Workshop. HARD—Concert. KGFJ—Itallan Melodies. RIG1E—Orange County News.

6:15*KBJ. KGB. KFXM. KVOE— News.

KMPC —Table for Two. KFVVIL KPAS—Musk. KM TR —I ariet les. KFOX —Ross Enterprise.

6:30—KFI—Dr. I. Q. KECA. KFSD--Spottight Bands.

KII.J. KFXM. KGB. EVOE— Curtain. America.

*KMPC —News. KINES—Dinner Music. KMTR—Pay Day.

*KPAS —Aircraft News. KRKD —Orchestra, KGFJ—American Jewish Hr. RFOX—Memory Room.

6:45—KMPC—I've Got Your Number RSITR—News, KFWB —Star Parade. KPAS—Sound Words. KRI M —Musk.

6:55—KECA. KFSD--Gracie Fields.

7-11FI—Carnation Contented Program.

*KHJ. KFXM. KGB. KV0E— Raymond Clapper.

RNX—Screen Guild Theater. * KECA. KIND—Raymond

Gram Swing. KMPC,--Oregon Land Man. KFIVB, KMTR—Music. KPAS—Listener's Digest. KFAG—Floyd A. Allen.

*KRKIN KGER —News. KGFJ —Spanish Hour. KFOX —Off the Record.

7:05—RGER—Spanish Missionary. 1:15—KSJ, EV0E —Our Morale.

KECA, KFSD--Allas John Freedom.

IIMPC--Prepare to the. KRKD—Three Quarter Time.

*KFOX—News. KFXM—Bushiess with Hitler. KGB —March of Labor.

7:30—KFI —Gilmore Furlough Fun. KNX —Blondie. RI M KFXM. KGB. 'MOE— Lone Ranger.

*KFRB—News. KMPC—Concert Hall. KMTR —Star Parade. KPAS—..1. Frank Burke. RFAC—Chapel Quartet. KRECD—Do Yon Know?


apt! Quitci * KFAC "


PIERCE BROTHERS Leading, Fenerel Ditetteet of the Wept

RFOX—Varietles. KGER—Amer. Jewish Hour.

7:45—KECA—A Man and His Music * KFIVB, KFOX—Robert Arden KMTR—Mnsic.

*KFAC —News. KFSG —Evangelistle. KGER—Immigration Coun-selor.

KIND—Doctors Courageous.

8—KFI--Frost Warnings; Fred Waring.

KNX —Amos 'n' Andy. *KECA. KIND— Watch the

World Go By. RHJ, KFXM, KGB. KVOE. RFWB--This. Our America,

KGFJ. IEGER —News. KPAS —Morgan Family. RMTR—Floyd B. Johnson. KFA(' —Evening Concert. KFOX —This. Our America.

8:05—KGER—Spanish Hour. 8:15*KFI —News.

ENS—Orson Welles. KECA. KFSD—Lum & Abner.

*KMPC--Carroll Lunt. KGFJ—California Engineers.

8:30—K U—Cavalcade of America. KNX —Gay Nineties Revue.

*KECA—Eyewitness News. KI M KFXM. KGB. 1[1,0E— Double or Nothing.

*KFWB—News. KMPC —Meet the Band. KPAS—P. E. Gardner. KGFJ —Cowboy Music. KFOX—Judge Gardner. KIND—Choir Girl.

5:45—KMPC —I've Got Your Number *KECA —News. KFIVB—Birth Certificate. RIND—Vital to Victory.

11:55—K.NX —Musk.

is—KFI—Telephone Hour. KNX —Quiz Court. KECA. KIND—True or False.

* HELL KFXM, KGB. III0E— News, Glenn Hardy.

EFIVB—Union Rescue Mis-sion.

RPAS —Dr. Louis T. Talbot. RMPC—Music Box. KRITR —Radio Room. RFAC--Evening Concert.

*KGFJ. KGER —News. KFSG —Useless, the Janitor. BIOS—Church of Christ.

9:05—KGER--Greek flo ur. 9:15*KFIJ. KGB, KFXM. KVOE—

News, Cal Tinney. KMTR —Singing Waiters. KGFJ —Music. RING —Southern Singers.

*K FOX —News. 9:30—KFI —Hawthorne House.

KNX—Vox Pop. KECA —Erskine Johnson, Hol-lywood Spotlight (Thrifty Drug).

*K'HJ. KIT ME. KGB. KV.OE— John B. Hughes.

*KlEWIT. KFSG —News. FLMTR—Muslc. APAS--Morgan Family. RGFJ —Brother Tommy. KGER—Rev. Cluck.

9:30 P.M. —KECA "Hollywood Spotlight"



BIOS —Major Bateson. RFSD—John Kirby Orch.


0:35-1EFSG —Campus Christie's. Fulton Lewis.

IEFWB—Don Rose. KMTR—Robert Brooks,

11EFOX—The Broadway.

10*KFI—Richfleld News. *KNX. KGFJ. KGES—News. SECA. ILFSD—Unlyersity Ex. plorer.

E SL KGR—Jan Garber Orch. Kmrc—T. B. BlakIston. RF WB—J. Ross Orel). KRITR. RVOE—Musie. KFAC—Lucky Lager Dance Time.

KPAS--Dance Musk. RFOX—Club Del Rio. KFXM —Yours Very Truly.

10:15*KFI—Mancnester Boddy. JENX--31ilis Brothers. KECA--Major Hoople.

*KHJ, KGB, KV0E—Paul Schubert.

1EMPC--Ilits and Bits. *IEFFEB—Iiews. KMTR—Santaella Ensemble, KGFJ—Cowboy Music. KFSG —George Hahn. Piano. RFOX—Business with Hitler. KGER —Salvation Army.

RFSD--Readin'. B M W and Rhythm.

KFXM —Sinfonietta.

DANCE Tonite

10:30 to 11:30 P. M. Every Nite Except Sunday

KF WB America's Finest Bands

10:y0*Sn—inside the News (Thrifty Drug).

11N X--Sport Headlines, KIIJ, KGB —Symphony. RFWB—Eastside Dance To-nne.

*KMPC, KFSG —News. KMTR—M. Lerner Orch. KPAS—Monkey Jamboree. KFOX—Leilani Hut. KGER—Gov ernment Variety. KFXM —Csrl Ras ayza Omit. RFSD —Henderson and La Vere.

KVOE-11.1. S. Army.

10:35—RNX—Gene Krupa Orch. KING —On Wings of Sons.

10:40—KECA—Henderson and La ere.

10:45,-Eli—Ray Mace Music. 'MCA. KIND—Joseph James KM PC. IMOX —Stur Parade. KMTR—Barron and Hateff. KGFJ— Wesley Steadman. KGER—Musie. KVOE—Rhythm Time.

10 :55—Rh —Victory March.

1.1*KF '1—Newg.*KNX —News. Andersen. KECA—Philharmonia. KHJ —Lamplighter. KMPC—Songs of America. KEWB--Eastside Dance To-nite.

KMTIL KGF.I. KFOX —Music. RPAS —Monkey Jamboree. KFAC —Lucky Lager Dance Time.

KING —Donna. Benny, Dave. BEND—This Moving World. KGB—George Bacon.

11115 —RF1 —J. Reichman (Inch. KHJ—Lew Diamond Orch. KFSG--Music. RIND—Organ.

11:20 —KNX—Don Roland Orch.

11:30—KNX—Masterworks. KHJ. KGB. KI0E—Jan Gar-ber Orch

KM PC —Serenade.

KGFJ —Cowhoy Trio. * KFSG —News: John Vitali°.

Ii :45*KFII. K MTH —News. JINX—Prelude Ii, Midnight.

11:3,5*SN.X. SPIVS—News.

Page 20: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

TUESDAY, NOV. 24 *Indicates New. Bronoicasts.





0 —K1,1—Johnny Murray. KNX —Band of the Morning.

*KECA—Between the Lines. RAJ, RFXM, KGB, K% OE— Haien of Rest.


KFOX—News. KFAC —Country Church.

*K WK W —Broadway Pasadena

KIEVD--Coorred Wagon. KFSD—Breakfast Club.

8:15—KF1 —Betty and Bob. KECA —McNeill's Breakfast Club.

KNIPC—Markets and Sports. KMTR —Musle.

drKPAS--l'arroll Lunt. KGE.1—Breakfaut Serenade. KFOX —Firestone Foursquare.

*KFSD—Roy Porter. 8:30*KFL KHJ, K RA, KFWB,

KRI M—News.. RN X—% aliant Lady. KMPC—Unity Daily Word.

*KMTR—The World Tomorrow. KWK W —Music. K PAS—Bapt ist Brothers. KFAC —Muir. KFOX—Classified. KFXM —Stuoshine Senice. KGB—Vankee house Party. I1VOE— What Bible Teaches.

8:35—KRI M—Musie. 11:411—K WK W —Sports Precast. 8:45—K1.1 -11tuid Harum.

KNX —Stories America Loves. RP:CA —Smile in the Morning. KHJ—Victor Lindlahr.

*KFWB—News. KMTR, KC:FA —Health Talk. K WK W—Operetta Mimic. KFOX —Cowboty Nosh.. K nit—Vocal Favneltes. KVOE—Vankee House Party.

n—KFI—The O'Neill'. KNX —Kate Smith.

*RH.' KFXM. KGB. K 01(— Betake Carter. News.

KC( A—MeNeills Breakfast ChM.

11FVVII—Dr. Reynolds. *KMPC. KGFJ —News. KPAS—Polly and Pat. KMTR —Christian Crusade. K WIE W —Operett• Music. KFAC. KIND—Music. KRKD —Sagebruah Serenade. KFOX —Firebrands for Jesus.

*IEFSD—Roy Porter. 11:15*KEI—News: Music.

KNX —Big Sister. *KECA. KMTR. INFVD—News. *KHJ—Vi'ashingtoo New.. KMPC—.I've Got Your Number KF WB. KGFJ. KEXM—.Musie. EFAC —Voice of Health. K WK W—Bulletin Board. FSD— Pithily Service.

KGB. NV0E—Melodies.

BURRITT WHEELER 9:30 A. M. Mon. thru Sat.

Sponsored by

F. C. Nash & Co.

KWKW 1430 on the Dial

9 :80—K11.1. KGB. KV0E—VI omen Today.

9:30—KFI— What's Doing. KNX—Romance of Helen Trent.

KECA. KFSD—Breakfast at Sardi's.

KHJ—Norma young. *KFWB—News. KMTR— W. R. Record. KMPf' —Family Bible.

*K wK W—Burritt Wheeler. Talk.

RPAS—Community Program. KFAC, REAM —Magic. KGB—Marine Band. FIFVD—Dr. Richardson. KV0E —Gospel Light.

11:85..—KFI—Mary i.e. Taylor. KMTR. KFVD—Musie. KNX—Our Gal Sunday. KFWB—Bowling Create.

*KMPC. KRKD —News. K WK W —Old Paseo-Rea

HEAR CHEF MILANI "Dinner for 4,

a Dollar No More" KFWB -10:00 A. M.

9:55—KRICD—Oh! Oh!

10*,:jiyz Miainf:heirt,taten Be a r Boddela.utiful.

*KHJ, KFXM. KGB. KVOE— News. Glenn Hardy.

*KECA. KFSD—Baukhage Talkirgr

KMTR—Pastow Egertson. K WK W—Vincent IliMPC--Coortain KFWB--Chef

*KPAS, KGF'.1. KNOX—News. KFA(. KEVD —Serenade. KRKD—Turf Bulletin.

10:15—K11 —Agnes White. KNX—Ma Perkins. NE:CA—Andy and irginia. KILL KFX51. RI BE—Teddy Powell Orch.

K PAS—Ray Vi'Mame. *KMTR —News. *K WK W-5Ionitor News. KGFJ—Voice of Health. KRI M—Talk. KFOX—Varieties. KIND— Woman Power. KGB—Dieta for Victory.

10•30*KFI —Art Baker's Notebook. KNX—Vir and Sade. KEC A KIND—Benny Ilalke. Show. •

*KHJ. KFAC. KGB. KF3(511. KV0E—Nrows.

RMIPC—Needles and Spins. KI WB—Science of Mind. KPAS—Meet Priseilla Alden. KNITII —Floyd B. Johnson. K WK W—Martial Airs. KRICD—P.-T. A.

FUND—Union Rescue MissInn. KMPC--Needles and Spins.

10:35—KHJ. KFXM, KGB, KIOE— Strictly Personal.

111.15—KEI —Dr. Kele. KNX—The Golditergs. KHJ, KFXM. KGB, KVOF.— Palmer House Orch.

KNIPC —Callf. Women's Clubs. *KFWIlt—News. KNITIL KFAC. 11111111—Mosie. K WK W—America Calling. KFOX —Sotioth Amerlean.

11 — K11—Light or me World. KNX—loung hr. %Intone. RECA -1 'our Gospel Singer. K W—Flying Feet. KMPC —Dr. 1.. T. Talbott. KFWB—Al Janis. KMTR —Musie. K WK W —Bing Crosby. KFA( — Adams. KKK!). Fox —

*RGF'.11, KFVD. KFXM —News. KIND —Gond Cheer.


570 T640 7-7901-930-T1020T I TIV3 1240 T1130-1t3 0 T 600 710 870 980 1070 1110 1230 '1280 13 14311490

*Kt:It —Cedric Foster. +NVOE—Motnitor News.

11:05*KPAS—Pasadena News. 11:16—KFI —Lonely Women.

KNX —Aunt Jenny's Stories. EC A—Bet w ern the Bookends

*KNITR—News. 11PAS—Moode A. VMS like It. KGF.I. REVD. KFXM —Music. KFOX —Trade Winds. READ—Heaven on Earth. KGB. KVOE—Baron Elliott

11:30—KFI—Gulding light. KNX— We Love and Learn. ARCA—Sideshow. KIIJ —Eddie Albrit:ht. K5IPC —Sammy Rays. Drell. KMTR —litunboldt Park Tab-ernacle.

K W/IN —Kilowatt Kalendar. *111 P AS--Pa sot dena Independent KFAC—Polly Patterson. 1161,4—City Dwellers.

*KRI M. KFOX —News. yErstii—x letory Hour. KEX311. KGB. Kt0E—'Mutual Goes Calling.

11:413—R11—H mns of All Churches. K N X—Musie.

*KECA—News. KHJ. Carnation Bouquet. KM PC —Ben Sweetland. KWK W —Farm Report. KPAS— Waltz Time. KMTR—Voilney James. KGF.1, KRKIL KFOX—Music. REVD—Violet Schram.

leS—KFI—Farm Reporter. KNX —Dane lane.

*K M —Broadway Seas. KECA—Three R's. KFWB—Al Janis. RMIT—I'‘e Got four Number K WK W—Jim Cassidy. Tenor. KPAS—KPAS Entertains. KIITR —Slelorlies for Keeps. KFAC, KFOX—Nloosie.

*KtiF.I. READ, KGB. 1150E-1' Neon.

KRI M —Prairie Schooner. KFXM—Star Parade. KEVD—Editor of the Air.

12:15—KFI—Mn Perkins. *KNX —Roh And . News. K M—Homemaker's Club.

*K311'('. KFOX. KFXM —News *K WK W —Newe. KFAC—I Solemnly Swear. IFIGF.1—Musie. KESD—Three it's. KGB—Molly Morse. KVII/E—Loincloson Dance.

12:30—K FI—repper •-011111.111 Family. KNX —Joyce Jordan. KF:CA—Noont•me Novelties. KMPC —Coortis H. Springer.

*RIFWIL KFAC—News. K WK W. KPAS—Musie. KFOX—Varieties. KFXM. KGB. KVOE—Shady Valley Folks.

TUESDAY Program Highlights Morning, Programs Appear in Lightface Type. Aftei noon and

Evening Programs In Bal ance.

Variety 8.00—Johnny Murray, K n. 9:00-.Kate Smith, KNX. 9:30—Breakfast at Bard'''.

KECA-KFSD 10:00—('hef Milani. KFWB. 1:15—Club Matinee. RECA. t:00—Art Baker's Notebook. KF1 3:13—Hollywood Whispers, KNX. 6:noi—Boorns and Allen. KNX. 6:341—Fibber McGee and Molly.

KFI. 6:30—Spotlight Bands. KECA-

KFSD. 7!00—Itob Hope. KFI. 7:30—Red Skelton. R H. 3:00—Amos 'n Andy. KNX. 8:15— Lam and Abner, KECA-

IFS!). 11:30—Johnny Pimento Gino,

Sinuns, 9:00—Al Jolson. KNX. 9:00—Doofty's. KECA-KEISD. 9:30—Rellywood Spotlight,


War 5:30—The Federal Ace, EH&

• KFXM-KGIM1-11VOE. 10:00—This Nation at War.


Drama 8:30--Suspense, KNX.

A:30—The Shadow, KILL 8:30—Lights Out. KNX. 9:00—Adventures of the Thin

Man. KV,. 9:15—Thentre of Fame, KFWB.

Quiz Programs 6:00—Battle of the Sexes. [FL 8:00 —Pay Day Quiz, K M-

KFXM. 8:30—Information Please.


Outstanding Music !1:45—Classie Hour. KECA. 4:30—American Melody Hour.

KNX. 8:00—Evening Concert. KFAC. 8:00—Pleasure Time. K R. 8:15—Harry James KNX. 10 :00—Lucky Lager Dane* Time.

KFAC. 10:30—Fantod & Dance Tonne.

KF WB.. 11:00—Philhao monia. KECA.

Public Affairs 11:30—Psblic Affairs. &NZ.

SPorts —Comment 10:30—Tom Hanlon. KNX.

REVD—Violet Schram. KESD—Men of the Land. Sea and Air.

12:45—RFI—Kight to Happiness. KNX—Bachelor's Children. KEI'A—Records. KHJ—Shady Valley Folks. IMPS —Army Program. KFWB—Al Jarvis.

KFAC -51usie. KGFJ—Wings of Song. RFOX—Star Parade. REND—On with the Dance.

—KFI —Backlage Wife. K X—lialen Drake. • KHJ—Kill's Wax Shop. KE(7A —Siesta Time. KMP('—Musir.

*KFWB—Today's War Moods. KPAS—Your Neighbor and Mine.

*KMTR. KGFJ. KFVD—News. KFAC —Dr. Walter Raymond. KWK W —( hie. KRKD—Pan-Amerieana. KFOX —Nlittinee Melodies. KFAM—Pop. On+.

*KGB. 1)/OK— Walter Conn,-ton.

KFsD—Farm and Home Haw. 1:15—KEI —Stella Dallas.

KNX —Unsched uled. KF:CA—Club Matinee. KHJ. KGB, KFXM. Sweet and Sentimental.

*TIM M —Monitor News. KFWB —Al Jars is. R WR W—(oncert Music. KPAS—Island Melodies. KMTR. KGEJ. ICRKI)—Musie. IRFAC—Musie. KFVD—Nloods in Music. KFOX —Classified.

1:30—K R —Lorene° Jones. KNX—Americal School of Air K M. KGB. KVOE. KFXM— Bridgeport String F:nsemble.

KM PC —Pan-Americana. KF WB—Harry Balkin. KPAS—A ireraft Reporter. KMTR—Res. I. J. Kennedy. KFAC—J. N. Tates. Organ.

*KIIK1)—News. Music. REVD—Oregon Land Man.

*KFOX —Monitor KFSD—Moisic Supervisor.

I 15-1111 —Voting Kidder Brown. KFWB—H. Horlick Oreh. KMTR. KFVD. IEFOX—Moosic. RFAC —D. A. B. KPAS—Juke Hon Matinee. KRKD—Singing Walters. KV0E—Ci‘le.

1:35*KECA. KFSD—News.

11 —KFI — Whert • Girl Marries. (No KS X —Housewi % es' 1'ruutectise

League. KM:CA—Pixie Brigg_s. B. B.

*KILL KGB. RADE--Preiti-dent's Press Conference.

Kmpr...—once 0%er Lightly. *KMTR. KGFJ—News. KFWB—Hal Styles. KPAS—Jults Bon Matinee. KWK W—Concert Matinee. KFAC. KRI M. REVD.—Music. KFOX —Varieties. K REM —Pop. Oren. KFAD—Claney Calling.

2:05*11111.1. KGB. KVOE--Sheelab Carter.

8:15—K1,1—Portia Faces Life. KECA—Vietory Hour.

*KH.I. KGB. 1)/Oil—Don Lee Newsreel Theater.

KMTR —Lyman Smith. *K WK W. REI‘D—News. R W1. 111,0X—Civie. KFXM —Coneert.

2:30—KFI —Just Plain Rill. *KNX— William Winter. News. 11151PC —interviews in News.


KMTR —Music. K WK W —Walts Music. IMF.1--Salvation Army. RFOX —Songs of the West. REND—Singing Strings.

1:45—.R11 —Front rage Farrell. INN—Ben Bernie. KECA —Classic Hour.

*KMPC KFVD—News. KFWB—Song of the Islands. KPAS--Let's Play Bridge. KRKID —South Sea Serenade. KGFJ. RFOX—Mosic. RF'XM —Divie Spotlite. KFSD—This Is My Song.

S —R111-1 ne Jo wney. KNX —Housewit,es' Protective League.

*KR& NV0E—Philip Keyne-Gordon.

KECA —Classie Hour. liMPC— Wax Museum.


Page 21: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

NOVEMBER 22. 1942 RADIO LIFE PAGE 21 TUESDAY LOGS K PAS—Star Parade. K WK W —These Will Re Stars. FUND. FOX —SI usie. K FAC—Sym ph ony. K RH D—Sal% att tore Santa,Ila. KFXM—Ministerial Alliatwe. Bring Presents.

3 :15—K11—Road of Life. *KN X —Human Side of the

News. FAtwin C. Hill. KEIJ— War Jobs. KEIVIt. Hull.

*KPAS—News. KMTR—Church of Realisation KFX M —Organ. KIND—Ameriva (ailing.

*KGB--Monitor News. RI OE—Melodies.

3 :30—K11— % le and Sade. K NX —Parade of Stars. KELI—Pasaciena Reporting. KECA— What's M INIS KSITR. KIND. K FOX. KIND—Music.

K WK W —Record Derby. K PAS--Ritmlia Time. Kt:PA—Cow boy Trails.

*R RAD—New is. Musk. RFC SI—Trad i ng Post.

*Kt; R. KVOE—L. Nichols, Steel.

3 :15—K11—Against the Storm. KS X—The World Today. RECA. KIND--Pages of Mel-ody.

RAJ—Bill Hay Reads the Bible.

KNITR—Slantaella Ensemble. KFAs—Slarrhing Moods. KENS!, KGB. RIVE—B o b Astor Orrh.

4—KII—Art Baker's Notebook. RN —second Mrs. Murton. K EC A—Korn Robblers.

*KH.1. RP' X.M. KGB. FE VOE— Fulton Lewis.

KMPC—Musiral Headlines. KFWIII—Etchings in holey. K FA( Hat ian Science. F MK W —Ha walian Music. K PAS—Music. MTH— Woman' ti World.

KRIED —Toast to the Town. KIND—Pittno Muii,. RGFJ—Home Hour.

*KFOX—News KIND-11'. S. 0. News.

4 :13*KNX —Sam il yes. News. KH.I—Na Dixon. KECA. KIND—Ella Fitzger-ald. Songs.

KMPC—Gypsy Trail. K M B—Music. KPAS--Ethel Mahler.

*II FAC. KVVK W. KY', 11—News KIIRD—Moviebtad Quiz. KFON —Varleties. RFNM, KGB. K1 0E—Johnson Family.

I :20—K NS.---t nsebetbiled. 4 :25.—KEC A K FSD—S1 ale sses 'n'

Jaouary. 1:30*K1,1 KECA. KMPC—Nevrs.

RN X — American Melody Hour. K M—Muskat Matinee. K Ft% It—Vocal %"Mellen. RI' AS—Don Milligan. Et, AIX —Swipe Shift. KWK arm% Band. ' KRKIL k nit— Weir. KFOX—Bowling Columns. REXM —Dr. KIND--Oregon Land Man. KGB. KVIIE--Confidentinlir Tours.

:35—FEFI —Victnry March. 4 :4S--KFI —Mary Marlin.

RFC A—Music by sweeten. KILL KGB—Judy and Jane. M ru—R h yt hm IthansodY.

KF'WB—Stuart Hamblen. RI% K W —Marietta Myers. So-prano.

*KRI M. RESD—News. FX . PL Fil X — Da nce Musk.

IEVOE—Carks Mniino (tech.

E *KF1 —H. V. Rallenborn. KN N—Jay Barnett.

*KHJ—Broadway News. RECA. RIND—Den Winslow. KMPC—Rhythm Rhapsody. KFWB—Stuart Hamblen. KEAC —swieg Shift. KPAS—.1:nrie Charlie. KMTR —Pastor Egertson.

*R WK W —News Analysis. *KGF.I. RFNM —News.

KRKD--Fiengs of the Saddle. K FA' D—Ev eni ng Serenade. R FOX —Sunshine Pastor. KGB—Investment Problems.

lasusif led. 5:13*Kkl, liMPC. KEA D—News.

*KNX--George Fisher. *RP:CA—Akin Wilder. FEHJ —Johnson Family. KMTIL,Citildren•N Story. K WIE W—Star Parade. KGF.1--Pearl Harbor. KFXSI. K OF—Musle. KIND—Sea Hound. KGR—Evearsion in Scienra.

S :30—KFI —Treasury Chest. *K N X —Ha rry W. Flannery. KE(•A. KFSD —Jack Arm-strong.

RILL REAM. KGB. K VIIF.— The Federal Are.

RSIPC —Cartis H. Springer. KWK W—Mtittie.

*KSITIL K PAS—News. IEFAC— Whoa Rill Club. KRKD—Rare Relict its.

KFVD. KFOX—M tisk 6 :45*KN S.—Tritman Bradley. News.

K W A, KFSD — Captain Mid-night .

FENI Pt *—Community Chest. KNITR—Old Age Pension.

*It PAS —Our Daily Bread. PE R K D--M usie.

:SS*KNX--Cecil Brown. News.

e —RYE —Battle of the Sates. X— Burns and Allen.

. *K M —Gabriel Heatter. RECA. K FSD—Hop Harrigan. KMPC —Sports Page.

*KFWB KFO X . K PAM —News. KM 1 R—Irwin Allen. KFAC KGF.I. KRKD—Musie FE PAS— Future Pianists. KGB-11' S. 0. News. KVIIE—Orange County News.

6 :03--KG li—Dance Musk. :15—K ECA—Ilomiride it Kane. *KI M KFXM, IEGIL OE—

News. KRIPC —T• Me for Two. K PP M—Dinner Musk. KMTR—Music. K PAN—Church of Christ. Krox —Ross Enterprise. K END— Nova I ones.

:30—RFI—Fibber McGee & Molly. RN N—Suspense. RFC*, KFSD—Spollight Bands.

RILL KFXM, KGB, KV0E— Jamboree.

*KM PC —New s. FWD —Popular 'tech.

KRK11—Music. *KPAS--Aireraft News. RI:MI—American Jewish Hr. KFOX —Memory Room.

6:43—R MIT —I've lint lour Number *RMTR—News. RPAS—Sound Words.

6 :35—KECA. KFSD —Groteie Fields.

W —KlI—K b Hope. RN X wwheduled.

*RICCA. KIND—Raymond Gram Swing.

*KILL KFXSI. KGB, K OE--John B. Hughes.

RMPC--Oregon Land Stan. K FPI B—Rishop Ste% ens. RFAC. KRISD--Musie. RMTR—Dr. Clem Davies. K PAS—Listener's Digest. K I : F.11 —Spa nish Hour. RFOX —Off the Record.

:13--KH.1 —A. Kassel On+. *K EC.',. K FOX —News. a we —(ivilian and Sailor. K INV It—Popular On-h. KRKI)—Three Quarter Time. KGB- -March of Lothar. REND. KVOF.—Music.

7:30—K1,1—Red Skelton & Co. KNX —Time Out for Melody. K ECA. R O M—Red Ryder. KIM w FA X KGB, IEVOIN— Art Kassel Oreh.

*IR vwft—News. KMPC —Symphony of Melody. KNITR —Star Parade. PAS —.I. Frank Burke.

KFAC—Dr. E. F. Goodspeed. K REED—Do Von Know? K ON — Music.

7 :43*K N X—Frazier Hunt. News. KH.I. KFXM, RA0E—Mutual Orange Distributors.

*FIFAC—News. *RFMt3. K 1,1I X—Robert Arden KSITR—Slasic. K FSG—Evangelist le Service. KGB—Dick Rahn Orch.

8—R El—Frost Wa ming* ; Fred M iring.

RN S.—Amos 'n' Andy. *KEC R FSD — Watch the

World (in By. KH.1. KP'XM—Pay Day Quiz.

*PESI PC, RGI,J, KGER—News. KEN IV—Birth Certifleate. KMTR—Eyes Aloft. K eni ng Concert. K PAS—Morgan Family. REOX —Organ Music. K(iB—Meunur Lane. K OE—Press Room Echoes. FI —News.

KNX —Harry James Orch. KECA. KFSD-1.nm & Abner. IESIPC —Carroll Lunt. K FHB —Citizens' Defense Corps.

PEGFJ —Musie. KGB, RA0E—Cummins Drell.

6:30—K1,1 —Johnny Presents Ginn, Simms.

RN X—Lights Out. KH.I —The Shadow. KECA. REND—Information Please.

KMPC—Meet the Band. KMTR —Mosic.

irKEAVII—News. RFOX. KPAS —Judge Gardner KGB. KFXM —Melody Hall. K % OE —Civilian Defense.

:45—RM PC—I' %. Got Amur Number KriAli, RI OR—Musk.

9-K11-The Thin Man. K N X—Al .1olacm. KECA. KIND—Duffy's.

*KILL M at. rEFXM. 11%11E— News. Glenn Hardy.

KMPC—Musie Kos. *RFWB. KI:F.I. KGER—News. ▪ M TR—Radio Room. K PAS—Dr. Louis T. Talbot. REAC,--D% ening Concert. KING—Let's Talk It 0% er. K FOX —Church of Christ.

FEFXSI. KGB—Dick 'tureens Or,-h.

K FA% B—Theat re of Fame. KMT/L KGFJ—Music.

*KEOX —News. ▪ I IIE—Star Parade.

:25*KNX—Dick Joy. News. 9 :30—KFI —Pierce Bros. Choir.

K N X- -Henry Buss. Orch. *IR El 'A —Erskine Johnson.

(Thrifty Drug). KHJ. M at. KFXS11. Ii% 0E— Anson Weeks Oreh.

*REWB. KING—News. KMTR—Ten Pretty Girls. Klit'.1—Cowboy Musk. K PAS—Morgan Family. K FOX —Firestone Foursquare. PEIND—Gus Arnheim Orch.

9 :35—K ING—Angelum Choir. 9 :45—KFI —Roy Shield Oreh.


9:30 P.M. —KECA "Hollywood Spotlight"


10:30 P.M. —KFI "Inside the News" With JOHN BURTON THRIFTY DRUG STORES

*KILL KGB, RFNAL ILVOIfe— Fulton Lewis.

RE-WEI—Don Rose. KMTR-14nb Brooks.


3 irliF I—Richfield News. V KNX —Norman luurwin.

RECA—This Nation at Mar. KEEL KGB. RI OE—Herbie Holmes De rn.

KMPC —T. B. Blakiston. KEW It—Military Music. l'As —Ben Sweetland

KMTR Ensemble. K FAC— I Amity Lager Dance

And He Counted Them The signatures of 142 clerks and

carriers of the Glendale, Calif., postal

service were on the back of a postal

card recently sent to Clete Roberts

after his Blue net work progra m in

w hich he advocated additions in pay

for the post men.

Tint,. KFON—Firestone Foursquare. IR FXM—Vours Very Truly. RING—Esther Fricke Stuart. KIND —This Nation at war.

10 :04--KGER—Victory Mission. 10 :15—KFI —Organ.

RN X—Changing *KHJ. KGB. PEVOE—Paul

Schubert. KMPC —Hits and Bits. RFWB —News. KMT R—Sant &elle Ensemble. K PAS —County Barn Dance. KG F'.1—(owhoy Music. KEXM —Sinfonietta.

I :211—RGER—Musir.

DANCE Tonite

10: 30 to 11:30 P. M. Every Nite Except Suncloy

KF WB Americo', Finest Bond%

I0:30*PE VI —Inside News (Thrifty). K N X—Sport • Headlines. RECA. KIND—F. Martin Or. KILL KGB—Symphnnette. KFWB—Eastside Danes To-nite.

*KM PC. RFSG —News. KPAS--Monkey's Jamboree. K SI TR,-Mas Lerner Orrh. KFOX. KFXM—Musie. RA 0E—Neighborhood Call.

10 :33--K N X —Gene Krupa On-h. KING—Music.

10:45-14E1 —Carl Kalash Orch. KMPC—Business With Hitler. KIITR—Rarron and Hatch. RGFI —Wesley %tom Amu n. RFSG —Sonth Gate 4-Square. KGER—Music.

10 :SS—KFI —Vietory March.

1 1 * " —News.K A—Ph i rmonia. *K N X —News. Andersen. K M'. KGB. Illi0E—Anson Weeks Oreh.

RFWB—Eastside Dance Te-nite.

KMPC—Songs of America. ! MAC—Lucky Leger Dance Time.

IFE PAS—Monkey's Jamboree. K SITR KFOX—Music. KliF.1—Brother Tommy. RFSD—This Mo% log World.

11:13—KFI —J. Relehman Welt. K M, KI M K 10E—Jan Gar-ber Orel*.

RENG--Musir. 1RFSD—Organ.

11:10—R. X —Don Roland (Pilch. 11::to—lt SiN — Public Affairs.

KILL KGB. Ki'OE—Freddy Slack Orch.

KMPC—Serenade. RFAVIL RC.F.1, R END—Musk.

*RFSG—News: %Italie. Organ. 11:IIN*KFI. KNITR—N ewe.

PENN —M. Strand Oreb. II :03*KINN KFIVB—News.

Buy An Extra

Copy of Radio Life

and Mail It to a

Boy in Camp.

Help Save Precious Tin

Swift's JEWEL OIL for your SALADv Packed in convenient glass decanters

Page 22: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

W pIE. News BSDAY, NOV 25 6. 6 .• 30A. M.

Aircraft Times DAILY PROGRAM

KWKW - 1430 en the Dial

0 —KFI—Jobnny Murray. KNX —Band of the Morning.

*KECA—Between the Lines. KHJ. KFWB KFXM. KFSD. KGB. KVOE—Breakfast Club.


KFAC--Country Church. *K WK W —Broadway Pasadena

News. KRHD—Music.

9:15—Hrl —aoh and Betty. HECA—McNeill's Breakfast Club.

HMPC—Markets and Sports. KMTR—Muide. KFYD—Stuart Hamblen.

*KPAS—Carroll Lunt. KGFJ—Breakfast Serenade. KFOX--Firestone Foursquare.

8:30*KF1, KECA, KHJ, KFWB, KRRD—News.

KNX—Valiant Lady. KM P0 —Unity Daily Word.

*KMTR' 5Vorill Tomorrow. K WK W--Musie. RP M—Haien df Rest. KFAC —Music. KFOX--Classified. KF.XM—Sunshine Service. KGB —Serenading You, Kl 0E— What the Bible Teaches.

8:35—KRI M—Music. 11:40—KVIII W —Sports Precast. 8:45—KFI —Dasid Harem.

KNX—Stories America Loves. KHJ—Victor LIndlahr.

*KECA — Women Who Make News.

11MTR--Health Talk. K WK W—Operetta Music. KGFJ—Dr. Weisman. KFVD—Vocal Favorites. KFOX—Cowboy Music. KGB—Yankee House Party. HVOE—Classified Ads,

9—KFI—Thea O'Neill... KNX —Kate Smith. KECA—MeNeill's Breakfast Club.

*Ktu, KGB, KFXM. KYOE— Boake Cafter.

KMPC. KGFJ--Music. KFWB--Breakfast Club. ILMTR—Music. HPAS—Pally and Pat. KFAC--Classical Musk. K WIK W—Operetta Music. KRID--Sagebrush Serenade. KFOX —Firebrands for Jesus.

*KFISD —Roy Porter. KFVD— Waltz Time.

11:1531rEPI—News; Music. KNX—Big Sister.

*KECA. KMTR. KETD—News. KHJ—Time Out.

' K MPC -1 ve Got Your Number. KFAC —Voice of Health. K WK W—Bulietin Board. KGFJ—Morning Concert. KFXM —Old Family Almanac. HFSD —Public Service.

9:30—KF1— What's Doing. KNX—Romance of Helen Trent.

H MI —Norma Young. KECA. KFSD—Breakfast at SardPs.

KMPC —Family Bible. *KFWB—New.. HPAS —Community Program. KMTR— W. B. Record.

*K WK W—Burritt Wheeler. KFAC —Classical Music. KFXM —Pop. Orch. KGB—Navy I ard Band. HVOE—Gospel Light. KFVD—Dr. Richardson.

9:45—KFI —lidrandy's Garden Patch. KFWB—Boa ling Center. KNX —Our Gal Sunday.

*RSIPC. KRKIX—News. KMTR. KFVD —Mnsic, RE M —Treasury Star Parade. HISA W—Old Faxorites.

9:55—KRI M —Oh! Oh:

1 0 —

KFI—Midmorning Journal. KNX—Life Can Be Beautiful.

*KHJ. KFX111. KGB. HVOE— News. Glenn Hardy.

*KECA. KFSD —Baukhage Talking.

KMPC —Curtain Calls. KF WB—Chef Milani. KNITR—Pastor Egertson.


HEAR CHEF-MILANI "Dinner !or 4,

a Dollar No More" KFWB -1 0:00--A. M.

KFAC—F. E. Fagerberg. HFVD—Morning Serenade. KRRD —Turf Bulletin. K WK W—Vincent Wilson.

10:15—KFI —Agnes Wiiile. . KNX —Ma Perkins. KECA—Mirandy. -KHJ. KFXM. KGB. KV0E— Teddy Powell Orch.

*KMTR—News. *K WHIV—Monitor News.. KPAS—Ray Williams. KFAC—Midmorning Serenade. KGFJ—Voice of -Health. KRKII—Talk. AEON—Varieties. HP81E—Little Jack Little.

10:30*KFI —Art Baker's Notebook. KNX —Vie and Made. KECA, BE-SD—Bent* Walker Show.

*11RJ, KFAC. KGB, KFX51, KVOE—News.

K MPC--Charnt Notes. KFWB—Science of Mind. HPAS--Meet Priscilla Alden. KMTR—Fiyod B. Johnson. K WK W—Martial Airs. - KGFJ —Music. KRHD—Voice of Government. HFVD—Cnion Rescue Mission.

111:35—KHJ. KGB—Strictly Personal i0:45—RE! —Dr. state.

K NX—The Goldberg'. KHJ KFIC11. KGB, KVOE— Palmer House Orch.

*KFWB—News. KMPf—Calif. Women. Clubs. KMTR—Health Talk. K WK W—Ainerlea Calling. KFAC. FERHD--Musle. KFOX —South American.

— KFI —Light of the World. KNX —Young Dr. Malone. KECA—Your Gospel Singer. KHJ—Star Parade.

• KFWE—Al Jarvis. KMPC—Dr. L. T. Talbot.

*KGFJ, REVD. KFX.11—News. KMTR —Music. K WK W —Jean Sterling. KFAC—Les Adams. KRKD--Musical Comedy. KFOX —Sing and Swing. KFSD--Good Cheer.

*KGB—Cedric Foster. *FLY0E—Monitor News.

11:85*KPAS—Pasadena News. 11:15—K1F1 —Lonety Women.

KNX —Aunt Jenny's Stories. KECA—Between the Bookends.



ii frf0 TI3301-13 0 -T 600 710 870 980 1070 1110 1230 12 80 1360 1410 1490

KHJ—Market Place. *KMTR—News. A WK W—Bing Crosby. KPAS—Muslc As You Like It. • KGFJ. KENO. !LI AM—Music. KFOX—Trade Kind's Tavern. KFSD—Between the Bookends. KGB. EV0E—Baron Elliott Orch.

11:30—KFI—GuldIng Light. KNX— We Love and Learn. KHJ—Eddie Albright. KECA—Sideshow. KMPC—Dick Jergens Orch. KMTR—Humboldt Park Tab-ernacle.

*KPAS--Pasadena Independent. KFAC —Polly Patterson. K WK W—Kilowatt Kalendar. KGFJ —City Dwellers.

*KRI M. KFON—News. KFX51. KGB. HVOE—Mutual Goes Calling.

• liFSD--Ann Gibson. 11:45—KFI —Hymns of All Churches.

KNX, KGFJ. KRHD—Music. KHJ—Muste.

*KECA. REND—News. KMPC—Ben Sweetland. HPAS— Waltz Time. HMTR —Voiney James. H WK W—Farm Report, KFOX—Marehing Along. KFVD—Violet Schram.


1.„ —KY1.—Farm Reporter. KNX —Dave Lane. RECA, KFSD—Three Ws.

*RHJ—Broadway News. KF WB—AI Jarvis. KMPC —Pve Got Your Number. KMTR—Melodies for Keeps. KPAS--KPAS Entertains. lI WK W—Popular Recordings. KFAC. KFOX—Music.

*KGFJ. KGB. KVOE—News. KRKD—Prairie Schooner. t} NM—Star Parade. KFVD—Editor of the Air.

12:15—KFI—Ma Perkins. *KNX—Bob And . News. KHJ—Homemaker's Club.

*KSIPC, KFOX. KFYLII—News. *K WK W—News. KFAC-1 Solemnly Swear. KGFJ—Music. KIIB--Molly Morse. HVOE—Luncheon Dance.

12:30—K Fl —Pepper Young's Family. KNX—Joyce Jordan. KECA—I0-2-4 Ranch. lEMPC—Curtis H. Springer.

*HVW11. KFAC. HFSD—News. K WK W—Popular Music. KPAS—Musie. KFOX—Varieties. KFX111. KY OE—Shady Valley Folks.

WEDNESDAY Program Highlights I Morning Programs Appear in Li

Evening Program

Pariety :00—Joh nnY Murray, KFI.

9:00--Rate &MO. KNX. 9:30—Breakfast at Sardi's.

KECA-KFSD. 10:00—Chef Milani. KFWB. 11:15—Market Place, KILL 1:00—Club Matinee. KECA. 4:00—Art Baker's Notebook, K Y! 6:00—Eddie Cantor, KY!. 6:00—Bob Burns, KNX. 6:30 —Spotlight Bands. KECA-

M END. 6:30—Mayor of the ['own. KNX. 7:00—Kay Hyser. 7:30—Basin Street Chamber Mu-

sic, KECA-KFSD. 8:00—Amos 'n' Andy, KNX. 8:00 —Carnival. KHJ-KGB-KVOE 8:00—Toast to Victory. KFWB. 8:15-1.urn and Abner. KECA.

R END. 8:30—Tommy Dorsey Program,

K Y!. 9:00 —Point Sublime. K M. 9:30—Hollywood Spotlight,


War 4:00— What's Your War Job?,

KECA-KFSD. 1.1:00— We. the War Workers,

11:15-1t Happened in the Serv-ice. KY!.

Drama 5:15 —Psycho Drama. K WK W-6:30—Mr. District Attorney, HFI

eaters 'hoe: Afternoon and a in Boldface.

1:30—Lone Ranger. ARJ-KGB-KVOE.

8:30—Manhattan at Midnight. KECA-KFSD.

.0:15—Raffles. KNX. 9:30—Hollywood Theater. KFI.

Quiz Programs 4:15—Hollywood Blvd. Quit,

KFWB. 8:45— We Pay You. KILL

Outstanding Music 2:30—Classic Hour, KECA. 3:30—Keep Singing, America.

KNX. 5:00—Nelson Eddy Show, KNN 6:30—California Melodies, Kill

KFXM-KGB-KVOE. 7:00—Great Moments in Mum,

K N X. 8:00—Pleasure Time. KY!. 8:00—Evening Concert, KFAC 8:15—harry James, KNX. 10:00-1.neky Lager Dance Time

KFAC. 10:30—Eastside Dance Tonite.

KFWB. 11:00—Philhartnonia. KECA.

Public dffairs 10:00—National Radio Forum,


Sports—Comment 10 :30—Tom Hanlon. KNX.

tot GROCERIES r 7 ;„*CASH Pt"

v HOME-MAKERS'CLUB 12:15-1245

6,4 Fltzroy2141

REX D—tiospel 113 song, Klilt--31iiiday Dm °floats. KFSD—Men of the Land. Sea and Air.

12:45—KFI—Right to Happiness. KNX—Haehelor's Children.

* KECA. REND —Deane Dicks-son.

liMPC--Amertea Marchea On. KFWB--Al Jarvis.

*KPAS—News. KFAC —Classical Musk. KGFJ—U. S. Army. AEON—Science of Miod. KFVD—Violet Schram. KGB —Shady Valley Folks.

I—I M—Backstage Wife. KNX—Galen Drake. HHJ —Bill's Has Shop.

*KF WB—Today's Aar Moods. liECA Club Matinee. KMPC—Twent y-Nine Palms. K PAS—Contrasts in Rhy thm.

*KMTR. KFVD, KGFJ—News. KFAC —Dr. Sheldon Shepard. K WK W—Civie. KRKD—Pan-Americana. KFOX—Dance Time. HE'XM—Popular Orch.

*KGB. HVOE— Walter Comp-ton.

KFSD—Farm and Home Hour.

1:15—KF1 —Stella Dallas. KNX-1'nselteduled. KILL HEXM. KGB, KVOE — Sweet and Sentimental.

*KMPC-51onitor News. KFWB—AI Jarvis. HPAS —Island Melodies. HMTR, KFAC. KRRD--Musio K WK W—Concert Music. KGFJ—Meet the Band. REV D—Moods in Musk. KFOX—Classified. KVOE —Civic.

1:30—KFI —Lorenzo Jones. KNX—American School of Air. KHJ. KGB. KFX51. HVOE — Man with a Band.

KM Pt '—Pa n-Americana. KFWB—Harry Balkin. KPAS —Aircraft Reporter. KFAC—J. N. Yates. Organ. KMTR—Rev. C. J. Kenne dy.

*KRKD—News, Music. KFOX—Christian Science. R END—Club Matinee. KFVD—Oregon Land Man.

I :45—HFI—Young Widder Brown. KFWB—H. Hornet Orch. KMTR. KFAC—Music. ELPAS—Juke Box Matinee. KRI M—Singing Waiters. -AGFJ —Civilian Defense. A EON — This Rhythmic Age,

• KFVD —Music City. HVOE—Civic.

1:55*KECA. REND —News.

2— KFI—When a Girl Marries. KNX —Housewivee Protective league.

* KHJ. KGB. HVOE —Sheelah Carter.

KECA—Midafternoon Round-up.

KMPC —Once Oser Lightly. *RMTR. KGFJ—News. KFWB—Hal Styles. K WK W—Concert Matinee. KPAS—Juke Box Matinee. KFAC--Salsation Army. KRKD —Concert Melodies. HFVH —Organ Melodtes. IL FOX—Varieties. . REXM—Pop. Orch. . KFSD--Clancy Calling.-

2:'.5—KF1—Portia Facets Life. *KHJ. KGB. HVOE —Don Los

Newsreel Theater. 1RFAC—Music.

*R WK W. REND —News. KMTR—Lyman Smith. KGFJ--Philharmonic Reporter KFOX —Public Bulletin. KFXM —Concert. KFVD—Music Box.

2 :30—KFI —Just Plain Bill. *KNX — William Hinter. News. KECA--Classie Hour. KMPC—Interviews in News.

*KFWB. KRHD. KFIK—News. KPAS —Civillan Defense. K WH W—Waltz Made.

Page 23: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

NOVEMBER 22, 1942 RADI O LIFE PAGE 23 WEDNESDAY LOGS KMTR—Mnsie. KGFJ—Eery Penny Counts. liEFOX.--Song• of the Wert. IQ-SD—J(4e Bethencourt.

2:45—KFI—Front Page Farrell. KNX—Beh Bernie. .

KIFVD—News. KFWB —Sona of the Islands. HPAS—Let's Play Brnige. KRI M —South Sea Serenade. KIFX31--Cilie SimHight. EFSD—This Is My Song.

II —KFI—Lone Journey. KNX—Housewives Protective League.

+H MI KGB. KV0E—PhIlip Keyne-Gordon.

HECA—Classic Hour. IIMPC—% as Museum.

+K M'', KMTR. KGFJ—News. KFAC —Symphony. KWK W—Popular Recordings. K M 'D—Pop. Favorites. KRIED--Sallatore Santeella. KFOX—Half and Half. KFX31-31inisterial Alliance. KFSD—Lou Bring Presents.

3:15—K M—Road of Life. KNX—KNX-tra: Musk. KHJ—Rhythm Ensemble. K WK W--South American. KF WB. KGFJ. KRIED-3lusic.

* PAS—News. HMTR—D. C. Tracy. KFXM —Organ. KFSD—America Calling. IMOD—Melodies.

+1EGFi—Monitor News. 3:30—K M —'k and Sade.

KNX—Keen Singing America. KECA-14 hat's Doing.

*KHJ. KGB. EVOE—Frank Collet

KMTR. KFVD—Music. EPAS--Rumba Time. K RIC K—Record Derby. KGFJ.—Cowboy Trails.

*KRICD--News. Musk. KFOX—Tempos of Today. EFXM.—Trading Post. KFSD—Listening Time.

3:45—K M—Attainst the Storm. KNX—The World Today. SECA. ICFSD--Pages of Mel-ody.

KHJ—Bill Hay Reads the Bible.

EMTR—Santaella Ensemble. KRI M—Song-O. KFX31, KGB. KVOE—Bobby Sherwood Orch.

4-11M—Art Baker's Notebook. KNX —Seeond Mrs. Burton. KECA. IIFSD--Vihat's Your War Job?

KFX31, H OE. KGB— Fulton Lewis.

WITH—Roman's World. (with Pierre).

HEAR PIERRE Maestro of the Chafing Dish

With Marion Lea WOMAN'S WORLD KMTR -4:00 P. M.

KMTC—Muslcal Headlines. KFWB—Etehings in Ivory. IIWS W—Hawallan Music. KPAS—Music. KFAC—L. A. City College. BRHD—Toast to the Town. KGFJ—Rome Hour. IMVD—Piano Music.

*I MON—News. 4:15+KNX—Sam Hayes. News.

KHJ—Nancy Dixon. ILMPC —D'Artega Presents. KFWB--Hollyuood Blvd. Quiz.


11 PA S—Ethel nobler. SRED—Movieland Quiz. KFOX—Varieties. KFX3i, KGB. HVOE—Johnson

4 :20—KNX—Vneeheduled. 4:30+KFI, KECA. KMPC—_• ews.

KNX—Easy Aces. K M, KGB. HVOE—Musical Matinee.

KFWB—Vocal Varieties. KWK W—Name Band. KPAS—Don Milligan. EFAC--Swing Shift. RUED. KIND—Musk. It FOX—Matinee Melodies. 11F7LM—Dr. Philip Level/. KFSD —Oregon Land Man.

:35—EFT—Victory March. 4:45—KFI—Mary Marlin.

KNX—Tracer of Lost Persons. KECA, EFX3I—Musk. M U. KGB—Judy and Jane. KMPC—Rhythm Rhapsody. EFIVB—Stuart Hamblen. +KRI M. KFSD—News,

xvoE—r. S. Army.

S+KFI—H. V. Ealtenborn. 'MX—Nelson Eddy Show. *KHJ—Broadway News. KECA. EFSD—Don Rinslow. KMPC—Rhythm Rhapsody. KFWB —Stuart Hamblen. KPAS—I. ode Charlie.

.• KMTR—Pastor Evertson. dIFAC—S wing Shift. +ARK S—News Analysis. *KGFJ. KFXM—News. EKED—Songs of the Saddle. K10'(--Stuishine Pastor. KFVD—Es ening Serenade. KGB—KGB Presents. HVOE—Classified.

5:15+KFI, KMPC. KFVD—News. KECA—Music by Sweeten. KHJ—Johnson Family. KMTR —Children's Story. KRI M—Mocha Drama. KGFJ—Pearl Harbor. EFX3I—Popular Orch. KFSD—The Sea Hound. KGB. NV0E—They're the Barrys.

5:30—K M—Your Fa‘orite Bands. *KNX—Harry W. Flannery. KECA. KFSD—Jack Arm-strong.

KHJ, EFVD—Music. EMPC—Curtis H. Springer.

*KMTR. KPAS. KGFJ—News. KFAC—Whoa Bill Club. EKED—Race Results. KFOX—On the Range. KGB. EFXM. KV0E—True Story Theatre.

5:45—EF.—By the Ray, with Bill Henry.

*KNX—News. KECA. 'USD—Capt. Midnight KHJ—Strollin' Tom. RMPC —Conuntuiity Chest. KMTR—Old Age Pensions. KPAS—Our Daily Bread. KGFJ, KRI M—Music.

5:55+KNX—Cecil Brown. News.

6-1EFI—Ilme to Smile with Eddie Cantor. KNX—Bob Burns Show. KECA. KFSD—Hop Harrigan.

*KHJ, KGB—Gabriel Heatter. KMPC—Sports Page.

+KFRB. KFOX. IDFX3I—News. KMTR—Irwin Allen. KFAC. KGFJ. BARD—Music. EPAS—Pasadena Playhouse. HVOE—Orange County News.

6:15—HECA—Homicide ()Kane. '*KHJ. KGB. KFX3f. KVOE—

News. KM PC—Table for Two. KFWB—Music. KMTR—Varieties. KFOX—Rose Enterprise. IEFSD—Novatones.

11:30—KFI—Mr. District Attorney. ECN3E—Mayor of the Town. KECA, KFSD—Spotlight Rands.

K W, EFICW. KGB. HVOE— California Melodies.

+KMPC—News. KFWB—Dinner Music. HPAS—Aircraft Reporter. KMTR—Pay Day. KRKD—Orchestra. KGFJ--Famode Reinhart. KFOX—Hal's Memory Boom.

11:45—EFWB—Star Parade. KMN"--I've Got Your Number.

IrEMTR—News. KPAS—Sound Words.

6:55—KECA. KFSD—Gracie Fields.

Evser's Musical College.

KNX—Great Moments in Music.

*KECA. KFSD—Raymond Gram Swing.

+KI M KGB. HVOE--john B. Hughes.

1LMPC—Land Man. KFWB— War Jobs. KPAS—Listener's Digest. KMTR—Dr. Clem Davies. KFAC—Music. KGFJ —Spanish Hour.

+KRI M. KGER—News. KPPC—Pasadena Civic Music Association.

KFOX—Off the Record. 7:15+KECA, KFOX—News.

IVOE—A. Kassel Orch. KMPC—Islands in the News. HFWB, K MD—Music. KPPC—Organ Recital. EKED—Three Quarter Time. EFSD—P.A. Fletcher. KGB—March of Labor. KVOE—Star Parade.

7:30-1INX--The Man Behind the Gun.

SECA, BESD—Baeln Street Chamber Music.

KHJ. KGB. EV0E—Lone Ranger.

*KFWB—News. KMPC —Concert Hall. KMTR—Star Parade. KFAC—Ihings Over the West. HPAS—J. Frank Burke.

IIPPC—Let's Talk It Over. KRI M—Do You Know? KFOX—Music.

7:45+KFIVB. KFOX—Robert Arden. KMTR—Music.

*KFAC—News. KFSG—E‘angellstic Service.

8 —EFL—Frost Warnings; Fred Baring.

KNX—Amos 'n' Andy. +KECA, HFSD— Watch the

World Go By. KHJ. KGB. KV0E—Cresta Blanca Carnival.

KFWB—Toast to Victory. +K.MPC. KGFJ. KGER—News. KMTR—Floyd B. Johnson. KFAG—Evening Concert. SPAS—Morgan Family. EPPC —Midweek Meeting. KFOX—Rev. Earl hie.

13:05-1CGER—Spanish Hour. 5:15—KFI—News.

KNX—Harry James Orch. KECA.. KFSD—Lum 5; Abner.

drKMPC—Carroll Lunt. KGFJ—California Engineers.

8:30—EEFI—Tommy Dorsey Show. KNK—Dr. Christian. KECA. KFSD—Manhattan at Midnight.

KM PC—Meet the Band. *IEF WB—News. HPAS--Radio Gospel Hour. EPPC—Altadena Defense Council.

KGFJ—Cowboy Music. S:45—KMPC-1P‘e Got Your Number.

1(114—We Pay You. EPPC —Comments on the Classics.

KGB. K10E—Dick Warren Oreh.

KFWB—Birth Certificate. S:55—ENX—Music.

9—Km—Point Sublime. *KNX—Williana Winter. News. *SECA, KGFJ, EGER—News. *KHJ. KGB. HVOE—News.

Glenn Hardy. KFWB—Ray Smith. EMPC—Music Box. KMTR—Radio Room. ICFAC—Exening Concert. KPAS—Dr. L. T. Talbot. EPPC—Man Battle Stations. KFSG—The 500 Room. KFOX—Church of Christ. SYSD—Bob Allen Orch.

9 :05—KGER—John Dooms. 9:15+SECA—Rodrigues and Suther-

land. KNX—Raffles.

*KHJ. KGB. KVOE—Cal Tin-ney.

KFWB. KMTR. KGFJ--Musle. HPPC—Clvtlian Defense. HFSG—E1 Monte Foursquare.

+KFOX—News. KFSD—G. Arahehn Orch.

9:30—KFI—Hollywood Theatre. *KECA—Erskine Johnson. Hol-

lywood Spotlight (Thrifty). *KHJ. KGB. KFX.M. KV0E—

John B. Hughes. *KFWB. KFSG—News. KMTR—Ten Pretty Girls. KPAS—Morgan Family. KGFJ—Brother Tommy. 1E:FOX—Major Bateson.

9:30 P.M. —KECA "Hollywood Spotlight"


10:30 P.M. —KFI "Inside the News" With JOHN BURTON


KFSD—Dance Music. 9:35—KFSG—El Monte Church. 9:45+FIECA. KFSD—News.

KNX—Accent on Rhythm. *KILL KGB. KVOE--Fulton

Lewis. KFWB—Don Rose. KMTR—Musie.

+1CF1M —Cal Tinney. KFSG —Spirit of L.I.F.E. KFOX—The Broadway.

News. KECA—National Radio Forum.

*JINX. RC M'. KFXM—News. KHJ. KGB—F. Slack Orch. KMPC--T. B. Blakistou. E MS—Jackie Ross. KMTR--Viennese Ensemble. HPAS—County Barn Dance. KFAC—Lucky Lager Dance Time.

NFOX —Club Del Rio. HFSD--National Radio Forum. NVOE—Let's Dance.

10 :15-11EFI--Starlight Souvenirs. KNX—Milis Brothers.

+KILl. KGB. KV0E—Paul Schubert.

EMPC—Hits and Bits. +KFWB—News. KMTR--Santaella Ensemble. KGFJ—Cowboy Music. KFSG—EI Monte Foursquare. KFOX—Ross Ballroom. KFXM—Yours Very Truly.

DANCE Tonite 10:30 to 11:30 P.M.

Every Nile Except Sunday

KF WB America's Finest Bands

10:30+K M—inside tne News (Thrifty Drug).

KNX—Sports Headlines. KECA—Sports Program. KHJ, KGB—Symphony. KFWB—Eastside Dance To-nite.

+KMPC. HFSG—News. KMTR—M. Lerner Orch. EPAS—Dance Music. KFOX—Lellani Hut. KFXM—C. Ravazza Orel. KIND—F. Martin Orcb. HVOE—Man Battle Stations.

10 :35—KNX—Geue Krupa Orch. KFSG—El Monte Church.

10:45—KFI —George Olsen Orch. KMTR—Barron and Hatch. KECA—F. Martin Orch. KM PC—Star Parade. KGFJ—Loren Palmer. KFOX. EGER. KVOE—Musie

10:55—Ell—Victory March.

11 +KFT, KNK—News. KECA—Philharmonia. KIIJ— We, the War Workers. KFWB.--Eastside Dance To-nite.

KMPC—Songa of America. KMTlit, KPAS. KFOX—Music. EFAG—Lucky Lager Dance Time.

KGFJ—Musle. IEFSG—E1 Moat* Church. HGB—George Damn. KVOE—J. Garber Orch. KFSD—This Moving World.

11:15—KFI—It Happened in the Service.

IIHJ—J. Garber Orel. FiFSG —Neighborhood Call. K IND—Organ.

11:20—KNX—Don Noland Orch.

11:30—K M—J. Retchman Orch. ENX—Music. KHJ.—Dine-Dance. IIMPC—Serenade. KFWB—E. Kelly Orch. KGFJ—Cowboy Trio.

+FIFSG —News. KGB. HVOE—A. Weeks Orch.

11:35—KFSC —Stranger Than Fiction. 11.:45+KM K3ITR—News.

KHJ—A. Weeks Orch. U:50—KNX—Masterworks. 11:55+I MX. KFWB—News.


An Extra Copy


Radio Life


Mail It to a

Boy in Camp.

Page 24: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

THURSDAY, NOV. 26 *Indicates News Broadcast KFWB-IFlowling Center.

*KMPC, KRKD-News. KMTR. KFVD-Music. K wK w -Old favorites.

9:55-KRKD-Oh: Ohl HAVEN OF REST 8:00 A. M. — KHJ TUES., THURS., SAT.


8- KF1--Johnny Murray. KNX-Band of the Morning. *KECA-Between the Lines. KHJ, EFX.M, KVOE, KGB-Haven of Rest.

KF WB-Popular Orch. * MI N% KMTR, SPAS. KGFJ

KFOX-News. ireWKW—Broadway Pasadena

News. KFAC-Country Church. KFVD -Stuart Hamblen. KRKD -Music. EFSD-Breakfast Club.

8:15-Krt.-Betty and Bob. HECA. KFSD -McNeill's Breakfast Club.

KMPC -Markets and Snort'. KMTR-Music.

*KP AS-Carnal Lunt. • KGFJ-Breakfast Serenade. KFOX -Firestone Foursouare.

8:30*KFI. KHJ, KECA, KE WB. KRI M -Neu s.

1LN X-Vallant Lady. KPAS-Baptist Brothers. KMPC -UnIty Daily Word.

*KMTR-s World Tomorrow. K W K W-Music. KFAC-Music. KFXM-Sunshine Service. KFOX -Clasistfled. KG11--Tankee House Party. KVOE-What Bible Teaches.

11:3.5-KRKIV--Music. 11:40-K WK W -Sports Precasts. 8:45-K11 -David Hstrum.

KNX -Stories America Loves. KI1J-Victor Lindlahr. KECA -smile In the Morning.

*KFW s. K3ITIt. KGFJ -H ealth Talk. K WK W-Operetta Music. KFOX-Cowboy Music. KFVD--Vocal Favorites. HVOE-Yankee House Party.

99—Ku —The O'Neill,. KNX -Hate Smith. * KHJ KGB. HAVE, KFXM-

Beak. Carter. ILECA -McNeIll's Breakfast Club.

* KMPC. KGFJ -News. KFWB-Dr. Reynolds. HPAS--Polly and Pat. KMTR..-ChristIan Crusade. K WE W-Operetta Music. KFAC -Classical Music, KRI M -Sagebrush Serenade. EFOX-Rev. Earl Ivie. KFVD- Waltz Time.

*ICFSD-Roy Porter.


DR. R. L. McMASTER for the

McCOY HEALTH SYSTEM Every morning -Mon. that Fel.

KFAC at 9:15 KGFJ at 10:15

9:15*KFI-News: Music. KNX-Big Sister.

*KECA, KMTR. KFVD -News. *KHJ- WashIngton News. KMPC--I've Got Tour Number KFWB. KGFJ-Mtalr. KFAC -Voice of Health. K WK W-Bulletin Board. KFXM-Almanac: Music. HFSD -PublIc Service. KGB. KVOE--Melodies.

S:20-KHJ. KGB. HVOE- Women Today.

9 : 30-FIFI -W hat's Doing. KNX-Romance of Helen Trent.

KHJ-Nonna Young. HECA. ILFSD-Breakfast at Sardl's.

KMPC -Family Bible. * KFWB--News. KPAS -Community Program. KMTR-Vi. B. Record.

*KURAV -Burritt Sheeler. M UG-Music. KFXM -Popular Orch. KGB-Navy Band. HFXD-Dr. Richardson. KVOE -Gospel Light.

9:L5- W1-Mary Leo Taylor. KNX-Our Gal Sunday.

HEAR CHEF MILANI "Dinner for 4,

a Dollar No More" KFWB -10:00 A. M.

11 0- KNX-1- 1!.',Isetehadliaunied lie Beautiful. *KECA, KFSD -11. R. Bank-

liege * KHJ, KFXM KGB. KVOE-

Glenn Har t, News. KMPC-Curta n Calls. KFWB--Chef Milani.

*KPAS. KGFJ. KFOX-News. KMTR -Pastor Egertson. RFAC, ..FVD -Serenade. ! MK S -Vincent Wilson. KRHD-Turf Bulletins.

10: 15-IEN X -Ma Perkins. KHJ, KFXM. HVOE-Teddy Powell Orch.

KECA-Andy and Virginia. *KMTR-News. K I AS-Ray Williams.

*KB K W -Monitor News. KGFJ-Voice of Health. KRI M-Talk. KFOX-Varieties. KIND- Woman Power. KGB-KGB Presents.

10 :30*KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. KNX -Vie and Sade. KECA, HFSLY-Benny Walker Show.


KMPC-Needles and Spins. KFWB-Science of Mind. KPAS--Meet Priscilla Alden. KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. K WK W-Martial Airs. KGFJ-Music. KRHD--Volce of Government. KIFVD.-Unlon Rescue Mission.

10:33-KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E-Strictly Personal.

10:45-KFI-Dr. aave. KNX-The Goldberg's. KIIJ, KFXM. KGB. KV0E -Palmer House Orch.

KMPC--Cal. Women's Clubs. *K1' WB-News. KMTR. KFAC. KRHD -Music EFOX -South American.

11- H11 -Light of the World. KNX -Young Dr. Malone. KECA-Vour Gospel Singer. 1111.1 -Star Parade. KMPC -Dr. L. T. Talbot. KFWB-Al Jarvis. KFAC-Les Adams. KMTR-Music.


710 870 9 0 1070 1111 12 1280 1380 143 14111

HPAS--ChrIstlan Science Thanksgiving Service.

K WK W -Bing Crosby. KRI M -Musical Comedy.

*KGFJ. KFVD, KFXM -Nsws. KFOX-Locy West. KIND -Good Cheer.

*KGB--Cedric Foster. *HY0E-Monitor News.

11:11Y-KFI-Lonely Women. KNX-Aunt Jenny's Stories. KECA-Between the Bookends KHIJ, KGB, KVOE-Baron Elliott Orch.

*KMTR-News. KGFJ. KFXM-Music, KFOX-Trade Winds Tavern. KF'VD-Musical Revue. KFSD-Between the Bookends

11:30-K11-Guiding Light. KNX-We Love and Learn. K M -Eddie Albright. KEt A-Sideshow. KM Pi -Tony Pastor Orch. KMTR -Humboldt Park Tab-ernacle.

K WK W-Kilowatt Kalendar. *KRKD. KFOX-News. KFAC--Polly Patterson. KGFJ-City Dwellers. KFSD-Ann Gibson. KFXM. KGB, KV0E--Muttud Goes Calling.

11:45-KFI -Hymns of All Churches KNX. KRI M. KGFJ-Music. KHJ-.Carnation Bouquet.

•*KECA. KFSD-News. KMPC-Ben Sweetland. K WK W-Farm Re port. KMTR-Volney James. KFVD--Violet Schram. KFOX -Marching Along.

1 ,--E11-Farm Reporter. KNX-Dave Lane.

*KHJ -Broadway News. KECA, HFSD-Three R's. KFWB-AI Jnrvis. KMPC-1've Got 'Lour N lllll her KMTR-Melodies for Keeps. K BE S -Jim Cassidy Senor. HPAS-Curtis H. Springer. KFAC- KFOX -Musk. KRKD--PraIrie Schooner.

*KGFJ. KGB. KV0E-News. KI ND-Editor of the Air. KFXM-Star Parade.

12:L5 -KF1- Ma Perkins. * KNX-Bob Andersen. News. *KHJ-Homemaker's Club. *KMPC H MI S. KFOX.

KFXM -News. KFAC -1 Solemnly Swear. KGFJ-Dance Musk. KGB-Molly Morse. HVOE- War Bonds.

12 :30 -K11-Pepper Young's Family. KNX--Joyce Jordan, KECA-Novelty Revue.

THURSDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in Lightface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface.

Special Program 1:00-Elgin Variety Show, ESN. 2:30-100th Anniversary of Notre

Dame, KECA.

Variety 8:00-Johnny Murray. KS'!. 9:00-Kate Smith. KNX. 3:30-Breakfast at Sardi's,

XECA-KFSD. '0:00-Chef Milani. KF WB. I:15-Club Matinee, KECA. 4:00-Art Baker's Noteb ook F1 4:00-Army-Navy Games, HECA-

HFSD. 5:15-Hollywood Whispers. BSI 6:00-Kraft Music Hall. EFL 6:00-Major Bowes, KNX. 6:30 -Stage Door Canteen, KNX. 6:30-Spotlight Bands, HECA-

KFSD. 7:00-Abbott and Costello. K M. 7:00-The First Line. KNX. 7:30-Anything for a Laugh,

KHJ. 8:00-Amos 'n.• Andy. KNX. 8:15-Lum and Abner. KECA-

KIND. 8:30--Maxwell House Time. ICE1. 9:30-Hollywood Spotlight,


War 8:30-Pass in Review, KI1J-

KGB-KFICW-HVOE. 8:30- Wings to Victory. KECA-

KIND. 9:15-Soldiers In Mufti, KNX.

Drama 14:15-Night Editor, KIT. 8:30-Death Valley DAYS. KNX. 9:00-Aldrich Family. KFI. 9:30-Ellery Queen, KFL 9:30-Hollywood Showcase. KNX

Quiz Programs 5:30-It Pays to Be Ignorant,

KI1J-KFXM-KGB-HVOE. 8:00-Bombardier Quiz. KILL

• Outstanding Music 3:00-Classic Hour. KECA. 8:00-Pleasure Time. K N. 8:00-Evening Concert, KFAC. 8:15-Harry James, KNX. 10:00-Lucky Lager Dance Time.

KFAC. 10:30-Eastside Dance U nite,

KF WB. 11:00-Philharmonia. KECA.

Public 3 ff airs 7:30-March of Time. EFL 10:00-Town Meeting, HECA-

KFSD. 11:30-Public Affairs, KNX.

Sports—Comment 10:15-Touchdown Tips, EFL

1:30-Tom Hanlon, KNX.

*KFWB, KFAC-News. KMPC--Curtis H. Springer. H MI S -Popular Music. KPAS--Music. HFOX -Varleties. KFXM, KGB. KVOE-Shady Valley Folks. AF113--Vlolet Schram. K IND-Men of the Sea.

11:43--KFI -Bight to HaPPinefe. KNX-Bachelor's Children.

*KECA. KIND-Dr. Chang. KMPC-Navy Prozram, KFWB-Al Jarvis, KFAC-Music. KGFJ-Neighborhood Call. KFOX -Star Parade.

- K M-Backstage Wife. KNX-Elgin Variety Show. KHJ-Bill's Wax Shop.

*KFWB-Today's War Moods. KMPC -Twenty-Nine Palms, KFACA-Siesta Time. KPAS -Sergei Malaysky.

*KMTR. KGFJ, KFVD -News. KFAC-Dr. Walter Raymond. K WK W-Cla ic. KRHD -Pan-Americana. KFOX-Dance Time. • KFXM-Popular Orch.

*KGB, KVOF.-- Walter Comp-ton.

KFSD-Farm & Home flour. 1:15-KFI-Stella Dallas.

KECA-Club Matinee. KHJ, KFXM. KGB. HVOE -Sweet and Sentimental,

*KMPC -Monitor News. KFWB-Al Jarvis. KMTR -Muslc. IC WK W-Concert Music. KFAC, KRI M, KGFJ-Music. KIFOX-Classified. EFVD-Moods in Mask.

1:30-KFI -Lorenzo Jones. End, KFXM. KGB. KV0E-Bridgeport String Ensemble.

KMPC -Ban-AmerIcans. KFWB-Harry Balkin. KPAS-Aircraft Reporter, KMTR -Rev. C. J. Kennedy. KFAC -J. N. Yates. Organ.

* BRED -News. Music. * KFOX-C. S. Monitor News. KIND-Club Matinee. KFVD-Oregon Land Man.

1:45-KFI-Voung Widder Brown. * KFWB--News. KMTR-Music. KFAC- Women's Clubs. HPAS--Juke Box Mr tinee. EKED-Singing Wait era. KFOX -This Rhythmic Age. KIND—U. S. o. News. KFVD--Vocal Varieties. H1+0E-eh lc.

1:55*HECA. KFSD--News.

2— Jill- When a Girl Marries.KNX-Elgin Veriety show.

* KHJ. KGB. EVOE -Sheelah Carter.

KECA-Afternoon Roundup. KMPC -Once Over Lightly,

*ILMTR. KFW B-Hal Styles. KPAS -Juke Box Matinee. KFAC. KRHD, KFXM -Musie K WE W -Concert Matinee. KFOX-Varleties. KFVD-Organ Melodies. HEND-Clancy Calling.

2:13-Eli-Portia Faces Life. *KHJ. KGB. HVOE--Don Lee

Newsreel Theater. KMTR-Lyman Smith.

*111 WK W. K IND-News. KGFJ, EFOX-Civic, Illi'VD -Music Box. KFXM -Concert.

2:30-KF1 -Just Plain BIB. KECA -100th Anniversary of Notre Dame.

KMPC -Inter Jews in News. *KFWB. KRI M. HEX-it-News. KNIT11 -31visic. K WK W- Waltz Music. KGFJ -Dance Music. KFOX-Songs of the West. HFS13-Singing Strings.

2:45-E11 -Front Page Farrell. *KMPC, KFVD-Nens. KFWB -Song of the Islands. EPAS-Let's Play Bridge. KRKO-South Sea Serenade. KFXM—civic Spotlight. HFSD-This Is My song.

3-KFT-Lone Journey. KNX -Housewil es Protective League.

*KHJ. KGB. KV0E-Philip Kerne-Gordon.

KECA--Classic Hour. EMPC - Wax Museum.

*KFWB, HMTII. KGFJ--News. • K WK W-These Will Be Stars. KFAC--Symphony. HPAi-Navy Program. KF'fl-Popular Favorites. KRECD--Santaella Ensemble.

Page 25: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

NOVEMBER 22, 1942

KFOX—Half and Half. KFXM—Ministerial Alliance. KFSD —Recital Period.

3:15—KFI —Road of Life. KNX—Parade of Stars. K W—Rhythm Ensemble. KFIVIL EGFJ. KRKD—Music

*-KNITA Eugenia Clair. *KPAS—News. KFSD —Nurses' Aid. KFX. M —Organ.

*KGB—Monitor News. HVOE—Melodies.

71:30—KFI—Vie and Sade. KNX —Your Singing Neighbor. KECA— What's Doing.

*KHJ, KGB. CIE—Leslie Nichols and Arthur Mann.

KFWB. KMTIL KFOX—Music KPAS—Rumba Time. K WK W—Record Derby. KGFJ—Cowboy Trio.

*KAHD —Ness; Music. KFVD--Novelty Notes. KFXM —Trading Post. KFSD—Listening Time.

3:45—KFI —Against the Storm. *KNX—The World Today. KECA, HFSD—Pages of Mel-ody.

Hay Reads the Bible.

HMTR —Santaella Ensemble. KPAS--Marehing Moods. KFXM. K% OE—Bobby Sher-wood Orch.

KGB —Navy Recruiting.

4- -KF1—Art Baker's Notebook. KNX--Second Mrs. Burton. KECA, KFSD—Army-Navy Games.

*KH.1, KFXM. KGB, HIVE— Fulton Lewis.

KMTR—Woman's World. KE M%—ehristian Science. KMPC —Musical Headlines. KFWB—Etchings in Ivory. KPAS —Music. K WK W—Hawallan Music. KGFJ—Home Hour. KFVD--Piano Music. KRKII—Tonst to the Town.

*KNOX—News. 4:15*KNX —Sam Hives. News.

KHJ —Nancy Dixon. KMPC.—Gypsy Trails.

*KFAC. K WK W. KFVD—News KPAS--Ethel Hubler. IERKD—Movieland Quiz. KFOX —Varieties. KFXM. KGB. KV0E—Johnson Family.

4:20—XNX—tnschedided. 4:25—KECA„ KFSD—Molasses

January. 4:30*KF1—Agnes White.

KNX —Easy Aces. *KECA, KMPC —News. KHJ—Musical Matinee. KFWII—Vocal Varieties. KPAS—Don KFAC—Swing Shift. K WK W—Name Band. KI'VD —Tea Time. It RI M—Music. KFOX—Matinee Melodies. KFXM—Dr. Lovell. AFSD —Oregon Land Man. KGB, KV0E—Confidentlaily Yours.

4:45—KFI—Mary Marlin. KNX—Tracer of Lost Persons KECA—Music by Sweeten. KHJ. KGB—Judy and Jane. KFIVR—situart Ilamblen. KMPC—Rhytlim Rhapsody. K WK W —Marietta Myers. So-prano.

*KAKI). KFSD—News. KFXM—Popular Orch. KV0E—Man Battle Stations.

S*KFI —Manchester Buddy. KNN —Jay Burnett. KE(;A, KFSD—Don Winslow.

*KHJ—Broudway News. KMPC—Rhythin Rhapsody. K FW rt Hamblen. KMTR —Pastor Egertson. KFAC—Swing Shift.

*K WK W —News Analysis. KPAS—Uncle Charlie.

*KGFJ. KFXM—News. KRKD —Songs of the Saddle. KFVD—Evening Serenade. KGB—Investment Problems. KFOX—Sunshine Pastor. KV0E--Classified.

515*KF7, KNIPC. KFVD—News. *KNX —George Fisher. *KECA —Alvin Wilder. K M—Johnson Family. KMTR —Children's Story. K WK W—Hunting and Fishing News.

KGFJ—Pearl Harbor. HFX111—Popular Orch. KFSD—The Sea Hound. KGB. KV0E--Sinfonietta.

5:30—K11 —Paging John floe. *KNX —Harry W. Flannery. KECA. K1 M:D—Jack Arm-strong.



It Pays to Be Ignorant. KMPC —Curtis H. Springer.

*KMTR, KPAS—News. KFAC— Wboa Bill Club. K WK W—,Soldiers of the Press KGFJ. KFVD—Music. IIIIKD—Race Results . KFOX —On the Range.

5:15*KFI—By the Way, with Bill Henry.

*KNX —News, Truman Bradley. KECA. HFSD—Capt. Midnight IEMPC--Community Chest.

*KPAS—Our Daily Bread. KMTR—Old Age Pension. KRIED —Musle.

5:55-&-KNX—Cecil Brown. News.

6—KF7 —Kraft Music Hall. KNX—Major Bowes Amateurs KECA, KIND—Hop Harrigan.

*KHJ —Gabriel Heatter. KIIPC—Sports Page.

*KFVV13. KFOX. KFXM—News. KPAS—Future Pianists. KMTR--Irwin Allen. HFAC, KRI M. KGFJ—Music. KGB —II. S. 0.

*HVOE—Orange County News. 6:05—KGB—Dance Music. 6:15—KECA—Homicide O'Hane.

*11.11J. KGB, KFXM, WIVE— News.

KMPC —Table for Two. KFIVB—Music. AMTR—Varieties. KPAS—Technocracy. KFOX—Ross Enterprise. KIND —Nov atones.

6:30—KNX —Stage Door Canteen. KECA, KFSD—Spotlight Bands.

KILL KFXM. KV0E —Jam-boree.

*KMPC —News. KFWB--Dinner Music. KMTR, KARD—Music. KPAS—Aircraft Reporter. KGFJ—The Bronze Hour. KFOX—Hal's Memory Room. KGB—KGB Presents.

16:15--TEMPC —I've Got Your Number. KFINB—No Business With Hitler.

*KMTR—Nenos. KPAS—Sound Words. KRI M--FIshing Pals. KGB—Beauty That Endures.

6:55—KECA. HFSD—Gracie Fields.

7 —K}1—Abbott and

Costello. K N X—The First Line.

*KHJ. KVOE, KGB. KFXM— Raymond Clapper.

*KECA. KFSD—Raymond Gram Swing.

KMPC—Oregon Land Man. KFWIL RE M'—Music. KMTR—Dr. Clem Davies. liPASI —Listener's Digest.

*HARD. KGER —News. KGFJ--Spanish Hour. KFOX —Off the Record.

7:15*IRECA, KHJ, KFOX—News. KMPC -0. W. I. KRI M—Three-Quarter Time.. liFXM—Art Hassel Orch. KFSD—Music. KGB—March of Labor.

7:30*KFI—March of Time. DINX—Time Out for Melody. HECA, KFSD—Red Ryder. KHJ —Anything for a Laugh.

*KEWB—News. KM PC —Eyes Aloft. KPAS—J. Frank Burke. KMTII—Dr. Michelson. KFAC—F. B. Fagerberg. KRKD—Do You Know? KFOX —Musie. KFXM—Lone Ranger. KGB. RYON—Unscheduled.

7:45*KNX—Frazier Hunt. *KFWB. RFOX —Robert Arden. *KFAC—News. KING —Aimee McPherson.

8 —KIT—Frost Warnings; Fred Waring.

KNX —Amos 'n Andy. KHJ —Bonibardier Quiz.

KECA. KIND—Watch the World Go By.

*KMP(7, KGFJ. KGER—News. KFWIR--Birth Certificate. KMTR—Musie. KFAC--Evening Concert. It PAS—Morgan Family. KFOX —Eyes Aloft. KFXM, KGB—Memory Lane. KVOE —Star Parade.

41:15—HF1—Night Editor. KNX —Harry James Orch. KECA. KFSD—Lum & Abner.

*KMPC—Carroll Lunt. KFWB--Citizens' Defense Corps.

Ti m m—Editor's Notebook. KGFJ—Iligh School Huddle. KFXM, KGB—C. Ravazza Orch.

HVOE —Let's Dance. S:30—KFI —Maxwell House Time.

KNX —Death Valley Days. NYC A. ECFSD —W tins to Vic-tory.



Tonight the Old Ranger has an inspiring true Thanksgiving story to tell for all his listen-ers. Be sure to hear it to-night on


194101114***Roilwalw alls

KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE--Pass in Review.

KMPC—Meet the Band. *IA MB—News. KPAS. KFOX—P. E. Gardner KMTR—Property Owners. KGFJ —Cowbov Music.

8:45—KMPC—I've Got Your Number

RMTR—Horsemen's Forum. S:55*KNX —Dick Joy, News.

9—IEFI—Aldrich Family. KNX—Henry Busse Orch.

*KECA—News. Pat Bishop. *RAJ. KFXM. KGB. KVOE—

News, Glenn Hardy. KFIVII—Boxing Matches. KMPC —Music Box. AMTR —Radlo Room. KPAS —Dr. L. T. Talbot. KFAC—Evening Concert.

KGER—News. KFOX--Church of Christ. KFSD—lour Income Tax.

9:05—KGER—A Night in Mexico. 9:15*KECA—Rodr:guez and Suth-

erland. KNN —Soldiers in Mufti. KILL KFXM, KGB. &YOE— Chico Marx °refl.

KMTR—Singing Waiters. K :FJ —Miniature Theatre. KFSG —Gospel Happiness Boys.

*KFOX —News.

9:30 P.M. —KECA "Hollywood Spotlight"



KFSD -Gus Arnlielm Orch. 9:30—KFI —Ellery Queen.

*KECA—Erskine Johnson. KNX —Hollywood Showcase.

*H MI. KFAIB. KIP-SG—News. KMTR—Ten Pretty Girls. KPAS—Morgan KGFJ —Music. KFOX—The Broadway. KFXM. KGB. IRVOE —Anson Weeks Orch.

KIND--Concert Classics. 9:35—KFSG —Silver Band. 9:45*KECA. KFSD--News.

*KHJ. KFXM, KGB. KIOE--Fulton Lewis.

KFIVB--Don Rose. KMTR —Bob Brooks. KFON—Club Del Rio.

10— KECA, KFSD —Town Meeting. *K M —Richfield News. *KNX. KGFJ. KGER—News. KN.). KGB. KIOE—Jan Gar-ber Orch.

KMPC—T. B. Blakiston. K 6—Military Music. KPAS—Ben Sweetland. KMTR —Viennese Ensemble. KFAC —Lucky Lager Dance Time.

HFS6--Estlier Stuart. IWO X —Club Del Rio. KFXM—Tours Very Truly.

10:13—KFI--Touchdown Tips. KNX —Changing Tides.

*KHJ, KGB. KV0E--Paul Schobert.

KMPt;—Ilits and Bits. *KF'W11.--Nea A. KMTR —Santaella Ensemble. KPAS —County Barn Dance. KGF.1—Coaboy Music. KFOX—Ross Balfroom. KI AM —Sinfonietta.

10:30*KFI —Inside the News (Thrifty Drug).

KNX —Sport Headlines. KHJ. KGB —Symphony. KFWB—Eastside Dance To-nne.




*KMPC, KFS6 —News. KMTR—Max Lerner Orch.

DANCE Tonite

10:30 to 11:30 .P.M. Every Nite Except Sunday

KF WB America's Finest Bands

HPAS—Monkey Jamboree. KFOX -1,eilani Hilt. KFXM —Al Trace Orch. HVOE—Action on Home Front

10:35—KNX—Gene Krupa Orch. KFSG—Mr. and Mrs. Webb.

10:45 —KFI —George Olsen Orch. KM PC—Business with Hitler. ILMTR—Barron and Hatch. KGFJ —One Night Stand. KFOX—Majestic Ballroom. 116ER, IRVOE--Music. KFXM—M. Berth Orch.

10:55—KFI—Victory March.

11 KNX —News. KECA—PhilharmonLa. KHJ, KGB, KNOE—Freddy Slack Orch.

KM PC—Songs of America. KFWB—Eastside Dance To-nite.

KMTIL KFSG, KFOX —Music. 11EPAS—Monkey Jamboree. KFAC—Lucky Lager Dunce Time.

KGFJ—Brother Tommy. HFSD--Ttils Moving World.

11:15—KFI —J. Relehman Orch. KFSD—Music.

11:20—KNX —Don Roland Orch. 11 :30—KNX—Publie Affairs.

KHJ —Dine-Danee. KM PC—Serenade. H MIS—Music You Want. KGFJ—Cowboy Trio.

*KFAC.—News: Poems. KFSD—B. Clifford Orch. KGB. KV0E —Jan Garber Or.

KMTR—News. KNX —M. Strand Orch. KHJ--Jan Garber Orch.

11:55*KNX. KF WB—News.


An Extra Copy


Radio Life


Mail It to a

Boy in Camp.

Page 26: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

FRIDAY, NOV. 27 *Indicates Ne‘i't Br011(1111%t

6 ,. 6:30 A. M.

Aircraft Times DAILY PROGRAM

KWKW on Ithe Dial

0 -KFII -Johnny Murray. 0 KNX -Band of the Morning. *KE('A -Between the Line.. KILL EFS1). IEFX31, KGB. K V0E-Breakfast Club.

*KFWB- Monitor News. *KMPC, KMTR. 1 AS. KGFJ.

K FOX -News. *K WK W-Broadway Pasadena

News. KFAC -Country Church. KRKO-Musie. KFTD-Stuart Hamblen.

11:13-KFT-Betty and Bob. KECA-MeNeill's Breakfast Club.

KFIVII-Popitiar Herb. IEMPC-Markets and Sports. KMTR-Music.

*K PAS -C'arroll Lunt. 1E6 FJ-Breakfast Serenade. KFO X-Firest one Foursquare.


KNX-Vallant Lady. KMPC -Unity Daily Word.

*KMTR- World Tomorrow. K WK W. KFAC-Musir. KPAS-Hayen of Rest. KFOX-Classif fed. RFNM-Sunshine Spry ice. KGB-Serenading You. RI 0E- What the Bible Teaches.

II :33-K IL FED -Musle. :40-K WK W-Staarts Precast. :45-KFI-David Harum.

KNX-Stories America Loy es. *KECA- Women Who Make

New.. KHJ-1 Icier LIndlahr.

*KF WB-New,. KMTR-Health Talk. K WK W-Operetta Music. KGFJ-Dr. Weisman. K ION -Cowboy Musk. K PID-Vocal Fa y (kit es. KGB-Yankee House Party. VOE-Classif led Ads.

gi—KFI—The O'Neill.. KNN -Kate Smith.

*KILL KGB. KFX31. KNIPE-Boake Carter.

KECA-McNeill. Breakfast Club.

A FIT B-Dr. Reynolds. *KM PC. Kt. FJ-News. KP lm-Polly and Pat. KMTR. KFAC-Mnsie. KW KW -Operetta Music. K RI M-Sagebrush Serenade. TiFOX-Firebrands for Jesus. KF% D- Waltr. Time.

*KFSD-Rey Porter. :15*KFI-News: Music.

KNN -Big Sister. KHJ -Time Out.

*KECA, KMTR. IEFVD -Newn. KMPC -1'se Got Your Number K FWD, KGFJ-Musle. KFAC-Vnier of Health. K WKW -Bulletin Board. KFNM-Family Almanac. KFMD-Public . Seri ice.

11:30-1E11 -1% hat'. Doing. KNN-Romance of Helen Trent.

RHJ -Norma Young. KECA. ISFSD-Breakfast at Mardi's.

KM PC -Family Bible. *K FIV B- News. K PAS-Community Program. KMTR- W. B. Record. KFAC -31usie.

*K WK W-Burritt Wheeler. KFNM -Popular Ord). KGB-Edgewood Arsenal Band.

KEVD-Dr. Richardson. KV0E -Gospel Light.

11:43 -KFT-Mlrandy's Garden Patch KNX -Our Gal Sunday. KFWB-Bowling Center.

*K31PC, KRI M-News. KMTR -Music. KFAC-Treasury Star Parade. RI'. K W-Old Favorite.. KIND-Here Comes Parade.

9:35-KR/ED -Oh! Oh!

1 /I-RFT -Tillamook Kitchen. V KNX- Life Can Be Beautiful. *KHJ. BEAM. KGB. SLOE-

News. Glenn Hardy. *KECA. KFSD-Baukhage

Talking. KMPC -Curfain Calls. ICFWB-Chef Milani.

HEAR CHEF MILANI "Dinner for 4,

a Dollar No More" KFWB -10:00 A. M.

KM T R-Pa st or Egertson. *Kl'AS. 6(.64. KEOX-News. K WIPE W -Vineent Wilson. KFAC-Herbert Grant. KFVD-Morning Serenade. iliRKD-Turf Bulletins.

10 :13-K FI-Agnes White. KNX -Ma Perkins. K ECA-Mirandy. KILL KFNM. KGB. K VOE-Teddy Powell Orch.

*KMTR-News. *K WK W-Monitor News. K PAS-Ray Williams. KFAC -Midmorning Serenade. KGFJ-Voice of Health. KRKD-Talk. EFON -Varietiee. KFSD-Little Jack Little.


spiritually physically materially

In Your Every Day Life


10:30*K 11- Art Baker's Notebook. KNX-Vir and Sade. KECA. KFSD.-Benny Vi siker Si'',".

*KILL K FM'. Krxsi, KGB, FE IIE-News.

K PC-Cha rm Notes. KFWB--Science of Mind. KMTR-Floyd B. Johnson. K PAS-Meet Priscilla Alden. K WK W -Marches. KGFJ-Dance Music. KRIED-Volce of Government. RFVD-tnion Ilsseue Mission.

10 :35-K ILL KGB. KFX M. KI OE--St Hilly Personal.

10:15-K11 -Dr. Kate. KNX -The Goldberg.. KHJ. KIKX.31. KGB. OE-Palmer House Orch.

*KFWB-News. KMP('-Fed. Women's Clubs.

KMTR KF1 KECA KHJ KFVD PI KFSG KGFJ KFKM KFAC KGER KWKW TITFSEITKMPC1--KIEVTKFWI TKNXI KFOX-r-KGB KVOE 5701-6401--790-1-930 1-1020-T TIV) 1240 T1330-1-13 0 T 600 710 870 980 1070 1110 1230 1290 1360 1430 1490

KMTR-Dr. Philip M. Lan ell. KFAC. K RKD-M task. K WK W-Drama of Foods. KFOX-South American..

1 1 l liIN:IT-l etitn:f Dr. brart:g.. KEC A-Your Gospel Singer. 1E11.1-Star Parade. KMTR -Musk. KMPC -Dr. Louis T. Talbot. KFWB-AI Jary is. K WK W -Jean Sterling. RE M -Lea Adams. KRKI)-Musical Corned,. KFOX-Sing and Swing.

*KGFJ. REVD. KFNM-News. KFSM) -Good Cheer.

*K1:11--Cedrie Foster. *K VOE-Monitor News.

11:05*KPAS-Pasadena News. 11 :15-RIFI -Lonely Women.

KNX-Aunt Jenny's Stories. KECA -Between the Bookends. K M -Market Place.

*KMTR-News. KW K W -Bing Crosby. FEP AS-Music As I ou Like It. KGFJ. REVD. EFox- Music. KF X31- Popular Drell.

• liFSD-Between the Bookends KGB. KV0E-Baron Elliott Orch.

11 :30-1E Fl -Guiding Light. KNX- We Loy e and Learn. IE EC A-Sideshow. K M -Eddie Albright. KM PC -Nay ier (uirat Orch. KSITR -Humboldt Park Tab-ernacle.

* l' s- Pasadena Independent. *TERRI), KFOX-News. KFAC -Polly Patterson. K WK W -Kilowatt Kaleudar. KGIFJ -City Dwellers. KFSD-Ann Gibson. /WN W KGB. '.0E-Phila-delphia Symphony Orch.

11 :15-KFI-Betty Crocker. KNX. Mint. PERKII-Music.

*K • A, IFEFSD-News. K H.I- Music. AM PC -Ben Sweetland. K l'As- Wnitz Time.

- KMTit-Volney James. KW K W -Farm Report. K Ft 13. -Ma relaing Along. KFVD-Violet Schram.

11:33-F M.1 -Music.

12' 61 -Farm Reporter. KN N- Day*. Lane.

*KH.1-Itroadway News. KECA -Three K's. KFWII-Al Jars AM PC-I'y e Got lour Number KMTR-Melodies for Keeps. K WK W-Poptilar Musk. K PA S--K PAS Entertains. KFAC. KFON-Mitsie.

*KG F.I -News. KRKI)-Prairie Schooner. KFX31-Star Parade. KFSD-Smart San Diego Speaks.

FRIDAY Program Highlights Morning Proso a m. Appear in

Evening Pecan

Variety 8 00-Johnny Murray. Kr!. 9:00--Kate Smith. KNX. 9 :30-Breakfast At Sardre,

KECA-KFSD. ill:Ma-Chef Milani. KF WB. I :15-Market Place. KI M 1:00-Club Matinee, ;S ECA. 4:00-Art Baker's Notebook. KFI 6:30-Plantation Party. KFI. 6:30-Spotlight Bands. PEECA-

KFSD. 7:08-People Are Funny. Krt. 7:00-Camel Carman. KNX. 7:30-Betty Lou and Tommy

Riggs. KIT. 6:60-Amos 'n' Andy. 1LNX. 9:00-Kate Smith Hour. KNX. 9:00-Rudy Vallee, K M. :30-Hollywood Spotlight,


War 3 :13--America' s Home Front,

KNN. 6:15-One Hundred Million

Questions, KNX. 7:00-Meet lour Natty. !SECA-

KFSD. 8:13 -Our Secret Weapon. KNX.

Drama 4:00-Scramble. KECA-KFSD. 6:30-That Brewster Boy. &NI.

Light face Type: Afternoon and anus in Boldface.

7:30-Lone Ranger, liEHJ-KFX31-KGB-K VOE.

8:30-Whodunit? RFT. 8:30-Philip Morris Play house.

KNX. 8:30-Gang Busters. KECA-


Quiz Programs 4:13-Hollywood Bhd. Quiz.

IEFWIL 6:30-Quiz of Two Cities, KHJ.

Outstanding .11usic 2:30 -Claassie flour. KECA. 3:30-Keep Singing, America.

K N. 6:00- Waltz Time, K M 8 :00-Pleasta re Time. KFI. S:00-Ey ening Concert. FEFAC. 11:13-Dinah Shore. KECA-KFSD 10:00-Lucky Lager Dance Time.

RE AC. 10 :30-Eastside Dance Tonits.

KFWB. II :36- l'h rmonin. KECA. II :30-Masterworks. KNX.

Sports—Comment 1.0:00-Legion Stadium Fights.

KECA-KFSD. 11 :15-Football Forecast. EEC/I.

o t GROCERIES ! ,r.11,0\

MI to: ' OMENAKERS CLUB KHJ 12 15 1, 4'



KGB, K V0E-Philadelphia Orch.

KIND-Editor of the Air. 12 :13 -KFI-Ma Perkins.

*KN X-New Is. Bob Andersen. K W -Homemaker'. Club.

*K31PC, K WK W, IS MS, KFNM -News.

KFAC-1 Solemnly Swear. PEGF.1-Musle. KIND-On With the Dance.

13:30-K Fl -Pepper lining's Family. KNX -Joyee Jordan. KECA-10-?.-4 Ranch.

*KEW B. KFAC -News. EMIT-Curti. H. Springer. PAS, K WK W-Musk.

!LEON- Varieties. RE'. It-Gospel in song. KFMD-Men of the Sea.

12:13-1i11 -Right to Happiness. KNX -Barhelor's Children.

* KECA, E MI-Deane Dicke-

KN1 PC -America Marches On. KFWB-Al Jars Is. PE PAS-Pasadena Cis le. RE M -Musk. KGF.1-1". S. Navy. RE'. D-Violet Schram. KFON-Science of Mind.

1-KFI-Barlint age Wife. KNX-Galen Drake. ILI:CA-Club Matinee. Fill.1 -11ollywond Shopping News.

Ii31 PC -Twenty -Nine Palms. KEWII-Today's War Moods. PE PAM -Contrast in Rhythm.

*KNITIL KGF.I. KEY 1)- N ews. KFAC -Dr. Sheldon Shepard. K WK W -C kir Time. K RFD-Pan-Americana. RIPON -Matinee Melodies. KFN.31, K(iB, KV0E-Phillt-delpla in Symphony.

KFM1)-Farm and Home. 1:13-KFI -Stella Dallas.

K NN- I' nschedided. XIII. KGB. K 111E-P.-T. A.

*K311"(' -31onitor News. . . Jary is. K PAS-Island Melodies. K T R RE/It'. KRKI)-Music K W KW-4 'oncert 1E1.6%1 -Meet the Band. K1VD-Moods in M usic. K1,0 N--Classilled.

1 :30-.-F - I.orenzo Janes. KNN- American School. KILL KENS!. 11(.11. Man with a Band.

KMP('-Pan-Americana. A MU-Harry Malkin. !WAS-Aircraft Reporter. TEMTR-Rey ('. J. Kennedy. KFAC -J. N. Yates. Organ.

*KRIED -News, Music. K FO X-Cla rist inn Science. EFSD-Clash Matinee. KFVD -Oregon Land Man.

I :13-FE Fl -loung Vildder Brown. *KFWB- N KMTIL KFON -Musie. K PAS -lake Box Matinee. RIFAC -City and County De-fense Council.

Klt WO-Singing Walters. KFV1)-1 oral I allelic.. KV0E-Cly ie.

1:33*KECA. KFSD -News.

al -Kill- When a Girl Marries. KN N-Flousewly es' Protectiae League.

RECA-Pixie Reigate. B. S. *KHJ KGB, KI 0E-Sheelah

(*tarter. KNIPC -Once Over Lightly.

*KMTR. KGFJ -News. KFWIN -Hal Styles, K PAS -Juke Roe Matinee. KFAC-L. A. City College. PE W K W -Coneert Matinee. KRKIII-Concert Music. KEGS-'. arieties. KFN NI-Popular Orch. K r41)-Organ Melodies. KIND -Clancy ('idling.

2:15-EFI-Portia Faces Life. KECA-Afternoon Roundup.

*KHJ. FMB. KVOE-Don Lee Newsreel Theater.

Ii3ITR-Ly man Smith. *K WKW . KFSD-News. KGFJ.

Page 27: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is


KFVD—Music Boa. KF XM—Concert.

2:30-11;1Ft—dust Plain Bill. *KNX— William Winter, KECA—Classie Hour. K3IPC—Interviews in the News.

*KFV1B, M U M, 1EFXM—News KMTR, KFAC -31usic. K WK W— Waltz Time. KGFJ—Helen Johns. KFOX —Song. of the West. RIND—Jose Bethencourt.

2 :13 —K 11 —Front Page Farrell. KNX—Ren Bernie.

*Ii3111' KI ND—News. KFW11 —Song of the Islands. KPAS—Let's Play Bridge. KGFJ, KFOX —Musie. KRKD—S4 oath Sea Serenade. KFXM —Civ ic Spotlight. KIND—Thw Ii my song.

3—Ku —Lone Journey. KNX —Housewives' Protective League.

KFA'A—Classic Hour. *KHJ. KGB. KV0E—Philip

Keyne-Gordon. KIIPC— Was Museum.

*KFWit, KMTR, KGFJ —News. KFAC —symphany. K WK W—So. American Music. K PAS.—Pleasantdale Folks. KRILD---Salvatore Santaelia. KFOX—Half and Half. KFVD —Fav II rites. Kt-AM —Ministerial Alliance. KFSD—Fifteen Minutes from Broadway.

3:15-101 —Ituad of Life. KNX —(11S Oreh. KHJ—Rhythns Ensemble. KFWB—Popular Orch. ECSITIL KGFJ, KRKD—Music.

*KPAS—Nev. s. KFXM —Organ. ICFSD—America Calling. KVI/E—Melodies.

*KGB—Munitor News. 3:30—KII —Vic and Sade.

KNX —Keep Sing1ng. America. KECA —What's Doing.

*KHJ. KGB. KVOE—Leslit Niehols and Frank ruhel.

KPAS—Ft ha Time. KMTR—Pianos. KWK W —Record Derby. KGFJ —Cowboy

*KItKil—News: Mush. KFOX —Tempo of Today. KFXM —Trading Post. KFSD—Listening Time. KIND—Novelty Notes.

3:45—K11 —Against the Storm. *KNX—The World Today. SECA, KFSD—Pages of Mel-ody.

KHJ—Bill Hay Reads the Bible.

KIITR—Santaella Ensemble, K PAs—Marcliing Moods. REVD—Rumba Music. KRKD—Sona-41. KFX31. KGB. KV0E-11. Kuhn Oreh.

A —IEFI—Art Baker's Notebook. KNX —Second Mrs. Barton. KFCA, KIND —Scramble.

*KHJ. KFXM. KGB. KV0E— Fultim Lewis.

KNITR—Vioman's World. KMPC—Mumieal Headlines. KFW11--Etchings in Ivory. KFAC—Chr;stian Science. KPAS—.31usic. li WK W—Ilawallan Music, KGFJ—Home Hour. KRKD—Toast to the Town. KFVD—Plano Music.

*K1F0X—News. 4:15*KNX —Sam Hayes. News.

KHJ —Nuney Bison. KMPC —ICArtega is. Kt-Wit—Hollywood Blvd Quiz

*KVA(' K WK W. KEVD—News KPASLEthel Mahler. KRK11-31mieland Quiz, KFOX—Varleties. KFXM. KGB, KNOE—Johnson Family.

4 :20—KN X— Unscheduled. 4:25—KECA. KIND Mol

January. 4:30*K1,11. KECA, KMPC —Nev9s.

KNX—N:asy Aces. K14.1 -31itsieni Matinee. h CB B-1 Deal a Hell's.

KPAS—Don Milligan. KFAC—Swing Shift. KVYK W —Open House. KRKD--31.1sle. KFXM—Dr. Philip Lovell. KFVD—Tea Time Music. KGB —KGB Presents. KFSD—Oregon Land Man.

4 :35—KFI —Victory March. 4 :45—KII —Mary Marlin.

KNX —Tracer u,f Los Persons. JLECA—Men of Land. Sea, Air,

KHJ, KGB—Judy and Jane. KFWB—Stuart Hambilen.

*KRI M KIND—News. KFOX —It's Dance Time. KFXM —PoPular Orch.

ff*KFT—Manchester Roddy. KN X—Juy Burnett. KECA. KFSD—Don Winslow.

*K11.1—Broadway News. KMPC—Rhythm Rhapsody. KFWB--Stitart Ilamblen. KMTR—Pastor Egertmon, KFAC —Swing Shift. KPAS—I'nele Chalk%

*K WK W —News Analysis. *KGF.1. KFAM—News, KRKD—Songs of the Saddle. KFOX —Sunslelne l'astor. KFVD —Evening Serenade. HVOIC —Classified.

5:15*KFI. KMPC, KFVD—News. KNX—Ameriva's Home Front. KECA—Twilight Tales. KILI—Johnson Family. KSITR —Children's Story, K WIC W —Sport seast. KGKI—Remember Pearl Har-bor.

KFX111—Poptdar On+, UFSD—The Sea Hound. KGB, KVOE—The Barry!.

5:30—KFI —Paging John Doe. *KNX —Harry Flannery. SECA. KIND--Jack Arm-strong.

1111.1 -11usie. KMPC —Curtis H. Springer.

*KIITH, KPAS, KGIFJ—News. KF'AC — Whoa Bill Club. K WK W—Name Band. Kt(BI)—Race Results. KFVD-911-911 Club. Iit'XM. KGB, KY OE—Cisco Rid.

5:45—KFI —Ity the Way, with Bill Henry.

*KNX —News, Truman Bradley. KFCA. KFSD —Capt, Midnirbt KHJ —Strollin' KNIPC —L. A.

*KPAS—Our Dai read. KMTR—Old Age sista. KGF.1-1 tole Sanf Speaks. KRKD—Musie.

5:55*KNX—Cecil Brown., New,..

6—Kin— Waltz Time. KNX—Time Out for Melody. *KHJ. KGB—Gabriel Fleatter, KECA. KFSD—Hop Harrigan. KM PC —Sport,. Page.

*KFWB. KFOX, KFXM—News KMTR—Irwin Alien. KFA('—Slusie, KRKI)—Concert Music. KGFJ—Itallan Melodies. K311E—Orange County News.

13:15—KECA —Nlav or Bowron. KNX—Hundred Million Ques-tions.

*ICH.I. KGB. KFX.M. KVOF.— News.

KMPC—Table for Two. KFWB—Musie. ig wric—V 1160 ie.. KPAS— Walter Brown Murray. 1,0X—floss Enterprise.

KIND—Dr, Mac. 8:30—KFI—Plantation Party.

KNX —That Brewster Boy. KF.CA, KFSD—Spotlight Bands.

KHJ—Quir of Two Cities, KFWB--Pop. Orch.

*KMPC—News. *KPAS--Aireraft News. KSITR—Pay Day. KliFJ —Faanie Reinhart. KRKD—Orehestra. ICFX31—Concert. B1114-1‘613 Presents. KY OE—Star Parade.

8:10.--KFIVII—USO Battalion. 8:45—KFWB—Star Parade.

KMPC-1've Got Your Number

*KMTR—News. KPAS—Sound W or ds. KRKD—Musie.

8:55—KECA. KIND —Gracie Fields.

. — K}1 —People Are Funny.

KNX—Catnel Caravan. KECA, KFSD—Meet Your Navy.

*KHJ. KFXM. KGB, EVOE-.-John B. Hughes.

MMl'('—Oregon Land Man, KFWB. KFAC —Music. KPAS—Listener's Digest. KMTR —Dr. Clem Davies. KGFJ —Spanish Hour.

*KRI M, KGER—News. KFOX—Off the Record.

7 :05—KGER—Spanish Missionary. 7:15-1C1IPC—OPA Program.

KHJ. KFXM, KGB, KVOE— Art Kassel Omit.

KFWB—Doings. KIDED—Three Quarter Time.

*FCFOX —News. 7.30—KFI —Betty Lou and Tommy

Riggs. KECA—Sweeten Segue.

KFXM. KGB, KVOE— 'Aisle Ranger.

KM PC—Ctincert Hall. *KFWB—News. MATH—Dr. Michelson. KFAC—Mileage Rationing. HPAS —.1. Frank Burke. Krox —NIst•de. KGER—American Jewish Hr. KFSD—Brian Sisters,

7:45*KF WB, RIFOX—Robert Arden *KFAc —News. KRI M—Music.

8 —KFI—Frost Warnings; Fred Waring.

KNX—Amos 'n' Andy. *KF:CA, KFSD-- Watch the

World Go By. • KHJ. KFXM. KGB. JEN'OE—

Memory lane. *KMPC, KGFJ, KGER—News, KMTR—Floyd B. Johnson. KPAS —Slorgan KFAC —Evening Concert. KRKD—Musie. KFOX—Man Battle Stations.

8 :05—KGER—Spanish Hour. 8:15*KFI —News, Bishop.

KNX —Our Secret Weapon. KECA. KF1411,aingth Shore. ICH.I. KFXM, KGB. KVOF.— B/114111 Elliott Oreh.

*KMPC —Carroll Lunt. 'alifornia Fngl

• " Music. hodunit.

110.N —ritilip Morris Playhouse KECA, KFSD —Gang Busters. KH.I, KGB. KFXM. KVOE— Unscheduled.

KMPC—Meet the Band. KRKD—Merry-Go-Roundup. KGFJ--Cowboy Music. KFOX, KPAS —Judge Gardner.

8:45—KMPC -1've Got Your Number KFWB--Ilirth Certificate,

99—K u —Rudy Vallee. KNX —Rate Smith Roue. . *ICECA, KGFJ. KGER—News. *KHJ. KFXM. KGB, KY OE--

News, Glenn Hardy. KFWB—Mr. and Mrs. KMTR —Radio Room. KPAS-11r. L. T. Talbot, KMPC—Music Box. KFAC —Evening Concert. KRKD —Merry-Go-Roundup, KFOX—Church of Christ. KFSD—G. Arnheim Orch.

9:05—KGF.R —Anbrey 9:15*KECA —Rodrigues and Sather-


Cal ?limey. KFWB. KGFJ—Music, KMTIt—Singing Waiters.

*KFOX—.News. 9:30—KFI—lincle Sam Presents.

*K 351FX31. KGB, KVOE— 'F. Hughes. .kine Johnson, Spotlight (Thrifty

• %. Drug, KPAS—....gun Family.

*KFWB—News. KMTR—Ten Pretty Girls. HI:KJ—Brother Tommy. KFOX—Major Bateson. KIFSD —Freddy Martin Oral.

9:30 P.M. —KECA "Hollywood Spotlight"



9 :45*K ECA. RFSD—News. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E--

Fulton Lewis. KFWIR--Don Rose, K3ITR —Bob Brooks, KGFJ—Musle. KFOX—The Broadway.

9:55*KNX —Flnd the Woman.

10*FCFJ—Richfield News. *KNX, KGFJ, KGER—News. — KECA—Legion Stadium Fights YHJ, KGB. KY 0K—Bobby Sherwood Writ.

KF WB —J. Ross Orch. KMPC—T. B. Blakiston. FISITR—Viennese Ensemble. KPAS—Pasadena Civic Aud-itorium.

KFA('—Luelty Lager Dance Time.

KRKI)—Merry-Go-Roundua. KFXM —Vours Very Truly, KIND—Legion Stadium Fights,

10:10—KGER —Aubrey Lee. 10:15—KFI —Civilian Defense in

Artion. KNX—Milis Brothers, KMPC—Hits and Bits. KFWB —V D M' Varieties, KMTR—Santaella Ensemble, KGFJ —Cowboy Music, KFOX —Let's Be Neighbors.

DANCE Tonite

10:30 to 11:30 P. M. Every Nile Except Sunday

KF WB America's Finnst Bands

10:30*KFI -1nside the News (Thrifty Drug).

JEN X —Gene Krupa Orch, KN.', KGB—Symphony, KFWB—Eastside Dance To-nite.

*1131 Pt '—News. Kl'AS—Monkey Jamboree. KMTR —M. Lerner Orch, KFOX —Leliani Hut. KFXM —A. Weeks Orch.

10:45—KFI —George Olsen Orch. KM PC—Star Parade. KMTR—Barron and Hatch. KGIFJ —Maurice Kosloff, KFOX —Majestie Ballroom. KY C1E—Rhythm Time.

111*K17. KNX—News , KNA'A—Penn Franklin Parade

KV0E—Freddy Slack Orch.

KFWB—Eastside Dance To-nite.

1LMPC —Songs of America. !EMIR. KFOX —Music. KPAS—Monkey Jamboree. KFAC—Lucky Lager Dance Time.

KRKD —Merry-Go-Roundup. KGB —George Bacon.

11:15—K11 —J. Relclunan Orch, ELF:CA—Football Forecast. KGFJ—Dance Music, KFSD—Organ.

11:20--KNX—Don Roland Oreb. 11:30—KNX —Mastervvorks,

KECA —Philharmonia, KHJ—Dine-Dance. KMPC—Serenade. KFWB —Elliott Kelly Oreh. KGFJ —Cowboy Trio. KGB, KVOIC—J. Garber Orals.

11 :45*KFI. KNITR —News. KHJ—Jan Garber Ord:.

11:55*KNX, K11411—News.

'It's a Wise Author' If asked to give a description of

"Homer" of "T he Aldrich Family" broadcasts, Author Cliff Goldsmith will shake his head. "'Homer' always was too much for me," he confesses. "So I leave descriptions to Jack Kelk who, from playing 'Homer' knows him much better than I do."

For Flakier Crusts, use Swift's

JEWEL SHORTENING Better results and thriftier price — Buy War Stamps with your saving.

Page 28: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

SATURDAY, NOV. 28 *Indicates News Broadcast 10 : 15—HE(' A—Freedom on the • La afi

Forever. KHJ—Disc Delving with the Lamplighter.

KMPC —Stedio Party. ELPAS—Ray

*KMTR. KVVK W—News. KRK1), KGFJ. KFXM—Musie. KFOX —Varieties. KFSD —Woman Power. KGB—Neighborhood Call. HY0E—Star Parade.

10:30—K}1—All Out for Victory. RN X—Civilian Defense. KECA, KIND— Washington Luncheon.

*KHJ, KGB, KFX3f, HVOE— News.

KMPC —Accent on Song. HPAS-11. S. Marines. KMTR—Fioyd B. Johnson. H WK W—Western Music.

*KFAC —News. KRHD—Voice of Government. KIND—Midmorning Serenade.

10:35—K11.1. KGIS, KFX1111, KVOE— Teddy l'owell Orch.

10:45*KFT, KFWB—News. KNX—Football. KECA—County Medical Assn. KMPC—Nnomi Reynold". HPAS—Musical Varieties. KMTR, KFA91, KRKD—Music. KFOX —Soidis American. RFSD-31ctory Twins.

— KFI—Matinee in Rhythm. KNX—Football. ARCA, KIND—The Daughter of the Regiment.

KHJ, KFXM. KVOE—Bernie Cummings Orch.

KFWB—Al Jarvis. KM Pt —Dr. L. T. Talbot.

*KPAS—Pasadena News.

IL WK W —Bing Crosby. KFAC —U. S. Army Recruit-ing.

*KGFJ, KFVD—News. KRI M—Musical Comedy. KFOX—Sing and Swing.

11:05*ELPAS—Music As You Like It. 11:15—KFI —On the Job.

*KMTR—News. KGFJ, KFAC, IEFIVX—Music. KEVI)—Musical Revue. KGB—Parade of Stars.

11:30—KFI —U. S. Marine Band. KHJ, KFX3I, KU M — Bernie Cummins Orris.

KMPC —Say When Club. KMTR —Humbtaidt PP T•' -

ernaele. '*KPAS—Pasadena Independent. *KRI M, KFOX —News. , K WK W —Kilowatt Kalendar. KGFJ—City Dwellers. KGB—Camp Callan Cannonade

11:45—KMTR —Voiney James. R WIE W—Farni Report. KPAS —Waltz Time. KGFJ, KRKID —Miasie. KFOX—Marching Along. KFVD—Violet Schram.


0 —KFI —Musical Clock. €9*IENX, KMPC, ICNTR. KGFJ,

HPAS, KFOX —News. *KE('A —Between the Lines. KHJ, KFXM, KGB, HVOE— Haven of Rest.

KFWB—Pop. *K WK W —Broadway Pasadena

News. KFAC—Country Church. KRI M—Musk. KFV1)--Stuart Hamblen. KFSD—Breakfast Club.

11:05-1KNX —Morning Melodies. 8:I5—KFI— What's Doing.

KNX —God's Country. KECA—McNeill's Breakfast Club.

KMPC—Market Report. • KMTR —Music.

KPAS—Melodic Moods. KRI M—City Defense COULICII. KGFJ—Termite Topics. KFOX—Flrestone Foursquare.

$:30—KFI —Coast Guard on Parade. KNX —Let's Pretend.


KMPC—Broadway Bandwagon. *KMTR —The World Tomorr.a. K WK W —Music. HPAS--KPAS Presents. KFAC, KGFJ—Music. KFOX—Classified. KFXM —Sunshine Service. KGB—Family Circle. HVOE—Army Band.

8:35—KRKD —Music. 8:40—K WK W—Sports Precast. 11:45—KECA —Smile in the Morning.

KHJ —Junior Army. *KFIVII—News. 11131TR —Music. KFAC —County Medical Assn. K WK W —Operetta Music. • KGFJ —Dr. Weisman. KFVD--Vocal Favorites. H1FOX—Cowboy Musk. KGB—Army Band.

111*KFI. K3IPC, KGFJ —News. KNX —Theater of Today. KE('A—MeNeill's Breakfast Club.

KHJ, KFXM. KGB, KV0E— Dr. Mathews.

KFWB—Dr. Reynolds. KPAS—Cowboy Serenade. HMTR—Christian American Crusade.

KRKI) —Sagebrush Serenade. KFAC —Music. KFOX —Firebrands or Jesus. KFSD —Music by Black. KIND— Waltz, Time.

9:15.KFI —Consumer Tip!. KE('A —Federated Churches.

• *KMTR, KFVD—News. KIFWB—Salvation Army. KMPC —Morning Pickup. KVVK W—Bulletin Board. • KGFJ—Llght Concert.

9:30—KFT—Treasury Star Parade. KNX —Stars Over Hollywood. KECA, KFSD—Breakfast at Mardi's.

KILL KGB —Here's Musk. KM PC —Studio Party.

*KFWB—News. HPAS--Yesterday's Favorites.

• KMTR—W. B. Record. *K WK W—Burgitt Wheeler. KFVD—Here Comes Parade. KFXM—Family Almanac.

• KV0E —Gospel Light. 9:45 —KFI —Neighborhood ('all.

KHJ—Food for Thought. KF WB—Pop. Records. HPAS —Symphonle Swing. KMTR—Music. K WK W —Old Favorites.

*KRKI) —News. KFYLM. KGB—A. Trace Orch.

9:55—KItHD —Oh! Oh!

10— KFI--Pan American Holiday. KNX—Columbia Country Journal.

KECA—Dr. William Cassel-berry.

*KHJ. KFXM. KGB, HVOE-- News. Glenn Hardy.


KFVVII —Popular Orch. KMTR —Pastor Egertson. KFAC—Midmorning Serenade. KRKI)—Turf Bulletins. KFSD —On with the Dance. KFVD--Gospel in Song.


KWH KFI KEGA K NJ KFVD KT% KFSG KGFJ KFXM KFAC KGER KWH 1iSDTKIAPC-1—K I PirKFWI TKN xl WIO -K-PTC KFOX TKGEI T KVOE 5701-6401-7430-7-930 1-10201- I TITO 1240 T13301-1390 —IF 600 710 870 990 1070 WO 1230 12 BO 1360 1430 1490

NE WS BROADCASTS Indicated in log

by star * listings.

Broadway Pasadena News

7:45 -8:30 A. M. Mon. thru Sat.

1430 KWKW on the Dial

11 : 55—KHJ— Music.

12' FI —Farm Reporter. K N X—Foot bull. KE('A, RFSD—The Daughter of the Regiment.

KFWII —Al Jarvis. *KHJ—Broadway News. KMPC—Civil Service. K WK W —Hilibilly Music. HPAS—KPAS E'ntertaIns.

*KGFJ—News. KMTR—Melodies for Keeps. KFAC, KIND—Musle. JERK'S—Prairie Schooner. )(FOX—Tin Pan Alley. KFXM. KGB, K1'0E—Un-scheduled.

12:15—KFI —Saturday Special. KHJ—Unscheduled.

*EMPC. KWK W. KFOX, KFXM —News. KFAC-1 Solemnly Swear. KGFJ —Dance Music.

12:30—KIT —Charles D ent Orris. KILL KGB, KFXM, E1,11E--Unscheduled.

*KFWB. KFAC—News. KMP(', HPAS—Music. K WK W—Famillar Ballads. KFOX—Varieties. KIND—Violet Schram.

12:45*KFI. KPAS—News. K31PC —Drama of Food. KFWB—Al Jarvis. KFAC —Missie. KGEJ —Jungle Jim. RI OX—Dick ROM.

1- 1 KNX —Football. KECA. ILFSI The Daughter of the Regiment.

*KFWB—Today's War Moods. KFAC —Dr. Ralph Lowe. KHJ, KGB, KFX 11— Unsched-uled.

SATURDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in Lightface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety KECA-KFSD.

8:30—Let's Pretend. KNX. 9:30—Breakfast at Sardl's.

KECA-KFSD. 5:30—Traffic Tribunal. KFI. 6:00—Barn Dance. KFI. 8:00—Victory Belles. KNX. 8:30—Spotlight Bands, !SECA-

KFSD. 6:30—Can You Top This? KFI. 7 :15—Saturday Bandwagon.

KHJ-KEXM-Kt0E. 7:30—Grand Ole Oprv, KFI. 8:30—Hobby Lobby. KNX. 9:15—Radio Cant ern, K FL 10:00—Danny Thomas Show.


War 7:15 —Soldiers with Wings, JINX. 8:00—Halls of Montezuma. KHJ-

KF'101-1(1 (1E. .8:45—Men. Machines and Vic-

tory. KE('A.

Drama 9:00—Theater at Today. KNX. 9:30--Stars Over Hollywood,

KNX. 5:30—little Blue Playhouse.

KECA. 8:00 —Mnrder Clinic. KHJ-KGB-

KFXM-KVOE. • 7:00—Green Hornet. KECA-


7:30 —Our Neighbors. KPAS. 8:30—Able's Irish Rose, KFI.

Quiz Programs 8:00—Truth or Consequences,

8:00—Thanks to the Yanks, KNX

Outstanding Music 11:00—Daughter of the Regiment.

KECA-KFSD. 6:45—Saturday Night Serenade.

KNX. 8:00—Er ening Concert, KFAC. 9:00—Your Hit Parade, KNX. 10:00—Lucky Lager Dance Time.

KFAC. 10:30--EastsIde Dance Tonite.

KF WB. 11:00—Philharmonia„ KECA.

Sports—Comment 10:45—Football. KNX. 2:00—Football: U. S. C. vs.

Notre Dame, KECA-KFSD 2:00—Stanford vs. Navy Pre-

Flight, KHJ-KFXM-KGB. 5:15—Sport Program. KE('A. 8:15—Scoreboard. RE(' A-RFSD. 6:30—Sports Broadside. KNX. 7:00—sports Newsreel. HE!. 10:30—Tom Hanlon, KNX.

*KIND. EGFJ—News. KPAS —Contraists in Rhythm. KMPC —Musical Marathon. KMTR—Dick Ross. KRKD —Pan-Americana. KFOX —This Rhythmic Age. K WK W—(7ivie. HVOE —Classified.

1:15—KFW11—Al KGEJ—Meet the Band. K WK W —Opera Music.

• KFOX —Classified. KFAC. KFVD. KRKD—Husic.

1:25*KNX—News. 1:30—KFI—Minstrel Melodies.

KNX -1•nscheduled. K11.1, KGB, KFXM. KVOE— Unscheduled.

KFWB—Varieties. KMTR —(.eorge Highiey. KPAS—Juke Box Matinee.

*KRKIS—News. Music. *KFOX —Christian Science

Monitor Views the News. KFX31, KGB, KVOE—

Unscheduled. KGFJ —Mary Yarrow. KRKI)—Sintring Walters. RFON—Public Bulletin.

402—kfl—Concert Orchestra. KNX —Unscheduled. K M. IfiF1EM, KGB. HVOR— Stanford vs. Navy Pre-Flight

KE('A, KIND—Football: U. S. ('. vs. Notre Dame.

KFWB—Popular Orris. KMPC —Musical Marathon.

*KMTR. KGFJ—News. K WK W —Opera Premiere. KPAS—Juke Box Matinee. KFAC —Classical Music. KRKD—Concert Music. KFOX —Varieties. KFVD—Popular Music.

2:15—KMTR—Musle. *K WK W —News. KGFJ —Civic.

*KFOX —Music and News. 2:30-1(FI—Three Suns Trio.

*KFWB. KRKD—News. K WK W— Walts Musk. HPAS —Saturday Symphony. KGFJ —Music.

2:45—KFI —Lee Sweetland. *KMPC. KFVD—News.

KRHD—South Sea Serenade.

11 —KFI —Joseph Gallicchlo Orch.

KNX —Unscheduled. K EC A K IND—Football. KIIJ, KFX111, KGB. KV0E —

HrrVI--la ttball .. tin American Melodies.

KMPC —K. L. Flatau. KFAC —Music. K WK W —so. American Music. K PAS —Saturday Symphozi

*KMTR, KGFJ —News. KRKD—Salvatore,. Santaelia. KFOX —Half and Half. KIND—Music Box.

3:14—KFI—Army Recruiting. KMPC —Foreman of Flying Y.

*KPAS—News. KMTR, KRKD. KGFJ —Musle. KI ND —Saltation Army.

3:30—KFI—Religion in the News. *KFWB—News. KPAS —Rumba Time. KMTR —Piano. K WK W—dRecord Derby. KGFJ —Adult Education.

*KRKD—News, Music. *KFOX—Music and News. KFVD —Noveity Notes.

3:45—K FI—Deep Melody. KFWB—Music. -KMTR —Santaella Ensemble. KPAS—Marching Moods. KEY D —Rumba Music. FIGFJ —Cowl•oy Music.

4—KFI—Nosh Webster Says. KNX —Unseitedided. KHJ. KFXM. KGB, HVOE— Football.

KFA'A, KFSD —Foothall. KFWB—USOgrams. KMPC —Musical Headlines. KMTR —Saturdav Serenade.• KPAS, KFAC—ifusie. K WK W —Hawaiian Music. KGFJ—Home Hour. KRKD—Toast to the Town. KIND—Piano.

*KFOX—News. 4:15—KMPC —We Hold These

Truths. •

Page 29: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is


KFWB—Melody and Madness. HPAS—Ethel Hubler.

*KFAC, K WK W. KFVD—News. KRIELD—Mo.leland Quiz. KFOX —Varieties.

4:30—KFI —Ifusle of the Americas. KNX—Martha Mears. KFWB--Blind Artists Guild.

*KMPC—Ness. IL11711. FIRED —Musk. K WR W—Name Band. KFAC —Swing Shift. HPAS—Musleal Quiz. KFVD—Tea Time. KFOX —Matinee Melodies.

4:45*H11-14ton Close. gospe—Rhythm Rhapsody. KFIVB—Stuart Hamblen. HPAS—Juke Boa.


iff--11F1-13oy Scouts of America. 0 *HECA, KHJ. KGFJ. KFX31,

KFSD —News. KNX —Music Without Words. KMPC—Rhythm Rhapsody. SI MS—Stuart Hamblen. HMTR—Pastor Egertson. KPAS—Juke Box Matinee. KFA(' —Dranul.

*K WK W —News Analysis. KRKIN—Souga of the Saddle. KFVD—Evening Serenade. KFOX--Sunshine Pastor. KGB, KY OK—American Eagle Club.

5:15—HECA—Sports Program. KNX—CBS Orchestra. KHJ -111usic. KMP4'-—Amerlean Hour. KFAC —M. Howard Fagan. KMTR—March of Prophecy. K WK W—You Can't Do Busi-ness With Hitler.

KOFJ—Remember Pearl Harbor.

*HF1D—News. KFXM—Popular Orch. HFSD--Donald Novis.

5:30—KFI—Traffic Tribunal. *KNX--Harry Flannery. KECA—Little Blue Playhouse. KHJ KGB, KFX.M, HVOE— This Is the Hour.

*HAITI?, KPAS—News. K WK W —Cellege Songs. KRKII—Race Results. KFOX —On the Range. K( FJ—Musle. KIND-90-90 Club. KIND— Whistling Parson.

15:45*KFI -8y the Way. with Bill Henry.

*KNX —News, Truman Bradley. HMTR —Old Age Pensions. KRK11) —Musie. SPAS. K

5:55*KNX —Sevareld. News.

a —KFI —Natiormi Barn Dance. KNX—Yletory RECA, KFNI)-110p Harrigan. KHJ, KF3LM, KGB. K1.0E— Murder Clinic.

KMPC —Wings for Victory. *K M11, KFOX—News. KMTR—Irwin Allen. KGEJ—Italian Melodies. KFAC —Music. HPAS--Ileart Room. KRKII—Concert.

11:15--HECA. KIND—Score Board. KFWB—Don Rose. HMT1I—Varieties. KFOX—Ross Enterprise.

:30 -11EF7--Can You Top This? KNX—Sports Broadside. HECA, KIND—Spotlight Seeds.

KHJ, KFXM. KGB. KIDE— Secret Legion.

K M11-11hat's Your Answer?

*KMPC —News. K.MTR —Music. KFAC--Gaslite Gaieties. KPAS--nrst Baptist Church. EKED—Orchestra. KGFJ—Amerlean Jewish Hr. KFOX—Hal's Memory Room.

6:45—KNX—Saturday Night Serenade.

KMPC—Pigskin Prevue. KMTR —Playgroun.I Dept. Music.

*KPAS—News. KRIID—Father Vaughan.

0:55*KECA K IND--Hero of the Week.


"HERO OF THE WEEK" with John M. Kennedy

Saturday. 6:55 P. M... KECA Witte IKV.SD

BICE NIET wustst

7— KFI—Sports Newsreel. KNX —Saturday Night Serenade.

HECA, KFSD —Green Hornet. *KHJ. KGB, KVOE—John B.

Hughes. KM ec—Christian Endeavor. KFYili—Popular Orch. KMTR —Dr. Clem Davies. HPAS—kirst Nazarene Church.

KFAC—Dr, James Fifield, Jr. *KKK!). KGER—News. KGFJ--Spanish Hone. KFOX —Land of the Free. KFXM —Organ.

7:115—KGER —Spanish Missionary. 7:15—KF1—Campana Serenade.

KNX —Soldiers With Wings. KHJ. HE'X11, KV0E —Satur-day Night Bandwagon.

K M'S—Rabbi Winkler. KRICD—Three Quarter Time.

* KFOX—News. KGB—Keep 'Em Flying.

7:30—KFI--Grand Ole Opry. HECA. KIND—Red Ryder. KMPC—Music City.

* KFWB—News. KFAC—Edwin Dunning. KPAS—Our Neighbors. KIIITR—Dr, A. U. Michelson. KRHD—Do You Know? KFOX—Varieties. KGER—Music. JIGS—Citizens' Traffic Coun-cil.

7:45*IINX —Frazier hunt. KHJ, KGB, KFX31. KVOE— Louis Prima Omit.

H MS—American Sketches. *KFAC—News. KFOX—Judge Gardner. KFSG—Esangelistie.

8..-KFI—Frost Warnings: Truth or Consequences.

KNX —Thanks to the Yanlet. KHJ, KFXM, KGB—Halls of Montezuma.

*KIX A. KIND— Watch the World Go By.

*KMPC, KGFJ. KGER—News. 111 M11„ KY OE—Music HPAS--Morgau Family. KFAC—Evening Concert. KFOX —Judge Gardner,

14:05--KGER —Spanish Hour. 8:15—KECA—Star l'arade.

KMPC—Lest We Forget. KIFWB—Na.y in Resiew.


Frazier Hunt 7:45 P. M.

Tues. - Thurs. - Sat.


HMTR —Pastor Egertson. KGFJ —Danee Music. KFOX —South American. K IND—Safety Program.

8:30—KFI —Able's Irish Rose. KNX—Hobby Lobby.

*ILECA, KFWB—Neas. KHJ —Flying Feet. KMPC--% alley Chufch of the Air.

ILIITR--Music City. KPAS—Judge Gardner. KFOX—County Barn Dance. KIXM, K10E—J. Messner Orch.

HIND—Victory Network. KGB —Gas Rationing Quiz.

8:45 —HECA —Men, Machines and 1 ictory.

KF1111--Birth Certificates. KFSD—Biltmore Orel:. KFXM. KGB. KY 0E—Jan Savitt Orch.

8:55*KNX —News, Joy.

GOUT—News. KNX-1 our Hit Parade. KECA, KIND--Unscheduled.

*KHJ, KiXtil. KGB, KS OE — Glenn Hardy, News.

H MS —Glendale Ballroom. KMPC -1111131C Box. KMTR —Radio Room. HPAS--Pasadena Civic.

*KGFJ, KGER—Nens. KFOX—Long Beach Civic. KFAC—Esening Concert. KING —Radio S. S. Teacher.

9:05—KGER —C'hristian Hour. 9:15 —KFI—Radio Canteen.

KFXM, KGB, HVOE— Anson Seeks Oral.

HISTR—Singing %niters. KGFJ—Danee Music.

* KFOX—News.

9:30—HECA—liotel Penn Orch. KHJ. KFX91. KGB, KYOH— Jan Garber Orch.

*KFWII, KFSG —News. KMTR —Ten Pretty Girls. KPAS—Morgan Family. KGFJ —Cowboy Music. KFOX—Ross Ballroom. KGER—Russlan Lecture. K IND—Bob Allen Orch.

9:35-1(FSG —Roy Keifer, Violin. 9:15—KNX -Dou't You Believe It.

Eli—Treasury Star Parade. KMTR—Bob Brooks. KFIVS—Don Rose. KFOX —Del Rio Club. KFSG —Hymns of Praise.

*KFSD—News. 9:55--HECA —Musle.

10* ' KNX, KGFJ—News. HECA. KFSD—Danny Thomas Show.

M U, KGB. KFX.M, HVOE-- Bobby Sherwood Orch.

KMPC—Ilits and Bits. KFWB —Pop. Oreh. KMTR —Viennese Ens. KFAC—Lucky Lager Dance Time.

HPAS—Ben Sweetland. HFSG--Chapman Family. KFOX—Long Beach Civic.

10 :10—HOER —Rev. M uff. 10:15—KFI —Pasadena Civic And.

KNX —Les Hite Orch. KULL KFXM, KGB, HVOE-11. Holmes Orel:.

KMTR —Santacila Ensemble. KPAS —County Barn Dance. KGFJ—Cowboy Music.

10 :30—K101—Postal Oddities. KNX —Tom Hanlon, Sports. HECA. KIND—F.. Martin Or. K M, KFX31, KGB. K1'0E— McFarland Twins Orel:.

KFWB--Eastside Dance Tonite.

*KMPC. KFSG —News. HPAS—Monkey Jamboree. KMTR —M. Lerner Oreh. KFON—Lellani Hut.

10:35 —KNX—Gene Krupa Orch. KING —Music.

10:45—KFI—George Olsen Orch. KMPC —Life and the Land. HMTR—Barron and Hatch. IRGFJ—Victory Assembly. KFOX—Majestic Ballroom. KGER —Musie.

10:55—EF1--Tempos of Today.

11 *KFI. KNX—News. SECA—Philharmonla. KHJ, KGB. K1 0E—Freddy Slack Orch.

KMPC--Songs or America. KV% B—Eastside Dance Tonite.

KPAs—Monkey Jamboree. KFA(' —Lucky Lager Dance Time.

IESITR—Music. FIGFJ-1letory Assembly. KING —El Monte Choralettes. KIND—This Moving World.

11:05—KNX —Dance Orch. 11:15—KFI —J. Relehman Orch.

KIND—B. Clifford Orch. 11:20—KS X—Don Roland Orch. 11:30—KHJ, KGB, K1'0E—Anson

Weeks Orch. KNX —M. Strand Orch. KMPC —Serenade. H MS--Musical Comedy Gems.

KGFJ —Cowboy Trio. *KING—News. KFS1) —Organ.

11:35—KFSG —Songs and Scriptures. 11:45*Kkl, KMTR —News. 11:55*KNX, KFWB —News.

Philosopher Dinah Shore, singing sweetheart of

the servicemen, observes that when we get used to meatless and wheat-less days it will be a triumph of mind over platter!

* * KECA, 8:15 p.m. Frl.

"Dance Tonight", Following is the schedule for

"Dance Tonight", heard on KFWB Monday-Saturday at 10:15 p.m. Mon-day, November 23, Wayne King; Tues-day, Jan Savitt; Wednesday, Shep Fields; Thursday, John Kirby; Friday, Woody Herman; Saturday, Harry James.

4. lir KFWB, 10:30 p.m. Mon.- Bat.

From "Down Under" "Do mention our war relief drive,"

read the interesting cable William Winter, KNX news analyst, received from Lady Gowrie, wife of the Gov-ernor General of Australia.

"Your short-wave program has a tremendous audience down here in Australia, and our people would be impressed with the vital nature of the drive if they heard it 'plugged' from the U. S. A."

Needless to. add, Winter hastened to comply with the royal command, which gave such impressive proof that his weekly short-wave broadcasts are heard "down under."

HIVE, 9:30 p.m. Mon.-FrL

Jane Froman, the singer, wonders if you could call the State of Matrimony one of the United States!


Thanksgiving Service

will be broadcast over

S P AS 1110 k.c.

11 to 12 a.m. from Ninth Church of Christ,

Scientist Los Angeles

Page 30: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

V_r_;E 20 RADI O LIFE NO\'EMPF.P... 22, 1942

A COMPLETE PROGRAM FINDER Note: Programs marked with an asterisk (•1 are of the contest. quiz. or offer type.

*Indicates programs of news and commentatton.

Abbott and Costello ___KFT. 7 p.m. Th Abie's Irish Rose. .KFI. 8:30 p.m. Sa Action on the Home Front._ KNX, 4:30 p.m. M Adams, Les . KFAC. 11 a.m. M-F African Trek. .. KECA. KFSD. 8:30 a.m. Su Against the Storm___ ___. KFI, 3:45 p.m. M-F Aircraft Times_. K WK W. 6 a.m. M-Sa Albright, Eddie KHJ, 11:30 a.m. M-F Album of Familiar Music KFI. 6:30 p.m. Su Alden, Prisellia.____ KPAS. 10:30 a.m. NI-Sa Aldrich Family ..IEFIL. 9 p.m. Th Alias John Freedom. XECA, KFSD. 7:13 p.m. M All Out for Victory_ ____.KFI. 10:30 a. m. Sa Allen. Fred 6:30 p.m. Su Allen, Irwin_ _ ___KBITR. 6 p.m. M-Sa American Eagle Club.-11615, 11.V0E, 5 p.m. Sa American Forum

KI1J. KGB, KVOE. KFXM. 5 p.m. Su American Melody Hour._...KNX. 4:30 p.m. Tu American Se:•noL__- ... ---.KNX, 1:30 p.m. M-F American Ske:ches.. --_.KFVVB. 7:45 p.m. Sa America's Home Frent.. _.KNX. 5:15 p.m. F *America at Mee_

..... Kij, KGB. KVOE, 9:45 a.m. Su Amos 'n' Andy.- -. - -HE M. 8 p.m. M-F Anchors Aweigh- — - ..

.. KHJ. So Andy and Virginia KmIPC, 7:30 a.m. M-F Anything for a Laugh 7:30 p.m. Th *Arden, Robert.__KFIVIL KFOX. 7:43 p.m. M-F

___KFI. 12:30 p.m. Su Army Hour Army-Navy Garnes___BIECA, KFSD. 4 p.m. Th Aunt Jenny...__.._ _ XNX. 11:15 a.m. M-F Autry, Sergeant Gene___ _KNX. 3:30 p.m. Su

Bachelor's Children_ .110.7X. 12:45 p.m. M -F Backstage Wife. A FL 1 p.m. M-F Baker. Art ..... _ _.__ _ 4 p.m. M-F

10:30 a.m. M-F Harr57 --D . = _- _ LFWB. 1:30 p.m. 5I-F

Band of the Morning. KNX. 8 a.m. 111-F Bar Association. _-_ - - KFAL. 12:15 p.m. Su Barbara Brook.. —. —K WK W. 5:30 p.m. M Barn Dance KFI. 6 p.m Sa Basin Street Muste_ —...KECA. 7:30 p.m. W Battle of the Sexes _...„ —KFI. 6 p.m. Tu *Baukbage Talking. KECA. IFS % 10 a.m. M-F Benny. Jack... _KFI. 4 p.m. Su Bernie, Ben..- -.---- -KNX 2:45 p.m. (11-F Betty and Bob. —_. —KFI, 8:15 a.m. M-F Betty Lou_ .. EFL 7:30 p.m. F *Between the Lines KECA. 8 a.m 1111-Sa Between Bookends___ XECA„ 11:15 a.m. M-F Bible Treasury Hour KMTIL 4:30 p.m. Su "Big Sister K NX, 9:13 a.m. M-F Bill Hay Reads the 3:45 p.m. M-F Bill's Wax Shop. _ — _ KHJ. 1 p.m. M-F Blakiston, T. B .. _______KM.PC. 10 p.m. 111-F Blind Artists Guild._ —_FLIFIVB. 4:30 p.m. Sa Biondie. _ .. ...--___KNX, 7:30 p.m. 31 *BoddY, MAnchester KFL 10:15 p.m. M

..KFI, 10 a.m. Tu: 5 p.m. Th. F Bombardier 8 p.m. Th Book of Books --_---.-. -KFI. 8:13 a.m. Su

. Th Bowes, Major. KNX. 6 p.m. Bowling Center_ ____.KF WII, 9:43 a.m. M-F Bowron, Fleteber —____ KECA. 6:15 p.m. F Boy Scouts_- -- - - - --.KFL 5 p.m. Sa Breakfast at . .. - ---. --

_EEC & KFSD, 9:30 a.m. M-Sa Breakfast Club. -____. XECA. 8:15 a.m. 31-Sa

K ECA, 9 a.m. 31-Sa KFIJ. KGB, KFIEM. KVOE. 8 a.m. M. W. F

Brewster Boy. _-. -KNX. 6:30 p.m. F Brice. Fanny A FL 8:30 p.m. Th - Bridgeport String Ensemble

KHJ, KFX.M, KGB, KVOE, 1:30 p.m. Tu,Th Bridge to Dreamland

KECA, KFSD. 10:30 p.m. Su *Broadway News....KHJ. 12 n. D: 5 p.m. M-F *Broadway Pasadena News......................_.... _..

..... . *Brown, .cecti .IENX, 5:55 p.m. M-F Bulldog Drummond KHJ, 2:30 p.m. Su

KGB. KFX. M. KVOE. 5:30 p.m. IN Burke, J. Frank_ ___ . _ KPAS, 7:30 p.m. M-F Burnett. Jay __ __ __KNX, 5 p.m. Tu. Th. F Burns and Allen.__ _ __ __KNX. 6 p.m. Tu Burns. Bob .... _ANIL 6 p.m. W *By the . . . . 5:45 p.m. W-Iia Cabbages and ..... KFL 8:45 p.m. Su Cadie Tabernacle KKJ, 12:30 p.m. Su California Agriculture -EFL 6 a.m. Sa California Melodies - ...... KHJ, KGB, KF.X.M, KVOE. 6:30 p.m. W

Camel Caravan. KKK, 7 p.m. F Campana Serenade............ KFI, 7:13 p.m. Sa *Canady .Lieut KECA, 4 p.m. AI Canary Chorus

KILL KGB. KVOE, 10:45 a.m Su Cantor, Eddle...__ --__- _-KFI. 6 p.m W Can You Top ThIs EEl. 6:30 p.m. Sa Captain Midnight_KECA. KFSD. 5:45 p.m. 31-F Carnation Hour KFI. 7 p.m. M Carnation Bouquet ___.KHJ, 11:45 a.m. Tu. Th *Carter Boake . . — ....

KGB. 11 a.m. M-F *Carver. Sheelah

KHJ, KGB. KVOE. 2 p.m. M-F Casselberry, Dr.-- -___ XECA. 10 a.m. Ss Catholic Hour .KECA. 3 p.m. So Cavalcade of America . KFI. 8:30 pin. M *Chang. Dr. H. R..KECA, KFSD. 12:45 p.m Th Changing Tides KNX. 10:15 p.m. To. Tit Chapel Quartet (Pierce Bros.)

KFAC, 7:30 p.m. M Chaplain Jim KECA, KFSD, 2 p.m. Su Chase It Sanbern.--- - --KFL 5 p.m. Su

*Chef Milani ..-- - ...... -- XFWB. 10 a.m. 31-F KFSD. 4:ILE p.m. M: KFIVB. 8 Pan• W

Chicago Round Table KFI. 11:30 a.m. Su KFOX, 1:30 p.m. 31-Sa Christian Science.

Church Federation Vespers KECA, 3:30 p.m. Su Cisco Kid ...... ____ _.KFX31, KGB, 3:30 p.m. F City Dwellers. SOFJ, 11:30 a.m. M-Sa Civilian and Sailor.. _KMPC. 7:15 p.m. To Civilian Defense..._. —___KNX, 10:30 a.m. Sa

KFL 10:15 p.m. F *Clair. Eurnia.-- - KMTR. 3:15 p.m. Th

IrCh riqe; KGa•A. KFX31. KVOE. 7 p.m. M. Th Classic Hour.. _______KECA. 2:30 p.m. M-F *Close Upton_ _ ELFI, 4:45 p.m. Sa Club Mittinee............ XECA, 1 p.m. M. II, F. Sa

...1:15 p.m. To, Th Coast Guard on Parade. KFI, 8:30 a.m. Sa Columbia Church._ KNX., 7 a.m. 10 a.m. Su Columbia Country Journal KNX. 10 a.m. Fla Columbia Sports Broadside 6:30 p.m. Sa *Compton, Walter. -. KGB, KVOE. 1 p.m. Th

KHJ. KGB. KVO K 9:30 a.m Su Concert Matinee

K WK W. 3 p.m. Su; 1:15 p.m. M-Sa Confidentially Yours

.KGB, KVOE, 4:30 p.m. To, Th Consumer Tips -.KFI, 9:15 a.m. Sit Contented Hour KFI. 7 p.m. M Corwin, 1Norman. —__. ..KNX, 10 p.m. Tu Counter Spy -.. ITECA. KFSD, 6 p.m. M Country Church of Hollywood..

.KFAC, 8 a.m. Tu-Su County Medical Assn.- - -.. KFAC. 8:43 a.m. Sa

KECA. 10:45 a.m. Ss Crail, Joe -.KFWB, 6:30 p.m. Su Cresta Blanca Carnival

_ -KHJ, KGB. KVOE. 8 p.m W 'Crime ..,.KNX. 8 p.m So Crocker, Betty_...... .ILFI. 11:45 a.m. F *Cuhel. Frank...- --__ __KHJ, 3:37 p.m. F Curtain America

_KEIL KGB. KFNM. KVOE. 6:30 p.m. 31 Dance Time (Lucky Lager) . ...... _

KFAC, 10 p.m. M-Sa r10:30 p.m. So Dance Tonite (Eastslde Beer)

KFWB. 10:30 p.m. M-Sa Daughter of the Regiment

KECA, KFSD, 11 a.m. Sa David Harum . . . KFI. 845 a.m. 3I-F Davies Dr. Clem __ _.KMTK, 7 p.m. Tu-Sa Dear John_____ ___ ___ KNX. 3:15 p.m. Su Death Valley Days - -.KNX. 8:30 p.m. Th Deeds Without Words.____-......KFI. 8 a.m. Su Detroit Bible Class

KELL KGB, KVOE. 9 a.m. Su *Dickason, Deane

KECA, KFSD. 12:45 p.m. M. W. F Dine, Dance Parade....KHJ, 11:30 p.m., W. Th, F Disc Delting.....-_ —___KRJ, 10:13 a.m. Sa Dixon, Nancy.- - - — ___/111J, 4:15 p.m. 31-F Don Winslow KFSD, 5 p.m. M-F Don't You Believe It: .... -KNX_ ,9:45 p.m. Sa Dorsey, Tommy... 8:30 p.m. W *Double or Nothing

-...KHJ, KGB, KFX.M. KVOE. 8:30 p.m. M Drake. Galen. ......... _ ....... KNX. i p.m. M-F Dr. Christian_ _ .... 8:30 p.m. W 'Dr. 1. . _ .. KFI. 6:30 p.m. M Dr. Kate _ Kr'. 10:45 a.m. M-F Dufty's KECA. KFSD. 9 p.m. Tu Easy Aces KNX. 4:30 p.m. M. Th. F Easy ListenIng __ XECA, KFSD. 1:30 p.m. Su Eddy, Nelson__ ____ ___ _ .. KNX. 5 p.m. W Editor's Notebook_ —_-KNITR. 8:15 p.m. Th M ary Queen KFI. 9:30 p.m. Th Evening Concert _ --KFAC. 8 p.m. 31-Sa Eyes .1/oft .K11. 6 p.m. M

- -....KM.PC, 7:30 p.m. Th *Eyewitness News. - ---KECA, 8:30 p.m. M Fact Finders _ —__ KFI. 10:30 a.m. Sit Family Bible. — ____KIEPC, 9:30 a.m. M-F Family Hour KNX, 2 p.m. Sit Farm Report_ ____KIIKIV, 11:45 a.m. M-Sa Farm Reperter —___-_ —.KFL 12 n. M-Sa Federal Ace

KFIJ. KEIL% KGB. KVOE, 3:30 p.m To Federated Churches. __-_KECA, 9:15 a.m Sa Fidler, Jimmy.. .. . .. KECA, KFSD, 8:15 p.m Su Fibber McGee and Molly EFL 6:30 p. m. To Fields, Gracie__KECA, KFSD, 0:55 p.m. M-F Fifield, J. W. A FAC, 7 p.m. Sa Fighting France..- -- -KE WB, 6:45 p.m. Su Find the Woman... - - --..KNX, 9:55 p.m. F Fisher. George. -. --....KNX. 5:15 p.m. To. Th Fi rst Line.... . .. . _ _ . . . . . _ . . p.m. Th First Nighter

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE. 3 p.m. Su Fitch Bandwagon KFL 4:30 p.m. Su *Flannery, Harry W.......KNX, 5:30 p.m. M-Sa Flying Feet Food for ThoughtK_Hj. 1.1 a.m. To: 8:30 p.m. Sa Football Forecast KH.1. 9:45 a.m. Sa F KECA. 11:13 p.m. F *Foster. Cedric.. __KGB. KVOE. 11 a.m. M-F Freedom on the -Land....KECA. 10:13 a.m. Sa French Program.. 2:30 p.m. Si' Front Page Farrell KFL 2:45 p.m. 51-F Funnypaper Land____ _ KFAC. 7:30 a.m. Su Funnypaper Lady..._ —_ —KHJ, 8:30 a.m. Su Furlough Fun I111, 7:30 p.m. 51 Gang Flusters KECA. KFSD. 8:30 p.m. F Gay Nineties Revue____ __ELNX. 8:30 p.m. M Glorious Hope Hour _KFAC, 9:30 p.m. Su -*Gotta in, Earl ..-KECA. KFSD. 8 p.m. Daily God's CountrY _ KNX. 8:13 11.111. Sa lioldbergs. 10:45 a.m. 31-9 Good Will Hour...---KECA. KFSD. 7 p.m. Su

Grand Ole Opry..-. --KFI, 7:30 p.m. Sa Grandpappy 1 Pais KFSD. 9 p.m. Su Great Gildersleeve KF1. 8 p.m. Su Great Moments in Music. - KNX. 7 p.m. VI Green Hornet.._.__ KECA, KFSD, 7 p.m. Sa Guiding Light ..... _-_ —_ XF1. 11:30 a.m. M-F Halls of Montezuma

KHJ, KFX3I. KVOE, 8 p m. Sa Haniiden, Stuart... -- XFWB, 4:45 p.m. Daily

___KFVD. 7:15 a.m. 31-Sa Hancock Ensemble......-__ 8 p.m. Su

KGB. -KVOE. 12:30 p.m. Su Hank the Night Watchman KOFJ, 12 p.m. Daily Hanlon, Tom ._ ____ KNX, 10:30 p.m. M-Sa *Hardy. Glenn

....._KHJ, KGB, HIVE. 10 a.m. 9 p.m. Su Harris. Nick . KECA, 10%15 a.m. Su Haven of Reel KFAS, 8:30 a.m. 111, W. KILL KGB. KFX111. KVOE. 8 a.m. To. Th, Sa

Hawaii Calls . ............. .

Hawthorne KKFV10.E9,:302

Hay, Bill .KHJ, 3:45 p.m. 31-F *Hayes. Sam.- --11F1, 7:45 a.m. M-Sa

*Heatter, Gabriel. ____ KNX, 4:15 p.m. M-F KHJ, 6 p.m. M-F

MILL .KKGFB1., 5:30 To 543 So

---___-__ — KGB, 6 p.m. M. W. F Heidt, Horace

_KNX, 5 p.m. Su Hello, Americas Bill 5:45 p.m. W-Sa

*Henry.Hero of Week —KECA, KFSD, 6:35 p.m. Hermit's Cave .___-__KMPC, 9:30 p.m. Su *Highlights of ...... News EFL 8:30 a.m. Su *BM Edwin 3:15 p.m. To Hit Farade...- -..... -- KNX, 9 p.m. Sa Hobby Lobby... KNX. 8:30 p.m. Sa Hodge. Hal . . . _.......KFWB. 4:15 p.m. M", W, F Hollywood Blvd Quiz KFWB, 4:15 p.m. 111, W. F Hollywood Collegiate Hour EL MS. 3:30 p.m. Su Hollywood Shopping New& KIM, 1 p.m. F Hollywood Showcase___ __KNX, 9:30 p.m. Ti, Hollywood Theatre..._...._ 11F1. 9:30 p.m. W Hollywood Whispers __ KNX, 5:15 p.m. Tu, Th

KHJ. 12:15 p.m. M-F Homemakers Club Homicide O'Kane- XECA. 6:15 p.m. Tu. IV, Th Hop Harrigan .. ..... KECA. 6 p.m. Tu-Sa Horseman's Forum.- --KMTIL 8:45 p.m. Th Hope, Bob Hospitality Time X.KFI, 7 p.m. To FI, 9 a.m. Su Hour of Charm . - -...KFI. 7 p.m. So Housewives' Protective Learue

.._. —.- --...- _KNX, 2 p.m 3 p.m. M -F *Howe, Quincy- KNX, 9 a.m. Su *Hughes. John B...= ___ KHJ. KGB, KVOE

-.7 p.m. Su. W. F--..Sa; 9:30 p.m. M, W, r * HUITIftla Side of News KNX. 3:15 p.m. To Hundred Million Questions KNX, 6:15 p.m. F *Hunt. Frazier-' _KNX, 7:45 p.m. Tu, Th, Sa Hymns of AU Churches....

._--...- ... KFI. 11:45 a.m. M-Th 'Information Please.KECA. KFSD. 8:30 p.m. Tu Inglewood Park Concert. -KNX, 7:30 p.m. Su Inner Sanctum Mystery--

. KECA. HFSD. 6:30 p.m. Su *Inside the News (Thrifty Drug). _......_.....

K FI, 10:30 p.m. Sn-F *Interviews in the News..1131PC. 2:30 p.m. 51-F Invitation to Learning_ _. KNX, 8:30 a.m. Su *Islands in the News KMPC, 7:15 p.m. W I Solemnly Swear__ ..KFAC, 12:15 p.m. M-F It Happened in the SertIce....KFI, 11:15 p.m. W It Pays to Be Ignorant

Eli. KFX3L KGB. KVOE. 5:30 p.m. Th Jack Armstrong.. KED*, 5:30 p.m. M-F Jamboree

KFX31, KVOE, 6:30 p.m. To. Th James, Harry —KNX 8:15 p.m. To. W. Th Jarvis. AI..---- -._-__IKFWB. 11 a.m. M-Sa Johnny Presents._ ____... KFI. 8:30 p.m. To Johnson Family .KHJ, 5:13 p.m. M-F

_ .. .KGB. KF XM, KVOE, 4:15 p.m. 111I-F otito Erskine ..KEC.4. 9:30 p.m. M-F

KNX, 9 p.m. Tu Joyce Jordan __. _ .. . KNX, 12:30 p.m. M-F July and Jane ............... KGB. 4:45 p.m. M-F Junior Army - - ..KHJ. 8:45 a.m. Sa Just Plain BIIL -- -KFL 2:30 p.m. M-F Kaye Serenade BF!, 11 a.m. Su *Kaitenborn. H. V... __KFI, 5 p.m. M, Tu. W Keep Singing, America KNX, 3:30 p.m. M. W. F *Keyne-Gordon, Philip_KHJ, KGB, 3 p.m. K-F Kostelanetz, Andre —___KNX. 1:30 p.m. Su Kraft Music HalL _ —_____KFL 6 p.m. Tb Kyser. Kay.. .... _____ —.111F1. 7 p.m. II Labor for Victory IEFI, 10:15 a.m. Su Lamplighter. _ KHJ, 11 p.m. 111: 10:15 a.m. Sa Lane, Dave KNX, 12 n. M-F *Lawton. Fleetwood (McMahan's)

KF1 7:15 a.m. 31-Ma: KECA. 7 a.m. M-Sa Legion Fights JELECA, KFSD, 10 p.m. F Let's Play Bridge ..... ___KPAS, 2:45 p.m. M-F Let's Pretend....._ _ ____SNX. 8:30 a.m. Sa *Lewis Fulton

KVOE, 4 p.m. M-F;K911:4.1.5 p.m. . Fulton . _

Liberal Catholic Hour KFAC, 9 a.m. Su

Life Can Be 9eantiful —.KNX, 10 a.m. 81-FLight of the World............ KFI. 11 a.m. 31-F

Lights Ont..--- -. --..._.KNX. 8:30 p.m. To Lindlahr, Victor _ KHJ. 8:43 a.m. M-F Listener's Digest KPAS, 7 p.m. M-F Little Blue Playhouse .KECA. 5:30 p.m. SA Little Show...KH.1. KGB. KVOE. 10:30 a.m. Su Lone Journey..____ ____ _.-KFL 3 p.m. M-F *Lone Ranger

---KHJ. K VIE. KGB, 7:30 p.m. M. W. F

Page 31: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is


Lonely Women. KFI, 11:15 a.m. lif-F Looks at Books _ ..KFI, 1:45 p.m. Su Lorenzo Jones. KFI, 1:30 P.M. M-F Lucky Lager Dance Time....KFAC. 10 p.m. D *Lunt, Carroll __.- -...KMPC, 8:13 p.m. M-F

_ ..... _ .....KPAS. 8:15 a.m. M-F Lam and Abner. KECA. KFSD, 8:15 p.m. M-Th Lutheran Gospel Hour.__KPAS. 4:30 p.m. Su Lutheran Hour... . . .

--RH& -1.6 743-i,--1 p.m. Lox Radio Theater.......-- ---. ENX„ 6 p.m. 111

Maier. Dr. Waller..........._........ _ _ . . . KILL KG . KF M. KVOE. 1 P.m. Su

Major Hoople. KECA. 10:L5 p.m. bf Hake Believe U a.m. M-Sa *Ma Perkins. 12:15 p.m. M-F

_KEN., 10:15 a.m. M-F Man Behind the Lan._ ....... ...KNX, 7:30 p.m. W Han tour Battle Stations.. -KECA, 5 p.m. Su Manhattan Merry-Go-Round___KFL 6 p.m. Su Manhattan at Midnight

KECA, KFSD. 8:30 p.m. W *March of Time_ KFI. 7:30 p.m. Th Asorket Place _ _KHJ, 11:15 a.m. M. W. F Market Reports. KMPC. 8:15 a.m. 111-Sa Mary Marlin. _ EFL 4:45 p.m. M-F Masterworks. __KNX. 11:30 p.m. M. F Mathews, Dr... _ . . —

......_. KHJ, KFXM, K B.-- »KV0E--, 9 a.m, Sa Matinee in Rhythm_____...-_ KFL 11 a.m. Sa Matinee Play' ..... se KMTB, 5 p.m. Su Stiozwell House Coffee Time KFI. 8:30 p.m. Th Mayor of the Town._____ILNIX. 6:30 p.m. W McCarthy, Charlie__----_ ___KFI, 3 p.m. Su Meet Priscilla Aiden...__EP_AS. 10:30 a.m. M-F Sleet Your Navy. . —.KECA. 7 p.m. F Melodies for Uncle Sam.......

Su Metno-ry--La-n-e

.. KFNM, KGB, KVOE. 8 p.m. F Men, Macbines and Victury,,XECA. 8:45 p.m. Ss Men of Land, Sea. Air....KECA. 4:43 p.m. M. F Midafternoon Roundup

KECA, 2:15 p.m. F: 2 p.m. W, Th Midmorning Journal .KFI. 10 a.m. M. W lidnight Merry-Go-Round .....

........... Minstrel Melodies_____ _-.KFL 1:30 p. m. Sa 5firandy .............KFI. 9:45 a.m. M. W. F

ECA, 10:15 a.m. 111. W, F Modern Music. K M. 10:45 a.m. Su Morgan Eamily....KPAS, 8 p.m., 9:30 p.m.. M-Sts Mr. District Attorney .. -_ -_KFI, 6:30 p.m. W Mr. Keen.... .. . .. KNX, 4:45 p.m. W. Th. F Murder Clinic

..... KGB. KFX111, EVOK, 6 p.m. Sa Murray, Johnny --EFL 8 a.m. M-F *Marrow. Edward ft. .____KNX, 3 p.m. Su Music Depreciation -- ....

KII.1, KG13. KVOE. 4:30 p.m. 1M Music of the Anwricas...- -.KFI, 4:30 p.m. Su Musical Marathon KMPC. 1 p.m. Sa ‘1,isical Steel __ .... KECA, KFSD. 2:30 p.m. Mu Music Hour_________- __KECA, 9:30 a.m. Su Nash, Bob.. .K WK W. 12:45 p.m. Sit National Barn Dance _ KFI, 6 p.m. Sa National Farm & Home-...KFI. 6:15 a.m. M-F

KIFSD, I p.m. M-F National Forum____KECA, KF8D, 10 p.m. W National Vesper,' ____KECA KFSD. 1 p.m. Su Neighborhood Call ..... 9:45 a.m. Sa *Nesbitt. No rman..... .................KHJ. 12 n. Daily

.......KHJ , 5 p.m. M-F New York Philharmonic___ ____KNX, 12 n Su *News Makers . _ .. ..._.._ ...KFL 3:43 p.m. Su *Newsreel Theatre

KIIJ, KGB, ii%0E, 2:15 p.m. Night Editor KFI. 8:13 p.m. Th Noah Webster Says EFL 4 p.m. Sa Nobody's Children .....

KILL KGB. M ANI. . KVOE. 4 p.m. Su Did-Fashioned KS1PC. 10 p.m. Su

......KI1J. KGB, KVOF., 6 p.m.. 11 p.m. Su KIFI. 9 a.m. 11-F

One Man's KFI, 5:30 p.m. Su On the .Joobt,...._..-..._._____..___..__._.._._. K M. 11:15 a.m. Ss Open House KW K W. 4:30 p.m.

1:re!riolz,}11::;:en:n the Blue KF1,! • *Our Daily Bread__ -__KPAS. 5:45 p.,,,. M-F Our Gal Siazday___ KNX. 9:45 a.m. 151-F Our Morale KHJ. KVOE. 7:15 p.m. 51 Our Neighbors . .KPAS, 7:30 p.m. Sa Our Secret Weapon..........-..... KNX. 8:15 p.m. F Padfic Lutheran Hour __ KFWB. 9:30 p.m. Su Pages of Melody ........ KE1 A. 3:45 p.m. Id-F Paging John Doe KFI. 5:30 p.m. Th. F Pan American Holiday __ . . K n. Ill a.m. Ss Parker Family KFI. 7:45 p.m. Si, Pasadena Reporting KHJ. 3:30 p.m. Tu Pass iii Retiew ... ..... ...

- KGB. M ANI. B% DE. 830 p.m. Th Patterson Polly... . 11:30 a.m. /41-F Pause That Refreshes. KNN., 1:30 p.m. Su 'FAY' Day .. KM.). KFXM, 8 p.m. To *Pearson, Drew_KECA. KFSD, 5:45 p.m. Su People Are Vunny...... . .. ....-.KFL 7 p.m. F Pepper Young's Family ...KFI. 12:30 p.m. hf-F Philadelphia Symphony

KFXM, KGB, KVOE, 11:30 a.m. F Philharmonia_-_ __ ____KECA. 11 p.m. M-Sa Philip Morris Playhouse _.KNX. 8:30 p.m. F Pierce Bros. .1i111. 9:45 p.m. Su:

9-30 p.m. Tu Pierre KMTR, 4 p.m. W Pilgrim Hour .. _...KHJ. KGB. 11 a.m. Si. Pixie Brigirs, B.S. _...--..KECA. 2 p.m. Ti,. F Plantation Party -- . .. KFI. 6:341 p.m. F Physical Well Being _ _ _ .... 9:15 a.m. Su Pleasure Time KVI. 8 p.m. W E Poetry and Music_ HY MN'. 1:15 p.m. Su Point Sublime ...... _ K r!. 9 p.m. W *1•01yzoid,s KH.1. K1411„ 9:43 p.m. Su Portia Paces Life._ -__ ..... EFL 2:15 p.m. NI-F

Postal Oddltiew KUL 10:30 p.m. Sa *President's Press Conference..

KILL KGB, KVOE. 2 p.m. Tu Property Owners KMTR. 8:30 p.m. Th Psycho Drama. — K WK W. 515 p.m. W Public Affairs K NX. 11:30 p.m. Tu. Th Quiz Court KNX. 9 p.m NI .Quiz Kids __KECA, KFSD. 8:30 p.m. Su Quiz of Two Cities - --.-..KFIJ. 6:30 p.m. F

Rabbi Magnin - --KHJ. KVOE. 7:15 p.m. Su Radio Canteen.._.,....,,,.,.,.......... KFI, 9:15 p.m. Sa Radio Chapel . EVOE, 8:35 8. M. Su *Radio News Weekly --.KECA. 10:30 a.m. Su

KFAC. 2 p.m. Su Raffles KNX. 9:15 p.m. W Red Ryder.. KECA. HEED. 7:30 p.m. To. 'no, Sa Reader's Digest._ .._.-- KNX, 6 p.m. Su Religion in the News _.KF1, 3:30 p.m. Su *Reports from the Battlefront

_.KF7 3:30 p.m. Su Report to the Nation .ENX, 11:Zo p.m. Su *Richfield Reporter _ _EFI 10 p.m. Soo-F Riggs. Tommy - ...EFL 7:30 p.m. F Right to Happiness. —KFL 12:45 p.m. M-F Road of Life _-_- _-- ...---.KFL 3:15 p.m. M-F *Rodriguez & Sutherland.

. .KEFA..--9:1Tb. p.m. Nv-F Romance of Helen Trent_.KNX, 9:30 a.m. M-F Romance of Highways..

E MI. KGB. KVOE. 10:15 a.m. So Rose Hill Symphonettes_.___KHJ, 3:30 p.m. Su

Salt Lake Tabernacle---- ..ILNX. 9:30 a.m. Su Saltation Army .... _ . ..KF'WB, 9:15 a.m. Sa Saturday Night Botaiwagoa

. _ .... _ _KG& KFXM. KVOE, 7:15 p.m. Sa Saturday Night Serenade.. ...KNX, 6:45 p.m. Sa Saturday Special.. _ __KFL 12:15 p.m. Sa Scarborough. KECA. 94:15 a.m. Su *Schubert. Paul

KHJ, KGB, KVOE, 10:15 p.m. M-Th Score Board ..............KECA, KFSD, 6:15 p.m. Sa Scramble ..__. -.... -KECA, KFSD, 4 p.m. F Screen Guild Th-eater- KNX, 7 p.m. hf Second Mrs. Burtcm__ __ --KNX, 4 p.m. M-F Secret Legion

KHJ. KFX111, KGB, KVOE. 6:30 p.m. Sa Sergeant Gene Autry. _____KNX, 3:30 p.m. Su Shadow... . 8:30 p.m. To *Shirer, Willlant___. . .-- ENX, 2:45 p.m. Su Shore, Dinah EECA, KFSD, 8:15 p.m. F Show of Yesterday and Today

- --_____KF:CA. KFSD, 6 p.m. So Sideshow __ ____KECA, 11:30 a.m. M-F Siesta Time... _ ____KECA, 1 p.m. Tu. Th Simms Many. KFI. 8:30 p.m. To: Sinfonietta...- . _... _..-...KGB, KVOE. 5:15 p.m. Th *Sizing Up the News. KILL

....KGB. KFXM. KVOE. 9K:ln5 .p.773e. Hp.. m. TFu Skelton. Red Smile in the Morning

KECA, 8:45 a.m. Tu, Th. Sa Smith, Kate_ ___KNX. 3 a.m. M-F; 9 p.m. F Smith, Lyman KbITR, 2:15 p.m. 5I-F Soldiers in Mufti_______._._KNX, 9:15 p.m. Th Soldiers of Production .....

KECA. KFSD. 8 a.m. Su Soldiers of the Press KFI„ 1:30 p.m. Su Soldiers With Wings _.KNX, 7:15 p.m. Sa Songs of America.......- -KMPC, U p.m. M-Sa Songs of Faith ..... ___ ___KFAC. 6 a.m. Su Speaking of Glamour____KECA. 11:30 a.m. Si, Sper, Norman-___-__ -.KECA. 11:15 p.m. F Sports Page .. . .. - 6 p.m. M-F Sports Headlinea.____.KNX. 10:30 p.m. 15I-Sa Sports Newsreel__ .... _.KFI. 7 p.m Sa Sports Program

KECA, 10:30 p.m. W. 5:15 p.m. Sa Spotlight Bands....KECA. KIND. 6:30 p.m. 1111-Sa Springer, Curtis H...__.11EMPC, 12:30 p.m. M-F Stage Door Canteen. . KNX, 6:30 p.m. Th Standard Symphony__ Kk1. 9 p.m. Su Stars and Stripes In Britain.

K11.1. KVOE. 4:30 p.m. Su Stars front the Blue KECA. KFSD. 4:15 p.m. Su Stars Over Hollywood —__KNX. 9:30 a.m. Sa *St. John, Robert_ _-- KFI. 10 a.m. Su Stella Dallas K M 1:45 p.m. bl-F Sterling, Jean K WK W. 11 a.m. M. W. -F. Stories America Loves... 101%. 8:45 a.m. M-F Strictly Personal KHJ, KGB. 10:35 a.m. M-l'

KFWB. 2 p.m. id-F Styles. Hal Sunday Evening Club. KFAC, 9 p.m. Su Sunday Seretusde.- -...KECA. 11:15 a.m. Su Suspense KNN.. 6:30 p.m. To Sweeten, Claude.--__KECA. 4:45 p.m. Ti,. Th Sweeten Segue .KECA. 7:30 p.m. F Sweet and Sentimental.

KILL KGB. KFXM. KVOE, 1:15 p.m. M-F Sweetland. Ben KMPC. 11:45 a.m. M-IF *Swing. Raymond Grano

..... KECA. KIND. 7 p.m. 5I-F Swing Shift. KFAC 4:30 p.m. 51-Na Symphoniss_-__ _ KAPC, 11 p.m. Su symphony IO U. KGB. 10:30 p.m. 111-F Symphony.-- - ---- -.KFAC. 3 p.m. hi-F

Tailless Monkey.. — .KPAS, 10:30 p.m. Daily *Take It or Leave . .... KNX. 7 p.m. Su Taylor, Mary Lee. .... a.m. Tu. Th Technocracy ...... _________KPAS, 6:15 p.m. Th Telephone Hour. K r!. 9 p.m. M resat.° Star Theatre.- — ...KNX. 6:30 p.m. Su Thanks to the . _ .. KNX. 8 p.m. Sa Theatre of Fame KFWB, 9:15 p.m. Tu Theatre of Today _...,...KNX. 9 a.m. Sa Theme and Variations

KILL KGB KFXM. KVOE, 1:30 p.m. 1M These Will Be Stars Thin Man. . . . . . . . .-.......K WK W, 4 4-;m. Su, 3 p.m. Tu. Th

.KFI II p.m. To

This Is Our Enemy —KHJ. KGB, 7:30 p.m. Su This Is the Hour

.....KHJ. KFXM, KGB, KV0---E, 5:30 p.m. Ma This Nation at War. KECA, 10 p.m. Tu This Our America.—.—____KH.I, KFWB.

KVOE, 8 p.m. M Thomas, Danny.._ KECA. KFSD. 10 p.m. Sa *Thompson, Dorothy - - - -

-KECA, P.M. Su Those We Love.__ —___--1114X, 11 a.m. Su Three R's .KECA, 1.2 n Tu-F Tillamook Kitchen. .KFI, 10 a.m. F Time Out K M, 9:15 a.m. M, W, F Time Out for Laughs ___-K-viX, 4:15 p.m. Soo Time to Smile__ _ —_____Kir 6 p.m. W *Tinney, Cal

KGB, KFXM. KVOE. 9:15 p.m. M. W. F Toast to Victory_ _ ..KFWB, 8 p.m. 51 To the President___KECA. KFSD, 4:30 p.m. Si, *Tomorrow's History --K WK W. 5:15 p.m. So *Today's War Moods ___KFWB, 1 p.m. M-Sa Touchdown Tips 10:15 p.m. Th Town Meeting Traffic TribunaL ...KECA, 10 p.m. Th Treasure Chest K N. 5:30 p.m. S:t

...KFI. 5:30 p.m. Tit True or False. . _KECA, KFSD, 9 p.m. 51 True Story Theater.. .. .

KGB, it:if,- p.m. W Truth or Consequences A Twilight Tales ...................KECA 5:15

8 in 5 p. m.1 ki Sa . F

Uncle Charlie... .- -KPAS, 5 p.m. M-F Uncle Sam Presents 9-30 p.m. F Union Rescue Mission__ .

8:30 a.m.. 9 p.m., Su United We Sing _ _ KNX, 4:30 p.m. Su Unity Daily Word_ __KMPC, 8:30 a.m. University Explorer............... Si

Unlimited Horizon. ---KFI, 11:15 p.m. Su

Valiant Lady_ V .KNX, 8:30 P M. allee, Rudy KFI. 9 p.m91. -FF

Valley Church. - .KMFC, 8:30 p.m. Su *Vanderrook, Joion- KECA. KFSD. 12 n. Su vie and Made A FL 3:30 p.m. M-F

111NX 10:30 a.m. M-F Victory Belles NX, 6 p.m. Sn Victory Hour.. KECA, 2:15 p.m. Tu Victory March Kr!, 4:35 p.m. 111-1'

Kn. 10:55 p.m. 11E-Th Victory Players...... _ KFAC, 1 p.m. Su Voice of Calvary

K'AS, KGB, KVO,E5: 13.0 So Voice of Firestone. KFI Voice of Health______KFAC. 9:13 a.m. Mu-F Voice of Tomorrow____mburC. 1:30 p.m. Soo Voice of Prophecy.... . .

_______KNX. 9:30 P. m M Su

Vox Pop.......

Wake Up, America_KECA, KFSD, 12:15 p.m. Su Walker, Ben ln X___ECA, KFSD. 10:30 a.m. M-F Waits 'rime KFI War Jobs. . ._---- ___- - _KHJ. 3:1 65 pp.:.F TTi, Waring, Fred KFI, 8 p.m. 10-1' Washington Luncheon...-. KECA. 10:30 a.m. So * Watch the World Go By ........ .....

- Wax -44.4;eum.--- .—.._........-KEc........A....'.._11.KmPsDrc',831).pm.m..DMai-lty' We Believe _ _________KFL 3 p.m. Si, We Love and Learn. - _KNX. 11:30 a.m. M-F We Pay You KILL 8:45 p.m. W We the War Workers. KHJ. 11 p.m. W * Weekly News Review __K WK W, 12:15 p.m. Su * Weekly War Joarnal _K_KFSNN. D8.:195ap.m... Welles. Orson. Wesley RadIco Le ta KMPC, 10 a.m. Sol

..... - ---K J, KGB, KVOE, 8 a.m. Su West -Coast -Chureh___ __.KNX, 8:05 a.m. Su What's Doing____ KFI, 9:30 a.m. 51-1,'

SECA. 3:34) p.m. M-F What's It All About?___KNX, 10:30 p.m. Su What's Your Answer?...__KFVVB. 6:30 p.m. Ma What's Your War Job.

--..KECA, KFSD, 4 p.m. W * Wheeler, Burritt K WK W. 9:30 a.m. M-Sa When a Girl Marries__ ____KFL 2 p.m. M-F When Evening Comes KFL 10:45 p.m. Su Whistler IFEN 9:15 p.m. SU White, Agnes___KFL 10:13 a.m. M, To, W,

4:30 p.m. Th Whoa Bill Club --KFAC, 5:30 p.m. 111-1 Whodunit? .. . . E FL 8:30 p.m. E * Wilder. Alvin______KECA, 5:15 p.m. Tu. Th

KFI. 11:15 a.m. Su Wilson, Rev. Vincent K WK W, 10 a.m. Su-1 * Winchell. Walter ____ _ .. KFI. 7:30 p.m. Si, Wings Over Jordaa____KMPC, 7:30 p.m. Su

_KNX, 7:30 a.m. Su Wings Over the West KFAC, 7:30 p.m. 15

... KGB, 8:30 p.m. S.. Wings to Victory....KECA. KIND. 8:30 p.m. Ti. * Winter, W m KNX. 2:30 p.m. 1111-F

....... KNE. 5:30 p.m. Su; 9 p.m. Sn. W Woman-Power..-._ 102%, 9:15 a.m. Si, Woman's World (with Pierre. Women Today . KMTR. 4 p.m. M-F KHJ, 9:20 a.m. Tu. Th Women Who Make News

KECA. 8:45 a.m. M W F * World News Parade.. 12:15 p.m. Su * World News Today KNX 11.30 a.m. Su * World Tomorrow KMTR. 8:30 a.m. To-Ma

E MTR 9.30 a.m. Su

Yankee House Party .KGB, KVOE. 8:30 a.m. M-F You Can't Stop America KNX, 10:45 a.m. Su Young, Norma ___ __._KEIJ. 9:311 a.m. Al-F Young People's Church

..Kill KGB. KFX51, KVOE. 1:30 p.m Su Young Widder Brown____KFL 1:45 p.m. lit-r Sour Gospel Singer Your Income Tn. KECA, 11 a.m. M-E KFSD Your Singing Neighbor —KEX. 31 930 pa l .1174

Page 32: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is


Keep Situ * With HAL STYLES

It's a fact —that every fact learn,(1 — becomes a kei —to unlock the storehouse —of other farts. Well, I went and did it! After three

years of struggling to get Leonore Cordial to say 'yes', (the gal who made history with me on "Help Thy Neighbor") she finally capitulated —I knew she would —and on Friday the 13th, last past, in the face of black cats, broken mir-rors, and what have you, we were joined in the holy bonds of matri-mony by our good and mutual friend, Superior Court Judge Goodwyn L. Knight. If you read about it and wondered why we picked that day of all days—here's the an-swer. Strangely, we both think that day is 'lucky.'

Didla ever realize that letter writing (along with radio broadcasting), is one of the most important contribu-tions to the war effort? Well it's a fact! Because the guy in service likes to write and read a letter, as much as he enjoys listening to the radio. In-volved in a new life and a change of scene, he is spurred by the urge to express himself. Therefore he likes to write. So that slogan, "You're wrong if you don't write," is a mouthful! However, if you're having troubles

these days, or Bill's sweetie is step-ping out with a new boy friend, or maybe Sis just dented un your soldier. boy's hard-won automobile, it's a good idea to 'skip it', whea you write to your hero. (By the same token, when you don't

like a certain program, before you mark it off on your Program Finder, and write a complaining letter, (radio artists can get discouraged too, you know), why not give it another listen? Maybe it'll be better next time.) A listener writes, "Does it pay well

to philosophise and offer advice on the radio, Hal? I'm a bit of a philoso-pher myself and I'm thinking of going into radio." Answer is best reprec.n0d by the story of the lawyer, viho alviays lectured to his office boy. 0,:e Jay he heard the following conversation be-tween his boy and the one employed next door. "How much does he pay you?" said the other kid. "Oh, I get $5,000 a year," answered the lawyer's boy. "Ten dollars a week in cash, and the rest in legal advice!" Women, who listen to the radio reg-

ularly, are the best informed people in America today—men rating second best. It's a fact. Do you know why? Be right here next week and I'll tell you. Until then, keep listening . . . buy

bonds . . . and KEEP SMILING:

Hal Styles

By Sergi. John Whitehead, 1.1. S. M. C.

(On Armistice Day Radio Life's editor-in-the-service was Introduced to speak at Los Angeles' Victory House by Marine Captain Walter IL Troxei as "a representative of

• the enlisted man in the Marine Corps." Because the thoughts expressed by Sergi. Whitehead on Nov lith were not broadcast. being heard only by those present at Victory House, and because Radio Life believes the remarks to be must thought-provoking as well as typical of all young men serving in the uniform of their country. we have taken the liberty of holding out the regular column written for this space by Sergi. Whitehead and reprinting below the Armistice .Duy address given by him at Victory House.- The Editors.)

This is America. And because it is America a great many people are speaking today . . . yes, voicing their own opinions and thoughts on this November 11, 1942. Our President this morning bowed his head beside the tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington and spoke of the "advancing forces of liberation." Distinguished statesmen are speaking all over this land of ours—speaking of Victory and the hope America holds for the future. Momentous words are flowing from the lips of many great men in many great countries where flags still ripple in the breeze alongside Old Glory in this fight for freedom.

And while these magnificent speeches and inspired words are finding their way into the free air over America this Armistice Day, America's fighting men are battling the foe at Guadalcanal . .. in the Solomons . . . in the air over Nazi-choked Europe . . . and yes, even again on the shores of Tripoli. On many battle fields my buddies, your sons, your husbands, and your sweethearts are giving everything that is physical and mental to help make these words that are being uttered here in America today become, not just a dream, but a reality.

A great pal of mine, Corporal Hal (Bud) Cook, Jr., gave his life at Wake Island. A newsboy who used to deliver our morning paper was blinded in the Battle of the Solomons. He's lying in a hospital cot in San Diego today, listening to the radio. I feel that Corporal Cook —yes, and all those other fine fellows who fought the enemy with such heroic force at Wake, Midway and the Solomons—are listening up there in that Peaceful Valley today as we continue this war against oppression.

What are they listening for? Well, it's pretty clear to me what "Bud," and that newsboy, and all those other men who gave their lives are listening for today. They're listening, not for Taps on this • Armistice Day, but for the Charge—the Charge that means you, and you, and you, and this Marine, #re pouring every bit of energy and wherewithal into the fight for freedo m ... so that they, and all others like them, shall not have fought or died in vain.

They're listening now for the Charge—that right attitude, the desire to buy those war stamps and bonds, and the willingness to make all the sacrifices that must ge into an all-out Victory Charge. And if we do those things, Corporal 'Bud" and that newsboy will rest easier this night, because they will hear not Taps but the Charge, and know that the fight for freedom will be won, and that all Americans are mustering the supreme strength and intelligence that will be needed to effect an everlasting peace when the war clouds have cleared.

Let us say —each one of us—that we care enough, love enough, and have faith enough in God's plan for a world of peace that the only inspiration we will need in this Victory Charge will be our own thoughts, not the magnificent words expressed by others.

A friend of mine, Joe Alvin, was saying the other day that without a doubt the nearest thing man knows to Heaven on Earth is universal world peace. And I think every fellow Marine will agree with me when I say that our greatest prayer this November 11th is that the Marine Corps will become a peace force when this war is over—a peace force to make sure that no foe of freedom is ever again allowed to endanger or threaten the things for which we live and now fight so furiously to defend and preserve.

Then these words from the Marine's Hymn will indeed be prophetic:

"When the Army and the Navy look upon Heaven's scenes "They will find the streets are guarded by the United States

Marines." •

Page 33: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

By Helen Elliott ADIES and Gentlemen," came the smooth voice of the announcer "Pausley's Prepared Plums is proud tc present that famous viz program Are You a

Brain?' And here is your master of ceremonies, that famous master of nothing, 'Happy' Clark, to tell you how our little show is conducted.'

With this announce ment a jovial, red faced man stepped to the center of the stage. "Good evening, everyone. As you know we are gath-ered in this studio to prove from coast to coast that everyone is a potential Orson Welles!' laughed 'Happy'. "Now," he continued, "this is how

the program is run. Eight ladies and gentlemen will be chosen from the studio audience. The first con-testant will be given a chance to earn $25 by answering a simple question. If he or she misses, the $25 is added to the next contestant's purse, making a possible winning of $200 for the eighth contestant. Of course the more money offered, the harder the question. However, if the contestant fails to answer, he must pay a penalty, by performing a stunt or gag sent n by a member of the listening audience. As a reward, to each and every person who tries, a two year supply of Pausley's Pre-pared Plums will be given. Nobody loses. Now —who would like to try? Don't be bashful, ladies and gentle-men." Having conrluded the same speech

which he had given for the last 20 broadcasts. "E-lanny" pulled out his handkerchief, mopped his brow, and waited audience reaction. In the audi mce sat Paula Parsons.

She had wandered into the studio at the invitation of the doorman. All alone in Hollywood. and not having much else to do. Paula decided to attend the famous auiz show "Are You a Brain?" With $3 between her and starvation. Paula was deliehted for a warm seat in the radio studio. Six months ago. Paula had arrived

from a Montana farm, young and full of ambition. For two years she had worked to save $200 so that she could make -he trip to Hollywood. Hadn't the local weekly said her voice would rival a nightingale's? However, atter making the Holly.

A Story About a Quiz, Penned Especially for Radio Life


(et% ,tt igiwrab. N


"WHAT FAMOUS PHARAOH built a sphinx in the Gexell cemetery to honor himsellr, the quiz master asked Paula. Paula knew the answer. She had maiored in ancient history.

wood rounds, and being constantly turned down, Paula had a bitter opinion of the glamour town. Why, she had never even had a chance to show what she could do! There was that time she had sat outside the office of the famous director, Lorenz L. Lawrence, eight hours every day for a month. Did he even see her? Not the great Mr. Lawrence! They never gave a girl a chance in Holly-wood. . . . Now here, in this very radio stu-

dio, was the opportunity she had been waiting for. The money offered by "Happy" would take her back to Montana. A quick decision brought Paula to her feet. Fortune was smiling on Paula for

she was one of the eight chosen. Better than that she was the eighth chosen, with a chance for $200. When "Happy" Clark called

Paula's name, she composed herself and walked to the mike. "Your question comes from Robert

Standish, Miss Parsons. Since no one



has won tonight its worth $200. Here is your question! What fa mous Pharaoh built a sphinx in the Gezeh cemetery to honor himself? No help from the audience." Paula knew the answer. She had

majored in ancient history. "Chephen" was her answer. "Happy" was amazed. No one, in

the 20 w•eeks of "Are You a Brain?" had ever answered a question. "Why that's absolutely correct, Miss Par-sons. You win the $200," he ex-claimed.

To the tune of thunderous, Paula made her way to her seat. She had just collected her wits when she heard "Happy" say:

"Well, well, Miss Parsons has cer-tainly proven she is a brain. So, I guess we'll have to ask that famous producer, Lorenz L. Lawrence, to come back next week. Miss Parsons., you just escaped having to sine for Mr. Lowrence. That was to be your stunt." . . . .

Pes r Thirty-three

Page 34: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

Prodigious Playtimers Quiz Kids Are as Remarkable with Their Avocations as with Knowledge

No.12 im Radio Life .c }lobby Series

jHOSE amazing scholars in the pig tails and the short pants, the Quiz Kids, are just as prodigious about

their hobbies as they are about their knowledge. Most of them have sev-eral hobbies, and all of them pursue their "avocations" with a thorough-ness which might well be the envy of many a tired businessman. Fourteen-year-old Claude Brenner,

for example, divides his time among three hobbies. He builds model air-planes, follows current events in the minutest detail, and delves into the darker corners of history. Right now, the plane building oc-

cupies much of his attention. His accurate models, no w numbering more than 50 and built to exacting Navy specifications, have already won him a citation from the Navy Department which is using them for plane identification training. Claude also builds model planes that fly. Most of 10-year-old Gerard Dar-

row's hobbies center around the flora and fauna on which he is such an expert. His collection of bugs, fish, turtles, a live alligator, a bat and many other animals makes his home look like a museum. But Gerard al-so lists swimming as one of his hob-bies. He is an expert, as well he might be, for he has three uncles who swam on U. S. Olympic teams in years past. Ruthie Duskin, 8, is best known

for her exhaustive knowledge of Shakespeare, and she makes a hobby of reading, re-reading and memoriz-ing her.favorite passages from that distinguished playwright. But Ruthie has another hobby —her "domestic life." She's quite an accomplished cook, and she sews with a skill that her dolls, chief subject of her ar-tistry, probably don't appreciate.

Mathematician Dick Williams, 12, follows a bevy of hobbies, aside from his obvious one of solving tough "math" problems. One he calls "trip Winning." Armed with a collection of maps, tourist guides, and history texts, he plans imaginary trips all over the United States. And as he travels along his mythical course, he studies the things he would see if he were actually taking the trip. Little kno wn is Dick's musical

ability. Tested by a midwestern col-lege for natural musical talent, he turned in the highest score ever re-corded. Most of the Quiz Kids have defi-

nite interests which might be classed

Page Thirty-four

as hobbies. Invariably, they are ar-dent sports fans, and they are fre-quent visitors in the baseball parks and football stadiums. The boys all play the usual kid sports, and most of the girls are good swimmers, rid-ers or skaters. However, their one common hobby

—and the one which makes them Quiz Kids —is their reading.

Pictures Posed Especiallu for Radio Life

MODEL AIR-PLANES are one of Claude Brenntes hobbies. H i s SO models, built to Na v y specifica-tions, have w o n him a government


DOMESTIC SIDE of Ruth Duskin, Shakespearian ex-pert. Ruthies dolls are subjects of her artistry. She can

cook, too.

FLORA AND FAUNA constitute Gera rd Darrow•s playtime interest as well as his serious one, and make his home look like a museum.

"MATH" WHIZ, Dick Williams, plays the piano for fun. Tested for natural musical talent at a mid-western college,

he scored amazingly.

,, ,,, •Ak-C W"..r:%t ,

bk••••,••••• •1 •

Page 35: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

ALL EYES R' VETED on the Hope entertainers as they march down the aisle of a camp auditorium toward the stage where they will

put on show.

HEARTY GREETINGS were extended the troupe everywhere. Here an Alaskan officer welcomes (left to right) Colonna, Romero, Hope,

and Frances.

It's Warm in Alaska! Part Two

By Bob Hope

jSAID sure. "Would you mind waiting a while till we get the boys? We've gpt 1,300 engineers nine miles down the road." I said, go get them, we'll do as many

shows as you want. So they came and sat there, most of them with big beards, but all young American kids just eating up every word we had to say. The engineers were working on

the Alaska highway and one of them gave me a great gag I'm going to use in my show. I don't remember

Concluding the Amusing but Thrilling Story of a Radio Troupe's" Tour of the Northwest

Official I. S. Army Photos

who gave it to me, but it ran like this, "The army took the Negroes 'way up north and had them work their way south so they would work faster."

Those boys in Alaska are quick on their feet, too. I had to think fast to keep up with them. They all wanted to fire questions at me, and if I ever stopped to answer them all, the show would be all out of hand. So I had to kid 'em back. It was tough sometimes, too. At one camp I was telling them that "every-one in the United States is con-

ADMIRATION of all the servicemen for Frances Langford was out-spoken. Evei Bob applauded her courage. Here the two stars

pleate the boys with auto3raphs.

scious of what you're doing here and that what you need is regular en-tertainment." One of the boys in-terrupted me with, -'What we need is the United States." I had to do some mighty hard thinking to give him the answer. I don't even know how I said it: "But what the United States needs is to have you right here, brother." They know it too, but you can't blame them for for-getting once in a while.

Some of our toughest shows were around Umniak. At one place we

(Please Turn to Page 39)

FOXY GRANDPAS in an Arctic foxhole, or are they sheep in foxes' clothing ? Left to right a re crouched the incompa rable Hope,

Colonna, and Ro mero.

Page 36: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

BRINGING THE BOARDS up to date in Blue traffic department. Left to right, Phyllis Skepner, Sherrill Mason, Walter Lonner (manager), and Mary Simpson. Boards are the brain child ol

Paul Gale, NBC's traffic head.

Hehist the Scenes in Maio: The Traffic Department




It Makes the Wheels Go 'Round— Read This and You'll Know Why

By Evelyn Bigsby

HE traffic department of a radio network is like the t r a f tic department in a great railroad station. It

routes and re-routes programs, re-verses and switches them, puts them on a turn-table and sends them in the other direction, connects a piece of a program onto a fast, transcon-tinental airer —in short, it does for the radio listener what the traffic department in a railroad station ac-complishes for its trains. It sees to it that there is a smooth flow of pro-grams constantly trembling over the network at the scheduled times and that there are no collisions. The fact that you have been lis-

tening to radio for 10 or 15 years and weren't aware that a traffic de-

TELETYPES in NBC's traffic department, with Mary Fetzek and Eadie McGregor hard at work. Routine contacts with sta-tions in their division are made every

morning at 10.

partment existed speaks well for the kind of job the radio traffic depart-ments have been doing. Most dial-ers are oblivious to their existence until some "car" fails to hook onto the coast-to-coast streamliner or an-other train edges onto the track where your favorite has been coast-ing. Perhaps the simplest way to broach

the subject about the functions of traffic is to look at the daily order sheet for a recent Tuesday on the Blue network. Suppose you were a "Spotlight Band" fan and that when 6:30 p. m. rolled around, you turned your dial to KECA and heard Lionel . Hampton come in from the Bremer-ton Navy Yard near Seattle. That's all there was to it, as far as you, the listeners, were concerned.

Here's what really happened. The Blue network sales department noti-fied the program department, which, in turn, advised traffic that it had sold the 6:30 p. m. slot for a corn-

Page 37: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

mercial (or sponsored) broadcast and that the show would emanate on Tuesday, Oct. 13, from Bremerton. First, a diagram of facilities was

worked out. As you probably know, all radio programs travel by way of telephone linEs, so before any plans are made, number and quality of available wires must be checked. There are six grades of wires, and only an A or B wire could be used


Chicago and Los Angeles to San Francisco on signal of the east Blue chimes, which to the engineers at switching points are signals to per-form their pre-arranged duties. Now take the second line of the

order: .a—(indicates telephone com-pany's performance of the switch) 630 (time) Split LAF & WASH (split the L. A. San Francisco portion and San Francisco-Spokane portion) &

PROgRa m, VIA 'tibmArone





for carrying a musical program like "Spotlight Bands." It was found that the only way

the program cculd be brought in to the telephone company from Brem-erton was via a cable across Puget Sound. As this communication was rather uncertain, the department re-quested the Navy to release one of its lines to provide a stand•by pro-gram channel. The request was granted.

Next, the traffic head worked out the mechanics of his problem. When he was through, it looked like this: •*• 630 REV BLU NEV & LAF on

BLUM .a-630 Spljt :..AF & WASH & Conn

SF Sp Recg Lp to WASH on LAFM at SFTB



(KJR Sp Lp Trans to WASH 630-55, Use Exist Stn Cann at SEAT) (SPCL & P1 Bremerton Navy Yards

to KJR 555-655, Use Temp Stn Conns Both Ends)

•••• 655 RES BLU•NEV & LAF on WASHM

.c-655 RES SF-SEAT & Normal LAF- WASH on WASHM

Greek to you? Here's what it meant to the radio engineer.

*•*• (designates switch) 630 (time, 6:30 p.m..) REV (reverse flow of program so that it is flowing south from Seattle, instead of north) BLU (program goes east from Denver to next division point, Chicago) NEV (Los Angeles-Denver portion of net-work) LAF (San Francisco-Los An-gees portion of the network) on BLUM (when the east Blue chimes sound.)

Now put this together and you understand that a switch is to be made at 6:30, which will reverse the Blue network from Los Angeles to

kJ R SeetTtLe

Conn SF Sp. Recg Lp (and connect the San Francisco spare receiving loop) to WASH (to San Francisco. Spokane) on LAFM (at signal of L. A. chimes) at SFTB (at the San Francisco test board) The next line, .b-630 REV SF-

SEAT on LAFM may be deciphered from the foregoing lines. The pm at the end of the line indicates that

annum turn to Page 38)

KJ R Feed To




5441 4 84 rrain rr4




PT 4 T







Page Thirty-seven

CHART drawn up by Walter Lonner diagramming the mechanics of the Coca Cola broadcast detailed in the accompanying story. Mr. Lonner has decoded instructions

for Radio Life readers.

Page 38: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

Behind the Scenes in Radio (Continued front Page 37)

Paul Masterson is the announcer standing by at Hollywood Radio City. The line starting "KJR- WASH"

names the stations which are carry-ing the program, gives the name of the sponsor (Coca-Cola) and identi-fies the broadcast as a sponsored one (C, meaning "commercial"), and coast-to-coast (BL). NEV BLU means that Denver relays the pro-gram on east to New York. The following line explains that

from KJR the spare loop transmit-ting to the San Francisco-Spokane area should be connected from 6:30 to 6:55, and that the existing sta-tion connection at Seattle should be used. But from 5:55 p. m. (half an hour before show time) until 6:55, when the show signs off, the ensuing instructions call for the special line and phone loop from Bremerton to Seattle to be plugged in, using the temporary station connections at both ends. The last two lines are carried out

in action when the program signs off. They merely throw the network back where it was when the "Spot-light Bands" show came on the air. That's all there is to it! Except, of

course, the instructions to the tele-phone company, instructions to the master control room and the an-nouncers, a wire to Denver, and a wire to New York. These instructions are expedited

by teletype machines, (the Blue net-work has two and NBC, three) a Western Union machine, and by a leased wire which connects NBC di-rectly with San Francisco, Denver, Chicago, New York, and Washington, D. C. The networks also have private lines from the traffic departments to the master control rooms and from traffic departments to the Los An-geles test board (broadcasting de-partment of A. T. & T.). The tele-phone company employs a staff of a dozen men who do nothing else but sit at the Spring Street office, head-phones clamped over their ears as they monitor the networks' lines. How are collisions avoided on the

airlanes? Kindly look at the accompanying

photograph showing the six-foot hoards posted in the Blue's • traffic department. These boards were devised by Paul

Gale, traffic head of NBC's Western

division and are the result of his years of experience and incompara-ble knowledge of the traffic prob-lem. At his mental beck and call, he has data on facilities and well-seasoned information which makes it possible for him to tell with light-ning speed whether a desired hook-up may be effected. So efficient was his original system that the Blue Network, when it was separated from NBC early this year, adopted the same kind of posting arrangement for its department.

A glance at the accompanying pic-ture shows that these boards appear to be puzzles with cut-outs of col-ored paper, but to an experienced worker, every quarter hour of the broadcasting day is logged, every color means something different. Two girls are kept busy making up the daily orders which are posted on these boards. From these boards and from the technical transmission charts drawn up by three men, go • forth the daily order sheets com-prised of individual items like the Coca-Cola one we explained above.

There are many more things to bear in mind than programs of local origination. There are programs which are coming in from the north and west, some of which are tran-scribed. without being heard locally, and released at a more convenient time. At one and the same time, NBC might be receiving a program from the north and sending it south, might be broadcasting another pro-gram locally, and be taking another program off the line for later release. Perhaps you see now why we say the traffic department avoids col-lisions on the airlanes.

"Traffic is a 24-hour-a-day job," says Paul Gale. "We have a night supervisor who takes over after I go home," agrees Walter Lonner of the Blue, "but I am always remember-ing something I forgot to check on at the office and the phone company calls me out of bed on the average of two times every night."

Walter remembers with a wry smile his first big "wreck" in the traffic department. He was a green apprentice, who was tending chores on an ordinary dull Saturday morn-ing, when a sudden flash notified him that David Sarnoff would be broadcasting from the Matsonia, somewhere on the high seas en route to San Francisco. Walter scurried about and made

all the necessary preparations for a coast-to-coast hook-up. Time came to plug Sarnoff in. Walter sat by smugly listening to the RCA presi-dent's speech until the telephone company gave him a jolt. "Isn't this talk supposed to be going to New York?" the monitor inquired.

Walter had forgotten to tell the telephone company that a connec-tion should be made at Denver to send the broadcast on East. Eighteen, of all but three minutes of Sarnoff's

talk, were over when New York was eventually plugged in. To cap the climax, Walter learned

the next morning that the entire membership of RCA's august Board of Directors sat by in New York for those 18 minutes, wondering why the deuce Sarnoff didn't come in!

* * Second Childhood! Grade Allen has one boast these

days: that she can ride a bicycle with her hands in the air just as she did when she was a youngster. When her daughter, Sandra, is in school, the wacky comedienne trun-dles the little girl's bike out of the garage and spends several happy hours pedaling around the neigh-borhood.

* * Sergeant, Ph. D.

Anna Appel, who plays sympa-thetic Mrs. Cohen in "Abie's Irish Rose," rings true in her motherly part for a very good reason. She has a son of her own who is now a sergeant in the United States Army Air Corps. And she is particularly proud that the lad, only 25 years old, already has a Ph. D.

* * Pair of Maple Leaves Elaine Carrington, author of "Pep-

per Young's Family," came proudly into Radio City, New York the other day wearing a pair of gold maple leaves on a new fall suit. The pins were snitched f ro m her husband when she visited him a few weeks ago at Wilbur Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, where he is serving as a major in the Air Forces.

* * Politicians Note!

Jay Jostyn, radio's "Mr. District Attorney," says that a good many men have risen to make speeches, but only a few by making them!

* * New Drink

Walter O'Keefe ("Battle of the Sexes") claims he heard an English sailor in a Broadway cafe ask for "one of those gin rummies I've been hearing about.



*Eye Witness News KECII EVERY8. 0 MONDAY

* Dr. Polyzoides KIIT EVERY SUNDAY

9:45 P. M.

Page Thirty-eight

Page 39: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is

Bob Hope ICessollmoril from Page 351

had a lot of guys sitting on cold, wet ground. Boy, were those kids tough! I took cold shots before I left Hollywood, but that was too much for me. I caught a cold I still haven't been able to shake. But I was happy there and I told them. You never heard such laughs, such cheering and such applause. "I'm happy to be here where the action is," I told them. "In the States I've played in some swell theaters with plush seats, and they just sneered at my kisser. Of course, I'm not used to this cold. I just finished a picture with Dorothy Lamour, and I got paid for it, too." That went over big. I also told them about some of the hardships the people in the United States were having with rationing and everything. "Every-body is keeping their cars in the garages and riding the streetcars," was one of the gags they loved. "The street cars are now crowded to a point where it's fun."

When I got back I had a lot of fun telephoning people the boys asked me to call. A major at Umniak asked me to call his wife at Port-land, so I put in the call from Seattle when I got back. I got her on the line and said, "This is Bob Hope." She said, "Who?" I said, "Bob Hope." She said, "Go away and stop playing jokes." I said, "I'm on the level. This is Bob Hope and I promised your husband I'd call you." Well, here I am paying for the phone and she rounded up the whole neighborhood to listen to me. They finally took a vote and decided it was really me. I had to do the same thing with wives in Omaha. Princeton, and even Hollywood, but boy was it a lot of fun! It was just like the kick you get out of doing things for the boys in Alaska.

There aren't very many places in Alaska where the boys can go. It isn't so bad in a place like Anchor-age. They have a night club there called the Polar Bar, 10 Eskimo girls and a picture show. They even have a place called Cafe Society, ,Jr., right downtown. We stopped to take a look at it, we got such a big kick out of it. It was just a little store where you could probably get a quick drink. We didn't go in. Fairbanks surprised me too, after hearing all the stories about hardships in Alaska. In Seattle, when we said we were flying to Alaska, people just looked at us and said, "you're kid-ding" as if to say, "you ought to have your head examined."

We heard so much about Alaska that we didn't take anything but rough clothes. Were we fooled when we landed at Ladd Field and were taken over to the officers' quarters and someone asked if we were going to the officers' dance that night. "Are you fooling, is there a dance here?" I said. So we went to the dance, and did Frances feel foolish! She was . the only girl there in a sweater and skirt. All the officers' wives wore formals. Imagine, formals in Alaska!

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No. 12 of Radio Life's Series

"Know Your Commentator"

HoaktCarter At Home Abroad DVENTURE and experience in dis-tant lands and far places have been the keynotes of the eventful life of

Boake Carter, who is heard Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, coast to coast over KHJ and the Mutual.-Don Lee network.

Carter is a fine looking man, easy to talk with. His pleasant English accent isn't so notice-able in conversation as over the air. He's of medium size, smokes a pipe, has several ex-tra ones in a tray on his desk. His father was in the British

consular service, so from the time Boake was born in Baku, South Russia, he has been in intimate contact with people of many nations and of many be-liefs. At the age of five he was taken back to England and went through t he traditional schooling of an English youth —four prep schools, Christ Col-lege and Cambridge. The year 1924 found Boake

working on a Philadelphia pa-per, in a copy desk job at $20 a week. He also wrote news-paper and magazine shorts, and in 1932 inaugurated a daily column in the Philadelphia Daily News. In the meantime he had fallen into the radio business. Here's how it happened: A

friend asked hi m to air-de-

scribe a rugby same between Smedley Butler's Marines and another team. Carter had never made a speech before in his life. But he did so well that his paper decided to have him do its daily news broadcasts. A few months of these estab-lished him as an outstanding radio news editorialist. Every newsman has his help-

ers —known to the writers as "legmen." The one who does run-around duty for Carter is his sister, Sheelah, who arrived in the United States from Eng-land in 1940. Sheelah has writ-ten several of Brother Boake's syndicated columns, and helps out on all-important research. Aliases abound in the radio

world, 'hut no name is more legitimate than that of Boake Carter. His real name is Harold Thomas Henry Boake-Carter, and rather than bother with all the given names, ne uses just the two family appellations. Once when Carter was mak-

ing a lecture appearance, the chairman, impressed by his fame, had written into his in-troduction the phrase "T h a t famous international radio ora-tor." When he rose to introduce the spkaker, the chairman let his enthusiasm get away from him —and in a loud voice burb-led: "And now it is my pleas-ure to present that famous in-ternational radiator, Boa ke Carter."

&LLtLOJofi 00 0 0-00 0 0 0 0 Q

Page Thirty-nine

Page 40: HOW To Get Into RADIO'ton Gardenia to the first drafted radio announcer who amputates our favorite musical comedy gem with this strained interlude: "The following announcement is



ON THE NUTTY SIDE: 'What is there about a walnut

that makes as call it "English'? Exactly why is it an "English" walnut? In the first place, Eng-land doesn't yro W enough for her own use, and she certainly doesn't export any. In fact —native sons and daughters take note-95 per cent of our walnuts are grown in the United States. Lucky for us they're not an overseas product just now. Well, to get back to our ques-

tion —why is an English walnut an English walnut —haev any of you guessed the answer yet? The ans wer is simple, my

- friends. Walnuts were first grown in Persia, but they were first carried to other countries in English ships. That was many long years ago when shippers didn't in a rk their cargo as to where it came from or where it was going. The purchasers, see-

ing that they came in English ships, called them English wal-nuts!

THE WINNER: What's your favorite flavor?

Chocolate? Because if it is, you are in good company. A recent test showed that chocolate was the most popular flavor of a mil-lion and a half housewives. And to go a step further, another test showed that America consumi more chocolate than any oth, nation in the world! This fondness of ours for

olate is more thanAn affair ol sweet tooth. It may be wonder-ful for fudge and frostings, but more important, it is a highly nu-tritive food. It's the kind that is always included in the pack of the explorer off to the wilds of some-where-or-other. And our Uncle Sammy has quite a fond-ness for it, too, so he has put it

Chef's Famous Dollar Dinner for 4

Short Ribs el Beef with Fresh Lima Beans

Summer Squash —Oil Dressing Bread and • • Coffee Gelatine

Recipe for Short Ribs of Beef with Fresh Lima Beans


2 pounds Short Bibs cut in 4 parts 1 minced onion 1/4 pound oleomargarine 2 Pounds fresh green lima beans Seasonettes Salt and pepper

Braize the short ribs and onion in the melted oleomargarine until

the ribs are well bn rned. Add 2 quarts of water and let come to a boil. Then add the shelled lima beans and simmer for an hour and a half, or until well done. Season with one teaspoon Season-ettes, 114 teaspoons salt and a dash of pepper. Simmer for another

ten minutes and serve.

in all the knapsacks of our fight-ing men. Well, there you are. From

the Admiral Byrds to the Johnny Doughboys and back to the house- . wives again, chocolate is an all-around winner with the Ameri-can public.

JUST PLAIN BILL" If any of you have ever visited

London, you have probably seen, or at least heard about, "Ye Olde Chesire Cheese," t h e famous London Inn. They will tell you this inn is remarlhble for its age. but, take it from us, its employ-ment problem is the thing that makes it really unique. The inn won't hire any man named Wit-limn! The reason is that the favorite waiter of the great lit-erary men of the eighteenth cen-tury was called "old William", and out of respect for him there has never been another waiter by that name in the inn. No, there's no William at the

Chesire Cheese, but they're are plenty of "bills"!

BUTTERFLIES: One of our Consumers' Club

members sent us a little poem. We enjoyed a hearty chuckle over it, and so we're passing it on to you.

"My teacher told me yester-day,

And she is very wise, Those ugly little bugs you see Make lovely butterflies."

But yesterday the cook told Ill other,

And she said it with a sigh, "Sure, Ma'ni, and it's those pancakes

.What makes the butter fly!"

P. S.: We don't know who wrote it.

Page Forty.