how to design a logo: a do-it-yourself guide for non-designers (presentation) (1.08mb)

HOW TO DESIGN A LOGO A Do-It-Yourself Guide for Non-Designers

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Post on 10-Aug-2015




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Page 1: How to Design a Logo: A Do-It-Yourself Guide for Non-Designers (Presentation) (1.08MB)


A Do-It-Yourself Guidefor Non-Designers

Page 2: How to Design a Logo: A Do-It-Yourself Guide for Non-Designers (Presentation) (1.08MB)

What is a brand?

A brand is the promise or expectations associated with your product or service in your customer’s mind.

An effective brand helps your productget noticed, liked, and remembered.

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Your logo is not your brand.

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Your brand is:









Logo ProductLook andFeel



Billboard Uniforms





Wordof Mouth



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While important, your logo simply represents the collective experience your customer has with all these brand “touch points”.

“A logo is the point of entry to the brand.”—Milton Glaser, Designer

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Before you design your logo,you need to understand what your brand represents.

Luxury Dependability Creativity, Fun

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Before you design your logo,you need to understand what your brand represents.

Luxury Dependability Creativity, Fun

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“Brands help consumers cut through the proliferation of choices available in every product and service category.”

—Scott M. Davis, Brand Asset Management

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Once you understand your brand…

Think about images, colors and styles that might represent the ideas your brand stands for.

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A few examples

McDonald’s sells hamburgers and other fast foods. Notice that their logo doesn’t include any food items.

The golden arches are bright and friendly. They have come to represent quality and consistency—and fast food.

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A few examples

0HUULOO�/\QFK�LV�D�ÀQDQFLDO�LQVWLWXWLRQthat stands for stability and growth.

They use a bull as their icon,which represents strength, growth, and a rising market.

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A few examples

Nike sells shoes and other sporting goods.However, their logo doesn’t include shoes or sports equipment.

Instead, the Nike Swoosh is a stylized wing, representing speed and victory—two brand ideas that Nike is associated with.

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7KH�ÀUVW�WLPH�3KLO�.QLJKW��)RXQGHU�RI�1LNH�saw the swoosh logo he said:

“Well I don’t love it,but maybe it will grow on me.”

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Types of icons

Abstract Sprint, BPEmblems Tivo, MiniLogotype IBM, DisneyCharacters Energizer, Michellin ManCombination, StarbucksHidden FedEx, Toblerone

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What images or icons can be associated with your brand?

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What about fonts?

Like icons, the fonts in a logo communicate different things.

Creativity and fun

Trust Natural, non-authoritarian

Friendly, approachable

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What ideas should the fontused for your brand represent?

Page 18: How to Design a Logo: A Do-It-Yourself Guide for Non-Designers (Presentation) (1.08MB)

Blue Tradition, safety, calm, loyalty

GreenHealthy, natural, growth, freshness, money

YellowHappiness, fun, energy

BrownResponsibility, security, home

OrangeEnthusiasm, creativity, action

What about colors?

RedStrength, power, passion, danger, wrath

PurpleRoyalty, power, wealth, mystery, magic

BlackElegance, formality, wealth, power, evil

WhitePurity, innocence, faith

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What colors best representthe ideals your brand represents?

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Now you’re ready to put it all together

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Should I hire a designer or do it myself?

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Hire a designer if...

<RX�KDYH�D�EXGJHW���������������You’ve thought about your brand and you still have no clue what to do.You need more ideas.You’re willing to take advice from a designer.You’ve tried to do it yourself and failed.

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Do it yourself if...

You don’t have much money to spend.You just need a logo to get started.You have an idea for your logo already.You need a logo fast and can’t wait for a designer to think about it for days.<RX�KDYH�DFFHVV�WR�D�FRPSXWHU�����PLQXWHV�RI�WLPH��DQG�OLNH�WR�WU\�QHZ�WKLQJV�

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Start now

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Click the “Try It Now” button

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Choose an icon

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Enter your text and choose a font

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Change the colors

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Arrange your logo and save

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It’s that easy

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Want to learn more?

Go to the Logomaker blog

Download the free “How To” ebook

Learn more about how to design your logo

Start your own logo now

John Van Orman