how the evolution of medias change the way we work

La French Tech Cambodge present The fabulous story of the wonderful history of medias Social Media Keys Cambodia 2016

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La French Tech Cambodge present

The fabulous story of the wonderful history of medias

Social Media Keys Cambodia 2016

The fabulous story of the wonderful history of mediasby Nicolas Sosnowiez, Snackshot co-founder,

NicolasSosnowiezSnackShot13 years in digital marketingTeacher of e-marketing @ PSEStoryTeller, Content MakerFormer Digital & Social Media Manager @ Ferrero

there was a time life was simple, our job was easy, and almost anyone can do it

Life was simple

First weekly newspaper La Gazette in France in 16311777 : First newspaper in France1788 : First edition of Times

and this is the way we advertise, with a tagline and simple artwork, but everything is already there ! Logo, Mascotte, Big Idea

the way you write also changes, even for a Celery Cola, really ? Celery ?

the way you write also changes, even for a Celery Cola, really ? Celery ?

dont be fooled, the choice go the gentlemen

Jesus : what are you doing beloved father ?God : Move son, im getting ride of this assholes

but God hates marketing and communication

and things quickly changed settings some new rules, but this time, more than 10.

19th & 20th century

the more time passes, the more magazine and newspapers were arriving, 1888 : National Geographic1892 : Vogue1911 : The Sunthen Radio ! Then TV !1921 : First Radio Show in Europe1931 : First TV broadcast

and this is how we advertise, still a lot of text, but color arrives, and concept : emotional, inspirational, the joy brought by the product

speaking of being inspirational, this type of ads still the basic


speaking of being inspirational, this type of ads still the basic

so basically, we went from nothing to ONE newspaper, to several newspaper, to several newspaper and magazines, to newspaper and magazine and radio, to newspaper, magazine, radio, TV and OOH

our job starts requiring more and more knowledge

from the 30s until 2000, nothing changed that much, more channel, more newspaper, more radios Quicker, Bigger, MORE. Color TV, HD, HD Satellite radio, 4K, Cable TV, internet and computer get faster.

then internet put a mess in our lives. Netscape, Mirc, Aol, AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN, Google and so and so, for each name a revolution

it all started in 1971 but i let you read that alone !

so internet put a big, huge, gigantic, mess

that lets us to rely on Gen Y and Gen Z to get it all

You may think its just another media

no its not.

no its not.

Facebook, Twitter, Emailings, Banners, Affiliation, SEO, Bloggers

for each one of these words you got a specific way to communicate and to buyits not another mediaits like dozens of new medias

did i say dozens ? maybe more

take a look at that 10 seconds. how many can you count ?

how many can you count ?

how did it change our work ?

seriously ?

First, they are all LIVE

that lets to a lot of misuse from celebrities, brands or politics ! for good bad buzz

a lot happens, and the more time goes by the more things are happening

Secundo, they walk their way, or almost.

and we have choices to make, to fit the target, the goal

Once upon a time, you had only one option

today we are talking about touchpoint, brand experience map, about JPGs, videos, IAB banners, CPV, CPC, CPL, engagement rate, and more.

and third : they make everyone a content producer, and everyone is your competitor, brands, people, tv

and in case you wonder we went from useful informations with one newspaper to tons of crap with thousands of medias

in 16 years, we invented more medias and ways to use it that we did in the whole world history.

so communication and media buying, cant be done without any knowledge

knowledge about the platform, the guidelines, the target, the goal, and the culture,

because, yes, its became a culture

you got to learn or to hire

we learnt, we did not have the choice

In the workshops you will get all the keys to understand and use social media for your business.

and if you want a pro to do

Hire an agency

The End

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