hortatory exposition

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Post on 14-Oct-2015




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Theme: Extracurricular activity Outline :Paragraph 1: ( Thesis ) Introduction what is extracurricular activity Paragraph 2 : ( Argument 1 ) Extracurricular activity is place for students to develop their talent.Paragraph 3: ( Argument 2) From extracurricular activity student can develop their responsibility and human socialParagraph 4: ( Argument 3 ) Extracurricular activity give student an experience to prepare their career Paragraph 5 : ( Recommendation ) to invite the student to take a part in extracurricular at their school.

EXTRACURRICULER ACTIVITY Extracurricular Is an activity that run outside the study timeto help the student to develop their talent and interest. This activity bring happiness for students because student can do their hobby. Extracurricular also have a lot of benefit.Firstly, extracurricular activity is very important to develop student talent in academy or non-academy like art and sports. Student are do an exercise to gain their ability, there are an extracurricular instructor that can help student if they have a problem. Secondly, from extracurricular activity student can develop their responsibility because in that activity student can learn how to be a leader or crew and can make the interesting event. In extracurricular student also do an organization activity that develop their human sociality.Third, extracurricular activity give the student an experience to prepare if they grow up. Because there, student training to gain their skill in specific . For example in extra scientific writing, in extra student already have practice to make a scientific writing and if student continue study to university when they get a duty to make a scientific writing or working paper automatically student can not find a problem in that duty because student get the skill when extracurricular at school.

Skill building must be improved from now, because very important to help the career. Extracurricular is one of school program that can help the student to develop their talent. Because of that the students must follow the extracuriculer activity because have a lot of benefit for the future